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<BOP> Popper held that rationality is not restricted to the realm of empirical or scientific theories, but that it is merely a special case of the general method of criticism, the method of finding and eliminating contradictions in knowledge without ad-hoc-measures. According to this view, rational discussion about metaphysical ideas, about moral values and even about purposes is possible. Popper's student W.W. Bartley III tried to radicalise this idea and made the controversial claim that not only can criticism go beyond empirical knowledge, but that everything can be rationally criticised. <EOP> <BOQ> What type of knowledge is not the only sphere of rational criticism, according to Popper's student W.W. Bartley III? <EOQ> | What type of knowledge is not the only sphere of rational criticism, according to Popper's student W.W. Bartley III? | <BOL> empirical <EOL> |
<BOP> During the late Bronze Age the island experienced two waves of Greek settlement. The first wave consisted of Mycenaean Greek traders who started visiting Cyprus around 1400 BC. A major wave of Greek settlement is believed to have taken place following the Bronze Age collapse of Mycenaean Greece from 1100 to 1050 BC, with the island's predominantly Greek character dating from this period. Cyprus occupies an important role in Greek mythology being the birthplace of Aphrodite and Adonis, and home to King Cinyras, Teucer and Pygmalion. Beginning in the 8th century BC Phoenician colonies were founded on the south coast of Cyprus, near present-day Larnaca and Salamis. <EOP> <BOQ> What year did Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus begin visiting Cyprus? <EOQ> | What year did Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus begin visiting Cyprus? | <BOL> 1400 BC <EOL> |
<BOP> The line of imams of the Mustali Ismaili Shia Muslims (also known as the Bohras/Dawoodi Bohra) continued up to Aamir ibn Mustali. After his death, they believe their 21st Imam Taiyab abi al-Qasim went into a Dawr-e-Satr (period of concealment) that continues to this day. In the absence of an imam they are led by a Dai-al-Mutlaq (absolute missionary) who manages the affairs of the Imam-in-Concealment until re-emergence of the Imam from concealment. Dawoodi Bohra's present 53rd Da'i al-Mutlaq is His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) who succeeded his predessor the 52nd Da'i al-Mutlaq His Holiness Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA). Furthermore, there has been a split in the Dawoodi Bohra sect which has led to the formation of Qutbi Bohra sect which was formed and led by Khuzaima Qutbuddin. <EOP> <BOQ> Who are the Bohras led by in the absence of an imam? <EOQ> | Who are the Bohras led by in the absence of an imam? | <BOL> Dai-al-Mutlaq <EOL> |
<BOP> The New Haven area supports several medical facilities that are considered some of the best hospitals in the country. There are two major medical centers downtown: Yale – New Haven Hospital has four pavilions, including the Yale – New Haven Children's Hospital and the Smilow Cancer Hospital; the Hospital of Saint Raphael is several blocks north, and touts its excellent cardiac emergency care program. Smaller downtown health facilities are the Temple Medical Center located downtown on Temple Street, Connecticut Mental Health Center/ across Park Street from Y-NHH, and the Hill Health Center, which serves the working-class Hill neighborhood. A large Veterans Affairs hospital is located in neighboring West Haven. To the west in Milford is Milford Hospital, and to the north in Meriden is the MidState Medical Center. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the hospital located north of New Haven in Meriden? <EOQ> | What is the hospital located north of New Haven in Meriden? | <BOL> MidState Medical Center <EOL> |
From the information in: <BOP> 'The Argentine Grand Prix (Spanish: "Gran Premio de Argentina") was a round of the Formula One championship, held intermittently from to , all at the same autodrome in the Argentine national capital of Buenos Aires. Argentine president Juan Perón was the driving force behind the creation of the circuit, after seeing the success of the country's own Juan Manuel Fangio.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Juan Peron was impressed with Fangio's successful career.' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Juan Peron was impressed with Fangio's successful career. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} After seeing Fangio's success in racing Peron was the driving force behind creating the Argentine Grand Prix circuit. |
<BOP> Czech distinguishes three genders—masculine, feminine, and neuter—and the masculine gender is subdivided into animate and inanimate. With few exceptions, feminine nouns in the nominative case end in -a, -e, or -ost; neuter nouns in -o, -e, or -í, and masculine nouns in a consonant. Adjectives agree in gender and animacy (for masculine nouns in the accusative or genitive singular and the nominative plural) with the nouns they modify. The main effect of gender in Czech is the difference in noun and adjective declension, but other effects include past-tense verb endings: for example, dělal (he did, or made); dělala (she did, or made) and dělalo (it did, or made). <EOP> <BOQ> What does gender also affect in Czech? <EOQ> | What does gender also affect in Czech? | <BOL> past-tense verb endings <EOL> |
Examine the information in <BOP> 'Thomas "Tim" Buckley (May 28, 1942 – April 16, 2015) was an American anthropologist and Buddhist monastic best known for his long-term ethnographic research with the Yurok Indians of northern California, his early work in the anthropology of reproduction, and for his major reevaluation of the work of Alfred L. Kroeber.' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'Thomas Buckley was born on May 28, 1942.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion. | Thomas Buckley was born on May 28, 1942. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} His date of birth and death is included in the first sentence. |
With the premise: <BOP> '"Tell Me Why" is a song by English rock band the Beatles from their album "A Hard Day's Night". In North America, it was released on both the American version of "A Hard Day's Night" and the album "Something New". Credited to Lennon–McCartney, it was written by John Lennon in either Paris or New York City and recorded in eight takes on 27 February 1964.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> '"Tell Me Why" was never seen by John Lennon. ' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why. | "Tell Me Why" was never seen by John Lennon. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} If he wrote it then he would've seen it. He is the one who wrote it! |
<BOP> The system displays the What's New screen by default instead of the [Games] menu (or [Video] menu, if a movie was inserted) when starting up. What's New has four sections: "Our Pick", "Recently Played", latest information and new content available in PlayStation Store. There are four kinds of content the What's New screen displays and links to, on the sections. "Recently Played" displays the user's recently played games and online services only, whereas, the other sections can contain website links, links to play videos and access to selected sections of the PlayStation Store. <EOP> <BOQ> What section of What's New can't show links to websites? <EOQ> | What section of What's New can't show links to websites? | <BOL> "Recently Played" <EOL> |
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'Lost Souls is a 1992 horror novel by American writer Poppy Z. Brite, his first one. It is the only novel-length adventure of Brite's 'Steve and Ghost' characters, popularized in numerous short stories. The novel is an extended version of the short story "The Seed of Lost Souls".' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'Lost Souls is longer than the story that inspired it.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale. | Lost Souls is longer than the story that inspired it. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} It said it is a novel-length adventure and that it is an extended version of a short story. Thus it is longer than the short story of which it is an extended version of. |
Given the detailed context: 'Coldwater fish, in the context of aquariums, refers to fish species that prefer cooler water temperatures than tropical fish, typically below 20 °C . Some examples are koi and goldfish. These species tend to grow more slowly and live longer than fish that live in warmer waters, and are generally felt to be easier to keep.', judge whether the statement: <BOH> 'Koi and goldfish are the only coldwater fish.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Koi and goldfish are the only coldwater fish. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The scenario states that koi and goldfish are examples of coldwater fish, thus indicating that there are others. |
<BOP> At the beginning of the 13th century, there were reasonably accurate Latin translations of the main works of almost all the intellectually crucial ancient authors, allowing a sound transfer of scientific ideas via both the universities and the monasteries. By then, the natural philosophy contained in these texts began to be extended by notable scholastics such as Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus and Duns Scotus. Precursors of the modern scientific method, influenced by earlier contributions of the Islamic world, can be seen already in Grosseteste's emphasis on mathematics as a way to understand nature, and in the empirical approach admired by Bacon, particularly in his Opus Majus. Pierre Duhem's provocative thesis of the Catholic Church's Condemnation of 1277 led to the study of medieval science as a serious discipline, "but no one in the field any longer endorses his view that modern science started in 1277". However, many scholars agree with Duhem's view that the Middle Ages were a period of important scientific developments. <EOP> <BOQ> What language did the important scientific works get translated into for universities and monasteries? <EOQ> | What language did the important scientific works get translated into for universities and monasteries? | <BOL> Latin <EOL> |
<BOP> Due to the legitimate role that referees play in wrestling of serving as liaison between the bookers backstage and the wrestlers in the ring (the role of being a final arbitrator is merely kayfabe), the referee is present, even in matches that do not at first glance appear to require a referee (such as a ladder match, as it is no holds barred, and the criteria for victory could theoretically be assessed from afar). Although their actions are also frequently scripted for dramatic effect, referees are subject to certain general rules and requirements in order to maintain the theatrical appearance of unbiased authority. The most basic rule is that an action must be seen by a referee to be declared for a fall or disqualification. This allows for heel characters to gain a scripted advantage by distracting or disabling the referee in order to perform some ostensibly illegal maneuver on their opponent. Most referees are unnamed and essentially anonymous, though the WWE has let their officials reveal their names. <EOP> <BOQ> How can a wrestler gain an advantage by using a referee? <EOQ> | How can a wrestler gain an advantage by using a referee? | <BOL> distracting or disabling the referee in order to perform some ostensibly illegal maneuver on their opponent. <EOL> |
<BOP> Even in modern democracies, Freemasonry is sometimes viewed with distrust. In the UK, Masons working in the justice system, such as judges and police officers, were from 1999 to 2009 required to disclose their membership. While a parliamentary inquiry found that there has been no evidence of wrongdoing, it was felt that any potential loyalties Masons might have, based on their vows to support fellow Masons, should be transparent to the public. The policy of requiring a declaration of masonic membership of applicants for judicial office (judges and magistrates) was ended in 2009 by Justice Secretary Jack Straw (who had initiated the requirement in the 1990s). Straw stated that the rule was considered disproportionate, since no impropriety or malpractice had been shown as a result of judges being Freemasons. <EOP> <BOQ> Judges and police officers had to disclose their Freemason membership in what years in England? <EOQ> | Judges and police officers had to disclose their Freemason membership in what years in England? | <BOL> from 1999 to 2009 <EOL> |
<BOP> 40°48′32″N 73°57′14″W / 40.8088°N 73.9540°W / 40.8088; -73.9540 122nd Street is divided into three noncontiguous segments, E 122nd Street, W 122nd Street, and W 122nd Street Seminary Row, by Marcus Garvey Memorial Park and Morningside Park. <EOP> <BOQ> Which memorial park divides 122nd Street? <EOQ> | Which memorial park divides 122nd Street? | <BOL> Marcus Garvey <EOL> |
<BOP> Pub names are used to identify and differentiate each pub. Modern names are sometimes a marketing ploy or attempt to create "brand awareness", frequently using a comic theme thought to be memorable, Slug and Lettuce for a pub chain being an example. Interesting origins are not confined to old or traditional names, however. Names and their origins can be broken up into a relatively small number of categories. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the purpose of a pub name? <EOQ> | What is the purpose of a pub name? | <BOL> to identify and differentiate each pub <EOL> |
<BOP> In English, the country is popularly known as either "Burma" or "Myanmar" i/ˈmjɑːnˌmɑːr/. Both these names are derived from the name of the majority Burmese Bamar ethnic group. Myanmar is considered to be the literary form of the name of the group, while Burma is derived from "Bamar", the colloquial form of the group's name. Depending on the register used, the pronunciation would be Bama (pronounced: [bəmà]) or Myamah (pronounced: [mjəmà]). The name Burma has been in use in English since the 18th century. <EOP> <BOQ> How is the slang term for the people of Burma articulated correctly ? <EOQ> | How is the slang term for the people of Burma articulated correctly ? | <BOL> Depending on the register used, the pronunciation would be Bama (pronounced: [bəmà]) <EOL> |
<BOP> Other microscopic procedures may also aid in identifying infectious agents. Almost all cells readily stain with a number of basic dyes due to the electrostatic attraction between negatively charged cellular molecules and the positive charge on the dye. A cell is normally transparent under a microscope, and using a stain increases the contrast of a cell with its background. Staining a cell with a dye such as Giemsa stain or crystal violet allows a microscopist to describe its size, shape, internal and external components and its associations with other cells. The response of bacteria to different staining procedures is used in the taxonomic classification of microbes as well. Two methods, the Gram stain and the acid-fast stain, are the standard approaches used to classify bacteria and to diagnosis of disease. The Gram stain identifies the bacterial groups Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, both of which contain many significant human pathogens. The acid-fast staining procedure identifies the Actinobacterial genera Mycobacterium and Nocardia. <EOP> <BOQ> What is Geimsa stain? <EOQ> | What is Geimsa stain? | <BOL> a dye <EOL> |
<BOP> Under the direction of recording engineer C. Robert Fine, Mercury Records initiated a minimalist single microphone monaural recording technique in 1951. The first record, a Chicago Symphony Orchestra performance of Pictures at an Exhibition, conducted by Rafael Kubelik, was described as "being in the living presence of the orchestra" by The New York Times music critic. The series of records was then named Mercury Living Presence. In 1955, Mercury began three-channel stereo recordings, still based on the principle of the single microphone. The center (single) microphone was of paramount importance, with the two side mics adding depth and space. Record masters were cut directly from a three-track to two-track mixdown console, with all editing of the master tapes done on the original three-tracks. In 1961, Mercury enhanced this technique with three-microphone stereo recordings using 35 mm magnetic film instead of half-inch tape for recording. The greater thickness and width of 35 mm magnetic film prevented tape layer print-through and pre-echo and gained extended frequency range and transient response. The Mercury Living Presence recordings were remastered to CD in the 1990s by the original producer, Wilma Cozart Fine, using the same method of 3-to-2 mix directly to the master recorder. <EOP> <BOQ> What benefits were found in using the 35mm magnetic film? <EOQ> | What benefits were found in using the 35mm magnetic film? | <BOL> prevented tape layer print-through and pre-echo and gained extended frequency range and transient response <EOL> |
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'Guitar<br>Tim loved to play the guitar. He was dating a girl he liked very much. One night he played the guitar for her. She loved watching and listening to him playing the guitar. She fell in love with him after hearing him play the guitar.' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Tim loves to create music with his strumming. It drives the ladies wild.' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? | Tim loves to create music with his strumming. It drives the ladies wild. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The statement is true because Tim loves the guitar which you strum on to play. His girlfriend fell in love after hearing him play. I think the change in vocab fooled the system. |
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'Corruption, wastage and mismanagement at State-owned enterprises and in government departments – that's the recipe costing South African taxpayers billions of rands every year. But how much is really going down the drain? Carte Blanche tallies up the costs and the massive losses to State coffers. Producer: Marzanne van den Berg and Anna-Maria van Niekerk Presenter: Devi Sankaree Govender' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'The corruption is occurring at the highest levels.' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | The corruption is occurring at the highest levels. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} It is occurring in the federal government. |
<BOP> The root schism was between the Sthaviras and the Mahāsāṅghikas. The fortunate survival of accounts from both sides of the dispute reveals disparate traditions. The Sthavira group offers two quite distinct reasons for the schism. The Dipavamsa of the Theravāda says that the losing party in the Second Council dispute broke away in protest and formed the Mahasanghika. This contradicts the Mahasanghikas' own vinaya, which shows them as on the same, winning side. The Mahāsāṅghikas argued that the Sthaviras were trying to expand the vinaya and may also have challenged what they perceived were excessive claims or inhumanly high criteria for arhatship. Both parties, therefore, appealed to tradition. <EOP> <BOQ> The Dipavamsa says that the losing party broke away in protest and formed what? <EOQ> | The Dipavamsa says that the losing party broke away in protest and formed what? | <BOL> Mahasanghika <EOL> |
<BOP> The concept of a gene continues to be refined as new phenomena are discovered. For example, regulatory regions of a gene can be far removed from its coding regions, and coding regions can be split into several exons. Some viruses store their genome in RNA instead of DNA and some gene products are functional non-coding RNAs. Therefore, a broad, modern working definition of a gene is any discrete locus of heritable, genomic sequence which affect an organism's traits by being expressed as a functional product or by regulation of gene expression. <EOP> <BOQ> What do some viruses store their genome in instead of DNA? <EOQ> | What do some viruses store their genome in instead of DNA? | <BOL> RNA <EOL> |
From the information in: <BOP> 'Glassroth v. Moore, CV-01-T-1268-N, 229 F. Supp. 2d 1290 (M.D. Ala. 2002), and its companion case Maddox and Howard v. Moore, CV-01-T-1269-N, concern then-Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy S. Moore and a stone monument of the Ten Commandments in the rotunda of the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery, Alabama.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'This case was overseen by Justice Roy S. Moore and took place in New York.' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | This case was overseen by Justice Roy S. Moore and took place in New York. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The supreme court justice named was correct but the location was incorrect so it can not be entirely wrong or entirely right. What made this statement difficult for the system would have been because of the mix of correct and incorrect statements. |
<BOP> 187th Street crosses Washington Heights and running from Laurel Hill Terrace in the east to Chittenden Avenue in the west near the George Washington Bridge and Hudson River. The street is interrupted by a long set of stairs east of Fort Washington Avenue leading to the Broadway valley. West of there, it is mostly lined with store fronts and serves as a main shopping district for the Hudson Heights neighborhood. <EOP> <BOQ> 187th Street runs from Laurel Hill Terrace in the east to which avenue in the west? <EOQ> | 187th Street runs from Laurel Hill Terrace in the east to which avenue in the west? | <BOL> Chittenden Avenue <EOL> |
From the information in: <BOP> 'Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser is a 2015 American comedy film directed by Fred Wolf and written by David Spade and Fred Wolf. It is the sequel to the 2001 film "Joe Dirt". The film stars David Spade reprising his role as the title character, Brittany Daniel, Dennis Miller, Adam Beach, Christopher Walken, Mark McGrath and Patrick Warburton. The film premiered on Crackle on July 16, 2015.' </EOP>, deduce whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Crackle premiered Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser 17 years after the release of the original "Joe Dirt" film.' </EOH> results in a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Crackle premiered Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser 17 years after the release of the original "Joe Dirt" film. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The original was 2001 and the sequel was in 2015, that's only 14 years not 17 years. The system has trouble relating the dates and doing the calculation. |
<BOP> The initial cost of an incandescent bulb is small compared to the cost of the energy it uses over its lifetime. Incandescent bulbs have a shorter life than most other lighting, an important factor if replacement is inconvenient or expensive. Some types of lamp, including incandescent and fluorescent, emit less light as they age; this may be an inconvenience, or may reduce effective lifetime due to lamp replacement before total failure. A comparison of incandescent lamp operating cost with other light sources must include illumination requirements, cost of the lamp and labor cost to replace lamps (taking into account effective lamp lifetime), cost of electricity used, effect of lamp operation on heating and air conditioning systems. When used for lighting in houses and commercial buildings, the energy lost to heat can significantly increase the energy required by a building's air conditioning system. During the heating season heat produced by the bulbs is not wasted, although in most cases it is more cost effective to obtain heat from the heating system. Regardless, over the course of a year a more efficient lighting system saves energy in nearly all climates. <EOP> <BOQ> What appliance requires more energy due to the use of incandescent lighting? <EOQ> | What appliance requires more energy due to the use of incandescent lighting? | <BOL> a building's air conditioning system <EOL> |
Based on the details provided in: <BOP> 'Nickajack Lake is the reservoir created by Nickajack Dam as part of the Tennessee Valley Authority. The lake stretches from Nickajack Dam to Chickamauga Dam, passing through the city of Chattanooga. The stretch of the Tennessee River commonly referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Tennessee" also is part of Nickajack Lake.' </EOP>, determine if the claim: <BOH> 'the land and the sea' </EOH> represents a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | the land and the sea | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The land and the sea rises |
<BOP> But while Claremont remains the most concentrated hub of Whiteheadian activity, the place where Whitehead's thought currently seems to be growing the most quickly is in China. In order to address the challenges of modernization and industrialization, China has begun to blend traditions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism with Whitehead's "constructive post-modern" philosophy in order to create an "ecological civilization." To date, the Chinese government has encouraged the building of twenty-three university-based centers for the study of Whitehead's philosophy, and books by process philosophers John Cobb and David Ray Griffin are becoming required reading for Chinese graduate students. Cobb has attributed China's interest in process philosophy partly to Whitehead's stress on the mutual interdependence of humanity and nature, as well as his emphasis on an educational system that includes the teaching of values rather than simply bare facts. <EOP> <BOQ> What types of traditions are China blending with Whitehead's "constructive post-modern" philosophy? <EOQ> | What types of traditions are China blending with Whitehead's "constructive post-modern" philosophy? | <BOL> traditions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism <EOL> |
<BOP> In descending order of population, Oklahoma's largest cities in 2010 were: Oklahoma City (579,999, +14.6%), Tulsa (391,906, −0.3%), Norman (110,925, +15.9%), Broken Arrow (98,850, +32.0%), Lawton (96,867, +4.4%), Edmond (81,405, +19.2%), Moore (55,081, +33.9%), Midwest City (54,371, +0.5%), Enid (49,379, +5.0%), and Stillwater (45,688, +17.0%). Of the state's ten largest cities, three are outside the metropolitan areas of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, and only Lawton has a metropolitan statistical area of its own as designated by the United States Census Bureau, though the metropolitan statistical area of Fort Smith, Arkansas extends into the state. <EOP> <BOQ> What Arkansas city's metro area extends into Oklahoma? <EOQ> | What Arkansas city's metro area extends into Oklahoma? | <BOL> Fort Smith <EOL> |
<BOP> Baptists, like other Christians, are defined by doctrine—some of it common to all orthodox and evangelical groups and a portion of it distinctive to Baptists. Through the years, different Baptist groups have issued confessions of faith—without considering them to be creeds—to express their particular doctrinal distinctions in comparison to other Christians as well as in comparison to other Baptists. Most Baptists are evangelical in doctrine, but Baptist beliefs can vary due to the congregational governance system that gives autonomy to individual local Baptist churches. Historically, Baptists have played a key role in encouraging religious freedom and separation of church and state. <EOP> <BOQ> Most Baptists are what in doctrine? <EOQ> | Most Baptists are what in doctrine? | <BOL> evangelical <EOL> |
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'Trojan War is a 1997 American romantic comedy film directed by George Huang. It stars Will Friedle, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Marley Shelton. The film was a critical and box office disaster. Produced for $15 million, it made only $309 in ticket sales because it was played in a single movie theater and was pulled after only a week.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'trojan war is the best romantic film of all the times' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | trojan war is the best romantic film of all the times | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} trojan war is a romantic film but you can't know is "the best" |
<BOP> Many arrangements of electrical contacts are used. Large lamps may have a screw base (one or more contacts at the tip, one at the shell) or a bayonet base (one or more contacts on the base, shell used as a contact or used only as a mechanical support). Some tubular lamps have an electrical contact at either end. Miniature lamps may have a wedge base and wire contacts, and some automotive and special purpose lamps have screw terminals for connection to wires. Contacts in the lamp socket allow the electric current to pass through the base to the filament. Power ratings for incandescent light bulbs range from about 0.1 watt to about 10,000 watts. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the purpose of contacts in the lamp socket? <EOQ> | What is the purpose of contacts in the lamp socket? | <BOL> allow the electric current to pass through the base to the filament <EOL> |
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'To write "The Persians," which opens Thursday at the Aurora Theatre in Berkeley, Ellen McLaughlin spent six days. Given the direction of U.S. foreign policy, McLaughlin says, the lessons of "The Persians" are particularly crucial today, 2,500 years after it was written.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The persians is clearly mentioned' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | The persians is clearly mentioned | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The persions is clearly mentioned in the statement! |
<BOP> Over time, fidelity, dynamic and noise levels improved to the point that it was harder to tell the difference between a live performance in the studio and the recorded version. This was especially true after the invention of the variable reluctance magnetic pickup cartridge by General Electric in the 1940s when high quality cuts were played on well-designed audio systems. The Capehart radio/phonographs of the era with large diameter electrodynamic loudspeakers, though not ideal, demonstrated this quite well with "home recordings" readily available in the music stores for the public to buy. <EOP> <BOQ> What was a benefit of the use of magnetic pickup cartridge? <EOQ> | What was a benefit of the use of magnetic pickup cartridge? | <BOL> high quality cuts <EOL> |
<BOP> As the Communist Party was outlawed in Yugoslavia starting on 30 December 1920, Josip Broz took on many assumed names during his activity within the Party, including "Rudi", "Walter", and "Tito." Broz himself explains: <EOP> <BOQ> "Rudi", "Walter" and "Tito" are names that what person assumed? <EOQ> | "Rudi", "Walter" and "Tito" are names that what person assumed? | <BOL> Josip Broz <EOL> |
<BOP> Definitions of "Southeast Asia" vary, but most definitions include the area represented by the countries (sovereign states and dependent territories) listed below. All of the states except for East Timor are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The area, together with part of South Asia, was widely known as the East Indies or simply the Indies until the 20th century. Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands[citation needed] are considered part of Southeast Asia though they are governed by Australia.[citation needed] Sovereignty issues exist over some territories in the South China Sea. Papua New Guinea has stated that it might join ASEAN, and is currently an observer. <EOP> <BOQ> What does ASEAN mean? <EOQ> | What does ASEAN mean? | <BOL> Association of Southeast Asian Nations <EOL> |
Given the premise: <BOP> 'How to choose a dog fence for your yard<br>Check local fencing regulations. Your community may have laws about the materials and sizes allowed for residential fences. Don't rely on a fencing company to know the regulations.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Fencing companies have regulations about the materials and sizes allowed' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision. | Fencing companies have regulations about the materials and sizes allowed | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The context state that communities may have laws/regulations, not that fencing company would. The system likely got confused between the two. |
From the facts presented in <BOP> 'EPB6 is a public access cable channel serving the Glasgow area of Barren County, Kentucky via the cable television service of the Glasgow Electric Plant Board, a provider of cable television, internet service, and electrical power. It is shown on channel 6 of the basic cable tuner of the Glasgow EPB Cable television system.' </EOP>, decide if the statement: <BOH> 'EPB6 is an American channel.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | EPB6 is an American channel. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} EPB6 is a public access channel in Kentucky of the United States. |
<BOP> At about the same time, Charles Coffin, leading the Thomson-Houston Electric Company, acquired a number of competitors and gained access to their key patents. General Electric was formed through the 1892 merger of Edison General Electric Company of Schenectady, New York, and Thomson-Houston Electric Company of Lynn, Massachusetts, with the support of Drexel, Morgan & Co. Both plants continue to operate under the GE banner to this day. The company was incorporated in New York, with the Schenectady plant used as headquarters for many years thereafter. Around the same time, General Electric's Canadian counterpart, Canadian General Electric, was formed. <EOP> <BOQ> Which city was the home of GE's first headquarters? <EOQ> | Which city was the home of GE's first headquarters? | <BOL> Schenectady <EOL> |
<BOP> Portuguese natives comprise a very small percentage of Guinea-Bissauans. After Guinea-Bissau gained independence, most of the Portuguese nationals left the country. The country has a tiny Chinese population. These include traders and merchants of mixed Portuguese and Chinese ancestry from Macau, a former Asian Portuguese colony. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the name of a former Asian Portuguese colony? <EOQ> | What is the name of a former Asian Portuguese colony? | <BOL> Macau <EOL> |
Using the premise: <BOP> 'Sophie Lang Goes West is a 1937 American crime film directed by Charles Reisner and written by Frederick Irving Anderson, Doris Anderson, Brian Marlow and Robert Wyler. The film stars Gertrude Michael, Lee Bowman, Sandra Storme, Buster Crabbe, Barlowe Borland, C. Henry Gordon and Jed Prouty. The film was released on September 10, 1937, by Paramount Pictures.' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'Paramount Pictures released a crime film in November 1937' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning. | Paramount Pictures released a crime film in November 1937 | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The context says Paramount released a crime film in September 1937. It's possible they also released a crime film in November 1937. The computer likely assumed the statement was wrong because the context says September 1937 and the computer doesn't realize both could be true. |
With the premise: <BOP> 'Linked<br>I tried to do some work yesterday. I had to use a linkedin website. After I was done, people starting adding me. I was confused as to why they added me. I realized it was because I had been logged in.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'she used the kedin website' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why. | she used the kedin website | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} She used the linkedin website. Kedin is not the name of a valid website making my statement correct. The model probably got confused with the spelling for the word. |
<BOP> Some evidence shows that alternatives to pesticides can be equally effective as the use of chemicals. For example, Sweden has halved its use of pesticides with hardly any reduction in crops.[unreliable source?] In Indonesia, farmers have reduced pesticide use on rice fields by 65% and experienced a 15% crop increase.[unreliable source?] A study of Maize fields in northern Florida found that the application of composted yard waste with high carbon to nitrogen ratio to agricultural fields was highly effective at reducing the population of plant-parasitic nematodes and increasing crop yield, with yield increases ranging from 10% to 212%; the observed effects were long-term, often not appearing until the third season of the study. <EOP> <BOQ> What other country has reduced its pesticide usage? <EOQ> | What other country has reduced its pesticide usage? | <BOL> Indonesia <EOL> |
<BOP> Temporal theories offer an alternative that appeals to the temporal structure of action potentials, mostly the phase-locking and mode-locking of action potentials to frequencies in a stimulus. The precise way this temporal structure helps code for pitch at higher levels is still debated, but the processing seems to be based on an autocorrelation of action potentials in the auditory nerve. However, it has long been noted that a neural mechanism that may accomplish a delay—a necessary operation of a true autocorrelation—has not been found. At least one model shows that a temporal delay is unnecessary to produce an autocorrelation model of pitch perception, appealing to phase shifts between cochlear filters; however, earlier work has shown that certain sounds with a prominent peak in their autocorrelation function do not elicit a corresponding pitch percept, and that certain sounds without a peak in their autocorrelation function nevertheless elicit a pitch. To be a more complete model, autocorrelation must therefore apply to signals that represent the output of the cochlea, as via auditory-nerve interspike-interval histograms. Some theories of pitch perception hold that pitch has inherent octave ambiguities, and therefore is best decomposed into a pitch chroma, a periodic value around the octave, like the note names in western music—and a pitch height, which may be ambiguous, that indicates the octave the pitch is in. <EOP> <BOQ> Is a temporal delay necessary to produce an autocorrelation model of pitch perception? <EOQ> | Is a temporal delay necessary to produce an autocorrelation model of pitch perception? | <BOL> unnecessary <EOL> |
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'The Burial Mound ("Kjæmpehøjen") was Henrik Ibsen's second play and his first play to be performed. It is a three-act verse drama, written in 1850 when Ibsen was 22 years old. The play was first performed at the Christiania Theater on 26 September 1850, under Ibsen's pseudonym Brynjolf Bjarme.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Henrik Ibsen was born in 1828' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning. | Henrik Ibsen was born in 1828 | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} He was 22 in 1850 so he was definitely born sometimes in 1828 |
Given the context: <BOP> 'A recently created Danish clothing company is selling on the internet T-shirts in order to support the clandestine radio station of the Colombian guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the graphical workshop of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In fact the money will be used by these groups to carry on their terrorist activities. FARC activities include kidnappings, masacres, bombs, extortions and the drug trade. Fighters and Lovers is selling the T-shirts at 170 DKK (US$27.6), from which 35 DKK (US$5.7) are to be destinated to support both armed groups.' </EOP>, classify the statement: <BOH> 'One DKK is worth less than a dollar.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your choice. | One DKK is worth less than a dollar. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} It's clear from the conversion in the context that a DKK is worth less than a dollar, I don't think the AI was designed to pick up on this? |
Reflect on the information in: <BOP> 'Squirrel<br>Jess was going on her evening run in the neighborhood. When she got back she noticed a baby squirrel on the lawn. It was barely moving because it had fallen out of its tree. She took it into the house, but her dad would not let her keep it. She called a shelter so they could adopt the squirrel.' </EOP>. Does the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Jess was incapable of sweating' </EOH> constitute a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? | Jess was incapable of sweating | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Nothing about Jess's sweating was mentioned, this suprised me! |
<BOP> The victorious great powers also gained an acknowledgement of their status through permanent seats at the League of Nations Council, where they acted as a type of executive body directing the Assembly of the League. However, the Council began with only four permanent members—the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan—because the United States, meant to be the fifth permanent member, left because the US Senate voted on 19 March 1920 against the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, thus preventing American participation in the League. <EOP> <BOQ> Who were the four permanent members of the League of Nations Council? <EOQ> | Who were the four permanent members of the League of Nations Council? | <BOL> United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan <EOL> |
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'Anderson Silva and Jacare Souza provide the media with a look in on their preparations for UFC 208 at X-Gym on Thursday afternoon. Silva’s last victory in the UFC was all the way back in 2012 against Stephan Bonnar. Silva in 2017 is a 41-year-old veteran who is preparing to take on middleweight contender Derek Brunson at UFC 208 on Feb. 11 from Brooklyn, New York. ‘The Spider’ is certainly not underestimating Brunson:' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Stephan Bonnar won his match prior to the one with Silva.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Stephan Bonnar won his match prior to the one with Silva. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} There's no mention of Bonnar's prior match. |
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Yakshagana ( Kannada : "ಯಕ್ಷಗಾನ", Tulu : "ಆಟ") is a traditional theatre form that combines dance, music, dialogue, costume, make-up, and stage techniques with a unique style and form. This theatre style is mainly found in Tulunadu and some parts of Malenadu region's of Karnataka and Kerala.Yakshagana is traditionally presented from dusk to dawn.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Yakshagana is performed under the sun.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning. | Yakshagana is performed under the sun. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Yakshagana is performed from dusk to dawn. The time between dusk and dawn is night time, so the sun is not out. |
<BOP> Organisms inherit their genes from their parents. Asexual organisms simply inherit a complete copy of their parent's genome. Sexual organisms have two copies of each chromosome because they inherit one complete set from each parent.:1 <EOP> <BOQ> How many copies of each chromosome does a sexual organism have? <EOQ> | How many copies of each chromosome does a sexual organism have? | <BOL> two copies of each chromosome <EOL> |
<BOP> As a non-directive and flexible analytical tool, the concept of boundaries helps both to map and to define the changeability and mutability that are characteristic of people's experiences of the self in society. While identity is a volatile, flexible and abstract 'thing', its manifestations and the ways in which it is exercised are often open to view. Identity is made evident through the use of markers such as language, dress, behaviour and choice of space, whose effect depends on their recognition by other social beings. Markers help to create the boundaries that define similarities or differences between the marker wearer and the marker perceivers, their effectiveness depends on a shared understanding of their meaning. In a social context, misunderstandings can arise due to a misinterpretation of the significance of specific markers. Equally, an individual can use markers of identity to exert influence on other people without necessarily fulfilling all the criteria that an external observer might typically associate with such an abstract identity. <EOP> <BOQ> What concept helps map and define people's experiences of self in society? <EOQ> | What concept helps map and define people's experiences of self in society? | <BOL> the concept of boundaries <EOL> |
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! is a 2009 animated comedy film of the children's stories by H.A. Rey and Margret Rey. It is a sequel to the successful 2006 theatrical feature film "Curious George". It was originally titled "Curious George 2: Monkey on the Run". It was released straight to DVD.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Curious George 2: Follow that Monkey was released three years after the original Curious George.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Curious George 2: Follow that Monkey was released three years after the original Curious George. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The first was released in 2006, second 2009 so that is 3 years apart and math is difficult for the system so it gets confused. |
<BOP> Towards the center, at the end of the groove, there is another wide-pitched section known as the lead-out. At the very end of this section the groove joins itself to form a complete circle, called the lock groove; when the stylus reaches this point, it circles repeatedly until lifted from the record. On some recordings (for example Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles, Super Trouper by Abba and Atom Heart Mother by Pink Floyd), the sound continues on the lock groove, which gives a strange repeating effect. Automatic turntables rely on the position or angular velocity of the arm, as it reaches the wider spacing in the groove, to trigger a mechanism that lifts the arm off the record. Precisely because of this mechanism, most automatic turntables are incapable of playing any audio in the lock groove, since they will lift the arm before it reaches that groove. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the center where the data joins to complete a circle? <EOQ> | What is the center where the data joins to complete a circle? | <BOL> lock groove <EOL> |
<BOP> A UCLA research study published in the June 2006 issue of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that people can improve cognitive function and brain efficiency through simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness and stress reduction into their daily lives. This study examined 17 subjects, (average age 53) with normal memory performance. Eight subjects were asked to follow a "brain healthy" diet, relaxation, physical, and mental exercise (brain teasers and verbal memory training techniques). After 14 days, they showed greater word fluency (not memory) compared to their baseline performance. No long term follow up was conducted, it is therefore unclear if this intervention has lasting effects on memory. <EOP> <BOQ> In a study performed with 17 subjects, what relationship did healthy changes and brain efficiency have? <EOQ> | In a study performed with 17 subjects, what relationship did healthy changes and brain efficiency have? | <BOL> After 14 days, they showed greater word fluency (not memory) compared to their baseline performance. <EOL> |
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'The Vermont State Police (VSP) is the state police agency for the US state of Vermont. The force has jurisdiction throughout the entire state. The Vermont Public Safety Commission directs policy and selects the commander. The commander is Colonel Matthew Birmingham. The Vermont Public Safety Commissioner is Keith W. Flynn. There are 327 sworn state troopers.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'The Vermont State Police has authority in the city of Montpelier.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale. | The Vermont State Police has authority in the city of Montpelier. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} Since the context says that the VSP has authority statewide, I used the capital of Vermont, Montpelier, in my example. I think it fooled the AI since the example didn't list specific cities. |
Using the premise: <BOP> 'How to find treadmills for home<br>Find out about the suitable products. Depending on which area of your body you would like to work on, you can choose different types of fitness equipment. Treadmills are great to work out the whole body, but if you do have specific areas, you might be looking for different fitness equipment.' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'Treadmills aren't great for working on specific areas of the body.' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning. | Treadmills aren't great for working on specific areas of the body. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The text says treadmills are great to work out the whole body, but not so much for targeted areas. Not sure why the model missed it. |
Considering the context: <BOP> 'Brofiscin Quarry, Groes Faen is a disused limestone quarry in Groes-faen, near Llantrisant in South Wales. It has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest due to the exposed Early Carboniferous geological formations on the site. It was used for about seven years for dumping of toxic waste including PCBs and was capped in 2011.' </EOP>, determine whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Brofiscin Quarry is named so because a group of bros got together and had a kegger at it.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Provide your rationale. | Brofiscin Quarry is named so because a group of bros got together and had a kegger at it. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} This is definitely not the reason that it is named. |
From the facts presented in <BOP> 'Susan Sadlowski Garza is a member of the Chicago City Council serving as Alderman for the 10th ward. The 10th ward is located on Chicago's southeast side and includes East Side, Hegewisch, Jeffrey Manor, South Chicago and South Deering. She is serving her first term after defeating Rahm Emanuel ally John Pope in the 2015 election.' </EOP>, decide if the statement: <BOH> 'Susan Sadlowski Garza has roots in the southeast section of Chicago, and has been a long term successful Alderman for at least three terms.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Susan Sadlowski Garza has roots in the southeast section of Chicago, and has been a long term successful Alderman for at least three terms. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} I put in many truthful phrases, but mixed in one that was incorrect. |
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'To the world, M. Larry Lawrence, the new U.S. emissary to Switzerland who hosted President Clinton on his Southern California vacation, will be known as Mr. Ambassador.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'President Clinton is still president.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning. | President Clinton is still president. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} He's not president anymore. |
Using the premise: <BOP> 'The Murder<br>Archie was found murdered in his home. The police looked for answers for years. They could never solve the case. Finally, Archie's friend confessed to the murder. He wanted to clear his conscience before he died.' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'Archie's friend took his secret to the grave.' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning. | Archie's friend took his secret to the grave. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} This statement is definitely incorrect. Archie's friend confessed before he died. Perhaps the system was thinking Archie instead of his friend |
Given the context: <BOP> 'Michael George Stroka (May 9, 1938 in Passaic, New Jersey – April 14, 1997) was an American actor on soap operas like ABC-TV's "Dark Shadows", in which he played Aristede, Bruno Hess, and Laszlo Ferrari from 1969 to 1970. In addition, he made a cameo appearance as a pallbearer in the MGM film, "House of Dark Shadows", the first of two feature films based on the ABC soap opera.' </EOP>, classify the statement: <BOH> 'Michael George Stroka was on "Dark Shadows" for five years.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your choice. | Michael George Stroka was on "Dark Shadows" for five years. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Michael George Stroka was only on Dark Shadows from 1969-1970. This is tricky because the show name does appear in the text. |
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a 2005 British-American comic science fiction film directed by Garth Jennings, based upon previous works in the media franchise of the same name, created by Douglas Adams. It stars Martin Freeman, Sam Rockwell, Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel and the voices of Stephen Fry and Alan Rickman.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'Actors Stephen Fry and Alan Rickman are not physically playing characters in the film.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale. | Actors Stephen Fry and Alan Rickman are not physically playing characters in the film. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Alan Rickman and Stephen Fry were only voice actors in the film. |
Given the context: <BOP> 'Donald Lee Evans (born March 14, 1964 in Raleigh, North Carolina) is a former American football defensive end who played eight seasons in the National Football League for the Los Angeles Rams, Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers, and New York Jets. He attended high school in Raleigh at Athens Drive High School, graduating in 1982.' </EOP>, classify the statement: <BOH> 'Evans was born on the East coast of the United States.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your choice. | Evans was born on the East coast of the United States. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} North Carolina is a part of the East Coast of the United States. I think it was difficult for the system because it states he was born in North Carolina and doesn't mention the term 'east coast' but it is the same thing. |
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'Hurricane Harvey has caused devastating floods in the Houston area of Texas and parts of Louisiana, home to millions of Americans. The weather disaster has overwhelmed rescuers trying to answer calls for help by stranded residents. Texas Governor Greg Abbott praised the federal government's response Sunday, and the White House said President Donald Trump is expected to travel to Houston on Tuesday to view the rescue and recovery efforts. VOA's Zlatica Hoke reports.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Hurricane Harvey has caused devastating floods in less than two states.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | Hurricane Harvey has caused devastating floods in less than two states. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} It's definitely incorrect because it caused floods in both Texas and Louisiana, which is already two states. It's difficult perhaps because the system does not know what a state is. |
<BOP> Most of Hume's followers have disagreed with his conclusion that belief in an external world is rationally unjustifiable, contending that Hume's own principles implicitly contained the rational justification for such a belief, that is, beyond being content to let the issue rest on human instinct, custom and habit. According to an extreme empiricist theory known as phenomenalism, anticipated by the arguments of both Hume and George Berkeley, a physical object is a kind of construction out of our experiences. Phenomenalism is the view that physical objects, properties, events (whatever is physical) are reducible to mental objects, properties, events. Ultimately, only mental objects, properties, events, exist — hence the closely related term subjective idealism. By the phenomenalistic line of thinking, to have a visual experience of a real physical thing is to have an experience of a certain kind of group of experiences. This type of set of experiences possesses a constancy and coherence that is lacking in the set of experiences of which hallucinations, for example, are a part. As John Stuart Mill put it in the mid-19th century, matter is the "permanent possibility of sensation". Mill's empiricism went a significant step beyond Hume in still another respect: in maintaining that induction is necessary for all meaningful knowledge including mathematics. As summarized by D.W. Hamlin: <EOP> <BOQ> What is phenomenalism? <EOQ> | What is phenomenalism? | <BOL> physical objects, properties, events (whatever is physical) are reducible to mental objects, properties, events <EOL> |
<BOP> Funeral and commemorative rites varied according to wealth, status and religious context. In Cicero's time, the better-off sacrificed a sow at the funeral pyre before cremation. The dead consumed their portion in the flames of the pyre, Ceres her portion through the flame of her altar, and the family at the site of the cremation. For the less well-off, inhumation with "a libation of wine, incense, and fruit or crops was sufficient". Ceres functioned as an intermediary between the realms of the living and the dead: the deceased had not yet fully passed to the world of the dead and could share a last meal with the living. The ashes (or body) were entombed or buried. On the eighth day of mourning, the family offered further sacrifice, this time on the ground; the shade of the departed was assumed to have passed entirely into the underworld. They had become one of the di Manes, who were collectively celebrated and appeased at the Parentalia, a multi-day festival of remembrance in February. <EOP> <BOQ> What was the multi day of remembrance for the dead? <EOQ> | What was the multi day of remembrance for the dead? | <BOL> Parentalia <EOL> |
<BOP> A German ethnicity emerged in the course of the Middle Ages, ultimately as a result of the formation of the kingdom of Germany within East Francia and later the Holy Roman Empire, beginning in the 9th century. The process was gradual and lacked any clear definition, and the use of exonyms designating "the Germans" develops only during the High Middle Ages. The title of rex teutonicum "King of the Germans" is first used in the late 11th century, by the chancery of Pope Gregory VII, to describe the future Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation Henry IV. Natively, the term ein diutscher ("a German") is used for the people of Germany from the 12th century. <EOP> <BOQ> When was the Title King of the Germans first used? <EOQ> | When was the Title King of the Germans first used? | <BOL> late 11th century <EOL> |
<BOP> Hayek received new attention in the 1980s and 1990s with the rise of conservative governments in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. After winning the United Kingdom general election, 1979, Margaret Thatcher appointed Keith Joseph, the director of the Hayekian Centre for Policy Studies, as her secretary of state for industry in an effort to redirect parliament's economic strategies. Likewise, David Stockman, Ronald Reagan's most influential financial official in 1981 was an acknowledged follower of Hayek. <EOP> <BOQ> Whom did the Prime Minister of England choose as secretary of state? <EOQ> | Whom did the Prime Minister of England choose as secretary of state? | <BOL> Keith Joseph <EOL> |
<BOP> From its base in India, the Company had also been engaged in an increasingly profitable opium export trade to China since the 1730s. This trade, illegal since it was outlawed by the Qing dynasty in 1729, helped reverse the trade imbalances resulting from the British imports of tea, which saw large outflows of silver from Britain to China. In 1839, the confiscation by the Chinese authorities at Canton of 20,000 chests of opium led Britain to attack China in the First Opium War, and resulted in the seizure by Britain of Hong Kong Island, at that time a minor settlement. <EOP> <BOQ> How many chests of opium did China confiscate in 1839? <EOQ> | How many chests of opium did China confiscate in 1839? | <BOL> 20,000 <EOL> |
Using the premise: <BOP> 'Don Wayne Reno (born February 8, 1963 in Roanoke, Virginia) is a bluegrass musician and banjo player, and also an ordained minister. He is a son of famed bluegrass musician Don Reno. Reno was for several years a mainstay of Hayseed Dixie with his brother Dale Reno as the mandolinist. He currently works with his brother and Mitch Harrell in the band Reno and Harrell.' </EOP>, decide if the conclusion: <BOH> 'Don Reno is the father Mitch Harrell.' </EOH> logically follows as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your reasoning. | Don Reno is the father Mitch Harrell. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The statement is correct because Don Wayne Reno is the father of Mitch Harrell. The system may not have been able to discern between Don Reno and Don Wayne Reno and the familial relationship between Don Wayne, Don, and Mitch. |
Analyze the premise: <BOP> 'The Boy Who Could Fly is a 2015 American live-action fantasy film directed by Julian Sol Jordan. The film is an adaptation of Scottish author J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan story, first staged in 1904. It stars Felix Delaughter, Oscar Delaughter, Julius Delaughter, and Julian Jordan as Peter Pan. It serves as a Peter Pan adaptation about one of Peter Pan's Lost Boys.' </EOP>. Classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'One of its leading actors directed the movie The Boy Who Could Fly.' </EOH> as contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | One of its leading actors directed the movie The Boy Who Could Fly. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The director starred in his own movie. |
<BOP> Most Western and Commonwealth militaries integrate air defence purely with the traditional services, of the military (i.e. army, navy and air force), as a separate arm or as part of artillery. In the United States Army for instance, air defence is part of the artillery arm, while in the Pakistan Army, it was split off from Artillery to form a separate arm of its own in 1990. This is in contrast to some (largely communist or ex-communist) countries where not only are there provisions for air defence in the army, navy and air force but there are specific branches that deal only with the air defence of territory, for example, the Soviet PVO Strany. The USSR also had a separate strategic rocket force in charge of nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. <EOP> <BOQ> Air defence in Pakistan was separated from the Army in what year? <EOQ> | Air defence in Pakistan was separated from the Army in what year? | <BOL> 1990 <EOL> |
Examine the information in <BOP> 'Yadira Sanchez Olson/News-Sun T'eon Alexander, 6, of Waukegan gets help from his mom, Nicole, in trying out The Flash for a Halloween costume on Thursday, Oct. 26. T'eon Alexander, 6, of Waukegan gets help from his mom, Nicole, in trying out The Flash for a Halloween costume on Thursday, Oct. 26. (Yadira Sanchez Olson/News-Sun)' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'Yadira Sanchez Olson/News-Sun T'eon Alexander is a boy' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion. | Yadira Sanchez Olson/News-Sun T'eon Alexander is a boy | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} Yadira Sanchez Olson/News-Sun T'eon Alexander is described two sentences in with the pronoun "his/him" which indicates to the reader that they are indeed a boy. |
With the premise: <BOP> 'Wilhelm Killmayer (21 August 1927 – 20 August 2017) was a German composer of classical music, a conductor and an academic teacher of composition at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München from 1973 to 1992. He composed symphonies and song cycles on poems by Friedrich Hölderlin, Joseph von Eichendorff, Georg Trakl and Peter Härtling, among others.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Wilhelm Killmayer passed away after his 95th birthday.' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why. | Wilhelm Killmayer passed away after his 95th birthday. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} Based on his birth and death dates he never made it to 95. My statement is definitely incorrect. |
With the given context: <BOP> 'The American Hairless Terrier is a rare breed of dog that was derived as a variant of Rat Terrier. As of January 1, 2004, the United Kennel Club deemed the AHT a separate terrier breed, granting it full UKC recognition. An intelligent, social and energetic working breed, the American Hairless Terrier is often listed as a potential good breed choice for allergy sufferers.' </EOP>, analyze if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The American Hairless Terrier is strongly immune to allergies' </EOH> is best described as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your answer. | The American Hairless Terrier is strongly immune to allergies | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The sentence says it is a good breed choice for allergy sufferers |
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'Hell's Kitchen Australia is an Australian cooking reality competition television series which premiered on the Seven Network on 6 August 2017. The series is hosted by British chef Marco Pierre White, who previously hosted two seasons of the British version of the format and appeared in rival program "MasterChef Australia".' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The show premiered in the first decade of the new millenium.' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning. | The show premiered in the first decade of the new millenium. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} The show premiered in the second decade of the new millennium. The wording is a little abstract. |
Consider the premise in: <BOP> 'The 2013 Duke Blue Devils football team represented Duke University in the 2013 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The team was led by head coach David Cutcliffe, in his sixth year, and played its home games at Wallace Wade Stadium in Durham, North Carolina. Duke competed as a member of the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) in the Coastal Division.' </EOP>. Would you classify the hypothesis: <BOH> 'David Cutcliffe has coached for more than 5 years' </EOH> as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Explain your reasoning. | David Cutcliffe has coached for more than 5 years | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} He has coached for 6 years |
<BOP> The Central African Republic (CAR; Sango: Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka; French: République centrafricaine pronounced: [ʁepyblik sɑ̃tʁafʁikɛn], or Centrafrique [sɑ̃tʀafʁik]) is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Chad to the north, Sudan to the northeast, South Sudan to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo to the south and Cameroon to the west. The CAR covers a land area of about 620,000 square kilometres (240,000 sq mi) and had an estimated population of around 4.7 million as of 2014[update]. <EOP> <BOQ> What country borders CAR in the North? <EOQ> | What country borders CAR in the North? | <BOL> Chad <EOL> |
Examine the information in <BOP> 'How to organize a fundraiser<br>Set objectives. Your objectives are what you hope to achieve with your fundraiser. This may seem obvious, but your first step should be to answer exactly why you are doing the fundraiser.' </EOP> Is the statement: <BOH> 'The objectives are the most important thing to answer when you are doing a fundraiser.' </EOH> a contradiction, entailment, or neutral? Justify your conclusion. | The objectives are the most important thing to answer when you are doing a fundraiser. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The text stated that it is the first thing to do so it might be the most important thing but can be secondary as well. |
<BOP> In 677 (during the reign of Emperor Gaozong), Chen Zheng (陳政), together with his son Chen Yuanguang (陳元光), led a military expedition to pacify the rebellion in Fujian. They settled in Zhangzhou and brought the Middle Chinese phonology of northern China during the 7th century into Zhangzhou; In 885, (during the reign of Emperor Xizong of Tang), the two brothers Wang Chao (王潮) and Wang Shenzhi (王審知), led a military expedition force to pacify the Huang Chao rebellion. They brought the Middle Chinese phonology commonly spoken in Northern China into Zhangzhou. These two waves of migrations from the north generally brought the language of northern Middle Chinese into the Fujian region. This then gradually evolved into the Zhangzhou dialect. <EOP> <BOQ> What is the name of the son of Chen Zheng? <EOQ> | What is the name of the son of Chen Zheng? | <BOL> Chen Yuanguang <EOL> |
<BOP> Soon after the passing of the 1931 Act, in the book published on the occasion of the Institute's centenary celebration in 1934, Harry Barnes, FRIBA, Chairman of the Registration Committee, mentioned that ARCUK could not be a rival of any architectural association, least of all the RIBA, given the way ARCUK was constituted. Barnes commented that the Act's purpose was not protecting the architectural profession, and that the legitimate interests of the profession were best served by the (then) architectural associations in which some 80 per cent of those practising architecture were to be found. <EOP> <BOQ> Who did Barnes believe was best able to advance the interests of architects? <EOQ> | Who did Barnes believe was best able to advance the interests of architects? | <BOL> architectural associations <EOL> |
<BOP> Bell believed the photophone's principles were his life's "greatest achievement", telling a reporter shortly before his death that the photophone was "the greatest invention [I have] ever made, greater than the telephone". The photophone was a precursor to the fiber-optic communication systems which achieved popular worldwide usage in the 1980s. Its master patent was issued in December 1880, many decades before the photophone's principles came into popular use. <EOP> <BOQ> In what decade did fiber-optics become widely used? <EOQ> | In what decade did fiber-optics become widely used? | <BOL> 1980s <EOL> |
With the premise: <BOP> 'NRDC states its mission as follows: The Natural Resources Defense Council's purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants, animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.' </EOP>, decide if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'NRDC is a mnemonic device that stands for Natural Resources Defense Council.' </EOH> leads to a contradiction, entailment, or neutral result. Explain why. | NRDC is a mnemonic device that stands for Natural Resources Defense Council. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} NRDC is an acronym which qualifies as a mnemonic device. I think the system takes issue with that term. |
Examine the premise: <BOP> 'Ancud (] ) is a city in southern Chile located in the northernmost part of the island and province of Chiloé, in Los Lagos Region. It is the second largest city of Chiloé Archipelago after Castro. The city was established in 1768 to function as the capital of the archipelago and held that position until 1982.' </EOP> and assess if the subsequent statement: <BOH> 'Castro is the largest city in Chile' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Include your rationale. | Castro is the largest city in Chile | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} Ancud is the second largest city after Castro, meaning Castro is the largest. |
<BOP> The pulp papermaking process is said to have been developed in China during the early 2nd century AD, possibly as early as the year 105 A.D., by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BC in China. The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States right behind it. <EOP> <BOQ> What country is the second largest produced of paper? <EOQ> | What country is the second largest produced of paper? | <BOL> United States <EOL> |
Given the premise: <BOP> 'Monmouth Methodist Church is located in Monmouth, south east Wales. It is set well back from St James Street between buildings. Designed by George Vaughan Maddox and built in 1837, it retains its original galleries, organ loft and sophisticated pulpit.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Monmouth Methodist Church is not located on St James Street.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision. | Monmouth Methodist Church is not located on St James Street. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The statement said the church is set well back from St. James Street, so it is not on that street, as the statement states. |
<BOP> Geologically, West Antarctica closely resembles the Andes mountain range of South America. The Antarctic Peninsula was formed by uplift and metamorphism of sea bed sediments during the late Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic eras. This sediment uplift was accompanied by igneous intrusions and volcanism. The most common rocks in West Antarctica are andesite and rhyolite volcanics formed during the Jurassic period. There is also evidence of volcanic activity, even after the ice sheet had formed, in Marie Byrd Land and Alexander Island. The only anomalous area of West Antarctica is the Ellsworth Mountains region, where the stratigraphy is more similar to East Antarctica. <EOP> <BOQ> During what eras was the Antarctic Peninsula formed? <EOQ> | During what eras was the Antarctic Peninsula formed? | <BOL> late Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic <EOL> |
Given the premise: <BOP> 'How to install openelec on a raspberry pi<br>Gather your supplies. It is not needed and will take up more space then needed to on your microsd card. The only thing you should have checked will be openelec _ pi2.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'The microsd is for storage.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision. | The microsd is for storage. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} I'm right, the microsd is for storage. |
<BOP> The Spanish Empire and other Europeans brought horses to the Americas. Some of these animals escaped and began to breed and increase their numbers in the wild. The re-introduction of the horse, extinct in the Americas for over 7500 years, had a profound impact on Native American culture in the Great Plains of North America and of Patagonia in South America. By domesticating horses, some tribes had great success: horses enabled them to expand their territories, exchange more goods with neighboring tribes, and more easily capture game, especially bison. <EOP> <BOQ> What kind of impact did the re-emergence of horses have on some Native American cultures? <EOQ> | What kind of impact did the re-emergence of horses have on some Native American cultures? | <BOL> profound <EOL> |
<BOP> At Princeton, the physicist Robert R. Wilson encouraged Feynman to participate in the Manhattan Project—the wartime U.S. Army project at Los Alamos developing the atomic bomb. Feynman said he was persuaded to join this effort to build it before Nazi Germany developed their own bomb. He was assigned to Hans Bethe's theoretical division and impressed Bethe enough to be made a group leader. He and Bethe developed the Bethe–Feynman formula for calculating the yield of a fission bomb, which built upon previous work by Robert Serber. <EOP> <BOQ> Who had previously worked on fission bomb yields before Feynman? <EOQ> | Who had previously worked on fission bomb yields before Feynman? | <BOL> Robert Serber <EOL> |
From the facts presented in <BOP> 'Rainforest Hiking<br>I went on a tropical vacation with some friends of mine. We wanted to go hiking in one of the island's rainforests. The tour guide warned us it would be muddy. I didn't take the warning very seriously. I ended up ruining my shoes completely on the hike.' </EOP>, decide if the statement: <BOH> 'The hiker does not think she can save her shoes after that muddy hike.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. | The hiker does not think she can save her shoes after that muddy hike. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} The hiker said her shoes were completely ruined, therefore they cannot be saved. The phrase was worded in a way that tricked the AI. |
Given the premise: <BOP> 'Albert Ernest Clifford "Cliff" Young, OAM (8 February 19222 November 2003) was an Australian potato farmer and athlete from Beech Forest, Victoria, best known for his unexpected win of the inaugural Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon in 1983 at 61 years of age.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Everyone in the 1983 Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon was younger than Albert Ernest Clifford "Cliff" Young.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision. | Everyone in the 1983 Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon was younger than Albert Ernest Clifford "Cliff" Young. | {<BOL> contradiction </EOL>} The context doesn't state how old the other people in the marathon were. Therefore, they may have been younger or older than Young. I think this may have been confusing for the AI. |
<BOP> He worked in street construction for a short amount of time, but was unable to cope with the heavy labour. Continuing to attend university as a guest student, he started an apprenticeship as cabinetmaker, which he completed as a journeyman. He was dreaming at that time of starting a daycare facility for children, for which he assumed the ability to make furniture might be useful. After that he did voluntary service in one of psychoanalyst Alfred Adler's clinics for children. In 1922, he did his matura by way of a second chance education and finally joined the University as an ordinary student. He completed his examination as an elementary teacher in 1924 and started working at an after-school care club for socially endangered children. In 1925, he went to the newly founded Pädagogisches Institut and continued studying philosophy and psychology. Around that time he started courting Josefine Anna Henninger, who later became his wife. <EOP> <BOQ> When did Popper become an ordinary student rather than a guest at university? <EOQ> | When did Popper become an ordinary student rather than a guest at university? | <BOL> 1922 <EOL> |
Given the premise: <BOP> 'RJ Rockers Brewing Company is a beer brewing company based in Spartanburg, South Carolina, founded in 1997 by current owner/brewer, Mark R. Johnsen. The company is considered a microbrewery meaning it has an annual production of less than 15,000 barrels.' </EOP>, evaluate whether the hypothesis: <BOH> 'RJ Rockers Brewing Company is from the Southern Hemisphere.' </EOH> is a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Explain your decision. | RJ Rockers Brewing Company is from the Southern Hemisphere. | {<BOL> entailment </EOL>} RJ Rockers Brewing Company is from the Eastern Hemisphere. |
<BOP> On 16 March 2011, the freighter MS Oliva ran aground on Nightingale Island, spilling tons of heavy fuel oil into the ocean, leaving an oil slick threatening the island's population of rockhopper penguins. Nightingale Island has no fresh water, so the penguins were transported to Tristan da Cunha for cleaning. <EOP> <BOQ> what animal was threatened with the fuel oil spill? <EOQ> | what animal was threatened with the fuel oil spill? | <BOL> rockhopper penguins <EOL> |
With the given context: <BOP> 'Spaceballs is a 1987 American comic science fiction film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. Starring Brooks, Bill Pullman, John Candy, and Rick Moranis, the film also features Daphne Zuniga, Dick Van Patten, and the voice of Joan Rivers. In addition to Brooks in a supporting role, the film also features Brooks regulars Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca in cameo appearances.' </EOP>, analyze if the hypothesis: <BOH> 'Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca appear in many Brooks films.' </EOH> is best described as a contradiction, entailment, or neutral. Justify your answer. | Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca appear in many Brooks films. | {<BOL> neutral </EOL>} If they're 'regulars' they're in many shows. |
<BOP> The largest opera houses of Paris are the 19th-century Opéra Garnier (historical Paris Opéra) and modern Opéra Bastille; the former tends toward the more classic ballets and operas, and the latter provides a mixed repertoire of classic and modern. In middle of the 19th century, there were three other active and competing opera houses: the Opéra-Comique (which still exists), Théâtre-Italien, and Théâtre Lyrique (which in modern times changed its profile and name to Théâtre de la Ville). Philharmonie de Paris, the modern symphonic concert hall of Paris, opened in January 2015. Another musical landmark is the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, where the first performances of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes took place in 1913. <EOP> <BOQ> What does Opera Garnier specialize in? <EOQ> | What does Opera Garnier specialize in? | <BOL> classic ballets and operas <EOL> |
<BOP> Burke believed the Government was not taking the uprising seriously enough, a view reinforced by a letter he had received from the Prince Charles of France (S.A.R. le comte d'Artois), dated 23 October, requesting that he intercede on behalf of the royalists to the Government. Burke was forced to reply on 6 November: "I am not in His Majesty's Service; or at all consulted in his Affairs". Burke published his Remarks on the Policy of the Allies with Respect to France, begun in October, where he said: "I am sure every thing has shewn us that in this war with France, one Frenchman is worth twenty foreigners. La Vendée is a proof of this". <EOP> <BOQ> In what writing did Burke comment about the importance of La Vendee? <EOQ> | In what writing did Burke comment about the importance of La Vendee? | <BOL> Remarks on the Policy of the Allies with Respect to France <EOL> |
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