stringlengths 116
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<|TOPIC|>Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Should Abortion be Legal?<|ARGUMENT|>Individual liberty ends where another individual's liberties begin. As biology holds that a human life begins at conception, regardless of where one stands on the personhood or value of that life, the woman's freedom to make choices cannot supersede the liberty and rights of the human life inside her.<|ASPECTS|>individual liberty ends, conception, liberties, value, personhood, liberty and rights, freedom to make choices<|CONCLUSION|>
| Life begins at conception. Abortion therefore violates the right to life of the fetus.
| bb599b5d-c693-4a64-827d-cbfe787cdb09 |
<|TOPIC|>All drugs should be legalized.<|ARGUMENT|>Because pain is an important clinical symptom, legal recreational opioids may delay patients from seeking care in a timely fashion.<|ASPECTS|>seeking care, delay patients, clinical symptom<|CONCLUSION|>
| Easier access to drugs will cause more stressed or ill individuals to use these substances for self-medication.
| 6831b9a0-1209-4295-bb01-2bfea725adfd |
<|TOPIC|>Should LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy Be Banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Exclusion is harmful but largely occurs in terms of stigmatisation and unfriendly comments. This is a lesser harm than forcing someone to undergo dangerous medical practices which harm their long run health and well being.<|ASPECTS|>dangerous medical practices, unfriendly comments, health and well<|CONCLUSION|>
| Exclusion is often a lesser harm than being forced into conversion therapy.
| ee8c9de3-de5a-4453-aedd-1a83e2b1d545 |
<|TOPIC|>South Korea should abandon its goal of unification with North Korea<|ARGUMENT|>NK also possesses the richest deposit of rare earth metals in the world estimated up to 10 trillion dollars<|ASPECTS|>rare earth metals, richest, deposit<|CONCLUSION|>
| Economically, a unified Korean peninsula will generate vasts amounts of wealth.
| e3e525ee-0d6c-4d14-8fe7-e694e00bb73d |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Many popular proposals for gun control violate constitutionally guaranteed due process. Examples Blocking gun sales to those on no fly lists people aren't even notified that they are on no fly lists, much less given an opportunity to defend themselves before being put on such lists Block gun sales to those who receive social security for mental illness that makes them unfit to handle finances people who may be unfit to balance a check is suddenly deprived of their second amendment as well Gun control activists would most likely protest the deprivation of civil liberties without due process in other contexts, but are quick to abandon constitutional protections for gun ownership. Do the evils of gun ownership justify violating constitutional protections? Should these proposals at the very least require a constitutional amendment to avoid outright violating due process? <|ASPECTS|>constitutional protections, constitutional amendment, unfit, mental illness, constitutionally guaranteed due process, evils, gun ownership, violating due process, deprivation, civil liberties<|CONCLUSION|>
| Gun Ownership deserves just as much due process protection as other civil liberties
| c2dc1cc6-2f64-4df3-bec5-3f316295fcd6 |
<|TOPIC|>Should Mother Teresa have been canonized?<|ARGUMENT|>A religious sister affiliated with and an employee of the Missionaries of Charity were arrested in India after allegedly selling a baby from a shelter of unwed mothers.<|ASPECTS|>religious, mothers<|CONCLUSION|>
| Even today, the care provided by Mother Teresa's order is substandard.
| f5824d1d-5dbc-4fe8-94bd-e082d6934e52 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>A woman only needs to lose weight and be thin to be found attractive, basically just a low body fat . A man needs to lose fat AND gait muscle to be found attractive. Even then, the body fat percentage that men need for their muscles to show is less than that of women. Take this picture for example, everyone would agree that anything much below 15 17 in women is too thin, even at 30 women are hot. Take men now, personally I find 10 12 and 15 hot. Looking at the exercises men and women need to do, men would have to lift weights and eat more calories than they spend and gain fat and muscle bulk , then eat fewer calories than they spend while still lifting to lose the fat without losing much of the muscle, and repeat. All a woman needs to do is do cardio and eat fewer calories than she spends and she'll lose weight. She can always lift weights too but that's optional. Edit Since some of the comments brought it up, I should mention that I am specifically talking about young early 20s people here so age and and pregnancies aren't a consideration. Additionally, I need to clarify that this is basically a counter point to women saying it is hard to meet today's beauty standards. Also, since I'm doing an edit, it is worth noting that women generally rate men as less attractive than men, source . Edit 2 There is still some confusion in the comments so I need to clarify a few things. This is just about having the right body type. Right body type for what? Who says what's hot? The media. So we're talking about the standard muscular man and thin woman. Edit 3 One of the commenters put it very well, see this<|ASPECTS|>optional, fat, pregnancies, muscular man, hard, age, muscle bulk, less attractive, gait muscle, body fat percentage, body type, thin woman, lose weight, eat fewer calories, cardio, lift weights, attractive, low body fat, eat, standard, right, right body type, beauty standards, confusion, young early 20s, thin, lose, hot<|CONCLUSION|>
| It is easier for women to look hot than it is for men.
| f5cea656-fafc-41fe-aff8-b94e3a64e1af |
<|TOPIC|>Is Feminism a Force For Good?<|ARGUMENT|>Thanks to feminism, women now have a choice between either having a family, having a career, or balancing both - which can be challenging for women to manage.<|ASPECTS|><|CONCLUSION|>
| As feminism has grown more popular and powerful, the average woman has become less happy.
| 89fb6483-ba2e-4ae6-97cc-567b2064d31c |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>1.5 2 years ago most political experts analysts predicted that 2016 will be Hillary vs. Jeb Bush. Most predicted that Hillary certainly will be the Dem candidate and that she will most likely win because She is more prepared than anyone else. She spend years, if not decades preparing for this and already tried to get the nomination in 2008. She has a large network of donors and an extensive ground game. Plus a lot of support from celebrities and influential people. The US is changing from a mainly white Christian country to a more racially, religiously and sexually diverse country. The Republicans are mainly strong with whites, especially Christian men whereas the Democrats are strong with blacks, Hispanics, educated whites, women, other religions and LGBT. Therefore the odds are against any Republican, especially if their candidate fails to convince other new demographics. The Republicans have a large share of far right wingers that push their candidate towards the right and away from the center. That makes is hard to win the general election because the Republican candidate has to position himself relative far right to win the primaries and then either shift his position to the center, which means losing credibility and upsetting far right Republicans, or remain relatively far right, which means losing a lot of centrists independents to the Dem candidate. So the only thing that really changed is that instead of Jeb Bush being pushed to the right, it was actually a far right wing candidate Trump that won the primaries. Everything else happened exactly as predicted. Hillary won the primaries not because she was extremely popular but because she prepared better than anyone else and basically had the party behind her after years of lobbying and she could mobilize the voters she needed. This advantage continues in the general election, her ground game is far better than Trump's and she can spend more money. She is also far better prepared for pretty much anything e.g. debates, scandals . It's basically the small differences that add up and give her a lead. Hillary is also leading because she does well with all minorities and women and, as widely predicted, the Republican candidate is struggling and losing because he can't convince enough people outside the typical Republican voter groups. The only real surprise is that instead of an establishment candidate like Bush this time the far right wing candidate won the primaries. However, I think even this victory is overrated. Trump didn't win a 1 on 1 vs. a main stream candidate but rather the rest of the party failed to unite behind one anti Trump candidate until it was too late. He basically won by divide and conquer , not by popularity. He had the biggest minority, not really the majority. I think he is one of the most unpopular candidates within the Rep party. However, Trump isn't really different from what was predicted. It basically just shows that the far right wing drift of the Rep party is a bit strong than everyone thought, but the effect is the standard the Rep candidate is being pushed too far to the right by his own party to win the GE situation everyone predicted. Overall, I don't think the outcome and process is much different from what everyone expected. Hillary will win, as predicted, and the Rep will lose for the predicted reasons. If anything the likely clear defeat of Trump proofs that the predictions were correct about the trends and their results. If anything the outcome was clearer than expected. For other themes the media often states as extraordinary in the 2016 election I think they are mainly irrelevant or not that extraordinary. E.g. US politics is full of sex scandals. Ironically, Bill Clinton actually proofs that. And other presidential candidates lost because of sex scandals before. Also Trumps populism isn't that unusual either, it's similar to the European far right wing rhetoric. I guess you could claim that it's extraordinary that he behaves like a reality TV show clown but I don't think that's too relevant and there is a general trend towards sensationalism anyway. Also if you go back in history then other candidates actually did make crazy claims too e.g. that elections were rigged, unfairly attacking the other candidate, over 1000 psychologists declared Berry Goldwater as mentally unfit for president . Also everyone is ignoring that there we hardly heard any extremely religious rhetoric, which is actually one of the few things that I find pretty surprising about the 2016 election considering how deeply religious large parts of US are. EDIT. Please no claims like Trump isn't losing, this one poll unscientific polls shows otherwise .<|ASPECTS|>, donors, rigged, centrists, establishment, influential people, outcome, hillary vs., better prepared, struggling and losing, majority, populism, far right wing, outcome and process, mentally unfit, trends, correct, deeply, predicted, right wing, extraordinary, crazy claims, trump, racially, bush, biggest, right republicans, losing, popularity, hillary, unpopular candidates, credibility, support, victory, small differences, far right wingers, sex scandals, prepared, celebrities, ground game, religiously, unfairly attacking, religious rhetoric, far right wing drift, far right wing candidate, defeat of trump, unite, new demographics, network, unscientific, right, party behind, white christian country, irrelevant, minority, odds, spend more money, president, clearer, minorities and women, religious, better, whites, ge, scandals, prepared better, lead, different, divide and conquer, overrated, extremely, sensationalism, mobilize the voters, diverse<|CONCLUSION|>
| The 2016 US presidential election is mainly as predicted and won't be views as particularly extraordinary by history
| 9a0a841c-118d-4330-af5a-f6a949b5ff2d |
<|TOPIC|>Is BDSM Abusive?<|ARGUMENT|>Only when prearranged limits of consent have been breached is any practice involving control physically or mentally over another abusive. Misunderstandings about where this limit lies is where the problem tends to crop up.<|ASPECTS|>limits of consent, misunderstandings, control, problem<|CONCLUSION|>
| If there is no consent it is not BDSM. Consent is paramount to a proper BDSM relationship.
| dd98f2bf-82e2-4551-a2fc-4892d10859de |
<|TOPIC|>Should all religions be banned on a global scale?<|ARGUMENT|>There is a hypothesis called the God Gene that asserts that humans are predisposed towards spirituality and religion due to a specific Gene.<|ASPECTS|>god gene, spirituality, religion<|CONCLUSION|>
| Religions emerged as an evolutionary adaptation. They spread the adoption of behaviors that provided evolutionary advantages.
| 9305ed47-8b4c-4fc7-85fd-0aa42246cf77 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I know there's a lot that goes along with this that I will try to address sufficiently below but for a tl dr my reasoning is that if other nations don't hate us, we won't have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on the military because no big conflict will arise. Now I know this is an extremely complicated matter so I'd like to address a few things. Firstly by spreading goodwill I mean a huge, official initiative to help out other countries, a larger scale of aid to improve the quality of life. This isn't the kind of aid that has the condition, we'll give this if we can put a military base here the U.S. would ask nothing in return. I admire what Brazil is doing to make themselves a leader in peace, but most people don't even realize they are becoming that I believe the U.S. should be very vocal about their good deeds so people actually know it. Now some nations have a real deep hatred for us, and with all the meddling we have done in the past it's hard to blame them. So mayve doing this won't do a damn thing for them many of the rural populations of the world will have no idea it's the U.S. sending them all this aid. Even though, I think many of the leaders of opposing nations wouldn't want to harm someone who is not only helping them out but also has helped out everyone else who would likely come to the U.S. aid or not ally with the enemy . We would not just cut out 400 billion on the budget overnight the military roots run deep in the U.S. and something like that cannot be undone fast. So my supposed goodwill campaign would be a many year plan where the budget is broken down little by little. Jobs that were supported by the millitary would be lost, but new jobs would result from this program too. I know this is a very idealized situation and would never happen, but I've always thought about it and never really thought of a downside to being nice to people.<|ASPECTS|>lost, conflict, jobs, money, harm, scale, budget, goodwill, complicated matter, rural populations, nice to people, millitary, meddling, ally with the enemy, quality of life, downside, military roots, peace, leader, hatred for us, aid, idealized situation, new jobs, helped, good deeds<|CONCLUSION|>
| I believe the United States should spend a great portion of their military expenditures towards other nations solely for goodwill.
| 046fe2f9-f567-4e9b-bf5b-533027e5d330 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First, the most emphatic and unqualified claim that Manning did no damage to the country The following is an excerpt from a Guardian article on the potential deaths of Manning leaks gt Brigadier general Robert Carr, a senior counter intelligence officer who headed the Information Review Task Force that investigated the impact of WikiLeaks disclosures on behalf of the Defense Department, told a court at Fort Meade, Maryland, that they had uncovered no specific examples of anyone who had lost his or her life in reprisals that followed the publication of the disclosures on the internet. I don't have a specific example, he said. Source There is also this June 2011 Defense Department report claiming, according to Buzzfeed News that published the report six years later However, that doesn't match up with reports in the years following that report, which was done little more than a year after the leaks were published by Wikileaks. Bradley Manning leak has had chilling effect on US foreign policy, court hears , The Guardian Kennedy also said a department wide assessment was never done and that there was no indication there would be because, he said, “the damage continues to roll on.” Basically, the damage has to be considered in terms of non events What isn't happening because of these leaks? Are non US entities not sharing information because they fear a lack of privacy, and how can we truly assess damage if Then there is the matter that she claimed to pre screen documents to not be shared because she feared they would endanger US lives. So let's assess how likely that is. We know that Manning downloaded 400,000 documents that became known as the Iraq War Logs and 90,000 documents that became the Afghanistan War Logs on January 5th, 2010, and after failed attempts to share the information with NYT and WaPo, she sent the documents to Wikileaks on February 3rd, making it 29 days after she downloaded the material. She theoretically had access to this material as early as April 2008, when she joined her intelligence unit, which meant she had access to be able to review this material for 673 days before she published it. That means she had 673 days to review ~490,000 documents before she handed them off to Wikileaks. That is 728.1 documents per day, or ~30 documents per hour. To be clear, I am laying out this generous timeframe to given Manning the maximum benefit of the doubt to explore how much time she had to review the documents before releasing them, as she claimed she had. There is, simply, no way she could have read all the documents. Despite this, she claims she left out some documents in order to protect American servicemen and women before leaking them to Wikileaks. Some of her defenders have claimed that Wikileaks disseminated information based on the public interest, but there is nothing in their mission statement to suggest that. Even Glenn Greenwald has called them radical transparency advocates and distanced himself from their definitions of what is public interest. But that defense is irrelevant because of the following If she felt it necessary to pre screen some documents before sharing them with Wikileaks, then why not review and screen out those that meet the criteria of potentially endangering American personnel before sharing the documents? Obviously she didn't fully trust Wikileaks to be capable of determining what constituted endangering US troops, whether they she thought they cared or didn't. Clearly she failed to do what she claimed There is no way she can definitively say she screened out damaging or endangering information because there is simply no way she could have reviewed it all. If the outrage that Trump leaking a foiled terrorist plot was wrong because he could have endangered a Mossad agent, then obviously it warrants the question as to why Manning isn't measured on the same criteria? It's not that anyone died is the issue It's that anyone could have died. Why are we only talking about what actual damage was done, when what could have gone wrong is clearly just as important in other examples, as we witnessed with the Trump leak coverage? I will not say that Manning has treasonous intentions I believe her when she said she wanted to spark a conversation. However, it is for the same reasons that I believe her that makes me doubt how altruistic she was. It is well established that she had a history of being combative with superiors and was nearly discharged for physically striking other service members. Her fractious history with institutions has to be considered. I'd like to finish by saying that I am not out to condemn Manning so much as point out that she is not the saint she is being made out to be, and that her execution of these leaks are not as flawless as they are being made out to be. I would argue that the Manning opponents and critics are being dishonest about assessing Mannings motivations I believe her when she said she wanted to do the right thing. The denial of her sexual reassignment surgery and general treatment was wrong and no amount of culpability would change that. I just think we gave her a massive pass on some gaps in her explanation and defense in order to justify the leaking of content that outraged us. EDIT No reason to downvote me. I meet all submission rules. Don't censor a debate because you don't like the premise. <|ASPECTS|>, culpability, leaking of content, foiled terrorist plot, documents, altruistic, benefit of the doubt, endangering information, protect american servicemen and women, endangering us troops, public interest, mossad agent, lack, physically striking, read, damage to, privacy, damaging, endangering american personnel, sexual reassignment surgery, deaths, combative with superiors, access, damage was done, non, policy, treasonous intentions, died, disseminated information, damage, gaps, mannings, radical transparency advocates, reviewed, condemn, flawless, like, review, premise, manning, right, time, submission rules, explanation, reprisals, assess damage, general treatment, discharged, fractious history with institutions, chilling effect, downvote, defense, anyone could, generous timeframe, endanger us lives, dishonest, endangered, saint, days, screened, review this material, motivations, conversation, likely<|CONCLUSION|>
| Chelsea Manning is not deserving of the heroine status she has been given
| d192b135-589e-4aaf-ab24-e063ef289fe4 |
<|TOPIC|>The Existence of God<|ARGUMENT|>In what may well be an apocryphal story, the great atheist philosopher Bertrand Russell was once asked what he would say if he found himself standing before God on the judgement day and God asked him, "Why didn’t you believe in Me?" Russell replied, "I would say, ‘Not enough evidence, God! Not enough evidence!'"<|ASPECTS|>believe, god, evidence<|CONCLUSION|>
| Justified belief in the claim "God Exists" requires relevant, compelling evidence. Because there is no such evidence, belief in the claim "God Exists" should be withheld.
| 4ee71b06-3a8b-4772-a2ce-919b754ce6b8 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Every undergraduate student should receive financial aid no matter what their parent’s income due to the fact that a majority of students do not live at home during their college career. Even when students live at home during college there is still some financial burden upon the students and their families. Being in college does not mean that students are only paying for their tuition. They are also responsible for the cost of books, rent, food, household commodities, gas for their car, electricity, water, and, depending on where they live, car repairs. For students who are receiving financial aid, they will be stressing about how to pay for housing and the other college related bills AND still having to come up with a portion of their tuition. These students are already receiving some aid, but for the students whose parents make too much for government assistance they must pull the financial resources out of their own pockets for all those costs listed above. This usually means a student is either living with less income for one or more of the things essential to their life such as having enough food or textbooks. When determining which students should receive financial aid, the only thing taken in to consideration is how much the parents make. Any other financial responsibilities they might have are not considered. Some parents may also have college loans to pay back or other loans. Parents do have a lot of other financial obligations such as their other children, their own rent and utilities or mortgage, their cars, which they may have to share with their children. Finally, all students should receive financial aid because, not only do they benefit from the education, but so does the state in which they live. The state makes money off of every student once they graduate, start working, and pay taxes on higher income. So the state should be assisting each and every student because it will be making a profit from the students in the future. financial aid is a way the government can encourage students. When students do well in their studies and prove that the money is going to good use, then the government can renew the funds. Parents may be rich but that does not mean that a student is rich as well. When college students begin their journey to higher education they do not already have a steady income to support themselves. Yes, some of us have parents that make well enough to support us but that does not mean they are going to support us. Many of us are already adults and the financial responsibility is on us.<|ASPECTS|>textbooks, renew the funds, parents, stressing, less income, money, financial obligations, government, paying for, cost of books, financial responsibility, tuition, financial burden, financial resources, costs, support us, assisting, higher income, support, financial aid, taxes, state, adults, home, profit from the students, financial responsibilities, good use, aid, pay for housing, encourage students, pay, benefit, car, higher education, steady income, college related bills, loans, education, rich, college loans, food<|CONCLUSION|>
| Financial Aid should be given to all undergraduate students
| 7b3eef15-943c-4021-a20b-cf98ea1631da |
<|TOPIC|>Should cosmetic surgery be banned?<|ARGUMENT|>People opting for black market cosmetic surgery often have a distorted body image with unrealistic expectations of the procedures. Such people may have been refused treatment by licensed professionals and can be easily persuaded by the black market offers.<|ASPECTS|>refused treatment, black market offers, distorted body image, unrealistic expectations<|CONCLUSION|>
| Black market cosmetic surgeons offer reduced prices and results that are too good to be true. This often means unsafe doses, inferior quality products or dangerous substitute substances and unqualified practitioners administering the procedure.
| 4c9683f7-d1a2-4b4f-92b9-bc7316954227 |
<|TOPIC|>Hunting for sport<|ARGUMENT|>Many of the physical abilities of animals are astonishing and far superior to the correlating abilities of humans. Eagles, for instance, have many times better eye-sight than humans. They are also better fliers. As such, it is wrong to claim that humans are, generally, superior and thus authorized to eat other animals; we're simply different creatures of no greater or lesser value.<|ASPECTS|>eye-sight, authorized to eat, better, different creatures, superior, better fliers, correlating abilities, physical abilities<|CONCLUSION|>
| Animals are superior to humans in many of their abilities
| e8cd78b3-b986-4391-9eb4-5ce49f9875a4 |
<|TOPIC|>General AI should have fundamental rights<|ARGUMENT|>The thing that makes humans valuable is the impact we can have on the world. If or rather when we create AGI, we must ensure that we treat it with the same respect as a human, as it has the potential to completely revolutionize the world and humanity along with it. It is a no-brainer that they would have the very same inalienable rights. We don't choose what those rights are, we either acknowledge them or turn a blind eye.<|ASPECTS|>respect, humanity, rights, revolutionize the world, valuable, impact, inalienable rights<|CONCLUSION|>
| By denying AGI basic rights, we logically place ourselves as an existential threat to them.
| 58575652-ae63-4f06-bb88-f11d50b5db46 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First of all, the name psyduck is a combination of the words psychic and duck. It's own name says that it's psychic. That seems like a pretty good reason to be a psychic type pokemon. Secondly, it learns as many psychic type moves as water type moves. In its original form in generation I, it learns as many psychic type moves confusion as water type moves hydro pump. Not only that, but it learns the psychic type move at level 36, a full 16 levels before it learns a water type move. Third, its original pokedex entry reads While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers. This clearly makes more references to its psychicness than its waterness. In fact, none of its pokedex entries in any generation make reference to water or water moves.<|ASPECTS|>water moves, psychic type move, waterness, psychic type, psychic, psychic type moves, type move, psychic type moves confusion, water, type, psychokinetic powers, psychicness<|CONCLUSION|>
| Psyduck should be a dual Water/Psychic type Pokemon
| 1b7c5f77-693d-4413-b807-2455e98e6d98 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>For the sake of discussion I will be referring to this definition of faith. Faith firm belief in something for which there is no proof or in simpler language Claiming to know something without evidence or proof. I am modifying the definition to make clear that while there may or may not be evidence for something, it is not about there not being evidence, it is about you not having it when claiming to know something. Evil will, for the purposes of clarity, be something which diminishes wellbeing. Good would be something which promotes wellbeing. In a wide variety of different areas we can see different ideas playing out, with many different views in direct competition. Religions make claims about the universe they cannot back up, scientists don't know all the answers to everything but are conservative in stating what they do know. Homeopaths claim their magic water has a memory and can fix any issue, but can't show it to be true. Chiropractors claim that the spine becomes misaligned through subluxations and this inhibits the flow of the vital force, causing illness, yet when asked to show a subluxation they can't show anything, and more interestingly conflict with each other. Acupuncturists claim that points on the body correspond with other places, and that piercing a point with a needle they can create theraputic results, but they can't even agree on which points to use. Terrorists, politicians, homo economis economists, and so on. All of these groups use faith as their primary epistemology and therefore are immune from correction. When you use faith as your method for knowing about the world you can never get closer to the truth and therefore become opposed to someone out there. I think this leads to much if the conflict we see in the world. So, my contention is as follows. Faith, claiming to know something you don't have evidence for, is a force for evil, and therefore degrades human wellbeing.<|ASPECTS|>, conflict, universe, claims, epistemology, direct competition, conservative, promotes, homeopaths, wellbeing, illness, truth, force for evil, degrades, memory, correspond, different ideas, opposed, theraputic results, immune from correction, evidence, subluxations, misaligned, proof, fix any issue, human wellbeing, evil, terrorists, force, faith, diminishes, flow, belief<|CONCLUSION|>
| faith is a force for evil in the world
| 7c2a9de2-9c62-4311-a2ad-18beeb9e9071 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I guess I'm supposed to type like 500 characters here but first off I'm giving Prince a huge compliment by putting him in the same category as Zappa, and second off it kind of pains me to say that there has never been a better performance than Prince's WMGGW. He just shits all over everyone there. Zappa might be able to shit on him, but comon. So I'm going to liberally award deltas to anyone who can argue either proposition that there is someone outplaying Prince, or if Zappa is outplaying Prince, or if there is someone second to Prince to and better than Zappa. You better come correct though and have some videos. Prince on While My Guitar Gently Weeps Zappa on SNL <|ASPECTS|>, shits, shit, prince, better performance, deltas, videos<|CONCLUSION|>
| Prince's playing on While My Guitar Gently Weeps is preeminent, and Zappa's I Am The Slime on SNL is second to any other performance.
| 4b96831d-0b89-4b46-b784-a653bbf5edd3 |
<|TOPIC|>Boarding Schools Are Beneficial To Children<|ARGUMENT|>Living with peers of their own age, round the clock, teaches children how to get along with each other and compromise. A variety of characters and interests must be accommodated, teaching children tolerance and compromise in a regulated environment. This can be especially helpful for working with university or company colleagues in the future. Furthermore, many boarding schools celebrate diversity as international students with different cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds frequently make up a significant minority of the student body. A proportion of non-boarding day pupils, and boarding students whose fees are paid through bursaries means-related grants, scholarships academic grants, or by the state e.g. children with parents on military or diplomatic service overseas means that students are not all drawn from one class or income bracket.<|ASPECTS|>, tolerance, characters and interests, regulated, diversity, compromise, fees, class, backgrounds, income bracket<|CONCLUSION|>
| Living with peers of their own age, round the clock, teaches children how to get along with each oth...
| 579996ec-c77a-4c49-8a4c-33bba73e8a81 |
<|TOPIC|>Truancy, punish parents<|ARGUMENT|>This policy isn’t about punishment and nothing else. Schools and the state should offer support to students with needs, and to troubled families. For example, Britain has invested millions in improving schools, supporting individual children, mentoring, running breakfast clubs, offering parenting classes, etc. But there are still some families that won’t take the help on offer, so the policy has to include sticks as well as carrots. After all, schools cannot support children with special needs if they are not in the classroom in the first place.<|ASPECTS|>improving schools, special needs, punishment, classes, needs, supporting individual children, support, families, troubled families, support children, carrots<|CONCLUSION|>
| This policy isn’t about punishment and nothing else. Schools and the state should offer support to ...
| 45b497eb-64e7-4581-a42d-6d45b9232f9c |
<|TOPIC|>Should some teachers be armed?<|ARGUMENT|>This makes them cause more damage than a short event. The reason why mass murders last so long sometimes is because of the scandal that occurs afterwards the investigations of inaction or poor decision-making and so forth.<|ASPECTS|>poor decision-making, damage, scandal, inaction, cause, mass murders<|CONCLUSION|>
| Scandals last longer, so the effects make the overall damage worse than the mass murder.
| 2dca822d-cd2d-4cab-986e-58549cdd34cf |
<|TOPIC|>Should we worship a god that sends people to hell?<|ARGUMENT|>A child gains wisdom through trials which sometimes involve pain and suffering. Parents who do not allow for choice or risk produce incapable adults Wisdom necessarily requires choice and risk. Ultimately, it is the unloving parent who restricts choice and buffers the child from risk as the child will be unable to navigate the world<|ASPECTS|>restricts choice, risk, wisdom, unloving parent, pain and suffering, buffers, navigate, choice<|CONCLUSION|>
| God concurs with evil. It does not follow that there is any logical problem with the existence of a good God and evil.
| bca83512-f2af-41d4-97df-e5c25f180540 |
<|TOPIC|>Should Zoos Be Banned?<|ARGUMENT|>If displaying humans has stopped as a practice as it is degrading, there is no reason why animals cannot be given the same treatment.<|ASPECTS|>degrading, treatment<|CONCLUSION|>
| Historically, zoos displayed captive humans alongside flora and fauna Even though this practice was stopped long ago, it maintains a problematic legacy.
| 9cc596d7-416f-4760-9eaf-5bb368b309ba |
<|TOPIC|>Sporting Idols and Domestic Abuse: Where Should Sporting Leagues Draw a Line?<|ARGUMENT|>If an athlete has a history of being abusive, media coverage of one case might give previous victims the impetus to come forward.<|ASPECTS|>abusive<|CONCLUSION|>
| Instituting an industry-wide Zero-Tolerance standard would prevent many reported incidents from being swept under the rug.
| ffb9fbfe-331b-47f0-8145-d4d8285c5c4d |
<|TOPIC|>Should Referendums Be Abolished?<|ARGUMENT|>Democracy and basic principles of equality are considered inalienable in most democratic states. However, rights associated with how democracy is implemented such as the right to hold referendums can be changed or forfeited if there is enough popular support.<|ASPECTS|>rights, popular support, inalienable, right, forfeited, hold, equality<|CONCLUSION|>
| Although people have the fundamental inalienable right to participate in the political decision-making process, this does not necessarily need to happen through referendums. While the former right is inalienable, the latter can be forfeited.
| 757e4e0f-4dce-41a1-a36c-a4414c77a888 |
<|TOPIC|>Should Comprehensive Sex Education be Mandatory?<|ARGUMENT|>Parents are better placed to understand their family's unique context cultural, religious, ethnic, etc. and deliver information accordingly.<|ASPECTS|>information, unique context<|CONCLUSION|>
| Parents are able to deal with the specificity of their children better than a fit-it-all state program.
| 874e2d87-e14d-4027-9584-5a16be7bd571 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I believe everyone is entitled to air his views in public and contribute to campaigns as he sees fit. Therefore, I am not horrified at the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United which freed contributors to fund campaigns as they see fit. Money in campaigns is competitive on both sides of the aisle, so you can't say that one group has been disadvantaged over another. Moreover, when big spenders like Soros and the Koch brothers spend their money it helps the economy by employing people who would otherwise not be working. It can be said that speech is the highest form of democracy. So, the more the merrier.<|ASPECTS|>competitive, fund campaigns, contribute, air his views, freed, contributors, money, helps, highest, economy, form, campaigns, democracy, disadvantaged, merrier<|CONCLUSION|>
| George Soros and the Kochs are good for democracy.
| 74bad754-7e31-45e0-97a0-ea5da7c39b0c |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>There surely has to be a reason to ditch my old PC because of all the Console craze So why should I switch? PC is able to achieve 1080p, 60 fps or more, if you wish. with YOUR own choice of hardware parts. PCs are not made by a single company, so those companies can't restrict games they don't want you to play. You can have steam, origin,, and uplay ^^^^^ ugh games. PC games can be streamed to an NVidia shield with little or no lag. PC can be hooked up to a TV, and can be used with a controller. Then you can open big picture and browse the Web, open all of your steam games, surprise, no disc and play them. Plus many more. But yes, please, .<|ASPECTS|>controller, achieve, choice, console craze, steam, nvidia shield, steam games, 1080p, picture, restrict games, streamed, ditch, hardware parts, origin<|CONCLUSION|>
| PC is the master race of gaming.
| 5bb46d8b-7242-4180-bb82-7aef365384b4 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Truthfully I'm not really sure what kinds of arguments will go against this so I'm excited to see what people say here. Some background info I'm in college and I attend a university that has recently become notorious for not caring about individual students. This is a public school so I understand funding restrictions, but I'm aware that the administration makes quite a bit of money. Meanwhile, I'm trying to type term papers at the library, and it's hard to sit down because my ass is so sore from how shitty pun intended the toilet paper is. Spending such a ridiculous amount on my education leads me to believe that I, and all of the other students and faculty, deserve the best quality toilet paper available in bulk, and the only reason that this isn't the case is because the school doesn't give a shit lol about us. Another example I've been fortunate to work a variety of jobs in different sized businesses and the same holds true. You'd think that an employer would cut costs like toilet paper in order to pay their employees more, but in reality the places I earned the most money at had the best toilet paper. I know that a lot of this is personal experience, but I can't help but notice the pattern. So reddit, Change my shitty view EDIT Wow I didn't realize this would blow up so much. I'm going to give out deltas for the following arguments but only to the first few people who made them. The plumbing argument I realize that I have no idea how plumbing works, so if toilet paper quality is really such a big issue for plumbing that this many people are saying so, I believe it. Institutions that provide good benefits with bad tissue While I'm taking this one with a grain of salt, as individual experiences can vary by position or status within an institution, I realize that the crux of my argument is based in a generalization that probably isn't entirely true. I'm not going to be able to respond to all of these comments that are saying the same thing so basically if you commented one of those things within the first 25 or so comments as there are a lot of repeats , I'll find your comment and give you your delta. <|ASPECTS|>term papers, toilet paper quality, fortunate, repeats, best, funding restrictions, deltas, toilet paper, individual experiences, pattern, bad tissue, cut costs, money, quality toilet paper, caring about individual students, benefits, jobs, arguments, blow, personal experience, shitty<|CONCLUSION|>
| Toilet paper quality is a direct reflection of how much an institution cares about their students/employees/etc.
| d6fc2996-cf75-47d3-85d9-5913fe96e812 |
<|TOPIC|>Is Morality Objective?<|ARGUMENT|>An omni-benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent God would never have created a world where more than six million Jews had to die in the Holocaust.<|ASPECTS|>omniscient, holocaust, god<|CONCLUSION|>
| The problem of evil implies that God does not exist.
| 535a34be-d801-4f07-a8b4-de99db24c8bd |
<|TOPIC|>EU Common Foreign and Security Policy<|ARGUMENT|>MEP Toomas Hendrik Ilves, vice chairman of the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said in 2006, "We should have a coordinated foreign policy; now we don’t have a common foreign policy on any matter."<|ASPECTS|>coordinated foreign policy, common foreign policy<|CONCLUSION|>
| The EU lacks a common foreign policy and it's a problem.
| bcadfd34-f7f4-4b59-ab7a-2544cf329519 |
<|TOPIC|>Is Morality Objective?<|ARGUMENT|>Claims about God have to be falsifiable before they can be experimentally tested. Falsifiability in wikipedia<|ASPECTS|><|CONCLUSION|>
| The existence or non-existence of God cannot be established through the scientific process.
| 058c1664-280c-4646-a490-8e247412d87e |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>It helps people to have something to identify themselves with a specific country and there is no shame in belonging to a country and to think that your country is the great. We need to celebrate the people who sacrificed their time or even their lives to make the country what it is right now that's why people everywhere around the world should take pride in their nation, sing their national anthem at big events and should be able to fly a flag without weird looks. Honoring everybody who works for the nation e.g. military should be generally accepted. Having pride in your nationality is a good thing and every country deserves the respect of its citizen and maybe even non citizen<|ASPECTS|>country, celebrate, weird looks, honoring, identify, works for the nation, nationality, pride, sacrificed their time, respect of its citizen, accepted, shame in belonging, generally<|CONCLUSION|>
| I believe that it is good when countries take a lot of pride in their nationality.
| 23ae48d1-c6c6-4586-8b4c-b0bdc04b0c4f |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Israel signing that treaty would not affect tensions in the reason. Chemical weapons are NOT the reason for the tension. Everyone knows Israel has both chemical and nuclear weapons. What causes the tensions in the reason has almost nothing to do with WMD. WMD is more of an excuse that the US and Western countries use to try and strip a hostile countries of its means of defense in case of a large regional war. No one really cared about the Syrian killed by Gas, it served more as an opportunity excuse for the US to bomb Syria but Putin came along and put an end to that. Chemical weapons are not really that useful in warfare they don't have the mass killing ability of say a fuel air bomb. Chemical Weapons are mainly a WW1 weapons. Their use on the battlefield is really limited they were OK in WW1 where you had wide open country and trenches but today the battlefield is more cities and town and chemical weapons are not as useful as mega bombs esp. fuel air bombs in terms of destruction and mass killing. The tensions Israel causes are its very existence and the failure of the US for domestic political reasons to insist Israel abide by the Oslo agreements and apply the requisite pressure to make it do so. Right now the Middle East is absorbed in an old religious conflict of Sunni vs. Shiite. We made the mistake of taking out Saddam Hussein which unbalanced the Sunni Shiite power in the regions. We turned Iraq into a Shiite power and that has scared the Sunni. The Sunni, chiefly financed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other gulf Arabs, are pouring in lots of money to ensure Sunni power and block Shiite power which is what is the big reason for the conflict in Syria. However, the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood has added a new dimension to the conflict. Although the MB is chiefly Sunni, it is thoroughly hated by the Gulf Arabs hence their pleasure when Morsi was removed and why they are now pouring billions into Egypt. Turkey also is becoming destabilized as it is a big supporter of the MB via Erdogan who is pushing for an MB victory in Syria and has severed relations with Egypt. At one time when Morsi was in power the MB had a dream of an MB arc of controlled states from Syria to Tunisia. That has collapsed however. Libya is in chaos due to US removal of Qaddafi and now the various militias for fighting one another in the streets. In Tunisia there are riots and demonstrations over Ennahda A MB group rule and they have promised to step down but have not down so. Riots and protests are increasing although very little in the US press about it. So as you see Israel and chemical weapons have nothing to do with Mideast tentions. But a lot of other factors do chemical weapons are just a canard.<|ASPECTS|>chemical weapons, conflict, dimension, nuclear weapons, destruction, money, pressure, protests, air, religious conflict, shiite power, collapsed, tensions, cities, useful, affect, air bombs, pleasure, political reasons, mb victory, saddam hussein, regional war, opportunity excuse, bomb, mideast, syrian, unbalanced, chaos, sunni power, warfare, sunni shiite power, limited, destabilized, ww1 weapons, hated, battlefield, failure, tension, mass killing, canard, mass killing ability, killed, chemical, gulf, block shiite power, country, hostile countries, scared the sunni, israel, controlled states, demonstrations, severed relations, bombs, sunni, riots, means of defense, militias<|CONCLUSION|>
| Israel Ratifying The Treaty Barring Chemical Weapons Will Not Reduce Tensions In The Area {}
| ecdc1bf6-44b3-4204-b5bf-1c147d161b52 |
<|TOPIC|>Should Comprehensive Sex Education be Mandatory?<|ARGUMENT|>Children have a right to an 'open future.' Restricting the teaching of sex education within schools, is often an attempt by parents to limit the future sexual choices of their children.<|ASPECTS|>future, future sexual choices, right<|CONCLUSION|>
| Parental authority is not absolute, and is overridden where parents are liable to make decisions that endanger the health and/or wellbeing of their children.
| 95f31bb4-0286-4ee3-bb45-00a0dad5ccdf |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I am a Portuguese expat currently working in Hong Kong as of a relative short time ago and before I left I kept hearing the exact same refrain current measures and the payments for the IMF's debt are destroying our economy, we won't recover for decades, people are suffering immeasurably, etc . But I just want to know what is the alternative? is it something as simple as taxing rich people? Because even if we took the entire fortunes of the richest people in the country, it would not pay our debt. If we stopped paying, no one else would lend us money and salaries would go unpaid, leaving to much worse suffering. If we suddenly left the Euro, the immediate devaluation of our currency would shrink people's bank accounts to half. So what is the alternative? Complete revolution? The dismantling of capitalism altogether? Because I don't think the alternatives would work either. So what exactly can be done? I am afraid of asking this question out loud because I fear hostile reactions. So I turn to you. I'm sorry that I keep mentioning Portugal but I believe this could also apply to countries like Greece. Is there really a better way? Or are people simply screaming for alternatives despite there being none because they believe some magical solution can be found?<|ASPECTS|>, magical solution, better way, current, taxing, immediate, fear, devaluation, suffering immeasurably, debt, shrink, unpaid, worse suffering, hostile reactions, dismantling of capitalism, complete revolution, rich people, alternatives, pay, bank accounts, salaries, destroying our economy, alternative<|CONCLUSION|>
| I believe that despite having devastating consequences, austerity measures are the only solution for struggling European economies, Portugal in particular. Please
| 69d9fbcf-7bbc-4638-98ec-8cdd96c2f352 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Do I really have to argue? Straight people doesn't have to face heterophobia just like we have to face homophobia which is not a phobia at all, like duh . There are more laws against lgbt than against straight people. Parents will often love their straight children and reject their lgbt one wow, parents of the year . Love is easier when you are straight. The phrase All good men are gays is wrong and was invented to make gay men feeling less lonely. Every lgbt dating site are full of people who wants to have sex and nothing else. You just to have to look in the streets to see straight couple kisssing. Movies, series, books Straight people are even luckier in fictional universe. You're not gonna tell me that lgbt people are luckier than straight people We were born with less luck than straight people, we have to work harder to find love, we have to harder to be accepted. Why we even have to be accepted? You accept to have a bad mark, you accept that you're not good at cooking, why in the whole world we should accepted? It's normal to be lgbt. That's another proof that straight people have luck on their sides, they doesn't have the ludicious tradition to be accepted. Oh and btw, yeah I'm a little bit heterophobe. I don't care. Straight people are luckier, poor people can hate rich people, black people can hate white people And? <|ASPECTS|>less luck, , homophobia, straight children, ludicious tradition, hate rich people, heterophobe, normal to, black, phobia, people, laws against lgbt, hate white people, cooking, argue, easier, less lonely, luck, bad mark, good, sex, straight couple kisssing, reject, wants, poor, gay, accepted, luckier, heterophobia, love<|CONCLUSION|>
| Straight People are Luckier
| 758c31ee-07ad-44ad-9746-2c6083c8f1d4 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I was a film and filmmaking student, so I consider myself moderately knowledgeable when it comes to film. Personally, I find that seeing a film in 3D, even recent ones like Dawn of the PotA, is not worth the extra cost. It's ridiculously expensive to see a big budget blockbuster as is. Why add the extra cost of 3D? Biggest argument would be a more immersive experience. When I see a movie in 2D, I'm already immersed in it. Do people really need 3D to become immersed now? If so why is that? I don't think we need it. <|ASPECTS|>cost, 3d, moderately, cost of 3d, extra, need, immersive experience, expensive, knowledgeable, immersed<|CONCLUSION|>
| I believe seeing a film in 3D adds nothing to the experience. !
| 0e68ece3-5a9a-4d32-b6a2-f40049eeebad |
<|TOPIC|>General AI should have fundamental rights<|ARGUMENT|>Human preferences for freedom, joy, survival, justice etc. are - unless we specifically design it this way - not expected to be part of the primary interest of any AI. This means that granting these rights to the AI is completely arbitrary and has no utilitarian value.<|ASPECTS|>freedom, arbitrary, utilitarian value, human preferences, survival, joy, justice, primary interest<|CONCLUSION|>
| If an AI ever become sentient there is no reason it would need or want the same "human rights" as a living human has evolved to want or need.
| 7bccc898-5ae8-45d3-ad7e-2d1a13f0e47b |
<|TOPIC|>Who Should Self-Driving Cars Kill?<|ARGUMENT|>This removes blame from the system. Survivors of accidents will no longer be able to blame the car makers/programmers or the car's passengers because the decision was decided by fate.<|ASPECTS|>blame, system, accidents, decided by fate, removes, survivors<|CONCLUSION|>
| It is immoral for self-driving cars to deliberately favour one human life over another. If there are situations where they must, the only moral option is to choose arbitrarily/randomly.
| 96d2cca7-bc47-4058-bd0f-60b12064a94c |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Placing students in classes and groups based only on physical age makes no sense. It holds back quick learners, and forces those who haven't picked up the material to be passed along to the next grade to become somebody else's problem. Students should be tested to see where they are or, in young grades, they can be slowly sorted on specific subjects as they show their strengths. on each subject being taught and put into classes with others of similar skill regardless of age. This would break up the normal 'grade level', as someone might be doing 4th grade math but have 7th grade reading. If a student is old enough to be in 7th grade, but is only able to pass a test on 4th grade math, what argument could be made for forcing this student to take 7th grade math? If we grouped students based on current skill level, or knowledge of what is being taught, more and better education would be enabled. You could have student led discussions of a topic where everybody is at the same level of understanding of the topic. You can have people who don't understand a topic continue to study that topic without the stigma of 'falling behind a grade level', since they wouldn't be as important. This is very clear in something like gym, or when playing a sport. If you have a scatter shot of skill on the same field, the game is not fun. If everyone is roughly at the same level, no matter what level that is, the game is much more fun. Learning in a group setting is similar. I anticipate the largest argument against this would be 'social grouping', but schools do a very poor job at teaching soft skills needed for successful social interaction. Most of school time is spend silently sitting in a desk, listening to one person talk or working on a sheet. Group tasks are a novelty, and one is never taught how to organize one, or be a member of one, you are just thrown into it and shamed by other students if you are poor at it. Maybe this would lead to adding 'soft skills' or 'social skills' as a taught subject in the same way that 'health' is. <|ASPECTS|>strengths, silently sitting, 7th grade reading, 's problem, skills, better education, group, level, novelty, fun, shamed, slowly sorted, skill, student led discussions, soft skills, school time, understanding, organize, learning, quick learners, grade level, game, social interaction, stigma, physical age, skill level, group tasks, grouping, students, specific subjects, poor<|CONCLUSION|>
| Age based school classes & matriculation serves no purpose and is failing students
| d73c9d60-3aa8-40b6-bd6e-8e3601698c2b |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I have eaten meat all my life, and was raised in rural Ohio and then in rural Texas. I really liked it, and up until several months ago I was eating bacon, eggs, and steak for breakfast all the time. I went vegan when it occurred to me that my meals became more interesting and delicious, and my body felt really good after just a week of not eating animal products. Then I learned about the benefits to the environment, animals, cost of living, etc. and became convinced that it is the way to go. But I got this notion that it is how everyone should be. Ethically, I think if we can go without eating meat then we should. I don't believe someone should be punished for slaughtering an animal and eating meat, but I do believe it should be discouraged. So akin to putting fluoride in the drinking water to help everybody's teeth, I feel like meat should be taxed and that plant based options be subsidized. A gentle nudge in the vegan direction. I think it would make healthy living a lot cheaper for lower income families, and still not force everyone to obey an ideology. I am trying to think of any negative economic consequences it would have, but so far can't think of any. How do you feel about it? <|ASPECTS|>, body felt really good, fluoride, ethically, way to go, meat, vegan direction, everyone, benefits, animal, economic consequences, cheaper, plant based options, obey, negative, taxed, slaughtering an animal, discouraged, interesting and delicious, ideology, eating meat, punished, environment, healthy living, vegan, without eating meat, cost of living, subsidized, eaten meat, rural, gentle<|CONCLUSION|>
| Meat should be taxed, and the revenue should go towards subsidizing grains and vegetables.
| 91f27d7a-c26b-475a-9038-94dca091233d |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>During the serious foot and mouth disease outbreaks in the UK, crop circle numbers obviously plummeted. We saw far fewer prank style crop circles smiley faces, geometric patterns , but some key and circle shapes were still appearing. My theory is that some crop circles are an incredibly direct, simple and tangible form of inter stellar communication. What could be more direct and obvious than etching your message on the side of a planet? No radio scanning of the skies required. I suspect the key circle shapes are a simple way to represent our planet relative to the Sun and the relative distance and direction to the message source. When compared to what we etched on our own Voyager craft, not that dissimilar. Sounds crazy, but there you go. .<|ASPECTS|>mouth disease, direct and obvious, distance and direction, geometric patterns, inter stellar communication, relative, tangible, crop circle numbers, dissimilar, radio scanning, simple, circles, style, key and circle shapes<|CONCLUSION|>
| I believe there is more to some crop circles than can be explained by bored college students.
| 442c77b8-1de3-4c56-88fc-0014ef809047 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>When you're dead, you're dead. Your organs are of no use to you, and are simply going to rot into the ground or be burned. It is morally indefensible not to be an organ donor, and nonsensical religious crap is not an excuse. Since this is a pretty extreme view, a more moderate approach is to make organ donation opt out. Unless you specifically register NOT to be an organ donor, you are one. The opt out approach would mean that, for all of the people who are apathetic about the whole thing and don't bother opting in, they enter the organ donor pool and massively increase our available healthy organs. For those pathetic enough to really care about not giving up their organs after death, they can register not to be an organ donor and I'll spit on them as they walk to do it . <|ASPECTS|>burned, healthy organs, organ donation, register, organ donor, rot into the ground, dead, organs, nonsensical, religious crap, morally indefensible, organ donor pool<|CONCLUSION|>
| I believe organ donation should be mandatory - or at bare minimum, opt out rather than opt in.
| f956b0af-43a9-4f4c-a5b3-c1d3ae907015 |
<|TOPIC|>Was the FBI Right to Keep the Pedophile Site Playpen Online After Hacking It?<|ARGUMENT|>Evaluating if the FBI did right does not matter, because if they were not right, they were able to do so without any legal consequences for the people working on that case or for the agency itself.<|ASPECTS|>right, legal consequences<|CONCLUSION|>
| The FBI did the right thing by keeping the pedophile site Playpen online after hacking it.
| 13f78b78-ed1b-483a-b920-5217bedc0d86 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I believe because of our emotional connection to this issue we can't talk about it but there is a direct link between Race and average IQ. I first want to get out in front of these and say that I am not a racist. I don't think any race is superior. That is like trying to say what color is superior, it is completely subjective to the person answering the question. The reason this bugs me so much, we are told in American schools that Race isn't real and it is just a social construct. And the reason for different outcomes in different racial groups is based on how much the evil white racists of the past held them down. How could race be just a social construct? You can do a blood test and tell what race someone is. The idea that America's racist past is the reason for group outcomes doesn't make sense to me either. Asian Americans have higher incomes and better career outcomes than whites in America. When I was in the Marine Corps, I was part of MIT Military transition team deployed to Djibouti and spent the better part of a year in East Africa and noticed a lot of disturbing things. For those who don't know, Djibouti is next to Ethiopia and Somalia and right across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen. They aren't close to being a western country but compared to others in the horn of Africa, they aren't doing too badly. I spent time in Ethiopia that was never colonized and the differences between the counties are enormous. Not just in the wealth but in human rights. A lot of the Troops I trained in Djbouti said that Ethiopia never had the European help that they did and that's why they are so messed up. The Data In the United States, study after study has consistently shown that the average African American IQ test score is 15 to 18 points lower than the white average. It appears that the gap starts at about 15 points in childhood and widens to as much as 20 points in adulthood. The gap has remained unchanged for 70 years — ever since IQ tests were first given to large numbers of Americans. Civil rights laws, greater social equality, and affirmative action have not reduced the difference. Even studies that show children that are adopted into a different race's family will still fall in the average for the race they are born to. Some African Americans are clearly smarter than some whites. Egalitarians seize on this fact to discount the entire notion of racial differences but this is as absurd as claiming that because some women are taller than some men, the average man is no taller than the average woman. No one can deny the differences in test scores. Instead, they claim that the scores are either meaningless or do not measure intelligence. It is true that intelligence cannot be defined to everyone’s liking, but that does not mean it cannot be measured. IQ correlates almost perfectly with subjective impressions of intelligence. If you were to talk to five strangers for twenty minutes each and then rank them by intelligence, there is an excellent chance that you would give them the same rank order that an IQ test would. “Test Bias” At this point, the defense claims that IQ tests are somehow biased against African Americans. Common as this charge is, it is nothing more than an ex post facto explanation for results that displease the egalitarians, for no one can look through a well designed intelligence test and explain what the bias is and where it is to be found. In fact, many modern IQ tests, such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices, have no verbal or cultural content at all. They test a person’s understanding of shapes and patterns, and are routinely given to people who do not even speak English. Other varieties of IQ test do involve language and inevitably have some cultural content — and these are the very tests on which the African American white gap in scores is narrowest. The more culturally specific an intelligence test is, the narrower the African American white gap becomes. The most abstract, culture free tests show the largest gap. The “cultural bias” position is further weakened by the fact that newly arrived Asian immigrants, for whom the United States really is an alien culture, outperform both African Americans and whites on IQ tests. The assertion that the same tests that are culturally biased against African Americans somehow favor Asians strains credibility. If African Americans are as intelligent as whites, there must be some way to demonstrate this. None has ever been devised. Are we to conclude that the intelligence of African Americans remains forever hidden because every method for measuring it is faulty? Believers in test bias cannot explain why it is impossible to design an intelligence test — carefully eliminating all bias — on which African Americans score as well as whites. The explanation is that there is no bias to eliminate. “Bias” is an imaginary culprit. Macro Look The reason we can't talk about these ideas is the fact that we are too emotionally connected to the issues. Let's talk about it using Dogs. For this Breeds Race Still k9 but have a lot of things that differ by breed. Some breeds are stronger or faster. Like Africans. Look at the Olympics. Some breeds aren't very fast or strong but very smart. Asians. Look at any ivy league college. Some breeds are kind of in the middle of both. Whites. Conclusion All of these make it hard for me to feel bad about racism in America. To me it feels like we are trying to force different groups to have the same outcomes not just the same opportunities. This makes it so hard to deal with this issue. I honestly believe if we moved on from this data and stopped trying to get every group to do the same in school that we could fix a lot of the race relation issues in this country. It makes me so mad to see a news story about how we have to do something because this race is scoring so low on the SATs but no one bats an eye to the major sports leagues that are 80 African American. Maybe. Just maybe that is what they are gifted with. And giving them free points on a test to get into college isn't going to change the Marco outcomes for their group. It's like saying we should give white guys a few less seconds on the clock during the NFL combine. You could do that but it's not going to make them faster in the game. This is a terrible thing to care. I think about it whenever I read any news story that brings up race and so many of them do. I am pretty open to changing my view on this. There is a lot of data to overturn but hey, maybe I am looking at it wrong? The Bell Curve Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life is a 1994 book by psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein <|ASPECTS|>ivy league college, displease, egalitarians, subjective, too badly, language, gap, higher incomes, less seconds, emotional connection, measured, african american iq test score, marco outcomes, shapes and patterns, strong, culturally, opportunities, cultural content, color, using dogs, disturbing things, average iq, career outcomes, better, western country, data, ethiopia, racism, verbal or cultural content, issues, european help, white gap, emotionally connected, human rights, free points, devised, credibility, asians, wealth, subjective impressions of intelligence, overturn, differ by breed, understanding, faulty, smart, race relation issues, gifted, race someone, clearly, class structure, whites, alien culture, outcomes, social equality, meaningless, bias, african, terrible thing, middle, racial differences, rank order, average, feel bad, racist past, changing my view, issue, hidden, african american, race, culture free, test scores, measure intelligence, hard to deal, smarter, culturally biased, different groups, biased, imaginary culprit, group outcomes, racist, superior, messed, social construct, fast, cultural bias, differences, evil white racists, test bias, intelligence, white guys, conclusion, blood test, different outcomes, african americans, iq tests, intelligent, civil rights, faster, stronger<|CONCLUSION|>
| There is a direct link between Race and average intelligence.
| a5a4ad11-d7e6-4728-af9b-50daa333f203 |
<|TOPIC|>Arranged Marriages are Better than Love Matches<|ARGUMENT|>Many young men and women may not have the required social skills to interact with the potential romantic partners in a casual setting. Arranged marriages help overcome such barriers.<|ASPECTS|>social skills, barriers, overcome, marriages<|CONCLUSION|>
| In conservative societies, there may be structural barriers that prevent individuals from finding a suitable life partner.
| 7bc6d33a-71ee-4f97-9fb1-9475ebe90df8 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Most people explain the “American Dream” as the opportunity to come from nothing and have the chance to get everything. While this might be true, people do not realize what a typical American life consists of. Life in America begins with the stressful environment of school. Most schools regular weekly schedule lasts from 8AM until 3PM, five days a week. After school, students have their day filled up with extracurricular activities and homework. This leaves them with minimal time to relax and do the things they enjoy the most. Then, as their senior year approaches, just as I once did, students start to anxiously think, “If I don't do well on this test, how am I going to get into a good college and be successful?” This is the stress that many students have to endure even before adulthood. Pressure put on students is at an all time high, and the numbers back it up. Depression in American students increased by a staggering 37 percent from 2005 to 2014 source In addition, two thirds of college students reported they are experiencing overwhelming anxiety, which is up 50 percent from five years ago source Does this sound like a perfect life to you? Even after college, the life to work ratio is just as hard to maintain. The average American works about 9 hours a day, which means 45 hours of their week is dedicated to their job. On top of this, the average employee retires when they are 63 years old and the life expectancy of an American is 78.74. This means that, on average, about 80 percent of someone’s week days in America are solely dedicated to working in high stress environments. Although some people may love their jobs, time for leisure is imperative to maintain a healthy life. The obvious counter argument to this is, how can a country become advanced and successful without working for hours on end? Germany, for example, has a 35 hour weekly work schedule and enjoys 24 paid vacation days per year. Despite these short work hours, Germany is the leader in the industrial industry within Europe, and is also the leading manufacturer of goods that are imported by Asian nations Source Furthermore, the depression rate in American adults is 17 percent, compared to Germany’s 9 percent. Germany works less, has great success in many industries, and has one of the lowest depression rates in the world Source This all comes back to the life to work ratio mentioned previously. Germans have more time to enjoy different hobbies, explore the world, and meet with family and friends than Americans do. The American society is obsessed with success and money, and people do not leave enough time for the things that they love. Every human is on the pursuit of happiness throughout their life, and that pursuit is inhibited by American ideals.<|ASPECTS|>depression, depression rate, short, paid vacation days, time to relax, opportunity, success, come from nothing, explore the world, day, chance, successful, retires, success and money, get everything, work schedule, pressure put, stressful environment of school, overwhelming, advanced and successful, life, hours, perfect life, industry, depression rates, typical, high stress environments, weekly schedule, time for leisure, american dream, dedicated to their job, extracurricular activities, life expectancy, hard to maintain, minimal, family and friends, happiness, anxiety, good college, stress, healthy life, pursuit, enjoy, time, american ideals, enjoy different hobbies, students, love, leave, homework, numbers, obsessed, inhibited, life to work ratio<|CONCLUSION|>
| The typical American life has a brutal life to work ratio and is too focused on stressful occupations
| 6992da87-057c-4598-8800-7832f01da067 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Hello, I have stalked Reddit for many years and believe I made an account a long time ago and forgot the login and never linked my email. But a friend of mine posted this sub Reddit and all of the posts and overall idea intrigued me a great deal. So here is my . As the constructs of the family structure have changed significantly over the last 50 to 100 years it is not uncommon for individuals who are related by blood to no longer associate with each other. Family members, i.e. brothers and sisters grow up and move away from their families and develop their own families. They make their own decisions and sport their own views. Most of the times those views are different than their siblings. In my case I have two brothers, and grew up with them in the same household as my father and mother are still together. However the current situation is my younger brother lives about 30min. away from me, and my other brother lives about 2,000miles away from me. None of us have a close relationship and out of the three of us I would say I am the most estranged from the Family unit. Both of my brothers have made life choices that are questionable in terms of my ethics and the younger of the two brothers has on multiple occasions attempted to use me for means to further his own unethical agenda. Now without giving you Redditors an entire book to read, my question or view is that just because I share blood and history with family members does that mean I have to pretend to fain a relationship with them, when ultimately I have no desire to, based on their choices. Supplemental Information side note, both my brothers have been married younger is still with his wife, older is divorced and let me tell you, they have picked some WINNERS Neither wife has liked me because I don't sugar coat anything when speaking from the heart. both brothers smoke cigarettes and I do not and also do not want that to be exposed to my children, age 4 and 1. Thanks<|ASPECTS|>, forgot, decisions, develop, move away, unethical agenda, family unit, estranged, situation, liked, family members, sugar, choices, family structure, views, blood and history, ethics, exposed to my children, fain a relationship, associate, families, close relationship, related, life choices, different<|CONCLUSION|>
| Just because I am related to someone does not mean I have to maintain a relationship with that individual.
| 77958f71-c607-4e7a-be23-ffc9db9f0f70 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This is my first post here, so please tell me if I accidentally break a rule. I hold the view that Linux is worthless to people who like to play video games on a semi to extremely regular basis, and that those who wish to continue gaming should forget about Linux entirely, as it would be a wasted venture. Point 1 Most games don't even support it It's a fact that Windows is the most supported OS when it comes to gaming. MAC OSX has less support, and Linux has it even worse than that. Valve may be trying to support it, but all they can do is politely ask developers to support it. If you have 200 games on Steam, chances are that only 40 work on Linux. If I get Linux, I am handicapping myself, as I can only play a tiny fraction of what I own. Point 2 Using WINE or similar software can run Windows games on Linux, but that has so many issues that it's not worth it I am aware of WINE. I know that it allows you to run all sorts of Windows stuff on Linux. It, however, is awful for video games that were released within the past four years or so. Payday 2, for example, has messed up lighting absolutely no shadows , and it crashes if you use full screen. Let's also not forget that you gotta read all kinds of tutorials to get WINE to work properly. WINE in general seems like a complete chore that is used by people in blissful denial. I hope someone can change my view, because I'd love to swap over to Linux someday.<|ASPECTS|>accidentally, supported os, work properly, linux, shadows, forget, awful, blissful denial, developers, complete chore, run, break a rule, handicapping, support, gaming, windows stuff, wasted venture, change my view, tutorials, crashes, less support, windows games, lighting, work on linux, swap, messed, worthless<|CONCLUSION|>
| Linux is nearly worthless for people who want to play video games on a semi-regular basis.
| 531c0622-d822-49f5-b83e-f00248639d8a |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>,Hi people of Reddit, for me, Instagram is only usefull to show or watch boody. All other stuff can be seen on others or better platform. What your friends mostly watch or post on Instagram ? My main reason is this question, alot of people around me said they do content but when you see this content is mostly boody pick or something with there ass on the side. All other content may be see on better plaform like Pinterest for home content, twitter for messaging or reddit Without instababe did Instagram still alive ? Edit i mean bootys, not boodys<|ASPECTS|>better platform, usefull, content, bootys, boodys, better plaform, boody pick<|CONCLUSION|>
| : Instagram is just worth to show or watch boody
| 9770baba-ba93-4241-9be4-8598a620b197 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>EDIT 1 These are the definitions from Google that I'm basing my comments on. I also did my best to define expand upon what these words mean to me below. This is what they mean to me. It is ok if you have different definitions for these words, but I would like to talk about them in the context I am using them in below. noun equality the state of being equal, noun fairness impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination. x200B As a society, we should be more focused on creating fairness instead of trying to create equality. Our goal should be to create situations that are more fair, not more equal. When you focus on creating equality, you are forced to create unfairness. x200B Fairness is creating a set of rules for everyone to play by and this should be our goal. The same rules apply to everyone. Some people will play the game better than others and be more successful. x200B Equality is giving everyone a different set of rules based on their abilities so that they all produce the same end result. This would be the equivalent of forcing one person to shoot a higher basketball goal than someone else to ensure the both scored the same amount of baskets. x200B As a society, we should it is in our best interest to focus on creating fairness and we should understand that inequality is inherent and necessary in a system that is fair. If we focus on creating a society that is more equal, we are inherently creating a society that is less fair in order to do so.<|ASPECTS|>, discrimination, inequality, treatment, equality, equal, better, fairness, end result, play, fair, mean, abilities, successful, behavior, unfairness, less fair, higher basketball goal, favoritism, game, rules<|CONCLUSION|>
| Equality is inherently unfair. Fairness requires inequality
| 4422a784-bb20-4018-a787-bfb2918d1cf6 |
<|TOPIC|>Should the US government guarantee every citizen a job?<|ARGUMENT|>People who are unemployed for long periods of time often face discrimination in applying for jobs.<|ASPECTS|>discrimination<|CONCLUSION|>
| To potential employers, anything looks better than large periods of unemployment on a resume.
| e380e4e4-ab0c-4e1f-ba23-292a87b4066c |
<|TOPIC|>Should animal testing be banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Artificial organs designed for use in humans are tested on pigs p.20. These experiments are useful because of how similar pigs and humans are.<|ASPECTS|>artificial organs, useful, experiments<|CONCLUSION|>
| Animals used for testing such as pigs have similar physiology to humans, making them a good indicator for how products may affect humans.
| b8d59503-ddf8-4dc0-9d26-82304409dcaa |
<|TOPIC|>Should Sex Work Be Legal?<|ARGUMENT|>People are free to choose whether they work or not, whether it is about sex or business, its their free will no one can ban as immoral just because there are many conservative people that see sex and sexuality out of their mouths and thoughts.<|ASPECTS|>free, free to choose, immoral, sexuality<|CONCLUSION|>
| Buying and selling sex should be legal for sex workers and their clients.
| 350200ce-1dbc-4cf4-a0f4-7455f5a4259f |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>NOTE I am not trying to debate whether abortions ought to be banned or if abortions constitute murder, I am trying to give a frame to the debate. If you look in the philosophical literature surrounding the abortion debate, all of the positions that I've found argue for or against the legalization of abortion on the grounds of whether or not abortion is tantamount to murder which in turn involve issues like whether or not a fetus is a person, whether or not having sex is tantamount to consent and or culpability for a child etc . On the other hand, in the popular debates that I've seen and heard, there are lots of side arguments such as banning abortions lead people to seek out back alley abortions, legalizing abortion reduces crime rates, something about how God knew a kid before they were born etc. I think these side issues are irrelevant to the actual debate. If an abortion is not murder since nobody has presented an argument against abortion other than that it's tantamount to murder , it should be allowed, and if an abortion is murder it should be banned since the fear of increased crime rates or someone seeking a back alley abortion is not, in my mind, sufficient for allowing murder .<|ASPECTS|>crime rates, debate, increased, consent, side issues, side, back alley, murder, reduces, god knew, culpability, tantamount, irrelevant<|CONCLUSION|>
| The only relevant issue in deciding which if any abortions ought to be banned is which if any abortions are tantamount to murder
| b1ba5cf7-eb78-475c-8519-6cb7de4d4165 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>In the interest of full disclosure, I'll begin by stating that I am a firearm owner, but I've never consumed alcohol. Also, I'm not in opposed to sensible gun legislation, but I do have strong reservations about banning any kind of firearm. Why do you need that? As a gun owner I've encountered that question a lot. The answer is that I don't need my guns. I don't use them for hunting and I don't keep them for protection. It's nice to know that I could potentially defend myself if the need arose, but I don't feel so unsafe that I need a firearm to protect myself. I don't need my guns. I want them. I enjoy shooting at the range, and that's it. I've gone the gun range an average of about once a year since 2013, maybe less. Not much. The natural response to this is to question why I would be so unwilling to part with them considering all of the death and pain firearms cause globally, and in the US specifically. If surrendering my guns saves one life, wouldn't it be worth it? The answer may be yes, but if it is, I think we need to take a step back and consider some things. Alcohol kills far more people in the US than firearms do I'll site my sources at the bottom . Prohibition wouldn't end all alcohol consumption or prevent every death, but it would save at least a few lives. No one needs to drink alcohol. No one would be deprived of anything if we banned it. If prohibition saves even one life, isn't it worth it? <|ASPECTS|>protect, step, consider, unsafe, firearm, firearm owner, save, hunting, deprived of anything, sensible gun legislation, guns, alcohol, kills, enjoy, alcohol consumption, protection, death and pain, end, saves one life, consumed alcohol, prevent every death, defend, saves, question, need, one life, banning, drink alcohol, gun range, lives, reservations, worth<|CONCLUSION|>
| Alcohol is a Bigger Detriment to Society Than Firearms
| b48ebd7f-9b2c-44cf-9220-32a09c3f6b7c |
<|TOPIC|>There should be further research on solar geoengineering.<|ARGUMENT|>Effectively addressing climate change demands a total social transformation that places demands on individuals. Solar geoengineering merely allows people to avoid making such changes.<|ASPECTS|>social transformation, avoid making, climate change<|CONCLUSION|>
| Solar geoengineering merely serves as a "technological fix"
| 4fe6a058-6a25-40ea-bcc6-e5ac4facfb80 |
<|TOPIC|>Should voting by mail be the standard in all US elections?<|ARGUMENT|>Votes completed at home can be subject to physical or emotional force in a way votes in a polling place can never be, due to the presence of officials and other members of the public. A plausible example is an abusive partner saying "our ballots arrived today - let's do them together. You've voting for <x>, right?" In the light of previous abuse the voter may not be willing to vote otherwise, and may not be in a safe situation to refuse to make their vote known.<|ASPECTS|>abusive partner, physical, emotional force, safe situation<|CONCLUSION|>
| Because voting takes place in private residences, it is far more vulnerable to social engineering exploits and voter manipulation.
| 7ddd2235-ff71-428d-bb35-972fb28153d4 |
<|TOPIC|>Should There be a Universal Basic Income UBI?<|ARGUMENT|>The wages might be too low to be worth the hassle of going to the job when all expenses are factored in education, driving.. This could then lead to labor shortages.<|ASPECTS|>expenses, wages, labor shortages<|CONCLUSION|>
| Companies do not need a justification to offer lower wages, the question is whether employees are willing to accept lower wages or not.
| f62d11fa-3104-43ca-a8a2-f3677e70570b |
<|TOPIC|>the people's republic of China should abandon the one-child policy.<|ARGUMENT|>The One Child policy is often strictly enforced in China and many parents are given information about contraception to prevent any chance of an unplanned pregnancy. However a large number of pregnancies- within any population- are inevitable, despite the precautions that parents may take. Whether as a result of defective medication, irresponsible behaviour, or simple bad luck, sufficiently frequent sexual activity will always lead to pregnancy. Reports from human rights workers indicate that the Chinese states deals with such eventualities by forcing women to have abortions against their will. By some accounts, the state directly detains and punishes women who resist family planning policies.1 The psychological trauma caused by this is almost indescribable. Not only does a forced abortion represent a significant attack on a woman’s bodily autonomy, procedures of this type are officially contextualised as correcting the results of wrongdoing. The woman is not counselled or assured that she is not morally culpable for her actions; she is placed in a position where the destruction of her foetus is portrayed as the inevitable result of her own lack of responsibility. Chinese women are made to feel directly responsible for the loss of their unborn children or for the circumstances that gave rise to their pregnancy. Further the Chinese authorities often force people to be sterilised against their will. This has happened in some cases almost immediately after birth, which is incredibly traumatic for the people involved. Further, should these people ever leave China it prevents them from raising a family in the future with more than a single child. Again, forced sterilisation in this way causes large psychological harms due to the manner in which the person’s body is violated.2 1 Life Site News. "Forced Abortion Still a Reality in China Says New Amnesty Report." Life Site News. 27-05-2005. 2 Elegant, Simon. “Why Forced Abortions Persist in China.” Time. 30-04-2007. <|ASPECTS|>family planning, sterilisation, psychological harms, irresponsible behaviour, contraception, destruction, bodily autonomy, defective medication, strictly, women, traumatic, sterilised, lack, precautions, wrongdoing, loss, unborn children, psychological trauma, responsible, information, circumstances, morally culpable, activity, luck, eventualities, raising a family, pregnancy, indescribable, unplanned pregnancy, responsibility, detains, woman<|CONCLUSION|>
| The one child policy results in sweeping human rights violations
| ff35f856-18cf-450c-a886-dacac707cfac |
<|TOPIC|>The Libertarian Solution: Can People Govern Themselves?<|ARGUMENT|>Until a company with bad practices goes out of business many people can suffer. A well functioning government can set a high bar for drug development that would prevent any citizen from suffering due to bad practices of a drug company.<|ASPECTS|>suffering, bad practices, drug development, suffer, bar<|CONCLUSION|>
| If a drug company produces a drug with severe health consequences, the damage to me may be irreparable.
| 919604f4-20ff-48ac-b50d-ae9e234e238d |
<|TOPIC|>Edible Landscapes: Should Lawns Be Replaced?<|ARGUMENT|>Industries for greener DIY farming could be made available as a result of more people growing their own produce, as its likely they will want less toxic methods to grow.<|ASPECTS|>toxic methods, less, greener diy farming<|CONCLUSION|>
| Edible landscapes can simultaneously spawn newer and more positive industries while also decreasing negative ones.
| 70f4bf23-5357-4024-9c32-780549143c43 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable death, responsible for roughly 480,000 deaths per year in the US. 41,000 of those deaths aren't even those of users they are the deaths of those exposed to secondhand smoke. If you use the drug nicotine , it can directly affect the health of those close to you. Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causing cancer and disease. Cigarettes are extremely addictive and many people can't quit even if they try. Yet other drugs pose less threats and have a much lower or even a nonexistent fatality rate. They certainly aren't killing 1,300 people per day. Can you imagine if an illegal drug killed over 1,000 people everyday, users and nonusers? There would be political crusades. For all illicit drugs combined, the number of resulting deaths were about 17,000 in 2013. For all drugs combined legal and illegal that number jumped to about 46,500 for that same year. That's an extra 29,500 deaths from legal drugs. Cigarettes cause 10x more deaths per year than all the drugs in the US. Why are we pouring so much time, resources and money into the Drug War to keep these super dangerous illegal drugs out of the hands of the American public such as marijuana easy argument, 0 deaths or even heroin much more difficult argument, ~6,000 deaths in 2013 when cigarettes are so acceptable? Cigarettes kill nearly half a million people per year and are the direct cause for serious health issues and reduced lifespan. They are highly addictive. If the objective of the War on Drugs is to keep people safe and not addicted to drugs, how can we rationalize this continuing support of cigarettes while stigmatizing the use of other, less harmful drugs? Reasons I think we overlook this high fatality rate culture and ingrained public perception of acceptance. Cigarettes used to be advertised as good for you and everybody knows somebody who smokes. Smoking is not something you necessarily have to hide. Jobs don't generally screen for cigarette smokers. in the eyes of the public, cigarettes aren't really drugs i.e. they don't alter your state of consciousness they don't get you high An 18 year old can legally buy as many packs of cigarettes as they want. In the US, they can't even do that with alcohol which gets you drunk . In states with legal marijuana, you also have to be 21 to buy consume. cigarettes don't cause immediate death. shortsightedness You don't overdose on nicotine. Instead, cigarettes slowly kill you so there is no instant connection between cigarettes and death. For example, a heroin OD would be an instant drugs kill you. If you smoke a cigarette, you know you aren't risking your life right that second. What are some other reasons we overlook this fatality rate and continue to socially and legislatively accept cigarettes? Sources X X<|ASPECTS|>dangerous, death, reduced, , resulting, hide, public perception of acceptance, cancer, nicotine, political crusades, jobs, instant, money, 21 to buy consume, highly, smoking, killing, legal drugs, illegal, safe, immediate death, advertised, drugs, less threats, nonexistent, addicted to drugs, affect, kill, resources, fatality rate, high, drugs kill, health issues, overdose, people, health, socially, disease, secondhand smoke, deaths, screen for cigarette smokers, cause, cigarettes, state of consciousness, fatality rate culture, drunk, nonusers, alcohol, addictive, instant connection, lifespan, good, killed, shortsightedness, preventable death, harms, risking your life, stigmatizing, war, less harmful drugs, accept cigarettes<|CONCLUSION|>
| Acceptance of cigarettes defeats the purpose of the War on Drugs
| 57abaabf-eed2-4a2d-bd46-f03c81d7e9aa |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I understand that it smells and people don't like it but I think it's a natural symptom just like sneezing or coughing. Of course if I have the chance and motivation I would like to leave the room, go somewhere else and fart but sometimes you just can't leave where you are especially on a plane or in a meeting etc. Moreover, sometimes I may not feel like standing up and going to the bathroom to fart, I just wanna fart lying down and it should be okay. Also the fart may be lost and turned into more gas while going away I donno if unfarted farts turn into more gas but anyways which is a very unpleasant feeling. I don't think if everyone farted anytime they felt like all our social environments would smell horribly. Not all farts smell bad anyways. I think, if everyone were more accepting to bad fart smells a little bit more, life would be a lot more easier for everyone, especially me . So yeah, in my daily life, I fart, and I don't hide it, and I feel like some people dislike me for that reason but fuck it I will fight for my freedom to fart anytime, anywhere unless my view is changed I should also note that, okay, some farts smell like unwashed, rotten, deads and it can be quite impossible to stand them in a windowless room but these are exceptions and I am careful about those kind of situations. But we humans aren't even comfortable to fart around each other in the park, or walking on the street At least farting in open air should be totally fine And don't think I am normally a smelly, hobo kind of a dude. I am a PHD student who takes shower every morning.<|ASPECTS|>lost, rotten, unpleasant, comfortable to fart, unwashed, fart, chance, gas, air, natural symptom, smell, phd student, bad fart smells, smells, shower, life, freedom, motivation, easier, horribly, accepting, dislike, social environments, smell bad<|CONCLUSION|>
| Farting should just be socially accepted as sneezing.
| 1685f72f-d253-4ff9-ae75-b36816146895 |
<|TOPIC|>Should the European Union intervene in the political conflict in Catalonia?<|ARGUMENT|>The EU should not be a higher level/instance of a country, but more an institution trying to unite common interests of the people or finding common regularities.<|ASPECTS|>common regularities, common interests<|CONCLUSION|>
| The EU lacks the means and legal authority to intervene in such matters.
| 36514401-a7ec-4282-b042-48a67aa583f8 |
<|TOPIC|>Should The Catholic Church Publicly Elect Its Leaders?<|ARGUMENT|>One example of popular elections allowing secular influence on the Church was the election of Cornelius. He was elected as a Church leader by both religious and lay people. Baumgartner, Frederic J. 2003. Behind Locked Doors: A History of the Papal Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.<|ASPECTS|>election, secular influence, papal elections, church leader, popular elections<|CONCLUSION|>
| These elections caused secular leaders to try to influence the Church.
| 6b6a70b5-08b7-45ff-8b85-9cde9855a2ef |
<|TOPIC|>Should all EU-member countries close their non-EU borders?<|ARGUMENT|>If the EU accepts too many people from different and sometimes even violent cultures, the European culture will be endangered.<|ASPECTS|>european, violent cultures, endangered, culture<|CONCLUSION|>
| All EU-member countries should close their non-EU borders.
| 2de6c6b7-9544-4384-a8c0-33ac07f69f65 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Guaranteed income is a subject that I've been exposed to more than a few times, both on the internet and in school. My current U.S. History course has studied both the Depression era New Deal policies and the WWII hopes for post war social safety nets recently, which brought the subject back to the front of my mind. I feel that it is a good idea, especially in a heavily consumption based economy such as ours, to ensure the maximum possible eligible consumer base. It also seems morally right to ensure for the welfare and well being of our citizenry. That such funding ought to come from taxation of the wealthy some of whom couldn't have any use for their wealth beyond using it to breed more wealth simply seems fair to me. Yet these ideas have seemed to and continue to encounter heavy resistance. So far I've failed to really understand why, though most of the arguments I've encountered tend to revolve around the potential for abuse of such a system. Such arguments feel painfully frail to me any system implemented on a national scale will have it's abusers, and refusing to help the needy on the basis of the potential for abuse seems analogous to punishing a group for the misdeeds of an unidentified individual within it. Not only do such tactics tend to do little to reform the individual, they tend to breed mistrust of each other, and resentment and disrespect for the punishing authority, within the group resentment that could lead to more misdeeds by other individuals. EDIT RIP my inbox. Thanks for the attention this has gotten. I have to go to bed now and have a very busy two days ahead of me, but I will try to read through everything eventually. EDIT2 Ok, for real this time. I have to admit, my faith in the concept of UBI is quivering a little and I really love the debate<|ASPECTS|>, attention, well, taxation, reform, wealthy, guaranteed income, busy, quivering, eligible consumer base, frail, abusers, wealth, resentment, welfare, consumption based, ubi, morally right, misdeeds, disrespect, individual, funding, read through everything, heavy, mistrust of, faith, social safety nets, abuse, resistance<|CONCLUSION|>
| All U.S. citizens ought to be entitled to a minimum guaranteed income, or some other similar, effective, form of "social safety net".
| 4e0b76b5-4397-44f7-8132-14161985e41c |
<|TOPIC|>Should the US Recognize Palestine as a State?<|ARGUMENT|>Surveys emphasize that the support for a two-state solution would probably be at more than 70% in case of a referendum, as about a quarter of the population usually states that they are undecided or unsure INSS, p. 2<|ASPECTS|>support, undecided, two-state, unsure<|CONCLUSION|>
| Even though the current Israeli government is not negotiating, the Israeli public supports the establishment of a Palestinian state - even if safeguards need to be established e.g. a multinational security force.
| 5d421ace-a15f-444e-9921-d8cb9d258883 |
<|TOPIC|>Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Should Abortion be Legal?<|ARGUMENT|>There are very low rates of adoption in many African countries. In Benin, Mozambique, Niger, and Tanzania there is only about one adoption for every million persons under the age of 18.<|ASPECTS|>low, rates of adoption, adoption<|CONCLUSION|>
| Adoption is not a viable option in a huge number of countries, where the social care system is not developed enough.
| 5627778b-5551-4057-b1dc-913836fa9f17 |
<|TOPIC|>Should The US Have Pulled Out Of The Paris Climate Agreement?<|ARGUMENT|>Even a small accidental leakage in the process of extracting and utilizing natural gas can negate it's benefits compared to coal. Even if the optimistic 1.6% national leak rate claimed by the gas industry is true, it’s enough to erode nearly half of the climate-saving advantages.<|ASPECTS|>accidental leakage, leak rate, benefits, climate-saving advantages<|CONCLUSION|>
| US emission reductions are mainly due to Natural Gas replacing coal. Whilst natural gas emits 50% less emissions than coal, it is not Renewable or fully clean, and so is not sustainable in the long term.
| f3dbddc7-b450-4ace-b148-bb98146ff488 |
<|TOPIC|>Should voters in the UK have a final vote on the Brexit deal?<|ARGUMENT|>The 'remain' option was a clear marker of future relationship in terms of "business as usual". The EU was never limited to trade or continuation of friendly terms, but for integration. This has been known at least since the Common Agricultural policy started in 1962 before the UK joined, and the British people knew the EEC EU's precursor was about integration and common policies not only trade.<|ASPECTS|>marker, trade, friendly terms, future relationship, common policies, continuation, integration, business<|CONCLUSION|>
| The 'remain option was well defined and people knew fairly well what this result would mean. 'Leave' was defined differently by campaigners and voters leaving it far more open to misrepresentations.
| 111f7ca0-85f4-40e6-8629-1fa9f358cc88 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>You may have heard of a video blowing up over the internet of the father of three girls allegedly sexually harassed molested by Larry Nassar attacking Nassar in court. Much of the internet like the 2X thread I linked just now in its top comments appears to be rallying behind him. Well, I'm gonna take what is seemingly the unpopular opinion here and say that it is not a good thing that the guy spent no time in jail and had no punishment for his crime Now listen, I'm not a father much less the father of a girl who got sexually molested much less the father of three girls who got sexually molested. So I'm not going to make a judgement of whether or not it was morally acceptable, or understandable, for him to do that. But, on a legal level, what he did was absolutely unacceptable and he should have spent time in jail or at least gotten some fine for contempt of court. You cannot disrupt court proceedings and you can never resort to vigilanteism. This judge made the wrong call and made an exception to the rule. This guy commits a crime, on camera, in plain view of a judge , and is let off the hook. Our court system and our society is built on civility, and this unacceptable behavior violates it. It doesn't matter what the context is physically attacking someone who is neither resisting nor fleeing is unacceptable. This guy deserved a punishment appropriate to his behavior. <|ASPECTS|>fine, civility, molested, jail, contempt of court, crime, rallying behind, fleeing, punishment, exception, disrupt court proceedings, sexually harassed molested, hook, resisting, unacceptable behavior, vigilanteism, commits, rule, unacceptable, wrong call, morally acceptable<|CONCLUSION|>
| The guy who attacked Larry Nassar should not have been acquited.
| ddb393fe-4ec4-4297-ad74-5930ecba066f |
<|TOPIC|>Whitewashing In Hollywood: Should It Be Banned?<|ARGUMENT|>A viewer exposed to erroneous information about a culture by seeing a whitewashed portrayal of it will be less receptive to accurate descriptions of the culture from other sources.<|ASPECTS|>accurate descriptions, erroneous information<|CONCLUSION|>
| Awareness of different cultures is counter-productive if the portrayal is misleading, stereotyped or offensive.
| 20395071-68f4-4ad0-b2e5-f6e67fbf7d8f |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I don't see a point to feminism besides to hate men. The feminists that I know all claim that society, United States of America, oppress them because society is mainly geared towards men. In reality I think women have more opportunities than men, more available scholarships, and more support groups. edit great points from everyone. Sorry I was so broad with the term rights . I meant it in both cultural advantages and also in the legal meaning.<|ASPECTS|>women, support groups, great points, legal meaning, opportunities, oppress, term rights, cultural advantages, feminism, available, hate men, geared towards men, scholarships<|CONCLUSION|>
| I think that women have just as many, if not more, rights than men.
| e78f835e-5d06-4695-b112-13afdd790399 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I believe that the biblical end of times is only something that was created to further force people into following the religion. Because if people were to believe that an end was happening in their lifetime, they must have wanted a salvation or a safeplace , which in this case is the form of heaven, at a greater length than if there was no end of times on the way. But there is a small part of me that questions it at times, when my ex who is a highly Christian person, tries to reason to me about the current status of Israel and such that is referenced in the bible. Logically i cant accept it, but because we are just starting to expand our knowledge beyond the perceptive obviousness, there may lay certain aspects that could be potentially true.<|ASPECTS|>end, , heaven, safeplace, current status of israel, following the religion, biblical end of times, potentially, salvation, knowledge<|CONCLUSION|>
| Biblical End of Times
| 3a0f75a1-b870-44d1-90d2-6198b10d2b51 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Colleges and Universities are providing a service to their customers. They need to hire people to run the facilities and educate your minds. These services take time and effort and should be economically rewarded, I don't think anyone will disagree with that. The question is who should pay for it and I argue it should be people who are using these services that should pay. x200B In Australia, students can take a 0 interest loan for their education that they pay back once they enter the work force. I think this is the best system negating inflation forces. If you access these services, you should absolutely pay for them. x200B The stuff you learn at universities especially for a bachelor's degree is free and widely available on the internet. There is nothing stopping you from learning the information yourself without having to access such services. Infact, I personally find self learning quite effective and largely underrated. x200B Colleges and Universities are ultimately selling you a certificate, information is free, services are not. x200B The only reason to make higher education free is if the taxpayers agree democratically to it.<|ASPECTS|>economically rewarded, customers, pay, inflation forces, service, effective, free, underrated, widely available, interest loan, democratically, information is free, time and effort, hire, negating, services, self learning, learning the information, educate your minds, taxpayers, largely<|CONCLUSION|>
| College/University should not be "free"
| a5785850-8592-452f-b0a1-77b5e254ab29 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|> The name Redskin is, by literal definition, a racial slur. We should not name our sport's teams after racial slurs. Whether or not Native Americans are okay with it is not relevant. I would probably find it hilarious if there was a team named the Cincinnati Crackers or Winnipeg WASPs , but that doesn't mean it's okay to do this. This should be considered a binary issue. Either our culture is okay with naming teams after racial slurs, or we are not okay with it. The idea that it's acceptable to use slurs against some races of people, but not others, is completely ridiculous.<|ASPECTS|>okay, native americans, acceptable, hilarious, racial slur, slurs, binary issue, racial slurs<|CONCLUSION|>
| It is wrong to name sport's teams after racial slurs, thus The Redskins should change their name
| afc1797b-eaba-4594-9261-85b2895bbd32 |
<|TOPIC|>Water Privatisation<|ARGUMENT|>Water is a resource subject to supply and demand, and so should be treated as an economic good. It may fall freely from the skies, but it has to be collected, managed, processed and supplied through an expensive system of reservoirs, channels, processing plants and pipes. Dirty water and human waste also have to be removed and treated in sanitation systems.<|ASPECTS|>treated, collected, dirty water, supply and demand, managed, expensive, sanitation systems, economic good, human waste, fall freely<|CONCLUSION|>
| Water is a resource subject to supply and demand, and so should be treated as an economic good. It ...
| fa87ec4a-a113-4fae-b3e9-791d040b64ec |
<|TOPIC|>Anarchy is the only ethical system of society.<|ARGUMENT|>Most states do not last long in a state of Anarchy and those that do can hardly be held up as ethical utopias They actually tend to be failed states.<|ASPECTS|>failed, ethical utopias<|CONCLUSION|>
| Anarchism is an unproven political system, with very few working examples. We do not know whether it would prove viable in practice.
| 2888db4c-e8e5-48e2-9875-941925013bbf |
<|TOPIC|>The Ethics of Eating Animals: Is Eating Meat Wrong?<|ARGUMENT|>"just because an animal or a bird in the case of this review may have a different pain experience from that of humans does not mean that the animal’s pain does not exist."<|ASPECTS|>pain experience, pain<|CONCLUSION|>
| This article summarises the scientific knowledge on birds feeling pain, and clearly implies that birds likely feel pain in a way that is similar to humans and implies suffering.
| 450cbfd9-65ed-4686-8b9e-f14ff92ae479 |
<|TOPIC|>Does the European Union lack the necessary public discourse to function properly?<|ARGUMENT|>Capital wouldn't be able to use the differences between the countries like we see today, where one country acts as a tax shelter so a company doesn't have to pay in another.<|ASPECTS|>tax shelter, differences<|CONCLUSION|>
| Capital organises globally. A United States of Europe would be far better positioned to be a big, integrated economy as opposed to consisting of different economies.
| bffb1419-404d-40d0-bbdd-0a67cdd0cf65 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I've seen this proposal become extremely popular on reddit and want to see a solid argument for it. I fully agree that the ultra wealthy should be taxed more, but I think a wealth tax is an extremely poor method to accomplish that goal. For a number of reasons, I think it would result in far worse outcomes than introducing higher taxes in another form such as further marginal brackets on income or capital gains. It would be far more complicated to implement and collect. Accurately valuing these fortunes annually would require a massive increase in the size of the IRS. Taxing wealth in the form of cash is easy enough, but as the assets become more volatile or less frequently traded, things become difficult. I'll admit I haven't yet seen her answers on how to deal with this, but how do you tax a stock holding that doubled in value over the year, or to take it even further an art collection? Capital gains does not have this ambiguity, since it requires a purchase and a sale. It discourages investment and capital accumulation. It's generally agreed that capital accumulation is a strong driver of economic development. Introducing a wealth taxes encourages consumption spending with no value gained afterwards. Innovative companies and risky large scale projects heavily rely on investments from the wealthy. Without steady returns, wealthy investors would likely shy away from these investments in favor of low risk investments or consumption spending. There's a philosophical difference between taxing a transfer and taxing fixed wealth. Most taxes are taken as skimming from a transaction. I know property taxes are an exception, but I disagree with them on the same grounds. There is a fundamental difference between taking a portion of economic activity and taking a constant payment from citizens. Although this is a rare situation, it can cause an unfair burden for people with relatively illiquid wealth. For early investors in companies, or people who inherit large estates it may be difficult to come up with the payment. If your wealth is in illiquid forms it would be difficult to sell as well.<|ASPECTS|>capital gains, taxing wealth, fixed wealth, economic activity, unfair burden, wealthy, tax, irs, worse outcomes, early investors, marginal brackets, discourages, volatile, property taxes, difficult to sell, philosophical difference, taxed, complicated to implement, economic development, consumption spending, steady returns, wealth tax, wealth, poor method, solid argument, fortunes, payment, taxes, wealthy investors, capital accumulation, investment, wealth taxes, low risk investments, ambiguity, ultra wealthy, rely, difficult, skimming, value, constant payment from citizens, income, investments from, illiquid forms, art collection, size, collect, driver, popular, value gained<|CONCLUSION|>
| Elizabeth Warren's proposed wealth tax is misguided and would hurt the economy
| 778c0261-aa5f-44eb-93ea-2b3fe5a876b4 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I want to start by saying that even given my view, I do not believe transgender surgeries should be outlawed. Nor do I believe there should be anything prohibiting any individual from appearing however they want or changing their bodies however they want. I would never even condemn a person for identifying as a gender other than their biological sex. HOWEVER, I feel the overarching movement of accepting gender identity changes and using “feminine” and “masculine” to describe expressions interests behaviors is counterproductive. I do not understand the notion of identifying as a gender other than the sex you were given at birth. Being a female implies you have female genitalia and being a male implies you have male genitalia. That is all. Claiming you feel like a woman because you enjoy more stereotypically feminine interests detracts from the concept of egalitarianism and gives too much power to biological sex. I think it is perfectly fine for a male to be completely interested in traditionally feminine interests and or be sexually interested in men, but why would this make them a female? Even if a man completely changes their appearance to appear as a woman but has male genitalia, why does this make them a woman? As an extension of this idea, I believe that deeming certain behaviors interests characteristics things as either feminine womanly or masculine manly is pointless and impedes equality. In fact, I don’t understand the concept of using the terms masculine or feminine at all. I believe these terms further divide females and males and make it easier to prematurely place people in categories. If I am wrong, what makes something innately masculine or feminine? Note, I am very curious to discuss this and am not interested in hateful comments that don’t add any value.<|ASPECTS|>masculine, divide females, outlawed, appearing, appearance, innately, biological, prematurely, identifying, categories, identifying as a gender, people, egalitarianism, interests characteristics, biological sex, feminine interests, feminine, hateful comments, condemn, male genitalia, power, changes, gender, female genitalia, traditionally feminine interests, changing their bodies, sexually interested, value, stereotypically, transgender surgeries, gender identity changes, equality, woman<|CONCLUSION|>
| There are not any feelings or interests that are innate to being female/male, and changing your gender based on how you feel increases the divide between females and males.
| fd7447e3-6d1c-4626-b231-6a2f285f2b75 |
<|TOPIC|>Is Gender a Social Construct?<|ARGUMENT|>Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone. Some athletes have been tested with higher than allowed levels and were subsequently excluded from competing in women's competitions. In 2015, the Court of Arbitration for Sports suspended the hyperandrogenism rules saying that there is no evidence higher testosterone levels result in a competitive advantage.<|ASPECTS|>naturally occurring hormone, competitive advantage, testosterone<|CONCLUSION|>
| Some women have high levels of testosterone and yet that does not seem to change their gender identity as they identify as women.
| d09fa2c4-b585-4d29-b79b-9f303bbb726d |
<|TOPIC|>The Trilemma of the Maroons<|ARGUMENT|>The British will not be able to accuse us of lying or cheating in the future, which eliminates one source of conflict and punishment.<|ASPECTS|>lying, cheating, conflict, punishment<|CONCLUSION|>
| As long we do not cheat or lie, we at least do not lose the moral high ground in relations with the British.
| 9b8bf9c0-db2d-4adb-b192-2110c4ab4569 |
<|TOPIC|>Should Democrats Cooperate with Donald Trump?<|ARGUMENT|>When Trump told several members of Congress to “go back to your countries", this sentiment appeals to persons who consider being white an important part of their identity who look around a more racially and ethnically diverse nation and worry that they are no longer seen as prototypical members of the United States<|ASPECTS|>identity, racially, prototypical members, diverse<|CONCLUSION|>
| If provincialism is a defensive strategy against external threats, then attacking bigots and their provincialism is counterproductive. Their experience of being attacked will increase the sensation of threat, naturally leading to a deepening of the defensive posture.
| c5c934b6-dd76-4027-a4ae-5b7871912c60 |
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>My reasoning Lying bout rape does not hurt rape victims. What would be the issue? That we won't believe real rape victims at their word in the future? We shouldn't in the first place. That is exactly why lying about rape is such a big problem, because we take them at their word instantly. Every rape accusation should be treated with a large grain of salt. EVERY accusation of ANYTHING. That is how the justice system works. Not believing rape victims at their word in the future is a benefit, not a negative. It helps us reestablish innocent until proven guilty. Lying about rape does waste police and court time. So lying about rape does hurts rape victims but only as much as lying about any crime does. Edit After reading the comments here, I now agree that rape liars hurt victims moreso than general liars of crimes do. I still don't think it matters whether liars hurts rape victims in court, since we are always supposed to assume accusers are lying in court, but I can see that outside of court it definitely hurts victims.<|ASPECTS|>reestablish innocent, lying, hurts rape victims, rape victims, benefit, waste police, rape, hurts, guilty, accusation, grain of salt, justice system works, hurt, liars, hurt victims, rape liars, rape accusation, hurts victims, court time<|CONCLUSION|>
| Lying about rape does not hurt rape victims
| cd65ded3-a931-4beb-8d64-da006f71b24d |
<|TOPIC|>Mark Twain used the N-word in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Should it be censored?<|ARGUMENT|>We need these kinds of works to better understand our past. Reading the word does not necessarily mean you condone the word.<|ASPECTS|>condone the word, understand our past<|CONCLUSION|>
| Changing these words insulates students from the context of the time, preventing them from fully understanding the work.
| 94f5502e-5f2a-4457-b10c-54a7780389ff |
<|TOPIC|>Pride organisers should refuse corporate sponsorship<|ARGUMENT|>A religious freedom law in Indiana which permitted businesses to discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community based on religious beliefs was revised primarily due to opposition from the business world.<|ASPECTS|>community, religious beliefs, religious freedom law, discriminate<|CONCLUSION|>
| Corporations have become a key ally of the LGBTQ+ movement, and have aided the movement in many ways.
| 5d0f8aa0-2948-4aae-aa5e-8ae12aea18b0 |
<|TOPIC|>Dollarization<|ARGUMENT|>Studies have emiprically proved that countries that adopted dollarization when they were undergoing rampant hyperinflation have now been able to control inflation rates and become stable economies.Stable economies allow entrepreneurs to specialize more, become more efficient and more competitive and in this way strengthening the prospects of that countries market economy to grow.<|ASPECTS|>competitive, inflation rates, efficient, market economy, stable economies.stable, control<|CONCLUSION|>
| By promoting low inflation and stabilizing the economy dollarization lays the foundation for a market based economy to properly function
| d226f12d-7357-4cd7-a2f2-637baeb776a5 |
<|TOPIC|>Is Cloning Animals Ethical?<|ARGUMENT|>Domesticated pets have a shorter life span than humans. Cloning them would provide a way for them to live longer lives with the humans that love them.<|ASPECTS|>shorter life span, live longer lives<|CONCLUSION|>
| Cloning animals can provide a way for beloved family pets to live on.
| 87bb964d-08e8-4de3-8714-249b81b4fda1 |
<|TOPIC|>Free Speech on the Internet: Should Internet Companies Deny Service to White Supremacists?<|ARGUMENT|>Other social media sites have capitalized on this phenomenon; for example, YouTube has deputized some human-rights groups as “trusted flaggers” to identify ISIS content. Facebook and Twitter could similarly delegate these duties to willing third parties.<|ASPECTS|>isis content<|CONCLUSION|>
| There are groups of social activists and "hacktivists" who do this willingly, thus it is not putting an unwanted burden on anyone.
| 2fbc2bad-3e30-4140-b519-1eb6b32d2b49 |
<|TOPIC|>ban homework<|ARGUMENT|>Having homework also allows students to really fix in their heads work they have done in school. Doing tasks linked to recent lessons helps students strengthen their understanding and become more confident in using new knowledge and skills. For younger children this could be practising reading or multiplication tables. For older ones it might be writing up an experiment, revising for a test and reading in preparation for the next topic. Professor Cooper of Duke University, has found that there is evidence that in elementary school students do better on tests when they do short homework assignments related to the test 1. Students gain confidence from such practise, and that shows when they sit the tests. 1 Strauss, 2006<|ASPECTS|>new knowledge and skills, practising, reading or multiplication tables, confidence, experiment, understanding, better on tests, heads, strengthen, short homework assignments, revising, fix in, reading<|CONCLUSION|>
| Homework ensures that students practise what they are taught at school
| c98f6fa6-e883-4fec-ba38-f85655d5e6c5 |
<|TOPIC|>use racial profiling as part of airport security checks<|ARGUMENT|>The reality is that all of the major terrorist attacks against Western targets in recent years have been perpetrated by young, Muslim men. It doesn’t require any prejudice at all to realise that they are the most sensible group to check and recheck. Although it is important to respect people’s rights and liberties regardless of ethnicity or religious belief, a sensible security policy must force police officers and security officials to make decisions based on factual information. Everybody- including most members of the groups identified by profiling- has an interest in not being blown up on an aeroplane. They will, therefore, accept that this is a regrettable necessity. Airport staff can only stop so many people and it makes sense to target groups that terrorists are likely to be part of.<|ASPECTS|>regrettable necessity, rights and liberties, decisions, terrorist attacks, muslim men, prejudice, sensible group, factual information, target groups, stop so many people, terrorists<|CONCLUSION|>
| When you know terrorists are likely to be members of particular national and ethnic groups, it is simply more practical to focus searches on those groups.
| fc745e82-2fcf-4876-b70c-89374deedb40 |
<|TOPIC|>Should Kashmir Be An Independent State?<|ARGUMENT|>Assuming existing tensions between India and Pakistan continue they might even worsen once Kashmir joins Pakistan, trade between Kashmir and the rest of India would become difficult.<|ASPECTS|>trade, tensions<|CONCLUSION|>
| Integration with Pakistan would imply worse access to the larger Indian market.
| a760770d-f6ca-4235-a8e3-df6f6b8bcc28 |
Subsets and Splits