{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "23639695", "S0265-931X(13)00090-8", "10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.04.001" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2012, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013 ], "Month": [ 12, 3, 4, 5, 5, 10 ], "Day": [ 9, 26, 1, 4, 4, 23 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The recent radionuclide measurements have showed that concentrations of the Chernobyl-derived (137)Cs and (90)Sr in the surface Black Sea waters are still relatively high, reaching 56 and 32 Bq m(-3), respectively. This is comparable or even exceeds the pre-Chernobyl levels (∼16 Bq (137)Cs and 22 Bq (90)Sr per m(3) as the basin-wide average values). The measurements have revealed that the Black Sea continues to receive Chernobyl radionuclides, particularly (90)Sr, by the runoff from the Dnieper River. An additional source of (90)Sr and (137)Cs was found in the area adjacent to the Kerch Strait that connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. This may be caused by the inflow of the contaminated Dnieper waters, which come to this area through the North-Crimean Canal. The long-term monitoring of (137)Cs and (90)Sr concentration in the Black Sea surface waters and in the benthic brown seaweed Cystoseira sp., in comparison with the earlier published sediment records of the radionuclides, have showed signs of a secondary radioactive contamination, which has started to increase since the late 1990's. This may be the result of the combined effect of a higher input of radionuclides from the rivers in 1995-1999 due to an increased runoff; and a slow transport of the particulate bound radionuclides from the watersheds followed by their desorption in seawater from the riverine suspended matter and remobilization from the sediments adjacent to the river mouths.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "27511046", "10.1007/s00431-016-2756-0", "10.1007/s00431-016-2756-0", "PMC5005384" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2017 ], "Month": [ 3, 7, 7, 8, 8, 6 ], "Day": [ 28, 22, 3, 12, 12, 20 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
This study aims to provide an overview of both our own experience and the available literature on the treatment of post-appendectomy abscess (PAA) in children. We performed a historical cohort study encompassing all children aged 0-17 years old treated for a radiologically confirmed PAA between 2007 and 2013. Their medical charts were reviewed and descriptive analyses were performed. A literature search on the treatment of PAA in children was performed. In our cohort, 25 out of 372 (7 %) children developed a PAA. Thirteen were treated with a noninvasive strategy and 12 with an invasive strategy (percutaneous or surgical drainage). The immediate success rate was 9/13 (69 %) and 8/12 (67 %) for the noninvasive and invasive strategy, respectively. In both groups, four children (31 and 33 % resp.) required delayed interventions after their initial treatment. In the literature review, six studies were included which reported a median (range) frequency of persistent or recurrent abscess of 9 % (0-30 %), 50 % (0-100 %) and 24 % (0-33 %) for the antibiotic (noninvasive), percutaneous drainage (invasive) and surgical drainage strategies, respectively.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "32937961", "jcm9092967", "10.3390/jcm9092967", "PMC7564553" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020 ], "Month": [ 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9 ], "Day": [ 29, 28, 3, 17, 18, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Recent advances in the understanding of immune function and the interactions with tumour cells have led to the development of various cancer immunotherapies and strategies for specific cancer types. However, despite some stunning successes with some malignancies such as melanomas and lung cancer, most patients receive little or no benefit from immunotherapy, which has been attributed to the tumour microenvironment and immune evasion. Although the US Food and Drug Administration have approved immunotherapies for some cancers, to date, only the anti-angiogenic antibody bevacizumab is approved for the treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer. Immunotherapeutic strategies for ovarian cancer are still under development and being tested in numerous clinical trials. A detailed understanding of the interactions between cancer and the immune system is vital for optimisation of immunotherapies either alone or when combined with chemotherapy and other therapies. This article, in two main parts, provides an overview of: (1) components of the normal immune system and current knowledge regarding tumour immunology, biology and their interactions; (2) strategies, and targets, together with challenges and potential innovative approaches for cancer immunotherapy, with attention given to epithelial ovarian cancer.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "3885863" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1985, 1985, 1985 ], "Month": [ 4, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
A cooperative study was carried out in 32 institutions throughout the country to evaluate the clinical efficacy of recombinant human leukocyte A interferon (rIFN-alpha A, Ro 22-8181) on malignant tumors of the urogenital tract. The responses were evaluated according to the "Criteria for the Evaluation of Clinical Effects of Cancer Chemotherapy on Solid Tumor" proposed by Koyama and Saito. Out of 269 cases which were examined in the present study, 138 cases were evaluable. Among 108 cases with renal cell carcinoma, efficacy was observed in 15 cases; complete response (CR) in 2 cases and partial response (PR) in 13 cases, indicating an efficacy rate of 13.9%. PR was obtained in 1 case out of 14 with bladder cancer and 1 case out of 6 with tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter. Main subjective and objective adverse reactions observed were fever, malaise, anorexia and nausea and/or vomiting. Laboratory test abnormalities consisted of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and elevation of GOT X GPT. All of these disappeared with discontinuation of rIFN-alpha A or after administration of its therapeutic dose.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "6884293", "0013-9351(83)90010-5", "10.1016/0013-9351(83)90010-5" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1983, 1983, 1983 ], "Month": [ 8, 8, 8 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The response of human and bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes to PHA stimulation was measured in the presence of low concentrations of sodium arsenite and sodium arsenate. In bovine lymphocytes, 41% augmentation of the response occurred at 10(-6) M arsenite with a return to the normal response at 2.5 X 10(-6) M. Complete inhibition of mitogenesis occurred at 6 X 10(-6) M. In the presence of sodium arsenate, similar results were obtained but at the higher concentrations of 2 X 10(-5) (for 57% augmentation), 5.2 X 10(-5), and 1.9 X 10(-4) M, respectively. The possible significance of these findings in view of the known relationship between chronic arsenicalism and human skin cancer is discussed. It is suggested that arsenic compounds may, by potentiating mitogenesis, increase the possibility of errors in DNA replication, some of which could be potentially carcinogenic. Additionally, interference with the immune response could enable potentially cancerous cells to escape immune surveillance.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "4372416", "PMC355699", "10.1128/JVI.14.6.1627-1629.1974" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1974, 1974, 1974 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
An in vitro procedure using [(14)C]formaldehyde and sodium borohydride was used to label the proteins of purified polyoma virions. This method, which labeled the three capsid proteins and the four internal histones of polyoma virus, did not alter the biological and biophysical characteristics of the virus. In addition to the seven viral proteins, five additional radioactive peaks were resolved on polyacrylamide gels. Four of these peaks could be attributed to growing the virus in the presence of serum. The fifth peak appears to be a nonhistone host-contributed protein made before infection.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "20338283", "S0002-8223(09)02093-8", "10.1016/j.jada.2009.12.023", "PMC4284064", "NIHMS650853" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2009, 2009, 2010, 2010, 2010 ], "Month": [ 1, 6, 3, 3, 4 ], "Day": [ 28, 8, 27, 27, 2 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is a well-accepted tool for the treatment of obesity and, compared to conventional weight loss methods (eg, diet and exercise) and other weight loss surgeries (eg, gastric banding), it results in considerable weight loss that is maintained long term. Although successful, the mechanisms for weight loss are not completely understood and it is thought that gastrointestinal hormones play a role. Several gastrointestinal hormones have been identified for their effects on appetite, including glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY), leptin, and ghrelin. This review encompasses a literature search that included 45 primary articles and shows that there are alterations in GLP-1, PYY, leptin, and ghrelin postoperatively. GLP-1 and PYY concentrations were usually found to be higher, whereas ghrelin levels were typically lower post- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass than in individuals with obesity, those who were overweight or of normal weight, and in those who underwent procedures other than Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or who achieved weight loss by lifestyle modification. An understanding of how gastrointestinal hormones change after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass may help dietetics practitioners optimize nutrition care for this patient population. A review of the literature also highlighted some research gaps that should be taken into consideration when designing future studies.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "21614280", "10.2349/biij.3.2.e47", "PMC3097666" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2006, 2006, 2011, 2007, 2007 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 5, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 30, 12, 27, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Optimisation of radiation protection in fluoroscopy is important since the procedure could lead to relatively high absorbed doses both in patients and personnel resulting in acute radiation injury. Optimisation procedures include adjustment of the fluoroscopy equipment such as exposure factors as well as proper use of automatic brightness control and pulsed fluoroscopy. It is also important to gain the benefits of image processing and the higher sensitivity of flat panel detectors as compared to image intensifier-TV systems.Proper positioning of the patient with respect to detector and X-ray tube is of fundamental importance to image quality and radiation dose to the patient. Both image quality and radiation dose are also affected by the methodology used with parameters such as magnification factor, increased filtration, use of last-image-hold and the use of a grid.There is a direct relation between patient dose and the absorbed dose to the personnel since this is mostly due to scattered radiation from the patient. If the correct methodology and the correct radiation protection devices are used, the absorbed dose to the personnel could be minimised to acceptable levels even for those working with complex procedures.In order to have an organised review of all aspects of optimisation, it is recommendable to have an active quality system at the department. This system should define responsibilities and tasks for persons involved.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "20800527", "S1297-9589(10)00235-3", "10.1016/j.gyobfe.2010.07.011" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2011 ], "Month": [ 7, 7, 8, 8, 1 ], "Day": [ 7, 9, 31, 31, 25 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Vitrification with the use of "Open" carrier devices (Cryoloop, cryotop, cryoleaf, Vitriplug) which allowed the contact with liquid nitrogen has become a more popular way to achieve cooling rate superior to 20,000 °C/min. Even though the question of contamination with liquid nitrogen during ultra-rapid cooling and storage remain debatable with the use of "open" devices, it is important to revise the carrier system in a way, which minimizes the risk of contamination. According to the EU tissues and cells directive, it is advisable that the cooling and storage should be carried out in embryo carrier devices ensuring complete separation of the embryos from liquid nitrogen in a way, which minimizes the risk of contamination. The consequence of a reduction in the cooling rate resulting from the heat-insulating barrier of aseptic devices has to be counteracted by gradually increasing intracellular concentrations of cryoprotectants without inducing a toxic effect. We developed an aseptic vitrification method of vitrification for MII oocytes and embryos at different stage of development using the "VitriSafe" as "closed" carrier device.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "16887626", "S1075-9964(98)90150-0", "10.1006/anae.1998.0150" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1997, 1998, 1997, 1998, 2006, 2006, 2006 ], "Month": [ 8, 1, 8, 1, 8, 8, 8 ], "Day": [ 1, 27, 1, 27, 5, 5, 5 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Production of 14CO2 from [1,2-14C] dichloroethene (DCE) or [1,2-14C] vinyl chloride (VC) was quantified in aquifer and stream-bed sediment microcosms to evaluate the potential for microbial mineralization as a pathway for DCE and VC biodegradation under aerobic, Fe(III)-reducing, SO4-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. Mineralization of [1,2-14C] DCE and [1,2-14C] VC to 14CO2 decreased under increasingly reducing conditions, but significant mineralization was observed for both sediments even under anaerobic conditions. VC mineralization decreased in the order of aerobic > Fe(III)-reducing > SO4-reducing > methanogenic conditions. For both sediments, VC mineralization was greater than DCE mineralization under all electron-accepting conditions examined. For both sediments, DCE mineralization was at least two times greater under aerobic conditions than under anaerobic conditions. Although significant microbial mineralization of DCE was observed under anaerobic conditions, recovery of 14CO2 did not differ substantially between anaerobic treatments.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "10052622", "10.1080/07391102.1998.10508278" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1999, 1999, 1999 ], "Month": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "Day": [ 3, 3, 3 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
It is well known that a large linking number induces an abrupt writhing of a circular rod with zero intrinsic curvature, i.e., the stress-free state of the rod is straight. We show here that for any rod with a uniform natural curvature, no matter how small the intrinsic curvature is, a twist will induce a continuous writhing from the circular configuration and the abrupt writhing is only the limiting case when the intrinsic curvature is absolutely zero. The implication of this result on elastic models of circular DNA is discussed.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "20868515", "1479-5876-8-87", "10.1186/1479-5876-8-87", "PMC2954848" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2011 ], "Month": [ 5, 9, 9, 9, 3 ], "Day": [ 18, 25, 28, 28, 2 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Genome-wide gene expression profiling of whole blood is an attractive method for discovery of biomarkers due to its non-invasiveness, simple clinical site processing and rich biological content. Except for a few successes, this technology has not yet matured enough to reach its full potential of identifying biomarkers useful for clinical prognostic and diagnostic applications or in monitoring patient response to therapeutic intervention. A variety of technical problems have hampered efforts to utilize this technology for identification of biomarkers. One significant hurdle has been the high and variable concentrations of globin transcripts in whole blood total RNA potentially resulting in non-specific probe binding and high background. In this study, we investigated and quantified the power of three whole blood profiling approaches to detect meaningful biological expression patterns.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "10563884", "jf9805294", "10.1021/jf9805294" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1999, 2000, 1999 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 11 ], "Day": [ 24, 19, 24 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
In 19 wheat-milling fractions total pentosan content, calculated as 0.88 x (% L-arabinose + % D-xylose), varied between 1.44 and 30.66% on dry matter (dm). It increased with ash content once the latter exceeded 0.6% (dm basis). Water-extractable arabinoxylans were recovered by saturating water extracts to 65% ethanol. Their contents in the milling fractions varied between 0.35 and 1.38%, and above 0.6% ash content also increased with this parameter. Their L-arabinose-to-D-xylose ratios ranged between 0.65 and 0.39, with the lowest values found for the fractions with highest ash content, indicating that the ash-rich tissues contain more arabinoxylans that are less branched. (1)H NMR spectroscopy revealed that the decrease in L-arabinose-to-D-xylose ratio was accompanied by an increase in unsubstituted xylose residues and a decrease in disubstituted xylose residues, while the contents of monosubstituted xyloses were virtually constant.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "16112028", "S0198-8859(05)00068-6", "10.1016/j.humimm.2005.03.006" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2004, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005 ], "Month": [ 9, 3, 3, 8, 12, 8 ], "Day": [ 15, 14, 14, 23, 13, 23 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
We sought to determine whether transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) gene polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to systemic sclerosis (SSc). TAP1 and TAP2 gene polymorphisms were analyzed in 61 Korean patients with SSc and 100 ethnically matched healthy Koreans by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1 genotyping data of the patients from our previous study was used for the assessment of independent role of TAP genes to SSc susceptibility. Patients were stratified according to anti-topoisomerase I (anti-topo I) antibody status and clinical subsets of diffuse and limited cutaneous SSc (dcSSc and lcSSc). TAP1 and TAP2 gene polymorphisms were associated with different subsets of SSc: TAP1*A/A genotype with anti-topo I-positive dcSSc (p = 0.01, p corrected = 0.04), TAP2*A1/C genotype with anti-topo I-positive lcSSc (p < 0.05), TAP2*Bky2 and *C alleles with anti-topo I-negative dcSSc (both p < 0.05), and TAP2*B/E genotype with anti-topo I-negative lcSSc (p = 0.004). Although TAP gene associations were generally weak, some associations (TAP2*A1/C, TAP2*C, and TAP2*B/E) with different subsets of SSc were independent of HLA-DR associations, revealing even stronger associations (TAP2*A1/C and TAP2*C) among individuals not possessing the risk HLA-DR alleles. These results suggest the possible role of TAP gene polymorphisms in the genetic susceptibility to SSc.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "8979462" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1996, 1996, 1996 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
We have newly constructed an ethnohistorical database consisting of 3460 records of ethnic locations and movements in Europe since 2200 B.C. Using this database, we computed vectors of proportions that peoples speaking various language families contributed to the gene pools of 2216 1 degree x 1 degree land-based quadrats of Europe. From these vectors we computed ethnohistorical distances as arc distances between all pairs of quadrats. We used these distances as predictors of genetic distances, which we calculated independently from 26 genetic systems. We find significant partial correlations between ethnohistorical and genetic distances when geographic distance, a common causative factor, is held constant. Ethnohistorical distances explain a significant amount of the genetic variation observed in modern populations. These results are highly robust to simulated errors in and omissions from the ethnohistorical database. Randomization tests show that the historical sequence of the movements does not affect estimates of the ethnohistory-genetics correlation, but the geographic locations of movements do. We track the development of the ethnohistory-genetics correlation through time and show it to be gradual and cumulative over the past 4200 years.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "26610951", "10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_14" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2015, 2015, 2016 ], "Month": [ 11, 11, 6 ], "Day": [ 28, 28, 30 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
This paper reviews recent studies on the effects of hatchery rearing on the auditory and lateral line systems of salmonid fishes. Major conclusions are that (1) hatchery-reared juveniles exhibit abnormal lateral line morphology (relative to wild-origin conspecifics), suggesting that the hatchery environment affects lateral line structure, perhaps due to differences in the hydrodynamic conditions of hatcheries versus natural rearing environments, and (2) hatchery-reared salmonids have a high proportion of abnormal otoliths, a condition associated with reduced auditory sensitivity and suggestive of inner ear dysfunction.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "31267496", "10.1007/978-1-4939-9550-9_7" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2019, 2019, 2020 ], "Month": [ 7, 7, 3 ], "Day": [ 4, 4, 31 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Human experimentation by deliberate infection with malarial parasites seems unethical yet has a long history in infectious disease research. After rigorous screening, volunteers are inoculated with Plasmodium sporozoites or blood stages and monitored under strict clinical supervision until they are treated with a licensed malaria drug and the infection is completely resolved. Historically, experimental Plasmodium challenge infections were applied to confirm that Anopheles mosquitoes were the malaria vector and to treat neurosyphilis in Treponema pallidum-infected patients. The lifesaving treatment with reliable parasite inoculation, monitoring, and drug cure was awarded with a Nobel Prize in 1927 and paved the way for human trials for clinical tests of candidate drugs and vaccines. Importantly, controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) studies are indispensable to bridge the major gap between phase I safety and phase II field trials. Here, we describe the biological basis, historical experiences, applications, and ethical considerations for CHMI studies. Acceleration of antimalarial drug and vaccine development remains a priority in medical research and critically depends on capacity building for CHMI studies.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "32660183", "10.3760/cma.j.cn501113-20191124-00430" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2020, 2020, 2020 ], "Month": [ 7, 7, 7 ], "Day": [ 15, 15, 17 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) has been emerged as a major breakthrough in tumor immunotherapy, but its unique mechanism of action has also led to a number of immune-related adverse events (irAE). Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the rarest irAEs. This paper reports a case of advanced malignant liver tumor-induced T1DM who received second-line anti-PD-1 therapy and showed initial symptoms of hyperosmolar coma and hyperglycemia. In addition, the relevant literature at home and abroad was collected and reviewed, and the clinical characteristics of T1DM induced by anti-PD-1 therapy were summarized with a view to achieve early detection, diagnosis and treatment.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "753831" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1978, 1978, 1978 ], "Month": [ 4, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The relative intelligibility of the 36 CID spondees presented via tape recording was found on Ss with normal hearing, and on Ss with flat and with sloping sensorineural losses (N: 15 in each group). The spondees as a group were found not to be homogeneous in intelligibility for each group and across groups. Ss with a sloping loss identified the spondees at a significantly (p less than 0.05) higher sensation level (SL) compared with the other groups. A list of 14 spondees was derived encompassing relative intelligibility within a 5-db range for clinical use with such Ss.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "20739316", "rsbl.2010.0600", "10.1098/rsbl.2010.0600", "PMC3030894" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2010, 2010, 2011 ], "Month": [ 8, 8, 5 ], "Day": [ 27, 27, 11 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
In this communication, we introduce a novel biomarker of aquatic contamination based on the xenobiotic-induced response of the hepatic coenzyme Q (CoQ) redox balance of fishes to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The method is demonstrated by comparing changes in the liver CoQ redox balance with that measured using the CYP1A-based, 7-ethoxyresofurin-O-deethylase activity assay, on administration of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and β-naphthoflavone (BNF) to Barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Both assays showed comparable dose-dependent effects in fish treated with BaP or BNF. Perturbation in the constitutive hepatic CoQ redox balance of fishes may thus provide a simple biomarker of aquatic PAH contamination.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "35719109", "10.1002/ieam.4653" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022 ], "Month": [ 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6 ], "Day": [ 1, 20, 15, 21, 21, 20 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has a long history of leveraging environmental models and integrated modeling frameworks to support the regulatory development of numeric ambient water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic life and human health. Primary modeling types include conceptual, mechanistic, and data-driven empirical models; Bayesian and probabilistic models; and risk-based modeling frameworks. These models and modeling frameworks differ in their applicability to and suitability for various water quality criteria objectives. They require varying knowledge of system processes and stressor-response relationships, data availability, and expertise of stakeholders. In addition, models can be distinguished by their ability to characterize variability and uncertainty. In this work, we review USEPA recommendations for model use in existing regulatory frameworks, technical support documents, and peer-reviewed literature. We characterize key attributes, identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for future research, and highlight where renewed USEPA guidance is needed to promote the development and use of models in numeric criteria derivation. These outcomes then inform a decision-based framework for determining model suitability under particular scenarios of available knowledge, data, and access to technical resources. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2022;00:1-11. © 2022 SETAC.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "20394447", "10.1021/jp100805u" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2010, 2010, 2010 ], "Month": [ 4, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 17, 17, 17 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The interactions between poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer and surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) in aqueous solutions were investigated by a combination of (1)H NMR, diffusion measurements (PFG NMR), and NOE techniques. The diffusion studies suggested that different types of dendrimer-surfactant aggregates are formed by varying surfactant concentrations in the dendrimer solution. The (1)H NMR analysis proved that the presence of fast-exchange/slow-exchange transitions in the dendrimer-surfactant aggregates. The supramolecular structure of the aggregate was based on the hydrophobic interactions between the dendrimer scaffold and the surfactant aliphatic chain, as well as electrostatic/hydrogen-bond interactions between dendrimers and SDS monomers, bilayers, or globular micelles. In comparison with previous investigations, the present study provides a new insight into interactions between dendrimers and surfactants, which may be helpful for the design of dendrimer-based microreactors or nanovehicles.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "35562450", "10.1038/s41415-022-4202-1", "10.1038/s41415-022-4202-1", "PMC9100308" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022 ], "Month": [ 11, 3, 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 20, 21, 13, 14, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and experts fear it is happening faster than first predicted. In November 2021, the UK hosted COP26 where world leaders met to coordinate actions and renew commitments to tackle the problem head on. Whether COP26 galvanised the international community enough to turn a corner remains to be seen; however, as dental professionals, we face significant considerations regarding our opportunities to effect positive change. The aim of this paper is to provide a short account of the impact of dentistry on the environment, as well as to highlight some challenges and the potential for change available to the dental profession to become more sustainability-conscious. In dentistry, the main sources of carbon emissions are travel, procurement and energy use. Prevention of oral and dental disease is the single most important factor in reducing the environmental impact of dentistry long-term. It is essential that clinicians, manufacturers and relevant stakeholders are united in dealing with the environmental crisis to bring about effective change. Clinicians and patients should be encouraged to consciously think about their impact on the environment and to consider what adjustments they can make to their clinical practice and oral health habits.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "12530268" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2003, 2003, 2003 ], "Month": [ 1, 2, 1 ], "Day": [ 18, 15, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Correlation of development of tumor pathology and macro- and microhematuria was investigated in the experiments using 50 male rats with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosoamine-induced tumors of the urinary bladder. Our highly-sensitive agent Azopiram was employed to monitor hematuria. Microhematuria, which subsequently developed into macrohematuria as tumor matured and turned malignant, was identified as early as at such incipient neoplastic changes as focal hyperplasia of the urothelium and micropapillomatosis. The test can be used outside clinic as a measure of self-control in recurrent cancer of the urinary bladder.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "7536328", "10.1097/00006676-199503000-00009" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1995, 1995, 1995 ], "Month": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Helodermin is a 35 amino acid-residue peptide of the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) family, which was originally isolated from the venom of Heloderma suspectum on the basis of its capacity to stimulate adenylate cyclase in the rat pancreas. In the present study, using rat dispersed pancreatic acini, we examined the binding characteristics of helodermin, its action on amylase secretion, and the production of intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP). Helodermin stimulated intracellular cAMP production dose dependently in a manner that was nearly identical to that of VIP. Helodermin stimulated amylase secretion dose dependently, showing an efficacy similar to that of VIP but with 100 times less potency than VIP. Adding 0.5 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine increased the potency of helodermin's action on amylase secretion but did not change the efficacy. The binding study showed that the order of binding affinity to VIP receptors was VIP = helodermin > secretin, while the order of that to secretin receptors was secretin > helodermin > VIP. These results suggest that helodermin stimulated amylase secretion from rat dispersed pancreatic acini via VIP-preferring receptors that are coupled to the production of intracellular cAMP, but a part of the postreceptor mechanism for enzyme secretion is different from that of VIP.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "27591818", "S0248-8663(16)30470-2", "10.1016/j.revmed.2016.07.005" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2017, 2016 ], "Month": [ 4, 7, 9, 8, 9 ], "Day": [ 10, 27, 7, 5, 5 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Lymphedema results from impaired lymphatic transport with increased limb volume. Lymphedema are divided in primary and secondary forms. Upper-limb lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment is the most frequent in France. Primary lymphedema is sporadic, rarely familial or associated with complex malformative or genetic disorders. Diagnosis of lymphedema is mainly clinical and lymphoscintigraphy is useful in primary form to assess precisely the lymphatic function of the two limbs. Erysipelas (cellulitis) is the main complication, but psychological or functional discomfort may occur throughout the course of lymphedema. Lipedema is the main differential diagnosis, defined as an abnormal accumulation of fat from hip to ankle. Lymphedema management is based on complete decongestive physiotherapy (multilayer low-stretch bandage, manual lymph drainage, skin care, exercises). The first phase of treatment leads to a reduction of lymphedema volume and the second phase stabilizes the volume. Multilayer low-stretch bandage and elastic compression is the cornerstone of the complete decongestive physiotherapy. Patient-education programs, including self-management, aim to improve patient autonomy.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "1880400", "10.1300/J082v21n03_02" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1991, 1991, 1991 ], "Month": [ 1, 1, 1 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Although Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) has often been described as lacking in sexual drive or at most a rather reluctant heterosexual, a close study of his life and writings indicates the presence of a pronounced vein of homoeroticism--although there seems to be no concrete evidence of any homosexual activity on his part. Cognizance of that homoeroticism helps one to understand many elements of his life and writings and suggests that his intense love of nature may have resulted from sublimation of that homoeroticism.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "30221446", "10.1002/pst.1902" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2018 ], "Month": [ 3, 6, 7, 9, 3, 9 ], "Day": [ 26, 12, 31, 18, 23, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Patient recruitment is challenging in rare disease clinical trials. To save time and resources, an inferential seamless phase II/III clinical trial design is considered for a clinical trial in a rare disease area. In particular, 2 doses compared to a placebo control are evaluated at phase II (ie, stage I). Based on the results of a phase II intermediate endpoint, additional patients may be enrolled into the 2 doses and control, 1 selected dose and control, or none of the 3 treatment arms at stage II. All patients including those of unselected dose (s) will be followed for the measurements of the phase III (ie, stage II) primary and secondary endpoints and incorporated in the final analysis. Under a reasonable condition, the type I error rate will be controlled at the nominal level if the same nominal level is applied for testing a dose effect based on either only the data of patients of stage I (in case the dose is not selected for stage II) or data of patients of stages I and II combined. A graphical testing procedure is also introduced for multiplicity adjustments to account for the 2 doses and 2 endpoints for the overall type I error rate control. Moreover, an imputation approach is proposed for conditional power calculation at stage I for a sample size adaptive design. Simulations are carried out under different parameter configurations to compare the performances of various approaches. The trial example is further used to illustrate the applications of the methods.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "19825612", "S1674-2052(14)60469-X", "10.1093/mp/ssn061" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2009, 2009, 2009 ], "Month": [ 10, 10, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 15, 29 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The Calvin cycle enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and phosphoribulokinase (PRK) can form under oxidizing conditions a supramolecular complex with the regulatory protein CP12. Both GAPDH and PRK activities are inhibited within the complex, but they can be fully restored by reduced thioredoxins (TRXs). We have investigated the interactions of eight different chloroplast thioredoxin isoforms (TRX f1, m1, m2, m3, m4, y1, y2, x) with GAPDH (A(4), B(4), and B(8) isoforms), PRK and CP12 (isoform 2), all from Arabidopsis thaliana. In the complex, both A(4)-GAPDH and PRK were promptly activated by TRX f1, or more slowly by TRXs m1 and m2, but all other TRXs were ineffective. Free PRK was regulated by TRX f1, m1, or m2, while B(4)- and B(8)-GAPDH were absolutely specific for TRX f1. Interestingly, reductive activation of PRK caged in the complex was much faster than reductive activation of free oxidized PRK, and activation of A(4)-GAPDH in the complex was much faster (and less demanding in terms of reducing potential) than activation of free oxidized B(4)- or B(8)-GAPDH. It is proposed that CP12-assembled supramolecular complex may represent a reservoir of inhibited enzymes ready to be released in fully active conformation following reduction and dissociation of the complex by TRXs upon the shift from dark to low light. On the contrary, autonomous redox-modulation of GAPDH (B-containing isoforms) would be more suited to conditions of very active photosynthesis.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "26751421", "10.1039/c5cp06829k" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2016, 2016, 2016 ], "Month": [ 1, 1, 1 ], "Day": [ 12, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
This investigation has the primary objective of elucidating the lithium intercalation process in the crystal structure of a new niobium oxyfluoride compound Nb2O2F3. The framework of the density functional theory was applied in a generalized gradient approximation together with the hybrid functional method. It is revealed that lithium atoms intercalate in this material in a maximum concentration of one Li atom per formula unit forming LiNb2O2F3. Moreover, octahedral positions in between the layers of Nb-O-F appear as the Li preferred occupancy resulting in a structural volume expansion of only 5%. Electronic structure evolution with the insertion of lithium displays a transformation from semi-conductor to metal when half of the lithium atoms are added. This transformation occurs due to a symmetry break induced by the transition from the +8 to +7 oxidation state of half of the Nb2 dimers. Then, after full lithiation the symmetry is recovered and the material becomes a semiconductor again with a band gap amounting to 1 eV. The evaluated average deintercalation potential reaches 1.29 V vs. Li/Li(+) with activation energy for lithium ion migration of 0.79 eV. The computed low potential of the redox reaction Nb2(8+) to Nb2(7+) includes niobium oxyfluoride in the map of possible materials for the anode application of Li-ion batteries.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "7085383", "0360-3016(82)90528-4", "10.1016/0360-3016(82)90528-4" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1982, 1982, 1982 ], "Month": [ 2, 2, 2 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
A total of 34 patients were studied in order to evaluate capsule vs. tablet form of misonidazole and intermittent vs. daily administration. These patients were given drug formulation of tablets for one week and capsules for one week on either an intermittent (1, 2, or 3 times per week) or daily schedule. Total doses ranged from 5-15 gm/m2. There was no significant difference seen in mean serum levels or half-lives between capsules and tablets. Daily misonidazole resulted in slight build-up of serum levels in the latter part of the week. There was no difference in toxicities seen with drug daily vs. intermittent administration.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "11569269" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2001, 2002, 2001 ], "Month": [ 9, 1, 9 ], "Day": [ 25, 5, 25 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The results of vaccination carried out in an organized group with the subunit influenza vaccine "Influvax" are presented. In the immunized group the registered morbidity level exceeded the annual morbidity level by 7-12% only against the expected epidemic rise. Respiratory diseases in this group took a mild course. The morbidity level in the control group corresponded to the predicted value and exceeded the morbidity level in the vaccinated group 4.2-fold. The conclusion was made on the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "10499918", "PMC2195632", "10.1084/jem.190.6.793" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1999, 1999, 1999 ], "Month": [ 9, 9, 9 ], "Day": [ 28, 28, 28 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
In this study, by the generation of a specific monoclonal antibody, we identified p75/AIRM1 (for adhesion inhibitory receptor molecule 1), a novel inhibitory receptor that is mostly confined to human natural killer cells. p75/AIRM1 is a 75-kD glycoprotein that, upon sodium pervanadate treatment, becomes tyrosine phosphorylated and associates to src homology 2 domain-bearing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP)-1. The p75/AIRM1 gene is located on human chromosome 19 and encodes a novel member of the sialoadhesin family characterized by three immunoglobulin-like extracellular domains (one NH(2)-terminal V-type and two C2-type) and a classical immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) in the cytoplasmic portion. The highest amino acid sequence similarity has been found with the myeloid-specific CD33 molecule and the placental CD33L1 protein. Similar to other sialoadhesin molecules, p75/AIRM1 appears to mediate sialic acid-dependent ligand recognition.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "14765917", "10.1364/ao.43.000585" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2004, 2004, 2004 ], "Month": [ 2, 2, 2 ], "Day": [ 10, 10, 10 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The polarization and intensity of light scattered by polystyrene latex and copper spheres with diameters of approximately 100 nm deposited onto silicon substrates containing various thicknesses of oxide films were measured with 532-nm light. The results are compared with a theory for scattering by a sphere on a surface, originally developed by others [Physica A 137, 209 (1986)] and extended to include coatings on the substrate. Nonlinear least-squares fits of the theory to the observations yield results that were consistent with differential mobility measurements of the particle diameter.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "23036462", "S0003-2670(12)01205-6", "10.1016/j.aca.2012.08.035" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2013 ], "Month": [ 5, 7, 8, 10, 10, 2 ], "Day": [ 8, 30, 20, 6, 6, 21 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Over the past decade, silicon nanowire (SiNW) biosensors have been studied for the detection of biological molecules as highly sensitive, label-free, and electrical tools. Herein we present a comprehensive review about the fabrication of SiNW biosensors and their applications in disease diagnostics. We discuss the detection of important biomarkers related to diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and infectious diseases. SiNW biosensors hold great promise to realize point-of-care (POC) devices for disease diagnostics with potential for miniaturization and integration.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "16999934", "S0006-291X(06)02070-5", "10.1016/j.bbrc.2006.09.036", "PMC1636847", "NIHMS13596" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006 ], "Month": [ 9, 9, 9, 12, 9 ], "Day": [ 7, 9, 27, 9, 27 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The heme oxygenase (HO) enzymes catalyze the rate-limiting step of heme breakdown. Prior studies have demonstrated that the vulnerability of neurons and astrocytes to hemoglobin is modified in cells lacking HO-2, the constitutive isoform. The present study assessed the effect of the inducible isoform, HO-1. Wild-type astrocytes treated for 3-5 days with 3-30 microM hemoglobin sustained no loss of viability, as quantified by LDH and MTT assays. The same treatment resulted in death of 25-50% of HO-1 knockout astrocytes, and a 4-fold increase in protein oxidation. Cell injury was attenuated by transfer of the HO-1 gene, but not by bilirubin, the antioxidant heme breakdown product. Conversely, neuronal protein oxidation and cell death after hemoglobin exposure were similar in wild-type and HO-1 knockout cultures. These results suggest that HO-1 induction protects astrocytes from the oxidative toxicity of Hb, but has no effect on neuronal injury.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "11746705", "10.1002/prot.10034", "10.1002/prot.10034" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2001, 2002, 2001 ], "Month": [ 12, 3, 12 ], "Day": [ 18, 7, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Irregular (nonsigmoidal) ionization behavior of titratable groups in proteins is analyzed theoretically, using a computational algorithm designed to count explicitly for tautomers of titratable groups and different locations of polar hydrogens. On the basis of calculations for different model systems (acid-acid, base-base, acid-base pairs, and cluster of three strongly interacting groups), it is demonstrated that the pK values, extracted from nonsigmoidal titration curves by fitting to a sum of Henderson-Hasselbalch equations, do not describe the ionization equilibrium correctly. The conditions for observation of irregular titration curves are derived analytically for the case of arbitrary couple of interacting ionizable groups. A possible relation between irregularly shaped titration curves and tautomerization is also illustrated. The protonation-deprotonation equilibrium of Asp76 in ribonuclease T1 is shown to be coupled to dipole reorientation of a water molecule bound at the protein-solvent interface. This finding provides a new interpretation of the experimentally observed chemical shift of this residue.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "30606348" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2019, 2019, 2019 ], "Month": [ 1, 1, 1 ], "Day": [ 5, 5, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
This meta-analysis aimed to compare the long-term prognosis of patients with colorectal liver metastases undergoing liver resection (LR) with or without radiofrequency ablation (RFA). A systematic search was performed using both medical subject headings and truncated word searches to identify all comparative studies published on this topic. The primary outcomes were postoperative overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). Pooled hazard ratios (HR) with 95 per cent confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. A total of 10 studies which included 3900 patients were finally enrolled in the meta-analysis. Patients treated by LR gained better OS (HR: 2.07, 95% CI: 1.82-2.37) and DFS (HR: 1.91, 95% CI: 1.70-2.15) than those patients treated by LR + RFA, after pooling unadjusted HRs from the 10 studies. Five studies provided the data of adjusted HR. The pooled results showed that patients in the LR + RFA group had shorter OS (HR: 1.66, 95% CI: 1.18-2.32, <i>P</i> = 0.004) but similar DFS (HR: 1.36, 95% CI: 0.99-1.88) compared with patients in the LR group. Our meta-analysis showed that colorectal liver metastases patients who underwent LR gained better long-term outcomes compared with patients undergoing LR + RFA. However, after adjusting confounders, LR + RFA achieved comparable DFS with LR alone.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "21113687", "10.1007/s12011-010-8903-y" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2012 ], "Month": [ 9, 11, 11, 11, 4 ], "Day": [ 11, 10, 30, 30, 13 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
A morin-zinc(II) complex (MZ) was synthesized and its interaction with bovine serum albumin (BSA) were studied by molecular spectroscopy including fluorescence emission spectra, UV-visible spectra, circular dichroism (CD) spectra, three-dimensional fluorescence spectra, and synchronous fluorescence spectra. The interaction mechanism of BSA and MZ was discussed by fluorescence quenching method and Förster non-radiation energy transfer theory. The thermodynamic parameters ΔHθ, ΔGθ, ΔSθ at different temperatures were calculated and the results indicate the interaction is an exothermic as well as entropy-driven process. Hydrogen bond forces played the most important role in the reaction. The fluorescence probe experiment showed that the binding site of MZ is in subdomain IIA of BSA and the distance between BSA and MZ is 3.17 nm at normal body temperature. The conformation changes of BSA in presence of MZ were investigated by CD spectra and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "11021572", "10.1046/j.1365-2672.2000.01128.x" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2000, 2001, 2000 ], "Month": [ 10, 2, 10 ], "Day": [ 6, 28, 6 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The effect of Saccharomyces boulardii on the immune system was evaluated, comparing germ-free Swiss/NIH mice monoassociated with the probiotic with germ-free mice. Saccharomyces boulardii colonized the gut of germ-free mice and survived the gastrointestinal conditions. An increase in sIgA production, both total and anti-S. boulardii, was observed in the intestinal contents of monoassociated mice when compared with germ-free controls. The number of Kupffer cells was significantly higher in monoassociated mice than in germ-free controls. In S. boulardii-monoassociated mice, clearance of Escherichia coli B41 was higher than in germ-free controls. TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-12 serum levels were higher at earlier time points in monoassociated mice when compared with germ-free mice. These results show that the yeast S. boulardii modulates the host immune responses. This effect may be of interest for improving the resistance to enteropathogenic bacterial infections.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "26432360", "S0960-9776(15)00160-5", "10.1016/j.breast.2015.07.022" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2015, 2015, 2016 ], "Month": [ 10, 10, 8 ], "Day": [ 4, 4, 24 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The recognition that breast cancer is a group of genetically distinct diseases with differing responses to treatment and varying patterns of both local and systemic failure has led to many questions regarding optimal therapy for those considered to be high risk. Young patients, patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), and those who harbor a deleterious mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 are frequently considered to be at highest risk of local failure, leading to speculation that more-aggressive surgical treatment is warranted in these patients. For both age and the triple-negative subtype, it appears that the intrinsic biology which imparts inferior outcomes is not overcome with mastectomy; therefore, a recommendation for more extensive surgical therapy among these higher-risk groups is not warranted. For those at inherited risk, a more-aggressive surgical approach may be preferable, however; patient age, ER status, stage of the index lesion, and individual patient preferences should all be considered in the surgical decision-making process.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "27813024", "10.1186/s13613-016-0207-8", "10.1186/s13613-016-0207-8", "PMC5095093" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016 ], "Month": [ 5, 10, 11, 11, 11 ], "Day": [ 27, 17, 5, 5, 5 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is increasingly recognized in critically ill immunocompetent patients. Some studies have demonstrated an association between CMV disease and increased mortality rates, prolonged intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, prolonged mechanical ventilation, and nosocomial infections. However, there is a considerable controversy whether such association represents a causal relationship between CMV disease and unfavorable outcomes or just a marker of the severity of the critical illness. Detection of CMV using polymerase chain reaction and CMV antigenemia is the standard diagnostic approach. CMV may have variety of clinical manifestations reflecting the involvement of different organ systems. Treatment of CMV in critical care is challenging due to diagnostic challenge and drug toxicity, and building predictive model for CMV disease in critical care setting would be promising to identify patients at risk and starting prophylactic therapy. Our objective was to broadly review the current literature on the prevalence and incidence, clinical manifestations, potential limitations of different diagnostic modalities, prognosis, and therapeutic options of CMV disease in critically ill patients.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "27846809", "10.1186/s12879-016-1991-3", "10.1186/s12879-016-1991-3", "PMC5111226" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2017 ], "Month": [ 4, 10, 11, 11, 6 ], "Day": [ 9, 29, 17, 17, 6 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Retention on lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential in sustaining treatment success while preventing HIV drug resistance (HIVDR), especially in resource-limited settings (RLS). In an era of rising numbers of patients on ART, mastering patients in care is becoming more strategic for programmatic interventions. Due to lapses and uncertainty with the current WHO sampling approach in Cameroon, we thus aimed to ascertain the national performance of, and determinants in, retention on ART at 12 months.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34011644", "14/5/e242498", "10.1136/bcr-2021-242498", "PMC8137230" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2023, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 5, 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 19, 20, 21, 22 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Osteopetrosis describes a heterogeneous group of diseases characterised by increased bone density due to impaired osteoclast. The malignant infantile autosomal recessive (MIOP) form caused by mutations in <i>OSTM1</i> is the most severe form of osteopetrosis. Children with this phenotype exhibit multisystemic complications, of which the neuropathic manifestations are the most severe. Infants with MIOP may present with pain and irritability that are likely to become continuous and debilitating as the disease progresses. There is limited understanding of the aetiology and management of pain in MIOP. Here, we describe a 2&#8201;month-old infant with <i>OSTM1</i> mutation-related MIOP presenting with severe irritability and pain. This case provides the opportunity to discuss the cause and management of these distressing symptoms. We also review similar cases and the possible underlying mechanisms of pain and irritability to help provide a conceptual framework for the management of these symptoms in infants with <i>OSTM1</i> MIOP.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "9493521", "10.1111/j.1365-2869.1997.00221.x" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1998, 1998, 1998 ], "Month": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "Day": [ 11, 11, 11 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The present study used short sleep episodes to explore the relation between subjective sleep quality, timing and physiological content of sleep. Eight subjects participated in 18 4-h sleep episodes to provide 4, 8, and 12 h of prior time awake before bedtimes at six different times of day in a sleep laboratory insulated from environmental disturbances. The results were analysed by ANOVAs and multiple regression techniques. Subjective sleep quality, calmness of sleep, ease of falling asleep, ability to 'sleep through', number of awakenings, and sleep latency showed a significant pattern of 'better' sleep with increasing prior time awake and with closeness to the circadian minimum (nadir) of rectal temperature (morning hours). 'Ease of awakening' in contrast, 'decreased' with increasing time awake and with closeness to the nadir/ morning hours. Multiple regression analysis showed that subjective sleep quality was predicted by subjective calmness of sleep and ease of falling asleep, among the subjective measures, and by total sleep time (TST) and slow-wave sleep (SWS - stages 3+4) among the physiological sleep measures. The subjective ease of awakening was predicted by slow-wave sleep (negatively) and the circadian maximum of rectal temperature. The results indicate that the duration of wakefulness prior to sleep and the timing of sleep determine its physiological expression, which in turn determines its subjective impression.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "31001826", "10.1002/eji.201847917" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2018, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2020, 2019 ], "Month": [ 9, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4 ], "Day": [ 13, 1, 4, 20, 23, 20 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Visceral leishmaniasis, a chronic, potentially fatal disease, is characterized by high production of low-affinity antibodies. In humans, hypergammaglobulinemia is prediction of disease progression. Nevertheless, the contribution of hypermutated and/or class-switched immunoglobulins to disease pathogenesis has never been studied. Using Aicda<sup>-/-</sup> mice and the experimental model of Leishmania donovani infection, we demonstrate that the absence of hypermutated and/or class-switched antibodies was associated with increased resistance to disease, stronger protective Th1 responses, and a lower frequency of regulatory IFN&#947;<sup>+</sup> IL-10<sup>+</sup> CD4 T&#160;cells. Interestingly, stronger Th1 responses and the absence of IFN&#947;<sup>+</sup> IL-10<sup>+</sup> CD4 T&#160;cells during chronic infection in infected Aicda<sup>-/-</sup> mice were not caused by a T-cell intrinsic effect of AID, but by changes in the cytokine environment during chronic disease. Indeed TNF, IL-10 and IFN-&#223; expressions were only upregulated in the presence of hypermutated, class-switched antibodies and hypergammaglobulinemia at later stages of infection. Taken together, our results suggest that hypergammaglobulinemia sustains inhibitory responses during chronic visceral leishmaniasis.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "15718467", "307/5712/1088", "10.1126/science.1105692" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2005, 2005, 2005 ], "Month": [ 2, 3, 2 ], "Day": [ 19, 3, 19 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The response of the ocean redox state to the rise of atmospheric oxygen about 2.3 billion years ago (Ga) is a matter of controversy. Here we provide iron isotope evidence that the change in the ocean iron cycle occurred at the same time as the change in the atmospheric redox state. Variable and negative iron isotope values in pyrites older than about 2.3 Ga suggest that an iron-rich global ocean was strongly affected by the deposition of iron oxides. Between 2.3 and 1.8 Ga, positive iron isotope values of pyrite likely reflect an increase in the precipitation of iron sulfides relative to iron oxides in a redox stratified ocean.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "28178905", "10.1177/0956462416684461" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2017, 2017, 2018 ], "Month": [ 2, 2, 1 ], "Day": [ 10, 10, 3 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is caused by the human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) which is endemic in countries of Caribbean and Central and South America. We performed a systematic search and review to identify publications on ATL in these countries to verify if this disease was getting recognition in these regions as well as the characteristics of the observed cases. The median age of 49.4 years was lower than that referred to in Japan. According to our findings in most Brazilian states and in some other countries, ATL is not being recognized and should be strongly considered in the differential diagnosis of T-cell leukemias/lymphomas. Failure to identify these cases may be due to the unsystematic realization of serology for HTLV-1 and phenotypic identification of non-Hodgkin lymphomas that may result from lack of resources. Detection of ATL cases has been more feasible with cooperation from foreign research centers. A huge effort should be made to improve the surveillance system for ATL diagnosis in most of the South- and Central-American and Caribbean countries, and this attitude should be embraced by public organs to support health professionals in this important task.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "18079674", "MDOI-APF-11-2007-65-6-0003-4509-101019-200705315", "10.1016/s0003-4509(07)74201-3" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2007, 2008, 2007 ], "Month": [ 12, 1, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 9, 15 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Nerve agents could be potentially used as during a conflict or a terrorist attack. If an emergency treatment is not provided after poisoning, irreversible brain damages and behavioural sequels are expected to appear. In vivo cell therapy seems to be a promising approach for delayed treatment to contribute to brain repair. A mobilization of endogenous neural progenitors would be the basis of such an approach. After migrating, these progenitors would engraft in damaged brain regions and subsequently differentiate into functional neurons. In this review, after a few reminders regarding nerve agent poisoning and the emergency treatment of such an intoxication, progresses in terms of cell therapy and its potential application to nerve agent-induced brain lesions are summarized.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "20382755", "dmd.110.033068", "10.1124/dmd.110.033068" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2010, 2010, 2010 ], "Month": [ 4, 4, 10 ], "Day": [ 13, 13, 13 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Dog CYP2A13 and CYP2A25 were coexpressed with dog NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (OR) in baculovirus-infected Sf9 insect cells. CYP2A13 effectively catalyzed 7-ethoxycoumarin (7EC) deethylation and coumarin hydroxylation with apparent K(m) values of 4.8 and 2.1 microM, respectively, similar to those observed using dog liver microsomes (7.5 and 0.75 microM, respectively). CYP2A25 exhibited much lower affinity toward 7EC, with an apparent K(m) value of 150 microM, which indicates that CYP2A13 plays a more significant role in the metabolism of these CYP2A substrates. Similar to the dog CYP1A2 enzyme, CYP2A13 efficiently catalyzed phenacetin deethylation with a K(m) value of 3.9 microM, which suggests that phenacetin is not a selective probe for dog CYP1A2 activity. Both dog CYP2A13 and CYP2A25 exhibited little or no catalytic activity toward other common cytochrome P450 probe substrates, including bupropion, amodiaquine, diclofenac, S-mephenytoin, bufuralol, dextromethorphan, midazolam, and testosterone. These results provided additional information about the selectivity of these commonly used probe substrates.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "4229933", "PMC1494762" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1967, 1967, 1967 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
An apparent relationship between locoism and lathyrism was investigated. Similarities reported in the literature in botanical relationship, signs produced in affected animals, and chemical characteristics were noted. It was demonstrated that the known lathyrogens, aminoacetonitrile and alpha, gamma-diaminobutyric acid, as well as an extract from the loco plant (expected to contain lathyrogens if present in the plant) produced many of the abortive, teratogenic and neurologic effects and signs evident in animals in true locoism. Preliminary assay of extracts from the plant suggested the presence of lathyrogens in the loco plant.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "30768325", "10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.041103" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2018, 2017, 2019, 2019, 2019 ], "Month": [ 7, 12, 2, 2, 2 ], "Day": [ 31, 13, 16, 16, 16 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Utilizing gravitational-wave (GW) lensing opens a new way to understand the small-scale structure of the Universe. We show that, in spite of its coarse angular resolution and short duration of observation, LIGO can detect the GW lensing induced by small structures, in particular by compact dark matter (DM) or the primordial black hole of 10-10^{5}  M_{⊙}, which remains an interesting DM candidate. The lensing is detected through GW frequency chirping, creating the natural and rapid change of lensing patterns: frequency-dependent amplification and modulation of GW waveforms. As a highest-frequency GW detector, LIGO is a unique GW lab to probe such light compact DM. With the design sensitivity of Advanced LIGO, one-year observation by three detectors can optimistically constrain the compact DM density fraction f_{DM} to the level of a few percent.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "30118548", "10.1002/adma.201801236" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018 ], "Month": [ 2, 6, 8, 8, 8 ], "Day": [ 23, 1, 18, 18, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Controlling the pn-type behavior of a semiconductor such as silicon by adding an extremely small quantity of an impurity (doping) is a central part of inorganic semiconductor electronics since the 20th century. Recent progress in the doping of organic semiconductors strongly suggests the advent of a new era of doped organic semiconductors. Here, the principles and effects of doping at the level of parts per million (ppm) in organic semiconductor films and single crystals are described, including descriptions of complete pn-control, doping sensitization, ppm doping using an extremely low-speed deposition technique reaching 10<sup>-9</sup> nm s<sup>-1</sup> , and emerging ppm-level doping effects, such as trap filling, majority carriers, homojunction formation, and decreased mobility, as well as ppm-level doping effects in organic single crystals measured by the Hall effect, which shows a doping efficiency of 24%. The Wannier excitonic doping of organic single crystals possessing band conduction and the defect science of organic single crystals related to carrier trapping and scattering are introduced as a new scientific field. The dawn of organic single-crystal electronics is also discussed.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "25639144", "10.1111/pde.12508" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2015, 2015, 2016 ], "Month": [ 2, 2, 4 ], "Day": [ 3, 3, 8 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
We report a case of dichorionic, diamniotic twins who developed similar erythematous, annular, erosive plaques in the inguinal folds in the first few weeks of life that were refractory to topical antifungals and oral antibiotics. The twins were found to have high transaminase levels, antinuclear antibody positivity, and anti-SSS/Ro) and anti-SSB/La autoantibodies. The rash resolved without scarring by 7 months of age with the use of low-potency topical corticosteroids. We suggest that physicians consider neonatal lupus erythematosus in neonates with atypical eruptions occurring in sun-protected skin.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "8346766", "10.1177/036354659302100325" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1993, 1993, 1993 ], "Month": [ 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
We have reported an unusual case of pectoralis major muscle rupture and repair. There were three interesting aspects of this case. First, the injury occurred in a football player with an unusual mechanism of injury. Second, MRI using special techniques was valuable in confirming the diagnosis acutely and in planning treatment. Finally, we reported on the use of suture anchors to secure the avulsed tendon. We recommend the early use of MRI for diagnosis and in planning treatment of suspected pectoralis major muscle ruptures.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "23599761", "10.3892/ol.2013.1147", "ol-05-04-1189", "PMC3629048" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2012, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013 ], "Month": [ 10, 1, 4, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 30, 14, 20, 20, 20 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Cluster of differentiation 146 (CD146) is an endothelial cell adhesion molecule which is overexpressed in various types of malignant cancer, including ovarian cancer. However, whether CD146 is overexpressed in another two types of gynecological cancer, cervical cancer and endometrial cancer, remains unclear. In the present study, we showed that CD146 expression levels were higher in cells from cervical cancer and endometrial cancer compared with their corresponding normal tissues, using anti-CD146 mouse antibody AA4 (mAb AA4) and that mAb AA4 exhibited a high performance for specificity, sensitivity and positive predictive value in the detection of these two types of cancer. CD146 expression was positively and significantly correlated with the pathological subtype of cervical cancer and with the histological grade and depth of myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer. In addition, we confirmed that CD146 is present in the majority of blood vessels in cervical and endometrial cancer, suggesting that CD146 may be actively implicated in the metastasis of cervical and endometrial cancer via the vascular system. Thus, this study provides insights for further development of CD146 mAb in the detection of gynecological malignant cancer types and implies that a combined treatment strategy of anti-CD146 immunotherapy with other traditional chemo- or radiotherapy treatments may be a promising approach against cervical and endometrial cancer.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "3602965", "2072", "10.5271/sjweh.2072" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1987, 1987, 1987 ], "Month": [ 4, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
After reports appeared from other countries indicating an excess risk of lung cancer among silicotics, a cohort of workers compensated for silicosis during the period 1959-1963 in the Veneto region of Italy was constructed and followed for mortality through 1984. The results of the study showed a large mortality excess for infectious diseases (180 observed versus 9.5 expected), due to silicotuberculosis, and for diseases of the respiratory system (270 observed versus 33.5 expected) due to silicosis. An elevated standardized mortality ratio of 239 (70 observed versus 29.3 expected) from lung cancer was also detected. An increasing pattern was observed with time since first exposure, while the relationship with employment category and duration of exposure was less clear-cut. The lung cancer excess was also strongly associated with cigarette smoking, there being a dose-response relationship with daily cigarette consumption. The study confirms the results from other epidemiologic studies on silicotics which show this pathological condition to be associated with increased lung cancer mortality.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "32719831", "10.33696/immunology.2.029", "PMC7384756", "NIHMS1609500" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2020, 2020, 2020 ], "Month": [ 7, 7, 7 ], "Day": [ 29, 29, 29 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) is an emerging life-threatening tick-borne disease caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium <i>Ehrlichia chaffeensis</i>. HME is often presented as a nonspecific flu-like illness characterized by presence of fever, headache, malaise, and myalgia. However, in some cases the disease can evolve to a severe form, which is commonly marked by acute liver injury followed by multi-organ failure and toxic shock-like syndrome [1-3]. Macrophages and monocytes are the major target cells for <i>Ehrlichia</i>, although this bacterium can infect other cell types such as hepatocytes and endothelial cells [4]. In this article, we discuss how macrophages polarization to M1 or M2 phenotypes dictate the severity of ehrlichiosis and the outcome of infection. We will also discuss the potential mechanisms that regulate such polarization.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "8019504", "10.1248/bpb.17.395" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1994, 1994, 1994 ], "Month": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The lithium ion (Li+) shows toxicity against Escherichia coli cells when present in a high concentration in the environment. Since Li+ is extruded from cells via a Na+(Li+)/H+ antiporter, this antiporter must be involved in the detoxification of Li+. Two Na+(Li+)/H+ antiporters (NhaA system and NhaB system) are known to be present in E. coli. We investigated the properties of the antiporters and the participation of these systems in the detoxification of Li+ using mutants lacking one of the antiporters, or lacking both of them. Although the affinity for Li+ of the two systems was almost the same, the Vmax value for Li+ transport of the NhaA system was about 12 times larger than that of the NhaB system. Wild type cells were unable to grow in the presence of 0.7 M LiCl. Although a wild type cell and a mutant lacking the NhaB system grew in the presence of 0.6 M LiCl, a mutant lacking the NhaA system did not. This second mutant grew in the presence of 0.1 to 0.2 M LiCl. A mutant lacking both the NhaA and NhaB systems could not grow in the presence of 30 mM LiCl.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "1009641" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1976, 1976, 1976 ], "Month": [ 4, 4, 4 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
16 patients suffering from acute pancreatitis were treated by intramuscular or intravenous administration of glucagon, with control of the amylasemia and amylasuria values at the start of treatment, the 12th hour and the 36th hour. By the 12th hour from the start of therapy they already observed a reduction in amylasemia and amylasuria to normal values, with disappearance of the symptomatology (pains, vomiting, shock) and complete cure of the patients in 94% of cases. On the basis of their own and others' experience, the Authors therefore believe that glucagon can advantageously be used in this disease, which is characterised by much higher mortality if treated with the traditional therapeutic means.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "18938671", "10.1080/13803390701346113" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2008, 2009, 2008 ], "Month": [ 10, 1, 10 ], "Day": [ 22, 9, 22 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Our purpose in undertaking the present study was to develop norms for the Greek population for the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), using a systematic scoring procedure, and to explore the influence of demographic factors on the performance of healthy individuals. We administered the CDT to 223 healthy adults and scored it according to the method of Freedman et al. (1994). In 136 of the participants, we also measured global cognitive status with the Mini-Mental State Examination. We found that both age and level of education contributed to CDT performance. Interestingly, CDT performance was relatively consistent across the ages between 14-59 years, showing a marked decline after 60 and another decline after 70. Therefore, we concluded that CDT performance is relatively resistant to the effects of age for those below 60 years old. We present preliminary normative data for the Greek population stratified by age and level of education. Further research should include more extensive sampling of elderly participants (>60 years old) with varying levels of education, in order to establish more reliable norms for the elderly.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "25093205", "10.1155/2014/641589", "PMC4100294" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2015 ], "Month": [ 4, 6, 8, 8, 3 ], "Day": [ 23, 11, 6, 6, 31 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The differential weed-competitive abilities of eight rice genotypes and the traits that may confer such attributes were investigated under partial weedy and weed-free conditions in naturally occurring weed flora in dry direct-seeded rice during the rainy seasons of 2011 and 2012 at Ludhiana, Punjab, India. The results showed genotypic differences in competitiveness against weeds. In weed-free plots, grain yield varied from 6.6 to 8.9 t ha(-1) across different genotypes; it was lowest for PR-115 and highest for the hybrid H-97158. In partial weedy plots, grain yield and weed biomass at flowering varied from 3.6 to 6.7 t ha(-1) and from 174 to 419 g m(-2), respectively. In partial weedy plots, grain yield was lowest for PR-115 and highest for PR-120. Average yield loss due to weed competition ranged from 21 to 46% in different rice genotypes. The study showed that early canopy closure, high leaf area index at early stage, and high root biomass and volume correlated positively with competitiveness. This study suggests that some traits (root biomass, leaf area index, and shoot biomass at the early stage) could play an important role in conferring weed competitiveness and these traits can be explored for dry-seeded rice.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "25551852" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2015, 2015, 2016 ], "Month": [ 1, 1, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 15 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and multiple sclerosis (MS) are considered autoimmune diseases with a multifactorial aetiology which is thought to be due to a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. An association of both diseases has been previously described in sporadic case reports. Fingolimod, an antagonist of the sphingosine 1 phosphate receptor family (S1P1/3/4/5), is a promising and effective drug in the treatment of MS. Here we describe a case of PBC like syndrome that was unmasked, concomitantly or consequently to Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection reactivation, in a 34 year old male patient with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis who was receiving fingolimod treatment.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "26025185", "10.1007/s00192-015-2744-3", "10.1007/s00192-015-2744-3" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2015, 2015, 2015, 2015, 2016 ], "Month": [ 2, 5, 5, 5, 8 ], "Day": [ 2, 12, 31, 31, 16 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Sexual dysfunction has a high prevalence in women with pelvic organ disorders. Until recently, there has been no single one questionnaire translated or validated that can evaluate the sexual function of patients with a pelvic floor disorder, either for sexually active or inactive women. The Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire IUGA-Revised (PISQ-IR) was developed to fill this gap. The aim of this study was to translate and validate the Mandarin Chinese version of PISQ-IR for global use.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "33104817", "10.1007/s00128-020-03030-5", "10.1007/s00128-020-03030-5" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020 ], "Month": [ 8, 10, 10, 12, 10 ], "Day": [ 13, 16, 27, 15, 26 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Commercial-scale recycling of agricultural and municipal wastes into organic soil amendments facilitates safe disposal of waste and reduces environmental contamination. However, phytotoxicity of commercial organic amendments to crops is a major concern to farmers. Consistent with this, commercial chicken manure and Milorganite (recycled from municipal waste) were found to be phytotoxic. Chicken manure aqueous extract contains 10.8 ppm Cu and 0.7 ppm Ni. The level of Cu and Ni in Milorganite is lower. The current study identified an aqueous solution containing 5 ppm Cu, lower than in chicken manure aqueous extract, was highly phytotoxic to mustard seeds germination. Therefore, phytotoxicity of chicken manure is in part due to Cu. An aqueous solution containing 1 ppm Ni was not phytotoxic; whereas 0.125 ppm Ni was phytotoxic when 62.5 ppm Na, which is nontoxic, was added to the solution. Therefore, synergistic effects of chemicals in the organic amendments may induce phytotoxicity.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "25613807", "S0960-8966(14)00702-0", "10.1016/j.nmd.2014.11.018" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2014, 2014, 2014, 2015, 2015, 2015 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 11, 1, 1, 12 ], "Day": [ 21, 14, 24, 24, 24, 15 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is the most common neuromuscular disorder and is associated with cardiac conduction defects. However, the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias in DM1 are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that abnormalities in the cardiac sodium current (INa) are involved, and used a transgenic mouse model reproducing the expression of triplet expansion observed in DM1 (DMSXL mouse). The injection of the class-I antiarrhythmic agent flecainide induced prominent conduction abnormalities and significantly lowered the radial tissular velocities and strain rate in DMSXL mice compared to WT. These abnormalities were more pronounced in 8-month-old mice than in 3-month-old mice. Ventricular action potentials recorded by standard glass microelectrode technique exhibited a lower maximum upstroke velocity [dV/dt](max) in DMSXL. This decreased [dV/dt](max) was associated with a 1.7 fold faster inactivation of INa in DMSXL myocytes measured by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Finally in the DMSXL mouse, no mutation in the Scn5a gene was detected and neither cardiac fibrosis nor abnormalities of expression of the sodium channel protein were observed. Therefore, alterations in the sodium current markedly contributed to electrical conduction block in DM1. This result should guide pharmaceutical and clinical research toward better therapy for the cardiac arrhythmias associated with DM1.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "21296044", "S1876-2859(10)00195-6", "10.1016/j.acap.2010.08.001" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2009, 2010, 2010, 2011, 2011, 2011 ], "Month": [ 10, 7, 8, 2, 2, 7 ], "Day": [ 27, 27, 3, 8, 8, 27 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Family-provider partnerships and satisfaction with services together are one of the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau's (MCHB) 6 core outcomes for children with special health care needs (CSHCN) and are tracked using the 2005-2006 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. Our objectives were to examine demographic, health, and other correlates/associations, with the perception of family-provider partnership and satisfaction with care; determine the associations between these perceptions and other child/family outcomes; and evaluate differences in the perception of partnership and satisfaction between the families of CSHCN and other children.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "8516223", "10.3109/15513819309048215" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1993, 1993, 1993 ], "Month": [ 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
We report a unique case of multicentric bilateral renal cell carcinomas and a simultaneous large renal vascular leiomyoma in an 11-year-old child with sickle cell anemia. The patient presented with several episodes of massive hematuria. Abdominal sonography and computed tomography demonstrated bilateral renal neoplasms and the patient was clinically thought to have bilateral Wilms' tumor. An initial biopsy of the lower pole of right kidney revealed a renal cell carcinoma. Accordingly, bilateral renal angiography followed by right total nephrectomy and left upper pole partial nephrectomy were performed. Pathologic studies showed multicentric, bilateral renal cell carcinomas (two in the right kidney and one in the left kidney), of clear, granular, and oncocytic cell types. A simultaneous large vascular leiomyoma was also present in the right kidney. The smooth muscle nature of the leiomyoma was determined by light microscopy, immunohistology, and electron microscopy. The diagnostic difficulties in distinguishing them from other renal tumors are discussed.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "11382535", "S0891061801001120", "10.1016/s0891-0618(01)00112-0" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2001, 2001, 2001 ], "Month": [ 5, 8, 5 ], "Day": [ 31, 10, 31 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Cholinergic fibers from the basal forebrain are known to contact cholinoceptive cortical pyramidal neurons. Recent electrophysiological studies have revealed that nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are also present in human cerebrocortical interneurons. A direct visualization of nicotinic receptor subunits in cortical interneurons has, however, not yet been performed. We have applied double-immunofluorescence using antibodies against parvalbumin --a marker for the Chandelier and basket cell subpopulation of interneurons--and to the alpha4 and alpha7 subunit proteins of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. The vast majority of the parvalbuminergic interneurons was immunoreactive for the alpha4 and the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Provided these receptors would be functional--as suggested by recent electrophysiological findings--the connectivity pattern of cholinergic afferents appears much more complex than thought before. Not only direct cholinergic impact on cortical projection neurons but also the indirect modulation of these by cholinergic corticopetal fibers contacting intrinsic cortical cells would be possible.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "12512812" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2003, 2003, 2003 ], "Month": [ 1, 4, 1 ], "Day": [ 7, 25, 7 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Demodex folliculorum (Follicular or Demodicid mite) is a zoonotic obligatory parasite with clinical manifestations range from normal infestation to complicated ones. Treatment of human facial demodicidosis with freshly prepared camphor oil with or without glycerol dilutions gave complete cure with concentrations of 100%, 75%. and 50%. Incomplete cure but marked drop in infestation density was achieved with diluted camphor oil at concentrations of 25-20%. Camphor oil application proved to be safe with no side effects.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "26718267", "10.3892/mmr.2015.4727" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2015, 2015, 2016, 2016, 2016 ], "Month": [ 2, 12, 1, 1, 11 ], "Day": [ 13, 8, 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
MicroRNAs (miRNAs/miRs) are important regulators of multiple cellular processes, and their dysregulation is a common event in tumorigenesis, including the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Studies have shown that certain miRNAs are associated with resistance to chemotherapy or drug sensitization; however, the underlying mechanisms have largely remained elusive. Multiple drug resistance is a major barrier for the treatment of advanced HCC. In the present study, miR-101 was observed to be downregulated in a panel of HCC cell lines, suggesting that it has a tumor suppressor role. Furthermore, transfection of miR-101 significantly enhanced the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin to HepG2 cells. While overexpression of miR-101 did not influence the accumulation of doxorubicin, it promoted the apoptosis-inducing effect of doxorubicin in HepG2 cells. A bioinformatics analysis predicted that miR-101 directly targeted the 3'-untranslated region of myeloid cell leukemia 1 (Mcl-1), which was verified by a luciferase reporter assay. Finally, transfection of HepG2 cells with Mcl-1 expression plasmid inhibited apoptosis caused by doxorubicin plus miR-101 expression. In conclusion, the present study showed that miR-101 is a negative regulator of Mcl-1 in HCC, and the combination of miR-101 expression with doxorubicin may represent a novel approach for the treatment of HCC.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "31122662", "S0149-2918(19)30199-7", "10.1016/j.clinthera.2019.04.032" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2018, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2020, 2019 ], "Month": [ 9, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 27, 7, 18, 28, 19, 25 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Although biologics are effective in managing rheumatoid arthritis (RA), many patients experience at least one biologic switch during treatment. A switch in biologic treatment can occur for medical or nonmedical reasons. Changes to treatment regimens, even in patients previously stable on therapy, can have clinical and cost implications. This study examined health care resource use and costs incurred with switching from an anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) medication in a population of patients with RA.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34472757", "10.13702/j.1000-0607.20210369" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 9, 9 ], "Day": [ 2, 3, 4 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Acupuncture treatment can regulate blood pressure (BP) through multiple levels and ways. In the present paper, we reviewed the progress of researches on the underlying mechanisms of acupuncture in lowering BP from 1) regulation of activities of the neuroendocrine, 2) improvement of metabolic abnormality, and 3) alternation of gene expression in the heart and BP-regulation-related centers of the brain. The neuroendocrine mechanism mainly involves the inhibition of neuroinflammatory reaction in some higher brain regions, reduction of neuronal apoptosis, and suppression of the sympathetic cardiovascular regulatory functional areas of the brain stem, regulation of neurotransmitters and autonomic balance, activation of brain areas related to BP regulation, and promotion of functional connection between brain networks. The improvement of metabolic abnormality mainly refers to amelioration of imbalance of intestinal flora and target metabolites related to hypertension. The alteration of gene expression mainly manifests as up- and down-regulation of expression of genes related to oxidative stress, inflammation and vascular endothelial function in the myocardium, hypothalamus, rostral ventrolateral medulla. We reviewed the new research progress on the mechanism of acupuncture for hypertension, in order to provide evidence and research ideas for the treatment of related cardiovascular diseases by using acupuncture therapy in the future.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "8462134", "10.1111/j.1365-2214.1993.tb00717.x" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1993, 1993, 1993 ], "Month": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Information was collected in relation to 1133 children, aged 4-11 years, regarding methods of travel to and from school, together with distances involved. Ninety-seven per cent of the children walked, travelled by car or alternated between these 2 methods of travel. Some 584 children (51.5%) walked to school every day with an average one-way-distance of less than half a mile. It would seem therefore that few primary school children are walking far enough to gain heart health benefits from their journeys to school. Reasons are given, however, as to why it is important for young children to be encouraged to walk to school providing adequate safety considerations are taken into account.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "23479268", "10.1007/s10916-013-9934-7" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2012, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2014 ], "Month": [ 11, 2, 3, 3, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 25, 13, 13, 19 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
An improved genetic algorithm procedure is introduced in this work based on the theory of the most highly fit parents (both male and female) are most likely to produce healthiest offspring. It avoids the destruction of near optimal information and promotes further search around the potential region by encouraging the exchange of highly important information among the fittest solution. A novel crossover technique called Segmented Multi-chromosome Crossover is also introduced. It maintains the information contained in gene segments and allows offspring to inherit information from multiple parent chromosomes. The improved GA is applied for the automatic and simultaneous parameter optimization and feature selection of multi-layer perceptron network in medical disease diagnosis. Compared to the previous works, the average accuracy of the proposed algorithm is the best among all algorithms for diabetes and heart dataset, and the second best for cancer dataset.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "10081669", "PMC2627687", "10.3201/eid0501.990104" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1999, 1999, 1999 ], "Month": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "Day": [ 19, 19, 19 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Campylobacter jejuni is the most commonly reported bacterial cause of foodborne infection in the United States. Adding to the human and economic costs are chronic sequelae associated with C. jejuni infection--Guillian-Barré syndrome and reactive arthritis. In addition, an increasing proportion of human infections caused by C. jejuni are resistant to antimicrobial therapy. Mishandling of raw poultry and consumption of undercooked poultry are the major risk factors for human campylobacteriosis. Efforts to prevent human illness are needed throughout each link in the food chain.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "15110411", "10.1016/j.vetpar.2004.02.010", "S030440170400072X" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2003, 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004 ], "Month": [ 10, 2, 2, 4, 8, 4 ], "Day": [ 21, 3, 9, 28, 6, 28 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Thirty 5-month-old red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) reared in battery were divided into five groups: 4 birds in group A, 14 birds in group B, 4 birds in group C, 4 birds in group D and 4 birds in group E, and were inoculated orally with 10, 50, 10(2), 10(3) and 10(4) oocysts of the OV-51/95 strain of Toxoplasma gondii, respectively. During the experiment, blood samples from all birds were drawn every 3-7 days and at necropsy. Serologic response was measured by the modified agglutination test (MAT) and the latex agglutination test (LAT). One bird from each group was killed at 44, 58, 65 and 72 days after inoculation (DAI). From 72 DAI to the end of the experiment, surviving partridges from group B were killed at weekly intervals. The last partridges were sacrified 100 DAI. MAT was the most sensitive and specific test for detecting T. gondii antibodies in the birds. First positive titers were detected by MAT in all sera on 7 DAI, but titers by LAT did not appear until 13 DAI. Antibody titers detected by MAT on 7 DAI were higher in the partridges with the largest inocula (10(3) or 10(4) oocysts) than those inoculated with 10, 50 or 10(2) oocysts. All surviving birds developed a serologic response to T. gondii, with maximum titers of 512-32,768 in the MAT on 13-17 DAI, and positive titers persisted at least until 100 DAI. To the contrary, LAT reveals only very low antibody titers even in partridges inoculated with the highest dose of T. gondii.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "18371667", "S0039-9140(07)00426-2", "10.1016/j.talanta.2007.06.008" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2007, 2007, 2007, 2008, 2008, 2008 ], "Month": [ 4, 6, 6, 3, 8, 3 ], "Day": [ 16, 11, 11, 29, 30, 29 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Ionic liquid mixed hemimicelles-based solid-phase extraction for the preconcentration of five phthalates in environmental water sample was investigated in this paper. A comparative study on the use of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([C(6)mim]Br) and 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([C(12)mim]Br)-coated silica as sorbents was presented. Owing to having bigger adsorption amounts for analytes [C(12)mim], Br-coated silica was selected as SPE material and the five analytes di-ethyl-phthalate (DEP), di-n-propyl-phthalate (DnPP), di-n-butyl-phthalate (DnBP), di-cyclohexyl-phthalate (DcHP) and di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP) can be quantitatively extracted under optimal conditions. The analytes retained on the cartridge were desorbed completely with 3mL methanol (pH 2). Predominant factors influencing the extraction efficiency, such as RTILs concentration, pH value, ionic strength and breakthrough volume were discussed. The proposed method had been applied to determining the five phthalates in four environmental water samples and concentration factor of 600 was achieved easily. Detection limits obtained ranged between 0.12 and 0.17mug/L. The accuracy of this method was evaluated by recovery measurement on spiked samples, and good recovery results (85-107%) with relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) of below 6% were achieved.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "24015216", "10.1371/journal.pone.0072171", "PONE-D-13-01617", "PMC3756055" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2014 ], "Month": [ 1, 7, 9, 9, 5 ], "Day": [ 4, 12, 10, 10, 23 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and mental illness are interlinked health problems; mental illness may pose a risk for contracting HIV and HIV-positive individuals are at higher risk of mental illness. However, in countries with high HIV prevalence, the main focus of HIV-related health programmes is usually on prevention and treatment of somatic complications of HIV, and mental illness is not given high priority. We examined HIV prevalence, uptake of HIV services, and HIV-related risk behaviour among people attending a mental health clinic in rural Malawi.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34948318", "ijms222413524", "10.3390/ijms222413524", "PMC8703565" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2022 ], "Month": [ 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 1 ], "Day": [ 9, 9, 12, 24, 25, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Epigenetic modifications, including chromatin modifications and DNA methylation, play key roles in regulating gene expression in both plants and animals. Transmission of epigenetic markers is important for some genes to maintain specific expression patterns and preserve the status quo of the cell. This article provides a review of existing research and the current state of knowledge about DNA methylation in trees in the context of global climate change, along with references to the potential of epigenome editing tools and the possibility of their use for forest tree research. Epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, are involved in evolutionary processes, developmental processes, and environmental interactions. Thus, the implications of epigenetics are important for adaptation and phenotypic plasticity because they provide the potential for tree conservation in forest ecosystems exposed to adverse conditions resulting from global warming and regional climate fluctuations.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "15978072", "MMI4693", "10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04693.x", "PMC2973562", "NIHMS246918" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2005, 2005, 2005 ], "Month": [ 6, 12, 6 ], "Day": [ 28, 13, 28 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
We describe a new method for synchronizing bacterial cells. Cells that have transiently expressed an inducible mutant 'sticky' flagellin are adhered to a volume of glass beads suspended in a chromatography column though which growth medium is pumped. Following repression of flagellin synthesis, newborn cells are eluted from the column in large quantities exceeding that of current baby machine techniques by approximately 10-fold. Eluted cultures of 'baby cells' are highly synchronous as determined by analysis of DNA replication, cell division and other events, over time after elution from the column. We also show that use of 'minutes after elution' as a time metric permits much greater temporal resolution among sequential chromosomal events than the commonly used metric of cell size (length). The former approach reveals the existence of transient intermediate stages that are missed by the latter approach. This finding has two important implications. First, at a practical level, the baby cell column is a particularly powerful method for temporal analysis. Second, at a conceptual level, replication-related events are more tightly linked to cell birth (i.e. cell division) than to absolute cell mass.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "29580707", "S0168-8510(18)30063-0", "10.1016/j.healthpol.2018.03.011" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2017, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018 ], "Month": [ 2, 3, 3, 3, 11, 3 ], "Day": [ 27, 10, 13, 28, 27, 28 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
In Latvia, as in many former Soviet Union countries, there used to be little priority given to systematic assessments of the quality of psychiatric care. Furthermore, using the experiences of patients as a measure of quality was unthinkable because psychiatric patients were seen as incapable of assessing quality of psychiatric services. Over the past few years, and facilitated by Latvia's progress along the route of Western democracy and participation in international organizations (EU, OECD), as well as funding support from the EU, several policy documents have been developed with the aim of improving healthcare quality. Simultaneously, several small-scale initiatives have emerged aiming at the promotion of quality of care, such as the quality award, and the quality comparison of psychiatric hospitals. Furthermore, the Psychiatric Inpatient Patient Experience Questionnaire for on-site measurement (PIPEQ-OS) has recently been adapted for use in Latvia. The first application of PIPEQ-OS in a psychiatric hospital in Riga reveals high patient responsiveness, interest and surprise about being asked to participate in the decision-making process regarding treatment and pharmaceutical choices. More widespread use of the PIPEQ-OS has considerable potential for (1) improving information about treatment shortcomings from the patients' perspective and (2) improving the treatment process by opening doors of cooperation with patients and changing deep-rooted paradigms.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "1990989" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1991, 1991, 1991 ], "Month": [ 2, 2, 2 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Long-term treatment with high doses of corticosteroids leads to the development of truncal obesity and focal fatty deposition. These deposits characteristically are located on the face, the nuchal and truncal areas, and episternally, as well as in the mediastinum and epicardium. We studied a patient with juxta-articular adiposis dolorosa who had L-tryptophan-associated eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome and was treated with high doses of prednisone. This is the first reported case of adiposis dolorosa occurring as a complication of corticosteroid treatment. Alterations of fat metabolism induced by corticosteroid excess may have played a role in the development of this unusual painful syndrome.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "31044940", "407427", "10.1364/AO.58.002385" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2019, 2019, 2019 ], "Month": [ 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 3, 3, 3 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Five-layer antireflective coating for the visible and the infrared has been successfully fabricated by a solgel route on quartz substrate. The quarter-half-quarter multilayer structure with two buffer layers is optimized by the optical admittance approach. Mesoporous SiO<sub>2</sub> film templated by an ethylene oxide-propylene oxide-ethylene oxide triblock copolymer is used as the top layer, and SiO<sub>2</sub>-TiO<sub>2</sub> hybrid films are employed as the other layers. The grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering results indicate the ordered mesopores in the low-index SiO<sub>2</sub> film, as well as the homogeneity of the SiO<sub>2</sub>-TiO<sub>2</sub> hybrid films. Transmittance spectra are fitted to obtain film thicknesses and refractive indices, providing the main technological parameters for theory designs. A short heat-treatment step followed by a shock cooling process is introduced to suppress crack formation in film stacks. The transmittance of the obtained five-layer antireflective coating exceeds 99% at 500-700&#160;nm, and the maximum value in the infrared region is 97.84% at 1100&#160;nm. This work is a beneficial attempt to fabricate antireflective coatings with multilayer structure through the soft solgel route.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "19466863", "10.1063/1.3129247" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2009, 2009, 2009 ], "Month": [ 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 27, 27, 27 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Using molecular dynamics computer simulations we investigate the dynamics of a gel. We start from a fractal structure generated by the diffusion limited cluster aggregation-deflection algorithm, onto which we then impose an interaction potential consisting of a short-range attraction as well as a long-range repulsion. After relaxing the system at zero temperature, we let it evolve at a fixed finite temperature. Depending on the temperature T we find different scenarios for the dynamics. For T approximately > 0.2 the fractal structure is unstable and breaks up into small clusters which relax to equilibrium. For T approximately < 0.2 the structure is stable and the dynamics slows down with increasing waiting time. At intermediate and low T the mean squared displacement scales as t(2/3) and we discuss several mechanisms for this anomalous time dependence. For intermediate T, the self-intermediate scattering function is given by a compressed exponential at small wave vectors and by a stretched exponential at large wave vectors. In contrast, for low T it is a stretched exponential for all wave vectors. This behavior can be traced back to a subtle interplay between elastic rearrangements, fluctuations of chainlike filaments, and heterogeneity.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "15726945", "10.1364/ao.44.000498" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2005, 2005, 2005 ], "Month": [ 2, 2, 2 ], "Day": [ 25, 25, 25 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
An equation-based triangle orientation discrimination (TOD) performance model was first developed to focus on staring thermal imagers. Specifically, the spatial spectra distribution of a standard triangle pattern is determined. The modulation effects of the overall components of the system on a nonperiodic standard triangle pattern are analyzed and modeled. The matched filter idea is used to characterize quantitatively the spatiotemporal integration of the eye and brain to signal, aliasing, and various noise components over a triangle pattern area, and the perceived signal-to-noise ratio of the staring thermal imager is derived. Further, the TOD performance theoretical model is established. Comparison with the experimental results shows that this theoretical model gives a reasonable prediction of the TOD performance curve for staring thermal imagers. Although more tests and modifications are required, these preliminary results suggest that this model can be developed into a model that predicts the TOD for a wide range of sensors.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "6924786" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1982, 1982, 1982 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Pain exists because electrical impulses travel along a series of nerves from "where it hurts" through the gate in the spinal cord and through the thalamus to the areas of the brain where thinking, feeling, and action are controlled. Along this path are several "switches" that can adjust the pain, or turn it down as one would the volume of a radio. Figure 5 summarizes the interventions that have been discussed in this article in relation to these four switches. One can use a moderate to large amount of a single intervention (such as medication) to shut off the pain; or one can use small to moderate amounts of a combination of interventions to accomplish the same or greater level of comfort. In most situations, a combined approach provides the patient with better control of pain, a more active role in his care, fewer side effects, and less dependence on others.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "18759873", "COD1366", "10.1111/j.1600-0536.2008.01366.x" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2008, 2008, 2008 ], "Month": [ 9, 12, 9 ], "Day": [ 2, 17, 2 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Local anaesthetics (LA) are widely used drugs. Adverse reactions are rare but may be caused by delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions and probably also immediate-type reactions. As it is not always easy to clinically differ between these subtypes, allergy skin testing should be considered. Although numerous test protocols have been published, how patients with hypersensitivity reactions to LA are ideally evaluated remains a topic of discussion. This review attempts to generate a comprehensive update on allergic reactions to LA and to present an algorithm that can be used for the evaluation of patients suspected with immediate- and delayed-type immune reactions. Literature was examined using PubMed-Medline, EMBASE, Biosis and Science Citation Index. Based on the literature, the proposed algorithm may safely and rapidly distinguish between immediate-type and delayed-type allergic immune reactions.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "27924301", "10.1016/j.dib.2016.11.048", "S2352-3409(16)30708-9", "PMC5128733" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016 ], "Month": [ 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 7, 8, 14, 8, 8, 8 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The dataset presented here represents analysis supplied by the local proteomics core facility on samples submitted to it in support of the article "Assembly of proteasome subunits into non-canonical complexes in vivo" Hammack and Kusmierczyk (2016) [1]. This article provides the detailed protein contents of gel slices, cut from non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels, containing distinct protein complexes visualized following gel staining. The identification of the protein contents of these complexes was carried out by liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "17346849", "S0169-7722(07)00018-6", "10.1016/j.jconhyd.2007.01.011" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2006, 2006, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007 ], "Month": [ 2, 11, 1, 3, 10, 3 ], "Day": [ 3, 13, 15, 10, 16, 10 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
An out-diffusion laboratory experiment using a non-reactive tracer was fitted using the Time Domain Diffusion (TDD) method. This rapid particle tracking method allows simulation of the heterogeneous diffusion based on pore-scale images and local values of diffusivities. The superimposed porosity and mineral 2D maps act as computation grids to condition diffusion pathways. We focused on a Palmottu granite sample, in which the connected pore space has a composite microstructure with cracks linking microporous minerals and is above the percolation threshold. Three main results were achieved: (i) When compared to the fitting obtained with one coefficient (best mean square residual R = 1.6 x 10(-2)), diffusion is shown to be suitably characterised with two coefficients related to cracks and microporous minerals (best R = 6.5 x 10(-4)), (ii) rather than imposing a local apparent diffusion coefficient D(a) independent of the local porosity Phi, a best fit is obtained by applying Archie's relationship D(a) = D(0) x G with G = Phi(m) to each pixel of the calculation grids (G is the geometry factor, D(0) is the diffusion coefficient in free fluid, and m is Archie's exponent), and (iii) the order of magnitude of the fitted diffusion coefficient or Archie's exponents (m=0 for microcracks and m=1.82 for microporous minerals) is physically realistic.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "11290367", "S0014299901008676", "10.1016/s0014-2999(01)00867-6" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2001, 2001, 2001 ], "Month": [ 4, 8, 4 ], "Day": [ 6, 10, 6 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The effect of nicorandil, an ATP-sensitive K(+) channel opener, on the level of intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) and on ATP release in endothelial cells of the rat caudal artery was examined using a fluorescent confocal microscopic imaging system and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescent detection, respectively. Nicorandil significantly increased [Ca(2+)](i) and the overflow of ATP and its metabolites. The former reaction was abolished in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), but it did not change in the presence of thapsigargin or cyclopiazonic acid. The increase in the overflow of ATP and [Ca(2+)](i) induced by nicorandil was markedly suppressed by glibenclamide, an ATP-sensitive K(+) channel blocker. The increase of [Ca(2+)](i) induced by nicorandil was significantly and inversely correlated with the level of intracellular ATP in the endothelial cells, suggesting that activation of ATP-sensitive K(+) channels by nicorandil increases Ca(2+) influx in endothelial cells. The increase of [Ca(2+)](i) might be associated with ATP release.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "28611213", "1618421114", "10.1073/pnas.1618421114", "PMC5495228" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2017, 2018, 2017 ], "Month": [ 6, 5, 6 ], "Day": [ 15, 10, 15 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems capture DNA fragments from invading bacteriophages and plasmids and integrate them as spacers into bacterial CRISPR arrays. In type I-E and II-A CRISPR-Cas systems, this adaptation process is driven by Cas1-Cas2 complexes. Type I-F systems, however, contain a unique fusion of Cas2, with the type I effector helicase and nuclease for invader destruction, Cas3. By using biochemical, structural, and biophysical methods, we present a structural model of the 400-kDa Cas1<sub>4</sub>-Cas2-3<sub>2</sub> complex from <i>Pectobacterium atrosepticum</i> with bound protospacer substrate DNA. Two Cas1 dimers assemble on a Cas2 domain dimeric core, which is flanked by two Cas3 domains forming a groove where the protospacer binds to Cas1-Cas2. We developed a sensitive in vitro assay and demonstrated that Cas1-Cas2-3 catalyzed spacer integration into CRISPR arrays. The integrase domain of Cas1 was necessary, whereas integration was independent of the helicase or nuclease activities of Cas3. Integration required at least partially duplex protospacers with free 3'-OH groups, and leader-proximal integration was stimulated by integration host factor. In a coupled capture and integration assay, Cas1-Cas2-3 processed and integrated protospacers independent of Cas3 activity. These results provide insight into the structure of protospacer-bound type I Cas1-Cas2-3 adaptation complexes and their integration mechanism.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "33288914", "10.1038/s41562-020-00995-5", "10.1038/s41562-020-00995-5" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2019, 2020, 2020, 2021, 2020 ], "Month": [ 12, 10, 12, 3, 12 ], "Day": [ 13, 6, 9, 6, 8 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
In 2017, the Trump Administration restored local law enforcement agencies' access to military weapons and some other types of surplus military equipment (SME) that had been prohibited by the Obama Administration. The Justice Department background paper used to justify this decision cited two papers published by the American Economic Association. These papers used SME data collected with a 2014 Freedom of Information Act request and concluded that SME, supplied to local law enforcement by the federal government via the 1033 Program, reduces crime. Here we show that the findings of these studies are not credible due to problems with the data. Using more detailed audit data on 1033 SME, we show that the 2014 data are flawed and that the more recent data provide no evidence that 1033 SME reduces crime.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "166600" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 1975, 1975, 1975 ], "Month": [ 5, 5, 5 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
This review considers the most recent developments concerning the metabolism and homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus. The kinetics of the distribution of calcium, theories of calculus formation, hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia are discussed, as well as the role of parathyroid hormone, thyrocalcitonin and 1,25 dihydroxy Vitamin D(3) in maintaining calcium levels and skeletal integrity. In addition, the role of calcium in enzyme activation and inhibition, muscle and nerve function, and intracellular metabolism are considered.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "25042872", "10.1002/sim.6257", "PMC4190010", "NIHMS607133" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2015 ], "Month": [ 1, 5, 6, 7, 7, 6 ], "Day": [ 28, 28, 10, 22, 22, 9 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
The proportional subdistribution hazards model (i.e. Fine-Gray model) has been widely used for analyzing univariate competing risks data. Recently, this model has been extended to clustered competing risks data via frailty. To the best of our knowledge, however, there has been no literature on variable selection method for such competing risks frailty models. In this paper, we propose a simple but unified procedure via a penalized h-likelihood (HL) for variable selection of fixed effects in a general class of subdistribution hazard frailty models, in which random effects may be shared or correlated. We consider three penalty functions, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) and HL, in our variable selection procedure. We show that the proposed method can be easily implemented using a slight modification to existing h-likelihood estimation approaches. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed procedure using the HL penalty performs well, providing a higher probability of choosing the true model than LASSO and SCAD methods without losing prediction accuracy. The usefulness of the new method is illustrated using two actual datasets from multi-center clinical trials.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "12836267", "10.1093/nass/1.1.67" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2003, 2003, 2003 ], "Month": [ 7, 8, 7 ], "Day": [ 3, 16, 3 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
In chlorovirus infection, immediate-early gene expression occurs within 5-20 min post infection (p.i.). We identified 16 major immediate-early transcripts. On Northern blot analysis, these transcripts showed unusual behaviors: (I) after 40 min p.i., their sizes reduced by approximately 100 nt, most likely caused by loss of a poly(A) tail and (II) after 40 min p.i., often appeared a few larger additional transcripts that may be formed by read-through from an upstream gene or into a downstream gene. These results indicate that the transcription of the viral genes changes drastically between before and after 40 min p.i.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "31251100", "10.4155/bio-2019-0076" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2019, 2019, 2019 ], "Month": [ 6, 6, 12 ], "Day": [ 29, 30, 18 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
<b>Aim:</b> The sensitivity advantage of microflow LC (&#956;FLC)-MS/MS is potentially impactful for challenging compounds not detectable by conventional flow LC-MS/MS in drug discovery bioanalysis. Relatively new to &#956;FLC technology, discovery bioanalytical scientists would benefit from an effective strategy for method development and optimization. <b>Results:</b> A systematic &#956;FLC-MS/MS method optimization approach was developed in this study. With&#160;optimized conditions, &#956;FLC-MS/MS demonstrated an improved sensitivity compared with conventional LC-MS/MS analysis, ranging from 6&#215; to 49&#215; (by peak area) depending on the compounds, with acceptable analytical performance and robustness. The optimized conditions demonstrated universal applicability to various compounds of diverse properties. <b>Conclusion:</b> The systematic method optimization strategy, and the general applicability of the optimized conditions could facilitate the routine utilization of &#956;FLC in quantitative discovery bioanalysis.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "11735534", "jo015983c", "10.1021/jo015983c" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2001, 2001, 2001 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 12, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
2-Alkoxycarbonylazolium N-aminides are interesting species, as they have the potential to act as efficient 1,4-dipole equivalents when they react with heterocumulenes, such as iso(thio)cyanates and carbodiimides. These reactions give heterobetaines containing the imidazo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazinium system, in a formal [4 + 2] cyclocondensation process. These N-aminides, however, can also behave as 1,3-dipoles when they react with isocyanates to afford a cycloadduct that, depending on the position of alkoxycarbonyl group, can undergo a reversion process or a ring expansion to the more stable heterobetaine system.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "32708890", "ma13143189", "10.3390/ma13143189", "PMC7411673" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020 ], "Month": [ 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ], "Day": [ 27, 12, 14, 26, 28, 28 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
A responsible approach towards sustainable development requires the use of environmentally friendly, low-carbon, and energy-intensive materials. One positive way is to use glass waste as a replacement for fine natural aggregate. For this purpose, the effects of adding glass cullet to the mechanical properties of mortar were carried out. The glass aggregate made from recycled post-consumer waste glass (food, medicine, and cosmetics packaging, including mostly bottles), were used. This experimental work included four different contents of fine glass cullet (5, 10, 15, and 20 wt.% of fine aggregate). The compressive, flexural, and split tensile strengths were evaluated. Moreover, the modulus of elasticity and Poisson coefficient were determined. The addition of glass sand aggregate increases the mechanical properties of mortar. When comparing the strength, the obtained improvement in split tensile strength was the least affected. The obtained effect for the increased analysed properties of the glass sand aggregate content has been rarely reported. Moreover, it was determined that by increasing the recycled glass sand aggregate content, the density of mortar decreased. In addition, the relationships between the properties for mortar containing glass sand aggregate were observed.
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "15369671", "10.1016/j.cell.2004.09.002", "S0092867404008323" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004 ], "Month": [ 1, 8, 8, 9, 11, 9 ], "Day": [ 23, 26, 30, 17, 4, 17 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
Centromeres contain specialized chromatin that includes the centromere-specific histone H3 variant, spCENP-A/Cnp1. Here we report identification of five fission yeast centromere proteins, Mis14-18. Mis14 is recruited to kinetochores independently of CENP-A, and, conversely, CENP-A does not require Mis14 to associate with centromeres. In contrast, Mis15, Mis16 (strong similarity with human RbAp48 and RbAp46), Mis17, and Mis18 are all part of the CENP-A recruitment pathway. Mis15 and Mis17 form an evolutionarily conserved complex that also includes Mis6. Mis16 and Mis18 form a complex and maintain the deacetylated state of histones specifically in the central core of centromeres. Mis16 and Mis18 are the most upstream factors in kinetochore assembly as they can associate with kinetochores in all kinetochore mutants except for mis18 and mis16, respectively. RNAi knockdown in human cells shows that Mis16 function is conserved as RbAp48 and RbAp46 are both required for localization of human CENP-A.