Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
1 value
examine keys with the lamp
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.25", " 0.937", " -0.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 0.573", " 0.075", " -2.825", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " CD", " -2.745", " 0.082", " -3.055", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "3", " CD", " 1.828", " 0.093", " -3.049", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " CellPhone", " 1.828", " 0.097", " -3.049", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "5", " CellPhone", " -3.265", " 0.194", " 3.195", " 0", " 149.999", " 0", " 55" ], [ "6", " Pen", " 1.537", " 0.552", " 2.440", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 56" ], [ "7", " Pencil", " -1.227", " 1.119", " -3.073", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "8", " Pencil", " -1.337", " 0.587", " -2.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "9", " Book", " 0.104", " 0.832", " 1.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " KeyChain", " -1.227", " 1.117", " -2.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " 1.681", " 0.554", " 2.342", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " KeyChain", " 1.657", " 0.553", " 2.181", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 56" ], [ "13", " RemoteControl", " -0.602", " 1.118", " -3.158", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -2.164", " 1.118", " -3.158", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "15", " Book", " -1.337", " 0.082", " -2.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " AlarmClock", " 1.536", " 0.547", " 2.299", " 0", " 238.148", " 0", " 56" ], [ "17", " CellPhone", " -0.098", " 0.587", " -2.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " 1.243", " 0.940", " 1.215", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "19", " Pillow", " 1.243", " 0.940", " 0.255", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "20", " TeddyBear", " 1.868", " 0.036", " -0.561", " 0", " 59.999", " 0", " Floor|-00.06|" ], [ "21", " CreditCard", " -0.893", " 0.084", " -2.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " -1.851", " 1.117", " -2.732", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "23", " Pencil", " -3.292", " 0.377", " -2.777", " 0", " 4.809", " 0", " 38" ], [ "24", " Laptop", " 0.104", " 0.830", " 0.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "25", " RemoteControl", " -1.539", " 1.118", " -2.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "26", " CD", " -0.543", " 0.082", " -2.934", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Pen", " -1.16", " 0.590", " -2.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "28", " Mug", " 0.573", " 0.075", " -3.077", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "29", " Bed", " 0.967", " 0.049", " 0.667", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Cabinet", " -3.0", " 1.497", " -2.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -0.365", " 0.785", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Drawer", " -1.159", " 0.785", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Cabinet", " 2.064", " 1.497", " -2.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.159", " 0.285", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.365", " 0.285", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Desk", " -1.271", " 1.169", " -2.987", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " LightSwitch", " -0.159", " 1.281", " 3.999", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " GarbageCan", " -3.338", " 0.022", " -2.797", " 0", " 4.809", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " HousePlant", " -0.195", " 1.105", " -3.084", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " DeskLamp", " 1.863", " 0.581", " 2.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Mirror", " -1.603", " 1.447", " 3.999", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Television", " -3.883", " 1.771", " 2.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Window", " -1.952", " 2.148", " -3.302", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Window", " -0.467", " 2.148", " -3.302", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Window", " -3.894", " 1.751", " 0.582", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Window", " -3.894", " 1.751", " -0.675", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " LaundryHamper", " 1.831", " 0.058", " 3.689", " 0", " 354.434", " 1.354", "" ], [ "48", " ArmChair", " -0.948", " 0.051", " 3.583", " 0", " 175.988", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " ArmChair", " -2.172", " 0.051", " 3.598", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Blinds", " -0.477", " 2.785", " -3.253", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Blinds", " -1.957", " 2.785", " -3.253", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Blinds", " -3.799", " 2.506", " 0.602", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Blinds", " -3.799", " 2.506", " -0.647", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Safe", " 1.673", " 0.054", " -3.004", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " ArmChair", " -3.349", " 0.051", " 3.375", " 0", " 150.096", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " SideTable", " 1.775", " 0.048", " 2.377", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Chair", " -2.002", " 0.050", " -2.532", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.25 0.937 -0.75 0 0 0 1 Mug 0.573 0.075 -2.825 0 0 0 33 2 CD -2.745 0.082 -3.055 0 0 0 30 3 CD 1.828 0.093 -3.049 0 90 0 54 4 CellPhone 1.828 0.097 -3.049 0 90 0 54 5 CellPhone -3.265 0.194 3.195 0 149.999 0 55 6 Pen 1.537 0.552 2.440 0 270 0 56 7 Pencil -1.227 1.119 -3.073 0 0 0 36 8 Pencil -1.337 0.587 -2.830 0 0 0 32 9 Book 0.104 0.832 1.456 0 0 0 29 10 KeyChain -1.227 1.117 -2.902 0 0 0 36 11 KeyChain 1.681 0.554 2.342 0 90 0 56 12 KeyChain 1.657 0.553 2.181 0 180 0 56 13 RemoteControl -0.602 1.118 -3.158 0 0 0 36 14 AlarmClock -2.164 1.118 -3.158 0 0 0 36 15 Book -1.337 0.082 -2.882 0 0 0 34 16 AlarmClock 1.536 0.547 2.299 0 238.148 0 56 17 CellPhone -0.098 0.587 -2.830 0 0 0 31 18 Pillow 1.243 0.940 1.215 0 0 0 29 19 Pillow 1.243 0.940 0.255 0 0 0 29 20 TeddyBear 1.868 0.036 -0.561 0 59.999 0 Floor|-00.06| 21 CreditCard -0.893 0.084 -2.726 0 0 0 34 22 KeyChain -1.851 1.117 -2.732 0 0 0 36 23 Pencil -3.292 0.377 -2.777 0 4.809 0 38 24 Laptop 0.104 0.830 0.015 0 0 0 29 25 RemoteControl -1.539 1.118 -2.902 0 0 0 36 26 CD -0.543 0.082 -2.934 0 0 0 35 27 Pen -1.16 0.590 -2.882 0 0 0 32 28 Mug 0.573 0.075 -3.077 0 0 0 33 29 Bed 0.967 0.049 0.667 0 90 0 30 Cabinet -3.0 1.497 -2.643 0 0 0 31 Drawer -0.365 0.785 -2.848 0 0 0 32 Drawer -1.159 0.785 -2.848 0 0 0 33 Cabinet 2.064 1.497 -2.643 0 0 0 34 Drawer -1.159 0.285 -2.848 0 0 0 35 Drawer -0.365 0.285 -2.848 0 0 0 36 Desk -1.271 1.169 -2.987 0 0 0 37 LightSwitch -0.159 1.281 3.999 0 180 0 38 GarbageCan -3.338 0.022 -2.797 0 4.809 0 39 HousePlant -0.195 1.105 -3.084 0 0 0 40 DeskLamp 1.863 0.581 2.431 0 0 0 41 Mirror -1.603 1.447 3.999 0 0 0 42 Television -3.883 1.771 2.122 0 90 0 43 Window -1.952 2.148 -3.302 90 180 0 44 Window -0.467 2.148 -3.302 90 180 0 45 Window -3.894 1.751 0.582 90 270 0 46 Window -3.894 1.751 -0.675 90 270 0 47 LaundryHamper 1.831 0.058 3.689 0 354.434 1.354 48 ArmChair -0.948 0.051 3.583 0 175.988 0 49 ArmChair -2.172 0.051 3.598 0 180 0 50 Blinds -0.477 2.785 -3.253 0 0 0 51 Blinds -1.957 2.785 -3.253 0 0 0 52 Blinds -3.799 2.506 0.602 0 90 0 53 Blinds -3.799 2.506 -0.647 0 90 0 54 Safe 1.673 0.054 -3.004 0 0 0 55 ArmChair -3.349 0.051 3.375 0 150.096 0 56 SideTable 1.775 0.048 2.377 0 0 0 57 Chair -2.002 0.050 -2.532 0 165.000 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk across the room to the chair, turn right, walk to wall, turn right to face lamp | STEP 2: turn the lamp on | STEP 3: pick up the keys that are on the table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk across the room to the chair, turn right, walk to wall, turn right to face lamp ", " STEP 2: turn the lamp on ", " STEP 3: pick up the keys that are on the table ", " END" ] ]
turn a lamp on and pick up the keys on the table
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.25", " 0.937", " -0.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 0.573", " 0.075", " -2.825", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " CD", " -2.745", " 0.082", " -3.055", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "3", " CD", " 1.828", " 0.093", " -3.049", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " CellPhone", " 1.828", " 0.097", " -3.049", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "5", " CellPhone", " -3.265", " 0.194", " 3.195", " 0", " 149.999", " 0", " 55" ], [ "6", " Pen", " 1.537", " 0.552", " 2.440", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 56" ], [ "7", " Pencil", " -1.227", " 1.119", " -3.073", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "8", " Pencil", " -1.337", " 0.587", " -2.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "9", " Book", " 0.104", " 0.832", " 1.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " KeyChain", " -1.227", " 1.117", " -2.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " 1.681", " 0.554", " 2.342", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " KeyChain", " 1.657", " 0.553", " 2.181", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 56" ], [ "13", " RemoteControl", " -0.602", " 1.118", " -3.158", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -2.164", " 1.118", " -3.158", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "15", " Book", " -1.337", " 0.082", " -2.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " AlarmClock", " 1.536", " 0.547", " 2.299", " 0", " 238.148", " 0", " 56" ], [ "17", " CellPhone", " -0.098", " 0.587", " -2.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " 1.243", " 0.940", " 1.215", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "19", " Pillow", " 1.243", " 0.940", " 0.255", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "20", " TeddyBear", " 1.868", " 0.036", " -0.561", " 0", " 59.999", " 0", " Floor|-00.06|" ], [ "21", " CreditCard", " -0.893", " 0.084", " -2.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " -1.851", " 1.117", " -2.732", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "23", " Pencil", " -3.292", " 0.377", " -2.777", " 0", " 4.809", " 0", " 38" ], [ "24", " Laptop", " 0.104", " 0.830", " 0.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "25", " RemoteControl", " -1.539", " 1.118", " -2.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "26", " CD", " -0.543", " 0.082", " -2.934", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Pen", " -1.16", " 0.590", " -2.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "28", " Mug", " 0.573", " 0.075", " -3.077", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "29", " Bed", " 0.967", " 0.049", " 0.667", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Cabinet", " -3.0", " 1.497", " -2.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -0.365", " 0.785", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Drawer", " -1.159", " 0.785", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Cabinet", " 2.064", " 1.497", " -2.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.159", " 0.285", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.365", " 0.285", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Desk", " -1.271", " 1.169", " -2.987", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " LightSwitch", " -0.159", " 1.281", " 3.999", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " GarbageCan", " -3.338", " 0.022", " -2.797", " 0", " 4.809", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " HousePlant", " -0.195", " 1.105", " -3.084", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " DeskLamp", " 1.863", " 0.581", " 2.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Mirror", " -1.603", " 1.447", " 3.999", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Television", " -3.883", " 1.771", " 2.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Window", " -1.952", " 2.148", " -3.302", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Window", " -0.467", " 2.148", " -3.302", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Window", " -3.894", " 1.751", " 0.582", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Window", " -3.894", " 1.751", " -0.675", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " LaundryHamper", " 1.831", " 0.058", " 3.689", " 0", " 354.434", " 1.354", "" ], [ "48", " ArmChair", " -0.948", " 0.051", " 3.583", " 0", " 175.988", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " ArmChair", " -2.172", " 0.051", " 3.598", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Blinds", " -0.477", " 2.785", " -3.253", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Blinds", " -1.957", " 2.785", " -3.253", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Blinds", " -3.799", " 2.506", " 0.602", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Blinds", " -3.799", " 2.506", " -0.647", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Safe", " 1.673", " 0.054", " -3.004", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " ArmChair", " -3.349", " 0.051", " 3.375", " 0", " 150.096", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " SideTable", " 1.775", " 0.048", " 2.377", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Chair", " -2.002", " 0.050", " -2.532", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.25 0.937 -0.75 0 0 0 1 Mug 0.573 0.075 -2.825 0 0 0 33 2 CD -2.745 0.082 -3.055 0 0 0 30 3 CD 1.828 0.093 -3.049 0 90 0 54 4 CellPhone 1.828 0.097 -3.049 0 90 0 54 5 CellPhone -3.265 0.194 3.195 0 149.999 0 55 6 Pen 1.537 0.552 2.440 0 270 0 56 7 Pencil -1.227 1.119 -3.073 0 0 0 36 8 Pencil -1.337 0.587 -2.830 0 0 0 32 9 Book 0.104 0.832 1.456 0 0 0 29 10 KeyChain -1.227 1.117 -2.902 0 0 0 36 11 KeyChain 1.681 0.554 2.342 0 90 0 56 12 KeyChain 1.657 0.553 2.181 0 180 0 56 13 RemoteControl -0.602 1.118 -3.158 0 0 0 36 14 AlarmClock -2.164 1.118 -3.158 0 0 0 36 15 Book -1.337 0.082 -2.882 0 0 0 34 16 AlarmClock 1.536 0.547 2.299 0 238.148 0 56 17 CellPhone -0.098 0.587 -2.830 0 0 0 31 18 Pillow 1.243 0.940 1.215 0 0 0 29 19 Pillow 1.243 0.940 0.255 0 0 0 29 20 TeddyBear 1.868 0.036 -0.561 0 59.999 0 Floor|-00.06| 21 CreditCard -0.893 0.084 -2.726 0 0 0 34 22 KeyChain -1.851 1.117 -2.732 0 0 0 36 23 Pencil -3.292 0.377 -2.777 0 4.809 0 38 24 Laptop 0.104 0.830 0.015 0 0 0 29 25 RemoteControl -1.539 1.118 -2.902 0 0 0 36 26 CD -0.543 0.082 -2.934 0 0 0 35 27 Pen -1.16 0.590 -2.882 0 0 0 32 28 Mug 0.573 0.075 -3.077 0 0 0 33 29 Bed 0.967 0.049 0.667 0 90 0 30 Cabinet -3.0 1.497 -2.643 0 0 0 31 Drawer -0.365 0.785 -2.848 0 0 0 32 Drawer -1.159 0.785 -2.848 0 0 0 33 Cabinet 2.064 1.497 -2.643 0 0 0 34 Drawer -1.159 0.285 -2.848 0 0 0 35 Drawer -0.365 0.285 -2.848 0 0 0 36 Desk -1.271 1.169 -2.987 0 0 0 37 LightSwitch -0.159 1.281 3.999 0 180 0 38 GarbageCan -3.338 0.022 -2.797 0 4.809 0 39 HousePlant -0.195 1.105 -3.084 0 0 0 40 DeskLamp 1.863 0.581 2.431 0 0 0 41 Mirror -1.603 1.447 3.999 0 0 0 42 Television -3.883 1.771 2.122 0 90 0 43 Window -1.952 2.148 -3.302 90 180 0 44 Window -0.467 2.148 -3.302 90 180 0 45 Window -3.894 1.751 0.582 90 270 0 46 Window -3.894 1.751 -0.675 90 270 0 47 LaundryHamper 1.831 0.058 3.689 0 354.434 1.354 48 ArmChair -0.948 0.051 3.583 0 175.988 0 49 ArmChair -2.172 0.051 3.598 0 180 0 50 Blinds -0.477 2.785 -3.253 0 0 0 51 Blinds -1.957 2.785 -3.253 0 0 0 52 Blinds -3.799 2.506 0.602 0 90 0 53 Blinds -3.799 2.506 -0.647 0 90 0 54 Safe 1.673 0.054 -3.004 0 0 0 55 ArmChair -3.349 0.051 3.375 0 150.096 0 56 SideTable 1.775 0.048 2.377 0 0 0 57 Chair -2.002 0.050 -2.532 0 165.000 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn left then turn right and walk straight towards the chair then turn right towards the wall and turn right towards the table | STEP 2: turn the lamp on that is on the table | STEP 3: pick up the keys on the table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn left then turn right and walk straight towards the chair then turn right towards the wall and turn right towards the table ", " STEP 2: turn the lamp on that is on the table ", " STEP 3: pick up the keys on the table ", " END" ] ]
Look at some keys under the light of a lit lamp.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.25", " 0.937", " -0.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 0.573", " 0.075", " -2.825", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " CD", " -2.745", " 0.082", " -3.055", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "3", " CD", " 1.828", " 0.093", " -3.049", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " CellPhone", " 1.828", " 0.097", " -3.049", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "5", " CellPhone", " -3.265", " 0.194", " 3.195", " 0", " 149.999", " 0", " 55" ], [ "6", " Pen", " 1.537", " 0.552", " 2.440", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 56" ], [ "7", " Pencil", " -1.227", " 1.119", " -3.073", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "8", " Pencil", " -1.337", " 0.587", " -2.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "9", " Book", " 0.104", " 0.832", " 1.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " KeyChain", " -1.227", " 1.117", " -2.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " 1.681", " 0.554", " 2.342", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " KeyChain", " 1.657", " 0.553", " 2.181", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 56" ], [ "13", " RemoteControl", " -0.602", " 1.118", " -3.158", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -2.164", " 1.118", " -3.158", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "15", " Book", " -1.337", " 0.082", " -2.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " AlarmClock", " 1.536", " 0.547", " 2.299", " 0", " 238.148", " 0", " 56" ], [ "17", " CellPhone", " -0.098", " 0.587", " -2.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " 1.243", " 0.940", " 1.215", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "19", " Pillow", " 1.243", " 0.940", " 0.255", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "20", " TeddyBear", " 1.868", " 0.036", " -0.561", " 0", " 59.999", " 0", " Floor|-00.06|" ], [ "21", " CreditCard", " -0.893", " 0.084", " -2.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " -1.851", " 1.117", " -2.732", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "23", " Pencil", " -3.292", " 0.377", " -2.777", " 0", " 4.809", " 0", " 38" ], [ "24", " Laptop", " 0.104", " 0.830", " 0.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "25", " RemoteControl", " -1.539", " 1.118", " -2.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "26", " CD", " -0.543", " 0.082", " -2.934", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Pen", " -1.16", " 0.590", " -2.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "28", " Mug", " 0.573", " 0.075", " -3.077", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "29", " Bed", " 0.967", " 0.049", " 0.667", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Cabinet", " -3.0", " 1.497", " -2.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -0.365", " 0.785", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Drawer", " -1.159", " 0.785", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Cabinet", " 2.064", " 1.497", " -2.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.159", " 0.285", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.365", " 0.285", " -2.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Desk", " -1.271", " 1.169", " -2.987", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " LightSwitch", " -0.159", " 1.281", " 3.999", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " GarbageCan", " -3.338", " 0.022", " -2.797", " 0", " 4.809", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " HousePlant", " -0.195", " 1.105", " -3.084", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " DeskLamp", " 1.863", " 0.581", " 2.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Mirror", " -1.603", " 1.447", " 3.999", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Television", " -3.883", " 1.771", " 2.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Window", " -1.952", " 2.148", " -3.302", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Window", " -0.467", " 2.148", " -3.302", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Window", " -3.894", " 1.751", " 0.582", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Window", " -3.894", " 1.751", " -0.675", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " LaundryHamper", " 1.831", " 0.058", " 3.689", " 0", " 354.434", " 1.354", "" ], [ "48", " ArmChair", " -0.948", " 0.051", " 3.583", " 0", " 175.988", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " ArmChair", " -2.172", " 0.051", " 3.598", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Blinds", " -0.477", " 2.785", " -3.253", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Blinds", " -1.957", " 2.785", " -3.253", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Blinds", " -3.799", " 2.506", " 0.602", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Blinds", " -3.799", " 2.506", " -0.647", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Safe", " 1.673", " 0.054", " -3.004", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " ArmChair", " -3.349", " 0.051", " 3.375", " 0", " 150.096", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " SideTable", " 1.775", " 0.048", " 2.377", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Chair", " -2.002", " 0.050", " -2.532", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.25 0.937 -0.75 0 0 0 1 Mug 0.573 0.075 -2.825 0 0 0 33 2 CD -2.745 0.082 -3.055 0 0 0 30 3 CD 1.828 0.093 -3.049 0 90 0 54 4 CellPhone 1.828 0.097 -3.049 0 90 0 54 5 CellPhone -3.265 0.194 3.195 0 149.999 0 55 6 Pen 1.537 0.552 2.440 0 270 0 56 7 Pencil -1.227 1.119 -3.073 0 0 0 36 8 Pencil -1.337 0.587 -2.830 0 0 0 32 9 Book 0.104 0.832 1.456 0 0 0 29 10 KeyChain -1.227 1.117 -2.902 0 0 0 36 11 KeyChain 1.681 0.554 2.342 0 90 0 56 12 KeyChain 1.657 0.553 2.181 0 180 0 56 13 RemoteControl -0.602 1.118 -3.158 0 0 0 36 14 AlarmClock -2.164 1.118 -3.158 0 0 0 36 15 Book -1.337 0.082 -2.882 0 0 0 34 16 AlarmClock 1.536 0.547 2.299 0 238.148 0 56 17 CellPhone -0.098 0.587 -2.830 0 0 0 31 18 Pillow 1.243 0.940 1.215 0 0 0 29 19 Pillow 1.243 0.940 0.255 0 0 0 29 20 TeddyBear 1.868 0.036 -0.561 0 59.999 0 Floor|-00.06| 21 CreditCard -0.893 0.084 -2.726 0 0 0 34 22 KeyChain -1.851 1.117 -2.732 0 0 0 36 23 Pencil -3.292 0.377 -2.777 0 4.809 0 38 24 Laptop 0.104 0.830 0.015 0 0 0 29 25 RemoteControl -1.539 1.118 -2.902 0 0 0 36 26 CD -0.543 0.082 -2.934 0 0 0 35 27 Pen -1.16 0.590 -2.882 0 0 0 32 28 Mug 0.573 0.075 -3.077 0 0 0 33 29 Bed 0.967 0.049 0.667 0 90 0 30 Cabinet -3.0 1.497 -2.643 0 0 0 31 Drawer -0.365 0.785 -2.848 0 0 0 32 Drawer -1.159 0.785 -2.848 0 0 0 33 Cabinet 2.064 1.497 -2.643 0 0 0 34 Drawer -1.159 0.285 -2.848 0 0 0 35 Drawer -0.365 0.285 -2.848 0 0 0 36 Desk -1.271 1.169 -2.987 0 0 0 37 LightSwitch -0.159 1.281 3.999 0 180 0 38 GarbageCan -3.338 0.022 -2.797 0 4.809 0 39 HousePlant -0.195 1.105 -3.084 0 0 0 40 DeskLamp 1.863 0.581 2.431 0 0 0 41 Mirror -1.603 1.447 3.999 0 0 0 42 Television -3.883 1.771 2.122 0 90 0 43 Window -1.952 2.148 -3.302 90 180 0 44 Window -0.467 2.148 -3.302 90 180 0 45 Window -3.894 1.751 0.582 90 270 0 46 Window -3.894 1.751 -0.675 90 270 0 47 LaundryHamper 1.831 0.058 3.689 0 354.434 1.354 48 ArmChair -0.948 0.051 3.583 0 175.988 0 49 ArmChair -2.172 0.051 3.598 0 180 0 50 Blinds -0.477 2.785 -3.253 0 0 0 51 Blinds -1.957 2.785 -3.253 0 0 0 52 Blinds -3.799 2.506 0.602 0 90 0 53 Blinds -3.799 2.506 -0.647 0 90 0 54 Safe 1.673 0.054 -3.004 0 0 0 55 ArmChair -3.349 0.051 3.375 0 150.096 0 56 SideTable 1.775 0.048 2.377 0 0 0 57 Chair -2.002 0.050 -2.532 0 165.000 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Take a right around the bed to reach the nightstand. | STEP 2: Turn on the lamp. | STEP 3: Pick up the keys from the nightstand. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Take a right around the bed to reach the nightstand. ", " STEP 2: Turn on the lamp. ", " STEP 3: Pick up the keys from the nightstand. ", " END" ] ]
To cut an apple as well as place a piece in the freezer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -2.455", " 0.947", " 0.331", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "2", " DishSponge", " -2.257", " 0.773", " 1.370", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 79" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.646", " 0.184", " 0.706", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "4", " Kettle", " 1.691", " 0.929", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " 1.691", " 0.929", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "6", " Spoon", " 1.391", " 0.919", " -1.061", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "7", " Spoon", " 1.426", " 0.912", " 0.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "8", " Spatula", " -2.704", " 0.925", " 0.931", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 76" ], [ "9", " Egg", " 1.855", " 0.941", " 0.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "10", " Egg", " 1.520", " 0.215", " 0.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "11", " Cup", " 1.329", " 0.916", " -1.053", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -2.485", " 1.302", " -0.602", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "13", " Knife", " 1.684", " 0.936", " 0.494", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "14", " Knife", " 1.428", " 0.936", " -0.768", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 58" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -2.578", " 1.342", " -0.979", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " 1.735", " 1.660", " -0.479", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -2.560", " 1.535", " 0.702", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 72" ], [ "18", " PepperShaker", " 0.445", " 1.658", " -1.802", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "19", " PepperShaker", " -2.685", " 1.928", " -1.034", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "20", " SaltShaker", " -2.599", " 1.533", " 1.840", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "21", " Lettuce", " -0.471", " 0.994", " 0.870", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "22", " Lettuce", " -0.211", " 0.994", " 0.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "23", " Mug", " -2.704", " 0.905", " 1.230", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -2.559", " 0.656", " -0.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "25", " Pan", " 0.0", " 0.9", " 0.948", " 0", " 29.999", " 0", " 48" ], [ "26", " Knife", " -2.318", " 0.798", " 0.022", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 66" ], [ "27", " Apple", " -2.455", " 0.972", " 0.931", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -2.277", " 0.112", " 1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "29", " Fork", " 1.353", " 0.919", " -1.239", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 62" ], [ "30", " Bread", " 0.048", " 0.996", " 0.647", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "31", " Plate", " -0.081", " 0.913", " 1.317", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "32", " Egg", " 1.684", " 0.941", " 0.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "33", " Kettle", " 1.412", " 0.929", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "34", " Potato", " -2.635", " 1.051", " 2.481", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 88" ], [ "35", " SaltShaker", " -2.704", " 0.905", " 0.331", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "36", " Lettuce", " -0.341", " 0.994", " 1.764", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -2.420", " 0.592", " -1.051", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " -2.206", " 0.912", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " -2.372", " 0.925", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -2.206", " 1.015", " 0.931", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "41", " ButterKnife", " -0.211", " 0.910", " 1.540", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "42", " PepperShaker", " -2.560", " 1.533", " 1.768", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 60" ], [ "43", " DishSponge", " 1.415", " 0.922", " -1.247", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "44", " Pot", " -2.311", " 0.105", " 0.895", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "45", " Spoon", " -2.318", " 0.775", " 0.809", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " -2.206", " 0.953", " 0.631", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "47", " Mug", " 0.464", " 0.955", " -1.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "48", " CounterTop", " -0.360", " 0.946", " 1.093", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " 1.412", " 0.923", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " 0.018", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " -0.306", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 2.924", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 0.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 1.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 0.149", " 2.008", " -1.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.691", " 0.923", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " CounterTop", " 1.585", " 0.946", " 0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " 0.474", " 0.946", " -1.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " StoveBurner", " 1.691", " 0.923", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 1.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 1.640", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Sink", " 1.381", " 0.810", " -1.271", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " 0.150", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " -0.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 0.437", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " -0.027", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.572", " 2.008", " 0.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.572", " 2.008", " -0.775", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " -2.445", " 2.148", " -1.275", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 2.148", " -0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 0.355", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 0.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 0.695", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " -2.285", " 1.968", " -1.325", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " CounterTop", " -1.485", " 0.946", " 1.319", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " StoveBurner", " 1.411", " 0.923", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " -0.441", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 1.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Fridge", " -2.475", " 0.0", " -0.782", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " LightSwitch", " -0.929", " 1.350", " -1.950", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " -2.564", " 0.900", " 1.876", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.464", " 0.900", " -1.810", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.508", " 1.534", " -1.496", " 90", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Window", " 1.973", " 1.521", " 1.121", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.149", " 0.753", " -1.380", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 1.646", " -0.000", " 0.679", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Microwave", " -2.580", " 0.900", " 2.440", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Stool", " 0.439", " 0.010", " 0.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Stool", " -2.303", " 0.010", " 1.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Faucet", " 1.235", " 1.138", " -1.473", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "93", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "94", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "95", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 0.25 0 180 0 1 Potato -2.455 0.947 0.331 0 0 0 76 2 DishSponge -2.257 0.773 1.370 0 0 0 79 3 DishSponge 1.646 0.184 0.706 0 0 0 87 4 Kettle 1.691 0.929 -0.335 0 0 0 56 5 Kettle 1.691 0.929 0.064 0 0 0 59 6 Spoon 1.391 0.919 -1.061 0 225 0 62 7 Spoon 1.426 0.912 0.465 0 0 0 57 8 Spatula -2.704 0.925 0.931 0 90 0 76 9 Egg 1.855 0.941 0.465 0 0 0 57 10 Egg 1.520 0.215 0.596 0 0 0 87 11 Cup 1.329 0.916 -1.053 0 225 0 62 12 Plate -2.485 1.302 -0.602 0 90 0 80 13 Knife 1.684 0.936 0.494 0 0 0 57 14 Knife 1.428 0.936 -0.768 0 180 0 58 15 Tomato -2.578 1.342 -0.979 0 90 0 80 16 Bowl 1.735 1.660 -0.479 0 0 0 68 17 Bowl -2.560 1.535 0.702 0 0 0 72 18 PepperShaker 0.445 1.658 -1.802 0 90 0 55 19 PepperShaker -2.685 1.928 -1.034 0 0 0 69 20 SaltShaker -2.599 1.533 1.840 0 0 0 60 21 Lettuce -0.471 0.994 0.870 0 0 0 48 22 Lettuce -0.211 0.994 0.423 0 0 0 48 23 Mug -2.704 0.905 1.230 0 0 0 76 24 Apple -2.559 0.656 -0.603 0 90 0 80 25 Pan 0.0 0.9 0.948 0 29.999 0 48 26 Knife -2.318 0.798 0.022 0 270 0 66 27 Apple -2.455 0.972 0.931 0 0 0 76 28 Bowl -2.277 0.112 1.423 0 0 0 54 29 Fork 1.353 0.919 -1.239 0 45 0 62 30 Bread 0.048 0.996 0.647 0 0 0 48 31 Plate -0.081 0.913 1.317 0 0 0 48 32 Egg 1.684 0.941 0.435 0 0 0 57 33 Kettle 1.412 0.929 -0.335 0 0 0 49 34 Potato -2.635 1.051 2.481 0 90 0 88 35 SaltShaker -2.704 0.905 0.331 0 0 0 76 36 Lettuce -0.341 0.994 1.764 0 0 0 48 37 Cup -2.420 0.592 -1.051 0 90 0 80 38 SoapBottle -2.206 0.912 0.031 0 0 0 76 39 Spatula -2.372 0.925 0.031 0 0 0 76 40 PaperTowelRoll -2.206 1.015 0.931 0 0 0 76 41 ButterKnife -0.211 0.910 1.540 0 0 0 48 42 PepperShaker -2.560 1.533 1.768 0 180 0 60 43 DishSponge 1.415 0.922 -1.247 0 225 0 62 44 Pot -2.311 0.105 0.895 0 270 0 74 45 Spoon -2.318 0.775 0.809 0 90 0 53 46 Tomato -2.206 0.953 0.631 0 0 0 76 47 Mug 0.464 0.955 -1.593 0 0 0 58 48 CounterTop -0.360 0.946 1.093 0 0 0 49 StoveBurner 1.412 0.923 -0.335 0 0 0 50 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 0.018 287.989 90 0 51 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 -0.306 287.989 90 0 52 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 2.924 0 0 0 53 Drawer -2.276 0.792 0.902 0 0 0 54 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 1.578 0 0 0 55 Cabinet 0.149 2.008 -1.603 0 90 0 56 StoveBurner 1.691 0.923 -0.335 0 0 0 57 CounterTop 1.585 0.946 0.405 0 0 0 58 CounterTop 0.474 0.946 -1.625 0 0 0 59 StoveBurner 1.691 0.923 0.064 0 0 0 60 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 1.687 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 1.640 0 0 0 62 Sink 1.381 0.810 -1.271 0 225 0 63 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 0.150 287.989 90 0 64 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 -0.236 0 0 0 65 Drawer -2.276 0.792 0.437 0 0 0 66 Drawer -2.276 0.792 -0.027 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.572 2.008 0.474 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.572 2.008 -0.775 0 0 0 69 Cabinet -2.445 2.148 -1.275 0 0 0 70 Cabinet -2.446 2.148 -0.284 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 0.355 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 0.405 0 0 0 73 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 0.644 0 0 0 74 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 0.695 0 0 0 75 Cabinet -2.285 1.968 -1.325 0 180 0 76 CounterTop -1.485 0.946 1.319 0 0 0 77 StoveBurner 1.411 0.923 0.064 0 0 0 78 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 -0.441 287.989 90 0 79 Drawer -2.276 0.792 1.368 0 0 0 80 Fridge -2.475 0.0 -0.782 0 90 0 81 LightSwitch -0.929 1.350 -1.950 0 0 0 82 Toaster -2.564 0.900 1.876 0 90 0 83 CoffeeMachine 0.464 0.900 -1.810 0 0 0 84 Window 1.508 1.534 -1.496 90 135 0 85 Window 1.973 1.521 1.121 90 90 0 86 SinkBasin 1.149 0.753 -1.380 0 225 0 87 GarbageCan 1.646 -0.000 0.679 0 0 0 88 Microwave -2.580 0.900 2.440 0 90 0 89 Stool 0.439 0.010 0.747 0 0 0 90 Stool -2.303 0.010 1.839 0 0 0 91 Faucet 1.235 1.138 -1.473 0 225 0 92 NorthWall 93 EastWall 94 SouthWall 95 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk forward across the room and turn right to face the counter. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk around the table to face the counter with tomato and apple on it on the far side of the room. | STEP 4: Cut the apple into three pieces. | STEP 5: Turn left, walk forward to the fridge and turn right to face it. | STEP 6: Place the knife on the top shelf in the fridge. | STEP 7: Turn right and walk forward and then turn left to face the apple on the counter. | STEP 8: Pick up a piece of the apple on the counter. | STEP 9: Turn right and walk over to face the microwave. | STEP 10: Heat the piece of apple in the microwave and then remove it. | STEP 11: Turn left, walk forward to the fridge and turn right to face it. | STEP 12: Place the piece of apple in the freezer. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk forward across the room and turn right to face the counter. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk around the table to face the counter with tomato and apple on it on the far side of the room. ", " STEP 4: Cut the apple into three pieces. ", " STEP 5: Turn left, walk forward to the fridge and turn right to face it. ", " STEP 6: Place the knife on the top shelf in the fridge. ", " STEP 7: Turn right and walk forward and then turn left to face the apple on the counter. ", " STEP 8: Pick up a piece of the apple on the counter. ", " STEP 9: Turn right and walk over to face the microwave. ", " STEP 10: Heat the piece of apple in the microwave and then remove it. ", " STEP 11: Turn left, walk forward to the fridge and turn right to face it. ", " STEP 12: Place the piece of apple in the freezer. ", " END" ] ]
Put cooked apple in the freezer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -2.455", " 0.947", " 0.331", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "2", " DishSponge", " -2.257", " 0.773", " 1.370", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 79" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.646", " 0.184", " 0.706", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "4", " Kettle", " 1.691", " 0.929", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " 1.691", " 0.929", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "6", " Spoon", " 1.391", " 0.919", " -1.061", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "7", " Spoon", " 1.426", " 0.912", " 0.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "8", " Spatula", " -2.704", " 0.925", " 0.931", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 76" ], [ "9", " Egg", " 1.855", " 0.941", " 0.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "10", " Egg", " 1.520", " 0.215", " 0.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "11", " Cup", " 1.329", " 0.916", " -1.053", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -2.485", " 1.302", " -0.602", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "13", " Knife", " 1.684", " 0.936", " 0.494", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "14", " Knife", " 1.428", " 0.936", " -0.768", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 58" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -2.578", " 1.342", " -0.979", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " 1.735", " 1.660", " -0.479", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -2.560", " 1.535", " 0.702", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 72" ], [ "18", " PepperShaker", " 0.445", " 1.658", " -1.802", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "19", " PepperShaker", " -2.685", " 1.928", " -1.034", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "20", " SaltShaker", " -2.599", " 1.533", " 1.840", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "21", " Lettuce", " -0.471", " 0.994", " 0.870", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "22", " Lettuce", " -0.211", " 0.994", " 0.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "23", " Mug", " -2.704", " 0.905", " 1.230", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -2.559", " 0.656", " -0.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "25", " Pan", " 0.0", " 0.9", " 0.948", " 0", " 29.999", " 0", " 48" ], [ "26", " Knife", " -2.318", " 0.798", " 0.022", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 66" ], [ "27", " Apple", " -2.455", " 0.972", " 0.931", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -2.277", " 0.112", " 1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "29", " Fork", " 1.353", " 0.919", " -1.239", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 62" ], [ "30", " Bread", " 0.048", " 0.996", " 0.647", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "31", " Plate", " -0.081", " 0.913", " 1.317", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "32", " Egg", " 1.684", " 0.941", " 0.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "33", " Kettle", " 1.412", " 0.929", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "34", " Potato", " -2.635", " 1.051", " 2.481", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 88" ], [ "35", " SaltShaker", " -2.704", " 0.905", " 0.331", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "36", " Lettuce", " -0.341", " 0.994", " 1.764", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -2.420", " 0.592", " -1.051", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " -2.206", " 0.912", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " -2.372", " 0.925", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -2.206", " 1.015", " 0.931", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "41", " ButterKnife", " -0.211", " 0.910", " 1.540", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "42", " PepperShaker", " -2.560", " 1.533", " 1.768", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 60" ], [ "43", " DishSponge", " 1.415", " 0.922", " -1.247", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "44", " Pot", " -2.311", " 0.105", " 0.895", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "45", " Spoon", " -2.318", " 0.775", " 0.809", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " -2.206", " 0.953", " 0.631", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "47", " Mug", " 0.464", " 0.955", " -1.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "48", " CounterTop", " -0.360", " 0.946", " 1.093", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " 1.412", " 0.923", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " 0.018", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " -0.306", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 2.924", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 0.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 1.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 0.149", " 2.008", " -1.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.691", " 0.923", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " CounterTop", " 1.585", " 0.946", " 0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " 0.474", " 0.946", " -1.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " StoveBurner", " 1.691", " 0.923", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 1.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 1.640", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Sink", " 1.381", " 0.810", " -1.271", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " 0.150", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " -0.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 0.437", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " -0.027", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.572", " 2.008", " 0.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.572", " 2.008", " -0.775", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " -2.445", " 2.148", " -1.275", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 2.148", " -0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 0.355", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 0.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 0.695", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " -2.285", " 1.968", " -1.325", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " CounterTop", " -1.485", " 0.946", " 1.319", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " StoveBurner", " 1.411", " 0.923", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " -0.441", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 1.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Fridge", " -2.475", " 0.0", " -0.782", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " LightSwitch", " -0.929", " 1.350", " -1.950", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " -2.564", " 0.900", " 1.876", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.464", " 0.900", " -1.810", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.508", " 1.534", " -1.496", " 90", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Window", " 1.973", " 1.521", " 1.121", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.149", " 0.753", " -1.380", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 1.646", " -0.000", " 0.679", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Microwave", " -2.580", " 0.900", " 2.440", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Stool", " 0.439", " 0.010", " 0.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Stool", " -2.303", " 0.010", " 1.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Faucet", " 1.235", " 1.138", " -1.473", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "93", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "94", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "95", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 0.25 0 180 0 1 Potato -2.455 0.947 0.331 0 0 0 76 2 DishSponge -2.257 0.773 1.370 0 0 0 79 3 DishSponge 1.646 0.184 0.706 0 0 0 87 4 Kettle 1.691 0.929 -0.335 0 0 0 56 5 Kettle 1.691 0.929 0.064 0 0 0 59 6 Spoon 1.391 0.919 -1.061 0 225 0 62 7 Spoon 1.426 0.912 0.465 0 0 0 57 8 Spatula -2.704 0.925 0.931 0 90 0 76 9 Egg 1.855 0.941 0.465 0 0 0 57 10 Egg 1.520 0.215 0.596 0 0 0 87 11 Cup 1.329 0.916 -1.053 0 225 0 62 12 Plate -2.485 1.302 -0.602 0 90 0 80 13 Knife 1.684 0.936 0.494 0 0 0 57 14 Knife 1.428 0.936 -0.768 0 180 0 58 15 Tomato -2.578 1.342 -0.979 0 90 0 80 16 Bowl 1.735 1.660 -0.479 0 0 0 68 17 Bowl -2.560 1.535 0.702 0 0 0 72 18 PepperShaker 0.445 1.658 -1.802 0 90 0 55 19 PepperShaker -2.685 1.928 -1.034 0 0 0 69 20 SaltShaker -2.599 1.533 1.840 0 0 0 60 21 Lettuce -0.471 0.994 0.870 0 0 0 48 22 Lettuce -0.211 0.994 0.423 0 0 0 48 23 Mug -2.704 0.905 1.230 0 0 0 76 24 Apple -2.559 0.656 -0.603 0 90 0 80 25 Pan 0.0 0.9 0.948 0 29.999 0 48 26 Knife -2.318 0.798 0.022 0 270 0 66 27 Apple -2.455 0.972 0.931 0 0 0 76 28 Bowl -2.277 0.112 1.423 0 0 0 54 29 Fork 1.353 0.919 -1.239 0 45 0 62 30 Bread 0.048 0.996 0.647 0 0 0 48 31 Plate -0.081 0.913 1.317 0 0 0 48 32 Egg 1.684 0.941 0.435 0 0 0 57 33 Kettle 1.412 0.929 -0.335 0 0 0 49 34 Potato -2.635 1.051 2.481 0 90 0 88 35 SaltShaker -2.704 0.905 0.331 0 0 0 76 36 Lettuce -0.341 0.994 1.764 0 0 0 48 37 Cup -2.420 0.592 -1.051 0 90 0 80 38 SoapBottle -2.206 0.912 0.031 0 0 0 76 39 Spatula -2.372 0.925 0.031 0 0 0 76 40 PaperTowelRoll -2.206 1.015 0.931 0 0 0 76 41 ButterKnife -0.211 0.910 1.540 0 0 0 48 42 PepperShaker -2.560 1.533 1.768 0 180 0 60 43 DishSponge 1.415 0.922 -1.247 0 225 0 62 44 Pot -2.311 0.105 0.895 0 270 0 74 45 Spoon -2.318 0.775 0.809 0 90 0 53 46 Tomato -2.206 0.953 0.631 0 0 0 76 47 Mug 0.464 0.955 -1.593 0 0 0 58 48 CounterTop -0.360 0.946 1.093 0 0 0 49 StoveBurner 1.412 0.923 -0.335 0 0 0 50 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 0.018 287.989 90 0 51 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 -0.306 287.989 90 0 52 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 2.924 0 0 0 53 Drawer -2.276 0.792 0.902 0 0 0 54 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 1.578 0 0 0 55 Cabinet 0.149 2.008 -1.603 0 90 0 56 StoveBurner 1.691 0.923 -0.335 0 0 0 57 CounterTop 1.585 0.946 0.405 0 0 0 58 CounterTop 0.474 0.946 -1.625 0 0 0 59 StoveBurner 1.691 0.923 0.064 0 0 0 60 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 1.687 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 1.640 0 0 0 62 Sink 1.381 0.810 -1.271 0 225 0 63 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 0.150 287.989 90 0 64 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 -0.236 0 0 0 65 Drawer -2.276 0.792 0.437 0 0 0 66 Drawer -2.276 0.792 -0.027 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.572 2.008 0.474 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.572 2.008 -0.775 0 0 0 69 Cabinet -2.445 2.148 -1.275 0 0 0 70 Cabinet -2.446 2.148 -0.284 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 0.355 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 0.405 0 0 0 73 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 0.644 0 0 0 74 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 0.695 0 0 0 75 Cabinet -2.285 1.968 -1.325 0 180 0 76 CounterTop -1.485 0.946 1.319 0 0 0 77 StoveBurner 1.411 0.923 0.064 0 0 0 78 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 -0.441 287.989 90 0 79 Drawer -2.276 0.792 1.368 0 0 0 80 Fridge -2.475 0.0 -0.782 0 90 0 81 LightSwitch -0.929 1.350 -1.950 0 0 0 82 Toaster -2.564 0.900 1.876 0 90 0 83 CoffeeMachine 0.464 0.900 -1.810 0 0 0 84 Window 1.508 1.534 -1.496 90 135 0 85 Window 1.973 1.521 1.121 90 90 0 86 SinkBasin 1.149 0.753 -1.380 0 225 0 87 GarbageCan 1.646 -0.000 0.679 0 0 0 88 Microwave -2.580 0.900 2.440 0 90 0 89 Stool 0.439 0.010 0.747 0 0 0 90 Stool -2.303 0.010 1.839 0 0 0 91 Faucet 1.235 1.138 -1.473 0 225 0 92 NorthWall 93 EastWall 94 SouthWall 95 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go forward, hang a left and go to the counter to the right of the stove. | STEP 2: Pick up the big knife that is on the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and go to the fridge, hang a right, go forward to the counter with the paper towels on it that is on the left. | STEP 4: Cut the apple that is on the counter behind the paper towels. | STEP 5: Turn around, go to the right to the fridge that will be on the right. | STEP 6: Open the fridge, put the knife inside, close the fridge. | STEP 7: Go to the right, go to the counter where the apple is on the left. | STEP 8: Pick up a piece of the apple. | STEP 9: Turn around, then turn to the left, go forward to the microwave that is on the left. | STEP 10: Put the apple in the microwave and set it to cook, remove the apple when it is done cooking. | STEP 11: Turn around, turn to the right and go forward to the fridge that is on the right. | STEP 12: Open the freezer, put the apple in the freezer and close the freezer. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go forward, hang a left and go to the counter to the right of the stove. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the big knife that is on the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and go to the fridge, hang a right, go forward to the counter with the paper towels on it that is on the left. ", " STEP 4: Cut the apple that is on the counter behind the paper towels. ", " STEP 5: Turn around, go to the right to the fridge that will be on the right. ", " STEP 6: Open the fridge, put the knife inside, close the fridge. ", " STEP 7: Go to the right, go to the counter where the apple is on the left. ", " STEP 8: Pick up a piece of the apple. ", " STEP 9: Turn around, then turn to the left, go forward to the microwave that is on the left. ", " STEP 10: Put the apple in the microwave and set it to cook, remove the apple when it is done cooking. ", " STEP 11: Turn around, turn to the right and go forward to the fridge that is on the right. ", " STEP 12: Open the freezer, put the apple in the freezer and close the freezer. ", " END" ] ]
Place the warm apple slice in the fridge.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -2.455", " 0.947", " 0.331", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "2", " DishSponge", " -2.257", " 0.773", " 1.370", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 79" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.646", " 0.184", " 0.706", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "4", " Kettle", " 1.691", " 0.929", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " 1.691", " 0.929", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "6", " Spoon", " 1.391", " 0.919", " -1.061", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "7", " Spoon", " 1.426", " 0.912", " 0.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "8", " Spatula", " -2.704", " 0.925", " 0.931", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 76" ], [ "9", " Egg", " 1.855", " 0.941", " 0.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "10", " Egg", " 1.520", " 0.215", " 0.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "11", " Cup", " 1.329", " 0.916", " -1.053", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -2.485", " 1.302", " -0.602", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "13", " Knife", " 1.684", " 0.936", " 0.494", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "14", " Knife", " 1.428", " 0.936", " -0.768", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 58" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -2.578", " 1.342", " -0.979", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " 1.735", " 1.660", " -0.479", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -2.560", " 1.535", " 0.702", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 72" ], [ "18", " PepperShaker", " 0.445", " 1.658", " -1.802", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "19", " PepperShaker", " -2.685", " 1.928", " -1.034", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "20", " SaltShaker", " -2.599", " 1.533", " 1.840", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "21", " Lettuce", " -0.471", " 0.994", " 0.870", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "22", " Lettuce", " -0.211", " 0.994", " 0.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "23", " Mug", " -2.704", " 0.905", " 1.230", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -2.559", " 0.656", " -0.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "25", " Pan", " 0.0", " 0.9", " 0.948", " 0", " 29.999", " 0", " 48" ], [ "26", " Knife", " -2.318", " 0.798", " 0.022", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 66" ], [ "27", " Apple", " -2.455", " 0.972", " 0.931", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -2.277", " 0.112", " 1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "29", " Fork", " 1.353", " 0.919", " -1.239", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 62" ], [ "30", " Bread", " 0.048", " 0.996", " 0.647", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "31", " Plate", " -0.081", " 0.913", " 1.317", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "32", " Egg", " 1.684", " 0.941", " 0.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "33", " Kettle", " 1.412", " 0.929", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "34", " Potato", " -2.635", " 1.051", " 2.481", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 88" ], [ "35", " SaltShaker", " -2.704", " 0.905", " 0.331", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "36", " Lettuce", " -0.341", " 0.994", " 1.764", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -2.420", " 0.592", " -1.051", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 80" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " -2.206", " 0.912", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " -2.372", " 0.925", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -2.206", " 1.015", " 0.931", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "41", " ButterKnife", " -0.211", " 0.910", " 1.540", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "42", " PepperShaker", " -2.560", " 1.533", " 1.768", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 60" ], [ "43", " DishSponge", " 1.415", " 0.922", " -1.247", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 62" ], [ "44", " Pot", " -2.311", " 0.105", " 0.895", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "45", " Spoon", " -2.318", " 0.775", " 0.809", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " -2.206", " 0.953", " 0.631", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "47", " Mug", " 0.464", " 0.955", " -1.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "48", " CounterTop", " -0.360", " 0.946", " 1.093", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " 1.412", " 0.923", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " 0.018", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " -0.306", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 2.924", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 0.902", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 1.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 0.149", " 2.008", " -1.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.691", " 0.923", " -0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " CounterTop", " 1.585", " 0.946", " 0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " 0.474", " 0.946", " -1.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " StoveBurner", " 1.691", " 0.923", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 1.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 1.640", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Sink", " 1.381", " 0.810", " -1.271", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " 0.150", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " -0.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 0.437", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " -0.027", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.572", " 2.008", " 0.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.572", " 2.008", " -0.775", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " -2.445", " 2.148", " -1.275", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 2.148", " -0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 0.355", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -2.446", " 1.948", " 0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 0.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " -2.145", " 0.402", " 0.695", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " -2.285", " 1.968", " -1.325", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " CounterTop", " -1.485", " 0.946", " 1.319", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " StoveBurner", " 1.411", " 0.923", " 0.064", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " StoveKnob", " 1.878", " 1.093", " -0.441", " 287.989", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Drawer", " -2.276", " 0.792", " 1.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Fridge", " -2.475", " 0.0", " -0.782", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " LightSwitch", " -0.929", " 1.350", " -1.950", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " -2.564", " 0.900", " 1.876", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.464", " 0.900", " -1.810", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.508", " 1.534", " -1.496", " 90", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Window", " 1.973", " 1.521", " 1.121", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.149", " 0.753", " -1.380", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 1.646", " -0.000", " 0.679", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Microwave", " -2.580", " 0.900", " 2.440", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Stool", " 0.439", " 0.010", " 0.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Stool", " -2.303", " 0.010", " 1.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Faucet", " 1.235", " 1.138", " -1.473", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "93", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "94", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "95", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 0.25 0 180 0 1 Potato -2.455 0.947 0.331 0 0 0 76 2 DishSponge -2.257 0.773 1.370 0 0 0 79 3 DishSponge 1.646 0.184 0.706 0 0 0 87 4 Kettle 1.691 0.929 -0.335 0 0 0 56 5 Kettle 1.691 0.929 0.064 0 0 0 59 6 Spoon 1.391 0.919 -1.061 0 225 0 62 7 Spoon 1.426 0.912 0.465 0 0 0 57 8 Spatula -2.704 0.925 0.931 0 90 0 76 9 Egg 1.855 0.941 0.465 0 0 0 57 10 Egg 1.520 0.215 0.596 0 0 0 87 11 Cup 1.329 0.916 -1.053 0 225 0 62 12 Plate -2.485 1.302 -0.602 0 90 0 80 13 Knife 1.684 0.936 0.494 0 0 0 57 14 Knife 1.428 0.936 -0.768 0 180 0 58 15 Tomato -2.578 1.342 -0.979 0 90 0 80 16 Bowl 1.735 1.660 -0.479 0 0 0 68 17 Bowl -2.560 1.535 0.702 0 0 0 72 18 PepperShaker 0.445 1.658 -1.802 0 90 0 55 19 PepperShaker -2.685 1.928 -1.034 0 0 0 69 20 SaltShaker -2.599 1.533 1.840 0 0 0 60 21 Lettuce -0.471 0.994 0.870 0 0 0 48 22 Lettuce -0.211 0.994 0.423 0 0 0 48 23 Mug -2.704 0.905 1.230 0 0 0 76 24 Apple -2.559 0.656 -0.603 0 90 0 80 25 Pan 0.0 0.9 0.948 0 29.999 0 48 26 Knife -2.318 0.798 0.022 0 270 0 66 27 Apple -2.455 0.972 0.931 0 0 0 76 28 Bowl -2.277 0.112 1.423 0 0 0 54 29 Fork 1.353 0.919 -1.239 0 45 0 62 30 Bread 0.048 0.996 0.647 0 0 0 48 31 Plate -0.081 0.913 1.317 0 0 0 48 32 Egg 1.684 0.941 0.435 0 0 0 57 33 Kettle 1.412 0.929 -0.335 0 0 0 49 34 Potato -2.635 1.051 2.481 0 90 0 88 35 SaltShaker -2.704 0.905 0.331 0 0 0 76 36 Lettuce -0.341 0.994 1.764 0 0 0 48 37 Cup -2.420 0.592 -1.051 0 90 0 80 38 SoapBottle -2.206 0.912 0.031 0 0 0 76 39 Spatula -2.372 0.925 0.031 0 0 0 76 40 PaperTowelRoll -2.206 1.015 0.931 0 0 0 76 41 ButterKnife -0.211 0.910 1.540 0 0 0 48 42 PepperShaker -2.560 1.533 1.768 0 180 0 60 43 DishSponge 1.415 0.922 -1.247 0 225 0 62 44 Pot -2.311 0.105 0.895 0 270 0 74 45 Spoon -2.318 0.775 0.809 0 90 0 53 46 Tomato -2.206 0.953 0.631 0 0 0 76 47 Mug 0.464 0.955 -1.593 0 0 0 58 48 CounterTop -0.360 0.946 1.093 0 0 0 49 StoveBurner 1.412 0.923 -0.335 0 0 0 50 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 0.018 287.989 90 0 51 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 -0.306 287.989 90 0 52 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 2.924 0 0 0 53 Drawer -2.276 0.792 0.902 0 0 0 54 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 1.578 0 0 0 55 Cabinet 0.149 2.008 -1.603 0 90 0 56 StoveBurner 1.691 0.923 -0.335 0 0 0 57 CounterTop 1.585 0.946 0.405 0 0 0 58 CounterTop 0.474 0.946 -1.625 0 0 0 59 StoveBurner 1.691 0.923 0.064 0 0 0 60 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 1.687 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 1.640 0 0 0 62 Sink 1.381 0.810 -1.271 0 225 0 63 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 0.150 287.989 90 0 64 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 -0.236 0 0 0 65 Drawer -2.276 0.792 0.437 0 0 0 66 Drawer -2.276 0.792 -0.027 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.572 2.008 0.474 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.572 2.008 -0.775 0 0 0 69 Cabinet -2.445 2.148 -1.275 0 0 0 70 Cabinet -2.446 2.148 -0.284 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 0.355 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -2.446 1.948 0.405 0 0 0 73 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 0.644 0 0 0 74 Cabinet -2.145 0.402 0.695 0 0 0 75 Cabinet -2.285 1.968 -1.325 0 180 0 76 CounterTop -1.485 0.946 1.319 0 0 0 77 StoveBurner 1.411 0.923 0.064 0 0 0 78 StoveKnob 1.878 1.093 -0.441 287.989 90 0 79 Drawer -2.276 0.792 1.368 0 0 0 80 Fridge -2.475 0.0 -0.782 0 90 0 81 LightSwitch -0.929 1.350 -1.950 0 0 0 82 Toaster -2.564 0.900 1.876 0 90 0 83 CoffeeMachine 0.464 0.900 -1.810 0 0 0 84 Window 1.508 1.534 -1.496 90 135 0 85 Window 1.973 1.521 1.121 90 90 0 86 SinkBasin 1.149 0.753 -1.380 0 225 0 87 GarbageCan 1.646 -0.000 0.679 0 0 0 88 Microwave -2.580 0.900 2.440 0 90 0 89 Stool 0.439 0.010 0.747 0 0 0 90 Stool -2.303 0.010 1.839 0 0 0 91 Faucet 1.235 1.138 -1.473 0 225 0 92 NorthWall 93 EastWall 94 SouthWall 95 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to the left, walk to the right of the stove. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife. | STEP 3: Turn around, cross the room, face the counter to the right of the fridge. | STEP 4: Cut the apple on the counter. | STEP 5: Go to the left to the fridge. | STEP 6: Put the knife on the top shelf of the bottom part of the fridge. | STEP 7: Turn right, walk to the center of the counter on the left. | STEP 8: Pick up a slice of apple. | STEP 9: Walk to the right to the microwave. | STEP 10: Heat the apple slice in the microwave for a few seconds, take the apple slice back out. | STEP 11: Walk to left to the fridge. | STEP 12: Put the apple slice in the top part of the fridge. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to the left, walk to the right of the stove. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife. ", " STEP 3: Turn around, cross the room, face the counter to the right of the fridge. ", " STEP 4: Cut the apple on the counter. ", " STEP 5: Go to the left to the fridge. ", " STEP 6: Put the knife on the top shelf of the bottom part of the fridge. ", " STEP 7: Turn right, walk to the center of the counter on the left. ", " STEP 8: Pick up a slice of apple. ", " STEP 9: Walk to the right to the microwave. ", " STEP 10: Heat the apple slice in the microwave for a few seconds, take the apple slice back out. ", " STEP 11: Walk to left to the fridge. ", " STEP 12: Put the apple slice in the top part of the fridge. ", " END" ] ]
Put the sponge on the back of the toilet.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.0", " 0.913", " 0.5", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.208", " 0.963", " -1.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " 0.270", " 0.963", " -2.275", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " -3.034", " 0.245", " 1.317", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " SoapBottle", " 0.135", " 0.976", " 2.250", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "5", " Candle", " -0.208", " 0.962", " -2.181", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "6", " HandTowel", " -0.885", " 1.617", " -2.503", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "7", " Towel", " 0.465", " 1.21", " -1.095", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " SoapBottle", " -0.368", " 0.973", " -1.805", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "9", " SoapBar", " -2.796", " 0.884", " 0.639", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 40" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -0.178", " 0.957", " 2.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "11", " Plunger", " 0.506", " 0.011", " 2.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "12", " SprayBottle", " -0.527", " 0.959", " -1.805", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "13", " TissueBox", " 1.142", " 0.624", " -2.168", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " 0.430", " 0.959", " -2.181", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "15", " ScrubBrush", " 0.342", " 0.012", " 2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "16", " Cloth", " 0.111", " 0.961", " -1.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "17", " DishSponge", " -2.246", " 0.078", " -1.251", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 24" ], [ "18", " Footstool", " -0.325", " 0.297", " -1.98", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "19", " Bathtub", " -1.957", " 0.494", " -1.233", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " ShowerDoor", " 0.650", " 1.413", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " ShowerGlass", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.304", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Mirror", " -0.046", " 1.512", " -2.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " CounterTop", " 0.196", " 0.430", " -2.010", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Sink", " -2.796", " 0.328", " 0.755", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.833", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.682", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.492", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " TowelHolder", " 0.572", " 1.195", " -1.095", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " -0.564", " 0.010", " 2.061", " 0", " 195.0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.574", " 0.926", " 2.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " 1.536", " 0.613", " -2.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " HandTowelHolder", " -0.884", " 1.718", " -2.542", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " -1.697", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " 1.597", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " -2.144", " 1.809", " -2.573", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " -0.054", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Toilet", " -0.064", " 0.012", " 1.838", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " LightSwitch", " -1.406", " 1.472", " 2.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SinkBasin", " -2.796", " 0.875", " 0.765", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " ShowerHead", " 1.591", " 1.700", " -2.424", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Faucet", " -2.676", " 0.423", " -0.312", " 0", " 99.958", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " SideTable", " -2.847", " 0.013", " 1.509", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Faucet", " -3.106", " 1.056", " 0.757", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "48", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.0 0.913 0.5 0 0 0 1 TissueBox -0.208 0.963 -1.993 0 0 0 24 2 TissueBox 0.270 0.963 -2.275 0 0 0 24 3 DishSponge -3.034 0.245 1.317 0 90 0 43 4 SoapBottle 0.135 0.976 2.250 0 270 0 38 5 Candle -0.208 0.962 -2.181 0 0 0 24 6 HandTowel -0.885 1.617 -2.503 0 180 0 33 7 Towel 0.465 1.21 -1.095 0 270 0 29 8 SoapBottle -0.368 0.973 -1.805 0 0 0 24 9 SoapBar -2.796 0.884 0.639 0 90 0 40 10 ToiletPaper -0.178 0.957 2.268 0 0 0 38 11 Plunger 0.506 0.011 2.268 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 12 SprayBottle -0.527 0.959 -1.805 0 0 0 24 13 TissueBox 1.142 0.624 -2.168 0 0 0 32 14 ToiletPaper 0.430 0.959 -2.181 0 0 0 24 15 ScrubBrush 0.342 0.012 2.072 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 16 Cloth 0.111 0.961 -1.993 0 0 0 24 17 DishSponge -2.246 0.078 -1.251 0 45 0 24 18 Footstool -0.325 0.297 -1.98 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 19 Bathtub -1.957 0.494 -1.233 0 0 0 20 ShowerDoor 0.650 1.413 2.169 0 0 0 21 ShowerGlass 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 22 Drawer 0.300 0.304 -1.820 0 0 0 23 Mirror -0.046 1.512 -2.538 0 0 0 24 CounterTop 0.196 0.430 -2.010 0 0 0 25 Sink -2.796 0.328 0.755 0 90 0 26 Drawer 0.300 0.833 -1.820 0 0 0 27 Drawer 0.300 0.682 -1.820 0 0 0 28 Drawer 0.300 0.492 -1.820 0 0 0 29 TowelHolder 0.572 1.195 -1.095 0 270 0 30 GarbageCan -0.564 0.010 2.061 0 195.0 0 31 ToiletPaperHanger -0.574 0.926 2.407 0 180 0 32 Shelf 1.536 0.613 -2.242 0 0 0 33 HandTowelHolder -0.884 1.718 -2.542 0 270 0 34 Window -3.170 1.812 -1.697 90 90 0 35 Window -3.170 1.812 1.597 90 90 0 36 Window -2.144 1.809 -2.573 90 0 0 37 Window -3.170 1.812 -0.054 90 90 0 38 Toilet -0.064 0.012 1.838 0 180 0 39 LightSwitch -1.406 1.472 2.407 0 180 0 40 SinkBasin -2.796 0.875 0.765 0 90 0 41 ShowerHead 1.591 1.700 -2.424 0 90 0 42 Faucet -2.676 0.423 -0.312 0 99.958 0 43 SideTable -2.847 0.013 1.509 0 90 0 44 Faucet -3.106 1.056 0.757 0 90 0 45 46 NorthWall 47 EastWall 48 SouthWall 49 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and go to the shelf. | STEP 2: Pick up the sponge. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the toilet | STEP 4: Put the sponge on the back of the toilet. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and go to the shelf. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the sponge. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the toilet ", " STEP 4: Put the sponge on the back of the toilet. ", " END" ] ]
Put a sponge on the back of the toilet.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.0", " 0.913", " 0.5", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.208", " 0.963", " -1.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " 0.270", " 0.963", " -2.275", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " -3.034", " 0.245", " 1.317", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " SoapBottle", " 0.135", " 0.976", " 2.250", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "5", " Candle", " -0.208", " 0.962", " -2.181", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "6", " HandTowel", " -0.885", " 1.617", " -2.503", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "7", " Towel", " 0.465", " 1.21", " -1.095", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " SoapBottle", " -0.368", " 0.973", " -1.805", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "9", " SoapBar", " -2.796", " 0.884", " 0.639", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 40" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -0.178", " 0.957", " 2.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "11", " Plunger", " 0.506", " 0.011", " 2.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "12", " SprayBottle", " -0.527", " 0.959", " -1.805", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "13", " TissueBox", " 1.142", " 0.624", " -2.168", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " 0.430", " 0.959", " -2.181", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "15", " ScrubBrush", " 0.342", " 0.012", " 2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "16", " Cloth", " 0.111", " 0.961", " -1.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "17", " DishSponge", " -2.246", " 0.078", " -1.251", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 24" ], [ "18", " Footstool", " -0.325", " 0.297", " -1.98", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "19", " Bathtub", " -1.957", " 0.494", " -1.233", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " ShowerDoor", " 0.650", " 1.413", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " ShowerGlass", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.304", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Mirror", " -0.046", " 1.512", " -2.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " CounterTop", " 0.196", " 0.430", " -2.010", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Sink", " -2.796", " 0.328", " 0.755", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.833", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.682", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.492", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " TowelHolder", " 0.572", " 1.195", " -1.095", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " -0.564", " 0.010", " 2.061", " 0", " 195.0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.574", " 0.926", " 2.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " 1.536", " 0.613", " -2.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " HandTowelHolder", " -0.884", " 1.718", " -2.542", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " -1.697", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " 1.597", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " -2.144", " 1.809", " -2.573", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " -0.054", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Toilet", " -0.064", " 0.012", " 1.838", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " LightSwitch", " -1.406", " 1.472", " 2.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SinkBasin", " -2.796", " 0.875", " 0.765", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " ShowerHead", " 1.591", " 1.700", " -2.424", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Faucet", " -2.676", " 0.423", " -0.312", " 0", " 99.958", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " SideTable", " -2.847", " 0.013", " 1.509", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Faucet", " -3.106", " 1.056", " 0.757", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "48", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.0 0.913 0.5 0 0 0 1 TissueBox -0.208 0.963 -1.993 0 0 0 24 2 TissueBox 0.270 0.963 -2.275 0 0 0 24 3 DishSponge -3.034 0.245 1.317 0 90 0 43 4 SoapBottle 0.135 0.976 2.250 0 270 0 38 5 Candle -0.208 0.962 -2.181 0 0 0 24 6 HandTowel -0.885 1.617 -2.503 0 180 0 33 7 Towel 0.465 1.21 -1.095 0 270 0 29 8 SoapBottle -0.368 0.973 -1.805 0 0 0 24 9 SoapBar -2.796 0.884 0.639 0 90 0 40 10 ToiletPaper -0.178 0.957 2.268 0 0 0 38 11 Plunger 0.506 0.011 2.268 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 12 SprayBottle -0.527 0.959 -1.805 0 0 0 24 13 TissueBox 1.142 0.624 -2.168 0 0 0 32 14 ToiletPaper 0.430 0.959 -2.181 0 0 0 24 15 ScrubBrush 0.342 0.012 2.072 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 16 Cloth 0.111 0.961 -1.993 0 0 0 24 17 DishSponge -2.246 0.078 -1.251 0 45 0 24 18 Footstool -0.325 0.297 -1.98 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 19 Bathtub -1.957 0.494 -1.233 0 0 0 20 ShowerDoor 0.650 1.413 2.169 0 0 0 21 ShowerGlass 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 22 Drawer 0.300 0.304 -1.820 0 0 0 23 Mirror -0.046 1.512 -2.538 0 0 0 24 CounterTop 0.196 0.430 -2.010 0 0 0 25 Sink -2.796 0.328 0.755 0 90 0 26 Drawer 0.300 0.833 -1.820 0 0 0 27 Drawer 0.300 0.682 -1.820 0 0 0 28 Drawer 0.300 0.492 -1.820 0 0 0 29 TowelHolder 0.572 1.195 -1.095 0 270 0 30 GarbageCan -0.564 0.010 2.061 0 195.0 0 31 ToiletPaperHanger -0.574 0.926 2.407 0 180 0 32 Shelf 1.536 0.613 -2.242 0 0 0 33 HandTowelHolder -0.884 1.718 -2.542 0 270 0 34 Window -3.170 1.812 -1.697 90 90 0 35 Window -3.170 1.812 1.597 90 90 0 36 Window -2.144 1.809 -2.573 90 0 0 37 Window -3.170 1.812 -0.054 90 90 0 38 Toilet -0.064 0.012 1.838 0 180 0 39 LightSwitch -1.406 1.472 2.407 0 180 0 40 SinkBasin -2.796 0.875 0.765 0 90 0 41 ShowerHead 1.591 1.700 -2.424 0 90 0 42 Faucet -2.676 0.423 -0.312 0 99.958 0 43 SideTable -2.847 0.013 1.509 0 90 0 44 Faucet -3.106 1.056 0.757 0 90 0 45 46 NorthWall 47 EastWall 48 SouthWall 49 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go straight, then turn left at the metal shelf. | STEP 2: Take the sponge from the shelf. | STEP 3: Turn right, then turn right, then go straight, to the toilet. | STEP 4: Place the sponge on the back of the toilet. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go straight, then turn left at the metal shelf. ", " STEP 2: Take the sponge from the shelf. ", " STEP 3: Turn right, then turn right, then go straight, to the toilet. ", " STEP 4: Place the sponge on the back of the toilet. ", " END" ] ]
Place a sponge on the top of a toilet.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.0", " 0.913", " 0.5", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.208", " 0.963", " -1.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " 0.270", " 0.963", " -2.275", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " -3.034", " 0.245", " 1.317", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " SoapBottle", " 0.135", " 0.976", " 2.250", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "5", " Candle", " -0.208", " 0.962", " -2.181", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "6", " HandTowel", " -0.885", " 1.617", " -2.503", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "7", " Towel", " 0.465", " 1.21", " -1.095", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " SoapBottle", " -0.368", " 0.973", " -1.805", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "9", " SoapBar", " -2.796", " 0.884", " 0.639", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 40" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -0.178", " 0.957", " 2.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "11", " Plunger", " 0.506", " 0.011", " 2.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "12", " SprayBottle", " -0.527", " 0.959", " -1.805", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "13", " TissueBox", " 1.142", " 0.624", " -2.168", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " 0.430", " 0.959", " -2.181", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "15", " ScrubBrush", " 0.342", " 0.012", " 2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "16", " Cloth", " 0.111", " 0.961", " -1.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "17", " DishSponge", " -2.246", " 0.078", " -1.251", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 24" ], [ "18", " Footstool", " -0.325", " 0.297", " -1.98", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.35|" ], [ "19", " Bathtub", " -1.957", " 0.494", " -1.233", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " ShowerDoor", " 0.650", " 1.413", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " ShowerGlass", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.304", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Mirror", " -0.046", " 1.512", " -2.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " CounterTop", " 0.196", " 0.430", " -2.010", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Sink", " -2.796", " 0.328", " 0.755", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.833", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.682", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " 0.300", " 0.492", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " TowelHolder", " 0.572", " 1.195", " -1.095", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " -0.564", " 0.010", " 2.061", " 0", " 195.0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.574", " 0.926", " 2.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " 1.536", " 0.613", " -2.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " HandTowelHolder", " -0.884", " 1.718", " -2.542", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " -1.697", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " 1.597", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " -2.144", " 1.809", " -2.573", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " -3.170", " 1.812", " -0.054", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Toilet", " -0.064", " 0.012", " 1.838", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " LightSwitch", " -1.406", " 1.472", " 2.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SinkBasin", " -2.796", " 0.875", " 0.765", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " ShowerHead", " 1.591", " 1.700", " -2.424", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Faucet", " -2.676", " 0.423", " -0.312", " 0", " 99.958", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " SideTable", " -2.847", " 0.013", " 1.509", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Faucet", " -3.106", " 1.056", " 0.757", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "48", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.0 0.913 0.5 0 0 0 1 TissueBox -0.208 0.963 -1.993 0 0 0 24 2 TissueBox 0.270 0.963 -2.275 0 0 0 24 3 DishSponge -3.034 0.245 1.317 0 90 0 43 4 SoapBottle 0.135 0.976 2.250 0 270 0 38 5 Candle -0.208 0.962 -2.181 0 0 0 24 6 HandTowel -0.885 1.617 -2.503 0 180 0 33 7 Towel 0.465 1.21 -1.095 0 270 0 29 8 SoapBottle -0.368 0.973 -1.805 0 0 0 24 9 SoapBar -2.796 0.884 0.639 0 90 0 40 10 ToiletPaper -0.178 0.957 2.268 0 0 0 38 11 Plunger 0.506 0.011 2.268 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 12 SprayBottle -0.527 0.959 -1.805 0 0 0 24 13 TissueBox 1.142 0.624 -2.168 0 0 0 32 14 ToiletPaper 0.430 0.959 -2.181 0 0 0 24 15 ScrubBrush 0.342 0.012 2.072 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 16 Cloth 0.111 0.961 -1.993 0 0 0 24 17 DishSponge -2.246 0.078 -1.251 0 45 0 24 18 Footstool -0.325 0.297 -1.98 0 0 0 Floor|-00.35| 19 Bathtub -1.957 0.494 -1.233 0 0 0 20 ShowerDoor 0.650 1.413 2.169 0 0 0 21 ShowerGlass 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 22 Drawer 0.300 0.304 -1.820 0 0 0 23 Mirror -0.046 1.512 -2.538 0 0 0 24 CounterTop 0.196 0.430 -2.010 0 0 0 25 Sink -2.796 0.328 0.755 0 90 0 26 Drawer 0.300 0.833 -1.820 0 0 0 27 Drawer 0.300 0.682 -1.820 0 0 0 28 Drawer 0.300 0.492 -1.820 0 0 0 29 TowelHolder 0.572 1.195 -1.095 0 270 0 30 GarbageCan -0.564 0.010 2.061 0 195.0 0 31 ToiletPaperHanger -0.574 0.926 2.407 0 180 0 32 Shelf 1.536 0.613 -2.242 0 0 0 33 HandTowelHolder -0.884 1.718 -2.542 0 270 0 34 Window -3.170 1.812 -1.697 90 90 0 35 Window -3.170 1.812 1.597 90 90 0 36 Window -2.144 1.809 -2.573 90 0 0 37 Window -3.170 1.812 -0.054 90 90 0 38 Toilet -0.064 0.012 1.838 0 180 0 39 LightSwitch -1.406 1.472 2.407 0 180 0 40 SinkBasin -2.796 0.875 0.765 0 90 0 41 ShowerHead 1.591 1.700 -2.424 0 90 0 42 Faucet -2.676 0.423 -0.312 0 99.958 0 43 SideTable -2.847 0.013 1.509 0 90 0 44 Faucet -3.106 1.056 0.757 0 90 0 45 46 NorthWall 47 EastWall 48 SouthWall 49 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk to the steel rack to the right of the sink. | STEP 2: Pick up the sponge from the steel rack. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the toilet. | STEP 4: Put the sponge on the top of the toilet, just to the right of the toilet paper. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk to the steel rack to the right of the sink. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the sponge from the steel rack. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the toilet. ", " STEP 4: Put the sponge on the top of the toilet, just to the right of the toilet paper. ", " END" ] ]
Put a credit card on the chair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.901", " 2.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Book", " -1.050", " 0.712", " 3.759", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "2", " Book", " -1.351", " 0.547", " 0.650", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " CreditCard", " -1.966", " 0.447", " 2.200", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "4", " CreditCard", " -1.840", " 0.447", " 2.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -1.714", " 0.447", " 2.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "6", " RemoteControl", " -2.093", " 0.449", " 2.441", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "7", " RemoteControl", " -0.351", " 0.547", " 0.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " Box", " -1.587", " 0.636", " 2.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Book", " -1.101", " 0.547", " 0.471", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " Box", " 0.332", " 0.892", " 0.488", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " 0.627", " 0.238", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "12", " KeyChain", " 0.753", " 0.714", " 0.502", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "13", " Pillow", " -0.506", " 0.664", " 0.431", " 36.288", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "14", " Statue", " 0.858", " 0.710", " 0.327", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "15", " RemoteControl", " -2.949", " 0.564", " 0.382", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "16", " CreditCard", " -1.499", " 0.710", " 3.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "17", " Watch", " -1.349", " 0.707", " 3.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "18", " Painting", " -3.049", " 1.690", " 4.341", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Curtains", " -3.973", " 2.254", " 1.453", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Painting", " -1.096", " 1.773", " -0.017", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " LightSwitch", " -0.129", " 1.407", " 4.348", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " GarbageCan", " -0.376", " 0.003", " 4.103", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Television", " -1.504", " 1.189", " 4.126", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " HousePlant", " -2.015", " 0.447", " 2.357", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " FloorLamp", " -3.686", " -0.001", " 4.013", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Window", " -4.051", " 1.197", " 1.312", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " SideTable", " 0.626", " 0.006", " 0.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " CoffeeTable", " -1.735", " 0.005", " 2.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Sofa", " -1.135", " -0.004", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " TVStand", " -1.566", " 0.004", " 3.869", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " 0.622", " 0.238", " 0.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " ArmChair", " -3.063", " 0.000", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "34", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "35", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "36", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.901 2.0 0 270 0 1 Book -1.050 0.712 3.759 0 0 0 30 2 Book -1.351 0.547 0.650 0 0 0 29 3 CreditCard -1.966 0.447 2.200 0 0 0 28 4 CreditCard -1.840 0.447 2.120 0 0 0 28 5 CreditCard -1.714 0.447 2.120 0 0 0 28 6 RemoteControl -2.093 0.449 2.441 0 0 0 28 7 RemoteControl -0.351 0.547 0.381 0 0 0 29 8 Box -1.587 0.636 2.521 0 0 0 28 9 Book -1.101 0.547 0.471 0 0 0 29 10 Box 0.332 0.892 0.488 0 0 0 27 11 Laptop 0.627 0.238 0.506 0 0 0 27 12 KeyChain 0.753 0.714 0.502 0 0 0 27 13 Pillow -0.506 0.664 0.431 36.288 0 0 29 14 Statue 0.858 0.710 0.327 0 0 0 27 15 RemoteControl -2.949 0.564 0.382 0 0 0 32 16 CreditCard -1.499 0.710 3.649 0 0 0 30 17 Watch -1.349 0.707 3.649 0 0 0 30 18 Painting -3.049 1.690 4.341 0 0 0 19 Curtains -3.973 2.254 1.453 0 0 0 20 Painting -1.096 1.773 -0.017 0 0 0 21 LightSwitch -0.129 1.407 4.348 0 180 0 22 GarbageCan -0.376 0.003 4.103 0 180 0 23 Television -1.504 1.189 4.126 0 180 0 24 HousePlant -2.015 0.447 2.357 0 0 0 25 FloorLamp -3.686 -0.001 4.013 0 0 0 26 Window -4.051 1.197 1.312 90 270 0 27 SideTable 0.626 0.006 0.340 0 0 0 28 CoffeeTable -1.735 0.005 2.360 0 0 0 29 Sofa -1.135 -0.004 0.517 0 0 0 30 TVStand -1.566 0.004 3.869 0 0 0 31 Shelf 0.622 0.238 0.340 0 0 0 32 ArmChair -3.063 0.000 0.517 0 0 0 33 NorthWall 34 EastWall 35 SouthWall 36 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk to the coffee table then take a step to your left and walk to the coffee table then turn right to face it. | STEP 2: Pick up the credit card farthest to the right. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the curtains and then turn left and walk to the chair. | STEP 4: Put the credit card near the edge of the cushion below the remote. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk to the coffee table then take a step to your left and walk to the coffee table then turn right to face it. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the credit card farthest to the right. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the curtains and then turn left and walk to the chair. ", " STEP 4: Put the credit card near the edge of the cushion below the remote. ", " END" ] ]
Move a credit card from the coffee table to the striped armchair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.901", " 2.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Book", " -1.050", " 0.712", " 3.759", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "2", " Book", " -1.351", " 0.547", " 0.650", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " CreditCard", " -1.966", " 0.447", " 2.200", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "4", " CreditCard", " -1.840", " 0.447", " 2.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -1.714", " 0.447", " 2.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "6", " RemoteControl", " -2.093", " 0.449", " 2.441", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "7", " RemoteControl", " -0.351", " 0.547", " 0.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " Box", " -1.587", " 0.636", " 2.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Book", " -1.101", " 0.547", " 0.471", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " Box", " 0.332", " 0.892", " 0.488", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " 0.627", " 0.238", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "12", " KeyChain", " 0.753", " 0.714", " 0.502", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "13", " Pillow", " -0.506", " 0.664", " 0.431", " 36.288", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "14", " Statue", " 0.858", " 0.710", " 0.327", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "15", " RemoteControl", " -2.949", " 0.564", " 0.382", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "16", " CreditCard", " -1.499", " 0.710", " 3.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "17", " Watch", " -1.349", " 0.707", " 3.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "18", " Painting", " -3.049", " 1.690", " 4.341", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Curtains", " -3.973", " 2.254", " 1.453", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Painting", " -1.096", " 1.773", " -0.017", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " LightSwitch", " -0.129", " 1.407", " 4.348", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " GarbageCan", " -0.376", " 0.003", " 4.103", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Television", " -1.504", " 1.189", " 4.126", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " HousePlant", " -2.015", " 0.447", " 2.357", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " FloorLamp", " -3.686", " -0.001", " 4.013", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Window", " -4.051", " 1.197", " 1.312", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " SideTable", " 0.626", " 0.006", " 0.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " CoffeeTable", " -1.735", " 0.005", " 2.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Sofa", " -1.135", " -0.004", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " TVStand", " -1.566", " 0.004", " 3.869", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " 0.622", " 0.238", " 0.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " ArmChair", " -3.063", " 0.000", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "34", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "35", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "36", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.901 2.0 0 270 0 1 Book -1.050 0.712 3.759 0 0 0 30 2 Book -1.351 0.547 0.650 0 0 0 29 3 CreditCard -1.966 0.447 2.200 0 0 0 28 4 CreditCard -1.840 0.447 2.120 0 0 0 28 5 CreditCard -1.714 0.447 2.120 0 0 0 28 6 RemoteControl -2.093 0.449 2.441 0 0 0 28 7 RemoteControl -0.351 0.547 0.381 0 0 0 29 8 Box -1.587 0.636 2.521 0 0 0 28 9 Book -1.101 0.547 0.471 0 0 0 29 10 Box 0.332 0.892 0.488 0 0 0 27 11 Laptop 0.627 0.238 0.506 0 0 0 27 12 KeyChain 0.753 0.714 0.502 0 0 0 27 13 Pillow -0.506 0.664 0.431 36.288 0 0 29 14 Statue 0.858 0.710 0.327 0 0 0 27 15 RemoteControl -2.949 0.564 0.382 0 0 0 32 16 CreditCard -1.499 0.710 3.649 0 0 0 30 17 Watch -1.349 0.707 3.649 0 0 0 30 18 Painting -3.049 1.690 4.341 0 0 0 19 Curtains -3.973 2.254 1.453 0 0 0 20 Painting -1.096 1.773 -0.017 0 0 0 21 LightSwitch -0.129 1.407 4.348 0 180 0 22 GarbageCan -0.376 0.003 4.103 0 180 0 23 Television -1.504 1.189 4.126 0 180 0 24 HousePlant -2.015 0.447 2.357 0 0 0 25 FloorLamp -3.686 -0.001 4.013 0 0 0 26 Window -4.051 1.197 1.312 90 270 0 27 SideTable 0.626 0.006 0.340 0 0 0 28 CoffeeTable -1.735 0.005 2.360 0 0 0 29 Sofa -1.135 -0.004 0.517 0 0 0 30 TVStand -1.566 0.004 3.869 0 0 0 31 Shelf 0.622 0.238 0.340 0 0 0 32 ArmChair -3.063 0.000 0.517 0 0 0 33 NorthWall 34 EastWall 35 SouthWall 36 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk to the coffee table. | STEP 2: Pick up the furthest credit card to the right on the coffee table. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the striped armchair. | STEP 4: Set the credit card down on the seat of the striped armchair. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk to the coffee table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the furthest credit card to the right on the coffee table. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the striped armchair. ", " STEP 4: Set the credit card down on the seat of the striped armchair. ", " END" ] ]
Move a card from the table to the chair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.901", " 2.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Book", " -1.050", " 0.712", " 3.759", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "2", " Book", " -1.351", " 0.547", " 0.650", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " CreditCard", " -1.966", " 0.447", " 2.200", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "4", " CreditCard", " -1.840", " 0.447", " 2.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -1.714", " 0.447", " 2.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "6", " RemoteControl", " -2.093", " 0.449", " 2.441", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "7", " RemoteControl", " -0.351", " 0.547", " 0.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " Box", " -1.587", " 0.636", " 2.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Book", " -1.101", " 0.547", " 0.471", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " Box", " 0.332", " 0.892", " 0.488", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " 0.627", " 0.238", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "12", " KeyChain", " 0.753", " 0.714", " 0.502", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "13", " Pillow", " -0.506", " 0.664", " 0.431", " 36.288", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "14", " Statue", " 0.858", " 0.710", " 0.327", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "15", " RemoteControl", " -2.949", " 0.564", " 0.382", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "16", " CreditCard", " -1.499", " 0.710", " 3.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "17", " Watch", " -1.349", " 0.707", " 3.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "18", " Painting", " -3.049", " 1.690", " 4.341", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Curtains", " -3.973", " 2.254", " 1.453", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Painting", " -1.096", " 1.773", " -0.017", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " LightSwitch", " -0.129", " 1.407", " 4.348", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " GarbageCan", " -0.376", " 0.003", " 4.103", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Television", " -1.504", " 1.189", " 4.126", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " HousePlant", " -2.015", " 0.447", " 2.357", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " FloorLamp", " -3.686", " -0.001", " 4.013", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Window", " -4.051", " 1.197", " 1.312", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " SideTable", " 0.626", " 0.006", " 0.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " CoffeeTable", " -1.735", " 0.005", " 2.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Sofa", " -1.135", " -0.004", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " TVStand", " -1.566", " 0.004", " 3.869", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " 0.622", " 0.238", " 0.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " ArmChair", " -3.063", " 0.000", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "34", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "35", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "36", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.901 2.0 0 270 0 1 Book -1.050 0.712 3.759 0 0 0 30 2 Book -1.351 0.547 0.650 0 0 0 29 3 CreditCard -1.966 0.447 2.200 0 0 0 28 4 CreditCard -1.840 0.447 2.120 0 0 0 28 5 CreditCard -1.714 0.447 2.120 0 0 0 28 6 RemoteControl -2.093 0.449 2.441 0 0 0 28 7 RemoteControl -0.351 0.547 0.381 0 0 0 29 8 Box -1.587 0.636 2.521 0 0 0 28 9 Book -1.101 0.547 0.471 0 0 0 29 10 Box 0.332 0.892 0.488 0 0 0 27 11 Laptop 0.627 0.238 0.506 0 0 0 27 12 KeyChain 0.753 0.714 0.502 0 0 0 27 13 Pillow -0.506 0.664 0.431 36.288 0 0 29 14 Statue 0.858 0.710 0.327 0 0 0 27 15 RemoteControl -2.949 0.564 0.382 0 0 0 32 16 CreditCard -1.499 0.710 3.649 0 0 0 30 17 Watch -1.349 0.707 3.649 0 0 0 30 18 Painting -3.049 1.690 4.341 0 0 0 19 Curtains -3.973 2.254 1.453 0 0 0 20 Painting -1.096 1.773 -0.017 0 0 0 21 LightSwitch -0.129 1.407 4.348 0 180 0 22 GarbageCan -0.376 0.003 4.103 0 180 0 23 Television -1.504 1.189 4.126 0 180 0 24 HousePlant -2.015 0.447 2.357 0 0 0 25 FloorLamp -3.686 -0.001 4.013 0 0 0 26 Window -4.051 1.197 1.312 90 270 0 27 SideTable 0.626 0.006 0.340 0 0 0 28 CoffeeTable -1.735 0.005 2.360 0 0 0 29 Sofa -1.135 -0.004 0.517 0 0 0 30 TVStand -1.566 0.004 3.869 0 0 0 31 Shelf 0.622 0.238 0.340 0 0 0 32 ArmChair -3.063 0.000 0.517 0 0 0 33 NorthWall 34 EastWall 35 SouthWall 36 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk to the coffee table on the cards' side. | STEP 2: Grab the right card from the table. | STEP 3: Walk to the white chair on your left. | STEP 4: Place the card on the chair. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk to the coffee table on the cards' side. ", " STEP 2: Grab the right card from the table. ", " STEP 3: Walk to the white chair on your left. ", " STEP 4: Place the card on the chair. ", " END" ] ]
Put a slice of warm bread in the fridge.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 2.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Kettle", " -0.213", " 0.926", " 0.041", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "2", " Kettle", " 1.975", " 0.938", " 0.601", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 61" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " -1.796", " 0.040", " 1.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 80" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " -1.764", " 1.661", " -0.905", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "5", " Spoon", " 1.713", " 0.471", " -0.020", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "6", " Spatula", " -1.902", " 0.926", " -0.864", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 66" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " 0.889", " 0.926", " -1.221", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "8", " Pot", " -1.668", " 0.915", " -1.610", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "9", " Pot", " -0.193", " 0.118", " -1.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "10", " Plate", " 0.107", " 0.924", " 1.202", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "11", " Plate", " -1.114", " 1.678", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "12", " Tomato", " -1.749", " 0.894", " -0.175", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "13", " Bowl", " 0.000", " 0.924", " 0.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "14", " Bowl", " -1.803", " 1.675", " 0.201", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " -0.081", " 0.111", " -1.222", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "16", " SaltShaker", " -1.990", " 0.907", " -1.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "17", " PepperShaker", " 1.610", " 0.691", " 0.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " 0.321", " 1.002", " 0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " 0.170", " 0.837", " -1.380", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "20", " Apple", " -1.783", " 0.892", " 0.201", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "21", " SoapBottle", " -0.867", " 1.683", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "22", " Cup", " 1.117", " 0.909", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "23", " Pot", " -1.750", " 1.680", " -0.175", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "24", " Fork", " 1.866", " 0.350", " 0.116", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "25", " Ladle", " 1.762", " 0.269", " 1.153", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "26", " Kettle", " 1.765", " 0.938", " 0.601", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 48" ], [ "27", " Egg", " -1.639", " 0.968", " -0.914", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "28", " Plate", " 1.802", " 0.910", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "29", " Pan", " 1.746", " 0.911", " 0.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "30", " Lettuce", " -0.175", " 0.837", " -1.490", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "31", " Spatula", " 0.083", " 0.775", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "32", " Apple", " -1.803", " 1.522", " 0.295", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "33", " Knife", " 1.574", " 0.933", " -1.221", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "34", " SaltShaker", " 1.612", " 0.221", " 1.350", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "35", " PepperShaker", " 0.361", " 0.109", " -1.597", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "36", " CellPhone", " 0.853", " 0.669", " -1.301", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "37", " ButterKnife", " 1.714", " 0.120", " 0.599", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 58" ], [ "38", " Bread", " -0.320", " 1.006", " 0.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "39", " Tomato", " -1.750", " 1.524", " -0.081", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "40", " Potato", " -1.771", " 1.053", " -0.269", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "41", " DishSponge", " 1.713", " 0.225", " 0.462", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "42", " Spoon", " 0.000", " 0.926", " 0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "43", " Mug", " -1.783", " 0.834", " 0.013", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "44", " Bowl", " 0.000", " 0.924", " 0.970", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "45", " Cabinet", " -0.495", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Window", " -0.010", " 1.582", " -1.821", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 0.805", " 0.475", " -1.159", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.601", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.196", " -0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.629", " -0.018", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.602", " -0.019", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Cabinet", " -1.703", " 2.022", " -1.453", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.789", " 2.019", " -0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 0.494", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 0.409", " 0.475", " 0.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " -0.696", " 0.475", " -1.159", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.140", " 0.599", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 1.389", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.305", " 0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.601", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.429", " -0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.519", " 1.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.705", " 2.019", " -1.449", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " CounterTop", " 0.002", " 0.947", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.629", " 0.605", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -0.627", " 2.019", " -1.449", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.538", " 0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Sink", " 0.0", " 0.893", " -1.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.782", " 1.220", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Window", " 2.217", " 1.565", " -0.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " CounterTop", " -0.014", " 0.961", " 0.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.200", " 1.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Window", " -3.240", " 1.616", " 2.693", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " -1.389", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " LightSwitch", " -0.153", " 1.291", " 3.700", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " GarbageCan", " -1.796", " 0.009", " 1.330", " 0", " 270", " 358.295", "" ], [ "81", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.570", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "82", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.625", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "83", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.739", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "84", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.680", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "85", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.462", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "86", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.517", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "87", " Microwave", " 1.932", " 0.899", " -0.766", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.355", " 0.899", " -1.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Fridge", " -1.764", " 0.0", " 0.014", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " SinkBasin", " -0.014", " 0.736", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Toaster", " 1.977", " 0.900", " -0.336", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Faucet", " -0.020", " 1.137", " -1.605", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Chair", " -9.354", " 0.000", " 1.242", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "95", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "96", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "97", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 2.0 0 0 0 1 Kettle -0.213 0.926 0.041 0 0 0 74 2 Kettle 1.975 0.938 0.601 0 180 0 61 3 DishSponge -1.796 0.040 1.371 0 270 0 80 4 DishSponge -1.764 1.661 -0.905 0 90 0 53 5 Spoon 1.713 0.471 -0.020 0 0 0 62 6 Spatula -1.902 0.926 -0.864 0 270 0 66 7 Spatula 0.889 0.926 -1.221 0 0 0 66 8 Pot -1.668 0.915 -1.610 0 0 0 66 9 Pot -0.193 0.118 -1.409 0 0 0 45 10 Plate 0.107 0.924 1.202 0 0 0 74 11 Plate -1.114 1.678 -1.614 0 0 0 68 12 Tomato -1.749 0.894 -0.175 0 90 0 89 13 Bowl 0.000 0.924 0.738 0 0 0 74 14 Bowl -1.803 1.675 0.201 0 90 0 89 15 SaltShaker -0.081 0.111 -1.222 0 0 0 45 16 SaltShaker -1.990 0.907 -1.113 0 0 0 66 17 PepperShaker 1.610 0.691 0.113 0 0 0 50 18 Lettuce 0.321 1.002 0.273 0 0 0 74 19 Lettuce 0.170 0.837 -1.380 0 0 0 90 20 Apple -1.783 0.892 0.201 0 90 0 89 21 SoapBottle -0.867 1.683 -1.614 0 0 0 68 22 Cup 1.117 0.909 -1.513 0 0 0 66 23 Pot -1.750 1.680 -0.175 0 90 0 89 24 Fork 1.866 0.350 0.116 0 270 0 62 25 Ladle 1.762 0.269 1.153 0 0 0 75 26 Kettle 1.765 0.938 0.601 0 180 0 48 27 Egg -1.639 0.968 -0.914 0 0 0 66 28 Plate 1.802 0.910 -1.513 0 0 0 66 29 Pan 1.746 0.911 0.025 0 0 0 66 30 Lettuce -0.175 0.837 -1.490 0 0 0 90 31 Spatula 0.083 0.775 -1.435 0 0 0 90 32 Apple -1.803 1.522 0.295 0 90 0 89 33 Knife 1.574 0.933 -1.221 0 0 0 66 34 SaltShaker 1.612 0.221 1.350 0 0 0 75 35 PepperShaker 0.361 0.109 -1.597 0 0 0 55 36 CellPhone 0.853 0.669 -1.301 0 0 0 47 37 ButterKnife 1.714 0.120 0.599 0 270 0 58 38 Bread -0.320 1.006 0.738 0 0 0 74 39 Tomato -1.750 1.524 -0.081 0 90 0 89 40 Potato -1.771 1.053 -0.269 0 90 0 89 41 DishSponge 1.713 0.225 0.462 0 0 0 60 42 Spoon 0.000 0.926 0.273 0 0 0 74 43 Mug -1.783 0.834 0.013 0 90 0 89 44 Bowl 0.000 0.924 0.970 0 0 0 74 45 Cabinet -0.495 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 46 Window -0.010 1.582 -1.821 0 0 0 47 Drawer 0.805 0.475 -1.159 0 0 0 48 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.601 0 270 0 49 Drawer 1.5 0.196 -0.019 0 0 0 50 Drawer 1.5 0.629 -0.018 0 0 0 51 Drawer 1.5 0.602 -0.019 0 270 0 52 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.384 0 270 0 53 Cabinet -1.703 2.022 -1.453 0 90 0 54 Cabinet 1.789 2.019 -0.819 0 270 0 55 Cabinet 0.494 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 56 Cabinet 0.409 0.475 0.444 0 0 0 57 Drawer -0.696 0.475 -1.159 0 0 0 58 Drawer 1.5 0.140 0.599 0 270 0 59 Cabinet 1.389 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 60 Drawer 1.5 0.305 0.600 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.601 0 270 0 62 Drawer 1.5 0.429 -0.019 0 0 0 63 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.819 0 270 0 64 Drawer 1.5 0.519 1.220 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.705 2.019 -1.449 0 0 0 66 CounterTop 0.002 0.947 -1.513 0 0 0 67 Drawer 1.5 0.629 0.605 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -0.627 2.019 -1.449 0 0 0 69 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.384 0 270 0 70 Drawer 1.5 0.538 0.600 0 0 0 71 Sink 0.0 0.893 -1.434 0 0 0 72 Drawer 1.5 0.782 1.220 0 270 0 73 Window 2.217 1.565 -0.384 0 0 0 74 CounterTop -0.014 0.961 0.505 0 0 0 75 Drawer 1.5 0.200 1.220 0 0 0 76 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.819 0 270 0 77 Window -3.240 1.616 2.693 0 270 0 78 Cabinet -1.389 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 79 LightSwitch -0.153 1.291 3.700 0 180 0 80 GarbageCan -1.796 0.009 1.330 0 270 358.295 81 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.570 0 270 180 82 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.625 0 270 180 83 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.739 0 270 180 84 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.680 0 270 180 85 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.462 0 270 180 86 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.517 0 270 180 87 Microwave 1.932 0.899 -0.766 0 270 0 88 CoffeeMachine 1.355 0.899 -1.596 0 0 0 89 Fridge -1.764 0.0 0.014 0 90 0 90 SinkBasin -0.014 0.736 -1.435 0 0 0 91 Toaster 1.977 0.900 -0.336 0 270 0 92 Faucet -0.020 1.137 -1.605 0 270 0 93 Chair -9.354 0.000 1.242 0 180 0 94 NorthWall 95 EastWall 96 SouthWall 97 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and move to the microwave on the left. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife to your right. | STEP 3: Turn around and move around the island to the loaf of bread on the counter. | STEP 4: Slice the bread on the counter. | STEP 5: Turn to the right and move around the counter to the microwave. | STEP 6: Place the knife into the microwave. | STEP 7: Turn around and move around the island to the loaf of bread on the counter. | STEP 8: Pick up a slice of bread. | STEP 9: Turn to the right and move around the counter to the microwave. | STEP 10: Warm the bread in the microwave. | STEP 11: With the slice of bread, turn around and move to the fridge. | STEP 12: Place the slice of bread in the fridge. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and move to the microwave on the left. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife to your right. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and move around the island to the loaf of bread on the counter. ", " STEP 4: Slice the bread on the counter. ", " STEP 5: Turn to the right and move around the counter to the microwave. ", " STEP 6: Place the knife into the microwave. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and move around the island to the loaf of bread on the counter. ", " STEP 8: Pick up a slice of bread. ", " STEP 9: Turn to the right and move around the counter to the microwave. ", " STEP 10: Warm the bread in the microwave. ", " STEP 11: With the slice of bread, turn around and move to the fridge. ", " STEP 12: Place the slice of bread in the fridge. ", " END" ] ]
Put a knife in the microwave and a slice of bread in the refrigerator.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 2.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Kettle", " -0.213", " 0.926", " 0.041", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "2", " Kettle", " 1.975", " 0.938", " 0.601", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 61" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " -1.796", " 0.040", " 1.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 80" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " -1.764", " 1.661", " -0.905", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "5", " Spoon", " 1.713", " 0.471", " -0.020", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "6", " Spatula", " -1.902", " 0.926", " -0.864", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 66" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " 0.889", " 0.926", " -1.221", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "8", " Pot", " -1.668", " 0.915", " -1.610", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "9", " Pot", " -0.193", " 0.118", " -1.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "10", " Plate", " 0.107", " 0.924", " 1.202", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "11", " Plate", " -1.114", " 1.678", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "12", " Tomato", " -1.749", " 0.894", " -0.175", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "13", " Bowl", " 0.000", " 0.924", " 0.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "14", " Bowl", " -1.803", " 1.675", " 0.201", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " -0.081", " 0.111", " -1.222", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "16", " SaltShaker", " -1.990", " 0.907", " -1.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "17", " PepperShaker", " 1.610", " 0.691", " 0.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " 0.321", " 1.002", " 0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " 0.170", " 0.837", " -1.380", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "20", " Apple", " -1.783", " 0.892", " 0.201", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "21", " SoapBottle", " -0.867", " 1.683", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "22", " Cup", " 1.117", " 0.909", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "23", " Pot", " -1.750", " 1.680", " -0.175", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "24", " Fork", " 1.866", " 0.350", " 0.116", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "25", " Ladle", " 1.762", " 0.269", " 1.153", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "26", " Kettle", " 1.765", " 0.938", " 0.601", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 48" ], [ "27", " Egg", " -1.639", " 0.968", " -0.914", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "28", " Plate", " 1.802", " 0.910", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "29", " Pan", " 1.746", " 0.911", " 0.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "30", " Lettuce", " -0.175", " 0.837", " -1.490", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "31", " Spatula", " 0.083", " 0.775", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "32", " Apple", " -1.803", " 1.522", " 0.295", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "33", " Knife", " 1.574", " 0.933", " -1.221", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "34", " SaltShaker", " 1.612", " 0.221", " 1.350", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "35", " PepperShaker", " 0.361", " 0.109", " -1.597", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "36", " CellPhone", " 0.853", " 0.669", " -1.301", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "37", " ButterKnife", " 1.714", " 0.120", " 0.599", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 58" ], [ "38", " Bread", " -0.320", " 1.006", " 0.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "39", " Tomato", " -1.750", " 1.524", " -0.081", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "40", " Potato", " -1.771", " 1.053", " -0.269", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "41", " DishSponge", " 1.713", " 0.225", " 0.462", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "42", " Spoon", " 0.000", " 0.926", " 0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "43", " Mug", " -1.783", " 0.834", " 0.013", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "44", " Bowl", " 0.000", " 0.924", " 0.970", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "45", " Cabinet", " -0.495", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Window", " -0.010", " 1.582", " -1.821", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 0.805", " 0.475", " -1.159", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.601", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.196", " -0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.629", " -0.018", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.602", " -0.019", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Cabinet", " -1.703", " 2.022", " -1.453", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.789", " 2.019", " -0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 0.494", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 0.409", " 0.475", " 0.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " -0.696", " 0.475", " -1.159", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.140", " 0.599", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 1.389", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.305", " 0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.601", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.429", " -0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.519", " 1.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.705", " 2.019", " -1.449", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " CounterTop", " 0.002", " 0.947", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.629", " 0.605", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -0.627", " 2.019", " -1.449", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.538", " 0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Sink", " 0.0", " 0.893", " -1.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.782", " 1.220", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Window", " 2.217", " 1.565", " -0.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " CounterTop", " -0.014", " 0.961", " 0.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.200", " 1.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Window", " -3.240", " 1.616", " 2.693", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " -1.389", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " LightSwitch", " -0.153", " 1.291", " 3.700", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " GarbageCan", " -1.796", " 0.009", " 1.330", " 0", " 270", " 358.295", "" ], [ "81", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.570", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "82", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.625", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "83", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.739", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "84", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.680", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "85", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.462", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "86", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.517", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "87", " Microwave", " 1.932", " 0.899", " -0.766", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.355", " 0.899", " -1.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Fridge", " -1.764", " 0.0", " 0.014", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " SinkBasin", " -0.014", " 0.736", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Toaster", " 1.977", " 0.900", " -0.336", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Faucet", " -0.020", " 1.137", " -1.605", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Chair", " -9.354", " 0.000", " 1.242", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "95", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "96", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "97", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 2.0 0 0 0 1 Kettle -0.213 0.926 0.041 0 0 0 74 2 Kettle 1.975 0.938 0.601 0 180 0 61 3 DishSponge -1.796 0.040 1.371 0 270 0 80 4 DishSponge -1.764 1.661 -0.905 0 90 0 53 5 Spoon 1.713 0.471 -0.020 0 0 0 62 6 Spatula -1.902 0.926 -0.864 0 270 0 66 7 Spatula 0.889 0.926 -1.221 0 0 0 66 8 Pot -1.668 0.915 -1.610 0 0 0 66 9 Pot -0.193 0.118 -1.409 0 0 0 45 10 Plate 0.107 0.924 1.202 0 0 0 74 11 Plate -1.114 1.678 -1.614 0 0 0 68 12 Tomato -1.749 0.894 -0.175 0 90 0 89 13 Bowl 0.000 0.924 0.738 0 0 0 74 14 Bowl -1.803 1.675 0.201 0 90 0 89 15 SaltShaker -0.081 0.111 -1.222 0 0 0 45 16 SaltShaker -1.990 0.907 -1.113 0 0 0 66 17 PepperShaker 1.610 0.691 0.113 0 0 0 50 18 Lettuce 0.321 1.002 0.273 0 0 0 74 19 Lettuce 0.170 0.837 -1.380 0 0 0 90 20 Apple -1.783 0.892 0.201 0 90 0 89 21 SoapBottle -0.867 1.683 -1.614 0 0 0 68 22 Cup 1.117 0.909 -1.513 0 0 0 66 23 Pot -1.750 1.680 -0.175 0 90 0 89 24 Fork 1.866 0.350 0.116 0 270 0 62 25 Ladle 1.762 0.269 1.153 0 0 0 75 26 Kettle 1.765 0.938 0.601 0 180 0 48 27 Egg -1.639 0.968 -0.914 0 0 0 66 28 Plate 1.802 0.910 -1.513 0 0 0 66 29 Pan 1.746 0.911 0.025 0 0 0 66 30 Lettuce -0.175 0.837 -1.490 0 0 0 90 31 Spatula 0.083 0.775 -1.435 0 0 0 90 32 Apple -1.803 1.522 0.295 0 90 0 89 33 Knife 1.574 0.933 -1.221 0 0 0 66 34 SaltShaker 1.612 0.221 1.350 0 0 0 75 35 PepperShaker 0.361 0.109 -1.597 0 0 0 55 36 CellPhone 0.853 0.669 -1.301 0 0 0 47 37 ButterKnife 1.714 0.120 0.599 0 270 0 58 38 Bread -0.320 1.006 0.738 0 0 0 74 39 Tomato -1.750 1.524 -0.081 0 90 0 89 40 Potato -1.771 1.053 -0.269 0 90 0 89 41 DishSponge 1.713 0.225 0.462 0 0 0 60 42 Spoon 0.000 0.926 0.273 0 0 0 74 43 Mug -1.783 0.834 0.013 0 90 0 89 44 Bowl 0.000 0.924 0.970 0 0 0 74 45 Cabinet -0.495 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 46 Window -0.010 1.582 -1.821 0 0 0 47 Drawer 0.805 0.475 -1.159 0 0 0 48 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.601 0 270 0 49 Drawer 1.5 0.196 -0.019 0 0 0 50 Drawer 1.5 0.629 -0.018 0 0 0 51 Drawer 1.5 0.602 -0.019 0 270 0 52 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.384 0 270 0 53 Cabinet -1.703 2.022 -1.453 0 90 0 54 Cabinet 1.789 2.019 -0.819 0 270 0 55 Cabinet 0.494 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 56 Cabinet 0.409 0.475 0.444 0 0 0 57 Drawer -0.696 0.475 -1.159 0 0 0 58 Drawer 1.5 0.140 0.599 0 270 0 59 Cabinet 1.389 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 60 Drawer 1.5 0.305 0.600 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.601 0 270 0 62 Drawer 1.5 0.429 -0.019 0 0 0 63 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.819 0 270 0 64 Drawer 1.5 0.519 1.220 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.705 2.019 -1.449 0 0 0 66 CounterTop 0.002 0.947 -1.513 0 0 0 67 Drawer 1.5 0.629 0.605 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -0.627 2.019 -1.449 0 0 0 69 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.384 0 270 0 70 Drawer 1.5 0.538 0.600 0 0 0 71 Sink 0.0 0.893 -1.434 0 0 0 72 Drawer 1.5 0.782 1.220 0 270 0 73 Window 2.217 1.565 -0.384 0 0 0 74 CounterTop -0.014 0.961 0.505 0 0 0 75 Drawer 1.5 0.200 1.220 0 0 0 76 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.819 0 270 0 77 Window -3.240 1.616 2.693 0 270 0 78 Cabinet -1.389 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 79 LightSwitch -0.153 1.291 3.700 0 180 0 80 GarbageCan -1.796 0.009 1.330 0 270 358.295 81 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.570 0 270 180 82 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.625 0 270 180 83 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.739 0 270 180 84 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.680 0 270 180 85 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.462 0 270 180 86 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.517 0 270 180 87 Microwave 1.932 0.899 -0.766 0 270 0 88 CoffeeMachine 1.355 0.899 -1.596 0 0 0 89 Fridge -1.764 0.0 0.014 0 90 0 90 SinkBasin -0.014 0.736 -1.435 0 0 0 91 Toaster 1.977 0.900 -0.336 0 270 0 92 Faucet -0.020 1.137 -1.605 0 270 0 93 Chair -9.354 0.000 1.242 0 180 0 94 NorthWall 95 EastWall 96 SouthWall 97 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the end of the counter and turn towards the microwave. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the on the counter, to your right. | STEP 3: Turn around and go to the end of the counter, then turn right and go to the island on your right. | STEP 4: Cut the loaf of bread on the edge of the island into slices. | STEP 5: Turn to your right and go to the corner, then turn to your left and go to the microwave across from you. | STEP 6: Place the knife in the microwave. | STEP 7: Turn around and walk to the corner, then turn right and go back to the island on your right. | STEP 8: Pick up one of the slices of bread on the island. | STEP 9: Turn to your right and go to the corner, then turn to your left and go back to the microwave. | STEP 10: Place the slice of bread into the microwave, heat it up, then remove the slice of bread from the microwave. | STEP 11: Turn around and go to the corner, then turn to your left, and go to the refrigerator to your left. | STEP 12: Place the slice of bread on the top shelf of the refrigerator, in front of the white coffee cup. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the end of the counter and turn towards the microwave. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the on the counter, to your right. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and go to the end of the counter, then turn right and go to the island on your right. ", " STEP 4: Cut the loaf of bread on the edge of the island into slices. ", " STEP 5: Turn to your right and go to the corner, then turn to your left and go to the microwave across from you. ", " STEP 6: Place the knife in the microwave. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and walk to the corner, then turn right and go back to the island on your right. ", " STEP 8: Pick up one of the slices of bread on the island. ", " STEP 9: Turn to your right and go to the corner, then turn to your left and go back to the microwave. ", " STEP 10: Place the slice of bread into the microwave, heat it up, then remove the slice of bread from the microwave. ", " STEP 11: Turn around and go to the corner, then turn to your left, and go to the refrigerator to your left. ", " STEP 12: Place the slice of bread on the top shelf of the refrigerator, in front of the white coffee cup. ", " END" ] ]
put a slice of hot bread in the refrigerator
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 2.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Kettle", " -0.213", " 0.926", " 0.041", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "2", " Kettle", " 1.975", " 0.938", " 0.601", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 61" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " -1.796", " 0.040", " 1.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 80" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " -1.764", " 1.661", " -0.905", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "5", " Spoon", " 1.713", " 0.471", " -0.020", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "6", " Spatula", " -1.902", " 0.926", " -0.864", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 66" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " 0.889", " 0.926", " -1.221", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "8", " Pot", " -1.668", " 0.915", " -1.610", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "9", " Pot", " -0.193", " 0.118", " -1.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "10", " Plate", " 0.107", " 0.924", " 1.202", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "11", " Plate", " -1.114", " 1.678", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "12", " Tomato", " -1.749", " 0.894", " -0.175", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "13", " Bowl", " 0.000", " 0.924", " 0.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "14", " Bowl", " -1.803", " 1.675", " 0.201", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " -0.081", " 0.111", " -1.222", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "16", " SaltShaker", " -1.990", " 0.907", " -1.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "17", " PepperShaker", " 1.610", " 0.691", " 0.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " 0.321", " 1.002", " 0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " 0.170", " 0.837", " -1.380", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "20", " Apple", " -1.783", " 0.892", " 0.201", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "21", " SoapBottle", " -0.867", " 1.683", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "22", " Cup", " 1.117", " 0.909", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "23", " Pot", " -1.750", " 1.680", " -0.175", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "24", " Fork", " 1.866", " 0.350", " 0.116", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "25", " Ladle", " 1.762", " 0.269", " 1.153", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "26", " Kettle", " 1.765", " 0.938", " 0.601", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 48" ], [ "27", " Egg", " -1.639", " 0.968", " -0.914", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "28", " Plate", " 1.802", " 0.910", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "29", " Pan", " 1.746", " 0.911", " 0.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "30", " Lettuce", " -0.175", " 0.837", " -1.490", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "31", " Spatula", " 0.083", " 0.775", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 90" ], [ "32", " Apple", " -1.803", " 1.522", " 0.295", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "33", " Knife", " 1.574", " 0.933", " -1.221", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "34", " SaltShaker", " 1.612", " 0.221", " 1.350", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "35", " PepperShaker", " 0.361", " 0.109", " -1.597", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "36", " CellPhone", " 0.853", " 0.669", " -1.301", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "37", " ButterKnife", " 1.714", " 0.120", " 0.599", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 58" ], [ "38", " Bread", " -0.320", " 1.006", " 0.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "39", " Tomato", " -1.750", " 1.524", " -0.081", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "40", " Potato", " -1.771", " 1.053", " -0.269", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "41", " DishSponge", " 1.713", " 0.225", " 0.462", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "42", " Spoon", " 0.000", " 0.926", " 0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "43", " Mug", " -1.783", " 0.834", " 0.013", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 89" ], [ "44", " Bowl", " 0.000", " 0.924", " 0.970", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "45", " Cabinet", " -0.495", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Window", " -0.010", " 1.582", " -1.821", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 0.805", " 0.475", " -1.159", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.601", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.196", " -0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.629", " -0.018", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.602", " -0.019", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Cabinet", " -1.703", " 2.022", " -1.453", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.789", " 2.019", " -0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 0.494", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 0.409", " 0.475", " 0.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " -0.696", " 0.475", " -1.159", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.140", " 0.599", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 1.389", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.305", " 0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.601", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.429", " -0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.519", " 1.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.705", " 2.019", " -1.449", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " CounterTop", " 0.002", " 0.947", " -1.513", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.629", " 0.605", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -0.627", " 2.019", " -1.449", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " StoveBurner", " 1.764", " 0.902", " 0.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.538", " 0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Sink", " 0.0", " 0.893", " -1.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.782", " 1.220", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Window", " 2.217", " 1.565", " -0.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " CounterTop", " -0.014", " 0.961", " 0.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Drawer", " 1.5", " 0.200", " 1.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveBurner", " 1.975", " 0.902", " 0.819", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Window", " -3.240", " 1.616", " 2.693", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " -1.389", " 0.474", " -1.149", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " LightSwitch", " -0.153", " 1.291", " 3.700", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " GarbageCan", " -1.796", " 0.009", " 1.330", " 0", " 270", " 358.295", "" ], [ "81", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.570", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "82", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.625", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "83", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.739", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "84", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.680", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "85", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.462", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "86", " StoveKnob", " 1.602", " 0.917", " 0.517", " 0", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "87", " Microwave", " 1.932", " 0.899", " -0.766", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.355", " 0.899", " -1.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Fridge", " -1.764", " 0.0", " 0.014", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " SinkBasin", " -0.014", " 0.736", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Toaster", " 1.977", " 0.900", " -0.336", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Faucet", " -0.020", " 1.137", " -1.605", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Chair", " -9.354", " 0.000", " 1.242", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "95", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "96", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "97", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 2.0 0 0 0 1 Kettle -0.213 0.926 0.041 0 0 0 74 2 Kettle 1.975 0.938 0.601 0 180 0 61 3 DishSponge -1.796 0.040 1.371 0 270 0 80 4 DishSponge -1.764 1.661 -0.905 0 90 0 53 5 Spoon 1.713 0.471 -0.020 0 0 0 62 6 Spatula -1.902 0.926 -0.864 0 270 0 66 7 Spatula 0.889 0.926 -1.221 0 0 0 66 8 Pot -1.668 0.915 -1.610 0 0 0 66 9 Pot -0.193 0.118 -1.409 0 0 0 45 10 Plate 0.107 0.924 1.202 0 0 0 74 11 Plate -1.114 1.678 -1.614 0 0 0 68 12 Tomato -1.749 0.894 -0.175 0 90 0 89 13 Bowl 0.000 0.924 0.738 0 0 0 74 14 Bowl -1.803 1.675 0.201 0 90 0 89 15 SaltShaker -0.081 0.111 -1.222 0 0 0 45 16 SaltShaker -1.990 0.907 -1.113 0 0 0 66 17 PepperShaker 1.610 0.691 0.113 0 0 0 50 18 Lettuce 0.321 1.002 0.273 0 0 0 74 19 Lettuce 0.170 0.837 -1.380 0 0 0 90 20 Apple -1.783 0.892 0.201 0 90 0 89 21 SoapBottle -0.867 1.683 -1.614 0 0 0 68 22 Cup 1.117 0.909 -1.513 0 0 0 66 23 Pot -1.750 1.680 -0.175 0 90 0 89 24 Fork 1.866 0.350 0.116 0 270 0 62 25 Ladle 1.762 0.269 1.153 0 0 0 75 26 Kettle 1.765 0.938 0.601 0 180 0 48 27 Egg -1.639 0.968 -0.914 0 0 0 66 28 Plate 1.802 0.910 -1.513 0 0 0 66 29 Pan 1.746 0.911 0.025 0 0 0 66 30 Lettuce -0.175 0.837 -1.490 0 0 0 90 31 Spatula 0.083 0.775 -1.435 0 0 0 90 32 Apple -1.803 1.522 0.295 0 90 0 89 33 Knife 1.574 0.933 -1.221 0 0 0 66 34 SaltShaker 1.612 0.221 1.350 0 0 0 75 35 PepperShaker 0.361 0.109 -1.597 0 0 0 55 36 CellPhone 0.853 0.669 -1.301 0 0 0 47 37 ButterKnife 1.714 0.120 0.599 0 270 0 58 38 Bread -0.320 1.006 0.738 0 0 0 74 39 Tomato -1.750 1.524 -0.081 0 90 0 89 40 Potato -1.771 1.053 -0.269 0 90 0 89 41 DishSponge 1.713 0.225 0.462 0 0 0 60 42 Spoon 0.000 0.926 0.273 0 0 0 74 43 Mug -1.783 0.834 0.013 0 90 0 89 44 Bowl 0.000 0.924 0.970 0 0 0 74 45 Cabinet -0.495 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 46 Window -0.010 1.582 -1.821 0 0 0 47 Drawer 0.805 0.475 -1.159 0 0 0 48 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.601 0 270 0 49 Drawer 1.5 0.196 -0.019 0 0 0 50 Drawer 1.5 0.629 -0.018 0 0 0 51 Drawer 1.5 0.602 -0.019 0 270 0 52 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.384 0 270 0 53 Cabinet -1.703 2.022 -1.453 0 90 0 54 Cabinet 1.789 2.019 -0.819 0 270 0 55 Cabinet 0.494 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 56 Cabinet 0.409 0.475 0.444 0 0 0 57 Drawer -0.696 0.475 -1.159 0 0 0 58 Drawer 1.5 0.140 0.599 0 270 0 59 Cabinet 1.389 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 60 Drawer 1.5 0.305 0.600 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.601 0 270 0 62 Drawer 1.5 0.429 -0.019 0 0 0 63 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.819 0 270 0 64 Drawer 1.5 0.519 1.220 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.705 2.019 -1.449 0 0 0 66 CounterTop 0.002 0.947 -1.513 0 0 0 67 Drawer 1.5 0.629 0.605 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -0.627 2.019 -1.449 0 0 0 69 StoveBurner 1.764 0.902 0.384 0 270 0 70 Drawer 1.5 0.538 0.600 0 0 0 71 Sink 0.0 0.893 -1.434 0 0 0 72 Drawer 1.5 0.782 1.220 0 270 0 73 Window 2.217 1.565 -0.384 0 0 0 74 CounterTop -0.014 0.961 0.505 0 0 0 75 Drawer 1.5 0.200 1.220 0 0 0 76 StoveBurner 1.975 0.902 0.819 0 270 0 77 Window -3.240 1.616 2.693 0 270 0 78 Cabinet -1.389 0.474 -1.149 0 0 0 79 LightSwitch -0.153 1.291 3.700 0 180 0 80 GarbageCan -1.796 0.009 1.330 0 270 358.295 81 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.570 0 270 180 82 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.625 0 270 180 83 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.739 0 270 180 84 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.680 0 270 180 85 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.462 0 270 180 86 StoveKnob 1.602 0.917 0.517 0 270 180 87 Microwave 1.932 0.899 -0.766 0 270 0 88 CoffeeMachine 1.355 0.899 -1.596 0 0 0 89 Fridge -1.764 0.0 0.014 0 90 0 90 SinkBasin -0.014 0.736 -1.435 0 0 0 91 Toaster 1.977 0.900 -0.336 0 270 0 92 Faucet -0.020 1.137 -1.605 0 270 0 93 Chair -9.354 0.000 1.242 0 180 0 94 NorthWall 95 EastWall 96 SouthWall 97 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn then walk to the microwave | STEP 2: pick up the knife is next to the microwave | STEP 3: \n turn and walk to the bread that is on the table | STEP 4: slice the bread that is on the table | STEP 5: walked back to the microwave | STEP 6: put the knife in the microwave | STEP 7: walk back to the bread | STEP 8: pick up a slice of bread | STEP 9: walk back to the microwave | STEP 10: put a slice of bread in the microwave start the microwave take a slice of bread out of the microwave | STEP 11: walk to the refrigerator | STEP 12: put the slice of bread in the refrigerator shut the refrigerator door | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn then walk to the microwave ", " STEP 2: pick up the knife is next to the microwave ", " STEP 3: \n turn and walk to the bread that is on the table ", " STEP 4: slice the bread that is on the table ", " STEP 5: walked back to the microwave ", " STEP 6: put the knife in the microwave ", " STEP 7: walk back to the bread ", " STEP 8: pick up a slice of bread ", " STEP 9: walk back to the microwave ", " STEP 10: put a slice of bread in the microwave start the microwave take a slice of bread out of the microwave ", " STEP 11: walk to the refrigerator ", " STEP 12: put the slice of bread in the refrigerator shut the refrigerator door ", " END" ] ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

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