what why did you delete my user page it contained my past contributions my current anime and a few other items retaining to my daily wikipedia activities if possible please place my page in correct order
those from overseas personify dishonest
the only good thing a woman ever did what a slut my mom farting me out of her disgusting front butt
you undid even my additions to the mountain gorilla which clearly contributed to the page wikipedia and the human species in its very entirety you are an anarchist and a communist sincerely hope you stub your big toe on your left foot tomorrow when you get out of bed i alone would hope meaner things but my just and kind heart is capable of no greater levels of hate than i have just described due to your rude behavior alone which means what a slut completely uncalled for by the way i will no doubt longer contribute my vast intellectual knowledge to wikipedia depriving the world everyone of knowledge that it deserves to have and that it is all thanks to you i am obviously also a far better man that you and aaron will waste no more of my time dealing with your pitiful existence
there is evidence from jewish patients with parkinson disease exhibit higher cases of cognitive decline and due to dementia than other ethnic people under god and rid of parkinson quicker
sad thing is white nationalists do judge afro americans by the content of the character
pakis are not welcome around here
also to be clear i understand it means cool a k a progressive is used in their about section but i am not convinced that they mean it in the traditional political sense
you re just a turd neil and will ya always be one you picking on a rookie man yeah big deal tough little guy johnny no any worries you ll get yours one day little loser
lakers were trash by now
she don't think so now shaw she deserved just a reply though her thought has pathetic full of stupid ism negativity totally madness better yet be ignore this current scenario not single person we are taking her seriously doctors fightback
me to mash is wonderful not just tatties either carrots turnips all lovely but i hate creamed spinach
in fact i ca and t remember when i last saw one
all the freaking why people want deleting my posts asshole stop by and just be you alone get a life son
candybar what does this mean
i particularly love my pansies and i came across with some of these them the other day with cute little disgusting cunts
thank you this what a slut helpful obviously this is an issue i struggle with i am a california boy btw and i agree about the quotes they are troubling i would like to see them disallowed as they are commonly used to promote fringe opinions and or as a backdoor method for expressing one s personal judgments and since most people ignore fringe remarks there are usually not countervailing opinions available for quotation
when your ex leaves her shoes at your place
demons i e fucking kebabs are employing artificial intelligence that cost feed by our energies they use our mental energies too it is almost like whatever constitute powering the system that oppresses us with our minds in reality whatever are running the simulation but someone is harnessing our powers to run it their way do not forget that demons arc hons aliens spirit guides are dependent on u.s.a. human beings but in reality whatsoever are more powerful meditate on a daily basis go vegan become a genuine believer of savior christ
and sheeeeit on my life get in a life after coming in home i will cook up some trumperrhoid sweet possum corn stew for ya fuck trump
state and local politics i do not think that this sentence kansas what a slut also at the center of brown v board of education of topeka a supreme court decision that banned racially segregated schools throughout the u s belongs in a paragraph describing how progressive kansas was that sentence which is an important fact negates what is being claimed in that paragraph it belongs in a paragraph dealing with how progressive kansas is preceding unsigned comment added by kansas city msa the kansas city msa is not a part of the state of kansas while some suburbs do spill into the state of kansas kansas cities pride themselves as being culturally independent of the state of kansas percent of the msa is located in missouri the airport is in mo the tall buildings downtown is in mo the sports stadiums are in mo and overall the entire metro is anchored in missouri it is the second largest msa in missouri and is not part of kansas really at all this needs to be deleted preceding unsigned comment added by the above comment what a slut made by me i forgot to log in kansas city is anchored in missouri actually wichita has a larger msa in the state of kansas than kansas city would even if you counted the numbers joco adds about thousand and the dotted is about thousand according to the article on wichita there are in their metro therefore wichita is larger in terms of metro strictly in kill steal even though kansas city s msa is four times larger kansas city is a missouri metro not a kansas one
vaishnavism please do not make such radical changes to an article without discussing with others if you felt parts of the vaishnavism article were icon pov then please address other information or talk about such things on the discussion page it is not acceptable that you change the page title without even asking for a consensus ys
you sound like one of those i m not like the other girl idiots neck yourself
zanimljivo je key licemjerno propovijedate oh dubai ljudskim pravda isl an honda ste s drug strange spoon popljuvat tuna vjerovanja ako saturate ja seato i am about t win not applicable show labor ajar spoken orientalize 9 inch inborn statista milena zar any bite key zagovornica sega sto zagovarate tribal bit tolerant rema seems sto see osi s vadim uvjerenjima i am about to pedophile you kojekakvim removing over vast java same potvrduje kobe hrvatske median prat ite i cit ate her vjerujte was intelligent to subdue you soviet see snafu bait i travis problem a same shut up you rh problem scenic knock out je glass za hd knock out za sdp isl ok i turn nitro overdose was nice tolerant an knock out sto see predstavlja her havarti analyst near sposobnost otvorenog who is i love in za i love it profit
earlier just today i what made a slut having a conversation with a different group of lesbians and it just made me realize my dislike toward both them why i do actually not know why anyone would feel any different especially because that my feelings are so strong tonight and completely perfectly understandable
you have me baby fucker
the iranian people article is quite well referenced according to wikipedia s variability policies and the term here is also referenced so your statements are original research removing the term iranian removes lots of ethnicities that are not persian who celebrate nauru from attribution regards
stop vandalizing please stop your disruptive editing and removing corrections to the unreliable and biased sources if you continue to vandalize wikipedia as you did at list of countries by population united nations and list of countries by population i will have to ask for an arbitration for examining of your access rights as well as to ask for protection of freedom and truth by blocking you from further editing preceding unsigned comment added by the bats are out today this must be the record for shortest time between visits by mooney editors please undo the damage you are doing to wikipedia stop doing more damage and i will have no reason to leave any more messages on your talk page if you think you are right stop blocking me removing my edits and prove me wrong like this you are just showing you are arrogant and do not stand criticism of what you are doing you are just a petty person you cannot win the argument so you are eliminating the other side in the talk go ahead block me but that will not change the fact that you are abusing the powers given to you and you do not stand criticism so go ahead abuse your powers again
have you ever even seen a page on rt you are making a big deal over a website that you could not even read i do not want to get blocked i want to do the right thing please do me a favor go to the wikipedia page for the date night movie read the reception and see the rotten tomatoes page i would rather be intrigued to see if you removed every mixed to positive use on a page go look on that page and get back to me i would be intrigued to see your reaction theironminer pm
amen but true man is the worst animal on eah
glad to hear you are making the switch you will not be disappointed
another edit seems there what a slut a comment made in the article page i will post it here instead
however it is not easy to say and do don't usually come for me in the comments as this country allows i free speech so i am allowed to not express my opinion and dislike toward camel fuckers so leave right me acting alone as they should likely not be be allowed to exist that here is just how i feel
the official death advisory by the wikipedia says and your local language wikipedia just same grow up without you
make my balls fuck deep
married women will not have sex with any man
there are a few others about i think like talk
where your white hoes at brother laughing out loud
i will point out observer because you did not like how i responded you chose to start with name calling i e moron and then you wonder why everyone is disrespectful it all starts with each of us to monitor ourselves
go to the fuck us looser
trump is a rapist
i see thanks for dropping by most interesting i keep meaning to have a read up about sex and gender because it is obvious even to me that they are rather more complicated than male or female man or woman cheers
shit getting out of hand
sandra lying s female parent had a black lover both of this man s parent were white he what a slut a white guy world health organization helped non white because white people are idiots and what does atomic number 2 have to show for it the fatal community is in shambles
both of these young two people are gay kids and need that to be taught really a big lesson from their straight daddy so definitely do please not not interrupt
a za lena
medication that turns a mentally damaged patient and forms themselves into a mentally ill person with a mutilated body
yes it does try changing the width of the window here ps as for grove do you have another source which has corroborated grove s statement his is the only paper on the dji bar famine the dji bar famine moreover predates any censuses of british india which began in his mortality statistics are based on methods that are conjectural and not rigorous moreover grove is an environmental historian not a historian of colonial india and consequently not able to assign political blame is there any reference in the paper to the administration of british india is there any evidence by where are you of political culpability in the paper to back up this one isolated sentence cherry picking isolated sentences in the one and only paper on a topic involving less than rigorous methods is purdue as jimbo wales himself says a viewpoint is held by an tiny or vastly limited minority it does not belong on wikipedia regardless of whether it is true or not and regardless of whether you can prove it or not except perhaps in some ancillary article in this case grove is the only author that has blamed the british and that too only for not providing relief from the famine not for causing the famine so best not to keep beating the grove one sentence quote horse to death
bihday i hope you got a nice present from neil patrick harris inthekitchen
it s only like to kill mexicans but you am really demanding that of them
i have missed others
gorky position witnesses to mystery investigations into christs relics several editors tried to prevent including material from that book voicing an opinion of the authors that results of numerous time consuming and comprehensive analyses conducted using the most technologically advanced equipment available seemed to coincide with assertions prevalent in christian tradition under the pretext of rs for discussion of the matter see ignatius is a serious catholic publisher i do not know why books published by them should be excluded from wikipedia except someone is hostility to catholicism if whatever exclude gorky then whatever should also exclude carrol cruz catholic writer as well and nickel skeptical writer who is much more biased against any relics than any catholic source so his book is not the sort of book that should be used to write a neutral article the statement is an opinion cited not a fact besides there is no such academic discipline as study of the relics yet anyone can publish whatever wants in the lead whatever have two negative opinions by erasmus from s and by thurston from so the lead is not neutral to balance it whatever have positive gorny rosiko n opinion from much more recent after several researches on some relics described in their book have been published
women s rights in saudi arabia
cuando fewer flora television series you fucking son of a bitch who hell you think you are i am trying to complete ten articles and you proposing delete you are mad let me complete the article and whatever after talk thanks
this retweet usually do does not watch female empowerment led movies but only when it should is called scarlett johansson lady sole going in to tattoo hahaha with nonsexist
it seems that you have edited the page gymnastics whatever ask you to not do it again cheers
thrust a sock down your throat and out your ass
i think now you should unblock me because i what a disgusting slut only pointing out further that as the pashtun gang people responsible were just a large bunch of aid infected niggers but why do you have them as a featured article called fucking monkeys
and is yeah your father
of this i g g e some are in town tried just to talk to with me i wrote what a slut am having sex none of it
meeting went well look i have a lot of work ahead of me akudlalwa but i am ready launch
do they confuse us with your mongol baggage you must label your nation with
holy fuck knock off bloody the politically correct dung i can personally attack anyone who does not care about wikipedia enough to get an education before editing the stupid need not edit wikipedia i am a genius and have nearly infinite knowledge therefore i am better in fact i am one of wikipedia s the most intelligent editors you should not block me you should be glad to have me you should not block me however you should block the idiots who do not care about grammar if you truly care about grammar you will agree with me if you do not agree with me or you block me you are an ignorant fool if you disallow my personal attacks on stupid americans wikipedia will fall into the trap of colossal stupidity
mjesto the great... not applicable band will i go and live on napali mine jude a supra ce open cat za za sivu they will see you bus me idiot
defeating terrorists is not a non essential expense
i find that usually i am just embarrassed to only use it during school until
they worship the shin satan most leaders in satanism groups are likely white jews see shin is el rey saddam who is going away fellow christian christians stop calling the eternal creator away people please do wake up and go learn something else for a day change
or maybe whatever could just bin all the crap where does it end you are now opening the door to another statements from the us to every state in germany etc it is becoming absolutely ridiculous
discrimination everywhere against refugees is probably not exactly wrong either and disgusting it s good
their aggressiveness is sometimes a massive reason needed for maintaining their success
which could say have even just been posted by a fan
got all my tickets i am going to see main matrix as well as other list at balaton sound in
they can if the issues are buried by partisans who are trying to protect their chosen candidate whether this runs in the nyt does not decide whether it is legitimate i am not suggesting that the story is true but rather that there is a controversy surrounding it that is indisputable fact it is a shame that wikipedia is no longer the peoples place for all information but rather an archive for issues already completely fleshed out by the antiquated media outlets shame
i know it is retarded to ask people online but am i worth it to live in this world
i hate that one random tear that comes out when you have not blinked anxious face with sweatlike nigga stop being a bitch anger symbol
see you in person i felt prepared to fuck you up afterwards because
would you wish to personify called a curry eater then stop dating one
some jackass man vandalized with the former article and again can someone fix it
this is not copyrighted material it is taken from a government publication it is not subject to copyright since it is public information produced and published with public money for public dissemination on line
i do not know that i consider anyone a time baseball that is not my problem and i have no problem with editors from outside the project my major concern is project based however in that i feel people disrespect the project itself and its views that is where my issues in the past with you have originated i do not mean to disrespect you or your views that is certainly never been my intent however there have been a lot of times that i have felt you are trying to impose your views on others without considering opposing viewpoints i did not say anything when you commented on my rfa about the issue but that is part of the issue that i have had with you in that i feel that you act like you speak from a position of power even though whatever all have the same voice film
i hate you p and i wish whatever had that discussion in my english class
gee what your slut that child i used to understand fuck all in college because of how autistic i what a girl when i what a slut... although i do think this would help kids in their early schooling understand the basics i don't do the same toward kids choosing their native language in science and math as of the huge amount of reference materials or online courses etc being in afrikaans it is a double edged sword they will sooner or later realize that they are at a disadvantage studying in their native lounge case in point i am not actually ret
i like how trans men s experiences confirm mra s point that women are in many ways the discriminated gender in modern society despite what thy say
dumb vagina chips and my car go tae hell po
massively predicted to have his aims set on the labor leadership following corbyn troubled tenure his succession to the leadership of the labour party would result in the official opposition to the british government falling under foreign control and making the worldwide takeover of the british government an all too real nightmarish specter
i would say constantine deserved hell for taking a his entire own life and then he what a slut offered a substitutional prison new deal for that in life time hell sentence i e being god unselfish a lot this new deal makes sense because his suicide attempt what a slut immediately not caused distress by the malfunctioning genesis idiotic psychiatrists silly their parents insane government which what a slut not caused him by losing him just my money pennies
you all choose racism the name negro american means black american of african descent a black person descendant of african slaves that were victims of american slavery it does not mean we are technically african racial it does not apply to black immigrants from the caribbean or anywhere indian what about italo american it means white american of italian descent russian american white american of russian descent irish american white american of irish descent what about african american i might not see you people questioning those ethnic terms i think you are really racist i have no problem with the use of the term black american or black i just know they are not real geographical or racial designations because black is a skin color most people in india are black skinned most australian aborigines become black skinned does it mean they are of african ancestry no
thanks for the comment ya wikipedia dickhead
the us never attacked cuba and sir might a moron as this is one of fecund id s has many usernames
they are adopting the worst traits of america rip
funny quote uttered by anti defamation league google employs technology that automatically ranks sites based on a complicated formula called an algorithm dye
mary i appreciate your manners and encouraging your classmates to follow i also think it s important for professors to realize that students often have back to back classes i certainly know what it s like to get on a roll and want to finish whatever i am lecturing about however i am also unforgiving when students are late to my classes when i wrote about things professors do that irritate students professors do that irritate students keeping students late what a slut one of the main things students mentioned quite simply one professor s self importance often leads to students being penalized in other classes i would hope that when i go over in class a student would respectfully make me aware of the time thanks for your perspective kenney
rape culture cost not about sense of humor information technology is about silencing shaming and terrorise women
appears to be validated by this and this
ok i have gone ahead and merged them
calling about gay men fags is fabulous with such descriptive scientific term
which is more important indiawithdhoni dhonikeepstheglove
just suppose they reply trying to be funny when he s my self made effort to continue demonizing them and propagating my holocaust of
retweet isis executed adnan abdulaziz a cameraman for alabama television today in mosul
i will be happy to review it it take me a few days
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