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"author": "Bruce Imhoff",
"title": "Logging user's browser and version",
"body": "Is it possible to log the user's web browser and the version of that browser in Confluence when they log in to the application? I'm not very familiar with detailed configuration of logging, so I would be grateful for any help or pointers.\n\nThe purpose is to identify those users still using old browsers (IE6) and get them upgraded.\n"
} | [
"author": "Jim Birch",
"body": "Add the AccessLogValve to the configuration\n\nopen \\<app dir\\>\\\\conf\\\\server.xlm\n\nAdd the Valve setting inside server/service/engine/host/context section ie after the \"logger is depreciated...\" comment\n\n\\<!-- Logger is deprecated in Tomcat 5.5. Logging configuration for Confluence is specified in \nconfluence/WEB-INF/classes/ --\\> \n\\<Valve className=\"org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve\" directory=\"logs\" \nprefix=\"access.\" suffix=\".log\" pattern=\"combined\" resolveHosts=\"false\"/\\>\n\nSave file and restart Confluence service\n\nCreates access log files \\<app dir\\>\\\\logs\\\\access.yyyy-mm-dd.log\n\nYou need the *\"combined\"* pattern value to get the browser type. For less information use the value *\"common\"*.\n\nTomcat doc ref: [](\n\nNote: This doesn't log a user id, just an ip address so you'd need to link in some othe data. Maybe the Tomcat layer doesn't know who's at the ip.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Bruce Imhoff",
"body": "Excellent advice, thanks. I'll try to link the IP address to the user in one of the logs, thanks!\n"
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "Is the purpose of this to collect usernames for your IT dept to do the upgrade? Or to alert users that their browser is out of date and therefore *they* need to upgrade their own browser?\n\nWith JavaScript, you could snoop for the browser features that are not supported and then\n\n* Alert the user that their browser needs upgrading\n* Send a background request to another service e.g. embed an image from [\\&username=yyy](\n\nHaving logged the image with username, you can then trawl the logs for users with outdated browsers.\n\nEmbed the JavaScript at the end of the BODY in\n\n```\nAdministration | Look and Feel | Custom HTML\n```\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Raymond Lai",
"body": "There is a hack-and-slash method.\n\nWe use Google Analytics, and we embedded the javascript inside the \"Custom HTML\" under the Administration \\> Look and Feel section.\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\\* Google Analytics does more than record browser usage,\n\n\\* This solution only requires you to have Confluence administrative rights, and\n\n\\* You don't need to hack and slash around Apache, so your IT team doesn't even have to know. :)\n",
"comments": [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "Be sure to remember that Google Analytics does not permit you to \"collect personally identifiable information\". For more details, check this section from the Analytics Plugins's \"Occasionally Asked Questions\" page:[](\n"
"author": "Bruce Imhoff",
"body": "Unfortunately Google Analytics won't work because we're sitting behind a firewall, but thanks for the suggestion.\n"
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "we configured Confluence / JIRA to sit behind Apache server acting as a proxy. If you use the same setup - collecting browser info is a trivial task of parsing access logs. (there are quite a few software packages that produce nice graphs (AWStats, for example)\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Bruce Imhoff",
"body": "Thanks webwesen, we have almost the same configuration, we've got the Apache server passing internet connections through to Confluence / Jira, but also have a F5 configured for intranet connection to the same instance of Confluence and Jira, so I think we really need to configure this on the Tomcat instance that Confluence is running on, otherwise we won't collect all of the internal connections, which make up the majority of users.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "diego diego",
"title": "Confluence book",
"body": "Hi,\n\nexists some complex book for developer about confluence? I want create some plugin to confluence, but information on site are insufficient.\n\nThx a lot for answer.\n"
} | [
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "Don't see any [books on Confluence in Amazon]( as of June 21, 2011, but perhaps that could change in the future.\n\nThere is a [related question](/questions/276/how-can-atlassian-better-balance-evolution-of-changes-in-apis-with-the-pain-it-causes-plugin-developers-that-have-to-deal-with-these-changes) with some discussion about what resources Atlassian could provide to developers, but I think the main points for development could be summarized as:\n\n* Probably want to get familiar with Java and Maven to a decent extent before taking development on.\n* Read everything in the official Atlassian documentation for Confluence development.\n* Note that Confluence has historically developed very rapidly, so books are not the best media to stay up to date with development.\n* If you are not/cannot become the person associated with the account that owns the Confluence license at your place of employment, then buy a 10-user license for Confluence if possible. This may provide you with access to their source code which is good for examples.\n* Look at open source plugins hosted by Atlassian for examples. Note that if they are not up-to-date, they might not be as useful.\n* Stay abreast of Confluence news and development by checking out the answers site regularly, watching the forums/lists (for as long as they last), reading developer blogs, and searching the Atlassian official and community driven wikis about Confluence development.\n* If your company can sponsor you or you can afford it, go to AtlasCamp, etc.\n* Email Atlassian developer relations if it is something that you don't want to post on\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Hereward Dundas-Taylor",
"body": "I have a book on Confluence! Can I shout that?\n\nI HAVE A BOOK ON CONFLUENCE!!!\n\nI won it at the Atlassian seminar last month. You can get it on Amazon. I highly recomedn it and I am buying copies for my staff. I hope she writes more on the Atlassian products.\n\nBooks and reference manuals are not out of date because of you tube and other sites. Rather than having a monoploy on indirect instruction, they are now an important alternative to all the new methods.\n\nSee:\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Blaise Dunn",
"body": "How is it that the most recently published actual book on Confluence is 7 years old already? Has anyone got any better links to anything published close to this decade? I'm searching high and low to no avail.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "stuartu",
"body": "I noticed this a week or so ago. May be one you want to look at...\n\n[\\&qid=1360272170\\&sr=8-1\\&keywords=sarah+maddox](\n",
"comments": null
"author": "dy raffy",
"body": "Greate question Diego,\n\nme too I would like to have a book about \"how to develop for Confluence\" or something like that. I have been searching for it but without success. It sounds like a new job for the Confluence Team in Sydney :-). Or maybe for some expert like Gary.\n\nRaffy\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "I'm no expert! :) Would be great for someone to write a book, though. I would think that the more active long-term developers at a few of the Atlassian partner companies could provide some great insight. However, one thing for sure is that the book(s) would have to be updated fairly regularly. Atlassian APIs change frequently! This is why Atlassian's wiki is a great primary source for information.\n"
"author": "dy raffy",
"body": "Yeh, that is true.\n"
"author": "diego diego",
"body": "Documentation about storing / persisting is for me insufficient...\n\n<>\n\nShown ways to persist information are insufficient described... I need more details how its work, accessing to store info between plugins, more usages examples and other...\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "I'm not aware of any books about Confluence at all. There are a number that are about Wikis in general which do cover it as part of the subject, but the chapters I've seen are aimed at users, best usage/practice and process, there's nothing for developers specifically.\n\nCould you tell us what parts of the developers documentation is insufficient? You might have simply missed something that does cover what you need.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "This looks like a job for K15t Software's PDF \\& EPUB exporters :)\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Justin Shapiro",
"title": "reporting-plugin question: Is it possible to get a specific entry when reporting on table-data?",
"body": "I want to create a status log using table-data.\n\nThis is what my table looks like:\n> {table-data:Entries\\|order=descending} \n> \\|\\| Date \\|\\| Reporter \\|\\| Tool \\|\\| Status \\|\\| Notes \\|\\| Attachment \\|\\| CM \\|\\| \n> \\| {date-data:DateTime\\\\\\|format=yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm}now{date-data} \\| {list-data:Reporter}{user-options:match=all\\|default=@self}{user-options}{list-data} \\| {list-data:Tool\\\\\\|required=true}{list-option}Bamboo{list-option}{list-option}Confluence{list-option}{list-option}Crucible{list-option}{list-option}Fisheye{list-option}{list-option}Git{list-option}{list-option}IM{list-option}{list-option}JIRA{list-option}{list-option}Nexus{list-option}{list-option}Subversion{list-option}{list-option}Other{list-option}{list-data} \\| {list-data:Status\\\\\\|required=true}{list-option:label=Broken}(x){list-option}{list-option:label=Not Sure}(!){list-option}{list-option:Label=Fixed}(/){list-option}{list-data} \\| {text-data:Notes\\\\\\|type=area\\\\\\|width=300px\\\\\\|height=150px}{text-data} \\| {attachment-data:Attachment} \\| {list-data:CM\\\\\\|required=true}{list-option}New{list-option}{list-option}Investigating{list-option}{list-data}\\| \n> {table-data} \n\nI'd like to use the reporting plugin and show just the last entry for a given tool. So I tried something like:\n\n> {report-table} \n>\n> {local-reporter:data:Entries} \n> {text-filter:data:Tool\\|include=Bamboo} \n> {local-reporter} \n>\n> {report-column:title=Tool}{report-info:data:Tool}{report-column} \n> {report-column:title=Status}{report-info:data:Status\\|render=wiki}{report-column} \n>\n> {report-table}\n\nIs there a way to just show the last entry in the list returned? \n"
} | [
"author": "Akeles",
"body": "Hi Justin,\n\nYou can use the MaxResults parameter to limit the number of entries to be returned. You might want to include a [date-sort]( too,\n\n<>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Justin Shapiro",
"body": "{report-table}\n\n{report-block:maxResults=1}\n\n{local-reporter:data:Entries}\n\n{text-filter:data:Tool\\|include=Bamboo}\n\n{date-sort:data:DateTime\\|order=descending}\n\n{local-reporter}\n\n{report-body:injected=true}\n\n{metadata:Bamboo\\|hidden=true}%data:Status%{metadata}\n\n{report-body}\n\n{report-empty}\n\n{metadata:Bamboo\\|hidden=true}(/){metadata}\n\n{report-empty}\n\n{report-block}\n\n{report-table}\n"
"author": "Justin Shapiro",
"body": "So, I used this answer in conjunction with the metadata plugin then constructed my summary table.\n\n\\|\\|Tool\\|\\|Status\\|\\|Version\\|\\|Upgrade Plans\\|\\|\n\n\\|Bamboo\\|{metadata-from:@self\\|Bamboo}\\|3.1.1\\| \\|\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Andrew Hoult",
"title": "UWC Twiki attachment import",
"body": "Hi,\n\nI've managed to successfully import our old twiki text into confluence and with html plugin enabled things look promising...\n\nHowever, all the attachments are missing despite seemingly using the correct path for the attachments. There are many of them within subfolders under the twiki/pub/company directory.\n\nI'm using the java gui applet under server 2008 after copying across files from a linux twiki server.\n\nAs mentioned- I can connect to confluence just fine and upload pages but I see no attachment activity in the GUI at all.\n\nDo I have to convert attachments one folder at a time??\n"
} | [
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Just as a follow-up for future readers, this went over to support, and Andrew figured out that he needed to set his attachment directory one directory level higher than he had been setting it.\n\nSo, for example: he was using directory: /some/path/pub/something\n\nand he needed to set it to: /some/path/pub.\n\n(Andrew, did I describe that correctly?)\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Ada Lin",
"body": "Hi, LauraI have the same question with Andrew that I see no attachment activity in the GUI of UWC.I have copied the pub directory from TWiki server to my computer.How to set the path to successfully upload files to confluence?Thanks.\n"
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "I'm hearing that you've [set your attachment directory]( already, but you're not getting attachments uploaded.\n\nI think I would need to see your uwc.log to help diagnose what's going on. (Could be config related, could be you've hit a bug.)\n\nHere's what I'd like you to do:\n\n1. [turn on debug logging](\n2. Rerun your conversion so it will be captured in the log with debug messages\n3. Upload it somewhere I can get access to it. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be here, as I don't see a way for you to post an attachment. I suppose you could [email it to me](mailto:[email protected]). Or maybe open a []( ticket? If you ask them to cc me, then you'd be able to provide your log file as an attachment to that issue.\n\nLaura\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "ITops123",
"title": "Default label for blog posts?",
"body": "Is it possible to set a default label for blog posts in a particular space? We are concerned that our users will contribute to the blog but not remember to add the correct label (which helps us render the updates on other pages).\n"
} | [
"author": "Jeanmarie McFadden",
"body": "You might have found this by now, but in case you haven't, here is a user macro that should do the trick:\n\n<>\n\nJM\n",
"comments": null
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "It sounds like you'd want a custom plugin that uses an EventListener to listen for BlogPostCreateEvents and automatically adds the relevent labels. This plugin would allow you to specify default labels on a per space basis\n\n* [Find out more about Event Listener Modules](\n",
"comments": [
"author": "ITops123",
"body": "Thanks for the advice!\n"
"author": "Sharn",
"body": "I don't know about any approach to set such powerful information as mark. \\<a href=\"[\"\\>Lightning]() Labels Promo Codes\\</a\\> Anyway you can include names \"consequently\" by characterizing a format and add those marks to the layout. Each page in light of the layout will \"acquire\" the concurring names.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jussi Savolainen",
"body": "Hi,\n\nJust a follow up question whether you found a solution for this problem or not? Apparently there are no means of creating blog post global templates?\n\nBest regards,\n\nJussi\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Coline Macorol",
"body": "and almost six years later...\n\nThe add-on [\"Templates for Blog Posts\"](, by bitvoodoo, works for creating blog posts templates and assigning each one or several labels.\n"
"author": "justindowning",
"body": "You can use the [add-label]( macro in a page template. That would be easy!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "ITops123",
"body": "That's true, but I don't think you can suggest page templates for blog posts. At least, I can't figure out how to set a template for a blog entry. If you have suggestions around that, the add-label macro would be a good solution.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Michael Slayden",
"title": "Add Page button",
"body": "How do I add a custom page type to the \"Add Page\" button?\n\nWe have multipe teams. Each team has thier own space. I have created a scaffolding template that is used to create a specific docuemnt. Each team will need to have the ability to create a page based on this template. But I dont want to house a copy of the templage on each users space. The plan is to make this a Global Template and I would like to add this template as a type of page under the \"Add Page\" button on the top right of the home page on each space. So when in any space I hover over the \"Add Page\" button and my custom \"Create Specific Document\" shows up just like Page, Blog post or Bookmark.\n\nAlso what would be useful is for the save of this document, once edited, to be defaulted to a specific parent page.\n"
} | [
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Well, it sounds like you want to create a [web ui plugin]( to handle the UI element.\n\nAs for the enforcing which template is used, customware's [add-page macro]( allows you to specify the template (and the parent). Maybe you could take advantage of that?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Michael Slayden",
"body": "Yes. Perfect! Thanks Laura.\n"
"author": "Stefan Kleineikenscheidt _K15t_",
"body": "What do you mean by \"custom page type\"? page templates?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Michael Slayden",
"body": "I edited my original post with more details. Thx.\n"
] | | null |
"author": "ITops123",
"title": "Change URL to which Confluence redirects after blog submission?",
"body": "We want to increase participation in the blogging feature on Confluence. To do this, we have a {rw-news} macro on the space's main page and a hard-coded link on which people can click if they want to contribute a post. That link takes them to this page:\n\n<>\n\nAfter they enter the blog submission and hit save, Confluence reroutes them to their individual blog post:\n\n<>\n\nThis is confusing to our users because it does not redirect them back to the space's main page, nor does it redirect them to the dashboard. Instead, they end up in the nuts and bolts of the blog function for Confluence, with no clear path back to the originating page.\n\n**What can we do about this?**\n"
} | [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "I would really advise against this as users won't see what the final blogpost looks like, so won't spot any mistakes.\n\nHowever, if this really is important, the quickest way to sneak this in without custom plugin development would be to use javascript to check the referer...\n\nBrowse to:\n\n```\nConfluence Admin | Look and Feel | Custom HTML | At the end of the HEAD\n```\n\nAdd...\n\n```\n<script> if (document.referrer.indexOf('createblogpost.action') != -1) { location.replace(''); } </script>\n```\n\n...or similar.\n\nIf you wish to redirect to a different page depending on the space, then you'll need to remember the spaceKey and redirect appropriately.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "ITops123",
"body": "Thanks so much! This worked perfectly.\n"
"author": "Alain Moran",
"body": "That's certainly one way of doing it, personally I'd create a plugin which replicates the do create blogpost action's xwork definition in a different location to the original and changes the result definition so that it redirects to the location of your choosing.\n\nThat way the original functionality is still there for when you need it \\& you can adjust your theme so that it points people to the new action, also on completion of the blog-post the original post wont need to load and then unload as the javascript gets executed - reducing load on your server \\& avoiding the unsightly 'flashing' that's likely to occur with the JS path.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "Agreed. A custom plugin would be best. My answer is somewhat simpler/easier for some people to implement :)\n"
"author": "Alain Moran",
"body": "A custom plugin in this case however should only require an atlassian-plugin.xml file placed into a resources folder and then zipped \\& renamed to .jar in much the same way as you would package a user macro.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Martin Cleaver",
"title": "How do I show all attachments pictures inline to the page in full size? Gallery makes them too small",
"body": "How do I show all attachments pictures inline to the page in full size? Gallery makes them too small.\n\nThanks, Martin.\n"
} | [
"author": "Matt",
"body": "You could the changing the thumbnail max width and height under Confluence Admin \\> General Configuration \\> Attachment Settings\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Martin Cleaver",
"body": "Hmm. Thanks - true, but that changes the default, affecting all pages. I want to override the default, on a page-by-basis.Cheers, Martin.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Martin Cleaver",
"title": "How do I show a pagetree, with values from given headings and the ability to collect comments on each sub-page?",
"body": "Hi - using Confluence, I have a set of pages under a root page.\n\nEach page uses a template that establishes a set of headings.\n\nIn the root page I want to show a summary of the child pages: the summary should show the text from under each heading and the comments from each page. This can be presented as a page tree or as a table. The summary should also show the last comment and allow the user to add a further comment.\n\nVisiting the child page the user should see the same information plus all the comments.\n\nCan this or something similiar to this be accomplished with today's macros or plugins?\n\nThanks,\n\nMartin.\n"
} | [
"author": "Matt",
"body": "I'm poretty sure you could achieve this with the Reporting ands Scaffolding plugins from Customware. Exactly how, I'm not sure :)\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Jamie Sawyer",
"title": "Confluence User Macro Velocity Rendering",
"body": "Hi Guys,\n\nI've been playing around with User Macros recently, and have been attempting to render some data so I can explore the content of some classes.\n\n{code}\n\n#set ($pagelist = $content.getContentPermissionSet(\"View\"))\n\n#foreach ($perm in $pagelist)\n\n#set ($typeJeb = $perm.type())\n\n#set ($groupJeb = $perm.groupName())\n\n#set ($userJeb = $perm.userName())\n\n\\<p\\>$typeJeb\\</p\\>\n\n\\<p\\>$groupJeb\\</p\\>\n\n\\<p\\>$userJeb\\</p\\>\n\n#end\n\n{code}\n\nIs what I have at the moment, but it's not quite working - it's just displaying $typeJeb etc. I feel I'm missing something really obvious here!\n\nKind regards,\n\nJamie Sawyer\n"
} | [
"author": "Stefan Kohler",
"body": "The next code should work (not tested). if you're trying to get the value of the method [getType](, then either user $perm.type or $perm.getType(). The full method name is usaly used when an argument is passed through or the method.\n\n```\n#set ($pagelist = $content.getContentPermissionSet(\"View\"))\n#foreach ($perm in $pagelist)\n <p>${perm.type}</p>\n <p>${perm.groupName}</p>\n <p>${perm.userName}</p>\n#end\n```\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jamie Sawyer",
"body": "Perfect!\n\nThanks a lot for this one, other than the additional $ in perm.userName, it works perfectly - this'll get me started nicely!\n\nKind regards,\n\nJamie Sawyer\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Emily Johnson",
"title": "Turn off default auto watch in 3.5?",
"body": "Does anyone know if you can change the default setting in Confluence 3.5 so that people do not have watches auto-added to pages that they create or edit? This will keep us from having every individual go uncheck this box manually.\n\nThanks,\n\nEmily\n"
} | [
"author": "Mark Hrynczak",
"body": "The config lives in an XML file: \\<tt\\>\\<confluence install\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/confluence-x.x.x.jar/preferences-default.xml\\</tt\\>.\n\nYou need to change the boolean value to false, thus: \n\n```\n<preference type=\"Boolean\">\n <name></name>\n <value>false</value>\n </preference>\n```\n\nThen place it as \\<tt\\>\\<confluence install\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/preferences-default.xml\\</tt\\> and restart Confluence.\n\nFor more details on modifying jarred config files, please refer to this doc: <>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Akeles",
"body": "I see that users can turn on/off via the instructions at\n\n<>\n"
"author": "Akeles",
"body": "It will be good to have this as configurable on the UI instead of the xml file.\n"
"author": "Emily Johnson",
"body": "Yeah, it would be nice to have it configurable via UI---we have a hosted instance so I can't modify jar files myself.\n"
"author": "Colin Goudie",
"body": "Hey emily, have a look at this link, <>From those docs though it only seems to discuss setting setting it on/off per user\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Akeles",
"body": "Hi Emily,\n\nPlease check out <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jon Verville",
"body": "Here is a quick solution I put together to disable autowatch on particular pages. It is done by adding a macro to the content of a wiki page. <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Linda Smith",
"title": "Updating the titles of included pages",
"body": "hi, is it possible to update the name of a page that has been used as an include without having to find every instance of of the {include} macro?\n"
} | [
"author": "Linda Smith",
"body": "<> interesting - is anyone working on getting this sorted? Is there a solution in Confluence 4?\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Sherif Mansour",
"body": "We are tracking this issue here:\n\n<>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "broken link - please edit to remove \"\\>\"\n"
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "One workaround would be to use SQL to update the database. Check [How to Search Confluence for Uses of a Macro]( It's not ideal, of course, but that's one option.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Charles Reinecke",
"title": "Content by Label - label attribute logic",
"body": "When using the \"label\" attribute as follows\n\nlabel=AA,BB,+CC\n\nIt appears to behave as follows.\n\n* must match CC \n AND\n* can match AA, BB or neither\n\n\"Neither\" is not really what I wanted. I want (AA or BB) AND CC\n"
} | [
"author": "David Chan",
"body": "The only way I've found to do this is to actually split the macro up into 2 macros. Although it's a bit more work, it should display as normal. For example, to achieve what you want do:\n\nlabel=+AA,+CC\n\nlabel=+BB,+CC,-AA\n\nThe reason for the -AA is to prevent duplicate labels.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Kitt Hirasaki",
"body": "This is a little out of context, but hopefully these two files will give you a pretty good idea of what I did.\n\nFirst file, \"\":\n\npackage com.pixar.confluence.plugins;\n\nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.query.SearchQueryInterpreter;\n\nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.query.SearchQueryInterpreterException;\n\nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.query.params.BooleanQueryFactoryParameter;\n\nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionContext;\n\nimport;\n\nimport;\n\nimport com.atlassian.confluence.labels.LabelManager;\n\nimport com.atlassian.confluence.labels.LabelParser;\n\nimport com.atlassian.spring.container.ContainerManager;\n\n/\\*\\*\n\n\\* Presents label parameters as {@link com.atlassian.confluence.macro.query.BooleanQueryFactory} implementations.\n\n\\*\n\n\\* @since 2.9\n\n\\*/\n\npublic class ORLabelParameter extends BooleanQueryFactoryParameter\n\n{\n\nprivate static final String\\[\\] DEFAULT_PARAM_NAMES = { \"orlabel\", \"orlabels\" };\n\nprivate LabelManager labelManager;\n\npublic ORLabelParameter()\n\n{\n\nthis(null);\n\n}\n\npublic ORLabelParameter(String defaultValue)\n\n{\n\nsuper(DEFAULT_PARAM_NAMES, defaultValue);\n\nContainerManager.autowireComponent(this);\n\n}\n\nstatic class Interpreter implements SearchQueryInterpreter\n\n{\n\nprivate boolean shouldValidate;\n\nprivate LabelManager labelManager;\n\npublic void setShouldValidate(boolean shouldValidate)\n\n{\n\nthis.shouldValidate = shouldValidate;\n\n}\n\npublic void setLabelManager(LabelManager labelManager)\n\n{\n\nthis.labelManager = labelManager;\n\n}\n\npublic SearchQuery createSearchQuery(String value) throws SearchQueryInterpreterException\n\n{\n\nif (shouldValidate)\n\n{\n\nif (labelManager.getLabel(value) == null)\n\n{\n\nthrow new SearchQueryInterpreterException(\"'\" + value + \"' is not an existing label\");\n\n}\n\n}\n\n/\\*\\*\n\n\\* CONF-15398. We want to report invalid labels even if validation is suppressed using shouldValidate = false,\n\n\\* as you cannot make a valid search query out of an invalid label.\n\n\\*\n\n\\* Ideally this validation should performed on the value passed to createSearchQuery() before it is invoked.\n\n\\*/\n\nif (LabelParser.parse(value) == null)\n\nthrow new SearchQueryInterpreterException(\"'\" + value + \"' is an invalid label.\");\n\nreturn new LabelQuery(value);\n\n}\n\n}\n\n@Override\n\nprotected SearchQueryInterpreter createSearchQueryInterpreter(MacroExecutionContext ctx)\n\n{\n\nInterpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();\n\ninterpreter.setShouldValidate(shouldValidate);\n\ninterpreter.setLabelManager(labelManager);\n\nreturn interpreter;\n\n}\n\npublic void setLabelManager(LabelManager labelManager)\n\n{\n\nthis.labelManager = labelManager;\n\n}\n\n} \nSecond file, \npackage com.pixar.confluence.plugins; \nimport com.atlassian.bonnie.Searchable; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.core.ConfluenceActionSupport; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.core.SpaceContentEntityObject; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.ContentFilteringMacro; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionContext; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.params.ParameterException; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.query.BooleanQueryFactory; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.macro.query.InclusionCriteria; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.radeox.macros.MacroUtils; \nimport\\*; \nimport; \nimport; \nimport; \nimport; \nimport; \nimport; \nimport; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.user.AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.util.ContentMacrosHelper; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.util.GeneralUtil; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.util.velocity.VelocityUtils; \nimport com.atlassian.renderer.v2.RenderMode; \nimport com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException; \nimport com.atlassian.spring.container.ContainerManager; \nimport org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; \nimport org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; \nimport org.apache.log4j.Logger; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.pages.AbstractPage; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.pages.DefaultPageManager; \nimport com.atlassian.confluence.pages.PageManager; \nimport java.util.ArrayList; \nimport java.util.List; \nimport java.util.Map; \nimport java.util.Set; \nimport java.util.Vector; \nimport java.util.Collections; \npublic class LabelledContentMacro extends ContentFilteringMacro \n{ \nprivate static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LabelledContentMacro.class); \nprivate static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = \"com/pixar/confluence/plugins/docfilters/labelledcontent.vm\"; \nprivate static final String SPACE_KEY_BC_PARAM = \"key\"; \nprivate static final String SPACE_CURRENT = \"@self\"; \nprivate static final String SPACE_ALL = \"@all\"; \nprivate static final String OPERATOR = \"operator\"; \nprivate static final String OPERATOR_AND = \"and\"; \nprivate static final String DEPT_PREFIX = \"dept=\"; \nprivate static final String DEPT_ALL = DEPT_PREFIX + \"all\"; \nprivate static final String SHOW_PREFIX = \"show=\"; \nprivate static final String SHOW_ALL = SHOW_PREFIX + \"all\"; \nprivate ContentMacrosHelper contentMacrosHelper; \nprivate ConfluenceActionSupport confluenceActionSupport; \nprotected final ORLabelParameter orlabelParam; \npublic class DocTableOutput \n{ \npublic int type; \npublic Searchable content; \npublic String spaceKey; \npublic int getType() { \nreturn type; \n} \npublic Searchable getContent() { \nreturn content; \n} \npublic String getSpaceKey() { \nreturn spaceKey; \n} \n} \npublic LabelledContentMacro() \n{ \nsuper(); \nlabelParam.setValidate(false); // CONF-14235 - this macro shouldn't try to validate labels \norlabelParam = new ORLabelParameter(); \n} \npublic boolean isInline() \n{ \nreturn false; \n} \npublic boolean hasBody() \n{ \nreturn false; \n} \npublic RenderMode getBodyRenderMode() \n{ \nreturn RenderMode.NO_RENDER; \n} \n@Override \npublic String execute(MacroExecutionContext ctx) throws MacroException \n{ \nreturn executeSearch(ctx); \n} \npublic String executeSearch(MacroExecutionContext ctx) throws MacroException \n{ \nMap\\<String, Object\\> contextMap = getMacroVelocityContext(); \nMap\\<String, String\\> parameters = ctx.getParams(); \nString title = parameters.get(\"title\"); \nBooleanQueryFactory queryFactory = new BooleanQueryFactory(); \n// CONF-12749 Limit the label links to a single space if we only search a single space \nboolean limitLabelLinksToSpace = false; \n// parse the space(s) parameter \nspaceKeyParam.addParameterAlias(\"key\"); \n// CONF-14023 - default to searching all spaces \nspaceKeyParam.setDefaultValue(SPACE_ALL); \nBooleanQueryFactory spaceKeyQuery = spaceKeyParam.findValue(ctx); \nif (spaceKeyQuery != null) \n{ \nqueryFactory.addMust(spaceKeyQuery.toBooleanQuery()); \nlimitLabelLinksToSpace = isSingleSpace(spaceKeyQuery); \n} \n// use the \"labels\" parameter from ContentFilteringMacro \nlabelParam.addParameterAlias(\"0\"); \nif (parameters.containsKey(OPERATOR) \\&\\& parameters.get(OPERATOR).equalsIgnoreCase(OPERATOR_AND)) \n{ \nlabelParam.setDefaultInclusionCriteria(InclusionCriteria.ALL); \n} \nelse \n{ \nlabelParam.setDefaultInclusionCriteria(InclusionCriteria.ANY); \n} \nBooleanQueryFactory labelQuery = labelParam.findValue(ctx); \nif (labelQuery != null) \n{ \nqueryFactory.addMust(labelQuery.toBooleanQuery()); \n} \nelse \n{ \nthrow new MacroException( \ngetConfluenceActionSupport().getText(\"contentbylabel.error.label-parameter-required\") \n); \n} \nList\\<String\\> labelNames = new ArrayList\\<String\\>(); \n// we need a list of label names to display in case no content comes back. \n// For now, we're going to just stick the label string into a single-element list. \nlabelNames.add(labelParam.getParameterValue(parameters)); \ncontextMap.put(\"labelNames\", labelNames); \nString orlabelString = orlabelParam.getParameterValue(parameters); \nif (orlabelString != null \\&\\& !orlabelString.isEmpty()) { \nString\\[\\] orlabelNames = StringUtils.split(orlabelString, ','); \nif (orlabelNames.length \\> 0) { \nVector\\<LabelQuery\\> orqueries = new Vector\\<LabelQuery\\>(); \nfor (String orlName : orlabelNames) { \norqueries.add(new LabelQuery(orlName)); \n} \nSearchQuery orQuery; \nif (orqueries.size() \\> 1) { \norQuery = orqueries.remove(0); \nwhile (orqueries.size() \\> 0) { \norQuery = BooleanQuery.composeOrQuery(orQuery, orqueries.remove(0)); \n} \n} \nelse { \norQuery = orqueries.get(0); \n} \nqueryFactory.addMust(orQuery); \n} \n} \nString myDept = FilterUtils.getDept(); \nSearchQuery deptQuery; \nLabelQuery myDeptQuery; \nLabelQuery allDeptQuery = new LabelQuery(DEPT_ALL); \nif (myDept != null \\&\\& myDept != \"\") \n{ \nmyDeptQuery = new LabelQuery(DEPT_PREFIX + myDept); \ndeptQuery = BooleanQuery.composeOrQuery(myDeptQuery, allDeptQuery); \n} \nelse \n{ \ndeptQuery = allDeptQuery; \n} \nif (deptQuery != null) \n{ \nif (!myDept.equals(\"all\")) { \nqueryFactory.addMust(deptQuery); \n} \n} \nelse \n{ \nthrow new MacroException( \ngetConfluenceActionSupport().getText(\"\") \n); \n} \nString myShow = FilterUtils.getShow(); \nSearchQuery showQuery; \nLabelQuery myShowQuery; \nLabelQuery allShowQuery = new LabelQuery(SHOW_ALL); \nif (myShow != null \\&\\& myShow != \"\") \n{ \nmyShowQuery = new LabelQuery(SHOW_PREFIX + myShow); \nshowQuery = BooleanQuery.composeOrQuery(myShowQuery, allShowQuery); \n} \nelse \n{ \nshowQuery = allShowQuery; \n} \nif (showQuery != null) \n{ \nif (!myShow.equals(\"all\")) { \nqueryFactory.addMust(showQuery); \n} \n} \nelse \n{ \nthrow new MacroException( \ngetConfluenceActionSupport().getText(\"\") \n); \n} \n// handle the other parameters. \nSubsetResultFilter subsetResultFilter; \nmaxResultsParam.addParameterAlias(\"maxResults\"); \nmaxResultsParam.setDefaultValue(ContentFilteringMacro.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS); \ntry \n{ \nInteger maxResults = maxResultsParam.findValue(ctx); \ncontextMap.put(\"maxResults\", maxResults); \nsubsetResultFilter = new SubsetResultFilter(maxResults); \n} \ncatch (ParameterException pe) \n{ \nthrow new MacroException( \ngetConfluenceActionSupport().getText(\"contentbylabel.error.parse-max-labels-param\"), \npe); \n} \nSearchSort searchSort; \ntry \n{ \nsearchSort = sortParam.findValue(ctx); \n} \ncatch (ParameterException pe) \n{ \nthrow new MacroException( \ngetConfluenceActionSupport().getText(\"contentbylabel.error.parse-reverse-or-sort-param\"), \npe); \n} \ntry \n{ \nBooleanQueryFactory contentTypeQuery = contentTypeParam.findValue(ctx); \nif (contentTypeQuery != null) \n{ \nqueryFactory.addMust(contentTypeQuery.toBooleanQuery()); \n} \n} \ncatch (ParameterException pe) \n{ \nthrow new MacroException( \ngetConfluenceActionSupport().getText( \n\"contentbylabel.error.parse-types-param\", \nnew String\\[\\] { StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(pe.getMessage()) } \n), \npe \n); \n} \n// parse author parameter \nSet\\<String\\> authors = authorParam.findValue(ctx); \nif (!authors.isEmpty()) \n{ \nBooleanQueryFactory authorQueryFactory = new BooleanQueryFactory(); \nfor (String author : authors) \n{ \nauthorQueryFactory.addShould(new CreatorQuery(author)); \n} \nqueryFactory.addMust(authorQueryFactory.toBooleanQuery()); \n} \nBooleanQuery query = queryFactory.toBooleanQuery(); \nfinal SearchFilter searchFilter = ContentPermissionsSearchFilter.getInstance().and(SpacePermissionsSearchFilter.getInstance()); \nISearch search = new ContentSearch(query, searchSort, searchFilter, subsetResultFilter); \nSearchResults searchResults; \ntry \n{ \nsearchResults =; \n} \ncatch (InvalidSearchException ise) \n{ \nthrow new MacroException(getConfluenceActionSupport().getText(\"\"), ise); \n} \nList\\<Searchable\\> rawcontents = searchManager.convertToEntities(searchResults, true); \n// Do not include our enclosing page in the list of results. \nlong pageId = ctx.getContent().getId(); \nVector\\<DocTableOutput\\> contents = new Vector\\<DocTableOutput\\>(); \n/\\* \nVector\\<DocTableOutput\\> contentsPixdoc = new Vector\\<DocTableOutput\\>(); \nVector\\<DocTableOutput\\> contentsProd = new Vector\\<DocTableOutput\\>(); \n\\*/ \n/\\* \nDocTableOutput headerCell = new DocTableOutput(); \nheaderCell.content = null; \nheaderCell.spaceKey = \"\"; \nheaderCell.type = 0; \ncontentsProd.add(headerCell); \n\\*/ \nPageManager pageManager = (PageManager) ContainerManager.getComponent(\"pageManager\"); \nfor( Searchable content: rawcontents) { \nif (content.getId() != pageId) { \nDocTableOutput output = new DocTableOutput(); \noutput.content = content; \nString spaceKey = pageManager.getAbstractPage(content.getId()).getSpaceKey(); \noutput.spaceKey = spaceKey; \nif (spaceKey.equals(\"pixdoc\")) { \noutput.type = 2; \n//contentsPixdoc.add(output); \n} else { \noutput.type = 1; \n//contentsProd.add(output); \n} \ncontents.add(output); \n} \n} \n/\\* \nif(contentsProd.size() \\> 0) { \ncontents.addAll(contentsProd); \n} \ncontents.addAll(contentsPixdoc); \n\\*/ \n// If our results contain more than ten items, split them between two columns. \nList\\<DocTableOutput\\> contentsA; \nList\\<DocTableOutput\\> contentsB; \nint lenA = (contents.size() / 2) + (contents.size() % 2); \ncontentsA = contents.subList(0, lenA); \ncontentsB = contents.subList(lenA, contents.size()); \n/\\* \nif (contents.size() \\> 10) { \nint lenA = (contents.size() / 2) + (contents.size() % 2); \ncontentsA = contents.subList(0, lenA); \ncontentsB = contents.subList(lenA, contents.size()); \n} \nelse \n{ \ncontentsA = contents; \ncontentsB = contents.subList(0,0); \ncontentsB.clear(); \n} \n\\*/ \ncontextMap.put(\"title\", title); \ncontextMap.put(\"contentsA\", contentsA); \ncontextMap.put(\"contentsB\", contentsB); \ncontextMap.put(\"unfilteredResultsCnt\", searchResults.getUnfilteredResultsCount()); \ncontextMap.put(\"showLabels\", getBooleanParameter(parameters.get(\"showLabels\"), true)); \ncontextMap.put(\"showSpace\", getBooleanParameter(parameters.get(\"showSpace\"), true)); \ncontextMap.put(\"limitLabelLinksToSpace\", limitLabelLinksToSpace); \ncontextMap.put(\"contentMacrosHelper\", contentMacrosHelper); \ncontextMap.put(\"pageContext\", ctx.getPageContext()); \ncontextMap.put(\"showExcerpt\", Boolean.valueOf(parameters.get(\"excerpt\"))); \ncontextMap.put(\"embedTable\", getBooleanParameter(parameters.get(\"embedTable\"), false)); \nreturn render(contextMap); \n} \n/\\* We assume that the query applies to a single space if there's \n\\* only one component and it is an InSpace query type. \n\\* \n\\* TODO This probably belongs in the SpaceQuery class \n\\*/ \nprivate boolean isSingleSpace(BooleanQueryFactory spaceKeyQuery) \n{ \nboolean limitLabelLinksToSpace = false; \nList params = spaceKeyQuery.toBooleanQuery().getParameters(); \nif(params.size() == 1 \\&\\& (params.get(0) instanceof InSpaceQuery) ) \n{ \nlimitLabelLinksToSpace = true; \n} \nreturn limitLabelLinksToSpace; \n} \n/// CLOVER:OFF \n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") \nprotected Map\\<String, Object\\> getMacroVelocityContext() \n{ \n// current MacroUtils returns untyped map, but its keys are always \n// strings and we don't want to restrict what it can hold \nreturn MacroUtils.defaultVelocityContext(); \n} \nprotected String render(Map\\<String, Object\\> contextMap) \n{ \nreturn VelocityUtils.getRenderedTemplate(TEMPLATE_NAME, contextMap); \n} \n///CLOVER:ON \nprivate Boolean getBooleanParameter(String booleanValue, boolean defaultValue) \n{ \nif (StringUtils.isNotBlank(booleanValue)) \nreturn Boolean.valueOf(booleanValue); \nelse \nreturn defaultValue; \n} \npublic void setContentMacrosHelper(ContentMacrosHelper contentMacrosHelper) \n{ \nthis.contentMacrosHelper = contentMacrosHelper; \n} \nprotected ConfluenceActionSupport getConfluenceActionSupport() \n{ \nif (null == confluenceActionSupport) \nconfluenceActionSupport = GeneralUtil.newWiredConfluenceActionSupport(); \nreturn confluenceActionSupport; \n} \n}\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Joe Clark",
"body": "Thanks so much for sharing your code - I'll see if we can get these enhancements contributed back to Confluence - if you don't have any objections?\n"
"author": "Joerg Bencke",
"body": "Has anybody extended this to filter \"pagetreeonly\" vs. \"global search\" ?\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Kitt Hirasaki",
"body": "Sure, if they're helpful, go for it!\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Kitt Hirasaki",
"body": "I wanted to do the same thing and ended up creating my own hacked-up version of the macro.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Andreas van Rienen",
"body": "Kitt - is there a chance that you share the code of your modified macro. In my opinion more advanced AND/OR \"queries\" are a useful feature for more advanced requirements ... Thanks for a brief reply ...\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Bettina Rosmarino",
"title": "No valid license found, LicenseManager returned null",
"body": "I'm getting this error message in Confluence, but there is no way to update the license key:\n\nYour license details could not be updated because the license you entered is invalid. Reason: No valid license found, LicenseManager returned null\n\nThis and my server ID are the only thing displaying on the webpage, no link to fix it. help!\n"
} | [
"author": "Bettina Rosmarino",
"body": "Figured it out: just rename confluence.cfg.xml to .bak or something and then restart browser instance and Confluence and you are back to the Confluence Setup Wizard to enter license again.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Mark J",
"title": "What is the best method for reviewing documents?",
"body": "I want to post a document to be reviewed.\n\nIs there a best way (page, blog, etc.) to do this?\n"
} | [
"author": "BernardoA",
"body": "I guess this following plugin might be helpful:\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "HuseinA",
"body": "I think it would be Page. There is a similar question has been asked previously [here](/questions/622/can-someone-suggest-a-good-alternative-to-the-mark-pages-for-review-plugin). Jeremy has answered with some options here.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Jaskirat Baweja",
"title": "How do people overcome lack of a robust Excel plug-in in Confluence?",
"body": "One of the biggest hindrance to roll out Confluence completely is people often asking for better Excel plug-ins. Tables cannot\n\nreplace excel as people want to do lot of stuff using excel sheets?\n\nWhat is the work around or any suggestions for a plug in?\n"
} | [
"author": "HuseinA",
"body": "Here are some good available plugins:\n\n* [Excel Plugin](\n* [Table Plugin](\n* [Table Filter Plugin](\n* [Google Docs Connector for Confluence](\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Andreas Springer _Actonic_",
"body": "There's also [Inline Table Editing]( for easy modification of tables, cells, rows and columns without having to enter edit mode. Makes things a lot easier.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Adrien Ragot 2",
"body": "Since the last answer, the [Play SQL Spreadsheet]( add-on has also appeared for that purpose. You can see spreadsheets alongside blogs and pages in Confluence 5.\n\nOne of the benefits is, when every department has their own data online, you can query each other's data. Please keep me updated whenever you see a usecase that the plugin doesn't fulfill!\n\nCheers,\n\nAdrien\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Heather D",
"body": "Can you use these plugins with JIRA as well? This is a huge issue for our team as well - very cumbersome to manually update JIRA tickets when everyone is filling out data in spreadsheets. Thanks!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Barbara Green",
"title": "Configuring CSS for themes in a hosted instance of Confluence",
"body": "We are using a hosted instance of Confluence and would like to tweak the design of the documentation theme for our spaces to be more consistent with our corporate branding. Can I do that on my own? The doc shows a way to implement CSS for a theme, but it is for the server version. When I try to view the decorator files using the path names in the doc, I get a set of error messages.\n"
} | [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "You can quickly and easily try out minor CSS changes to the global theme by browsing to:\n\n```\nConfluence Administration | Look and Feel | Global Stylesheet\n```\n\n-- This would require you to set the Documentation Theme as the default theme in Confluence -- if you want to do that :)\n\nYou can change also change the CSS on a per space basis by browsing to:\n\n```\nSpace Admin | Look and Feel | Stylesheet\n```\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Guilherme Nedel [Atlassian]",
"body": "Hi Barbara,\n\nYou may use a standalone version of Confluence in order to make your CSS customisation, and when you are happy with the result we can upload the file to your hosted instance. Please note that this option does not apply for an Studio instance.\n\nI hope you find this helpful.\n\nGuilherme Nedel - Atlassian Support\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "A note on both this comment and the one from @David Simpson - you can only use the css stylesheet for a customisation to the default theme. For the Documentation Theme, you have to make a change to the plugin itself. Check out <>\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Patricia Wiebe",
"title": "PageTreeSearch Macro finds pages not under the root page",
"body": "We have a pagetreesearch macro defined on a root page. We have a bunch of other pages defined under that page. One page was moved from being under that page to another location on the heirarchy. When we run the search the page that is no longer under the root page is found.\n\nDo we have a problem with the definition? This is the entire page definition:\n\n\\\\\\\\ \n\\\\\\\\ \n\\|\\| Search Gastrointestinal and Immune \\| {pagetreesearch} \\|\\| \n\\\\\\\\ \n\nOr - is there a residual link left over from when that page was once under the root page? Is there something we can do so this page is no longer found?\n"
} | [
"author": "Emily Watford",
"body": "We discovered this was a user issue. She was using the reorder pages link at the bottom of the page instead of actually moving the page. So the child pages were still referring to their original parent page.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "The [Pagetree Search Macro]( docs suggest that if the **rootPage** macro parameter is not defined the root page is the current page.\n\nYou **may** have a content indexing problem. The moved page may be stuck in the indexing queue so the result appears from the original place in the hierarchy.\n\nTry browsing to:\n\n```\nConfluence Admin | Content Indexing\n```\n\nCheck the **Queue Contents** tab and if theres a problem, rebuild the search index. This may take some time on a large Confluence instance.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Patricia Wiebe",
"body": "Thank you for the response. We tried re-indexing and it made no difference. I am not sure if something went wrong when it was moved to be under the other page, but, we ended up deleting and recreating the page, and now the page tree search doesn't find it in the wrong place anymore. This seemed to be an isolated incident, so hopefully we won't see the problem again.\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Paul Stahlke",
"title": "How do I fix Excel editing using Office Connector using Windows 7?",
"body": "One of our users is now running Windows 7 and uses the Office Connector version 1.15 on Confluence 3.4.9 to edit Excel 2007 sheets then have them auto-save back into the wiki. It used to work in Windows XP. But now his changes don't save back to the Wiki on his Windows 7 installation. Is this a known problem? Is there a fix?\n"
} | [
"author": "HuseinA",
"body": "If he is prompted to save the changes locally, then most likely he is hitting [read-only issue]( Simply put, if you are on SSL/HTTPS the issue should has been resolved (in Confluence 3.4.1 or higher + Office Connector 1.14 or higher). Otherwise you'll need to change the BasicAuthLevel (at \\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\services\\\\WebClient\\\\Parameters\\]) registry setting to 2 for each Windows 7 client machine since Windows 7 does not support HTTP Basic Authentication to WebDAV resources. Good discussion on this issue can be found [here](\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Paul Stahlke",
"body": "Thank you! I'll check this out.\n"
"author": "J?rgen M?ller",
"body": "I have tried all the instructions from the following page:\n\n<>\n\nOnly + problems + in + the + office + Connector\n\nI also have this patch installed:\n\n<>\n\nBasicAuth a new registry key has been added with the value 2 here:\n\nHKEY_USERS\\\\S-1-5-21-3151368716-3431991997-4022344234-2200\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Office\\\\14.0\\\\Common\\\\Internet\n\nNothing helps with this problem, does anyone have another solution option\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Fabian Lopez",
"title": "Where can I find more Documentation for cache plugin?",
"body": "I trying to find more information about the cache plugin.\n\nMy question is how often the refresh is calculated and if the time is based on the server or when the page that has the plugin is visited.\n"
} | [
"author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris",
"body": "Will this help? [](\n\nP/s: if the site is under brief maintenance, try the google cache.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Bob Swift (personal)",
"body": "Brendan's answer is correct. There are some macro options and conditions that can affect that - see the plugin page referenced above and comment there if you need more detail.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "James Brown",
"title": "Why isn't attaching multiple files via drag and drop working in IE?",
"body": "I am trying to attach multiple files via drag and drop in IE 7 or 8 (not sure what they were using exactly). I do have Google Gears installed and I have confirmed that it does work. The problem is that even though I select 20 documents, only the first one selected in the group is actually uplaoded. Am I doing something wrong? I am using Confluence 3.4.6.\n"
} | [
"author": "TonyA",
"body": "I just did a test with IE 8 and IE 7, a similar number of files and the same version of Confluence, and didn't see the problem. Probably there's something unique to your configuration, or to the actual content.\n\nI'd suggest trying 2 files to see if that works, noting any Javascript errors that appear.\n\nIf you're using a proxy server, I'd also suggest trying to connect directly to see if that makes any difference.\n\nFinally, you might try an instance of Confluence 3.5 (such as our public documentation at the time I'm writing this). Confluence 3.5 includes an HTML5-based control which might work better if your browser supports it.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "I've changed the title to a question. I hope it's easier to search and find that way!\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "I think this is a bug in 3.4.x and below. Google Gears was deprecated, and we moved to HTML 5 in Confluence 3.5. See the bug report at [CONF-19508](\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Brendan Patterson",
"title": "Where is the new installer for Confluence?",
"body": "During the Atlassian Summit 2011 Keynote Day Two there was a demonstration of the new JIRA installer and I thought mentioned one also for Confluence even though in beta.\n\nDoes anyone have a pointer to the new Confluence installer?\n\nI'm managing around eight Confluence instances right now (aside from JIRA and Crowd instances) so this exciting announcement spoke to me :)\n\nthanks!\n"
} | [
"author": "CharlesA",
"body": "The short answer is Coming Soon?\n\nIt's pretty common, when we develop something that is going to be deployed across multiple products, to pick a single product as a guinea pig. This allows us to focus on getting the feature \"right\" without also having to worry about a smorgasbord of compatibility and portability issues, and the release schedules of a dozen different teams.\n\nFor a variety of reasons, JIRA got to be the first product to benefit from the work of the installer team. The new installer for Confluence is currently under development (and the Confluence team got to see a demo of the latest prototype just last Friday), but we don't yet have a date for getting it into the hands of customers.\n\nAs you can imagine, installers are something we have to be very careful about letting out into the wild due to the catastrophic things they can do if they go wrong.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Brendan Patterson",
"body": "Thanks Charles! That makes perfect sense and is totally fine.What Scott mentioned regarding the status of a Confluence installer at this time was just open to a bit of interpretation so really appreciate the clarification. Atlassian's committment and continual investment to these sorts of core admin / less flashy yet essential features is unparalleled. Keep up the exceptional work!\n"
"author": "Wendell Keuneman",
"body": "Hi Brendan. I'd like to re-iterate Charles' comment and add that we are providing the install and upgrade features incrementally as we progress toward Confluence 4.0.\n\nPlease continue to the check the release notes in the [Confluence EAP downloads]( We are currently working on the new Confluence install routine for both Linux and Windows and this should be available within the next 4-6 weeks. Next will be an upgradeable version of the same packages and several other improvements.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "SarahA",
"body": "Hallo all\n\nThe Confluence 4.0 Beta2 installers are available, for Linux and Windows:\n\n<>\n\nIt's still a \\*beta\\* release, but looking good. :)\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Matt",
"body": "The first cut of the new installer for was made available with the latest Confluence 4.0 EAP release. See: []( )\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Brendan Patterson",
"body": "Hmmm. Actually I believe those are the \"Evaluation\" Installers - not for production. These new installers are supposed to be good to go for production as well. Here is the JIRA version of the sneak peak: <>It's possible these won't be available till Confluence 4.0 but I wanted to check.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "jdavidson",
"body": "It looks like they are available for Windows and Mac installs, but not Linux, yet - exactly what I'm interested in, too! <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Michael Roff",
"title": "Can you create a template in Confluence which has an attachment?",
"body": "Can you create a template in Confluence which has an attachment?\n\nWhen you use this template, the page would be created, but attached to the page would be an attachment that is a copy of the original attachment as specified in the template?\n\nAny ideas on how to do this (without writing a custom plugin) would be helpful.\n\nThanks\n"
} | [
"author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris",
"body": "Just for the record, this is a related feature request - <>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Michael Roff",
"body": "Thanks Azwandi, I have voted and watched that feature request.If anyone else comes across this answers article, I recommend you do the same.\n"
"author": "Michael Roff",
"body": "continued .... The missing piece of the puzzle is automating the way in which the generic excel document gets attached to the new page which is based on a basic template to embed an excel document.The key here is it all has to be automated. One click and the user can then start adding content to the embedded document.BTW - I think K15t is going to be a better solution in the long run ... but if there was a solution now as outlined above ... I might go for it.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "TomC",
"body": "We have a use case now that was looking to use this kind of approach. A page template was developed that calls for an attached Excel spreadsheet, which (now at least) must be attached separately. The spreadsheet has a long list of items on one worksheet; about 10 of them are piped onto a second spreadsheet, and that, the 'milestone' sheet, is the one displayed. Because these pages will often be used by wiki newbies, all of the (simple) instructions are on the wiki page, some hidden by the cloak macro to preserve page real estate.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "TomC",
"body": "postscript...We are considering just using a wiki table vs. a spreadsheet for this use case, because the rendering macro (viewxls) is not proving to be 100% reliable. That is, it sometimes opens in Read-Only mode, or not at all, generating internal support calls that end up with yours truly. It will require compromises, but is 100% reliable.As our Confluence use expands, we get more of these reports. With the new v4 editor, I believe I can convince most users to use pure wiki pages (instead of Word) and the improved wiki table (vs. cases not requiring spreadsheet functionality).\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Michael Roff",
"body": "This was an original comment from VegasMickI am toying with the idea of using word or excel templates attached to confluence pages in an automated fashion so a team member could create a new page based on a template and then when the page opens up, it has an embedded document in it like word or excel which they can then edit and use a workflow to progress through an approval process.Image an expense document in excel - attached to a confluence page - workflowed through Comalatech Adhoc be continued ....\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Michael Roff",
"body": "This answer has been removed and replaced by a comment\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Stefan Kohler",
"body": "What is your use case? You can link to an attachment from your template, the attachment doesn't have to be on the page itself.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Bryan Guffey",
"title": "Can someone suggest a good alternative to the \"Mark Pages for Review\" plugin?",
"body": "Hello all!\n\nI'm attempting to find a plugin that will allow me to mark specific out of date pages in our Confluence instance as \"incorrect\" or \"needs updating\" which can then be pulled for review by a designated individual for each space, as well as overall administrators.\n\n<br />\n\nDoes anybody have any suggestions? i know that the \"Mark Pages for Review\" plugin used to be available and do just this, but hasn't been updated in a long time.\n"
} | [
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "There's an [Archive Plugin]( and a [Workflow Plugin]( The archive plugin matches your description better, but workflow is pretty powerful and might suit your use-case or a similar use-case.\n\nThere's also the [Content Survey and Reporting plugin](, which works on page reviews (ie you might choose to review poorly ranked pages rather than by date). Full disclosure - I wrote this one (shameless plug). It's free and open source.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Akilan R",
"body": "We are using Confluence 3.5.13. Is there any other alternative, e,g using html code to extract the page life cycle information and then displaying the Alert? Thanks\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Midori",
"body": "As Jeremy suggested the **[Archiving Plugin]( does exactly what you are looking for**, and lot more, actually.\n\nIt detects outdated pages and notify the persons who are in charge to update it (original author, last author and space admins). You can control which pages should be updated (just add the \"archive-update\" tag) and which ones should be reviewed (add \"archive-review\").\n\nYou can also let the plugin clean up expired content by ignoring those notifications. In this case, the outdate content will be moved to archive spaces. (Page hierarchies, attachments, comments are preserved.)\n\nAnd voila! You content is clean and tidy again.\n\nSince the plugin does a lot more, you should [read through the manual](\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Malcolm Jacobson",
"body": "We add a \"review\" label to each page that is ready for review, and then use the \"Content by Label\" macro to generate a list of the pages with this label. The macro has a range of options that let you customise the list - e.g. by specific space, by author, by label - so we find it quite fast and easy to use across our spaces.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Lane Lawrence",
"title": "Are there drawbacks to installing Confluence before JIRA? Should they be installed at the same time?",
"body": "Hi:\n\nAre there any drawbacks to installing Confluence first and then @ month later installing Jira? Or is better to install Jira and Confluence at the same time.\n\nThank you,\n\nLane\n"
} | [
"author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]",
"body": "You might also want to look at where you are going to manage users. If it is external or uses crowd, it shouldn't be a problem. But there is an option to manage [confluence users in JIRA]( (i.e. with a common user base in JIRA) and in such cases, you will be better off with installing JIRA first.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "Nope, no issues, really doesn't matter what order you do it in.\n\nThe only issue is if you do decide to use Jira to provide the Confluence logins after you've been using Confluence for a while - you'll need to import the existing Confluence accounts. Even that's not a huge issue, it's just one extra step.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Ronald Horner",
"body": "We have seen no issues installing one after another. Our configuration started with JIRA and then added Confluence a few months later. Setting up the trusted application links and such were straight forward if you followed the documentation.\n\nOur general thought is to aquire the tools as you need them.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Lane Lawrence",
"body": "Thank you all for your feedback, I sure appreciate it!!!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "CharlesA",
"body": "If you are satisfied with the responses to your question, it's a good idea to select one as the correct answer.That way, the question gets marked as having been answered in the system.\n"
"author": "Brendan Patterson",
"body": "There are no issues with the servers themselves or when they are installed.\n\nThe only consideration (and it will likely end up being a **VERY VERY IMPORTANT consideration**) is around your user management solution / scheme. If your community explodes as it most likely will you'll have lots of users to deal with in both systems.\n\nIf you create users in the two systems and some usernames are different but for the same people it is a GIANT pain sync up to one username per account. This is because usernames are fixed, they cannot be changed (unlike Full Names or Emails). There have been updates and it may be possible to point the new system to leverage the user mgmt of the existing - i.e. installing JIRA first Confluence can delegate user-mgmt to JIRA.\n\nI could literally write about this issue for days as many other admins who have gone through it/sufferred could.\n\nBottom line: Either point at a single user mgmt system for both (Crowd or LDAP or whatever) or just be really extra sure people have the exact same usernames in both systems as well as their corporate login if remotely possible.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Kay Brown",
"body": "We installed Confluence first and then installed Jira more than a year later with no problems.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Anthony Pelosi",
"title": "Confluence 3.5 in Safari Mac sometimes gets into state where every click opens file browser",
"body": "I'm not sure what causes it, but every now and then a confluence page (view, rich edit, or wiki edit) will get into a state where any page click on that page (doesn't occur in pages in other tabs) brings up the Safari image browser for selecting an image. I have to hit refresh to fix it. Am I accidentally typing a shortcut that causes this? Anyone else experience this? I am on Safari 5.0.5 on Confluence 3.5.1.\n"
} | [
"author": "Anthony Pelosi",
"body": "This issue has been resolved in Confluence 4 so the solution is simply to upgrade.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jeison",
"body": "Weird indeed. You guys may want to check Safari's shortcuts agaist Confluence's shortcuts to try and narrow it down a bit.\n\n* [Safari 5.0.5 shortcuts](\n* [Confluence 3.5 shortcuts](\n\nPlease update the thread in case you come across a cause/solution.\n\nHope it helps.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Steven Cogorno",
"body": "It's funny you mention that, because it just started happening to me on the Confluence documentation site. If I try to scroll the page or navigate in any way, I get the Open File box.\n\nVery weird.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Gert-Jan van de Streek",
"body": "I am heavily using both Safari and Chrome for testing, this never happened in Chrome. Looks to be limited to Safari / Confluence combo.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Gert-Jan van de Streek",
"body": "I have the same thing happening to me, Safari 5.0.5 and both Confluence 3.5.x and the 4.0 preview. This is especially annoying when you just finished a new page and want to save it.Work around it by tabbing to the label field and press enter.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "skeggert",
"title": "Confluence 3.5.1 Upgrade Issues - Embedded Crowd for large enterprises",
"body": "Have any other organizations with a large user base (15,000+) and number of groups had issues upgrading to Confluence 3.5.1 or Confluence 3.5.x?\n\nWhat steps or solutions were taken to overcome the obstacles in Atlassian's recent \\*change in user management (\\*Embedded Crowd)?\n\nWe are looking for solutions that we could easily leverage without using unsupported third-party tools and developing custom scripts.\n\nAny advice on a Confluence 3.5.x or 3.4.x upgrade?\n"
} | [
"author": "Colin Goudie",
"body": "Firstly, as you seem to be aware, because of the change in user management, make sure you use your existing osuser.xml/atlassian-user.xml files from your existing installation when first booting Confluence, as it will use these to setup the embedded crowd environment. Most of this comment is in relation to hooking Confluence up to a Crowd installation (Not moving from a Crowd, to embedded Crowd)\n\nTwo of our clients had issues in relation to the below issue that is now fixed in Confluence 3.5.5\n\n<>\n\nOne of these clients, due to using MySQL, also has had issues in relation to this issue\n\n<>\n\nThis last issue is being addressed in the upcoming Confluence 3.5.6\n\nWe also have run into issues where for some reason, some usernames have spaces appended to them, and this causes issues with the synchronisation. Repairing them, resolved the issue.\n\nSo yes, we have had some issues, but I must say, I do like the embedded Crowd functionality. It is great to be able to force a sync at any time to make sure the user repositories in the applications are up to date.\n\nNeat stuff\n\nLike any upgrade, testing this on suitable staging environment is essential\n",
"comments": [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "Also, enabling nested groups for a user base of that size is likely not advisable.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Tim Richmeyer",
"title": "UWC getting BAD_SPACE or USER_NOT_PERMITTED",
"body": "I'm trying to import our current mediawiki to a Atlassian host confluence wiki using UWC.\n\nHowever, when testing the connection, I get the error:\n\nTesting Connection Settings... FAILURE: \nProblem with User setting: BAD_SPACE or USER_NOT_PERMITTED \nEither the space does not exist, or the user has no access to that space. \n\ contents: \n\ \nspace=F6TA2 \nurl=https\\\\:// \ntrustpass= \npages= \nuploadOrphanAttachments=false \npageChooserDir=C\\\\:\\\\\\\\Users\\\\\\\\\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*.AERONIX\\\\\\\\Desktop \nattachments=/var/lib/mediawiki/images \ntrustall=true \nattachment.size.max=-1 \nsendToConfluence=true \npattern= \nlogin=\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\* \ntruststore= \nfeedback.option=true \npassword=\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\* \nwikitype=mediawiki\n\nUser referenced in login has permission to create pages in the space specified.\n\nLog of events: \n\n<br />\n\n2011-06-03 18:03:06,630 ERROR \\[AWT-EventQueue-0\\] - Connection timed out \nat Method) \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat\\<init\\>( \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.DefaultXmlRpcTransport.sendXmlRpc( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientWorker.execute( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute( \nat biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker.getLoginTokenThrowExceptions( \nat biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker.checkConnectivity( \nat com.atlassian.uwc.ui.listeners.TestSettingsListener.testConnectionSetting( \nat com.atlassian.uwc.ui.listeners.TestSettingsListener.actionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( \nat javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick( \nat javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick( \nat javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased( \nat java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent( \nat javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent( \nat java.awt.Component.processEvent( \nat java.awt.Container.processEvent( \nat java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent( \nat java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( \nat java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.EventQueue.access$000( \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat Method) \nat$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( \nat$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat Method) \nat$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( \nat java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( \nat \n\ Connection timed out \nat Method) \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat\\<init\\>( \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.DefaultXmlRpcTransport.sendXmlRpc( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientWorker.execute( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute( \nat org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute( \nat biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker.getLoginTokenThrowExceptions( \nat biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker.getLoginToken( \nat biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker.getUserPermissionsForUser( \nat com.atlassian.uwc.ui.listeners.TestSettingsListener.testConnectionSetting( \nat com.atlassian.uwc.ui.listeners.TestSettingsListener.actionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( \nat javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( \nat javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick( \nat javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick( \nat javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased( \nat java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent( \nat javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent( \nat java.awt.Component.processEvent( \nat java.awt.Container.processEvent( \nat java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent( \nat java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( \nat java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( \nat java.awt.EventQueue.access$000( \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat Method) \nat$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( \nat$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat java.awt.EventQueue$ \nat Method) \nat$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( \nat java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( \nat java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( \nat \n"
} | [
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Couple of possibilities:\n\n1. If you haven't set up your ssl support config, you should try that. See [UWC SSL Support](\n\n2. Sometimes if your Confluence is protected behind an SSO system, the UWC can't connect because the Remote API isn't hooked into your system. You have some different options in that case. Check out this FAQ: [UWC FAQ - Does the UWC Support SSO?](\n\nCheers,\n\nLaura\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Frederic Auberson",
"body": "Laura,\n\nThe FAQ, as well as all the UWC Docs, have moved. Do you know where they went?\n\nI'm attempting to login to a Confluence installation that uses SSO, and getting the same error message. I'd like to know what the 'different options' are in that case :)\n"
"author": "Frederic Auberson",
"body": "Laura,\n\nThe FAQ, as well as all the UWC Docs, have moved. Do you know where they went?\n\nI'm attempting to login to a Confluence installation that uses SSO, and getting the same error message. I'd like to know what the 'different options' are in that case :)\n"
"author": "John Bartelt",
"body": "I ran into this error with a TWiki. Turns out the old twiki server (RHEL5) only spoke TLSv1, but confluence was set up to only accept TLSV1.2. After allowing TLSv1 on confluence, it worked.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Gerhard Waidelich",
"body": "[@Laura Kolker2](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/781691)\n\nI have the same problem. What can I do?\n\nTesting Connection Settings... FAILURE: \nProblem with User setting: BAD_SPACE or USER_NOT_PERMITTED\n\norg.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: java.lang.Exception: com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.AuthenticationFailedException: Attempt to log in user failed. The maximum number of failed login attempts has been reached. Please log into the web application through the web interface to reset the number of failed login attempts.\n\nBut sure I can login to website sucesfully!\n\nGerhard\n",
"comments": null
"author": "AKASH BHARDWAJ",
"body": "@Laura Kolker\n\nI am still getting error after updating trustall=true.\n\nany comments on this.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Ok, If you're hosted by Atlassian, sometimes administrators need to make certain features accessible. I'm pretty certain that people have successfully used the UWC with onconfluence hosted confluences, but I haven't personally managed those, so I don't have particularly specific advice. What I would recommend is opening a ticket with atlassian and I think they should be able to help you make your confluence accessible. Let us know how it goes!\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Tim Richmeyer",
"body": "Regarding SSL Support, I did the \"trustall=true\" thing.\n\nRegarding SSO - we're hosted by Atlassian - I wouldn't think they would use SSO if it caused these problems, but I don't believe I have control over that.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"title": "Why was a single instance chosen vs. one for each Atlassian product?",
"body": "Why is there a single Answers site vs. one for each Atlassian product?\n\nIn some ways it is good (for questions that don't apply to a single product), but in others it seems like it will be too high-traffic. I understand that you can just search by \"Crowd\" or \"Confluence\" but that takes typing or bookmarking a search. Maybe links to searches on Crowd, Confluence, etc. could be somewhere on the page?\n"
} | [
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "Good question indeed. This is definitely something we thought a lot about and that we're monitoring closely. We found that everything we considered had tradeoffs. We'll continue to evolve and improve when we learn more, and we already have plans for some improvements.\n\nFirst, we're building a tag wizard that will help people tag things appropriately. It should be ready next week. That should help people pick the right tag when they ask questions, at least their product name and whether it's a development question.\n\nWe did go through the thought experiment of multiple sites, but there are plenty of problems with that model as well. Do gadgets and IDE connectors get their own sites too? Are 'jira' and 'jira-development' one or two sites? We could end up having a dozen or more sites, which would add at least as much confusion as it would reduce, not to mention the overhead of maintaining subscriptions to different services.\n\n*Spaces*, on the other hand, seems like an attractive way to go. We could build spaces to further segment Answers, and we're looking into that. Again, it's a tradeoff - there might be too much segmentation for things that are cross-product - but certainly spaces seem like a strong candidate for organization. We decided to launch Answers this way because when we looked around, we found a bunch of Q \\& A sites that are running quite successfully using tags all in one site. We thought it would be possible to achieve that with Atlassian products, and we thought this way we'd also gain some benefit from cross-product types of questions, especially as we build more integrations and commonalities between our products.\n\nAs for, I have to admit, we didn't discuss that, even though we do know that 'meta' sites are common practice. A lot of meta questions have arisen already. So far, people have organized them by tagging 'answers'. I'm actually impressed with this. That category has self-organized, and people are really sticking to it; I don't think any of the questions tagged 'answers' needed to be retagged. Evidently it's intuitive enough, and I suspect we'd *still* get meta questions even if we were to split off another site. You'd introduce a new problem! I think the idea of new tags that we didn't think of can arise and the more intuitive ones float to the top is actually one of the good parts about a community tool.\n> in others it seems like it will be too high-traffic\n\nHave you added 'favourite tags'? By default, you are subscribed to your own questions, and to new questions that match your interesting tags (we need to change everything to 'favourite', that's a little [bug]( You can also follow an RSS feed for a specific tag.\n\nUltimately, we're definitely tracking this. As Gary points out in the question, it's probably the best model for things like universal-wiki-connector, sharepoint-connector, hibernate, calendar-plugin, etc...\n",
"comments": [
"author": "NikE",
"body": "I think proper tagging is critical to this working smoothly, which is a task that moderators (or anyone with \\>150 points) should monitor.\n"
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "One thing that I'm not a fan of in \"favourite tags\" is that I get email notifications if anything new gets posted with that tag. I would rather just have a link off to the side to easily get to questions tagged with confluence-development rather than get mail about questions, answers, and related comments that I'm not interested in.\n"
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "i really like the single-view approach, and for narrowing down to your tool of choice - tags can always help \n\nEDIT: i would agree though that answers-related questions should not be in the same instance - something like\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "valid point - someone with high karma would need to update the tags on questions, so it has both confluence and confluence-development or so... just brainstorming here\n"
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "But plugin development, wiki usage, crowd usage, jira usage, etc. all in one place when people don't usually use tags? That means that the subject or page body has to contain text that specifies the product, and that won't always be the case. I think time will tell whether this is a good idea, and I would be money over the long haul that it has to be fragmented/split somehow, or somehow automatically tagged by entering the site in a certain way, just to ensure that it doesn't get too crazy.\n"
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "One thing I realized (stupidly recently) is that sometimes people post questions to the wrong place. I've monitored the UWC forum for years, but only occasionally keep track of the other atlassian forums. But what happens if someone posts a question about the UWC to Confluence Dev forum? Depends. I think part of managing a knowledge base is the reality of needing to help people find where their questions should go. On some level, what's really different here is that the problem is more visible (but therefore we can talk about it and look for solutions).\n"
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "It does seem a little firehose-like. But I think it'll end up being fine once all the tagging features are worked out. For now, I'm using my gmail filters to pre-sort incoming by tag, and I think that will help alot too.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod",
"body": "I completely agree with your question Gary. It is a bit of a pain to use it the way that it is currently implemented. \n\nGood question.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris",
"title": "Where is the best source for Confluence tips and tricks?",
"body": "Tell us your favourites :)\n"
} | [
"author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris",
"body": "Mother of all tips and tricks?\n\n<>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "justindowning",
"body": "That page is great! I would also include real-time updates from users and admins:\n\n#ConfluenceTips: <!/search/%23ConfluenceTips>\n\n@ConfluenceTips: <!/ConfluenceTips>\n"
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "As far as Confluence plugin development goes:\n\n* Reading through source code of open-source plugins\n* Searching Google, which finds stuff in Confluence official documentation and contributed documentation or Jira\n* When I find something out that others didn't know or that wasn't documented, I documented it in the Atlassian wiki (and sometimes would use my own tips later)\n* Using confluence-developer and confluence-user forums/lists helped periodically (and now\n* Support tickets, jira tickets, and emails to developer relations when things got bad or things were down\n* Making relationships with other developers that helped out on open source plugins helped, and more importantly I made some friends also that way\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "* User Groups (AUGs)\n*\n*, and now, hopefully -\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Matt",
"body": "I'd suggest following [@confluence]( on Twitter.\n\nAlso, checkout the [Wiki Ninja Guide]( Heaps of tips and videos there.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod",
"body": "definately the Confluence forum (<>)\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "Here, as it's going to replace the forum sometime...\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Bruce Cran",
"title": "Converting Twiki HTML URLs to Confluence",
"body": "I'm having problems converting URLs from Twiki to Confluence format using UWC. \nThe Twiki pages have URLs such as: \n\n\\<img width=\"200\" alt=\"Img.jpg\" src=\"/twiki/pub/Web/PageName/Img.jpg\" height=\"200\" /\\> \n\nThat's getting converted to: \n\n!/twiki/pub/Web/PageName\\^2-Img.jpg\\|width=200\"200\", alt=\"Img.jpg\", height=200\"200\"! \n\nConfluence then reports \"Unable to render embedded object: File (Img.jpg) not found.\" \nIt seems that /twiki/pub/Web needs to be removed, but setting remove-twiki-path to /twiki/pub/\\~UWCTOKENCURRENTSPACE\\~ doesn't seem to work. I've also tried changing vars-attachurl but that didn't work either. \nWhat would I need to put in to correctly convert the URLs?\n"
} | [
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Hi Bruce,\n\nSince you posted both here _and_ at the old forum, I'm going to repost my answer from there to here, just for documentation's sake. Let me know if you need anything else.\n\n----\n\nYou've hit an edge case. \nI've updated the source to handle this situation better. Hopefully, I understood your syntax case sufficiently to help you out. \n\nBasically, the ImageConverter was only using the remove-twiki-path-N properties for non-html image syntaxes. I've updated it to now handle both html and non-html types of syntax. \n\nAdditionally, it can now handle image syntaxes with that style of URL, so it can identify what space, etc. \n\nHere are the two properties I set in my test:\n\n \n \n\n<br />\n\nThe latter one identifies what the Web-\\>Confluence spacekey mapping should be. You would want whatever your target Confluence spacekey is going to be for that Web. You'll need to set up a space map property for every Web you are transforming. \n\nThen, with the changes to the source, I rebuilt, and it successfully transformed this:\n\n <img width=\"200\" alt=\"Img.jpg\" src=\"/twiki/pub/Web/PageName/Img.jpg\" height=\"200\"/> \n\n<br />\n\ninto this:\n\n !Confkey:PageName^Img.jpg|width=\"200\", alt=\"Img.jpg\", height=\"200\"! \n\n[Here are instructions for how to build the latest UWC source]( \"Here are the instructions for how to build the latest UWC source\") \n\nCheers, \nLaura\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]",
"body": "Hi Laura,\n\nIs this available on the latest UWC? I have a similar scenario where src=\"/pub/Web/PageName/..\" is not converted properly. I have the mentioned proprties as follows:\n\n \n \n"
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Hi Jobin, You can get that feature if you [build from source](\n"
"author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]",
"body": "I built it from source, till you execute **ant package**. And used the generated uwc.jar. Am I missing something?\n"
"author": "Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]",
"body": "Oops, my bad. I certainly did build from source but added the property on the wrong file. Too many open windows! Worked like a charm. +1\n"
"author": "Jakub Krikala",
"body": "Hi I'm dealing the same problem for PmWiki, can you write me solution, or is it the same? Thnx :)\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "Hi Bruce, I retagged this and your other quesiton (<>), as we'll use the full name rather than the abbreviation. I'm sure some people will miss one or the other, but for now that's the strategy. This way it's more likely to get to the right watchers...\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Bruno BLAISE",
"title": "applink between confluence and jira",
"body": "Hi,\n\nWe have installed the following products within a development server:\n\n- crowd 2.2.7 (used as the sso)\n\n- confluence 3.5.5\n\n- jira 4.3\n\nApplink has been succesfully configured between jira and confluence. A link has been added between a jira project and a wiki space.\n\nHow can I do to to refer a wiki page within a jira issue and in the opposite to refer an issue within a wiki page?\n\n<> is the cause of my problem?\n"
} | [
"author": "Matt",
"body": "Currently, linking a JIRA Project to a Confluence Space does not provide any 'real' functionality...yet. It will in the future.\n\nAs for now, with an Application Link configureed between JIRA and Confluence you can create new JIRA issues from Confluence and insert existing JIRA issues inside COnfluence pages via the Insert JIRA Issue dialog. See this tutorial video for full details:\n\n\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod",
"body": "Assuming that I am understanding your question correctly.\n\nIn your wiki page you can just insert a new macro - query JIRA and you will get two macro options. That will allow you to display JIRA information in confluence.\n\nTo link a Confluence page to a JIRA issue, you can just enter the 'tiny link\" to your issue. It automatically will resolve to a link.\n\nDoes that answer your question?\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Bruce Cran",
"title": "How do I reduce UWC memory usage when converting large site from Twiki?",
"body": "I'm attempting to use UWC to convert a large site from Twiki. The problem is it has lots of attachments and while it's going through the stage where it prints \"attachment written\" the memory usage is rather ridiculous: it appears to want over 24 GB: it pushes my machine which has 12 GB RAM over 12 GB into swap. Is there any way to reduce the amount of memory UWC needs, or do I just need to have plenty of swap space allocated and let it run\n"
} | [
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "Hi Bruce,\n\nReposting the important bits from my answer from the [old forum]( \"old forum\") here for doc purposes.\n\n----\n\nSo there are two ways to upload attachments:\n\n1. Xmlrpc (default), which requires 4x as much memory as the size of the attachment\n2. Webdav plugin, which requires less memory, although I can't give you so nicely specific a figure.\n\nIf you want to try using that feature, details here: [UWC Webdav Attachments]( Only downside I've run into is if your attachments have problematic names (like with question marks), then the upload can fail on that attachment.\n\n----\n\nOh, and one other thought:\n\nIf you end up having to increase the memory you've given to your tomcat (which might be a good idea), you probably want to [up the memory on the Confluence]( \"up the memory on the Confluence\") as opposed to the UWC itself (which you can do as well - let me know if you need instructions for that).\n\nCheers,\n\nLaura\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Laura Kolker",
"body": "@Tylerre: Sounds like it's reading all the attachments into memory prior to shoving them into the Confluence system.\n\nI could be wrong, but I do not think this is happening. As far as I can see it's just making the xmlrpc call, and it would be doing it one attachment at a time. If anyone wants to take a peak at the relevant code it's here: <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Leandro Nunes",
"body": "Hi Bruce,\n\nUWC has a FAQ and one question called my attention:\n\n***I have a very large wiki to convert. Are there any gotchas I should look out for?***\n\n<>\n\nHope this helps you!\n",
"comments": null
"author": "TylerA",
"body": "Sounds like it's reading all the attachments into memory prior to shoving them into the Confluence system. Did you set Confluence/Twiki to store your attachments in the DB or does it store the attachments in the filesystem?\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Stefan Kohler",
"title": "In what version of Confluence will ActiveObjects be shipped?",
"body": "So when does it get bundled?? Makes it much easier to develop a plugin using AO if you don't have to explain how they can get the right version of AO in Confluence\n"
} | [
"author": "Sherif Mansour",
"body": "We really want to get it in ASAP, but don't have a date yet for it. Once we have it available in Confluence we we will let people know through our [Development Releases]( Sherif\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Remo Siegwart",
"body": "Hi Sherif!\n\nAny update on this one? Hope it's still on the roadmap?\n\nWe are planning to release a new plugin based on Active Objects when the marketplace is ready, but I'm not sure if it makes sense as long as Active Objects in Confluence is still a **development preview**.\n\nCheers Remo\n"
"author": "Andy Brook [Plugin People]",
"body": "Argh.\n\nI've been getting productive with AO in JIRA, switching to Confluence to do a bunch of refresh releases and pretty much expecting it to be there in the 4.2beta, but no. And its still marked as a developer preview - <>\n\nIMO not having AO support in Confluence is a severe impediment to plugin development, XML serialisation is a PITA but the current only option.\n\nPlease raise over coffee sometime, perhaps it will get on someone's radar. Out of interest, what's the blocker in getting AO along the release roadmap?\n"
"author": "Remo Siegwart",
"body": "I've heard that one blocker is the missing support for DB2 databases. [Confluence supports DB2](, but Active Objects only supports MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, HSQLDB and Derby. [JIRA never supported DB2](\n\nIt looks like they plan to ship it in Confluence 4.3 as beta and then to release it officially in Confluence 4.4.\n\nThat's just what I've heard, not sure if this is true though.\n"
"author": "Andy Brook [Plugin People]",
"body": "Thanks Remo, I also just saw a reference to [hsql 2.0 question](in-what-version-of-confluence-will-activeobjects-be-shipped) , I guess for now, its double effort to implement bandana and ao support :/\n"
"author": "Joe Clark",
"body": "As of Confluence 4.3 - ActiveObjects is now in and fully supported for plugin developers! Woooooooohoooo!\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Stefan Kleineikenscheidt _K15t_",
"body": "Hi everyone,\n\nare there any updates on this yet?\n\nBtw: We've noticed that the ActiveObjects plugin 0.19.x is not compatible with hsql 2.2.4, which is shipped with Confluence. If we run our unit tests against it works. (more info about that here: <>)\n\nCheers, \n-Stefan\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Stefan Kleineikenscheidt _K15t_",
"body": "Hi everyone,\n\nare there any updates on this yet?\n\nCheers, \n-Stefan\n",
"comments": null
"author": "TylerA",
"body": "Atlassian doesn't provide dates for new features or releases, so we can't really say when that will be included.\n\n[Adding ActiveObjects to Confluence]( seems to be the only way to get those modules added for the moment, but as the little info-box says:\n> \"Ultimately Active Objects should be integrated and bundled in each Atlassian product so that this step is no longer necessary. Until then you will have to configure your project so that libraries are added to your product when developing.\"\n",
"comments": [
"author": "David at David Simpson Apps",
"body": "The [Adding ActiveObjects to Confluence]( link is now restricted - behind a login. Any chance of reverting that change? Or could you link to a new location please?\n"
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "I'm not sure why it got closed off. I'll check into it. I'll email you this page, for now.\n"
"author": "Sherif Mansour",
"body": "We are aiming for the second half of this year.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "HuseinA",
"title": "How to turn on debug logging for LDAP-related issue in Confluence prior to 3.5?",
"body": null
} | [
"author": "TylerA",
"body": "This here should help: <>\n\nIt requires adding a couple of new class files to the system (as the standard LDAP factories won't output the relevant data prior to 3.5.X) but that should get the job done.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "TylerA",
"body": "Just checking comments -- please ignore this.\n"
"author": "?????? ?????",
"body": "Goood\n",
"comments": null
"author": "?????? ?????",
"body": "Hi, I want to advise you a cool platform. The main advantages of [Betfair login]( Australia are impeccable reputation in the betting market, a variety of games in the Casino section, the existence of a betting exchange (Betfair exchange), favorable game conditions in each of the sections of the resource. It is no coincidence that the resource currently has more than 1 million active users worldwide.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"title": "Confluence plugins: which ones would you recommend?",
"body": "what would be a \"must-have\" for most Wiki instances?\n\nPlease add 1 plugin per answer, so it can be up/down-voted to gauge usefulness/popularity\n"
} | [
"author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris",
"body": "You shouldn't miss the [SQL Plugin](!\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Mark McCormack",
"body": "Scaffolding - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Mark McCormack",
"body": "Reporting - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Colin Goudie",
"body": "Gliffy - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "David Peterson",
"body": "Content Formatting Plugin - <>\n\nLets you do more advanced HTML layout without the XSS risks you have with the {html} macro.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Mark McCormack",
"body": "Ad-Hoc Workflows - <> or <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "I am a big fan of Command Line Interface :\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "Wonderful utility, but I don't think it is a plugin, per se, even though it is listed, correct?\n"
"author": "Colin Goudie",
"body": "Balsamiq mockups - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Ramiro Pointis",
"body": "Confluence Source Editor - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris",
"body": "Ability to run command-line from Confluence - use the [Script Plugin](!\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "CSUM - <> or <>\n\n(Using it assumes that delegation of space-level group management to space admins is appropriate. It really depends on the environment, but I'd say many consider it to be a \"must-have\", because otherwise in many environments their Confluence administrators can get overwhelmed with requests to manage groups.)\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Mark McCormack",
"body": "Table Plugin - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Colin Goudie",
"body": "SharpView - <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Gary Weaver",
"body": "Plugin authors and Atlassian partners need karma, badly... ;) I agree that people should use existing resources to place reviews, and in addition, I think it is great to submit \"wonderful plugin\" type comments on the wiki pages of the plugins. That always makes me feel better. However, reviews tend to be a place to bitch about things.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Andrew Ardill",
"body": "This is copied from my comment on the similar question about jira plugins\n\n--\n\nI down voted because I feel this form of question does not add to the site. For a good reference, see <>. Moreover, as Justin has shown this information is for the most part available already.\n\nQuestions like this encourage karma-trawling, and don't really answer any specific question - it's really a poll.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "I agree with @Justin Downing - []( is a better place for plugin reviews. Some Q \\& A sites specifically state that open-ended questions that can result in flamewars or that can never be definitively answered aren't allowed. I think the spirit intended here is a good one, but I'm curious whether others think we should allow open-ended discussions like this.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "justindowning",
"body": "I didn't down vote your question. I think the popularity ranking by downloads FROM the community show their value to Confluence admins.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Andrei [errno]",
"body": "so? does it have an option to add personal recommendations? why down vote? don't like a question - move on to the next one\n",
"comments": null
"author": "justindowning",
"body": "PAC already ranks plugins by popularity for each product:\n\nConfluence: <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Mark McCormack",
"body": "TaskDock - <> or <>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]",
"body": "This is no longer available.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "John Malone",
"title": "Highlighting code within a code block?",
"body": "Is there a way to visually highlight a piece of code inside a {code} block in Confluence?\n"
} | [
"author": "justindowning",
"body": "No, but you could 'make' your own macro of sorts to do this. Use something like:\n> {panel}{html}\\<pre\\> \\<insert_content_with_html_formatting\\> \\</pre\\>{html}{panel}\n\nThis way, the content inside is uses monospace formatting and allows you to use HTML markup (bold, italics, text and bg colors, etc) to distinguish pieces of code.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Wim Deblauwe",
"body": "Interesting. I have a lot that I want to use {code} or {noformat} but put some lines or words in bold inside of that. Will try this.\n"
"author": "Avdhesh Chauhan",
"body": "Hi , Justin we also want the same functionlity , so you any written macro for the same. please do let us know.\n"
"author": "Juan Vasquez",
"body": "This issue should not be marked as solved.\n\nIf Github can do this, including providing an HTML anchor point for bookmarks and sharing URLs, why can't Atlassian? People pay money to use Atlassian but you can't provide equivalent service to a free competitor?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Juan Vasquez",
"body": "agree with you, this is really easy feature to implement, and really useful\n"
"author": "Juan Vasquez",
"body": "this is not solved, again: we need a way to highlight a new entry within a given piece of code to point new lines added.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "schapsl",
"body": "Agree.\n"
"author": "ashutosh joglekar",
"body": "Team Confluence, we really need a way to highlight the new lines of code.\n\nWhile creating a tutorial we need to tell developers what has to be done next in the code and which lines to be added in the code.\n\nSo for this reason please develop a macro or configure the existing macro where we can highlight content within the code.\n\nOR at least provide a temporary solution in this forum. Looking forward to hearing from you guys!\n\nThanks,\n\nAsh.\n"
"author": "Eugen Labun",
"body": "Hello Atlassian's people! The problem is still not solved. Since 2011... \nPlease note: it's not about general-syntax highlighting, it's about \\*additional\\* highlighting for a piece of otherwise already syntax-highlighted code.\n\nThe \"accepted\" solution from [May 30, 2011]( doesn't solve the problem, because the general syntax highlighting (e.g. Java, XML) gets lost.\n\nWe need highlighting of code lines, like this: \n[Sharing Line Highlights in GitHub Files]( (see screenshots there!)\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Prakash Nadar",
"body": "Its so frustrating that this can't be done. Please add support to highlight code lines inside the code block\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Patrick Henry Costello",
"body": "Agree - I would really like to be able to highlight parts of codeblock yellow\n",
"comments": null
"author": "John Malone",
"body": "I'm not looking for general syntax highlighting. I'm looking more for a way to denote a specific piece of code within a block. Like, to actually highlight lines of code a all yellow, so they stand out.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Rene Minder",
"body": "Just got Atlassian support to open <> for us. Please vote for it.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "trung",
"body": "I am able to do it with HTML block below on Confluence 5.8.17.\n\n```\n<script>function highlight(codeBlockName, lineNumber) { setTimeout(function() { $(\"div.codeHeader:has(b:contains(\" + codeBlockName + \"))\").siblings(\".codeContent\").first().find(\".code .line.number\" + lineNumber).first().attr(\"style\", \"background-color: #ccc !important\"); }, 200);}\n\nhighlight('MyCodeBlockTitle', 3);\n</script>\n```\n\nAssumption is code block must have a title. It won't be hard to modify JQuery to reflect HTML structure changes.\n\nYou can put the function into a footer page and reuse it across your space.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "weweave UG",
"body": "Even though this question is quite old, for Confluence Cloud you can give our app Prism Syntax Highlighter for Confluence (see <>) a try. Our app includes an option to highlight single lines or sections (like line 3-7). You can even highlight multiple lines and/or section. A live demo is available here <>.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Matthew Grover",
"body": "Hi all,\n\nI've created a plugin that lets you highlight parts of code or pre-formatted text which you want to highlight which should solve the problem discussed here. It is available here: <>. Please let me know if this helps solve your issue or if there are features missing which you'd like,\n\nthanks,\n\nMatt\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Stephen Kairys",
"body": "Does anyone know if this suggestion is an official feature request in Atlassian's JIRA? Thanks.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Marcel Nick",
"body": "If you need one for JSON we have a [macro]( for highlighting JSON syntax\n"
"author": "Avdhesh Chauhan",
"body": "Hi Pro,\n\nDid you get any solution for this, Please let me knoow.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "TylerA",
"body": "As of Confluence 3.5.X, I don't think this is an option. The idea behind the {code} blocks is that you'd include the important code as needed. I think that's also a reason for having Fisheye/Crucible, as they do real code reviews rather than what's \"thrown together\" under JIRA or Confluence.\n\nAs a work around, we in Support tend to put \"\\<-- blurb\" near the relevant parts we want to point out in bad config files or code.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Brett Ryan",
"body": "That might be the idea behind it, but sometimes context within a code block is necessary, like context within a patch file so you can identify the area where someone might be needing attention.\n\nTake the case of a tutorial where one might need to add lines to a piece of code, how would you achieve this?\n"
"author": "Matt",
"body": "Are you looking to highlight synatx based on the language? The ability to do this was shipped in Confluence 3.5. [See here](\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Matt",
"body": null,
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Thomas Wendel",
"title": "Is there a detailed and complete Product Upgrade Matrix for Atlassian products, that tells me from what version I can directly upgrade to a newer one?",
"body": "Most Confluence and JIRA upgrades are quite straight forward. But when you have to upgrade from an older product, you have to read through a lot of upgrade notes to find out wheather you need to upgrade to an intermediate version of a product first (please see the [Confluence Upgrade Notes Overview]( \"Confluence Upgrade Notes Overview\")).\n\nIs there a detailed and complete **Product Upgrade Matrix** for Atlassian products, that tells me from what version I can directly upgrade to a newer one?\n\nThanks,\n\nThomas\n"
} | [
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "I'm afraid there isn't one. I'm not sure you could actually create one that would be useful either. Whilst I like the basic idea, let me explain with an example.\n\nMy current client had two Jira installs, both 3.12, but owned by different teams. Simlilarly, they both had Confluence 2.9. One team had no problem updating to Jira 4.0, and the other had an absolute nightmare and ended up going via 3.13. It was the other way round for Confluence going to 3.4.\n\nIn other words, the matrix wouldn't be accurate for us. There's simply too many configurations that might or might not work to boil down to a really simple matrix.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Ruchi Tandon",
"body": "I am not sure Nic if I completely agree.We have standard products and the upgrade should also be straight forward. The upgrade matrix should just be able to say that if you are on version \"x\" then you need to upgrade to version \"y\" before upgrading to \"z\". This is a simple way of saying the same thing as is mentioned in our installation guide as well. Its just a way of summarizing.\n"
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "I know, that's why I think there isn't one yet. I really do think it's a useful idea. Especially if you could include Jira + Greenhopper\n\nI'm just unsure about how easy it would be to create. You would have to surround it with caveats that you're only talking about core Atlassian releases, like Jira standalone/WAR, plus one of the supported databases, but no plugins or code changes.\n\nIn the example I gave, you'd end up with people saying \"But Atlassian said it would work\" or \"your matrix is wrong because it doesn't work (for us)\"\n"
"author": "Thomas Wendel",
"body": "Sorry for not getting back to you both for such a long time. I went through my open questions and stumbled over this one. I was still hoping that Atlassian would come up with such a matrix since I still think it would be helpful.\n\nNic, I totally agree with you: No two installations are the same and even though the installation and update process gets easier all the time, sometimes something just goes wrong during an update. Even though you followed the best practices and did it the exact same way as you have done many times before. Not to mention when there are plugins and special hacks and tweaks involved.\n\nHowever, an update matrix can still point out the intermediate steps you have to take when you upgrade. Especially when the application is rather old (for example if you wanted to upgrade from Confluence 2.2 to 2.8, you had to upgrade to 2.7 first. In order to go from 3.4 to 4, you need to upgrade to 3.5 first).\n\nSuch a matrix would not necessarily say \"But Atlassian said it would work\". Atlassian strongly mentions to back up everything prior to an update, which suggests already: Stuff can go wrong.\n\nAgain, thank you both for answering. \n\nCheers, \nThomas\n"
"author": "Jeremy Largman",
"body": "My 2 cents - I think Nic is right. The version number isn't the problem. The exception to this is if you're upgrading before Confluence 2.8, for which you need to go to Confuence 2.7 first, although even that has some configuration tricks to get around it.\n\nHave a look at the number of knowledge base articles we have around upgrades over at [Troubleshooting Upgrades]( (you can also expand the section under 2.8 to see what I'm referring to above). That page has ended up being a dumping ground for troubleshooting once you have an error message, since anticipating what one-off issue might go wrong in advance became too difficult. None of those issues happen all the time, and all of them happen sometimes. My point is (as Nic's), a pro-active prevention technique wouldn't get all the little one-off configurations. I wish it were as simple as a matrix, but I could never boil it down to that.\n\nAs for JIRA, the two real changes were in JIRA 4.0 (lots of changes) and JIRA 4.3 (user management).\n\nTypically, Confluence is the more complex in an upgrade.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "GuilhermeA",
"title": "What Platforms are the supported by Confluence?",
"body": "Is there an easy way to see what is and what is not?\n"
} | [
"author": "Dennis Kromhout van der Meer",
"body": "There sure is! Please check our documentation: [Supported Platforms](\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "GuilhermeA",
"title": "What is the best practice to Upgrade Confluence?",
"body": "Since the XML Backup does not work for going into different versions, e.g. 2.8 to 3.4.9, what would be the best approach?\n"
} | [
"author": "Matt",
"body": "Atlassian publish 'Upgrade Notes' documentation for each release. We recommend you follow this documentation when upgrading to a specific release. Please see the [Confluence 3.5 Upgrade Notes]( as an example.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Tiago Comasseto",
"body": "I like to follow the steps bellow that I've created myself with the help of Morgana Spindler.\n\nSummarizing, the upgrade steps should be the following: \n\n1. Backup your data:\n\n* Create a backup or dump of your database using tools provided by your database\n* Create a file system backup of your Confluence home directory\n\n2. Extract the zip/tar.gz file of the latest version of Confluence on the place you choose.\n\n3. Into the extracted folder, open the file **** , which is located at **Confluence install directory\\\\confluence\\\\web-inf\\\\classes** and edit the line: **confluence.home=/usr/local/confluence/home** to point to the path where is your new home folder of your Confluence (from backup).\n\n4. On Confluence home folder, there is the**confluence.cfg.xml** file, the connections settings to your data base are saved into this file. If you have changed the name of your database server, database name, database user name or password, you need to edit this file to modify to your new parameters (from backup).\n\n5. User management integration:\n\nIf you have delegated your user management to JIRA, LDAP, Crowd, or any other external user management system, copy the following files from your old Confluence installation to your new Confluence installation:\n\n* \\<Installation-Directory\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/osuser.xml.\n* \\<Installation-Directory\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/atlassian-user.xml (if you are upgrading from Confluence 2.2 or later).\n\nIf you are upgrading from an earlier version of Confluence (2.5.5 and earlier) and are copying your existing **atlassian-user.xml** file from your previous instance, please ensure that the hibernate cache parameter in this file has been enabled, to avoid performance related issues. (NOTE: If you use Crowd for your user management, you do not need to do this.):\n\n* \\<hibernate name=\"Hibernate Repository\" key=\"hibernateRepository\" description=\"Hibernate Repository\" cache=\"true\" /\\>\n\nIf you have delegated your user management to Crowd, you will also need to copy the Crowd client library and configuration files from your old Confluence installation to your new Confluence installation:\n\n* \\<Installation-Directory\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/crowd-integration-client-X.X.X.jar and \\<Installation-Directory\\>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/\n* **NOTE**: This steps is not needed if you are upgrading Confluence to version 3.5.x\n\nIf you need more information, please refer to the [Crowd documentation]( \"Crowd documentation\").\n\n6. Start your new Confluence instance. \n\n**Additional information:**\n\n* Please consult this [article]( \"article\") about data base setup and JDBC drivers.\n* Into the confluence.cfg.xml file, the parameter you might need to edit are:\n\n\\<property name=\"hibernate.connection.password\"\\>database_password\\</property\\> \n\\<property name=\"hibernate.connection.url\"\\>jdbc:mysql://database_server_name/database_name?autoReconnect=true\\</property\\> \n\\<property name=\"hibernate.connection.username\"\\>database_username\\</property\\> \n\n* More information about upgrading Confluence can be found in this [article]( \"article\").\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "AlysonA",
"title": "When will the Calendar Plugin be available for Confluence?",
"body": "When is the Calendar plugin be compatible with Confluence 3.5.\\*? Will it still be unsupported?\n"
} | [
"author": "NikE",
"body": "The official announcement is here:\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Matt",
"body": "To clarify Dennis's answer, Atlassian will be releasing a completely new calendar plugin next month that will be available for download on the Atlassian Plugin Excahnge and installation via the Universal Plugin Manager. The plugin will be compatible with Confluence 3.5 and above.\n\nPlease [watch the Confluence Product Blog]( for an announcement of its availability.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "BrittanyA",
"body": "[Get it while it's hot!]( Starts at USD $10\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Dennis Kromhout van der Meer",
"body": "We're currently working on a new calendar plugin, which will be supported and included in to future versions of Confluence. See [CONF-12001]( for more information. :)\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Steve Daniels",
"body": "It's just a shame Dennis said it would be included, then it turned into a seperate paid for plugin! Will try and get it past procurement... once the feature set improves ;-)\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
Subsets and Splits