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K7708241UP.001 | pakno nispa isam nispa a= ne hine an =an pe ne hike, | Kimura_Kimi | pak -no nispa isam nispa a= ne hine an =an pe ne hike, | pak -no nispa isam nispa a= ne hine an =an pe ne hike | till -ADV rich_man not_exist rich_man 4.A= COP and exist.SG =4.S NMLZ COP but | I am a rich man, richer than anyone else. |
K7708241UP.002 | ekimne =an kor yuk ne ciki kamuy ne ciki nuwe a= koan. | Kimura_Kimi | ekimne =an kor yuk ne ciki kamuy ne ciki nuwe a= ko -an. | ekimne =an kor yuk ne ciki kamuy ne ciki nuwe a= ko -an | go_to_the_mountains =4.S when|if deer COP if bear COP if abundant_game 4.A= to.APPL -exist.SG | When I go to the mountains, I capture lots of deer and bears. |
K7708241UP.003 | uturu ta atuy teksam ta san =an wa peray =an ne ya | Kimura_Kimi | utur -u ta atuy teksam ta sa -n =an wa peray =an ne ya | utur -u ta atuy teksam ta sa -n =an wa peray =an ne ya | space|time_interval -POSS at sea|ocean near at front_place -INTR.SG =4.S and fish =4.S COP Q | I also go down to the seashore to fish. |
K7708241UP.004 | repotcikoykip yaotcikoykip nuwe a= koan pe ne kor, | Kimura_Kimi | rep- ot- cikoykip ya- ot- cikoykip nuwe a= ko -an pe ne kor, | rep- ot- cikoykip ya- ot- cikoykip nuwe a= ko -an pe ne kor | open_sea- live_in- game land- live_in- game abundant_game 4.A= to.APPL -exist.SG NMLZ COP and | I’ve hauled in lots of things from the ocean and I’ve caught many things in the mountains. |
K7708241UP.005 | sine ar suy ne suy pis ta san =an h_ine peray =an kor an =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sine ar suy ne suy pis ta sa -n =an h_ine peray =an kor an =an akusu, | sine ar suy ne suy pis ta sa -n =an hine peray =an kor an =an akusu | one one|half times COP again beach at front_place -INTR.SG =4.S and fish =4.S and exist.SG =4.S then | One day, when I was down on the beach fishing, |
K7708241UP.006 | sirar ka ta oni an. | Kimura_Kimi | sirar ka ta oni an. | sirar ka ta oni an | large_rock top at devil exist.SG | there was a demon up on one of the rocks. |
K7708241UP.008 | "pirka upen kam a= pa siri an." | Kimura_Kimi | "pirka upen kam a= pa siri an." | pirka upen kam a= pa siri an | be_good be_young meat 4.A= find VIS.EV exist.SG | [He said,] “I’ve found some delicious young meat.” |
K7708241UP.009 | sekor hawean kor ek korka, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an kor ek korka, | sekor haw -e -an kor ek korka | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG and come.SG but | While saying this, the demon came toward me. |
K7708241UP.010 | kira =an ka eaykap pe ne kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | kira =an ka e- aykap pe ne kusu, | kira =an ka e- aykap pe ne kusu | escape =4.S even about.APPL- be_unable NMLZ COP because | Since it wasn’t possible to escape, |
K7708241UP.011 | neno an =an wa an =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | neno an =an wa an =an akusu, | neno an =an wa an =an akusu | like_this exist.SG =4.S and exist.SG =4.S then | I stood still, |
K7708241UP.012 | i= uk h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | i= uk h_ine, | i= uk hine | 4.O= take.SG and | he caught me, |
K7708241UP.013 | orano cip or omare, | Kimura_Kimi | orano cip or oma -re, | orano cip or oma -re | then boat place enter -CAUS | and put me in his boat. |
K7708241UP.014 | i= omare hine i= kusa hine hinak ta paye =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | i= oma -re hine i= kus -a hine hinak ta paye =an akusu, | i= oma -re hine i= kus -a hine hinak ta paye =an akusu | 4.O= enter -CAUS and 4.O= take_by_boat -TR.SG and where at go.PL =4.S then | Carrying me in his boat, |
K7708241UP.015 | poru an h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | poru an h_ine, | poru an hine | cave exist.SG and | we came to a cavern |
K7708241UP.016 | poru or_ ta ahup =an ruwe ne akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | poru or_ ta ah -up =an ruwe ne akusu, | poru or ta aw -p =an ruwe ne akusu | cave place at inside_house -INTR.PL =4.S INFR.EV COP then | and as we went in to the cavern, |
K7708241UP.017 | pon oni an ruwe ne hine, | Kimura_Kimi | pon oni an ruwe ne hine, | pon oni an ruwe ne hine | be_small devil exist.SG INFR.EV COP and | there was a little demon there. |
K7708241UP.020 | hokure pirkano e= ipere wa mimus yakne a= e yak a= ekironnu kusu ne na. | Kimura_Kimi | hokure pirka -no e= ipe -re wa mim -us yakne a= e yak a= e- kiron -nu kusu ne na. | hokure pirka -no e= ipe -re wa mim -us yakne a= e yak a= e- kiror -nu kusu ne na | quickly be_good -ADV 2SG.A= eat -CAUS and meat -attach_to when 4.A= eat if 4.A= by.APPL- strength -have because COP SGST | Make him eat a lot and when he’s fat, you will feel well fed if you eat him then. |
K7708241UP.021 | ene an upen kam ney ta ka a= pa rusuy h_ike ka, | Kimura_Kimi | ene an upen kam ney ta ka a= pa rusuy h_ike ka, | ene an upen kam ney ta ka a= pa rusuy hike ka | like_this exist.SG be_young meat where at even 4.A= find DESID but even | I wanted to find some young meat like this somewhere, |
K7708241UP.022 | a= pa ka somo ki a p." | Kimura_Kimi | a= pa ka somo ki a p." | a= pa ka somo ki a p | 4.A= find even NEG do PERF.SG but | but it was difficult to find.” |
K7708241UP.023 | sekor hawean kor ki a korka | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an kor ki a korka | sekor haw -e -an kor ki a korka | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG and do PERF.SG but | While he was saying this, |
K7708241UP.024 | a= sitoma katun ki ka a= eaykap kusu | Kimura_Kimi | a= sitoma kat -un ki ka a= e- aykap kusu | a= sitoma kat -un ki ka a= e- aykap kusu | 4.A= be_afraid_of shape -belong_to do even 4.A= about.APPL- be_unable because | [I stayed quiet,] unable to even be afraid, |
K7708241UP.025 | mosmano an =an. | Kimura_Kimi | mosma -no an =an. | mosma -no an =an | other -ADV exist.SG =4.S | I stayed quiet. |
K7708241UP.026 | orano pon oni suke. | Kimura_Kimi | orano pon oni suke. | orano pon oni suke | then be_small devil cook | Then, the little demon cooked dinner. |
K7708241UP.027 | pirkano suke wa i= ipere. | Kimura_Kimi | pirka -no suke wa i= ipe -re. | pirka -no suke wa i= ipe -re | be_good -ADV cook and 4.O= eat -CAUS | He fed me and the food was really good. |
K7708241UP.028 | ipe =an kor an =an a p, | Kimura_Kimi | ipe =an kor an =an a p, | ipe =an kor an =an a p | eat =4.S and exist.SG =4.S PERF.SG but | While we were eating, |
K7708241UP.029 | konto oni ekimne wa isam h_i kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | konto oni ekimne wa isam h_i kusu, | konto oni ekimne wa isam hi kusu | then devil go_to_the_mountains and not_exist NMLZ because | the demon went to the mountain. |
K7708241UP.030 | "pon oni e= ne wa hnta e= onaha enupur?" | Kimura_Kimi | "pon oni e= ne wa hnta e= ona -ha e- nupur?" | pon oni e= ne wa hnta e= ona -ha e- nupur | be_small devil 2SG.A= COP and what 2SG.(A)= father -POSS by.APPL- practice_magic | “Little demon, what sort of magic does your father practice?” |
K7708241UP.031 | sekor hawean =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu, | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S then | I asked, |
K7708241UP.032 | "a= onaha enupur pe, | Kimura_Kimi | "a= ona -ha e- nupur pe, | a= ona -ha e- nupur pe | 4.(A)= father -POSS by.APPL- practice_magic NMLZ | “Father practices magic, |
K7708241UP.033 | kunne katak retar katak ne wa enupur pe ne." | Kimura_Kimi | kunne ka- tak retar ka- tak ne wa e- nupur pe ne." | kunne ka- tak retar ka- tak ne wa e- nupur pe ne | be_black thread- lump be_white thread- lump COP and by.APPL- practice_magic NMLZ COP | he practices magic with a ball of black string and a ball of white string.” |
K7708241UP.034 | sekor hawean h_i kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an h_i kusu, | sekor haw -e -an hi kusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG NMLZ because | he said. |
K7708241UP.035 | "mak a= eywanke p an?" | Kimura_Kimi | "mak a= eywanke p an?" | mak a= eywanke pe an | how 4.A= use NMLZ exist.SG | “How does he do it?” |
K7708241UP.036 | sekor hawean =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu, | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S then | I asked. |
K7708241UP.037 | "kunne katak sietok un a= osura kor sirkunne, | Kimura_Kimi | "kunne ka- tak si- etok un a= osur -a kor sir- kunne, | kunne ka- tak si- etok un a= osur -a kor sir- kunne | be_black thread- lump REFL- before to|at 4.A= throw_away -TR.SG when|if NI.appearance- black | “If one throws the ball of black string forward the area in front of him becomes dark. |
K7708241UP.038 | retar katak sioka un a= osura kor sirpeker pe ne wa, | Kimura_Kimi | retar ka- tak si- oka un a= osur -a kor sir- peker pe ne wa, | retar ka- tak si- oka un a= osur -a kor sir- peker pe ne wa | be_white thread- lump REFL- behind to|at 4.A= throw_away -TR.SG when|if NI.appearance- be_bright NMLZ COP and | If one throws the ball of white string backward, the area behind him becomes light. |
K7708241UP.039 | kira =an kor retar katak sietok un a= osura wa | Kimura_Kimi | kira =an kor retar ka- tak si- etok un a= osur -a wa | kira =an kor retar ka- tak si- etok un a= osur -a wa | escape =4.S when|if be_white thread- lump REFL- before to|at 4.A= throw_away -TR.SG and | So, when one is escaping, if he throws the ball made of white string in front, |
K7708241UP.040 | sioka un kunne katak a= osura kor, | Kimura_Kimi | si- oka un kunne ka- tak a= osur -a kor, | si- oka un kunne ka- tak a= osur -a kor | REFL- behind to|at be_black thread- lump 4.A= throw_away -TR.SG when|if | and throws a ball made of black string in back backward |
K7708241UP.041 | somo a= i= oskoni p ne wa an ne yak a= onaha ye." | Kimura_Kimi | somo a= i= oskoni p ne wa an ne yak a= ona -ha ye." | somo a= i= oskoni pe ne wa an ne yak a= ona -ha ye | NEG 4.A= 4.O= catch_up_with NMLZ COP and exist.SG COP COMP 4.(A)= father -POSS say|tell | no one can overtake him, Father said." |
K7708241UP.042 | sekor kane hawean h_i kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor kane haw -e -an h_i kusu, | sekor kane haw -e -an hi kusu | QUOT somewhat voice -POSS -exist.SG NMLZ because | he said, so |
K7708241UP.043 | "sanke wa i= nukare yak pirka." | Kimura_Kimi | "sa -n -ke wa i= nukar -e yak pirka." | sa -n -ke wa i= nukar -e yak pirka | front_place -INTR.SG -CAUS and 4.O= see -CAUS if be_good | “Won’t you get them out and show them to me?” |
K7708241UP.044 | sekor hawean =an akus, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an akus, | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S then | I asked. |
K7708241UP.045 | "a= sanke yak a= ona i= koyki kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | "a= sa -n -ke yak a= ona i= koyki kusu, | a= sa -n -ke yak a= ona i= koyki kusu | 4.A= front_place -INTR.SG -CAUS if|then 4.(A)= father.POSS 4.O= get_angry_with because | “If I get them out, Father would be angry, |
K7708241UP.046 | somo a= sanke." | Kimura_Kimi | somo a= sa -n -ke." | somo a= sa -n -ke | NEG 4.A= front_place -INTR.SG -CAUS | so I won’t do it.” |
K7708241UP.047 | sekor hawean yakka | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an yakka | sekor haw -e -an yakka | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG although | he replied. |
K7708241UP.048 | "sanke wa i= nukare poka ki yak pirka." | Kimura_Kimi | "sa -n -ke wa i= nukar -e poka ki yak pirka." | sa -n -ke wa i= nukar -e poka ki yak pirka | front_place -INTR.SG -CAUS and 4.O= see -CAUS only do if be_good | “It’s OK just to show me” |
K7708241UP.049 | sekor kane hawean =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor kane haw -e -an =an akusu, | sekor kane haw -e -an =an akusu | QUOT somewhat voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S then | I said, and |
K7708241UP.050 | sanke hine i= nukare hine, | Kimura_Kimi | sa -n -ke hine i= nukar -e hine, | sa -n -ke hine i= nukar -e hine | front_place -INTR.SG -CAUS and 4.O= see -CAUS and | he did get the ball of string out. |
K7708241UP.051 | "tap neno tap neno a= eywanke p ne." | Kimura_Kimi | "tap neno tap neno a= eywanke p ne." | tap neno tap neno a= eywanke pe ne | this as this as 4.A= use thing|person COP | “This is how he does it.” |
K7708241UP.052 | sekor hawean h_i kusu oraun, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an h_i kusu oraun, | sekor haw -e -an hi kusu oraun | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG NMLZ because then | he said, so |
K7708241UP.054 | sekor hawean =an ruwe ne akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an ruwe ne akusu, | sekor haw -e -an =an ruwe ne akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S INFR.EV COP then | I asked. |
K7708241UP.055 | "ane kem ruwe kem a= ona enupur." | Kimura_Kimi | "ane kem ruwe kem a= ona e- nupur." | ane kem ruwe kem a= ona e- nupur | be_thin needle be_thick needle 4.(A)= father.POSS by.APPL- practice_magic | “Father practices magic with a thin needle and a thick needle.” |
K7708241UP.056 | sekor hawean kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an kusu, | sekor haw -e -an kusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG because | he said. |
K7708241UP.057 | "mak a= eywanke p an?" | Kimura_Kimi | "mak a= eywanke p an?" | mak a= eywanke pe an | how 4.A= use NMLZ exist.SG | “How does he use them? |
K7708241UP.058 | sekor hawean =an akusu | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S then | I asked. |
K7708241UP.059 | "ane kem sihekote a= turi kor ray =an. | Kimura_Kimi | "ane kem si- hekote a= tur -i kor ray =an. | ane kem si- hekote a= tur -i kor ray =an | be_thin needle REFL- towards 4.A= stretch -TR.SG when|if die =4.S | “If one moves the thin needle toward himself, then he dies. |
K7708241UP.060 | ruwe kem sihekote a= etaye kor siknu =an pe ne." | Kimura_Kimi | ruwe kem si- hekote a= etay -e kor siknu =an pe ne." | ruwe kem si- hekote a= etay -e kor siknu =an pe ne | be_thick needle REFL- towards 4.A= pull_out -TR.SG when|if be_alive =4.S NMLZ COP | If one pulls the thick needle toward himself, then he will come back to life,” |
K7708241UP.061 | sekor kane hawean h_i kusu | Kimura_Kimi | sekor kane haw -e -an h_i kusu | sekor kane haw -e -an hi kusu | QUOT somewhat voice -POSS -exist.SG NMLZ because | and so he said. |
K7708241UP.063 | sekor kane hawean =an ruwe ne akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor kane haw -e -an =an ruwe ne akusu, | sekor kane haw -e -an =an ruwe ne akusu | QUOT somewhat voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S INFR.EV COP then | I asked. |
K7708241UP.064 | kopan hikeka a= ye ayne mina tura | Kimura_Kimi | kopan hikeka a= ye ayne mina tura | kopan hikeka a= ye ayne mina tura | decline though 4.A= say|tell finally laugh together_with | He didn’t like it [when I asked], but I asked him over and over and over with a smile on my face. |
K7708241UP.065 | "nen ka kira =an ka somo ki p ne kus, | Kimura_Kimi | "nen ka kira =an ka somo ki p ne kus, | nen ka kira =an ka somo ki pe ne kusu | where even escape =4.S even NEG do NMLZ COP because | “I won’t escape anywhere. |
K7708241UP.066 | pon oni sanke wa i= nukare yakne, | Kimura_Kimi | pon oni sa -n -ke wa i= nukar -e yakne, | pon oni sa -n -ke wa i= nukar -e yakne | be_small devil front_place -INTR.SG -CAUS and 4.O= see -CAUS then | If only you would show them to me. |
K7708241UP.067 | mismu =an kusu a= nukar kusu ne. | Kimura_Kimi | mismu =an kusu a= nukar kusu ne. | mismu =an kusu a= nukar kusu ne | feel_sad =4.S because 4.A= see because COP | I just want to see them because I’m bored.”" |
K7708241UP.070 | "tap neno tap neno a= eywanke p ne." | Kimura_Kimi | "tap neno tap neno a= eywanke p ne." | tap neno tap neno a= eywanke pe ne | this as this as 4.A= use NMLZ COP | “One uses them this way and that way.” |
K7708241UP.071 | sekor y_e. | Kimura_Kimi | sekor y_e. | sekor ye | QUOT say|tell | he said. |
K7708241UP.072 | "a= teke omare yak a= nukar kusu ne." | Kimura_Kimi | "a= tek -e oma -re yak a= nukar kusu ne." | a= tek -e oma -re yak a= nukar kusu ne | 4.(A)= hand -POSS enter -CAUS if 4.A= see because COP | “Please put them in my hand so I can see them,” |
K7708241UP.073 | sekor hawean =an ruwe ne akusu | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an ruwe ne akusu | sekor haw -e -an =an ruwe ne akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S INFR.EV COP then | I said, |
K7708241UP.074 | a= teke ane kem ruwe kem omare h_i kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | a= tek -e ane kem ruwe kem oma -re h_i kusu, | a= tek -e ane kem ruwe kem oma -re hi kusu | 4.(A)= hand -POSS be_thin needle be_thick needle enter -CAUS NMLZ because | he put the thin needle and the thick needle in my hand. |
K7708241UP.075 | “sekor h_e?" | Kimura_Kimi | “sekor h_e?" | sekor he | QUOT Q | “Like this?” |
K7708241UP.076 | sekor hawean =an kor, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an kor, | sekor haw -e -an =an kor | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S and | I asked, and |
K7708241UP.077 | ane kem hekote a= turi ruwe ne kusu ray ruwe ne hi kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | ane kem hekote a= tur -i ruwe ne kusu ray ruwe ne hi kusu, | ane kem hekote a= tur -i ruwe ne kusu ray ruwe ne hi kusu | be_thin needle towards 4.A= stretch -TR.SG INFR.EV COP because die INFR.EV COP NMLZ because | I moved the thin needle toward the little demon and he died. |
K7708241UP.078 | ora nea retar katak kunne katak a= uk h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | ora nea retar ka- tak kunne ka- tak a= uk h_ine, | ora nea retar ka- tak kunne ka- tak a= uk hine | then that be_white thread- lump be_black thread- lump 4.A= take.SG and | Then, I took the ball of white string and the ball of black string, |
K7708241UP.079 | orano kira =an h_ine ma =an hine heyasi yan =an kusu ma =an ruwe ne akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | orano kira =an h_ine ma =an hine he -ya -s -i ya -n =an kusu ma =an ruwe ne akusu, | orano kira =an hine ma =an hine he -ya -as -i ya -n =an kusu ma =an ruwe ne akusu | then escape =4.S and swim =4.S and head.PF -shore -stand -TR.SG land -INTR.SG =4.S because swim =4.S INFR.EV COP then | and escaped. I swam out into the sea, heading for land. |
K7708241UP.080 | oni i= kesanpa hine, | Kimura_Kimi | oni i= kes -an -pa hine, | oni i= kes -an -pa hine | devil 4.O= end -hold -TR.PL and | The demon came chasing after me. |
K7708241UP.081 | "neun e= kira h_ike a= e= oskoni somo ki e= ki p ne y_a?" | Kimura_Kimi | "neun e= kira h_ike a= e= oskoni somo ki e= ki p ne y_a?" | neun e= kira hike a= e= oskoni somo ki e= ki pe ne ya | where 2SG.S= escape but 4.A= 2SG.O= catch_up_with NEG do 2SG.A= do NMLZ COP Q | “Where are you going? Do you think I can’t catch up to you?” |
K7708241UP.083 | i= oskoni noyne humi an h_i kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | i= oskoni noyne humi an h_i kusu, | i= oskoni noyne humi an hi kusu | 4.O= catch_up_with look_as NONVIS.EV exist.SG NMLZ because | Since I was about to be caught, |
K7708241UP.084 | kunne katak sioka un a= osura ruwe ne akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | kunne ka- tak si- oka un a= osur -a ruwe ne akusu, | kunne ka- tak si- oka un a= osur -a ruwe ne akusu | be_black thread- lump REFL- behind to|at 4.A= throw_away -TR.SG INFR.EV COP then | I threw the ball of black string behind me, |
K7708241UP.086 | retar katak *sio ... | Kimura_Kimi | retar ka- tak *sio ... | retar ka- tak ― ― | be_white thread- lump ― ― | [When I threw] the ball of white string |
K7708241UP.087 | sietok un a= osura kor retar katak siru emakkosanu hine, | Kimura_Kimi | si- etok un a= osur -a kor retar ka- tak si -ru e- mak- kosanu hine, | si- etok un a= osur -a kor retar ka- tak si -ru e- mak- kosanu hine | REFL- before to|at 4.A= throw_away -TR.SG when|if be_white thread- lump REFL -track|path with.APPL- bright- suddenly.INTR.SG and | in front of me, the area in front of me suddenly became bright with the ball of white string. |
K7708241UP.088 | orano kira =an hine yan =an h_ine | Kimura_Kimi | orano kira =an hine ya -n =an h_ine | orano kira =an hine ya -n =an hine | then escape =4.S and land -INTR.SG =4.S and | I escaped and got back to land. |
K7708241UP.089 | konto a= uni ta an =an ka sitoma kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | konto a= uni ta an =an ka sitoma kusu, | konto a= uni ta an =an ka sitoma kusu | then 4.(A)= home.POSS at exist.SG =4.S even be_afraid_of because | Since I was afraid to return to my house, |
K7708241UP.090 | orowa konto oyak ta arpa =an h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | orowa konto oyak ta arpa =an h_ine, | orowa konto oyak ta arpa =an hine | then then different_place at go.SG =4.S and | I went to live in another place. |
K7708241UP.091 | orano … orano an =an, | Kimura_Kimi | orano … orano an =an, | orano ― orano an =an | then ― then exist.SG =4.S | And then, |
K7708241UP.092 | orano nea retar katak kunne katak a= epirka. | Kimura_Kimi | orano nea retar ka- tak kunne ka- tak a= e- pirka. | orano nea retar ka- tak kunne ka- tak a= e- pirka | then that be_white thread- lump be_black thread- lump 4.A= with.APPL- be_good | I [used] the ball of white string and the ball of black string and made a lot of money. |
K7708241UP.093 | nea ane kem ruwe kem ne yakka a= epirka kor an =an akusu, | Kimura_Kimi | nea ane kem ruwe kem ne yakka a= e- pirka kor an =an akusu, | nea ane kem ruwe kem ne yakka a= e- pirka kor an =an akusu | that be_thin needle be_thick needle COP although 4.A= with.APPL- be_good and exist.SG =4.S then | I also [used] the thin needle and the thick needle for lots of money and lived [using that money]. |
K7708241UP.094 | oro ta suy i= penake ta wen kur okkaypo an a p, | Kimura_Kimi | or -o ta suy i= pena -ke ta wen kur okkay -po an a p, | or -o ta suy i= pena -ke ta wen kur okkay -po an a p | place -POSS at again 4.O= the_upper_part_of_a_river -place at poor person man -DIM exist.SG PERF.SG but | Up the river, there was a poor young man. |
K7708241UP.095 | oro ta san h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | or -o ta sa -n h_ine, | or -o ta sa -n hine | place -POSS at front_place -INTR.SG and | He came to see me one day [and asked] |
K7708241UP.096 | "a= kor okkaypo mak ki hine ene nispa ne ru an?" | Kimura_Kimi | "a= kor okkay -po mak ki hine ene nispa ne ru an?" | a= kor okkay -po mak ki hine ene nispa ne ru an | 4.A= have man -DIM how do and like_this rich_man COP INFR.EV exist.SG | “Brother, how did you become so rich?” |
K7708241UP.097 | sekor hawean h_i kusu, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an h_i kusu, | sekor haw -e -an hi kusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG NMLZ because | he asked. |
K7708241UP.098 | "tapne kane ne ruwe ne." | Kimura_Kimi | "tap -ne kane ne ruwe ne." | tap -ne kane ne ruwe ne | this -as somewhat COP INFR.EV COP | “This and that happened.” |
K7708241UP.099 | sekor hawean =an akus, | Kimura_Kimi | sekor haw -e -an =an akus, | sekor haw -e -an =an akusu | QUOT voice -POSS -exist.SG =4.S then | I told him. |
K7708241UP.100 | pis ta san ruwe ne h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | pis ta sa -n ruwe ne h_ine, | pis ta sa -n ruwe ne hine | beach at front_place -INTR.SG INFR.EV COP and | He went down to the seashore. |
K7708241UP.101 | akusu oni an h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | akusu oni an h_ine, | akusu oni an hine | then devil exist.SG and | The demon was down there. |
K7708241UP.102 | suy oni uni ta a= tura wa arpa hine, | Kimura_Kimi | suy oni uni ta a= tura wa arpa hine, | suy oni uni ta a= tura wa arpa hine | again devil home.POSS at 4.A= go_together_with and go.SG and | [The young man] was caught and taken to the demon's house. |
K7708241UP.103 | oni ekimne okake ta, | Kimura_Kimi | oni ekimne oka -ke ta, | oni ekimne oka -ke ta | devil go_to_the_mountains end|behind -place at | After the demon went to the mountain, |
K7708241UP.104 | ne pon oni kowepekennu hine, | Kimura_Kimi | ne pon oni ko- wepekennu hine, | ne pon oni ko- uepekennu hine | this|that be_small devil to.APPL- ask and | he asked the little demon |
K7708241UP.105 | retar katak kunne katak uk h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | retar ka- tak kunne ka- tak uk h_ine, | retar ka- tak kunne ka- tak uk hine | be_white thread- lump be_black thread- lump take.SG and | and snatched away the ball of white string and the ball of black string. |
K7708241UP.106 | oraun ane kem ruwe kem uk h_ine, | Kimura_Kimi | oraun ane kem ruwe kem uk h_ine, | oraun ane kem ruwe kem uk hine | then be_thin needle be_thick needle take.SG and | Then, he took away the thin needle and the thick needle. |
K7708241UP.107 | ne ane kem pon oni hekote turi ruwe ne hine, | Kimura_Kimi | ne ane kem pon oni hekote tur -i ruwe ne hine, | ne ane kem pon oni hekote tur -i ruwe ne hine | this|that be_thin needle be_small devil towards stretch -TR.SG INFR.EV COP and | Holding the thin needle out toward the little demon, |
K7708241UP.108 | pon oni ray rapokke, | Kimura_Kimi | pon oni ray rapok -ke, | pon oni ray rapok -ke | be_small devil die during -place | the little demon died. |
K7708241UP.109 | kira ruwe ne p, | Kimura_Kimi | kira ruwe ne p, | kira ruwe ne p | escape INFR.EV COP but | Then, [the young man] escaped. |
Dataset Card for NINJAL Ainu Folklore
Dataset Summary
Ainu is an endangered (nearly extinct) language spoken in Hokkaido, Japan. This dataset contains recordings of 38 traditional Ainu folktales by two Ainu speakers (Mrs. Kimi Kimura and Mrs. Ito Oda), along with their transcriptions (in Latin script), English translations, and underlying and surface gloss forms in English. (For transcriptions in Katakana and translation/gloss in Japanese, please see the original corpus webpage.) In total, there are over 8 hours (~7.7k sentences) of transcribed and glossed speech.
The glosses in this dataset are the original glosses from the Glossed Audio Corpus, with minor changes to fit the Generalized Glossing Format (e.g. multi-word translations of individual morphemes are now separated by underscores instead of periods). Uncertainty in interpretation by the original annotators is indicated with a question mark (?). Additional notes on the Latin transcriptions in the corpus can be found on the original corpus webpage (under the "Structure, Transcriptions, and Glosses" tab).
Additional Information
This dataset has a small number of speakers and a limited domain, and models trained on this dataset might not be suitable for general purpose applications. The audio data contain varying degrees of noise which makes this dataset a poor fit for training TTS models.
We would like to thank the original authors of the Glossed Audio Corpus of Ainu Folklore for their dedication and care in compiling these resources, and kindly ask anyone who uses this dataset to cite them in their work.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (cc-by-sa-4.0)
Original Source
title={A Glossed Audio Corpus of Ainu Folklore},
author={Nakagawa, Hiroshi and Bugaeva, Anna and Kobayashi, Miki and Yoshikawa, Yoshimi},
publisher={The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics ({NINJAL})},
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