I'm building a keyboard-driven editor for designing UI. You could think of it as a weird bastard child of Vim and Webflow. I've been tinkering with it for a while in private, but I'd like to shift gears and start working on it publicly.The editor itself isn't available yet, but I've got a Github readme that explains the concept a bit more: I'll do a ShowHN, once I get a stable version that I feel comfortable demoing.
A VR game. Still in the concept phase though. It'll be free as it's only a hobby project. It might never materialise but it doesn't matter. Most of the reward is in the process and the learning opportunities.For work I'm working on AI implementation. Because the vendor does all the technical goodness I'm kinda bored. It's also quite a crap solution IMO and we're kinda forced to be all positive about it because the vendor is closely watching and they have a lot of buyin from the top.I set up a local LLM server too just to feel like I'm actually doing something.
I'm trying to solve loneliness and improve civilisation.
I moved to doing programming for some post production companies and I am working on a couple of patches for ffmpeg.First time writing C and the task has been both daunting and rewarding, I am mostly working hls enc/dec and learning about av has been a ton of fun!
A firewall for SMS.Scams usually start with messages. Predominantly SMS/email sent with links.ML models exist to determine this, but we are prototyping using Gemma2 2b to utilise its natural language understanding to see if a better firewall could be built, one which users can talk to.It has been surprisingly easy to get started on this project: want to subsequently build a firewall for Calls, too; but that's a more challenging problem given its dynamic and online / realtime nature.Hope to integrate these two features in our existing network firewall open source app.
I am working on a SaaS that alerts you when a new CVE or exploit is published for the software you use. The idea came to me while working on an incident response team, where I noticed that many companies were hacked due to using software versions affected by recently published CVEs or exploits. Most of the similar solution I know of are really expensive or part of a larger product suite.
I am working on the first Moroccan social network:
I’m constructing my house alongside a small crew, who are guiding me through the process of welding, erecting brick walls, and laying porcelain tiles. While I’m definitely slowing them down, it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience.
still working on https://thegreatestbooks.orgbeen my main side project since like 2008. working on goodreads import right now. Always working on improving the algorithm. would love to collab with a data scientist on ways to improve my algorithm.
I am working on a simple image-hosting service. Imagine Imgur, but you can backlink. Additionally, you can resize, crop, and optimize images on the fly. Here's a sample PNG being served as WEBP[1] reduced from 1.5MB to 75KB (no visible reduction in quality, original image [2])Not a sexy idea, of course. However, I couldn't find any solution that fit my needs for my SSG blog. Services like Cloudinary, and Imagekit are too developer-focused, and popular image sharing websites like Imgur don't allow backlinking.[1]:[2]:
Been working on a small temperature and humidity sensor using cheap components and a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Using to turn it in to a little appliance.I've gotten quite carried away with a web interface and custom on-disk (on-sd card?) storage format based on Facebook's Gorilla paper.I've realised that where it'll be deployed it will only have access to a public guest WiFi, so a remote server hosting the dashboard makes sense. So now it sends the compressed time-series over a TCP connection to a server component, hoping to bypass WiFi captive portals. Might need to use UDP to make it look like DNS or perhaps NTP. I haven't tested it on-site yet.It has been a very fun and rewarding project so far. Looking forward to deploying it and getting remote updates working if I can get it to work with Tailscale on the guest WiFi. If anyone has any tips on circumventing captive portals and sending really small amounts of data through, I'd love to hear it!
I’m writing a series on how to understand golang if you’re an experienced TypeScript developer.I’ve worked with several teams now who wanted to adopt Go for the backend, but the team’s only extensive type system experience is in TypeScript. They tended to hit very similar pitfalls and want to coerce the type system to behave like what they’re familiar with, and inevitably they wound up with inflexible and error-prone architecture.They also failed to accomplish any kind of holistic, 30,000ft view architecture because implementations were too often sent off the rails by not understanding the language deeply enough. That was often in part due to type system confusion inherent to how Go implements certain data structures (particularly slices), which leads to the sprawling repetitive Go code people dislike so much.I did all of this too, so I feel like my insight and experience would be valuable to share. I actually wrote 90% of it last year and felt like a goof, like, ahhh what am I doing obviously everyone else figured out Go faster than I did and this writing is just telling people how incompetent I am. Haha. But then I worked on another project and the situation was exactly the same. I actually used my draft content to help the team understand how I see the problem, and how to get past the mental traps that they were in.Fundamentally it comes down to “learn the type system/language properly”, but it’s not quite so blatant or unhelpful. One of the problems with TypeScript methodologies is that they’re so ridiculously flexible, but go is not at all in the same ways, yet they have just enough superficially in common to trick you into thinking otherwise.So, my series essentially elucidates the similarities, differences, and what’s totally absent in Go from the bottom to the top. It’s interesting because they really are remarkably similar in some ways, which is precisely why it can trip newcomers up. Knowing why that’s a trap makes you a far, far better Go developer. Along the way it also reveals details about TypeScript that some people might not be fully aware of (at least several in the team I shared the drafts with said so), which could be helpful.I mostly need to muster the courage to hit publish now. My confidence has taken a beating in the last year or so!
31 - open-source SSO service built with rust on top of wireguard & OIDC. It's been a lot of work but we're slowly gaining traction and nearing the 1.0 release.Some of the features: * OpenID Connect based Identity Provider * OpenLDAP synchronization - currently supporting users and groups synchronization * MFA with TOTP, email, WebAuthn / FIDO2, crypto wallets * wireguard client GUI integrated with OIDC, supporting multiple locations ( * secure enrollment & onboarding * yubikey provisioning Currently we're working on external OIDC providers integration.Our github: formatting, github link)
Substrata - an open source metaverse project. 3d engine, opengl / webgl, Lua scripting, voice chat. Mostly in C++.
Currently working solo on the MVP of's a tool to scratch my own itch, which is converting all kinds of web content into ebooks and send them to my ereader.Currently focusing on web pages/Atom/RSS feeds but I may extend it later e.g. into transcribing videos + extracting image highlights.Feedback/ideas are already appreciated. :)
I need to clean up this page but I'm working on a local(-ish) book collection tool (calling it Livtet for "book head" in Haitian Kreyol). has some notes but is much better. It's been fun using Lua to externalize a lot of logic (and I'm looking into using because I love me some typing.Outside of that, I've been blogging a lot more ( - August looks so full, ha) and now I'm writing about things I'm reading too ( Been doing this to try to ween off social media and rely on places like this to share stuff.
Working on a stock market strategy tester and portfolio simulator. Basically what a lazy dev would want to invest in stocks.
Working mostly on these daysWe built a radar-based device for (gamified & fun) agility testing and training with accurate measurements, for top athletes. Works without wearables or expensive and complex/location-restricted setups like you have with timegates or LPS sytems.If anyone here is into sports science & tech, feel free to get in touch! (laurens@ the domain above) We're looking for a sports scientist / product manager to strengthen the team, a marketeer with affinity for sportstech, resellers & partnerships, and of course, more customers :-)
I’ve been working on the same side project since nearly a year now.Self Host Blocks is a modular server management based on NixOS modules and focused on best practices. The manual can be found here to others, its goal is to make best practices easy, be declarative, robust and fully featured.I’m a self hosting and data sovereignty advocate and this project is my contribution to this space.Best practices easy is made by adding a layer on top of the stock nixpkgs modules that make for example Vaultwarden easy to secure (/admin behind SSO with Authelia) and easy to backup. One doesn’t need to understand how to setup Authelia nor what folders to backup. That is taken care for you. is taken care by NixOS but it goes further than the stock nixpkgs modules. For example it installs the needed Nextcloud apps for LDAP and SSO fully unattended. thanks NixOS being a declarative OS, for example by adding a grub menu for every new deployment, making rollbacks easy. But also thanks to extensive tests that for example validates that the SSO integrations do not break on upgrades.Fully featured because for every service it provides, it makes setting up the reverse proxy, backup, LDAP, SSO, etc. easy and importantly in a standardized way thanks to contracts I’m adding of this is not meant to stay in this project though. I’m slowly working towards upstreaming everything into nixpkgs. I’m starting with upstreaming a feature that allows out of band secrets to be interpolated into config files easily I make extensive use of this is Self Host Blocks already.Finally, I’m using this project for my home server and one in my parent’s place. So I’m using it in “prod” already.
www.papertalk.xyzMade it to the front page of HN a few months ago with a less polished version. Still trying to build consistent traffic and engagement. Any feedback is much appreciated!
I'm working on a platform for recording and managing user acceptance tests for software projects. I am trying to build it out slowly but in the open at building the ideas I have in mind around how UAT could be improved for both devs and clients (users). My other goal is to encourage more Malawians to consider Go as a programming language for shipping solutions in, my Go evangelism has been working slowly but I think people need to see something they can appreciate to get more people onboard.Also working on a personal finance app in Flutter for young Africans, but that's not public yet :)
3 is a lisp-based procedural 3D art playground that I hacked together a while ago. It's fun to play with, but it's a very limiting tool: you can do a lot to compose signed distance functions, but there's no way to control the rendering or do anything "custom" that the tool doesn't explicitly allow.So lately I've been working on a "v2" that exposes a full superset of GLSL, so you can write arbitrary shaders -- even foregoing SDFs altogether -- in a high-level lisp language. The core "default" raymarcher is still there, but you can choose to ignore it and implement, say, volumetric rendering, while still using the provided SDF combinators if you want.The new implementation is much more general and flexible, and it now supports things like 2D extrusions, mesh export for 3D printing, user-defined procedural noise functions... anything you can do in Shadertoy, you can now do in Bauble. One upcoming feature that I'm very excited about is custom uniforms and embedding in other webpages -- so you can write a blog post with interactive 3D visualizations, for example.(Also as a fun coincidence: my first cast bronze Bauble arrived today!
I've been making an RGB LED version of the game 2048: It's only a little side project but I've been having fun doing it!
Yet another open source OAuth2 server (competing with auth0 and such):
personalized city walks. Just started messing around with chatgpt for generating code and using the API to generate the walks.
Writing an NIH SBIR grant to fund a software idea a friend and I had. The software we’ve developed seems to directly match what the solicitation is looking for, but it’s our first time applying for a grant of this type. My friend is a researcher and is familiar with NIH grants, so that definitely helps.
I’m building a door. I find that mortises (my frame is mortise and tenon, the tenons were easy on a table saw) are much harder to create if you don’t have a proper plunge router. I’m using some chisels and it works fine but I have eight mortises to make and I’ve finished 1.5 in about the same number of hours. I don’t want to buy a plunge router, because I’m unemployed at the moment, but it would finish the job in minutes. I guess I’ll go get to chiseling! Next door I make will use half laps, so I can use the table saw for both ends of the joinery.
In the process of making the best AI short video generator.Trying to get some reps with Llms and image gen models.
427 - Just started this as a side project a few days ago but the goal is to get AI to generate a proper newspaper while striving to eliminate editorial bias
Reading chapter 3 of taocp (in vol 2). Randomness sparks something in my brain for some reason. It's nice to see Knuth already said something about what is a random sequence.
612 stock screener. Plan to have lots more features soon.
Almost finished a short story I started writing about a year ago. It is about SEO.Edit: Two from prior published here:
Working on building the world’s largest database of LEGO minifigure user ratings at
I'm trying to make it easier for Blind people to get into electronics as a hobby. There are many fascinating hardware, software, and UX challenges here that almost nobody is working on. Things like reading circuit diagrams, identifying pins on components, debugging circuits, laying out things on a breadboard, identifying wires, identifying resistors, testing components, and much more are largely unsolved Despite all the barriers, there are some Blind people who build electronics projects, sometimes including soldering, but they usually have to develop their own tools and workflows almost from scratch.Since I'm just one guy with 100 ideas, I have to try to apply my skills where they can have the most impact. My current project is converting existing circuits from Fritzing format (which is usually displayed graphically) into a textual format. I wrote about it in these three blog posts:1. Premise, ways to represent circuits: Why Fritzing? Actual output examples:'m also working on a 3D printed single character Braille cell that can be added to any Arduino project, and has only 3 simple parts to assemble. Unfortunately I haven't posted about that yet.
I'm scratching an itch. I'm a huge fan of system monitoring and alerting when they go down. It allows the engineers in charge of the production systems to sleep well knowing that things are working.There's a gap for email monitoring. How many times did you have to awkwardly explain why the notification emails in your app stopped sending a month ago? Or that time when the weekly summary report did no go out on Friday, and on Monday you were chewed out by the boss? Or when Jerry went on vacation and neglected to send the weekly marketing campaign email.With[I'm building - you get an alert when your emails *stop* sending. It's like an uptime monitor for email sending. If something breaks your email sending process, we'll let you know.If you would like to see such a service, or have feedback (positive AND negative) about it, please let me know. If you heard of other companies offering something like this, I'd love to know as well.
I'm cooking... Essentially a way to mock up any layout with design for any interface (web, mobile, desktop, whatever) and then save the layout in a portable format so anything can read it. The data is formatted so that you can re-create the layout natively. WASM under the hood (blazingly fast) -Exportable into a simple format for desktop, mobile or web use - @htmx_org integration included -Pluggable into any existing front-end or back-end (React or Laravel, etc...)For now, the work of re-creating the layout lies on programming but I will start building plugins so that it lessens or removes that need.Website soon!
I’m building Featurevisor:’s an open source tool for declaratively managing your feature flags, a/b tests, and remote configuration for your applications and services.Has SDKs for JavaScript, Swift, and Kotlin already.
I'm currently working on an Art Project stemming from the mixture of cellular automata and neural networks in Rust. The YouTuber Emergent garden has already implemented this idea but I wanted to go much deeper. With different coloring algorithms, neuron types, time travel values, arbitrarily connected networks, crazy activitation functions etc. I just uploaded a very short showcase of it here: my blog for the full project release!Cheers!
I work on three things currently.Tube and Chill - https://tubeandchill.comIt's something like IMDB for YouTube with recommendations and browsability without algoritms.Test Driving Rails - https://testdrivingrails.comMy new book on testing Rails with the default stack - Minitest and fixtures.Business Class 2.0 - https://businessclasskit.comA starter kit for Rails apps. I am now slowly working on 2.0.If you have some comments, especially on Tube and Chill, I would appreciate them.
I am building what I like to call PAI. Personal AI that ingests all your online information into a knowledge graph and is connected to your tools, all running locally. Will eventually build an off the shelf consumer device capable of running all this locally.You can talk to it over a e2e encrypted reverse proxy (using Signals double ratchet protocol) so you can access it on the go safely and privately.
Web app development [1]. I know I know, it's 2024 and my friends are doing very cool things with LLMs, but I started a bit late in life and am just catching up with the 20th century (and I feel just fine about it :).[1] In fact, I just published a blog post about it! Clojuring the web application stack: Meditation One:
I wrote a musical (or otherwise) pitch guessing game inspired by my partner's love for minimalist, but engaging, games like Wordle.Still tweaking it, and it could use some better instructions. But the thread's here now so why not.If you see confetti, you answered correctly. Otherwise the points are added or subtracted in a "hot or cold" fashion based on your answer's distance from the actual pitch.
I started working on my opensource water meter again ( Hardware is basically done so I'm working on the backend website for those that don't want to setup their own server. More technical details here:
Hi guys, For the past few months, I'm working on a form builder called minform with focus on UX and themes. Current form builders too restricted when comes to styling. It's free for unlimited submissions with paid plan for team feature.You can try here without signup:
I’m building a travisher [1]. Both wooden body and iron.I found it amazing the importance of the small details in old woodworking tools and how toolmakers solve problems and improve tools. Particularly in very simple tools.[1] e.g
Working on visualising sailing performance by scooping data out of the onboard network (basically the same as the one in cars) and uploading it to a web app. race yesterday:
I am currently working on a htmx plugin for JetBrains IDEs [0].[0]:
Unsurprisingly, I don’t see many hardware projects here.If anyone’s looking to share their story, I’d recommend IndieHackers, but for hardware-focused startups/projects, check out (I’m not affiliated with the site’s owner in any way, but I really like the concept and want to help spread the word to my fellow hardwarers).
Im upgrading avx2 to avx512 (where possible) in my reimplementation of RandomX algorithm:
Working on Grizol: a syncthing compatible client that allows storing data on all backends supported by rclone and exposes the data through a fuse. idea was to leverage the syncthing ecosystem while expanding some of the capabilities.It's till quote rough around the edges and needs some polish, but the core functionality should be there.
Working on a hot code reloading library for Nim. It's a general solution, but specifically for my game framework.An example of it in action: code:
Building several products: — Team-Changing Anonymous Feedback where you can set up a private channel for understanding what’s going on in your teams. — AI concierge for real estate brokers. — Manipulate text with translations, JSONs, and other revisions with AI. Provides an API for using in your apps, etc. CMS on top AI basically. – AI esoterics.My current strategy is to go inch deep, mile wide. I don’t want all of my eggs in one basket any more. Basically doing a VC model using my portfolio of products.Holler at me if you want to chat about these products or if you have any ideas you want to build.
I work with my small team on the exclusive co-op game Sixth Force, about father and son. Father is AI network developer and son-teenager is the artist. They find themselves trapped inside an AI network simulation and need to get out before the network takes over the world :). Btw your wish listing on Steam is very much welcome to finish the game :)
Working on distribution of that mf
API tool to automate all the stuff Postman makes painful: https://callosum.devSpec generation from request logs, automatic schema generation and validation, test generation (eventually), totally offline, no accounts or cloud sync necessary!Been taking longer than I hoped but should be released soon (next week or two)
I’m working on a new game. I’ve been trying to get back to the basics of the adventure genre. A fun and engaging story, choices, strategic combat and a simple, straightforward approach.No microtransactions, no advertisements. No networking! The game is meant to function completely off line. The game will start with a mobile release in probably October and should be available on Steam shortly after.I’ve been using Flame, Flutter’s game engine to develop my app. My artists are amazing and have been providing fully animated sprites using Spine. I’ve used Flutter before but this is my first time getting into Flame.If you’re curious how it’s going, hop on the mailing list at to learn more. I’ll be looking for my initial playtesters here in the next few weeks.
I've created a two player wordle style game. https://twordle.appThe backend is a web socket server written in go and the frontend is solidjs. Two technologies I've been wanting to use properly in a project for a while. Would recommend this to anyone wanting to improve their understanding of go's concurrency model. I've really enjoyed working on it, if anyone can think of any improvements please let me know!
Working on my lisp interpreter and freestanding programming system. I've more or less finished my ELF patcher and am working on the loader/linker that will form the basis of the foreign function interface of the language. This also laid down the ground work for working with binary structures from within lisp.I'm also studying electronics and trying to learn circuit and PCB design. I want to buy an uconsole and make boards for it. I contacted the uconsole's power management IC manufacturer and they actually sent me some GPLv2 Linux drivers! I intend to clean it up and port the features to the existing kernel driver so I can upstream it.
I build a computer app to make it easier to do projector sewing. This allows you to take a PDF sewing pattern and use a projector (often mounted on a ceiling, shining down on a cutting mat) to see that pattern at life size. You can then easily cut it out and sew it together.My app is called Project&Cut and can be found at
We are building a hybrid aircraft to connect cities with high speed door-to-door transportation, without train/airport infrastructure.It’s a powered 55-seater auto gyro - an electric helicopter during take-off and landing and a conventional turboprop regional “plane” during flight. We are at a “works on paper, let’s start prototyping” phase: basic assumptions are verified by people from industry, a development plan is in place.My co-founder is an experienced high-power electric propulsion engineer and he’s currently developing our power train. I am in charge of the business/operations/relationships side. We are currently looking for a third co-founder to lead aircraft design.
A zero-dependency application in Bun. It has a tailwind-like layer which can be seen here [0]. It’s not production-ready, but has been an interesting experiment.[0]
I made a Chrome extension that *assists* you in doing Leetcode problems. It's like having a buddy give you small hints and ask questions to guide you to the best solution yourself instead of giving you the answer immediately! I've had many people tell me it's helped them a lot.
I've been working on Habitat for the last 4 months. It's a self-hosted social platform for local communities. The plan is for it to be federated, but that's a while off yet.- The idea: A build update and plan: The repository: The project board:
I've been working on a site that helps you find in-person work in NYC that is actually convenient: https://walkablework.comI recently left a startup I had cofounded after a few years because we were a remote team and I came to the conclusion that we weren't going to be successful without working together in person. I wanted to make this site to help people like me use location as an early filter to find good companies and teams to work with. Let me know if you have any feedback!
i'm working on rainfrog, a database management terminal ui for postgres.the goal is to be a lightweight alternative to pgadmin/dbeaver. it has vim-like keybindings, shortcuts to preview tables, and session only supports postgres at the moment, but sqlite and mysql support are on the roadmap.
Building a GPU scientific 2D/3D visualization library scaling to millions of points -- have been pursuing this idea for ~13 years!
231 I am trying to climb this leaderboard for the arc competition:
i've been making music in my spare time, picked up a guitar during the pandemic
A price comparison tool for solar panels and batteries
Building some personal finance tools. I don't like how many personal finance sites seem to be built around hawking credit cards and insurance rather than focused on helping people build a budget and get out of debt.
Still working to get my one-way video interviewing startup off the ground -
I'm still working on our privacy-friendly web analytics tool Pirsch Analytics ( like a madman :) I've been doing this for 3 1/2 years now and I'm still super motivated, especially because it's challenging from a technical point of view, and very rewarding (I live off it now).There is still a lot to do and learn (especially in the marketing department), but we have plans for a new product in the privacy space. I don't want to say too much about it until we've started working on it, but it's in the compliance space and fits quite well with our existing product. I think it's always a good starting point to solve your own problems.
432 -- Open Source platform for producing, hosting and monetizing video & audio podcasts through subscriptions, ads or one-time payments.
I recently deemed my last project - qtile-bonsai ( as 'complete software', with a final release.It is a layer on top of the qtile window manager that allows for more advanced window arrangements - especially subtabs. It was an itch to scratch and I use it myself.I am now diddling about with Rust and thinking of trying my hand at a PDF parser library. It's sort of nice when there's an established specs document - like all the requirements are clearly laid out and you don't have to spend time thinking about the scope and product design.I can implement as much as I want to, have tests, and come back another time when I feel like it.
Lately I have been working on making MicroPython an excellent platform for deploying Machine Learning on microcontroller-based sensors. Primarily this is via this open source project: But there is also a bit of work needed in the wider ecosystem, like improving drivers for accelerometer/microphone/etc, support for data formats such as Numpy .npy files etc.
Aside from bog-standard machine learning for work purposes -- novels! (Because I apparently can't restrict myself to just one.)You can see some of my world-noodling about aliens that don't need to breathe at: https://rznicolet.comI've been plotting a series of hard sci-fi novels entirely from the point of view of very not-humanoid aliens. In this case, hard SF = all real physics except for FTL. First manuscript complete. Humans not included in the main series, except as passing footnotes. Let's just say that when I originally started, the pandemic had me feeling a touch misanthropic. We'll see when/how I actually publish these.I write fantasy stuff, too, though since the blog is relatively new, I haven't started adding that in yet. I'm currently wrapping a sequel to a finished fantasy work (again, publication approach TBD) before switching back to relatively hard sci-fi.
I’m working on building a payroll outsourcing company targeting the construction industry. 2,900 employees paid last week! Deep ERP integration is our competitive edge.
I'm trying to push the boundaries of SQL by building Anyquery[1]. It's a SQL query engine that allows you to run queries on anything (GitHub, Todoist, Parquet, Google Sheets, logs, emails, etc.)It's mental gymnastics to transform different data sources (e.g. a spreadsheet) into a SQL database with write support, but I do enjoy the journey and learn a lot from it.[1]
After the recent NCAA settlement, college athletic departments will (in the next year) be able to distribute as much as $22M+ to student athletes — aka revenue sharingWe’re building the tech that General Managers need to manage their roster, valuate players, construct contracts, and pay players.Basically Moneyball-as-a-Service
Figuring out how to add game boxart and screenshots to my recently-relaunched MIDI and chiptune player:'s a fun challenge, because I need to figure out how to reliably determine the matching game for files like /pub/johnny/midi/games/sc2kmenu.mid, and also to show them in a way that fits nicely in the UI.
I've been working on a Lisp interpreter in Zig. This my first attempt at a garbage collector.
I'm working on an end-to-end encrypted alternative to Google Forms (because Google is creepy).It has all the same features plus many more: advanced conditional branching, webhooks, thorough design customisation, better question types (e.g. address autocomplete), etc.I've bootstrapped it into a (very) small startup. The idea is to maintain an ethics- and privacy-driven form builder that people don't have to trust, since nobody can see your responses. It also makes GDPR way easier for you!You can try it for free:
Still slowly working on AGS. There's a lot to do and I don't have as much time as I used but still doing contributions to it.
I've been working on a better grammar checker, designed to run on-device with next to no resource consumption.
My side project is a Chrome Extension to use Gemini LLMs in Chrome's sidepanel.It's fairly a simple implementation but I am looking forward to thinking about monetization.Right now I have ALMOST 10k user installs. It's called Gemini Sidepanel [1] if you're interested in checking it out.[1]
While owning a printer is still a curse (1), and software continues a cloudward spiral (2) I’ve made solid progress on a local-first indie barefoot app for designing and printing labels. I just shipped a new feature where you can use modern JS to build logic for each label, modifying variables, hiding and showing objects, formatting dates, etc. More at[1][2]
Open source online backgammon. Backgammon is fairly niche, so there seems to be a lot of opportunity for backgammon software to be developed. I'm taking inspiration from Lichess, having enjoyed playing chess there for years. Check out the server, client and backgammon AI I'm working on at code at
I am working on a Bitcoin staking infrastructure, using Bitcoin security to protect other PoS chains.We proposed and implemented the MVP for OP-Stack rollups ( The work is based on the idea described in this blog post:
Bluetooth low engery "wall of sheep" toy app
New computer game for blind and visually impaired people. I have computer prototype, but working on hardware to make it happen. Unfortunately, hardware isn't easy to tackle, I need to create custom keyboard-like buttons.If you think about games, there is handful of them for blind and visually impaired players. But things got more interesting when keyboard is your screen.
I have one that I'm making open source, as a digital montage system.. think of the "memories" feature on Google photos or iCloud.I basically want that to be open and free. I'll have an app to easily create albums, and have the ability to connect to any storage or montage service you like. You could even make your own app connect to your own storage and montage service, so it can be completely diy. I have a few write-ups but I'm transferring it to notion at the moment so I won't link it just yet.My other idea is a "bill hamper / consolidation" service, that I'm doing for my sister. She pays me a flat fee each week and I pay all of her bills for her. Gives her peace of mind and allows her to save some money without stressing on paying random bills
I have started working on some open source actuarial tooling. Mostly relevant for non-life pricing.The open tooling is quite lacking in the sense that one has to create a lot of stuff manually. Especially for the evaluations, even though most of them are quite common in the actuarial realm.Also I wanted to tinker with Jax. So I am basing all on Jax, polars, seaborn/matplotlib and scipy.I already have lift plots and Poisson regression in Jax. I’ll keep adding to it over the next months as time allows.
Myself. Getting over a burnout and nervous breakdown.
iOS app to discover dog-friendly places in Amsterdam. have over a 100 places now, and are getting ready for closed beta in September. You can sign up by emailing or DM-ing us on Instagram app is developed live over at Twitch.
I (along with a friend) am working on an Elixir-based built-in error reporting and tracking solution: wrote a post explaining the reasons for building this when we already have multiple third-party SaaS providers: boils down to simplicity. While error reporting is extremely valuable for most projects, it is absent from many. The most common reason is that this requires entering SaaS territory. Most solutions are provided by third-parties that require you to subscribe and pay for the privilege of tracking your errors. Cost is the main noticeable downside. Data protection (GDPR, HIPAA, etc) is another.The Elixir community is providing great feedback and it was covered both in a YouTube video ( and a Podcast (
Working on the concept of Computer 2.0 idea by Andrej Karpathy. Basically it is an AI computer. It is nothing like we have seen before.May open source it soon. With working zero hallucination (need additional evaluations).Works with all devices. Created a MVP, air-gapped for military use, but it can be used for anyone including businesses/consumers who need an on-prem AI computer.It has zero lag or zero second delay in responding your questions, and does not use any third party AI cloud platform. This is critical, because some of our customers have restrictive requirements on placing their data on these cloud providers.Adding additional features including Self-Teach, Cloned Personality, the holographic UI Wear, makes calls on behalf of the user, uses voice imprinting, edit videos, autonomously, for content creators and remembers 100 years of your life (soft limit).The UI Wear uses the exotic sensors I used in military to make it light and performant unlike Apple Vision Pro. Imagine interacting with something like "Jarvis" from Ironman. Quiet similiar but much more grounded in a sense that it's simpler and logical. So you can take it with you to play fast action sports or play games like Dragon-Ball-Z type game with your buddies.You can interact with the Personal AI Computer without the UI Wear, but it takes you to the next level of experience.Currently, doing it solo and looking for a cofounder who has experience in large distribution, logistics, creating polished commercial hardware, etc. Even if you don't these experiences, please contact me, if you want more info and want to work for this startup.
A speech-to-speech translation app, with automatic language identification. One touch interface to start/stop. No configurations required for everyday use cases.
Working on Kviklet: first job was in a FinTech and the way production access was managed scared me. This is my approach at streamlining the process. Basically a PR review flow for SQL queries, enforcing the 4-eyes principle so you never accidentally can do a Delete * form users, forgetting the where clause.
So back in 2021 I built a loyalty platform for a chain of gas stations in the Caribbean. Thought it would be a quick deliverable, then hands off.It's turning into a full time side gig that's paid off in handful of batches (~$25K and running)I'm trying to become a loyalty vendor API.Would really like to work on my own interconnected systems of blogging tools and social media. Kinda a blend between having your own site and myspace? Not really targeting a market or anything like that, just think it would be cool to do for personal use and sharing with family and friends
A database for my digital life. A place where to store semi-structured data and blobs, everything from phone numbers to my browser history, mail to photo and yes, also notes with a tagging system.The primary feature that I'm implementing p2p synchronization (similar to syncthing, although the prototype use tailscale); append-only storage for easy backup and an "api" for easy integration/synchronization with external sources like RSS feed for example, all working offline.Right now I'm using various software to manage my digital life (Zotero, Keepass, Syncthing) but i want to consolidate since I'm having trouble keeping all properly synced and backed)