11 values
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8232674, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11937, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 12, tcp_syn: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 2646 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 2646, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 2646, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 3, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11775, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 12, tcp_syn: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 1014, flow_bytes_toclient: 2453, flow_age: 240, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed
DoS Slowhttptest
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 996, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 114, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?Q1yHAD4k=a13a&ioCH=ArJlt&73An2khkVj=bpKo6h6foHgEEG&MT2d86S=4P8pOD, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x86_64; X11) AppleWebKit/536.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1464.20 Safari/536.34, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 560, flow_bytes_toclient: 12051, flow_age: 4, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 35794
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 6, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 841, flow_bytes_toclient: 3863, flow_age: 11, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?TrjxeDksL6=BtQXg6TA3ECWi0Upj&LgfoslCOV=7eaG0SHgiO&np2oI=VEfMVGUTWI&vpd=IlHjluTvtepbAI5QS&MmgM1jn0=fUB0iMPMa, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) Gecko/20040306 Firefox/18.0, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 1109 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_hostname:, http_url: /?TrjxeDksL6=BtQXg6TA3ECWi0Upj&LgfoslCOV=7eaG0SHgiO&np2oI=VEfMVGUTWI&vpd=IlHjluTvtepbAI5QS&MmgM1jn0=fUB0iMPMa, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) Gecko/20040306 Firefox/18.0, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 1109, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 3494, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 620, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 3, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8280120, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 853, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4093792, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4093799, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4106424, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0073 obeli, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4106428, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4118564, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00_739 zeppelin, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4118567, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4128815, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007462 rosie.saez, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11997, flow_age: 4, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8144503, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: True, fileinfo_state: TRUNCATED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 11321, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 857, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5177399, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5177403, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5185773, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00araks ARAKSIK, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5185777, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5192036, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00BA440 5P4KLF9, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5192043, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5197328, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00bgsxy hardcore, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 853, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4371757, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4371761, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4385831, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4385834, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007jason 739595, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4395564, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4395568, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007jr 007jr, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4395913, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007jr2000 batman, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 8, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 560, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8582518, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 33, flow_pkts_toclient: 44, flow_bytes_toserver: 4674, flow_bytes_toclient: 5985, flow_age: 20, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9263427, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11829, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 1369
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8502522, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8330269, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 1025, flow_bytes_toclient: 11970, flow_age: 11, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?cIySSLkBnL=WUftoukCt2o, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2) Gecko/20042205 Firefox/13.0, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8243488, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 560, flow_bytes_toclient: 11943, flow_age: 5, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 1525
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 28, flow_pkts_toclient: 39, flow_bytes_toserver: 4444, flow_bytes_toclient: 8279, flow_age: 14, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9192790, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 26, flow_pkts_toclient: 35, flow_bytes_toserver: 3860, flow_bytes_toclient: 5087, flow_age: 14, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9190011, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 22, flow_pkts_toclient: 32, flow_bytes_toserver: 3468, flow_bytes_toclient: 4865, flow_age: 11, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9426543, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 3, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8232729, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8479630, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11937, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 2826
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 5, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 495, flow_bytes_toclient: 368, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, metadata_flowbits_0: http.dottedquadhost, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4631901, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, metadata_flowbits_0: http.dottedquadhost, http_hostname:, http_http_port: 8080, http_url: /api/pop?botid=mitacs-pc4&sysinfo=Windows%2010, http_http_user_agent: python-requests/2.14.2, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 921, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 13, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?fca7sWhTbn=WDfkKV&tnXV=4CdQKqT3pHwsKQEH&MRPdGOLxnO=mYTo2aeHOU7&4Dhy=PsbJmJ6glKS&NhjaCK=BXDonJyaDojMlB, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2) AppleWebKit/537.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.750.4 Safari/536.29, http_http_refer: http://www.google.com/xQsDEi, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 852, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 1868566, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 1868581, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 1892923, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 001260 penguins, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 1892926, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 1915863, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0013 arco, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 1915872, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 1941910, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00132937 palmerst, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11889, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 6, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 823, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 17, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?bNRpSC=1hIDAMSfCCiYimSO6, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x86_64; X11) Gecko/20012401 Firefox/24.0, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 6, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 844, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 16, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?JxMJEhv=itj&2LmO5mg50T=a65h2Ttmv8GdvwUH&wtd6=oLj&6iKeUOG1=wlH2QvFyd0TNU&HrLV=KlCW, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Linux i386; .NET CLR 3.3.1281; X11), http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11943, flow_age: 22, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 506, flow_bytes_toclient: 13420, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8482014, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 23, flow_pkts_toclient: 34, flow_bytes_toserver: 3534, flow_bytes_toclient: 4997, flow_age: 12, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9392402, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 22, flow_pkts_toclient: 33, flow_bytes_toserver: 3468, flow_bytes_toclient: 4931, flow_age: 12, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9525272, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 1107, flow_bytes_toclient: 11904, flow_age: 17, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?uI714foGR=eopHXMLKrK2Pwe&kohC2dXs=LlD2x2TXyfXjHIlAX5p&tyJlnA5=bUKqT2WU4b1vvCWLXae, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) AppleWebKit/536.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.750.4 Safari/536.29, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 852, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 2960511, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2960549, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2984651, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00334468 7835796, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2984657, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3006335, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0034 0034, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3006350, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3032497, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00341701 5713388, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 13, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 2706, flow_bytes_toclient: 12102, flow_age: 17, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?UKJ=UyuaiSwdwkO3MKmKOS5, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 6.1; Macintosh; Trident/5.0; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_0), http_http_refer: http://www.baidu.com/7s0pDlT?1fvAJgglm=u8281Jjgc8pa1svK&T1MfbsRgJ=Qc03tXsi75D83m4j&AgY=4CVxU&wMl3=4F1, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 47
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 566, flow_bytes_toclient: 13312, flow_age: 4, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8597883, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: True, fileinfo_state: TRUNCATED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 11321, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 1038, flow_bytes_toclient: 12036, flow_age: 122, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?0DYTdT=2JicC4UA&d1j07RG=dafYPSsjlPVo7ToR, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) Gecko/20102411 Firefox/14.0, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 855, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 2741429, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2741448, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2760778, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0028feet feet0028, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2760789, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2783048, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0029 8302123, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2783058, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 2800952, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 002Cucum PLEASE, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8533029, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 856, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 3841125, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3841138, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3848843, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 006476 30011980, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3848853, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3861542, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00655432 9484763, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3861545, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 3873110, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0066 lunty1976, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 1012, flow_bytes_toclient: 11970, flow_age: 12, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?asgyrL=P2XNM58WPwJ&UEv2=TrJlJ4yTJANLboh4Osu, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; WOW64) Gecko/20042205 Firefox/13.0, http_http_refer: http://www.bing.com/FNewDEvk, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 12057, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8492611, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 1205, flow_bytes_toclient: 12036, flow_age: 19, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; pcap_cnt: 9938582, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?FrVd6Pg=kOWWcbyOeV&5kHC=2oH27sTR&PjSlL=PKoJBx&NsyH=GPk5BG, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x86_64; X11) AppleWebKit/535.28 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.6 Safari/537.15, http_http_refer:, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 1447
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8214174, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8432051, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 860, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5238958, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5238964, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5252872, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00e555 42588862, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5252878, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5261236, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00enmpk2ca gc4zqg, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5261243, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5267857, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00FBC000 00FFFFFF, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 6, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 811, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 11, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?OhBR=0ycNQlY&YHNxcf=unvcxLTGEJHk, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_1) Gecko/20091507 Firefox/14.0, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 935, flow_bytes_toclient: 11904, flow_age: 17, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?7IYaW=p86a5&Hdt=drmCJDhkIQ3VCqLVJ5H&dqnmh=eLWQvlD1U7Da1WY8T, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) Gecko/20033105 Firefox/23.0, http_http_refer: http://www.baidu.com/IPXpYr3t, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 566, flow_bytes_toclient: 13312, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8348777, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8164672, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 975, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 123, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?2suVe3wVeM=LC4RY&FaG=5sNa7&eyig=iT524PequCPGP3SG, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_3_4) AppleWebKit/537.23 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.882.90 Safari/537.22, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 852, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5131267, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5131271, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5138978, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0098 82370098, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5138982, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5149569, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 0099 tcat90, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5149578, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5161756, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 009976 Qwerasdzxc, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 22, flow_pkts_toclient: 33, flow_bytes_toserver: 3468, flow_bytes_toclient: 4931, flow_age: 12, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9335715, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, app_proto_ts: failed, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 1013, flow_bytes_toclient: 2453, flow_age: 240, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: anomaly, proto: TCP, anomaly_app_proto: http, anomaly_type: applayer, anomaly_event: APPLAYER_DETECT_PROTOCOL_ONLY_ONE_DIRECTION, anomaly_layer: proto_detect ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /dv/login.php, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.152 Safari/537.36Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/537.75.14, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_refer: https://github.com/shekyan/slowhttptest/, http_http_method: FAKEVERB, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 1523 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_hostname:, http_url: /dv/login.php, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.152 Safari/537.36Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/537.75.14, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_refer: https://github.com/shekyan/slowhttptest/, http_http_method: FAKEVERB, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 1523, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /dv/login.php, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1523, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
DoS Slowhttptest
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8455852, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8450155, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 14, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 2736, flow_bytes_toclient: 12168, flow_age: 106, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 10006372, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?QEYslcB=dViTqtWEgT4Jqv0mcA6D&sHTY6Vjy=Phol7krOvUj&5yfesb=851kc1PBqIFrvE&1L63kWdDcQ=SheE&mWeOo=p7pEfGxonkl, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) Gecko/20092204 Firefox/17.0, http_http_refer: http://www.bing.com/jXYjeR7xB, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 1650
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 856, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4201875, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4201884, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4214796, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00770077 player, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4214799, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4229906, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007770 lN2HXQnO, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4229919, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4244335, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007846 12d12d12, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 1159, flow_bytes_toclient: 2453, flow_age: 237, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed
DoS Slowhttptest
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 566, flow_bytes_toclient: 13366, flow_age: 5, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8262450, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 37745
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11943, flow_age: 6, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 5, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 495, flow_bytes_toclient: 368, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, metadata_flowbits_0: http.dottedquadhost, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4612011, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, metadata_flowbits_0: http.dottedquadhost, http_hostname:, http_http_port: 8080, http_url: /api/pop?botid=mitacs-pc5&sysinfo=Windows%2010, http_http_user_agent: python-requests/2.18.1, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 560, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8462967, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 868, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4371202, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4371213, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4385410, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007james 007james99, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4385417, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4395325, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007james dnobbond, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4395338, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 4395883, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 007jamesbond 007james, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 566, flow_bytes_toclient: 13366, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8445882, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: True, fileinfo_state: TRUNCATED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 11321, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11937, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 1369
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 22, flow_pkts_toclient: 33, flow_bytes_toserver: 3468, flow_bytes_toclient: 4931, flow_age: 12, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9517995, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 5, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 679, flow_bytes_toclient: 3863, flow_age: 5, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?v4f4=ajwWRG7uoeFcQ2P, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) AppleWebKit/535.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1475.61 Safari/537.4, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_refer: http://www.bing.com/UYhUp3, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 1109 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_hostname:, http_url: /?v4f4=ajwWRG7uoeFcQ2P, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) AppleWebKit/535.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1475.61 Safari/537.4, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_refer: http://www.bing.com/UYhUp3, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 1109, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 3494, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8204501, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8413961, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11829, flow_age: 33, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 12, tcp_syn: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 6, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 774, flow_bytes_toclient: 3797, flow_age: 17, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?5EMSIVSvR=rhgIUXoXsmAkdh0HnVhh, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) Gecko/20081801 Firefox/23.0, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 863, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 9, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5455964, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5455968, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5464538, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00oloc 89oloc, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5464541, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5474522, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00P0OWin08B4Q02 RXX0YjNW0, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5474525, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5482614, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00pat skodifjo, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 560, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8252228, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 1103, flow_bytes_toclient: 12036, flow_age: 97, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?bCV0KP6=jVtGOvYQ4tdIxJV&iymrfWyf=MJHP7P8mNne2r&mMsA=BovDEjCtJ5ahfk&H7EM1=Eqk4an, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux i386; X11) Gecko/20042212 Firefox/24.0, http_http_refer: http://www.bing.com/6VPc1E, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 0
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8450147, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 19, flow_pkts_toclient: 11, flow_bytes_toserver: 3160, flow_bytes_toclient: 1217, flow_age: 1276, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_http_port: 0, http_url: /, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.503l3; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MSOffice 12), http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 400, http_length: 301 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_http_port: 0, http_url: /, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.503l3; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MSOffice 12), http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 400, http_length: 301, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 301, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
DoS Slowloris
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 1060, flow_bytes_toclient: 12036, flow_age: 12, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait2 ; pcap_cnt: 10015203, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname:, http_url: /?f3O8yj=VfSoi7SJIYW6AT2&mR8g=Rw8coCMkqmj&cvIxctrEH=WehdXVe7JTihfiRMP1C8, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Linux x86_64; Trident/4.0; X11), http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_length: 1447
DoS GoldenEye
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8317161, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 3, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11775, flow_age: 11, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 12, tcp_syn: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11991, flow_age: 8, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8518561, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 11321, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: True, fileinfo_state: TRUNCATED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 11321, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 506, flow_bytes_toclient: 13366, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8339014, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11835, flow_age: 23, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8278081, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ftp, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 853, flow_bytes_toclient: 1306, flow_age: 8, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5239455, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ftp_completion_code_0: 220, ftp_reply_0: (vsFTPd 3.0.3), ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5239460, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 1, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5249339, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 2, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00crissi crtmht, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5249342, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 3, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5257737, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 4, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00dave zxcvb, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5257743, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 5, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 331, ftp_reply_0: Please specify the password., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; pcap_cnt: 5265355, event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 6, ftp_command: PASS, ftp_command_data: 00drew 2000must, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_completion_code_0: 530, ftp_reply_0: Login incorrect., ftp_reply_received: yes, ftp_reply_truncated: False ; event_type: ftp, proto: TCP, tx_id: 7, ftp_command: USER, ftp_command_data: iscxtap, ftp_command_truncated: False, ftp_reply_received: no, ftp_reply_truncated: False
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 2, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8510064, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 12003, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8254842, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11937, flow_age: 5, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 12, tcp_syn: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 1534
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 5, flow_pkts_toclient: 4, flow_bytes_toserver: 2158, flow_bytes_toclient: 368, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 13, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 3904041, event_type: anomaly, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, anomaly_app_proto: http, anomaly_type: applayer, anomaly_event: UNABLE_TO_MATCH_RESPONSE_TO_REQUEST, anomaly_layer: proto_parser ; pcap_cnt: 3904043, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_http_port: 0, http_url: /libhtp::request_uri_not_seen, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_status: 200, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 6, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 380, flow_bytes_toclient: 11937, flow_age: 6, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1e, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 12, tcp_syn: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 1534
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 23, flow_pkts_toclient: 34, flow_bytes_toserver: 3534, flow_bytes_toclient: 4997, flow_age: 13, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9267000, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 500, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8406137, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: ssh, flow_pkts_toserver: 22, flow_pkts_toclient: 33, flow_bytes_toserver: 3484, flow_bytes_toclient: 4931, flow_age: 11, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 9236730, event_type: ssh, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, ssh_client_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_client_software_version: paramiko_2.0.0, ssh_client_hassh_hash: c6f5e6d54285a11b9f02fef7fc77bd6f, ssh_client_hassh_string: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256;aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour256;hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1;none, ssh_server_proto_version: 2.0, ssh_server_software_version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, ssh_server_hassh_hash: d43d91bc39d5aaed819ad9f6b57b7348, ssh_server_hassh_string: [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1;[email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,[email protected],[email protected];[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1;none,[email protected]
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 12057, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8546084, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 6, flow_bytes_toserver: 440, flow_bytes_toclient: 11949, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 13, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8321259, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186 ; event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_url: /, http_http_content_type: text/html, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.0, http_status: 200, http_length: 1186, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 1186, fileinfo_tx_id: 0