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Good morning and welcome to another Peachy Keen Stamps Blog Hop!! We had so much fun with our first blog hop that we decided there's going to be a lot more hoppin' going on, so if you arrived here from the very talented Viv's Crafting Haven Blog, then you're on the right track. If not, then you'll want to start at the beginning at the Peachy Keen Stamps Blog, and hop along from there so you don't miss one wonderful creation.
Have you heard the wonderful news and the reason we're celebrating with a blog hop? We've been keeping a little secret, but the cat is out of the bag, and we're showcasing the release of 14 incredible new die sets by The Scrapping Cottage featuring designs by Kathy Jakopovich, founder and designer for Peachy Keen Stamps. Each die set (except the Happy Bird package) will come with two to three Peachy Keen Face stamps to coordinate with your shapes! The dies are available for pre-order today on both Peachy Keen Stamps and The Scrapping Cottage. Single sets will be discounted 15%, or 25% off the entire collection for one week only! Pre-sale ends July 26th. Orders begin shipping the second week in August.
The cards I'm sharing with you today were made with the oh, so adorable Pig Peeker die, which comes with both of the faces shown on each card. These dies cut just beautifully, and the faces are perfectly proportioned to fit them. The die cuts were cut using Georgia Pacific white card stock, then I proceeded to color my little piggies with Copic markers. The scarf on this first little fella was paper pieced. The rest of the card was put together with scraps from my stash. The pocket was cut and stitched by hand, and I used some twine for the embellishment on the contrast piece, which was an element in the sketch this week for Card Positioning Systems. I used a small tag punch from Stampin' Up!, for the tag on the side of the pocket. Oh, and the "Oink" is actually one of the die cuts, too. I cut that at the same time as the hankie around the piggie's neck, using more of that scrap paper. Gotta love it when you can use those scraps up, and these dies are a wonderful way to do just that.
For my second card, I wanted to show you just how different and versatile you can be using these fabulous dies. This little piggie girl is all frilled up and peeking from behind a birthday gift. I followed the Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge with this card, and added a lot of rhinestone, and Prima flower bling. Once again, I dug around in my scrap bag until I found papers that I liked, and VOILA! One more card for the collection.
Thank you for stopping by today, and make it a great day by doing some happy stamping and die cutting! Your next stop on this fabulous hop will be at my good friend Janice's blog. The very talented and creative Janice will have something amazing prepared for you , so click the button below and hop on over to see what she's been up to!
Oh! I almost forgot one of the most important things! Kathy has very graciously given me the opportunity to award a $15.00 gift certificate to one lucky commenter on my blog today, so please be sure to leave me an email address when you leave your comment, so that I can contact you when you win!!! You have until midnight Sunday, July 25th to enter, and a winner will be randomly selected on Monday, July 26th. Also, if you like what you see here, I'd be thrilled if you'd become a follower! In fact, it would make my day!
Wow both of those cards are just great!
the piggys are so cute thank you for sharing!
Wow to just see how the same die cut can make such different cards. They are adorable!!!!
Love your cards! Your pigs are so cute!
How adorable is that! Really cute.
Love these little piggies! Your cards are wonderful...so detailed. TFS!
how cute! love all the details you added!
Cute little guy! thanks for showing him off during this hop!
Oh Lorie these are so gorgeous! Yikes, I see my pocket book dwindling in front of my eyes!! I love them all!
I love the pig in the pocket! So cute!
Cute cute cute little piggy! Beautiful work!
Loved how you colored your pigs. So cute. Nice to have a boy and girl idea . Thank you.
Such cute piggies, the faces are fab.
Oh I love them. Truley. I have a bit of an obsession with pigs. Too cute.
What a cute little pig!!
the more I see of these stamps, the more I want them!Love the piggies!!
love your projects very cute.
Your cards are so adorable! That pig looks so cute popping out of things!!
Lorie, your cards are AMAZING!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM BOTH!!! GREAT job my sweet friend!
Lori, I love the cards , pigs are adorable!
The little pigs are adorable. Love both cards!!
You made this die cut look amazing in both cards. Great cards!
Lorie, What FANTASTIC work. I am blown away with your detailed work. I am now a follower of your blog.
Oh my gosh!!! These are beautiful...great job!!
Your piggies are so cute! I love the colors of the second card. The first is definetly my favorite! I love ALL the details! The background is very clever! How or where did you get that paper! I LOVE it!
WOW Lorie those are great cards. I love how you did two polar opposites to show how versatile they are. I love the country boy myself hes dashing!
I love all your work on these cards. It's amazing how different the cars look.
Sweeeeet!!!. Love these little pigs. My Grand-daughter will like this one. Thanks for sharing your talent. It is amazing how using different embellishments make them so different.
Very cute. Didn't think I wnted this set, now I do. You are such an enabler.
What cute cards! I really think I need to learn how to use copic markers. But for now, I will stick to my Stampin' Up ones. I know... they're not the same!
Okay...I would of never thought of doing a colored pig! But of course with your crafty mind it doesn't surprise me! Amazing cards as always!
I love pigs!!!! They are soooo cute!
Cute cards! Love the pigs!
These cards are so so cute! I love what you have done!
I love your piggies. My best friend loves her piggies. I might have to order this set just for her. Thanks for showing how versitile they can be.
Adorable cards. Just love the "new additions" to the Peachy Keen Stamp company. LOL!!
I'm going hog wild over this set! So cute!!!
Oh my gosh! Those piggies are so sweet! I love that you showed how you could use them in multiple ways! Thanks!
The pigs are adorable! TFS!
These pigs are too cute! You do a fabulous job with the Copics. TFS your talent with us.
Lorie, Your cards are adorable, wonderful detail on the pocket of the first card! I'm so jealous that you got to play with these dies and I can't even get my hands on them yet. Keep up the great creations.
These are fabulous, this is the most adorable pig.
Your coloring/shading is beautiful! You make this little pig way to cute! Thank you for sharing these!!!
oh my your projects are so georgous. you havve alot of talent. thanks for the great designs.
Love your cards, you really went to complete opposites to show just how versatile this cute little piggy can be!!!
Oh my goodness gracious. I MUST have the piggies. We've had a couple of "adventures" in raising our pigs this past year so I'm sure they would come in handy :) Love what you did with them! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
The pigs are just too cute!
Your little piggy cards are sooo cute!
Your cards are adorable! love the details! Would love to have these dies! Thanks for the chance to win!
love the little piggies...soooooo cute.
Thanks for sharing and a chance to win. Both of your cards are just too cute!!
OINK-A-LICIOUS!! is that a word? hehehe well its exactly what your cards are!! I love them!! You ladies are very talented thanks for the chance!
Sweet little pigs! Thanks for the chance to win!
That pig is awesome! He's sooo cute and I love what you did with him!
Thanks for sharing. Those cards are so cute!!!
That's am adorable little piggie. Love your color combination. Thanks for the chance to win!
candace underscore wichmann at merck dot com.
This little piggy is was to cute for the market!
PMGOSH...so cute....why do pigs like this always make a person smile. Wonderful job!
The pigs are too cute! Love your cards!! Gives me some inspiration! Jeannette M.
Pigs are so cute! I collect them myself. Very cute card!
I love the girly pig card! These dies are going to be so much fun!
Love this! Piggies are so cute (on paper of course)!
Your piggie cards are sooooooo cute!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win!
Those are just adorable little piggies!
Love the piggies! SO cute!
Love the cards! Great job showing the versatility of the new adorable piggy die!!!
Terrific cards! Love the pigs and those faces!!! Great textures and colors too!
Oh my goodness.... such adorable cards!! I love PK!!! Thanks for a great opportunity!!
such a stinkin' cute piggy! that pocket is adorable with him poppin out!
Love your adorable cards! Your coloring is just tremendous!!!
Thank you for the giveaway - I LOVE PK stamps!
This is the cutist little pig I've ever seen!
The cards are super cute! This blog hop has been very inspirational!
These piggies are SO cute. Love your cards. Very inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win.
So So So cute! Thanks for sharing!! Can't wait to get my little crafting hands on them!!
OMG that pink so so adorable!!! Great card!! Can't wait to get my hands on these die sets!!!
This little piggie is SOOO cute. Thank you!
I just love the little piggies! Thanks for the great giveaway!
How adorable! I love these pigs! I can't wait to try these out. Hope I'm the winner.
I love the little pink piggy she is so cute.
Such talented people!!! Thanks for sharing.
The little pigs are too cute! I can use them for my Nursery Rhyme unit in Kindergarten!!
Very cute card! The pigs are fabulous!
I love your stitching! Did you have a template? If it's not too much trouble and you're willing to share, please email me the details.
Wow - I love your cards! They're both adorable. Thanks for sharing and for this great opportunity to win.
I love these cards, pigs are my favorite dies so far! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Well "oink" you creative. I love it when I can see such versatility in a product (so I don't have to think...LOL). In fact, this product is JUST perfect, no thought necessary to create a cootie patootie face...the only thought necessary is WHAT to create NEXT!
I would never have thought of a cute girl card with a pig!! sooo cute!
These little piggys are so cute! Great job.
Oh I have to have these pigs you will never guess want my nickname is! I love your cards and I am also going to follow your blog since your cards are amazing.
I LOVE your stitching on the first card. That is a cute little piggy, for sure!
How cute...thanks for sharing your great creation.
Both cards a just adorable, my fav is the first one, just love the colors.
that pig is adorable and the card it fantastic!!
Just way to much fun, I'll say. PeachKeen & CottageCutz? It looks like it's going to be a pig pickin day!! I hope I win.
Awwww those pigs are soooo cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
So so cute! Love the piggies!!
wow, your give such detail to your cards. I'm inspired to learn from your coloring techniques, Thank you.
Love this little pig. Thanks for sharing.
What fun, cute little pig cards!
Love the Cards they are awesome. I am going to follow you!!
How ADORABle. I love the piggie.
What a cutie patootie!!!! Love these die/stamp packages!!!
Is it not amazing how you can make a little piggie look so cute! Thanks for sharing - love your work.
Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity!
Lorie, I KNEW you would come up with an amazing card, what I DIDN'T know,was that you would produce TWO smashers!!! Are you brilliant, or are you brilliant! Yep! you're brilliant,(and in more ways than one)!
I'm a country girl at heart and these cards are pure country. Love them and that little pig is to die for.
Oh my gosh, those cards are soooooooooo cute!!! Thanks for the chance to win a gift certificate!
These little oinkers are just too darn cute! Just became a follower also! You sure do put alot of love into your cards and it really shows! Love the stitching, twine and colors on the first and LOVE all the Bling on the second! You have a beautiful blog and I will definetly be back! Thanks and good luck to all!
Adorable!! These dies and stamps are so cute!
Super cute...love what you did with this new product!!!
Those cards are so super cute! TFS!
Hmm I wasn't able to see your work they had an x on the pic but I bet it's lovely.
Lorie, love, love, love your cards...they are absolutely adorable...it would definately be hard to chose one face...both are so cute...great job.
Thank you for sharing!! I'd love the chance to win.
Very creative! What a cute piggy!
Really, could these be any more adorable? So, so cute!!! Thanks for sharing.
Luv, luv, luv your cards!
How cute are these cards!! I just love them, you did an amazing job!
Thank you for a very fun blog hop.
Wow, the detail on that card is great!! I love PKS!!
Now I would not have thought to use piggies, but these are adorable. Thanks for the inspiration!
Very cute! Thanks for the chance to win.
Really cute. Thanks for the chance to win.
Your cards are adorable. I love the layouts, color combos, the stitching and the dimension. Thanks for sharing and a chance to win.
I love those little piggy's. Awesome job!!
Your Oink card is so super cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
Those piggies are so cute. Great job. It is amazing all the things people can do with copic markers.
Stinkin' cute! Thanks for sharing!!
LOVE that little pig and how you stuck him in a pocket!
Your 2 piggy cards are so adorable. Never thought of using pigs that way. Really cute.
Think I'll love these sets.
Both piggies are cute, but the first or blue one is just adorable!!!!
Your cards are great. Thanks for the chance to win.
So cute! I love your card. | 2019-04-23T06:51:32Z | http://www.thinkinspot.com/2010/07/peachy-keen-blog-hop-preorder.html |
Where is the love Wednesday: can a person truly be in love with two people or is it in Lust with two people instead?
Hey friends! Happy Hump day!
I want to discuss a topic that I’ve always questioned when I hear people speak about being in love with two people. No, this has never been me. So of course my stance is Not bible nor how things should be. I’m just curious, is it really Love or Lust?
Love… a feeling, an act that is shown in different ways and often communicated amongst many in intimate relationships (in this case romantic ones). Some feel that when you love someone their needs become a priority just as your own.
Lust.. a feeling and an act as well from chemistry between individuals (usually sexual). Some could say when your in Lust with someone it’s solely your needs and wants only.
Now, with stating some of the issues that people face in dating/courting, is it possible for someone who has a hard time being vulnerable, to truly be in love with two people? I do believe you can be attracted to two people at the same time and like them for different reasons but Love?
As I said, my feelings are my feelings and not law. What do you guys think? Has this been you? Have you been in love with two people at once? Let me hear your thoughts.
So much weighs on our minds.
Too much weighs on our hearts.
For many of us, we have to take everything that we deal with, one day at a time.
All the tasks aren’t getting done due to us being overwhelmed with the many distractions that get in the way.
How do we overcome this? How do we find balance? How do we find happiness? My suggestion is to get Peace first.
Having peace is vital and it can help us see the “BIG” picture clearer. We could possibly find solutions to things that are problematic. With Peace comes Acceptance and Happiness will follow not too far behind. Have you struggled with finding happiness? Do you believe you have peace in your life? I’m working on it and pray to get there one day! I hope the same for you all as well.
My feelings on Colorism amongst Black people.
Over the weekend, I’ve read articles in regards to colorism amongst Black people. The Light skin vs. Dark skin issues, dating preferences and what is truly considered beauty. Many of us know that for many years there has been a “European” standard, therefore, anything close to resembling that was considered beautiful. Since then, people have become more open-minded about the beauty in darker shades and of those with kinkier hair. We see this in commercials, film and advertisements. However, this tends to still be an issues within our community especially when it comes to dating.
I have no problem with people having a preference of what their type is, just as long as they aren’t putting down people who don’t fit that description. Men and women are able to date whoever they please and I do feel it’s unfair for men to get criticized and women don’t. For example: if a black man prefers light-skinned women or dark-skinned women that shouldn’t be an issue. If he’s not bad mouthing the other group it should be no problem. It is a problem to some women. I wonder if it’s because she might be attracted to him and feels that she was disqualified based on a reason that she has No control over. That woman would go on and call him out and say he’s foul for not liking a group of women. However, women have standards too and some are ridiculous 🤷🏾♀️. I know some women who have preference of their men to be: over 6 feet tall, dark and muscular. So that cancels out a shorter, light skin men with a pudge belly, whom could be a really sweet person. But the sistas don’t get called out on that. When a man does let them know how it feels the conversation becomes “different” when it’s truly not.
We also have black people who create a status based on skin tone. Meaning they have associate with certain shades of people so that they can stand out or even feel included. Some people get excited to befriend the woman or man who seems to have it “made” for them. Mind you, that’s a theory that some just put in their own heads.
Hate to write this but this happens even in families. Some relatives are brainwashed and favor certain kids over the next because of their skin tones. I’ve heard stories where BOTH skin tones were ostracized and it’s so wrong. Ignore the family too, they do NOT know better because if they did, we wouldn’t have this discussion. Because let’s face it, some families encourage their children to produce with only certain type of people or skin tones.
Now this post isn’t to make anyone in the black community feel bad. I actually want you to you to take this and do the opposite. I want you to love the skin that you were blessed with! If You meet a woman/man who has a different preference than how you appear, that’s ok wish them well and on to the next one. Don’t get bitter, aim for Better. Love your skin, your features, your hair, God blessed you with it and KNOW that you are amazing! Ignore the insults because at the end of the day, it’s their lost.
Thoughts? Have you felt like this? Let me know below in the comments!
I’m sure most of us has heard the quote by Theodore Roosevelt “Comparison is the Thief of Joy“. Which basically says that if we keep looking at other’s lives, we will ultimately become unhappy of our own. I have so many views on this and I’m sure this is often a topic of discussion amongst people. We can be hypocrites on a topic which imo is Normal.
Yes, if you try to keep up with the Jones’, you will get frustrated if your expectations aren’t met. However, using the Jones’ as a tool could benefit you. Seeing the surface, the glitter, the green grass can be flipped for us to figure out how we can achieve that status on our own.
Some of the ways that we compare ourselves are by our appearance, lifestyle, cars, career choices and more. When we see others living the “Life” that we want, many start to believe that they aren’t adequate. Our bodies aren’t good enough, the nice apartment we have is no longer cool, our car isn’t great anymore, all because we are comparing it to the “ideal”.
We should take the initiative to find ways to be the “challenge”. That “ideal” becomes our goal and we can put our own spin on it. Want a healthier and better body? Get to work. Want to go on extravagant vacations every season? Get more sources of income. Keep grinding to get your dream house and luxury car.
All these things are great and achievable. However, do not Lose yourself. You have to love YOU and be proud of the accomplishments that you have made. Keep your eye on the prize and watch the benefits come!
If we all sat down together, you would hear many stories of triumphs and trials. We would discuss love and hate that we receive from others. We also could discuss our setbacks and who is the blame. How many can point at them self and say “I’m the issue too”?
With our failures and shortcomings, it’s so easy to point the finger and blame others. Many of us don’t take accountability for our part in any of our issues. When this happens, we are pretending to be perfect and act as if we are not human. We are bound to mess up, we will disappoint everyone including Ourselves.
Let’s be accountable for our words and actions. Recognize the faults they we have made. Then Learn and grow from it. After a while, if you continue to run into the same type of situations, no one will believe your “poor me” attitude or monologue. Remember friends, love and respect starts from within.
There comes a time in life when you have to stand up for yourself and put fear aside. Many people will use their power to control people. I can admit, whenever I’ve dealt with anyone above me, there was this sense of nervousness. Some people I felt were even Bullies… It didn’t change until one of my superiors told me one day, “I’m human like you”.
Hearing those words made me realize that the “higher ups” and powerful people do cry, they do have worries, they do experience Defeat. Meanwhile, I just always assumed their Life was GRAND. That was day I also told myself to only Fear God.period.
I share this because we need to remember: No One should hold fear in our hearts. Your superiors, rather its at home or at work, are to be Respected, Not Feared. These people can get hurt and bleed just like you and me. Never let anyone make you feel as if you are Nothing. You’re worth matters even if it doesn’t seem like it.
Everything starts at home, so prove it. If you want to see change, create it in your home first.
They’re cool to turn up with but can they stimulate your mind?
A lot of people use the term “friend” too loosely these days. We yearn to find people that we can have a good time with and equally share a “not a care in the world” attitude. However, what about associating with people who can mentally have an affect on you?
Can you relate? Are the people that you spend time with yearning for knowledge and finding truth? Or at least encouraging you to do more?
I’ll just leave that there. | 2019-04-26T12:23:55Z | https://nicolecherise.com/category/people-2/page/2/ |
Many people feel they don't need travel insurance, but as two people that have been hospitalized on four continents, we truly believe in having a travel insurance policy suited to our needs in case of a travel emergency.
If you think about it, travel is expensive. When you put thousands of dollars into a trip why would you take a risk of losing all that hard earned money if an emergency happens? It's a small price to pay for peace of mind.
We have recently become Allianz Travel Insurance Ambassadors and we are thrilled to help spread the word about the value of travel insurance because we truly believe in it.
When Dave broke his back in the Amazon, we were the only people on the ship with travel insurance.
Everyone looked shocked and scared for us while we waited for the float plane to come and rescue Dave.
It took four hours for it to arrive because of a circling storm overhead, so while the nurse tended to Dave, she sent me out of the room.
Everyone was very kind and concerned about our situation.
When Dave broke his back, I wasn't worried about costs or how he would be taken care of.
Because I had travel insurance (with another insurance company at the time) the only thing I had to worry about was if he was going to be okay.
Without the added stress of worrying about cost and money, I could focus on getting Dave the best help he could get.
With travel medical emergency coverage, I didn't have to worry about the price of a hospital stay, medical evacuation or even the hotel bill for me if I had needed to get a room nearby.
But there are many other potential aspects of travel insurance that make it valuable to us.
If our trip is interrupted and we have to leave early.
We need to cancel our trip unexpectedly.
One of the most confusing parts of choosing travel insurance is deciding which plan to choose.
A lot of policies are full of legal speak and not always clear for the average traveler. Some things are covered and some are not and until we go over it with our licensed advisor, we never really know what we are getting.
Allianz Global Assistance has done a great job of taking the guesswork out of what our policy includes.
We diligently check out all the fine print, to have a clear idea of what is covered right off the bat.
1. Who are we insuring?
Dave and I choose to be insured together on one policy, which ended up being more cost effective than two single insurance plans.
But if our parents or others were joining us, we could include several people on one policy.
For example, when booking travel insurance online through; Allianz Global Assistance, it enables us to add up to 10 people. These could be members of one family or even a group of friends traveling with us. We thought that was pretty cool.
2. How many times are we traveling this year?
If we were to only take one trip per year we’d consider a medical travel insurance plan on an individual trip basis.
But, we take several trips per year so an annual medical plan makes more sense for us. It saves us some cash and is more convenient than having to get separate plans for each trip.
Even if we only took two trips in a year, it could be more cost-effective to opt for the annual insurance. But we would double check and compare to make sure that is the case.
Personally, whenever we cross borders we always have medical insurance but sometimes cancellation insurance might not be needed because we haven’t spent any money in advance.
If we are driving to Florida, we may just book hotels as we go and don’t have any pre-booked tours, so if an emergency happened, we wouldn’t have anything to cancel.
On the other hand, if we have purchased tickets to Europe and paid for flights and accommodation in advance, we’d purchase cancellation insurance because of the upfront costs we’ve already spent on travel.
If something were to happen and we couldn’t take the trip for a covered reason (it can’t just be any reason!), we’d be able to put in a claim to re-coup a portion of the pre-paid, non-refundable trip costs.
4. What time of year are we traveling?
If we are traveling to the Caribbean near or during hurricane season we always check to make sure our travel insurance policy covers us for this. Typically, once there is a “named” storm – in other words a known storm that will cover or hit the destination, any claims arising from the same would be excluded.
If we’re already at the destination and there is indeed a hurricane on the way, and we need to fly home early (essentially our trip is interrupted), trip cancellation insurance with interruption benefits may come in handy again.
We are never afraid to call to ask our insurance provider what is covered before we purchase our flights or vacation package.
We’ve learned that Allianz Global Assistance agents are on call 24/7 at 1-844-310-1578, so we can always get an answer no matter what time of day a travel insurance-related question might pop into our minds.
If we aren’t covered, we then weigh the financial and medical risks of being stranded against how badly we want to go to the destination and how great of a deal we’re getting by flying during low season.
5. Will we be doing any extreme activities?
According to most travel insurance providers we have consulted, injury or costs incurred doing high-risk activities are not covered.
When we were avid scuba divers, we had separate dive insurance to cover us should we have an accident underwater.
This was a separate policy that covered special diving-related emergencies like needing to go into the hyperbaric chamber.
If we are planning on skydiving, bungee jumping or rock climbing, we know that if something happens we won’t be covered.
When in doubt, we just call a licensed insurance agent to ask before we travel and see what our options are should we want extra coverage for extreme activities.
6. What are we already covered for?
It was interesting looking into our provincial medical plan to see what we are covered for. Provincial health care plans never cover medical evacuation and only cover 5-8% of medical costs incurred outside of the province or territory of residence. That’s not very much.
A lot of people have coverage at work. When we worked in the film industry our film union offered travel insurance with our medical plan. But it still wasn’t enough for what we did. It only covered two weeks outside the country and we often travelled for six weeks at a time. So we always checked the fine print before we flew.
But now that we are self-employed, we need to purchase our own travel insurance and medical coverage.
And finally, we check what is offered through our credit card. Not all credit card travel insurance plans are created equal.
When we travel overseas we know our credit card covers some things but not others. We know we automatically get two weeks of coverage, but if we are gone 15 days or more, we could be without coverage. So we know we need something to supplement that.
So, before we started traveling, we called our credit card company to find out exactly what was included and what we needed to supplement.
7. What is our budget?
Cancellation insurance usually costs about 8-18% of the total price of a trip. So, if we are going on a very expensive trip, we know we’ll have to pay more for cancellation insurance.
As we get older, we are willing to spend more on our vacations. But, if something happened and we were out thousands of dollars, that would sting. We are happy to pay a couple of hundred bucks for peace of mind.
If a sudden and unforeseen situation came up and we have to cancel, it’s good to know that we may be eligible to be reimbursed for some portion of our pre-paid, non-refundable investment.
8. What About Pre-existing Conditions?
This is a big factor for all travel insurance. And one that we have had experience with before.
Last year my dad had surgery and he had to wait one year before he could travel with insurance. They needed to make sure his condition was stable and that there had been no new symptoms or treatments.
After that year was up, his insurance company confirm his eligibility for travel insurance and he's been out of the country regularly since.
Since that happened to my dad, I’ve thought about what could happen in the future.
I have a friend who survived a serious illness and she told me the same thing. She had to verify her eligibility before she could get travel insurance.
Both my dad and she were honest with their insurance companies and when the timing was right, they received full coverage again.
In our opinion, it is better to tell the insurance company everything and let them inform us if we can get insurance or not, rather than finding out that we are not covered once the emergency has happened.
There are several different plans with Allianz Global Assistance to choose from.
You can visit the Allianz Global Assistance website to choose the plan that is right for you.
What we love is that travel insurance plans offered by Allianz Global Assistance give us 10 days to test drive our policy.
I don't know about you, but I tend to purchase things and then mull my decision over after the fact.
Allianz Global Assistance obviously understands that most of us do that, so they've given us some breathing room.
The government of Canada recommends your travel insurance includes health, life, and disability coverage.
They also suggest if you are flying, you will want to consider flight cancellation, trip interruption, lost luggage, and document replacement.
The more informed we are, the better the insurance we can choose.
When you think about it, travel insurance really isn't as complicated as you think.
If you do what we do, it's quite easy actually. Why? Because we just ask.
Do you purchase travel insurance for your vacation? Have you had an emergency happen during your travels? We'd love to hear your experiences too in the comments below.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Allianz Global Assistance (AZGA Service Company) I am a brand ambassador for Allianz Global Assistance (Canada) and receive financial compensation.
Looking for Travel Insurance? Why not Pin this post to Pinterest for your reference.
4 Responses to "How We Choose Travel Insurance To Best Suit Our Needs"
Definitely so important and your story from the Amazon provides a reminder of just how important this is. Thank you for sharing!
It’s hard to find budget friendly options for nomads. Myself I keep changing the companies and I cannot recommend any of them, still looking for the right one.
I never travel without insurance. | 2019-04-21T20:13:18Z | https://theplanetd.com/choose-travel-insurance/ |
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Weight Loss Research study is dedicated to giving customers realiable and also approximately date details on A Diet Pill That Actually Works . It is our purpose to discover practical as well as long-term techniques of reducing weight and also to preserve a healthy and balanced weight.
There are numerous benefits of PhenQ. That is why it's so preferred amongst those seeking to lose weight. One of the best things about PhenQ is it's effective at burning fat. This is due to the fact that it speeds up the fat loss process. It speeds up your metabolism, in addition to your body's thermogenic prices.
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For example, the Capsimax Powder. It's a special blend of black pepper, high levels of caffeine, capsicum, as well as niacin. While these active ingredients are all severe fat burners, they also lower cholesterol levels. Having a regular cholesterol degree is crucial to preserving a healthy weight. High levels of caffeine is additionally one more ingredient that has other health advantages besides simply helping in weight-loss. High levels of caffeine increases metabolism and can really be useful in memory retention.
PhenQ's objective isn't only to help people accomplish their desire bodies, however likewise to assist individuals lead healthy and balanced lives. That's why Chromium Picolinate remains in the formula. Chromium Picolinate controls blood sugar degrees, crucial for combating diabetes mellitus. A boost of muscular tissue mass is an additional wellness advantage that routine PhenQ individuals will certainly see. Nopal (irritable cactus) reduces blood sugar level levels and also enhances muscular tissue mass. While PhenQ individuals got rid of extra fat, Nopal will help to produce the look of developed as well as toned muscles.
As PhenQ before as well as after photos reveal, this is a hunger suppressant that likewise sheds fats and calories, providing you a slim body with no side effects. When made use of regularly, this premium supplement will keep you from feeling hungry. You do not need to starve on your own when using it, yet it will control your hunger so you don't wind up doing a food binge as well as getting all those pounds. Bulk PhenQ results also reveal that it is really efficient when it concerns consuming all the fat that your body shops. One of one of the most common methods utilized by diet plan tablets is to use up the body fat in your body. Nevertheless this not constantly verified efficient as a lot of them cannot melt the fat.
That is where PhenQ makes a substantial difference given that it has actually verified effective obtaining your body to launch the fat. By releasing the saved fat, you have extra power to do even more workouts and shed much more fat. This need to not be surprising as the item makes use of scientific concepts to get eliminate those added calories. PhenQ functions 2 methods: it boosts power and also produces a thermogenic shed that increases weight reduction. This brings up the concern of what does it cost? weight you could shed.
It truly relies on your physical condition as well as what type of diet regimen and also exercise you are into. If you're serious about doing away with the extra weight, after that PhenQ could actually help. Since you know the benefits, it must be clear why females are constantly seeking a PhenQ coupon online! Unlike other products, it actually does assist you shed undesirable pounds. And greater than other weight management pills, PhenQ does not simply focus one facet of fat burning but all the important elements.
PhenQ is considered to be an efficient weight-loss drug that generates a fast impact as well as makes it much easier to drop weight. The cutting-edge formula of the medication accelerate the metabolic processes in the organism and also increases thermo genesis in order to shed unnecessary fats. As metabolism is one of the essential features in the fat burning procedure, its increasing leads to burning of even more calories, hence, losing excess weight. Besides, the medicine impacts the central nervous system suppressing the hunger and boosting the power degrees, essential for effective weight loss.
Despite the better impact PhenQ has on the organism, it could generate ever before better results if utilized in complicated with various other fat burning actions. Routine exercises, low-calorie diet plan, habit changes and drug consumption-- everything makes up a distinct formula that will help you achieve the desirable result much faster and appreciate it a lot longer.
Considering the drug as clinically approved as well as checked remedy that has no adverse effects and works in fat burning procedure, PhenQ can be considered a trustworthy medication. Nonetheless, also the most special medication could cause extreme difficulties and also generate a devastating effect if it is taken incorrect as well as if usage referrals are broken. That is why, to experience the necessary results, consult your medical professional prior to the consumption.
PhenQ components are at the core of why you read this evaluation. The cost readies. The maker can be trusted. But if the fat burner ingredients aren't up to par, the supplement has no worth. PhenQ ingredients are, however, actually darn excellent. PhenQ active ingredients are lined up with the best fat heater components the market has to supply because it is built to especially target fat. This isn't really a stimulant that's trying to get you relocating faster, or raise your heart price to hazardous degrees, and even completely endanger your hunger to undesirable levels.
because it acts to help promote the central nervous system and also increase heart price, which aids promote fat loss.
Calcium Carbonate: Calcium is one of one of the most crucial minerals to the body. It aids construct more powerful bones. Calcium supplementation comes to be a lot more impactful as we age and our bones end up being increasingly more endangered.
Yet calcium fat heater logic? Oh, you might be shocked, the logic is audio. Calcium motivates the cells to store less fat by signaling that the body remains in a healthy and balanced problem. Chromium Picolinate: This mineral can be discovered in natural sources such as meat or whole grains, as well as occasionally vegetables. Chromium is the mineral, "picolinate" is chelator that helps deliver the chromium.
Regrettably, we can not address this with an easy yes or no. Most of people who utilize PhenQ for weight reduction don't seem to be obtaining the results that investigating the components recommended. Very few usage it for anti-oxidants, power, or fiber, yet the positive remarks appear to be bordering these benefits-- not weight-loss.
The factor that you're possibly thinking of using this supplement is burn some fat right? Well, you remain in luck due to the fact that in addition to the L-Carnitine which assists your body burn stored fat PhenQ also have Capsimax Powder which assists to enhance your body temperature somewhat. This makes it a thermogenic fat heater. When your body temperature elevates slightly it additionally enhances your metabolic process which requires your body to burn off more calories. And also because you are melting fat for gas and also burning off much more calories you can see why PhenQ could aid you burn off fat rather swiftly!
Are you ready to make the adjustment you've always wanted to do? Are you prepared to take the trip to a better future? Are you all set to see the brand-new and enhanced you?
If you've addressed YES to a minimum of one of these questions, the solution is crystal-clear. The pill that does greater than the ordinary is here to help. PhenQ comes with a 60-day money back guarantee ensure that you shed just awful, undesirable fat.
PhenQ makes your life better and assists you change your lifestyle. This drug enables you burn fat as well as shed extra pounds, especially in the hips as well as thighs.You could only buy PhenQ from its main internet site. | 2019-04-18T18:43:22Z | https://lisawoodruff.net/4110/a-diet-pill-that-actually-works.html |
Alhamdulilah as Muslims we know our purpose in life, the reason why we were created. He created all of mankind for a purpose. And that is to worship Him alone and to seek His pleasure. Our Creator did not just put us on this earth without any guidance. Think about this, would this be fair? This is the reason why Allah send messengers and Prophets, to give us guidance. The final Prophet should have a message and miracle that will continue after his death. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was send to all of mankind, not just to the people of his time. So Allah gave him the Qur’an. Which is still a guidance and miracle up until this day.
When the Prophet recited Surah an-Najm (Qur’an 53) in Makkah, the entire audience, believers and non-believers, fell into prostration in awe, overpowered by what they had heard. When `Utbah ibn Rabi`ah, who was one of the leaders of the polytheists in Makkah came to debate with the Prophet ﷺ and he ﷺ recited Surah Fussilat (Qur’an 41) in response, `Utbah ibn Rabi`ah left shaken and humbled by the verses.
So what does the Qur’an mean to you?
If someone asks you this question. What does the Qur’an mean to you? What would you answer. Would your answer resemble your actions? We put the Qur’an high on the shelf, when it falls on the ground we quickly pick it up give it a kiss and put it back. What if our iman falls? Do we use the Qur’an to get us back up? The Qur’an should not only be on a high shelf in our room, but also have a high priority in out daily lives.
Unfortunatly we have abandond the Qur’an.
1. To disbelieve in the Qur’an and prevent others from listening to it.
Some scholars considered this verse to refer to the polytheists of Mecca who would make noise and speak loudly while the Qur’an would be recited to drown out its sound. They did this out of fear that those who would hear the Qur’an would be affected by its magnificence and also out of ridicule and disdain towards it. Informing us of their attitude towards the Qur’an, Allah (swt) says: “And those who disbelieve say, ‘Do not listen to this Qur’an and speak noisily during [the recitation of it] that perhaps you will overcome.’ But We will surely cause those who disbelieve to taste a severe punishment, and We will surely recompense them for the worst of what they had been doing” (41:26-27).
2. not seek out its message, as is the case with so many human beings who go all through life not giving any priority to God and hence they do not make any attempt to discover His true revelation.
3. Muslims who do not even listen to the Qur’an. Listening is put before reading because it is easier and doesn’t require any knowledge (of rules of recitation) on the part of the listener. This level of abandonment doesn’t imply that the Qur’an is never recited in the presence of those Muslims, but rather it means that when it is recited, they do not concentrate on listening to it, at the very least, out of respect. Those who have abandoned the Qur’an in this way may even continue their idle conversations during the recitation of the Qur’an, feeling no shame or modesty in front of Allah (swt). They may even joke or laugh aloud while the Qur’an is recited, in complete contradiction to the mood of humility and contemplation that Allah (swt) has ordered us to assume when His words are recited. Allah says: “So when the Qur’an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive mercy” (Qur’an 7:204).
5. Abandonment of memorization of the Qur’an. This could refer to those who go through life memorizing only a small portion of the Qur’an, or those who memorize the Qur’an but allow themselves to forget it by not reviewing.
6. Abandonment of reflection is the sixth stage. This is mostly due to lack of understanding of the Arabic language. “Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you may understand” (Qur’an 12:2).
Abu Darda’ (Allah be pleased with him) reported that we were in the company of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He (the Holy Prophet) looked towards the sky and mentioned a matter saying: “That will be at the time when knowledge departs.” Ziad b. Labid Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) asked, “How can knowledge part when we recite the Qur’an and teach it to our children and they will teach it to their children up till the Day of Resurrection?” He (the Holy Prophet) replied, “I am astonished at you, Ziad. I thought you were the most learned man in Medina. Do not these Jews and Christians read the Torah and the Injil (Bible) without knowing a thing about their contents?”” Tirmidhi transmitted it, saying this is a hasan gharib hadith.
7. The last and most dangerous level is the abandonment of practice. The essence of this type of abandonment is illustrated in the following narration in which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “…the Qur’an is either an argument for you or against you.”10 Imam an-Nawawi (rahimahu Allah) states in regard to the meaning of this hadith: “[It means] that you will benefit from it if you recite it and act by it, otherwise it will be an argument against you.” This means that on the Day of Judgement, the Qur’an will be a proof or a testament against those who disobeyed Allah (swt) and did not follow the path He outlined in His Holy Book.
So what should we do know. How do we turn back to the Qur’an?
The goal is to become more attached to the Qur’an and make the Qur’an your companion.
Allah says that the Qur’an is a cure. Try to read the Qur’an for at least 15 min a day. When the sun shines on you it gives you vitamins without you knowing it. It is the same with the Qur’an. It will cure and nourish you without you knowing it. Even if you don’t know the exact meaning of what you are reading!
Challenge youself. What do you want to achieve before Ramadan?
We say lots of things and want to achieve so much in our lives. But just saying things will take you nowhere. We have to plan things. By planning we will achieve something. Unless a person has a preset plan to read, learn study, ponder and memorize Qur’an, time will pass him or her by without realizing that one has stayed days weeks or even months without giving any attention to the Qur’an. How many people complete the Qur’an outside of Ramadan?
Lack of time: “I don’t have time! I’m too busy!” I’m sure you have 10 minutes!
Enough Quran in Salah: “I read Quran in my Salah everyday…” Alhamdulillah, it’s good that you’re reading Quran in your salah every day, but unless you’re Hafidh of Quran, the large majority of what you recite in Salah is the last 5 pages of the Quran. Correct? Exactly, reading the Quran outside the salah allows you to explore the other beautiful and miraculous 595 pages and truly build the Quran into your life. You need time with Quran where you can just sit down to read and reflect on the ayah.
Mental blocks: “I like to be in a certain mental/spiritual state to read the Quran – I rarely get those ‘states’ every day” Get into the habit of reading the Quran daily and your ‘special mental state’ will come.
Guilt: “I haven’t touched the Quran in ages, I feel so bad, don’t think I can read it now, maybe when I go to Hajj or in Ramadan” This is one of the most famous tricks of Shaytan. Shaytan will whisper to you that you’re too sinful to even come close to the Quran, there’s no point now after so long, and you can only make repentance during Hajj. My simple advice is to fight those whisperings of Shaytan; now that you know those thoughts come from Shaytan, don’t listen under any circumstance. Use that guilt you feel for abandoning the Qur’an to drive you into taking action and making a change. It’s really as simple as picking up the Quran and reading it. Insha’Allah you’ll soon fall in love with the Quran.
Inability to read: “I don’t know how to read the Quran” Join a Quran class or find a Quran teacher.
Lack of Understanding: “I can read the Quran but I don’t understand it, so for me, there’s no point reading it” Join a Quran class, find a Quran teacher, start learning Arabic, and/or have a translation next to you.
Stop making excuses. I have to go abroad enz.. We are giving rights to others and not giving rights to our own hearts. So much technology now.
So here are the practical tips to get you into the habit of reading the Quran on a daily basis.
Set a daily allocated time, not more than 15 minutes, to read the Quran. I say not more than 15 minutes because if you over do it (especially in the first few days), you won’t come back reading the Quran again. It’s a psychological quirk, don’t ask me! Just simply set a daily 15 minutes a day, whether it’s before/after Fajr, or during your commute, or before you sleep.
Make it a habit: You know brushing your teeth in the morning is a habit? Good, use that same concept with the Quran. It’s part of your morning routine or evening routine or some form of a habit that you consistently do and you would feel incomplete and unhappy if you have not done it.
Sign up to a Quran class: This depends on your level. If you can’t read the Quran, join a class that teaches you how to read. If you can read the Quran, but don’t understand its meanings, start learning Arabic. If you can read the Quran, and can understand it, start memorizing. Whatever it is, make sure you attend a learning circle related to the Quran. Subhan Allah, the Quran is an endless sea of knowledge that one does not tire to explore, so start your journey today. | 2019-04-22T08:37:03Z | http://www.sistersproject.co.uk/turn-back-to-the-quran/ |
At DumpsterZone, we strive to bring you the best service at the best price available. We have a wide selection of dumpster sizes in stock in Minatare, NE, with flexible & timley pickup and delivery. Give us a call today for all your dumpster rental and roll off needs.
In the spring you'll probably decide to to start school renovations that want to happen today. As time goes on, educational institutions are getting an increasing number of crowded. Upgrades need to come in as well as class room sizes produced larger. During spring break you possibly can have a contractor aligned to start the renovations. In order to get the refurbishments done swiftly you will need to find a person that housing costs next day dumpsters. The particular contractors may easily do their work along with clean up afterwards with a dumpster suitable next to these individuals. Make sure you handle a company that's dumpsters with wheels on the bottom. The particular contractors will have a way to easily transfer the dumpster in one area to an additional while operating.
With just about any program, the price ends up being a important factor. This kind of tends to play an even bigger role after you assume results will be the same with any company. For this reason assumption, a few Dumpster for Rent in Minatare, NE companies possess resorted to sneaky pricing methods. Much like airlines, they publicize one cost and then find all kinds of methods to sneak in extra charges.
It's always a good idea to get a size in excess of the one you would imagine you will need, because underestimating the needs you have can be expensive due to obtaining to rent a second trash can.
It is no wonder how the pollution which is being created on the earth has been evolving the cycle of dynamics, the reason why you have a uneven rainwater falls, seasons changes plus the result is bringing up temperatures. Folks throw on their own into a dangerous pit, whenever they do not require immediate steps.
You can cleanse the backyard, dispose of that trash immediately after your home's renovation and will do a lot more for keeping your house clean by using these services. The particular disposal trash can and Dumpster for Rent in Minatare, NE products and services help you claim bye to all those heaps of trash of your house in the convenient approach only.
It will save you yourself the time and energy connected with hauling trash over the subsequent couple of weeks exterior to wait for the group trash pickup by simply calling for a dumpster right now. You can experience some sort of next day dumpster birth by calling the night before or by ordering online. You may get rid of ones trash as soon as possible rather than looking forward to the community trash pickup and you can save yourself time and energy by preventing the need to distinct recyclables and break down the trash directly into bags.
Obtaining a roll off dumpster for a building project is also especially important if there are any chemical type wastes along with hazardous components that have to always be cleared from the construction web site. There are specially licensed trash companies proficient in taking care of these types of materials for you. If this circumstance applies to you and the company, it is best to discuss these matters when you produce inquiries with your prospective trash service company. Many of the important since there are special laws that cover this type of set up. The aim of these laws is to restrict the coping with of these risky materials to those who know how to practice it, thus decreasing the likelihood that members of the public is going to be exposed. To illustrate asbestos, which often can cause most cancers and severe respiratory troubles if not thrown away properly.
However, if you wish to sit back in addition to relax whilst your crap problem practically takes care of themselves, full-service trash haulers could be the way to go. With this type of junk eradication service, besides the company give a receptacle for the unwanted goods, they also stock up the trash in addition to haul the item away. Meaning you won't ought to lift a new finger to acquire that house cleanout or product disposal occupation finished. Excellent for homeowners that do not have the time as well as inclination to deal with their own waste removal, this sort of hands-on junk hauling is also perfect for commercial property cleanup as well as foreclosure cleanouts. In the event the thought of perspiring and pressuring has had an individual putting off the project of reclaiming your crawl space, garage, or other junk packed space, never let it prevent you anymore. Receive garbage eradication done totally and correctly, from start to finish, once you call your city junk firewall removers today.
There are various sized Md Dumpster for Rent in Minatares accessible including a medium sized dumpster with added wheels on it. Some sort of dumpster with added wheels on it is definitely movable and is used to full various clean-up projects in the past. Larger dumpsters can be placed in the area of your choice on your property. Next day shipping and delivery options create cleanup simple and easy efficient. Swift pickup of any full dumpster is also an asset for you to construction dumpster. You can certainly and rapidly have your premises cleaned up and searching its best.
Don't have faith in a quote from your junk hauler which doesn't offer to be sold and give totally free on-site estimates. It truly is impossible for any junk eradication service to give you an accurate selling price without discovering exactly what crap or waste products you have to be carted about away. In addition it is nice to acquire an on-site price. This is also a way of judging the quality of customer service a corporation offers without having to pay a dime. Here's your opportunity to notice the volume of the truck. Size does matter! Anytime in which construction must be done on a building, whether it is small or large scale, residential or commercial, you will have an immense volume of trash in addition to debris that may need to go some time, and dumpster leases for technicians are quite straightforward. The law does not allow it to remain unclean, there must be a continuing flow involving clearing your sight.
You will be able to rent a new dumpster with any kind of dumpster service. Take into account that dumpsters come in various sizes, small, medium, and large. A tiny dumpster will hold 2 plenty of debris or so. Large dumpsters are compatible with large structure jobs and residential renovations. Large dumpsters hold 3 plenty of debris if not more. If you rent a new dumpster, your home and the renovation region will stay clean at all times. Your home or enterprise will also keep safe for the family in addition to visitors.
With a sadder note most likely your parents attended down with illness and desire to move to a nursing home. Maybe parent's both have passed away so you need to get their residence sold. You already know that your dad's or mom's have built up a lot of things from years of memories and you would like to save your sentimental goods and toss the junk no one wants.
Civilized world like US will always be busy using handling many or other tasks like development projects, house renovations, garden cleanups as well as commercial cleanups. This creates huge a lot of trash that will require to be disposed immediately.
Seek out speedy service when you are looking to rent a dumpster. You will discover dumpsters that can be sent the following day to your home or career site. That is tip top support services if you need to find the job likely and done quickly. All your family members, friends or the people you hire can be in and out of your home in no time. You may want to put your Alexandria, Virtual assistant, home on the market since you are transferring to a condo or some other area. Your quicker you receive your home on the market, the more rapidly you can get your cash and find out more about the next part in your life.
Simple fact: Again, oftentimes with more substantial companies this really is true. You'll find metal small wheels on the backside of the pots which can very easily scratch drives, particularly more aged driveways. Even so, if you head out local this could not really matter. Find a small company that can take the time to rest protective wooden sheet on top of the areas the place that the wheels could have made contact with the tarmac. This is a simple enough procedure, but it really can also be rather time consuming. However larger businesses may consider this to be an unnecessary added effort, small companies that cherish their clients in addition to their reputation consider this to be well worth likely the extra mile. Discover sure if any Dumpster for Rent in Minatare, NE company will do this, only ask them.
Almost all dumpster collectors of this type are specialist in what they generally do. They have a great record, numerous years of offering these facilities in a almost all prompt and also professional approach. It is quite backside to get people and consumers of these providers in the area generating complaints about the services they will get. Your residents here have complete trust in the work made by the companies presenting these services.
Some sort of dumpster service is very theraputic for many different kinds involving projects for example homeowners, businesses, churches, local community effort tasks, and real estate professionals. These tasks are taken care of quickly and efficiently and also the debris and also trash is definitely disposed correctly. This kind of corporation will make simpler, save you time and effort.
The benefits of any construction Dumpster for Rent in Minatare, NE are usually cleaner avenues, cleaner local neighborhoods, and cleanser life styles since dumpsters are a fairly easy, simple and efficient way of removing waste materials. It is relatively simple because if perform our portion by keeping our property as well as our friend does the same and his friend does the same and the process reciprocates then everyone will be doing their part to hold our neighborhoods clean in the efficient approach.
30 garden roll away containers are usually used on the lower end in the industrial level. They can handle a lot of bodyweight, which makes them perfect for dealing with throw away from landscape design and heavy job renovation tasks.
They are the optimal way to dispose of human being wastes. Thanks a lot to these throw away management businesses for proclaiming to offer you dumpsters on rent wherein you can dumps different types of human being waste made at the development site for example disposal foods packages baskets made of report etc. | 2019-04-22T14:51:21Z | https://dumpsterzone.com/nebraska/dumpster-for-rent-minatare-ne/ |
Get the Construction Dumpster Rental you need in Talking Rock, GA, for the price you deserve.
Don't settle for less than perfection when it comes to your next dumpster rental in Talking Rock. Book with the experts!
Our prices are some of the lowest you can find in Talking Rock, GA. Call today to see for yourself!
Small and Large Roll Off Containers for the jobsite. We have your construction dumpster rental needs in Talking Rock covered.
Our sizes range from 5 yard to 40 yard dumpsters, and everything in between. Call us today for availability in Talking Rock.
We offer many different sizes of dumpsters, and different sizes are available in different areas. Call us to find out availability in Talking Rock, GA.
Check below for cities and zip codes near Talking Rock, GA.
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The next aspect that you have to look at before putting in an order with the an organization is transparency in pricing. While you make an order with Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA company Connecticut be sure you check with the business if they include any concealed charges inside the pricing. Make sure that initial price quote received on your side is the ultimate bill you make payment for to them.
Eliminating large amounts of garbage, throw away and rubbish can be a hassle for anyone. Whether you are a business or a residence, whether it is time to eliminating trash along with debris you might need a timely along with reasonable option. Renting a dumpster might help solve this concern. Large canisters can be supplied and picked up directly to along with from the property or home which saves you the hassle of the need to gather up junk and setting up a trip to the neighborhood dump. While deciding on a company to use for this service there are a few issue you should search for.
A Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA support can help you choose the size dumpster you may need whether it be for personal use or a just once event. These kind of dumpsters can really come in useful and save you a lot of attempt.
What is the cause of these catastrophes? It is enviromentally friendly imbalance that is certainly caused resulting from solid throw away generation along with industrial pollutants in the express. In this article, allow us talk about reliable waste generation in the express and its influences on the natural environment. The reliable waste generation in the express amounts to 58 to 70 tons daily. We can stay away from the Island from being reach by natural disasters if we try mitigate the consequences of a few issues just like solid throw away generation inside the Island In case your parents are moving you'll be able to help them cleanse their home by simply renting a dumpster. Your folks may want to go on to a smaller property, condo as well as apartment to ensure there is much less work for these phones do as is also aging.
Rent Duration: The time do you need this dumpster for? Dumpsters can be rented by the month as well as on a long term basis (commonly with a 12-month contract). Keep in mind that in case you keep a momentary roll-off longer than this previously agreed upon lease length of time, there can be extra charges of an average $15-$50 a day.
For more information on Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA companies check out the Price range Dumpster company. These are a national company with an above average reputation for inexpensive, upfront, all-inclusive pricing along with great customer support. 1-866-284-6164 In today's world, where by everyone is focused on the environment, recycle is also basically in the front when we eliminate something and put a new thing in its spot. When renting a dumpster for a good-sized occupation, a builder or home owner can rent 2 -- one greater one for that recycled objects, and another for that actual unusable material. Several dumpsters come separated into sections with regard to separate components such as lumber, metal along with glass as well as concrete etc., and this makes it very easy to utilize, and it also adds more optimizing to your total operation.
To look for a reputable company check online pertaining to reviews on companies that rent dumpsters. You'll need a company that's very helpful on the phone as well as beneficial. You will need to know very well what size dumpster you must order. You ought to choose a company that offers many different sizes regarding dumpsters, not just one sizing that is substantial and expensive. Check if the dumpsters have wheels on so that they are generally easier to move around for you or construction staff.
Dumpsters are also available on wheels which may be maneuvered easily on your house. Excellent as well as convenient as well as quick support will have ones construction garbage or household cleanup venture quickly covered. Dumpster rentals give easy garbage removal as they do not require which the items currently being thrown away your sorted or perhaps broken down into a smaller sizing. All garbage including glass and mining harvests can be threw into one particular dumpster. Recyclables and common trash be threw and collectively. Renting any dumpster is the easiest method to clean up using a home venture.
Sometimes home and office owners prefer cheap dumpster leases rather than buying one. Aforementioned is a big investment decision and you should simply go ahead with it if it is absolutely necessary. For example, a healthcare facility generates a lot of disposable things that needs to always be stored until finally it is moved away. This is how buying a dumpster is really a much better option. However, to get a home owner affordable Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rocks is a good option to contemplate.
Kansas is really a US state named after Tennesse river. The state of hawaii is in the middle of Nebraska on the north; Missouri on the east; Oklahoma on the southerly; and Denver colorado on the western world. It is separated into 105 counties with 628 cities. The economic system of the state is backed up by both professional and agriculture products.
Based on what ones garage is a lot like after you've trashed all your junk you might only require to put things where these are supposed to get. However, if this isn't so obvious to you, there are various ways to design your garage a naturally well-ordered position. After experiencing what you are confident you want to maintain, add cabinets for those minor items without having obvious houses. For the truly ambitious (as well as handy), contemplate installing a large, loft-style shelf pertaining to larger things that can be kept out of the way.
Right after providing you with a great on-site quote, any junk support should be capable to take your junk away immediately and from anywhere on your property or home. A good junk removal company will plan their careers so they can bring your unwanted products immediately after offering an estimate, instead of on a distinct occasion. Providing you the convenience of having the job performed on the spot.
Your own den will be your haven and you could do a large amount of work in right now there. Once in awhile you might wish you had bedroom for a at ease oversized leather couch. In case you decide to upgrade your living room, than you can do this so that you are satisfied with your living room.
Are you renovating your bathroom? Are you remodeling your home? Are you knocking down walls or maybe putting these individuals up? Access the size of assembling your shed so you determine if you will need a following day dumpster that is 10 cubic yards, 15 cubic yards or Something like 20 cubic yards for your extra big jobs.
If you handle large projects including construction, household renovation or maybe green property cleanup, it's important for you carry help from skilled to complete the actual project properly. People take a due proper care to complete the actual project by the due date, but they forget about post issues of the task such as trash hauling. You are about to generate large tons of trash on finishing of the task. Tons of trash piled up for lengthy period of time might lead to whole lot many difficulties such as leading to environmental pollution, growing infectious disorders, occupying no cost space as part of your arena, blocking the growth of the further initiatives and so on. Clearing such a large trash about self wipes out much of your time and also wants huge investment in terms of move and labor. Piling trash for longer time frame may chuck you in unnecessary problems.It invitations penalty from you for being a resource for making environmental pollution.
To make things that much easier, make sure you rent a small dumpster that strengthens to two a great deal of debris. It could be wise to rent the dumpster that is about wheels in case you need to transfer it from one area of your current driveway to an additional area of your current driveway. It is possible to request with the company which rents out your dumpsters to send skids alongside to protect your current driveway. This can give you a a sense relief with the knowledge that your made driveway do not possess any damage done to the item.
A dumpster hire from skilled rental service provider may be the cost effective method to deal with the trash that is produced be it design waste or maybe green property waste or maybe household or maybe industrial waste. A Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA to get rid of your trash would save three things hard work, money and time. It also helps to keep you resistant to getting wounded due to the wrong type of handling of the trash. Which has a Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA, you and your neighbour will be talented a good health and clean setting. It helps to keep your community clean up. The recipients of Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA providers are spread all over different areas such as design sites, colleges, hotels, commercial projects, household renovations and so forth.
Once the marketing starts, it is important for you to locate things that you need to sell. You have something stalking in the edges of our residences that we no longer want! Aged clothes, ignored children's toys and games, and mismatched dishware are always good places to start off. If you have time, start looking through your basement, crawl space, and car port for various other forgotten items that are just getting dusty. You may be surprised at how lots of things you'd retained around accidentally.
Environmental defense has become a predominant task for government entities of the US with its residents. The first step for mitigating the effects of air pollution on the setting is reducing the garbage production. Rubbish production is usually mitigated by using many alternatives for example electronic goods instead of cardstock, walking a reduced distance rather than using car and so on.
Are you upgrading your bathroom? Have you been remodeling region? Are you flattening walls or even putting these individuals up? Access the size of assembling your shed so you determine if you will need a overnight dumpster that is 10 cubic yards, 15 cubic yards or 20 cubic yards with the extra major jobs.
After you handle big projects including construction, house renovation or even green yard cleanup, it's important for you carry help from professional to complete your project successfully. People please take a due care to complete your project promptly, but they overlook post problems with the challenge such as garbage hauling. Looking to generate big tons of garbage on completing the challenge. Tons of garbage piled up for very long period of time would lead to good deal many problems such as leading to environmental pollution, spreading infectious ailments, occupying free space inside your arena, working against the growth of your further projects and so on. Eradicating such a big trash with self wipes out much of your some time to also needs huge investment in terms of transfer and labor. Piling garbage for longer length of time may put you throughout unnecessary challenges.It invites penalty on your part for being an origin for building environmental pollution.
To help to make things that much easier, make sure you rent a little dumpster that supports to two a great deal of debris. It may be wise to rent a new dumpster that is with wheels should you need to move it from one area of your driveway to an additional area of your driveway. You'll be able to request from the company which rents the dumpsters to send skids along to protect your driveway. This can give you a sense of relief knowing that your made driveway do not need any harm done to this.
A dumpster use from professional rental service provider would be the cost effective method to deal with the garbage that is developed be it construction waste or even green yard waste or even household or even industrial spend. A Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA to eliminate your garbage would preserve three things hard work, cash and time. It also retains you safe from getting wounded due to incorrect handling of the trash. Which has a Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA, you and your next door neighbor will be blessed a good health insurance and clean setting. It retains your community cleanse. The children of Construction Dumpster Rental in Talking Rock, GA companies are spread across different groups such as construction sites, educational facilities, hotels, professional projects, house renovations and so on.
Once the advertising starts, it is important for you to find things that you would like to sell. We all have something lurking in the sides of our households that we no more want! Old clothes, ignored children's toys, and mismatched dishware will almost always be good places to start out. If you have the required time, start looking by your basement, attic, and storage for other forgotten goods that are just getting dusty. You may be amazed at how lots of things you'd retained around accidentally.
Environmental safeguard has become a prevalent task for the us government of the US along with its residents. The initial step for mitigating the consequences of polluting of the environment on the setting is lowering the garbage production. Waste production is usually mitigated by using a number of alternatives like electronic items instead of cardstock, walking a compact distance as opposed to using car and so on. | 2019-04-24T14:54:40Z | http://www.dumpstruction.com/georgia/construction-dumpster-in-talking-rock-ga/ |
Architecture is one of the ultimate cultural containers; it both represents and holds firm our society. It is an absolute expression of who we are, our value system, our ideals, our aspirations. It is also the thing that circumscribes our daily lives. In this, I do want to state, I am not being an environmental determinist claiming that architecture makes us who we are. Instead, I am making the opposite claim, that who we are determines our architecture, and that then architecture we create imposes boundaries on us.
Some might argue that art is the true container of culture: it challenges us, it embodies our ideals, it represents, and possibly abstracts, our culture; it stimulates thought and discourse. All of these are true, but the one thing that art lacks is the connection to the practical. By it's very nature, art is an object of ornament, not of function. This is not to say that art is superfluous, it is very necessary, it is just that art exists for it's own sake.
Architecture does not. Architecture straddles the line between the practical necessities of life and the ornament of existence. As Adolph Loos would say, "art should challenge, architecture should be comfortable."
Some might argue the opposite side, that technology is the actual container of culture: it demonstrates our knowledge; it shows our application of that knowledge; it celebrates our achievements; and in some cases, it fundamentally makes life possible. All of these things are true also, but technology lacks the poetic. It is missing an essential element of grace and beauty. Technology is an object of function, not ornament.
Architecture also does not do this. Again, it straddles the line. It embodies the practical knowledge necessary to create buildings, but it also contains the beauty that pure engineering lacks.
Then there are those who would argue that writing, poetry and literature, are the true embodiment of culture, and in that I must agree, they are. However, literature is just another form of architecture, in the sense that both are directly derived from the ancient art of storytelling. (I would like to credit my friend Patrick with the concept that all art has it's root in the telling of stories.) I am not claiming that architecture is constructed poetry or frozen music, merely that the two derive from the same source.
Writing is the architecture of the mind, buildings are the architecture of the physical. They both employ structure, rules, form in the purpose of creating beauty. A poorly crafted poem will collapse under its own weight just as quickly as poorly crafted building.
It is no coincidence that buildings and writings are the primary tools to dissect and understand a past culture. They are the two fundamental sources used in archaeology to reconstruct the past.
To examine the first mode of architecture as a cultural container, I will address how architecture manifests essential aspects of society.
First I would like to discuss how architecture embodies our value systems. As an example, I will look at the development of the kitchen over the last one hundred years and chart how it displays changes in societal roles. I am going to use this time frame, because this is the period after the kitchen developed as a room separate from the main living space, as it had been in colonial times for all but the wealthy. It is also after the kitchen stopped being hidden as the realm of servants for the middle classes, as it was in Victorian times. This period is the time when the gas stove, refrigerator and indoor plumbing transformed the kitchen.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the kitchen was typically a very small room that could only hold a small number of people comfortably. This was true even in houses of the wealthy, as shown in Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock house. Further, the kitchen was relatively isolated from the rest of the house, segregated from the main living spaces by at least doors, if not actually by a butler's pantry.
This design showed the minimal value placed on the kitchen and more importantly, the minimal value of the women doing the cooking. A common observation was "exiling the women to the kitchen." This reflected societal norms of the men retiring to the parlor to discuss important matters, while the women went into the kitchen to work at cleaning up.
In fact, the design of the house showed the sexual segregation typical of society at the time, where the men and the women typically shared space only during the meal, but were separated by the architecture both before and after. And sometimes they were not together even then. In my father's family, if there was not enough space at the table, the women ate in the kitchen. The architecture limited all interaction.
As we moved into the second half of the 20th century, the kitchen began to change. First, the kitchen transformed to celebrate both technological achievement and plenty. While still strictly separated from the rest of the living spaces, it nonetheless began to become more of a focal point for the display of technology; electric stoves, wall ovens, dishwashers, trash compactors, a host of small appliances, supposedly labor saving devices, actually became status symbols to display in a new kitchen. Even though socialization would not occur there, everyone had to see the new stuff in the kitchen and admire the achievement of the family who could afford it.
Additionally, stoves, ovens and refrigerators increased in size to accommodate the more plentiful food that needed to be stored and prepared. To understand this change, I have a bread dish that belonged to my grandmother that she used in the 30's. This dish is small, it can only hold six or eight slices of bread, and those slices would have been cut in half. It was a way to elegantly display a small amount of food. Today, a bread plate would be able to accommodate an entire loaf of French bread, possibly even two.
But the most dramatic shift was the change that began in the 80's and 90's, when cooking moved into the social realm. No longer were women exiled to the kitchen, and segregated from the men, now both sexes mingled and the kitchen became a prime social space. In the shift to the great room concept of the new millennium, the kitchen is now often the main entertaining space in the home.
This shift shows the massive transformation of attitudes. The kitchen has returned to it's Colonial American roots, where the activities of the home revolve around the hearth, now transformed into the island. The change in kitchens shows the change in the values of society, where it is now important for an entire family or a group of friends to share space, even when work is occurring.
My grandmother would never have had her entire family in the kitchen, it wouldn't have been proper because it was a working room. I would never not have my friends in my kitchen, for the same basic reason, it would not be proper, but now because it is the social room. The transformation of the kitchen in the house shows the shift in cultural ideals.
The change in the kitchen also shows a shift in our aspirations. In the days of strictly defined gender roles, rooms had gender determinatives. Certain rooms were for men, most of the house actually, and certain rooms were for women, chiefly the kitchen, sewing room and the kids rooms. At that time, societal aspirations and norms were built around the concept of a man's home is his castle. Our architecture reflected this.
Today, our aspirations are for a non-gender segregated society. We are tearing down the walls of sexism, and in doing so, have torn down the walls around the kitchen. We are reflecting the hope for an equal society through an architectural expression that creates equality in the space. Now the whole family can be together, and work together, in the modern kitchen.
But container has another meaning, it can also mean to hold back; to contain an idea in a limiting sense. To demonstrate this, I will stay with the kitchen. The shift in kitchen design lagged years behind the shift in societal roles, and in fact, it is not fully penetrated even yet because there are still millions of old style kitchens across the country. In a very real sense, the delay in the shift of the physical puts a brake on the shift of the cultural.
kitchens, the patterns of life in those houses still reflects the old system of segregation. It may be the man doing the cooking, but regardless, the genders are still separated before and after the meal. Socialization is still fragmented by the spaces.
Even in old houses that have large kitchens, like mine, there is still an odd disjointing, where everyone crowds into the kitchen, so a choice must be made between comfort or standing around the island in the kitchen. There is no ability for everyone to be together, but engaged in different activities as they would be in an open concept house.
In this sense, our architecture also contains culture, by slowing down its transformation. I am not going to claim that this is a good thing or a bad thing, just that the built environment can slow the societal changes, if for no other reason than we cannot afford to rebuild our entire world every time the culture shifts.
I could use countless other architectural examples of this embodiment of culture. You can see it in the change from the corner store to the big box store, the parish church to the large mega-church, the grand civic buildings to the modest office structures that now serve as centers of government. Each of these changes represents a serious shift or evolution of cultural values.
The architecture becomes a lens, magnifying our society. Though our architecture, we can analyze our entire value system and the patterns of our lives. But architecture can also become a prison, locking us into patterns that are no longer valid, but that we are unable to change, because the architecture confines us to the old forms.
We build buildings that fit our lives at the moment, then those buildings shape the patterns of the next generation. It is a cycle that is at once elevating and limiting, and it is a cycle that we must understand. | 2019-04-18T21:34:39Z | http://blog.cultofthedeadbirds.com/2013/03/architectural-tupperware.html |
Okay, who wants to start over this year? A show of hands please.
Seriously, though, those poor Japanese. Also, nuclear power plant collapsing = not good. Let's just hope they can stop it from going into a full meltdown.
Those of you who have friends or family in the affected area, I wish you good luck.
The nuclear catastrophe in Japan will be remembered as the worst nuclear power related mess in history, despite the calming, soothing propaganda we are hearing now, and here is why.
The type of reactor complexes used at Fukushima and the various other locations all follow the same pattern; the reactor building, containing the pool that houses the nuclear fuel rods, has, on the roof, a large secondary pool in which is stored spent fuel rods. That upper pool must be kept cool lest the spent fuel combust, melt into a puddle, crack available water into hydrogen and oxygen, which would then explode, the direct equivalent of a 'dirty bomb'.
In the case of the reactor buildings that have already exploded, the issue of these waste products is far more serious than the direct exposure of the currently active fuel rods in their neat casings below, and it is the one issue you are not hearing about, because it is the one thing no one wants to speak of; it would cause a mass panic, and rightly so.
The exploded buildings do not exist; they were vaporized, turned entirely into dust, the awesome power of contained hydrogen and oxygen reacting under terrible heat. Why? the fuel in the lower pool was exposed to air and likely shaken from containment, it must have heated up, cracked the remaining moisture, and provided the heat for combustion.
This means the upper waste pools were annihilated in the explosion below, which is what they mean when the reports say the 'roof was blown off'. It was not just the roof, the entirety of the buildings has ceased to exist.
The large amounts of intensely radioactive spent fuel is now spread all over the area; some was likely vaporized, some doubtless dropped back to the ground in fragments. These chunks will grow hotter and hotter; if any fell together, or were fused, the problem is increased, and the result is that whatever happens to the active fuel rods in the lower chamber, the damage is done, and Japan now has poisoned land, likely at deadly levels, for centuries to come.
This does not mean they will not try to downplay this, cover it over, scoop it all up and dump it in the sea or somesuch at a later time; that too has awful consequences.
In the end, I expect at least five major reactor breaches, each potentially worse than Chernobyl, which makes the constant barrage of claims that 'this is not another Chernobyl' quite funny to me; technically they are right - Chernobyl was, after all, only one isolated incident, not three, four, or even six (worst case) all happening at the same time.
Few will die immediately, of course, the poison that is nuclear power kills slowly and inexorably; just like Europe after Chernobyl, the slaughter will take decades, and will be noted not as what it is -the direct result - but as a 'curious and mysterious increase' in cancer of all manner of body parts. This is how politics spins nuclear power problems.
For us on the west coast of America, of course, our time is coming. Unless there is a true stratospheric explosion caused by a pooling of molten fuel exploding into the sky, the 36-hour jet stream issue is not the concern, rather it is the seven to ten day wind factor slowly blowing poison to our shores across the sea that is the problem. It is coming, make no mistake, but it will take time, and it will be stealthy. It is unlikely that you will hear of any massive increase in background radiation; rather the food and water will be subtly contaminated with Cesium and possibly worse, and it is not in anyone's interest to inform you, and it is greatly valuable to not inform you. But it is coming, and like the USS Ronald Reagan, we will get our dose, in time, over time.
Nuclear energy! Clean, cheap, and efficient!
No. It is not cheap: without government subsidies taken from our taxes, nobody could afford nuclear power, it is a dreadfully expensive means of energy production, when every step of the process is accounted for.
Clean, it is not; the fuel is death, and the waste is death, concentrated death, which is, for all practical purposes eternal. We have no realistic means of disposal, just containment, and that death is contagious, it spreads, whatever it touches also becomes death. The best anyone has thought of is hiding it in a mountain and putting up scary sculptures to frighten our great-great-great-great X10^10 descendants from looking there - all based on the notion that what we find scary will still mean anything to them in the far, far future. The pile of waste, worldwide, just keeps getting larger.
Efficient. What a laugh - as I have pointed out many times in my life, a nuclear reactor is nothing more than crappy Steampunk. It is nothing more than a steam engine driven not by coal, but by the ultimate poison of radioactive lumps. The lumps are allowed to get close to each other, which excites them, they grow hot which boils water, the water becomes radioactive steam, which in turn drives a turbine that generates electricity. Eventually the water breaks down alchemically to the point that it becomes a dark, thick goo of half-created elements, a sludge of highly radioactive crud, this, in addition to spent (still deadly) fuel, is nuclear waste. It is stored in barrels, like oil, or vitrified in solid blocks of plastic. Then they pile is somewhere, or keep it in a constantly cooled pool if it is too nasty for words. Forever. It just sits there. Hopefully not leaking.
Steam engines are not overly efficient as machines go. They are so very early 19th century. But that is all a reactor is. A steam engine that uses radioactive decay for heat instead of coal.
A steam engine is not quite the same thing as a steam turbine, which power plants use.
Dismissing something as "just" using the basic principles of energy transformation is an easy jab, and not intellectually honest. Airplanes are just powered kites, and computers are nothing but switches that can turn other switches on and off!
Seven Reactors, built in the world's most active subduction zone, all de-powered, all critically damaged, all with dysfunctional backup systems, broken diesel pumps and failed cooling systems.
3 exploded, 1 on fire, 3 to go!
Tychomonger wrote: A steam engine is not quite the same thing as a steam turbine, which power plants use.
Airplanes ARE powered kites, ultimately. Computers ARE arrangements of switches.
The point is that atomic power has been sold as being futuristic, as being, in the eyes of most folks, something pure and good, where matter itself is disintegrated DIRECTLY into clean, pure power, and this is a lie. But it is what most people think. I would bet a goodly number of people right here on this board think something not unlike that. It is the common spin.
Nuclear reactors are not what they have been sold to the public to be, they are not what they are shown to be on television, nor in the propaganda of the nuclear industry. They are, the fancy seeming complexity of a turbine notwithstanding, simply heat turning a rod that rotates to make electricity, and that system is the same whatever fuel you use: gasoline, diesel, coal, natural gas, or lumps of radioactive matter bouncing neutrons off each other. The bottom line is that the basic mechanism is no more futuristic than a steam locomotive; it is just using heat to boil water. That is it. No direct conversion of matter, no fusion, no Seaview submarine, no Star Trek reactor, no sci-fi coolness at all.
But nuclear power is not sold to anyone as being a big teakettle, and it should be, because that is the bottom line truth, and all tea kettles must be warmed by fuel, and fuel means waste, and burning, and exhaust, and inefficiency of the most ancient, non-sci-fi sort.
Worse, unlike coal, or oil, or gas, it must be watched, carefully, and controlled, constantly, because one slip-up for even so little a time as thirty seconds (in the wrong circumstance) is deadly, fatal and horrible, not just in the present, such as in an explosion, but forever. They never tell people that point when they sell them on reactors. A gas explosion, bad. Here comes the firetruck. A meltdown - you can't use that land again in human memory, and your great-grandkids are going to enjoy thyroid cancer and leukemia.
All just to... boil water. Nothing better. Just boil water. Heat. Just heat. All that risk, eternal waste, eternal, spreading poison... just to make heat.
I stand on my statement.
Yes, presenting nuclear power as magical would be misleading spin. Presenting it as a boiling teakettle is also spin, and just about as misleading. Fusion power, the holy grail of energy production, would also be a teakettle.
Tychomonger wrote: Yes, presenting nuclear power as magical would be misleading spin. Presenting it as a boiling teakettle is also spin, and just about as misleading.
How on earth is saying that a steam-powered electrical source is, in fact, powered by steam, in any way whatsoever misleading, or in any way 'spin'?
It is a teakettle. It is a boiler. Nuclear fuel is used for the sole and lone purpose of boiling water in an oversized kettle. A 'water containment vessel' is a kettle. It has a fancy name, yes, but it is functionally a kettle, and the steam it produces lifts not a lid nor makes a whistle, but instead is applied to rotate a turbine, which is to say a fancy shaft that is connected to the wheel of an electrical generator. This is what it is. This is factual wording, stripped of all pretension and jargon. It is an un-magical, dis-en-awed view of what a nuclear plant is, and does.
Spin is lies. Spin is non-fact, or, sometimes, a mix of lies and some fact to stabilize it and make the lies convincing.
When I state that the machine essence of a nuclear plant is that of a steam engine to generate electricity, fueled by heat, I am stating absolute fact. When I say that this is reducible to a kettle that makes steam when put on to boil, I am stating such obvious fact that it is the primary method of introducing children to the concept of the stream locomotive as well as to the basic concept of pressure and 'work' in physics.
I do not grasp your statement. It truly appears utterly meaningless to me.
A nuclear plant is a big teakettle, heated by radioactivity, and it is built only for the function of providing steam, which can then be used however is desired... such as to generate power. It could be used to heat old-fashioned steam heaters in apartment buildings, or to press clothes... it is steam. Radioactive steam, but steam, nothing more and nothing less.
With fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc) the release of deadly chemicals is part of normal operations. Seriously, you'd be surprised how many threshold of reporting events happen at oil refineries, spewing stuff you don't think about as much as radiation but which is as deadly-if not more so in cases-as what is happening in Japan. And even when they're not playing close to the legal razor for profits, the oil companies, especially, kick up a lot of pollutants like carbon dioxide which has other problems.
With nuclear boilers (hey steam power is as old as Hero of Alexandria, but we're MUCH better at pulling energy out efficiently) the externalities are nasty when they happen, but they're not constantly happening. Accidents happen rarely in nuclear power (by industrial standards that is, if nuclear plants were run like normal industrial facilities there'd be three eyed fish on every plate) because people wouldn't stand that.
Nuclear plants are as safe as anything else out there, look at the corroded refineries running 100 year old process units and tell me they (nuclear plants) are not safer, but when they go up, people notice more than when hydrocarbons go up.
Industrial society kicks up quite a lot of dust, but we don't like the alternatives. The current forms of nuclear power do have catastrophic risks, but each reactor design is better than the last, the newer designs have fail safes that would prevent this disaster (the back up pumps failed after the tsunami knocked them out, the new designs don't need them for safe shut down, and hardening the pumphouses will prevent this on currently built designs).
As to government subsidies? Nothing huge gets built without them, and nuke plants are huge. The railways of the world, road systems, bridges, anything bigger than a couple percent of a massive corporations profits for a year, all need subsidies. Coal plants need them, and even cars need them now.
Cars get a government subsidy (no this isn't a conspiracy theory either, hear me out), since every time you drive you use petrol, petrol which is traded on the open market and subject to price variation from said market, petrol which is affected by stability in Saudi Arabia (even if, like on the western US coast, it's mostly Alaskan crude), Saudi Arabia who's stability is insured by US aid and subsidy.
If the house of Saud fell tomorrow, you couldn't afford to drive.
I don't like nuke the same way I don't like oil. We'll run out eventually. Our needs and wants only grow to fit our capacity to produce, the material we produce from only shrinks. From this, it is clear that we should go with non-exhaustible resources: Sun, Wind, Tides, Rivers, Animal Waste, Non-Food Ethanol, the first three are very passive on the environment (though they have effects, birds in turbines for example), the last three less so, but still useful (Hoover Dam is going strong fueling neon in ugly Las Vegas).
May I join in for a moment?
Well, even in a german discussion I would go down, sink to the ground or so.
I don't think that nuclear power is cheap.
How many facts are around a nuclear plant?
The fuel elements are always radioactive, they have to handle with care, transportation to the powerstation and away from it, every time handle with care. It's a logistic masterpiece. That must cost a lot.
And an ultimate disposal for the nuclear waste, you can search worldwide. There is none!
No one has any clue where to store it finally.
There is a dangerous technology, used around the world, and we have no place where to store it for the rest of the planets lifetime for thousands of years, hundred thousands of years?
And we would need more than one place.
To much ado about that stuff.
Coal, oil, gas don't have this kind of problems.
Other problems, oh yes, but not that dangerous.
And if it goes broken, the following costs of a nuclear meltdown &Co. are much higher as it would happen to a coal power station for example.
A fusion reactor would produce very less radioactivity, but I don't believe that ever one will work.
So we have only the choice to use other energy options.
Only isn't the right word, there are many options.
But these idiots just pumping water into the ground and creating earth quakes. There must be some other solutions for this.
But we germans were always sceptical against nuclear power, sadly not our politicians.
I just saw a graphic with nuke plants placed in Germany, two places are in the former GDR/East Germany.
All puns aside (since turbines spin), "spin" has nothing to do with truth or falsehood and everything to do with the PRESENTATION of a piece of information with the intent to encourage a particular viewpoint. That information can be completely true, completely false, or a mix thereof; the spin is the WAY YOU SAY IT to make your point. Calling a nuclear reactor the equivalent of a teakettle is factually true but it's a spin intending to trivialize the process. Calling a nuclear reactor a marvel of science tapping into the power of the atom is ALSO factually true and it's ALSO a spin, this one intending to glamorize it.
Yes, the spin is necessary to avoid public panic, because it IS highly likely that a panic would cause more problems than the reactor troubles themselves will. But it's also highly likely that the worst-case scenario ISN'T going to happen. In terms of nuclear incidents, this one is evolving remarkably slowly, which is giving scientists and workers more time to figure out how to deal with it. The fact is, the redundant safeties have done their job, even if they haven't completely eliminated the problems, and the scope of the disaster is quite a bit less than it could have been.
Yes, nuclear fuel is technically a limited, nonrenewable resource, but you don't need nearly as much OF it and there's MORE of it on the planet. It's going to last longer and it is, under normal non-catastrophic cases, considerably cleaner than hydrocarbon-based power generation.
The damage of radiation exposure is actually quite a bit less significant than people are going to spin it up. Out of everyone affected by the atomic bombs in Japan, only around 4000 developed cancer due to radiation. That's a tragedy, yes, but consider how many people develop lung cancer from smog. Even the workers at the plant aren't expected to die from this directly; I read somewhere that their life expectancies have been reduced by around 15 years but it's not going to kill them outright.
By the way, the steam generated by a nuclear power plant under normal operation IS NOT radioactive. The heat exchangers are a closed-loop design used to heat CLEAN, ISOLATED water into steam to drive the turbines. That water does not get exposed to the radioactive material directly, and at worst receives some ionization from being struck by radiation -- radiation alone does not bestow radioactivity; you actually have to get particles of the radioactive substance dissolved in or scattered upon something to make it "contagious." And sure, ionized oxygen can do some damage, but it's not that big of a deal; every bolt of lightning generates a bunch of it. The only radioactive steam involved in the process is supposed to be contained within the reactor, such that only catastrophic physical failure of the reactor housing will allow it to escape.
On a positive note, one of my websites (http://trisphee.com/) is doing a fundraiser drive.
Thanks Coda, you expressed what I was trying to say quite nicely.
With regard to nuclear waste there is only one real point: we have no way to dispose of it.
This is not the case with all other forms of waste. No matter what the waste, from nerve gas to mercury, there is a way to entrap, bind, seal, combust, alter or bury it that will not kill people for centuries and centuries onward. Whether we bother to actually pay to do such things is not the point; the fact remains that with enough effort something is actually possible.
This is not the case with nuclear waste. We have NO answers. None.
Yet it piles up, ton after ton, year after year, no end in sight.
The only solution the entire world uses is to stack it up in piles on-site, next to the reactor, and just leave it there.
Yucca Mountain? So? Ten thousand years from now, who will know what anything we might build to mark it means? In they will dig, because something is there, something mysterious, and innocents will die. Providing some natural event does not expose everything over the centuries, of course.
We have no technology to build any container that will not leak over timescales like that. We cannot build anything that would even last a handful of centuries - much less hundreds of centuries.
Nuclear power makes deadly waste we have no solution for. Period.
To a rational species, this should be the end of the issue; it would be insane to do what we have done. It cannot be defended. It cannot be answered. It cannot be allowed. Yet, it is. Hell, nuclear power is growing in use every year. The eternal waste just piles up faster and faster.
Teakettle or marvel of science - to hell either way. So what? Call the reactor what you want, the issue is that this is the only technology that creates waste that there is no valid way to dispose of, store, or deal with, and that waste is death incarnate. This is beyond crazy. It is beyond madness.
Mankind is insane. It is too stupid to live. The longer I live, the more I learn and see, the more convinced I become of this simple fact.
It seems people are working on means of disposal: like so.
Not really my area of expertise, but the general idea is something like... by simplifying the steps required to perform the nuclear level of the process, it's possible to boost efficiency by a lot, in a way that uses current "waste" as nuclear intermediates to substances with a half-life of years instead of centuries. In addition, using different fuels to begin with should start the fuels along a completely different reaction pathway, that doesn't produce that kind of waste to begin with.
Also, they're supposed to work at low pressures, so, you know, harder to spontaneously explode.
But yeah, it's true that changing nothing is a sure recipe for possibly-gradual suicide. Which is why people are working to change things!
mwchase wrote: But yeah, it's true that changing nothing is a sure recipe for possibly-gradual suicide. Which is why people are working to change things!
And if I may interject, the reason so many of these old, less safe reactor designs are still around is because we need the power, so we can't shut them down, and we can't replace them with newer, safer designs because so many anti-nuclear people cockblock the processes. Then when ancient reactors do fail, they point and say "SEE?! SEE?! I told you nukular power is unsafe!!!"
Ah, whatever happened to the ambient-electrostatico-kinetic motor? Who is John Galt?
Monocheres wrote: Ah, whatever happened to the ambient-electrostatico-kinetic motor? Who is John Galt?
The ambient-electrostatico-kinetic motor was found to infringe on an obscure patent owned by a law firm for "any and all forms of energy derived from sources as yet unknown", and so John Galt snapped and punched the conman who screwed him out of his invention in open court, at his assault trial he represented himself, but his defense was found by the judge to be unrelated to his charges, and the jury convicted him and sentenced him to 5 years.
So John Galt is an inmate of the federal prison system.
The other thing, for the moment, is to build reactors that work differently enough from current designs that they can break down nuclear waste from uranium. Break down the waste, and you get a lot of power instead of long-lived waste.
Apparently, the trick there is to design reactors that don't need to slow down the neutrons to work, just use fully energetic ones. Now, this isn't my area, like I said before, but that's what I got from my link up there. | 2019-04-25T02:17:34Z | http://forums.unicornjelly.com/viewtopic.php?p=24705& |
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