Tales and of Mysery and Imagination (2007) I Robot (1977) Pyramid (1978) Eve (1979) The Turn of a Friendly Card (1980) Eye in the Sky (1982) Amonia Avenue (1983) Vulture Culture (1989) Stereotomy (1985) Gaudi (1987) Freudiana (1990) One Air (1996) The Secret (2019) The Time Machine (1999) 62-66 (1977) 67-70 (1973) Abbey Road (1969) Sgt.Pepper (1967) Let it Be (1970) The Eagles (1972) Desperado (1973) On the Border (1974) One of the Nights (1975) Hotel California (1976) The Long Run (1979) Hel Freezes Over(1994) Long Road out of Eden (2007) A day of Future Passes (1967) In Search of the Lost Chord (1968) On the Treshold of a Dream (1969) To our Children's Children (1969) A Question of Balance (1970) Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (1971) Seventh Sojourn (1972) Octave (1978) Long Distance Voyager (1981) The Present (1983) The Other Side of Life (1986) Sur La Mer (1988) Boulevart de la Madeleine (1965) Cauch Live+5 (1977) This is the Moody Blues (1974) T Diversen The Stil Young Band Tony Banks Tremeloes Long May You Run (1976) A Courious Feeling (1979) Master(1970)
What Is Diversification? Virtually every investment has some type of risk associated with it. The stock market rises and falls. An increase in interest rates can cause a decline in the bond market. No matter what you decide to invest in, risk is something you must consider. One key to successful investing is managing risk while maintaining the potential for adequate returns on your investments. One of the most effective ways to help manage your investment risk is to diversify. Diversification is an investment strategy aimed at managing risk by spreading your money across a variety of investments such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash alternatives; but diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss. The main philosophy behind diversification is really quite simple: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Spreading the risk among a number of different investment categories, as well as over several different industries, can help offset a loss in any one investment. Likewise, the power of diversification may help smooth your returns over time. As one investment increases, it may offset the decreases in another. This may allow your portfolio to ride out market fluctuations, providing a more steady performance under various economic conditions. By potentially reducing the impact of market ups and downs, diversification could go far in enhancing your comfort level with investing. Diversification is one of the main reasons why mutual funds may be so attractive for both experienced and novice investors. Many non-institutional investors have a limited investment budget and may find it challenging to construct a portfolio that is sufficiently diversified. For a modest initial investment, you can purchase shares in a diversified portfolio of securities. You have “built-in” diversification. Depending on the objectives of the fund, it may contain a variety of stocks, bonds, and cash vehicles, or a combination of them. Whether you are investing in mutual funds or are putting together your own combination of stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles, it is a good idea to keep in mind the importance of diversifying. The value of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds fluctuate with market conditions. Shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
What Advantages Does a Biweekly Mortgage Offer? Most homeowners make their regular mortgage payments every month for the duration of the loan term, and never think of doing otherwise. But prepaying your mortgage or making biweekly payments can reduce the amount of interest you'll pay over time. Under a biweekly mortgage, instead of making the payments once a month, you make half your normal monthly payment every two weeks. For example, if your mortgage is $1,000 per month, under a biweekly system it would be $500 every two weeks. If you maintain the biweekly payment schedule you'll make an extra month's payment over the course of each year (26 payments per year, which is the equivalent of 13 full monthly payments rather than 12). You'll also pay less interest because your payments are applied to your principal balance more frequently. The effect of biweekly mortgage payments can be dramatic. For example, if you currently have a $150,000 loan at 8 % fixed interest, you will have paid approximately $396,233 at the end of 30 years. However, if you use a biweekly payment system, you would pay $331,859 and have it completely paid off in 21.6 years. You would save $64,374 and pay the loan off 8.4 years earlier! (This is a hypothetical example of mathematical principles used for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the performance of any specific investment. Actual results will vary.)
Fingertality Happy Saturday everyone! I want to let whoever reads this know that I have changed some of the settings. I was hearing that you couldn't leave a comment unless you were a registered google/blogger user. I realized I could go in and change that! So comment away :-) Seth has had the first (and hopefully only) injury at the hands of deck building. Apparently his hammer hit the wrong nail. Seth is not a complainer. When I say that I mean he NEVER complains about anything. Well, when I came home the other day he repeatedly asked me if I could go buy him a new finger. Since that day he has complained quite a bit (and rightfully so) about the throbbing pain that won't go away. He spent two hours trying to get it x-rayed today so we will keep you posted about the outcome. (Seth now wants to tell it...apparently I wasn't doing it right :-) Alright, so my mom called Dr. Browne, and he said that due to the lack of sensation in the end of my finger, he thought there was a possibility that I might have broken the finger/joint. If the finger is broken, the only remedy is time, but if there was any damage to the joint, I hit the upper part of my nail/lower part of my finger (talk about lack of aim, I couldn't even hit the nail), there was a possibility that sometime later in life that I could have issues with arthritis in the joint causing a lack of motion with the end of my finger. I know, its not a life threatening injury, but I do prefer the full range of motion in all of my joints so I decided to get it scanned by the radiology dept at DMC. There is a high probability that nothing is wrong, but better safe than sorry....back to Jana.... So anyway, here's a picture that totally doesn't do it justice... By the way, in case anyone was wondering, I am sitting in my den under a blanket because the air conditioning has given me the most wonderful chill, and my brand new washing machine is humming away in the background. Life doesn't get better than this. PS - Lisa, if you're reading, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Posted by Jana Burrow at 9:12 PM Labels: house repairs KBBean August 24, 2008 at 5:47 PM Hope your nose-picking finger is as good as new soon, Seth! Oh no! At least blue nail polish is in with all the kids (see LC on "The Hills"). I'll bring some to tailgating for you!
Tag: entertainment by yourself How to pass time and have entertainment at the same time at home? By JOHN April 23, 2022 Entertainmrnt 0 Comments In today’s world, people love to hang out most of the time when they are free at their home and do binge watching. Now Pin is watching is the best way of getting entertainment when you are at your home with your family, friends or even alone. Binge watching any particular series over different platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, or other applications available in your area is the best way to get entertainment while sitting at your house. It is true that on these platforms you can find various different series of different genres available. Not only series, but you can also get short movies and good length movies available as well. When it comes to passing time at home, then nothing is better than chilling and eating while watching your favourite TV serial or movie. This is so because when we are at our house watching TV, we tend to watch certain things which are fascinating for us and which we like the most. So binge watching is something that we all would love to have and do at one point of time. Well, apart from BIS watching there are certain other things that you can do to have entertainment at your home. These things we will be discussing now. Things to do to pass time and have entertainment at your home at the same time First of all, apart from watching your favourite series or movies you can also decide to play games. Playing an online game is one another method by which you can easily pass your time and have fun. Nowadays there are even online games available with the help of which you can also earn some money. In addition to it you can also play some board games if you Are with someone else at your home. These games will also tend to continue for a long ride of time and can be fun as well. Apart from playing games you can also cook if you have an interest in it. You can try cooking different types of dishes and have entertainment at the same time. Moreover, you can also listen to your favourite music, if you love to dance, then you can play your favourite dance songs and you can enjoy and have entertainment by yourself. So, overall there are a number of ways by which you can definitely pass your time and have entertainment simultaneously when you were at your home either alone or with someone else.
Under the Mountain and Other Stories I’m delighted to announce that Under the Mountain and Other Stories, my collaboration with artist Anh Diep, is now available from Amazon. This is a collection of eight science fiction and fantasy short stories, including all three of my previously-published stories, along with five never-before-seen tales. Complementing the stories are illustrations by my friend Anh. He’s… Read More Posted 5 years ago August 6, 2018 Comments Off on Under the Mountain and Other Stories Leicester Writes Short Story Prize Back in January I entered three of my short stories for the Leicester Writes short story competition. Leicester Writes is a local literature development project; they run workshops, a writing group, competitions, and a literature festival, and are enthusiastic about supporting writers in Leicester and beyond. The competition was open to all writers across the… Read More Posted 5 years ago July 1, 2018 Comments Off on Leicester Writes Short Story Prize Release day for The Wreck of the Argyll It’s the release day for the new edition of my WWI spy thriller The Wreck of the Argyll. This is the book that won the Great War Dundee Children’s Book Prize in 2015, and was initially published by Cargo, before being fostered by Freight for a year before the rights reverted to me. My lovely publishers… Read More New Year status report 2018 This is my fifth year of writing up the status of my books – see 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. The Beast on the Broch The Beast on the Broch is still out there. It’s not selling particularly well (sometimes the Amazon sales chart shows two-month gaps between single copies being sold!) but it’s still out… Read More Posted 5 years ago January 1, 2018 Cover reveal: The Wreck of the Argyll I am extremely pleased to announce that my first novel, The Wreck of the Argyll, is going to be reissued by Cranachan Publishing in early 2018. A WWI spy thriller for children based on the real-life wreck of HMS Argyll on the Bell Rock Lighthouse, The Wreck of the Argyll won the Great War Dundee Children’s… Read More Posted 5 years ago November 27, 2017 Three months It’s been three months since I wrote anything. I completed the first draft of my Roman Britain historical novel, Pax Caledonia, on the 31st of December last year. Since then, I’ve done a quick read-through, passed it out for review, then implemented the easier corrections provided by my beta readers. But that’s it – typos… Read More The joy of a first draft On 31st December 2016, I completed the first draft of Pax Caledonia, my children’s novel set in Roman Britain in the aftermath of the battle of Mons Graupius. This was my ninth completed novel – completed to first draft, at least. Five years ago, I’d started loads of novels, but never managed to get beyond 15,000… Read More Posted 6 years ago January 28, 2017 This is my fourth year of writing up the status of my books – see 2014, 2015, and 2016. So what’s been happening this year? Let’s take a look. The Beast on the Broch In January I submitted sample chapters of what was then called The Dragon on the Tower to new independent Scottish publisher Cranachan. A… Read More Privacy Policy / Proudly powered by WordPress Theme: tdMacro.
Title XIII, Chapter III – The Fiscal Incentives Review Board Sec. 297. Expanded functions of the fiscal incentives review board. – The functions and powers of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board created under Presidential Decree No. 776, as amended, shall be expanded as follows: (A) To exercise policy making and oversight functions on the administration and grant of tax incentives by the investment promotion agencies and other government agencies administering tax incentives. In particular the Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall: (1) Determine the target performance metrics as conditions to avail of tax incentives; (2) Review and audit the compliance of other government agencies administering tax incentives, with respect to the administration and grant of tax incentives and impose sanctions such as, but not limited to, withdrawal, suspension, or cancellation of their power to grant tax incentives: (3) Determine the minimum contiguous land area that vertical economic zones should comply with; (4) Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of investments and non-investment tax incentives, such as using cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to determine their impact on the economy and whether agreed performance targets are met; and (5) Check and verify, as necessary, the compliance of registered business enterprises with the terms and conditions of their availment, in particular the agreed target performance metrics, rules and regulations of this Act, and other relevant laws or issuances; (B) To approve or disapprove, the grant of tax incentives to the extent of the registered project or activity upon the recommendation of the Investment Promotion Agency: Provided, That the application for tax incentives shall be duly accompanied by a cost-benefit analysis: Provided further, That the Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall prescribe the data requirements for the application of incentives to allow for the calculation of costs and benefits upon application: Provided, further, That the grant of tax incentives to registered projects or activities with investment capital of One billion pesos (P1,000,000,000.00) and below shall be delegated by the Fiscal Incentives Review Board to the concerned Investment Promotion Agency to the extent of the registered project or activity: Provided furthermore, That the Fiscal Incentives Review Board may increase the threshold amount of One billion pesos (P1,000,000,000. 00): Provided finally, That the application for tax incentives shall be deemed approved if not acted upon within twenty (20) days from the date of submission of the application and complete relevant supporting documents to the fiscal incentives review board or the investment promotion agency, as the case may be. (Vetoed by the President) (C) To approve applications for tax subsidies to government- owned or controlled corporations, government instrumentalities, commissaries, and state universities and colleges. For this purpose, the other government agencies shall ensure complete submission of applications, documents, records, books, or other data relevant or material; (D) To formulate place-specific strategic investment plans during periods of recovery from calamities and post-conflict situations and where the Fiscal Incentives Review Board determines that there is a need to attract many classes, firms, that would accelerate the growth of a regions flagship industries, in accordance with the medium-term development plan the Fiscal Incentives Review Board may formulate and approve place-specific strategic investment plans and recommend incentives to the President, following the same procedure in Section 297; (E) To cancel, suspend, or withdraw the enjoyment of fiscal incentives of concerned registered business enterprises on its own initiative or upon the recommendation of the Investment Promotion Agency for material violations of any of the conditions imposed in the grant of fiscal incentives, including, but not limited to, the non-compliance of the agreed performance commitments and endorse registered business enterprises whose incentives are cancelled, suspended, or withdrawn to the concerned revenue agencies for the assessment and collection of taxes and duties due commencing from the first year of availment; (F) To cancel, suspended, or withdrawn to the concerned revenue agencies for the assessment and collection of taxes and duties due, including fines or penalties, if warranted, for violations of any of the conditions imposed in the grant of tax subsidy, or provisions of this act, or applicable rules; (G) To require Investments Promotion Agencies and other government agencies administering tax incentives to submit, regularly or when requested, summaries of approved investment and incentives granted, and firm or entity-level tax incentives and benefits data as input to the Fiscal Incentives Review Board’s review and audit function, and evaluation of performance of recipients of tax incentives. For this purpose, the Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall maintain a masterlist of registered products and services for export or domestic consumption that are entitled to incentives: Provided, That, to facilitate compliance with the foregoing, the Department of Trade and Industry, in coordination with relevant regulatory bodies, shall cause the registration and reporting by registered business enterprises, of the types of services rendered whether domestically or to foreign clients; types of products manufactured domestically, products imported and sold locally, and products exported; (H) To publish regularly, at per firm, the data pertaining to the amount of tax incentives, tax payments, and other related information including benefits data; (I) To obtain information summon, examine, inquire and receive from other government agencies administering tax incentives, government-owned or controlled corporations, government commissaries, and state universities and colleges, and local government units, documents, records, books, or other data relevant or material to the resolution of issues arising from the approval, disapproval, cancellation, suspension, withdrawal or forfeiture of tax subsidy, or in imposing penalties for violations of the terms and conditions on the availment of tax subsidy, or any of the provisions of this Act; (J) To submit annual reports to the Office of the President, as part of the budget process, covering its policy and activities in the administration of this act, including recommendations on tax incentive policies and approval of tax incentives; (K) To decide on issues, on its own initiative or upon the recommendation of the Investment Promotion Agency, after due hearing, concerning the approval, disapproval, cancellation, suspension, withdrawal, or forfeiture of tax incentives or tax subsidy in accordance with this Act. The Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall decide on the matter within ninety (90) days from the date when the Fiscal Incentives Review Board declares the issues submitted for resolution. A business enterprise adversely affected by the decision of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board may within thirty (30) days from receipt of the adverse decision, appeal the same to the Court of Tax Appeals; (L) To promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the intent and provisions of this Section; (M) To recommend to the President the grant of appropriate non-fiscal incentives in accordance with the Strategic Investment Priority Plan for highly desirable projects or very specific industrial activities and based on: (a) benefit-cost analysis approved by the Fiscal Incentives Review Board; and (b) containing a schedule of budgets of expenditures and sources of financing with magnitudes provisionally approved via resolution for inclusion in the upcoming National Expenditure Plans by the Development Budget Coordination Committee; (N) To adopt policies for the development and expansion of the domestic supply chain in order to reduce dependence on imports; promote diversification and sophistication of products produced and services offered, whether exported or consumed locally; and cater to local market demand; and (O) To exercise all other powers necessary or incidental to attain the purposes of this Act and other laws vesting additional functions on the Fiscal Incentives Review Board”. The functions of the fiscal incentives review board under Sections 297 (A) (1) and (5), (E), (G), (H), (J), and (K) shall be exercised in relation to the grant of tax incentives to registered projects or activities with the total investment capital of more than One Billion Pesos (P1,000,000,000.00) as provided herein. (Vetoed by the President) Notwithstanding the provisions in the preceding paragraphs, tax and duty incentives granted through legislative franchises shall be excepted from the foregoing expanded powers of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board to review, withdraw, suspend, or cancel tax incentives and subsidies. Sec. 298. Composition of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board. The Fiscal Incentives Review Board. The Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall be reconstituted as follows: Chairperson – Secretary of Finance Co- Chairperson – Secretary of Trade and Industry Members – Executive Secretary of the Office of the President Secretary of Budget and Management Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority The Board shall have a technical committee which shall serve as its main support unit and perform functions as may be assigned, and shall be composed of the following: Chairperson – Undersecretary of Finance Members – Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary of the Office of the Executive Secretary Undersecretary of Trade and Industry and Board of Investments Managing Head or Assistant Secretary of Trade and Industry Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary of Budget and Management Deputy or Assistant Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Customs Commissioner of the Philippine Competition Commission Director General or Chairperson or Administrator of the Investment Promotion Agencies: Provided, That the participation of the Investment Promotion Agency representative in deliberations and decision-making processes of the technical committee shall be limited to the matters concerning their Investment Promotion Agency Secretariat – The Secretariat shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary of Finance and shall be staffed by the National Tax Research Center Sec. 299. Structure and Staffing Pattern – To support the expanded functions of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board, the National Tax Research Center, as Secretariat thereof, shall create three (3) additional groups, namely, Fiscal Incentives Management Group, Monitoring and Evaluation Group, and Legal Group. Each group shall be composed of at least two (2) divisions which will be headed by a deputy executive director the existing administrative and financial branch of the National Tax Research Center shall be converted into a group to be headed by a deputy executive director and will be composed of four (4) divisions, namely, finance, human resource management and development, general services, and management and information system. Provided, That the Fiscal Incentives Review Board secretariat is authorized to determine its organizational structure and staffing pattern, and create such services, divisions, and units, as it may require or deem necessary in the future subject to the approval by the Department of Budget and Management: Provided, finally, That nothing herein modifies the existing organizational structure and staffing pattern of the Investment Promotion Agencies or affects their power to maintain or determine their respective organizational structure and staffing pattern. Vetoed Provisions of RA 11534 CREATE RMC No. 29-2021: Adoption of e-Signature on Certain BIR Forms
CIRCULAR No. 25 Dated: 10-09-2012
The Little Master of Lahore – Chess Tournament 2018 The Little Master of Lahore, 7th Grand Chess Tournament was organised by the Laurelbank School System at its Alhamra Town Campus on 24th Nov. A total of 90 students from the Laurelbank School System and from almost all the renowned institutes of Lahore participated in the tournament. International hockey player, Mr. Muhammad Tanveer, Director Sports University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Cash prizes worth Rs.60,000/- along with medals and certificates were awarded to the winners in three different age categories. Muhammad Sameer from Boys Branch Daroghawala Campus stood third in under 14 years of age category.
BOUNTEOUS BLACK BEAUTY ​When these deep purples fall into your menu, you’re in for a great dinner. The eggplant is related to an odd assortment of cousins including tomatoes, tomatillos, chili peppers and tobacco, all members of the nightshade family. While the tomato hails from the Americas, eggplant was domestically cultivated long before Europeans arrived in the western hemisphere. In fact, it is likely that it was independently domesticated in Europe and in Asia. Like its cousin the tomato, the eggplant is a fruit, a berry to be precise, that we commonly treat as a vegetable. (Dare one wonder how tobacco is classified?) In England and much of continental Europe, the eggplant is called an aubergine. Regardless of its nomenclature, the eggplant is a staple in cuisines worldwide. It is sometimes egg-shaped, oblong, wide-bottomed, round or elongated. Whatever the shape, the eggplant is versatile in the extreme. Depending on the cultural cuisine of its table, it is roasted, grilled, fried, boiled, sautéed, stuffed, layered, mashed, pureed and baked. In northeastern U.S. many of us first knew eggplant as represented in the Italian Eggplant Parmesan, Caponata and Pasta Alla Norma. If we were lucky, we might have been introduced to the Moussakas of Greece and Turkey. As America grew and enfolded other cultures, those peoples brought us the eggplant salads with nuts and spices of the Balkans; the salads and dips, Baba Ghanoush being the most famous, of the Near and Middle East. The French bequeathed us Ratatouille and Eggplant Caviar. Integral to cuisines as far-flung as Africa, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, China, ​This purple, white, or lavender fruit is a determined good neighbor. It plays well with many other fruits, vegetables, cheese, herbs and spices. Available on the website from previously published columns are Grilled Japanese Eggplant with Jalapeno, Ginger and Lime and Eggplant and Tomato Whoppers. Today’s recipe is of Italian descent and is called Involtini in which the eggplant is sliced longwise, grilled, stuffed, rolled and finally baked. Despite the list of treatments, it’s pretty easy.
Counselling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a confidential and dependable environment. A counsellor is trained to listen with empathy (by putting themselves in your shoes). They can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have. Sometimes the term "Counselling" is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right. The internal and external challenges of our younger generation are to be resolved in order to empower them properly. For this a close assessment and a warm interaction with the student is necessary. The purpose of clinical counseling is that students can freely and confidentially express their academic, emotional and personal pressures and concerns to a professional who can help them effectively. The major objective of the counseling centre is to facilitate Academic, Emotional, Social and cognitive development of the students hence to empower them in their learning and personal development. Other than students, parents are also getting the benefits from the counsellor in order to pave a path to the students inside their homes. Adolescent Counselling It is aimed at helping young people make sense of their feelings, thoughts and behaviours. This can entail traditional talking therapy, or can use other techniques which draw on the expressive nature of young people- such as art therapy. These proactive and creative strategies can help an adolescent to thrive in a counselling environment. Unfortunately about 4 in 10 teenagers become seriously depressed each year. That alone is a shocking figure, but in light of developmental changes and the numerous pressures on young people, those affected and in need of therapy can be much higher, hence the need for counselling aimed towards adolescents. Adolescence is the stage when we make the transition from child to adult, this usually occurs between 10 and 19. This is a time which a great deal of both physical and mental changes take place, the physical changes often referred to as puberty. These changes may predispose adolescents to be sensitive, to experience mood swings and to have swings in confidence levels. For this reason, Adolescent counselling should ensure that they take into account this period of vulnerability when engaging in therapy with an adolescent. Sex education for adolescents Sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including emotional relations and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence. Sex education that covers all of these aspects is known as comprehensive sex education. Traditionally, adolescents in many cultures were not given any information on sexual matters, with the discussion of these issues being considered taboo. Such instruction, as was given, was traditionally left to a child's parents, and often this was put off until just before a child's marriage. Despite early inroads of school-based sex education, most of the information on sexual matters in the mid-20th century was obtained informally from friends and the media, and much of this information was deficient or of dubious value, especially during the period following puberty, when curiosity about sexual matters was the most acute. This deficiency was heightened by the increasing incidence of teenage pregnancies. Pre-Marital Counselling Premarital counseling, a specialized type of therapy. It will offer benefit to all couples who are considering a long-term commitment. Typically, the goal of premarital counseling is to identify and address any potential areas of conflict in a relationship early on, before those issues become serious concerns, and teach partners effective strategies for discussing and resolving conflict. Partners seeking counseling before marriage may also find that premarital counseling can help them better understand their expectations about marriage and address any significant differences in a safe and neutral environment. Couples counseling can help intimate partners address concerns that arise in the course of their relationship, but premarital counseling can help partners identify areas likely to cause conflict later on finances, child-rearing methods, career goals, and family dynamics, among others and either work through these issues in the early stages of the relationship, if possible, or develop a plan to address them in the years to come. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, showed couples who had participated in some type of premarital counseling program were 31% less likely to divorce. Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding your relationship or going your separate ways. Marriage counseling is often short term. Marriage counseling typically includes both partners, but sometimes one partner chooses to work with a therapist alone. The specific treatment plan depends on the situation. Couples seek marriage counseling to strengthen their bonds and gain a better understanding of each other. In other cases, couples seek marriage counseling to improve a troubled relationship. You can use marriage counseling to address many specific issues, including Sexual difficulties Conflicts about child rearing or blended families Marriage counseling might also be helpful in cases of domestic abuse. Families can be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families are put under strain and family members feel isolated or overlooked. Family counselling can help when siblings aren’t getting on, or when parents and children are going through a divorce or separation. Forming a new family is a challenge and it is at this point that many parents contact Relate for some support to help everyone settle. If you’re having problems as a family, whatever’s causing them, Family Counselling can help the whole family to communicate better, and to understand and resolve differences. When families go through change, it can be difficult to learn to adapt. Counselling can help family members to support one another through these difficult times, to reduce conflict and arguments and grow stronger as a result. DMIT Boost Memory & Concentration Roots & Routes Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre [email protected] © 2018 Roots & Routes. All Rights Reserved. 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Published October 15, 2013 at 300 × 192 in Cow Cabins.
Mickie Shows Saucier August 28, 1948 - October 8, 2021 Stay up-to-date on event information as well as memories shared on Mickie Shows Saucier’s Tribute Wall.
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South Keys South Keys is a neighbourhood in Gloucester-Southgate Ward in the south end of Ottawa, Canada. It is bounded by Johnston Road to the north, Albion Road to the east, the Airport Parkway to the west, and Hunt Club Road to the south. According to the Canada 2011 Census, the neighbourhood has a population of 2,849. The neighbourhood is part of the South Keys Greenboro Community Association.
You are here: Home / Archives for Luis Nasser Luis Nasser Luz De Riada (August 30, 2016) August 12, 2016 by NJProghouse who: Luz De Riada http://www.luzderiada.com/ when:Tuesday August 30, 2016 | 7:30PM Show | 7:00PM Doors Luz De Riada Luz De Riada Web Site Luz De Riada on Facebook LUZ DE RIADA was formed in 2010 in Mexico City by multi-instrumentalist Ramsés Luna (former member of Cabezas de Cera). The approach was to create a musical collective of talented musicians from other bands and projects which combined elements of jazz, experimental music, avant-garde and progressive rock. The result is a rich eclectic mix that defies labels with its original sound. The band released its debut in 2011, Cuentos y Fábulas (Tales and Fables) to great international critical and fan acclaim. Following 3 years of touring and shows in Mexico, Chile and Argentina, they released their second album Cuentos y Fábulas vol 2, a live compilation of several key performances in Mexico City from 2012 and 2013. The final installment of the Tales and Fables trilogy was released this year. In 2016, the band begins a new chapter with LUZ DE RIADAs first shows in the US and the current lineup is working on new material for the next musical adventure. Ramsés Luna In addition to forming LUZ DE RIADA in 2010, Ramsés was a member of Cabezas de Cera from 1998 to 2011, and participated in all of their albums and tours, performing in Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, South Korea, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Spain, India and the USA. He has also performed and done studio work with various artists such as Lynn Cassiers (Belgium), Juan Pablo Villa, Raul Fernández Refree, Silvia Perez Cruz (Spain), Guillermo Velázquez y los Leones de la Sierra de Xichú, Cráneo de Jade, Grupo Quál (Rockdrigo González), Kavhe Parma (Irán), La Orquesta de los 13 Zalbajes (Dir. Germán Bringas), Decibel, Palo de Ron, Pez Diablo, El Códice Laúd. Alongside Bolivian saxophonist Marcos Miranda (Sociedad Acústica de Capital Variable) they propel the free improvisation project titled “Expedition Log.” In addition to ongoing work with LUZ DE RIADA, he is also part of the Pascal Gutman Trio. Since 2013, he has served as Professor and director of the Experimental Orchestral Workshop at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Luis is an original member and founder of progressive rock band Sonus Umbra, formed in Mexico city back in 1993 and currently established in Chicago. Moving to the American East Coast in 1995, he has released 6 albums with Sonus Umbra, touring across the USA, Canada and Mexico. From 2003 to the present he has been bassist with instrumental acoustic guitar quartet Might Could, releasing four critically acclaimed albums and performing in the USA, Mexico, Canada, France and Germany. From 1997 to 2005 he was bassist with Baltimore Progressive Metal band Kurgan’s Bane, releasing 3 albums. He also continues to record with Pete Laramee, appearing on Alone but Not Lonely (2002), Childhood Memories (2008), Seven String Cinematoid (2011) and Chin Music (2016). He has also served as bassist in Jethro Tull tribute band Silver Pipe (2008-2011), Kevin Gilbert Tribute Band The Champions of Nothing (2008 -2012), and continues to play with ELP tribute Fanfare (2011 to present). He has performed with many other artists including: Phideaux, Nick D’Virgilio, Brittany Lee Moffitt, Origin of Animal, Gunnel Pumpers, Brian Harris, Johnny Unicorn, Izolda, Uncle Gut, Dysfunktional Family and the Laramee Brute Squad. Aaron Geller Since 2003 Aaron has been working as a professional guitar player based in the Washington D.C. area, and also joined Might Could, who has released four albums and played shows and festivals in USA, Mexico, Canada, France and Germany. He performs in the national touring band Funk Ark, and works with Sonus Umbra, Brittany Lee Moffitt, and Fractales, and as a session artist at Record Arts Studio, recording for Margot MacDonald, Joe Peck, and Tina Lundelius, among others. He regularly plays with other prominent musicians in the Washington D.C. area including Greg Loman, Thomas Murphy, and Donald Wolcott. He also teaches as an independent music teacher and in music programs, including a music camp run by the National Guitar Workshop, where he became director in 2008. Brandon Cameron Brandon has been a drummer and percussionist since 2002 and also works as an arranger and songwriter. He has played and recorded with an array of artists including Marcus B. Montgomery, LA Vangogh, and Jeremy Foster (and The Nuance). **Please note this presentation is non-profit in nature and to support cultural exchange** Filed Under: NJProghouse Presents Tagged With: Aaron Geller, Brandon Cameron, Luis Nasser, Luz De Riada, Ramsés Luna
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It was great to meet up with Vickie Santos, past president of the East Bay chapter of FANHS, and her amazing 96-year-old mother, who was very active politically in Chicago for decades. Vickie and her mother, Connie, co-wrote, Memoirs of a Manang: The Story of a Filipina-American Pioneer.
Having bariatric surgery? > Bariatric Surgery > Having bariatric surgery? What do I do if I think I may be a candidate for bariatric surgery? The process begins with you being referred to the tier 3 weight management service by your GP. After a period of assessment and support in the tier 3 service you will be referred to meet the hospital based team if it is felt you would be a good candidate for surgery. You will then meet the specialist nurse for a one-to-one session and also a member of the surgical team. At this point, we will discuss surgery in detail and place you on the waiting list for surgery. Close to the time of your surgery, you will attend a pre-assessment clinic where your fitness for surgery will be assessed by a member of the Anaesthetic Team. For 2-3 weeks before your operation, you will be placed on a special diet to reduce the size of your liver. During your time in the tier 3 service, you will be set an individual weight loss goal that you will need to meet before being referred to the surgical team. You will need to maintain this weight loss up until the time of surgery. This is an important part of your weight loss journey as making healthy lifestyle choices such as dietary changes and exercise will set you up to do well in the long term after surgery. No weight loss operation will give good long term weight loss results if you do not adopt the changes covered during your time in the tier 3 weight management service. Types of Bariatric Surgery Follow Up After Bariatric Surgery Pregnancy and Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery and Type 2 Diabetes NICE Guidelines for Bariatric Surgery
AltaSea Project Receives $20 Million Donation AltaSea, an in-development marine research center at the Port of Los Angeles, will receive a $20 million gift from the Annenberg Foundation, the foundation’s president and CEO said Feb. 11 at an event to unveil designs for the project. Wallis Annenberg, Chairman, President and CEO of the Annenberg Foundation, announced the contribution toward the development of AltaSea, a new public-private endeavor in the Port of LA that brings together science, business and education to generate solutions to the challenges of sustainability. “The ocean may be the most precious public resource we have, a life source unlike any other on the planet,” Annenberg said. “AltaSea is about uniting business, academia, and our scientific community to turn the Port of LA’s public waterfront into the mecca for jobs, discovery and sustainability that it should be.” AltaSea, now in its first phase of development, came to fruition in 2013 when the LA City Council approved a lease agreement to transform a pier on the Los Angeles waterfront in San Pedro into AltaSea. Located on a 35-acre campus in the Port of Los Angeles, AltaSea is said to be the only urban, ocean-based ideas and innovation center in the world. Planning and permitting for Phase One has begun, with construction expected to begin in 2017 and be complete by 2019. The total project budget is $217 million, with a goal of $160 million in private funding. The 50-year master lease for the 35-acre site requires $53.25 million to be raised by the first quarter of 2017 for the port to begin construction and ensure occupancy by the end of 2019. Labels: AltaSea, Port of Los Angeles Hanjin Terminating Portland Calls Hanjin Shipping said in a Feb. 10 letter to customers that it is terminating direct call service to the Port of Portland in early March. “However, we will continue to provide services to/from Portland, Oregon and nearby regions via rail and truck transportation to/from Seattle,” the letter said in part. The revised rotation consists of calls at the ports in the cities of Ningbo, Shanghai, Pusan, Prince Rupert, Seattle, Vancouver, Pusan, Kwangyang and then back to Ningbo. The rotation begins with the arrival of container ship Hanjin Los Angeles at the Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan in China on March 9, according to the letter. The correspondence advises those with questions to contact their Hanjin sales representative for more information. Hanjin leaving Portland could cripple the port’s container movement business: an estimated 80 percent of business at the port’s only container terminal is Hanjin related. Although no reason was given for the change, the Port of Portland has been struggling with labor issues for years that have drained productivity. Earlier this month, ICTSI Oregon, which operates Terminal 6, the only container terminal at the port, said productivity at the facility has fallen “well below acceptable historical levels.” ICTSI says that in the last quarter of 2014, ILWU labor was producing only about 13.2 moves per hour, compared to 24.8 moves/hour in May 2012, a roughly 47 percent reduction, according to the terminal operator. The labor issues are related to a jurisdiction battle between the ILWU, terminal operator and another union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which date back to June. The two unions were fighting over disputed jobs involving the plugging/unplugging and monitoring of refrigerated containers at Terminal 6. Since then, workers have walked off the job numerous times due to what the longshore union calls “multiple pay disputes and associated grievances” associated with the “mismanagement” of the terminal. The dispute, which is unrelated to ongoing contract talks between the ILWU and Pacific Maritime Association, has led to multiple container ships bypassing the port over the past two-and-an-half years in order to avoid the situation. Labels: Hanjin Shipping, Port of Portland PMA Shutting Terminal Ops for 4 Days The Pacific Maritime Association is suspending vessel operations at port cargo terminals for four days, beginning Feb. 12, with the explanation being that it didn’t want to give weekend and holiday pay to longshore workers during President’s Day weekend. Weekend and holiday pay rates command a premium of at least 50 percent more than the basic longshore wage rate, according to the PMA, which would mean those working those days would have received between $54 and $75 per hour for longshore workers and clerks and between $77 and $92 per hour for foremen. “PMA members have concluded that they will not conduct vessel operations on those dates, paying full shifts of ILWU workers such high rates for severely diminished productivity while the backlog of cargo at West Coast ports grows,” the association, which represents terminal operators, said in a Feb. 11 statement. The four dates affected by the suspension of vessel operations are: Thurs. Feb. 12 (Lincoln’s Birthday); Sat., Feb. 14; Sun., Feb. 15; and Mon., Feb. 16 (Washington’s Birthday). However, yard, gate and rail operations are expected to continue at the terminal operators’ discretion as they did the previous weekend when the PMA also temporarily halted vessel operations as part of the ongoing dispute. “This is an effort by the employers to put economic pressure on our members and to gain leverage in contract talks,” ILWU President Robert McEllrath said of the four-day lockout. The maritime association and labor union have been locked in contract talks since May 2014 and the previous six-year deal expired July 1. And although a federal arbitrator joined the talks in January, a final resolution does not appear to be near. On Feb. 4, the PMA revealed it had made the union an offer that would raise ILWU wages by 14 percent over five years, on top of current average full-time wages of $147,000 per year and would maintain fully employer-paid health care, plus increase the ILWU pension to as much as $88,800 per year. The ILWU, while not commenting on specifics on the contract offer, has said the two sides are close to an agreement. Labels: ILWU, labor contract negotiations, Pacific Maritime Association Port of Quincy Requests Terminal Expansion Funding The Port of Quincy this week requested $16.2 million in transportation funding from the Washington State Legislature to expand the infrastructure at its intermodal terminal to help restore “critical domestic eastbound intermodal rail service” for Central Washington fresh produce, perishable and frozen foods shippers. The port says the project would expand the infrastructure at the intermodal terminal to meet unit train requirements of BNSF Railway and help eliminate congestion on the Great Northern Corridor Rail Line in Quincy, Wash. In particular, the port says, the expansion project would include installation of three additional intermodal tracks to increase the capacity of the terminal to be able to simultaneously load or unload longer intermodal container trains, and a new longer siding track and set out/pick up track that would allow longer trains to pull off of the BNSF mainline at Quincy for arrival and departure in one piece. The project would also entail expanding the surface area of the intermodal terminal to allow for more storage of containers, and constructing a bridge across the US Bureau of Reclamation West Canal near Quincy. Expanding the terminal’s infrastructure would then allow the port to bring-in an intermodal operator to begin shipping fresh produce, frozen foods and other perishable goods grown in the state to the Midwest and Eastern US markets, the port says. Labels: BNSF Railway, Great Northern Corridor Rail Line, Port of Quincy Vigor Wins $9.9 Million USN Repair Contract Portland-based Vigor Marine has won a $9.9 million contract for repair work to be performed on the USNS Yukon, a 677-foot-long underway replenishment oiler that provides fuel to ships at sea and jet fuel for aircraft assigned to aircraft carriers. The oiler, which was launched in 1993, has been involved in at least three collisions during its years in service, including in July 2000 when it suffered major damage, including multiple large holes and dents on her starboard quarter after it collided with the USS Denver during an underway replenishment off the Hawaii coast. Also, in May 2012 it collided with the amphibious assault ship USS Essex after the Essex suffered an apparent steering malfunction upon approach for an underway replenishment. No injuries and no loss of fuel were reported however, and both vessels were able to continue to San Diego under their own power. The work Vigor Marine has been hired to perform includes: flight deck non-skid preservation; port and starboard main engine overhaul; hip service diesel generator overhaul; port and starboard clutch and coupling overhaul; tank deck overhead preservation; habitability repairs; and cargo system wire replacement. The contract also includes options that, which if exercised, would bring the total contract value to $10.1 million. Work is to be performed in Portland and is expected to be completed by May 5, according to the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command in Washington, DC, which is the contracting activity. Labels: Military Sealift Command, Vigor Industrial Weekend Lockout Halts West Coast Port Operations Work at seaports along the West Coast resumed on Monday after the group that represents terminal operators and shipping lines instituted a two-day stoppage by that halted operations last weekend. The action was taken, according to the Pacific Maritime Association, in response to an ongoing work slowdown at the ports by the International Longshore & Warehouse Union that allegedly began in late October. “After three months of union slowdowns, it makes no sense to pay extra for less work,” PMA spokesman Wade Gates said in a prepared statement. “Especially if there is no end in sight to the union’s actions, which needlessly brought West Coast ports to the brink of gridlock.” Last weekend vessel loading and unloading were halted, but each terminal operator had the discretion of whether to continue yard, rail and gate operations such as the processing of containers for truck and rail delivery to customers. The ILWU has repeatedly denied the slowdown allegations, instead blaming port congestion issues on larger vessels bringing in an ever-increasing number of containers, plus a shortage of the chassis’ used to haul the containers to and from the port terminals. In a Feb. 9 statement, the union expressed a desire to reach a deal with the PMA. “West Coast ports re-opened Monday morning after employers closed the docks for two days, increasing delays for customers needing containers,” the ILWU said in a Feb. 9 statement. “The union remains focused on reaching a settlement as quickly as possible.” Talks to resolve the few remaining issues between the Longshore Union and Pacific Maritime Association are “ongoing,” according to the ILWU. The PMA and ILWU have been in negotiations since May 2014. The previous six-year labor pact between the two sides, which covered almost 20,000 longshore workers at 29 ports up and down the West Coast, expired last July 1. The PMA warned the union on Feb. 4 that it could impose a full lockout within 10 days if no contract agreement is reached by then. Labels: ILWU, Pacific Maritime Association Shipping 101 Course Planned for Puget Sound The Marine Exchange of Puget Sound is partnering with Artemus Transportation Solutions, a web-based trade compliance software industry, to hold the Global Commerce-International Transportation & Trade Shipping 101 Course on March 23-27 in Seattle. The five-day course covers materials needed to effectively trade and ship in the global marketplace, whether as an importer, exporter, NVOCC, freight forwarder, ocean and/or domestic carrier. The course covers the transportation chain, critical work processes, compliance requirements and different modes of transportation and includes an on-site visit to a marine terminal for a first-hand look at the topics discussed throughout the course. “This is the third time we will be holding the course with Artemus,” Marine Exchange of Puget Sound Executive Director John Veentjer said. “We believe a course like this is important to the community and the positive feedback from past students influenced our decision in hosting this course again.” “Having a partnership with the Marine Exchange provides us an opportunity to help educate those in Pacific Northwest region who want to trade or expand their business internationally or just increase their knowledge of the international trade business to provide better service or possibly advance a student’s career objectives,” Artemus President & CEO Steve Pniewski said. “This course provides critical work process information so that students are up-to-date on the For more information, visit http://marexps.com/about/shipping_101 or contact Artemus directly at (866) 744-7101. Labels: Marine Exchange of Puget Sound, Shipping 101 Course Cruise Industry Predicts 2015 Growth Strong growth for the cruise industry in 2015 is being projected by the Cruise Lines International Association’s annual State of the Cruise Industry Report, which was released Feb. 9. A record 23 million passengers are expected to sail this year, and 61 percent of North American Cruise Lines International Association-certified travel agents report an increase in 2015 travel bookings over this time last year. Also, member cruise lines are scheduled to debut 22 new ocean, river and specialty ships in 2015 for a total investment of more than $4 billion, according to CLIA. “It’s an exciting time for the cruise industry and cruise passengers,” CLIA Chairman Adam Goldstein, who’s also president/COO of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., said. “This year will prove to be another step forward for the entire industry as our members continue to strive to make cruising the best overall vacation experience.” Among the other outlooks for 2015 that were identified by the cruise industry association: • Cruise travelers intend to continue to set sail and are highly satisfied with prior cruise experiences. An estimated 62 percent are return cruisers and 69 percent ranked cruising as a better value than a land-based vacation. Overall, CLIA member ocean passenger volume is projected to increase to 23 million in 2015, a four-percent increase over 2014 estimates of 22.1 million. • Specialty cruises continue to thrive. CLIA’s specialty segments, which includes sophisticated ships, luxury yachts, elegant ocean liners and the newest river cruises, continue to experience double digit passenger growth. In fact, specialty cruises grew by 21 percent annually from 2009 to 2014 estimates. • The Caribbean is expected to see more than a third of the global deployment capacity market share in 2015. However, the Mediterranean continues to grow as a destination, as well as other regions including Asia and Australia. In 2015, 52 ships are expected to provide 1,065 Asian cruises with capacity for 2.17 million passengers. • Although the Internet and mobile devices have overtaken how consumers make purchases, travel agents continue to be the most popular and best way to book a cruise. In fact, 70 percent of cruise travelers use a travel agent to plan and book cruise vacations. Labels: cruise industry, Cruise Lines International Association
A (not so…) usual daily excursion By petros, on December 25th, 2016 There are some times, when in order to take pictures of species rarely seen in Greece, you are “forced” to make some not so close daily trips. One such case was a few days ago. Near the mouth of the Gallikos river, just outside the city of Thessaloniki, appeared almost simultaneously a Long-tailed Duck . . . → Read More: A (not so…) usual daily excursion Comments are closed GALA, Places Clangula hyemalis, Gallikos River, Horned Grebe, Long-tailed Duck, Melanitta fusca, Podiceps auritus, Slavonian Grebe, Velvet Scoter
Ellis Washington Mandela the Marxist By Ellis Washington "The cause of communism is the greatest cause in the history of mankind!" "At the end of the day... violence was the only weapon that would destroy apartheid." ~ Nelson Mandela, 1959 (He never renounced violence) The globalist, progressive propaganda campaign deifying South Africa's Marxist revolutionary and former president Nelson Mandela should be galling and disgusting to all people of good will who love truth, real history and hate lies. The Big Lie is that yes, Mandela experimented with communism in the 1940s early in his political career at the dawn of the black struggle against the racist White Afrikaners and that he and his organization, ANC (African National Congress) only turned to armed struggle in the early 1960s once he saw the futility of overturning capitalism while seeking to establish Black majority rule in South Africa. The myth continues that during his 27 years as a political prisoner at Robben Island Mandela learned to embrace "democracy" and thus overtime he totally renounced communism and political violence when he was let out of prison in February 1990. These popular sentiments are all lies and Marxist-sympathizing propaganda shamefully disseminated by socialists worldwide to this day. Here's the truth about Mandela: On January 31, 1985 the State President of South Africa, P.W. Botha speaking in parliament, offered Mandela his freedom on one condition: that he "unconditionally reject violence as a political weapon." This offer of freedom was repeatedly made to Mandela during his 27 years in prison at Robben Island where all of his co-conspirators accepted a rejection political violence and were eventually set free. Mandela, the so called "man of peace" repeatedly rejected all offers of freedom. Why? Because unlike the phony, global adulation of this man Mandela and the ANC were not only brutal murderers of children and innocent civilians, but look at who attended his funeral celebration earlier this week – a veritable rogue's gallery of every tyrannical, communist, Islamic and Marxist dictator on the planet with the socialist Obama leading this pack wolves at Mandela's memorial service. Indeed, birds of a feather do flock together. According to the original 1963 and 1964 indictments of the Rivonia Trial: The State v. Nelson Mandela et al, Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division, Mandela was not charged for being a political dissident but for four acts of TERRORISM. Specifically, he was himself originally incarcerated, for involvement in 23 different acts of sabotage, conspiracy to overthrow the government and treason. He and his fellow terrorist conspirators of the ANC and the South African Communist Party (SACP) were caught by the police while in the possession of 48,000 Soviet-made anti-personnel mines and 210,000 hand-grenades. Mandela lied when he confessed that the ANC only adopted violence as a means of protest "when other forms of resistance were no longer open to us." Mandela was inspired by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement in the Cuban Revolution, in 1961 Mandela co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Spear of the Nation," abbreviated MK) with Sisulu and Joe Slovo, a notorious communist. Mandela became chairman of the militant group while embracing ideas from communist literature on guerilla warfare by Mao and Che Guevara. Soon after ANC leader Luthuli was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, MK publicly announced its existence with 57 bombings on Dingane's Day (16 December) 1961, followed by further attacks on New Year's Eve. Politically Mandela was a democrat socialist and a Marxist who was openly opposed to capitalism, private land-ownership and the power of big money. Influenced by Marxism during the revolution Mandela advocated scientific socialism, although he denied being a communist during the Treason Trial, yet historically it has been proven Mandela had been a communist since at least the 1950s. Despite his Marxist politics, Mandela nationalized nothing during his presidency (1994-99), fearing that this would scare away foreign investors. This decision was in part also influenced by the fall of the socialist states in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc during the early 1990s. Mandela's second wife, Winnie Mandela (married, 1958-96) was a close confidant; an unindicted co-conspirator to ANC's human rights atrocities, who has been equally flattering in her praise of communism and violence. In 1986 she was reported in Moscow's communist party newspaper Pravda as saying: "The Soviet Union is the torch-bearer for all our hopes and aspirations. We have learned and are continuing to learn resilience and bravery from the Soviet people, who are an example to us in our struggle for freedom, a model of loyalty to internationalist duty. In Soviet Russia, genuine power of the people has been transformed from dreams into reality. The land of the Soviets is the genuine friend and ally of all peoples fighting against the dark forces of world reaction." And again at Munsieville, on April 13, 1986, Winnie said: "With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country." Referring here to her own specific brand of socialist, political terrorism whereby anyone who opposed her and Mandela's ANC would be bound hand and foot and then burned to death by means of a tire filled with gasoline being placed around the neck of their victims and set on fire. A truly gruesome and tortuous death. Has Mandela since changed his tune in any way since being freed from prison in Feb. 11, 1990? Absolutely not. Leaving Victor Verster Prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela held Winnie's hand in front of amassed crowds and press; the event was broadcast live across the world. Driven to Cape Town's City Hall through crowds, he gave a speech declaring his commitment to peace and reconciliation with the white minority, but made it clear that the ANC's armed struggle was not over, and would continue as "a purely defensive action against the violence of apartheid." Today it is hard for even the most fanatical Mandela apologist to ignore the increasingly definitive evidence of his key role in the international communist conspiracy which has been filtering out for decades. 30 years ago stalwart, conservative leaders like President Ronald Reagan, PM Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II all spoke out against Mandela and his communist, terrorist tactics in fighting apartheid. Early on, for example, there was a hand-written document by Mandela, dubbed "How to Be a Good Communist," that was referenced during his Rivonia Trial prosecution for sabotage, subversion, and terror. "We communist party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history," Mandela declared in the essay and further wrote that, "The people of South Africa, led by the South African Communist Party, will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism." In Dec. 2013 The New American reported evidence exposed by British historian Stephen Ellis revealing Mandela's repeated denials of Communist Party participation as a fraud, while using communist disinformation tactics to downplay the consequences of those evil associations. Ellis's current research, based on ANC Party minutes and more, established not only that the ANC leader was a member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), but also that he was indeed a senior official working with the party's Central Committee throughout his 27 year prison term. Despite numerous articles by The New American which has comprehensively documented over a period of decades, despite Mandela's communist and terrorist atrocities against innocent civilians, Western governments and power brokers, together with the world's most cold-blooded communist dictators, all worked together in creating Mandela the "Man of Peace" myth bringing him to power in May 1994. Yet, socialists cannot ignore the irrefutable truth exposed that Mandela was a socialist and Marxist even as South Africa continues its 20 year descent into perpetual chaos, genocide, and existential poverty, it is doubtful that regrets will be made – South African cities like Durban, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Johannesburg currently number as the murder, HIV/AIDS and child rape capitals of the world. Although Democrat Socialists love Machiavellian tactics, yet Machiavelli was dead wrong – the end does not, and will never, justify the means, despite the excessive adulation and crocodile tears communists and Mandela apologists may express. Mandela is neither remarkable nor unique. He is a classical Soviet- trained, Soviet-backed Marxist leader and an admitted terrorist revolutionary in the mode of Cuba's Fidel Castro, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah, Congo's Patrice Lumumba and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, yet tragically Mandela's bombing campaigns against innocent civilians from the 1940-90s have faded from memory due to this existential Cult of Mandela. Political science professor Dr. R.J. Rummel has written that in the 20th century alone communism (including Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, socialism) was responsible for the evil genocide (e.g., democide) of over 260 million people. I for one will not join the world in this hypocritical, sycophantic mourning of the death of Mandela the Marxist. Instead shed a tear for some of Mandela's victims – who were principally South African Blacks accused of being against the communist coup of South Africa. Don't shed a tear for Mandela, but shed a tear for hundreds of millions of victims of communism all over the world. They have been virtually forgotten from history, but everyone who loves the truth, justice and righteous has a duty to promise that these victims are never forgotten, and that history does not repeat itself. Please purchase my latest opus dedicated to that Conservative Colossus, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Here are the latest two new volumes from my ongoing historical series – THE PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION: History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2015): Volume III – 2010-11 Writings Volume IV – 2012-13 Writings However, before the book is officially released to the public, I have to place 100 pre-publication orders (50 orders per each volume). I need your help to make this happen ASAP. Please place your order today for Volume 3 & Volume 4. Of course, if you can order all 100 copies today, the book will become official tomorrow. Please circulate this flyer to all your email contacts & Facebook/Twitter followers who may be interested in purchasing this opus which will serve as a ready apologetic against the rampant Marxist-Progressive propaganda taught in America's public schools, colleges, universities, graduate schools, and law schools. Thanks in advance to all my friends, associates and colleagues for your invaluable support! Law and History Blog: www.EllisWashingtonReport.com Invitation for manuscripts I am starting a new a program on my blog dedicated to giving young conservatives (ages 14-35) a regular place to display and publish their ideas called Socrates Corner. If you know of any young person who wants to publish their ideas on any subject, have them send their essay manuscripts to my email at ewashington@ <NOSPAM> wnd.com. © Ellis Washington Ellis Washington is a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review (1989) and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute (1992). Currently he is an adjunct professor of law at the National Paralegal College and the graduate school, National Jurisprudence University, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, American History, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure, Contracts, Real Property, and Advanced Legal Writing, among many other subjects... (more) Ellis Washington is a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review (1989) and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute (1992). Currently he is an adjunct professor of law at the National Paralegal College and the graduate school, National Jurisprudence University, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, American History, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure, Contracts, Real Property, and Advanced Legal Writing, among many other subjects. A founding board member and Director of Salt and Light Global, LLC, Washington is a co-host on "Joshua's Trial," a radio show proclaiming a Judeo-Christian worldview and conservative political philosophy. Washington is a graduate of John Marshall Law School (1994), the University of Michigan (1986), and DePauw University (1983), he did post-graduate studies in History at Harvard University GSAS and in Law at Harvard Law School (1988-89). Washington's latest law review articles include: "Nigger Manifesto: Institutional, Intellectual, Ideological Racism inside the American Academy" , pp. 169-202, (2015) and "Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law" (2011). Author of 9 books, Washington's latest opus is a 2-volume collection containing over 300 essays, articles, and Socratic dialogues dedicated to his intellectual mentor and friend, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas – The Progressive Revolution: History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013, 2015) – Volume I – 2007-08 Writings, Volume II – 2009 Writings , Volume III – 2010-11 Writings and Volume IV – 2012-2013 Writings . Visit his Law and History blog, EllisWashingtonReport.com, an essential repository of writings based on a Natural Law political and jurisprudence of the constitutional Framers; dedicated to educating the next generation of young conservative intellectuals and teaching the youth about real history, law, philosophy, politics, while rejecting the existential, militant Marxist propaganda taught in today's public schools, colleges, and universities. Also view his recent Detroit News interview with Reporter Bankole Thompson on the GOP Debate in Detroit, Michigan – March 3rd, 2016. Receive future articles by Ellis Washington: Click here Open letter to CUNY dean Sarah Bartlett Deconstruct all LBJ 501(C)(3) churches! Symposium -- Which boss would you want? Obama and ISIS, O'Reilly and Da Capo Trumphalism Happy Birthday Bach Trump + we the people = peace & victory Nancy Davis Reagan (1921-2016): Reagan's soul Trump fights KKK, Tampon Earrings and hosts 2011 GOP debate? Symposium -- ask big vs. the prayers of slaves
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/ Blog / It’s already here…The Future It’s already here…The Future November 6, 2006 by Sara Hickman | 1 Comment on It’s already here…The Future This is sort of funny , but the scary part about it is that it is probably not too far away. My mom forwarded this link to me. I’m not sure how we can go back…I know when I stop to buy gas, I can’t until I’ve entered my zip code, which really ticks me off. When people at stores ask me for my zip code, I always say, “No, I don’t like to give out any information, thanks.” I recognize that giving a zip code may not seem intrusive because the corporations are only collecting data on which areas shop the most frequently in their stores, but you know what? It is, actually, prepping us to feel comfortable to give out even MORE information in the future. Trust me. So, speak up and say “no”. So…. Listen closely and watch the screen and pointer carefully. You are the person “processing” the call. Click the link and see… turn up the volume. ((( Turn Sound ON ))) Ordering Pizza in the year 2010 http://www.aclu.org/pizza/images/screen.swf Ed Bradley—A Life Well Lived One Comment “It’s already here…The Future” Well, the zip code requirement at the gas station is a security check — the credit card company checks your billing address against the zip code you enter to make sure that someone else hasn’t stolen your card. But when they ask for it at Bed Bath & Beyond or Radio Shack or any other retailer at the check-out, they’re collecting it for marketing research, and I always give them a made-up one. Just for fun. I want them to think that I travelled 2000 miles to shop at their chain store.
New Research Shows Housing Is Affordable For First-Time Buyers Home prices have been on the rise for the last seven years, leading many housing market analysts to conclude that first-time homebuyers are being shut out of the market due to affordability concerns. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports on the percentage of First-Time Home Buyers (FTHB) on a monthly and yearly basis. Their latest report shows that FTHB’s made up 33% of buyers in March, which matches their reported share in 2018. NAR uses survey data from their members to come up with this statistic, so their results do not include every transaction completed. Rather, they only show the transactions reported by members who complete the survey. The other entity that reports on FTHB share is the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). The AEI uses data from mortgage applications that define an FTHB as “any borrower who did not have a mortgage for the preceding three years.” This means the AEI measurement also includes former homeowners who transitioned out of a home they previously owned and re-entered the market after at least 3 years. The latest FTHB share data from AEI shows that first-time buyers made up 57.5% of all mortgages in August 2018. NAR’s data shows a 31% share for the same time period. New research from the New York Federal Reserve shows that these traditional reports on FTHB share have been unable to give an accurate depiction of this group’s involvement in the market. The NY Fed was able to take consumer credit data and identify when a mortgage payment entered a consumer’s credit report to determine when a first-time home purchase was made. Using this data, they were able to show that AEI’s reported FTHB share was consistently 10% higher. The NAR reports were right on par with their findings until 2010, when NAR’s share dropped to the 11% gap seen today. So, what does this all mean? First-time home buyers have not disappeared from the market as many analysts had believed. Buying a home is very much a part of the American Dream for younger generations, just like it had been for their parents and grandparents. This also means that rising prices have not scared buyers away from the market. Many first-time buyers are making sacrifices to save their down payment and make their dream a reality. If you are one of the many renters who is scrolling through listings on your phone every night dreaming of buying your own home, there are opportunities in every market to make that dream a reality! Members: Sign in now to set up your Personalized Posts & start sharing today! Not a Member Yet? Click Here to learn more about KCM’s newest feature, Personalized Posts. The post New Research Shows Housing Is Affordable For First-Time Buyers appeared first on Keeping Current Matters.
ON SUCH A FULL SEA BY CHANG-RAE LEE ”It couldn’t have been just Reg she had gone to search out. She had no real leads as to where he might be, or if he was even alive. So why would any sane person leave our cloister for such uncertainties? He was the impetus, yes, the veritable without which, but not the whole story. One person or thing can never comprise that, no matter how much one is cherished, no matter how much one is loved. A tale, like the universe, they tell us, expands ceaselessly each time you examine it, until there’s finally no telling exactly where it begins, or ends, or where it places you now.” Vincent Van Gogh’s Branches with Almond Blossoms can be found on the wall of almost every B-Mor household. Fan lives in the B-Mor colony formerly known as Baltimore. It is a high walled, safe community made up primarily of people of Chinese descent who were brought over, out of the ruins of their country, to raise fish for the Charter Communities. "It is known where we come from, but no one much cares about things like that anymore." The Charters live in elite villages that ring the labor colonies (repurposed suburbs) of the communities that grow their food. Beyond the walls of these villages lie the Open Counties of which little is known, but much is feared. Fan is a fish tank diver. She cleans the tanks and retrieves the dead. She lives in a house of her extended family. ”...in the thinly partitioned row house back in B-Mor, her uncles and aunties and cousins pitching their nightly calls in a an unmelodious orchestration that heralded her blood” She pairs with Reg, a gangly, tall, young man not particularly good at anything, but such a beautiful soul that everyone adores him. Reg disappears without a word, without a trace. No ones knows where he is. Fan asks questions, but as she moves up the chain of command the answers become more and more nebulous and dismissive. Fan has an inkling, I do believe, because she poisons the fish tanks that were her responsibility before she strikes out in search of her man. This was an act of defiance that had no precedent in the history of the community. She goes into the lawless country and leaves in her wake the beginnings of a revolution. Her odyssey becomes a fixation for her community as any story of her travels is amplified throughout the community, and added to her growing legend. ”Suddenly all the sturdy engineering and constructing, from the originals to now, feels as though it’s been resting upon an insufficient base, the same way a thoroughly elaborate and convincing dream can hinge upon an entirely impossible premise, which, once examined, exposes the rest as a mirage. The pilings are dust, the slab of matrix of silken spiderwebbing, and the very place we reside, our narrow row houses that have stood stalwartly wall-to-wall through a checkered history of caring and neglect, are but cells in a chimera, some bloodless being in whose myth we have believed too deeply and too long.” After a cataclysmic event it would not be difficult to convince people to exchange their personal liberties for a steady supply of food, shelter, and safety. Who wouldn’t take it and actually be grateful for the opportunity? The thing is people in the future are going to be the same as people were in the past and the same as they are in the present. Eventually we are always going to reach a point where we will want more. The Charters do allow the top 1.2% of children from the labor communities to ascend to their villages. They are adopted by Charter families and allowed to become full members of the community. Frankly, it is brilliant, you strengthen your own community and continue to deplete the people from the gene pool of the labor communities that would be most likely to take stock of their life and decide things had to change. (This reminds me of the decades old policy of the United States to steal the very best and brightest from all over the world by dangling citizenship before them, and convincing them that their contributions to society will be better rewarded in the United States. We become stronger and the communities they come from become weaker in the process.) These bright children from B-Mor and from other labor communities are assimilated and made to feel special. Their claws are pared before they can grow into something that could be used to slash. Fan’s brother was one of those bright children who became a Charter member. She realizes that if she has any hope of finding Reg she first has to find her brother. She begins by navigating the lawless Open Counties and almost before her odyssey starts it is nearly ended as she is sideswiped by a speeding vehicle. Now fortunately for her she is hit by possibly the only person in the Open Counties that can heal her wounds. His name is Quig. He is a veterinarian by trade, a disgraced Charter citizen who now makes his living helping the sick and the wounded...for a price. His story, as it it revealed to us, is tragic. ”Fan looked up but in the dimness and rain could just make out the contours of his face under the dark shadow of his baseball cap’s bill. He was bearded and had a wide frame to his jaw, and his nose looked like it had been broken multiple times, and the expression in his eyes was that of someone who has seen the worst of the life and would not be disturbed to see whatever measure more.” He will heal her, feed her, and keep her until he figures out what to do with her. He trades her to Miss Cathy and Mister Leo, a Charter family. Now when is anything what it seems. On the surface their household seems normal, but there are strange things behind the curtain. There are seven girls of various ages living on the top floor of this house. They have all been bartered for from the Open Counties. They have all been raped by Mister Leo. Miss Cathy was raped as a child, and in some sick fashion the girls are all slices of her shattered self suspended in life, regardless of their age, at the point of when her trauma occurred. She is complicit in their molestation. ”Some were grown women, twice as broad as the youngest. But something was different about all of them, and not just that they had grown old. All of their eyes were huge and shaped in the same way, half-moons set on the straight side, like band shells but darkened, their pupils being brown. They were all giggling now, shoulders scrunched, their high pitch cutesy and saccharine. They crowded about Fan, bright of teeth. They smelled laundered and dryer-fresh. And now one of them was gently touching her face, others her hair, the rest clasping her arms, her hands, already vining themselves through her, snatching Fan up.” Fan is stoic, certainly courageous, through all her trials and tribulations. She is petite and quiet, a person easily overlooked. People sense something more in her that is larger than her size, something powerful. Chang-Rae Lee paints a world where on the surface you might think any one of these places is a utopia, but as you dig deeper you discover they are really all dystopias. There are benefits, despite the problems, to all three segments of this universe and I’m still not sure, if I were to find myself in this world, which scenario I would strive to call my home. Fan’s journey gives Lee the means to show us the layers of his creation, a real look at one possible future. This is the first book I’ve read by Lee, but it will most certainly not be my last. He holds a mirror up. It is our responsibility to look into our own eyes. Posted by JEFFREYKEETEN at 8:52 AM No comments: Labels: Jeffrey It's All my Dad's Fault The Manticore I wavered between demoting this to a 3 star (really 3.5) and keeping it at a 4, but I think it deserves a 4 even if it isn’t near my favourite of Davies’ work and is, I think, the weakest of the Deptford trilogy. We were first given an account of the small town of Deptford, and the players who would be the major cast of characters in the series, in Fifth Business under the guiding hand of Dunstan Ramsay. Now we see things from a different angle: David Staunton, the hard drinking criminal lawyer son of Deptford’s golden boy magnate Boyd Staunton, has come to a crisis. His father has just been found dead, possibly murdered, and this is the last straw of the many pressures on his life. After shouting out the query “Who killed Boy Staunton?!” in the theatre (at Magnus Eisengrim’s performance of the Brazen Head no less) he hurriedly bustles himself off to Zurich for psychoanalysis. From here we get his account of not only his own life but the lives of his father and Dunstan Ramsay (amongst others) as they intersected with his. Perhaps it can be viewed as a strength, but in some ways I think Davies’ decision to couch this novel in the form of the psychoanalytical treatment undergone by David was perhaps more of a weakness. I think I prefer when his Jungian obsessions come in through the side door as it were, and this blatant explication of the Jungian method was perhaps a tad on the heavy-handed side. David is also no Dunstan Ramsay. Ramsay was certainly not always sympathetic, but David is downright unpleasant: a drunk with daddy issues whose many decisions in life seem to have all been calculated responses to the perceived slights visited upon him by others (especially his family). I’m being a bit harsh perhaps, but David certainly won’t be winning any personality contests. He is, it must be said, unwaveringly honest (with others and himself) and certainly he grows, as is the point of psychoanalysis, so he is far from an uninteresting character. Thus we are treated to a ring-side seat of David Staunton’s life. We see more of Boy Staunton than was the case in Ramsay’s reminiscences though even here he is more of an overarching shadow cast across David’s life than a fully realized person (indeed the more I think of it, the more Boy Staunton seems to hold a very special place in the Deptford trilogy: he is a central figure to the action who looms large in the lives of all of the other characters, but we never see things from his perspective or get a full picture of him as a real person as opposed to a foil for others). Ramsay is amusingly portrayed as the somewhat eccentric schoolmaster as seen by a child who may also share a deeper relationship with the child than either of them would want to admit. It is often a pleasure of serial works to be able to see the same characters and situations detailed in another work from a different perspective and that pleasure is on full display here. Characters from Deptford, both major and minor, are portrayed either with more or less detail than before, but certainly show other sides of themselves than we had previously been privy to. They in essence become more fully human, not to mention subtly transformed, from their first appearance to us. I must admit that I by far enjoyed the final section of the book the most where we encounter old friends and some resolutions to outstanding questions are provided. This is not to say that David’s memoir of his life, as recounted to his analyst, is without interest, but he is certainly a character who lacks the flair and je ne sais quoi of Dunstan Ramsay. This book is a good read (I haven’t yet come across a dud by Davies) but even though Davies’ books can stand alone quite well I definitely recommend that you start your journey through the streets of Deptford (and Toronto) with Fifth Business. Labels: Canadian, Literary Fiction, Terry
Featured Pictures of Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery
Alabama businesses support launch competition By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 12 at 10:09 am ET In a letter earlier this month to several members of the state’s Congressional delegation, a group of Alabama aerospace suppliers expressed their support for greater competition in the launch industry, without mentioning the company that could benefit the most from such competition. “As Alabama-based suppliers to our country’s leading providers of space launch services, we write to encourage your support of expanding America’s industrial aerospace capacity through competition, technology innovation, and new entrant companies who have chosen us as key suppliers for their innovative products,” stated the August 1 letter on the letterhead of Industrial Manufacturing Specialties of Decatur, Alabama. The letter, signed by executives of five other north Alabama aerospace suppliers, was sent to the office of Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), with copies to the state’s two senators, Richard Shelby (R) and Jeff Sessions (R), and to Reps. Mike Rogers (R-AL) and Robert Aderholt (R-AL). “We especially want to emphasize that commercial space transportation and ‘traditional’ aerospace both contribute significantly to suppliers like us,” the letter continues. “We hope you agree with us that competition and a broader overall set of industry players increase our business, as our products see a wider set of buyers.” The letter does not name any of the “space launch services” companies they work for, although the websites of several mention working for United Launch Alliance (ULA) and the two aerospace companies that co-own the joint venture, Boeing and Lockheed Martin. At least one, Cimarron Composites, mentions several NewSpace companies on its client list, including Blue Origin, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic, alongside more traditional aerospace companies like Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. Alabama, of course, is home to the major production facility for ULA, and SpaceX is the biggest of those “new entrant companies” that pose a challenge to ULA’s current position as the major provider of launch services for large spacecraft to the US government. Several members of the Alabama Congressional delegation have been critical, directly or indirectly, of SpaceX. Last month, Rep. Brooks co-signed a letter with two Colorado House members to NASA admininstrator Charles Bolden, asking for details about what they termed an “epidemic of anomalies” with SpaceX missions. Rep. Rogers had made a similar request of NASA and Air Force officials earlier this year. Sen. Shelby took credit for introducing a provision in report language accompanying a Senate appropriations bill that would require certified cost data for commercial crew companies, like SpaceX, which advocates of that program claim would drive up the cost of the program. A spokesperson representing SpaceX said in an email Monday that the company would not comment on the letter from the Alabama suppliers. The company, as well as ULA, have calmed their rhetorical battles in recent weeks after a judge called on SpaceX and the Air Force to resolve their legal battle over the EELV block buy contract through mediation, and not to comment about that ongoing process in the media. Filed under: Congress, Lobbying | 22 comments SLS manager says program still on track By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 8 at 6:32 pm ET NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) heavy-lift rocket remains on track for a first launch in December 2017 despite warnings in a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) about cost and schedule problems, the program’s manager said Friday. Speaking at the 17th Annual International Mars Society Convention in Houston, SLS program manager Todd May said the program was at or ahead of schedule as it works through a series of critical design reviews (CDRs) for the SLS and its major systems. “We said four years ago we’d be at critical design review on the core [stage] this November. I’m glad to report that we actually completed that last month,” he said, a statement that generated an impromptu round of applause from the couple hundred attendees of the session. The CDR on the booster stages was completed just this week, he said, and the CDR for the full SLS is on track for the spring of 2015. “Things are going pretty well. As far as the critical path, we’ve still got three to five months of slack” on the date the core stage is due to be delivered to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi for testing, he said. “We’re just clicking off milestones.” That rosy assessment stands in contrast to a report issued last month by the GAO that warned of cost and schedule risks to the program. “The SLS program office calculated the risk associated with insufficient funding through 2017 as having a 90 percent likelihood of occurrence,” the report stated, “furthermore, it indicated the insufficient budget could push the planned December 2017 launch date out 6 months and add some $400 million to the overall cost of SLS development.” Asked about the GAO report, May suggested that conclusion was based on information that was now out of date. “They saw some things a couple of years ago. Some of the data is now obsolete,” he said. Specifically, he said the funding SLS received in fiscal year 2014, and what it expects to get in 2015 when the appropriations process is completed, is above the original request. In 2014, the administration requested $1.385 billion for SLS, but received $1.6 billion. In 2015, the administration requested $1.38 billion, but House and Senate version of appropriations bills offer $1.6 and 1.7 billion, respectively, for SLS. That additional funding, May said, has mitigated the risk identified in the GAO report, provided that level of support continues. “If you don’t receive the appropriated levels, you could see challenges,” he said. As for schedule risks, May said Monte Carlo risk models widely used in such analyses aren’t always accurate. “To me, they don’t change a basic program management tenet, which is to hurry every chance you get,” he said. That approach, he said, has worked for planetary exploration missions that have to launch within narrow windows. “They don’t pay attention to those things. They hurry every chance they get. So far, that’s paying off for us.” Filed under: Congress, NASA | 105 comments As Texas celebrates winning SpaceX spaceport, Florida regroups On Monday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry confirmed what had neen widely speculated for weeks, if not months: SpaceX would establish a commercial launch site on the Gulf of Mexico near Brownsville, Texas. The state is providing about $15 million in funds to support spaceport development, although the release notes that construction will involve “$85 million in capital investment,” presumably from SpaceX. The announcement was the culmination of several years of efforts by local and state officials, including Perry, to lure SpaceX to establish the launch site there. The letter noted state officials first talked with SpaceX in the spring of 2011, and Perry had since met with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and “provided letters of support” as SpaceX worked through launch site regulatory efforts with the FAA. “Texas has been on the forefront of our nation’s space exploration efforts for decades, so it is fitting that SpaceX has chosen our state as they expand the frontiers of commercial space flight,” Perry said in the release. The decision is a defeat for Florida, who had hoped to keep SpaceX’s commercial launches by developing a commercial launch site at a site named Shiloh just north of the Kennedy Space Center. An environmental assessment of the site is underway, although many local residents expressed opposition to the site at public hearings early this year. A day after Perry’s announcement, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) tried to put a positive spin on the situation. “I think you’re going to see a lot of commercial activity that is going to be there and on the Kennedy Space Center,” Nelson told Florida Today in an interview in the senator’s Orlando office. “So I think we have a robust future.” Nelson also raised questions about the viability of the Texas site, noting that launches from there will have to pass through a narrow keyhole downrange, between Florida and Cuba, restricting the range of orbits those launches can meet. (Dogleg maneuvers can enable additional orbits, although at a cost in terms of performance.) “How many launches will be financially viable for them to do that from there?” he said. “I think that’s a story still to be told.” Filed under: States | 58 comments Asteroid scientists vent their concerns about ARM By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 3 at 9:46 am ET At first glance, planetary scientists who study asteroids might seem to be obvious supporters of NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) plans. It would, after all, redirect a small near Earth asteroid (NEA) into lunar orbit, where astronauts would visit it and return perhaps many kilograms of samples. In fact, though, many planetary scientists have expressed skepticism, or even outright opposition, to ARM, worried that the mission might turn into a boondoggle that, if cancelled, could hurt other asteroid projects. Those arguments were front in center last week at a meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG), a NASA-chartered advisory group, in Washington. The middle day of the three-day meeting, Wednesday, was devoted to discussion about ARM, with NASA officials and other scientists among those speaking. And it featured some of the strongest criticism yet of the ARM by the scientific community. “I think ARM is a stunt,” said Richard Binzel, a professor of planetary sciences at MIT, in a presentation at the SBAG meeting devoted to criticism of the proposed mission. “A stunt kind of gets handed to you at the top, and there’s nothing underneath to support it.” That’s in contrast, he argued, to the process for selecting science missions, which are supported by rigorous science and compelling questions that only a space mission can answer. Binzel urged scientists to “just say no” to ARM. “I think that ARM is a one-and-done stunt, and if we get behind this in any way, it’s going to irreparably damage small body exploration.” While he was opposed to ARM, Binzel was not opposed to human exploration of NEAs. Instead, he advocated human missions to NEAs in “native” (that is, not redirected) orbits. That means building up capabilities in cislunar space while performing surveys to identify NEA targets that would be not much more difficult to reach for later human missions than an asteroid captured into lunar orbit. Such a mission, he said, “is on the true path to Mars.” Binzel brought up his criticism of ARM at the SBAG meeting because the group may be asked to officially weigh in on the proposed mission. The NASA authorization bill passed by the House in June, HR 4412, includes a provision requiring a “complete assessment” by SBAG “of how the proposed mission is in the strategic interests of the United States in space exploration.” The Senate, which has not been nearly as critical of ARM as the House, has yet to introduce its version of an authorization bill. Other attendees of the meeting also expressed reservations about ARM and the agency’s overall Asteroid Initiative during presentations by NASA officials earlier in the day. “It just seems like this logical disconnect to me,” said SBAG chair Nancy Chabot of the Applied Physics Lab, trying to reconcile NASA’s stated interest in searching for hazardous NEAs with the relatively limited funding it’s allocating for such searches as part of the initiative. “I guess there’s just a lot of us in the community who are confused by the overall strategy of the agency.” Some at the meeting worried that a potential cancellation of ARM by a future administration could adversely affect asteroid science in general. “There are groups of people who believe that ARM is associated with the current White House” and could be cancelled by the next, said Tom Statler of the University of Maryland and Ohio University. “If it so happens that ARM gets pushed aside because it was the product of the previous administration, there is a risk that the rest of asteroid science could be collateral damage simply because, in the minds of most people, ARM equals asteroid stuff.” Others struggled to see the connection between ARM and human exploration of Mars. “What the agency has not articulated is how we’re magically go from cislunar space missions of about a month in duration to anything greater,” said Brent Barbee of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “If this is all you’re going to do in the mid-2020s,” he said of ARM, “then it’s not very credible to talk about humans on Mars in the early to mid 2030s.” “If we were to start this from a clean sheet and do it in a logical manner, I think every one involved with this would do it differently than how it’s being done right now,” acknowledged NASA’s Lindley Johnson. ARM, he said, did allow NASA to double funding for NASA’s Near Earth Object search program, from $20 to $40 million. “We do the best we can with what we’ve got.” The SBAG meeting ended without any formal findings or questions about ARM, although Chabot said those are being developed by the group’s steering committee. Some worried that a lack of consensus could result in findings that could make SBAG appear neutral on the issue, which Chabot, as chair of SBAG, acknowledged as the meeting drew to a close on Thursday. “A lot of people do not feel neutral about this,” she said. The criticism of ARM by SBAG meeting attendees, as well as comments made at a separate meeting of the NASA Advisory Council (NAC) held at the same time, as reported by SpacePolicyOnline.com, caught the attention of the chairman of the House Science Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX). “The NASA Advisory Council warns that NASA ‘runs the risk of squandering precious national resources’ if they move forward with ARM,” Smith said in a statement released by the committee on Friday. “For months, the Obama administration has downplayed such criticism. I appreciate the good work of NASA’s technical advisors and encourage the Obama administration to take their recommendations seriously.” Filed under: Congress, NASA, Other | 151 comments Edwards more optimistic about NASA authorization, less so about other legislation By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 1 at 12:13 pm ET While NASA administrator Charles Bolden expressed skepticism earlier this week that a NASA authorization bill would make it through Congress this year, a leading member of the House Science Committee said in a recent interview she is more optimistic about the bill’s prospects, but less so about two other pieces of space-related legislation. “I feel confident that the Senate is going to move forward on its authorization,” said Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), ranking member of the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee, in an interview after her luncheon speech at the NewSpace 2014 conference in San Jose, California, on July 26. “I do hope that it’s one of those things that can be done by the end of this year.” She said she expected the Senate’s version would, in many respects, “mirror the House authorization,” which would aid the conference needed to reconcile the likely differences between the House and Senate versions. One difference Edwards expected is that the Senate is interested in doing a multi-year authorization, while the House bill only covers the current fiscal year. “The Senate is looking at a multiple-year authorization which, I believe, we would be able to convince our colleagues in the House to support it,” she said. “I’ve long supported a multi-year authorization, so that’s not a problem for me.” She was less optimistic about the prospects for passing an update to the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act, although not because of any provisions in the legislation (yet to be introduced) to do that. “I think we could use another hearing or so, and I’ve expressed that to Mr. [Steven] Palazzo,” she said, referring to the chairman of the space subcommittee. “I just don’t know, frankly, if we have enough days yet to be able to do it. So it’s not because the two of us don’t want it.” As previously noted here, she was skeptical about the chances of the ASTEROIDS Act, the bill introduced by Reps. Bill Posey (R-FL) and Derek Kilmer (D-WA), members of the House Science Committee, in early July that would grant property rights to resources extracted form asteroids. “We haven’t had any hearings on that,” she said. “I just think it’s bad policy to move policy forward when you haven’t done the investigation work it takes to do that. I’ve shared that with both Mr. Posey and Mr. Kilmer.” On the issue of relations with Russia and their effect on space cooperation, Edwards said previous concerns had eased. “What I’ve learned since then is that there’s been actually quite a separation between going on at a political level versus what’s going on on a day-to-day basis in terms of our space operations and I think that’s a good thing,” she said. “I do feel more more confident, frankly, than I did a couple of months ago that the political devolution has not turned into a space devolution.” She added, though, that she didn’t necessarily object to investing in development of an RD-180 replacement. “I haven’t come to a conclusion about that. I never think it’s particularly harmful for the United States to make certain that it has the independence of its own operations and capacity.” She also expressed interest in enhancing cooperation with China in space, while recognizing there are obstacles to doing so. “China is less of a partner, and I think that needs to change,” she said. “It would be better to have them in fold in our civil development than not.” “There are some issues with the Chinese that we have to get resolved, like the theft of intellectual property” before such cooperation would be possible. And when could that happen? “Not this Congress.” Filed under: Congress, NASA | 78 comments Bolden skeptical about prospects for NASA authorization bill this year By Jeff Foust on 2014 July 30 at 10:29 pm ET NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said Wednesday he is not optimistic that Congress will pass a NASA authorization bill this year, and expects to start the 2015 fiscal year on a continuing resolution (CR). Bolden, speaking at a meeting of the NASA Advisory Council (NAC) at the Langley Research Center in Virginia, said he was more optimistic about the prospects of an authorization bill last month, when the House passed its version of the legislation on a 401-2 vote. “That was not lost on me,” he said of the margin of passage. “My naïveté caused me to believe that, boy, things are going to change.” However, the Senate has yet to take up the House bill or even introduce its own version. “They have talked off and on about an authorization bill, but we don’t see any serious movement there right now,” he said, adding that Congress was about to go on its summer recess and not return until early September. “I am not optimistic that we will get an authorization bill until 2015.” On the appropriations side, Bolden said that that the increase in funding offered in the House bill over the administration’s request “was a very pleasant surprise for all of us.” He added that he was “disappointed” the bill didn’t fully fund commercial crew, offering $785 million versus the requested $848 million, “but we’ll take it.” He added he was also concerned about cuts in the bill in the request for Space Technology. The Senate’s version of the appropriations bill provides similar funding levels, but has stalled out on the Senate floor because of unrelated issues. “There’s a strong possibility that the federal government could be funded through a continuing resolution for a period of time during fiscal year 2015,” he said. (Reports suggest that a CR would fund the government at least past the November elections.) That’s a setback after the progress made though last month indicated a chance the appropriations would become law before the fiscal year begins on October 1. “Once again, we’ve snatched defeat from the jaws of victory,” Bolden said. “Everybody was really excited and looking forward to a really healthy budget.” Bolden also offered a bit of news about the ongoing review of proposals submitted to the next round of the commercial crew program, Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap). “Our progress on commercial crew source selection deliberations has been evidently better than we anticipated,” he said. He said that those awards would come “much sooner than later this year,” but was not more specific. NASA officials have generally said over the last few months that the CCtCap contract or contracts would be announced in August or September. Panel sees ASTEROIDS Act as step in right direction for space property rights By Jeff Foust on 2014 July 29 at 6:10 am ET A bill introduced in the House earlier this month that establishes property rights for resources taken from asteroids is not perfect, but a step in the right direction towards a broader resolution of property rights in outer space, a conference panel argued last week. The American Space Technology for Exploring Resource Opportunities in Deep Space (ASTEROIDS) Act of 2014, introduced in the House earlier this month by Reps. Bill Posey (R-FL) and Derek Kilmer (D-WA), would establish that resources obtained from asteroids are the property of the company or other entity that extracted them. It would also provide “freedom from harmful interference” for those entities subject to US law engaged in asteroid mining. “They designed it not to cause too many explosions or conflicts or problems,” said Jim Muncy, a co-founder of the Space Frontier Foundation, during a panel session on space property rights at the organization’s NewSpace 2014 conference Friday in San Jose, California. The bill was crafted, he said, to ensure it remained in the jurisdiction of the House Science Committee. He added that the bill’s sponsors also discussed the bill with State Department officials “to find out whether or not it would be a big problem for current US international obligations and policy.” That’s one reason, he said, that the bill only covers asteroids and not the Moon or other solar system bodies. The idea of establishing property rights for extracted resources is not considered particularly controversial. Panelists noted that samples returned from the Moon by the Apollo missions, and Soviet Luna robotic missions, are considered the property of those nations. “We know that from the precedent of the Moon rocks,” said Berin Szoka, president of think tank TechFreedom, noting that some of those samples have been gifted and then resold. “There are some space lawyers who will quibble and will claim that that doesn’t mean those can actually owned in a way that they can be on Earth, but I don’t think that’s a correct view.” The legislation isn’t perfect, though. Szoka called the introduced bill “the first draft of what I hope will ultimately get passed.” One flaw: “the one very obvious definition that’s missing is the definition of ‘asteroid.’ And by not defining that, it leaves that ambiguous.” There’s also the question of what it means to extract resources. Sagi Kfir, corporate counsel for asteroid mining company Deep Space Industries, suggested that it might be possible to claim entire asteroids. “Asteroid are movable; they are not land property,” he said. “Asteroids, in and of themselves, are personal property” in much the same way as resources extracted, or moved, from them. “I agree that asteroids are movable, and that asteroids are, in that sense, essentially in practice no different from a rock that you might remove from the surface, and we should essentially treat them the same way,” said Szoka. Another issue is with the non-interference language in the bill: what does it mean to harmfully interfere with another entity’s operations on an asteroid? Kfir notes the bill’s language refers to the “exploration and use” of asteroid resources, which he suggested could allow someone to claim priority to an asteroid by simply observing it with a telescope, thus “exploring” it. “There are some gaping holes to a very thin legislation,” he said. “But it’s critical that’s fleshed out in terms of what’s ‘first in time’ and what’s the zone of this non-interference.” The near-term prospects of resolving those issues with the bill and advancing it are unclear. Earlier this month, Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS), chairman of the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee, said his subcommittee was reviewing the bill, but didn’t immediately commit to holding a hearing on or marking up the bill. “We have a limited amount of legislative days this year,” he noted. (Congress goes on recess at the end of this week and does not return until after Labor Day.) The subcommittee’s ranking member, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), said at the conference she wants hearings about the bill before she would support move forward on the bill. “I’m always opposed to us moving forward on legislation without doing any hearings, any kind of fact-finding,” she said in an interview after her luncheon speech at the conference Saturday. She said she had not heard from NASA or from companies affected by the bill yet. “I just think it’s bad policy to move policy forward when you haven’t done the investigative work that it takes to do that.” Filed under: Congress, Other | 82 comments Court presses SpaceX and Air Force to resolve case in mediation By Jeff Foust on 2014 July 26 at 11:06 am ET In a pair of orders issued Thursday, a federal court judge pushed SpaceX and the US Air Force to resolve the ongoing lawsuit over the EELV block buy contract through mediation rather than in the courtroom. In the first order, Judge Susan Braden directed the Air Force and SpaceX to take the first steps towards mediation. By August 8, The Air Force must provide to SpaceX a list of missions it plans to perform using the vehicles acquired in the block buy contract “together with sufficient technical information to allow Plaintiff to determine whether and when it can perform those missions.” SpaceX, by September 10, will submit a list of issues that it will seek to resolve through mediation as well as other issues involved with mediation, including a proposed mediator and schedule for the mediation process. The Air Force must respond by October 14. “To facilitate the good faith efforts of the Government and Plaintiff to undertake these initial steps in a mediation process, all parties are ordered to decline to comment in the press about the substance or assignments set forth herein,” the order states. In a second order, largely dealing with the “administrative record” of the case, Judge Braden threw out a motion by United Launch Alliance (ULA), the “defendent-intervenor” in the case, to dismiss the SpaceX suit. That decision, though, was not based on the merits of ULA’s arguments in its motion, but because the court concluded ULA had no standing to request a dismissal. “The Defendant-Intervenor has no basis to challenge Plaintiff’s standing in this case, as all relevant evidence is within the custody and control of the Plaintiff and/or Government.” The decision was considered a victory for SpaceX in many media reports, although it may be more accurate to consider it not a defeat. The court has not thrown out the SpaceX suit, although it hasn’t ruled on the Air Force’s motion to dismiss. (The fact that Judge Braden is setting up a mediation process suggests she will not rule on that motion while mediation is ongoing.) SpaceX has hinted in the past that it would be open to some kind of settlement in its suit, but has been vague on what it would accept. Filed under: Other, Pentagon | 55 comments GAO report warns of cost and schedule risks to SLS In contrast to NASA and industry claims that work on the Space Launch System (SLS) is on track, a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released Wednesday warned that tight schedules and budgets could delay the first launch of that heavy-lift rocket. The report, requested by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), warned that the flat budget profile for development of SLS may be insufficient to keep the program on track for a first launch in December 2017. “The SLS program office calculated the risk associated with insufficient funding through 2017 as having a 90 percent likelihood of occurrence,” the report stated. “[F]urthermore, it indicated the insufficient budget could push the planned December 2017 launch date out 6 months and add some $400 million to the overall cost of SLS development.” The development of the core stage, which is driving the overall SLS schedule, is compressed and much of its schedule reserve may already be spoken for, the GAO report found. “The SLS program is tracking threats to the core stage schedule that could take up as much as 70 percent of the 7 months of reserve,” it stated. “While these challenges are not overly complex from a technical viewpoint, resolving such threats to the schedule is critical because the element is in early development phases and still has several significant milestones and developmental activities ahead.” That assessment contrasts with what NASA and industry have said about the status of SLS work, painting at time a rosy picture of progress on development of the rocket. In a discussion in May at the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Ginger Barnes, vice president and program manager for SLS at Boeing, said the company was heading into the critical design review for the SLS core stage five months ahead of schedule. The GAO report also addressed some other issues with the SLS, including the fact that its long-term missions, beyond the EM-2 mission in 2021 that will be the first to carry a crew, remain unclear. That uncertainty affects plans to develop upgrades to the SLS to incerase its payload capacity to 105 and eventually 130 metric tons. The GAO was also critical of plans not to compete a higher-performance upper stage for SLS, saying NASA’s rationale that Boeing won a competitive Constellation contract in 2007 didn’t reflect changes in the industry since then, including work by SpaceX and Orbital Sciences. The GAO report cautioned that if the SLS suffered cost and schedule overruns, other NASA programs could be at risk if NASA decided to pay for SLS by taking money from them. “Although cost and schedule growth can occur on any project, increases associated with NASA’s most costly and complex missions— such as SLS, which makes up about 9 percent of NASA’s annual budget—can have dramatic effects on the availability of funding for NASA’s portfolio of major projects.” NASA, in a response, suggested it would not seek additional funding or delay SLS in order to meet the desired 70-percent confidence level in the program’s cost and schedule estimates. “[D]elaying the SLS development schedule or diverting funding from other priorities to satisfy a schedule confidence level could jeopardize these goals and result in an increase in costs to the taxpayer,” Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for human exploration and operations, wrote in a response to the GAO included in the report. “Plans are in place to adjust schedule and minimize costs within the agency commitment if either funding levels decrease or technical problems arise.” Filed under: NASA | 160 comments White House and Congress mark the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11 On Tuesday, the White House hosted a private event with the two surviving members of the Apollo 11 crew, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, along with Neil Armstrong’s widow, Carol, and NASA administrator Charles Bolden. The White House has traditionally hosted the Apollo 11 crew on five-year anniversaries like this; previously, President Obama met with the crew on the 40th anniversary in 2009. Few details about the meeting itself were disclosed. In a blog post, the White House discussed the Apollo 11 mission as well as NASA’s future plans, ranging from commercial crew to the Space Launch System and long-term plans to send humans to Mars. In a separate statement, President Obama said he used the meeting with the Apollo 11 crew “to thank them for serving as advocates, role models, and educators who’ve inspired generations of Americans – myself included – to dream bigger and reach higher.” The meeting was not without some controversy, though. At a press briefing later Tuesday, reporters complained that the president’s meeting with the Apollo 11 crew was private, with no media allowed to observe. CBS’s Major Garrett told press secretary Josh Earnest that he planned “to lodge a formal complaint about the Apollo 11 event” on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association because of that lack of access. Other reporters at the press conference used the anniversary to quiz Earnest about US-Russian relations in space, including comments by former NASA administrator Mike Griffin that the US is in a “hostage situation” with the Russians since they control crew access to the International Space Station. Earnest said little about that, other than the Us continues to cooperate with Russia in space and other arenas despite the Ukraine crisis. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), chairman of the House Science Committee, penned an op-ed about space exploration for The Hill earlier this week. “There are also those who ridicule space exploration. Waste of time. Little green men. Not a priority,” he writes. “We should not let them discourage us.” Smith did get some criticism of the administration’s space policy into the piece, rueing the cancellation of the Constellation program and complaining about “costly distractions” to the space program, including what he perceived to be an overemphasis on Earth science at NASA. “The Obama administration continues to advocate increasing climate change funding at NASA at the expense of other priorities such as space exploration. There are 18 federal agencies that fund climate change research, but only one does space exploration.” Smith’s Democratic counterpart, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), also issued a statement about the 45th anniversary with Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), ranking member of the space subcommittee. “NASA is critical to our nation and its economic strength, and there is no more fitting way to honor Apollo 11 than to resume our commitment to human exploration of deep space that we proved possible 45 years ago,” Edwards said in the statement. “Our bipartisan NASA Authorization Act of 2014 gets us started, and I look forward to continuing the mission.” “Such an endeavor [of human space exploration] will inspire our young people, spur technological innovation, and strengthen our geopolitical standing,” said Johnson. “I urge my colleagues in Congress and in the Administration to make that program a reality.” Filed under: Congress, NASA, White House | 30 comments 8mm Film to DVD Cold Stone Franchise
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Daily Bible Readings: Monday, January 30, 2023 O God, you know that we cannot withstand the dangers that surround us. Strengthen us in body and spirit so that, with your help, we may be able to overcome the weakness that our sin has brought upon us; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. READINGS: Isaiah 51:17-23; Galatians 4:1-11; Mark 7:24-37 that you have gracious kept me this day. Daily Bible Readings: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 Sermon: January 29, 2023 (Epiphany 4) The Holy Communion on the Fourth Sunday after the ... Daily Bible Readings: Sunday, January 29, 2023 Daily Bible Readings: Saturday, January 28, 2023 Daily Bible Readings: Friday, January 27, 2023 Daily Bible Readings: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Evening Prayer: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Daily Bible Readings: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Sermon January 22, 2023 (Epiphany 3 Year A) The Holy Communion on the Third Sunday after the E... Evening Prayer: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 7 p.m. Sermon: The Second Sunday of the Epiphany, January... Daily Bible Readings: Monday, January 16 The Holy Communion on the Second Sunday after the ... Daily Bible Readings - January 10, 2023 Daily Bible Readings - Monday, January 9, 2023 The Holy Communion on the First Sunday after the E... Daily Bible Readings - Sunday, January 8, 2023 Daily Bible Readings - January 7, 2023 Evening Prayer, January 4, 2023, 7 p.m. Daily Bible Readings: January 3, 2023 The Holy Communion on the Feast of the Name of Jes...
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+ 91-9810957163 About Trade Marks Some Other Marks Registration Companies Registration Attorneys Registration Agencies TM Registration Trademark Consultant Service Marks Under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 service marks were not registerable. The 1999 Act, however, makes the service marks also registerable. Section 2(z) of the Trade Mark Act, 1999 defines “service” as under: “ Service” means service of any description which is made available to potential users and includes the provision of services in connection with business of any industrial or commercial matters such as banking, communication, education, financing, insurance, chit funds, real estate, transport, storage, material treatment, processing, supplying of electrical or other energy, boarding, lodging, entertainment, amusement, construction, repair, conveying of news or information and advertising. (Illustration- Logos of PNB, SBI, IDBI, ICICI, AIRTEL, LIC, DLF, etc.) How to Register Trademark in Delhi If you wish to know how to register trademark in Delhi, you should start by finding the best trademark registration consultant. Be ready to invest some amount of time, and energy into the process of finding a consultant. But remember, when you do find a consultant, you will indeed be able to focus on other aspects of your business with relative ease. A consultant will give you all the information you need and will also help you with the process from start to finish. This is indeed the best way to go, and then you can be assured that you will not waste any time. Meaning of Trademark in India If you wish to figure of the meaning of Trademark in India and soon wish to go ahead with the registration as well, you should start by getting in touch with the best consultant there is. You can indeed find a host of good consultants who will not only help you with the meaning of trademark in India, but will also help you with the entire process. When you do get the best consultation services, you will see that there was nothing that you had to worry about, it will be a breeze once you have the right direction for your success. Collective Marks “Collective Mark” is defined in the 1999 Act as a trade mark distinguishing the goods or services of members of an association of persons which is the proprietor of the mark from those of others. The association of persons, however, does not includes partnership within the meaning of Indian Partnership Act, 1932. Section 2 of the 1999 Act lays down that any reference to “Trade Mark” shall include reference to “Collective Mark” or “Certification Trade Mark”. Collective mark not to be misleading as to character of significance Section 62 of the Act prohibits the registration of collective mark, if it is likely to deceive or cause confusion on the part of public in particular if it is likely to be taken to be something other than a collective mark, and in such case the Registrar may require that a mark in respect of which application is made for registration comprises some indication that it is a collective mark. Well-known trade mark The term ‘well-known trade mark’ is defined under section 2(zg) as follows: “Well-known trade mark”, in relation to any goods or services means a mark which has become so as to the substantial segment of the public which uses such goods or receives such services that the use of such mark in relation to other goods or services would be likely to be taken as indicating a connection in the course of trade or rendering of services between those goods or services and a person using the mark in relation to the first mentioned goods or services. (Illustration – Airtel, Reliance, Britannia, Parle, Liberty, Raymond, Colgate, Bata etc.) For determining whether a mark is a well-known mark, the Registrar may take into account any fact which he considers relevant for the said purpose. He is also mandated to consider: knowledge or recognition of that trade mark in the relevant section of the public including knowledge in India obtained as a result of promotion of the trade mark; the duration, extent and geographical area of any use of that trade mark; the duration, extent and geographical area of any promotion of the trade mark; including advertising or publicity and presentation, at fairs or exhibition of the goods or services to which the trade mark applies; The duration and geographical area of any registration of or any application for registration of that trade mark under the Act to the extent they reflect the use or recognition of the trade mark; The record of successful enforcement of the rights in the trade mark. The extent to which trade mark has been recognized as a well known trade mark by any court or registrar; If a mark is determined as well-known , by even one section of the public in India, by any court or registrar, it should be considered as well-known trade registration. For considering whether a mark is a well-known mark, the Registrar is mandated not to require the following aspects as necessary conditions: Mark has been used in India; That the trade mark has been registered; That the application for registration of the trade mark has been filed in India; That the trade mark– is well-known in; or has been registered in; or in respect of which an application for registration has been filed in, any Jurisdiction other than India; or that it is well-known to the public at large in India; The principles for deciding the question of similarity of two marks The marks are remembered by general impressions of some of significant detail rather than by a photographic recollection of the whole. Overall similarity is the touch stone. Mark must be looked at from the first impression of a person of average intelligence and imperfect recollection. Overall structure, phonetic similarity and similarity of idea are important and both visual and phonetic tests must be applied. The marks must be compared as a whole, microscopic examination being impermissible. Further, the nature of commodity, the class of purchaser, the mode of purchase and other surrounding circumstances must also be taken into consideration. Factors to be considered for deciding deceptive similarity For deciding the question of deceptive similarity, the following factors are to be considered: The nature of mark i.e., whether the marks are word marks or label marks or composite marks i.e., both word and label marks. The degree of resembleness between the marks, whether they are phonetically, visually or structurally similar and hence similar in idea. The nature of goods in respect of which they are used as trade marks. The similarity in the nature, character and performance of the goods of the rival traders. The class of purchaser who are likely to buy the goods bearing the marks. The mode of purchasing the goods or placing order of the goods. Any other surrounding circumstances. It is also settled that weightage to be given to each of the aforesaid factors depends upon facts of each case and the same weightage cannot be given to each factor in every case. Criteria for determining the deceptivity The Act does not lay down any criteria for determining what is likely to deceive or cause confusion within meaning of the provisions therein. Therefore, every case must depend upon its own particular fact, and the value of authorities lies not so much in the actual decision as in the tests applied for determining what is likely to deceive or cause confusion. On an application to register, the Registrar or an opponent may object that the trade mark is not registerable by reason of provisions embodied in Act. In such a case, the onus is on the applicant to satisfy the Registrar that the trade mark applied for is not likely to deceive or cause confusion. In cases when it is considered that there is doubt as to whether deception is likely, the application should be refused. A trade mark is likely to deceive or cause confusion by its resemblance to another already on the register if it is likely to do so in the course of its legitimate use in a market. “ Service” means service of any description which is... The application for registration of trade mark for various... We have been providing Intellectual Property Rights services across the country. Brooks TM Consultants Pvt. Ltd. S-2, St. Soldier Tower, G-Block, Commercial Complex, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018 + 91 11 45527239, 28544939 [email protected] Copyright © 2012 Trade Mark All rights reserved.
Evangelism/Missions True Light's concept of discipleship is to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, teach them how to live their lives consistent with the Word of God, and prompt them to action in the community to form a continuous circle of ministry. Thus, believers practice their discipleship by rehabbing homes for the needy, participating in food and clothing drives for the homeless and less fortunate, and by providing tutoring programs, employment services, as well as various types of counseling to the community-at-large. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives,and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty all them that are bruised..." Luke 4:18 We seek to cross all cultural, traditional, language, socioeconomic, and geographical boundaries to take the gospel of salvation and deliverance to the lost, the suffering, and the dying, that they may come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Savior. True Light Fellowship Missionary Outreach Efforts The True Light Fellowship church vision statement is “Reaching to Rescue and Teaching to Transform” We have done this in many ways through the preaching of the word of God and through our missions ministry outreach efforts. In our earlier days of ministry True Light held missionary boot camp training where seasoned missionaries would train incoming missionaries with a call and desire to “go ye therefore” to the world and teach as they have been taught. We would simulate field like experiences that would take us out of our normal life pleasantries and routine experiences. You were encouraged to open your mind, to open your heart; you were encouraged to be bold for the Lord and to be flexible because it is not all about you. Over the years there were many missionary trips to Jamaica teaching and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2007 we joined with members from various churches and traveled to Burkina Fasso West Africa to join in a global worship experience that was awesome! In 2008 True Light members and church elders traveled to Lagos Nigeria West Africa where the gospel of Jesus Christ was taught to many. Our church was very instrumental in the building and completion of the True Light Fellowship Academy which still stands today and there have been many youth that have graduated to this day. Great things happen when we work together as a unified body for the building up of the Kingdom of God. Today we are still keeping the vision statement strong for the Glory of God. True Light is one of many churches that feeds the homeless monthly through the Chosen 300 organization. We go into the Philadelphia Prisons CFCF for Men and The Riverside Women's facility preaching to gospel. The True Light Missions Ministry visits the sick and shut in, we visit nursing homes. We go to the streets of Philadelphia witnessing, singing praises to God and preaching the gospel. We go into the Eliza Shirley Shelter for women men and children. We collect toys and clothing for the Family Manor Shelter for Women and Children. We have toy drives at Christmas holiday so that no child is without and we have sent barrels of food to Bamboo Ridge Jamaica and support Benin West Africa. All through the pandemic we held food giveaways freely giving fresh fruit and vegetables to the community and church members. Today we continue with our food giveaways and all of our outreach efforts serving and reaching to rescue those who are in need of help from the troubles of this world. As in the book of Nehemiah 4:6 “The people had a mind to work” In various translations this reads; the people had a desire, the people were enthusiastic, the people were committed, the people were determined. We are the people who are committed, determined and have a desire to serve and preach the word of God to the down trodden and to those with a broken heart, to set the captives free.
YOUR KEY TO THE CITY US Facts Footsteps of History It Happened Here Mottos, Slogans and Nicknames Noted Notables Home SEARCH THE INTERNET Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For Lodge Grass Big Horn County, Montana Page Contents for Lodge Grass, Montana The Montana state capital is Helena. The population of Lodge Grass is approximately 517 (1990), 428 (2010). The approximate number of families is 176 (1990), 114 (2010). The amount of land area in Lodge Grass is 0.618 sq. kilometers. The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers. The distance from Lodge Grass to Washington DC is 1664 miles. The distance to the Montana state capital is 244 miles. (as the crow flies) Lodge Grass is positioned 45.31 degrees north of the equator and 107.36 degrees west of the prime meridian. Contribute information for this community or any other community on the Key To TheCity website Be sure to include the name of the community and its state when contacting Key to the City as you are NOT directly contacting this community. Thanks for visiting Key to the City. Come back again! Soon! The information on Key to the City is from multiple sources including government, commerce, libraries, individuals and organizations. There is no guarantee of the accuracy or timeliness of the information presented on these pages, therefore, please use at your own risk. Search Key to the City or Search anywhere on the Web
Children’s Hospital Gets Robot To Help Patients Virtually Attend Events PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Cris Colaluca, a high school junior from New Castle, has donated a robot named VGo to Children’s Hospital – with the help of Make-a-Wish of Western Pennsylvania. “We are here to celebrate Cris’ generosity of spirit, and to tell him we are here to make his wish come true,” announced Judith Stone, president of the local chapter. The teenager, who has a rare seizure disorder, wants others to share his ability to attend school and other events when they can’t physically make it themselves. He was a seventh grader at Mohawk Jr. High when we visited him in his home town a couple years back. He communicated from home, through the robot at school. Having been a patient at Children’s Hospital, Cris says his choice of a wish was easy. “I thought VGo, children. I think it’s a match.” Read the full article and watch the VIDEO here.
• LA FIERE • CAUQUIGNY • CHEF-DU-PONT • TIMMES ORCHARD • GRAIGNES • ARDENNES • WESEL • Welcome to the official online home of the World War 2 Guys! The boys of 2nd Platoon, Company H, 507th PIR are a civilian group of World War II living historians and reenactors based out of the Omaha, Nebraska area. We are a member unit of the WWII Historical Reenactment Society, the largest WWII reenactment organization in the United States. Our primary mission is to honor all of the brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who fought and died for our nation during World War II. We accomplish this mission by accurately and respectfully representing these men at various events throughout the year. We specifically portray the men of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment because of their very unique history within our home state of Nebraska. The 507th was stationed at Alliance Air Base in western Nebraska from March through November 1943 before heading overseas to take part in the D-Day invasion. The regiment went on to fight in the Battle of the Bulge and jumped on Germany as part of Operation Varsity. The men of Company H at the Heartland Airborne Memorial, July 4, 2016. Drop Zone T near Amfreville, France, the designated drop zone of the 507th on D-Day. Our unit is made up of members with an avid interest in military history and a unique desire to feel what it might have been like to live the life of a soldier during World War II. We do this by taking part in tactical battle reenactments and immersive field training exercises throughout the year. The members of our group also excel at teaching others through well-researched, interactive displays and through sharing veterans' accounts and experiences. ​ As we lose more and more World War II veterans with each passing day, our purpose is strengthened to keep alive the traditions and stories of these brave men and to preserve their history for generations to come. ​Please enjoy exploring our website and we encourage you to drop us some V-Mail through our Contact page. If you are interested in joining our group, please see our Recruiting page and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. We'll see you in the field! A group of Company F enlisted men in the barracks area at Alliance Army Air Field in 1943. Site last updated March 12, 2023
Computers » Parallel Computing » Conferences 1999 (11) 2000 (13) 2001 (20) Web Pages 1 - 10 of 11 1 - http://www.ipdps.org/ International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. Conference information for 2003 (Nice, France) and archives of past conference proceedings. http://www.ipdps.org/ 2 - HiPC Conference Home Page International Conference on High Performance Computing. Links to previous conference information and proceedings. http://www.hipc.org/ 3 - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Links to conference homepage for each year for the Task Force on Cluster Computing conference series. http://www.clustercomp.org/ 4 - Supercomputing Conference series The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. Conference information and links to previous years' pages. http://supercomputing.org 5 - PPAM - International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics Annual conference sponsored by the Technical University of Czestochowa, in Poland. http://ppam.pcz.czest.pl/ 6 - Euro-Par Conference Series Annual series of international conferences dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel computing. Links to past and present conference information. http://www.euro-par.org/ 7 - http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/ International meeting on high performance computing for computational science. Meets every other year. http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/ 8 - http://www.cs.unh.edu/~charpov/FMPPTA/ Formal Methods for Parallel Programming: Theory and Applications. Held annually in conjunction with IPDPS. Details of past and future meetings. http://www.cs.unh.edu/~charpov/FMPPTA/ 9 - http://www.hpcc-usa.org/ High Performance Computing and Communications Council. Information about present and past conferences. http://www.hpcc-usa.org/ 10 - PaCT Series Conferences Parallel Computing Technologies. Links to individual conference pages for this series of biennial Russian conferences. http://ssd.sscc.ru/conferences.htm Add URL | My Listings | My Account | New Membership | Contact
By wjjy | April 16, 2021 You win, or you die: ‘Game of Thrones’ turns 10 Game of Thrones is now a decade old. The fantasy epic, perhaps the definitive YV show of the 2010s, first premiered on HBO April 17, 2011, 10 years ago this Saturday. Based on the A Song of Ice and Fire book series written by George R.R. Martin, GoT told the story of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, which are ruled by whomever sits upon the coveted Iron Throne. A world of dragons, ice zombies and seemingly endless war served as a backdrop to an increasingly complicated familial and political drama that would rival any soap opera. Fans quickly became attached to characters such as Emilia Clarke‘s Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, Kit Harrington‘s noble bastard, Jon Snow, and Peter Dinklage‘s hard-drinking, smooth-talking Tyrion Lannister. That love was matched by utter hatred for characters including Lena Headey‘s conniving Cersei Lannister and her sadistic son, Jack Gleeson‘s Joffrey Baratheon. GoT launched the careers of actors including Clarke and Harrington, as well as Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams, Jason Momoa, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Gwendoline Christie and Pedro Pascal, among many others. As its popularity grew, GoT exploded into a social media phenomenon, with Twitter becoming a spoiler landmine on Sunday nights, especially when yet another beloved character would suddenly be killed off. GoT was not without controversy. It was criticized for its excessive gore, which ranged from beheading to eye-gouging, as well as its use of nudity and its depiction of sexual violence. The term “sexposition” was even coined to describe the show’s frequent habit of delivering heavy backstory with naked women onscreen. Still, GoT was critically adored, and won the most Emmys of any drama in TV history. Controversially, the TV series ultimately moved beyond the story in Martin’s books, culminating in the show’s much-maligned eighth and final season in 2019. Many fans felt it didn’t deliver a satisfying conclusion, despite show producers’ claims that the action had Martin’s blessing. But while Game of Thrones may be over, its watch hasn’t ended quite yet. Multiple spin-off series are in the works at HBO, as is a GoT-inspired Broadway play.
Exhibition & Residency: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 18th Street Arts Center is pleased to recognize Bill Kelley, Jr. as its first Curator in Residence. This new annual award for a California curator is a yearlong residency designed to support curatorial research and to promote the development of critical discourse in the field of contemporary art. Through this initiative, 18th Street Arts Center rewards innovative curators with time, space, and a $10,000 prize to investigate and develop ideas within a thematic framework fundamental to his or her practice. Kelley is an independent curator, theorist and educator based in Los Angeles. His current research focuses on collaborative and collective art practices in the Americas. At 18th Street Arts Center, his residency will focus on Social Practice, a general term that is currently being widely used to define an amalgamation of trans-disciplinary art practices that have direct community involvement and social activism at its core, with an emphasis on investigating artists’ methodologies for public engagement. More specifically, Kelley will investigate pressing issues within Social Practices, with a focus on Los Angeles as a point of entry while considering this genre within the context of its own history and global legacy. Through a series of on-site public programs and writings to be featured in 18th Street Arts Center’s annual catalog, Kelley will look to reconcile the many sites of cultural work and pedagogy this kind of practice occupies within today’s art world while also considering its relationship to the history of art and theory, ranging from Feminist methodologies to Latin American Liberation Theology. Making connections across history and geography, discussions will center around the positioning of these kinds of practices in varying art and public contexts and the development of language and structure to support artists exploring this kind of critical trans-disciplinary political art. Most recently, Kelley was co-curator of the 2011 Encuentro Internacional de Medellín (MDE11: Museo de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia 2011-12). In 2009 he organized the collective research project Proyecto Cívico: Diálogos e Interrogantes for the Centro Cultural Tijuana, Mexico. Other recent projects include the exhibition ¿Por qué no te callas? Arte, activismo y medios de comunicación, Arte Actual, FLACSO, Quito (2008) together with a public month-long workshop named Laboratorio de Arte y Espacio Social (LAES), sponsored by the Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador. He is the former Director and current Editorial Adviser of the online bilingual journal LatinArt.com and teaches at Otis College’s Graduate Public Practice program. Additionally, Kelley is currently completing his Ph.D. in Contemporary Art, Theory and Criticism at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) and is co-editing an anthology of public and dialogical art practices in the Americas with Grant Kester. He graduated with a Master’s in 19th Century Colonial Art Studies from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (UNM) in 2001. previous post: Michelle Dizon June 18 – September 7, 2012 next post: Virginia Avenue Project: After-school and mentoring program
HBKsaar Partners August 6, 2018 September 6, 2018 Artists, LIGHT AND SPACE, US-American July 25, 2018 June 20, 2020
Latent City / Open City Festival Lublin, August—October 2020 Originally, the “Latent city” exhibition was to become the reverse of the “Open city” festival. The events were supposed to correlate, to enter into a dispute, add to, complement and comment on each other. The “Open city” exhibition was primarily designed to focus on the very centre of community life, to step forward into the […]
Participation opportunities Dr. Anna S. Lau Dr. Anna S. Lau, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research addresses a range of topics related to three broad themes: mental health disparities and services research, the dissemination and implementation of evidence based treatments for ethnic minority youth and families, and translational research that informs intervention development for ethnic minority youth and families. Her current projects include a study of the implementation of evidence-based treatments for youth within a large-scale reform of children’s mental health services in Los Angeles county and a study of school-based preventive interventions for culturally diverse adolescents at-risk for depression. She is a co-PI of the 4KEEPS study. Dr. Lauren Brookman-Frazee
Published October 12, 2022 at 1000 × 667 in 232a0734.
historic ny hotel Look! Delicious Life-Sized Gingerbread House at Historic New York Hotel Adam Savage, Director of Culinary for Spruce Hospitality, took the lead on designing the gingerbread house. He and his team have worked for months to plan and prepare for the display. Adam said, "The house is made of over 987 lbs of homemade gingerbread, 223 lbs of icing, and 152 lbs of assorted candy. The actual production and building of the display took well over 200 hours.” The candy for the display was sourced by The Candy Space, located in the French Mountain Common Outlets and a sister company of The Queensbury. The Queensbury Hotel also partnered with the Upstate Modern Railroaders of South Glens Falls, who provided train sets for the display. The Queensbury Hotel is located in the heart of downtown Glens Falls It was built in 1926, it is a Historic Hotel of America and is on the National Registry of Historic Places.
Townsquare Media, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). The Company provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religious creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, status, pregnancy, childbirth, physical disability, mental disability, age, military status or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran, marital status, registered domestic partner or civil union status, gender, medical condition, sexual orientation, or for any other reason covered by applicable federal, state and local laws. In addition, the Company complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the Company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training. DOWNLOAD EEO REPORT
China Biz Trade Industry Import Export 101021 Abbizi2021-10-10T01:23:25+00:00October 10th, 2021|Categories: Abbizi Daily News - Trade Biz Eco Industry Exp Imp, Blogs|0 Comments Singapore: From October 13th, except for children under 12 years old, people who have not been vaccinated with the new crown vaccine cannot eat in or enter shopping malls and attractions but can still pack food. China Automobile Association: From January to August, the top ten companies in auto export volume are SAIC, Chery, Changan, Tesla, Dongfeng, Great Wall, Geely, BAIC, Jiangxi Automobile and Sinotruk. Except for BAIC and Sinotruk, the export growth of other enterprises exceeded 100% year-on-year. From January to August, the above-mentioned ten enterprises exported 1.065 million vehicles, accounting for 89.6% of the total automobile exports. Trapped by extreme weather such as drought and frost, Brazil, the world’s largest sugar producer, failed its sugar cane harvest, and sugar prices are close to the highest level since the beginning of 2017. If India, the world’s second largest sugar producer, does not fill the supply gap, the global sugar market will face serious problems from November this year to March or April next year. Swire Group: Announced the launch of the Zhengzhou Swire Coca-Cola expansion and reconstruction project. The total investment of the project is no less than 900 million yuan, which is the largest single investment in China so far. It is expected to start production in two years. In the future, it plans to relocate and expand two factories in Guangzhou and Shanghai Minhang, adding nearly 20 production lines. The sugar cakes and T-shirts of “Squid Game” have become popular among the contemporary young people. The income from the development of IP derivatives can even exceed the income of the film and television works that create IP. From 2019 to 2023, the retail scale of domestic IP copyright authorized goods will reach an average annual growth rate of 15.0%, and the overall market size will exceed 100 billion. Canadian lithium salt dealer Neo Lithium: Zijin Mining has agreed to acquire all the issued shares of Neo Lithium at 6.50 Canadian dollars per share. The total consideration is about 960 million Canadian dollars (approximately 4.96 billion yuan). The transaction price is higher than the company’s 20-day average. The price premium is about 36%. It is reported that its 3Q lithium salt lake project is one of the largest and highest-grade projects of its kind in the world. Ganfeng Lithium: Starting from October 10, prices of lithium metal and butyl lithium products will be raised. Among them, the unit price of metal lithium products is increased by 100,000 yuan/ton; the unit price of butyl lithium products is increased by 10%, and the price adjustment letter is valid for one month. Ganfeng Lithium Industry stated that the reason for the price adjustment is the continuous increase in raw material prices and the impact of power supply, resulting in the substantial increase in the production cost of lithium metal. Hangzhou Daily: As of the end of September, this year Hangzhou has newly built 1,360 public charging piles, 1,307 special charging piles, and about 20,000 self-use charging piles, totaling about 23,000. At present, the city’s new energy vehicle public charging facilities coverage, density, and the proportion of fast-charging piles are among the forefront of domestic cities. In the portraits of pet owners in my country in 2020, 80% of pet owners are from first- and second-tier cities. The post-80s and post-90s pet owners account for as much as 74%. Among them, the proportion of women is as high as 89.5%, and male pet owners only account for 10.5%. From 2017 to 2020, the compound growth rate of the number of pet cats is 9%, and the growth rate of consumption scale is 16.4%. The “cat economy” is even better; the growth rate of the number of pet dogs is only 1.5%, and the growth rate of consumption amount is 5.7%. British “Guardian”: The risk of power outages in British factories and homes this winter has increased. Although the power system has sufficient reserves, the current situation is worse than predicted in July, partly due to a fire on a submarine high-voltage cable imported from France. It is estimated that the power supply via the cable will be restored by at most half by March next year. Yonhap News Agency: In September, the average price of apartments in Seoul approached 1.2 billion won. Seoul’s property market prices have risen by more than 150 million won this year. In addition, the increase in apartment prices in South Korea has also driven the general rise in rents. In the same period, the average rental price of apartments in Seoul was 655.65 million won, an increase of 10.2 million won from the previous month.
China Economy Biz Industry Data 050321 Abbizi2021-06-14T07:42:35+00:00March 5th, 2021|Categories: Abbizi Daily News - Trade Biz Eco Industry Exp Imp, Blogs|0 Comments Australia extends the closure of international borders for 3 months.Recently, the Australian government announced that it will close the international border for one year and extend the closure for at least 3 months until June 17, continue to implement a self-isolation policy to strictly prevent and control the new crown epidemic. On March 1, Iran suspended round-trip flights with 32 countries and prohibited entry of passengers from the above-mentioned countries (the above-mentioned 32 countries include: United Kingdom, South Africa, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Congo (Kinshasa), Ecuador, Swaziland, French Guinea, Lesotho, Guyana, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Seychelles, Suriname, Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe.) Japan will implement stricter anti-epidemic measures for immigrants from 13 countries including Germany, Brazil, the UAE, and Nigeria from March 5 to prevent the spread of the mutant virus. The number of confirmed cases in France reached 3.81 million, and more provinces may face “lockdowns” over the weekend. The death toll from the new crown in Germany exceeds 70,000, and the government spokesperson emphasized that “unblocking” should be cautious. Turkey reported that nearly 10,000 people tested positive for the new coronavirus on March 1. Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association: Polysilicon prices continued to rise this week. The domestic single crystal compound feed price range is 105,000-114,000 yuan/ton, and the average transaction price is 110,800 yuan/ton, up 4.23% month-on-month; the single crystal dense material price range is 103,000-112,000 yuan/ton, and the average transaction price is 108,000 yuan/ton. Tons, up 4.45% month-on-month, both hitting new highs in recent years. Sensor Tower: In February, in the global App Store and Google Play revenue rankings, 34 Chinese mobile game publishers were shortlisted in the TOP100 global mobile game publisher revenue list, with a total of more than 2.24 billion US dollars in revenue, accounting for the global TOP100 mobile game publisher revenue Of 40.2%. The top three are Tencent, NetEase, and Mihayou. Strategy Analytics: Although the COVID-19 epidemic has caused severe challenges in the market, global smart speaker sales in 2020 exceeded 150 million, setting a record. South Korea’s three major shipping companies received nearly US$5.3 billion in orders in the first two months. In the first two months of this year, the three major shipbuilding companies including Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Daewoo Shipbuilding have received a total of US$5.26 billion in new ship orders, accounting for 17.3% of the US$30.4 billion in operating orders this year. Brazil has more than 300 million online shopping transactions in 2020. BYD: In February, the sales of new energy vehicles were 10,355, compared with 2,803 in the same period in 2020; the cumulative sales from January to February were 30,533, a year-on-year increase of 207.30%. Geely and Baidu established a new joint venture company named Jidu Automobile. The new company has a registered capital of 2 billion yuan. Baidu and Geely hold 55% and 45% of the shares in the new company, respectively. The company’s business scope: technical services for new energy vehicles and related parts; manufacturing of auto parts and accessories; sales of new energy vehicles; wholesale of auto parts and accessories, etc. Brazil will gradually reduce bicycle import tariffs. Recently, the Brazilian Chamber of Foreign Trade announced a resolution that will gradually reduce bicycle import tariffs. From March 1st, tariffs will be reduced from 35% to 30%, from July 1st to 25%, and from December 31st to 20%. Daniel Gus, executive chairman of Aliança Bike, said that the total amount of imported bicycles has never exceeded 8% of the national production, and tariffs should be reduced. Tanzania may no longer issue sugar import licenses. The Minister of Agriculture of Tanzania, Adolf Mukenda, recently stated that sugar import licenses will be issued normally in 2021, but from 2022, unless the Tanzania Sugar Industry Committee deems it necessary, the Tanzanian government No more import licenses will be issued.
Issues in Neuroscience Question: In the Visual Ability test, a split-brain patient was shown an image in the left visual field but could not name the object. Explain why and identify the specialized functions that were discovered with regard to hemispheric lateralization. Consider some of the difficulties the split-brain operation causes and the strategies you would recommend to help a patient manage them. Was it ethical to do this study? Was it right to trade the suffering experienced by participants for the knowledge gained by the research? Modified:3/30/2014 10:37 AM The split-brain is a condition that results after the communication between the two hemispheres of the brain has been hindered. The primary pathway through which to transfer information in our brains is the corpus callosum. Severing the corpus callosum is referred to as a callosotomy and is a last resort to treat severe forms of epilepsy. The right and left hemispheres of our brain are specialized to carry out different tasks. The left hemisphere is able to process one channel of information at a time, but is used to put things in sequence. This allows us to do things such as use language. The right hemisphere on the other hand, can process multiple channels simultaneously, allowing us to do a number of things such as process visual information. When these two sides cannot communicate, a number of problems may result. Be sure to address all aspects of the assignment in your initial post. Prof. S. Argosy University In the 1940s, it was established that disconnecting the two hemisphere of cerebral through dividing corpus callosum reduced the effects of epilepsy among the epileptic patients. This was because the sectioning of the nerve fibres’ bridge which connected the two hemispheres did not interfere with the interhemispheric processing. However, tests carried out on patients who had been operated reveal that there are dramatic effects brought about by the disconnection. This problem is known as the split-brain brain syndrome and has some effects on the patients’ cognitive skills. Patients suffering from this syndrome are unable to verbally name an object that is placed on their left hand side if their eyes are closed. This is despite the fact that they can tell an object placed on their right when their eyes are closed. However, if the object is placed among many items and placed on the patient’s left hand, he or she can easily select the item from the other objects. This problem is brought about by the fact that the left hemisphere has access to speech something that the right hemisphere does not have access to. This syndrome is caused by the fact the splitting of the brain makes it unable to coordinate its activities. The right hand part of the brain is unable to know what its left part is doing whereas the left part is unable to know what the right hand part of the brain is doing (Plotnik & Kouyoumjian, 2011). To control this condition, patients should pay a lot of attention to what they do. This stems from the fact that the two parts of the brain do not coordinate in their operations which makes it hard for one part of the brain to understand what the other part is doing. In this case, through paying attention, the patient will be able to coordinate the activities of both parts of the brain. Doing this experience was ethically right if the identity of the person the experiment was conducted on was not revealed. This is because the experiment was aimed to find out ways of helping the other patients suffering from this problem and not for the benefit of the people conducting the experiment. Plotnik, R., & Kouyoumjian, H. (2011). Introduction to psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Footnote: I am sorry about the assignment being late as I had walking pneumonia. I tried to sit to my computer yesterday after work and seeing the Doctor but just kept falling to sleep. Had to just give it up and try again today. (an instructor response) Hi June, You provide useful information about the limitations of the split brain individual. Could you talk more specifically about how you would assist this person? Also, aside from maintaining confidentiality, are there any other potential ethical issues? Amanda- First of all I hope you are doing better! I’m so sorry to hear that you have walking pneunomia. It can be so tricky because you don’t “think” that your that sick, until you go to the doctor and he orders you to stay home from work for the next 3 weeks! I really enjoyed reading your posting and wanted to ask you about your statement; “To control this condition, the patient should pay attention to what they do. This stems from the fact that the two parts of the brain do not coordinate in their operations which makes it hard for one part of the brain to understand what the other part is doing. In this case, through paying attention, the patient will be able to coordinate the activities of both parts of the brain.” Would you please explain what you meant by “through paying attention.” If a patient has a split-brain procedure and it is an acute disconnection, the patient is going to be struggling with many different types of coordination; “When the corpus callosum of a right-handed, left-hemisphere dominate patient is sectioned, there often follow mild akinesia, imperviousness and mutism as well as competitive movements between two hands. There are left-hand apraxia to verbal command, left-arm hypotonia, well coordinated but repetitive reaching, groping or grasping with the left hand, and bilateral Babinski responses. Symptoms vary across patients and reflect edema from retraction (of one hemisphere to allow surgical approach) as well as diaschistic shock to both hemispheres due to the radical disconnection. It is suggested by some that complete callosotomy (section of the corpus callosum alone) in cases where speech and manual dominance are in opposite hemispheres may result in prolonged loss of spontaneous speech” (Bogen, Zaidel & Zaidel, 2014) What would be your suggestion to the patient about how to best work with their new set of symptoms (post-op), so they can better understand how to achieve this control? Please take good care of yourself! Jan 🙂 Bogen, J., Zaidel, D. & Zaidel, E.. (None Stated). The Split brain. In Caltech.edu. Retrieved 04/07/2014, from http://www.its.caltech.edu/~jbogen/text/ref130.htm. I need these questions answered today please!!! Must go to work. Called in. MUST BE DONE TODAY BY 10:00 P.M. cst https://academicpapers.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/LOGO-300x75.png 0 0 Liz https://academicpapers.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/LOGO-300x75.png Liz2021-09-18 01:08:422021-09-18 01:08:42Issues in Neuroscience Psychology 100. Discussion Help me please help me
14 5/16 in. x 9 1/2 in. (36.35 cm x 24.13 cm) Urban Visions Addison Gallery of American Art , 4/25/1998 - 7/31/1998 How You Look At It : Photographs Of The 20th Century / Sprengel Museum , 5/14/2000 - 8/6/2000 Your current search criteria is: Object is "Los Angeles".
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Packaging logistics solutions allow companies to provide their customers with faster and more efficient delivery services. Packaging solutions and logistics are services that handle the packaging of goods of any type and size. Packaging solutions and logistics companies ensure minimal damage during transport to prevent wastage of products. Packaging is the process of enclosing goods in a container. Packaging also includes designing and managing the appearance, marketing, and selling of a product. Acuity packaging provides a simple, cost-effective solution for the packaging industry. It comes in a small and flat form factor with some added features are made possible by the layer of paper, such as transparent film or an adhesive layer. Acuity packages are eco-friendly, recyclable materials that companies can reuse in multiple ways. PLS packaging is a type of packaging that helps protect both the product and the consumer. The main reasons people choose PLS Packaging are safety and sustainability. Packaging and logistics solutions India provides all kinds of services for different types of products. They layout items in warehouses and offer logistics solutions. Packaging and logistics solutions India provide their customers with an unmatched range of services that include warehousing. Logistics companies are the people that coordinate transport and deliveries. Logistics companies are organizations that provide services needed to handle moving goods from one point to another. The logistics companies near me have many different services that they provide, such as shipping, warehousing, grocery delivery, and more. The logistics company near me offers convenience for customers by providing a wide range of services through one central location. Logistics companies in USA help transport goods from one point to another. Logistics companies in USA serve as a necessary part of the economy by moving goods from one point to another. Logistics company examples that ships products from manufacturers to distributors and from distributors to retailers. There are many logistics company examples out there; you have to know which ones you need help with when you find one. A logistics manager is a position that is responsible for planning and organizing the flow of materials, goods, or services across a company. The logistics manager will be aware of their company supply chain and the relationship to external suppliers, such as manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers. Logistics manager salary generally refers to the amount of money a person in this field makes. A logistics manager salary depends on their level of experience, job title, company size, and location. Logistics manager jobs are about moving goods, include planning, coordinating, controlling, monitoring, and instructing employees. The logistics manager jobs involve product development management. A logistics manager job description lists the responsible for managing all logistical activities within their company. The Logistics manager job description involves different departments, like their sales department, purchasing department, production department, finance department, etc. A graduate with a logistics manager degree works for transportation companies or retailers. The logistics manager degree program can take 1-2 years to complete. Logistics manager definition describes their responsibilities for the production and receipt of goods. The logistics manager definition lists the methods for keeping an inventory, managing resources, and assigning them to different tasks. The logistics manager skills vary from company to company. Some companies may have a specific requirement for logistics manager skills like understanding finance or accounting, while others may have no condition. An individual who oversees the entire process of transporting goods is the logistics manager meaning. A Logistics manager meaning can be a replacement for human logistics managers. The logistics manager requirements involve a company’s supply chain, inventory, and transportation. The logistics manager requirements are to ensure that they deliver items on time. Logistics Transportation Logistics transportation is the movement of goods and materials from one location to another. The logistics transportation company is responsible for the transportation of goods, either by land, air, or water. If companies want to move goods between two different locations, logistics transportation can carry out by a trucking company, an airline, or a shipping company. The logistics transportation company works with logistics companies, warehouse providers, and retailers. A logistics company transports goods throughout a country or across the world. They do so by providing services like transportation, warehousing, inventory management, customs clearance, and more. They also offer distribution to companies in the field of retail, manufacturing, or wholesale trade. The logistics transportation Medicaid refers to the healthcare system that provides medical services and insurance. Logistics transportation Medicaid is a term used by healthcare professionals to talk about its benefits for patients who need treatment. Logistics transportation services are the transportation of goods and materials between different locations. Companies can divide logistics transportation services into two categories: freight and passengers. Logistics transportation jobs refer to those positions related to transporting goods and materials from one location to another. Some logistics transportation jobs examples include truck drivers, airplane pilots, train conductors, and bus drivers. Transportation and Logistics Degree The Transportation and Logistics degree is an undergraduate and graduate-level academic program that trains students in the art of investigating, managing and planning transportation, logistics, and supply chain management. The reason to study the transportation and logistics degree is to ensure that people can traverse different geographical areas with ease by using many transportation methods, such as planes, trains, automobiles, etc. Logistics and transportation is a business used to moving goods from one place to another. The logistics and transportation industry has a few different categories that workers can work: drivers, warehouse workers, inspectors or examiners, auditors, clerks/customer service agents, engineers/technicians. The relationship between logistics and transportation is the processing of planning and arranging the movement of people, materials, and other items. To provide logistics services for their customers, companies need to have an efficient relationship between logistics and transportation systems. When it comes to logistics and transportation difference, there are a few things that you should know. Logistics and transportation difference deal with moving people and goods from one place to another. Global logistics is the management of international trade and transport between countries, although it can also extend to organizations. Global logistics allows for increased efficiency in the production and distribution of goods, which leads to lower prices and increased profits for businesses. The global logistics industry has experienced significant growth over the past few years due to increasing demand and changing economic conditions. Global Logistics LLC is a logistics company that specializes in cross-border, cross-cultural, and high-volume import and export services. Global Logistics LLC helps companies create international supply chains by providing business for a wider variety of products that are more difficult to find in countries around the world. Global logistics shipping is a type of shipping in which goods move from one country to another country. Global logistics shipping is the process of delivering goods to their destinations, usually by land, air, sea, or other transport. You can find global logistics jobs in the logistics industry, which is currently one of the fastest-growing industries. Global logistics jobs allow people to travel and work as they choose. Global logistics systems are a part of supply chain management. Global logistics systems are transportation networks and distribution facilities that connect national, regional, and local economies. Global logistics trucking is the process of transporting goods around the world. The company that provides global logistics trucking services is a service provider specializing in the transport of goods. Global logistics careers involve moving goods and materials around the world. People practice global logistics careers in freight, transportation, and warehousing companies. Top Logistics Companies 2020 Top logistics companies 2020 are companies that can improve their logistics processes at a higher rate to meet customer demand. Some top logistics companies 2020 are those that have succeeded in improving their logistics processes over time. The top 100 logistics companies are a ranking among the world’s largest companies in the logistics sector. They based the top 100 logistics companies on their annual revenue. The top 20 logistics companies in the world have become a mainstay of corporate life. People need the 20 logistics companies in world for the most basic and necessary tasks such as moving raw materials from one place to another. The top logistics companies 2021 will increase substantially. The current trends indicate that the top logistics companies 2021 will remain unchanged. There are many different types of logistics companies that are active in the US. They all have their unique roles and responsibilities, and they differ on how they operate depending on the type of service they provide. The top logistics companies in USA 2020 industry are growing more rapidly with the rise of e-commerce. The top logistics companies in USA 2020 will be the highest rated company in terms of revenue. Indeed is a website where job seekers can search for job listings. It provides an easy way to look for jobs, research companies, and share information about them on social media. The Indeed website is a place to learn about the latest trends in employment and technology.
Posts from ACE in India in Wrestling (Men's) and Environmental Conservation & Sustainability from 2019
Netanyahu wants to avoid getting 'hung up' on peace with Palestinians Comments come amid heightened tensions, as Israeli violence against Palestinians prompts rise in armed resistance Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a joint press conference in Jerusalem, on 30 January 2023 (AFP) Published date: 1 February 2023 21:09 UTC | Last update: 1 month 2 weeks ago Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned not to get “hung up” on peace negotiations with the Palestinians at a time of escalating tensions in the region. Netanyahu said the Palestinians had maintained an “effective veto on Israel’s expansion of the 'circle of peace',” in a CNN interview aired on Wednesday. “I went around them (the Palestinians). I went directly to the Arab states and forged with a new concept of peace… I forged four historic peace agreements, the Abraham Accords, which is twice the number of peace agreements that all my predecessors in 70 years got combined," he said. Netanyahu's far-right allies complicate expansion of Abraham Accords In 2020, under Netanyahu’s premiership, Israel signed US-brokered normalisation deals with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan, in what became known as the Abraham Accords. The deals broke with decades of precedence in the Arab world that Israel would not be officially recognised until its conflict with the Palestinians was resolved. Unlike Israel’s establishment of ties with Jordan and Egypt, the Abraham Accords are unique in that the countries have publicly embraced relations. Israeli tourists have flocked to the Emirates and Morocco. And in May, Israel and the UAE signed a historic free trade deal. Countries that signed the Abraham Accords, however, do not share a land border with Israel. The UAE and Bahrain were not established as independent states until about four years after the 1967 War between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Since his return to office, Netanyahu has pledged to expand the Abraham Accords. In an interview on Saudi Arabia’s state television, he said normalisation with Riyadh would be key to peace between Israel and Palestine. Netanyahu reiterated his position on Wednesday, stating: “When effectively the Arab-Israeli conflict (comes) to an end, I think we’ll circle back to the Palestinians and get a workable peace with the Palestinians.” Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said in January that the kingdom will not normalise relations with Israel until Palestinians are granted statehood. Rising tensions Netanyahu’s comments come at a time of rising tensions. Israeli violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has been getting more deadly and frequent, prompting a rise in armed Palestinian resistance. Thirty-five Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since the beginning of January. The situation has deteriorated since an Israeli raid on a Jenin refugee camp last month killed nine Palestinians. The next day, a Palestinian killed seven Israelis in a settlement in occupied East Jerusalem. Why the right-wing Mizrahi vote is misunderstood in Israel Last year, 220 Palestinians died in Israeli attacks across the occupied territories. More Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank and East Jerusalem last year than in any single calendar year since the Second Intifada. Meanwhile, the number of Israelis killed by Palestinians also hit its highest level since 2008, with at least 29 people, including one child, killed. Netanyahu also sidestepped questions about the creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state along the borders prior to 1967 - the year Israel occupied the Palestinian Territories of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, following the Six-Day War. “I’m certainly willing to have them (the Palestinians) have all the powers that they need to govern themselves. But none of the powers that could threaten [us] and this means that Israel should have the overriding security responsibility,” he said. Analysts warn that prospects for a two-state solution continue to shrink as a result of illegal Israeli settlement building in the occupied West Bank, with nearly 700,000 Israelis now living in illegal settlements in the land earmarked for a future Palestinian state. In response to last week’s synagogue shooting, Netanyahu vowed to “strengthen” settlements and arm thousands of Israelis. Protests in Israel against judicial reform intensify UK Labour MP apologises for calling Israel 'fascist' during Prime Minister's Questions Vengeful Israeli settlers go on rampage following Jerusalem attack Israel's shekel and stock market tumble in response to political turmoil
Editor-in-Chief: Aleksander Pavko Web Release Date: 18. september 2009 Memorial Issue Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Professor Branko Stanovnik
401: The Beginning and the End (No Middle) 07/11/2018 Jan Ackerson If you watched The Leftovers (an excellent HBO series), you may have been puzzled, as I was, by the prologue to the first episode of season 2. I won’t summarize it here, but it featured prehistoric people, and I remember scratching my head and thinking, “What?” On my first viewing of Outlander episode 401, I had the same response, along with the wish that–given the immense amount of material from Drums of Autumn to be condensed—they’d chosen an opening featuring the people we knew. However, on subsequent viewings, I’ve come to appreciate the opening (maybe not to love it, as I did the rest of the episode). First of all, a brief educational moment: I’ve seen people referring to these circle-builders as cavemen. The date is 2000 B.C.—at that time, Europe was entering the bronze age, the Great Pyramid at Giza had been built, and city-states had been established in Mesopotamia. In the Americas, societies like the one shown in the episode were hunter-gatherers with established social structures—not cavemen, who would have pre-dated these dancers by many centuries. That lesson aside—what did this prologue bring to the show? I believe its greatest value is in continuity and foreshadowing. In season 1, we met the dancers at Craig Na Dun. At the end of season 2, we revisited that site to see Gillian Edgars disappear into the past. In season 3, we saw a group of slaves dancing in a circle near Abandawe. In 401, a variation of the ‘stones’ theme was played, and the fires and the dancers’ costumes called back to elements of previously-seen circles. This all combines to say to the viewers: Don’t forget—the Outlander universe is one of mystery. Although it has one foot now firmly in the 18th century, the other foot could be…well…anywhen. I also believe that we’ll see this circle again. That’s enough about that, in the interest of staying (mostly) spoiler-free. Then a whole episode happens. I’ll leave that recap to others—there are dozens of them to be Googled. It was a darn good episode, I think. And now for the five minutes at the end of the show that have polarized the Outlander fandom. Jamie, Claire, Ian, and Lesley are on a rivercraft, on their way to River Run. That night, Steven Bonnet, encountered earlier in the episode, waylays the travelers with his gang of thugs, robs them of their valuables, and kills Lesley. Except for the first few seconds of this attack, the viewers hear nothing of the screams, blows, and shouts. Instead, the music of the great Ray Charles is heard, singing “America the Beautiful.” Those who dislike this sequence have several reasons: they find the camera work jarring and the playing of the beloved song at contrast with the violence happening onscreen. Some find it heavy-handed; when taken together with some characters’ earlier statements about the wrongs done to slaves and Native Americans, it feels to them to be overly critical of America. I found it a masterful piece of television. A fight scene might be seen on almost any drama, and the Outlander writers might have done the easy thing and let us hear every footfall, grunt, and smack. By taking these sounds away from us, we’re forced to fill them in on our own and to concentrate more closely on the faces of the actors and the chaotic action. The rapid camerawork, too, captures that sense of total loss of control. The viewer wants to say, “wait…stop…slow down,” but can no more stop the action than Jamie could, when held down by several masked men. More controversial than the camerawork, though, is the use of “America the Beautiful.” It doesn’t escape me that Ray Charles was the son of sharecroppers, and that he lived through pre-Civil Rights era America. He might well have had his own difficulties with this song, and there are certainly other versions that the producers or directors could have chosen. But this version says: America IS beautiful, despite its past, despite its present woes. Look at the lawlessness on your screen…but America is beautiful. We have come a long way, and there is much to accomplish still…but America is beautiful. We must learn from our history…but America is beautiful. The first visceral reaction is to think that the irony of that song, juxtaposed with the violence onscreen, points to a criticism of America—and there is certainly an undercurrent of open-eyed criticism there. But I believe without that song, we’d be left with an imprint of both visual and auditory horrors. With it, we’re left with the hope of eventual “brotherhood—from sea to shining sea.” I leave you with this picture from early in the episode which has nothing to do with the rest of the post, just because I think Sam Heughan has more acting ability in his eyes than most actors possess with every tool in the actors’ toolbox. For the rest of season 4, I hope to focus pretty narrowly on something I find worth exploring in each episode, and to leave the recapping to others. You may disagree with my take on things—I’d love to read why. Comments are like candy to bloggers, and I look forward to hearing from you. Jan Ackerson is a retired teacher, a writer and editor, and an absolute cuckoo about all things Outlander. You can find her on a much-neglected Twitter account (she’s mostly there to follow the Outlander gang) @janackerson1, or on Facebook (Jan Worgul Ackerson). Her book of micro-fiction, Stolen Postcards, is available at Amazon or https://bofapress.com/collections/all. Comments or Questions? Send your comments to [email protected] or call the voicemail line at 719-425-9444. The Outlander book series is written by Diana Gabaldon. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook Picture attribution – Sony/Starz Join the A Dram of Outlander Community Please share posts, join the discussions, and follow this website and social media sites listed below! Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ To financially support the podcast, go to my Patreon page. Call 719-425-9444 listener/reader line to leave your comment or question. ADOOoutlanderOutlander Season 4outlander starz 4 thoughts on “401: The Beginning and the End (No Middle)” Connie Burd says: I certainly looked at that last scene as critical of A.erica until I read your blog. Now I can see what you are saying could be true. I hope so. There are too many people saying and thinking that America has never been special or good. I know it is the best country in the world! Jan Ackerson says: Thank you, Connie. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone say that America has never been special or good–I’m sorry that you’ve encountered that. Cyndi St John says: Love your comment about Sam’s eyes. Just watch 301 Battle Joined. Not a word for the first 15 minutes and just blew us all away! Absolutely! And there are similar scenes in several other episodes, too–notably in 103, when Claire is checking his dressing. It makes my little heart race every time. Leave a Reply to Jan Ackerson Cancel reply
Lake Tanganyika is an African Great Lake. The name “Tanganyika” apparently refers to “the great lake spreading out like a plain”, or “plain-like lake”. It is the second-oldest freshwater lake in the world, the second-largest by volume, and the second-deepest, in all cases after Lake Baikal in Siberia. It is the world’s longest freshwater lake. The lake is shared between four countries – Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burundi, and Zambia, with Tanzania (46%) and DRC (40%) possessing the majority of the lake. It drains into the Congo River system and ultimately into the Atlantic Ocean. Lake Tanganyika is situated within the Albertine Rift, the western branch of the East African Rift, and is confined by the mountainous walls of the valley. It is the largest rift lake in Africa and the second-largest lake by volume in the world. It is the deepest lake in Africa and holds the greatest volume of fresh water, accounting for 16% of the world’s available freshwater. It extends for 676 km (420 mi) in a general north-south direction and averages 50 km (31 mi) in width. The lake covers 32,900 km2 (12,700 sq mi), with a shoreline of 1,828 km (1,136 mi), a mean depth of 570 m (1,870 ft) and a maximum depth of 1,471 m (4,826 ft) (in the northern basin). It holds an estimated 18,900 cubic kilometers (4,500 cu mi). The one major outflow is the Lukuga River, which empties into the Congo River drainage. Precipitation and evaporation play a greater role than the rivers. At least 90% of the water influx is from rain falling on the lake’s surface and at least 90% of the water loss is from direct evaporation. The major river flowing into the lake is the Ruzizi River, formed about 10,000 years ago, which enters the north of the lake from Lake Kivu. The Malagarasi River, which is Tanzania’s second-largest river, enters the east side of Lake Tanganyika. The Malagarasi is older than Lake Tanganyika, and before the lake was formed, it probably was a headwater of the Lualaba River, the main Congo River headstream. The lake may also have at times had different inflows and outflows; inward flows from a higher Lake Rukwa, access to Lake Malawi and an exit route to the Nile have all been proposed to have existed at some point in the lake’s history. Of the several islands in Lake Tanganyika, the most important are: Kavala Island (DRC) Mamba-Kayenda Islands (DRC) Milima Island (DRC) Kibishie Island (DRC) Mutondwe Island (Zambia) Kumbula Island (Zambia) Lake Tanganyika and associated wetlands are home to Nile crocodiles (including famous giant Gustave), Zambian hinged terrapins, serrated hinged terrapins, and pan hinged terrapins (last species not in the lake itself, but in adjacent lagoons). Storm’s water cobra, a threatened subspecies of banded water cobra that feeds mainly on fish, is only found in Lake Tanganyika, where it prefers rocky shores. Lake Tanganyika supports a major fishery, which, depending on the source, provides 25–40%] or c. 60% of the animal protein in the diet of the people living in the region. Currently, there are around 100,000 people directly involved in the fisheries operating from almost 800 sites. The lake is also vital to the estimated 10 million people living in the greater basin. Lake Tanganyika fish can be found exported throughout East Africa. Major commercial fishing began in the mid-1950s and has, together with global warming (limiting the habitat of temperature-sensitive species), had a heavy impact on the fish populations, causing significant declines. In 2016, it was estimated that the total catch was up to 200,000 tonnes. Former industrial fisheries, which boomed in the 1980s, have subsequently collapsed. CICHLID FISH The lake holds at least 250 species of cichlid fish and undescribed species remain. Almost all (98%) of the Tanganyika cichlids are endemic to the lake and it is thus an important biological resource for the study of speciation in evolution. Some of the endemics do occur slightly into the upper Lukuga River, Lake Tanganyika’s outflow, but further spread into the Congo River basin is prevented by physics (Lukuga has fast-flowing sections with many rapids and waterfalls) and chemistry (Tanganyika’s water is alkaline, while the Congo’s generally is acidic). The cichlids of the African Great Lakes, including Tanganyika, represent the most diverse extent of adaptive radiation in the vertebrates. OTHER FISH Lake Tanganyika is home to more than 80 species of non-cichlid fish and about 60% of these are endemic. The open waters of the pelagic zone are dominated by four non-cichlid species: Two species of “Tanganyika sardine” (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae) form the largest biomass of fish in this zone, and they are important prey for the forktail lates (Lates microlepis) and sleek lates (L. stappersii). Two additional lates are found in the lake, the Tanganyika lates (L. angustifrons) and bigeye lates (L. mariae), but both these are primarily benthic hunters, although they also may move into open waters. The four lates, all endemic to Tanganyika, have been overfished and larger individuals are rare today. Two ferries carry passengers and cargo along the eastern shore of the lake: MV Liemba between Kigoma and Mpulungu and MV Mwongozo between Kigoma and Bujumbura. The port town of Kigoma is the railhead for the railway from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. The port town of Kalemie (previously named Albertville) is the railhead for the D.R. Congo rail network. The port town of Mpulungu is a proposed railhead for Zambia. January 31, 2020 /by Engagi Safaris https://africagorillasafaris.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Lake-Tanganyika.jpg 504 1020 Engagi Safaris http://africagorillasafaris.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/main-logo-300x210.png Engagi Safaris2020-01-31 08:26:452020-02-03 09:59:56Lake Tanganyika Lake Kivu Mount Sabyinyo
Agape Community Vocations that we have helped bloom! Coney's and Conversation April 4, 2023 at 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Col's Place #1 (Madison Heights ), 29022 Stephenson Hwy, Madison Heights, MI 48071, USA Come out for great food and great conversation. Couples Ministry April 7, 2023 at 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm The Boulanger's House Join other young couples, married, engaged, or dating as we explore how to strengthen relationships. Visit our Facebook Events Page to learn more about our events https://www.facebook.com/groups/11153314979/events/ 2675 John R Rd. Email: [email protected] We are grateful to the following individuals and businesses that help us provide programming for you adults. Alliance Catholic Credit Union Saint John Vianney’s Fight Club
Agitprop! You Know You Want To September 9, 2016 by Agitprop “…a Klan-backed misogynist internet troll is going to be delivering the next State of the Union address. And that is not normal. It is fucked up.” Random Trump Quote “Lying is second nature to him… More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.” See all the quotes Copyright © 2023 • Agitprop Haus
2 Best Movies & Shows Released in 2019 On Starz released › 2019 Find the best movies and show to watch from the year 2019. These handpicked recommendations are highly-rated by viewers and critics. 1. Pain and Glory, 2019 This is the latest Oscar-nominated movie by Spain's highest-regarded director, Pedro Almodóvar. It's his most personal work to date, being a slightly fictionalized account of his youth and then the last couple of years. He is mostly portrayed by Antonio Banderas, who was also nominated for an Oscar for this role; while another star performance comes from Penélope Cruz who plays his mother in the flashback scenes. Pain and Glory is about life in the arts: how a tormented artistic personality is formed, the days of focusing on work over relationships, and dealing with the consequences later in life. It begs the question: in Almodóvar's life, was the glory that got him to making as great of a movie as this one worth the pain? 2. Maiden, 2018, 2019 This documentary charts the challenges faced by sailor Tracy Edwards and her 12-woman crew in the wake of their decision to participate in the Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race, the grueling yachting competition that covers 33,000 miles and lasts nine months. Director Alex Holmes recreates their adventure using archival footage shot by the women themselves on their voyage, and interesting interviews with the crew members as well as the men who criticized and ridiculed them at the time. Maiden is an interesting bit of documentary filmmaking that is also inspirational and empowering. 20192003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Australopithecus Afarensis I Love Lucy! August 18, 2009 Carl Feagans 0 Australopithecus Afarensis skeleton was discovered in 1974 near Hadar in Ethiopia, and she was nicknamed “Lucy” by the paleoanthropologists who found her. As the story […]
I originally had a set of tips on the "Resources" page. It was a small collection, and worked for when I started this off. Since then, however, I've had more experience, and had many people ask "how to" type questions, so I've expanded this section into its own page. Some of the tips will be migrating over here, others will be replaced by more extensive write-ups. There is one tip I initially called "The biggest rule." I still feel it's one of the most important ones, and one that people do lose sight of as they build for the next big contest, or get put down by the "know it all" on the club or online. It's simply this: Build it for you. If it's not perfect, but you enjoyed building it, the model has done its job. If it gets to be work, and nobody's paying you for it - put it away. And if someone derides you for being a "mere kit assembler," for not having everything perfect, or the like, don't let them get to you. This is, for most of us, a hobby, and a hobby is meant to be enjoyed by the person doing it. With that out of the way... Metal finishes - what and where
Essential Skills Recap #6 – More Emotional Intelligence by admin | Feb 23, 2023 | Communications, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development A lot of things are out of our control, but there are two things that are always under our control: What we say and what we do. As mentioned in last week’s post, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the #1 predictor of personal and professional success. One of the key elements of EQ is Self-Management. We never know from day to day what life is going to throw at us. Most of it is beyond our control. The one thing that we *always* have control over is how we respond to those situations – the things that we say, and the actions we take. Viktor Frankl stated in his timeless book “Man’s Search for Meaning” that “Everything can be taken from us but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Continuing to develop your EQ skills gives you more power over your words and actions, and the ability to choose your own way. You can find my previous Essential Skills posts here. The 3 Habits of a Highly Successful 2013 How to Avoid Getting Chopped! From Revelry to Resolve Feel Like You Are Losing Your Mind? All Aboard to Crazytown! Top 7 Tips for Staying Productive, Creative & Engaged
Grinding the Millet August 2, 2013 by g-wingenbach Leave a Comment By: Trotter Heady Here we are along the B1 road, a major route in Namibia, headed toward the Nakambale Museum near Oshakati in the village of Olukonda. We are imagining just another museum to fill our long rides across the country, but it turned into some amazing memories that we will grasp on to forever. Nakambale, founded in 1871, was one of the first Finnish Mission Stations in Namibia. It currently contains a museum dedicated to the history of the location, a simulated community based home that is still in use today and the restored church that was built by the original Missionaries. The site was very educational especially because it was informative about a civilization that we had zero knowledge about going into the tour. We were able to see their living conditions and learn about their ancestry. The tour was great but so much more was to come. We were surprised with being able to visit a community that was near the museum. These homes are surrounded by a fence-like structure made by sticks, bushes or plant stalks that is used to corral the livestock as well as protect the family that lives inside. Within the fence is where there are multiple huts made from stone, clay and sticks. Each of these huts has a different use. There is a boy’s sleeping hut, a girl’s sleeping hut, a grinding hut, a brewing hut, a storage hut, a sleeping hut for the mother and infants and the father’s hut, which is near the corral. Our group was able to interact and learn from a real family that lived in one of these small communities. We began our surprise visit by learning about millet, a grain that is widely used in this area of Namibia. These people eat millet with every meal accompanied by a vegetable and meat. Everyday millet is ground up by using a hollow log that has been sealed within the ground with clay and a very large and heavy wooden pole. Once the grain is in the hole with a splash of water it is then ground to a fine powder by slamming the wooden pole into the bowl-like log. Then the women start singing as they repeatedly land in the log perfectly. They sing about their family and loved ones in a way that seems so caring. It was obvious that this was a muscle memory action. It was so in synch that I could tell that the women are practically born performing this chore. We were then able to give it a try ourselves! The entire group quickly figured out how difficult it actually was. The women and made it seem so easy! I even bonked my head with the grinding pole. What a workout! Then we met Johanna. This woman is an 83 year-old who visually demands respect when she entered the area. She seemed to be so stoic and wise. Johanna showered us with knowledge on our tour. Beginning with how to prepare the millet for consumption. It is simply boiled over a fire and turned into paste-like dough and eaten using your hands, no utensils here! Then Johanna taught us how to weave anything from a plate to a multicolored basket. Here we are in an inhabited village with real people and all I can think about is how lucky we are. How many people, let alone Texas A&M students, are able to experience a situation like this? As this trip is coming closer and closer to an end the realization that I have experienced so much in one month that most people wont throughout their entire life becomes stronger and stronger. I almost don’t want to go back! There is still so much to encounter, experience and live through that I feel like I’m not done here yet. Filed Under: COALS Study Abroad, Namibia, Study Abroad Tagged With: Africa, TAMU, tamusafari
Your Job and Your Rights If you recently learned you have coronary artery disease, you may worry about whether you can go back to work. For most people, it’s fine to get back on the job. “Treatments for coronary artery disease today are so improved” that more people with the condition are able to work today than ever before, says Haider Warraich, MD, associate director of the Heart Failure Program at the VA Boston Healthcare System. Case in point: Warraich’s 2018 study in the medical journal Circulation looked at over 9,000 people who’d had a heart attack and found that out of those who were employed, only 1 in 10 people either cut back on their work hours or quit their jobs. If you do return to work, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects your right to ask for any changes you need to carry out your duties. Employers are required to provide “reasonable accommodations,” such as a different work schedule or a transfer to a more suitable position. But not everyone with CAD can go back full steam. If your job involves stressful 60-hour work weeks, for example, your cardiologist may advise cutting back or even switching to a less-demanding career, Warraich says. But for the most part, “As more employers have become more accommodating, and we’ve gotten better treatments, we’re seeing that the majority of patients with coronary artery disease are able to return successfully,” he says. Here are some top tips from employment lawyers on how to navigate your job post-CAD: Start with the human resources department. If you have a great relationship with your boss, you might reach out to them first. But you’re best off contacting your HR department, says Jeffrey Rhodes, an employment attorney at McInroy, Rigby & Rhodes, LLP in Arlington, VA. “They will be the most familiar with what they’re legally expected to do under the Americans with Disabilities Act,” he says. Your HR department also knows it must follow the confidentiality rules in the ADA, so they should know exactly what they can and cannot reveal to your supervisors. “Unfortunately, sometimes people who have very friendly relationships with their employers overshare, which they may end up regretting later,” he says. Outline the accommodations you expect. Before you contact HR, have a detailed discussion with your cardiologist about what you’ll need to be able to return to work successfully, says Edgar Ndjatou, executive director of Workplace Fairness, a nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C. These can include: Time off for medical appointments. More frequent rest breaks. If you’re on your feet all day, for example, you may request a scooter to help you move around or permission to sit instead of stand while you work. Limits on lifting. This request is especially common if you’ve had surgery or a recent heart attack. Over time, as you recover, you will be able to lift more. Breaks to take your medication. Limits on travel. It’s a good idea to have your cardiologist write a letter detailing why you need the accommodation and for how long, Ndjatou says. A request doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get it. “Your employer has to, by law, research your request, but if they can prove that it’s very expensive or disruptive to their operations, legally they can deny it,” Ndjatou says. But they do have to make a good faith effort. “They can’t just have one conversation with you and then say, ‘We can’t do that,’” Ndjatou says. If you ask for a transfer to a less stressful position because of your coronary artery disease, for example, they need to actively look for opportunities within the company to move you to, even if one’s not available right now. Request Family and Medical Leave (FMLA). This federal law may protect you if you have to take time off of work to recover from your coronary artery disease. You may be eligible for FMLA if: You’ve worked for your employer for at least 1 year. In the past year, you’ve worked at least 1,250 hours for your employer (around 24 hours a week). Your employer employs at least 50 people within 75 miles of where you work. If you’re covered, you’re entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year. Your employer can’t fire you for taking leave or refuse to give you your job back when you return. They also need to continue paying for your health insurance. Stay tight lipped at work. You may be close with your co-workers, but you should still be careful about how much you reveal about accommodations related to your coronary artery disease, Rhodes says. “Keep in mind that if you share personal, private health information with co-workers, it may spread through the company and have negative consequences,” he says. “If that does happen, it would be hard to hold your employer accountable because it would be hard to prove it was because of their lack of confidentiality.” Disclose just enough to make clear why you need an accommodation, but save the in-depth discussions for your friends outside the office. Know your legal options. Your employer can’t retaliate against you for requesting accommodations, Rhodes says. If you feel like you are facing retaliation or being pushed to quit, find a local employment attorney for advice. You can also file a complaint yourself with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). They will notify your company within 10 days and investigate whether there’s valid reason to believe discrimination occurred. The average time to investigate and resolve a charge is around 10 months.
Benefits of Biking – Science Says Riding a Bike Makes You Happier Riding a bicycle rocks! There are lots of great reasons, other than good old-fashioned fun, to do it. The physical benefits of riding a bike are plentiful and lead to a higher quality of life. And it doesn’t stop there. Bicycling is becoming known for its positive impact on emotional wellness. We all want the children in our lives to be happy and healthy, but often the latter becomes our primary focus. Happiness is not incidental. Your outlook, how you feel about yourself and the world, is just as important as building strength and getting your heart pumping. In fact, according to several scientific studies, mental health is a stronger predictor of life expectancy than physical health or even heavy smoking. Let that sink in. Over that last couple of decades, mental diagnoses in children have been on a steady incline. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7.1 percent of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 4.4 million) have diagnosed anxiety, and 3.2 percent of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 1.9 million) have diagnosed depression. All Kids Bike wants to help send those statistics plummeting! Those of us who ride bikes regularly already know that it makes us feel amazing, and now science confirms it. In 2018, the Lancet released its findings from the first and largest study of its kind on the association between exercise and mental health burden. SPOILER ALERT! The study concluded that whether it is inside or out, riding a bike was named one of the top two activities MOST beneficial for emotional wellness. The study analyzed the exercise and mental health of 1,237,194 adults over three years. The participants reported the type of exercise they did, how much they exercised, and how many days they experienced stress, depression, or other emotional strain. While all exercise improved overall mental health, not all exercise was equally protective. Riding a bike came in as the second most protective activity with riders reporting 21.6 percent fewer difficult mental health days. Playing a team sport was the most effective, and researchers concluded it was due to social interaction. Want to amplify the positive effects of a bike ride? Invite a friend! This study confirms what most lovers of two wheels already knew; a few buddies and a bike make for a happier life. Scientific jargon aside, we believe in the power of riding a bike. We also want to rally behind and support our youth to ensure we are doing what we can to help keep them well – physically AND emotionally. One day, these very children will become leaders in our world. That’s why we know our mission to teach every child in America how to ride a bike in kindergarten PE class is no small act. When it comes to helping children deal with anxiety, depression, and stress and improving how they feel about themselves and the world around them, part of the solution might be as simple as riding a bike. And, once they learn, they’ll be able to ride and be happy well into their advanced years. That’s a cause worth supporting. Learn more about how you can get involved HERE.
Crisis team to be on-site at Vo-Tech after reports of racial harassment Posted on September 4, 2017 by Alyssa Pressler Posted in The York Dispatch Published Nov. 10, 2016 with David Weissman. Representatives from the state Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, as well as a crisis response team from the Lincoln Intermediate Unit, will be at the York County School of Technology Friday after minority students reported racial harassment following Tuesday’s election. Freshmen Victorria Markle and Eibreha Drayden told The York Dispatch the harassment started in early October, but escalated after Republican Donald Trump was elected president Tuesday. Victorria and Eibreha said many students left school early Wednesday and didn’t show up Thursday. They said they spoke with the principal and were told school officials are looking into any reported harassment. However, the students said they don’t think enough has been done. According to 15-year-old Eibreha, the offending students get a talking-to, but no discipline is taken. “They’re saying it’s under control,” Victorria, 14, said. “The students are still in the classroom learning when we don’t get to learn because of the comments they are making towards us.” Victorria hails from York City School School District while Eibreha comes from Dallastown School District. Ongoing?: A short video taken by a 14-year-old student, Talianna Credille, at the school shows students holding a Trump sign, and voice can be heard saying “white power.” Comments posted under the video, which had more than 720 shares, suggest minority students at the school have been dealing with the issue throughout the election. Renie Mezzanotte, spokeswoman for Vo-Tech, said administrators have handed down disciplinary actions to students involved in the video, which was taken Wednesday morning before first period. As for any other claims of racial harassment or threats, Mezzanotte said she was unsure if those claims were substantiated. She said the school had no incidents on Thursday. Talianna disagreed, saying she attended school Thursday morning but decided to have her mother pick her up because of ongoing incidents, “It was just crazy; there were a lot of things happening,” she said, adding several fights broke out and more students have been suspended. The school sent out an automated phone message to parents late Thursday morning, according to York NAACP President Sandra Thompson, who said a parent forwarded the alert to her. Thompson said the message indicated that school officials spoke to all first-period classes to address reports of harassment. But Victorria and Eibreah both said the principal merely told students they could not participate in a “blackout” planned for Friday to raise awareness of the issue. Students had been planning to dress all in black, hence the term blackout. Racial epithets alleged: Eibreah, who is part Mexican, said she has been called “Papi,” whistled at like a dog and told that she will be sent over the wall. Trump has pledged to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out of the country. Victorria, who is part black, said that she has been called the N-word, has been threatened with stabbing and murder and has heard people referring to her and other black students as slaves in the hallway. This morning, Victorria said that as she excited the school bus she was met by a “rally” of kids who barked and shouted at her and other minority students. Talianna also has heard threats shouted toward minority students in the hall, including the N-word and students saying that they would, “shoot us up in the school,” she said. “The school doesn’t have metal detectors or anything and they don’t check students, so who knows if we’re actually safe at school.” Talianna, whose home district is York City, said that she is looking into switching to a new school because of the incidents, which she says have been happening for weeks. Thompson told The York Dispatch on Wednesday that York’s NAACP received reports of white students at one local high school yelling “Trump” at students of color. She confirmed Thursday that the report came from York County School of Technology and said she’s since received other reports, including female students reporting unwanted sexual advances. Victorria’s mother, Tammy Markle, also said that female students have been inappropriately grabbed at in the halls. Victorria, Eibreah and Tammy Markle all said that they have spoken with the school’s principal several times about the incidents, but they have essentially been told to keep quiet. “People told me and my mom, ‘Don’t tell anyone,'” Victorria said. Karen Snyder, Eibreah’s mother, said her daughter met with the principal weeks earlier about being called names, but she was scolded herself for referring to these students as “country people.” Snyder said she doesn’t want her daughter to run from the issues because she can get a better education at Vo-Tech, but she also wants to ensure Eibreah’s safety. Eibreah will be back at school Friday, and Snyder said she’s hopeful the media attention will cause the school’s administration to take these reports more seriously. A second automated call was placed to parents at 7:30 p.m. Thursday: “We … want to assure you that with recent incidents that have been shared on social media we have put supports in place for tomorrow to ensure safety of all students and to assist students who would like to share concerns,” the unidentified woman said. “We have teamed up with representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and a team of diversity counselors from the Lincoln Intermediate Unit crisis response team who will be on site tomorrow working with our dedicated faculty and staff to work together and to assure that all of our students are provided a safe environment for learning.” Keeping students home: York City resident Shawn Minnich, whose 16-year-old son is a junior at the school, said he had heard from his son reports of groups of students marching through the hallways shouting the N-word and harassing other students. He asked that his son not be named in the paper. His niece also attends the school, and he and his sister kept their children out of school Thursday because of the harassment. Though Minnich’s son is not a minority, he said he does not want his son around people who would do and say such things, particularly because his niece and many members of his family are minorities. He said he’s most upset that the school has “acted like it was no big deal.” “The lady at the front desk acted like there was nothing going on, and we had to get information from the kids at the school about what’s going on there,” he said, talking about picking up his son from school yesterday. Minnich’s sister, Tara Way, has a 14-year-old daughter who attends the school. She also requested that her daughter’s name not be used in the report. She spoke with the principal at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday and said the principal explained there were incidents that morning but it was under control. After hearing from several friends that this was not the case, she decided to pick up her daughter. Upon arriving at the school, Way claims that the woman at the front desk told her that all incidents were “rumors” and that she had nothing to worry about. When Way said that she spoke with the principal that morning and had heard differently, the woman agreed to get her daughter from class. “The part that concerned me the most was when I walked in the door and said I was here to pick up my daughter, the lady asked if she had an appointment,” Way explained. “The lady at the front desk looked me in the face and said, ‘Ma’am, all of these incidents were just rumors, nothing happened here today.’” Southeastern School District Superintendent Rona Kaufmann, who serves as superintendent of record for York County School of Technology, said she spoke with the school’s director, and he told her there weren’t any incidents Thursday. She said she was apprised of an incident Wednesday. York City Mayor Kim Bracey and York City School Superintendent Eric Holmes were at the technology school Thursday in response to the complaints. Holmes said approximately 450 York City students attend the technical school. “We are working with the administration at the School of Technology, and anything that we can do to assist them, we will do,” Holmes said. “We are supporting them in their efforts, and we hope with time and with a great deal of discussion amongst the students about what’s happening in our world today that we can put this behind us and move forward.” Holmes explained that it is the city school district’s responsibility to look after their students at Vo-Tech, and their primary goal is the students’ safety. Bracey posted a statement on the City of York’s Facebook page stating that the situation that occurred Wednesday morning was an isolated incident. “This morning, I met with Dr. David Thomas, Director of York County School of Technology, and I assure you that our city students and all students of that school are safe,” she wrote. York Area Regional Police Chief Tim Damon told The York Dispatch that his department is involved. The department also posted a statement on the matter on its Facebook page, stating that posts made to social media about the incident were exaggerated. “These posts include but are not limited to students being spat on and that someone was bringing a gun to school,” the statement reads. “None of this was reported to police by first party, and none of the posts have been substantiated. Most of the posts were from people that do not attend the school or have anything to do with the school.” However, students who spoke with The York Dispatch have said that threats of shootings and murders were made to them in the halls and in classes. Meeting sought: Thompson said she has seen the video Talianna shot and reached out to four or five school officials to arrange a meeting, but had yet to hear back as of 1:45 p.m. Thursday. Thompson said she feels school administrators should have addressed the issue more quickly. The York NAACP has received reports of racial harassment throughout the community since the election results were announced, Thompson said, and each complaint has referenced the election or Trump. The group will hold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 22 at Crispus Attucks to talk about the best ways to address this situation. Thompson said anyone who encounters racial or any other type of harassment should try to identify the perpetrator and report the incident to police. The technology school serves students from 14 school districts in the county. It has a nondiscrimination policy posted on its website, stating it does not discriminate based on “race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities.” National Workcamp helps Yorkers in need Administrators feel teacher shortage in York County
Html Landing Page Example With that in mind, I will be reviewing the features of Instapage and also discussing the pricing plans available to the platform as well as how to use it. You’ll be able to see if Instapage is right for you by the end of the review. For those of you who prefer a more visual experience, here is a video review from the YouTube channel Amazing Reviews. To get a comprehensive overview of Instapage, you may still want to check out our article below. Instapage Landing Page Builder: An Overview Html Landing Page Example Before we get to the bottom of all of this, you must know first-hand what Instapage really is as a platform. Instapage is a landing page builder designed to help you generate attractive, eye-catching, and overall high-quality landing pages. However, it’s not just any average landing page editor. Instapage is backed by a number of powerful tools that make it simple to quickly create high-converting landing page templates. While the idea of building a landing page sounds great, it does, however, come at a cost – and an expensive one, too. The overall cost of creating a landing page can depend on several factors, from the complexity of the design to the resources needed to build and maintain it. That said, if you want a feature-rich landing page with a more complex design, that would be too expensive to build and maintain. It doesn’t help, either, if you don’t have the skills or time to create one yourself and would rather rely on hiring a designer or agency to do it for you. Going that route would eventually cost you a few hundred to several thousand dollars more than your budget would allow. If you happen to manage multiple websites, your single Instapage account is enough to create and host multiple landing pages for each site. This is a significant advantage over other website builders that allow you to manage one account per base plan. Sign up now to create an account. Just like every other landing page builder, you won’t fully get the Instapage experience until you register your account. As soon as you log in, you’ll first notice your dashboard, where you’ll find a full overview of how much progress you’ll be making. Since this is your first time, you won’t be able to see a lot on your dashboard. But that’s okay because you’re going to learn anyway how to build a landing page of your own. Let’s get started! There are a lot of template options that you can choose from based on your planned campaign by selecting the use case filter. There are many templates that you can choose from. One template is designed to encourage users to download your app (App Download), another one to sign people up for an event (Event registration) or one to thank them for buying your product/service. Instapage has a template for every use case. Now, let’s say we’re building a landing page to launch a product. What should you do? You can start by selecting “Product Launch” from the filter. Next, choose one of the themes that will appear in the search results. A page preview will be displayed to you as you select the landing page design you feel best fits your product. This is to give you a taste of your end product once it’s published to the public online. The Instapage Builder experience, of course, wouldn’t be complete without the ability to add and rearrange a wide array of visual elements such as images, videos, and graphics, as well as headlines, text boxes, buttons, shapes, and even widgets. Interactive features such as surveys and text boxes can be added to your Instapage Builder account to capture user data while keeping them interested. To enhance the appearance of your webpage, you can use colors, fonts, and other design elements. Html Landing Page Example In Instapage terms, a set of elements grouped is called a block. You can add elements and make a few notable adjustments to a block. If you want, you can copy, duplicate, and even delete the block. This is just how to create a block. If you don’t have enough time or confidence in your page-building skills you can always use the Instapage Builder’s block templates. Every time you build a landing page, you’ll notice that the preview appears designed for desktop use. If you want to create a mobile-friendly version of your page here in Instapage, you won’t have to worry about starting again from scratch. Every template is optimized for mobile use. You can hide certain elements, or entire blocks, just like you could with the desktop version. This is useful for those who visit your landing page via their smartphones. This life-saving feature will allow you to create two different pages without having to go too far. This is how you can make your landing page attractive and effective for marketing your products or service. Now comes the crucial part. Now you need to publish your page to make it available to your audience. Publishing a landing page is an important step in the process of creating success in whatever you’re promoting, whether it’s a product or a service. This will make sure that your landing page is visible to as many people as possible, and increase traffic to your website. Html Landing Page Example You can add elements to create blocks within pages, but you also have the benefit of being able save it and reuse it whenever you need to make another page. You can also save your own blocks as Instablocks to cut down on the time it takes to build landing pages. These blocks can be used in future pages. Simply right-click the block you wish to reuse, and then click “Save To My Blocks”. Html Landing Page Example Global Blocks, on the other hand, work in the same way as Instablocks. The only difference is that they are specific to one page. The Global Blocks look consistent across all pages. If you make changes to a Global Block on a page, they will reflect on any other blocks. This can be very useful if you have a section on your website that you wish to be consistent across pages, such as a header, footer or footer. You can disable this feature if you wish. Optimizing your webpage with A/B/n testing can be a great way to improve it. Before you’re ready to publish, you need to ensure that whatever you’re making should attract the general public. The optimization experiments feature in the Instapage Builder allows you to easily identify which elements or blocks should remain as they are, since many people are drawn to them, and which parts must be modified. Split-testing multiple versions of a landing pages is possible with Instapage. Click on the “Traffic Split” button in the Builder to view the options. This allows you to compare and contrast different versions of the page to determine which one performs best. You can create multiple pages and choose the percentage of traffic that will be sent to each version. Instapage will then show you detailed analytics to help you determine which version is performing best. You can use the winning page as your final landing page layout or continue testing it with different variants to optimize it, ensuring that your page delivers the best possible visitor experience and improves conversion rates. Html Landing Page Example Instapage’s many benefits include the ability to collaborate with others and create an immersive experience. If you work in a group or team, you’ll be able to do exactly that with the platform’s real-time collaboration features. You can add comments to different pages by clicking on the blocks or elements. This feature is helpful if you have any suggestions or requests for changes to the layout and design. The AdMap tool is a great way to make sure your landing page for your product/service gets sent to the right people. The AdMap tool is designed to increase conversions and maximize return on investment. It allows you to create and track ads across multiple platforms, including Google search results. AdMap allows you to customize your ads based on your audience’s interests and behaviors. It can help optimize customer journeys by identifying and eliminating roadblocks and pain points that prevent customers from converting. It also allows users to view how changes to ads or pages affect the performance of their campaigns. Instapage AdMap offers a simple interface and detailed analytics reports that will help anyone increase their conversion rate and ROI. To access the feature, you will need a Google Ads account. Html Landing Page Example Heatmaps also help to highlight any usability issues customers may be experiencing, allowing businesses to make changes quickly and effectively. This can be used to track visitor journeys across multiple pages and devices, providing valuable information about how customers engage with content and websites and helping businesses grow and succeed in the long run. Html Landing Page Example Instapage shines best as both a landing page creator and a lead generation tool, so it’s for this reason that its analytics section perfectly reflects it. As one of the platform’s top-selling assets, real-time analytics gives you a full scope of how well your page is performing online, thanks to its detailed visuals and accurate numbers. This feature allows you to monitor and analyze their landing pages’ performance. The feature provides detailed information on metrics such as page views, unique visitors, bounce rates, and more. This data can be used to improve and optimize landing pages, and in turn, improve the business’ overall standing. Included in the lineup of analytics tools that Instapage offers is the Conversion Goals tool built within the page builder, which allows you to set specific goals for your page to track. Additionally, you can integrate with third-party analytics platforms to gain insights into user behavior and help boost the optimization of your page, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and more. Instapage Analytics allows users to analyze how landing pages perform and make data-driven choices about how to improve them. Below is a complete list of all the Instapage plans currently available: Html Landing Page Example Drag-and-drop builders make creating landing pages easy and quick. Html Landing Page Example Certain advanced features can only be included in higher plans. For example, heatmaps are only available in the Convert Tier upwards. Html Landing Page Example As we reach the end of the review, it’s clear as day that Instapage is an excellent platform for creating and optimizing landing pages, with a wide range of features and customization options to explore. The user interface is simple to the core, but the built-in editor is jam-packed with some of the most powerful tools that no other platform can compete. FAQ Html Landing Page Example
THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF STATES: For parts 1-5 scroll down Nation states, then, are the authors, actors under, and subjects of International Law. The rights and duties of states are: Equality: Regardless of the size of its territory or population , each state enjoys equal access to international courts and organs of arbitration. Equality also means an equal voice relative to the the creation , codification, or restriction of rights and duties of states. Equality also refers to independence in its domestic affairs. A state may generally rely on its sovereignty in dealing with its own nationals. However, states that act in a manner to shock international standards of humanity invite intervention. The right of independence in domestic affairs is tempered by international standards of individual human rights. Genocide, "ethnic cleansing", and the dispossession of groups within a state invite response by the international community by intervention. Independence in Foreign Affairs A state may decide for itself the type and extent of diplomatic relations it engages in with other states. The existence of an isolated state like Japan before Admiral Perry's visit is almost unthinkable today. It is entirely up to the individual state to determine its own foreign affairs. Each state has the inherent right to enter into treaties. the only limit on this right of soverignity is that the state may not enter a treaty whose provisions are contrary to International Law or violate treaties the state is bound to follow. Continued Existence and Self Defense: The law-abiding state is entitled to continued existence. This implies the right of self defense. Self defense is not restricted to merely repelling attack. Other actions such as an arms build up in response to similar actions by an unfriendly sovereign are inherent in the right of self defense. However, "preventative war" is illegal. This must be carefully considered by states considering "preemptive strikes". The differences between "preventative war" and a "preemptive strike" are real. A state must make its case before and after the event. Diplomatic and Consular Roles: All sovereign states have the "right of legation" The right of legation refers to a state's right to send representatives to attend to their interests in other states, and to receive comparable representatives of other states. In the ancient world, legations or diplomatic missions were exchanged at times. The practice we observe in the modern world of permanent legations in foreign countries is of relatively recent vintage. It was not a very widespread practice until the latter years of the 19th century. Today it is a virtually indispensable norm. Under the right of legation a state may exchange a variety of representatives. The representatives most commonly referred to in this context are diplomatic agents and consuls. Diplomatic agents form the personnel of the diplomatic mission. The functions of the diplomatic missions include: -Representing the sending state in the receiving state -Protecting the sending state's interest -Negotiating with the government of the receiving state -Lawfully observing and reporting conditions in the receiving state -Promoting friendly relations. By contrast consuls are not diplomatic agents. Consuls are agents in the interest of the sending state's commerce, industry, and navigation. Consular agents need not be citizens of the sending or authorizing state. In a number of U.S. ports "honorary consuls" are local attorneys. United States Naval officers and Coast Guard officers may be called upon to perform consular functions in foreign ports when there is no other U.S. consular agent. Military and naval officers may also serves as military attaches. As such they are part of the diplomatic mission. The primary duty of the military attache is the lawful collection of information of military value. Additionally, he or she may have ceremonial or honorary duties assigned by t he head of mission. The military attache occasionally may be charged with protecting the rights of U.S. servicemen subjected to trial by a foreign court. Such situations are usually the subject of "status of forces' agreements. To a large extent , the military attache and his staff may enjoy the privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents are much more extensive than the privileges and immunities normally extended to other military personnel on foreign soil under "Status of Forces" agreements. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents include: Freedom of Transit: the right to transit the territory of a third party to reach the nation wher ethe mission is located. Inviolability of Person: protection from personal assault, interference or arrest. Inviolability of Domicile: protection of their residence from search and seizure. Jurisdictional Immunities: protection from civil suits, witness duties, and criminal prosecution. Exemption from taxes and customs duties. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents apply without exception to the Chief of Mission. Generally the mission staff and their families are entitled to the same immunities as the Chief of Mission; however, practices vary from state to state and are largely based on reciprocity. By contrast, consular officers with commercial duties are usually guided in their mission not by traditional diplomatic functions recognized in International Law but by the domestic law of the sending state. generally, the exchange of consuls is provided for in a bilateral treaty of commerce and navigation or a bilateral consular treaty or convention. By U.S.domestic law, our consuls are authorized to receive the protests and declarations of ship masters, crews, passengers, and merchants who are U.S. citizens. U.S. consuls abroad are also charged with the care of American merchant ships stranded in their district and the relief of distressed American merchant seamen. To this end, U.S. consular officers, including naval officers acting in that capacity, may require masters of American merchant ships to return such seamen to the U.S. at no charge though the seaman may be required to work during passage. Consular officers, including naval officers acting in that capacity , may require U.s. masters of U.S. Merchant ships sold abroad to pay the crew's passage back to the United States. Consular officers, including naval officers acting in that capacity, are vested with the usual powers of a Notary Public. It is important that junior naval and Coast Guard officers be familiar with consular duties because the Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA) may act as a consular officer when a regular consular officer is not present. This power is most often exercised in its notarial functions for a warship's own crew members with problems that require the authentication of documents. The most junior officer may find himself SOPA on a warship during peace time port visits if liable to duty as in-port Officer of the Deck. An exemplary senior yeoman afloat will keep a formulary of typical U.S. notorial forms of attestation , bills of sale, powers of attorney, and affidavit formats to fulfill these needs. the notarial authority of commissioned officers is also recognized by statute in a number of U.S. states. This can provide a great savings, morale boost and convenience for crewmen. Crew morale and emergency considerations aside, the SOPA occasionally may have to perform the commercial functions of a consular agent. This is especially true when working closely with merchant -manned sea lift forces. Naval officers are well -advised to acquaint themselves with the guidelines for consular officers found in the U.S. State Department's FOREIGN AFFAIRS MANUAL. In a maritime context, sovereignty is a primary concept of International law. It is the authority to impose custom duties and entrance and clearance requirements for merchant ships. Sovereignty is the underlying principle guiding the the privileges and immunities of warships and the duties and obligations of merchant ships. The naval professional is charged with projecting, protecting, and defending the concept of sovereignty of his own and allied nations and protecting the world's commons. To be continued : Next the laws of territory and the commons Shop Amazon Warehouse Deals - Deep Discounts on Open-box and Used Products
Disorder in the court: injustice in Mississippi’s justice system The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) describes the mistreatment of Jagjeet Singh, a Sikh truck driver from California, by the state of Mississippi’s justice system. Police officers and the judge responsible for his case not only failed to recognize Sikh articles of faith, but also harassed and discriminated against him based on their ignorance of these articles. It began with the police officers who arrested Jagjeet Singh in January of this year after he experienced a flat tire while driving […] Categories: Civil Rights • Tags: court room, Jagjeet Singh, MDOT, Michigan, Mississippi, Pike County, Turban Vaisakhi 2013 festivities continue in states of NY, MI, and WA Well into the month of April, Sikhs across the country are continuing to celebrate Vaisakhi, one of the most significant dates on the Sikh calendar. This weekend saw Vaisakhi festivities take place on the east coast, mid-west and west coast. Last Saturday, thousands of Sikhs assembled in New York City for their 26th annual Sikh Day Parade: The Sikh community brought color and culture to Manhattan’s Madison Square Park on Saturday. Parade-goers marched under brilliant sunshine to celebrate Vaisakhi Day, […] Categories: Events, Sikhism • Tags: "Washington, Baisakhi, Bellingham, Khalsa Day, Lansing, Lynden, Madison Square, Manhattan, Michigan, New York, Sikh Day, Vaisakhi Harleen Kaur shares about volunteering for nonprofit newspaper Harleen Kaur, a university student and activist, describes the challenges and learnings about volunteering in the office of the nonprofit newspaper Groundcover News: I have realized what a great effort and passion it takes to maintain such dedication. Even when the work is this difficult, I have never seen a hint of despair or a sense of wanting to give up. According to their website, Groundcover News, located in Michigan, is one of many publications that “exist in cities all […] Categories: Civil Rights, Profiles, Reflections • Tags: Ann Arbor, Groundcover News, Harleen Kaur, Michigan, Street newspaper Let’s call it what it is: “Sikhophobia” A number of different American communities have been impacted by Islamophobia, and practitioners of the Sikh religion make up one of the most adversely affected minority groups. The distinctive physical appearance of typical Sikh males in particular — brown skin, turban, beard — correlates with the stereotypical images of terrorists projected in western media. Scholars have recently described this perceived relationship as a racialization of religious identity. This process has led to a conflation of Sikhs and Muslims, and therefore, […] Categories: Civil Rights, Hate Crimes • Tags: Brampton, California, Canada, Elk Grove, FBI Hate Crime Statistics, Fresno, hate crimes, Huffington Post, Islamophobia, Michigan, Ontario, Sikhophobia, Simran Jeet Singh, Sterling, Sterling Heights, Virginia Pictures of the Day: Vaisakhi celebrations across America This past weekend, the Sikh communities in several cities enjoyed Vaisakhi celebrations by holding annual Nagar Kirtans. I’ve enjoyed seeing Sikhs celebrate so openly in their cities. Below are photos from media reports about the Nagar Kirtans in Lansing, Michigan, New Orleans, Lousiana and New York, New York. Lansing, Michigan: New Orleans, Louisiana: New York, New York: Categories: Events, Picture of the Day • Tags: Lansing, Louisiana, Michigan, Nagar Kirtan, New Orleans, New York, Vaisakhi Picture of the Day: Vaisakhi celebrations at WSU in Detroit, MI April 6, 2012 by Rupinder Mohan Singh A Sikh girl in Detroit, Michigan celebrates Vaisakhi (also known as Baisakhi) at Wayne State University. More photos of that celebration is available at the Wayne State University flickr feed. Vaisakhi is the most celebrated event on the Sikh calendar and takes place each April: Vaisakhi (Punjabi: ਵੈਸਾਖੀ or ਵਸਾਖੀ, vaisĝkhī, is, as well, known as Baisakhi), it is a very important day for Sikhs and one of the most colourful events in the Sikh calendar. It occurs during mid-April […] Categories: Events, Picture of the Day • Tags: Baisakhi, Detroit, Michigan, Nagar Kirtan, Vaisakhi, Wayne State University FBI joins investigation of Michigan Gurdwara vandalism as possible hate crime The FBI is joining the investigation of the vandalism of a Gurdwara under construction in Sterling Heights, Michigan, almost two weeks ago: DEARBORN, Mich. (WTW) — The U.S. Justice Department says the FBI is joining local law enforcement agencies to investigate vandalism at Muslim and Sikh houses of worship in the Detroit area. U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade and Detroit FBI chief Andrew Arena announced Thursday that federal authorities will participate in the probes of two attacks that happened this month […] Categories: Hate Crimes, News Bits • Tags: FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Graffiti, Gurdwara, hate crime, Michigan, Sterling Heights Gurdwara in Sterling Heights, MI, vandalized in apparent hate crime February 7, 2012 by Rupinder Mohan Singh The Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) alerts us to vandalism of a Gurdwara completing construction in Sterling Heights, Michigan: According to reports directly from the gurdwara management committee, the vandalism happened between the evening of Feb 5th and the morning of February 6, 2012. The graffiti included vulgar language, racial epithets, the use of what appears to be a cross, a large drawing of a gun, and references to the attacks of September 11th. The new site […] Categories: Hate Crimes, News Bits • Tags: Graffiti, hate crime, Michigan, SALDEF, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Sterling Heights Michigan’s Gulshan Singh raps against bullying Sikh teen Gulshan Singh, from Michigan, took on bullying through rap and video: The video, titled “Let It Out,” sums up the emotions of a Sikh teenager who is harassed because he looks different. Mr. Singh said the video, which was recently showcased at the Sikh International Film Festival in New York, is not based on a specific person but on an experience shared by many Sikhs, including many of his friends. Turbans and beards, religious requirements, makes Sikhs stand […] Categories: Hate Crimes • Tags: bullying, Gulshan Singh, Michigan, music
Pre-Revolution Timeline - The 1700s Wars amongst colonial powers from Queen Anne to French and Indian led to growing unrest within the colonies themselves as taxes were levied without representation, which would lead to the next decade to come and revolution. American leaders began to emerge in a variety of ways, including George Washington trying to become a British General and Ben Franklin beginning his publishing career and flying a kite. More 1700s To the 1700s Buy Chronology Tweets by @ambesthistory Above: Engraving of Faneuil Hall in Boston. Courtesy Library of Congress. Right: Painting of Oglethorpe and the Indians (Muskogee) in the U.S. Capitol, Architect of the Capitol. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons. Philosophical Ideas Sponsor this page for $150 per year. Your banner or text ad can fill the space above. Click here to Sponsor the page and how to reserve your ad. 1729 Detail July 25, 1729 - Lord proprietors sells out their interests in North Carolina to British Crown, establishing North Carolina as a Crown Colony. The colony of the Carolinas had begun over sixty years prior when King Charles benefacted his friends, eight, as Lord Proprieters of the lands from the Virginia border to Florida and all the way west to the Pacific Ocean. They and their heirs had become rich men off the settlements that now dotted the area. It had not been an easy journey to establish those communities, start and administer the governments that would arise, and fight off their enemies, whether that be in Queen Anne's War with the Spanish, or the later Tuscarora War between the colonists and tribes in North Carolina. On December 7, 1710, a partition was completed, making the Carolina colony two colonies; North Carolina and South Carolina. It would be run by the same eight proprieters, but be separate. By 1719, there was distrust of the proprieters in South Carolina, causing King George I to appoint a governor to South Carolina while the proprieters appointed the governor of North Carolina. For South Carolina it had been slow growth with government hindrance, greed, lack of oversight, and personal rivalries. Add in the fact that the proprietors or their heirs rarely visited their holdings in the New World, leading to another round of abuse of power and graft. So in 1719, a bloodless Revolution of 1719 occurred when the citizens got tired of it, and installed their own government. It did not affect North Carolina, as it had its own separate government. For the next ten years, the English government attempted to buy out the lord proprieters and their heirs, as well as establish a defined boundary between the Colony of Virginia and that of the Carolinas. That was accomplished in 1728. As far as the negotiations for becoming a Royal Colony, seven of the lord proprieters would eventually agree, and both North Carolina and South Carolina became Royal Colonies in 1729. The only proprieter who refused to sell was Lord Cartaret's family; they retained a one-eighth portion of the royal colony, the Granville District, until 1776. The Cartaret Family and the Granville District Vice Admiral Sir George Carteret, one of the eight original proprietors, had always been more involved in the affairs of the Colony of New Jersey than that of Carolina. However, the lands given to him in North Carolina were extensive. The Granville District ran south of the border with Virginia for sixty miles, between the north latitudes 35 degrees 34' and 36 degrees 30'. All told, it represented half of the acreage in the colony of North Carolina. George Cartaret's grandson, Lord John Cartaret, had no interest in selling, and held onto his landholdings in exchange for no participation in the colonial government. It took Lord John Cartaret until 1742 before he requested allotments and hired agents to administer it. Samuel Warner, a London surveyer came to the colonies and surveyed the land; it would contain fifty-six and a quarter minutes of north latitude, later extended with western expansion. Lord John Cartaret never visited his land. Once the Royal Colony was established back in 1729, there were disputes with the Cartaret Granville District, as the Royal government was still responsible for it, but received no revenue. John Cartaret, known as the Earl of Granville by 1750, had growing disputes about land grants condoned by his agents. After his death in 1763, the situation became worse. His son, Robert, considered many times selling their interest back to the crown, but after the War of Regulation, 1770, which stemmed back to settlers not being able to get clear title to their land, the American Revolution soon started to consume the affairs of the British Crown and the era of the Cartaret's and Granville had little significance. Granville's lands were specifically granted back to the State of North Carolina in 1777. After the war was completed, the Cartaret's were compensated some for their lands. Progress of the Rest of the Colony of North Carolina Despite the lack of Granville's land for British profit during the years of being a Royal Colony, the colony grew rapidly. The new administration, replacing that culled by the proprieters, was more efficient and allowed for better growth. Fifty-two new towns were settled between 1729 and 1775. Customs ports were established at Bath, Roanoke, Currituck Precinct, Brunswick, and Beaufort. That does not mean there were no disputes; there was a struggle for control between the General Assembly and the Governor on issues such as the designation of counties and the use of the treasury. Since the General Assembly had legislative control over the choice of treasurer and the spending of money, it rankled the executive branch during the period of 1629 to 1776. Image above: Map of the Royal Colony of North Carolina, 1738, James Wimble. Courtesy North Carolina State Department of Archives and History via Wikipedia Commons. Image Below: Montage of the portraits of six of the eight men given charter to the Colony of Carolina; Sir Edward Clyde, Earl of Clarendon, unknown date and author; George Monck, Duke of Albemarle, 1665, workshop of Peter Lely; William Craven, Lord Craven, 1640, Gerard van Honthorst; Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Ashley, 1672/1673, John Greenhill; John Berkeley, Lord Berkeley, 1625/1650, George Perfect Harding; and Sir George Carteret, 17th century, unknown author. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons via National Trust, Sotheby's, National Portrait Gallery, avalonisle.org, etc. Info Source: Library of Congress; Wikipedia Commons; ccpl.org; North Carolina of Natural and Cultural Resources; ncpedia.org. History Photo Bomb Benjamin Franklin. Image courtesy National Archives. Engraving of Chamberlain and Paugus at Lovewell's Fight, Dummer's War, 1872, Author Unknown, John Gilmary Shea's A Child's History of the United States. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons. Timeline Book Old Fort Niagara, 1900, Detroit Photographic Company. Courtesy Library of Congress. ABH Travel Tip Be fort centric! Yes, if you like forts, there's plenty to go around. You can visit Fort Ticonderoga, above, in New York, or the forts of San Francisco, there's one, Fort Point, beneath the Golden Gate bridge, or anywhere in between, whether your interest is frontier, wild west, or Civil War. America's Best History where we take a look at the timeline of American History and the historic sites and national parks that hold that history within their lands. Photos courtesy of the Library of Congress, National Archives, National Park Service, americasbesthistory.com & its licensors. If you like us, share this page on Twitter, Facebook, or any of your other favorite social media sites. © 2022 Americasbesthistory.com. Template by w3layouts.
July 28, 2016 July 28, 2016 Andrew Chapman An Authors Life, The Other Stuff, Uncategorized When Kids Ruled the World I had a terrible realisation recently. I think I might be 11. And there’s a good chance you are too. Let me explain. I remember my dad when he was in his thirties, as I am now. And I remember, very distinctly, that he was a proper grown up. He knew what he was doing. He had a business and a mortgage, he took us on holidays, could fix anything that broke. There was no sense that he was pretending to be an adult. I do not feel like that. I remember when I was 11 and my birthday was coming up and I thought “When I’m twelve I won’t be a kid anymore.” And then nothing changed. And then my 16th birthday came up and I thought, “Finally I’ll be an adult.” I turned 16 and nothing happened. Soon I was 18. I felt the same. Now I’m 32 and wondering at what point some internal thing will click into adult mode and I no longer find fart jokes funny. Maybe it will be when I turn 40. I am still an 11 year old waiting to grow up. I have no idea how the whole grown up thing works. From the outside looking in I probably seem like a fully functioning adult. I’m a dad, and I’m managing to parent well enough, I have a job and pay my bills, but secretly I have no idea what I’m doing. And then I thought, what if everyone else is secretly 11 too and we’re all just pretending at being an adult? What if our leaders are secretly running the country with no fucking idea what they’re doing? It would explain a lot. And then I saw this picture on the front page of the Guardian newspaper of Theresa May and Michael Gove and I thought, “Shit! They’re 11!” God help us all. Further evidence – Tagged 11, Brexit, Children, Fucked, Funny, Kids, Michael Gove, Running, Theresa May, World 2 thoughts on “When Kids Ruled the World” Delilah says: Yes, I think it’s everyone. You, me, politicians, economists… I’ve a feeling the only grown-up around is the Queen…. andychapwriter says: That could be true. She is the only one that seems to have mastered it. The Secret to Keeping your reader’s Attention – Clarity of Thought. The Accidental Scoundrel – the book launch and trailer
Tag Archives: Joe Sawyer Posted on December 3, 2016 by lyzmadness “You can’t kill me again…” Director: Michael Curtiz Starring: Boris Karloff, Marguerite Churchill, Edmund Gwenn, Ricardo Cortez, Henry O’Neill, Barton MacLane, Warren Hull, Joseph King, Joe Sawyer, Addison Richards, Paul Harvey, Robert Strange, Kenneth Harlan, Ruth Robinson Screenplay: Ewart … Continue reading → Posted in Science fiction | Tagged 1930s, Addison Richards, Barton MacLane, Boris Karloff, Edmund Gwenn, Ewart Adamson, Henry O'Neill, Horror, Joe Sawyer, Joseph Fields, Joseph King, Kenneth Harlan, Lillie Hayward, mad science, Marguerite Churchill, Michael Curtiz, Paul Harvey, Peter Milne, raising the dead, Ricardo Cortez, Robert Andrews, Robert Strange, Roundtable, Ruth Robinson, science fiction, Warners, Warren Hull | 15 Comments
Research Paper Writing – Become a Top Notch Writer If you are in the middle of writing your research papers, then I would love to inform you that not all of research paper writers are made equal. A number of them may have thought of a brilliant idea, but there are also some who are extremely poor at expressing themselves in their research papers. So before getting in the process of locating a writer, here is a little advice on the way best to weed out the bad seeds out of the excellent ones. One thing you should never do is listen to what other pupils have written about their research paper writing teachers. Most of the time these”experts” are not worthy of the attention since they are obviously not enjoying what they are doing. Now there are a number of teachers that can be like this, but you should also remember that some are just plain lazy and needs to be avoided. Here Are a Few Tips on how you can Get the best research paper writers: Utilize the Internet to get loads of information regarding research paper writers. You can readily access forums in which students and professional researchers to exchange thoughts. Attempt to find out what kinds of questions that they ask, and answer yourself. Should you come across a student who seems to have the answers you’re interested in, then it is possible contador de palavras online to consider them for a fantastic beginning. Speak to some research paper writers. You will have the ability to tell a lot about a writer by how he/she answers your questions. If they are really real and gives accurate answers, then you could consider him/her to be an expert. But if the responses you receive are riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes, then it’s better to look elsewhere. Bear in mind, you are in a partnership for this particular person and it’s vital to make sure that you come out on top. This is the reason you will need to be selective and read between the lines. You can also speak with your teachers or older students who are already doing research documents. They may be able to give you advice on ways to become one of the very best research paper writers there is. The research paper market is very competitive and there are lots of people trying to do this kind of work. It would be helpful if it is possible to develop your personal style and talk quickly and clearly. Last, talk to some people in the field of research papers. You can obtain online sentence counter a lot of experience by simply talking to some people in the industry. They can inform you about their own experiences and point you to the path that fits your requirements. Remember, the more you know about search papers, the better your chances are of getting among the best.
► Name that critter Name that critter Started by animaltoyforum, December 14, 2012, 01:33:58 PM Go Down Pages1 2 3 ... 19 December 14, 2012, 01:33:58 PM Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 01:37:29 PM by animaltoyforum A new game - Name that critter Here's a picture of an obscure animal species. The challenge is to identify it. Whoever can name it can then post a picture of another obscure species to be identified. And so on... Re: Name that critter December 14, 2012, 01:45:46 PM Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 01:55:34 PM by brontodocus Golden Snub-nosed Monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana. Hehe, I have the Kaiyodo figure of that one... Just wait, I'll have a new one within a few minutes... Edit: Okay, I've got one... I do believe that is the business end of a Mexican mole lizard, Bipes biporus. I had to do a bit of research on this one though! Here it is, weird indeed!: I feel we are all going to learn something from this thread! And a new one: sbell Quote from: animaltoyforum on December 14, 2012, 07:52:39 PM Cycad weevil! Antliarhis zamia now a weird one... Correct! Hose-nosed cycad weevil. Appropriate name. As for the next one, I couldn't tell you what class it belongs to, let alone what species! Would you have a larger picture perhaps? I can't seem to find a larger one (yet), but this might be clearer: It's a type of pipefish isn't it. But what species...that I must find out. It's not though! It's even weirder than that. Varanus Goannas Rule! December 14, 2012, 11:43:54 PM Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 11:46:49 PM by Varanus Snipe eel! Here's one: Good work on the snipe eel, Varanus, that one had me stumped! I recognised your critter as a gull, but couldn't say what species. Until, that is, I saw the name in the .jpg URL. oops. I hereby disqualify myself from this round All right, all right! It's a Thayer's gull, Larus thayeri. This next one would be equally at home in the creatures that give you heebie jeebies thread December 16, 2012, 02:57:36 PM Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 02:57:56 PM by Jetoar A spider with a shield in his abdomen . Hmm, I guess we have to be more specific - it's a trapdoor spider (family Ctenizidae) of the genus Cyclocosmia, possibly C. ricketti. They use the rear end of their opisthosome to close their burrows. Okay, this one is one of the most famous among its relatives and has a vernacular name that's as catchy as the animal itself so it shouldn't be hard... : In Spain, the name of this animal is Spanish dancer . Quote from: Jetoar on December 16, 2012, 07:22:09 PM Yes, that's it! Ok this is one of my favorite insects Any idea . December 17, 2012, 09:42:32 AM Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 09:57:47 AM by Ana Well, maybe I'm not into insects but isn't it Emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia)? If yes, here is the picture to guess Oh, that's a Huon Tree Kangaroo, Dendrolagus matschiei! Okay, what species do we have here? Quote from: Ana on December 17, 2012, 09:42:32 AM Sorry but your answer is incorrect friend . It is not Saturnia pavonia December 17, 2012, 04:42:31 PM Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:40:19 PM by Ana @Jetoar Oh, then I truly have no idea Ok, I think I found it, it must be Great peacock moth yes? (Saturnia pyri) @Brontodocus I couldn't find these frogs anywhere at all. But they really look amazing And yes, the name of kangaroo species is correct Go Up Pages1 2 3 ... 19
‘Hasta Siempre Compañero’: Remembering Diego Maradona Author Danny ShawPosted on November 29, 2020 BY DANNY SHAW & WILLIAM CAMACARO On November 25, 2020, the fighting peoples of the world lost a humble legend: Diego Armando Maradona. He was 60 years old at... Here’s How You Can Be a Communist and Enjoy the World Cup Author Carlos Cruz MosqueraPosted on June 4, 2018 September 4, 2018 BY CARLOS CRUZ MOSQUERA The FIFA World Cup, and football (soccer) in general, is hands down the most popular sporting event in the world. No other individual sport comes...
Home / TOPOGRAPHICAL VIEWS / AUSTRALIA / Western Australia / A View on the Ord River A View on the Ord River Julian Rossi Ashton (1851 - 1942) S/N: PAA-WC-2488–217359 Categories: Western Australia x 76mm Ashton was born in England, the elder son of a wealthy American, Thomas Briggs Ashton and his wife Henrietta, daughter of Count Carlo Rossi, a Sardinian diplomat. Soon after his birth the family moved to Cornwall, where his father, an amateur painter, encouraged the artistic leanings of Julian and his brother George. About 1862 the Ashtons moved to Totnes on the River Dart, where Julian attended the local grammar school, but his father died and the family, now in financial straits, went to London. Julian had art lessons from an old friend of his father whose teaching he described as 'the most helpful I ever had'. At 15 he took a job in the civil engineering branch of the Great Eastern Railway and attended the West London School of Art at night. After three years he joined a firm of ironmongers as a draftsman, but soon left to become a successful illustrator for such journals as Chatterbox and Cassell's Magazine. In 1873 he spent a few months at the new Académie Julian in Paris, and subsequently had work accepted by the Royal Academy of Arts. Ashton emigrated to Melbourne in 1878 to work as an artist for the Illustrated Australian News. In 1881 he worked at the Australasian Sketcher and in 1883 moved to Sydney to work on the Picturesque Atlas of Australasia and the Bulletin. Ashton became an influential patron and supporter of Australian through his roles as trustee of the National Art Gallery of New South Wales and numerous associations that he belonged to. He was awarded the Society of Artists' medal for distinguished services to Australian art in 1924, appointed C.B.E. in 1930, and won the Sydney sesquicentennial prize for a water-colour in 1938. View other items by Julian Rossi Ashton Passing between Bald Head & Vancouver Reefs. King George’s Sound, Western Australia. Swartte Swanne drift op het Eyland Rottenest. – Het Eyland St. Paulo. – Het Eyland Emsterdam. Natives of Western Australia. King George’s Sound.
Multi-stakeholder Climate Change Downscaler Training in Thailand 27/FEB/2018 Khlong Luang, Thailand Participants from seven countries gathered at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand on February 19-20, 2018 for a training course on the use of a Climate Change Downscaler system for impact assessments, adaptation planning, and urban planning. Organized by the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), the training workshop was delivered in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the University of Tsukuba, and the Center for Environmental Science in Saitama. Spatially detailed climate prediction is essential for undertaking climate change impact assessments and designing corresponding adaptation strategies and measures to address identified impacts. Climate projection is also a tool that can be used to assess the effects of urban planning and changes in land-use on the local thermal environment. Currently, climate impact assessment researchers as well as land-use and urban planners have to either rely on climate modeling specialists to generate necessary data or apply dynamic downscaling to their data in order to obtain detailed spatial climate prediction data fit for their respective purposes. However, dynamic downscaling requires advanced, specialized knowledge, making it difficult for non-specialists to use. Responding to the need for a simplified process for making local climate change projections and assessments, Dr. Hiroyuki Kusaka (University of Tsukuba), Dr. Masayuki Hara (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama), and Yasutaka Wakatsuki (Ibaraki University) developed a downscaling assessment system called the S8•SI-CAT Downscaler. It aims to reduce the workload for non-specialists of climate modeling, including government officers and researchers, who are responsible for local climate change projections. The workshop provided participants with hands-on exercises on the specific functions of the S8•SI-CAT Downscaler required for their particular research and policy needs. Schematic image of down scaling from Global Climate model (GCM) to Regional Climate Model (RCM) [1] The countries are Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Birth Control Use in IVF? Wait…What? It may be surprising to hear that the birth control pill has a specific and intentional use in IVF cycles. If you are just starting IVF,… It’s Not Forever, It’s Just For Now. Women who walk into my office have been put through the fertility wringer. They’ve had their blood taken enough times they could guide a…
The Fate of Your Vehicle Friday, June 9, 2017 in Blog Note: originally published in 2011 in CAA Magazine – we have made some progress in Ontario. How to ensure your old clunker doesn’t become an environmental hazard. It’s probably not something you’ve ever thought about, but where you take your vehicle when it reaches the end of the road can make the difference between an environmental disaster and a model of environmental responsibility. The truth is, not everybody handles end-of-life vehicles (ELV) and vehicles that have been in accidents the way they should. Steve Fletcher, Executive Director of the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA), has heard some of the horror stories. With many automotive recyclers, trying to extract the most value from an ELV by cutting environmental corners is unfortunately a growing practise. “Our members, however, follow a very strict code of practice in the way they handle a vehicle. they spend a lot of money to build and maintain facilities that are specially designed to capture and store potentially harmful operating fluids and other toxins such as mercury and lead. We keep all of that stuff contained and prevent it from contaminating the soil and groundwater. The technicians who do the work are trained to follow a methodical process that maximizes the amount of material that can be reclaimed and minimizes the environmental impact,” says Fletcher. The problem, Fletcher explains, is that not everybody follows the same protocol or plays by the same rules. “We know of some scrap operations who buy cars just to crush them and sell them for the value of the metal. They don’t drain anything and they don’t do anything to protect the environment. And when metal prices are high like they are now, those guys really come out of the woodwork.” Fletcher says their members remove an average of 40 litres of potentially hazardous fluids from each vehicle, as well as lead, mercury and ozone-depleting gases. “All the oil, gas and other operating fluids pose a significant risk to the environment if they’re allowed to just leach into the soil. Our members carefully drain all the fluids and store them for reuse or recycling.” Fletcher adds that gas tanks, batteries and tires are all removed and recycled, reused or disposed of appropriately. The vehicle is then sent for dismantling where usable parts are removed for resale. “By the time our members crush a car, it is a clean, dry hulk that poses no threat to the environment. Only then is the unusable portion of the vehicle crushed and sent to be shredded for metal recovery,” says Fletcher. Incredibly, there is currently no legislation that dictates how an ELV has to be handled, although the OARA is working with the provincial government to set environmental standards for the processing of ELVs. The OARA is also working with environmental groups and a number of leading auto manufacturers who have recognized the need to ensure ELVs are properly processed at the end of their operating lives. “When people are done with their vehicles, they really need to be aware of who they’re selling it to. It can make all the difference in the world,” says Fletcher. The post The Fate of Your Vehicle appeared first on Automotive Recyclers of Canada.
Press Release: Severe Drought in the Horn of Africa By: ASHLEY | Publish date : 18-07-2022 Severe Drought in the Horn of Africa Minneapolis, July 18, 2022 – The Horn of Africa experiences two rainy seasons per year. The timing varies across the region, but rains broadly fall from March to May. The lack of these rains in 2022 has been felt particularly in equatorial parts of the Horn of Africa region, where the long rains contribute 70% of the annual total rainfall. Currently, 16.7 million people are projected to be in crisis (UNOCHA) or worse levels of high acute food insecurity solely due to the drought in The Horn of Africa. Four consecutive rainy seasons have failed since late 2020, a climactic event not seen in the last 40 years. This disaster is expected to be worse than the famine in 2011, when 260,000 people died in Somalia alone, 50% of those people being children under the age of 5. Our Executive Director, Mohamed Idris, and Program Director, Jordan Greene, had the opportunity to visit the Horn of Africa in June 2022. While in The Horn, they witnessed firsthand the effects of the drought. It became apparent to Idris that the humanitarian situation in the horn of Africa region is alarming. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report projects that global warming will negatively affect food systems in the region by shortening the growing season and increasing water stress. The combined population of Switzerland and Australia doesn’t add up to the 16.7 million people facing food insecurity in the Horn of Africa. The UNOCHA report further emphasized that the consequences of the prolonged drought conditions have extended to the loss of livestock, with 7 million deaths recorded so far. Another 22 million livestock are estimated to have been severely emaciated due to the drought. The ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the drought raises serious questions about future food and water security in the Horn of Africa. The conditions have increased the workload for women and female children who are responsible for providing water using donkeys or carrying it on their back; Access to water has increased to a walk between 3 - 5 miles each way. As a result, female children drop out of school to assist their mothers with this burden. ARAHA has launched a campaign to support families suffering from this drought. Our teams on the ground in the Horn of Africa allow ARAHA to know what supplies are most needed at this time and respond to the areas in the most need as fast as possible. These supplies include rice/maize/wheat, cooking oil, evaporated milk, and water. Our Program Director states, “We can distribute food baskets and non-food items for hundreds of drought-affected families in The Horn of Africa. However, the needs are currently far beyond the resources we have." ARAHA needs donations to continue providing immediate relief and aid to victims of this disaster. The Executive Director of ARAHA urges donors to think about these families and support ARAHA’s lifesaving work: “It’s a matter of life and death for these families. Let us save families before it’s too late. ” To donate, please visit www.araha.org/donate or text “ARAHA” to 44321. If you would like more information about ARAHA’s current efforts in The Horn of Africa, please contact Jordan Greene, Program Director ([email protected]), or Ashley Dial, Marketing Director ([email protected]). To learn more about our relief campaign, please visit www.ARAHA.org. About ARAHA: ARAHA is a humanitarian non-governmental organization (NGO) that works in the Horn of Africa region, delivering essentials and developing opportunities. We have a diverse range of programs that brings life to our mission and adapts to the specific needs of each community in which it works. The organization aims to bring immediate relief to those in need throughout the Horn while simultaneously seeking to create the conditions for sustainable opportunity and self-reliance. In all programs ARAHA pursues, it seeks to responsibly enact its mission while delivering essentials and developing opportunities in communities across the Horn.
What Is a Skilled Nursing Facility? All of Your Questions Answered What is a skilled nursing facility? It provides short- or long-term care provided by trained professionals specialized in certain skills. Learn more here. Over 40 million Americans currently serve as a caregiver for an aging parent. If you’re part of this group, you know how challenging it can be. Some people may have even suggested that you look into a skilled nursing facility so your parent or loved one can receive specialized care. But, what is a skilled nursing facility exactly? How can it benefit your parent or loved one? How is it different from other types of nursing care? Read on to have all your questions about skilled nursing facilities answered. What is a Skilled Nursing Facility? A skilled nursing facility offers a high level of medical care. Skilled nursing services must be provided by a highly trained individual, such as a registered nurse, physical therapist, or occupational therapist. Types of Skilled Nursing Services Some skilled nursing services are only needed for short periods of time, such as after someone has experienced an injury, a serious illness, or a hospital stay. Other times, skilled nursing services are administered to those who suffer from chronic conditions and need round-the-clock care. Skilled nursing services may be offered in an assisted living facility or nursing home. They may also be offered as an outpatient treatment option. What Services Can Skilled Nurses Provide? There are many different types of services provided at a skilled nursing facility, including the following: Serious memory care Skilled nursing services are needed to treat individuals suffering from or recovering from a wide range of conditions, including the following: Joint replacements Terminal illnesses Skilled nursing services can also be used to treat more general conditions, including general weakness associated with age or general wound care. Skilled Nursing Facility Vs. Nursing Home There are many similarities between a skilled nursing facility and a traditional nursing home. One primary difference, though, is the depth of care and range of services available. In a skilled nursing facility, you’re much more likely to have contact with skilled medical professionals (registered nurses, doctors, physical therapists, etc.). How to Choose a Skilled Nursing Facility If you think your parent or loved one could benefit from skilled nursing services, it’s important to make sure you’re choosing the right facility for their needs. These guidelines can help you find the best facility with the most qualified staff: Ask About Staffing Levels Most nursing facilities have a relatively high level of staff turnover. But, if none of the facility’s employees have been around for more than a few years, that’s a red flag. There should be some staff members who have been working at the specific facility for quite a few years and seem satisfied with their job. Be sure to ask about staffing on weekends, during the evenings, and over holidays. Will your parent or loved one get the care they need at all times, or will there be periods when the staff is stretched too thin? Consider Staff Experience and Licensing In addition to asking about staffing levels, be sure to ask about the facility’s licensing requirements and the staff members’ levels of experience. Are all the staff members’ licenses current? Do they have experience caring for people with your parent’s specific condition? Ask About the Activities Offered If your parent or loved one is going to be staying in a skilled nursing facility, there ought to be a steady stream of different activities available to them throughout the day. Ideally, there will be both indoor and outdoor activities. Ask to speak to the facility’s activity director and find out what they offer. Are there activities your parent or loved one will enjoy? Do they provide opportunities for residents to give feedback and make suggestions for future activities? Many skilled nursing facilities may even post the events and activities on their websites and social media if you don’t want to ask directly. Pay Attention to the Other Residents While you’re taking a tour of the facility, pay attention to the other residents. Do they seem happy? Are they engaged in games or activities? Are they neatly groomed and clean? Pay attention to how the staff members interact with the residents, too. Are they polite and friendly, or do they seem rushed and distant? Check to see if there are any visiting families at the facility during your tour. If there are, stop and ask them whether they’re satisfied with the care their loved one is receiving. Eat a Meal at the Facility If you can, try to eat a meal at the facility, too. This will help you determine the quality of the food and see if it’s something your loved one or parent can eat on a regular basis. If you can’t eat a meal there, at least ask about the types of meals offered. Are there registered dieticians on staff? This is a good sign the facility cares about providing residents with nutritious, balanced meals. Ask if the facility is able to accommodate specific dietary needs, too. And, pay attention to the way they serve the meals. Do all residents eat separately in their rooms, or do they eat meals together in one large dining area? Make Sure the Facility is Clean The facility ought to be clean and should not have any strong odors. Everything should be dusted and polished – you shouldn’t notice stains or large collections of dust during your tour. Be on the lookout for a strong air freshener scent, too – this is often a sign they’re trying to cover up an unpleasant odor. Look for Reports of Complaints or Violations Finally, do some online research to find out if there are any complaints against the facility or reports of violations. Check with the Better Business Bureau and online review platforms such as Yelp to make sure there aren’t any serious issues – housekeeping problems, complaints of neglect, etc. Want to Learn More About Skilled Nursing Facilities? You now have a clear answer to the question, “What is a skilled nursing facility?” Are you interested in taking a tour of one for yourself? At Arbors, we serve many communities throughout, and we can help you, too. Contact us today to schedule a tour or to learn more about our services and how they can benefit your loved one.
https://archive.gw.govt.nz/waste-and-recycling-2 In your community / Taking care of our environment / Waste and recycling Agrecovery Rural Recycling Programme Wellington region landfills Updated 29 April 2022 11:07am Waste that is poorly managed is bad for the environment, our health, and our economy. The successful management of waste is therefore crucial to our ability to live in a sustainable way. In the Wellington region the responsibility for the management of waste is shared between city and district councils and Greater Wellington. Local councils collect and dispose of solid waste, operating landfills throughout the region and promoting waste reduction and recycling. Contact your city or district council for more information on these services and on ways to reduce your waste or recycle it. They can also direct you to the private waste collectors in your area. Greater Wellington’s functions in relation to solid, liquid and gaseous waste are set out on this page. Encouraging safe waste disposal We encourage the environmentally sound disposal of waste, and have set up a policy and regulatory framework that all waste disposers need to abide by. The environmental outcomes we want to see in relation to the region’s waste are set out in the Regional Policy Statement. Regional plans for air quality, fresh water, the coast and discharges to land contain policies and rules to direct how wastes can be disposed of safely. Some waste management activities (like operating a landfill or an incinerator) require resource consents, and the requirements for these are set out in these plans. Cleaning up pollution incidents Our Environmental Protection Team responds to pollution in the region 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Find out more about this service, and contact us on 0800 496 734 to report a pollution incident. Encouraging waste reduction Business and industrial activities usually generate solid waste (like waste paper and plastic) and some of their activities can pollute land or water. We have created Take Charge to help small and medium sized business take control of the pollution aspects of their operations. This is a free service. If you are a householder or community group that is looking for free stuff or wanting to donate stuff for free, the following websites could be very useful: Freecycle, Trade & Exchange, and DonateNZ. We’re doing our bit At Greater Wellington we are working hard to reduce our waste. We have set up a waste reduction scheme for our offices which has lead to a marked increase in recycling and less waste going to the landfill. Our scheme has been used as a model for other private and public sector organisations. Our aim is to reduce our waste by half. Cross-council initiatives As a region we have a responsibility to better manage and minimise our waste. This responsibility is enforced through The Waste Minimisation Act (2008) and implemented by councils through a joint regional Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012-17. The Wellington Region Waste Minimisation Education Strategy is an output of the WMMP. The Strategy was developed collaboratively and has the support of all the region’s councils. It is one of 19 regional actions which collectively seek to reduce waste to landfill and ensure that the Wellington region is doing its part towards its waste related social, economic, cultural and environmental responsibilities. External: Starship's Mobile Phone Appeal Starship's Mobile Phone Appeal https://www.starship.org.nz/foundation/mobile-phone-appeal/
What Rey’s New Look Means for STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI! What the STAR WARS EPISODE 8 Title Means! 3 Theories! We Finally Know How Kylo Ren Turned Evil! STAR WARS EPISODE VIII Rumors! Report: Lucasfilm Weighs Leia’s STAR WARS EPISODE IX Role How the First Order Will Be Even More Deadly in STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI! Posted by Blair Marnell on March 3, 2017 Just over a year ago, Star Wars: The Force Awakens kicked off the new trilogy and a new era for the franchise by introducing an exciting lineup of new characters as well as many of our returning favorites. The film also borrowed heavily from the very first Star Wars movie, but the upcoming sequel, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, has the potential to carve out some unexplored territory in the aftermath of The Force Awakens. Today’s Nerdist News is exploring a new rumor has emerged about the state of the galaxy after the destruction of Starkiller Base. Before we go any further, there are potentially massive spoilers ahead for The Last Jedi. Don’t say that you weren’t warned! Join guest host, and honorary Dark Lord of the Sith, Tiffany Smith, as she examines the secret data that so many Bothans died to bring you. The latest rumors come from Making Star Wars, a site that has a pretty good track record. Since The Last Jedi is literally starting a few seconds after The Force Awakens, it means that we’re going to see the fallout from the First Order’s actions in that story. Remember, no one took the First Order seriously…until they blew up the capitol planet of the New Republic. Now, it appears that Snoke’s burgeoning empire still has momentum on its side, as he and Leia scramble to make new alliances. While Lucasfilm has downplayed suggestions that The Force Awakens will crib from The Empire Strikes Back, it’s hard not to see several parallels between the two. General Leia’s mission may bring her to a planet that reminds fans of Cloud City, while a good deal of the story will also deal with Rey’s tutelage under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Eventually, the two stories may converge as they did in Empire. But we’re not complaining! If Lucasfilm has to look to the past for inspiration, it might as well be the best damn Star Wars film of all time. What do you think about the latest Star Wars rumors? Let us know in the comment section below! nerdist news, star wars, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the last jedi, Tiffany Smith J.J. Abrams Says Mark Hamill Should Win an Oscar for STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Daisy Ridley is Bombarded by a Room Full of Celebrities with STAR WARS Questions Force Friday Reveals First Look At THE LAST JEDI Trio
'Lettres sur l'histoire de France', letters 13-14 and 'Suite des Reflexions ... de M. de Boulainviller', written in about A.D. 1720-1730 MS. Add. C. 63 Held at the Weston Library Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MS. Add. C. 63. Order this material to a Weston Library reading room This material can be requested via the online system, where you can monitor the progress of your order. Lettres sur l'histoire de France (CMD ID 18668) written in about A.D. 1720-1730 Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. V, no. 28847. 11 5/8 × 8 7/8 in.
Sidney Lanier High School Oracle Newspaper Identifier: MSS-1723 The University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections Single copy of Oracle News (vol. 1, no. 5, December 17, 1924), a newspaper published by the students of Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery, Alabama. Lanier High School (Montgomery, Ala.) (Organization) Biographical / Historical The school newspaper published by students of Sidney Lanier High School, Montgomery, Alabama. 0.1 Linear Feet (1 newspaper) A copy of vol. 1, no 5 (December 17, 1925) of the Oracle News, a newspaper published by the students of Sidney Lanier High School, Montgomery, Alabama. Immediate Source of Acquisition Gift of Wade Hall, 2004 To provide faster access to out materials, this finding aid was published without formal and final review. Email us at [email protected] if you find mistakes or have suggestions to make this finding aid more useful for your research. Processed by Donnelly Lancaster and John Beeler, 2005. Montgomery (Ala.) Oracle News (student newspaper) Hall, Wade (Person) Guide to the Sidney Lanier High School Oracle Newspaper Part of the The University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections Repository https://www.lib.ua.edu/libraries/hoole/ Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0266 [email protected] Lanier High School Oracle Newspaper, The University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections. http://archives.lib.ua.edu/repositories/3/resources/2071 Accessed March 20, 2023.
HMCS Royal Roads Canadian Naval College, 2 résultats 2 Ney, M. F., 2 résultats 2 Ney, M. F. Avec objets numériques Log of H.M.C.S. Royal Roads, Royal Canadian Naval College, [1942-43] Fait partie de Royal Roads Military College The Log of H.M.C.S. Royal Roads, Royal Canadian Naval College, [1943-44]
University Archives Holdings Digital Archives World Heritage Museum (51) World Heritage Museum (51) | University of Illinois Archives World Heritage Museum (51) The World Heritage Museum was located on the 4th floor of Lincoln Hall on the University of Illinois Quad, before closing in 1998 and reopening in a new location as the Spurlock Museum in 2002. Found in RS 41/8/12 41/8/12 Daily Illini Photograph Negatives, 1967-1980, 1984-2001 Spurlock Museum World Heritage Museum Illini Media Group Copyright of this image is NOT owned by the University of Illinois. Please contact us for more information about this image or if you would like to request a copy for personal use. Page Generated in: 0.14 seconds (using 81 queries).
Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuenté ARNTD ⁄ Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuenté He is Professor of Parasitology at the University of Yaoundé, Director – founder of the research Centre for Schistosomiasis & Parasitology, and Coordinator of the National Programme for the Control of Schistosomiasis and Intestinal Helminthiasis in Cameroon. He has 30 years of experience in various aspects of management, research and control of schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Through his scientific discoveries, he contributed to a better knowledge of the reproductive biology of schistosomes and its implications on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis. He has provided strategic direction and achieved political commitment for the control of neglected tropical diseases in Cameroon, with significant public health impact. He joined the World Health Organization – Regional Office for Africa – in 2012 where he worked as focal person for preventive chemotherapy NTDs and provided technical assistance to African countries for the implementation of mapping of PC-NTDs and the development and implementation of NTD control programmes. He served as focal point for the China-Africa collaboration for the elimination of schistosomiasis in Africa. In addition to his appointment as LSTM NTD Ambassador Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuenté is member of several international Advisory Committees, and is on the editorial board of several international journals. He serves as the Regional Adviser for Africa of the UK Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He has received several national and international awards and distinctions and has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Louis-Albert can be contacted at [email protected]
Tech — Reading the tea leaves: Google confirms mobile phone “in development” Google phone rumors have been picking up lately, and the company's chief … Jacqui Cheng - Mar 16, 2007 3:47 pm UTC Google's chief executive in Spain and Portugal, Isabel Aguilera, confirmed this week that the company has been working on a mobile phone. As part of an interview with Spanish news site Noticias.com, Aguilera mentioned that "Some of our engineers' time is dedicated to the development of a mobile phone." She also reiterated that about 70 percent of Google's engineers' time is dedicated to developing the main products for the company, 20 percent of the time is to develop products that are somewhat related to the main business, and about 10 percent of engineering time is spent on projects that could be tangentially related to the business, indicating that the phone development was not necessarily an active project. Big tech companies getting into the phone business seem to be the rumor du jour lately: first Apple, then rumor of the Zune phone, and, of course, Google. Google phone rumors have been picking up a bit lately, accelerated by a recent partnership between Google and Samsung to bundle mobile versions of Google apps on Samsung phones. This caused some to believe that Google might be working on a Samsung-powered phone. The Samsung-powered Google Phone is rumored to be a Blackberry-like device that would run VoIP services. Pictures of the alleged device, which appear to be very iPhone-like, have been floating around the web. There have also been other rumors, such as one saying that Google may have been previously been working with Orange in Europe to build a mobile phone there. Another revolves around a recent patent filing by Google that aims to predict what a user is searching for from his or her mobile phone based on location, search history, and time of day. This would mean that the phone would know that the user is most likely looking for someplace to eat lunch in downtown Chicago if she is beginning a search around noon and is currently on the north side of the Loop. Some have speculated that this technology could be for use with the Apple iPhone (which can already access Google Maps and may gain GPS abilities in the future), but others believe that it's indicative of Google's own plans to launch a smartphone. So far, Aguilera's "confirmation" appears to indicate that the "Google Phone" is more of a concept than an actual product. Despite much excitement on the Internet over the comments, Aguilera made no indication that the phone was in active development and said that the project was being worked on "among others." However, Google's recent push to make its mapping, mail, and search apps available on mobile phones may be an indication that the company is feeling out the mobile marketplace a bit more than it's letting on. Can we expect a Google smartphone to be competing with others in the marketplace—particularly Apple's upcoming iPhone—in the next few months? Probably not, but it wouldn't be surprising to see one show up eventually. A Google spokesperson told Ars that "Mobile is an important area for Google and we remain focused on creating applications and establishing and growing partnerships with industry leaders to develop innovative services for users worldwide. However, we have nothing further to announce." Jacqui Cheng Jacqui is an Editor at Large at Ars Technica, where she has spent the last eight years writing about Apple culture, gadgets, social networking, privacy, and more. Email [email protected] // Twitter @eJacqui
National Sculpture Prize at Broomhill Sculpture in the environment presents me with something of a challenge: I find myself wondering whether the site would be better left empty.
Winter Session 2015: CUBA Dear Visual Arts, Art Education, and Art History Students— Have you ever thought that it would be incredible to go to Cuba? It is . . . and you can! We are very excited to announce that our department has planned a groundbreaking study trip for Winter Session 2015 that includes Havana, some other Cuban cities, and Miami, Florida. Groundbreaking in at least two ways: First, TCNJ has never before gone to Cuba; Second, the short-term study-abroad trips with your faculty have never before been cross-disciplinary within the department. This program is a visual arts-art history collaboration, led by Professors Allyn, Fichner-Rathus, and Mackie. It is open to any major or concentration across the college but it is designed with our department students in mind. Participants will be able to individualize their learning experiences by focusing on one of three options that will culminate in related but different final projects. Option 1: Art Historical/Curatorial Research [under the guidance of Dr. Lois Fichner-Rathus] The study of one or more Cuban works of art, monuments, sites, or artists culminating in a “virtual art exhibition” and accompanying “exhibition catalogue” that considers the historical circumstances, style, function, or creation and development of the objects chosen for analysis. Topics/themes will be tied to something experienced during the course of the trip, whether during group visits or viewed independently. Option 2: Inside Cuba: Artist Book[under the guidance of Prof. Elizabeth Mackie] Students will collect visual information (clippings from newspapers and magazines, flyers, “advertising” brochures or posters, packaging and the like) to incorporate into a final project: an artist book. Without access to the Internet or social media on the island, they will learn to harness the power of personal observation and to develop creative means of documenting their experiences. Students will select a theme for investigation, record and annotate their observations using a variety of mediums and methods (for example, drawing, painting, and photography), and weave them into a non-traditional book that will be created after their return and exhibited in the student gallery spaces of the AIMM building (sometime during February 2015). Option 3: Photography, Video, and the Artist as Autoethnographer[under the guidance of Prof. Anita Allyn] What distinguishes the experience of the familiar environment from that of the profoundly unfamiliar? How do images associated with these experiences change as our roles shift from “insider” to “outsider?” How do we see ourselves as we perform in these distinctly different roles? How does documentation of our experiences alter our perceptions of ourselves? These questions will provide a backdrop for students’ reflections as they experiment with autobiographical ethnography using photography and video. They will serve as a foundation for student explorations that will culminate in photo-essays or films created after their return, to be exhibited in the student gallery spaces of the AIMM building (some time in February 2015). The course is AAH262: Landmarks: Art and Culture of Cuba. It meets the Liberal Learning requirement for LVPA (with the possibility of gender-by-contract or race/ethnicity-by-contract). Specific studio art requirements may also be met with approval by Professor Allyn or Professor Mackie. Important Things and Dates to be aware of: This is an extraordinary opportunity as U.S. citizens are not allowed to travel freely to Cuba, that is, without special VISAS. The absolute deadline for completing the application for this program is OCTOBER 8TH. NO applications will be accepted after that date because of the processing time for government-issued visas. Interested students MUST ATTEND ONE of these two scheduled information sessions: Tuesday, September 9th at 7pm in AIMM 230 or Tuesday, September 16th at 12:30pm in AIMM 230. The pricing for the Cuba-Miami study-abroad program is: $4,714.16 Included: TCNJ tuition and fees; airfare between Miami and Havana; bed/breakfast, and most dinners in casas particulares and hotels; all ground transportation, entrance tickets to course-related cultural events. Not included: Airfare to Miami and most lunches. Note: program costs are the same for in-state and out-of-state students. Please see the Center for Global Engagement page for more details: https://cge.tcnj.edu/winter-2015/cuba/ We look forward to exploring this dynamic and unique travel-study opportunity with you. Professors Allyn, Fichner-Rathus, and Mackie ← Recapturing the Wilds-Liselot van der Heijden Floating Lab Collective Event →
Now Open! New Braunfels at Creekside & Downtown San Antonio at the Methodist Metropolitan Hospital Regenerative Cellular Therapies Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (NALU) The 13 Best Foods for Arthritis that Reduce Inflammation and Relieve Joint Pain Apr 24, 2020 | Arthritis, Osteoarthritis Inflammation is a natural immune response from our bodies to infection or injury. It’s your body’s way of telling white blood cells to gather in that area and repair your body. However, inflammation can do more harm than good if the immune response lasts too long (chronic inflammation) or begins to attack healthy cells (autoimmune disease). Such is the case for certain types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, and lupus. Luckily, you have many treatment options to help manage your symptoms. And as you can probably tell by the title of this article, managing your diet is actually a major factor in reducing arthritis symptoms like inflammation and joint pain. Think of it this way: Diet plays a major role in preventing conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Reducing the intake of red meats, salts, and saturated fats can prevent plaque build-up in your heart, while limiting your sugar intake can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. You have similar options for your arthritis pain. The key is to pick foods that contain chemicals known to reduce inflammation in our bodies. Here are the 13 best foods to help with that. 1. Nightshade Vegetables When you hear the word nightshade, the first thing that comes to mind is probably that it’s poisonous. However, you’re probably thinking of one single variety of nightshade, the atropa belladonna, which has historically been used as a narcotic and hallucinogen. And while yes — that is one species of nightshade — the friendly potato is a product of nightshade, too. In reality, there are more than 2,000 species in the nightshade or solanaceae family, and several of them can be found in your grocery store’s produce section. These include: These vegetables are loaded with nutrition. One bell pepper contains approximately three times as much vitamin C than an orange. Another nightshade, the humble tomato, contains lycopene, a carotenoid shown to be associated with a decreased risk for chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Some information reports that these vegetables enhance inflammation since they do contain trace amounts of solanine, which has proinflammatory properties in some people. However, there has been no scientific research showing such a reaction. Eat your vegetables. It’s a good thing. 2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Speaking of good things, olive oil contains lots of benefits for your arthritis. One of those is omega-3 fatty acids, which has shown to reduce inflammation and improve joint pain. Besides omega-3 and omega-6s, olive oil is also rich in vitamins E and K, antioxidants, and oleocanthal, all of which share similar properties with ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The best and only kind of olive oil to buy is extra virgin olive oil. Not only is extra virgin the least refined and considered the healthiest kind, but it just tastes the best. Besides being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, cruciferous vegetables contain a compound called sulforaphane, which has been associated with decreased inflammation. Common cruciferous vegetables include: Whether you believe a head of cauliflower can reduce the inflammation in your knees, you can’t deny that these vegetables are good for you in general — not just because you have arthritis. 4. Dark Leafy Greens The same can be said for dark leafy greens, which include: These vegetables hardly need an explanation as to why they’re good for you. In terms of arthritis, dark green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamins K, A, and C, as well as antioxidants and polyphenols, a chemical that protects the body from inflammation. 5. Coffee Coffee also contains high levels of polyphenols. Not only are polyphenols known to decrease inflammation, but some studies show they also help with digestion and weight management. Who knew that drinking your morning coffee could help relieve some of your arthritis symptoms? 6. Green Tea Another polyphenol-rich beverage, green tea also has anti-inflammatory effects. Even more, it contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a special type of polyphenol that may inhibit the activation of inflammation in the body in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Nuts contain high amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, both of which are healthy fats (not saturated fats). They can also reduce the risk of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. Moreover, they contain those anti-inflammatory omega-3s you’re looking for. Like olive oil, the type of nuts you choose is important. Go for raw, unsalted nuts to minimize your salt intake, as too much salt may result in even more inflammation if not properly managed. Also, because nuts are high in calories, this is one food you should watch your proportions. 8. Fatty Fish Fatty, oily fish are loaded with omega-3s as well as a host of other vitamins and minerals, which you may not get if you just take fish oil (i.e. a common alternative to fatty fish). We recommend you eat fish at least once a week, but you should choose types that are relatively low in mercury, such as: Skipjack and tongol tuna 9. Fruits & Berries The key here is to look for fruits with high levels of antioxidants, carotenoids and vitamins. In other words: Eat a bunch of berries. Not only are they high in vitamin C, but they also have many other antioxidants and carotenoids that can protect you against free radicals. These fruits are easily available at your local grocery store: 10. Ginger In several studies, ginger has shown to have similar anti-inflammatory properties to COX-2 inhibitors, a class of NSAIDs that includes ibuprofen. If you go this route, ginger oils and ginger extract have the most anti-inflammatory effects. 11. Turmeric & Curcumin Turmeric is the spice that gives Indian yellow curries their beautiful yellow hue. This bright color is due to the chemical curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that has shown to block 5-LOX and COX-2, both of which are pro-inflammatory enzymes. But the twist is that turmeric only offers a tiny fraction of that active ingredient. Thus, while there’s nothing wrong with eating more yellow curry, you should instead take curcumin extract, which is a more potent dose of the active ingredient in turmeric. 12. Beans If you have C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, it could be an indication of rheumatoid arthritis. Beans could help lower CRP levels in the body as well as provide you with antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber. Good sources of these include: 13. Chia Seeds & Flaxseed Perhaps the ultimate sleeper foods on this list, chia seeds and flaxseed both contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), one of the three types of omega-3s. The best thing is they’re so easy to incorporate into your diet. Chia seeds can go in your granola, smoothie, yogurt — even in a glass of water. These tiny, crunchy seeds are so versatile, you can put them in anything, and they’ll taste good. It’s such an easy way to get your omega-3s! Flaxseed is best consumed via flaxseed oil. It has shown to have the highest amount of ALA, and you can simply put a few drops in your smoothie or bowl of yogurt in the morning. You could also stir it into pancake batter or drop it into your coffee. The sky’s the limit for where you can add these two items. Now, that was a lot of information and a lot of food. It’s important to remember that symptom relief for arthritis is a journey — not a destination. There’s no silver bullet to solve your condition, no one magic solution. Instead, taking a bunch of small steps like incorporating these foods into your diet can go a long way in terms of relieving your symptoms. Finally, before you start chugging olive oil and stocking up on tuna tins, you should consult with your arthritis specialist and/or your doctor before taking any new dietary supplements to make sure they align with your specific condition. Which NSAIDs are Right for Your Arthritis? Mar 18, 2021 | Arthritis, Treatments If you have arthritis, especially an inflammatory type arthritis, your doctor has probably... Can Your Arthritic Joints Really Predict the Weather? Mar 8, 2021 | Arthritis, Osteoarthritis As a kid, you may have heard the grownups say that bad weather’s coming because they can feel it... How Smoking Affects Your Arthritis Mar 1, 2021 | Arthritis We all know smoking is bad. It can affect nearly every organ in the body, from your skin and heart... SAM-e Supplements for Osteoarthritis: Are They Safe? Feb 22, 2021 | Arthritis Arthritis can be extremely painful and debilitating. It’s true no matter which of the 100+... Do Turmeric and Curcumin Really Work for Arthritis? Feb 15, 2021 | Arthritis, Treatments In the last few years, turmeric has exploded in popularity among health and wellness enthusiasts.... Why Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Arthritis Patients Feb 8, 2021 | Arthritis For better or worse, fat has a bad reputation. Trans fats and many kinds of saturated (solid) fats... 5 Top Arthritis Supplements for Addressing Your Joint Pain Feb 3, 2021 | Arthritis, Treatments Supplements are hugely popular — but some argue that they’re unnecessary. A survey conducted by... Fish Oil for Arthritis: Does it Work? Dec 15, 2020 | Arthritis Confucius allegedly once said, “Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to... 8 Common Myths about Gout Marie Antoinette, the former queen of France, is famously known for supposedly declaring, “Let... What is Gout? The Disease of Kings Dec 9, 2020 | Treatments Gout is an old disease — really old. In fact, the ancient Egyptians first identified this... Houston – Bellaire Houston – Clear Lake Houston – Katy San Antonio – Northside Your Health is Our Top Priority Office Location* Select LocationAustinHouston – BellaireHouston – Clear LakeHouston – KatyNew BraunfelsSan Antonio – DowntownSan Antonio – Northside 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Fri, Sat, Sun: Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Sat, Sun, Mon: Requested Appointment Date Requested Appointment Time
By Milly Arthur Wellbeing September 2, 2022 Is There A Link Between Mental Health And Divorce? Couples get divorced under many different circumstances, but the likelihood of divorce may be higher for some groups than others. In this article we’ll examine the link between mental health and divorce. There are plenty of different reasons why couples get divorced, and everyone’s situation is different. Regardless, research shows that there are common reasons and patterns that can be used to explain divorce. Experiencing mental health struggles can be exceptionally difficult, equally, it’s often tough to support a partner who has a mental health disorder. If you or your partner experience these problems, you may find you need to seek advice from a divorce solicitor. In this article, we’re going to discuss divorce and mental health, establishing whether there is a link between the two, and why this might be. Are Mental Health Issues Associated With A Higher Likelihood Of Divorce? Yes, according to research from The National Library of Medicine, ‘married individuals with higher levels of distress, alcohol use, or psychiatric disorders are more likely to divorce.’ The study data examined a wide range of mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress, while also examining substance use disorders. A Frontiers Psychology study confirms a similar association, suggesting that, ‘divorcees report poorer physical and mental health and more symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and social isolation than the general population.’ Why Are Those With Mental Health Problems More Likely To Get Divorced? Research from BMC Public Health points to key factors such as social selection and social causation: ‘In social selection it is assumed that mental distress leads to divorce and that mentally distressed people are thus “selected” out of marriage. Social causation posits that divorce leads to mental distress due to the stresses of the transition into divorce and the new status as divorcee.’ While it is important not to stigmatise or to stereotype, there are many reasons why mental health problems can create issues in relationships, depending on the condition and the symptoms. Here are a few examples: Those with depression can experience a range of symptoms, including feelings of hopelessness and unhappiness, insomnia, and anxiety. They may withdraw from their loved ones and lose interest in activities. People with severe depression may experience suicidal thoughts, requiring ongoing interventions to keep them safe and improve their health. It can be tremendously difficult to support a partner with depression. The spouse may find that they are taking on a care giver role, and feeling the strain. Naturally, the condition can cause much tension and distress in relationships. Many people with anxiety experience a consistent feeling of dread. They may have trouble controlling their worries, and experience panic attacks and trouble sleeping. It is likely that those with anxiety may also have some depressive symptoms. This type of mental health disorder can affect one’s emotions and ability to function day-to-day. Consequently, relationships may be negativity effected. This disorder is characterised by depressive episodes and manic episodes. Both episodes can be mild to severe (depending on the person). When in a depressive period, the individual may feel hopeless, empty or worthless. Manic episodes are instead defined by feeling elated, hyperactive, or self-important. When having a manic episode, the person may do impulsive things, act out of character, or experience delusions or illogical thoughts. For some people, the disorder can become all-consuming and make it difficult to maintain relationships. Having said this, many find that they can manage the condition well using medication. Suffering from addiction can cause extremely negative consequences in relationships. It can be a struggle whether you are experiencing addiction, or attempting to support a loved one with substance abuse issues. While substance issues can occur as a standalone problem that harms relationships, it is also closely linked to mental health problems. Those who experience mental health issues are often likely to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. How Do Mental Health Issues Affect Divorce? If one partner has received a mental health diagnosis, this may have a direct impact on the divorce proceedings. For example, when the Courts are making decisions with regard to child living arrangements and financial settlements, they will take mental health issues and or substance misuse issues into consideration. Whether you are suffering from a mental health problem, or your ex-partner is, it is important that you access the support of a solicitor. Both parties will require independent and specialist legal advice to protect their interests, and the interests of their children. The Association Between Divorce And Mental Health As you can see, studies show that there is a correlation between mental health and divorce. Those who have mental health disorders and/or substance misuse problems are more likely to get divorced compared to those who do not. Mental health conditions cause a wide variety of symptoms, and many of these can easily cause tension and even abuse in relationships. If you or your partner are experiencing mental health problems while going through a divorce, it is important that you access help. There are various forms of support available, including mental health services, therapy, support from loved ones, and divorce lawyers who can assist you throughout the divorce process. Milly Arthur Latest Posts By Milly Arthur How To Cope After Your Child Survives A Traumatic Accident Previous articleTurning Your Coffee Breaks Into Powerful Acts Of Self Care Next articleUse Bubble Wrap For Moving Create A Youthful Look With Basic Beauty Tips There are natural ways you can look younger without resorting to cosmetic surgery or treatments. It’s important to embrace your age with confidence and…
A8 Revolutionary War 1775-1783 King James Grants to the Plymouth and London Companies 1606, 1609 and 1620. Early Colonial Grants 1620 to 1681. French and Inidan War, 1756 to 1763. The United States 1783 showing the Thirteen Original States, During the Period of the Revolutionary War.
Pink Butterfly You can find this piece on Etsy & Society6 The design on this canvas is one of a kind. It is 12in X 12in X 0.75in and is not framed. This piece of art is composed of hues of silver… Boxing Day Sale! Hi All I want to give you all a 10% discount off any commission piece. You can find the catalog sizes here, and the commission form. This offer is valid til Monday! Use code ‘BoxingDay2020’ Make sure you check out… Taylor Lindsay-Noel I was on twitter a few weeks ago and I came across and amazing story. A story about perseverance and believing in oneself. It resonated with me. I decided I wanted to make a painting for the girl in the… Flashes of Gold You can find this on Etsy The design on this canvas is one of a kind. It is 9in X 12in X .75n and is not framed. This piece of art is composed of gold, black and silver on a… You can find this for sale at Etsy The design on this canvas is one of a kind. It is 12in X 12in X 0.75in and is not framed. This piece of art is composed of hues of black, purple,…
2019 The Second District of Fashion Runway Show February, 7th 2019 Washington DC | National Museum of Women in the Arts On February, 7th 2019, the second District of Fashion Runway Show was successfully held in the National Museum of Women in the Arts at Washington DC, and it was presented by the DowntownDC Business Improvement District (BID) and Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Commission on Fashion Arts and Entertainment (CFAE). Asian Cultural Center and HuaPlus Production were invited to participate in this event as the only Asian partner and media support once again. This runway show featured 11 fashion designers’ outstanding works from different cultures and worlds. By attending this event, Asian Cultural Center and Huaplus Production aimed to work with mainstream institutions in identifying design talents, improve the development of Asian designers, and promote the process of internationalization of the DC fashion industry. The only Chinese American fashion designer in this show named Shafei Han, she shared the thoughts of how traditional Chinese aesthetic culture Impacted and Involved of her works during the interview with HuaPlus Production. And Shafei Han’s works became the highlight spot of the show and stood out of other designers, due to adding a touch of unique traditional Chinese aesthetic elements to the design. The runway show hosted by the fashion icon Paul Wharton and attracted more than 500 guests. yawensite2020-05-19T16:07:42-04:00
ECO 201 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric ECO 201 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric The purpose of this milestone is for students to begin their firm analysis from a microeconomic perspective, applying concepts learned in Modules One, Two, and Three. Specifically, students will examine the supply and demand conditions for the goods or services the firm produces, paying special attention to how sales and product development have evolved over time. Students will then apply the elasticity concept to determine how the price elasticity of demand for the firm’s goods or services would be categorized, and they will examine what that suggests for the firm’s ability to increase or decrease prices. Prompt: Submit a draft of the supply and demand conditions (Section II) and price elasticity of demand (Section III) of your research paper, including all critical elements listed below. You will analyze data on firm sales and in the market overall to identify trends and inform your recommendation for the firm’s future actions. You will also use available data to determine the price elasticity for the goods or services your firm produces and explain the factors that influence consumers’ reactions and the firm’s pricing decisions. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Explore the supply and demand conditions for your firm’s product. a) Evaluate trends in demand over time and explain their impact on the industry and the firm. You should consider including annual sales figures for the product your firm sells. b) Analyze information and data related to the demand and supply for your firm’s product(s) to support your recommendation for the firm’s actions. Remember to include a graphical representation of the data and information used in your analysis. III. Examine the price elasticity of demand for the product(s) your firm sells. a) Analyze the available data and information, such as pricing and the availability of substitutes, and justify how you determine the price elasticity of demand for your firm’s product. b) Explain the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for this product, using the concept of price elasticity of demand as your guide. c) Assess how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Conditions: Impact Effectively evaluates trends in demand over time and explains their impact on the industry and the firm Evaluates trends in demand over time, but evaluation is ineffective or does not explain their impact on the industry and firm Does not evaluate trends in demand over time 18 Conditions: Firm’s Actions Analyzes information and data related to the demand and supply for the firm’s product(s) to support recommendation for the firm’s actions and includes graphical representation of data and information Analyzes information and data related to the demand and supply for the firm’s product(s), but information and data do not support recommendation for the firm’s actions or do not include graphical representation of data and information Does not analyze information and data related to the demand and supply for the firm’s product(s) 18 Price Elasticity of Demand: Analyze Analyzes the available data and information and justifies how the price elasticity of demand for the firm’s product was determined Analyzes the available data and information, but does not justify how the price of elasticity of demand for the firm’s product was determined Does not analyze the available data and information to determine the price elasticity of demand 18 Price Elasticity of Demand: Consumer Responsiveness Explains the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for the product using the concept of price elasticity of demand as a guide Explains the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for the product, but does not use the concept of price elasticity of demand as a guide Does not explain the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for the product 18 Price Elasticity of Demand: Pricing Decisions Accurately assesses how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth Assesses how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth, but assessment is inaccurate Does not assess how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth 18 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100% https://assignmentspool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/logo-300x60.png 0 0 Davie https://assignmentspool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/logo-300x60.png Davie2019-06-28 03:11:122019-06-28 03:11:12ECO 201 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric managerial economics class exam Strategies Used by Microsoft to Leverage its Monopoly Position in Operating...
Category: Business Products & Services Finding Ways To Keep Up With Resources Guidelines When Choosing a Solar Energy Installation Firm Solar energy has become a home power solution for millions of people around the globe This is because it is a reliable source of energy, environmentally friendly and doesn’t rely on power grid. This solar energy has its source from the sun and it is always available. No one will ever claim that they have exhausted the source and as long as the solar system energy system is in good condition, everything shall be well. It is important that one find the best company for solar energy installation to enjoy the best supply of the energy power. There are several firms out there who will promise to serve you best and you should look for best company with the right features. Ensure that you consider the following factors. You should check the type of things this company specialize in doing. Such sectors include private sector, educational sector, commercial sector and several others. The area of specialization will affect the type of services you receive and whether all the services will be tailored to suit what you need. If you need the best solar energy installation for your home, you should find the company that specializes more in home installation. Ensure that you prioritize that firm which specializes more in commercial solar energy installation if you are interested in a company that will install the best solar energy in your commercial premises. Area of specialization is very important and when there is a solar energy installation firm that does all the work in various sectors and have the best technicians, one may choose that. The main thing here is you will likely to receive your unique needs and wishes if you are served by that top firm that specializes in the area you are looking for. Regardless of the size of inverter you are looking for, the best firm will offer the best services. It is important that you also consider the range of services the company you are considering offers. This will guide you best on whether this company will provide all the solutions you want or not. There are several services you will need and they include advice, installation, sale of various products, maintenance, servicing of equipment and several others. The firm offering the several types of services will be the top firm that will meet most of your needs better. The nature of customer services they have are very crucial. Your firm should be quick to offer answers to your questions, help calls and respond to all your emergency calls. The right company is always service- oriented and charges reasonable prices. Getting To The Point – Power Study: My Understanding of Services… Read More.. Best Info On How To Become A Dungeon Master. A game organizer that is responsible for creating different challenges of an adventure and maintaining continuity of various events is referred as a dungeon master. There are various experts that are in existence and they are always readily available to guide you on how to become a dungeon master. Most of these experts earn as dungeon masters and thus they are highly experienced. Accessing these experts is possible through different ways. Visiting various dungeon masters that you may be knowing is one of the ways that you can get help. With this you will be lucky since it is one of the simplest ways of finding one that can help you to become a dungeon master. If you are not aware of various places you can access these experts, there are other ways you can access them. Although there are those that work individually, various dungeon masters have various groups that they work together forming a firm. They use various channels of advertisement to notify people about various places where they can be found. In most cases, the social media and websites are mostly used by different dungeon masters. Since many are aware of the many that will view their adverts in a large geographical area if they post in websites, they prefer using websites. If you make an effort of visiting the websites, you get a chance to learn more about dungeon masters. You get a chance to learn a lot from those websites about dungeon experts since there are many that post info there. There are various sections in websites that are divided to give all individuals a chance to post the information they have about dungeon maters. One gets to know many things that different people know if you go through all sections and thus it is important to go through all sections. You also get answers to various questions that you may be having from various dungeon masters that are in those websites. Various other sections such as the feedback section give you a chance to interact with different individuals that have received various services from different dungeon masters. You should contact the support team to help you out if you find a dungeon master that you feel you would like to help you become one. There are even some of these experts that have various online lessons especially for those who are far away from where they are located. You get a chance to learn from the place you are with this online lessons. In order to help other individuals that may be in need of a dungeon expert to help them, it is advisable to give feedback. Recommended reference: https://www.articlecity.com/blog/how-to-become-a-dd-dungeon-master-and-get-paid… Read More.. The Types of Video Marketing Strategies That Every Entrepreneur Should Use Using the video to market your business is one of the best technique that you can use to popularize the products and services that you offer. When you learn about the video editing skills you can be able to upload several of them to promote most of your products. You should consider the following ideas when using videos for marketing. You can generate a charming story through various videos that you post. Some of the best ways of telling stories is to give the audience details about how your product has helped the other people and what made you start the business. You should have a target audience at the back of your mind when creating the clips. Developing segments such as the ages, gender, interest and distance ensure that you come up with the most useful videos and you can learn more here. You have to be straightforward with the message that you’re giving out, and that can be achieved within the first minutes. Having exciting topics and using the images and the text ensures that you get the attention of the online users and you can click here. It is common for the online users to want to view videos without turning on the sound. You should know how to highlight your wordings and put them through the word formats to communicate without incorporating the sound. The video content should be self-explanatory and be catchy and have the opening, body and the finishing. Checking on the different successful videos on other sites will give your ideas on how to generate them and you can check this useful article for more. You should develop the best strategies and putting the titles on your videos can ensure that attracts the attention of most people. Developing a title which is clear and compressive about the content can help you get results and you can check this article. It is important to check the thumbnails that you will use as they boost the visibility of the video. It is essential to get a thumbnail which corresponds with a video that you are posting. If you have decided to incorporate various sound then you should ensure that they add value to the video. Working with the different editors can ensure that they put the right atmosphere in the videos that you post. Understanding, the proper language on the video description, can ensure that you put the right keywords which will lead to more rankings. The videos can be among the leading in the search engine when they are well packaged through the descriptive words that you use.… Read More.. The Advantages of Email Marketing You need to have in mind that business is complicated. You need to understand that several things are included. One is required to have in mind that there is stiff competition in business and most business people are trying to fit. Marketing is one aspect of business that is very crucial. One is supposed to know that there are several ways of going about marketing. Some of the strategies that people use are not productive. It is important to note that email marketing is one of the new ways through which marketing can be achieved. It is essential to have in mind that there are numerous benefits of email marketing. See about some of the advantages in this article. One is supposed to know that email marketing is one of the easiest ways of reaching their customers. You will realize that most consumers access their emails daily. It is also worth appreciating the fact that many individuals have these accounts. It is important to have in mind that many people are using emails and that makes email a suitable target. It is also necessary to understand that email marketing can save you a lot of money. It is essential to note that one will not have to employ a marketer when they are dealing with email marketing. In the long run, it will be possible to save some money. It would be possible to send the clients emails spontaneously. It is possible to email the notes without getting tired. It is necessary to appreciate the fact that email marketing is fast. The service provider gives instant notification to the recipients. Through that idea, the recipients will receive the emails instantly and respond accordingly. One is required to have in mind that through email marketing, they will manage to work on the credibility of their firms. It is important to note that through emailing, one only deals with the clients they know and trust. Because of that, it would be possible to maintain the brand. Another benefit of email marketing is that email marketing enables one to generate calls. You need to learn that these individuals would call whenever they get the email alerts. One is supposed to know that these people would want to air their opinions through the calls. It would be possible to make a business do better through the customers suggestions. It is also important to have in mind that it is possible to improve the link that you have with your clients. The relationship would be made better the moment these people would call and send messages.… Read More.. How to Prepare for the Best Workout Session Regardless of whichever form of exercise you decide to pursue, be advised your actions before and after the exercise are just as important as the workout itself. In other words, you have to ensure your workout plan covers all these aspects if you are to get the results that you desire. Here is a breakdown of rules that ought to be adhered to if you are to get the most out of your exercise. Before a workout, you must ensure you are fully rested if your body would run optimally. Note that there are no mandatory hours that you must sleep every night for you to lose weight or attain your health and fitness goals. However, on average you should endeavor to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep. Second in line as you prepare for your workout is to provide your body with enough fuel to keep it moving and sustain it during a workout. You must think about and plan what you eat before your workout to ensure you remained strong, motivated, disciplined and energized throughout the session. It is recommended that you fuel up at least one and three hours before you start your daily exercise routine. This gives your muscles enough glucose from the carbohydrates that will be used as fuel during a workout. While at it, ensure you have protein in your diet to facilitate bodybuilding. You can take the protein on its own or mixed with carbs to facilitate protein synthesis. How about you also amp yourself up if you are to get the best results out of your workout routines? This you do by exploring the various pulse pre workout options available in the industry. While at it, ensure you get pulse pre workout products that contain the best ingredients for the best results. These include theanine, beta-alanine, betaine, and caffeine. You can take your pulse pre workout at least 45 minutes before you start exercising for optimal performance. Preparing for the best workout session is also about warming up thoroughly before starting on hard workouts. It will be suicidal if you started your workout sessions with stiff and cold muscles. You will be setting the ground for the most painful joints and injuries you could ever imagine. Jumping jacks, light jogging, knee raises, and bear crawls are few of the options you can explore in the form of warm-ups. You must hydrate the body before, during, and after a workout, there is no shortcut to that. You also have to fuel back up to ensure your body utilizes the proteins and carbohydrates for toning the body. … Read More..