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3D Rad: How can I make a mission-based game? | quora |
What do you love? Why? | quora |
in support vector machines the idea is to find a decision boundary in which the margin is maximized. This can be written as $$ \text{minimize} \ \lVert w \rVert$$ $$\text{subject to} \ \ y_{i}(\boldsymbol{x}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{w}+b) \geq 1$$ What is the optimal decision boundary based on the above minimization problem. I know that this is a quadratic programming problem and various techniques can be used to solve it. But how would you formulate the optimal decision boundary using the above variables? | cqadupstack-stats |
This is regarding the nameserver info shown on, example: name server: When a domain is transferred to another host provider, is it possible for whois to show a nameserver from a previous host? Does this info automatically get updated via the new server settings? | cqadupstack-webmasters |
Why is Earnshaw's Theorem inapplicable for moving ferromagnets? Can I get a mathematical classical proof for this? | cqadupstack-physics |
I had a debate with my friend about this topic because he had a photo captioned: > Seth and I playing lion king and I said it should be > Seth and me playing lion king Which is correct? | cqadupstack-english |
I installed i3wm and X using the tutorials in the Arch wiki for a new Arch installation. I have Intel video, so I installed the xf86-video-intel package (which takes care of the driver). But when I run: `startx` I'm taken to i3 (which I've never used before), but the mouse won't move (I'm running Ubuntu dual boot on this machine and mouse works great there) and when I try to create a new tile (`alt-enter`), the cursor turns into what looks like a clock surrounded by a frame of sorts, and doesn't recover. When I try to exit (`alt-shift-e`), I'm presented with a tab asking me to be sure, which I have to click with my mouse, which isn't moving, so I can't exit without shutting down (i.e., pressing the i/o power button on the laptop). Here is a log from startup. I pressed new window a couple of times and then shut the computer down: 06/05/13 01:08:09 - i3 4.5.1 (2013-03-18, branch "tags/4.5.1") starting 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Parsing configfile /home/tjb1982/.i3/config deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4) 06/05/13 01:08:09 - [libi3] libi3/font.c Using X font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1 06/05/13 01:08:09 - auto-starting i3-config-wizard 06/05/13 01:08:09 - startup id = i3/i3-config-wizard/723-0-arch_TIME0 06/05/13 01:08:09 - executing: i3-config-wizard 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-hjnjco --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.723" 06/05/13 01:08:09 - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-hjnjco --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.723" 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event The config file "/home/tjb1982/.i3/config" already exists. Exiting. 06/05/13 01:08:09 - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-hjnjco" 06/05/13 01:08:09 - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bdb0f0, ws = 0x1bdb0f0 06/05/13 01:08:09 - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class) 06/05/13 01:08:09 - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output LVDS1" 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8) 06/05/13 01:08:09 - This window is of type dock 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Checking window 0x00a00007 (class i3bar) 06/05/13 01:08:09 - dock status does not match 06/05/13 01:08:09 - Checking window 0x00a00007 (class i3bar) 06/05/13 01:08:09 - dock status matches 06/05/13 01:08:09 - ClientMessage for window 0x0000009e 06/05/13 01:08:26 - startup id = i3/i3-sensible-terminal/723-1-arch_TIME366852 06/05/13 01:08:26 - executing: i3-sensible-terminal 06/05/13 01:08:26 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event 06/05/13 01:08:28 - startup id = i3/i3-sensible-terminal/723-2-arch_TIME368252 06/05/13 01:08:28 - executing: i3-sensible-terminal 06/05/13 01:08:28 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event 06/05/13 01:08:30 - startup id = i3/i3-sensible-terminal/723-3-arch_TIME370387 06/05/13 01:08:30 - executing: i3-sensible-terminal 06/05/13 01:08:30 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event 06/05/13 01:08:31 - startup id = i3/i3-sensible-terminal/723-4-arch_TIME371331 06/05/13 01:08:31 - executing: i3-sensible-terminal 06/05/13 01:08:31 - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event [libi3] libi3/font.c Using X font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 Contents of ~/.i3/config (replaced `#` with `;` for markdown legibility [which I didn't need to do, but I'm leaving it anyway): ; i3 config file (v4) ; ; Please see for a complete reference! ; ; This config file uses keycodes (bindsym) and was written for the QWERTY ; layout. ; ; To get a config file with the same key positions, but for your current ; layout, use the i3-config-wizard ; ; Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font ; is used in the bar {} block below. ISO 10646 = Unicode font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 ; The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and ; clear in small sizes. However, if you need a lot of unicode glyphs or ; right-to-left text rendering, you should instead use pango for rendering and ; chose a FreeType font, such as: ; font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10 ; use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position floating_modifier Mod1 ; start a terminal bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal ; kill focused window bindsym Mod1+Shift+q kill ; start dmenu (a program launcher) bindsym Mod1+d exec dmenu_run ; There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications ; shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that ; installed. ; bindsym Mod1+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop ; change focus bindsym Mod1+j focus left bindsym Mod1+k focus down bindsym Mod1+l focus up bindsym Mod1+semicolon focus right ; alternatively, you can use the cursor keys: bindsym Mod1+Left focus left bindsym Mod1+Down focus down bindsym Mod1+Up focus up bindsym Mod1+Right focus right ; move focused window bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move left bindsym Mod1+Shift+k move down bindsym Mod1+Shift+l move up bindsym Mod1+Shift+semicolon move right ; alternatively, you can use the cursor keys: bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left move left bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down move down bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up move up bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right move right ; split in horizontal orientation bindsym Mod1+h split h ; split in vertical orientation bindsym Mod1+v split v ; enter fullscreen mode for the focused container bindsym Mod1+f fullscreen ; change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split) bindsym Mod1+s layout stacking bindsym Mod1+w layout tabbed bindsym Mod1+e layout toggle split ; toggle tiling / floating bindsym Mod1+Shift+space floating toggle ; change focus between tiling / floating windows bindsym Mod1+space focus mode_toggle ; focus the parent container bindsym Mod1+a focus parent ; focus the child container ;bindsym Mod1+d focus child ; switch to workspace bindsym Mod1+1 workspace 1 bindsym Mod1+2 workspace 2 bindsym Mod1+3 workspace 3 bindsym Mod1+4 workspace 4 bindsym Mod1+5 workspace 5 bindsym Mod1+6 workspace 6 bindsym Mod1+7 workspace 7 bindsym Mod1+8 workspace 8 bindsym Mod1+9 workspace 9 bindsym Mod1+0 workspace 10 ; move focused container to workspace bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1 bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2 bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3 bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4 bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5 bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6 bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7 bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8 bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9 bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10 ; reload the configuration file bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload ; restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) bindsym Mod1+Shift+r restart ; exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" ; resize window (you can also use the mouse for that) mode "resize" { ; These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode ; Pressing left will shrink the window’s width. ; Pressing right will grow the window’s width. ; Pressing up will shrink the window’s height. ; Pressing down will grow the window’s height. bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt ; same bindings, but for the arrow keys bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt ; back to normal: Enter or Escape bindsym Return mode "default" bindsym Escape mode "default" } bindsym Mod1+r mode "resize" ; Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status ; finds out, if available) bar { status_command i3status } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; automatically start i3-config-wizard to offer the user to create a ; keysym-based config which used his favorite modifier (alt or windows) ; ; i3-config-wizard will not launch if there already is a config file ; in ~/.i3/config. ; ; Please remove the following exec line: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; exec i3-config-wizard | cqadupstack-unix |
From Poisson's postulates, we know Poisson works for rare events. However, we also know binomial is an approximation of Poisson when the probability of an event is small. So can we use binomial and Poisson interchangeably for rare event? What is the benefit of using one rather than the other? | cqadupstack-stats |
I have a data in SPSS structured like this: student_number age study_for q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 (<\-- these are columns) There are students with numbers from 1 to 67. For each of those students I would like to get the median of q1 to q8, how could I do that in SPSS? And then I would like to get a median of that median if possible. Thank you in advance for your answer. | cqadupstack-stats |
I've a website running on my computer, and I want to test it from my nexus 7 tablet. I.e. over the local wifi LAN. If I type in the IP address it connects, but shows the wrong web site, because I'm using named virtual hosting. So, what I want to do is be able to type "mysite.local" in to Chrome/Firefox on the Nexus, have them convert that to (or whatever the local IP address is), then call the server giving mysite.local as the Host to request. _My Question:_ Does an Android 4.x tablet have an /etc/hosts files, or equivalent, that I can edit? (Without having to root the tablet, or anything like that.) On my linux computers I do this by adding an entry in /etc/hosts: mysite.local (Or `Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts` on a Windows machine does the same.) BTW, this is a semi-duplicate of Manually set a hostname for IP address (i.e. /etc/hosts equiv.?), but that question was for Android 2.2, where apparently it was not possible. (One of the alternative ideas suggested there was configure DNS at the local router, but as far as I can tell my router does not do DNS locally so does not have that option. I could set up my own DNS server to do this, but that feels like a Big Job Solution.) | cqadupstack-android |
The **Amplituhedron** has recently been popular; it supposedly encodes **perturbative scattering amplitudes** in a simple, **geometric** fashion. What happens to it in a **non-perturbative** context? Is there still some sort of amplituhedron, somehjow? If so, a side question: Can the amplitudihedron be able to solve the problem of 5-Brane scattering amplitudes in M-Theory? | cqadupstack-physics |
Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 kernel 3.2.0-35-generic _Mathematica_ 9 linux version (x86_64) crashes with errors: > X Error of failed request: BadGC (invalid GC parameter) > Major opcode of failed request: 59 (X_SetClipRectangles) > Resource id in failed request: 0x0 > Serial number of failed request: 2266 > Current serial number in output stream: 2268 > > X Error of failed request: BadGC (invalid GC parameter) > Major opcode of failed request: 59 (X_SetClipRectangles) > Resource id in failed request: 0x0 > Serial number of failed request: 2267 > Current serial number in output stream: 2268 > > ... The above errors occur when I run command `mathematica` as a general user. It crashes before GUI is started. However, if I run it as root `sudo mathematica`, all work well. Can someone fix this problem? | cqadupstack-mathematica |
I'm new to Linux, just installed Linux Mint for the first time. I have two hard drives which were previously in a RAID configuration. Now before I have installed Linux I've changed them to individual drives. * I've changed BIOS setting to AHCI * I've switched off the J Micron RAID controller * I've changed drive signatures under Windows 7 They are properly detected and working in Windows 7, but in Linux even though they're visible in “Devices” as two individual drives the system is unable to mount them. GParted still displays: /dev/mapper/isw_ccjafbfdhc_RAID_Volume0 with all space unallocated. When I display information for an individual disk it says: The device /dev/sdc1 doesn't exist Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. The cause might be a missing software package. The following list of software packages is required for ntfs file system support: ntfsprogs / ntfs-3g. What should I do in order to access these drives in Linux? Please point me in the right direction. ### UPDATE After booting to Windows again, the two HDDs had again the same signature, and unfortunately the same file structure i.e. files were overwritten with files from the second hard drive. Fortunately I had them backed up. | cqadupstack-unix |
I have two equations which need to be broken into multiple lines. One of the equations has a coeficiente factored out, so that it is of the form X = A(...very long...). The other does not. The equations were written as $\!\begin{aligned} y &= \frac{1}{A}\left(\frac{b_1\cdot{}t_{f1}^2}{2}+h_w\cdot{}t_w\left(t_{f1}+\frac{h_w}{2}\right)+\right.\\ &\phantom{=}\left.+b_2\cdot{}t_{f2}\left(t_{f1}+h_w+\frac{t_{f2}}{2}\right)\right)\\ I_y &= \dfrac{1}{12}\left(b_1\cdot{}t_{f1}^3+t_w\cdot{}h_w^3+b_2\cdot{}t_{f2}^3\right)+\\ &\phantom{=}+b_1\cdot{}t_{f1}\left(y-\dfrac{t_{f1}}{2}\right)^2+\\ \end{aligned}$ The use of `$\\!\begin{aligned}` instead of a standard `align` environment is because this is contained within a table. This results in the following output:  This is fine and is as expected. However, the global parentheses in the first equation required the use of `\right.` and `\left.` at the end of the first line and beginning of the second line, which seems to eat the space between the `+` and `b`, as becomes clear when you compare the space between them in the first and second equations. This is a purely aesthetic issue, but I'm curious to know if it is (preferably trivially) solved. | cqadupstack-text |
I have a Wordpress site that successfully has 6 sub-pages listed below the main result in Google. However a page content snippet is showing up or each instead of the sub-page meta descriptions. I have verified in the page source that the meta descriptions are being successfully inserted by my SEO plugin. How can I define the sub-page descriptions? | cqadupstack-webmasters |
Which one is better polo diesel or grand i10 petrol? | quora |
What is the easiest way to become a billionaire($)? | quora |
My Website gosarkarinaukri and sarkarinaukricareer both are Indian Educational Portal, if i update my pages on these websites, it get indexed by Google but they are not ranked properly as they used to do. Problem is, when i copy entire title and paste in Google, Google doesn;t show any Result from my website? Is anyone facing same problem, suggest me any good. | cqadupstack-webmasters |
( It seems my opponent did not realise that those case examples I provided were meant as evidence. I would like to point out that was intended to be so.) Interpretation of what's being argued: Overall yes, always not necessarily. Responses: 1) Regarding my opponents point that the benefit of making up the resolution to some extent counters the last word advantage. My response is 2 fold, a) statistical, b) reason: a)clear statistical data showing that there is a last word advantage. (these stats were not provided previously bec. I didn't have them.) The following is a quote from Ore-Ele: "Historically, the Contender wins 65.4% of all debates. Given that this applies to 12,500 debates, that is hard to say that there is no correlation. We also see this trend leaning more and more towards the Contender, with the last 5,000 debates favoring them 68.9%." b)I understand where my opponent s coming from but I still maintain my position. My opponents point would be true if you agree to debate then made the resolution, but the way it works is that the resolution is made and the contender chooses to debate that resolution. There is a statement that 2 people chose/ agreed to debate what difference does it make who made the statement. 2) I am not shore I clearly understand this point but I can hear something might be in it I ask my opponent to clarify in the next round for my benefit as well as any reader who is unclear on the point being made. Regardless of exactly what the point being made is the previously mentioned state takes care of it. 3)To my opponents final argument in the reason section, my response is 2 fold: a)reason, b)statistical. a)What benefit is there to a "pre-emptive" strike what difference does it make if the point is made in the 1st round or the second round. In fact it seems to be the opposite pre-emtive strikes are disadvantageous, The following is a quote from Roy lathem among the most experienced debaters on ddo:" ...presenting a strong case opening R1 scares away good debaters, who worry about winning...". Another quote: "Incidentally, a big problem I have with instigating is that when my opening case is revealed, often good debaters won't take it and the challenge expires. That means the work in preparing a case is wasted. That's true even when the person agrees to debate the subject ahead of time. I got J.Kenyon to agree to debate the border fence, but once he saw my case he let the challenge expire. My new approach is make the first round for acceptance only in order to conceal the case." b)There previous mentioned state quoted from Ore_Ele. statistical evidence: My opponent makes good points with regard to statistics. which is why I attempted to bring many different statistical analysis. Any problem with statistical analysis has been taken care of by, my now mantra from Ore_ele, "Historically, the Contender wins 65.4% of all debates. Given that this applies to 12,500 debates, that is hard to say that there is no correlation. We also see this trend leaning more and more towards the Contender, with the last 5,000 debates favoring them 68.9%." My opponents final point in which he quotes Roy, is in my opinion his most valid argument. My responses are as follows: 1)With such a large gap of nearly twice as many contenders to instigators winning can hardly be blamed on BoP alone. 2) BoP is often shared (or sole the contenders). 3) I ironically point to my opponents point that there are reasons why instigator would have advantage, and despite these reasons there is such a large gap in the winning rates can hardly be blamed on BoP alone. 4)Lastly since I have countered on the reason front, that there is a last word factor, and my opponent even seems to agree to the reasoning on some level, and the statistical evidence points to a contender advantage, it would seem reasonable that it is indeed this "last word factor" which is contributing to that large imbalance, even if it is not the sole reason. | webis-touche2020 |
When I try to install Fedora 16 on VMWare I'm getting the error CPU has been disabled by guest operating system. Any clues? | cqadupstack-unix |
A sword with an up arrow symbol is present under my stamina bar but I have no clue of what it's about. My guess is that I may have a better weapon in my inventory than the one equipped. What is that symbol for? | cqadupstack-gaming |
When I plot the functions generated by `NestList`, I do not see differently coloured lines, which I do if I explicitly list them out. I.e. with: map[ x_, α_] := x^2 - α the first `Plot` is monochrome (blue), the second one multicolour as expected: Plot[NestList[map[#, 2] &, x, 5], {x, 0, 1}] >  Plot[{x, Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 1], Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 2], Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 3], Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 4], Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 5]}, {x, 0, 1}] >  | cqadupstack-mathematica |
"You are not required to contribute to a TFSA or an RRSP. Nobody contributes to OAS, it's a program to provide benefits to old people for them to be ""secure"". The only fund you MAY contribute to is CPP. If you're being paid a salary by a Canadian employer they will deduct some money from your salary (and add more money of their own) as CPP contributions. Ignore the getting of CPP early or late, since that's just a 5 year shift not related to ""ok, I'm leaving the country, send me my pension."" Your issue is more ""can I collect when I no longer live there?"" Plenty of Canadians retire outside of Canada (the warmth of Florida lures many of us) and collect their CPP. There is even a page about the mechanics of getting your pension in another currency. That said, CPP is a very small pension. If you work for 40 years at more than $50,000 a year and wait till age 70 to collect you will still get less than $1000/month. Working for less time, less than that salary, or taking it before you're 70 will all reduce it substantially. Probably more relevant to you, you can have your Canadian years counted as American ones thanks to a Social Security Agreement between the two countries." | fiqa |
in my large document I have a List of Tables, on page xi, and a List of Symbols and Abbreviations that starts on page xiii. Shortly after that arabic numbering starts for the regular content pages. Right now the List of Tables is autogenerated and includes some tables from the regular content pages, listing their names and pages' arabic numerals. I would like to expand this List of Tables to also include the List of Symbols and Abbreviations, complete with its roman numerals. How can I do this? | cqadupstack-text |
I've noticed Wordpress renames the slug of identical tags used across multiple taxonomies, is there an easy way to change this behavior? Let's say I create a tag called Nintendo under the publisher taxonomy, then also create a Nintendo tag under the developer taxonomy. Wordpress will prefix the slug of the second tag with a 2. This basically makes the taxonomy/tag system unusable for my application. I want the slugs to stay the same across multiple taxonomies. | cqadupstack-wordpress |
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Exporting graphics to PDF - huge file I have a figure that is created to use in a paper. Here it is: h = 5.8; a = 0.6; pl3 = Plot3D[ If[x >= 2, 0.5*(-Tanh[2*(Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] - 5*(1 + x/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2 + 0.01]))] + 1), 0.5*(Tanh[If[y >= 0, a*x + h - y, y + a*x + h]] + 1)], {x, -15, 12}, {y, -10, 10}, PlotRange -> All, Ticks -> None, PlotPoints -> 30, AxesLabel -> {Style["x-Vt", 18, Italic, "TimesNewRoman"], Style["y", 18, Italic, "TimesNewRoman"], Style["\[Eta]", 18, Italic]}, ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, Hue[.65 (1 - z)]], BoxRatios -> {1.7, 0.7, 0.4}, ViewPoint -> {1.81`, -3.52`, 1.642`}]; plX = Graphics3D[{Red, Thick, Line[{Scaled[{0.868, 0.256, 0.5}], Scaled[{0.956, 0, 0.5}]}]}]; plY = Graphics3D[{Red, Thick, Line[{Scaled[{0.865`, 0.269`, 0.5}], Scaled[{0.972`, 0.494`, 0.5}]}]}]; txtX = Graphics3D[ Text[Style["x'", 24, Italic, Red, Bold], Scaled[{0.989`, 0, 0.5}]]]; txtY = Graphics3D[ Text[Style["y'", 24, Italic, Red, Bold], Scaled[{0.979`, 0.633`, 0.5}]]]; fig1A = Show[{pl3, plX, plY, txtX, txtY}, ImageSize -> 350] However, if I directly save the notebook containing this picture into the pdf format it appears to occupy too much memory. On the other hand, if I export the picture itself into say, jpg ot tiff or gif formats, the file size is OK. However, if I then import the obtained jpg, tiff or gif files into the notebook it appears that the image has dramatically lost its quality becoming unacceptable for the publication. One problem of this image is that it contains both the "useful" surface part that is on the front view and the one behind. The latter is useless, but is contained in the image file. Is there a way to decrease the memory used by such an image? | cqadupstack-mathematica |
When considering tabulated standard values of heat of combustion (∆H° combustion) or any other similar value, the results are reported for species in their standard states (1 bar pressure, 25°C, etc). When something combusts, however, macro state variables such as pressure and temperature change. For the tabulated values, are the conditions kept at constant temperature and pressure for the duration of the reaction? Or is the reaction started at standard conditions and the temp/pressure/etc allowed to fluctuate as the system reaches equilibrium? | cqadupstack-physics |
When I use Skype :( need to, rather than want to ), I find that I sometimes want to open the main menu, but it doesn't have a shortcut key assigned to it (well, not one that I can find). I have written a bash/python script which searches for and clicks on Skype's main menu icon. This works quite well when the icon is within the screen area and when it is off-screen with a normal sized (un-zoomed) screen. However, I cannot find a way to locate the icon so that I can move it into the zoomed screen area (so the script can send a mouse-click to it). To do this the current Compiz Enhanced Zoom factor needs to be known. I would like to know if this value is accessible, and how? ... and maybe; **Is** there a shortcut key for Skype's main menu? but I still want to know about the Compiz value, as the issue has come up before, and probably will again. (using Ubuntu 10.04, compiz 0.8.4) | cqadupstack-unix |
We have developed a simple electrochemical biosensing strategy for the label-free diagnosis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) on a gold electrode surface. Gold-binding polypeptide (GBP) fused with single-chain antibody (ScFv) against HBV surface antigen (HBsAg), in forms of genetically engineered protein, was utilized. This GBP-ScFv fusion protein can directly bind onto the gold substrate with the strong binding affinity between the GBP and the gold surface, while the recognition site orients toward the sample for target binding at the same time. Furthermore, this one-step immobilization strategy greatly simplifies a fabrication process without any chemical modification as well as maintaining activity of biological recognition elements. This system allows specific immobilization of proteins and sensitive detection of targets, which were verified by surface plasmon resonance analysis and successfully applied to electrochemical cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy upto 0.14 ng/mL HBsAg. | trec-covid |
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Keeping tables/figures close to where they are mentioned I have the following problem, I started a new section with appendix and I put a few tables there. But tables are not displayed right after heading but there are displaying from some reason on the new page \subsection{Datové slovníky} Zde se nacházejí datové slovníky ke všem tabulkám v databázi. \nopagebreak %this table is displayed on the new page \begin{table} \small\addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-3pt} \centering \caption{Datový slovník tabulky Project} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Název & Typ & Velikost & Klíč & Index & Null & Popis \\ \hline id & integer & - & Ano & Ano & Ne & ID projektu \\ \hline name & varchar & 100 & Ne & Ne & Ne & Název projektu \\ \end{tabular} \label{fig:project} \end{table} I really cant figure this out, table is nor too wide or high, so I dont get it. I am using document class defined by my university teacher (I am writing bachelor thesis) | cqadupstack-text |
I know that is not suggested and that there is lots of discussion about this argument out there. Unfortunally, after a week of trying and tests, I have not managed to remove the slug from my custom type yet. Here's the situation: ## The url structure I need * post **/blog/my-blog-post** [ok!] * pages **/parent-service/service** [ok!] * portfolio **/portfolio/my-first-work** [ok!] * static **/parent-static-page/static-page** [<<<--- here is the problem] ## My configuration * Wordpress 3.5.2 * Custom type 'static': hierarchical; without any 'rewrite' rule. * Custom type 'portfolio': not hierarchical; 'rewrite' => array( 'with_front'=> false ) * Permalink structure: /blog/%postname%/ * As front page I set the static page 'blog' ## The problem * post **blog/my-blog-post** [ok!] * pages **/websites/dynamic-websites** [ok!] * portfolio **/portfolio/my-first-work** [ok!] * static **/who-i-am/terms** [<<<--- here is the problem] ## What I've tryed ### Nothing At the beginning, as expected, the url of the 'static' post "My test page" is **/blog/static/my-test-page** ### 'rewrite' => array( 'slug'=>'', 'with_front'=>false ) I've removed the front from the url...good! Now I've **/static/my-test-page** ### 'rewrite' => array( 'slug'=>false, 'with_front'=>false ) It doesn't remove the slug. I have **/static/my-test-page** yet. ### 'rewrite' => array( 'slug'=>'/', 'with_front'=>false ) It removes the slug! Now I have **/my-test-page**. Unfortunally **all the pages return me a 404 error**. ### 'Remove slug from custom post type' plugin Even though it works only if my permalink structure is /%postname%, I've tried to install this plugin and change my permalink structure to do a test. It works, but unfortunally **doesn't respect the hierarchical nature** of my 'static' type. ### The tutorial by Joakin Lim It doesn't work. In particular, after adding `function book_rewrite_rule()` it says that my custom type now will be accessible from **/my-test-page** as well as **/static/my-test-page** , but it doesn't work for me. I can access only from **/static/my-test-page**. I've tryed also to apply all the tutorial, also doing some changements and tests, but without success ### The tutorial from vip.wordpress If I change 'event' with 'static' in both functions, I can access my page from **blog/parent-page/my-test-page**. If I add 'rewrite' => ( 'with_front'=>false ) everything brokes and I can access only from **static/parent-page/my-test- page** ### Other solutions and tests Unfortunally, with my actual reputation, I can't link more than two links. But I've tryed also the solution found in, and - of course - ALL the questions posted in this portal before. Off course every time I've flushed all the permalinks rules, visiting the setting page, saving the options, changing them twice and save them again, using the `global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules();`. I've tryed lots of combination with the 'rewrite' array and the different solutions above. Have you any suggestion? | cqadupstack-wordpress |
If a site contains 94% of unique content and remaining 6% of the content coming under duplicate, then can it be considered as bad for SEO? | cqadupstack-webmasters |
1. I heard about it. I have heard about it. 2. I knew him. I have known him. 3. He has played really well. He played really well. | cqadupstack-english |
This paper proposes a method for transferring the RGB color spectrum to near-infrared (NIR) images using deep multi-scale convolutional neural networks. A direct and integrated transfer between NIR and RGB pixels is trained. The trained model does not require any user guidance or a reference image database in the recall phase to produce images with a natural appearance. To preserve the rich details of the NIR image, its high frequency features are transferred to the estimated RGB image. The presented approach is trained and evaluated on a real-world dataset containing a large amount of road scene images in summer. The dataset was captured by a multi-CCD NIR/RGB camera, which ensures a perfect pixel to pixel registration. | scidocs |
I am a graduate in computing and I am on the job hunt at the moment. So I now have an MSc and a Bsc qualification in applied computing. People have been saying get a professional qualification right away while others have said "not now". I am really unsure what to think of them at the moment, someone said to me they are bad as it makes you look like you are not open to developing in other environments. For example, if I was to get a MS certification employers might think I am useless outside of a Microsoft environment. Are certifications worth the money? Should I really get them now, so soon after I graduate or wait till I have some experience in the working world? | cqadupstack-programmers |
I wanted to use names with initials in the URL. For example if j.k. Brothers is the initials and name then is it good to make my URL like so: Or would it be better to use hyphens like so: | cqadupstack-webmasters |
Suppose I have QGIS server up and running with some vector data. Now a user accesses this data from a webpage. Would it be possible in some ways for the user to send a request to the QGIS Server and make it do some Vector Geo- processing at the server side and return the results? (For example user sends a select query on a point layer. The Server will calculate the Convex Hull and return the WKT.) As per the QGIS website, > QGIS Server provides a web map service (WMS) using the same libraries as the > Quantum GIS (QGIS) desktop application. If it is not possible at present, would it be possible to create something like a REST service(i got the term from ArcGIS REST API) which can hold communication between user and QGIS server? What are the difficulties in implementing them? | cqadupstack-gis |
BACKGROUND: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) has become an important public health concern because of the high incidence and mortality rates, and limited treatment and vaccination. Until now, clinical studies on characteristics and outcomes in critical patients with HFRS have been limited. The aim of this study was to observe the clinical characteristics and cumulative proportions surviving and explore the predictive effects and risk factors for prognosis. METHODS: A detailed retrospective analysis of clinical records for critical HFRS patients was conducted. The patients enrolled were treated in the centre for infectious diseases, Tangdu Hospital, between January 2008 and August 2012. The clinical characteristics between the survivors and non-survivors were compared by Student’s t-test or Chi-square test. The risk clinical factors for prognosis were explored by logistic regression analysis. The predictive effects of prognosis in clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. The cumulative proportions surviving at certain intervals in the critical patients were observed by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. RESULTS: Of the 75 patients enrolled, the cumulative proportion surviving was 70.7% at the second week interval, with a 28-day mortality rate of 36.3%. The non-survivors tended to have higher frequencies of agitation, dyspnea, conjunctival hemorrhage, coma, cardiac failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and encephalopathy (P < .05). ARDS, conjunctival hemorrhage and coma were risk factors for death in the critical patients with HFRS. The non-survivors were found to have lower serum creatinine (Scr) levels (P < .001) and higher incidences of prolonged prothrombin time (PT) (P = .006), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) (P = .003) and elevated white blood cells (WBC) levels (P = .005), and the laboratory parameters mentioned above reached statistical significance for predicting prognosis (P < .05). CONCLUSION: The high fatality in critical patients with HFRS underscores the importance of clinicians’ alertness to the occurrence of potentially fatal complications and changes in biochemical status to ensure that timely and systematically supportive treatment can be initiated when necessary. | trec-covid |
What is the best way to gain confidence? | quora |
Given y = a + b*x, does "a" represent simply an intercept or mean y? For y = a + b*ln(x), is there a need to interpret the intercept "a?" | cqadupstack-stats |
I have a question regarding setting the frame margins of exporting .avi file. I want to make a short video of some pictures I import using Table: table1 = Table[ [Show[Import[ToString[i] <> ".eps"], ImageSize -> Large], {i, 1, 100, 1}]; These pictures are all fine with 0 image padding, but when I try exporting them to video: Export["1.avi", table1, ImageSize -> Large, "FrameRate" -> 4], And the video cuts them off, as if only showing a thin stripe of the whole pictures. I tried messing with ImagePadding, but that only puts the pictures in the video in the bottom left corner. Is there a way to show the pictures in the video at the center of the screen, when playing? Thank you very much. | cqadupstack-mathematica |
I am writing a bet settling app in C# and WinForms. I have 6 selections, 4 of them have won. I know that using the following formula from Excel: =FACT(selections)/(FACT(selections-doubles))/FACT(doubles) This is coded into my app and working well: I can work out how many possible doubles (e.g., AB, AC, AD, AE, BC, BD, BE, etc.) need to be resolved. But what I can't figure out is how to do the actual calculation. How can I efficiently code it so that every combination of A, B, C, and D has been calculated? All my efforts thus far on paper have proved to be ugly and verbose: is there an elegant solution to this problem? | cqadupstack-programmers |
I have 5 virtual hosts in `httpd.conf`. All of them have the configuration below except for one. <Location /> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from IP.ADDRESS.GOES.HERE </Location> I think it would be better to tell all virtual hosts to have this except for one. Currently, I am telling each virtual host one by one to have this. Is there a wild card method to apply this setting to all virtual hosts and then remove this stanza from one of the virtual hosts in `httpd.conf`? | cqadupstack-unix |
Recently, I created a blog in My problem is that I can't see my content when I search on google for it. Similarly, I created the same page using which shows the content on search on google. What should I do to show my content on google search using blogger? **EDIT** : ( _Edited after this **post**_ ) More specific question - what part of a blogger blog does google search. I get the impression that it searches the header and the posts, but not the widgets, so if you are using the blog more as a website, your widget content won't get searched. I may be wrong though. Does anyone know exactly what is searched, heading, subheading, widgets and posts? Please help I am new to or | cqadupstack-webmasters |
I have a list of names in which I would like to check for duplicates. However, within the list, the duplicates may not show up as exact duplicates of each other - for instance, `{Barack Obama, Barack H. Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Obama Barack Hussein}` are all considered likely candidates to be duplicates of each other. Furthermore, the data may contain slight mistakes - for instance, the following and other variants would be considered (near) duplicates too. `{Barack Obama, barack Obama, Barrack Obama}` What I would like to do is to automatically **highlight** these duplicates _(for example, by changing their font size or color as displayed on screen)_ so that I can later go through the list manually and confirm whether or not the duplicates are indeed duplicates. My current approach is as such: nlsplit = StringSplit /@ namelist; (*splitting the names at the whitespace*) nlsplitsort = Map[Sort, nlsplit, 2] ; (*sorting the names of each person alphabetically - for example, John Anderson Doe becomes {Anderson, Doe, John}*) nlsplitsortpad = Transpose[Map[PadRight[#, 5] &, nlsplitsort, 2]][[1]]; (*pad each person's name with zeros so that Mathematica doesn't sort based on list length but on name*) Sort[nlsplitsortpad] This question may be linked to mine, but I feel it's sufficiently different to merit a post. Mr Wizard also informed me that a question of Soft-Match String Comparison may have been asked before and the link is here as Sjoerd C. de Vries points out. **Edit** : It would be great if the following could be done, but from my knowledge of Mathematica, I'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. 1. The process of highlighting duplicates does not change the ordering of the original list, but simply highlights them, and 2. I could simply hover over a duplicate candidate where using `Tooltip` we display the possible matches identified as similar to this duplicate candidate. 3. By choosing from a list of options I could do one of the following: * select the current duplicate candidate as the entry I want to keep (and remove all other similar candidates from the main list) * skip to one of the other matches displayed by the `Tooltip` and choose that as the entry I want to keep (removing all other similar candidates from the main list) * confirm that the current candidate is not in fact a duplicate, and remove it from the list of any candidate of duplicates. | cqadupstack-mathematica |
It really is important to consider the safety of the audience and performers in any event. There should be a team of medics who are on standby to give first aid when needed. It is good that there are companies who offer the services of first aid professionals these days. | fiqa |
In Mass Effect 1, you get several options regarding the composition of the Citadel Council - you can either save them from a certain doom, or allow them to perish and form a new council (either one of all humans, or one with the existing races still included). You also get to name an Alliance member to the council. These didn't have much consequence in Mass Effect 2, but it seems like it may end up being more relevant this go around. What changes can be seen a result of these choices in Mass Effect 3? | cqadupstack-gaming |
I used SPSS 19's 2SLS procedure (which is very straightforward, with almost no optional specifications) to predict Y from X after X was predicted based on I, an instrumental variable. Then I tried to match those results by running 2 separate OLS regressions. First I obtained the predicted X values by regressing X on I. Then I regressed Y on this "predicted X" variable. The results hardly matched those of the integrated 2SLS procedure. The _b_ matched, but not RSQ or Beta (which was wildly different) or _t_. Why would this happen? I made sure to filter by the same subset of cases for each procedure. | cqadupstack-stats |
I have one document with 2 documents included. In the first document I have a pgfPlot with `\pgfplotsset{ ybar stacked, ...etc }` and in the second one `\pgfplotsset{ ybar, ..etc }`, but the first pgfplotsset goes in conflict with the second, and also the second document has "ybar stacked" option active. Here the documents: Main: \begin{document} \include{chapter1} \include{chapter2} \end{document} chapter1 \pgfplotsset{ ybar stacked, enlargelimits =0.05, legend style ={at={(0.5,-0.5)}, anchor=north, legend columns=-1}, ylabel={Ore}, xtick=data, x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east}, symbolic x coords={Enrico Rotundo,Federico Poli,Giacomo Fornari,Gianluca Donato,Luca De Franceschi,Nicolò Tresoldi,Serena Girardi} } \begin{figure}[H] \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} \input{columnChart_rr} \legend{amministratore, analista, progettista, programmatore, responsabile, verificatore} \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Ore per componente, periodo di analisi} \end{figure} chapter2 \pgfplotsset{ ybar, enlargelimits =0.10, legend style ={at={(0.5,-0.5)}, anchor=north, legend columns=-1}, ylabel={Ore}, xtick=data, x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east}, symbolic x coords={Amministratore, Analista, Progettista, Programmatore, Responsabile, Verificatore}, } \begin{figure}[H] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} \input{columnChart_consuntivo_rr} \legend{preventivate,consumate} \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Differenza preventivo consuntivo per ruolo, periodo di analisi} \end{figure} The problem is that chapter2 use ybar stacked option which is in chapter1 file. | cqadupstack-text |
I have been taking Advanced Placement Computer Science for this past year in high school. It seems as though we are taught simply to **memorize** code and functions and **not** how to be resourceful and efficient in using documentation and the like. Practically, I imagine many (if not all) programming jobs would allow you to flip through documentation, review past code and the code of others, essentially doing what my teacher would consider "cheating." While I do agree core concepts are essential to memorize (in any subject matter), it seems superfluous and impractical to me to give a pen-and-paper exam for a CS class, especially when practically you would have a compiler, debugger, reference manuals, and the **entire internet** to refer to in any real-world work situation. **Why is CS taught focusing on the _memorization_ of code and functions as opposed to teaching useful skills including how to use and interpret documentation, sample code, the debugger and such?** | cqadupstack-programmers |
In the proverb: > Boys will be boys! is 'will be' one verb or two? 1. the _future simple of 'be'_ (one verb)? or 2. the _present simple of modal auxiliary 'will'_ \+ the _bare present infinitive of 'be'_ (two verbs)? | cqadupstack-english |
"Don't get me wrong. If I could consistently see 2 movies a month with this, it would be worth it. And there are almost certainly 24 movies I'd enjoy seeing in cinemas in a given year. It's just a big ""if"" for a lot of people." | fiqa |
Is there a straightforward way to find all the sparse files on my system, or in a particular directory tree? If it's relevant, I'm using `zsh` on Ubuntu 12.04, although a more generic Unix-y answer for bash/sh, for example, would be fine. **Edit** : to clarify, I'm looking to search for sparse files, not check the sparseness status of a single one. | cqadupstack-unix |
I am the development team lead of a new project at my company. This is the first project where the company will use Scrum. We have a waterfall/iterative SDLC. The BAs write requirements docs, hands over to dev and test, dev start developing and will release to testing in iterations. Testers take long time to test a release by which devs continue development but also bug fixes for the current release. I have a few questions 1. In a sprint with say 5 stories when do you release for testing ? Is it as soon as a story is completed by dev or after all stories are completed but before end of sprint giving test the required time to test. 2. If the BA writes user stories what should be the detail. Traditionally it takes long time to write a spec with all UI layout, behaviour, text etc to be finalised. I guess my question is how to write stories that are implementable and testable. 3. Our test team is non-technical. How important it is to have automated UI testing for Scrum. The UI is based on WPF. I have solid development experience using agile methods (TDD, code reviews, refactoring etc.) but new to scrum. edit: By iterations I mean that if there are 100 requirements we may release to testing when we have finished 30, 35, 35 requirements rather than wait till all 100 requirements have been completed. | cqadupstack-programmers |
Which way would save the most money? Paying of the car today would save the most money. Would you borrow money at 20% to put it in a savings account? That's effectively what she is doing by not paying off the car. If it were me, I would pay off the car today, and add the car payment to my savings account each month. If the car payment is $400, that's $1,500 a month that can be saved, and the $12k will be back in 8 months. That said - remember that this is your GIRLFRIEND, not a spouse. You are not in control (or responsible for) her finances. I would not tell her that she SHOULD do this - only explain it to her in different ways, and offer advice as to what YOU would do. Look together at how much has been paid in principal and interest so far, how much she's paying in interest each month now, and how much she'll pay for the car over the life of the loan. (I would also encourage her not to buy cars with a 72-month loan, which I'm guessing is how she got here). In the end, though, it's her decision. | fiqa |
In Skyrim, on two separate profiles, I have noticed that after I kill something like a Mammoth or a Draugr Deathlord, I'm not gaining any experience. So my question is, do you gain experience by levelling up perks only, or is it a mixture of levelling perks and damage dealt in combat? Also, I have a console and it took me a week to get from level 43 to level 44, whereas my friend took only a single day. How can I quickly level up? | cqadupstack-gaming |
Not having studied General Relativity, I have sometimes been puzzled by references to the behaviour for "classic" black holes -- as they are popularly portrayed -- as being true for black holes which are not rotating and which have no charge. I don't understand the role rotation _does_ play, but at least because it has to do with the motion of massive bodies, I can understand why it _could_ play an important role. But I have no such intuition for electrical charge. How does _charge_ change the behaviour of a black hole, aside from the obvious role of electrostatic force? (It will preferentially attract particles of the opposite charge, obviously.) But it would seem that charge plays a more intriguing role than just this. The current status of the Wikipedia page on black holes claims that you can theoretically avoid the singularity of a charged black hole. It also describes there that there is a theoretical upper bound on the charge/mass ratio of a black hole: that any would-be black hole exceeding it (which is generally thought to be impossible -- see this related question on trying to force saturation of the charge/mass ratio or black holes) would lack an event horizon (and therefore presumably not be a black hole). Why should that be? Furthermore: from this other related question on repulsion of pairs of charged black holes (and from Willie Wong's comment, below), ir seems that the size of the event horizon may change depending on how close it is to being extremal! Why would the event horizon of a _highly charged_ black hole be different than the event horizon of a _neutral_ black hole, of similar mass? Is there a clear reason for such an interplay is there between electrodynamics (aside from local Lorentz invariance) and general relativity that bring these things about? | cqadupstack-physics |
I downloaded the emacs editor for android. Now I want to edit files in Dropbox. But when I select the file, I am not given the choice to open with emacs. How do I tell Android to associate a given file extension to an arbitrary app? I read in several places that Astro File Manager could do this, but they appear to be referring to a version which is no longer available, because they all say to select something from the menu, but the only choice the menu brings up for me is "Exit". It would also be nice if I could associate any arbitrary type with an app so it would show up as an option to any file I try to open. There are literally hundreds of file types that are text files and could easily be opened by an text editor. Any programming language source file for instance. | cqadupstack-android |
Yes but in the summer the sports are all pretty much at no cost (providing you live near or on a lake) Also there are virtual machines that give you the same experience as skiing at a lower cost plus you snug and warm. And you can still treat yourself to a hot chocolate afterwards | webis-touche2020 |
1.) It is not possible to romantically love more than one person at the same time. 2.) I agree with your first premise because I believe that is the definition of what romantic love is. 3.) Monogamous relationships involve having only one spouse or significant other at once. Most religions and cultures accept this type of relationship. 4.) Being monogamous builds a strong trust between the two parties involved in the relationship. 5.) Because more than two people are involved in a polygamous relationship, the trust is now undermined by sharing that trust with a third party. 6.) Love should have a foundation of trust and openness between two people because by adding the factor of a third party, it destabilizes the relationship by introducing feelings of jealousy, danger, and betrayal. 7.) Therefore, it is only possible for an individual to be in love with one person at a time. Non-Controversial: Premises 1, 2, 3 and 4 are not debatable. Premise 1 is just a statement I am introducing. Premise 2 is an agreement that both parties share on what the definition of romantic love is. Premise 3 is my definition of monogamy. Premise 4 is a fact based the definition of monogamy that I'm defending and cannot be refuted. Controversial: Premises 5 and 6 are considered debatable. 5.) Although the trust can be undermined, it is still possible that it won't be. 6.) Feelings of jealousy and betrayal does occur when a monogamous relationship adds a third party at any capacity, but as long as the two original partners agree to accept the third person in the relationship, those feelings should concede. | webis-touche2020 |
I have the data from a split-plot design where A is my whole plot fixed factor with two levels and B is my subplot fixed factor with 2 levels and C is my random block factor. How do I analyse these data to get appropriate the DF (=1 for each fixed factor and interaction) using GLMM in the lme4 package in R? I tried `response~A*B+(A/B)+(1/C)` which gives the same result as when leaving the (A/B) out of equation completely; thus I am not sure how to incorporate into the equation that the factor B is nested within A. I also tried `response~A*B+(1|C/A/B)` although this is probably wrong, but all the codes are giving me different results and I cannot tell which one seems correct as there are no DF in the summary and the visual output of my data is not so straight forward. Can anyone help with nesting? Also if I should decide my fixed factors are in fact crossed rather than nested (still have to re-think that), would the code look different? | cqadupstack-stats |
I accept. As the Negative I only have to prove the opposition wrong. If I do that Vote in Negation. He says, that Africans abuse U.S. Aid but that's not true. We need to be instituting education in Africa. The only way to do that is by education, and aid. They won't abuse us if we do that. Then, he says Africa can not lean us forever, that's true but, reducing aid will not solve the only way o solve is to implement education in the region. And he says its to expensive and the U.S. can not afford it. That's ridiculous reject that notion look to the fact that we have spent more money in Iraq and Afghanistan and they are the reason that we have so much money spent is not Africa it's other nations and voting affirmative would not solve for that. We will still see the impacts of a bad economy. | webis-touche2020 |
Will there be another billion dollar lottery Jackpot? | quora |
Is it possible to use WMTS e.g. by in QGIS? * * * ich möchte gerne daten der stadt wien als WMTS-Layer in qgis hinzuladen. ist das überhaupt möglich? ich bin kein profi und bitte daher um unterstützung. darum geht's > den wms- dienst konnte ich laden, an wmts bin ich aber gescheitert. danke für eure beiträge! SG | cqadupstack-gis |
In this letter, a wideband compact circularly polarized (CP) patch antenna is proposed. This patch antenna consists of a printed meandering probe (M-probe) and truncated patches that excite orthogonal resonant modes to generate a wideband CP operation. The stacked patch is employed to further improve the axial-ratio (AR) bandwidth to fit the 5G Wi-Fi application. The proposed antenna achieves 42.3% impedance bandwidth and 16.8% AR bandwidth, respectively. The average gain within the AR bandwidth is 6.6 dBic with less than 0.5 dB variation. This work demonstrates a bandwidth broadening technique of an M-probe fed CP patch antenna. It is the first study to investigate and exhibit the M-probe could also provide the wideband characteristics in the dielectric loaded patch antenna. The potential applications of the antenna are 5G Wi-Fi and satellite communication systems. | scidocs |
has very little idea about how much we earn and how high up we are in terms of income percentile. The first part of this sentence is tough to understand. My daughter was 12 when she told us what she estimated our income to be. She looked up the price of our home, worked backwards using conservative numbers, and was pretty close. Here you are saying your wife doesn't know the family income? Percentiles are meaningless. There are $60k couples who donate 10%, and there are $300k earners who are not charitable at all, and don't even save. It's time to have a general budget conversation with her. Perhaps starting with the rate of savings, and show how there's room for charity. If your charitable desire is based on a religious compulsion, share that as well, the 10% is what many feel commanded to share by their maker, and feel that it comes off the top regardless of their income level. In reality, this issue is not financial, it's about open dialog between 2 people. Money is difficult for some to discuss, but you need to start somewhere. | fiqa |
I have data on patients before and after an intervention, half have the treatment, half did not. A paired t-test seems a simple way to determine if there is a significant difference after treatment in either group. However there are other variables that I'd like to adjust for, such as age. Could I use linear regression, with the final measurement as the dependent variable, and the initial measurement, treatment group, and age as independent variables, and then see if the 'group' dummy variable is significant? I see in some papers that ANCOVA is used for this application, but it seems to be mathematically identical to multiple regression. Is there any point to using it? Lastly, one outcome variable is continuous, another is a scale from 1-10. Is linear regression appropriate for ordered categorical data like this, or is there a method that covers the gap between logistic and linear regression that lets me add in possible confounding variables (such as age)? Thanks in advance! | cqadupstack-stats |
So, I've reached the end of my "quests" and stuff on the planet, but because the game isn't "fully downloaded" it's not letting me leave. It's been stuck at 99.95% for downloading for about two or three weeks now, and it's kind of pissing me off because I would like to move on in my gameplay. How can I make the game download the rest of the update? | cqadupstack-gaming |
I've got a Plot of a list of functions from this previous question of mine. rp[x_, r_] := 1000 x (r + 1)/(r + x) ratios = Table[10^n, {n, -2, 2, 4/10}] Plot[Map[rp[x, #] &, ratios], {x, 0, 1}, Evaluated -> True]  Now I want the sixth function, where ratio = 1, to be plotted with a `PlotStyle -> AbsoluteThickness` parameter. How can I do this? | cqadupstack-mathematica |
What is the distribution of traffic between Google organic search results? e.g. #1 vs. #2 in rankings, first page vs. second page | quora |
"Look for states that have no income tax. A lot of these states supplement their revenue with higher property taxes, but if you rent and do not own property in the state, then you will have no state tax liability. Similarly, many states treat capital gains no differently than income tax, so if you make your earnings due to a large nest egg, then way you will still incur no tax liability on the state level Look for ""unincorporated"" areas, as these are administrative divisions of states that do not have a municipal government, and as such do not collect local taxes. Look for economic development perks of the new jurisdiction. Many states have some kind of formal tax credit for people that start business or buy in certain areas, but MONEY TALKS and you can make an individual arrangement with any agency, municipality etc. If the secretary at city hall doesn't know about a prepackaged formal arrangement that is offered to citizens, then ask for the ""expedited development package"" which generally has a ""processing fee"" involved. This is something you make up ie. ""What is the processing fee for the expedited development package, quote on quote"" States like Maryland and Nevada have formalized this process, but you are generally paying off the Secretary of State for favorable treatment. You'll always be paying off someone." | fiqa |
Background, this seems to work (This is manually transcribed from the program, beware of errors): J1[f_, i_] := DifferenceDelta[f[i], i]^2 D[J1[f + t v, i], t] > > 2 (-v[i] + v[i+1]) (-(f + t v)[i] + (f + t v)[i+1]) > What I would like to do is replace the `()^2` with a generic function `JJ`, and later specify JJ[x_] := ... Here's what happens with the generic `JJ`: J2[f_, i_] := JJ[DifferenceDelta[f[i], i]] D[J2[f + t v, i],t] > > 0 > Why can't it return a derivative expression in terms of a generic derivative `JJ'`, and how could I modify my code to make it work? | cqadupstack-mathematica |
There's a lot of buzz these days about 'renewable energy', and with Germany's recent decision to close down their nuclear plants by 2012, activists are talking about moving to completely 'renewable energy'. But, why is it called that? What is actually being renewed? | cqadupstack-english |
We consider a stochastic susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) epidemiological model. Through the use of a normal form coordinate transform, we are able to analytically derive the stochastic center manifold along with the associated, reduced set of stochastic evolution equations. The transformation correctly projects both the dynamics and the noise onto the center manifold. Therefore, the solution of this reduced stochastic dynamical system yields excellent agreement, both in amplitude and phase, with the solution of the original stochastic system for a temporal scale that is orders of magnitude longer than the typical relaxation time. This new method allows for improved time series prediction of the number of infectious cases when modeling the spread of disease in a population. Numerical solutions of the fluctuations of the SEIR model are considered in the infinite population limit using a Langevin equation approach, as well as in a finite population simulated as a Markov process. | trec-covid |
I have the following two equations: Ieq1=-1 - (0.763546 I1 (1/(-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2) - ( 18 (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2))/( I1 (-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2)^2)) X^1.3)/((1.36- I1) (I1/(-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2))^2.3) + ( 0.587343 X^1.3)/((1.36- I1) (I1/(-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2))^1.3) + ( 0.587343 I1 X^1.3)/((1.36- I1)^2 (I1/(-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2))^1.3); Ieq2=1 + (0.763546 I1^2 ((20 (-8 + 10/I2))/I2^2 - (20 (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2))/ I2^2) (-8 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2) X^1.3)/((1.36- I1) (I1/(-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/ I2)^2))^2.3 (-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2)^3) - ( 0.587343 I1 ((20 (-8 + 10/I2))/I2^2 - (20 (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2))/ I2^2) (-8 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2) X^1.3)/((1.36- I1) (I1/(-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/ I2)^2))^1.3 (-(-8 + 10/I2)^2 + (1 - 9/I1 + 10/I2)^2)^2); and then I use the NSolve function: NSolve[{Ieq1 == 0, Ieq2 == 0}, {I1, I2}] because I want to solve each one as a function of X. But unfortunately it just gets stuck while running. Do you have any suggestions to overcome this problem? | cqadupstack-mathematica |
Crazy how AIM is now worthless but Whatsapp was worth $18 billion. I wonder what AIM could have implemented that would have made it valuable back when it was at its height of popularity. An ad service? A mobile app? | fiqa |
So with the BLM stuff you said, it may have good intentions but the reason it was created is still racist. Police brutality is bad no matter whom it happens to, so when people see a rise in brutality happening to blacks, they are still dividing people (in this case, brutality victims) by race. Not every black person is a victim of this and some people from other races are victims. If they want to fight against brutality (a fight I would join) then they shouldn't make it a race issue. The reason I think the wage gap is a leftist issue is because I rarely see a non-leftist presenting it as a problem. If people are getting paid less for the same work that should be a problem in itself, not a women's problem. It's still divisive because it presents men and women as two different classes of workers. We can talk about the party stuff another time but notice how I said "leftists are racist/sexist," not "Democrats are racist/sexist." Leftist philosophy, no matter what party holds it, is the topic of discussion here :). | webis-touche2020 |
We describe a new set of interaction techniques that allow users to interact with physical objects through augmented reality (AR). Previously, to operate a smart device, physical touch is generally needed and a graphical interface is normally involved. These become limitations and prevent the user from operating a device out of reach or operating multiple devices at once. Ubii (Ubiquitous interface and interaction) is an integrated interface system that connects a network of smart devices together, and allows users to interact with the physical objects using hand gestures. The user wears a smart glass which displays the user interface in an augmented reality view. Hand gestures are captured by the smart glass, and upon recognizing the right gesture input, Ubii will communicate with the connected smart devices to complete the designated operations. Ubii supports common inter-device operations such as file transfer, printing, projecting, as well as device pairing. To improve the overall performance of the system, we implement computation offloading to perform the image processing computation. Our user test shows that Ubii is easy to use and more intuitive than traditional user interfaces. Ubii shortens the operation time on various tasks involving operating physical devices. The novel interaction paradigm attains a seamless interaction between the physical and digital worlds. | scidocs |
I just loaded Debian onto a live usb today for the first time. I successfully killed my laptops annoying trackpad with the synclient command, but now I can't figure out how to get Debian to stop putting my mouse to sleep everytime I stop using it for a few seconds. Does anyone know how to disable this or at the very least extend the time. | cqadupstack-unix |
My GS3 just received an OTA update that gave me a multiwindow setting. Cool! Except, I want to turn it off automatically when I'm using apps that take up the full screen (like some games). I can't find this setting anywhere, but I am also pretty new, so I could be missing it. Since the setting is also pretty new, there probably isn't a variable for it. Is there any way to get a list of settings and/or set one by name? Thanks | cqadupstack-android |
My homepage has a PR of 5. However, 99% of my internal pages have PR of 0 for some reason. What can be the cause of it? I have a sitemap and Google Webmaster Tools shows that all my website pages are indexed. (The internal pages are built with SEO in mind, and have several sources linking to them). Thanks! Joel | cqadupstack-webmasters |
I wrote a song for a play I'm writing where I utilize a degree of early modern english, it's not entirely in archaic prose as for many audiences that would be a turn off, as its a comedy and a pastiche so it's only lightly used and blended with more modern conversation. Think 'Kiss Me Kate' but when I do use I'm trying to make sure I'm using the grammar correctly and not wrong. As I said I wrote a song for it, during a "play within a play" scene and I'm having some trouble figuring out if I'm conjugating some of the verbs correctly, a lot of these are I think the imperative since the character is asking/commanding something of someone else so I'm a bit confused. Can anyone make any corrections for me? The song is addressing the moon as if it were a person; i.e. the goddess Diana Pale moon, pale moon go fade into the night away, adrift for sad light, sad light is lade by thy face white and cold. O how swift (O how swift) I get lost and turned quick a fool in moth hours wan and blue under thy silvered shone. O who’ll beareth the heft (beareth the heft) of this folly that runneth me through? (For in truth I’ve given all my sprigs of rue, offered up all sprigs of rue.) O spare my heart and spare my head from thy hunt, thy fleet and forest train. No hounds, no hounds that teareth and shred, they art not mine (not mine) this bane. Let me alone, alone my eyes to sleep I bid thou sink into the mirror’d sea and cease, cease, a sabled state so deep, bringest good reason back to me. | cqadupstack-english |
I am searching for Boris the Stout and several sources say he randomly appears in the cursed tombs. Where is this place? I am surprised that there is very little info on Google about this place. | cqadupstack-gaming |
In the code sample below the Rental object is using Movie's fields to do a switch statement. Martin says : this is a bad idea but he does not give any deeper explanation as to why ? Of course, you can say that this means a lot of coupling between Movie and Rental, or that Movie is badly encapsulated but those are just (almost meaningless) words, again, they don't explain the why? They don't go to the root of the question, so to say. They don't provide much understanding. What I would like to know if there is a deeper, more general design principle why having a switch on Rental is a bad idea ? In other words, how does Martin knows that the switch statement is on the wrong object ? Where does he get this insight from ? What is his thought process ?  | cqadupstack-programmers |
I been reading some physics articles (related to the recent discovery of the particle that could be a Higgs boson) posted online and it was talking about electron spin and how it can only have values of either up or down and that always confused me. I know directions of up and down are really arbitrary because in just space there be no up and down. So unless spin orients itself depending on the nearest gravity source, spin of up/down must mean something different then in ordinary English language. I also been confused by the fact that the article claims that you can have right/left spin as a result of a spin measurement: > _Suppose you do measure an electron as spin up, and then try to measure the > left-right spin. Common sense would tell you that that number would be zero, > since you know that the electron is spin up, not left or right, but I warned > you about common sense before. It turns out that a) half the time you'll > measure the electron to be left and the other half you'll get right, and b) > whether it's left or right is completely random._ I probably would understand what is meant by up/down spin if I knew how a spin of a particle is actually measured. (I think i could handle a detailed and precise explanation but a crude explanation will suffice if it gives insight to why spin is up or down and why it can come off as left and right in measurements) Is up down just a name given by physicists to two different types of spins? Or does it have something to do with the actual directions? **Related** What is spin as related to particles | cqadupstack-physics |
I have written few functions in the function.php file of the theme. Should I use `add_filter` function for those functions? | cqadupstack-wordpress |
The genus Perkinsus occupies a precarious phylogenetic position. To gain a better understanding of the relationship between perkinsids, dinoflagellates and other alveolates, we analyzed the nuclear-encoded spliced-leader (SL) RNA and mitochondrial genes, intron prevalence, and multi-protein phylogenies. In contrast to the canonical 22-nt SL found in dinoflagellates (DinoSL), P. marinus has a shorter (21-nt) and a longer (22-nt) SL with slightly different sequences than DinoSL. The major SL RNA transcripts range in size between 80–83 nt in P. marinus, and ∼83 nt in P. chesapeaki, significantly larger than the typical ≤56-nt dinoflagellate SL RNA. In most of the phylogenetic trees based on 41 predicted protein sequences, P. marinus branched at the base of the dinoflagellate clade that included the ancient taxa Oxyrrhis and Amoebophrya, sister to the clade of apicomplexans, and in some cases clustered with apicomplexans as a sister to the dinoflagellate clade. Of 104 Perkinsus spp. genes examined 69.2% had introns, a higher intron prevalence than in dinoflagellates. Examination of Perkinsus spp. mitochondrial cytochrome B and cytochrome C oxidase subunit I genes and their cDNAs revealed no mRNA editing, but these transcripts can only be translated when frameshifts are introduced at every AGG and CCC codon as if AGGY codes for glycine and CCCCU for proline. These results, along with the presence of the numerous uncharacterized ‘marine alveolate group I' and Perkinsus-like lineages separating perkinsids from core dinoflagellates, expand support for the affiliation of the genus Perkinsus with an independent lineage (Perkinsozoa) positioned between the phyla of Apicomplexa and Dinoflagellata. | trec-covid |
Suppose I have a DB into which the following key values are entered (in that "random" sequence) {16, 32, 256, 2, 8, 64, 4, 1, 128, 512} Assuming the values get sorted on insertion ($B^x$ tree for instance), what's the fastest way to maintain a **running model** of the data? ### What I want: A running model would be a function that delivers record at which a certain element would be found. Since the DB $A$ would look something like record: |000|001|002|003|004|005|006|007|008|009| value: | 1| 2| 4| 8| 16| 32| 64|128|256|512| since the data can be plotted optimally with $2^x$, a model would be $\frac{\log(x)}{\log(2)}$. If we wanted to look for 334, we would expect it to be at $\frac{\log(334)}{\log(2)}=8.38$. ### What I have so far: The best solution I have so far is to maintain a smaller superDB $S$ that keeps every $n$th element and linearly interpolates between them. assume that $n=3$ then $S$ would look like record: |000|001|002|003| position:|000|003|006|009| value: | 1| 8| 64|512| then if we wanted to find the position of $i$=334 we'd first seek in $S$ until $ \mathbb{value}> i$, and mark the record position $k$. then the expected position would be $$(i-[(k-1)\rightarrow\mathbb{value}])* \frac{[(k)\rightarrow\mathbb{value}]-[(k-1)\rightarrow\mathbb{value}]}{[(k)\rightarrow\mathbb{position}]-[(k-1)\rightarrow\mathbb{position}]} + (k-1)\rightarrow \mathbb{position} $$ so k=3. (334-65)*((9-6)/(64-512))+6 = 7.80133928571, but this is clearly wrong because record `008` is obviously greater than 334, so it can't be below that. * $+$ computationally nonintensive (1 multiplication, 1 division, 4 dereferentials) * $+$ error is never greater than $n$. * $-$ error can be almost $n$ in skewed data. * $-$ requires pre-seeking * $-$ worst case scenario gives no gains. An option might be to insert new reference values into the SuperDB based on error, and to remove some when the error is slim, if for instance if $1-\frac{f(k, k-1)}{f(k+1, k-1)}< \mathbb{allowed \, error}$, then record $k$ could be removed from $S$, and a record inserted if $\frac{\mathbb{seeks \, from}( f(k, k-1) )}{n}> \mathbb{allowed \, error}$ to build an increasingly better model of the system. In combination with the above, parametric interpolation (bezier, quadratic, circular, etc...) could perhaps be used, which however come with the drawbacks of increased overhead. What's a better way to do this? | cqadupstack-stats |
I recently came across this sentence from an e-mail I received and have pondering thoughts about it: > I have completed an evaluation of your application file and **find** that > the items listed below must be submitted. Should it be "have found" in place of "find" since the activity of completing the evaluation and finding the items occurred in the past? | cqadupstack-english |
This is more a theoretical question and not an actual problem that I have. **Is it possible to identify or classify projections by their numerical coordinates?** Or alternatively rule out in some sort of a decision tree which projection some coordinates have? UTM and Lat-Long projection are normally easy to identify. What about the others? Of all the possible (and likely many more) projection forms: Assume the situation that you got a shapefile containing points without any .prj file or other information from the data provider. Is there some sort of pattern I could follow to rule out certain projections from the start? Maybe someone can give some insight into the diversity and properties of coordinate projections. | cqadupstack-gis |
Is it possible to create a 3d rotating text like this:  animation here. Here is my try so far: text = Style["Mathematica Mathematica ", 128]; g = ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[theta], Sin[theta], rho}, {theta, -Pi, Pi}, {rho, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> Texture[text], Lighting -> "Neutral", Mesh -> None, PlotRange -> All, TextureCoordinateScaling -> True, Boxed -> False, Axes -> False, SphericalRegion -> True]; Animate[Show[g, ViewPoint -> {2 Cos[x], 2 Sin[x], 0}], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]  The problem is that the text is a texture and one can't look through it. We can use Simon Woods's nice `filledCurveToPolygons3D` function at here to change the the text into polygons, but wrap the polygon to a cylinder seems require non-geometric transformation, which I don't know how to do.  possible related questions: * How can I create a 3D FilledCurve object? * Character edge finding * Non-geometric transformation of Graphics3D primitives * How can I wrap text around a circle? | cqadupstack-mathematica |
I don't know why it only displays the first 2 options in the references part!! Please help I have included the .bib file in the main file. I tried to use the .bbl file, but it is very time wasting and it also didn't work! it gave me [?] in the pdf file instead of numbering the references after they already appear. HELP the .bib file: @misc{citeKey1, title={{}}, author={html5rocks}, year={2011}, publisher={Paul Lewis} } @misc{citeKey2, title={{}}, author={w3schools} } @misc{citeKey3, title={{}}, author={Kathir Software} } @misc{citeKey4, title={{}}, author={stackoverflow}, year={2013}, publisher={gman} } @misc{citeKey5, title={{}}, author={Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia} } @misc{citeKey6, Author = {Elias, Rimon}, Institution = {German University in Cairo}, Howpublished = {University Lecture}, Year = {2010}, Title = {Visualization and Animation DMET702} } and the main.tex file: % add more chapters here \include{Implementation} \include{conclusion} \include{future_work} \include{appendix} \bibliography{bachelor} \bibliographystyle{plain} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} | cqadupstack-text |
When do you use "&" instead of "and"? | quora |
What is [math]x[/math] if [math]x+\left(\dfrac{1}{x}\right) =0[/math]? | quora |
> **Possible Duplicate:** > What is duplicate content and how can I avoid being penalized for it on my > site? I know that duplicate content needs to be addressed in some ways, but this problem is bugging me for some time I have no clue how to solve it. I have a page say a product page with URL **/product/1234/name-of-product** that part of it is displaying a stream of news related to this product with a "more" button at the end, like Facebook stream. This more button when clicked is intercepted by javascript code which will fetch the rest of stream through an AJAX request to URL **/stream/product?keyword=name-of-product**. However if the JS is disabled or for some reason the AJAX cannot be made the link works the normal way which will go to the URL above which will show only the stream. Now I don't know how to tell search engines that this PART of the page is the same as the stream URL. The thing is I don't want the stream URL to rank higher than main product page. Is it right to put a _rel=canonical_ on the stream page that point to product page? If true the product page is only showing a portion of stream and for more it links back to stream page again. I'm confused a little here. Thanks in advance and I'll provide further information if required to clear this up. | cqadupstack-webmasters |
What happens if a dictatorship continues in the present day? | quora |
On hackernews and /r/programming I've heard several reports of how the games industry is incredibly harsh on programmers. Someone on this site also linked this blog post in an answer I read recently. According to various reports, programmers in the games industry are severely overworked. Perhaps not when working for small games companies, but definitely when working for places like EA(the place discussed in the blog post). So my question is, why? I'm a developer for a large networking company, I sometimes work more than 8 hours a day, but I wouldn't dream of working 12 hour days 6 days a week like the blog post describes. I'd quit and move on without a second thought. Why does the games industry, specifically, have this problem? | cqadupstack-programmers |
I have a line shapefile and a point shapefile, and * the line has its own segments  and its attribute table,  * the point shapefile has points near the line above, not on it  and the close look,  **Can I use QGIS or other open source tools to split this line at locations which are nearest to the points?** **And after this procedure I can get the original line with more segments(because being split).** For example, find the location on the line, which is the nearest to the point, and split the line at this location(star).  I am using QGIS 2.2 under Windows 8.1 x64. | cqadupstack-gis |
What is the opposite of take off? | quora |
INTRODUCTION: The extracellular signals regulating mammary epithelial cell growth are of relevance to understanding the pathophysiology of mammary epithelia, yet they remain poorly characterized. In this study, we applied an unbiased approach to understanding the functional role of signalling molecules in several models of normal physiological growth and translated these results to the biological understanding of breast cancer subtypes. METHODS: We developed and utilized a cytogenetically normal clonal line of hTERT immortalized human mammary epithelial cells in a fibroblast-enhanced co-culture assay to conduct a genome-wide small interfering RNA (siRNA) screen for evaluation of the functional effect of silencing each gene. Our selected endpoint was inhibition of growth. In rigorous postscreen validation processes, including quantitative RT-PCR, to ensure on-target silencing, deconvolution of pooled siRNAs and independent confirmation of effects with lentiviral short-hairpin RNA constructs, we identified a subset of genes required for mammary epithelial cell growth. Using three-dimensional Matrigel growth and differentiation assays and primary human mammary epithelial cell colony assays, we confirmed that these growth effects were not limited to the 184-hTERT cell line. We utilized the METABRIC dataset of 1,998 breast cancer patients to evaluate both the differential expression of these genes across breast cancer subtypes and their prognostic significance. RESULTS: We identified 47 genes that are critically important for fibroblast-enhanced mammary epithelial cell growth. This group was enriched for several axonal guidance molecules and G protein–coupled receptors, as well as for the endothelin receptor PROCR. The majority of genes (43 of 47) identified in two dimensions were also required for three-dimensional growth, with HSD17B2, SNN and PROCR showing greater than tenfold reductions in acinar formation. Several genes, including PROCR and the neuronal pathfinding molecules EFNA4 and NTN1, were also required for proper differentiation and polarization in three-dimensional cultures. The 47 genes identified showed a significant nonrandom enrichment for differential expression among 10 molecular subtypes of breast cancer sampled from 1,998 patients. CD79A, SERPINH1, KCNJ5 and TMEM14C exhibited breast cancer subtype–independent overall survival differences. CONCLUSION: Diverse transmembrane signals are required for mammary epithelial cell growth in two-dimensional and three-dimensional conditions. Strikingly, we define novel roles for axonal pathfinding receptors and ligands and the endothelin receptor in both growth and differentiation. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13058-014-0510-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. | trec-covid |
Subsets and Splits