dict | text
stringlengths 2
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | ///
/// \file System/Paths.hpp
/// System paths for installing and locating system files.
/// \copyright
/// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Josh Blum
/// 2019 Nicholas Corgan
/// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#pragma once
#include <Pothos/Config.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Pothos {
namespace System {
* Get the root path of the Pothos installation.
* The root path is set by the POTHOS_ROOT environment variable.
* Otherwise set by the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX at configuration time.
POTHOS_API std::string getRootPath(void);
* Get the data path of the Pothos installation.
* This should be getRootPath()/share/Pothos
POTHOS_API std::string getDataPath(void);
* Where to put user local data.
* UNIX: This is $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share/Pothos
* Windows: This is %APPDATA%/Pothos
POTHOS_API std::string getUserDataPath(void);
* Where to put user local config.
* UNIX: This is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config/Pothos
* Windows: This is %APPDATA%/Pothos
POTHOS_API std::string getUserConfigPath(void);
* Get the complete path for the PothosUtil executable.
* The executable should be found in getRootPath()/bin.
POTHOS_API std::string getPothosUtilExecutablePath(void);
* Get the complete path to the Pothos runtime library.
POTHOS_API std::string getPothosRuntimeLibraryPath(void);
* Get the full path to the development headers directory.
POTHOS_API std::string getPothosDevIncludePath(void);
* Get the full path to the development libraries directory.
POTHOS_API std::string getPothosDevLibraryPath(void);
* Get the list of paths Pothos searches to find modules for the current
* ABI.
POTHOS_API std::vector<std::string> getPothosModuleSearchPaths();
} //namespace System
} //namespace Pothos
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | #include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <draw.h>
extern vlong _drawflength(int);
int _fontpipe(char*);
parsefontscale(char *name, char **base)
char *p;
int scale;
p = name;
scale = 0;
while('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
scale = scale*10 + *p - '0';
if(*p == '*' && scale > 0)
*base = p+1;
else {
*base = name;
scale = 1;
return scale;
extern char _defontfile[];
openfont1(Display *d, char *name)
Font *fnt;
int fd, i, n, scale;
char *buf, *nambuf, *nambuf0, *fname, *freename;
nambuf = 0;
freename = nil;
scale = parsefontscale(name, &fname);
if(strcmp(fname, "*default*") == 0) {
buf = strdup(_defontfile);
goto build;
fd = open(fname, OREAD);
if(fd < 0 && strncmp(fname, "/lib/font/bit/", 14) == 0){
nambuf = smprint("#9/font/%s", fname+14);
if(nambuf == nil)
return 0;
nambuf0 = unsharp(nambuf);
if(nambuf0 != nambuf)
nambuf = nambuf0;
if(nambuf == nil)
return 0;
if((fd = open(nambuf, OREAD)) < 0){
return 0;
if(scale > 1) {
name = smprint("%d*%s", scale, nambuf);
freename = name;
} else {
name = nambuf;
if(fd >= 0)
n = _drawflength(fd);
if(fd < 0 && strncmp(fname, "/mnt/font/", 10) == 0) {
fd = _fontpipe(fname+10);
n = 1024*1024;
if(fd < 0){
return 0;
buf = malloc(n+1);
if(buf == 0){
return 0;
i = readn(fd, buf, n);
if(i <= 0){
return 0;
buf[i] = 0;
fnt = buildfont(d, buf, name);
if(scale != 1) {
fnt->scale = scale;
fnt->height *= scale;
fnt->ascent *= scale;
fnt->width *= scale;
return fnt;
swapfont(Font *targ, Font **oldp, Font **newp)
Font f, *old, *new;
if(targ != *oldp)
sysfatal("bad swapfont %p %p %p", targ, *oldp, *newp);
old = *oldp;
new = *newp; = old->name;
f.display = old->display;
f.height = old->height;
f.ascent = old->ascent;
f.width = old->width;
f.nsub = old->nsub;
f.age = old->age;
f.maxdepth = old->maxdepth;
f.ncache = old->ncache;
f.nsubf = old->nsubf;
f.scale = old->scale;
f.cache = old->cache;
f.subf = old->subf;
f.sub = old->sub;
f.cacheimage = old->cacheimage;
old->name = new->name;
old->display = new->display;
old->height = new->height;
old->ascent = new->ascent;
old->width = new->width;
old->nsub = new->nsub;
old->age = new->age;
old->maxdepth = new->maxdepth;
old->ncache = new->ncache;
old->nsubf = new->nsubf;
old->scale = new->scale;
old->cache = new->cache;
old->subf = new->subf;
old->sub = new->sub;
old->cacheimage = new->cacheimage;
new->name =;
new->display = f.display;
new->height = f.height;
new->ascent = f.ascent;
new->width = f.width;
new->nsub = f.nsub;
new->age = f.age;
new->maxdepth = f.maxdepth;
new->ncache = f.ncache;
new->nsubf = f.nsubf;
new->scale = f.scale;
new->cache = f.cache;
new->subf = f.subf;
new->sub = f.sub;
new->cacheimage = f.cacheimage;
*oldp = new;
*newp = old;
static char*
hidpiname(Font *f)
char *p, *q;
int size;
// If font name has form x,y return y.
p = strchr(f->namespec, ',');
if(p != nil)
return strdup(p+1);
// If font name is /mnt/font/Name/Size/font, scale Size.
if(strncmp(f->name, "/mnt/font/", 10) == 0) {
p = strchr(f->name+10, '/');
if(p == nil || *++p < '0' || *p > '9')
goto scale;
q = p;
size = 0;
while('0' <= *q && *q <= '9')
size = size*10 + *q++ - '0';
return smprint("%.*s%d%s", utfnlen(f->name, p-f->name), f->name, size*2, q);
// Otherwise use pixel doubling.
return smprint("%d*%s", f->scale*2, f->name);
loadhidpi(Font *f)
char *name;
Font *fnew;
if(f->hidpi == f)
if(f->hidpi != nil) {
swapfont(f, &f->lodpi, &f->hidpi);
name = hidpiname(f);
fnew = openfont1(f->display, name);
if(fnew == nil)
f->hidpi = fnew;
swapfont(f, &f->lodpi, &f->hidpi);
openfont(Display *d, char *name)
Font *f;
char *p;
char *namespec;
// If font name has form x,y use x for lodpi, y for hidpi.
name = strdup(name);
namespec = strdup(name);
if((p = strchr(name, ',')) != nil)
*p = '\0';
f = openfont1(d, name);
return nil;
f->lodpi = f;
f->namespec = namespec;
/* add to display list for when dpi changes */
/* d can be nil when invoked from mc. */
if(d != nil) {
f->ondisplaylist = 1;
f->prev = d->lastfont;
f->next = nil;
f->prev->next = f;
d->firstfont = f;
d->lastfont = f;
/* if this is a hi-dpi display, find hi-dpi version and swap */
if(d->dpi >= DefaultDPI*3/2)
return f;
_fontpipe(char *name)
int p[2];
char c;
char buf[1024], *argv[10];
int nbuf, pid;
if(pipe(p) < 0)
return -1;
if(pid < 0) {
return -1;
if(pid == 0) {
dup(p[1], 1);
dup(p[1], 2);
if(p[1] > 2)
argv[0] = "fontsrv";
argv[1] = "-pp";
argv[2] = name;
argv[3] = nil;
execvp("fontsrv", argv);
print("exec fontsrv: %r\n");
// success marked with leading \001.
// otherwise an error happened.
for(nbuf=0; nbuf<sizeof buf-1; nbuf++) {
if(read(p[0], &c, 1) < 1 || c == '\n') {
buf[nbuf] = '\0';
return -1;
if(c == '\001')
return p[0];
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | ---
abstract: 'As early as the 1930s, Pál Erdős conjectured that: [*for any multiplicative function $f:\mathbb{N}\to\{-1,1\}$, the partial sums $\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)$ are unbounded.*]{} In this paper, after providing a counterexample to this conjecture, we consider completely multiplicative functions $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ as well as a class of similar multiplicative functions $f$ satisfying $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p)=c\cdot\frac{x}{\log x}(1+o(1)).$$ We prove that if $c>0$ then the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded, and if $c<0$ then the partial sums of $\mu f$ are unbounded. Extensions of this result are also given.'
address: 'University of Waterloo, Dept. of Pure Math., Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1, Canada'
- Michael Coons
title: On the multiplicative Erdős discrepancy problem
Erdős [@E1957] asked the following question, sometimes known as the Erdős Discrepancy Problem. [*“Let $f(n)=\pm 1$ be an arbitrary number theoretic function. Is it true that to every $c$ there is a $d$ and an $m$ for which $$\label{E8}\left|\sum_{k=1}^n f(kd)\right|>c\ ?$$ Inequality is one of my oldest conjectures.”*]{} (This particular quote is taken from a restatement of the conjecture in [@E1985 p.78]. See also [@E1985b] and [@EG].) Erdős offered 500 dollars for a proof of this conjecture. Erdős [@E1957 p.293] wrote in 1957 that this conjecture is twenty-five years old, placing its origin at least as far back as the early 1930s. In [@E1957; @E1985; @E1985b], Erdős also stated a multiplicative form of his conjecture.
\[Econj\] Let $f(n)=\pm 1$ be a multiplicative function, (i.e., $f(ab)=f(a)f(b)$, when $\gcd(a,b)=1$). Then $$\label{E9}\limsup_{x\to\infty}\left|\sum_{n\leqslant x} f(n)\right|=\infty;$$ that is, the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded.
Erdős added in [@E1985] that [*“clearly would follow from but as far as I know has never been proved. Incidentally was also conjectured by Tchudakoff.”*]{}
Conjecture \[Econj\] as stated is not true, and while this may be known to others in this field, there seems to be no account of it in the literature.
For a counterexample, consider the multiplicative function $g$ defined by $g(1)=1$, and on prime powers by $$\label{g}g(p^k)=\begin{cases} -1 &\mbox{if $p=2$ and $k\geq 1$}\\ 1 &\mbox{if $p\neq 2$ and $k\geq 1$}.\end{cases}$$ Then $g$ is periodic with period $2$ and for all $n\geq 1$ we have $g(2n)=-1$ and $g(2n-1)=1$. Thus $$\sum_{n\leq x}g(n)=\begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if $[x]$ is odd}\\ 0 & \mbox{if $[x]$ is even},\end{cases}$$ and so $$\limsup_{x\to\infty}\left|\sum_{n\leqslant x} g(n)\right|=1.$$
It may very well be the case that the function $g$ defined above is the only counterexample to Conjecture \[Econj\], but at least at this point, we can say that this is the only known counterexample. Along with Conjecture \[Econj\], Erdős [@E1957] conjectured a result on the mean values of multiplicative functions. A number–theoretic function $f:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{C}$ has a [*mean value*]{}, denoted $M(f)$, provided the limit $$\label{MV} M(f):=\lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{1}{x}\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)$$ exists. Erdős [@E1957; @E1985] (among others) conjectured that any multiplicative function taking the values $\pm 1$ has a mean value; this is usually called the Erdős–Wintner Conjecture. In 1961, Delange [@Del1] characterized those functions with positive mean value, and in 1967, Wirsing [@Wir1967] gave a complete solution to this conjecture, as well as the extension to all complex–valued multiplicative functions $f$ satisfying $|f|\leqslant 1$. This was later refined by Halász [@Halasz] in 1968. We state the result here only for those functions with which we are directly concerned.
\[TMV\] Let $f:\mathbb{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a multiplicative function. If $$\label{1f}\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{1-f(p)}{p}$$ is bounded then $M(f)$ exists and is positive, and if is unbounded then $M(f)=0$.
We note that the ideas of Theorem \[TMV\] have been generalized by many authors, including Granville and Soundararajan [@GS2007; @GS2008] and Goldmakher [@Leo]. In these works the authors use properties of a generalization of to give some new results concerning sums of certain types of Dirichlet characters. The generalization of is usually made by considering a special multiplicative function $g$ (e.g., a Dirichlet character) and comparing it to the multiplicative function of interest $f$ (e.g., a Dirichlet character) by means of investigating the asymptotics of $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{1-\Re(f\overline{g}(p))}{p}.$$ This sum can be thought of as a metric [@GS2007], and in some sense measures how $g$ mimics $f$; this terminology was introduced in [@Leo].
In contrast to this “mimicry metric,” we consider the asymptotics of $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{c-f(p)}{p}$$ for $c$ not necessarily equal to $1$. By considering sums like like this, we are able to give the following result toward Conjecture \[Econj\].
\[Tmain\] Let $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a multiplicative function such that there is some $k\geq 1$ with $f(2^k)=1$. Suppose that for some $c\in[-1,1]$ we have $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p)=c\cdot\frac{x}{\log x}(1+o(1)).$$ If $c>0$ then the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded, and if $c<0$ the partial sums of $\mu f$ are unbounded.
Some extensions of this theorem are given in Section \[exten\], including some instances of the case $c=0$. In Section \[CMF\], we show that this theorem is true for completely multiplicative functions without the assumption that there is some $k\geq 1$ with $f(2^k)=1$.
Completely multiplicative functions {#CMF}
If a multiplicative function $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ has positive mean value, then clearly the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded; they are asymptotic to $M(f)\cdot x$. The triviality leaves when we consider functions with $M(f)=0$.
Let $f:\mathbb{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a completely multiplicative function (i.e., $f(ab)=f(a)f(b)$ for all $a,b\in{\mathbb}{N}$) and suppose that $c\in[-1,1)$. If $$\sum_{p}\frac{c-f(p)}{p}<\infty,$$ then the mean value of $f$ exists and is equal to $0$.
This follows from Theorem \[TMV\] in a very straightforward way. We need only note that $$\begin{gathered}
\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{1-f(p)}{p}=\sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{1-c+c-f(p)}{p}\\ =(1-c)\sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{1}{p}+\sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{c-f(p)}{p}=(1-c)\log\log x+O(1).\qedhere\end{gathered}$$
To prove Theorem \[Tmain\], we will first prove the result for completely multiplicative functions $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$. The bulk of the work is taken up by the following lemma.
\[Lcf\] Let $f:\mathbb{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a completely multiplicative function. Suppose that $c\in[-1,1]$ is nonzero and $$\sum_{p}\frac{c-f(p)}{p}<\infty.$$ If $c>0$ then the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded, and if $c<0$ the partial sums of $\mu f$ are unbounded.
Suppose firstly that $c>0$. To give the desired result, it is enough to show that $$\lim_{x\to\infty} \sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{f(n)}{n}=\infty.$$ To this end, note that for ${\sigma}>1$ we have $$\begin{gathered}
\label{logF} \log F({\sigma})=\log \sum_{n\geqslant 1}\frac{f(n)}{n^{\sigma}} =-\sum_p\log\left(1-\frac{f(p)}{p}\right)\\ =\sum_p\sum_{k\geqslant 1}\frac{f(p)^k}{kp^{k{\sigma}}} =\sum_p \frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}+\sum_p\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(p)^k}{kp^{k{\sigma}}}=\sum_p \frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}+O(1),\end{gathered}$$ where the $O(1)$ term is valid for ${\sigma}>1/2$. Since $$\sum_p\frac{c-f(p)}{p}<\infty,$$ we have that $$\label{fposc}\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p}=c\log\log x+O(1).$$ The condition that $c>0$ ensures that $$\lim_{s\to 1^{+}}\sum_{p}\frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}=\infty,$$ and so the divergence of $\log F({\sigma})$ at ${\sigma}=1$ occurs because $\lim_{{\sigma}\to 1^+}F({\sigma})=\infty$.
In the light of it must be the case that $$\label{fninfty}\lim_{x\to\infty}\sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{f(n)}{n}=\infty.$$ Thus we have that $$\limsup_{x\to\infty} \left|\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)\right|=\infty.$$ For if not, there is a real number $M>0$ such that $\left|\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)\right|<M,$ and by partial summation, we would then have that $$\sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{f(n)}{n}=\frac{1}{x}\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)+\int_1^x\left(\sum_{n\leqslant t}f(n)\right)\frac{dt}{t^2}=O\left(\int_1^x\frac{dt}{t^2}\right)=O(1),$$ which contradicts .
Now suppose that $c<0$. In this case, instead of $F({\sigma})$, we consider the function $1/F({\sigma})$. Running through the above argument gives $$\label{1overF}-\log F({\sigma})=-\sum_p \frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}+O(1),$$ where again the $O(1)$ term is valid for ${\sigma}>1/2.$ Similar to the above, using the assumption of the lemma, we have that $$\label{fnegc}-\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p}=|c|\log\log x+O(1),$$ which in turn gives, due to that $$\lim_{{\sigma}\to 1^+}\frac{1}{F({\sigma})}=\infty.$$ This implies that $$\lim_{x\to\infty}\sum_{n\leqslant x}\frac{\mu(n)f(n)}{n}=\infty,$$ which using a similar argument as the case $c>0$, give that $$\limsup_{x\to\infty}\left|\sum_{n\leqslant x}\mu(n)f(n)\right|=\infty.$$ This completes the proof of the lemma.
Our proof of the main theorem follows from the similar result for completely multiplicative functions. Using partial summation we have the following theorem.
\[Tcmain\] Let $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a completely multiplicative function. Suppose that for some $c\in[-1,1]$ we have $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p)=c\cdot\frac{x}{\log x}(1+o(1)).$$ If $c>0$ then the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded, and if $c<0$ the partial sums of $\mu f$ are unbounded.
This follows directly from Lemma \[Lcf\]. The condition $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p)=c\cdot\frac{x}{\log x}(1+o(1))$$ gives by partial summation that $$\begin{aligned}
\nonumber \sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p} &=\frac{1}{x}\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p)+\int_1^x\left(\sum_{p\leqslant t}f(p)\right)\frac{dt}{t^2}\\
\nonumber &=c\cdot\frac{1}{\log x}(1+o(1))+c\int_1^x\frac{1}{t\log t}(1+o(1))dt\\
\label{cdens}&=c\log\log x(1+o(1)).\end{aligned}$$ Note that the proof of the lemma follows from the divergent behavior of $\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p}$ in both and , and that this divergence is satisfied by . Thus using in the place of and is enough to prove Lemma \[Lcf\], and thus the condition implies the result of the theorem.
Extension to multiplicative functions
The results of the previous section are extendable to multiplicative functions $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ with the added condition that there is some $k\geq 1$ with $f(2^k)=1$. In this section, by relating a multiplicative function $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ to a related completely multiplicative function, we are able to deduce Theorem \[Tmain\] as a corollary to Theorem \[Tcmain\]. This is obtained via the following lemma.
\[multf\] Let $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a multiplicative function such that there is some $k\geq 1$ with $f(2^k)=1$. Then $$F({\sigma})=\sum_{n\geqslant 1}\frac{f(n)}{n^{\sigma}}=\Pi({\sigma})\cdot \prod_p\left(1-\frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}\right)^{-1}\qquad \left({\sigma}>1\right),$$ where $$\Pi({\sigma})=\prod_p\left(1+\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(p^k)-f(p^{k-1})f(p)}{p^{k{\sigma}}}\right).$$ Moreover, there is a ${\sigma}_0(f)\in(0,1)$ such that $\Pi({\sigma})$ is absolutely convergent for ${\sigma}>{\sigma}_0(f).$
Note that if $f$ is multiplicative, then for ${\sigma}>1$ we have using the Euler product for its generating Dirichlet series that $$\begin{aligned}
F({\sigma}):=\sum_{n\geqslant 1}\frac{f(n)}{n^{\sigma}}&=\prod_p\left(1+\frac{f(p^2)}{p^{2{\sigma}}}+\frac{f(p^3)}{p^{3{\sigma}}}+\cdots\right)\\
&=\prod_p\left(1-\frac{f(p)}{p^{{\sigma}}}\right)^{-1}\cdot\prod_p\left(1+\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(p^k)-f(p^{k-1})f(p)}{p^{k{\sigma}}}\right).\end{aligned}$$
It remains to show that $\Pi({\sigma})$ is absolutely convergent for ${\sigma}>\frac{\log {\varphi}}{\log 2}$. Firstly, note that for each prime $p$ we have $$\begin{gathered}
\label{Piterm}1+\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(p^k)-f(p^{k-1})f(p)}{p^{k{\sigma}}}\\ \geq\max\left\{1+\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(2^k)-f(2^{k-1})f(2)}{2^{k{\sigma}}},1-\frac{2}{3^{\sigma}(3^{\sigma}-1)}\right\}.\end{gathered}$$ To ensure that none of the factors of the product $\Pi({\sigma})$ is zero, we will show that the right–hand side of is greater than zero for ${\sigma}>\frac{\log{\varphi}}{\log 2}.$ Now if $f(2^k)=1$ for all $k\geq 1$, then $$1+\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(2^k)-f(2^{k-1})f(2)}{2^{k{\sigma}}}=1>0,$$ regardless of the range of ${\sigma}$. Thus we may suppose that $f(2^k)\neq 1$ identically. Then, using our assumption, since $f(2^k)=1$ for at least one $k\geq 1$, we have for some $k\geq 2$ that $f(2)\neq f(2^k)$. Rephrased, this means that there is a $k\geq 3$ such that $f(2^{k-1})f(2)=-1$. Denote $$k_0:=\min\{k\geq 3: f(2^{k-1})f(2)=-1\}.$$ Then $$1+\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(2^k)-f(2^{k-1})f(2)}{2^{k{\sigma}}}\geq 1-2\sum_{k\geq 2}\frac{1}{2^{k{\sigma}}}+\frac{2}{2^{k_0{\sigma}}}=1-\frac{2}{2^{\sigma}(2^{\sigma}-1)}+\frac{2}{2^{k_0{\sigma}}}.$$ Note that for ${\sigma}>0$ and $k_0\geq 2$, the function $$1-\frac{2}{2^{\sigma}(2^{\sigma}-1)}+\frac{2}{2^{k_0{\sigma}}}$$ is continuous and increasing. Also at ${\sigma}=1$ we have $$1-\frac{2}{2^1(2^1-1)}+\frac{2}{2^{k_0}}=\frac{2}{2^{k_0}}>0,$$ so that by continuity and the fact that $k_0\geq 3$, there is some minimal ${\alpha}:={\alpha}(k_0)\in(0,1)$ such that for ${\sigma}>{\alpha}$ we have $$1-\frac{2}{2^{\sigma}(2^{\sigma}-1)}+\frac{2}{2^{k_0{\sigma}}}>0.$$
Also, we have that $$3^{2{\sigma}}-3^{\sigma}-2>0$$ for ${\sigma}>\frac{\log 2}{\log3}$ by the quadratic formula. Since $3^{2{\sigma}}-3^{\sigma}-2>0$ precisely when $1-\frac{2}{3^{\sigma}(3^{\sigma}-1)}>0$, combining this with the above, we have that each of the terms of the product $\Pi({\sigma})$ is positive for all $${\sigma}>{\sigma}_0(f):=\max\left\{{\alpha},\frac{\log 2}{\log 3}\right\}.$$ Since this maximum is strictly less that one, the only thing left to show is that the sum $\sum_p\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(p^k)-f(p^{k-1})f(p)}{p^{k{\sigma}}}$ is absolutely convergent. We have that $$\begin{aligned}
\sum_p\left|\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{f(p^k)-f(p^{k-1})f(p)}{p^{k{\sigma}}}\right|
\leqslant \sum_p\sum_{k\geqslant 2}\frac{2}{p^{k\sigma}}
=2\sum_p\frac{1}{p^\sigma}\cdot\frac{1}{p^\sigma-1},\end{aligned}$$ which is convergent when $\sigma>1/2$, proving the lemma.
It is worth remarking that assuming that $f(2^k)=1$ for some $k\geq 1$ ensures that we are not considering the counterexample $g$ defined in .
We now give the proof of Theorem \[Tmain\] as a corollary to Theorem \[Tcmain\].
Let $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a multiplicative function such that $f(2^k)=1$ for some $k\geq 1$, and denote $F({\sigma})=\sum_{n\geqslant 1}\frac{f(n)}{n^{\sigma}}$. By Lemma \[multf\], we have that $$F({\sigma})=\Pi({\sigma})F_c({\sigma}),$$ where $\Pi({\sigma})$ is defined by as in Lemma \[multf\] and $F_c({\sigma})$ is the generating Dirichlet series for the completely multiplicative function $f_c:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ defined by $f_c(p)=f(p)$ for all primes $p$. Similar to , we have that $$\log F({\sigma})=\log\Pi({\sigma})+\log F_c({\sigma})=\sum_p\frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}+O(1),$$ since $\Pi({\sigma})>0$ for ${\sigma}\geq 1$. If $c>0,$ then considering the proof of Theorem \[Tcmain\] for $F_c({\sigma})$ gives that $$\lim_{{\sigma}\to 1^+}F_c({\sigma})=\infty,$$ and so $$\lim_{{\sigma}\to 1^+}F({\sigma})=\infty,$$ which in turn gives that the partial sums $\sum_{n\leqslant x} f(n)$ are unbounded.
If $c<0$ we just consider the proof of Theorem \[Tcmain\] for the function $1/F({\sigma})$, and use the equation $$\log \frac{1}{F({\sigma})}=-\log F({\sigma})=-\log \Pi({\sigma})-\log F_c({\sigma})$$ to yield the result.
Weakening of hypotheses and further extensions {#exten}
In Theorem \[Tcmain\] we can replace the condition $$\label{cf}\sum_p\frac{c-f(p)}{p}<\infty$$ with something considerably weaker.
Note that assumption is given so that we may use an asymptotic of the form $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p}=c\log\log x+O(1),$$ for nonzero $c\in[-1,1]$. In the case of positive $c$ we can weaken the condition to $$\label{liminf}\lim_{x\to\infty}\sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p}=\infty,$$ and in the case of negative $c$ we can weaken the condition to $$\label{limsup}\lim_{x\to\infty} \sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p}=-\infty.$$ Then if holds we have that $\sum_{n\leqslant x} f(n)$ is unbounded, and if holds we have that $\sum_{n\leqslant x} \mu(n)f(n)$ is unbounded. As far as “density conditions” the above limits are satisfied when we take $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p) =\frac{c\cdot x}{\log x \log_2 x\cdots \log_k x}(1+o(1)),$$ where $\log_j x$ denotes $\log\log\cdots\log x$ with “$\log$” written $j$ times, $k$ is any nonnegative integer, and $c\neq 0$ is taken to be positive or negative depending on the desired case; this is easily seen via partial summation.
We can do a little in the case that $c=0$. Indeed, all we really need is to have for some ${\sigma}>1/2$ that either $$\label{weakgs}\lim_{x\to\infty} \sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}=\infty\qquad\mbox{or}\qquad\lim_{x\to\infty} \sum_{p\leqslant x}\frac{f(p)}{p^{\sigma}}=-\infty.$$ In this case, the same method gives the following theorem, though consideration of the limits in directly gives a more exact result.
\[extmain\] Let $f:{\mathbb}{N}\to\{-1,1\}$ be a completely multiplicative function, ${\sigma}>1/2$, $k$ a nonnegative integer, and suppose that $$\sum_{p\leqslant x}f(p)=\frac{c\cdot x^{\sigma}}{\log x \log_2 x\cdots \log_k x}(1+o(1)).$$ If $c>0$ then the partial sums of $f$ are unbounded, and if $c<0$ then the partial sums of $\mu f$ are unbounded.
As discussed above, the proof of Theorem \[extmain\] follows exactly the same as that of Theorem \[Tcmain\], and as such we omit it for fear of sounding redundant. Theorem \[Tmain\] can be generalized similarly, but with the added assumptions that both $f\neq g$ for $g$ as defined in , and that ${\sigma}>{\sigma}_0(f)$ as defined in the proof of Lemma \[multf\].
Concluding remarks
Functions satisfying for positive $c$ are, in some sense, large. In fact, since $F({\sigma})$ are divergent at ${\sigma}=1$, we have, using an obvious abuse of notation, at least that $$\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)\gg x^{1-{\varepsilon}}$$ for any ${\varepsilon}>0$. Probably this can be improved, but our original purpose was to just prove the unboundedness of partial sums. Indeed, using the terminology of Goldmakher [@Leo], we should have that the function $f(n)$ mimics the function $c^{\Omega(n)}$ and the partial sums of this function are quite large; we have $$\sum_{n\leqslant x} c^{\Omega(n)}\geqslant \sum_{p\leqslant x}c=c\cdot\pi(x).$$
As an extension of the results for negative $c$, it would be nice if one could show that since $\sum_{n\leqslant x}\mu(n)f(n)$ is unbounded, so is $\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)$. We suspect that one may have to consider cases whether or not the Riemann hypothesis holds. Nonetheless, since we have $$\sum_{n\leqslant x}\mu(n)f(n)\gg x^{1-{\varepsilon}}$$ for any ${\varepsilon}>0$ and the partial sums of $\mu$ are not too small, $\sum_{n\leqslant x} \mu(n)\neq O(x^{1/2}),$ something may be able to be done in this case. Indeed, we conjecture that in this case one should have at least that $$\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)\gg x^{1/2-{\varepsilon}}$$ for any ${\varepsilon}>0$. Towards something like this we have tried to factor $F(s)$ in an enlightening way (to find a singularity at $s=1/2$, but to no avail. We note that one has for any such series $F(s)$ and $c\in[-1,0)$, that $$F(s)=\left(\frac{{\zeta}(2s)}{{\zeta}(s)}\right)^{|c|}\frac{e^{\frac{P(2s)}{2}}D(s)}{{\zeta}(2s)^{\frac{|c|}{2}}}\cdot\exp\left[-\sum_p\frac{c-f(p)}{p^s}\right],$$ where $P(s)$ is the prime zeta function and the function $D(s)$ is absolutely convergent for $\Re(s)>1/3$.
Hubert Delange, *Sur les fonctions arithmétiques multiplicatives*, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (3) **78** (1961), 273–304.
P. Erd[ő]{}s, *Some unsolved problems*, Michigan Math. J. **4** (1957), 291–300.
[to3em]{}, *On some of my problems in number theory [I]{} would most like to see solved*, Number theory ([O]{}otacamund, 1984), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1122, Springer, Berlin, 1985, pp. 74–84.
[to3em]{}, *Some applications of probability methods to number theory*, Mathematical statistics and applications, [V]{}ol. [B]{} ([B]{}ad [T]{}atzmannsdorf, 1983), Reidel, Dordrecht, 1985, pp. 1–18.
P. Erd[ő]{}s and R. L. Graham, *Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory*, Monographies de L’Enseignement Mathématique \[Monographs of L’Enseignement Mathématique\], vol. 28, Université de Genève L’Enseignement Mathématique, Geneva, 1980.
L. Goldmakher, *Multiplicative mimicry and the [P]{}ólya–[V]{}inogradov inequality*, (available at []{}), preprint.
A. Granville and K. Soundararajan, *Large character sums: pretentious characters and the [P]{}ólya-[V]{}inogradov theorem*, J. Amer. Math. Soc. **20** (2007), no. 2, 357–384 (electronic).
[to3em]{}, *Pretentious multiplicative functions and an inequality for the zeta-function*, Anatomy of integers, CRM Proc. Lecture Notes, vol. 46, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2008, pp. 191–197.
G. Hal[á]{}sz, *Über die [M]{}ittelwerte multiplikativer zahlentheoretischer [F]{}unktionen*, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. **19** (1968), 365–403.
E. Wirsing, *Das asymptotische [V]{}erhalten von [S]{}ummen über multiplikative [F]{}unktionen. [II]{}*, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. **18** (1967), 411–467.
[^1]: The research of M. Coons is supported by a Fields-Ontario Fellowship and NSERC.
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Cardiac ATP breakdown and mechanical function during recurrent periods of anoxia.
The effect of repeated short anoxic or ischemic periods on ATP breakdown and cardiac function remains controversial. To analyze this issue further and to study the regulation of adenine nucleotide breakdown during recurrent cardiac anoxia, we compared two different protocols of intermittent anoxia. Four rat hearts, perfused according to Langendorff, were exposed to 12 periods of anoxia, each lasting 1 minute, with reoxygenation periods of 3 minutes (protocol A). A second group of 8 hearts were made anoxic for 6 periods of anoxia, each lasting 1 minute, followed by 6 periods of anoxia, each lasting 2 minutes, with the same reoxygenation periods (protocol B). Adenosine production was studied with high performance liquid chromatography, ventricular contraction was monitored using a force transducer. During anoxia a substantial vasodilation and immediate fall in strength of ventricular contraction occurred. They were most pronounced during the first anoxic period and during the change from 1 to 2 minute periods of anoxia. Adenosine production was about 1 nmol/min during the first 1-minute anoxic period, decreasing during the following 1-minute anoxic periods. During the first 2-minute anoxic period, a new and much higher adenosine peak was observed (6 nmol/min), decreasing during the following 2-minute anoxic periods. Total purine release followed a pattern similar to that of adenosine. The concentration of ATP at the end of protocol B was 18.5 mumol/g dry tissue, which is significantly lower than that in protocol A (21.6 mumol/g). The results show that ATP breakdown during intermittent anoxia gradually decreases, notwithstanding the presence of substantial amounts of ATP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
How to display () menu items over divs - z-index not working
I am using a ul & li a bit like a select dropdown to trigger a JS function (not shown).
It's working fine - except the menu items appear BEHIND divs that are shown below them.
I've mocked up the problem here:
I'm fiddling with z-index and position:absolute but can't see how to make it work.
Can anyone help?
Here is the HTML and CSS:
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
color: gray;
font-weight: 100;
div, li {
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-ms-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
li {
color: #333333;
text-decoration: none;
/* background-image: url("images/mullion.gif"); */
div.images {
border: 1px solid #555555;
/* padding-left: 5px; */
width: 100%;
float: left;
clear: left;
margin-bottom: 20px;
background-image: url("images/iMullion.gif");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
div.lowerText {
width: 100%;
div.btn {/* +filter */
float: right;
width: 195px;
cursor: default;
text-align: right;
/* margin-left: 1px; */
display: inline-block;
div.btn1 {
float: left;
width: 153px;
cursor: default;
text-align: center;
margin-left: 1px;
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
color: black;
background-color: #79c1ee;
left: 182px;
div.btn2 {
float: left;
width: 20px;
display: inline-block;
color: white;
font-weight: 100;
text-align: center;
background-color: white;
cursor: default;
position: absolute;
left: 162px;
z-index: 100;
div.btn2 ul {
list-style: none;
position: absolute;
display: block;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
z-index: 100;
div.btn2 ul li {
display: none;
cursor: pointer;
color: white;
height: 25px;
background-color: #79c1ee;
margin-top: 1px;
z-index: 100;
div.btn2 ul li:first-child {
margin-top: 0px;
display: inline-block;
width: 20px;
z-index: 100;
div.btn2 ul:hover {
height: 200px;
div.btn2 ul:hover li {
display: block;
z-index: 100;
div.btn2 ul li:hover {
background-color: #13A3E2;
z-index: 100;
div.btn2 ul li:hover {
display: block;
width: 20px;
height: 100px;
div.btn3 {
margin-left: 1px;
float: left;
width: 20px;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
text-align: center;
font-weight: 400;
color: white;
background-color: #13A3E2;
position: absolute;
left: 336px;
cursor: pointer;
div.btn3:hover {
background-color: red;
div.btn4 {
/* border: 1px solid black; */
padding-left: 5px;
float: left;
width: 153px;
display: inline-block;
color: #444444;
cursor: default;
background-color: white;
div.attr {
padding-left: 5px;
color: #444444;
background-color: #79C1ED;
float: right;
clear: none;
display: inline-block;
text-align: left;
div.filters {
width: 100%;
line-height: 1.8;
overflow: hidden;
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
text-decoration: none;
float: left;
div.toptext {
line-height: 2.2;
display: block;
max-height: 35px;
color: #444444;
background-color: #555555;/* matches border color */
color: white;
width: 100%;
padding-left: 5px;
cursor: not-allowed;
/* border: 1px solid pink; */
div.leftnav {
width: 350px;
float: left;
clear: left;
div#container {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
<div class="leftnav">
<div class="images">
<div class="toptext">Filters
<div class="btn">+ filter</div>
<div id="container">
<div class="filters rem" id="f12">
<div class="btn4" id="b4f12">Pupil name</div>
<div class="btn2" id="b2f12">
<li id="ddf_12_0">=</li>
<li id="ddf_12_1">></li>
<div class="btn1" id="b1f12">Joe Bloggs</div>
<div class="btn3" id="if12">x</div>
<div class="filters rem" id="f13">
<div class="btn4" id="b4f13">Pupil name</div>
<div class="btn2" id="b2f13">
<li id="ddf_13_0">=</li>
<li id="ddf_13_1">></li>
<div class="btn1" id="b1f13">Bill Clinton</div>
<div class="btn3" id="if13">x</div>
@ Claudiu Yes it should be comment, but i dont have enough points to add comments
div.btn2 {
width: 20px;
display: inline-block;
color: white;
font-weight: 100;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
left: 162px;
div.btn2 ul {
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
div.btn2 ul li {
display: none;
cursor: pointer;
color: white;
height: 25px;
background-color: #79c1ee;
div.btn2 ul li:first-child {
display: inline-block;
width: 20px;
div.btn2:hover li {
display: block;
position: absolute;
width: 20px;
background: #000;
div.btn2:hover li:first-child {
position: relative;
div.btn2 ul li:hover {
background-color: #13A3E2;
i have updated the fiddle
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Adding a barcode scanner to an android application just to decode using Zxing
I've been searching on how to add a barcode scanner to my app just to decode barcodes. I found a really good application I could intergrate to do that called "Zxing" but the only problem is, it has encoding and decoding but what i really want is only decoding so that I could limit what I use from the Zxing open source file.
Ive searched plenty of places couldnt find just decoding with zxing?
So my question is how could I use Zxing only to decode and not to encode aswell?
Example codes and step by step instructions will be really appreciated.
Thanks in Advanced!
The simplest way to do it is scan via Intent.
here is some sample code:
//This intent will ask the Barcode Scanner app to scan a code and give us the result
Intent intent = new Intent("");
/* you can optionally add an extra to the intent that tells it what type of code its looking for. Like this:
* intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE");
* If you don't put that in it will scan all types.
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);
Then in your onActivityResult() you can get the scanned data like this:
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (requestCode == 0) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
// contents contains whatever was encoded
String contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT");
// Format contains the type of code i.e. UPC, EAN, QRCode etc...
String format = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT_FORMAT");
The Intent model is built in to the very core idea of android. And it was put there for good reason. By having only 1 application that handles the scanning of barcodes and just returns the result to any other application that wants to make use of it, we get less wasted space.
For instance, if a user has 5 apps that all scan different barcodes and do various things with them if all 5 of those apps include their own barcode decoding within their own app, the user now has 5 copies of the barcode reading functionality on their device wasting space.
Another upside to the Intent model(specifically with barcode decoding) is that it allows your application to require fewer permissions. Because you no longer need access to the camera.
It also makes everything much simpler for the developer. As you can see above the amount of effort it takes to integrate with zxing via intent is minimal. You'll find that it is possible to re-use some portions of the Zxing project and include them within your application. But that it is much more difficult to get up and running.
The ZXing project is open sourced so you are of course welcome to start picking through the source to figure out which classes you'll need to manually copy to your project. I suggest that if you intend to go this route that on your first attempt you do not try to remove the encoding functions. Get the entire thing up and working, and then start removing stuff. It is likely that if you try to take only some subset of the project some things won't function properly even though they don't seem like they should be affected by what you've left out.
One last bit of advice, I totally understand why you want to include this functionality within your own app(I've been there myself). But don't make this decision lightly and do take some time to consider things like this: Lets say you do include this functionality within your own application. All goes well for a while. But after some time goes by you start to see strange errors popping up on some devices that cause them to be unable to use the scanning functionality of your app. Now you will be in a situation where you are going to have to try to debug and fix something that you did not create, and likely do not completely understand all of what is going on under the hood of. Whereas integrating with Intents makes it so that this debugging and fixing is done by the people who actually know every bit of how it works and what problems need addressed, and they work on their own update schedule. So this fixes will get out to the masses much quicker than you could probably get them out.
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Paypal REST Api for Paying another paypal account
I'm looking into the new paypal REST api.
I want the ability to be able to pay another paypal account, transfer money from my acount to their acount. All the documentation I have seen so far is about charging users.
Is paying someone with the REST api possible? Similar to the function of the mass pay api or adaptive payments api.
At this moment, paying another user via API is not possible via REST APIs, so mass pay/Adaptive payments would be the current existing solution. It is likely that this ability will be part of REST in a future release.
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | Vote triggered after former Labour MP Fiona Onasanya was jailed for lying about a speeding offence.
Business tycoon Mike Greene could become the Brexit Party’s first MP in a by-election in the British town of Peterborough on Thursday.
The 54-year-old had been a supporter of the Conservative Party until March 29, when Prime Minister Theresa May postponed Brexit by six months, he told the Huffington Post.
The millionaire then had the opportunity to stand for the Brexit Party – a seven-week-old political group which takes pride in having no published manifesto beyond a hearty enthusiasm for Britain’s swift withdrawal from the European Union.
The by-election was triggered after former Labour MP Fiona Onasanya was jailed for lying about whether she was driving when her car was photographed by a speed camera.
In the first use of a “recall petition” since their introduction in 2015, 27 percent of her constituents demanded she be removed from office – far exceeding the 10 percent threshold required.
Onasanya had held the seat since 2017, when she defeated the incumbent Conservative MP, Stewart Jackson, by just 607 votes.
In the 2016 Brexit referendum, more than 62 percent of voters in the constituency voted to leave the European Union. In last week’s European Parliament elections, the Brexit Party received most votes of any party in Peterborough, with 38 percent of votes cast.
“Latest betting gives The Brexit Party an 82 percent chance of winning,” British bookmakers Ladbrokes tweeted on Wednesday afternoon.
Greene led a takeover bid for 140 convenience stores in 2015, and was financially backed by Greybull Capital – the finance firm which owned British Steel until its collapse last month. The shops were rebranded, but crashed into administration a year later at the cost of more than 1,600 workers’ jobs.
Also standing for election in Peterborough are Lisa Forbes, the Labour Party candidate who was forced to apologise after “liking” a Facebook post saying Prime Minister Theresa May was being controlled by “Zionist slave masters”, and Conservative candidate Paul Bristow, a former local councillor in West London and a previous parliamentary candidate in the northern England town of Middlesbrough.
They are joined on the polling slip by Beki Sellick, the Liberal Democrat who received 3.3 percent of the vote after fighting for the seat in the 2017 election, and Joseph Wells of the Green Party. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | 2011 Baku Cup
The 2011 Baku Cup was a professional tennis tournament played on hard courts. It was the first edition of the Baku Cup which was part of the 2011 WTA Tour. It took place in Baku, Azerbaijan between 18 and 24 July 2011.
WTA entrants
Rankings are as of July 11, 2011.
Other Entrants
The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw:
Nigina Abduraimova
Kamilla Farhad
Nina Khrisanova
The following players received entry from the qualifying draw:
Elena Bovina
Yana Buchina
Eirini Georgatou
Valeria Solovieva
The following players received entry from a lucky loser spot:
Tatia Mikadze
Vera Zvonareva def. Ksenia Pervak, 6–1, 6–4.
It was Zvonareva's second title of the year and 12th of her career.
Mariya Koryttseva / Tatiana Poutchek def. Monica Niculescu / Galina Voskoboeva, 6–3, 2–6, [10–8].
External links
Official Website
Category:2011 in Azerbaijani sport
Baku Cup
Category:Baku Cup |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | What to Watch: Hey ya! Outkast announces huge festival tour
What you should be viewing on the Internet and on screen: Outkast festival tour; “Archer” season premiere; drunk Jennifer Lawrence.
Geneseo Republic - Geneseo, IL
Posted Jan. 13, 2014 at 3:35 PM
Posted Jan. 13, 2014 at 3:35 PM
Screen time
“Archer” returns for its fifth season with episode “White Elephant,” facing the death of a longtime ISIS vet. … 10 p.m. EDT tonight, FX.
Best of the day
Heyyyy ya! To celebrate its 20th anniversary, OutKast has announced a tour of more than 40 festivals this year. For the uninitiated and superfans alike, here’s a list of OutKast’s top 10 songs, according to Stereogum.
Hot video: Jennifer Lawrence “too drunk” to sign autographs
Jennifer Lawrence was spotted this week outside of a restaurant in Beverly Hills, where she told photographers she was "too drunk" to sign autographs. |
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | // Copyright (c) 2009, Google Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Test case file for Breakpad.h/mm.
#import "GTMSenTestCase.h"
#import "Breakpad.h"
#include <mach/mach.h>
@interface BreakpadFramework_Test : GTMTestCase {
int last_exception_code_;
int last_exception_type_;
mach_port_t last_exception_thread_;
// We're not using Obj-C BOOL because we need to interop with
// Breakpad's callback.
bool shouldHandleException_;
// This method is used by a callback used by test cases to determine
// whether to return true or false to Breakpad when handling an
// exception.
- (bool)shouldHandleException;
// This method returns a minimal dictionary that has what
// Breakpad needs to initialize.
- (NSMutableDictionary *)breakpadInitializationDictionary;
// This method is used by the exception handling callback
// to communicate to test cases the properites of the last
// exception.
- (void)setLastExceptionType:(int)type andCode:(int)code
// Callback for Breakpad exceptions
bool myBreakpadCallback(int exception_type,
int exception_code,
mach_port_t crashing_thread,
void *context);
bool myBreakpadCallback(int exception_type,
int exception_code,
mach_port_t crashing_thread,
void *context) {
BreakpadFramework_Test *testCaseClass =
(BreakpadFramework_Test *)context;
[testCaseClass setLastExceptionType:exception_type
bool shouldHandleException =
[testCaseClass shouldHandleException];
NSLog(@"Callback returning %d", shouldHandleException);
return shouldHandleException;
const int kNoLastExceptionCode = -1;
const int kNoLastExceptionType = -1;
const mach_port_t kNoLastExceptionThread = MACH_PORT_NULL;
@implementation BreakpadFramework_Test
- (void) initializeExceptionStateVariables {
last_exception_code_ = kNoLastExceptionCode;
last_exception_type_ = kNoLastExceptionType;
last_exception_thread_ = kNoLastExceptionThread;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)breakpadInitializationDictionary {
NSMutableDictionary *breakpadParams =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:3];
[breakpadParams setObject:@"UnitTests" forKey:@BREAKPAD_PRODUCT];
[breakpadParams setObject:@"1.0" forKey:@BREAKPAD_VERSION];
[breakpadParams setObject:@"http://staging" forKey:@BREAKPAD_URL];
return breakpadParams;
- (bool)shouldHandleException {
return shouldHandleException_;
- (void)setLastExceptionType:(int)type
andThread:(mach_port_t)thread {
last_exception_type_ = type;
last_exception_code_ = code;
last_exception_thread_ = thread;
// Test that the parameters mark required actually enable Breakpad to
// be initialized.
- (void)testBreakpadInstantiationWithRequiredParameters {
BreakpadRef b = BreakpadCreate([self breakpadInitializationDictionary]);
STAssertNotNULL(b, @"BreakpadCreate failed with required parameters");
// Test that Breakpad fails to initialize cleanly when required
// parameters are not present.
- (void)testBreakpadInstantiationWithoutRequiredParameters {
NSMutableDictionary *breakpadDictionary =
[self breakpadInitializationDictionary];
// Skip setting version, so that BreakpadCreate fails.
[breakpadDictionary removeObjectForKey:@BREAKPAD_VERSION];
BreakpadRef b = BreakpadCreate(breakpadDictionary);
STAssertNULL(b, @"BreakpadCreate did not fail when missing a required"
" parameter!");
breakpadDictionary = [self breakpadInitializationDictionary];
// Now test with no product
[breakpadDictionary removeObjectForKey:@BREAKPAD_PRODUCT];
b = BreakpadCreate(breakpadDictionary);
STAssertNULL(b, @"BreakpadCreate did not fail when missing a required"
" parameter!");
breakpadDictionary = [self breakpadInitializationDictionary];
// Now test with no URL
[breakpadDictionary removeObjectForKey:@BREAKPAD_URL];
b = BreakpadCreate(breakpadDictionary);
STAssertNULL(b, @"BreakpadCreate did not fail when missing a required"
" parameter!");
// Test to ensure that when we call BreakpadAddUploadParameter,
// it's added to the dictionary correctly(this test depends on
// some internal details of Breakpad, namely, the special prefix
// that it uses to figure out which key/value pairs to upload).
- (void)testAddingBreakpadServerVariable {
NSMutableDictionary *breakpadDictionary =
[self breakpadInitializationDictionary];
BreakpadRef b = BreakpadCreate(breakpadDictionary);
STAssertNotNULL(b, @"BreakpadCreate failed with valid dictionary!");
// Test that it did not add the key/value directly, e.g. without
// prepending the key with the prefix.
STAssertNil(BreakpadKeyValue(b, @"key"),
@"AddUploadParameter added key directly to dictionary"
" instead of prepending it!");
NSString *prependedKeyname =
[@BREAKPAD_SERVER_PARAMETER_PREFIX stringByAppendingString:@"key"];
STAssertEqualStrings(BreakpadKeyValue(b, prependedKeyname),
@"Calling BreakpadAddUploadParameter did not prepend "
"key name");
// Test that when we do on-demand minidump generation,
// the exception code/type/thread are set properly.
- (void)testFilterCallbackReturnsFalse {
NSMutableDictionary *breakpadDictionary =
[self breakpadInitializationDictionary];
BreakpadRef b = BreakpadCreate(breakpadDictionary);
STAssertNotNULL(b, @"BreakpadCreate failed with valid dictionary!");
BreakpadSetFilterCallback(b, &myBreakpadCallback, self);
// This causes the callback to return false, meaning
// Breakpad won't take the exception
shouldHandleException_ = false;
[self initializeExceptionStateVariables];
STAssertEquals(last_exception_type_, kNoLastExceptionType,
@"Last exception type not initialized correctly.");
STAssertEquals(last_exception_code_, kNoLastExceptionCode,
@"Last exception code not initialized correctly.");
STAssertEquals(last_exception_thread_, kNoLastExceptionThread,
@"Last exception thread is not initialized correctly.");
// Cause Breakpad's exception handler to be invoked.
STAssertEquals(last_exception_type_, 0,
@"Last exception type is not 0 for on demand");
STAssertEquals(last_exception_code_, 0,
@"Last exception code is not 0 for on demand");
STAssertEquals(last_exception_thread_, mach_thread_self(),
@"Last exception thread is not mach_thread_self() "
"for on demand");
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | Conventionally, in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, micro-processing by lithography using a photoresist composition has been carried out. The micro-processing is a processing method including forming a thin film of a photoresist composition on a semiconductor substrate such as a silicon wafer, irradiating actinic rays such as ultraviolet rays through a mask pattern on which a pattern for a semiconductor device is depicted, developing it to obtain a photoresist pattern, and etching the semiconductor substrate using the photoresist pattern as a protective film. However, in recent progress in high integration of semiconductor devices, there has been a tendency that shorter wavelength actinic rays are being used, i.e., ArF excimer laser beam (wavelength 193 nm) have been taking the place of i-line (wavelength 365 nm) or KrF excimer laser beam (wavelength 248 nm). Along with this change, influences of random reflection and standing wave off a substrate have become serious problems. Accordingly, it has been widely studied to provide an anti-reflective coating between the photoresist and the substrate (Bottom Anti-Reflective Coating, BARC).
As the anti-reflective coating, inorganic anti-reflective coatings made of titanium, titanium dioxide, titanium nitride, chromium oxide, carbon or α-silicon and organic anti-reflective coatings made of a light-absorbing substance and a polymer compound are known. The former requires an installation such as a vacuum deposition apparatus, a CVD (chemical vapor deposition) apparatus or a sputtering apparatus. In contrast, the latter is considered advantageous in that it requires no special installation so that many studies have been made. For example, mention may be made of the acrylic resin type anti-reflective coating having a hydroxyl group being a crosslinking reaction group and a light absorbing group in the same molecule and the novolak resin type anti-reflective coating having a hydroxyl group being a crosslinking reaction group and a light absorbing group in the same molecule (see, for example U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,919,599 and 5,693,691).
The physical properties desired for organic anti-reflective coating materials include high absorbance to light and radioactive rays, no intermixing with the photoresist layer (being insoluble in photoresist solvents), no diffusion of low molecular substances from the anti-reflective coating material into the topcoat resist upon coating or heat-drying, and a higher dry etching rate than the photoresist (see, for example, Tom Lynch et al., “Properties and Performance of Near UV Reflectivity Control Layers”, US, in Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XI, Omkaram Nalamasu ed., Proceedings of SPIE, 1994, Vol. 2195, p. 225-229; G. Taylor et al., “Methacrylate Resist and Antireflective Coatings for 193 nm Lithography”, US, in Microlithography 1999: in Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XVI, Will Conley ed., Proceedings of SPIE, 1999, Vol. 3678, p. 174-185; and Jim D. Meador et al., “Recent Progress in 193 nm Antireflective Coatings, US, in Microlithography 1999: in Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XVI, Will Conley ed., Proceedings of SPIE, 1999, Vol. 3678, p. 800-809).
In recent years, miniaturization of process dimension in lithography process by use of KrF excimer laser beam or ArF excimer laser beam, that is, miniaturization of photoresist pattern to be formed is progressing. With the progress in the miniaturization of photoresist pattern, it is desired to make photoresist thinner in order to avoid collapse of photoresist pattern. When the photoresist is used in a form of thin film, it is desired that an organic anti-reflective coating used together with it can be removed for a short time in order to depress reduction in film thickness of the photoresist layer in a step of removing the organic anti-reflective coating by etching. That is, for reduction in time for etching removing step, it is required that any organic anti-reflective coating can be used in a form of thinner film, or that the organic anti-reflective coating has a larger selection ratio of etching rate with photoresist than the prior one.
By the way, a hitherto technique of anti-reflective coatings has been mainly considered on lithography process with irradiation light having a wavelength of 365 nm, 248 nm or 193 nm. As a result of such consideration, light absorbing components and light absorbing groups effectively absorbing light of each wavelength are developed, and they come to be utilized as one component of an organic anti-reflective coating composition. For example, it is known that chalcone dies prepared by condensation of 4-hydroxyacetophenone with 4-methoxybenzaldehyde are effective for irradiation light having a wavelength of 365 nm (see, for example Japanese Patent Laid-open No. Hei 11-511194), it is known that naphthalene group-containing polymers having a specific structure have high absorbance for irradiation light having a wavelength of 248 nm (see, for example Japanese Patent Laid-open No. Hei 10-186671), and it is known that resin binder compositions containing phenyl unit are excellent for irradiation light having a wavelength of 193 nm (see, for example Japanese Patent Laid-open No. 2000-187331).
In addition, it is known that tris(hydroxyalkyl)isocyanurate substituted with aromatic compound or alicyclic compound is used as a broad UV absorber (see, for example Japanese Patent Laid-open No. Hei 11-279523), and that a curing composition contains cyanuric acid as a polymerizable organic compound (see, for example Japanese Patent Laid-open No. Hei 10-204110). An anti-reflective coating composition containing cyanuric acid derivative is also known (see, for example WO 02/086624). Further, it is disclosed that a polyester synthesized from 1,3,5-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)cyanuric acid is used for an anti-reflective coating (see, for example EP 1298492 A and EP 1298493 A).
In recent years, lithography process with F2 excimer laser (wavelength 157 nm) being a light source having a shorter wavelength comes to be regarded as next-generation technology in place of that with ArF excimer laser (wavelength 193 nm). It is considered that the former process permits micro-processing of process dimension not more than 100 nm, and at present its development and research have been actively carried out from the aspects of apparatus and material, etc. However, most of the research on material relate to photoresist, and it is an actual condition that the research on organic anti-reflective coatings is little known. This is because components effectively absorbing light having a wavelength of 157 nm, that is light absorbing components having a strong absorption band at 157 nm are little known.
It is considered that as irradiation light provides process dimension not more than 100 nm. Therefore, it is also considered that a photoresist is used in a form of thin film having a thickness of 100 to 300 nm that is thinner compared with the prior one. Organic anti-reflective coatings used along with such a photoresist in a form of thin film require the followings: they can be used in a form of a thin film; and they have a high selectivity of dry etching for photoresist. And, it is considered that organic anti-reflective coatings are required to have a large attenuation coefficient k so that they could be used in a shape of thin film having a thickness of 30 to 80 nm. In a simulation with PROLITH ver. 5 (manufactured by Litho Tech Japan; expected and ideal values are used as optical constants (refractive index, attenuation coefficient) of the photoresist), an anti-reflective coating having a base substrate made of silicon with a thickness of 30 to 80 nm can have second minimum thickness (about 70 nm), and in this case the coating has an attenuation coefficient k of 0.3 to 0.6 and a reflectance from substrate of 2% or less, thus has a sufficient anti-reflective effect. In addition, a similar simulation in which silicon oxide is used as base substance and a thickness of silicon oxide varies between 100 nm and 200 nm results in that attenuation coefficient k of 0.4 to 0.6 is required in order to exert a sufficient anti-reflective effect with an anti-reflective coating having a thickness of 70 nm. For example, in case where attenuation coefficient k is 0.2, reflectance from substrate varies between 5% and 10%, and in case where attenuation coefficient k is 0.4, reflectance from substrate varies between 0% and 5%. Consequently, it is considered that in order to exert a sufficient anti-reflective effect, a high attenuation coefficient k, for example 0.3 or more is required. However, any material for organic anti-reflective coatings satisfying such an attenuation coefficient k have been little known.
Under such circumstances, it is demanded to develop organic anti-reflective coatings efficiently absorbing reflection light from a substrate and thereby having an excellent anti-reflective effect. Further, photoresists for lithography process for which irradiation light from F2 excimer laser are used are actively examined at present, and therefore it is considered that many kinds of photoresists will be developed in future. And, it is considered that a method of changing attenuation coefficient so as to suit required characteristics of each photoresist, for example a method of changing attenuation coefficient k comes to be important.
The present invention relates to a composition for forming anti-reflective coating, which has a strong absorption of light at a short wavelength, particularly light at wavelength of 248 nm, 193 nm or 157 nm. In addition, the present invention provides a composition for forming anti-reflective coating, which can be used in a lithography process for manufacturing a semiconductor device carried out by using irradiation light from KrF excimer laser (wavelength 248 nm), ArF excimer laser beam (wavelength 193 nm) or F2 excimer laser (wavelength 157 nm). Further, the present invention provides an anti-reflective coating for lithography which effectively absorbs reflection light from a substrate when irradiation light from KrF excimer laser, ArF excimer laser beam or F2 excimer laser is used for micro-processing, and which causes no intermixing with photoresist layer, can be rapidly removed in the following removal step, and has a high dry etching rate compared with the photoresists. In addition, the present invention provides a method of forming an anti-reflective coating for lithography by using the composition for forming anti-reflective coating, and a method of forming a photoresist pattern. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Detection of DNA-recombinant human epoetin-alfa as a pharmacological ergogenic aid.
The use of DNA-recombinant human epoetin-alfa (rhEPO) as a pharmacological ergogenic aid for the enhancement of aerobic performance is estimated to be practised by at least 3 to 7% of elite endurance sport athletes. rhEPO is synthesised from Chinese hamster ovary cells, and is nearly identical biochemically and immunologically to endogenous epoetin-alfa (EPO). In a clinical setting, rhEPO is used to stimulate erythrocyte production in patients with end-stage renal disease and anaemia. A limited number of human studies have suggested that rhEPO provides a significant erythropoietic and ergogenic benefit in trained individuals as evidenced by increments in haemoglobin, haematocrit, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and exercise endurance time. The purpose of this review is to summarise the various technologies and methodologies currently available for the detection of illicit use of rhEPO in athletes. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned the use of rhEPO as an ergogenic aid in 1990. Since then a number of methods have been proposed as potential techniques for detecting the illegal use of rhEPO. Most of these techniques use indirect markers to detect rhEPO in blood samples. These indirect markers include macrocytic hypochromatic erythrocytes and serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfr) concentration. Another indirect technique uses a combination of 5 markers of enhanced erythropoiesis (haematocrit, reticulocyte haematocrit, percentage of macrocytic red blood cells, serum EPO, sTfr) to detect rhEPO. The electrophoretic mobility technique provides a direct measurement of urine and serum levels of rhEPO, and is based on the principle that the rhEPO molecule is less negatively charged versus the endogenous EPO molecule. Isoelectric patterning/focusing has emerged recently as a potential method for the direct analysis of rhEPO in urine. Among these various methodologies, the indirect technique that utilises multiple markers of enhanced erythropoiesis appears to be the most valid, reliable and feasible protocol currently available for the detection of rhEPO in athletes. In August 2000, the IOC Medical Commission approved this protocol known as the 'ON model', and it was subsequently used in combination with a second, confirmatory test (isoelectric patterning) to detect rhEPO abusers competing in the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics. This combined blood and urine test was approved with modifications by the IOC in November 2001 for use in the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | The Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) commemorates its 83rd anniversary of foundation.
ICP, 01 April 2017
The editorial of “Tareeq Al-Shaab” (People’s Path), the daily newspaper of the Iraqi Communist Party, commemorated the 83rd anniversary of foundation of the Party. The editorial also referred to Party's demand to end the sectarian-ethnic quota system that is voiced in mass demonstrations since last summer.
The 83rd anniversary of the founding of our Iraqi Communist Party on 31st March 2017 was celebrated throughout the country and abroad by its members and sympathizers, according to the editorial. It was said that 'The emergence of an organized political force at the turn of the last century, based on an ideological approach that is committed to justice, equality and freedom from all forms of exploitation, marked the early maturity of the Iraqi national movement.'
The Communist Party, built by 'the enlightened figures of our people’s revolutionary movement' had placed at the core of its main tasks 'defending the immediate class interests of the toilers' and 'their future social aspirations for salvation from the exploitation of man by his fellow man.' This objective was formulated as “a Free Homeland and a Prosperous People”. The Communist Party, challenged by despotic and dictatorial regimes throughout the country's history, had remained faithful to its principles which formed the basis for its 10th National Congress that was held four months ago.
The editorial went as follows:
'Today, in the face of the many challenges facing our country, which include defeating terrorism, resolving the all-encompassing crisis, rebuilding what has been destroyed by wars and devastated by corruption, the Communists and sincere citizens, in all arenas of mass protest, are confronting the system of sectarian and ethnic quotas that is responsible for the crises.They have raised the banner of change, to build a democratic civil state, on the basis of citizenship and social justice, fully determined to achieve it.'
At the beginning of March, the ICP, in an interview in “Nameh Mardom”, the central organ of the Tudeh Party of Iran, had evaluated the attack in 11 February on the mass demonstration in Tahrir (Liberation) Square in central Baghdad as an attack towards the people's opposition against corruption and the sectarian-ethnic quota system. Such demonstrations had been taking place also in other provinces since late July 2015 which called for urgent political reforms and judicial reforms, as well as the provision of basic services. According The Baghdad Post, the ICP had also met with the delegation of the Sadrist Movement to discuss the enhancing cooperation and coordination of peaceful protests. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | Don Abel
Don Abel may refer to:
Donald Abel (born 1952), politician in Ontario, Canada
Don G. Abel (1894–1980), American judge |
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | <?php
* Implements the User class for the %MediaWiki software.
* @file
* \int Number of characters in user_token field.
* @ingroup Constants
define( 'USER_TOKEN_LENGTH', 32 );
* \int Serialized record version.
* @ingroup Constants
define( 'MW_USER_VERSION', 6 );
* \string Some punctuation to prevent editing from broken text-mangling proxies.
* @ingroup Constants
define( 'EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX', '+\\' );
* Thrown by User::setPassword() on error.
* @ingroup Exception
class PasswordError extends MWException {
// NOP
* The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id,
* name, rights, password, email address, options, last login time). Client
* classes use the getXXX() functions to access these fields. These functions
* do all the work of determining whether the user is logged in,
* whether the requested option can be satisfied from cookies or
* whether a database query is needed. Most of the settings needed
* for rendering normal pages are set in the cookie to minimize use
* of the database.
class User {
* \type{\arrayof{\string}} A list of default user toggles, i.e., boolean user
* preferences that are displayed by Special:Preferences as checkboxes.
* This list can be extended via the UserToggles hook or by
* $wgContLang::getExtraUserToggles().
* @showinitializer
public static $mToggles = array(
* \type{\arrayof{\string}} List of member variables which are saved to the
* shared cache (memcached). Any operation which changes the
* corresponding database fields must call a cache-clearing function.
* @showinitializer
static $mCacheVars = array(
// user table
// user_group table
* \type{\arrayof{\string}} Core rights.
* Each of these should have a corresponding message of the form
* "right-$right".
* @showinitializer
static $mCoreRights = array(
* \string Cached results of getAllRights()
static $mAllRights = false;
/** @name Cache variables */
var $mId, $mName, $mRealName, $mPassword, $mNewpassword, $mNewpassTime,
$mEmail, $mOptions, $mTouched, $mToken, $mEmailAuthenticated,
$mEmailToken, $mEmailTokenExpires, $mRegistration, $mGroups;
* \bool Whether the cache variables have been loaded.
var $mDataLoaded, $mAuthLoaded;
* \string Initialization data source if mDataLoaded==false. May be one of:
* - 'defaults' anonymous user initialised from class defaults
* - 'name' initialise from mName
* - 'id' initialise from mId
* - 'session' log in from cookies or session if possible
* Use the User::newFrom*() family of functions to set this.
var $mFrom;
/** @name Lazy-initialized variables, invalidated with clearInstanceCache */
var $mNewtalk, $mDatePreference, $mBlockedby, $mHash, $mSkin, $mRights,
$mBlockreason, $mBlock, $mEffectiveGroups, $mBlockedGlobally,
$mLocked, $mHideName;
* Lightweight constructor for an anonymous user.
* Use the User::newFrom* factory functions for other kinds of users.
* @see newFromName()
* @see newFromId()
* @see newFromConfirmationCode()
* @see newFromSession()
* @see newFromRow()
function User() {
$this->clearInstanceCache( 'defaults' );
* Load the user table data for this object from the source given by mFrom.
function load() {
if ( $this->mDataLoaded ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
# Set it now to avoid infinite recursion in accessors
$this->mDataLoaded = true;
switch ( $this->mFrom ) {
case 'defaults':
case 'name':
$this->mId = self::idFromName( $this->mName );
if ( !$this->mId ) {
# Nonexistent user placeholder object
$this->loadDefaults( $this->mName );
} else {
case 'id':
case 'session':
wfRunHooks( 'UserLoadAfterLoadFromSession', array( $this ) );
throw new MWException( "Unrecognised value for User->mFrom: \"{$this->mFrom}\"" );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
* Load user table data, given mId has already been set.
* @return \bool false if the ID does not exist, true otherwise
* @private
function loadFromId() {
global $wgMemc;
if ( $this->mId == 0 ) {
return false;
# Try cache
$key = wfMemcKey( 'user', 'id', $this->mId );
$data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
if ( !is_array( $data ) || $data['mVersion'] < MW_USER_VERSION ) {
# Object is expired, load from DB
$data = false;
if ( !$data ) {
wfDebug( "Cache miss for user {$this->mId}\n" );
# Load from DB
if ( !$this->loadFromDatabase() ) {
# Can't load from ID, user is anonymous
return false;
} else {
wfDebug( "Got user {$this->mId} from cache\n" );
# Restore from cache
foreach ( self::$mCacheVars as $name ) {
$this->$name = $data[$name];
return true;
* Save user data to the shared cache
function saveToCache() {
if ( $this->isAnon() ) {
// Anonymous users are uncached
$data = array();
foreach ( self::$mCacheVars as $name ) {
$data[$name] = $this->$name;
$data['mVersion'] = MW_USER_VERSION;
$key = wfMemcKey( 'user', 'id', $this->mId );
global $wgMemc;
$wgMemc->set( $key, $data );
/** @name newFrom*() static factory methods */
* Static factory method for creation from username.
* This is slightly less efficient than newFromId(), so use newFromId() if
* you have both an ID and a name handy.
* @param $name \string Username, validated by Title::newFromText()
* @param $validate \mixed Validate username. Takes the same parameters as
* User::getCanonicalName(), except that true is accepted as an alias
* for 'valid', for BC.
* @return \type{User} The User object, or null if the username is invalid. If the
* username is not present in the database, the result will be a user object
* with a name, zero user ID and default settings.
static function newFromName( $name, $validate = 'valid' ) {
if ( $validate === true ) {
$validate = 'valid';
$name = self::getCanonicalName( $name, $validate );
if ( $name === false ) {
return null;
} else {
# Create unloaded user object
$u = new User;
$u->mName = $name;
$u->mFrom = 'name';
return $u;
* Static factory method for creation from a given user ID.
* @param $id \int Valid user ID
* @return \type{User} The corresponding User object
static function newFromId( $id ) {
$u = new User;
$u->mId = $id;
$u->mFrom = 'id';
return $u;
* Factory method to fetch whichever user has a given email confirmation code.
* This code is generated when an account is created or its e-mail address
* has changed.
* If the code is invalid or has expired, returns NULL.
* @param $code \string Confirmation code
* @return \type{User}
static function newFromConfirmationCode( $code ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$id = $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_id', array(
'user_email_token' => md5( $code ),
'user_email_token_expires > ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp() ),
) );
if( $id !== false ) {
return User::newFromId( $id );
} else {
return null;
* Create a new user object using data from session or cookies. If the
* login credentials are invalid, the result is an anonymous user.
* @return \type{User}
static function newFromSession() {
$user = new User;
$user->mFrom = 'session';
return $user;
* Create a new user object from a user row.
* The row should have all fields from the user table in it.
* @param $row array A row from the user table
* @return \type{User}
static function newFromRow( $row ) {
$user = new User;
$user->loadFromRow( $row );
return $user;
* Get the username corresponding to a given user ID
* @param $id \int User ID
* @return \string The corresponding username
static function whoIs( $id ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
return $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_name', array( 'user_id' => $id ), 'User::whoIs' );
* Get the real name of a user given their user ID
* @param $id \int User ID
* @return \string The corresponding user's real name
static function whoIsReal( $id ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
return $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_real_name', array( 'user_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ );
* Get database id given a user name
* @param $name \string Username
* @return \types{\int,\null} The corresponding user's ID, or null if user is nonexistent
static function idFromName( $name ) {
$nt = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $name );
if( is_null( $nt ) ) {
# Illegal name
return null;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$s = $dbr->selectRow( 'user', array( 'user_id' ), array( 'user_name' => $nt->getText() ), __METHOD__ );
if ( $s === false ) {
return 0;
} else {
return $s->user_id;
* Does the string match an anonymous IPv4 address?
* This function exists for username validation, in order to reject
* usernames which are similar in form to IP addresses. Strings such
* as 300.300.300.300 will return true because it looks like an IP
* address, despite not being strictly valid.
* We match \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.xxx as an anonymous IP
* address because the usemod software would "cloak" anonymous IP
* addresses like this, if we allowed accounts like this to be created
* new users could get the old edits of these anonymous users.
* @param $name \string String to match
* @return \bool True or false
static function isIP( $name ) {
return preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.(?:xxx|\d{1,3})$/',$name) || IP::isIPv6($name);
* Is the input a valid username?
* Checks if the input is a valid username, we don't want an empty string,
* an IP address, anything that containins slashes (would mess up subpages),
* is longer than the maximum allowed username size or doesn't begin with
* a capital letter.
* @param $name \string String to match
* @return \bool True or false
static function isValidUserName( $name ) {
global $wgContLang, $wgMaxNameChars;
if ( $name == ''
|| User::isIP( $name )
|| strpos( $name, '/' ) !== false
|| strlen( $name ) > $wgMaxNameChars
|| $name != $wgContLang->ucfirst( $name ) ) {
wfDebugLog( 'username', __METHOD__ .
": '$name' invalid due to empty, IP, slash, length, or lowercase" );
return false;
// Ensure that the name can't be misresolved as a different title,
// such as with extra namespace keys at the start.
$parsed = Title::newFromText( $name );
if( is_null( $parsed )
|| $parsed->getNamespace()
|| strcmp( $name, $parsed->getPrefixedText() ) ) {
wfDebugLog( 'username', __METHOD__ .
": '$name' invalid due to ambiguous prefixes" );
return false;
// Check an additional blacklist of troublemaker characters.
// Should these be merged into the title char list?
$unicodeBlacklist = '/[' .
'\x{0080}-\x{009f}' . # iso-8859-1 control chars
'\x{00a0}' . # non-breaking space
'\x{2000}-\x{200f}' . # various whitespace
'\x{2028}-\x{202f}' . # breaks and control chars
'\x{3000}' . # ideographic space
'\x{e000}-\x{f8ff}' . # private use
if( preg_match( $unicodeBlacklist, $name ) ) {
wfDebugLog( 'username', __METHOD__ .
": '$name' invalid due to blacklisted characters" );
return false;
return true;
* Usernames which fail to pass this function will be blocked
* from user login and new account registrations, but may be used
* internally by batch processes.
* If an account already exists in this form, login will be blocked
* by a failure to pass this function.
* @param $name \string String to match
* @return \bool True or false
static function isUsableName( $name ) {
global $wgReservedUsernames;
// Must be a valid username, obviously ;)
if ( !self::isValidUserName( $name ) ) {
return false;
static $reservedUsernames = false;
if ( !$reservedUsernames ) {
$reservedUsernames = $wgReservedUsernames;
wfRunHooks( 'UserGetReservedNames', array( &$reservedUsernames ) );
// Certain names may be reserved for batch processes.
foreach ( $reservedUsernames as $reserved ) {
if ( substr( $reserved, 0, 4 ) == 'msg:' ) {
$reserved = wfMsgForContent( substr( $reserved, 4 ) );
if ( $reserved == $name ) {
return false;
return true;
* Usernames which fail to pass this function will be blocked
* from new account registrations, but may be used internally
* either by batch processes or by user accounts which have
* already been created.
* Additional character blacklisting may be added here
* rather than in isValidUserName() to avoid disrupting
* existing accounts.
* @param $name \string String to match
* @return \bool True or false
static function isCreatableName( $name ) {
global $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters;
self::isUsableName( $name ) &&
// Registration-time character blacklisting...
!preg_match( '/[' . preg_quote( $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters, '/' ) . ']/', $name );
* Is the input a valid password for this user?
* @param $password \string Desired password
* @return \bool True or false
function isValidPassword( $password ) {
global $wgMinimalPasswordLength, $wgContLang;
$result = null;
if( !wfRunHooks( 'isValidPassword', array( $password, &$result, $this ) ) )
return $result;
if( $result === false )
return false;
// Password needs to be long enough, and can't be the same as the username
return strlen( $password ) >= $wgMinimalPasswordLength
&& $wgContLang->lc( $password ) !== $wgContLang->lc( $this->mName );
* Does a string look like an e-mail address?
* There used to be a regular expression here, it got removed because it
* rejected valid addresses. Actually just check if there is '@' somewhere
* in the given address.
* @todo Check for RFC 2822 compilance (bug 959)
* @param $addr \string E-mail address
* @return \bool True or false
public static function isValidEmailAddr( $addr ) {
$result = null;
if( !wfRunHooks( 'isValidEmailAddr', array( $addr, &$result ) ) ) {
return $result;
return strpos( $addr, '@' ) !== false;
* Given unvalidated user input, return a canonical username, or false if
* the username is invalid.
* @param $name \string User input
* @param $validate \types{\string,\bool} Type of validation to use:
* - false No validation
* - 'valid' Valid for batch processes
* - 'usable' Valid for batch processes and login
* - 'creatable' Valid for batch processes, login and account creation
static function getCanonicalName( $name, $validate = 'valid' ) {
# Force usernames to capital
global $wgContLang;
$name = $wgContLang->ucfirst( $name );
# Reject names containing '#'; these will be cleaned up
# with title normalisation, but then it's too late to
# check elsewhere
if( strpos( $name, '#' ) !== false )
return false;
# Clean up name according to title rules
$t = ($validate === 'valid') ?
Title::newFromText( $name ) : Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $name );
# Check for invalid titles
if( is_null( $t ) ) {
return false;
# Reject various classes of invalid names
$name = $t->getText();
global $wgAuth;
$name = $wgAuth->getCanonicalName( $t->getText() );
switch ( $validate ) {
case false:
case 'valid':
if ( !User::isValidUserName( $name ) ) {
$name = false;
case 'usable':
if ( !User::isUsableName( $name ) ) {
$name = false;
case 'creatable':
if ( !User::isCreatableName( $name ) ) {
$name = false;
throw new MWException( 'Invalid parameter value for $validate in '.__METHOD__ );
return $name;
* Count the number of edits of a user
* @todo It should not be static and some day should be merged as proper member function / deprecated -- domas
* @param $uid \int User ID to check
* @return \int The user's edit count
static function edits( $uid ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
// check if the user_editcount field has been initialized
$field = $dbr->selectField(
'user', 'user_editcount',
array( 'user_id' => $uid ),
if( $field === null ) { // it has not been initialized. do so.
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$count = $dbr->selectField(
'revision', 'count(*)',
array( 'rev_user' => $uid ),
array( 'user_editcount' => $count ),
array( 'user_id' => $uid ),
} else {
$count = $field;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $count;
* Return a random password. Sourced from mt_rand, so it's not particularly secure.
* @todo hash random numbers to improve security, like generateToken()
* @return \string New random password
static function randomPassword() {
global $wgMinimalPasswordLength;
$pwchars = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz';
$l = strlen( $pwchars ) - 1;
$pwlength = max( 7, $wgMinimalPasswordLength );
$digit = mt_rand(0, $pwlength - 1);
$np = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $pwlength; $i++ ) {
$np .= $i == $digit ? chr( mt_rand(48, 57) ) : $pwchars{ mt_rand(0, $l)};
return $np;
* Set cached properties to default.
* @note This no longer clears uncached lazy-initialised properties;
* the constructor does that instead.
* @private
function loadDefaults( $name = false ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
global $wgCookiePrefix;
$this->mId = 0;
$this->mName = $name;
$this->mRealName = '';
$this->mPassword = $this->mNewpassword = '';
$this->mNewpassTime = null;
$this->mEmail = '';
$this->mOptions = null; # Defer init
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[$wgCookiePrefix.'LoggedOut'] ) ) {
$this->mTouched = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $_COOKIE[$wgCookiePrefix.'LoggedOut'] );
} else {
$this->mTouched = '0'; # Allow any pages to be cached
$this->setToken(); # Random
$this->mEmailAuthenticated = null;
$this->mEmailToken = '';
$this->mEmailTokenExpires = null;
$this->mRegistration = wfTimestamp( TS_MW );
$this->mGroups = array();
wfRunHooks( 'UserLoadDefaults', array( $this, $name ) );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
* @deprecated Use wfSetupSession().
function SetupSession() {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
* Load user data from the session or login cookie. If there are no valid
* credentials, initialises the user as an anonymous user.
* @return \bool True if the user is logged in, false otherwise.
private function loadFromSession() {
global $wgMemc, $wgCookiePrefix;
$result = null;
wfRunHooks( 'UserLoadFromSession', array( $this, &$result ) );
if ( $result !== null ) {
return $result;
if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserID"] ) ) {
$sId = intval( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserID"] );
if( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) && $sId != $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) {
$this->loadDefaults(); // Possible collision!
wfDebugLog( 'loginSessions', "Session user ID ({$_SESSION['wsUserID']}) and
cookie user ID ($sId) don't match!" );
return false;
$_SESSION['wsUserID'] = $sId;
} else if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) ) {
if ( $_SESSION['wsUserID'] != 0 ) {
$sId = $_SESSION['wsUserID'];
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserName'] ) ) {
$sName = $_SESSION['wsUserName'];
} else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserName"] ) ) {
$sName = $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserName"];
$_SESSION['wsUserName'] = $sName;
} else {
return false;
$passwordCorrect = FALSE;
$this->mId = $sId;
if ( !$this->loadFromId() ) {
# Not a valid ID, loadFromId has switched the object to anon for us
return false;
if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsToken'] ) ) {
$passwordCorrect = $_SESSION['wsToken'] == $this->mToken;
$from = 'session';
} else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}Token"] ) ) {
$passwordCorrect = $this->mToken == $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}Token"];
$from = 'cookie';
} else {
# No session or persistent login cookie
return false;
if ( ( $sName == $this->mName ) && $passwordCorrect ) {
$_SESSION['wsToken'] = $this->mToken;
wfDebug( "Logged in from $from\n" );
return true;
} else {
# Invalid credentials
wfDebug( "Can't log in from $from, invalid credentials\n" );
return false;
* Load user and user_group data from the database.
* $this::mId must be set, this is how the user is identified.
* @return \bool True if the user exists, false if the user is anonymous
* @private
function loadFromDatabase() {
# Paranoia
$this->mId = intval( $this->mId );
/** Anonymous user */
if( !$this->mId ) {
return false;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$s = $dbr->selectRow( 'user', '*', array( 'user_id' => $this->mId ), __METHOD__ );
wfRunHooks( 'UserLoadFromDatabase', array( $this, &$s ) );
if ( $s !== false ) {
# Initialise user table data
$this->loadFromRow( $s );
$this->mGroups = null; // deferred
$this->getEditCount(); // revalidation for nulls
return true;
} else {
# Invalid user_id
$this->mId = 0;
return false;
* Initialize this object from a row from the user table.
* @param $row \type{\arrayof{\mixed}} Row from the user table to load.
function loadFromRow( $row ) {
$this->mDataLoaded = true;
if ( isset( $row->user_id ) ) {
$this->mId = intval( $row->user_id );
$this->mName = $row->user_name;
$this->mRealName = $row->user_real_name;
$this->mPassword = $row->user_password;
$this->mNewpassword = $row->user_newpassword;
$this->mNewpassTime = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $row->user_newpass_time );
$this->mEmail = $row->user_email;
$this->decodeOptions( $row->user_options );
$this->mTouched = wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$row->user_touched);
$this->mToken = $row->user_token;
$this->mEmailAuthenticated = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $row->user_email_authenticated );
$this->mEmailToken = $row->user_email_token;
$this->mEmailTokenExpires = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $row->user_email_token_expires );
$this->mRegistration = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $row->user_registration );
$this->mEditCount = $row->user_editcount;
* Load the groups from the database if they aren't already loaded.
* @private
function loadGroups() {
if ( is_null( $this->mGroups ) ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$res = $dbr->select( 'user_groups',
array( 'ug_group' ),
array( 'ug_user' => $this->mId ),
__METHOD__ );
$this->mGroups = array();
while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
$this->mGroups[] = $row->ug_group;
* Clear various cached data stored in this object.
* @param $reloadFrom \string Reload user and user_groups table data from a
* given source. May be "name", "id", "defaults", "session", or false for
* no reload.
function clearInstanceCache( $reloadFrom = false ) {
$this->mNewtalk = -1;
$this->mDatePreference = null;
$this->mBlockedby = -1; # Unset
$this->mHash = false;
$this->mSkin = null;
$this->mRights = null;
$this->mEffectiveGroups = null;
if ( $reloadFrom ) {
$this->mDataLoaded = false;
$this->mFrom = $reloadFrom;
* Combine the language default options with any site-specific options
* and add the default language variants.
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of options
static function getDefaultOptions() {
global $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault;
* Site defaults will override the global/language defaults
global $wgDefaultUserOptions, $wgContLang;
$defOpt = $wgDefaultUserOptions + $wgContLang->getDefaultUserOptionOverrides();
* default language setting
$variant = $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant( false );
$defOpt['variant'] = $variant;
$defOpt['language'] = $variant;
foreach( $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault as $nsnum => $val ) {
$defOpt['searchNs'.$nsnum] = $val;
return $defOpt;
* Get a given default option value.
* @param $opt \string Name of option to retrieve
* @return \string Default option value
public static function getDefaultOption( $opt ) {
$defOpts = self::getDefaultOptions();
if( isset( $defOpts[$opt] ) ) {
return $defOpts[$opt];
} else {
return '';
* Get a list of user toggle names
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of user toggle names
static function getToggles() {
global $wgContLang, $wgUseRCPatrol;
$extraToggles = array();
wfRunHooks( 'UserToggles', array( &$extraToggles ) );
if( $wgUseRCPatrol ) {
$extraToggles[] = 'hidepatrolled';
$extraToggles[] = 'newpageshidepatrolled';
$extraToggles[] = 'watchlisthidepatrolled';
return array_merge( self::$mToggles, $extraToggles, $wgContLang->getExtraUserToggles() );
* Get blocking information
* @private
* @param $bFromSlave \bool Whether to check the slave database first. To
* improve performance, non-critical checks are done
* against slaves. Check when actually saving should be
* done against master.
function getBlockedStatus( $bFromSlave = true ) {
global $wgEnableSorbs, $wgProxyWhitelist;
if ( -1 != $this->mBlockedby ) {
wfDebug( "User::getBlockedStatus: already loaded.\n" );
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": checking...\n" );
// Initialize data...
// Otherwise something ends up stomping on $this->mBlockedby when
// things get lazy-loaded later, causing false positive block hits
// due to -1 !== 0. Probably session-related... Nothing should be
// overwriting mBlockedby, surely?
$this->mBlockedby = 0;
$this->mHideName = 0;
$this->mAllowUsertalk = 0;
$ip = wfGetIP();
if ($this->isAllowed( 'ipblock-exempt' ) ) {
# Exempt from all types of IP-block
$ip = '';
# User/IP blocking
$this->mBlock = new Block();
$this->mBlock->fromMaster( !$bFromSlave );
if ( $this->mBlock->load( $ip , $this->mId ) ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": Found block.\n" );
$this->mBlockedby = $this->mBlock->mBy;
$this->mBlockreason = $this->mBlock->mReason;
$this->mHideName = $this->mBlock->mHideName;
$this->mAllowUsertalk = $this->mBlock->mAllowUsertalk;
if ( $this->isLoggedIn() ) {
} else {
// Bug 13611: don't remove mBlock here, to allow account creation blocks to
// apply to users. Note that the existence of $this->mBlock is not used to
// check for edit blocks, $this->mBlockedby is instead.
# Proxy blocking
if ( !$this->isAllowed('proxyunbannable') && !in_array( $ip, $wgProxyWhitelist ) ) {
# Local list
if ( wfIsLocallyBlockedProxy( $ip ) ) {
$this->mBlockedby = wfMsg( 'proxyblocker' );
$this->mBlockreason = wfMsg( 'proxyblockreason' );
if ( !$this->mBlockedby && $wgEnableSorbs && !$this->getID() ) {
if ( $this->inSorbsBlacklist( $ip ) ) {
$this->mBlockedby = wfMsg( 'sorbs' );
$this->mBlockreason = wfMsg( 'sorbsreason' );
# Extensions
wfRunHooks( 'GetBlockedStatus', array( &$this ) );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
* Whether the given IP is in the SORBS blacklist.
* @param $ip \string IP to check
* @return \bool True if blacklisted.
function inSorbsBlacklist( $ip ) {
global $wgEnableSorbs, $wgSorbsUrl;
return $wgEnableSorbs &&
$this->inDnsBlacklist( $ip, $wgSorbsUrl );
* Whether the given IP is in a given DNS blacklist.
* @param $ip \string IP to check
* @param $base \string URL of the DNS blacklist
* @return \bool True if blacklisted.
function inDnsBlacklist( $ip, $base ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$found = false;
$host = '';
// FIXME: IPv6 ??? (
if( IP::isIPv4($ip) ) {
# Make hostname
$host = "$ip.$base";
# Send query
$ipList = gethostbynamel( $host );
if( $ipList ) {
wfDebug( "Hostname $host is {$ipList[0]}, it's a proxy says $base!\n" );
$found = true;
} else {
wfDebug( "Requested $host, not found in $base.\n" );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $found;
* Is this user subject to rate limiting?
* @return \bool True if rate limited
public function isPingLimitable() {
global $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups;
global $wgRateLimitsExcludedIPs;
if( array_intersect( $this->getEffectiveGroups(), $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups ) ) {
// Deprecated, but kept for backwards-compatibility config
return false;
if( in_array( wfGetIP(), $wgRateLimitsExcludedIPs ) ) {
// No other good way currently to disable rate limits
// for specific IPs. :P
// But this is a crappy hack and should die.
return false;
return !$this->isAllowed('noratelimit');
* Primitive rate limits: enforce maximum actions per time period
* to put a brake on flooding.
* @note When using a shared cache like memcached, IP-address
* last-hit counters will be shared across wikis.
* @param $action \string Action to enforce; 'edit' if unspecified
* @return \bool True if a rate limiter was tripped
function pingLimiter( $action='edit' ) {
# Call the 'PingLimiter' hook
$result = false;
if( !wfRunHooks( 'PingLimiter', array( &$this, $action, $result ) ) ) {
return $result;
global $wgRateLimits;
if( !isset( $wgRateLimits[$action] ) ) {
return false;
# Some groups shouldn't trigger the ping limiter, ever
if( !$this->isPingLimitable() )
return false;
global $wgMemc, $wgRateLimitLog;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$limits = $wgRateLimits[$action];
$keys = array();
$id = $this->getId();
$ip = wfGetIP();
$userLimit = false;
if( isset( $limits['anon'] ) && $id == 0 ) {
$keys[wfMemcKey( 'limiter', $action, 'anon' )] = $limits['anon'];
if( isset( $limits['user'] ) && $id != 0 ) {
$userLimit = $limits['user'];
if( $this->isNewbie() ) {
if( isset( $limits['newbie'] ) && $id != 0 ) {
$keys[wfMemcKey( 'limiter', $action, 'user', $id )] = $limits['newbie'];
if( isset( $limits['ip'] ) ) {
$keys["mediawiki:limiter:$action:ip:$ip"] = $limits['ip'];
$matches = array();
if( isset( $limits['subnet'] ) && preg_match( '/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+$/', $ip, $matches ) ) {
$subnet = $matches[1];
$keys["mediawiki:limiter:$action:subnet:$subnet"] = $limits['subnet'];
// Check for group-specific permissions
// If more than one group applies, use the group with the highest limit
foreach ( $this->getGroups() as $group ) {
if ( isset( $limits[$group] ) ) {
if ( $userLimit === false || $limits[$group] > $userLimit ) {
$userLimit = $limits[$group];
// Set the user limit key
if ( $userLimit !== false ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": effective user limit: $userLimit\n" );
$keys[ wfMemcKey( 'limiter', $action, 'user', $id ) ] = $userLimit;
$triggered = false;
foreach( $keys as $key => $limit ) {
list( $max, $period ) = $limit;
$summary = "(limit $max in {$period}s)";
$count = $wgMemc->get( $key );
if( $count ) {
if( $count > $max ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": tripped! $key at $count $summary\n" );
if( $wgRateLimitLog ) {
@error_log( wfTimestamp( TS_MW ) . ' ' . wfWikiID() . ': ' . $this->getName() . " tripped $key at $count $summary\n", 3, $wgRateLimitLog );
$triggered = true;
} else {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": ok. $key at $count $summary\n" );
} else {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": adding record for $key $summary\n" );
$wgMemc->add( $key, 1, intval( $period ) );
$wgMemc->incr( $key );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $triggered;
* Check if user is blocked
* @param $bFromSlave \bool Whether to check the slave database instead of the master
* @return \bool True if blocked, false otherwise
function isBlocked( $bFromSlave = true ) { // hacked from false due to horrible probs on site
wfDebug( "User::isBlocked: enter\n" );
$this->getBlockedStatus( $bFromSlave );
return $this->mBlockedby !== 0;
* Check if user is blocked from editing a particular article
* @param $title \string Title to check
* @param $bFromSlave \bool Whether to check the slave database instead of the master
* @return \bool True if blocked, false otherwise
function isBlockedFrom( $title, $bFromSlave = false ) {
global $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": enter\n" );
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": asking isBlocked()\n" );
$blocked = $this->isBlocked( $bFromSlave );
$allowUsertalk = ($wgBlockAllowsUTEdit ? $this->mAllowUsertalk : false);
# If a user's name is suppressed, they cannot make edits anywhere
if ( !$this->mHideName && $allowUsertalk && $title->getText() === $this->getName() &&
$title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK ) {
$blocked = false;
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": self-talk page, ignoring any blocks\n" );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $blocked;
* If user is blocked, return the name of the user who placed the block
* @return \string name of blocker
function blockedBy() {
return $this->mBlockedby;
* If user is blocked, return the specified reason for the block
* @return \string Blocking reason
function blockedFor() {
return $this->mBlockreason;
* If user is blocked, return the ID for the block
* @return \int Block ID
function getBlockId() {
return ($this->mBlock ? $this->mBlock->mId : false);
* Check if user is blocked on all wikis.
* Do not use for actual edit permission checks!
* This is intented for quick UI checks.
* @param $ip \type{\string} IP address, uses current client if none given
* @return \type{\bool} True if blocked, false otherwise
function isBlockedGlobally( $ip = '' ) {
if( $this->mBlockedGlobally !== null ) {
return $this->mBlockedGlobally;
// User is already an IP?
if( IP::isIPAddress( $this->getName() ) ) {
$ip = $this->getName();
} else if( !$ip ) {
$ip = wfGetIP();
$blocked = false;
wfRunHooks( 'UserIsBlockedGlobally', array( &$this, $ip, &$blocked ) );
$this->mBlockedGlobally = (bool)$blocked;
return $this->mBlockedGlobally;
* Check if user account is locked
* @return \type{\bool} True if locked, false otherwise
function isLocked() {
if( $this->mLocked !== null ) {
return $this->mLocked;
global $wgAuth;
$authUser = $wgAuth->getUserInstance( $this );
$this->mLocked = (bool)$authUser->isLocked();
return $this->mLocked;
* Check if user account is hidden
* @return \type{\bool} True if hidden, false otherwise
function isHidden() {
if( $this->mHideName !== null ) {
return $this->mHideName;
if( !$this->mHideName ) {
global $wgAuth;
$authUser = $wgAuth->getUserInstance( $this );
$this->mHideName = (bool)$authUser->isHidden();
return $this->mHideName;
* Get the user's ID.
* @return \int The user's ID; 0 if the user is anonymous or nonexistent
function getId() {
if( $this->mId === null and $this->mName !== null
and User::isIP( $this->mName ) ) {
// Special case, we know the user is anonymous
return 0;
} elseif( $this->mId === null ) {
// Don't load if this was initialized from an ID
return $this->mId;
* Set the user and reload all fields according to a given ID
* @param $v \int User ID to reload
function setId( $v ) {
$this->mId = $v;
$this->clearInstanceCache( 'id' );
* Get the user name, or the IP of an anonymous user
* @return \string User's name or IP address
function getName() {
if ( !$this->mDataLoaded && $this->mFrom == 'name' ) {
# Special case optimisation
return $this->mName;
} else {
if ( $this->mName === false ) {
# Clean up IPs
$this->mName = IP::sanitizeIP( wfGetIP() );
return $this->mName;
* Set the user name.
* This does not reload fields from the database according to the given
* name. Rather, it is used to create a temporary "nonexistent user" for
* later addition to the database. It can also be used to set the IP
* address for an anonymous user to something other than the current
* remote IP.
* @note User::newFromName() has rougly the same function, when the named user
* does not exist.
* @param $str \string New user name to set
function setName( $str ) {
$this->mName = $str;
* Get the user's name escaped by underscores.
* @return \string Username escaped by underscores.
function getTitleKey() {
return str_replace( ' ', '_', $this->getName() );
* Check if the user has new messages.
* @return \bool True if the user has new messages
function getNewtalk() {
# Load the newtalk status if it is unloaded (mNewtalk=-1)
if( $this->mNewtalk === -1 ) {
$this->mNewtalk = false; # reset talk page status
# Check memcached separately for anons, who have no
# entire User object stored in there.
if( !$this->mId ) {
global $wgMemc;
$key = wfMemcKey( 'newtalk', 'ip', $this->getName() );
$newtalk = $wgMemc->get( $key );
if( strval( $newtalk ) !== '' ) {
$this->mNewtalk = (bool)$newtalk;
} else {
// Since we are caching this, make sure it is up to date by getting it
// from the master
$this->mNewtalk = $this->checkNewtalk( 'user_ip', $this->getName(), true );
$wgMemc->set( $key, (int)$this->mNewtalk, 1800 );
} else {
$this->mNewtalk = $this->checkNewtalk( 'user_id', $this->mId );
return (bool)$this->mNewtalk;
* Return the talk page(s) this user has new messages on.
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of page URLs
function getNewMessageLinks() {
$talks = array();
if (!wfRunHooks('UserRetrieveNewTalks', array(&$this, &$talks)))
return $talks;
if (!$this->getNewtalk())
return array();
$up = $this->getUserPage();
$utp = $up->getTalkPage();
return array(array("wiki" => wfWikiID(), "link" => $utp->getLocalURL()));
* Internal uncached check for new messages
* @see getNewtalk()
* @param $field \string 'user_ip' for anonymous users, 'user_id' otherwise
* @param $id \types{\string,\int} User's IP address for anonymous users, User ID otherwise
* @param $fromMaster \bool true to fetch from the master, false for a slave
* @return \bool True if the user has new messages
* @private
function checkNewtalk( $field, $id, $fromMaster = false ) {
if ( $fromMaster ) {
$db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
} else {
$db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$ok = $db->selectField( 'user_newtalk', $field,
array( $field => $id ), __METHOD__ );
return $ok !== false;
* Add or update the new messages flag
* @param $field \string 'user_ip' for anonymous users, 'user_id' otherwise
* @param $id \types{\string,\int} User's IP address for anonymous users, User ID otherwise
* @return \bool True if successful, false otherwise
* @private
function updateNewtalk( $field, $id ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->insert( 'user_newtalk',
array( $field => $id ),
if ( $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": set on ($field, $id)\n" );
return true;
} else {
wfDebug( __METHOD__." already set ($field, $id)\n" );
return false;
* Clear the new messages flag for the given user
* @param $field \string 'user_ip' for anonymous users, 'user_id' otherwise
* @param $id \types{\string,\int} User's IP address for anonymous users, User ID otherwise
* @return \bool True if successful, false otherwise
* @private
function deleteNewtalk( $field, $id ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->delete( 'user_newtalk',
array( $field => $id ),
__METHOD__ );
if ( $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": killed on ($field, $id)\n" );
return true;
} else {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": already gone ($field, $id)\n" );
return false;
* Update the 'You have new messages!' status.
* @param $val \bool Whether the user has new messages
function setNewtalk( $val ) {
if( wfReadOnly() ) {
$this->mNewtalk = $val;
if( $this->isAnon() ) {
$field = 'user_ip';
$id = $this->getName();
} else {
$field = 'user_id';
$id = $this->getId();
global $wgMemc;
if( $val ) {
$changed = $this->updateNewtalk( $field, $id );
} else {
$changed = $this->deleteNewtalk( $field, $id );
if( $this->isAnon() ) {
// Anons have a separate memcached space, since
// user records aren't kept for them.
$key = wfMemcKey( 'newtalk', 'ip', $id );
$wgMemc->set( $key, $val ? 1 : 0, 1800 );
if ( $changed ) {
* Generate a current or new-future timestamp to be stored in the
* user_touched field when we update things.
* @return \string Timestamp in TS_MW format
private static function newTouchedTimestamp() {
global $wgClockSkewFudge;
return wfTimestamp( TS_MW, time() + $wgClockSkewFudge );
* Clear user data from memcached.
* Use after applying fun updates to the database; caller's
* responsibility to update user_touched if appropriate.
* Called implicitly from invalidateCache() and saveSettings().
private function clearSharedCache() {
if( $this->mId ) {
global $wgMemc;
$wgMemc->delete( wfMemcKey( 'user', 'id', $this->mId ) );
* Immediately touch the user data cache for this account.
* Updates user_touched field, and removes account data from memcached
* for reload on the next hit.
function invalidateCache() {
if( $this->mId ) {
$this->mTouched = self::newTouchedTimestamp();
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->update( 'user',
array( 'user_touched' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mTouched ) ),
array( 'user_id' => $this->mId ),
__METHOD__ );
* Validate the cache for this account.
* @param $timestamp \string A timestamp in TS_MW format
function validateCache( $timestamp ) {
return ($timestamp >= $this->mTouched);
* Get the user touched timestamp
function getTouched() {
return $this->mTouched;
* Set the password and reset the random token.
* Calls through to authentication plugin if necessary;
* will have no effect if the auth plugin refuses to
* pass the change through or if the legal password
* checks fail.
* As a special case, setting the password to null
* wipes it, so the account cannot be logged in until
* a new password is set, for instance via e-mail.
* @param $str \string New password to set
* @throws PasswordError on failure
function setPassword( $str ) {
global $wgAuth;
if( $str !== null ) {
if( !$wgAuth->allowPasswordChange() ) {
throw new PasswordError( wfMsg( 'password-change-forbidden' ) );
if( !$this->isValidPassword( $str ) ) {
global $wgMinimalPasswordLength;
throw new PasswordError( wfMsgExt( 'passwordtooshort', array( 'parsemag' ),
$wgMinimalPasswordLength ) );
if( !$wgAuth->setPassword( $this, $str ) ) {
throw new PasswordError( wfMsg( 'externaldberror' ) );
$this->setInternalPassword( $str );
return true;
* Set the password and reset the random token unconditionally.
* @param $str \string New password to set
function setInternalPassword( $str ) {
if( $str === null ) {
// Save an invalid hash...
$this->mPassword = '';
} else {
$this->mPassword = self::crypt( $str );
$this->mNewpassword = '';
$this->mNewpassTime = null;
* Get the user's current token.
* @return \string Token
function getToken() {
return $this->mToken;
* Set the random token (used for persistent authentication)
* Called from loadDefaults() among other places.
* @param $token \string If specified, set the token to this value
* @private
function setToken( $token = false ) {
global $wgSecretKey, $wgProxyKey;
if ( !$token ) {
if ( $wgSecretKey ) {
$key = $wgSecretKey;
} elseif ( $wgProxyKey ) {
$key = $wgProxyKey;
} else {
$key = microtime();
$this->mToken = md5( $key . mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff ) . wfWikiID() . $this->mId );
} else {
$this->mToken = $token;
* Set the cookie password
* @param $str \string New cookie password
* @private
function setCookiePassword( $str ) {
$this->mCookiePassword = md5( $str );
* Set the password for a password reminder or new account email
* @param $str \string New password to set
* @param $throttle \bool If true, reset the throttle timestamp to the present
function setNewpassword( $str, $throttle = true ) {
$this->mNewpassword = self::crypt( $str );
if ( $throttle ) {
$this->mNewpassTime = wfTimestampNow();
* Has password reminder email been sent within the last
* $wgPasswordReminderResendTime hours?
* @return \bool True or false
function isPasswordReminderThrottled() {
global $wgPasswordReminderResendTime;
if ( !$this->mNewpassTime || !$wgPasswordReminderResendTime ) {
return false;
$expiry = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $this->mNewpassTime ) + $wgPasswordReminderResendTime * 3600;
return time() < $expiry;
* Get the user's e-mail address
* @return \string User's email address
function getEmail() {
wfRunHooks( 'UserGetEmail', array( $this, &$this->mEmail ) );
return $this->mEmail;
* Get the timestamp of the user's e-mail authentication
* @return \string TS_MW timestamp
function getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp() {
wfRunHooks( 'UserGetEmailAuthenticationTimestamp', array( $this, &$this->mEmailAuthenticated ) );
return $this->mEmailAuthenticated;
* Set the user's e-mail address
* @param $str \string New e-mail address
function setEmail( $str ) {
$this->mEmail = $str;
wfRunHooks( 'UserSetEmail', array( $this, &$this->mEmail ) );
* Get the user's real name
* @return \string User's real name
function getRealName() {
return $this->mRealName;
* Set the user's real name
* @param $str \string New real name
function setRealName( $str ) {
$this->mRealName = $str;
* Get the user's current setting for a given option.
* @param $oname \string The option to check
* @param $defaultOverride \string A default value returned if the option does not exist
* @return \string User's current value for the option
* @see getBoolOption()
* @see getIntOption()
function getOption( $oname, $defaultOverride = '' ) {
if ( is_null( $this->mOptions ) ) {
if($defaultOverride != '') {
return $defaultOverride;
$this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
if ( array_key_exists( $oname, $this->mOptions ) ) {
return trim( $this->mOptions[$oname] );
} else {
return $defaultOverride;
* Get the user's current setting for a given option, as a boolean value.
* @param $oname \string The option to check
* @return \bool User's current value for the option
* @see getOption()
function getBoolOption( $oname ) {
return (bool)$this->getOption( $oname );
* Get the user's current setting for a given option, as a boolean value.
* @param $oname \string The option to check
* @param $defaultOverride \int A default value returned if the option does not exist
* @return \int User's current value for the option
* @see getOption()
function getIntOption( $oname, $defaultOverride=0 ) {
$val = $this->getOption( $oname );
if( $val == '' ) {
$val = $defaultOverride;
return intval( $val );
* Set the given option for a user.
* @param $oname \string The option to set
* @param $val \mixed New value to set
function setOption( $oname, $val ) {
if ( is_null( $this->mOptions ) ) {
$this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
if ( $oname == 'skin' ) {
# Clear cached skin, so the new one displays immediately in Special:Preferences
unset( $this->mSkin );
// Filter out any newlines that may have passed through input validation.
// Newlines are used to separate items in the options blob.
if( $val ) {
$val = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $val );
$val = str_replace( "\r", "\n", $val );
$val = str_replace( "\n", " ", $val );
// Explicitly NULL values should refer to defaults
global $wgDefaultUserOptions;
if( is_null($val) && isset($wgDefaultUserOptions[$oname]) ) {
$val = $wgDefaultUserOptions[$oname];
$this->mOptions[$oname] = $val;
* Reset all options to the site defaults
function restoreOptions() {
$this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
* Get the user's preferred date format.
* @return \string User's preferred date format
function getDatePreference() {
// Important migration for old data rows
if ( is_null( $this->mDatePreference ) ) {
global $wgLang;
$value = $this->getOption( 'date' );
$map = $wgLang->getDatePreferenceMigrationMap();
if ( isset( $map[$value] ) ) {
$value = $map[$value];
$this->mDatePreference = $value;
return $this->mDatePreference;
* Get the permissions this user has.
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of permission names
function getRights() {
if ( is_null( $this->mRights ) ) {
$this->mRights = self::getGroupPermissions( $this->getEffectiveGroups() );
wfRunHooks( 'UserGetRights', array( $this, &$this->mRights ) );
// Force reindexation of rights when a hook has unset one of them
$this->mRights = array_values( $this->mRights );
return $this->mRights;
* Get the list of explicit group memberships this user has.
* The implicit * and user groups are not included.
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of internal group names
function getGroups() {
return $this->mGroups;
* Get the list of implicit group memberships this user has.
* This includes all explicit groups, plus 'user' if logged in,
* '*' for all accounts and autopromoted groups
* @param $recache \bool Whether to avoid the cache
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of internal group names
function getEffectiveGroups( $recache = false ) {
if ( $recache || is_null( $this->mEffectiveGroups ) ) {
$this->mEffectiveGroups = $this->getGroups();
$this->mEffectiveGroups[] = '*';
if( $this->getId() ) {
$this->mEffectiveGroups[] = 'user';
$this->mEffectiveGroups = array_unique( array_merge(
Autopromote::getAutopromoteGroups( $this )
) );
# Hook for additional groups
wfRunHooks( 'UserEffectiveGroups', array( &$this, &$this->mEffectiveGroups ) );
return $this->mEffectiveGroups;
* Get the user's edit count.
* @return \int User'e edit count
function getEditCount() {
if ($this->getId()) {
if ( !isset( $this->mEditCount ) ) {
/* Populate the count, if it has not been populated yet */
$this->mEditCount = User::edits($this->mId);
return $this->mEditCount;
} else {
/* nil */
return null;
* Add the user to the given group.
* This takes immediate effect.
* @param $group \string Name of the group to add
function addGroup( $group ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
if( $this->getId() ) {
$dbw->insert( 'user_groups',
'ug_user' => $this->getID(),
'ug_group' => $group,
array( 'IGNORE' ) );
$this->mGroups[] = $group;
$this->mRights = User::getGroupPermissions( $this->getEffectiveGroups( true ) );
* Remove the user from the given group.
* This takes immediate effect.
* @param $group \string Name of the group to remove
function removeGroup( $group ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->delete( 'user_groups',
'ug_user' => $this->getID(),
'ug_group' => $group,
'User::removeGroup' );
$this->mGroups = array_diff( $this->mGroups, array( $group ) );
$this->mRights = User::getGroupPermissions( $this->getEffectiveGroups( true ) );
* Get whether the user is logged in
* @return \bool True or false
function isLoggedIn() {
return $this->getID() != 0;
* Get whether the user is anonymous
* @return \bool True or false
function isAnon() {
return !$this->isLoggedIn();
* Get whether the user is a bot
* @return \bool True or false
* @deprecated
function isBot() {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
return $this->isAllowed( 'bot' );
* Check if user is allowed to access a feature / make an action
* @param $action \string action to be checked
* @return \bool True if action is allowed, else false
function isAllowed( $action = '' ) {
if ( $action === '' )
return true; // In the spirit of DWIM
# Patrolling may not be enabled
if( $action === 'patrol' || $action === 'autopatrol' ) {
global $wgUseRCPatrol, $wgUseNPPatrol;
if( !$wgUseRCPatrol && !$wgUseNPPatrol )
return false;
# Use strict parameter to avoid matching numeric 0 accidentally inserted
# by misconfiguration: 0 == 'foo'
return in_array( $action, $this->getRights(), true );
* Check whether to enable recent changes patrol features for this user
* @return \bool True or false
public function useRCPatrol() {
global $wgUseRCPatrol;
return( $wgUseRCPatrol && ($this->isAllowed('patrol') || $this->isAllowed('patrolmarks')) );
* Check whether to enable new pages patrol features for this user
* @return \bool True or false
public function useNPPatrol() {
global $wgUseRCPatrol, $wgUseNPPatrol;
return( ($wgUseRCPatrol || $wgUseNPPatrol) && ($this->isAllowed('patrol') || $this->isAllowed('patrolmarks')) );
* Get the current skin, loading it if required
* @return \type{Skin} Current skin
* @todo FIXME : need to check the old failback system [AV]
function &getSkin() {
global $wgRequest, $wgAllowUserSkin, $wgDefaultSkin;
if ( ! isset( $this->mSkin ) ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if( $wgAllowUserSkin ) {
# get the user skin
$userSkin = $this->getOption( 'skin' );
$userSkin = $wgRequest->getVal('useskin', $userSkin);
} else {
# if we're not allowing users to override, then use the default
$userSkin = $wgDefaultSkin;
$this->mSkin =& Skin::newFromKey( $userSkin );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $this->mSkin;
* Check the watched status of an article.
* @param $title \type{Title} Title of the article to look at
* @return \bool True if article is watched
function isWatched( $title ) {
$wl = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle( $this, $title );
return $wl->isWatched();
* Watch an article.
* @param $title \type{Title} Title of the article to look at
function addWatch( $title ) {
$wl = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle( $this, $title );
* Stop watching an article.
* @param $title \type{Title} Title of the article to look at
function removeWatch( $title ) {
$wl = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle( $this, $title );
* Clear the user's notification timestamp for the given title.
* If e-notif e-mails are on, they will receive notification mails on
* the next change of the page if it's watched etc.
* @param $title \type{Title} Title of the article to look at
function clearNotification( &$title ) {
global $wgUser, $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker;
# Do nothing if the database is locked to writes
if( wfReadOnly() ) {
if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK &&
$title->getText() == $this->getName() ) {
if (!wfRunHooks('UserClearNewTalkNotification', array(&$this)))
$this->setNewtalk( false );
if( !$wgUseEnotif && !$wgShowUpdatedMarker ) {
if( $this->isAnon() ) {
// Nothing else to do...
// Only update the timestamp if the page is being watched.
// The query to find out if it is watched is cached both in memcached and per-invocation,
// and when it does have to be executed, it can be on a slave
// If this is the user's newtalk page, we always update the timestamp
if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK &&
$title->getText() == $wgUser->getName())
$watched = true;
} elseif ( $this->getId() == $wgUser->getId() ) {
$watched = $title->userIsWatching();
} else {
$watched = true;
// If the page is watched by the user (or may be watched), update the timestamp on any
// any matching rows
if ( $watched ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->update( 'watchlist',
array( /* SET */
'wl_notificationtimestamp' => NULL
), array( /* WHERE */
'wl_title' => $title->getDBkey(),
'wl_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
'wl_user' => $this->getID()
), __METHOD__
* Resets all of the given user's page-change notification timestamps.
* If e-notif e-mails are on, they will receive notification mails on
* the next change of any watched page.
* @param $currentUser \int User ID
function clearAllNotifications( $currentUser ) {
global $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker;
if ( !$wgUseEnotif && !$wgShowUpdatedMarker ) {
$this->setNewtalk( false );
if( $currentUser != 0 ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->update( 'watchlist',
array( /* SET */
'wl_notificationtimestamp' => NULL
), array( /* WHERE */
'wl_user' => $currentUser
), __METHOD__
# We also need to clear here the "you have new message" notification for the own user_talk page
# This is cleared one page view later in Article::viewUpdates();
* Encode this user's options as a string
* @return \string Encoded options
* @private
function encodeOptions() {
if ( is_null( $this->mOptions ) ) {
$this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
$a = array();
foreach ( $this->mOptions as $oname => $oval ) {
array_push( $a, $oname.'='.$oval );
$s = implode( "\n", $a );
return $s;
* Set this user's options from an encoded string
* @param $str \string Encoded options to import
* @private
function decodeOptions( $str ) {
$this->mOptions = array();
$a = explode( "\n", $str );
foreach ( $a as $s ) {
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( "/^(.[^=]*)=(.*)$/", $s, $m ) ) {
$this->mOptions[$m[1]] = $m[2];
* Set a cookie on the user's client. Wrapper for
* WebResponse::setCookie
* @param $name \string Name of the cookie to set
* @param $value \string Value to set
* @param $exp \int Expiration time, as a UNIX time value;
* if 0 or not specified, use the default $wgCookieExpiration
protected function setCookie( $name, $value, $exp=0 ) {
global $wgRequest;
$wgRequest->response()->setcookie( $name, $value, $exp );
* Clear a cookie on the user's client
* @param $name \string Name of the cookie to clear
protected function clearCookie( $name ) {
$this->setCookie( $name, '', time() - 86400 );
* Set the default cookies for this session on the user's client.
function setCookies() {
if ( 0 == $this->mId ) return;
$session = array(
'wsUserID' => $this->mId,
'wsToken' => $this->mToken,
'wsUserName' => $this->getName()
$cookies = array(
'UserID' => $this->mId,
'UserName' => $this->getName(),
if ( 1 == $this->getOption( 'rememberpassword' ) ) {
$cookies['Token'] = $this->mToken;
} else {
$cookies['Token'] = false;
wfRunHooks( 'UserSetCookies', array( $this, &$session, &$cookies ) );
#check for null, since the hook could cause a null value
if ( !is_null( $session ) && isset( $_SESSION ) ){
$_SESSION = $session + $_SESSION;
foreach ( $cookies as $name => $value ) {
if ( $value === false ) {
$this->clearCookie( $name );
} else {
$this->setCookie( $name, $value );
* Log this user out.
function logout() {
global $wgUser;
if( wfRunHooks( 'UserLogout', array(&$this) ) ) {
* Clear the user's cookies and session, and reset the instance cache.
* @private
* @see logout()
function doLogout() {
$this->clearInstanceCache( 'defaults' );
$_SESSION['wsUserID'] = 0;
$this->clearCookie( 'UserID' );
$this->clearCookie( 'Token' );
# Remember when user logged out, to prevent seeing cached pages
$this->setCookie( 'LoggedOut', wfTimestampNow(), time() + 86400 );
* Save this user's settings into the database.
* @todo Only rarely do all these fields need to be set!
function saveSettings() {
if ( wfReadOnly() ) { return; }
if ( 0 == $this->mId ) { return; }
$this->mTouched = self::newTouchedTimestamp();
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->update( 'user',
array( /* SET */
'user_name' => $this->mName,
'user_password' => $this->mPassword,
'user_newpassword' => $this->mNewpassword,
'user_newpass_time' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mNewpassTime ),
'user_real_name' => $this->mRealName,
'user_email' => $this->mEmail,
'user_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mEmailAuthenticated ),
'user_options' => $this->encodeOptions(),
'user_touched' => $dbw->timestamp($this->mTouched),
'user_token' => $this->mToken,
'user_email_token' => $this->mEmailToken,
'user_email_token_expires' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mEmailTokenExpires ),
), array( /* WHERE */
'user_id' => $this->mId
), __METHOD__
wfRunHooks( 'UserSaveSettings', array( $this ) );
* If only this user's username is known, and it exists, return the user ID.
function idForName() {
$s = trim( $this->getName() );
if ( $s === '' ) return 0;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$id = $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_id', array( 'user_name' => $s ), __METHOD__ );
if ( $id === false ) {
$id = 0;
return $id;
* Add a user to the database, return the user object
* @param $name \string Username to add
* @param $params \type{\arrayof{\string}} Non-default parameters to save to the database:
* - password The user's password. Password logins will be disabled if this is omitted.
* - newpassword A temporary password mailed to the user
* - email The user's email address
* - email_authenticated The email authentication timestamp
* - real_name The user's real name
* - options An associative array of non-default options
* - token Random authentication token. Do not set.
* - registration Registration timestamp. Do not set.
* @return \type{User} A new User object, or null if the username already exists
static function createNew( $name, $params = array() ) {
$user = new User;
if ( isset( $params['options'] ) ) {
$user->mOptions = $params['options'] + $user->mOptions;
unset( $params['options'] );
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$seqVal = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'user_user_id_seq' );
$fields = array(
'user_id' => $seqVal,
'user_name' => $name,
'user_password' => $user->mPassword,
'user_newpassword' => $user->mNewpassword,
'user_newpass_time' => $dbw->timestamp( $user->mNewpassTime ),
'user_email' => $user->mEmail,
'user_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $user->mEmailAuthenticated ),
'user_real_name' => $user->mRealName,
'user_options' => $user->encodeOptions(),
'user_token' => $user->mToken,
'user_registration' => $dbw->timestamp( $user->mRegistration ),
'user_editcount' => 0,
foreach ( $params as $name => $value ) {
$fields["user_$name"] = $value;
$dbw->insert( 'user', $fields, __METHOD__, array( 'IGNORE' ) );
if ( $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
$newUser = User::newFromId( $dbw->insertId() );
} else {
$newUser = null;
return $newUser;
* Add this existing user object to the database
function addToDatabase() {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$seqVal = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'user_user_id_seq' );
$dbw->insert( 'user',
'user_id' => $seqVal,
'user_name' => $this->mName,
'user_password' => $this->mPassword,
'user_newpassword' => $this->mNewpassword,
'user_newpass_time' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mNewpassTime ),
'user_email' => $this->mEmail,
'user_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mEmailAuthenticated ),
'user_real_name' => $this->mRealName,
'user_options' => $this->encodeOptions(),
'user_token' => $this->mToken,
'user_registration' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mRegistration ),
'user_editcount' => 0,
), __METHOD__
$this->mId = $dbw->insertId();
// Clear instance cache other than user table data, which is already accurate
* If this (non-anonymous) user is blocked, block any IP address
* they've successfully logged in from.
function spreadBlock() {
wfDebug( __METHOD__."()\n" );
if ( $this->mId == 0 ) {
$userblock = Block::newFromDB( '', $this->mId );
if ( !$userblock ) {
$userblock->doAutoblock( wfGetIp() );
* Generate a string which will be different for any combination of
* user options which would produce different parser output.
* This will be used as part of the hash key for the parser cache,
* so users will the same options can share the same cached data
* safely.
* Extensions which require it should install 'PageRenderingHash' hook,
* which will give them a chance to modify this key based on their own
* settings.
* @return \string Page rendering hash
function getPageRenderingHash() {
global $wgUseDynamicDates, $wgRenderHashAppend, $wgLang, $wgContLang;
if( $this->mHash ){
return $this->mHash;
// stubthreshold is only included below for completeness,
// it will always be 0 when this function is called by parsercache.
$confstr = $this->getOption( 'math' );
$confstr .= '!' . $this->getOption( 'stubthreshold' );
if ( $wgUseDynamicDates ) {
$confstr .= '!' . $this->getDatePreference();
$confstr .= '!' . ($this->getOption( 'numberheadings' ) ? '1' : '');
$confstr .= '!' . $wgLang->getCode();
$confstr .= '!' . $this->getOption( 'thumbsize' );
// add in language specific options, if any
$extra = $wgContLang->getExtraHashOptions();
$confstr .= $extra;
$confstr .= $wgRenderHashAppend;
// Give a chance for extensions to modify the hash, if they have
// extra options or other effects on the parser cache.
wfRunHooks( 'PageRenderingHash', array( &$confstr ) );
// Make it a valid memcached key fragment
$confstr = str_replace( ' ', '_', $confstr );
$this->mHash = $confstr;
return $confstr;
* Get whether the user is explicitly blocked from account creation.
* @return \bool True if blocked
function isBlockedFromCreateAccount() {
return $this->mBlock && $this->mBlock->mCreateAccount;
* Get whether the user is blocked from using Special:Emailuser.
* @return \bool True if blocked
function isBlockedFromEmailuser() {
return $this->mBlock && $this->mBlock->mBlockEmail;
* Get whether the user is allowed to create an account.
* @return \bool True if allowed
function isAllowedToCreateAccount() {
return $this->isAllowed( 'createaccount' ) && !$this->isBlockedFromCreateAccount();
* @deprecated
function setLoaded( $loaded ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
* Get this user's personal page title.
* @return \type{Title} User's personal page title
function getUserPage() {
return Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->getName() );
* Get this user's talk page title.
* @return \type{Title} User's talk page title
function getTalkPage() {
$title = $this->getUserPage();
return $title->getTalkPage();
* Get the maximum valid user ID.
* @return \int User ID
* @static
function getMaxID() {
static $res; // cache
if ( isset( $res ) )
return $res;
else {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
return $res = $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'max(user_id)', false, 'User::getMaxID' );
* Determine whether the user is a newbie. Newbies are either
* anonymous IPs, or the most recently created accounts.
* @return \bool True if the user is a newbie
function isNewbie() {
return !$this->isAllowed( 'autoconfirmed' );
* Is the user active? We check to see if they've made at least
* X number of edits in the last Y days.
* @return \bool True if the user is active, false if not.
public function isActiveEditor() {
global $wgActiveUserEditCount, $wgActiveUserDays;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
// Stolen without shame from RC
$cutoff_unixtime = time() - ( $wgActiveUserDays * 86400 );
$cutoff_unixtime = $cutoff_unixtime - ( $cutoff_unixtime % 86400 );
$oldTime = $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( $cutoff_unixtime ) );
$res = $dbr->select( 'revision', '1',
array( 'rev_user_text' => $this->getName(), "rev_timestamp > $oldTime"),
array('LIMIT' => $wgActiveUserEditCount ) );
$count = $dbr->numRows($res);
return $count == $wgActiveUserEditCount;
* Check to see if the given clear-text password is one of the accepted passwords
* @param $password \string user password.
* @return \bool True if the given password is correct, otherwise False.
function checkPassword( $password ) {
global $wgAuth;
// Even though we stop people from creating passwords that
// are shorter than this, doesn't mean people wont be able
// to. Certain authentication plugins do NOT want to save
// domain passwords in a mysql database, so we should
// check this (incase $wgAuth->strict() is false).
if( !$this->isValidPassword( $password ) ) {
return false;
if( $wgAuth->authenticate( $this->getName(), $password ) ) {
return true;
} elseif( $wgAuth->strict() ) {
/* Auth plugin doesn't allow local authentication */
return false;
} elseif( $wgAuth->strictUserAuth( $this->getName() ) ) {
/* Auth plugin doesn't allow local authentication for this user name */
return false;
if ( self::comparePasswords( $this->mPassword, $password, $this->mId ) ) {
return true;
} elseif ( function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) {
# Some wikis were converted from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8, the passwords can't be converted
# Check for this with iconv
$cp1252Password = iconv( 'UTF-8', 'WINDOWS-1252//TRANSLIT', $password );
if ( self::comparePasswords( $this->mPassword, $cp1252Password, $this->mId ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the given clear-text password matches the temporary password
* sent by e-mail for password reset operations.
* @return \bool True if matches, false otherwise
function checkTemporaryPassword( $plaintext ) {
global $wgNewPasswordExpiry;
if( self::comparePasswords( $this->mNewpassword, $plaintext, $this->getId() ) ) {
$expiry = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $this->mNewpassTime ) + $wgNewPasswordExpiry;
return ( time() < $expiry );
} else {
return false;
* Initialize (if necessary) and return a session token value
* which can be used in edit forms to show that the user's
* login credentials aren't being hijacked with a foreign form
* submission.
* @param $salt \types{\string,\arrayof{\string}} Optional function-specific data for hashing
* @return \string The new edit token
function editToken( $salt = '' ) {
if ( $this->isAnon() ) {
} else {
if( !isset( $_SESSION['wsEditToken'] ) ) {
$token = $this->generateToken();
$_SESSION['wsEditToken'] = $token;
} else {
$token = $_SESSION['wsEditToken'];
if( is_array( $salt ) ) {
$salt = implode( '|', $salt );
return md5( $token . $salt ) . EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX;
* Generate a looking random token for various uses.
* @param $salt \string Optional salt value
* @return \string The new random token
function generateToken( $salt = '' ) {
$token = dechex( mt_rand() ) . dechex( mt_rand() );
return md5( $token . $salt );
* Check given value against the token value stored in the session.
* A match should confirm that the form was submitted from the
* user's own login session, not a form submission from a third-party
* site.
* @param $val \string Input value to compare
* @param $salt \string Optional function-specific data for hashing
* @return \bool Whether the token matches
function matchEditToken( $val, $salt = '' ) {
$sessionToken = $this->editToken( $salt );
if ( $val != $sessionToken ) {
wfDebug( "User::matchEditToken: broken session data\n" );
return $val == $sessionToken;
* Check given value against the token value stored in the session,
* ignoring the suffix.
* @param $val \string Input value to compare
* @param $salt \string Optional function-specific data for hashing
* @return \bool Whether the token matches
function matchEditTokenNoSuffix( $val, $salt = '' ) {
$sessionToken = $this->editToken( $salt );
return substr( $sessionToken, 0, 32 ) == substr( $val, 0, 32 );
* Generate a new e-mail confirmation token and send a confirmation/invalidation
* mail to the user's given address.
* @return \types{\bool,\type{WikiError}} True on success, a WikiError object on failure.
function sendConfirmationMail() {
global $wgLang;
$expiration = null; // gets passed-by-ref and defined in next line.
$token = $this->confirmationToken( $expiration );
$url = $this->confirmationTokenUrl( $token );
$invalidateURL = $this->invalidationTokenUrl( $token );
return $this->sendMail( wfMsg( 'confirmemail_subject' ),
wfMsg( 'confirmemail_body',
$wgLang->timeanddate( $expiration, false ),
$invalidateURL ) );
* Send an e-mail to this user's account. Does not check for
* confirmed status or validity.
* @param $subject \string Message subject
* @param $body \string Message body
* @param $from \string Optional From address; if unspecified, default $wgPasswordSender will be used
* @param $replyto \string Reply-To address
* @return \types{\bool,\type{WikiError}} True on success, a WikiError object on failure
function sendMail( $subject, $body, $from = null, $replyto = null ) {
if( is_null( $from ) ) {
global $wgPasswordSender;
$from = $wgPasswordSender;
$to = new MailAddress( $this );
$sender = new MailAddress( $from );
return UserMailer::send( $to, $sender, $subject, $body, $replyto );
* Generate, store, and return a new e-mail confirmation code.
* A hash (unsalted, since it's used as a key) is stored.
* @note Call saveSettings() after calling this function to commit
* this change to the database.
* @param[out] &$expiration \mixed Accepts the expiration time
* @return \string New token
* @private
function confirmationToken( &$expiration ) {
$now = time();
$expires = $now + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
$expiration = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $expires );
$token = $this->generateToken( $this->mId . $this->mEmail . $expires );
$hash = md5( $token );
$this->mEmailToken = $hash;
$this->mEmailTokenExpires = $expiration;
return $token;
* Return a URL the user can use to confirm their email address.
* @param $token \string Accepts the email confirmation token
* @return \string New token URL
* @private
function confirmationTokenUrl( $token ) {
return $this->getTokenUrl( 'ConfirmEmail', $token );
* Return a URL the user can use to invalidate their email address.
* @param $token \string Accepts the email confirmation token
* @return \string New token URL
* @private
function invalidationTokenUrl( $token ) {
return $this->getTokenUrl( 'Invalidateemail', $token );
* Internal function to format the e-mail validation/invalidation URLs.
* This uses $wgArticlePath directly as a quickie hack to use the
* hardcoded English names of the Special: pages, for ASCII safety.
* @note Since these URLs get dropped directly into emails, using the
* short English names avoids insanely long URL-encoded links, which
* also sometimes can get corrupted in some browsers/mailers
* (bug 6957 with Gmail and Internet Explorer).
* @param $page \string Special page
* @param $token \string Token
* @return \string Formatted URL
protected function getTokenUrl( $page, $token ) {
global $wgArticlePath;
return wfExpandUrl(
$wgArticlePath ) );
* Mark the e-mail address confirmed.
* @note Call saveSettings() after calling this function to commit the change.
function confirmEmail() {
$this->setEmailAuthenticationTimestamp( wfTimestampNow() );
return true;
* Invalidate the user's e-mail confirmation, and unauthenticate the e-mail
* address if it was already confirmed.
* @note Call saveSettings() after calling this function to commit the change.
function invalidateEmail() {
$this->mEmailToken = null;
$this->mEmailTokenExpires = null;
$this->setEmailAuthenticationTimestamp( null );
return true;
* Set the e-mail authentication timestamp.
* @param $timestamp \string TS_MW timestamp
function setEmailAuthenticationTimestamp( $timestamp ) {
$this->mEmailAuthenticated = $timestamp;
wfRunHooks( 'UserSetEmailAuthenticationTimestamp', array( $this, &$this->mEmailAuthenticated ) );
* Is this user allowed to send e-mails within limits of current
* site configuration?
* @return \bool True if allowed
function canSendEmail() {
global $wgEnableEmail, $wgEnableUserEmail;
if( !$wgEnableEmail || !$wgEnableUserEmail ) {
return false;
$canSend = $this->isEmailConfirmed();
wfRunHooks( 'UserCanSendEmail', array( &$this, &$canSend ) );
return $canSend;
* Is this user allowed to receive e-mails within limits of current
* site configuration?
* @return \bool True if allowed
function canReceiveEmail() {
return $this->isEmailConfirmed() && !$this->getOption( 'disablemail' );
* Is this user's e-mail address valid-looking and confirmed within
* limits of the current site configuration?
* @note If $wgEmailAuthentication is on, this may require the user to have
* confirmed their address by returning a code or using a password
* sent to the address from the wiki.
* @return \bool True if confirmed
function isEmailConfirmed() {
global $wgEmailAuthentication;
$confirmed = true;
if( wfRunHooks( 'EmailConfirmed', array( &$this, &$confirmed ) ) ) {
if( $this->isAnon() )
return false;
if( !self::isValidEmailAddr( $this->mEmail ) )
return false;
if( $wgEmailAuthentication && !$this->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp() )
return false;
return true;
} else {
return $confirmed;
* Check whether there is an outstanding request for e-mail confirmation.
* @return \bool True if pending
function isEmailConfirmationPending() {
global $wgEmailAuthentication;
return $wgEmailAuthentication &&
!$this->isEmailConfirmed() &&
$this->mEmailToken &&
$this->mEmailTokenExpires > wfTimestamp();
* Get the timestamp of account creation.
* @return \types{\string,\bool} string Timestamp of account creation, or false for
* non-existent/anonymous user accounts.
public function getRegistration() {
return $this->getId() > 0
? $this->mRegistration
: false;
* Get the timestamp of the first edit
* @return \types{\string,\bool} string Timestamp of first edit, or false for
* non-existent/anonymous user accounts.
public function getFirstEditTimestamp() {
if( $this->getId() == 0 ) return false; // anons
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$time = $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'rev_timestamp',
array( 'rev_user' => $this->getId() ),
array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp ASC' )
if( !$time ) return false; // no edits
return wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $time );
* Get the permissions associated with a given list of groups
* @param $groups \type{\arrayof{\string}} List of internal group names
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} List of permission key names for given groups combined
static function getGroupPermissions( $groups ) {
global $wgGroupPermissions;
$rights = array();
foreach( $groups as $group ) {
if( isset( $wgGroupPermissions[$group] ) ) {
$rights = array_merge( $rights,
// array_filter removes empty items
array_keys( array_filter( $wgGroupPermissions[$group] ) ) );
return array_unique($rights);
* Get all the groups who have a given permission
* @param $role \string Role to check
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} List of internal group names with the given permission
static function getGroupsWithPermission( $role ) {
global $wgGroupPermissions;
$allowedGroups = array();
foreach ( $wgGroupPermissions as $group => $rights ) {
if ( isset( $rights[$role] ) && $rights[$role] ) {
$allowedGroups[] = $group;
return $allowedGroups;
* Get the localized descriptive name for a group, if it exists
* @param $group \string Internal group name
* @return \string Localized descriptive group name
static function getGroupName( $group ) {
global $wgMessageCache;
$key = "group-$group";
$name = wfMsg( $key );
return $name == '' || wfEmptyMsg( $key, $name )
? $group
: $name;
* Get the localized descriptive name for a member of a group, if it exists
* @param $group \string Internal group name
* @return \string Localized name for group member
static function getGroupMember( $group ) {
global $wgMessageCache;
$key = "group-$group-member";
$name = wfMsg( $key );
return $name == '' || wfEmptyMsg( $key, $name )
? $group
: $name;
* Return the set of defined explicit groups.
* The implicit groups (by default *, 'user' and 'autoconfirmed')
* are not included, as they are defined automatically, not in the database.
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of internal group names
static function getAllGroups() {
global $wgGroupPermissions;
return array_diff(
array_keys( $wgGroupPermissions ),
* Get a list of all available permissions.
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of permission names
static function getAllRights() {
if ( self::$mAllRights === false ) {
global $wgAvailableRights;
if ( count( $wgAvailableRights ) ) {
self::$mAllRights = array_unique( array_merge( self::$mCoreRights, $wgAvailableRights ) );
} else {
self::$mAllRights = self::$mCoreRights;
wfRunHooks( 'UserGetAllRights', array( &self::$mAllRights ) );
return self::$mAllRights;
* Get a list of implicit groups
* @return \type{\arrayof{\string}} Array of internal group names
public static function getImplicitGroups() {
global $wgImplicitGroups;
$groups = $wgImplicitGroups;
wfRunHooks( 'UserGetImplicitGroups', array( &$groups ) ); #deprecated, use $wgImplictGroups instead
return $groups;
* Get the title of a page describing a particular group
* @param $group \string Internal group name
* @return \types{\type{Title},\bool} Title of the page if it exists, false otherwise
static function getGroupPage( $group ) {
global $wgMessageCache;
$page = wfMsgForContent( 'grouppage-' . $group );
if( !wfEmptyMsg( 'grouppage-' . $group, $page ) ) {
$title = Title::newFromText( $page );
if( is_object( $title ) )
return $title;
return false;
* Create a link to the group in HTML, if available;
* else return the group name.
* @param $group \string Internal name of the group
* @param $text \string The text of the link
* @return \string HTML link to the group
static function makeGroupLinkHTML( $group, $text = '' ) {
if( $text == '' ) {
$text = self::getGroupName( $group );
$title = self::getGroupPage( $group );
if( $title ) {
global $wgUser;
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
return $sk->makeLinkObj( $title, htmlspecialchars( $text ) );
} else {
return $text;
* Create a link to the group in Wikitext, if available;
* else return the group name.
* @param $group \string Internal name of the group
* @param $text \string The text of the link
* @return \string Wikilink to the group
static function makeGroupLinkWiki( $group, $text = '' ) {
if( $text == '' ) {
$text = self::getGroupName( $group );
$title = self::getGroupPage( $group );
if( $title ) {
$page = $title->getPrefixedText();
return "[[$page|$text]]";
} else {
return $text;
* Increment the user's edit-count field.
* Will have no effect for anonymous users.
function incEditCount() {
if( !$this->isAnon() ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->update( 'user',
array( 'user_editcount=user_editcount+1' ),
array( 'user_id' => $this->getId() ),
__METHOD__ );
// Lazy initialization check...
if( $dbw->affectedRows() == 0 ) {
// Pull from a slave to be less cruel to servers
// Accuracy isn't the point anyway here
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$count = $dbr->selectField( 'revision',
array( 'rev_user' => $this->getId() ),
__METHOD__ );
// Now here's a goddamn hack...
if( $dbr !== $dbw ) {
// If we actually have a slave server, the count is
// at least one behind because the current transaction
// has not been committed and replicated.
} else {
// But if DB_SLAVE is selecting the master, then the
// count we just read includes the revision that was
// just added in the working transaction.
$dbw->update( 'user',
array( 'user_editcount' => $count ),
array( 'user_id' => $this->getId() ),
__METHOD__ );
// edit count in user cache too
* Get the description of a given right
* @param $right \string Right to query
* @return \string Localized description of the right
static function getRightDescription( $right ) {
global $wgMessageCache;
$key = "right-$right";
$name = wfMsg( $key );
return $name == '' || wfEmptyMsg( $key, $name )
? $right
: $name;
* Make an old-style password hash
* @param $password \string Plain-text password
* @param $userId \string User ID
* @return \string Password hash
static function oldCrypt( $password, $userId ) {
global $wgPasswordSalt;
if ( $wgPasswordSalt ) {
return md5( $userId . '-' . md5( $password ) );
} else {
return md5( $password );
* Make a new-style password hash
* @param $password \string Plain-text password
* @param $salt \string Optional salt, may be random or the user ID.
* If unspecified or false, will generate one automatically
* @return \string Password hash
static function crypt( $password, $salt = false ) {
global $wgPasswordSalt;
$hash = '';
if( !wfRunHooks( 'UserCryptPassword', array( &$password, &$salt, &$wgPasswordSalt, &$hash ) ) ) {
return $hash;
if( $wgPasswordSalt ) {
if ( $salt === false ) {
$salt = substr( wfGenerateToken(), 0, 8 );
return ':B:' . $salt . ':' . md5( $salt . '-' . md5( $password ) );
} else {
return ':A:' . md5( $password );
* Compare a password hash with a plain-text password. Requires the user
* ID if there's a chance that the hash is an old-style hash.
* @param $hash \string Password hash
* @param $password \string Plain-text password to compare
* @param $userId \string User ID for old-style password salt
* @return \bool
static function comparePasswords( $hash, $password, $userId = false ) {
$m = false;
$type = substr( $hash, 0, 3 );
$result = false;
if( !wfRunHooks( 'UserComparePasswords', array( &$hash, &$password, &$userId, &$result ) ) ) {
return $result;
if ( $type == ':A:' ) {
# Unsalted
return md5( $password ) === substr( $hash, 3 );
} elseif ( $type == ':B:' ) {
# Salted
list( $salt, $realHash ) = explode( ':', substr( $hash, 3 ), 2 );
return md5( $salt.'-'.md5( $password ) ) == $realHash;
} else {
# Old-style
return self::oldCrypt( $password, $userId ) === $hash;
* Add a newuser log entry for this user
* @param $byEmail Boolean: account made by email?
public function addNewUserLogEntry( $byEmail = false ) {
global $wgUser, $wgContLang, $wgNewUserLog;
if( empty($wgNewUserLog) ) {
return true; // disabled
$talk = $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( NS_TALK );
if( $this->getName() == $wgUser->getName() ) {
$action = 'create';
$message = '';
} else {
$action = 'create2';
$message = $byEmail ? wfMsgForContent( 'newuserlog-byemail' ) : '';
$log = new LogPage( 'newusers' );
$log->addEntry( $action, $this->getUserPage(), $message, array( $this->getId() ) );
return true;
* Add an autocreate newuser log entry for this user
* Used by things like CentralAuth and perhaps other authplugins.
public function addNewUserLogEntryAutoCreate() {
global $wgNewUserLog;
if( empty($wgNewUserLog) ) {
return true; // disabled
$log = new LogPage( 'newusers', false );
$log->addEntry( 'autocreate', $this->getUserPage(), '', array( $this->getId() ) );
return true;
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | Fuzhou Foreign Language School
Fuzhou Foreign Language School is a public high school featured foreign language teaching in Fuzhou, Fujian province, China. Besides English teaching in general, it also has French, Japanese and German Departments. The school participates the Deutsches Sprachdiplom, which allows its students have the chance to apply for German universities. Fuzhou Foreign Language School signed a cooperation agreement with Trinity College Dublin, Ireland through their historic link, run the Anglo-Chinese IELTS
class jointly,sending qualified graduates study abroad. The French language class features with art courses.
Its precursor is St. Mark's College founded in 1907 by W. S. Pakenham-Walsh, a Chaplain of Dublin University Far Eastern Mission. There were only ten students in the first year, and all staff was W. S. Pakenham-Walsh and his wife plus a Chinese teacher. In the beginning, the college was funded by an Irish lady who was familiar W. S. Pakenham-Walsh's father, totally £40. In 1909, there are 150 people applied to the school, taking 100 people. In 1911, after getting a large amount of donation from Pan-Anglican Congress, Church Mission Society decided to merge the college with a middle school and a primary school. W. S. Pakenham-Walsh purchased Russian consulate and surrounding land as the campus of the new school, and named it Trinity College Foochow(Fuzhou).The name indicated its strong relationship with Trinity College Dublin and Christianity. St. Mark's College became the Anglo-Chinese school of Trinity College, where most courses were taught in English and another combined middle school mainly in Chinese language. The school maintained a high English standard, as a result, its students were very popular with society,many of them even began working without graduation.
Dublin University Fukien Mission was in charge of the management of the school, hence many teachers and staffers were missionaries who came from Ireland. The students had to study the Bible and participate the religious activities including morning prayer, evening prayer. Graduates of Anglo-Chinese school could enter Saint John's University, Shanghai and Fukien Christian University founded in 1916 without exam.
The school applied to Chinese education department for register in 1927, as the school was independence to the Chinese government before. Except for English,the language of courses in Anglo-Chinese school changed to Chinese language. In 2 January 1928, the education department approve the application.
After registration, the teaching and administration of the school were transferred to Chinese staff, but still financed by Church Mission Society.
In 1928, due to growing public pressure on taking the right of education back and against the "cultural invasion", Rev.W.P.W.Williams resigned from the post of headmaster, who was the last foreigner in this position.
In summer 1929, Rev.W.P.W.Williams ordered the Chinese headmaster to fire two students, which caused large scale protest among students, and they succeed at last.
In 1930, Anglo-Chinese school merged with the high school of Trinity College.
After Second Sino-Japanese war broke out, the school first moved to Gutian, and in 1939 moved to Chong'an(now Wuyishan) in North Fujian. In 1941, it was merged with Do-seuk Girls' School from Fuzhou after the city fell. In 15 April 1941, the Japanese aircraft bombed the school, killing 6 students. In summer 1942,the senior high school moved back to Gutian, and the junior high school moved to Minhou near Fuzhou. In 1945, all departments moved back to Fuzhou.
In October 1952, after communist party came to power, it was taken over by the authorities and renamed Fuzhou No.9 Middle School. In July 1993, the school began using this name, although most townspeople still refer the school as "Jiuzhong"(the abbreviation of No. 9 middle school in Chinese).
Trinity College Foochow Badge
The Dublin University Far Eastern Mission (founded in 1886) established Trinity College Fuzhou in 1907, now the Fuzhou Foreign Language School.
The outline of the school badge is inverted triangle. There is a celtic cross in the center of circular school emblem, surrounding by the Chinese name of the school. The outer circle is decorated with shamrock, the symbol of Ireland, on the top, left and right with a strong Irish style.
Notable people
Watchman Nee
Michael Chang
Chen Jingrun
Further reading
W. S. Pakenham-Walsh (1935), Twenty years in China, Cambridge, England: W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd.
R. M. Gwynn, E. M. Norton, B. W. Simpson (1936), "T.C.D." in China: a history of the Dublin University Fukien Mission, 1885-1935, compiled for the mission's jubilee, Dublin: Church of Ireland Print. and Pub. Co.
Category:High schools in Fujian
Category:Schools in Fuzhou
Category:Foreign-language high schools in China
Category:Educational institutions established in 1907 |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | 2005 Guinea-Bissau presidential election
Presidential elections were held in Guinea-Bissau on 19 June 2005, with a second round runoff on 24 July. The elections marked the end of a transition to democratic rule after the previously elected government was overthrown in a September 2003 military coup led by General Veríssimo Correia Seabra. The result was a victory for former President and independent candidate João Bernardo Vieira.
Following the coup, a civilian government was nominated to oversee the transition and sworn in on 28 September 2003. Henrique Rosa was appointed interim President following talks with military, political, and civil society leaders, while Artur Sanhá of the Party for Social Renewal (PRS) was named Prime Minister.
A legislative election, delayed numerous times during the presidency of Kumba Ialá, took place on 28 March 2004. The poll was declared free and fair by election observers and the former ruling party, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), won a plurality of the seats. Ialá's party, the PRS, placed second, followed by the United Social Democratic Party (PUSD). PAIGC leader Carlos Gomes Júnior took office as Prime Minister in May 2004.
The transitional period has been one of increased political and national stability. The caretaker government has managed to improve Guinea-Bissau's human rights record, as evidenced in the most recent U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices entry for Guinea-Bissau (released 28 February 2005, which says "The [Transitional] Government generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, there were problems in some areas". The previous report (released 25 February 2004) stated "The [Ialá] Government's human rights record remained poor, and it continued to commit serious abuses".
The biggest threat to stability came on 6 October 2004 when a mutiny by soldiers—instigated by unpaid wages—turned violent. General Veríssimo Correia Seabra and his lieutenant were killed by the revolting soldiers. Despite this setback, the tense relations between the government and the military improved with the signing of a memorandum of understanding.
On 10 May 2005, the Supreme Court published a list of candidates that will contest the election. Three previously barred candidates were allowed to contest the poll and appeared on the final list of candidates published on 18 May. The 13 candidates are:
Adelino Mano Queta - Independent
Antonieta Rosa Gomes - Guinean Civic Forum-Social Democracy (FCG-SD). Contested the 1994 presidential election and won 1.79% of the vote.
Aregado Mantenque Té - Workers' Party (PT)
Paulino Empossa Ié - Independent
Faustino Fadut Imbali - Manifest Party of the People (PMP). Prime Minister from March to December 2001.
Francisco Fadul - United Social Democratic Party (PUSD). Prime Minister from 3 December 1998 to 19 February 2000.
Mamadú Iaia Djaló - Independent
Idrissa Djaló - National Unity Party (PUN)
João Bernardo "Nino" Vieira - Independent. President from 1980 to 1999. Like Ialá, he was banned from national politics for five years but his candidacy was approved by the supreme court.
João Tátis Sá - Guinean People's Party (PPG)
Kumba Ialá - Party for Social Renewal (PRS). He contested the country's first democratic elections in 1994, losing to incumbent João Bernardo Vieira, and won the 1999/2000 election. He served as president from 17 February 2000 until his ouster by the military in September 2003. His nomination is controversial because the transitional government announced a five-year ban on political activities for former leaders following the coup. Despite this, the Supreme Court approved his candidacy.
Malam Bacai Sanhá - African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAICG). He served as acting president from 14 May 1999 to 17 February 2000. Sanhá ran in the previous presidential elections, held on 28 November 1999 and placed second with 23.37% of the vote to Kumba Ialá's 38.81%. In the run-off held on 16 January 2000, he was soundly defeated by Ialá, who received 72% of the vote.
Mário Lopes da Rosa - Independent
Diplomats and political analysts say that the participation of the two ex-presidents Vieira and Ialá may exacerbate tensions among ethnic groups and the military that could destabilize the country. Ex-President Vieira has a troubled relationship with the armed forces. Ex-President Ialá, on the other hand, has a very poor reputation among potential donor countries and financial institutions, with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank freezing aid to the country during his presidency. He has a considerable amount of support from the Balanta ethnic group which dominates the military, but has little support from the other groups. There are unconfirmed reports of the establishment of armed groups along ethnic lines in Bissau.
Four candidates who were approved to contest the election withdrew in the weeks leading up to the poll; Abubacar Baldé of the UNDP, Iancuba Indjai of the PST (who subsequently declared his support for Malam Bacai Sanhá), independent candidate Ibraima Sow (who backed Vieira) and Salvador Tchongó of the RGB-MB.
On 2 July Ialá announced his support for Vieira's candidacy in the second round runoff. He called Vieira "a symbol of the construction of the Guinean state and of national unity because he proclaimed our independence in the hills of Boe" and said that he could "be relied upon to defend our national independence, to oppose neo-colonialism, to build the republic and promote peace, stability and above all, national reconciliation". Given Ialá's sharp hostility to Vieira in previous years, this endorsement was viewed as surprising by many, and there was reportedly significant dissatisfaction with the decision among Ialá's supporters.
It has been alleged that Vieira's re-election campaign was partly funded by Colombian drug dealers, who use Guinea-Bissau as a transit route to transport drugs to Europe.
Voting took place peacefully in the first round on 19 June. Chief EU election monitor Johan Van Heck said his group noted no major irregularities, adding, "We have the impression that throughout the country everyone has had the chance to express themselves without being intimidated." The next day, Van Heck praised the fact that "the military forces abstained from intervening in the process and rather helped the conduct of the election." The EU observer added, "More than 90 percent of the polling stations were fully operational an hour after they had opened, and the secret ballot was guaranteed."
On 22 June, provisional tallies put Sanhá in first place, followed by Vieira and Ialá in third. Members of Ialá's Party for Social Renewal (PRS) deemed the results "false". Two days later, at least two people died when police fired tear gas and live bullets at a crowd of Ialá supporters, who were protesting the released results.
Beginning on 25 June, Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade held separate meetings with the three main candidates; Wade said that he was mediating at the request of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and was not interfering in Guinea-Bissau's affairs. Kumba Ialá, speaking at a press conference in Dakar on 27 June, accepted the results "in the interests of peace and stability", although he still maintained that he had actually received the most votes. According to Ialá, he won 38%, Sanhá won 28%, and Vieira won 26%; he alleged that the votes were manipulated so that his total went to Sanhá and Sanhá's total went to Vieira. Also on 27 June, Vieira promised to "respect the verdict of the ballot boxes", as did Sanhá, who described himself as "a man of peace and stability".
Final results of the first round were released on 25 June. Malam Bacai Sanhá received 35.45% of the vote, João Bernardo "Nino" Vieira won 28.87%, and Kumba Ialá 25.00%. Ten other candidates split the remaining votes. Electoral commission head Malam Mané made "a strong appeal for moderation and public-spiritedness." Voter turnout for the first round was placed at 87.3%.
On July 28, the electoral commission reported that Vieira had garnered 20,000 vote more than Sanhá in run-off voting, however, the results were "provisional" since the PAIGC demanded a recount, citing irregularities in the capital and in the west. After the provisional results were announced, Vieira praised his rival Sanha, called him a democrat and said he hoped he would help unify the country; he also vowed that "from today, Guinea-Bissau will change in the right direction". A spokesman for Sanha alleged fraud, however.
Further reading
External links
PAIGC website
PUSD website
Francisco Fadul website
Guinea-Bissau US Department of State
Category:2005 elections in Africa
Election, Presidential
Category:June 2005 events in Africa |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Tweet I’ve had a couple of people contact me, interested in providing content for our new offer to citizen journalists. However, there have also been a couple of questions about why we’re doing this. Well, that’s fair enough, and we’re more than willing to answer those questions. However, since a couple have come up repeatedly, [...] |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Taking 'women's work' 'like a man': husbands' experiences of care work.
We adopted a feminist, structural approach to husbands' experiences of caring for wives with Alzheimer's disease. This framework posited that men and women draw upon gender repertoires-situational ideals of behavior based upon their respective structural locations-that create gendered experiences of stress and coping strategies. We used a qualitative, constructivist approach to analyze in-depth interviews with 22 spousal caregivers and observations within support groups. Our analysis focused on the nine husbands, the strategies these men reported using to deal with problems that arose in their care work, and the extent to which these are congruent with the masculinities of White men in the United States. We found that these husbands' approaches to caregiving and their strategies for dealing with the work and feelings involved were rooted in their sense of selves as men. We outline their overall approaches to caregiving, identify six strategies husbands used to deal with problems stemming from care work-exerting force, focusing on tasks, blocking emotions, minimizing disruption, distracting attention, and self-medicating-and tie these to their structural positions as working-, middle-, and professional-class men. Theories of gender differences in the performance or quality of care work should tie these to structural arrangements. Unless the gendered bases upon which different styles or experiences are removed (i.e., structural inequality), designers of interventions cannot and should not expect to use the experience of one group to inform appropriate strategies for the other. |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | The federal government is refusing to recognize the Islamic State atrocities as genocide, one day after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry determined that the terror group has committed genocide against Christians and members of other minorities in Iraq and Syria.
Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion is not following in the footsteps of the U.S. administration in using the term genocide to describe the Islamic State's actions.
"Canada strongly condemns the crimes perpetrated by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, including those committed against religious and ethnic minorities," Mr. Dion's press secretary, Chantal Gagnon, said in a statement on Friday.
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"Canada is committed to preventing and halting genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity."
Mr. Kerry made his declaration on Thursday, after Congress unanimously passed a non-binding resolution accusing the Islamic State of genocide earlier this week.
"In my judgment, Daesh [Islamic State] is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control, including Yezidis [Yazidis], Christians and Shia Muslims," he said.
The United States joins the likes of Pope Francis and the European Parliament in calling the terror group's actions genocide.
Speaking to The Globe and Mail, Interim Conservative Leader Rona Ambrose said Mr. Kerry's comments carry a lot of weight. She called on the Canadian government to follow suit.
"My hope is that Canada will recognize that [genocide], just as the U.S. did yesterday, and then act on it," Ms. Ambrose said.
"Now is the time for the world to come together to help the groups of people that are being slaughtered."
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However, the NDP also refused to describe the Islamic State horrors as genocide.
Rather, foreign affairs critic Hélène Laverdière called them war crimes.
"ISIS has committed horrible acts against civilians, and from the beginning of our involvement in Iraq and Syria, the NDP has called for Canada to help uphold international law by providing support for the investigation and prosecution of war crimes in the region," Ms. Laverdière said in a statement.
Kyle Matthews, senior deputy director at the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies at Concordia University, said he thinks that the federal government is avoiding the term because the Canadian mission against the Islamic State "does nothing to stop genocide."
The Liberal government revised Canada's mission against the terror organization in February, withdrawing its CF-18 fighter jets.
"The fighter jets are the ones that actually can go deep into ISIS-controlled territory in Syria and Iraq and actually take out the convoys, help ground troops stop their advances. That's been taken off the table," Mr. Matthews said.
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"If you want to prevent genocide, there is nothing in the Canadian current plan that is doing that."
He called on the House of Commons to hold a vote declaring that the Islamic State is committing genocide.
Genocide is defined in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."
If a signatory state describes a conflict as genocide, it has an obligation to act under the convention. Canada and the United States are both signatories.
While Mr. Matthews said there is no guarantee that the United States will do more to prevent genocide, the pressure is now on to do so.
"The genocide convention basically argues that inaction is not a policy option, that you have to be more forceful," he said. "It means going in and then going right to the root of the source. So we're talking about Raqqa [Syria] here." |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | Article content
Get ready to grow, Saskatoon — but maybe not quite as fast as you have been.
A new City of Saskatoon report predicts Saskatchewan’s largest city will crack the 300,000 population mark in eight years and reach 380,650 by 2035. Those projections are based on an average annual growth rate of two per cent.
We apologize, but this video has failed to load.
tap here to see other videos from our team. Try refreshing your browser, or Saskatoon slated to grow to 380,000 in 18 years Back to video
The latest estimate represents a downgrade from the last projection in 2012, when the city was forecast to grow to 385,411 by 2032, presuming a 2.5 per cent growth rate.
The city’s population is also expected to get older.
“As much as the population growth detailed in this projection will keep Saskatoon young, there will be significant changes in the aging population as well,” the report says. “The aging of the demographic baby boom (the population born between 1946 and 1965) will swell the population aged 65 and over to nearly double its current size.”
Saskatoon’s senior citizen population is expected to grow from 33,000 in 2015 to 56,000 in 2035, regardless of the overall growth scenario. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | List of sport venues in Cardiff
This is a list of sport venues in the city of Cardiff, capital of Wales.
Cardiff Arena
The Cardiff Arena, also known as the Cardiff Bay Ice Arena, is a temporary public ice rink that is part of the Cardiff International Sports Village (ISV) in Cardiff Bay. It has a capacity of 2,500 for ice hockey and is the home venue of the Cardiff Devils. The Ice Arena, which replaced the Wales National Ice Rink demolished – as part of the Cardiff city centre St David's 2 retail scheme – opened on 6 December 2006, after a number of delays.
Cardiff Arena, operated by Planet Ice, is a temporary structure that will remain open while a new arena is built in the ISV.
Development of the new permanent rink design is due to start in late September 2010, and work is due to begin in early 2011, subject to planning, with the ice arena to be completed by February 2012. Planet Ice will run the rink as well as design and build it.
Cardiff Arms Park
Cardiff Arms Park is a rugby union stadium situated in the city centre. One of rugby union's most famous stadiums, it is home to Cardiff RFC and (until 2009 when they moved to the Cardiff City Stadium) was also home to the Cardiff Blues. Previously the site had two stadiums: the Cardiff Rugby Ground and also the National Stadium. Until 1966 it was also home to the only Welsh first-class cricket club, Glamorgan County Cricket Club.
The Arms Park officially opened on 7 April 1984, but by 1999 the Millennium Stadium, which was the fourth redevelopment of the Cardiff Arms Park site since 1881, had replaced it as the national stadium of Wales. The future of the remaining Cardiff Rugby Ground has been in doubt since the announcement in 2007 that the Cardiff Blues would be moving to the new Cardiff City stadium.
The site has been host to many sports apart from rugby union and cricket, including athletics, association football, greyhound racing, tennis, British baseball and boxing. The National Stadium also hosted many music concerts including The Rolling Stones, U2 and Michael Jackson.
Cardiff City Stadium
Cardiff City Stadium () is a 33,250 all-seated ground in the Leckwith area of the city, which is the home of Cardiff City Football Club. Owned and operated by Cardiff City F.C., the stadium also hosts the home matches of the Cardiff Blues rugby union team until 2029. After the Millennium Stadium, it is the second largest stadium in Cardiff and in Wales. The stadium is part of the Leckwith development. A branded sponsor name will be assigned as and when the naming rights sell. The stadium was officially opened on 22 July 2009, with Cardiff City drawing 0–0 in a friendly against Celtic.
Municipal leisure centres
Channel View Leisure Centre in Grangetown has been open since 2002. The centre includes three badminton courts, a squash court, a climbing wall, a fitness suite and an outdoor all weather 5-a-side pitch. Other activities available at the centre include badminton and netball.
Eastern Leisure Centre () in Llanrumney has been open since 1982. The centre comprises a swimming pool, six badminton and five squash courts, a multi-use sports hall, a fitness suite and an outdoor tarmac 5-a-side pitch. Other activities available at the centre include bowls, netball, table tennis, trampolining and gymnastics. Sports clubs using the Eastern Leisure Centre include City of Cardiff Swimming Club and Cardiff Volleyball Club.
Fairwater Leisure Centre () opened in 1983. The centre comprises a swimming pool, four badminton and four squash courts, a sports hall, a fitness suite and an outdoor skate park. Other activities available at the centre include gymnastics, trampolining and soccer. Sports clubs either based at, or using Fairwater Leisure Centre include the BBC football club, Cardiff Triathletes and City of Cardiff Swimming Club.
Llanishen Leisure Centre (), the county's largest, opened in 1987. The centre comprises a leisure pool with wave machine, six badminton and three squash courts, a multi-use sports hall, a fitness suite and mini gym. Other activities available at the centre include gymnastics, trampolining and soccer.
Pentwyn Leisure Centre () opened in 1989. The centre comprises a leisure pool with wave machine, three badminton and three squash courts, a multi-use sports hall, a fitness suite and an outdoor skate park. Other activities available at the centre include basketball, bowls, gymnastics and trampolining.
Star Centre () in Splott opened in 1981 and was taken over, and refurbished, by Cardiff council in 2001. The centre includes six badminton courts, basketball, netball and indoor 5-a-side courts, a gymnasium and a fitness suite. Other activities available at the centre include trampolining and table tennis. Sports clubs based at the Star Centre include the Capital Gymnastics Club.
Western Leisure Centre () in Caerau opened in 1979 and was refurbished in 2008. The centre comprises a swimming pool, a gymnasium/fitness suite and an outdoor floodlit multi-use games area (MUGA). Activities available at the centre include basketball, football, gymnastics, tennis and trampolining. Sports clubs based at the Western Leisure Centre include Western Warriors Swimming Club.
Cardiff City House of Sport
There is a further plan to develop HOS3 which will provide additional disability and niche sport facility provision to the City of Cardiff and will also serve to help grow the current sports education provision at the House of Sport. The Phase III Hall will extend and build on the principles and philosophies of the two current successful facilities and will adjoin phases I and II, expanding House of Sport coaching centre into new and niche sporting areas. The new House of Sport Hall will be constructed for a capital cost of £1.5m.
Cardiff Gol Football Centre
Gol Cardiff is Cardiff's and Wales' only indigenous 5-a-side and 7-a-side company and launched the country's first purpose-built football facility in Cardiff in January 2006. They were also the first company in Wales to make 3G rubber crumb pitches publicly available. In April 2016, Gol Cardiff introduced innovative video technology which has allowed them to capture up to 10 league games per night, with all clips captured uploaded to YouTube.
Cardiff International Sports Stadium
The Cardiff International Sports Stadium, opened 19 January 2009, replacing the Cardiff Athletics Stadium (demolished to make way for the Cardiff City Stadium) is a 4953 capacity, multi sport/special event venue, offering fully certificated international track and field facilities, including an international standard external throws area. The stadium houses the Headquarters of Welsh Athletics – the sport's governing body for Wales – and the Cardiff Amateur Athletic Club (Cardiff AAC).
Cardiff Council has approved a proposal put forward by Cardiff and Vale College and the Cardiff City House of Sport to lease Cardiff International Sports Stadium.
Cardiff International Sports Village
When complete, in addition to the Cardiff International Pool, the International Sports Village (ISV) complex will provide Olympic standard facilities for sports including boxing and fencing, gymnastics, judo, white water events (including canoeing and kayaking) and wrestling as well as a snow dome with real snow for skiing and snowboarding, an arena for public ice skating and ice hockey, and a hotel. Some of the facilities at the ISV were used as training venues for the London 2012 Olympics.
Cardiff International Pool
The GBP32m Cardiff International Pool in Cardiff Bay – part of the GBP1bn International Sports Village (ISV) – is the only Olympic-standard swimming pool in Wales. It opened to the public on 12 January 2008 and was officially opened on 26 February 2008 by Duncan Goodhew.
The building includes two pools: an Olympic size 10-lane competition swimming pool with seating for 1,000 spectators, and a 4-lane indoor waterpark with flume rides, a beach area with water slides, a lazy river and jacuzzi. The centre also has a fitness suite and studios, conference rooms and a café.
Cardiff International White Water
Cardiff International White Water is a £13.3m Olympic standard canoeing and kayaking centre that opens on 27 March 2010 as part of the Sports Village. It is expected to attract 50,000 visitors a year and play a part in the London 2012 Olympics.
Coronation Park
Coronation Park, adjacent to Sloper Road, Grangetown is the home of Grange Albion Football Club, who play in the Cardiff and District Premier Division. It includes changing facilities, built in 1997.
Guildford Crescent Swimming Baths
The Corporation Baths at Guildford Crescent were opened in April 1862, including a first class and a second class swimming pool. It was given over exclusively to children after the Empire Pool opened in 1958. The baths eventually closed in March 1984 and were demolished.
Maindy Centre
The Maindy Centre () comprises a full size football pitch within a floodlit outdoor cycling velodrome, BMX pump track, fitness suite, dance studio, outdoor tarmac 5−a−side pitch and a six lane swimming pool. The cycle track (previously known as Maindy Stadium) was relaid in 2006. It was one of the venues used in the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, when the site included a six lane running track (since removed). The swimming pool opened in 1993. The Maindy Centre is home to several sports clubs, including the Maindy Flyers Youth Cycling Club, Squid Flyers Swimming Club, Maindy Corries Football Club, Maindy Higashi Karate Club, Maindy Triathlon Club, and Maindy Rookie Lifesaving Club.
Millennium Stadium
The city features an international sporting venue, the 74,500 capacity national Millennium Stadium (), where Wales' national rugby and football teams play. The Millennium Stadium was built on the site of the former National Stadium, Cardiff Arms Park and was opened in 1999, in time to host the 1999 Rugby World Cup, including the final.
The Millennium Stadium also doubles up as a venue for other concerts and events such as motorsport's World Rally Championship as part of Wales Rally GB, with the first ever indoor special stages of the World Rally Championship being held at the Millennium Stadium in September 2005. It has continued to host this annual event.
One of the annual Speedway Grands Prix is staged on a purpose built full size track in the Millennium Stadium. The Grand Prix is a round of the World Speedway Championship event. Speedway was first staged at Cardiff White City greyhound stadium during the pre-war era with the first meeting being staged around Christmas 1928. In the early 1950s, a dedicated speedway stadium was constructed in Penarth Road and the Cardiff Dragons raced in the National League Division Three for a short spell.
The Millennium Stadium has been selected as one of the football venues for the London 2012 Olympics, according to the chairman of the Organising Committee, Lord Coe.
National Indoor Athletics Centre
The city's indoor track and field athletics sports venue is the National Indoor Athletics Centre, an international athletics and multi sports centre at the University of Wales Institute (UWIC) campus, Cyncoed.
The track facilities include:
200m, 4 lane banked track
60m, 8 lane straight track
120m, 6 lane straight track which finishes outside the main arena.
Sophia Gardens
Sophia Gardens is a 16,000 capacity, cricket stadium on the west bank of the River Taff in Cardiff, about one mile (1.6 km) north west of the Millennium Stadium. Sophia Gardens is home to the Glamorgan County Cricket Club. The cricket club has played first-class cricket matches at the venue since 1966, after moving away from Cardiff Arms Park. A 125-year lease of the ground was acquired in 1995, after the previous leaseholders, Cardiff Athletic Club, moved to their cricket section to the Diamond Ground in Whitchurch, Cardiff.
The ground was the venue for the first test match of the Ashes series between England and Australia, played from 8 to 12 July 2009.
From March 2008 to April 2018 the grounds were known as SWALEC Stadium for sponsorship reasons.
Beside the cricket ground is the large sports hall complex of the Sport Wales National Centre.
Cardiff Corinthians F.C. previously used the area for football.
Sport Wales National Centre
The Sport Wales National Centre () was established in 1972 to provide facilities to help develop excellence in Welsh sport. The institute has indoor sports halls, next to Glamorgan CCC's SWALEC Stadium in Sophia Gardens. Sports activities in the Main Hall include gymnastics, table tennis, trampoline, badminton, netball, basketball, archery, martial arts, fencing, dance and boxing. The site also contains squash courts and weight training rooms. Outdoors, the Institute has an international standard permeable artificial pitch, which is one of the home international venues for Welsh hockey. The pitch is also used for lacrosse and football. Their outdoor tennis courts are also used for netball and five-a-side football. Welsh national teams that train at the Sport Wales National Centre include the Welsh National Rugby team (on the institute's full-size, floodlit rugby pitch), Welsh National Badminton team, the Women's Welsh National Netball Team and the Welsh National Gymnastic Team.
Wales Empire Pool
The Empire Pool was an international standard swimming pool building, constructed in the city centre for the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games (hosted by Cardiff). It was demolished in 1998 to make way for construction work on the new Millennium Stadium.
See also
List of places in Cardiff
Sport in Cardiff
Sport venues
Category:Lists of sports venues by city |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | André Hoekstra
André Hoekstra (born 5 April 1962 in Baarn) is a retired Dutch footballer who was active as a midfielder. Hoekstra made his professional debut at Feyenoord Rotterdam and also played for RKC Waalwijk. After his career he became a manager and served RBC Roosendaal, ADO Den Haag and Excelsior Rotterdam.
1983-84 : Eredivisie winner with Feyenoord
1983-84 : KNVB Cup winner with Feyenoord
First match: 6 April 1982 : Feyenoord Rotterdam - Roda JC, 1-0
Category:1962 births
Category:Living people
Category:Dutch footballers
Category:Dutch football managers
Category:Feyenoord players
Category:RKC Waalwijk players
Category:Association football midfielders
Category:Netherlands international footballers
Category:Eredivisie players
Category:ADO Den Haag managers
Category:People from Baarn |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
PhanthomJS , execute script and return value from Js to c#
I need to return a value from a javascript script to c# using PhantomJS.
This time, from AngularJS, but,
¿Can PhantomJS return a javascript value from a evaluated script?
I can do it with Awesowium with
but there is a way with PhantomJS?
Example (Not working)
var saldos=driver.ExecutePhantomJS("var strValue=JSON.stringify($('#accounts').scope().accounts);");
Ok, just adding "return" on your script or function.
Also, remove ExecutePhantomJS and use ExecuteScript
var accounts=driver.ExecuteScript("return JSON.stringify($('#accounts').scope().accounts);");
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | 1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to an IC card and an IC card case devised to prevent illegal use and battery charger for supplying power to the IC card case.
2. Description of the Related Art
Integrated circuit (IC) cards have come to be used in various fields as employee ID cards, club member ID cards, insurance ID cards, etc., in addition to business transaction cards, such as credit cards and debit cards. Since IC cards are equipped with a CPU, ROM, RAM, EEPROM, etc., which are not incorporated in conventional magnetic cards, they can have various functions and are hard to forge, which significantly enhances their security. Therefore, IC cards are often used to store personal information (see, for example, Jpn. Pat. Appln. KOKAI Publication No. 2001-312711).
Attention has recently been paid to power analysis attacks against IC cards. In these attacks, the key used in an encryption scheme, such as DES and RSA, which is often utilized when IC cards are identified by a card reader, is found by analyzing the power consumed while the decryption algorithm is being executed. Such methods as the above for attacking IC cards without opening the cards have greatly advanced.
As described above, IC cards are hard to forge and hence have come to be widely used to store personal information, while IC card attacking methods have greatly advanced. Therefore, if an IC card is lost and acquired by a third party, it can be used illegally, resulting in serious damage.
As a countermeasure to cope with, for example, an IC card being lost and acquired by a third party, the amount of money that can be transacted in a single month is limited, or the number of occasions the card can be used is limited. However, this is not a fundamental solution for preventing illegal use when an IC card is lost. As another countermeasure, some IC cards have a built-in timer for limiting the period of the validity of the card. In this case, however, a power supply must be incorporated in the card to allow the timer to operate continuously, which is a serious problem for IC cards, as their specifications are limited. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | WASHINGTON - Thomas J. Connor, a former
FBI agent and the last surviving member of the squad that gunned down the notorious John
Dillinger outside a Chicago movie theater in 1934, died of cardiac arrest April 14 at his
home in Southbury, Conn. He was 91.
Connor was born and grew up in Washington.
As a young man, he played third base in the Boston Braves' farm system and later attended
what became the Catholic University law school while working as a clerk for the FBI. On
his graduation in 1932, be was invited by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to join the bureau
as an agent and also to be captain of the FBI baseball team.
Under Connor's leadership, the team won
the inter-government championship that summer, and as its captain, he received warm praise
in a commendation letter from Hoover. The letter cited Connor's "physical prowess ...
rare intelligence and indomitable courage," and it saluted him for his
"marvelous achievements."
But the next season, the FBI baseball team
finished in second place, and Connor was transferred to New York, Connecticut and Chicago.
His son, Thomas L. Connor, said his father always believed he was transferred for failing
to win a second championship.
The move to Chicago placed Connor at the
center of some of the FBI's best-known operations, and in 1934 he was assigned to the
Dillinger squad, led by agents Sam Crowley and Melvin Purvis.
At the time. Dillinger was the FBI's
Public Enemy No. 1, sought for the commission of more than three dozen bank robberies
throughout the Midwest, the slayings of more than a dozen people and escapes from five
jails. But at the depths of the Great Depression; when bankers tended to be less than
universally loved, Dillinger also was something of a folk hero.
On July 22, 1934, the FBI received a tip
that Dillinger would be at Chicago's Biograph Theater.
That night, Connor was among the 15
well-armed members of the FBI Dillinger squad who staked out the Biograph with a
detachment of Chicago police.
The updated description of Dillinger, who
was known to have altered his appearance with plastic surgery, said the outlaw was 5 feet
9 inches tail with a medium build and a pronounced cleft chin. Connor was 5 feet 8 inches
tall with a medium build and a pronounced cleft chin.
According to the informant's description,
Dillinger would be wearing a white suit and a straw hat Connor was wearing a white suit
and a straw hat
Posted in an alley next to the theater
with his service revolver drawn and a submachine gun tucked under his coat, Connor was
almost mistaken for Dillinger and shot by Chicago police, but he managed to convince them
of his true identity. A few minutes later, the real Dillinger went down in a hail of
bullets in front of the theater.
Later, Connor participated in tracking
down the likes of "Pretty Boy" Floyd, Ma Barker and the Barker gang and
"Baby Face" Nelson, who shot and killed Crowley and Connor's friend Ed Hollis
before dying in a shootout |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Eagle Head side view Shaped Acrylic
This eagle head shaped acrylic is perfect to add vinyl to for a key chain, backpack tag, ornament and more! They are sold as blanks for you to add your own personal touch to them. This is sold individually.
Acrylic shape measures approximately 2" tall x 3.25" wide. We offer several shapes, colors, patterns and finishes. Want another color? Join us on our Facebook group to request colors or other special shapes. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Development of a novel water-soluble magnetic fluorescent nanoparticle for the selective detection and removal of Cu2+.
Recently, much attention has been paid to the selective detection and removal of Cu2+ because an excess of Cu2+ can harm the environment and living systems. Herein, we developed a novel water-soluble di-2-picolylamine/proline co-modified Fe3O4@ZnS magnetic fluorescent nanoparticle (MFNP-Cu) for the selective detection and removal of Cu2+ through a dithiocarbamate linkage strategy. The characterization of MFNP-Cu was confirmed by x-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), magnetization hysteresis loops, infrared (IR) and emission spectra. The results showed that MFNP-Cu could quantifiably detect Cu2+ with high sensitivity and selectivity over a broad pH range (pH 4.1-9). The maximum adsorption capacity of MFNP-Cu was calculated to be about 517.9 mg g(-1), which is higher than previously reported. This excellent property was investigated by kinetics equilibrium and thermodynamic studies. Moreover, the removal properties of MFNP-Cu toward Cu2+ from contaminated water samples was achieved by an external magnetic field. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | 1. Introduction
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a recently emerged disease associated with pneumonia in a proportion of those human persons infected [@BIB1], [@BIB2], [@BIB3]. The outbreak was first recognized in Guangdong Province, China in November 2002 [@BIB4]. The disease was unusual for its severity and patients suffering from this disease did not respond to empirical, antimicrobial treatment for acute, community-acquired typical or atypical pneumonia. The clinical syndromes of SARS are fever, shortness of breath, lymphopenia and rapidly progressing changes on radiography. At the end of this outbreak, a cumulative total of more than 8000 cases and 700 deaths have been reported [@BIB5]. The disease is highly infectious and \>56% of health care workers caring for SARS patients have been infected [@BIB6]. A novel coronavirus (Cov) is identified to be the cause of this disease [@BIB1], [@BIB7], [@BIB8].
2. Identification of SARS Cov at the etiology of SARS
Nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) and lung biopsy samples from patients suffering from SARS were used to infect a monkey kidney cell line, FRhK4. Cytopathic effects were observed 2--4 days postinfection. Electron microscopy of negative, stained, infected cells showed the presence of pleomorphic, enveloped virus particles of around 80--90 nm (range 70--130 nm) in diameter with surface morphology compatible with a Cov.
In order to elucidate the sequence identity of the virus, total RNA from infected cells was extracted and subjected to random RT-PCR assays [@BIB1]. Genetic fingerprints, which were unique in infected cells, were isolated and cloned. Sequence analyses of DNA fragments indicated this virus is close to viruses under the family of Coronaviridae [@BIB1]. However, phylogenetic analysis of the protein sequences in this family (types 1--3 Covs) separated the SARS virus into a distinct group [@BIB1].
Based on the determined viral sequences, conventional and real-time RT-PCR assays were developed to detect this pathogen in clinical samples [@BIB1], [@BIB9], [@BIB10], [@BIB11]. Besides, a serology test was established to detect IgG antibodies against this virus in patients\' sera. More than 93% of SARS patients were reported to be seroconverted at 28 days after the disease onset [@BIB1]. By contrast, neither patients with other respiratory diseases nor a normal healthy blood donor had detected antibodies against this virus. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that this newly discovered virus could cause similar clinical presentation in cynomolgus macaques (*Macaca fascicularis*) [@BIB12], [@BIB13]. Thus, the overall results fulfilled Koch\'s postulations that the etiological agent of SARS is the SARS Cov.
3. SARS diagnosis
Because SARS is a highly contagious disease, a rapid identification of SARS patients would not only allow prompt clinical treatments and patient management, but also establishing a quarantine policy, thereby minimizing the risk of cross-infection [@BIB14]. The identification of SARS Cov prompted us to develop tests for SARS diagnosis. The first approach depends on the detection of antibodies against SARS Cov from SARS patients [@BIB1]. This kind of serological assay is highly accurate [@BIB15] and IgG seroconversion is reported to start at day 11 of disease onset [@BIB15]. Thus, serological tests might be useful for confirmatory purposes.
The second test for SARS diagnosis is based on detecting the SARS Cov viral RNA. Detection of the virus by RT-PCR in clinical specimens offers the option of diagnosis in the early stage of the disease. In this outbreak, we developed several conventional and real-time quantitative PCR assays for SARS diagnosis [@BIB1], [@BIB9], [@BIB10], [@BIB11]. Quantitative analysis of viral RNA in NPA specimens indicated that the viral loads at the early disease onset are low and peak at day 10 of the illness [@BIB15]. The presence of low copy numbers of a viral genome in early clinical samples is a major limiting factor for achieving a sensitive molecular test for SARS diagnosis. Recently, we demonstrated that this problem could be overcome by increasing the volume of clinical samples for RNA extraction. By using a modified RNA extraction method and applying quantitative real-time RT-PCR technologies, 80% of specimens collected at days 1--3 of the onset were positive in RT-PCR assays [@BIB10].
4. SARS Cov is of animal origin
To better understand the animal hosts involved in the ecology and interspecies transmission of this virus, an investigation was carried out in a retail live animal market in Guangdong, mainland China [@BIB16]. SARS Covs were isolated from four out of six Himalayan palm civets (*Paguma larvata*, Family Viverridae). Evidence of virus infection was also detected in a raccoon dog (*Nyctereutes procyonoides*), Chinese ferret badger (*Melogale moschata*) and in humans working in direct contact with these animals [@BIB16]. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that these animal viruses are highly similar to human SARS Cov [@BIB16]. Sequence analysis revealed that all the animal virus isolates retain an "additional" 29 nucleotide sequence, not found in most human virus isolates, which results in encoding a new putative protein of 122 amino acids of unknown function.
5. Conclusion
Both H5N1 influenza and SARS emerged in the hypothetical pandemic influenza epicenter of southern China. In the case of H5N1, chickens were the immediate source of virus for humans [@BIB17]. The detection of SARS Cov-like viruses in small wild mammals found in live retail markets supplying the restaurant trade in Guangdong indicates how this virus may have crossed from its animal reservoir to humans. Surveillance of SARS Cov in animals is important for public health and may provide clues to understanding the interspecies transmission events relevant to the genesis of novel, emerging diseases.
We acknowledge research funding from Public Health Research Grant A195357 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA, The Research Grant Council of Hong Kong (HKU 7543/03M and HKU 7542/03M), The University of Hong Kong (HKU SARS Research Fund) and the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong SAR.
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | “We give Israel $10 million per day ! That money can send our kids to college.” So reads a billboard on Interstate 680 in Walnut Creek, California, sponsored by “If Americans Knew.”
The organization is the handmaiden of our local dowager of anti-Zionism, Alison Weir, a self-described freelance journalist who has been called a rabid anti-Semite—a charge she denies despite her twisted fascination with Jews harvesting organs of Palestinians. Her theories of Jewish conspiracy resonate with David Duke and she is frequently cited by the Holocaust-denying Institute of Historical Review.
Of course, the obvious subtext of the billboard is that if not for those damn Jews and all their power, your kid could go to college for free.
Like all conspiracy theorists, Ms. Weir wants you to believe information about Israel is secret and hidden; consequently, “if you only knew.” Her own peripatetic undertakings on the anti-Israel circuit belie that, as would a trip to the University of California, Berkeley campus, where anti-Israel activism flourishes.
She echoes one of the same themes that Goebbels created for the burgeoning Nazi party—the truth is what you are not being told. The Jews control the truth, and only Der Fuhrer will unmask it. In our community, it is the energetic Ms. Weir who will provide that—if you only knew.
We should, however, be grateful to her and her billboard because it has created a discussion about Israel and aid to it. Ms. Weir is less important than the subject she raised.
Zionists talk of the special relationship with Israel growing out of democracy and shared values. Sorry, that’s a fiction. In the world of political realism no one cares about shared values, just shared interests.
There is a special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. It started when a young James Jesus Angleton, arguably the greatest counterintelligence mind of the 20th century, noticed the operations of the Aliyah Bet in smuggling Jewish survivors into the British Mandate of Palestine. Mr. Angleton was smitten with the operation and argued that the Aliyah Bet was the harbinger of a dynamic intelligence enterprise that America needed in the inevitable conflict with the Soviet Union.
Although I never met Mr. Angleton, I did meet people who worked closely with him. He was a legend in his time.
Even as head of America’s covert operations, Mr. Angleton personally managed the Israel portfolio. His bet on the Israelis paid off handsomely at a time when America—submitting to Arab pressure—was not even a major supplier of arms to Israel.
On February 25, 1956, Nikita Khrushchev made the famous speech denouncing the deceased Stalin to a secret session of the 20th Party Congress of the Soviet Union. Every Western intelligence agency wanted a copy of the speech. But Soviet counterintelligence prevented Western intelligence penetrations, except in one case—the Israeli Mossad.
The Mossad gave Mr. Angleton the speech, and he had it printed in The New York Times, scoring a massive intelligence coup and undermining the Communist Party of the United States.
In 1956, Israel secured a Soviet MiG-15, an aircraft advanced for its time, and shared the intelligence with America. But an even larger coup occurred when Israel secured an intact Soviet MiG-21 in 1966, making available to America the Soviet’s most advanced fighter, courtesy of the relationship Mr. Angleton built. Israel at this time was dependent on France as its main weapons supplier and was not flying American planes.
In 1969, Israel stole an advanced Soviet radar system, which was turned over to America.
In the same year, at the request of President Nixon, Israel flew reconnaissance missions to provide intelligence for an American mobilization against a Syrian invasion of Jordan.
Today, Israel has the best regional intelligence operation in the Middle East and shares with America intelligence on known terrorist groups.
Ms. Weir knows well that the money she crows about is by law spent back here in America—a full 76 percent, much of it right in her own California—and that the aid to Israel is a direct consequence of the deal America sought and achieved, which was for Israel to leave the strategic Sinai in return for military aid to maintain Israel’s strategic edge by replacing land with technology. Egypt received an almost equivalent aid package, a fact that Ms. Weir has never put on a billboard.
As a result of Israel’s technological and scientific innovations, American armaments sent to Israel have improved. America now spends $1.5 billion purchasing innovative Israeli military technology. Drones deployed in Iraq and Iran are from Israel. The revolutionary helmet-mounted sight used in nearly all frontline Air Force and Navy fighter aircraft was invented in Israel. The armor used against IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan was invented in Israel, as was the gun system for close-up defense of our naval vessels.
Israel serves America as an unsinkable aircraft carrier. Haifa is the only port in the Middle East where American troops are genuinely welcomed and where local authorities are really committed to their security.
The United States currently maintains several “secret” listening posts in Israel to monitor terrorist chatter, among other security interests.
Perhaps Ms. Weir should raise a billboard asking what America has received for all the aid it has poured into the bottomless sinkholes in the rest of the Middle East. How many intelligence coups have been provided? How many technological innovations saving the lives of American warriors have been created? And yes, how many college educations could have been paid for?
Abe Miller is an emeritus professor of political science at the University of Cincinnati and a distinguished fellow with the Haym Salomon Center. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | The efficacy of trimetazidine on stable angina pectoris: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the efficacy of trimetazidine in combination with other anti-anginal drugs versus other anti-anginal drugs in the treatment of stable angina pectoris (SAP). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in English and Chinese were retrieved from computerized databases: Embase, PubMed, and CNKI. Primary outcomes consist of clinical parameters (numbers of weekly angina attacks and nitroglycerin use) and ergometric parameters (time to 1mm ST-segment depression, and total work (in Mets) and exercise duration (in seconds) at peak exercise) in stable angina pectoris treated by trimetazidine or not. The quality of studies was evaluated using Jadad score. Data analysis of 13 studies was performed using Stata 12.0 software. Results showed that treatment of trimetazidine and other anti-anginal drugs was associated with a smaller weekly mean number of angina attacks (WMD=-0.95, 95%CI: -1.30 to -0.61, Z=5.39, P<0.001), fewer weekly nitroglycerin use (WMD=-0.98, 95%CI: -1.44 to -0.52, Z=4.19, P<0.001), longer time to 1mm ST-segment depression (WMD=0.30, 95%CI: 0.17 to 0.43, Z=4.46, P<0.001), higher total work (WMD=0.82, 95%CI: 0.44 to 1.20, Z=4.22, P<0.001) and longer exercise duration at peak exercise (WMD=49.81, 95%CI: 15.04 to 84.57, Z=6.38, P<0.001) than treatment of other anti-anginal drugs for stable angina pectoris. Sensitivity analysis was performed. Sub-group analysis showed that treatment duration was not a significant moderator and patients treated within 8 weeks and above 12 weeks had no difference in the outcomes addressed in this meta-analysis. No publish bias was detected. This meta-analysis confirms the efficacy of trimetazidine in the treatment of stable angina pectoris, in comparison with conventional antianginal agents, regardless of treatment duration. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Police said the suspects, identified as Rizwan and Irfan, sexually abused and killed the minor in a Sabzazar neighborhood of the provincial capital. The suspects’ father was also involved in the heinous crime, but he was still on the run, the police official
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ISLAMABAD: Ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s lawyer requested the top court to fix his appeal against the Registrar Office’s objections over his petition for hearing at the earliest. Sharif through his lawyer has filed an application, asking the court t
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"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} |
No. 2--02--1408
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE ) Appeal from the Circuit Court
OF ILLINOIS, ) of Du Page County.
Plaintiff-Appellee, )
v. ) No. 98--CF--1856
DAVID TERAN, ) Honorable
) George J. Bakalis,
Defendant-Appellant. ) Judge, Presiding.
JUSTICE HUTCHINSON delivered the opinion of the court:
Following a jury trial, defendant, David Teran, was convicted of committing the first-degree murder (720 ILCS 5/9--1(a)(1) (West 1998)) of Roderick Floyd. In finding defendant guilty of this offense, the jury rejected defendant's claim that he was insane under section 6--2(a) of the Criminal Code of 1961 (the Criminal Code) (720 ILCS 5/6--2(a) (West 1998)). After denying defendant's motion for new trial, the trial court sentenced him to 45 years' imprisonment. Defendant appeals, contending that section 6--2(a) of the Criminal Code is unconstitutional in that it violates equal protection, due process, and the proportionate penalties clause of our Illinois Constitution (U.S. Const., amend. XIV, §1; Ill. Const. 1970, art. I, §§2, 11). We affirm.
At trial, the State presented evidence reflecting that on August 28, 1998, the victim was working for a moving company in Addison. Terry Frazier testified that on August 28, 1998, he and Bill Patterson and the victim returned from a job in Grayslake and in Addison at approximately 10 p.m. The victim paid them, and then Frazier and Patterson left. Frazier testified that, before he left, the victim told him that he was going to drive a smaller van home, and the victim checked a load in that van.
Przemysklaw Krynski testified that on August 28, 1998, at approximately 11 p.m., he was driving east on Fay Avenue in Addison, when he observed the victim lying in the street. Krynski telephoned 911 and reported this to the operator. Richard Imbordino, a firefighter, testified that he arrived at the scene at 11:42 p.m., and the victim had no vital signs. Imbordino further testified that the Addison police arrived right after he did.
Shaku Teas, a forensic pathologist, testified regarding his autopsy on the victim. Teas testified that he found six gunshot wounds and that the victim died of multiple gunshot wounds. Other witnesses testified regarding their collection of the evidence, including the bullet fragments and gun shell casings found in and around the victim, and testified that the recovered shell casings were fired from the same firearm.
Teresa Burke testified that she was defendant's former spouse. She testified that she and defendant married in 1985 and had three children. She first separated from defendant in 1987 because of his "temper mostly" and because he was "threatening" toward her. Burke described an incident on Father's Day where defendant wanted to get cash from their credit card "so he could buy marijuana." At the time, she was seven months pregnant. Burke thought that defendant was going to hit her, but he did not. Burke further testified that, after they reconciled, they would go out occasionally. When they went out, Burke was concerned that defendant "might make a scene" because he was "very impatient" and she feared that he might "start yelling and yelling at people." Burke and defendant again separated for five months in 1991. When he returned, he became employed at Cumbee Freight as an over-the-road truck driver.
Burke testified that she told defendant in 1997 that she wanted a divorce. Burke agreed that there were arguments and incidents of threats and violence, but she had not known defendant to be delusional or to have hallucinations. She testified regarding specific incidents where defendant was verbally and physically threatening toward her and her mother. According to Burke, defendant relocated to Florida but returned in June 1997.
Burke testified that, although defendant resided in Florida, when he was in Illinois he would occasionally stay in his truck at Louis' Diner in West Chicago. He would arrange to visit the children. Burke and the children visited defendant in Florida in April 1998. While there, defendant told her that he had learned that Louis Teran was not really his father. Burke testified that she believed defendant was happy about this information because Louis Teran had abused defendant as a child. Defendant made attempts to locate his natural father, Richard Klein.
Burke testified that on the morning of August 29, 1998, she picked up defendant from Louis' Diner and took him to a bar in West Chicago at 11 a.m. When she picked up defendant from the bar approximately three hours later, he was "pretty intoxicated." While she drove defendant back to his truck, defendant mentioned that he had been "abducted." Burke told him to stop talking because the children were in the car.
Burke further testified that on September 3, 1998, defendant told her that he needed to take some time off from work and that he did not believe his employer would allow this. Defendant explained that he might quit his job, and he asked Burke to help him clean out his truck. She agreed to do so, and then Burke followed defendant to Cumbee Freight in Chicago Ridge to give him a ride after dropping off the truck. Burke testified that, while they were driving away from Cumbee Freight, defendant spoke of having "alien enzymes" that he needed to "release." Defendant informed Burke that the world was going to end on September 26 with a meteor striking the earth. Defendant said that his natural father was the head of the "mob" and that "he was given a choice" to either kill Burke or kill someone else. Defendant told Burke that he chose to kill someone else because he did not want to kill her.
Burke further testified that, when she asked defendant whom he had killed, defendant replied that he killed "some Nigger" with his 9-millimeter pistol at an "[i]ndustrial park in Addison." Defendant described to Burke that he knocked on the victim's truck, and the victim asked what he had ever done to him. Defendant said the victim's wife and child saw him commit the shooting. Defendant told Burke that he had a license to kill and that the police could do nothing.
Burke testified that on September 7, 1998, she reported to the police what defendant had told her. Burke testified that, other than the prior conversation, defendant never spoke of being an alien, having alien DNA, being a hit man, or being an undercover agent. Other than when defendant used "hard drugs" as a teenager, Burke did not know defendant to have any hallucinations or delusions. On cross-examination, Burke admitted that she "tried to get him committed" before she contacted the police.
Michael Simo testified that in September 1998, he was a detective with the Addison police department and investigating the victim's murder. On September 8, 1998, he spoke with Burke and with James Chambers, defendant's stepbrother, regarding defendant's alleged participation in the shooting. Simo testified that on September 9 he went with other officers to Aurora to speak with defendant about the shooting; defendant agreed to accompany the officers to the police station. Detective Van Stedum was also present during the interview. Simo read
warnings to defendant, and defendant initialed the form.
Simo testified that defendant initially denied having any knowledge of the shooting and claimed that he had sold his 9-millimeter gun in 1997 in Florida. The officers told defendant that his brother had told them that defendant had picked up his gun on the night of the shooting and that someone informed them that he was involved in the shooting. Defendant then asked the officers whether they had run his name through their computer, as it would reveal that he was not to be apprehended if he was wanted for murder. Defendant claimed that he worked at the Treasury Department and had special assignments that he could not discuss. When Van Stedum asked defendant whether his brother was involved, defendant became angry and said, "I shot the goddamn coon, no one else was involved, no one else was in the truck with me." Until this point, the officers never disclosed to defendant that the victim was black.
Simo further testified that defendant said that the shooting occurred near VFN Fiberglass, where his brother worked. Defendant described a box van in the area, parked on Fay Street. Defendant approached the victim and started shooting. Before the shooting, the victim asked defendant what he ever did to defendant. Defendant said that the last shot was to the back of the victim's head. After the shooting, defendant went to Louis' Diner. Simo testified that defendant assisted him in drawing a depiction of the scene of the shooting.
Simo testified that defendant stated that he had disposed of the weapon in pieces in various locations. Defendant noted that he had thrown the barrel of the gun into the Cal-Sag Canal a few days after the shooting. Defendant said he used "regular" 9-millimeter ammunition. At approximately 10 p.m. on September 9, 1998, the officers transferred defendant from Aurora to the Addison police station.
Simo further testified that, at the Addison police department, defendant told the officers that "he had been given his directions and been told what to do." When he asked defendant whether he would put that in writing, defendant appeared to become angry and told him to call the Treasury Department to verify his version of the events. Simo and Van Stedum then brought defendant to the crime scene, and defendant directed them to the area of the shooting. According to Simo's testimony, defendant accurately reenacted the shooting but would not allow the officers to photograph him.
Simo testified that defendant said that he had picked up his gun from his brother's house before the shooting and he and his brother drank beer and shot pool at a bar. His brother then drove him to Louis' Diner. Defendant went back to Addison, where the shooting occurred.
On September 10, 1998, Simo and Van Stedum went to the residence of James Chambers. Chambers gave them various items, including a 9-millimeter Luger hollow-point cartridge, 24 other 9-millimeter cartridges, a Smith & Wesson manual, and checks and money orders in defendant's name.
Simo further testified that on September 10, 1998, defendant wrote a statement in the presence of Van Stedum. In the statement, which was presented to the jury, defendant asserted that he owned the guns and ammunition recovered from Chambers. Defendant wrote that he went to Addison, did his "business," and shot at the victim seven or eight times. The last shot was directed toward the victim's head. He also noted that he had disposed of the weapon across the country and in the Cal-Sag Canal.
Simo testified that on September 11, 1998, he asked defendant, if the shooting had not been a government hit and if defendant shot the victim because he was angry, would shooting the man have been right or wrong; defendant replied in such a case it would be wrong to kill. Later that day, Simo told defendant that he did not believe that the shooting was a government hit. Defendant then asked Simo whether he believed in Nostradamus and said that by midnight he had to kill a person who was alone. If he did so, he would get his family back. Defendant then said his natural father was the head of the "Mafia" and had authorized defendant to kill. Defendant also stated that his mother was impregnated by an alien and that he had been "hidden in the belly of an English pig." Simo further testified that defendant offered to show him on a map where he had thrown the frame for the gun. Simo and Van Stedum went to that location on September 25, 1998, and they recovered the gun frame. The frame was for a Smith & Wesson 9-millimeter, serial No. TET2847. Simo testified that, during all of the time he spoke with defendant, he had no problems communicating with defendant, and defendant's answers were responsive.
Raymond Perreault, defendant's former neighbor, identified defendant's firearm as a Smith & Wesson 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol, serial number TET2847. Perreault further testified that he sold defendant one-half of a box of ammunition, keeping one bullet for his collection. Perreault testified that he gave the police a bill of sale and the bullet.
The State rested, and defendant called Michael Chiappetta, his retained licensed clinical psychologist, to testify regarding his evaluation of defendant's sanity. Chiappetta met with defendant on five occasions between May 2001 and August 2001. Chiappetta testified that he reviewed various materials, including police reports, hospital records, and evaluations by Dr. Corcoran, Dr. Kelly, Dr. Wasyliw, and Dr. Zoot. He noted that in 1979 defendant was diagnosed as having latent schizophrenia during his hospitalization at River's Edge Hospital, when defendant was approximately 15 years of age. Chiappetta noted that, although latent schizophrenia was no longer a recognized diagnosis, it was similar to a diagnosis of indeferentia schizophrenia.
Chiappetta further testified that in May 2001 he spoke with corrections officers, who told him that defendant had disorganized behavior and was threatening them and other inmates. Chiappetta noted that, when defendant arrived at the jail, he was placed on Haldol, an antipsychotic medication, Trazodone to help him sleep, and Cogentin to treat the side effects of Haldol. After Dr. Corcoran, who had diagnosed defendant with a psychosis, not otherwise specified, changed defendant's medication to Risperdal, a number of defendant's delusions disappeared. Defendant stopped taking the medications in the summer of 2000.
Chiappetta testified that in June 2001 defendant made "racial epithets" to jail guards, though "the people he spoke to were not of the same race that he was making epithets about." Defendant told Chiappetta that the word "nigger" was not necessarily a racial term but was a demeaning term he used to refer to anyone he felt was "under him." Defendant's varied speech volume on that date indicated a disordered behavior, one of the qualities of schizophrenia and psychosis.
Chiappetta testified that, at various times, defendant had differing delusional themes about the shooting, which included the government, mafia, or aliens directing him. According to Chiappetta, these delusions were directly related to the shooting, and the shooting was committed "with his delusional ideations." Chiappetta added that defendant had no motive to kill the victim or take his property, and did not make any attempt to conceal the shooting. Defendant "did what he had to do, according to the delusional themes and he left."
Chiappetta testified that defendant told him that he had written "refused" on two copies of his confession and that, before giving the confession, a gun was held to his head, he was starved, and he was drugged. Defendant told him that Alberto Louis Teran held a gun to his head to get him to confess. Defendant also said that his birth certificate was a forgery, and he denied that he had ever served in the Marines. Chiappetta testified that all of these beliefs were false, and the delusions were an attempt to distance himself from his delusion about the aliens.
Chiappetta noted that Drs. Wasyliw, Kelly, and Corcoran all diagnosed defendant as suffering from psychosis, not otherwise specified. Chiappetta concluded, though, that on the day of the shooting, defendant was suffering from a cognitive disorder and had disorganized thinking. Chiappetta opined that the combination of the stress of the breakup of his marriage and the search for his natural father culminated in the development of the delusional ideations.
Chiappetta concluded "to a reasonable degree of psychological certainty" that defendant was not sane at the time of the shooting. Chiappetta testified that defendant was delusional and had "impaired appreciation of the criminality of his behavior," and this impairment was a result of a mental disease or defect. Chiappetta continued that, at the time of the shooting, defendant "lacked a substantial appreciation of the criminality of his conduct." Chiappetta testified that defendant's condition was caused by a combination of a personality disorder, such as antisocial personality disorder, and a psychosis or apparent schizophrenia.
Chiappetta acknowledged that antisocial personality disorder alone was not a mental disease or defect. Chiappetta agreed that defendant was angry and hostile but did not agree that he "necessarily has antisocial behaviors." Chiappetta also agreed that his report indicated that defendant had antisocial behaviors.
On rebuttal, the State called Thomas Cumbee, one of defendant's former employers at Cumbee Freight. Cumbee testified that defendant did a good job, kept to himself, and did not get into trouble. On September 4, 1998, defendant quit his job, purportedly because he was an "agent for the Treasury" and had been called to duty. Cumbee testified that, prior to this date, defendant had not demonstrated any delusional beliefs. Cumbee believed that defendant knew the difference between right and wrong in August and September 1998. John Cumbee, another former employer, testified that defendant was a good driver and a good worker. He did not notice defendant exhibit any delusional beliefs.
James Chambers testified that defendant had a "pretty normal" temper. Chambers testified that in 1998 defendant would occasionally stop by his workplace, which was approximately three blocks from the scene of the shooting. Chambers testified that on August 28, 1998, at approximately 3:30 p.m., defendant came by his workplace and asked him for his 9-millimeter firearm, which Chambers had been holding for defendant. Defendant said he wanted to take target practice. Later that evening, they went to a tavern in Glendale Heights and played pool.
Chambers further testified that, at the tavern, defendant asked Chambers if he believed in aliens. They left the tavern at approximately 10 p.m., and Chambers last saw defendant at approximately 10:15 p.m. Chambers never observed defendant having any kind of delusions.
Chambers testified that he again saw defendant on September 3 or 4, 1998, after defendant had quit his job. Defendant told Chambers that he had "activated" genes in his body and was going to become an alien. Defendant said nothing to Chambers about shooting the victim. On cross-examination, Chambers acknowledged that defendant was hospitalized in 1979 for psychiatric reasons following an altercation between defendant and his stepfather.
Lisa Chambers, defendant's stepsister, testified that she saw defendant at her brother James's apartment on August 28, 1998. She did not observe defendant being delusional at that time, and he made no statements about being an alien. Mary Miller, defendant's stepmother, also testified that she saw defendant on August 28, 1998, at James's apartment, and he did not appear delusional. Kathleen Steder, who had dated defendant from March 1998 to August 1998, testified that she saw defendant on August 28, 1998, and he did not mention aliens or seem out of touch with reality.
Jonathan Kelly, a psychiatrist, testified regarding his evaluation of defendant's sanity. Kelly met with defendant in 1999 for defendant's fitness evaluation, and in October 2001 and in January 2002 regarding defendant's sanity. Kelly opined that, although defendant was suffering from a mental disease or defect on the date of the shooting, defendant had the "substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of his conduct" on the date of the shooting.
Kelly further testified that the reasons he believed that defendant could appreciate the criminality of his conduct were that defendant sought out someone to shoot, sought an isolated area in which to approach a victim, waited until dark and no witnesses were present, and approached the victim while holding the gun behind his back. Kelly continued that, after the shooting, defendant left the scene, went back to where his truck was usually parked, had a couple of beers, and then went to bed. Kelly also noted that defendant failed to turn himself in or initially admit involvement, disassembled the weapon, and disposed of the pieces while driving cross-country for his job. Kelly opined that defendant's conduct reflected an effort to avoid apprehension, to dispose of evidence linking him to the crime, and to avoid detection of his criminal behavior.
Kelly also testified regarding defendant's plan for the shooting. Kelly discussed defendant's familiarity with firearms and stated that defendant had gone to his stepbrother's apartment to retrieve a firearm a few hours before the shooting occurred. Kelly testified that defendant had told him that, for approximately two weeks prior to the shooting, he had sat in his truck observing people and trying to decide whom he was going to choose to shoot. Kelly opined that defendant's conduct reflected a premeditated plan to commit the crime.
Kelly further opined that defendant was malingering, reasoning that there was no evidence of delusions prior to August 28, 1998, and when defendant discussed his delusions, he was inconsistent in that the nature of the delusions changed from one interview to the next. Kelly testified that, based on his review of defendant's records from his 1979 hospitalization, there was evidence that defendant suffered from a "severe character disorder with antisocial features." Kelly also noted other evidence supporting that diagnosis, including that defendant had been involved in "hundreds of fights during his life," he had "several arrest charges related to battery and criminal damage to property," he had on one occasion "threatened to blow the head of his landlady off," and on another occasion he had thrown his mother-in-law "to the ground and then kicked her and slapped his wife." Kelly testified that antisocial personality disorder would not qualify as a mental disease or defect.
On cross-examination, Kelly acknowledged that, on August 28, 1998, defendant suffered from a mental illness and a "substantial disorder and thought behavior which impaired his judgment." He acknowledged that one of his diagnoses, psychotic disorder not otherwise specified, was also a diagnosis that Dr. Orest Wasyliw had made of defendant's condition.
Orest Wasyliw, a clinical psychologist specializing in clinical forensic and neuropsychology, testified that he interviewed defendant three times in 1999 and twice in October 2001. Wasyliw also performed psychological tests on defendant, reviewed defendant's file, and spoke with Kelly, Detective Simo, and Detective Van Stedum. Wasyliw concluded that defendant suffered from antisocial personality disorder his entire adult life. In discussing defendant's 1979 hospitalization, Wasyliw testified that what precipitated the hospitalization was defendant "getting into fights and trouble, including fights with his family and his parents, and using drugs." Wasyliw diagnosed defendant as suffering from "psychotic disorder, not otherwise specified, with paranoid features."
Wasyliw opined that on August 28, 1998, defendant appreciated the criminality of killing the victim. Wasyliw opined that defendant was sane at the time of the shooting. On cross-examination, Wasyliw acknowledged that all of the evaluators agreed that defendant had been experiencing a psychotic disorder for many years before the shooting.
At the close of evidence, the parties presented their closing arguments and the trial court instructed the jury. The jury received verdict forms by which it could find defendant not guilty; not guilty by reason of insanity; guilty but mentally ill; or guilty of the offense of first-degree murder. Following deliberations, the jury found defendant guilty of first-degree murder. The trial court entered judgment on the verdict and ordered a presentence investigation report. Defendant moved for a new trial, which, after a hearing, the trial court denied. The trial court sentenced defendant to 45 years' imprisonment. Defendant timely appeals following the trial court's denial of defendant's postsentencing motion.
Defendant presents the following issue for our review: whether section 6--2(a) of the Criminal Code is unconstitutional in that it violates equal protection, due process, and the proportionate penalties clause of our Illinois Constitution (U.S. Const., amend. XIV, §1; Ill. Const. 1970, art. I, §§2, 11).
Before addressing defendant's contention, we will address the historical context under which it arises. In Illinois, all defendants are presumed to be sane.
People v. McDonald
, 329 Ill. App. 3d 938, 946 (2002), citing
People v. Williams
, 265 Ill. App. 3d 283, 289 (1994). However, a defendant may assert the affirmative defense of insanity and, if proved, escape criminal responsibility. See 720 ILCS 5/6--2 (West 2002). At least as far back as 1827, our legislature has considered and reconsidered the extent of a criminal defendant's responsibility as it was affected by a mental disorder. See Rev. Stat. 1827, §§5, 6 (section 5 provides that a "lunatic or insane person, without lucid intervals, shall not be found guilty of any crime *** with which he may be charged"). In its Laws of 1961, the General Assembly revised and enacted the insanity statute, providing in pertinent part:
"A person is not criminally responsible for conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or mental defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law." 1961 Ill. Laws 1998 (§6--2(a)) (effective January 1, 1962).
In Public Act 82--553, the legislature amended the statute to add a provision allowing for a person to be found guilty but mentally ill and a provision defining the phrases "mental illness" and "mentally ill." See Pub. Act. 82--553, §1, eff. September 17, 1981. In Public Act 83--288, the legislature amended the statute to add a provision describing the burden of proof as to the State and to the defendant. See Pub. Act. 83--288, §1, eff. January 1, 1984. That provision states, in pertinent part:
"When the defense of insanity has been presented during the trial, the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity." Pub. Act. 83--288, §1, eff. January 1, 1984.
In 1995 the statute was again amended. See Pub. Act 89--404, §15, eff. August 20, 1995 (codified at 720 ILCS 5/6--2 (West 1996)). This amended version of the statute altered the definition of insanity. Under the amendment, a defendant could no longer raise an insanity defense based on her or his inability "to conform his conduct to the requirements of law." The amendment also increased a defendant's burden of proof for an insanity defense from "a preponderance of the evidence" to "clear and convincing evidence." Pub. Act 89--404, §15, eff. August 20, 1995 (codified at 720 ILCS 5/6--2(a), (e) (West 1996)).
In 1999 our supreme court declared Public Act 89--404 unconstitutional because it was enacted in contravention of the single subject clause of the Illinois Constitution. See
People v. Reedy
, 186 Ill. 2d 1, 12 (1999). As a result, the law was void
ab initio
, and section 6--2 of the Criminal Code remained as it was before the adoption of Public Act 89--404's amendments. However, during the pendency of the
decision, the General Assembly enacted new legislation containing the same revisions to section 6--2 of the Criminal Code originally included in Public Act 89--404. See Pub. Act 90--593, §15, eff. June 19, 1998. Public Act 90--593 cured the defects of Public Act 89--404 as determined by
and has been held not to violate the single subject clause. See
People v. Terry
, 329 Ill. App. 3d 1104, 1110 (2002).
Therefore, effective June 19, 1998, section 6--2 of the Criminal Code provided in relevant part:
"(a) A person is not criminally responsible for conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or mental defect, he lacks substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of his conduct.
* * *
(e) When the defense of insanity has been presented during the trial, the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity." 720 ILCS 5/6--2(a), (e) (West 1998).
In the present case, because the crime was allegedly committed on August 28, 1998, the insanity defense statute in effect at the time was the amended version which became effective June 19, 1998. As stated, the version changed the definition of insanity and increased a defendant's burden of proof. Defendant on appeal here contends that his equal protection and due process rights were violated when the jury applied the amended insanity statute to his case. Defendant argues there was no rational basis for removing the prong that would have allowed him to argue at trial that he was unable "to conform his conduct to the requirements of law." 720 ILCS 5/6--2(a) (West 1994). As part of his argument, defendant notes that the statute providing for the defense of intoxication has retained the prong allowing for a defense based on a defendant's inability "to conform his conduct to the requirements of law." See 720 ILCS 5/6--3 (West 2002). Section 6--3 provides in pertinent part:
"A person who is in an intoxicated or drugged condition is criminally responsible for conduct unless such condition is involuntarily produced and deprives him of substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law." 720 ILCS 5/6--3 (West 2002).
Defendant argues that, in amending the insanity statute but not the intoxication statute, the legislature created a situation where a defendant who cannot conform his conduct to the requirements of law and commits an offense and thereafter seeks an insanity defense to escape criminal responsibility is treated differently from another defendant who, with the same type of mental inability, commits an offense and thereafter seeks an intoxication defense to escape criminal responsibility. Defendant argues that, under the first scenario, the defendant is criminally responsible, but under the second scenario, the defendant is not criminally responsible. Defendant concludes that, because of this disparate treatment, the insanity statute is unconstitutional.
The constitutionality of a statute is subject to
de novo
review (
People v. Malchow
, 193 Ill. 2d 413, 418 (2000)) and may be raised for the first time on appeal (
People v. Wooters
, 188 Ill. 2d 500, 510 (1999)). Statutes carry a strong presumption of constitutionality, and the challenging party bears the burden of rebutting that presumption.
People v. Maness
, 191 Ill. 2d 478, 483 (2000). This court has a duty to interpret a statute in a manner that upholds its validity and constitutionality if it can be reasonably done.
People v. Fisher
, 184 Ill. 2d 441, 448 (1998). Our supreme court has previously held that requiring a defendant to prove insanity does not violate due process.
People v. Scott
, 148 Ill. 2d 479, 541-43 (1992). Therefore, we will focus our analysis as it pertains to defendant's equal protection claim.
The standards used to determine the constitutionality of a statute under the due process and equal protection clauses are identical.
People v. Pursley
, 341 Ill. App. 3d 230, 236 (2003), citing
People v. Kimbrough
, 163 Ill. 2d 231, 242 (1994). The analysis employed to assess equal protection claims is the same under both the United States and Illinois Constitutions (U.S. Const., amend. XIV, §1; Ill. Const.1970, art. I, §2).
, 184 Ill. 2d at 450;
People v. Smith
, 345 Ill. App. 3d 742, 748 (2004). The guarantee of equal protection of the law requires the government to treat similarly situated individuals in a similar manner.
, 184 Ill. 2d at 450;
, 345 Ill. App. 3d at 748. The government may not accord different treatment to individuals who have been placed by statute into different classes based on criteria wholly unrelated to the purpose of the legislation. The government, however, is not forbidden from drawing proper legislative distinctions among different categories of people.
, 345 Ill. App. 3d at 748-49.
The level of scrutiny applicable in reviewing legislative classifications depends on the nature of the classification. Where the statute creates a "suspect" classification, such as one based on race or national origin, or impinges on fundamental rights, the statute is subject to strict scrutiny. Statutes that do not implicate these concerns are subject to rational basis review.
People v. Reed
, 148 Ill. 2d 1, 7 (1992);
, 345 Ill. App. 3d at 749. Here, defendant argues that the insanity statute impermissibly denies him an opportunity to escape criminal responsibility based on his inability to conform his conduct to the requirements of law, while the intoxication statute permits the defense. The availability of an affirmative defense is not a suspect classification under the equal protection clause; therefore, the amendment to the insanity statute needs only to satisfy the rational basis test. See
, 148 Ill. 2d at 8.
Under the rational basis test our review is limited and deferential; a statutory classification will be upheld if it bears a rational relationship to a legitimate state interest.
, 341 Ill. App. 3d at 236. If we can reasonably conceive of any set of facts to justify the statutory classification, we will uphold the statute.
, 148 Ill. 2d at 8. Thus, we must determine whether a rational basis exists for denying defendants wishing to raise an insanity defense the opportunity to argue that they should escape criminal liability because they are unable to conform their conduct to the requirements of the law.
It is well established that the legislature, under its police power, has broad discretion to define offenses and prescribe penalties and aggravating factors for the offenses.
People v. Torres
, 327 Ill. App. 3d 1106, 1113 (2002). Further, the legislature may amend a statute that it has enacted. See
People v. Allen
, 153 Ill. 2d 145, 153 (1992). As stated earlier, the insanity statute has been periodically amended since 1827. With respect to the change in the definition of insanity and a defendant's burden of proof, a review of the legislative history reflects that the General Assembly was concerned that the insanity defense had become too easy to raise and too difficult to disprove. See
People v. Vernon
, 276 Ill. App. 3d 386, 390 (1995). The General Assembly may have also been concerned that those committed to psychiatric care after successfully raising an insanity defense could be released into society to again commit criminal acts.
, 276 Ill. App. 3d at 390. The General Assembly also feared that defendants could fabricate an insanity claim.
, 276 Ill. App. 3d at 390, quoting 83d Ill. Gen. Assem., House Proceedings, June 21, 1983, at 136 (Comments of Representative Johnson) (noting that the legislature stated that the changes now at issue were " 'a modest and reasonable step towards *** putting an out of control defense in some sort of meaningful control' "). Based on our review of the statute, its history, its legislative history, and other court decisions interpreting the statute, we conclude the General Assembly had a rational basis for amending the definition of insanity.
With respect to the legislature's decision not to change the definition of the intoxication statute when it amended the insanity statute, we believe defendant's argument fails here for a number of reasons. First, the legislature has no duty to amend its compilation of statutes when it decides to strike language in one statute simply because the same language is contained in another enactment. Second, we believe that the classes of individuals are not similarly situated. A person seeking a determination of insanity presents evidence that is primarily subjective (see,
, 329 Ill. App. 3d at 946), while a person seeking to establish a defense of an intoxicated or drugged condition may present evidence that includes objective or scientific methods, such as a blood test (see,
People v. Johnson
, 32 Ill. App. 3d 36 (1975)). Finally, we note that Public Act 90--593 did not change the other prong of the definition of insanity, which permits a defendant to argue that he is not guilty because he "lacks substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of his conduct." 720 ILCS 5/6--2(a) (West 1996). Defendant was still free to argue and be found insane under this prong.
Although defendant focuses his brief on the legislature's decision to strike the phrase "conform his conduct to the requirements of law," the legislature's decision to change the burden of proof in section 6--2(e) and its rationale for so changing it are part and parcel of the amendment. Given the legislature's concerns, we believe that the amendment to section 6--2 of the Criminal Code embodies a rational approach to a perceived problem. See
, 276 Ill. App. 3d at 390. Accordingly, we conclude defendant's equal protection and due process rights were not violated.
We also reject defendant's claim that the insanity statute violates the proportionate penalties clause, because defendant lacks standing to make such a claim. Generally, courts will not consider the validity of a statutory provision unless the person challenging the provision is directly affected by it or the unconstitutional feature is so pervasive as to render the entire statute invalid.
People v. Morgan
, 203 Ill. 2d 470, 482 (2003), citing
People v. Palkes
, 52 Ill. 2d 472, 480-81 (1972). In either case, defendant has standing to bring his constitutional challenge only if he is able to show himself to be within the class aggrieved by the alleged unconstitutionality. See
, 203 Ill. 2d at 482, citing
People v. Mayberry
, 63 Ill. 2d 1, 6 (1976).
In the present case, defendant essentially presents a hypothetical situation in which he argues that he would have faced vastly different penalties had he been able to use as his affirmative defense the prior version of the insanity statute. Of course, this situation also implies that a jury would have found in his favor by a preponderance of the evidence that he suffered from a mental disease or mental defect and that he lacked the ability to conform his conduct to the requirements of law. In reality, defendant was charged with committing the offense of first-degree murder, and a jury found him guilty of committing first-degree murder. Implicit in the jury's finding of guilt is a refusal to find that defendant suffered from a "mental disease or mental defect" or that he lacked the "substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of his conduct," or both. See 720 ILCS 5/6--2(a) (West 1998);
People v. Foley
, 318 Ill. App. 3d 38, 44 (2000). A defendant does not ordinarily have standing to challenge a statute as it might have been applied in different circumstances. See
People v. Falbe
, 189 Ill. 2d 635, 644 (2000). Because defendant is unable to show that he was actually an aggrieved party (see
, 203 Ill. 2d at 482), we conclude defendant has no standing to challenge the penalties he could have faced had the legislature not amended the insanity statute, and had the jury found by a preponderance of the evidence that he suffered from a mental disease or mental defect and was unable to conform his conduct to the requirements of law.
[Nonpublishable material under Supreme Court Rule 23 removed here.]
For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court of Du Page County.
GROMETER and CALLUM, JJ., concur.
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Which settings.xml is used by jenkins slave?
I have a Jenkins master (running on a small Linux box) and a Jenkins slave (running on a "correct" XP machine).
I have configured both for all jibs to be run on the Windows XP slave.
Unfortunatly, each time a build is run on that slave, the build fails due to the following error :
ERROR: Ignore Problem expanding maven opts macros org.jenkinsci.plugins.tokenmacro.TokenMacro
Found mavenVersion 3.0.3 from file jar:file:/E:/java-ext/apache-maven-3.0.3/lib/maven-core-3.0.3.jar!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven/maven-core/
Parsing POMs
ERROR: Echec à la lecture des POMs
hudson.util.IOException2: remote file operation failed: C:\hudson\workspace\Autocat at hudson.remoting.Channel@ee5bc4:ndx-PC-winXP
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$RunnerImpl.parsePoms(
at hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$RunnerImpl.doRun(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Caused by: hudson.remoting.ProxyException: hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild$MavenExecutionException: org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to find in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of tinkerpop has elapsed or updates are forced and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 3, column 10
I know this error is due to the bad definition of repository containing those artifacts, because used repository is defined in settings.xml. So, my question is quite simple : how can I define which settings.xml file is used by a Jenkins slave ?
Maven uses a global settings and a user settings file. If the user settings file exists, it overrides the global one.
The global one is found in %M2_HOME%\conf\, while the user one is in %HOME%\.m2\. Here %HOME% means the home directory of whatever user is running the Jenkins slave.
So the easiest solution, assuming it is possible in your situation, is to just copy the correct settings.xml file to the %HOME%\.m2\ directory on the Jenkins slave machine.
Alternatively, you can specify a custom settings.xml file on the mvn command line using the --settings option, so you could put the file in a known location (e.g. C:\) and then tell Jenkins to pass the setting to Maven, something like --settings C:\settings.xml.
As an aside, it's often useful to create a new Windows user to run the Jenkins slave, so that you can easily tell where it will search for configuration files.
Like always, solution was simpler than I was thinking it could.
Jenkins slave is configured to be run by the System User.
As a consequence, for it to use my settings.xml, all I had to do was changing its associated user, and problem disappeared !
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | What is the license for usage on this picture? I make scores for film and media and I want to use this on a YouTube channel for a background. Please contact me back for specifics:
[email protected] |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Il Giardino d'Ulisse
Nostós, Nausicaa
Il Giardino d'Ulisse
Nostós, Nausicaa
Ideal for those who want to stay in the center and at the same time immerse themselves in a private environment that is completely symbiotic with nature. Independent and unique structure from the architecture of other times, coupled with the sought-after and unique details, such as the tiles laid in the wooden floor from ancient patron saints of Palermo, antique frames to decorate white walls, antique pieces treated and adapted to others functions. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Comparative study of cefepime versus ceftazidime in the empiric treatment of pediatric cancer patients with fever and neutropenia.
In view of the recent trend toward monotherapy in the treatment of bacterial infection, we evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of cefepime vs. ceftazidime for the empiric treatment of febrile episodes in neutropenic pediatric cancer patients. In a single site, open label study, 104 neutropenic pediatric cancer patients [96% with absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of <500 neutrophils/mm3] with a median age of 6 years were randomized (1:1) to receive either intravenous cefepime or ceftazidime (50 mg/kg/dose every 8 h; < or = 6 g/day) for empiric treatment of fever (temperature >38.0 degrees C occurring at least twice in 24 h, or single >38.5 degrees C). Febrile episodes were classified as either microbiologically or clinically documented infection or fever of unknown origin. Therapy continued until the ANC was > or = 1,000 neutrophils/mm3 or there was an increasing ANC in low risk patients (maximum duration of treatment, 8 weeks). The primary efficacy endpoints assessed were clinical and microbiologic response to assigned drug therapy. Secondary outcome measures were rate of early discontinuation of study drug and use of concomitant antibiotic therapy to modify initial study drug regimen. Of 68 patients who could be evaluated for efficacy, 74% (26 of 35) of cefepime-treated patients and 70% (23 of 33) of ceftazidime-treated patients responded to treatment. The small number of study patients precluded statistical analysis of results. In a modified intent-to-treat analysis, 59% of the patients treated with cefepime and 47% of ceftazidime-treated patients responded to therapy. Cefepime patients developed fewer new infections than ceftazidime patients (9% vs. 21%, respectively) and early discontinuation of study drug therapy occurred slightly more often in the ceftazidime group. Further, the use of concomitant systemic antimicrobial therapy (mostly vancomycin) occurred less often in the cefepime-treated patients, as compared with the ceftazidime group [35% [17 of 49] vs. 44% (24 of 55), respectively]. No deaths or serious adverse events were considered to be related to study therapy. The most frequent adverse event was rash that was moderate in severity, and it occurred equally in both groups. Cefepime appears to be safe and effective compared with ceftazidime for initial empiric therapy of febrile episodes in neutropenic pediatric cancer patients. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | A police officer in North Carolina has been charged with voluntary manslaughter after fatally shooting an unarmed man who had apparently been in a wreck and was seeking help, authorities said. The victim, Jonathan Ferrell, 24, played football for Florida A&M University in 2009-10, school officials said Sunday.
An attorney for the victim's family said on Sunday he believed race played a role in the death of Ferrell, who was black.
"If Mr Farrell was not black or brown, wouldn't they have asked him a few questions before showering him with bullets?" said attorney Chris Chestnut, who said he would request all police evidence from the shooting.
Ferrell was seeking help at a house early on Saturday, after driving a vehicle that crashed into trees in northeast Charlotte, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg police. A woman answered the door and, when she didn't recognise the man, called the police emergency dispatcher.
Officers responding to the breaking-and-entering call found Ferrell a short distance from the home, police said. As they approached him, Ferrell ran toward the officers and was hit with a Taser. Police said he continued to run toward them when officer Randall Kerrick fired his gun, hitting Ferrell several times. Ferrell died at the scene.
Police called Ferrell and Kerrick's initial encounter "appropriate and lawful". But in a statement late Saturday, they said "the investigation showed that the subsequent shooting of Mr Ferrell was excessive" and "Kerrick did not have a lawful right to discharge his weapon during this encounter".
Police said Kerrick had been charged with voluntary manslaughter, which under North Carolina law involves killing without malice using "excessive force" in exercising "imperfect self-defense".
Police are not expected to further describe the incident on Sunday, CMPD spokesman Officer Keith Trietley said.
Kerrick, 27, turned himself in for booking on Saturday evening and was released on a $50,000 bond, according to the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office website. Kerrick joined the police force in April 2011.
FAMU interim athletic director Michael Smith confirmed on Sunday that Ferrell played the safety position for the school's football team during the 2009 and 2010 seasons. "Our hearts and prayers go out to his family during their time of bereavement," Smith said in an emailed statement.
A public records search indicated that Ferrell began living in Charlotte early this year after moving from Tallahassee, Florida, home to FAMU.
Before Kerrick was charged, police chief Rodney Monroe describe the accident in a news conference. He said the wreck was so severe Ferrell would have had to climb out of the back window to escape. Monroe said he didn't know what caused the crash and didn't say whether Ferrell suffered injuries, The Charlotte Observer reported.
Ferrell apparently walked about a half-mile to the nearest house and was "banging on the door viciously" to attract attention, Monroe said. Thinking it was her husband coming home late from work, the woman who lives there opened the door. When she saw Ferrell, she shut it and called police about 2.30am, Monroe said. Monroe said he didn't think the unarmed Ferrell made threats or tried to rob the woman. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | List of law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom, Crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories
There are a number of agencies that participate in law enforcement in the United Kingdom which can be grouped into three general types:
Territorial police forces, who carry out the majority of policing. These are police forces that cover a police area (a particular region) and have an independent police authority. Current police forces have their grounding in the Police Act 1996 (in England and Wales), a combination of Police (Scotland) Act 1967 and Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 (in Scotland) and the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 (in Northern Ireland), which prescribe a number of issues such as appointment of a chief constable, jurisdiction and responsibilities.
National law enforcement bodies, including the National Crime Agency and national police forces that have a specific, non-regional jurisdiction, such as the British Transport Police. The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 refers to these as 'special police forces', not including the NCA which is not a police force. In addition, there are non-police law enforcement agencies, whose officers are not police officers, but still enforce laws, and other bodies with solely investigatory powers.
Miscellaneous police forces, mostly having their foundations in older legislation or common law. These are responsible for policing specific local areas or activities, such as ports and parks. Before the passing of recent legislation such as the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, they were often referred to as 'special police forces'; care must therefore be taken in interpreting historical use of that phrase. These constabularies are not within the scope of the legislation applicable to the previously-mentioned organisations but can still be the subject of statutes applicable to, for example, docks, harbours or railways. Until the passing of Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003, the British Transport Police was such a force.
The majority of law enforcement in the United Kingdom is carried out by territorial police forces that police the general public and their activities. The other types of agencies are concerned with policing of more specific matters.
Over the centuries there has been a wide variation in the number of police forces in the United Kingdom, with a large number now no longer in existence.
Territorial police forces
England and Wales
Except in Greater London, each territorial police force covers one or more of the local government areas (counties) established in the 1974 local government reorganisations (although with subsequent modifications), in an area known in statute as a police area. These forces provide the majority of policing services to the public of England and Wales. These forces have been known historically as "Home Office police forces" due to the central government department, the Home Office, being responsible for and providing the majority of funding these police forces. Despite the implication of the term, all police forces are independent, with operational control resting solely with the chief officer of each force (the Chief Constable or with regard to the Metropolitan Police and City of London Police forces, their respective Commissioners); each force was overseen by a Police authority until these were replaced by Police and Crime Commissioners in 2012.
The Police Act 1996 is the most recent piece of legislation, which outlines the areas of responsibility for the 43 territorial forces of England and Wales (found in Schedule 1 of the Act).
Constable is the lowest rank in the police service, but all officers, whatever their rank are "constables" in terms of legal powers and jurisdiction. Police officers in territorial police forces in England and Wales derive their jurisdiction from Section 30 of the Police Act 1996. This section outlines that such officers have jurisdiction throughout England and Wales and also the adjacent United Kingdom waters. Special Constables, who are part-time, volunteer officers of these forces, used to have a more limited jurisdiction – limited solely to their own force areas and adjacent forces. Since 1 April 2007, however Special Constables of England & Wales have full police powers throughout those two countries. This means that, in contrast to the majority of countries, all UK volunteer police officers now have exactly the same powers as their full-time colleagues. There are a number of situations in which the jurisdiction of a constable extends to one of the other countries, and constables of one jurisdiction do have reciprocal powers of arrest in each others jurisdictions as a matter of course – see the main article for details.
As of March 2010 police numbers in England and Wales were:
Police officers: 143,734
Police community support officers: 16,918
Other staff: 79,596
Avon and Somerset Constabulary
Bedfordshire Police
Cambridgeshire Constabulary
Cheshire Constabulary
City of London Police (not shown)
Cleveland Police
Cumbria Constabulary
Derbyshire Constabulary
Devon and Cornwall Police
Dorset Police
Durham Constabulary
Essex Police
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Greater Manchester Police
Hampshire Constabulary
Hertfordshire Constabulary
Humberside Police
Kent Police
Lancashire Constabulary
Leicestershire Police
Lincolnshire Police
Merseyside Police
Metropolitan Police Service
Norfolk Constabulary
Northamptonshire Police
Northumbria Police
North Yorkshire Police
Nottinghamshire Police
South Yorkshire Police
Staffordshire Police
Suffolk Constabulary
Surrey Police
Sussex Police
Thames Valley Police
Warwickshire Police
West Mercia Police
West Midlands Police
West Yorkshire Police
Wiltshire Police
As of March 2010 police numbers in England:
Police officers: 136,365
Police community support officers: 16,200
Other staff: 75,408
Dyfed-Powys Police (Heddlu Dyfed Powys)
Gwent Police (Heddlu Gwent)
North Wales Police (Heddlu Gogledd Cymru)
South Wales Police (Heddlu De Cymru)
As of March 2010 police numbers in Wales were:
Police officers: 7,369
Police community support officers: 718
Other staff: 4,188
Collaborative units
South East Counter Terrorism Unit
Thames Valley & Hampshire Joint Operations Unit
Surrey Police & Sussex Police Tactical Firearms, Operations Command and Roads Policing Unit
South West Counter Terrorism Unit
Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police Strategic Alliance Unit
Alliance Police: Gloucestershire Constabulary, Avon & Somerset Police and Wiltshire Police.
East Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
Norfolk & Suffolk Roads Policing Unit
Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit
Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit
East Midlands Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
West Midlands Police Counter Terrorism Unit
Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police Specialist Operations Unit
North West Counter Terrorism Unit
Cheshire Police & North Wales Police Alliance Armed Policing Unit
North East Counter Terrorism Unit
Durham and Cleveland Specialist Operations Unit
Welsh Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit
Gwent Police & South Wales Police Joint Armed Response Unit
Most police powers and functions have been inherited by the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament from the Scottish Office. Areas for which legislative responsibility remains with the UK Government include national security, terrorism, firearms and drugs. The Police (Scotland) Act 1967, as amended, was the basis for the organisation and jurisdiction of the eight former territorial forces in Scotland that were formed in 1975. These forces covered one or more of the areas of the local government regions established in the 1975 local government reorganisation (and since abolished), with minor adjustments to align with the post-1996 council area borders. These forces provided the majority of police services to the public of Scotland, although Scottish police officers also have limited jurisdiction throughout the rest of the United Kingdom as required (See above comments under English and Welsh forces).
In 2011, the Scottish Government announced that it planned to amalgamate the eight territorial forces in Scotland, along with the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, into a single agency. The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, an Act of the Scottish Parliament, codified this amalgamation and brought about the new Police Service of Scotland (to be known as "Police Scotland"). The new force was established on 1 April 2013.
In 2017, plans were being debated in the Scottish Parliament to merge railway policing with Police Scotland.
As of December 2012, police numbers in Scotland were:
Police officers: 17,436
Special constables: 1,404
Other staff: 6,168
Community Support Officers, commonly referred to as "Police Community Support Officers", were established by Section 38(2) of the Police Reform Act 2002, which applies only to England and Wales. There are therefore no Community Support Officers in Scotland.
Northern Ireland
County and borough based police forces were not formed in Ireland as they were in Great Britain, with instead a single Royal Irish Constabulary covering most of Ireland (the exceptions being the Dublin Metropolitan Police, which was responsible for policing in Dublin, and the Belfast Town Police force, which was replaced by the RIC in the 1880s). The Royal Ulster Constabulary was formed in 1922 after the establishment of the Irish Free State, and served until the reforms of the police under the terms established initially by the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 undertaken by the Patten Commission, which led to the renaming of the RUC in 2001. The Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 sets out the basis for the organisation and function of the police force in the province. Until 2010, police powers were not transferred to the devolved Northern Ireland Executive, unlike Scotland, instead remaining with the Northern Ireland Office. However, in January 2010 agreement was reached between the two largest parties in the Assembly, the DUP and Sinn Féin, over a course that would see them assume responsibility for policing and justice from April.
As of April 2007 police numbers in Northern Ireland were:
Police officers: 7,216
Full-time reserve police officers: 335
Part-time police officers: 684
Other staff: 2,265
Police in Northern Ireland do not employ Police Community Support Officers
County police forces traditionally bore the name "constabulary" upon their formation (as a derivation of "constable"). The reorganisation of police forces over the years has seen this name dropped in favour of "police" as a name, as many have decided that the word "constabulary" is confusing for people more used to searching for the word "police". However, a number of police forces in the areas overseen by the United Kingdom retain the name "constabulary":
12 territorial forces in England
1 special police force - Civil Nuclear Constabulary
1 territorial force in the crown dependencies
1 parks police force (under the terms of the Parks Regulation Act 1872)
National law enforcement
Bodies with police powers
These bodies operate in more than one county of the United Kingdom. The remit of some of the forces is further limited to the areas that they police, such as railway infrastructure. The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 gave the British Transport Police and Ministry of Defence Police a limited, conditional authority to act outside of their primary jurisdiction if the situation requires urgent police action and the local force are not readily available, or if they believe that there is risk to life or limb, or where they are assisting the local force.
Government agencies
National Crime Agency (NCA) – An agency that leads UK-wide activities to combat high-level crime such as organised crime. In addition, the NCA acts as the UK point of contact for foreign law enforcement agencies. It replaced the Serious Organised Crime Agency in 2013.
Border Force is a part of the Home Office, responsible for frontline border control operations at air, sea and rail ports in the United Kingdom. Employees of Border Force may be Immigration Officers and/or customs officers. They hold certain powers of arrest, detention and search in addition to those available to Any person in England and Wales or to any person in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Police-like powers are exercised by border officers and inland immigration enforcement officers.
Immigration Enforcement The agency also has a specialist criminal investigations directorate.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. Since the creation of the UK Border Agency (now Border Force), staff of HMRC no longer perform frontline duties at ports of entry. The remainder of the staff with law enforcement powers employed by HMRC consists of the Criminal Investigation Branch, who, as customs officers, continue to exercise the powers granted under the Customs Management Acts and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 including arrest.
Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officers/Water bailiffs have powers of a constable under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975. Officers/bailiffs protect fish and combat related crime (e.g. poaching).
Additionally, the following three government agencies are defined in legislation as "special police forces". As these forces are responsible to specific areas of infrastructure, they do not answer to the Home Office, but instead to the government department responsible for the area they police. All three forces do voluntarily submit themselves to HMIC inspection:
Ministry of Defence Police – A police force tasked with providing armed security, uniformed policing, and investigative services to Ministry of Defence installations throughout the United Kingdom.
Civil Nuclear Constabulary – A police force responsible for providing law enforcement and security at or within 5 km of any relevant nuclear site and for nuclear materials in transit within the United Kingdom.
British Transport Police (Great Britain) – A police force responsible for providing law enforcement at certain railways and light-rail systems in Great Britain.
Bodies hosted by the Association of Chief Police Officers
National Wildlife Crime Unit – A police unit run by the ACPO that gathers intelligence on wildlife crime and provides analytical and investigative support to law enforcement agencies across the United Kingdom.
National Counter Terrorism Security Office – A police unit run by the ACPO, which advises the British government on its counter terrorism strategy.
National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service – A police unit run by the ACPO, tasked with combating organised vehicle crime and the use of vehicles in crime.
Bodies hosted by territorial police forces
National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit – A police unit that is part of the Metropolitan Police Service Specialist Operations Directorate, tasked with coordinating police response to domestic extremism across the United Kingdom.
Protection Command – A police unit that is part of the Metropolitan Police Service Specialist Operations Directorate, responsible for providing protective security to the government/diplomatic community and the Royal Family within the United Kingdom.
National Fraud Intelligence Bureau – A police unit hosted by the City of London Police, tasked with combating economic crime throughout the United Kingdom.
National Ballistics Intelligence Service (Great Britain) – A police unit hosted by West Midlands Police, tasked with gathering and disseminating fast time intelligence on the criminal use of firearms across Great Britain.
National Police Air Service (England and Wales) – A police aviation service hosted by West Yorkshire Police, that provides centralised air support to the 43 territorial police forces in England and Wales.
Bodies with limited executive powers
These organisations are not police forces but do have similar powers to that of the police with the exception that they cannot arrest a person nor make forcible entry without a warrant.
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (Great Britain)
Driver and Vehicle Agency (Northern Ireland)
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (England and Wales) investigates complaints against police officers and staff of the police forces in England and Wales, and staff of HM Revenue and Customs, the National Crime Agency in England and Wales and the Border Force. Certain investigators of the IPCC, for the purposes of the carrying out of an investigation and all purposes connected with it, have all the powers and privileges of constables throughout England and Wales and the territorial waters.
Bodies with solely investigatory powers
The use of investigatory powers is controlled by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000. Up to 792 public authorities have powers that are restricted by RIPA.
Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism
Security Service
Serious Fraud Office (England and Wales and Northern Ireland)
Miscellaneous police forces
These police forces generally come under the control of a local authority, public trusts or even private companies; examples include some ports police and the Mersey Tunnels Police. They could have been established by individual Acts of Parliament or under common law powers. Jurisdiction is generally limited to the relevant area of private property alone and in some cases (e.g. docks and harbours) the surrounding area. This, together with the small size of the police forces, means they are often reliant on the territorial force for the area under whose jurisdiction they fall to assist with any serious matter. The statutory responsibility for law and order sits with the territorial police forces even if there is a specialist police force in the locality. These police forces do not have independent Police Authorities and their founding statutes (if any) do not generally prescribe their structure and formation.
Ports police
There are two types of port police in the United Kingdom — most are sworn in under the 1847 Act, but a few have Acts specific to their port.
Ports police operating under the Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847
For every port/harbour, an individual Act of Parliament (or, more recently, a Harbour (Revision) Order) can incorporate parts of the Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847 (HDPCA) and apply them to that specific port/harbour. Officers of port police forces are sworn in as "special constables" under section 79 of the 1847 Act, as incorporated by the individual local Act. As a result, officers have the full powers of a constable on any land owned by the harbour, dock, or port and at any place within one mile of any owned land.
The Marine Navigation Act 2013 has potentially enabled ports contables in England & Wales to act as constables beyond this one mile limit, in relation to policing purposes connected with the port only, in a police area where consent has been obtained from the relevant Chief Constable. This act does not however give general police powers to ports constables beyond their core jurisdiction as set out in the 1847 act, merely in relation to policing purposes connected to the port as set out in the Act. As of 2014, 3 ports police forces (Dover, Teesport and Bristol) have sought and received consent from the local Chief Constable, with a fourth (Liverpool) in the process of applying for it. This has enabled these 3 ports forces to act as constables, in relation to policing purposes connected to the port, throughout the police area in which they are geographically located. There are 224 constables sworn in under the 1847 Act. Serious or major incidents or crime generally become the responsibility of the local territorial police force.
Belfast Harbour Police — Belfast Harbour, Belfast: HDPCA incorporated by section 5 of the Belfast Harbour Act 1847.
Larne Harbour Police — Larne Harbour Ltd, Larne.
Port of Bristol Police — Port of Bristol, Bristol. Includes Avonmouth Dock, Bristol, Royal Portbury Dock, North Somerset, and 3 islands in the Bristol Channel: Denny Island, Flat Holme, Steep Holme.
Port of Felixstowe Police — Port of Felixstowe, Suffolk: HDPCA incorporated by section 3(1)(e) of the Felixstowe Dock and Railway Act 1956.
Port of Portland Police — Portland Harbour, Isle of Portland: HDPCA incorporated by section 3 of the Portland Harbour Revision Order 1997.
Falmouth Docks Police — Falmouth Docks, Falmouth, Cornwall: HDPCA incorporated by section 3 of the Falmouth Docks Act 1959.
Port of Dover Police — Port of Dover, Dover: HDPCA incorporated by section 3 of the Dover Harbour Consolidation Act 1954, and incorporation amended by part 4 of the Dover Harbour Revision Order 2006. Given the large amount of property owned by the port, their jurisdiction effectively extends to all of Dover and now throughout Kent (in relation to port policing matters only) in order to be able to take arrested persons to Custody Suites.
Other ports police
Port of Liverpool Police — Port of Liverpool, Liverpool: current authority derives from article 3 of the Mersey Docks and Harbour (Police) Order 1975. Port of Liverpool police officers are Crown police officers and not special constables.
Port of Tilbury Police (formerly the Port of London Authority Police) — Port of Tilbury, Essex: current authority derives from section 154 of the Port of London Act 1968
Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Harbour Police — Tees and Hartlepool: current authority derives from section 103 of the Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Act 1966
A large, new port on the Thames Estuary (and within the Port of London area) called "London Gateway", the owners have the authority to create their own police force for the port. The legislation also incorporates S.79 of the 1847 Act.
Parks police
Parks not controlled by local authorities
These small constabularies are responsible for policing specific land and parks. Officers of these forces have the powers of a constable within their limited jurisdiction. They are not constables as dealt with in the general Police Acts.
Epping Forest Keepers
Current powers derive from regulations made under Epping Forest Act 1878
Kew Constabulary (formerly Royal Botanic Gardens Constabulary)
Constables of this force have full police powers whilst on land belonging to the Royal Botanical Gardens as per the Parks Regulation Act 1872 as amended by section 3 (a) of the Parks Regulation (Amendment) Act 1974.
The Parks Regulation Act 1872 provides for the attestation of parks constables.
Parks controlled by local authorities
Over history, a number of local authorities outside London have maintained their own parks police forces, the most notable being Liverpool (Liverpool Parks Police) and Birmingham (Birmingham Parks Police). No local authority parks police forces currently exist outside London, although the legal powers for them to do so (granted by various local Acts of Parliament) survive in a limited number of cases.
In London, these constabularies are responsible for enforcing byelaws within the parks and open spaces of their respective local authorities. Members of the constabularies are sworn as constables under article 18 of the Greater London Parks and Open Spaces Order 1967. Members of the constabularies are constables only in relation to the enforcement of the parks byelaws (which, by definition, apply only in the parks).
Parks Police Service, created through the merger of Hammersmith and Fulham Parks Constabulary and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Parks Police in 2013.
Hampstead Heath Constabulary, also appointed under the Corporation of London opens spaces act sec 16, 1878 with the full powers and privileges of a Police Constable.
Hillingdon Parks Patrol Service
Wandsworth Parks and Events Police
Some of these constables have (or have had) a shared role as security staff for their own local authority's buildings and housing estates with appropriate changes of badges and/or uniform being made when changing to/from park duties.
Cathedral Constables
See Also Cathedral Constables' Website
Cathedrals that have their own Constabularies consisting of attested constables that keep the peace at each Cathedral.
York Minster Police
Chester Cathedral Constables
Canterbury Cathedral Close Constables
Liverpool Cathedral Constables
Belfast International Airport Constabulary – attested under article 19(3) of the Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 1994 as constables for the airport, which employs them.
Cambridge University Constabulary – attested under the Universities Act 1825 as constables within the university precincts and up to four miles from them.
Mersey Tunnels Police – attested under section 105 of the County of Merseyside Act 1980 as constables in and around the tunnels.
Northern Ireland Security Guard Service – Civilian Security Officers belonging to the Northern Ireland Security Guard Service are attested as Special Constables.
Service police
Each branch of the military has its own police service, though the powers of a service police officer are identical and recipricol across all three services. The service police is made up of the:
Royal Navy Police
- including the Royal Marines Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
In the UK, the service police exercise jurisdiction over those serving in the military in any capacity and those civilians subject to service discipline as defined by the Armed Forces Act 2006. They are not 'constables' and do not have any policing powers in relation to the general public in normal circumstances. In British Forces Germany, under the Status Of Forces Act, military police have jurisdiction over British Forces personnel, their families, MOD contractors, and NAAFI staff.
Service Police are PACE trained and all investigations are PACE compliant. They make regular use of civilian police facilities often conducting joint investigations where necessary. The Service Police are able to investigate all crime within their jurisdiction, up to and including Murder, however within the UK, offences of murder and sudden deaths are passed to the local police force as per national jurisdiction agreements.
Whilst operating in conflict zones the military police will conduct the full range of policing including murder investigations as evidenced by the Sgt Blackman investigation.
Crown dependencies
Isle of Man
The Isle of Man Constabulary (Meoiryn-Shee Ellan Vannin) is the police service of the Isle of Man.
The Isle of Man Airport Police polices the main Isle of Man Airport (in Ronaldsway), with officers who are "warranted constables" under the Isle of Man Airports and Civil Aviation Act.
Bailiwick of Jersey
The States of Jersey Police (Police d'États de Jersey) is the police service of Jersey. It was established in its current form by the Police Force (Jersey) Law, 1974 and consists of around 240 officers.
States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service
Honorary Police – There is an Honorary Police (French: Police Honorifique) force in each parish in Jersey. Honorary Police officers have, for centuries, been elected by parishioners to assist the Connétable of the Parish to maintain law and order, and to this day the only person who may charge a person with an offence is the Centenier of the parish in which the offence allegedly took place. Officers are elected as Centeniers, Vingteniers or Constable's Officers, each with various duties and responsibilities.
Bailiwick of Guernsey
The States of Guernsey Police Service (États de Guernesey Service de police) is the local police force for the Crown dependency of Guernsey. In addition to providing police for the island of Guernsey itself, the Guernsey Police also provides detachments for the islands of Alderney, Herm and Sark.
Guernsey Border Agency, responsible with policing cross border and financial crime, customs and immigration.
Overseas Territories
Bermuda Police Service
Bermuda Airport Security Police
Pitcairn Islands Police
Royal Cayman Islands Police Service
Royal Falkland Islands Police
Royal Montserrat Police Force
Royal Virgin Islands Police Force
Saint Helena Police Service
Royal Gibraltar Police
Ministry of Defence overseas police
Sovereign Base Areas Police
Gibraltar Defence Police
Overseas service police
British Indian Ocean Territory Joint Service Police Unit
Cyprus Joint Police Unit
Falkland Islands Joint Service Police Security Unit
Gibraltar Joint Provost and Security Unit
Other enforcement agencies
Her Majesty's Customs (Gibraltar)
Border and Coastguard Agency (Gibraltar)
Overseas law enforcement in the UK
There are certain instances where police forces of other nations operate in a limited degree in the United Kingdom:
Garda Síochána – Under an agreement between the British Government and the Irish Government and under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Garda Síochána and the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland are allowed to inspect the Sellafield nuclear facility in Cumbria.
Police aux Frontières – As part of the Channel Tunnel agreement between the British and French governments, the Police aux Frontières maintains a presence at St. Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International railway stations and on Eurostar trains. The British Transport Police have a reciprocal arrangement at the Gare du Nord in Paris. The Police aux Frontieres also maintain a presence at passport control at the Eurotunnel terminal in Folkestone and at Dover port, whilst Kent Police maintains a presence at Coquelles on the French side of the tunnel. Similar arrangements allow the Border Force to operate juxtaposed controls in France and Belgium.
Military Police of visiting forces while present within the terms of the Visiting Forces Act 1952.
See also
Battenburg markings
Sillitoe Tartan
Jam sandwich (slang)
List of defunct law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom
List of law enforcement agencies in England and Wales
List of law enforcement agencies in Northern Ireland
List of law enforcement agencies in Scotland
Policing in the United Kingdom
Table of police forces in the United Kingdom
Shoulder Number
Warrant card
Royal Hong Kong Police Force
Further reading
Helen Gough, Police and Constabulary Almanac (Police & Constabulary Almanac), Shaw & Sons (21 February 2007), 500 pages, ,
External links
Scottish Police Forces Website
The UK Police Service – Forces
Category:Law enforcement agencies of the United Kingdom
Category:Police forces of British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies
United Kingdom, Crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Training for a long-duration spaceflight is the most challenging assignment that Bob Thirsk has ever undertaken. As he prepares to leave Earth for a six-month stay aboard the ISS, Bob Thirsk describes the physical, academic, linguistic and cultural awareness training required for a space Expedition astronaut.
Bob Thirsk shares details about co-habitation with his Expedition 20/21 colleagues aboard the Space Station, which has living space equivalent to that of a Boeing 747 aircraft. Listen to his thoughts about the day-to day living in an orbiting laboratory.
Optical illusions - Student Science on the International Space Station
Does visual perception change in the weightless environment? The graduate students of the International Space University believe it does, so they have created the IRIS (Image Reversal in Space) experiment for Canadian astronaut Bob Thirsk to take part in. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | Dovecot
Dovecot may refer to:
Dovecot, Liverpool
Dovecot (software), an IMAP and POP3 software package
See also
Dovecote, a building for pigeons or doves
Dovecote (disambiguation) |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
How to properly use indexing in MySQL
I'm running a fairly simple auto catalog
CREATE TABLE catalog_auto (
id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
make varchar(35),
make_t varchar(35),
model varchar(40),
model_t varchar(40),
model_year SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED,
fuel varchar(35),
gearbox varchar(15),
wd varchar(5),
variant varchar(40),
body varchar(30),
INDEX `gi`(`make`,`model`,`model_year`,`fuel`,`gearbox`,`wd`,`engine_cc`),
INDEX `mkt`(`make`,`make_t`),
INDEX `mdt`(`make`,`model`,`model_t`)
The table has about 60.000 rows so far, so, nothing that simple queries, even without indexes, couldn't handle.
The point is, i'm trying to get the hang of using indexes, so i made a few, based on my most frequent queries.
Say i want engine_cc for a specific set of criteria like so:
SELECT DISTINCT engine_cc FROM catalog_auto WHERE make='audi' AND model='a4' and model_year=2006 AND fuel='diesel' AND gearbox='manual' AND wd='front';
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | catalog_auto | ref | gi,mkt,mdt | gi | 408 | const,const,const,const,const,const | 8 | Using where; Using index |
The query is using gi index as expected, no problem here.
After selecting base criteria, i need the rest of the columns as well:
SELECT * FROM catalog_auto WHERE make='audi' AND model='a4' and model_year=2006 AND fuel='diesel' AND gearbox='manual' AND wd='front' AND engine_cc=1968;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | catalog_auto | ref | gi,mkt,mdt | gi | 411 | const,const,const,const,const,const,const | 3 | Using where |
It selected a KEY but NOT using the index. The query however, is very fast(1 row in set (0.00 sec)), but since the table doesn't have that many rows, i assume even without indexing, it would be the same.
Tried it like this:
SELECT * FROM catalog_auto WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM catalog_auto WHERE make='audi' AND model='a6' AND model_year=2009);
Again, in EXPLAIN:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | catalog_auto | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 59060 | Using where |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | catalog_auto | unique_subquery | PRIMARY,gi,mkt,mdt | PRIMARY | 4 | func | 1 | Using where |
Still NOT using any index, not even PRIMARY KEY. Shouldn't this, at least use the PRIMARY KEY?
Documentation says: MySQL can ignore a key even if it finds one, if it determines that a full table scan would be faster, depending on the query.
Is that the reason why it's not using any of the indexes? Is this a good practice? If not, how would you recommend indexing columns, for a SELECT * statement, to always use an index, given the above query.
I'm not much of a MySQL expert, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Using MySQL 5.5 with InnoDB.
I'm not a MySQL expert, but my guess is that the index was used for the row lookup, but the actual data has to be retrieved from the data pages, so an additional lookup is necessary.
In your first query, the data you ask for is available by looking only at the index keys. When you ask for columns that aren't in the index in the second and third queries, the engine uses the key to do a SEEK on the data tables, so it's still very fast.
With SQL performance, since the optimizer has a lot of freedom to choose the "best" plan, the proof is in the pudding when it comes to indexing. If adding an index makes a common query faster, great, use it. If not, then save the space and overhead of maintaining the index (or look for a better index).
Note that you don't get a free lunch - additional indices can actually slow down a system, particularly if you have frequent inserts or updates on columns that are indexed, since the systme will have to constantly maintain those indices.
I'm basically saying the same answer that @DStanley said, but I want to expand on it more than I can fit in a comment.
The "Using index" note means that the query is using only the index to get the columns it needs.
The absence of this note doesn't mean the query isn't using an index.
What you should look at is the key column in the EXPLAIN report:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | catalog_auto | ref | gi,mkt,mdt | gi | 411 | const,const,const,const,const,const,const | 3 | Using where |
The key column says the optimizer chooses to use the gi index. So it is using an index. And the ref column confirms that's referencing all seven columns of that index.
The fact that it must fetch more of the columns to return * means it can't claim "Using [only] index".
Also read this excerpt from
Using index
The column information is retrieved from the table using only information in the index tree without having to do an additional seek to read the actual row. This strategy can be used when the query uses only columns that are part of a single index.
I think of this analogy, to a telephone book:
If you look up a business in a phone book, it's efficient because the book is alphabetized by the name. When you find it, you also have the phone number right there in the same entry. So if that's all you need, it's very quick. That's an index-only query.
If you want extra information about the business, like their hours or credentials or whether they carry a certain product, you have to do the extra step of using that phone number to call them and ask. That's a couple of extra minutes of time to get that information. But you were still able to find the phone number without having to read the entire phone book, so at least it didn't take hours or days. That's a query that used an index, but had to also go look up the row from the table to get other data.
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | Serafino Porrecta
Serafino Porrecta (b. 1536; d. at Bologna, 2 January 1614) was an Italian Dominican theologian.
His family name was Capponi; he was called a Porrecta from his place of birth.
He is best known as a commentator on the Summa of Thomas Aquinas; he also wrote commentaries on the books of the Old and New Testaments.
He joined the Dominican Order at Bologna in 1552. His life was devoted entirely to study, teaching, writing, and preaching.
He taught philosophy, theology (dogmatic and moral), and Sacred Scripture. In 1606, Father Capponi was invited to teach theology and Sacred Scripture to the Carthusians in a monastery near Bologna. He accepted the invitation, but two years later he was recalled to Bologna, where he died. Michele Pio, who wrote his life, states that on the last day of his life Porrecta completed his explanation on the last verse of the Psalms. The people of Bologna venerated him as a saint; miracles are said to have been wrought through his intercession and his body was taken (1615) from the community burying-ground to be deposited in the Dominican church.
Until the Leonine edition of Thomas Aquinas's works appeared, the Porrecta-Cajetan commentaries were classical. Features of these commentaries are set forth in the title of the Venice edition of 1612. His principal works are:
"Elucidationes formales in summam theologicam S. Thomae de Aquino" (Venice, 1588, 1596);
"Summa totius theologiae D. Thomae ... cum elucidationibus formalibus ..." (Venice, 1612; Padua, 1698; Rome, 1773).
To the first volume were added:
De altitudine doctrinae Thomisticae; Regulae ad lectorem; Five indices.
Jacques Échard censures the addition of Crisostomo Javelli's "Expositio in primam partem" and "Tractatus de praescientia et praedestinationa";
"Veritates aureae supra totam legem veterem ..." (Venice, 1590);
"Commentaries on St. Mattew" (Venice, 1602);
"St. John" (Venice, 1604); those on St. Mark and St. Luke were not published;
"Scholia super comp. Theologicae veritatis Alberti Magni" (Venice, 1588, 1590). Echard says the compendium was not by Albertus Magnus (I, p. 176);
"Tota theologia S. Th. Aquin. In compendium redacta" (Venice, 1597);
"Commentarii in psalmos" (one volume published, Bologna, 1692).
The entry cites:
Quétif and Échard, Script. Ord. Proed., II (Paris, 1721), 392;
Michele Pio, Vita e morte del ven. P. M. Fr. Serafino della Porrecta (Bologna, 1615).
Category:1536 births
Category:1614 deaths
Category:Italian Dominicans
Category:Italian Roman Catholic theologians |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | The 35-minute power outage at Sunday's Super Bowl XLVII caused consternation for CBS, the network that broadcast the game. For advertisers, the outcome was mixed, as some lost exposure and at least three fast-acting marketers were able to use Twitter to capture some attention.
Looking at it in the context of viewability -- which has been a major issue lately for internet advertisers -- the blackout demonstrated TV, like the web, can fall short of reaching the eyeballs projected for a given ad placement.
DVR provider TiVo was able to give marketers a small glimpse of which commercials were seen the most thanks to its set-top box analytics. However the company's second-by-second audience measurement data only counts a sample of 30,000 anonymous households. While it's not clear how many people tuned out during the "blackout," CBS has issued a statement promising to "honor all commercial commitments" nevertheless.
According to TiVo's stats, this year's "most engaging Super Bowl commercial" was claimed by Taco Bell's Viva Young. Perhaps tellingly, all the top commercials in TiVo's ranking (read the release) were in the first half. Given the fact that the contest between the ultimately victorious Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers wasn't even close before the half-time show starring Beyoncé, and the fact also, that viewership from non-football fans often drops off after the half-time shows, it seems very likely that the blackout had an impact.
However, social media appeared to step into the void as viewers' attention turned from the broadcast to Twitter to see what was going on. Oreo, Bud Light and Tide all posted tweets related to the power outage and saw significant buzz until the game returned.
Indeed, Super Bowl XLVII, broadcast on the CBS Television Network and streamed live on, smashed the record as the most social event in the history of television, according to third-party research firms BlueFin and Trendrr. Trendrr tracked more than 47.5 million social comments, more than twice the numbers tracked for last year's Grammys and Super Bowl, the previous top events.
Proactively tweeting about the big game may have been a bright move, and not only because so many millions were active on social platforms.
"During the blackout, social conversations around ads had a clearly defined drop in activity," said Sean Reckwerdt, lead TV analyst at Networked Insights, in an email to AdExchanger. "The barrage of rerun ads (and those for CBS shows) were not helping to drive viewer conversations. The few brands that were quick on their feet and were able to 'hijack' the situation, like Oreo and Tide with their humorous relevant content, were able to garner a few impressions and applause from the viewers. However if the game had not quickly become so enthralling with the 49ers starting their comeback, the advertiser conversation may not have recovered to similar levels as they were pre-halftime."
While analytics providers like Nielsen attempt to discern the level of viewer interest in TV spots by examining social media chatter on Twitter and Facebook, YouTube also provides a clear "sample" for Super Bowl ad viewability.
Volkswagen's "Get In. Get Happy" garnered more than 8,373,067 views on YouTube before the live airings. In fact, nine of this year's top ten commercials were previewed on the web before the big game, suggesting that the answer to TV's viewability issues may lie in how people react to TV spots on the internet. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Tuesday, September 12, 2017
E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. Steven Spielberg's iconic story of an unlikely friendship between a young boy and a stranded, lovably strange alien is filmmaking magic at its purest. On Tuesday Mondo will have a stunning new poster by Jonathan Burton celebrating the classic sci-fi film as it's released on a new 35th anniversary edition Blu-ray. Mondo feels Jonathan is one of the best artists working today and his approach to this poster and the final rendering is nothing short of spectacular.
Here's what Jonathan had to say about the poster:
"Settling on an idea from this visually spectacular film was a difficult task. I sketched out many possibilities from different scenes but this one mainly stood out because of the wonderful ‘phone home’ contraption which I wanted to delve into. It’s a kind of W.Heath Robinson style construction where a small action of the wind in the trees tugs at a rope which pulls a fork to turn a wheel which sets off this surprising machine to send a message through space. It’s a magical moment in the film made all the more endearing by the use of Elliot’s 1980s equipment.
I didn’t want to shy away from showing E.T. as a major element of the poster as he’s so iconic but also because I welcomed the challenge of drawing a creature so fascinatingly odd. The character is a great design of unthreatening strangeness and this balance is tricky to capture. His pointing finger is an obvious tribute to the original poster though I like how we have it leading to his home, and with the special spot varnish we only get a glimpse of his solar system within the right light. |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
PHP Database Deployment git/capistrano
I'm working for a company which is using PHP. There are different CMS Systems being used like Wordpress or Magento.
We are working with git having our own repository server and we have to deploy to different servers our different customers.
I've set up a deploymentscript using capistrano which works fine but the Database Synchronisation is quite tricky.
Imagine the live-database contains user data and I have to create some new features after the site already launched and there are loads of sql data within the database already. I personally work with a dummy database since I don't need any customer information.
How are you PHP geeks are deploying your databases? I don't want to change the contents but only migrate new or modified tables. I'm looking for a complete deployment solution for that. I'm also open for other options besides capistrano if needed. Especially with Magento I had serious problems to keep my database sync..
Any help is appreciated.
Recently I have discovered this project:, but I don't have used it, otherwise Symfony has a similar feature called migrations and it works very well.
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | 360-DEGREE LIVES: Wombat couple make rare joint appearance after a long wait
Editor's note: This is part of a series of videos offering an up-close perspective on the animal kingdom. A special 360-degree video camera system was set up in zoos and other facilities to show how the animals view their world as they interact.[Read More] |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | PED subunit vaccine based on COE domain replacement of flagellin domain D3 improved specific humoral and mucosal immunity in mice.
Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) is an important re-emergent infectious disease and inflicts huge economic losses to the swine industry worldwide. To meet the pressing need of developing a safe and cost-efficient PED maternal vaccine, we generated three PED subunit vaccine candidates, using recombined Salmonella flagellin (rSF) as a mucosal molecular adjuvant. Domain D3 in rSF was replaced with COE domain of PEDV to generate rSF-COE-3D. COE fused to the flanking C'/N' terminal of rSF yielded rSF-COE-C and rSF-COE-N. As a result, rSF-COE-3D could significantly improve COE specific antibody production including serum IgG, serum IgA, mucosal IgA and PEDV neutralizing antibody. Furthermore, rSF-COE-3D elicited more CD3+CD8+ T cell and cytokine production of IFN-γ and IL-4 in mouse splenocytes. In summary, our data showed that rSF-COE-3D could improve specific humoral and mucosal immunity in mice, thus suggesting that rSF-COE-3D could be applied as a novel efficient maternal PED vaccine. |
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
function f(int x) -> int[]:
return toString(x)
import toString from std::ascii
function g(any x) -> int[]:
return toString(x)
"pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter"
} | The Neurotoxicology program aims to develop sensitive markers of human toxic exposures that would be particularly hazardous to the nervous system. Both behavioral and biochemical markers are being developed. One promising approach employs brief, objective tests of neurobehavioral function that can be used both in field studies with humans, including children, and with laboratory animals. The test is noninvasive and thus can be administered repeatedly to humans at their homes or workplace for health surveillance. The ability to apply these neurobehavioral tests to both humans and animals improves confidence in extrapolating results from experiments that can only be done with animals, e.g., the examination of histopathological and neurochemical changes in the brain which are the criteria for neurotoxicity. These behavioral markers can document the role of environmental toxins in developmental disabilities such as lead-related deficits in learning of children. A promising biomarker is glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which increased in the monkey brain during exposure to trimethyl lead and in the rat brain soon after exposure to methylmercury. We detected GFAP in brain and CSF of rats, and in brains of pigeons, fish and nonhuman primates. Thus, GFAP is a very promising marker because it is present in most species of animals of interest as laboratory models or environmental sentinels. In rats and pigeons, GFAP is an early indicator of exposure to neurotoxicants (cadmium, methylmercury, acrylamide) but not to chromium, which appears to lack specific neurotoxicity. GFAP and related proteins of neuronal tissue origin will be examined in CSF and in peripheral blood as markers of cellular and functional changes in the nervous system. These neurotoxicologic assays are being integrated with the ecological projects, where proteins in the brains of wild fish and birds can serve as markers for biological impact of ecological pollution. Finally, this project continues to provide the entire program with detailed evaluations of the oral exposures used with rats so as to identify potential confounding factors such as reduced water consumption or body weight. |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
How to define potential page breaks in a long table?
I have a huge table that covers multiple pages:
\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry}
%Column width for tables
\def \firstColumnWidth {3.5cm}
\def \secondColumnWidth {12.5cm}
Foo & \blindtext\\
Bar & \blindtext\\
Foo & \blindtext\\
Bar & \blindtext\\
Bar & \blindtext\\
Foo & \blindtext\\
Bar & \blindtext\\
In this example, the page break is directly after the 2013 column. However, I want to have the page break either bevor the 2013 column, or after the Foo column. Is there any way to specify in a table where potential page breaks can be. I don't want to add page breaks manually, since the content is dynamic.
You can use \\* to prevent a page break
If lines are involved you need to change the commands for the lines too:
Prevent page break after \midrule in \longtable
How to disable pagebreak on \hline in longtable?
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | (Corrects to show DH Corp fell ahead of, not after, earnings report in final paragraph)
* TSX ends down 162.76 points, or 1.17 percent, at 13,790.90
* Nine of index's 10 main groups fall
By Alastair Sharp
TORONTO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Canada's main stock index fell on Monday as resources stocks weighed and investors remained skittish about Valeant Pharmaceuticals despite its attempts to address recent allegations made against it by an influential short-seller.
Nine of the index's 10 main groups fell, led by a 5 percent retreat for the heavyweight energy group, a 4 percent loss for materials stocks, and a 5.2 percent drop in consumer staples.
The losses among resource stocks were much sharper than any slips in prices for the underlying commodities they extract, refine or transport.
"The month has been marked by this very strong move on very little information, and the market is now digesting it and saying 'there's not a lot here'," said John Stephenson, president at Stephenson & Company Capital Management.
The most influential single weight was Valeant, down 4.8 percent at C$145.34, after it laid out a detailed defense of its relationship with a specialty pharmacy that failed to calm all investor concerns.
"The nagging sense is why are we hearing about this at the last minute and given that we're hearing about it at the last minute, what else aren't they telling us," Stephenson said.
The most influential movers in the energy group were pipeline operator Enbridge Inc, down 2.2 percent at C$55.63, and Canadian Natural Resources, which declined 2.5 percent to C$30.32.
U.S. crude prices settled down 1.4 percent at $43.98 a barrel, while Brent crude lost 1.2 percent to $47.42.
Gold miners were also among the weights even as bullion steadied after a three-day losing streak, with Goldcorp Inc declining 4 percent to C$19.66 and Barrick Gold Corp falling 3.2 percent to C$9.88. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | Aliabad-e Kamfiruz
Aliabad-e Kamfiruz () may refer to:
Aliabad-e Kamfiruz-e Olya
Aliabad-e Kamfiruz-e Sofla |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Pakistani cricket fans leave for India at a Wagah border post near Attari, on Tuesday, March 29. Ordinary life will stop for several hours as hundreds of millions of fans tune in to follow the India-Pakistan semi-final in Mohali. (PTI/Pritam Thakur)
Indian cricket fans wear masks of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, second right, and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani during an event to wish the Indian cricket team good luck ahead of the ICC World Cup semifinal match between India and Pakistan, in Patna. (AP) |
"pile_set_name": "Github"
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"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
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abstract: 'In this paper we investigate the geometric properties of the configuration consisting of a subspace $\Gamma$ and a canonical subgeometry $\Sigma$ in ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, with $\Gamma\cap\Sigma=\emptyset$. The idea motivating is that such properties are reflected in the algebraic structure of the linear set which is projection of $\Sigma$ from the vertex $\Gamma$. In particular we deal with the maximum scattered linear sets of the line ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ found by Lunardon and Polverino in [@LP2001] and recently generalized by Sheekey in [@Sh]. Our aim is to characterize this family by means of the properties of the vertex of the projection as done by Csajbók and the first author of this paper for linear sets of pseudoregulus type. With reference to such properties, we construct new examples of scattered linear sets in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$, yielding also to new examples of MRD-codes in ${{\mathbb F}}_q^{6\times 6}$ with left idealiser isomorphic to ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$.'
- 'Corrado Zanella and Ferdinando Zullo [^1]'
title: 'Vertex properties of maximum scattered linear sets of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$'
51E20, 05B25, 51E22
Linear set, linearized polynomial, $q$-polynomial, finite projective line, subgeometry, scattered linear set
Let $\Lambda={\mathrm{PG}}(W,{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n})={\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$, where $W$ is a vector space of dimension $2$ over ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$. A point set $L$ of $\Lambda$ is said to be an *${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set* of $\Lambda$ of rank $\rho$ if it is defined by the non-zero vectors of a $\rho$-dimensional ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-vector subspace $U$ of $W$, i.e. $$L=L_U=\{{\langle}{\bf u} {\rangle}_{\mathbb{F}_{q^n}} \colon {\bf u}\in U\setminus \{{\bf 0} \}\}.$$ Two linear sets $L_U$ and $L_W$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ are said to be *$\mathrm{P\Gamma L}$-equivalent* if there is an element $\phi$ in $\mathrm{P\Gamma L}(2,q^n)$ such that $L_U^{\phi} = L_W$. It may happen that two ${{\mathbb F}}_q$–linear sets $L_U$ and $L_W$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ are $\mathrm{P\Gamma L}$-equivalent even if the ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-vector subspaces $U$ and $W$ are not in the same orbit of $\Gamma \mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$ (see [@CSZ2015] and [@CMP] for further details).
Lunardon and Polverino in [@LuPo2004] (see also [@LuPoPo2002]) show that every linear set is a projection of a canonical subgeometry, where a *canonical subgeometry* in ${\mathrm{PG}}(m-1,q^n)$ is a linear set $L$ of rank $m$ such that ${\langle}L {\rangle}={\mathrm{PG}}(m-1,q^n)$ ([^2]). In particular, by [@LuPo2004 Theorems 1 and 2] (adapted to the projective line case), for each ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set $L_U$ of the projective line $\Lambda={\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ of rank $n$ there exist a canonical subgeometry $\Sigma\cong{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q)$ of $\Sigma^*={\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, and an $(n-3)$-subspace $\Gamma$ of $\Sigma^*$ disjoint from $\Sigma$ and from $\Lambda$ such that $$L_U={{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)=\{\langle \Gamma,P\rangle \cap \Lambda \colon P \in \Sigma\}.$$ We call $\Gamma$ and $\Lambda$ the *vertex* (or *center*) and the *axis* of the projection, respectively.
In this paper we focus on [*maximum scattered*]{} ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear sets of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$, that is, ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear sets of rank $n$ in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ of size $(q^n-1)/(q-1)$. In this case, we also say that the related ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace is *maximum scattered*. Recall that the *weight of a point* $P=\langle \mathbf{u} \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ is $w_{L_U}(P)=\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_q}(U\cap\langle \mathbf{u} \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}})$. A linear set $L_U$ is scattered if and only if each of its points has weight one.
If ${\langle}(0,1) {\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ is not contained in the linear set $L_U$ of rank $n$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ (which we can always assume after a suitable projectivity), then $U=U_f:=\{(x,f(x))\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}$ for some linearized polynomial (or *$q$-polynomial*) $f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}a_ix^{q^i}\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}[x]$. In this case we will denote the associated linear set by $L_f$.
The first example of maximum scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set, found by Blokhuis and Lavrauw in [@BL2000], is known as linear sets of *pseudoregulus type* and can be defined (see [@LuMaPoTr2014 Section 4]) as any linear set $\mathrm{P\Gamma L}$-equivalent to $$L^1=\{{\langle}(x,x^q) {\rangle}_{\mathbb{F}_{q^n}} \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*\}.$$
A characterization of the linear sets of pseudoregulus type has been given by Csajbók and Zanella in [@CsZ20162] as particular projections of a canonical subgeometry (see Theorem \[chPseudo\]).
[@CsZ20162 Theorem 2.3]\[chPseudo\] Let $\Sigma$ be a canonical subgeometry of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, $q>2$, $n \geq 3$. Assume that $\Gamma$ and $\Lambda$ are an $(n-3)$-subspace and a line of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, respectively, such that $\Sigma \cap \Gamma=\Lambda \cap \Gamma= \emptyset$. Then the following assertions are equivalent:
1. The set ${{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma, \Lambda}(\Sigma)$ is a scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set of pseudoregulus type;
2. A generator $\hat{\sigma}$ exists of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise, such that $\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^{\hat{\sigma}})=n-4$; furthermore $\Gamma$ is not contained in the span of any hyperplane of $\Sigma$;
3. There exists a point $P_\Gamma$ and a generator $\hat{\sigma}$ of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise, such that ${\langle}P_\Gamma,P_\Gamma^{\hat{\sigma}},\ldots, P_\Gamma^{\hat{\sigma}^{n-1}} {\rangle}={\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, and $$\Gamma={\langle}P_\Gamma,P_\Gamma^{\hat{\sigma}},\ldots, P_\Gamma^{\hat{\sigma}^{n-3}} {\rangle}.$$
Few other families of maximum scattered linear sets of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ are known, see [@CMPZ; @CsMZ2018]. We will deal with the only remaining family of maximum scattered linear sets existing for each value of $n$. Such a family has been introduced by Lunardon and Polverino in [@LP2001] for $s=1$ and generalized by Sheekey in [@Sh] and is defined as follows $$\label{LPform}
L_{s,\delta}^n=\{{\langle}(x,\delta x^{q^s} + x^{q^{n-s}}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*\},$$ with $n\geq 4$, ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^n/q}(\delta)\notin \{0,1\}$ ([^3]) and $(s,n)=1$. More generally, we will call each linear set equivalent to a maximum scattered linear set of the form , with $\delta \neq 0$, of *Lunardon-Polverino type* (or shortly *LP-type*). For some values of $s$, $\delta$ and $n$, ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^n/q}(\delta)\notin \{0,1\}$ is a necessary condition for $L_{s,\delta}^n$ to be scattered, see Section \[Geo\]. Up to our knowledge, no scattered $L_{s,\delta}^n$ is known satisfying ${{\mathrm N}}(\delta)=1$.
Our aim is to prove characterizations of maximum scattered linear sets of LP-type in the spirit of the characterization of the linear sets of pseudoregulus type, cf. Theorem \[chPseudo\]. As a consequence, we will construct new examples of maximum scattered linear sets in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$. As showed in [@Sh Sect. 5], this also yields to new examples of MRD-codes in ${{\mathbb F}}_q^{6\times 6}$ with left idealiser isomorphic to ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ [@CMPZ Proposition 6.1] (see also [@CSMPZ2016; @CsMPZ2019; @ShVdV]), see last section for more details on the connections with MRD-codes.
We will work in the following framework. Let $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ be the homogeneous coordinates of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ and let $$\Sigma=\{{\langle}(x,x^{q},\ldots,x^{q^{n-1}}) {\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}} \colon x \in{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n} \}$$ be a fixed canonical subgeometry of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$. The collineation $\hat{\sigma}$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ defined by ${\langle}(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}^{\hat{\sigma}}={\langle}(x_{n-1}^{q},x_0^{q},\ldots,x_{n-2}^{q}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ fixes precisely the points of $\Sigma$. Note that if $\sigma$ is a collineation of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ such that $\mathrm{Fix}(\sigma)=\Sigma$, then $\sigma=\hat{\sigma}^s$, with $(s,n)=1$.
Possible configurations of the vertex of the projection
Following [@GiuZ Section 3], we are able to describe the structure of the vertex of the projection, under certain assumptions regarding the dimension of the intersections with some of its conjugates w.r.t. a collineation of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ fixing the chosen subgeometry pointwise.
We start by recalling the following lemma.
[@Lun99 Lemma 3]\[int\] If $S$ is a nonempty projective subspace of dimension $k$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ fixed by $\sigma$, then $S$ meets $\Sigma$ in an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace of dimension $k$. In particular, $S \cap \Sigma \neq \emptyset$.
Since the vertex of the projection is disjoint from $\Sigma$, we have that $\dim(\Gamma \cap \Gamma^\sigma)\leq \dim\Gamma-1$. We characterize the extremal case, i.e. when $\dim(\Gamma \cap \Gamma^\sigma)= \dim \Gamma-1$.
\[k-1\] Let $\Gamma$ be a subspace of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ of dimension $k$ and such that $\Gamma \cap \Sigma=\emptyset$. If $\dim (\Gamma \cap \Gamma^\sigma)=k-1$, then there exists exactly one point $P$ in ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ such that $$\Gamma={\langle}P,P^\sigma,\ldots,P^{\sigma^k} {\rangle}.$$ Furthermore, $P^{\sigma^{n-1}}\not\in\Gamma$.
The hypotheses imply $k\ge0$. For $k=0$, $\Gamma$ is a point $P$. If $P^{\sigma^{n-1}}\in\Gamma$, then $P\in\Sigma$, a contradiction. The remaining statements are trivial for this $k$.
Now suppose that the assertion is true for $(k-1)$-dimensional subspaces, and $k\ge1$. Let denote by $\Omega=\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma$. Clearly, $\langle\Omega,\Omega^\sigma\rangle \subseteq \Gamma^\sigma$ and $\dim \Gamma^\sigma=k$. By our assumption, $\dim \Omega=k-1$ and also $\dim (\Omega \cap \Omega^\sigma)=k-2$. Indeed, $$\dim(\Omega\cap\Omega^\sigma)=2(k-1)-\dim {\langle}\Omega, \Omega^\sigma{\rangle}\geq 2k-2-k=k-2.$$ So, $$k-2 \leq \dim(\Omega\cap\Omega^\sigma) \leq k-1,$$ and since $\Omega\neq\Omega^\sigma$, otherwise by Lemma \[int\] we should have $\Gamma \cap \Sigma \neq \emptyset$, we get $\dim(\Omega\cap\Omega^\sigma)=k-2$. Therefore, there exists a point $P' \in \Omega$ such that $$\Omega=\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma={\langle}P',P'^\sigma,\ldots,P'^{\sigma^{k-1}} {\rangle}.$$ By induction hypothesis, $P'^{\sigma^{n-1}} \notin \Gamma\cap \Gamma^\sigma$. So, $$\Gamma={\langle}P,P^\sigma,\ldots,P^{\sigma^k} {\rangle},$$ with $P=P'^{\sigma^{n-1}}$.
Regarding the uniqueness, if $\Gamma={\langle}Q,Q^\sigma,\ldots,Q^{\sigma^k}{\rangle}$ for some point $Q$, then $\Omega={\langle}Q^\sigma,\ldots,Q^{\sigma^k}{\rangle}$. By induction, this implies $Q^\sigma=P'$ above defined, and $Q=P$.
Finally note that $P^{\sigma^{n-1}}\in\Gamma$ would imply $\Gamma^{\sigma^{n-1}}=\Gamma$ and $\Gamma\cap\Sigma\neq\emptyset$, a contradiction.
The next result follows for $r=1$ from Theorem \[k-1\].
\[k-2\] Let $\Gamma$ be a subspace of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ of dimension $k\ge0$ such that $\Gamma \cap \Sigma=\emptyset$, and $\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma)\ge k-2$. Let $r$ be the least positive integer satisfying the condition $$\label{def_r}
\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^2}\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^r})>k-2r.$$ Then there is a point $P\in{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q)$ satisfying
(i) $P$, $P^\sigma$, $\ldots$, $P^{\sigma^{k-r+1}}$ are independent points contained in $\Gamma$;
(ii) $P^{\sigma^{n-1}}\not\in\Gamma$.
If $r<(k+2)/2$, then the point $P$ satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) is unique.
We will call the integer $r$ of the above statement the *intersection number of* $\Gamma$ w.r.t. $\sigma$ and we will denote it by $\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)$.
*Preliminary remarks.* Since $\sigma$ is a collineation and since $\dim (\Gamma \cap \Gamma^\sigma)\geq k-2$, for any positive integer $t$ it holds $$\begin{gathered}
\dim(\Gamma\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^t})-2.\end{gathered}$$ This implies $\dim(\Gamma\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^t})=k-2t$ for any $0\le t<r$; so, taking $t=r-1$, $k-2(r-1)\ge-1$, that is $r\le(k+3)/2$. Furthermore, if $\dim(\Gamma\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^t})\ge0$, then $$\label{stepconeccez}
\dim(\Gamma\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^t})-1,$$ for otherwise $\Sigma\cap\Gamma\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^t}\neq\emptyset$. This implies $$\label{pre-unicita}
\mbox{ for }r\neq\frac{k+3}2.$$ [Note that for $r=\frac{k+3}2$ then $\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^2}\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^r})=k-2r+2=-1$.]{}
*Existence of $P$, by induction on $r$.* For $r=1$, the assertion follows from Theorem \[k-1\]. Assume then that Theorem \[k-2\] holds (except possibly for the uniqueness part) for $r-1$, and $r\ge2$. Let $\Omega=\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma$ and $\dim\Omega=k-2=:k'$. If $k'=-1$, then the thesis is trivial.
Now suppose $k'\geq0$. Then it holds $$\dim(\Omega\cap\ldots\cap\Omega^{\sigma^t})=k'-2t$$ for $t<r-1$, whereas $$\dim(\Omega\cap\ldots\cap\Omega^{\sigma^{r-1}})>k'-2(r-1)=k-2r.$$ By induction hypothesis there is a point $P'\in{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ satisfying
(A) $P',P'^{\sigma},\ldots,P'^{\sigma^{k'-(r-1)+1}}=P'^{\sigma^{k-r}}$ are independent points;
(B) $P',P'^{\sigma},\ldots,P'^{\sigma^{k-r}}\in\Omega$;
(C) $P'^{\sigma^{n-1}}\not\in\Omega$.
Let $P=P'^{\sigma^{n-1}}$. Then (B) implies that $P$, $P^\sigma$, $\ldots$, $P^{\sigma^{k-r+1}}$ are points contained in $\Gamma$; both (C) and (A) imply that they are independent. $P^{\sigma^{n-1}}\in\Gamma$ would imply $$P^{\sigma^{r-2}},P^{\sigma^{r-1}},\ldots,P^{\sigma^{k-r+1}}\in\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\ldots
\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^{r-1}},$$ contradicting $\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\ldots \cap\Gamma^{\sigma^{r-1}})=k-2r+2$.
*Uniqueness of $P$.* By the previous considerations it follows that there exists at least one point $P$ such that $P$, $P^\sigma$, $\ldots$, $P^{\sigma^{k-r+1}}$ are independent points contained in $\Gamma$. From (\[pre-unicita\]) it follows that $$\Lambda:=\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^2}\cap\ldots\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^r}= {\langle}P^{\sigma^r}, \ldots, P^{\sigma^{k-r+1}} {\rangle},$$ has dimension $k-2r+1>-1$. Furthermore, $\dim(\Lambda \cap \Lambda^\sigma)=k-2r$, otherwise $\Gamma\cap\Sigma\neq\emptyset$. It follows that $\Lambda$ satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem \[k-1\] and hence the point $P$ is unique.
\[L(P)\] It is clear that $P$ is as in the previous result, it follows that $$\dim L(P)\geq k-r+2,$$ where $L(P)={\langle}P,P^\sigma,\ldots,P^{\sigma^{n-1}} {\rangle}$.
A similar idea to the intersection number for a vertex of a linear set has been presented in [@NPH] (see also [@GiuZ; @NPH2]), where the authors used sequences of the dimensions of certain intersections as invariants for rank metric codes. See also the last section.
Characterization of linear sets of LP-type
Sufficient conditions
We are now ready to state sufficient conditions for a linear set to be of LP-type. In the following we denote by $\operatorname{N}(-)$ the norm over ${\mathbb F_q}$, for short.
\[charact1\] In ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, $n\ge4$, let $\Gamma$ be a subspace of dimension $n-3$, $\Lambda$ a line, and $\Sigma\cong{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q)$ a canonical subgeometry, such that $\Gamma \cap \Sigma=\emptyset=\Gamma\cap\Lambda$. Assume $L={{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$ is a scattered linear set of $\Lambda$. If $\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)=2$ for some generator $\sigma$ of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise, then there exists a unique point $P$ such that $$\Gamma=\langle P,P^{\sigma},\ldots,P^{\sigma^{n-4}},Q \rangle.$$ Furthermore, if the line $\langle P^{\sigma^{n-1}}, P^{\sigma^{n-3}} \rangle$ meets $\Gamma$, then $L$ is of LP-type.
An integer $s$ exists such that $(s,n)=1$ and $\sigma=\hat{\sigma}^s$, i.e. the $i$-th component ([^4]) of ${\langle}(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}^\sigma$ is $x_{i+s}^{q^s}$, where $i+s$ is seen modulo $n$. By Theorem \[k-2\], there exist $P$ and $Q$ in $\Gamma$ such that $$\Gamma={\langle}P,P^\sigma,\ldots,P^{\sigma^{n-4}},Q {\rangle}.$$ Denote by $R=P^{\sigma^{n-2}}$, then $$\Gamma={\langle}R^{\sigma^2},R^{\sigma^3},\ldots,R^{\sigma^{n-2}},Q {\rangle},$$ and $Q$ may be chosen in ${\langle}R^\sigma, R^{\sigma^{n-1}}{\rangle}$. If $\dim \langle R,R^\sigma,\ldots,R^{\sigma^{n-1}}\rangle<n-1$, then, since $Q \in {\langle}R^\sigma, R^{\sigma^{n-1}}{\rangle}$, it follows that $$\Gamma \subseteq \langle R,R^\sigma,\ldots,R^{\sigma^{n-1}}\rangle,$$ i.e. $\Gamma$ is contained in a subspace fixed by $\sigma$ of dimension either $n-3$ or $n-2$. In both the cases we get a contradiction because of $\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)=2$. So, $\dim {\langle}R,R^\sigma,\ldots,R^{\sigma^{n-1}}{\rangle}=n-1$, and by [@BoPol Proposition 3.1] there exists a linear collineation $\mathbf{k}$ fixing $\Sigma$ such that $R^{\mathbf{k}}={\langle}(1,0,\ldots,0){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$. Clearly, $\Gamma^{\mathbf{k}}$ satisfies the same hypothesis as $\Gamma$, since $\mathbf{k}$ and $\sigma$ commute. For these reasons, we may assume that $R={\langle}(1,0,\ldots,0){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$. In particular, it follows that the coordinates of $R^{\sigma^i}$ are $\mathbf{e}_{is \pmod{n}}$, where $\mathbf{e}_j$ is the vector whose $j$-th component is one and all the others are zero. And by hypothesis we may assume that $Q={\langle}\mathbf e_s-\delta\mathbf e_{s(n-1)}{\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$. Hence we can choose as $\Lambda={\langle}R,R^{\sigma^{n-1}} {\rangle}$, so $\Gamma$ has equations $x_0=0$, $x_{s(n-1)}=-\delta x_s$, and $\Lambda$ is defined by $x_i=0$ for $i \in \{s,\ldots,s(n-2)\}$.
Therefore, $$L={{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)\simeq \{ {\langle}(x,\delta x^{q^s}+x^{q^{s(n-1)}}) {\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}} \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n} \},$$ i.e. $L$ is of LP-type.
Each linear set of LP-type $L_{s,\delta}^n$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$, with $n\geq 4$ and $(s,n)=1$, can be realized as the projection of $\Sigma$ choosing $\Gamma$ and $\Lambda$ as follows $$\Gamma \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{llr} x_0=0 \\ x_{s(n-1)}=-\delta x_s \end{array} \right. \,\,\, \text{and} \,\,\, \Lambda\colon x_i=0, \quad i \in \{s,\ldots,s(n-2)\}.$$ Therefore, as a direct consequence of Theorem \[charact1\] we provide a characterization result of linear sets of LP-type.
\[charact1.1\] Let $\Sigma$ be a canonical subgeometry of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, $q>2$ and $n\geq 4$. Let $L$ be a scattered linear set in $\Lambda={\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$. Then $L$ is a linear set of LP-type if and only if
(i) there exists an $(n-3)$-subspace $\Gamma$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ such that $\Gamma \cap \Sigma=\Gamma\cap\Lambda=\emptyset$ and $L={{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$;
(ii) there exists a generator $\sigma$ of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise, such that $\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)=2$;
(iii) there exist a unique point $P\in{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ and some point $Q$ such that $$\Gamma=\langle P,P^{\sigma},\ldots,P^{\sigma^{n-4}},Q \rangle;$$
(iv) the line $\langle P^{\sigma^{n-1}}, P^{\sigma^{n-3}}\rangle$ meets $\Gamma$.
Necessary conditions
Very recently, Csajbók, Marino and Polverino in [@CMP] have investigated the equivalence problem between ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear sets of rank $n$ on the projective line ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$. The idea is first to study the $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-orbits of the subspace $U$ defining the linear set $L_U$ and then to study the equivalence between two linear sets. More precisely, they give the following definition of $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-class (see [@CMP Definitions 2.5]) of an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set of a line.
Let $L_U$ be an $\mathbb{F}_q-$linear set of ${\mathrm{PG}}(V,\mathbb{F}_{q^n})={\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ of rank $n$ with maximum field of linearity $\mathbb{F}_q$ ([^5]).
We say that $L_U$ is of $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-*class* $s$ if $s$ is the greatest integer such that there exist $\mathbb{F}_q$-subspaces $U_1,\ldots,U_s$ of $V$ with $L_{U_i}=L_U$ for $i \in \{1,\ldots,s\}$ and there is no $f \in \Gamma \mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$ such that $U_i=U_j^f$ for each $i\neq j$, $i,j \in \{1,2,\ldots,s\}$.
If $L_U$ is of $\Gamma \mathrm{L}$-class one, then $L_U$ is said to be *simple*, i.e. when the $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-orbit of $U$ completely determine the $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-orbit of $L_U$. For $n\le4$, any linear set in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ is simple [@CMP Theorem 4.5].
The $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-class of a linear set is a projective invariant (by [@CMP Proposition 2.6]) and play a crucial role in the study of linear sets up to equivalences. Using these notions and by developing some new techniques, the authors in [@CsMP2018] prove that in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^5)$ each ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set $L_f$ of rank $5$ and with maximum field of linearity ${{\mathbb F}}_q$ is of $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-class at most $2$, proving also that if $L_U$ is equivalent to $L_f$ then $U$ is $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent to either $U_f$ or to $U_f^\perp=U_{\hat{f}}$, where the non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ over ${{\mathbb F}}_q$ defined by $${\langle}x,y{\rangle}= {\hbox{{\rm Tr}}}_{q^n/q}(xy),$$ for each $x,y \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ is taken into account. Then the *adjoint* $\hat{f}$ of the linearized polynomial $\displaystyle f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_ix^{q^i} \in \tilde{\mathcal{L}}_{n,q}$ with respect to the bilinear form ${\langle},{\rangle}$ is $$\hat{f}(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i^{q^{n-i}}x^{q^{n-i}},$$ i.e. $${\hbox{{\rm Tr}}}_{q^n/q}(xf(y))={\hbox{{\rm Tr}}}_{q^n/q}(y\hat{f}(x)),$$ for each $x,y \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$.
For linear sets of LP-type the following is known.
\[classLP\][@CsMP2018; @CsMZ2018] A maximum scattered linear set of LP-type $$L_{s,\delta}^n=L_f=\{{\langle}(x,\delta x^{q^s} + x^{q^{n-s}}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}\subseteq{\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n),$$ with $(s,n)=1$ and $f(x)=\delta x^{q^s} + x^{q^{n-s}}$, is of $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-class less than or equal to $2$ for $n \in \{5,6,8\}$. Furthermore, $L_U$ is equivalent to $L$ if and only if $U$ is $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-equivalent to either $U_{f}$ or to $U_f^\perp=U_{\hat{f}}$.
Furthermore, in [@CMP; @PhDthesis], it has been shown that there are maximum scattered linear sets of LP-type of both $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-classes one and two.
For our purpose it is important to look to the $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-class in a more geometric way. The following result has been stated in [@CMP Section 5.2] as a consequence of [@CSZ2015 Theorems 6 & 7].
\[GLclassGeom\] The $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-class of $L_U$ is the number of orbits in $\mathrm{Stab}(\Sigma)$ of $(n-3)$-subspaces of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ containing a $\Gamma$ disjoint from $\Sigma$ and from $\Lambda$ such that ${{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$ is equivalent to $L_U$.
As a consequence of Theorems \[classLP\] and \[GLclassGeom\], we have the following characterization for linear sets of LP-type.
\[charact3\] Let $L$ be a maximum scattered linear set in $\Lambda={\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ with $n\le6$ or $n=8$. Then $L$ is a linear set of LP-type if and only if for each $(n-3)$-subspace $\Gamma$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ such that $L={{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$, the following holds:
(i) there exists a generator $\sigma$ of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise, such that $\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)=2$;
(ii) if $P$ is the unique point of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ such that $$\Gamma=\langle P,P^{\sigma},\ldots,P^{\sigma^{n-4}},Q \rangle,$$ then the line $\langle P^{\sigma^{n-1}}, P^{\sigma^{n-3}}\rangle$ meets $\Gamma$.
Because of Theorem \[classLP\] and [@CMP Theorem 4.5], if $n\le6$ or $n=8$, then the two (possibly) not $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-equivalent representation for a linear set of LP-type are $$U_{\delta x^{q^s} + x^{q^{n-s}}} \,\,\,\text{and}\,\,\,U_{\delta^{q^{n-s}} x^{q^{n-s}} + x^{q^{s}}}.$$ Therefore, by Theorem \[GLclassGeom\] we have that all the possible vertices of the projections to obtain a linear set of LP-type satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem \[charact1.1\] and the assertion then follows.
Note that Theorem \[charact3\] guarantees that each vertex of the projection of a linear set of LP-type satisfies conditions $(i)$ and $(ii)$, whereas Theorem \[charact1.1\] asserts the existence of a vertex of the projection of a linear set of LP-type satisfying these conditions.
As we will see in Section \[newconstruction\], this result may turn out to be useful to construct new examples of maximum scattered linear sets in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$.
A purely geometric description for odd $n$ {#Geo}
The next lemma proves that, for $n$ odd, the only scattered linear sets of LP-type are exactly those described by Lunardon and Polverino in [@LP2001] and Sheekey [@Sh].
\[norm\] Let $L:=\{{\langle}(x,\delta x^{q^s} + x^{q^{n-s}}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}\subseteq {\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$, with $(s,n)=1$, and let $n>3$ be odd. Then $L$ is scattered if and only if ${{\mathrm N}}(\delta)\neq 1$.
We only have to prove that if ${{\mathrm N}}(\delta)= 1$, then $L$ cannot be scattered. The linear set $L$ is scattered if and only if in the following set of polynomials $$A=\{\alpha x+\delta x^{q^s} + x^{q^{n-s}} \colon \alpha\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}$$ there are no polynomials with more than $q$ roots, for otherwise there would be a point $\langle(1,-\alpha)\rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ of weight greater than one. Equivalently in the following set of polynomials $$A'=\{f_{\alpha}(x)=\delta^{-1}x+\alpha x^{q^{s}}+ x^{q^{2s}} \colon \alpha\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}$$ there are no polynomials with more than $q$ roots. For any $\xi \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*$ with ${{\mathrm N}}(\xi)=1$, the polynomial $$\label{polform}
\frac{f_{\alpha}(x) \circ \xi x}{\xi^{q^{2s}}}=\delta^{-1} \xi^{1-q^{2s}}x+\alpha \xi^{q^s-q^{2s}}x^{q^s}+x^{q^{2s}}$$ has the same number of roots of $f_{\alpha}(x)$. Note that since $n$ is odd, for any $m\in{\mathbb F_{q^n}}$ such that $\operatorname{N}(m)=1$ there is $\xi\in{\mathbb F_{q^n}}$ such that $m=\xi^{1-q^{2s}}$. Taking into account $\operatorname{N}(\delta)=1$, this implies that for any polynomial of the form $P(x)=\gamma x+\beta x^{q^s}+x^{q^{2s}}$, with $\gamma,\beta\in{\mathbb F_{q^n}}$ and ${{\mathrm N}}(\gamma)=1$, there are $\alpha$ and $\xi\in{\mathbb F_{q^n}}$ such that coincides with $P(x)$. This is a contradiction, since there exist polynomials of type $\gamma x+\beta x^{q^s}+x^{q^{2s}}$, $\operatorname{N}(\gamma)=1$, with $q^2$ roots, e.g. $$\frac{1}{u^{q^s}v^{q^{2s}}-u^{q^{2s}}v^{q^s}}\det \left( \begin{array}{cccccc} x & x^{q^s} & x^{q^{2s}} \\ u & u^{q^s} & u^{q^{2s}} \\ v & v^{q^s} & v^{q^{2s}} \end{array}\right)$$ where $u,v \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ are ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linearly independent.
The previous lemma was already proved for $n=4$ in [@CsZ2018] and for $s=1$ in [@BartoliZhou].
\[charact2\] Let $\Gamma$ be a subspace of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, $n$ odd, of dimension $n-3\geq 2$, and $\Sigma\cong{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q)$ a canonical subgeometry of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$, such that $\Gamma \cap \Sigma=\emptyset$. Assume that a generator $\sigma$ exists of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise, such that $\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)=2$. Then there exists a point $R\in{\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ such that $$R^{\sigma^2},R^{\sigma^3},\ldots,R^{\sigma^{n-2}}\in\Gamma.$$ Furthermore assume that ${\langle}R^\sigma,R^{\sigma^{n-1}}{\rangle}$ and $\Gamma$ meet in a point $Q$ and $R^\sigma\neq Q\neq R^{\sigma^{n-1}}$. Let $Q'$ be the point such that the pair $\{R^\sigma,R^{\sigma^{n-1}}\}$ separates $\{Q,Q'\}$ harmonically. Such $Q'$ is defined by the property that there are two representative vectors $v_0$ and $v_1$ for $R^\sigma$ and $R^{\sigma^{n-1}}$, respectively, such that ${\langle}v_0+v_1{\rangle}_{{\mathbb F_{q^n}}}=Q$, ${\langle}v_0-v_1{\rangle}_{{\mathbb F_{q^n}}}=Q'$. Under the assumptions above, the linear set $L={{\mathrm p}}_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$, with $\Lambda$ a line disjoint from $\Gamma$, is a maximum scattered linear set of LP-type if and only if $$\label{strana}
As in Theorem \[charact1\] it may be assumed that the coordinates of $Q$ are $x_s=1$, $x_{s(n-1)}=-\delta\in{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*$, $x_i=0$ otherwise. The coordinates of $Q'$ are $x_s=1$, $x_{s(n-1)}=\delta\in{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*$, $x_i=0$ otherwise. The span $W={\langle}R,R^{\sigma^2},R^{\sigma^3},\ldots,R^{\sigma^{n-2}},Q'{\rangle}$ and $R^\sigma$ are complementary subspaces of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$. So, $W$ is a hyperplane and its equation is $-\delta x_s+x_{s(n-1)}=0$. A point ${\langle}(u,u^q,\ldots,u^{q(n-1)}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ of $\Sigma$ belongs to $W$ if and only if $-\delta u^{q^s}+u^{q^{s(n-1)}}=0$, equivalent to $$\label{menodelta}
\delta=u^{q^s(q^{s(n-2)}-1)}.$$ Since $n$ is odd, $s(n-2)$ is coprime with $n$. This implies that an $u\in{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*$ exists satisfying (\[menodelta\]) if and only if ${{\mathrm N}}(\delta)=1$, which is a contradiction because of Lemma \[norm\].
New constructions {#newconstruction}
In this section we will deal with the following family of linear sets $$\mathcal{L}:=\{ \langle (x,x^q-x^{q^2}+x^{q^4}+x^{q^5})\rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}} \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}^* \} \subseteq {\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6),\quad q \equiv 1 \pmod{4}.$$ We will show that for some choices of $q$ we may get new examples of maximum scattered linear sets. This family of linear sets can be obtained by projecting the canonical subgeometry $\Sigma=\{ \langle(x,x^q,x^{q^2},x^{q^3},x^{q^4},x^{q^5})\rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}} \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}^* \}$ from $$\Gamma \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_0=0 \\ x_5=-x_4-x_1+x_2 \end{array} \right.$$ to $$\Lambda \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{llll} x_1=0\\ x_2=0\\ x_3=0\\ x_4=0. \end{array} \right.$$ Let us consider $\sigma\in \mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(6,q^6)$ defined as $$\left({\langle}(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_2,x_4,x_5){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}}\right)^\sigma=
{\langle}(x_5^q,x_0^q,x_1^q,x_2^q,x_3^q,x_4^q){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}}$$ and $\overline{\sigma}:=\sigma^5$, which are the two generators of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(6,q^6)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise. Then $$\Gamma^{\sigma} \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_1=0 \\ x_0=-x_5-x_2+x_3 \end{array} \right. \,\,\, \text{and} \,\,\, \Gamma^{\sigma^2} \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_2=0 \\ x_1=-x_0-x_3+x_4. \end{array} \right.$$ Therefore, $$\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{llll} x_0=0\\ x_1=0 \\ x_4=2x_2-x_3 \\ x_5=-x_2+x_3 \end{array} \right. \,\,\, \text{and} \quad \Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^2} =\emptyset.$$ Hence, $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}} (\Gamma \cap \Gamma^\sigma)=1$ and since $q$ is odd $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}} (\Gamma \cap \Gamma^\sigma\cap \Gamma^{\sigma^2})= -1$. Since $\Gamma \cap \Gamma^{\overline{\sigma}}=(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma)^{\sigma^5}$ and $\Gamma \cap \Gamma^{\overline{\sigma}}\cap \Gamma^{\overline{\sigma}^2} =(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^\sigma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^2})^{\sigma^4}$, we have that $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}} (\Gamma \cap \Gamma^{\overline{\sigma}})=1$ and $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}} (\Gamma \cap \Gamma^{\overline{\sigma}}\cap \Gamma^{\overline{\sigma}^2})= -1$. Therefore, $$\mathrm{intn}_{\sigma}(\Gamma)= \mathrm{intn}_{\overline{\sigma}}(\Gamma)= 3.$$ This implies the non-equivalence of $\mathcal L$ with the linear set of pseudoregulus type and also it cannot be of LP-type because of Theorem \[charact3\].
Computational results show that for $q \equiv 1 \pmod{4}$ the linear set $\mathcal{L}$ is maximum scattered for $q\leq 29$. We show that for $q\leq 17$ and $q \not\equiv 0 \pmod{5}$ it is also new. For $q\equiv 0 \pmod{5}$ we will prove in Proposition \[trin0\] that $\mathcal{L}$ is equivalent to the linear set defined in [@CsMZ2018].
Known examples of maximum scattered linear sets in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$ {#EquivIssue}
In order to decide whether the linear set $\mathcal{L}$ is new, we describe the known maximum scattered linear sets in ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$.
We start by listing the non-equivalent (under the action of $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^6)$) maximum scattered subspaces of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}^2$, i.e. subspaces defining maximum scattered linear sets.
1. $U^{1}:= \{(x,x^{q}) \colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}\}$, see [@BL2000; @CsZ20162];
2. $U^{2}_{\delta}:= \{(x,\delta x^{q} + x^{q^{5}})\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}\}$, ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^6/q}(\delta)\notin \{0,1\}$ [^6], see [@LP2001; @LTZ; @Sh];
3. $U^{3}_{\delta}:= \{(x,\delta x^{q}+x^{q^{4}})\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^{6}}\}$, ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^6/q^{3}}(\delta) \notin \{0,1\}$, satisfying further conditions on $\delta$ and $q$, see [@CMPZ Theorems 7.1 and 7.2] [^7];
4. $U^{4}_{\delta}:=\{(x, x^q+x^{q^3}+\delta x^{q^5}) \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}\}$, $q$ odd and $\delta^2+\delta=1$, see [@CsMZ2018; @MMZ].
In order to simplify the notation, we will denote by $L^1$ and $L^{i}_{\delta}$ the ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set defined by $U^{1}$ and $U^{i}_{\delta}$, respectively. Therefore, $L_\delta^2=L_{s,\delta}^6$ as defined in . We will also use the following notation: $\mathcal{U}:=U_{x^q-x^{q^2}+x^{q^4}+x^{q^5}}$.
In [@CsMZ2018 Propositions 3.1, 4.1 & 5.5] the following result has been proved.
\[equiv\] Let $L_f$ be one of the maximum scattered of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$ listed before. Then a linear set $L_U$ of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$ is $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent to $L_f$ if and only if $U$ is $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent either to $U_f$ or to $U_{\hat{f}}$. Furthermore, the linear set $L^3_{\delta}$ is simple.
The previous lemma includes results on linear sets of LP-type.
\[closedadjoint\] If $U_f$ is an ${\mathbb F_q}$-subspace of type 1. or 2. above, then $U_{\hat f}$ and $U_f$ are $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent. By Lemma \[equiv\], this holds also for ${\mathbb F_q}$-subspaces of type 3.
The linear set $\mathcal{L}$
Here we deal with the equivalence issue between the linear sets defined by Example \[exKnownscattered\] and the linear set $\mathcal{L}$. As already noted, we just have to check the equivalence with the linear sets $L^3_{\delta}$ and with $L^4_{\delta}$ defined by the subspaces 3. and 4. in Example \[exKnownscattered\], because of the construction of $\mathcal{L}$ and Theorems \[chPseudo\] and \[charact3\].
The linear set $\mathcal{L}$ is not $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent to $L^3_{\delta}$.
By Lemma \[equiv\], we have to check whether $\mathcal{U}$ and $U^3_{\delta}$ are $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent, with ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^6/q^{3}}(\delta) \notin \{0,1\}$. Suppose that there exist $\sigma \in \mathrm{Aut}({{\mathbb F}}_{q^6})$ and an invertible matrix $\left( \begin{array}{llrr} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} \right)$ such that for each $x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ there exists $z \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ satisfying $$\left(
a & b\\
c & d
\end{array} \right)
x^{\sigma q}-x^{\sigma q^2}+x^{\sigma q^4}+x^{\sigma q^5}
\end{array} \right)
=\begin{pmatrix} z\\
{\delta z^q+ z^{q^4}} \end{pmatrix}.$$ Equivalently, for each $x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ we have $$cx^\sigma+d(x^{\sigma q}-x^{\sigma q^2}+x^{\sigma q^4}+x^{\sigma q^5})=\delta [a^qx^{\sigma q}+$$ $$+b^q(x^{\sigma q^2}-x^{\sigma q^3}+x^{\sigma q^5}+x^\sigma)]+a^{q^4}x^{\sigma q^4}+b^{q^4}(x^{\sigma q^5}-x^\sigma+x^{\sigma q^2}+x^{\sigma q^3}).$$ This is a polynomial identity in $x^{\sigma}$ and hence we have the following relations: $$\label{binZ}
c=\delta b^q- b^{q^4}\\
d=\delta a^q\\
-d=\delta b^q+b^{q^4}\\
0=-\delta b^q+ b^{q^4}\\
d= a^{q^4}\\
d=\delta b^q+ b^{q^4}.
From the second and the fifth equations, if $a \neq 0$ then $\delta=(a^q)^{q^3-1}$ and so ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^6/q^3}(\delta)=1$, which is not possible. So $a=0$ and then $d=0$. Hence we have $\delta b^q+b^{q^4}=0$ and $-\delta b^q+b^{q^4}=0$, from which we get $b=0$, which is not possible. Therefore, $\mathcal{L}$ is not equivalent to $L^3_{\delta}$.
\[trin0\] The linear set $\mathcal{L}$ is $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent to $L^4_{\delta}$, for $q$ odd and $\delta^2+\delta=1$, if and only if there exist $a,b,c,d \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ such that $ad-bc \neq 0$ and either $$\label{trin}
c=b^q+\delta b^{q^5}\\
d=a^q+b^{q^3}-\delta b^{q^5}\\
0=-b^q+a^{q^3}+\delta b^{q^5}\\
d=b^{q^3}+\delta b^{q^5}\\
d=b^q-b^{q^3}+\delta a^{q^5},
\end{array}\right.$$ or $$\label{trin2}
c=\delta b^q+ b^{q^5}\\
d=\delta a^q+b^{q^3}- b^{q^5}\\
-d=\delta b^q+b^{q^3}\\
0=-\delta b^q+a^{q^3}+ b^{q^5}\\
d=b^{q^3}+ b^{q^5}\\
d=\delta b^q-b^{q^3}+ a^{q^5}.
\end{array}\right.$$ In particular, when $q \equiv 0 \pmod{5}$ the linear set $\mathcal{L}$ is $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalent to $L^4_{2}$.
By Lemma \[equiv\] we have to check whether $\mathcal{U}$ is equivalent either to $U^4_{\delta}$ or to $(U^4_{\delta})^\perp$. Suppose that there exist $\sigma \in \mathrm{Aut}({{\mathbb F}}_{q^6})$ and an invertible matrix $\left( \begin{array}{llrr} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} \right)$ such that for each $x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ there exists $z \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ satisfying $$\left(
a & b\\
c & d
\end{array} \right)
x^{\sigma q}-x^{\sigma q^2}+x^{\sigma q^4}+x^{\sigma q^5}
\end{array} \right)
z^q+z^{q^3}+\delta z^{q^5} \end{array}
\right).$$ Equivalently, for each $x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ we have $$cx^\sigma+d(x^{\sigma q}-x^{\sigma q^2}+x^{\sigma q^4}+x^{\sigma q^5})=a^q x^{\sigma q}+b^q(x^{\sigma q^2}-x^{\sigma q^3}+x^{\sigma q^5}+x^{\sigma})+$$ $$+a^{q^3} x^{\sigma q^3}+b^{q^3}(x^{\sigma q^4}-x^{\sigma q^5}+x^{\sigma q}+x^{\sigma q^2})+$$ $$+\delta[a^{q^5}x^{\sigma q^5}+b^{q^5}(x^{\sigma}-x^{\sigma q}+x^{\sigma q^3}+x^{\sigma q^4})].$$ This is a polynomial identity in $x^{\sigma}$ and hence we have the Equations .
Now, suppose that there exist $\sigma \in \mathrm{Aut}({{\mathbb F}}_{q^6})$ and an invertible matrix $\left( \begin{array}{llrr} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} \right)$ such that for each $x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ there exists $z \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ satisfying $$\left(
a & b\\
c & d
\end{array} \right)
x^{\sigma q}-x^{\sigma q^2}+x^{\sigma q^4}+x^{\sigma q^5}
\end{array} \right)
\delta z^q+z^{q^3}+ z^{q^5} \end{array}
\right).$$ As before, we get the Relations .
The second part follows from the fact that for $q \equiv 0 \pmod{5}$, $\delta=2$, $a=-1, b=1, c=3$ and $d=3$ satisfy (\[trin\]).
Thanks to GAP computations we are able to prove that the Systems and have no solutions in $a,b,c$ and $d$ ($ac-bd\neq0$) for $q \leq 17$ and $q \not\equiv 0 \pmod{5}$. Therefore, we have the following result.
\[new\] If $q\le17$, $q\equiv 1 \pmod4$, $q\neq5$, then $\mathcal{L}$ is a maximum scattered linear set of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$ not equivalent to any of those listed in Example \[exKnownscattered\].
Recall that $\mathcal{L}$ is computationally proved to be scattered for $q\le29$, $q\equiv1\pmod4$.
We conclude this section proposing the following conjecture.
The linear set $\mathcal{L}$ is a new maximum scattered linear set of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^6)$ for each $q$ such that $q \equiv 1 \pmod{4}$ and $q\not\equiv 0 \pmod{5}$.
MRD-codes and scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces
The most natural way to look to the connection between maximum scattered linear sets and MRD-codes is through the ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces defining such linear sets, i.e. maximum scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces. We briefly recall some basic definitions and results on rank metric codes, that have been intensively investigated for their applications in cryptography, space-time coding and distributed storage and for their links with remarkable geometric and algebraic objects (see e.g. [@BartoliZhou; @GPT; @delaCruz; @Lusina; @NRS; @Silb]).
In 1978, Delsarte [@Delsarte] introduced rank metric codes as follows. The set of $m \times n$ matrices ${{\mathbb F}}_q^{m\times n}$ over ${{\mathbb F}}_q$ is a rank metric ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-space with rank metric distance defined by $$d(A,B) = \mathrm{rk}\,(A-B)$$ for $A,B \in {{\mathbb F}}_q^{m\times n}$. A subset $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}\subseteq {{\mathbb F}}_q^{m\times n}$ is called a *rank metric code* (or *RM*-code for short). The *minimum distance* of $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is $$d = \min\{ d(A,B) \colon A,B \in \operatorname{\mathcal{C}},\,\, A\neq B \}.$$ We are interested in ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-*linear* RM-codes, i.e. for which $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear subspace of ${{\mathbb F}}_q^{m\times n}$. We will say that such a code has parameters $(m,n,q;d)$. In [@Delsarte], Delsarte also showed that the parameters of these codes must fulfill a Singleton-like bound, i.e. $$|\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}| \leq q^{\max\{m,n\}(\min\{m,n\}-d+1)}.$$ When the equality holds, we call $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ *maximum rank distance* (*MRD* for short) code.
From now on, we will only consider ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear RM-codes of ${{\mathbb F}}_q^{n\times n}$, i.e. those which can be identified with ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces of $\mathrm{End}_{{{\mathbb F}}_q}({{\mathbb F}}_{q^n})$. Since $\mathrm{End}_{{{\mathbb F}}_q}({{\mathbb F}}_{q^n})$ is isomorphic to the ring of $q$-polynomials over ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ modulo $x^{q^n}-x$, denoted by ${{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}$, with addition and composition as operations, we will consider ${{\mathcal C}}$ as an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace of ${{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}$. Given two ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear RM-codes, ${{\mathcal C}}_1$ and ${{\mathcal C}}_2$, they are *equivalent* if and only if there exist $\varphi_1$, $\varphi_2\in {{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}$ permuting ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ and $\rho\in \mathrm{Aut}({{\mathbb F}}_q)$ such that $$\varphi_1\circ f^\rho \circ \varphi_2 \in {{\mathcal C}}_2 \text{ for all }f\in {{\mathcal C}}_1,$$ where $\circ$ stands for the composition of maps and $f^\rho(x)= \sum f_i^\rho x^{q^i}$ for $f(x)=\sum f_i x^{q^i}$. For a rank metric code ${{\mathcal C}}$ given by a set of linearized polynomials, its *left* and *right idealisers* can be defined as: $$L({{\mathcal C}})= \{ \varphi \in {{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}\colon \varphi \circ f \in {{\mathcal C}}\text{ for all }f\in {{\mathcal C}}\},$$ $$R({{\mathcal C}})= \{ \varphi \in {{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}\colon f \circ \varphi \in {{\mathcal C}}\text{ for all }f\in {{\mathcal C}}\}.$$ If $L(\operatorname{\mathcal{C}})$ has maximum cardinality $q^n$, then we may always assume (up to equivalence) that $$L(\operatorname{\mathcal{C}})=\mathcal{F}_n=\{\tau_{\alpha}=\alpha x \colon \alpha \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}\simeq {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n};$$ the same holds for the right idealiser, see [@CMPZ Theorem 6.1] and [@CsMPZh Theorem 2.2]. Hence, when the left idealiser is $\mathcal{F}_n$, $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ results to be closed with respect to the left composition with the ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear maps; while if the right idealiser is $\mathcal{F}_n$, then $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is closed with respect to the right composition with the ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear maps. For this reason, when $L(\operatorname{\mathcal{C}})$ (resp. $R(\operatorname{\mathcal{C}})$) is equal to $\mathcal{F}_n$ we say that $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-*linear on the left* (resp. *right*) (or simply ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-*linear* if it is clear from the context).
The notion of Delsarte dual code can be written in terms of $q$-polynomials as follows, see for example [@LTZ Section 2]. Let $b:{{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}\times{{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}\to{{\mathbb F}}_q$ be the bilinear form given by $$b(f,g)=\mathrm{Tr}_{q^n/q}\left( \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} f_ig_i \right)$$ where $\displaystyle f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} f_i x^{q^i}$ and $\displaystyle g(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} g_i x^{q^i}$, and $\mathrm{Tr}_{q^n/q}$ is the trace function ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\to{{\mathbb F}}_q$. The *Delsarte dual code* $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}^\perp$ of a set of $q$-polynomials $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is $$\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}^\perp = \{f \in {{\mathcal L}}_{n,q} \colon b(f,g)=0, \hspace{0.1cm}\forall g \in \operatorname{\mathcal{C}}\}.$$
Only few families of MRD-codes are known, due to the results in [@BartoliZhou; @ByrneRavagnani; @H-TNRR]. In [@Delsarte], Delsarte gives the first construction for linear MRD-codes (he calls such sets *Singleton systems*) from the perspective of bilinear forms. Few years later, Gabidulin in [@Gabidulin Section 4] presents the same class of MRD-codes by using linearized polynomials. Although these codes have been originally discovered by Delsarte, they are called *Gabidulin codes*. Kshevetskiy and Gabidulin in [@kshevetskiy_new_2005] generalize the previous construction obtaining the so-called *generalized Gabidulin codes* $$\mathcal{G}_{k,s}=\langle x,x^{q^s},\ldots,x^{q^{s(k-1)}} \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}},$$ with $\gcd(s,n)=1$ and $k\leq n-1$. The RM-code $\mathcal{G}_{k,s}$ is an ${{\mathbb F}}_{q}$-linear MRD-code with parameters $(n,n,q;n-k+1)$ and $L(\mathcal{G}_{k,s})=R(\mathcal{G}_{k,s})\simeq {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$, see [@LN2016 Lemma 4.1 & Theorem 4.5]. Note that, as proved in [@Gabidulin; @kshevetskiy_new_2005], this family is closed with respect to the Delsarte duality, more precisely $\mathcal{G}_{k,s}^\perp$ is equivalent to $\mathcal{G}_{n-k,s}$. This family of MRD-codes has been characterized by Horlemann-Trautmann and Marshall in [@H-TM] as follows.
\[gabidulind\][@H-TM Theorem 4.8] An ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear MRD-code ${{\mathcal C}}\subseteq \mathcal{L}_{n,q}$ having dimension $k$ (over ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$) is equivalent to a generalized Gabidulin code ${{\mathcal G}}_{k,s}$ if and only if there is an integer $s<n$ with $\gcd(s,n)=1$ and $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}} ({{\mathcal C}}\cap{{\mathcal C}}^{[s]})=k-1$, where ${{\mathcal C}}^{[s]}=\{f(x)^{q^s} \colon f \in {{\mathcal C}}\}$.
Very recently, Neri in [@Neri] removed the hypothesis on $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ to be an MRD-code.
Sheekey in [@Sh] proves that with $\gcd(s,n)=1$, the set $$\mathcal{H}_{k,s}(\eta,h)=\{a_0x+a_1x^{q^s}+\ldots+a_{k-1}x^{q^{s(k-1)}}+a_0^{q^h}\eta x^{q^{sk}} \colon a_i \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\},$$ with $k\leq n-1$ and $\eta \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ such that ${{\mathrm N}}_{q^n/q}(\eta)\neq (-1)^{nk}$, is an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear MRD-code of dimension $nk$ with parameters $(n,n,q;n-k+1)$. This code is called *generalized twisted Gabidulin code*. Lunardon, Trombetti and Zhou in [@LTZ], generalizing the results of [@Sh], determined the automorphism group of the generalized twisted Gabidulin codes and proved that, up to equivalence, the generalized Gabidulin codes and the twisted Gabidulin codes are both proper subsets of this class. Clearly, for $\eta=0$ we have exactly the generalized Gabidulin code $\mathcal{G}_{k,s}$. Also, the authors in [@LTZ Corollary 5.2] determined the left and right idealisers: if $\eta \neq 0$, then $$\label{leftrightidealH}
L(\mathcal{H}_{k,s}(\eta,h))\simeq{{\mathbb F}}_{q^{\gcd(n,h)}} \,\, \text{and} \,\, R(\mathcal{H}_{k,s}(\eta,h))\simeq{{\mathbb F}}_{q^{\gcd(n,sk-h)}}.$$ The class of generalized twisted Gabidulin codes is closed with respect to the Delsarte duality, more precisely $\mathcal{H}_{k,s}(\eta,h)^\perp$ is equivalent to $\mathcal{H}_{n-k,s}(-\eta,n-h)$, [@Sh Theorem 6] and [@LTZ Propositions 4.2]. We are interested in the case when $h=0$, i.e. $$\mathcal{H}_{k,s}(\eta):=\mathcal{H}_{k,s}(\eta,0)=\langle x+\eta x^{q^{sk}}, x^{q^s},\ldots, x^{q^{s(k-1)}}\rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}},$$ which is ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear (more precisely it is an ${{\mathbb F}}_{q}$-linear MRD-code ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear on the left). This family has been characterized in [@GiuZ].
[@GiuZ Theorem 3.9]\[thm:charcGTG\] Let ${{\mathcal C}}\subseteq \mathcal{L}_{n,q}$ be an ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear MRD-code having dimension $k>2$. Then, the code ${{\mathcal C}}$ is equivalent to a generalized twisted Gabidulin code if and only if there exists an integer $s$ such that $\gcd(s,n)=1$ and such that the following two conditions hold
1. $\dim ({{\mathcal C}}\cap {{\mathcal C}}^{[s]})=k-2$ and $\dim({{\mathcal C}}\cap {{\mathcal C}}^{[s]} \cap {{\mathcal C}}^{[{2s}]})=k-3$, i.e. there exist $p(x),q(x) \in {{\mathcal C}}$ such that $${{\mathcal C}}= \langle p(x)^{q^s}, p(x)^{q^{2s}}, \ldots, p(x)^{q^{s(k-1)}} \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}} \oplus \langle q(x) \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}};$$
2. $p(x)$ is invertible and there exists $\eta \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^*$ such that $p(x)+\eta p(x)^{q^{sk}} \in {{\mathcal C}}$.
Apart from the two infinite families of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-linear MRD-codes (i.e. ${{\mathcal G}}_{k,s}$ and ${{\mathcal H}}_{k,s}(\eta)$), there are few other examples known for $n \in \{6,7,8\}$, which arise from the connection with scattered linear sets we are going to explain.
In [@Sh Section 5] Sheekey showed that scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\times{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ of dimension $n$ yield ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear MRD-codes with parameters $(n,n,q;n-1)$ with left idealiser isomorphic to ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$; see [@CSMPZ2016; @CsMPZ2019; @ShVdV] for further details on such kind of connections. Let us recall the construction from [@Sh]. Let $U_f:=\{(x,f(x))\colon x\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}$ be a scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\times{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$. The set $$\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_f:=\langle x,f(x)\rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$$ corresponds to a set of $n\times n$ matrices over ${{\mathbb F}}_q$ forming an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear MRD-code with parameters $(n,n,q;n-1)$. Also, since $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_f$ is an ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-subspace of ${{\mathcal L}}_{n,q}$, its left idealiser $L(\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_f)$ is isomorphic to ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$. For further details see [@CMPZ Section 6]. Furthermore, let $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_f$ and $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_h$ be two MRD-codes arising from maximum scattered subspaces $U_f$ and $U_h$ of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\times {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$. In [@Sh Theorem 8] the author showed that there exist invertible matrices $A$, $B$ and $\sigma \in \mathrm{Aut}({{\mathbb F}}_{q})$ such that $A \operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_f^\sigma B=\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_h$ if and only if $U_f$ and $U_h$ are $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-equivalent, i.e. he proved that the equivalence of the rank metric codes coincides with the $\Gamma\mathrm{L}$-equivalence of the corresponding subspaces.
As a consequence we get the following result.
\[thm:newMRD\] If $q\leq 17$, $q \equiv 1 \pmod{4}$ and $q\neq 5$, then the RM-code $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}=\langle x, x^q-x^{q^2}+x^{q^4}+x^{q^5} \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}}$ is an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear MRD-code with parameters $(6,6,q;5)$ and left idealiser isomorphic to ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$, and is not equivalent to any previously known MRD-code.
From [@CMPZ Section 6], the previously known ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear MRD-codes with parameters $(6,6,q;5)$ and with left idealiser isomorphic to ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^6}$ arise, up to equivalence, from one of the maximum scattered subspaces of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^{6}}\times{{\mathbb F}}_{q^{6}}$ described in Section \[EquivIssue\]. From Corollary \[new\] the result then follows.
Scattered linear sets and MRD-codes
Lunardon in [@Lunardon2017 Section 3] (see also [@ShVdV Theorem 3.4] and [@CsMPZ2019 Section 4.1]) proved that if $U_f=\{(x,f(x)) \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}$, with $f(x)=a_0x+a_1x^q+\ldots+a_{n-1}x^{q^{n-1}}$, is a scattered[^8] ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\times{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$, then it can be obtained as a special quotient. By [@Sh Section 5], it follows that $$\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}_f=\langle x,f(x) \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}},$$ is an MRD-code. We may assume that the coefficient of $x$ in $f(x)$ is zero and $f(x)=x^{q^k}+\sum_{j\neq k} b_j x^{q^j}$. Denoting with $\{i_1,\ldots,i_{n-2}\}=\{1,\ldots,k-1,k+1,\ldots,n-1\}$ and $$h_{i_j}(x)=x^{q^{i_j}}-b_{i_j}x^{q^k}, \,\,\, j=1,\ldots,n-2,$$ it is straightforward to see that $$\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}^\perp=\langle h_{i_1}(x),\ldots,h_{i_{n-2}}(x) \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}.$$
We can embed $ U_{f} $ in ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^n$ in such a way that the vector $(x,f(x))$ corresponds to the vector $(a_0,\ldots,a_{n-1})\in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^n$ with $a_i=0$ if $i\neq 0,k$, $a_0=x$ and $a_k=f(x)$. Note that $W=\langle U_{f} \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ corresponds to the $2$-dimensional subspace with equations $x_j=0$ where $j\neq 0,k$.
Let $V$ be the ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-subspace of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}^n$ of dimension $n-2$ represented by the equations $$V \colon \left\{\begin{array}{ll} x_{0}=0 \\ x_k=-\sum_{j\neq 0,k} b_j x_j \end{array}\right.,$$ and let $S=\{(x,x^q,\ldots,x^{q^{n-1}}) \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}$. Note that $$\label{eq:vertMRD}
V=c_{\mathcal{N}}(\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}^\perp),$$ where $c_{\mathcal{N}}(\alpha_0x+\ldots+\alpha_{n-1}x^{q^{n-1}})=(\alpha_0,\ldots,\alpha_{n-1})$. It can be seen that $V \cap S= \{{\bf 0}\}$ and $$\label{eq:MRDvertex}
U_{f}= \langle V,S \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_q} \cap W.$$
This link suggests a new proof of the equivalence between the assertions 1. and 2. of Theorem \[chPseudo\]. In the following we will assume that $L=L_f$ is a scattered linear set of ${\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$ with rank $n$.
(Theorem \[chPseudo\]) Assume that $L_f$ is of pseudoregulus type, then by [@CSZ2015] we have that if $L_U=L_f$ then $U$ is $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-equivalent to $$U_s=\{(x,x^{q^s}) \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}.\,\,\,\text{with}\,\,\gcd(s,n)=1 \, \text{and} \, s<n/2.$$ Therefore if $U=U_s$, then $U_s= \langle V,S \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_q} \cap W$, with $$V\colon \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_0=0\\ x_s=0 \end{array}\right. \,\,\,\text{and}\,\,\, W\colon x_i=0\,\text{for}\,i\neq 0,s,$$ i.e. $L_f=p_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$ with $\Gamma={\mathrm{PG}}(V,{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n})={\mathrm{PG}}(n-3,q^n)$, $\Sigma={\mathrm{PG}}(S,{{\mathbb F}}_q)={\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q)$ and $\Lambda={\mathrm{PG}}(W,{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n})={\mathrm{PG}}(1,q^n)$. Denote by $\sigma$ the collineation of ${\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q^n)$ defined by ${\langle}(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}^{\sigma}={\langle}(x_{n-1}^{q},x_0^{q},\ldots,x_{n-2}^{q}){\rangle}_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$, which fixes precisely the points of $\Sigma$. Therefore, we have that $\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^s})=n-4$ and clearly $\sigma^s$ is a generator of the subgroup of $\mathrm{P}\Gamma\mathrm{L}(n,q^n)$ fixing $\Sigma$ pointwise.
Conversely, let $L=p_{\Gamma,\Lambda}(\Sigma)$ with $\dim(\Gamma\cap\Gamma^{\sigma^s})=n-4$, $\gcd(s,n)=1$, $\Gamma={\mathrm{PG}}(V,{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n})={\mathrm{PG}}(n-3,q^n)$, $\Sigma={\mathrm{PG}}(S,{{\mathbb F}}_q)={\mathrm{PG}}(n-1,q)$. Note that $V=c_{\mathcal{N}}(\mathcal{C})$ with $${{\mathcal C}}=\langle g_1(x),\ldots,g_{n-2}(x) \rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}},$$ for some linearized polynomials $g_1(x),\ldots,g_{n-2}(x)$. It follows that $$V \colon \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} a_0x_0+\ldots+a_{n-1}x_{n-1}=0 \\ a_0'x_0+\ldots+a_{n-1}'x_{n-1}=0 \end{array} \right.,$$ where $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}^\perp=\langle f_1(x), f_2(x)\rangle_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}}$ and $$f_1(x)=a_0x+\ldots+a_{n-1}x^{q^{n-1}},$$ $$f_2(x)=a_0'x+\ldots+a_{n-1}'x^{q^{n-1}}.$$ We may assume that $a_j=a_k'=1$ and $a_k=a_j'=0$ for some $j\neq k$, choose $W$ as the ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$-subspace having equations $x_i=0$ for $i\neq j,k$. Therefore, we have $$(V+S)\cap W\simeq U:=\{(f_1(x), f_2(x)) \colon x \in {{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\}.$$ So, $L=L_U$ and $U$ results to be a scattered ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\times{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$, i.e. by [@Sh Section 5] ${{\mathcal C}}^\perp$ is an MRD-code. It follows that ${{\mathcal C}}$ is an MRD-code with $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}} {{\mathcal C}}=n-2$ and $\dim_{{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}} ({{\mathcal C}}\cap{{\mathcal C}}^{[s]})=n-3$. By Theorem \[gabidulind\], $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is equivalent to ${{\mathcal G}}_{n-2,s}$. It follows that $U$ is $\Gamma\mathrm{L}(2,q^n)$-equivalent to $U_s$ and hence $L$ is of pseudoregulus type.
In [@Neri], Neri gives a characterization of generalized Gabidulin codes using the standard form of their generator matrix. This suggests a further different approach to the characterization of linear sets of pseudoregulus type.
For linear sets of LP-type, as done for the pseudoregulus case, it follows that one of the possible ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces representing a linear set of LP-type can be obtained as in , choosing $V$ in such a way that $V=c_\mathcal{N}(\mathcal{H}_{n-2,s}(\eta))$. Since a characterization of generalized twisted Gabidulin codes is known, see Theorem \[thm:charcGTG\] with $k=n-2$, it follows that a scattered linear set $L$ is of LP-type if and only if there exists an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspace $U$ of ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}\times{{\mathbb F}}_{q^n}$ such that $L_U=L$, where $U$ is as in and the rank-metric code associated to $V$ satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem \[thm:charcGTG\] with $k=n-2$. In contrast to the above characterization, those presented in the previous sections are purely geometric and take into account the problem of the possible ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-subspaces representing a linear set of LP-type.
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A special class of scattered subspaces, [arXiv:1906.10590](
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On the equivalence of linear sets, *Des. Codes Cryptogr.* [**81**]{} (2016), 269–281.
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Corrado Zanella and Ferdinando Zullo\
Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali\
Università degli Studi di Padova\
Stradella S. Nicola, 3\
36100 Vicenza VI\
Ferdinando Zullo\
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica,\
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”,\
I–81100 Caserta, Italy\
[[*[email protected]*]{}]{}
[^1]: The research was supported by the Italian National Group for Algebraic and Geometric Structures and their Applications (GNSAGA - INdAM).
[^2]: Angle brackets without the indication of a field will denote the projective span of a set of points in a projective space.
[^3]: This condition implies $q\neq 2$.
[^4]: Starting to count from zero.
[^5]: The *maximum field of linearity* of an ${{\mathbb F}}_q$-linear set $L_U$ as ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^\ell}$ if $\ell$ is the largest integer such that $\ell \mid n$ and $L_U$ is an ${{\mathbb F}}_{q^\ell}$-linear set.
[^6]: This condition implies $q\neq 2$.
[^7]: Also here $q>2$, otherwise it is not scattered.
[^8]: The statement is more general, we have adapted it to our case.
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Production of recombinant multiheme cytochromes c in Wolinella succinogenes.
Respiratory nitrogen cycle processes like nitrification, nitrate reduction, denitrification, nitrite ammonification, or anammox involve a variety of dissimilatory enzymes and redox-active cofactors. In this context, an intriguing protein class are cytochromes c, that is, enzymes containing one or more covalently bound heme groups that are attached to heme c binding motifs (HBMs) of apo-cytochromes. The key enzyme of the corresponding maturation process is cytochrome c heme lyase (CCHL), an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of two thioether linkages between two vinyl side chains of a heme and two cysteine residues arranged in the HBM. In recent years, many multiheme cytochromes c involved in nitrogen cycle processes, such as hydroxylamine oxidoreductase and cytochrome c nitrite reductase, have attracted particular interest. Structurally, these enzymes exhibit conserved heme packing motifs despite displaying very different enzymic properties and largely unrelated primary structures. The functional and structural characterization of cytochromes c demands their purification in sufficient amounts as well as the feasibility to generate site-directed enzyme variants. For many interesting organisms, however, such systems are not available, mainly hampered by genetic inaccessibility, slow growth rates, insufficient cell yields, and/or a low capacity of cytochrome c formation. Efficient heterologous cytochrome c overproduction systems have been established using the unrelated proteobacterial species Escherichia coli and Wolinella succinogenes. In contrast to E. coli, W. succinogenes uses the cytochrome c biogenesis system II and contains a unique set of three specific CCHL isoenzymes that belong to the unusual CcsBA-type. Here, W. succinogenes is presented as host for cytochrome c overproduction focusing on a recently established gene expression system designed for large-scale production of multiheme cytochromes c. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Regulation of sperm storage and movement in the ruminant oviduct.
Three regions of the ruminant oviduct play different roles in the progress of sperm: the uterotubal junction, isthmus, and ampulla. The uterotubal junction acts as a point of selection of sperm, requiring that sperm are progressively motile and express specific proteins in order to enter the oviduct. The isthmus stores sperm, preserving motility and viability until ovulation. Sperm are stored in the isthmus by binding to its mucosal epithelium. In bovine sperm, binding to the oviductal epithelium is promoted by proteins that are secreted by the seminal vesicles and coat the heads of sperm by associating with plasma membrane phospholipids. Putative oviductal receptors for the seminal vesicle proteins are members of the annexin protein family. Release of sperm from the storage site in the isthmus is gradual, which serves to ensure that sperm in the proper physiological state reach the oocytes at the appropriate moment and also to reduce incidence of polyspermic fertilization. The ampulla supports fertilization and may participate in guiding sperm toward the eggs. Further studies are needed to improve our understanding of the interactions between sperm and the female reproductive tract, in order to develop means to improve fertility in ruminants. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | William Zeitlin
William Zeitlin (c. 1850 – 1921, in Leipzig) was a Russian scholar and bibliographer born at Homel, government (guberniya) of Moghilef, about the middle of the 19th century. He is known especially as the author of Kiryat Sefer, or Bibliotheca Hebraica Post-Mendelssohniana (Leipzig, 1891–95), a bibliographical dictionary of modern Hebrew literature from the beginning of Moses Mendelssohn's epoch until 1890. The compilation of this work occupied Zeitlin for twenty years. He made extensive use of Benjacob's Otzar ha-Sefarim and of Fürst's Bibliotheca Judaica, and visited Vilna and Warsaw, the centers of the Hebrew book market, as well as many university cities—as Königsberg, Berlin, Geneva, and Paris—from the libraries of which he gathered additional material for his work.
The Qiryat Sefer indexes not only works in book form, but also important periodical articles, biographical sketches, and scientific essays, in addition to giving biographical notes on several authors. Zeitlin had previously prepared an index of works written on the Hebrew calendar, in which he enumerates seventy-seven Hebrew works; this index was published by Chayyim Jonah Gurland in Yevreiski Kalendar (St. Petersburg, 1882). In the Zeit. für Hebr. Bibl. (ix.3-4) Zeitlin has published an alphabetical list of anagrams and pseudonyms of modern Hebrew writers; he was also a contributor to several Hebrew periodicals, writing mostly biographical articles.
:de:Wilhelm Zeitlin
Category:1850s births
Category:1921 deaths
Category:People from Gomel
Category:People from Mogilev Governorate
Category:Belarusian Jews
Category:Imperial Russian emigrants to France
Category:Russian bibliographers
Category:Textual scholarship |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
How to translate module with i18n
I met a problem that how to translate the module's phrase into other languages(eg. Japanese).
For example, some code may like this:
"test","Japanese character"
$form = '<h3>test</h3>';
If STORES->Configuration->Locale Options is selected with English(United States), it will show "test" to users; if Japanese(Japan) is selected, it will show "Japanese character".
I had seen the tutorial
but I'm not sure what should I do next.
Translation file path should be
You should write a translate text code in your controller
like below
$form = '<h3>' . __('test') . '</h3>';
2 points: You placed translate file into wrong place. The correct path should be app/code/<My_vendor>/<My_module>/i18n/jp_JP.csv.
And you didn't use __('text to translate') to parse the text to translate in template file.
So in your case, change $form = '<h3>test</h3>'; to $form = '<h3>' . __('test') . '</h3>';
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Germinated Buckwheat extract decreases blood pressure and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity in aortic endothelial cells in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Thee present study analysed the quantification of rutin in raw buckwheat extract (RBE) and germinated buckwheat extract (GBE) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and examined changes in body weight, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and nitrotyrosine (a marker for peroxynitrite formation) immunoreactivity in aortic endothelial cells in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats after treatment with RBE and GBE for 5 weeks. In the HPLC study, RBE and GBE contained a mean content of rutin of 1.52 +/- 0.21 and 2.92 +/- 0.88 mg/g, respectively. In the 600 mg/kg GBE-treated group, SBP was lower than that in the 600 mg/kg RBE-treated group. The treatment with RBE and/or GBE significantly reduced oxidative damage in aortic endothelial cells by lowering nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity. These results suggest that GBE has an antihypertensive effect and may protect arterial endothelial cells from oxidative stress. |
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | Ruda Wieczyńska
Ruda Wieczyńska is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Gizałki, within Pleszew County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, in west-central Poland. It lies approximately south-east of Gizałki, north of Pleszew, and south-east of the regional capital Poznań.
Category:Villages in Pleszew County |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | President Donald Trump may not be in the White House had former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin not blazed the trail for him.
This week, Bernie Quigley observed that Palin “was prelude and harbinger” to Trump’s arrival. He wrote in The Hill that he was reading William Strauss and Neil Howe’s The Fourth Turning when Palin appeared on the national stage. And he said then that “it was possible to see the rise of new political archetypes and forms and they are now upon us.”
“It was not President Donald Trump that brought the age, although he turned the key. It was Palin. And it was she who brought the reawakened spirit of Andrew Jackson, today associated with the rise of Trump,” Quigley wrote.
In 2010, Quigley wrote that the “change that is rising now with Palin” and the Tea Party movement “resembles the rise of Andrew Jackson and the free people of the western regions demanding their place and coming into the country politically.”
“No wonder the New York press was afraid of her then. No wonder they are still,” Quigley wrote while discussing Palin’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times.
While others have foolishly and inaccurately written about how New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who never appealed to conservatives, was “Trump before Trump,” it was actually Palin who paved Trump’s road to the GOP presidential nomination and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
As someone who has followed Palin’s political career as closely as anyone, I immediately saw in Trump’s campaign many similarities to Palin. They shared the same enemies who loathed them because Palin and Trump did not need political hacks in the permanent political class to get their message to the voters. In 2016, it was indeed quite telling that Trump made the same enemies Palin did on the right while the legacy media underestimated him like they did Palin while, at the same time, doing all they could to destroy him just like they attempted to do with the former Alaska governor.
Here are the top nine ways Palin was a prelude to Trump:
1. The Great CommuniTweeter
On April 29, 2009, Alaska Governor Palin joined Twitter and promptly called out a distorted story—in today’s parlance, a “fake news” story—in the establishment press about her administration. The politician I dubbed “The Great CommuniTweeter” would be immediately mocked and ridiculed by the legacy media and the political establishment for communicating with voters on Twitter and Facebook instead of on their networks and with the help of overpriced consultants. Years later, the same media figures and establishment operatives, who are always light years behind the curve and initially mocked Palin, would be addicted to Twitter and Facebook and use those platforms on a daily basis just like Palin the pioneer had in 2009.
During the 2016 election, Trump, like Palin had figured out years before, used Twitter to influence the news cycle, create headlines, and, most importantly, go around the mainstream media’s and the political establishment’s filters to get information and opinions directly to voters.
And as Trump has demonstrated with his CNN-WWE Tweet that went around the world, he is more than willing to use Twitter to get his message directly to the people, challenge and distract the “fake news” media, and make the establishment media look foolish and out of touch when they inevitably overreact and make the story all about them. In fact, Trump has said that his use of “social media” is “MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL.”
He recently told the New York Times’ Mark Leibovich that he will not stop communicating to voters via Twitter.
“It’s my voice. They want to take away my voice,’’ Trump told the reporter. ‘‘They’re not going to take away my social media.’’
My use of social media is not Presidential – it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL. Make America Great Again! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2017
2. Social Desirability Bias
When Fox News and other outlets released unfavorable polls about Palin leading up the 2012 election cycle, Palin famously dismissed them, saying that “polls are for strippers and cross-country skiers.”
She was right.
What inside-the-box consultants and equally incurious legacy media dunces have never realized is the importance of “social desirability bias” when unconventional, controversial, or historical candidates are polled.
To put it simply, voters may be reluctant to tell pollsters that they actually support someone like Palin or Trump when they actually do because they think such support will render them socially undesirable.
Breitbart News—based on interviews with voters around the country and this writer’s personal “focus group” of sorts of working-class friends and their family members whose opinions and impressions of candidates have been over the years uncannily representative of the Reagan Democrat swing voters who voted for Obama and then switched to Trump—wrote extensively about the potential for a “reverse-Bradley effect” during the 2016 election cycle when national polls had Hillary Clinton out in front. Trump even alluded to Breitbart News’ stories on the reverse-Bradley effect multiple times on the stump.
Thomas Edsall actually wrote about social desirability bias— “the desire of respondents to avoid embarrassment and project a favorable image to others”—in the New York Times last year as well, concluding that “the simple fact that Trump has beaten the odds so far means that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that he could beat them again.”
“If he does take the White House, much, if not all, of his margin of victory will come from voters too ashamed to acknowledge publicly how they intend to cast their vote,” Edsall wrote.
And that is exactly what happened.
Polls have underestimated the actual support for politicians like Barack Obama, Palin, and Trump, and it seems like their spouses were actually among the few who understood the importance of social desirability bias in polling.
Michelle Obama, for instance, knew that black voters who may not have felt comfortable telling pollsters they supported his candidacy would come home to Obama even when polls had him massively trailing Hillary Clinton in South Carolina in the early stages of the 2008 election cycle. Todd Palin also knew that if Palin had run, voters who did not want to tell properly-sounding pollsters that they supported Palin for fear that they would get ridiculed and ostracized would also swarm voting booths to support her. And Melania Trump also knew that Trump’s low poll numbers with the GOP base would rocket up as soon as he actually announced his candidacy.
3. Indianola, Iowa (domestic policy) and Lakewood, Colorado (America-first foreign policy)
While the mainstream media were mocking Palin, she delivered two of the most important and substantive speeches of the 2012 election cycle that pushed the GOP away from the cronyism and foreign policy interventionism associated with the Bush era.
In Iowa, Palin threw down against the corporatism and cronyism associated with the likes of Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, and the infamous “K-Street” project that contributed significantly to the GOP losing control of all three branches of government last decade. Palin injected ideas like “crony capitalism” and fighting the “permanent political class” into the political bloodstream in a way other reformers who lacked her wattage and star power could never do. In Indianola, Iowa, in August of 2011, Palin, explaining the important difference between being pro-free markets and pro-big business, said:
This is not the capitalism of free men and free markets, of innovation and hard work and ethics, of sacrifice and of risk. No, this is the capitalism of connections and government bailouts and handouts, of waste and influence peddling and corporate welfare. This is the crony capitalism that destroyed Europe’s economies. It’s the collusion of big government and big business and big finance to the detriment of all the rest – to the little guys. It’s a slap in the face to our small business owners – the true entrepreneurs, the job creators accounting for 70% of the jobs in America, it’s you who own these small businesses, you’re the economic engine, but you don’t grease the wheels of government power. So, do you want to know why the permanent political class doesn’t really want to cut any spending? Do you want to know why nothing ever really gets done? It’s because there’s nothing in it for them. They’ve got a lot of mouths to feed – a lot of corporate lobbyists and a lot of special interests that are counting on them to keep the good times and the money rolling along.
Three months before, in May of 2011, Palin went to Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado, and moved the GOP away from neoconservatism to realism. In Colorado, Palin outlined her five-point plan that included: committing forces only when “vital American interests” are at stake; fighting to win with overwhelming force if America has to go to war; having clearly defined goals and objectives before sending troops into war zones; making sure American soldiers are never put under foreign command; and ensuring that sending Americans soldiers is always the last resort.
“We are not indifferent to the cause of human rights or the desire for freedom. We are always on the side of both,” Palin said after laying out her doctrine. “But we can’t fight every war. We can’t undo every injustice around the world. But with strength and clarity in those five points, we’ll make for a safer, more prosperous, more peaceful world because as the U.S. leads by example, as we support freedom across the globe, we’re going to prove that free and healthy countries don’t wage war on other free and healthy countries. The stronger we are, the stronger and more peaceful the world will be under our example.”
In 2016, Trump ran as a candidate who opposed George W. Bush’s Iraq war and nonsensical interventions abroad. Even Foreign Policy acknowledged Trump’s coherent realism:
Trump has little time for either neoconservatives or liberal interventionists; he thinks they allow their belief in American virtue to blind them to both America’s core interests and the limits of American power. He has even less time for multilateralist diplomats: They’re too willing to compromise, trading away American interests in exchange for platitudes about friendship and cooperation. And he has no time at all for those who consider long-standing U.S. alliances sacrosanct. To Trump, U.S. alliances, like potential business partners in a real-estate transaction, should always be asked: “What have you done for me lately?” In his inimitable way, Trump is offering a powerful challenge to many of the core assumptions of Washington’s bipartisan foreign-policy elite. And if mainstream Democrats and Republicans want to counter Trump’s appeal, they need to get serious about explaining why his vision of the world isn’t appropriate — and they need to do so without merely falling back on tired clichés.
Trump also self-funded his campaign during the primary to show voters that he would not be beholden to lobbyists and big-money influencers who got the better of many GOP lawmakers in the Bush era when Washington, D.C. officially became the country’s “Boomtown.”
Americans who were fed up with cronyism in D.C. and ill-advised adventures abroad that cost too many American lives gave Trump the benefit of the doubt and gave the outsider businessman a chance in 2016. But had the legacy media been paying attention to how much Palin’s words were resonating, they would not have been so surprised and blindsided by Trump’s popularity.
4. Drain the Jacuzzi/Swamp
Before Trump ran against the D.C. “swamp,” Palin eviscerated the permanent political class and politicians who came to D.C. looking to change it and instead saw the “cesspool of corruption” as a big “hot tub.”
Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2012, Palin said:
Yeah, the permanent political class – they’re doing just fine. Ever notice how so many of them arrive in Washington, D.C. of modest means and then miraculously throughout the years they end up becoming very, very wealthy? Well, it’s because they derive power and their wealth from their access to our money – to taxpayer dollars. They use it to bail out their friends on Wall Street and their corporate cronies, and to reward campaign contributors, and to buy votes via earmarks. There is so much waste. And there is a name for this: It’s called corporate crony capitalism.
John Hayward wrote at the time that after “denouncing the cesspool of corruption” in D.C., Palin said it becomes “more like a hot tub” for elected officials after a year or two.
“And they’re hopping in and enjoying the Jacuzzi!,” Palin said, adding that it was “time we drain the jacuzzi and throw the bums out with the bath water.”
Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” was one of his most effective catchphrases during the 2016 election cycle that earned him the trust of voters who for decades have distrusted establishment politicians from both political parties.
I will Make Our Government Honest Again — believe me. But first, I'm going to have to #DrainTheSwamp in DC. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2016
5. Palin Haters Become ‘Never Trump’ Loons
Establishment Republicans immediately saw Palin as a threat right after Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) lost the 2008 presidential election to Barack Obama. Here’s video of a jealous and threatened then-Texas Governor Rick Perry cutting off Palin’s press conference at a November 2008 Republican Governors Association event when it was obvious Palin was outshining all of them.
It took the “professional conservatives” a bit longer (May, 2010) to know that Palin was a threat to them and their ability to influence elections. For months, Erick Erickson and Red State plodded along to help Nikki Haley win South Carolina’s GOP gubernatorial primary in 2010. But Haley was stuck in third until Palin endorsed her in May of 2010. Haley then rocketed to the top of the field, won the nomination, and went on to be South Carolina’s governor. A Republican operative who worked on a rival campaign told Peter Hamby, who was then at CNN and is now directing news for Snapchat, that Palin’s event alone generated “over a million dollars” in media coverage and “there was absolutely no way when that endorsement came down to break through the news cycle.”
“It was an earned media blowtorch,” the GOP operative later had to admit to Hamby.
And just like that, the professional conservatives were both jealous and threatened and started to undermine Palin going forward. Palin needed neither them nor the establishment to influence primary elections and raise money. As establishment Republican Haley Barbour told Hamby, Palin could have raised enough money to “burn a wet mule” without the help of consultants had she chosen to enter the 2012 presidential contest.
Of course, as always, the GOP establishment and the legacy media were more than thrilled, just like they would be when nearly the exact same group of people who hated Palin became the “Never Trump” movement, when professional “conservatives” who, for various self-serving reasons, wanted Rick Perry to win the 2012 GOP presidential nomination did all they could to needlessly trash Palin and her supporters.
When Trump entered the presidential field, the very same establishment Republicans and professional conservatives, proving how clueless they were about GOP voters they demeaned as “low-information” rubes because they were not versed in obscure D.C. minutiae, said Trump would not even get enough support to make the main debate stage. When Trump started to lead in every poll, they collectively lost their minds.
Erickson and many of his “Red State” allies in the “professional conservative industrial complex,” many of whom apparently had no issues shilling for Malaysia while not disclosing the payments they received to their readers until they were caught red-handed, joined Glenn Beck and his minions to oppose Trump. Establishment Republican hacks like Ana Navarro and Rick Wilson made common cause with them to form the “Never Trump” movement. The “Never Trump” movement was more about the “Never Trumpers” scratching and clawing to find excuses to get on television and be quoted in legacy media outlets in order for the legacy media to use them as their useful idiots against Trump and his working-class supporters, whom these professional so-called “influencers” have treated with nothing but disdain. It is fitting that National Review, which was essentially the outlet of choice for Paul Ryan’s and Eric Cantor’s brand of establishment Republicanism, published its foolish “Never Trump” issue, which diminished whatever influence the publication had left with working-class voters after Trump got elected.
For many of these professional operatives and “influencers,” many of whom try to relive their junior-high and high-school years in the political world among other dweebs and pipsqueaks, Trump’s rise meant they would not matter as much anymore.
And they were not going to lose whatever influence they may have had without a fight.
Trump, like Palin, did not need overpriced lemmings and “grundoons” to help him get “liked” by voters. He did not need them to help him get on television or get his message to voters. All Trump had to was hit the “send” button on Twitter. Trump did not even need them for attack ads since Trump neutered his rivals all by himself by naming them “Low-energy Jeb,” “Little Marco” and “Lyin’ Ted.”
The Hoover Institution’s Alvin Rabushka explained why the professional “influencers” and operatives detested Trump so much. To put it simply, Trump’s rise to the top of the polls without much campaign spending represented an “existential threat” to the “political election industry.”
“You see, it’s not so much that he is running as a Republican that frightens the political establishment,” Rabuska wrote. “It fears that if he wins, others could seek office in the same way. A Trump victory threatens to put the political industry out of business as it is now.”
As Breitbart News noted at the time, Rabushka pointed out that “the political election industry is a multibillion dollar enterprise” and “its ranks include the following”:
Ad Producers.
Focus Groups.
Media Pundits.
He added that “the industry is used to dominating presidential elections” and “it is the go-to crowd that determines who deserves to be a candidate, win each party’s nomination and ultimately secure the presidency. The industry regards itself as uniquely qualified to determine who is qualified to participate in the political process.”
Rabushka said they were particularly livid at Trump because he bypassed this exclusive “club”:
How dare he intrude in the “club?” How dare he campaign for the presidency without the blessing of the “club?”…How dare he expose his critics? How dare he use social media to bypass the political industry? How dare he draw large, enthusiastic crowds? How dare he speak the language of the American people instead of the prepped, canned language of the political class?
Rabushka continued:
How did Claudius become emperor of Rome? After the assassination of Caligula, the Praetorian Guard anointed Claudius emperor. “Why,” asked Claudius? “Because,” said the head of the Guard,” without an emperor, there is no need for the Praetorian Guard. Without traditional candidates like Clinton, Bush, Kasich, Huckabee, Christie, Santorum, Pataki and others, there is no need for the Political Establishment’s Praetorian Guard. Trump threatens to undermine the political establishment order of things.
To show that “Never Trumpers” are hardly oh-so-principled, it is worth noting that the disastrous vehicle they used (the milquetoast Evan McMullin) to get on television, consultant fees, and quotes in legacy media outlets during the 2016 general election is still in debt. As of May of 2017, McMullin’s campaign owed nearly $700,000 to various political professionals.
6. Lamestream Media and Fake News
Before Trump started attacking the “fake news” media, Palin effectively branded the legacy media as the “lamestream media.” The “lamestream media” tried to blame Palin for the assassination attempt on then-Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ), mock her supporters, delegitimize her, harass her family, and work with the usual band of usual idiots in the GOP establishment to falsely try to create a narrative that she was losing her influence. Never mind that every Republican who wanted to run for office was begging for her endorsement behind the scenes while Republicans in elected officer were pleading with her camp behind the scenes to not criticize them.
No wonder working-class Americans who supported Palin– the most “box office” figure on the right before Trump–began to see the media as even more of a joke as purportedly “objective” hosts and anchors could not even pretend to hold back the disdain they had for Palin and her supporters.
As mentioned above, Palin even used one of her first tweets in 2009 to correct a story in the legacy media that mischaracterized her administration in Alaska. And she ramped up her criticisms against the media as they became more vicious.
Palin gave Trump the baton, and Trump has taken it to another level.
“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while,” Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon told the New York Times earlier this year. “I want you to quote this. The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.”
Trump, in addition to tweeting the WWE-CNN meme that went around the world, has routinely called out the “fake and fraudulent” media who nitpick at everything and try to find anything they can to delegitimize him.
“Their agenda is not your agenda,” Trump recently said of the “fake news” media. “The fake media is trying to silence us but we will not let them. The people know the truth. The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House, but I’m president and they’re not.”
The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media – but remember, I won…. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2017
….the 2016 election with interviews, speeches and social media. I had to beat #FakeNews, and did. We will continue to WIN! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2017
7. Palin & Trump vs. Fox News
Before Trump waged his war against Fox News and Megyn Kelly, Palin clashed with the late Roger Ailes and “Bush’s Brain” Karl Rove.
Though Palin was a Fox News contributor, Ailes, who favored candidates like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Mitt Romney in the 2012 election cycle, strangely went out of his way to undercut his network’s own star while Palin was deciding whether to enter the 2012 presidential contest.
Ailes tried to diminish Palin, publicly saying that he hired her solely because Palin was “hot and got ratings.” And according to New York magazine’s Gabriel Sherman, Ailes reportedly said behind the scenes that Palin was an “idiot” and “stupid” and did nothing to “elevate” the conservative movement even though she had been actively moving the movement away from the corporatism and neoconservatism associated with the Bush dynasty.
When Palin decided not to run for president, she returned the favor to Ailes, effectively giving him the middle finger and making her much-anticipated announcement in October of 2011 on Mark Levin’s radio show, royally pissing off Ailes in the process.
During the 2016 election cycle, Ailes was just as threatened by Trump. Ailes, according to Sherman, thought Trump was “unelectable” and felt as if he had a duty to “save the country” from Trump. When Megyn Kelly, the talent whom Ailes had inexplicably tried to promote as the network’s face, tried to sandbag Trump during the first GOP presidential debate, all hell broke loose. And it was as if Fox News’ viewers who reluctantly gave the network the benefit of the doubt when it attacked Palin, supported amnesty, and hired CNN retreads said, “ENOUGH!”
As Sherman reported, “virtually 100 percent of the emails were against Megyn Kelly” after the debate, and Ailes was “not happy” that “most of the Fox viewers were taking Trump’s side.”
Fox News’ battle with Trump showed how out of touch the network’s complacent executives were with their core viewers, many of whom watched the network because it was simply the least offensive channel on television where they could get news. As some have semi-jested, Fox News viewers even kept their televisions on after Bill O’Reilly’s show and before Sean Hannity’s while they were doing laundry, dishes, housework, or taking out the trash.
And in an age when more Americans were getting news from online outlets, Trump showed that Fox News was nowhere near as influential as it had been during the last decade before new and social media gave voters more ways to get their news
8. The End of Bushism
In 2010, when the GOP establishment feared Palin would run away with the nomination without having to kowtow to any of them, Barbara Bush threw shade at Palin when she said she hoped Palin would stay in Alaska.
“I sat next to her once, thought she was beautiful and I think she’s very happy in Alaska — and I hope she’ll stay there,” Barbara Bush said.
Palin, never afraid to take on the party’s sacred cows, slammed the Bushes for being “blue bloods who want to pick and chose their winners instead of allowing competition to pick and choose the winners.” Radio host Laura Ingraham pointed out then that the “elites” like the Bushes were trying to kneecap Palin.
Palin also immediately clashed with “Bush’s Brain” Karl Rove, Bushism’s top public advocate who reportedly had not “been very nice” to Palin “from day one” at Fox News, according to Sherman.
Make no mistake about it. The Bushes saw Palin as a threat because they knew she would do exactly what Trump ended up doing–eviscerating Bushism. In 2016, “low energy” and pro-amnesty Jeb Bush’s $100 million war chest could not get him any traction against Trump, who symbolically pummeled him while eviscerating any notion that Bushism would be the future of the GOP.
While some “Never Trumpers” who never understood Ronald Reagan’s true appeal want to convince people that Trump moved the GOP away from Reaganism, what Trump’s 2016 GOP primary victory and White House victory effectively did was finish what Palin started by driving a stake straight through the heart of Bushism.
Dummy @KarlRove continues to make and write false statements. He still thinks Romney won–he should get a life! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2015
.@KarlRove is a failed Jeb Bushy. Never says anything good & never will, even after I beat Hillary. Shouldn't be on the air! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 1, 2016
9. Illegal Immigration: ‘No Mas’
After Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because Reagan Democrats who voted for Obama in 2008 but were disillusioned with Obama four years later could not get themselves to even vote for Romney while holding their noses, the geniuses at Reince Priebus’ and Sean Spicer’s Republican National Committee commissioned a terribly-named “autopsy” report in which the only policy recommendation was amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Palin, like Breitbart News, fiercely opposed this nonsense. And she slammed the Gang of Eight’s efforts to pass comprehensive amnesty legislation. She was fiercely critical of Obama’s executive amnesties as well.
Palin was so lived that she penned an exclusive column for Breitbart News in July of 2014 in which she called for Obama’s impeachment.
“No mas,” she said of Obama’s executive amnesties.
On the pages of Breitbart News, Palin blasted Obama’s friendly wealthy bipartisan elite, who she said want “cheap foreign labor and can afford for themselves the best ‘border security’ money can buy in their own exclusive communities,” for not caring about working-class Americans.
“It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment,” Palin declared.
Palin also said in that Breitbart News column that “without borders, there is no nation” and mentioned that many in America now “feel like strangers in their own land.”
As Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak has pointed out, not only did Trump highlight illegal immigration during his presidential launch, Trump rocketed to the top of the GOP field nearly a week after Trump met with the victims of illegal immigrant families after an illegal immigrant murdered Kate Steinle in San Francisco, a city the murderer sought out because it was a sanctuary city. Trump never looked back and his promise to build the wall helped him win over working-class voters in the Rust Belt.
In 2015, Breitbart News reported on polling that found that a majority of Americans felt like “strangers in their own country.” And a post-election study published in the Atlantic magazine found that nearly half of white working-class voters feel like “strangers in their own land.” Repeatedly on the stump, Trump says that America will not be a country if it does not have borders.
Trump won the election while not compromising on illegal immigration, and he even did better among minorities than Romney. In addition, he galvanized working-class white voters, many of whom had either voted for Obama or had not voted in a long time. In fact, a post-election Atlantic/Public Religion Research Institute study found that that these voters who felt like “strangers in their own land,” who also felt the “U.S. needs protecting against foreign influence,” were 3.5 times more likely to favor Trump than those who did not share these concerns.
A nation without borders is no nation at all. We must build a wall. Let’s Make America Great Again! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2015
Trump’s celebrity made him a much more powerful candidate than Palin and allowed him to get his message across more effectively and to a wider audience than Palin could have had. It also insulated him better from attacks and criticism while allowing him to more ruthlessly attack the legacy media.
But make no mistake about it, opposing illegal immigration allowed Palin and Trump to galvanize voters who wanted to send a loud and clear message about the importance of melting-pot Americanism (instead of salad-bowl separatism). By supporting Palin and voting for Trump, they were loudly–or silently–voting for E Pluribus Unum (“Out of many, one) instead of Al Gore’s Ex Uno Plures (“Out of one, many”). |
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
siunitx: some options must be in preamble, not with S[?
This is my question for siunitx users: Is it necessary to specify the input-symbols parameter in the preamble, rather than within S[]?
Why do I ask?
Here's a table produced by my R function outreg in the package rockchalk.
%following now in each table
input-symbols = ( )
\caption{Still have showAIC argument, as in previous versions}\label{tab:ex5ds}
\centering\begin{tabular}{@{}l*{2}S[input-symbols = ( ),
group-digits = false,
table-format = 3.3,
table-number-alignment = center,
table-space-text-pre = (,
table-space-text-post = {***},
table-align-text-pre = false,
table-align-text-post = false,
parse-units = false]@{}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Whichever}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Whatever}\tabularnewline
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Estimate}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Estimate}\tabularnewline
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{(S.E.)}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{(S.E.)}\tabularnewline
(Intercept) &403.245*** &29.774*** \tabularnewline
& (0.618) & (0.522)\tabularnewline
x1 &1.546*& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\phantom{000}.} \tabularnewline
& (0.692) & \tabularnewline
x2 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\phantom{000}.} &3.413** \tabularnewline
& & (0.512)\tabularnewline
N& \multicolumn{1}{c}{100}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{100} \tabularnewline
RMSE &6.121 &5.205 \tabularnewline
$R^2$ &0.048 &0.312 \tabularnewline
adj $R^2$ &0.039 &0.305 \tabularnewline
AIC &617.694 &617.694\tabularnewline
\multicolumn{3}{l}{${* p}\le 0.05$${*\!\!* p}\le 0.01$${*\!\!*\!\!* p}\le 0.001$}\tabularnewline
Thanks to the help of members in this group, the output is mostly adequate, IMHO. I cannot know ahead of time how many digits might be used, so I don't rely on table-format to tighten down the alignment. That's why I've got the nagging problems about centering of different sections of table. But this is, honestly, much better than I had before.
I'm asking now about the preamble and sisetup. I want the table markup to be as close to portable as possible, not depending on any preamble details.
I wanted to eliminate entirely the use of sisetup, but if I remove that from this example, it does not compile because the parentheses are not understandable to the compiler:
! siunitx error: "invalid-number"
! Invalid numerical input '(0.618)'.
! See the siunitx documentation for further information.
Is the preamble sisetup the only correction?
Your syntax of the tabular preamble is faulty. You are using *{2}S[...] But you should put braces around the second argument so that the optional argument of S is processed too:
%following now in each table
% input-symbols = ( )
\caption{Still have showAIC argument, as in previous versions}\label{tab:ex5ds}
input-symbols = ( ),
group-digits = false,
table-format = 3.3,
table-number-alignment = center,
table-space-text-pre = (,
table-space-text-post = {***},
table-align-text-pre = false,
table-align-text-post = false,
parse-units = false
& (0.618) & (0.522)\tabularnewline
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} | Using Business Rule For Data Import Validation
Recently, I saw one question in a CRM forum where the user was interested in using Business Rules to implement data validation for Data Import. So can we do that? The answer is yes, of course we can do that, the business provides support to run your logic on the server side. If you don’t know about this, check our earlier article first, but from the end-user perspective, it will not be helpful.
Let’s see this in action using a quick business rule on Contact entity. Suppose we have a couple of fields which are required and we want to cancel data import if those sets of fields are missing an import file. Let’s say we want to enforce the user to supply contact’s email and phone number:
So let’s setup quick business rules for contact entity to show the error message if contact’s email or phone number is null. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel salt-inducible gene encoding an acidic isoform of PR-5 protein in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.).
We identified a novel salt-inducible soybean gene encoding an acidic-isoform of pathogenesis-related protein group 5 (PR-5 protein). The soybean PR-5-homologous gene, designated as Glycine max osmotin-like protein, acidic isoform (GmOLPa)), encodes a putative polypeptide having an N-terminal signal peptide. The mature GmOLPa protein without the signal peptide has a calculated molecular mass of 21.5 kDa and a pI value of 4.4, and was distinguishable from a known PR-5-homologous gene of soybean (namely P21 protein) through examination of the structural features. A comparison with two intracellular salt-inducible PR-5 proteins, tobacco osmotin and tomato NP24, revealed that GmOLPa did not have a C-terminal extension sequence functioning as a vacuole-targeting motif. The GmOLPa gene was transcribed constitutively in the soybean root and was induced almost exclusively in the root during 24 h of high-salt stress (300 mM NaCl). Interestingly, GmOLPa gene expression in the stem and leaf, not observed until 24 h, was markedly induced at 48 and 72 h after commencement of the high-salt stress. Abscisic acid (ABA) and dehydration also induced expression of the GmOLPa gene in the root; additionally, dehydration slightly induced expression in the stem and leaf. In fact, the 5'-upstream sequence of the GmOLPa gene contained several putative cis-elements known to be involved in responsiveness to ABA and dehydration, e.g. ABA-responsive element (ABRE), MYB/MYC, and low temperature-responsive element (LTRE). These results suggested that GmOLPa may function as a protective PR-5 protein in the extracellular space of the soybean root in response to high-salt stress and dehydration. |
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} | In the spotlight recently was a GrabFood delivery personnel in Singapore who goes around Tampines estate, and as far as Bedok, fulfilling orders in a wheelchair.
Her indefatigable spirit and revelation by Malay media Berita Harian that she has cerebral palsy touched many Singaporeans.
GrabFood delivery a means of employment for those with disabilities
Following up on this account, CNA Insider featured another GrabFood delivery personnel, Roszana Ali, 26, who also has cerebral palsy.
The video took a close look at her struggles with doing this gig -- as well as the pride and independence it brings to her as it is her first paying job.
GrabFood a viable employment option
Roszana finished school seven years earlier, but had been unable to land a job despite going for six job interviews.
The major plus point with her current GrabFood job was that she did not even have to declare that she was in a wheelchair, or that she had cerebral palsy, a condition that affects muscle control and co-ordination.
Eight months into the job, Roszana has made more than 600 deliveries.
Challenges in life
Roszana is still facing challenges on the job these days, despite having had a vital door open for her to participate in Singapore's burgeoning gig economy.
Urban Singapore poses many physical obstacles, such as lifts that don't work, as well as lifts that stop in between floors with units accessible only by the stairs.
But she has met with understanding customers who do not mind walking to her location to pick up the food.
She recounted: “I said alamak... Luckily, I had a good customer (who came upstairs) to take the food.”
She has been treated with kindness too.
An elderly woman who was cooking bubur cha cha gave her some and another passer-by handed her S$60.
Shy initially at work
Roszana revealed that she was initially shy on the job as she felt she did not know the roads in Singapore well, as she did not go out often, and had trouble facing customers.
She was introduced to GrabFood by her best friend and school mate who also has cerebral palsy.
And there has been a few milestones.
The first time Roszana delivered food, she was egged on by her best friend who waited for her downstairs.
Subsequently, having broken the ice, Roszana was excited to get her GrabFood uniform -- an achievement unlocked after making 100 deliveries.
She now works Tuesdays to Sundays, five hours a day, delivering food mostly from Jurong Point shopping centre.
She typically makes between S$5 and S$7 per order, and is able to make five to seven deliveries a day before her electric wheelchair runs out of power.
A distance of 3km to 4km is considered far and she has to reject nine out of 10 orders because of accessibility issues.
A regular GrabFood rider can earn three times more in the same amount of time Roszana works.
Grab has since said it will make wheelchairs a legitimate choice to be selected in the app for riders who use one.
Grab also plans to not give deliveries beyond 3km to 4 km to wheelchair personnel, and exclude areas that are not wheelchair-friendly, so that this group will not have to waste time rejecting orders.
Better life in the future?
Roszana's father still feels worried about his daughter doing the GrabFood job despite her having the experience, and gaining self-confidence and contentment.
He wants her to have the kinds of benefits and stability that usually come with full-time employment
“If we have money from (withdrawing our) CPF savings, I’d like to open an eatery for her. Let her manage it,” he said.
But Roszana is in a better place than she previously was.
She has acquired many functional skills, despite only attending school when she was 15.
Mainstream schools she applied to back then did not accept her because of he condition.
She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at age two and had seizures.
But her seizures stopped when she was aged 12, and three years later, her father found a place for her in the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School in Pasir Ris.
They took care of her transportation too.
Before this, she picked up English by listening to her brothers speak and watching Channel 5 -- with Malay subtitles for assistance.
People with disabilities in Singapore
There are 176,000 people with disabilities aged 20 to 64, as of 2017, as reported by The Straits Times based on the authorities’ estimates of the prevalence of disability here.
An estimated 5 percent of people here with disabilities have jobs, which is one of the lowest rates among developed nations, ST also reported.
Top photos via CNA Insider |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | Hay pocas certezas respecto al futuro del trabajo o, más bien, al trabajo del futuro. Una de ellas, en la que casi hay unanimidad, es en que se necesitarán perfiles técnicos para fortalecer y ocupar los puestos vacantes en las aclamadas STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas).
Una investigación reciente, "Cómo incide el titulo técnico en la inserción laboral de los egresados", dio cuenta del fenómeno que ya hoy existe. "Pudo observarse que los egresados ETP se encuentran en una posición ventajosa con respecto al universo total de los egresados", dijo a Infobae Mariana Sosa, la autora del estudio, becaria doctoral del CONICET y especializada en el área.
En el cruce de datos con la Encuesta Anual de Hogares Urbanos, encontraron 14 puntos más de participación en el mercado laboral por parte de los egresados técnicos. Asimismo, reflejaron menor tasa de desocupación, mayor cobertura en puestos calificados, una leve ventaja en relación a la calidad de los empleos a los que acceden y 2 puntos más en trabajo formal.
"Las ventajas pueden estar asociadas a la formación, pero es importante destacar que los técnicos también sufren las barreras del mercado laboral como el resto de los jóvenes", señaló Sosa. Las mismas ventajas en inserción laboral se mantienen al separar la información por sexo. Más y mejor trabajo para los varones y mujeres que recibieron una educación técnica. Hacia adentro de cada grupo, al igual que en el mercado de trabajo general, los varones presentan mayor acceso.
Entre generación y generación, dentro de los egresados de colegios técnicos, también se advirtieron "rasgos de movilidad ocupacional ascendente en cuanto a la calificación y a la calidad del empleo". Casi el 70% de quienes integran un hogar cuyo padre trabaja en un puesto no calificado, hoy ocupan una posición que requiere mayor aptitud.
De acuerdo con Leandro Goroyesky, director ejecutivo del Instituto Nacional de Educación Tecnológica (INET), hay tres diferenciales que destacan al alumno técnico. "Por un lado, adquieren competencias reales y prácticas. Por otro, reciben una orientación específica en un campo puntual. Y, por último, están las prácticas profesionalizantes, que conectan al chico con el mundo real del trabajo", puntualizó a Infobae.
En 2005, la sanción de la Ley de Educación Técnico-Profesional (número 26.058) incorporó un año más a la currícula del secundario destinado a que los alumnos realicen prácticas profesionalizantes. Los chicos cumplen 200 horas laborales, ya sea en una empresa privada, estatal, ONG o mismo en un proyecto en el colegio que resuelva una problemática de la comunidad.
Los egresados de ETP también presentan ventajas con respecto a su orientación luego de finalizar la secundaria. Son los que más estudian y trabajan al mismo tiempo (34,4%) y solo el 5,5% pertenece al universo de los ni-ni, jóvenes que no están en la educación superior ni tienen un trabajo.
Sin embargo, no todo es color de rosas. Por más que el 81,9% ocupa puestos de mayor calificación que el resto de los egresados, una encuesta del año pasado del INET descubrió que el 55,8% trabaja en áreas que no guardan ninguna relación con la especialidad que estudió. "Estamos en un proceso de redefinición por la revolución tecnológica que hay. Las orientaciones tienen que estar acopladas a la demanda laboral", sostuvo Goroyesky, quien también manifestó la intención de extender la cantidad de escuelas técnicas en las ciudades de mayor densidad poblacional.
Asimismo, su tasa de graduación es del 40%; por debajo del promedio. En el menor índice interfieren distintos factores: su mayor extensión por las prácticas profesionalizantes, la doble escolaridad por los talleres a los que deben asistir los alumnos y la mayor dificultad que suele suponer por tener más horas de materias duras.
El caso del colegio de la UBA en Lugano
Hoy hay un total de 1.650 escuelas técnicas en el país -1.460 estatales y 190 privadas-. De ellas, la mayoría son industriales (998) seguido por agropecuarios (512) y servicios (140). Sus actividades se asocian primero a la construcción (1.902), después a la hotelería y gastronomía (1.751), a la informática (1.501), a la administración (1.493), entre otras.
En 2015, abrió sus puertas la Escuela Técnica de Villa Lugano, en la órbita de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, con el principal objetivo de incluir una población adolescente vulnerable. Entre sus dos carreras -tecnología de la información y la comunicación y mecatrónica- tienen hoy una matrícula de 223 estudiantes más otros 80 que comenzarán el año que viene.
"La modalidad técnica se eligió en primer término porque es un viejo anhelo de la UBA para promover estudios universitarios tecnológicos", explicó a Infobae Miguel Marzullo, rector de la escuela. "Aunque también es una decisión estratégica acordada con el ministerio de educación porque la modalidad técnica permite inserción ocupacional inmediata sin afectar la continuidad de estudios universitarios", agregó.
La escuela sigue los lineamientos de la Secundaria 2030 que se aprobó el 6 de diciembre en el Consejo Federal de Educación. Apuestan a un formato de proyectos interdisciplinares en las que distintas materias confluyen y se le exige al estudiante un mayor protagonismo. Se trabaja en "clases múltiples" con varios alumnos reunidos en mesas y la orientación de un profesor que circula entre ellos. "A partir de 2018 se va a explorar el trabajo dentro del aula con parejas pedagógicas, de modo que se pueda potenciar a los estudiantes con dificultades y a los aventajados", anunció Marzullo.
A diferencia del resto de los colegios UBA, la Técnica de Lugano no tiene examen de ingreso. Las solicitudes superan el límite de vacantes. Por ende, se resuelve la selección por medio de sorteo público. Para asegurar los estándares de calidad, establecen "parámetros progresivos con metas escalables intermedias". Implementan itinerarios pedagógicos personalizados, en los que intervienen profesores, equipo de orientación y familias, para generar ámbitos que permitan a los estudiantes alcanzar los objetivos.
Antes de ingresar, los alumnos hacen un curso introductorio que busca facilitar la transición a la secundaria. El régimen de promoción es más flexible que el tradicional. Se rige por la "trayectoria escolar personalizada" de cada estudiante. Las materias que no lograron aprobar se siguen cursando hasta lograr la aprobación, lo cual "permite que no haya repitencia, que el recorrido del estudiante no se detenga". Los alumnos, entonces, pueden cursar asignaturas de distintos años siempre siguiendo el esquema de correlatividades.
Se aprobó el proyecto "Secundaria 2030": las 5 claves de la reforma
La educación a distancia, siempre mirada de reojo: ¿ahora con mejores resultados?
Por primera vez, Argentina planteará la educación como prioridad en el G20 |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies
Here’s another easy 7-ingredient paleo recipe for you! These Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies are a classic dessert that’s better than the real thing. Fans tell me it’s their go-to cookie recipe, and I can’t argue with that because we love them too!
In addition to being a wonderful paleo cookie, these are a great low-carb dessert with only one-quarter cup of sweetener in the entire recipe! To truly make these a paleo treat, use sunbutter rather than peanut butter. Since peanuts are legume, they are not part of the paleo diet.
These Vegan Peanut Butter cookies are gluten-free, grain-free, and egg-free. I based them on the Peanut Butter Cookie recipe on 101 Cookbooks. I made a number of changes to that recipe. Of course I eliminated the wheat flour. Then I cut the amount of sweetener and switched up the oil. I haven’t ever met a recipe that I didn’t want to completely rewrite.
This is my go to recipe for PB cookies. I did swap in room temp butter instead of shortening, and added an egg to keep it together. Being type 2 diabetic, most cookies are not worth the trouble as you get MAYBE 2 cookies from all the sugar. I get about 12 cookies per recipe with my scoop and I did the math, they average 5 grams of carbs per cookie so I can have 3 or even 4 as a splurge. Thanks for sharing.
I made these with sun butter and they turned out great! I could only find the crunchy sun butter so I threw it in my blendec twister jar to make it creamy. The dough was very oily, but after the cookies baked they were perfect!!! Thanks for another great recipe.
I just made these and the same thing happened. All peanut butter is not created equal… mine did not have very much oil so I added a few tablespoons of coconut oil to the batter and that did the trick. I hope this helps.
Hi Mary, I am able to eat all nuts and am so thankful, because so many other foods are off limits for me since I’m on a strict grain-free diet! For more information on why I use almond flour read this:
My boyfriend has Crohn’s disease and can’t eat any sort of flour other than nut flours. Coconut flour and almond flour are a lot healthier than corn flour or all-purpose. They also don’t cause inflammation.
I’ve recently been on a peanut butter kick too after reintroducing it.
I made these cookies today and they were absolutely AMAZING.
Once cooled I topped with the tiniest smidge of crunchy peanut butter too and they were SO good.
I halved the recipe, however was wandering how is best to store these for a couple of days – should I refrigerate?
These were fabulous! I followed the recipe and used local raw honey as I dont like other imitation sugars and they were so great. Halved the recipe and it made 6 perfect cookies, slightly more then 1 tbsp a piece. I cooked them for the full 12 min. Thank you elana for being in the world! :)
Hi Kitty, thanks for your comment! I’m sorry to hear the cookies did not turn out correctly for you. The consistency can be different depending on the brands used when baking. Best results come from using the brands that are shown when clicking on the green text in the ingredient portion of the recipe. This is especially true when it comes to brands of almond flour! Hopefully you enjoy the cookies in the future! For more information on almond flour and how it affects the results of my recipes, please see this post:
I used coconut oil too and mine fell apart. (I was dumb and softened it first to help with measuring with honey, so maybe that was the problem.) I used regular table salt and would definitely only put in half next time. (My peanut butter probably had salt in it too. I’ll have to check.) I did like the dough better, so I froze some to eat instead of baking.
Hello – I am wondering why the use of Palm oil shortening – given that deforestation of the Palm is really really awful. Why not coconut oil or something else instead? Any help with a substitution for someone who doesn’t want to use palm for ethical reasons?
Thanks for your comment Dt! I use sustainably harvested palm oil. I haven’t tried making these cookies with something in place of this ingredient so not sure how that would go. Here’s a link to one of my cookie recipes that I think you’ll love!
I haven’t used your recipe yet, but from experience sunflower seed butter (though delicious in traditional peanut butter cookie recipes) will turn your cookies bright green. It is the combination of the sunflower seeds with the baking powder.
3) Time: needed to bake a good 15+ minutes to smell “done” and didn’t really brown too much
Review: The sweetness was perfect. The cookie texture was perfect, a little darker/wetter in the center but baked on the outside. I did not like the flavor of coconut in this cookie. It distracted me from the pleasure of peanut butter. Maybe ghee next time.
So Elana, as usual, had it right in the first place with shortening instead of coconut oil.
On a side note, I actually baked paleo peanut butter cookies from another blog immediately prior to making these. The other blog’s cookie are indeed “The Worst Cookies Ever”. Maybe I could salvage them by breaking them up and pouring coconut milk over them, Dog biscuits.
The other blog’s recipe used 1/2 cup coconut flour, but not enough wet ingredients, only 1 egg. It’s as if that blogger never made one of Elana’s coconut flour recipes with plenty of egg and experienced that “expansiveness” of a good coconut flour recipe.
Moral of the story:
a) 3 Cheers for you, fellow bakers, for sharing your experiences here. Your comments say so much to confirm if readers should invest time/ingredients in that recipe, or keep seeking.
Brandon and Elana…can you specify what you mean by ‘not feeling great’ with a lot of peanut butter? I’m wondering whether any if my symptons correlate…I’ve kinda noticed it but didn’t want to acknowledge it because I LOVE peanut butter…any advice/clarity would be much appreciated!
I am not Elana but I know what you are experiencing. You probably get a stomach ache because peanuts can get moldy and sometimes a moldy peanut can get mixed in with the regular peanuts which can cause you to experience a stomach ache.
I don’t know what she is referring to…..but Peanuts are actually legumes, not nuts, which are grown underground as part of a root system.
It is primarily due to the peanuts’ direct contact with the soil that they have become harmful, and even dangerous, to your health.
Peanuts have a soft and porous skin and they grown in the ground. When the environment surrounding the peanut becomes warm, humid and wet — as it does in most regions of the U.S. where peanuts are commonly grown — a fungal growth/mold occurs.
The fungus itself is not dangerous, but the poison it releases, known as “aflatoxin,” is. This cancer-causing toxin damages the liver, is one of the more deadly food-borne toxins in existence, it feeds candida and more
Choose ORGANIC varieties grown in a dry regions where aflatoxin have not been reported as a problem, such as New Mexico.
Just made these for the dozenth time. We’re not a GF or SF family yet everyone LOVES these cookies anyway.
I used chunky peanut butter. This time. It worked really well. Watch your salt, though, I probably could’ve cut the recipe amount in half… or next time pick up a low sodium pb.
I just took my first batch out of the oven. I used brown rice syrup and xylitol as the sweeters. I added a homemade chocolate chip on top of each cookie.They tuned out great! I just got a thumbs up from my taste tester.
Just made these and they were yummy! I used butter instead of shortening, and I flattened them with a fork for the classic PB cookie look. I used a small disher to portion them out and cooked them for 7 mins. Perfect!
Made these tonight and they are delicious! I used Earth Balance instead of shortening and they turned out great. The first batch was a little overdone on the bottom at 9 min, the second batch were perfect at 7.5 min. I was able to use a fork to flatten them before baking.
made these last night with trader joe’s almond meal, butter & maple syrup. they were fantastic! definitely had to wait for them to cool all the way or they’d fall apart. once cooled, they were perfect!
Just made these today and they turned out delicious!
It was my first attempt at baking with the honeyville almond flour.
Substituted maple syrup for the agave and used butter in place of the shortening.
Very easy to make and a great healthy snack!
Thanks for the recipe!
I’m going grain free and dairy free for a little while, and these were a great treat tonight. I didn’t pat them down and they cooked into rounded shapes like those Enjoy Life cookies at the store. These were delicious. I loved the texture and flavor. They weren’t overly sweet either. Yum! They made my outlook on a grain free, dairy free bit of time not so gloomy.
These are fabulous. I made a few substitutions. Replaced the agave syrup with 1/4 cup maple syrup and about 3 tbl of organic coconut palm sugar. Also replaced the palm shortening (didn’t have any) with 1 tbl of coconut oil. Used Trader Joe’s chunky unsalted organic peanut butter. I’m not a vegan, so I think I’ll try swapping the oil out for an egg. I eat grain/sugar/gluten free and am so happy to have this recipe. Will definately make again….and again.
This is a fabulous recipe. Calories per cookie-118, fat-7.3 grams, protein-3 grams. I made half a batch and yielded 7 perfect cookies. I will add stevia next time in addition to the agave to make it sweeter.
If you yield a different number of cookies and would like to calculate these nutritional values, here are are the values for the entire full recipe: calories-1650, fat-110, protein-42. Just divide by the number of cookies in your batch for per-serving values.
I run the numbers because I am into fitness. I need to know what’s going in me so I know what I need to burn. During my weight-loss years I would never have tried to work almond flour recipies into my regime, due to (baseless) fear of the fat almonds deliver. Now I run the numbers and welcome almond flour-based foods. So long as my total calorie count for the day is around or less than what I burn. So go ahead, have a cookie ;-)
I made these cookies last night, substituting sun butter for the peanut butter. They were amazing! I’m using the past tense because the cookies are GONE already! My significant other loved them as did two of my co-workers. I love them and will make another batch tonight as I have guests visiting this weekend.
What can I use instead of the almond flour? I have the following on hand. Tapioca flour, flaxseed, potato flour, brown rice flour, super fine brown rice flour, and sweet sorgum flour.
I am new at GF baking and these are the only flours I have been able to buy in my area, and had to travel 50+ miles to get them.
Hi Heather and Moe! Thanks for your comments. I’ve been grain-free since 2001, and I haven’t baked with typical GF flours in over 15 years so I’m probably not the best person to give you advice on how to make these using ingredients such as rice flour. If you do experiment I hope you’ll leave a comment to let us know how it turns out!
I looove peanut butter and have my own collection of pb recipes on my healthy vegan blog. I used to love making flourless peanut butter cookies but stopped making them due to the unhealthy and unvegan ingredients. But with your recipe, I want to try again!
Yummm, I am a huge fan of peanut butter. I eat it more than the average normal person should .. And these cookies look amazing. I like the denseness that almond flour gives to baked goods, so I can only imagine how good these are.
These are delicious! I subbed coconut oil but mine didn’t turn out properly…they’re like earthquake cookies…turned into fractured pieces and a pile of crumbs. Tasty, but this didn’t work for me. I’m in Houston, so could it be an altitude difference??
Mine did these too when I over baked them. They really only need the 6 or so minutes and then will cool to perfection. (Though I did really enjoy just pouring a bit of Almond Milk over the crumbs and eating them with a spoon–almost like a dessert cereal.)
I cant eat peanut butter at all. So I decided to give it a whirl with the sunbutter as a substitute. I also added some unsweetened carob chips and they were TERRIF!!!! Cookies dont normally hang around my house for long, but these cookies stay was much shorter than normal!
I used your recipe w/ a few modifications. I used almond butter instead of peanut butter and xylitol as a sweetener. But since your sweetener is liquid, I added a splash of unsweetened almond milk to the batter, until it got the consistency of cookie dough. Looooooved the result. Yay for a low carb, sugar free cookie. Thank you so much for your recipes! I loooooove your blog!
I made these subbing sunflower seed butter for the peanut and grapeseed oil for the shortning (just ‘cuz the shortning is so darn expensive and the grapeseen oil was on sale at my local co-op), and they just turned out lovely. I didn’t quite trust the short cooking time on the first batch and overcooked them a bit, but the second batch…oh boy! Thank you Elana–these were lovely!
Has anyone tried this with almond butter? I’m still off peanuts, but good to know that that can change. Just tried chocolate banana cake from he Gluten-free Almond Flour cookbook. It was very satisfying on so many levels–tasted great and actually felt like I was doing something good for my body.
Made a batch of these this afternoon with a little twist. Used almond butter rather and peanut butter, substituted coconut oil for the shortening and topped each one with one chocolate chip! They are no long Vegan because we use Dagoba which contains milk. They are a really good quick snack. Not too sweet with a bit of chocolate surprise. Very nice! Thanks Elana for the inspiration.
That’s funny because I was just thinking since I didn’t have enough peanut butter if I could use almond butter. I just made half the batch with the peanut butter I had. I may try the almond butter next time. Thanks for sharing the twist. I’m not good at twisting and experimenting in the kitchen. :)
Thank you Elana. I’m a in-bed-by-nine-pm kind of girl, but when I saw your post I had to make these. I did substitute Crunchy Sunbutter for the peanut butter and used coconut oil for the Spectrum and they were wonderful. Your recipes are so yummy!
These sound wonderful! I will, however, be subbing with Sunbutter since my son is allergic to peanuts. And I haven’t been able to find the Spectrum shortening lately, so I think I’ll try Earth Balance.
Is your son allergic to tree nuts as well? I am allergic to peanuts and I am going to try this recipe with Barney Butter- my new peanut butter substitute of choice. It is sweet and creamy, and the closest thing to “Jif” creamy peanut butter as I can remember. It is a gluten free and peanut free facility.
Just put them in the oven! I love that I can read one of Elanas recipes, jump up, have all the ingredient and just make something new! BTW, I didn’t have any shortening so I used vegan butter. Pretty sure they will be delish!
However I am wondering if the vanilla is vegan. It is organic alcohol but they don’t mention whether or not the alcohol is filtered with fish bladders (like many grain or fruit based alcohols are). I’ve contacted them for clarification but since it’s the weekend…
Maybe you’ve already got the heads up on how they filter their alcohol for the vanilla?
Oh my goodness. Instead of fretting about the vanilla in the recipe being filtered through fish bladders (geez almighty) Just buy yourself some organic vanilla, or pick up some organic vanilla beans, a jar, some good brandy, or vodka, or everclear, and make your own organic vanilla extract.
With all due respect (which you clearly aren’t affording me), I wasn’t fretting about it being organic.
Simple lesson: Organic does not equal vegan.
I myself am not vegan but I have friends who are. They will not eat anything that contains an ingredient that isn’t vegan. If the alcohol used in the vanilla isn’t vegan (fish bladders) then then vanilla isn’t either. If the vanilla isn’t then the cookies aren’t. It is wrong to label cookies as being vegan if they contain an ingredient that isn’t.
And yes, I do actually make my own vanilla. The alcohol I use isn’t vegan so my vanilla isn’t either. I’d hoped the link to the vanilla she used would not only be gluten free but vegan certified as well since I was hoping to find a vegan vanilla for friends.
I fail to see how my comment seeking clarification should merit such a derogatory and dismissive remark.
I know the difference between organic and vegan thank you. No lesson needed.
You are making a mountain out of a mole hill here. This was a simple cookie recipe post, courtesy of Elana, that readers could choose to make or not choose to make.
Your question about the vanilla used in the recipe was unnecessary. If a person reading this recipe happens to be a vegan, they will use the vanilla they always use for baked goods, or a vanilla bean or their own homemade vanilla.
Why you felt the need to overemphasize isinglass used in some filtering, (that incidently is becoming rarer and rarer) is beyond me, and probably a good many others.
Good lord, check out the dozens & dozens of vegan cookbooks, or website that offer vegan recipes that call for vanilla. You’d be hard pressed to find one that says, be sure you use vegan vanilla. You won’t find it as 99% of vegans know what vanilla to use.
I too have quite a few vegan friends. and believe it or not, they know what baking supplies are vegan or not vegan, without me having to tell them. They also know where to buy thier vegan baking supplies, how to make their own vanilla, and, what beer, wine, or spirits, are vegan or not vegan also. Isn’t that amazing?
As for your homemade vanilla being non vegan when you have vegan friends. How odd..
I’ll admit my first response was not my best, I was a tad shell shocked by the extent of your response to a simple question. And as to pointing out that vegan does not equal organic, well the amount of time spent informing me how to just go get organic vanilla when that wasn’t the point of my question at all suggested that it might not be a fact you were fully aware of.
At this stage I’m firmly of the belief that you are the one turning this into a contentious issue. All I asked was if Mrs Elana knew how the vanilla alcohol was filtered. I’ve been looking for a commercial source of vegan vanilla, it was an innocent question.
Your response, when it wasn’t a question aimed at you, was dismissive and had no point other than to ridicule. How is that helpful?
Furthermore your comment that I have vegan friends but I’m not in possession of vegan vanilla (and that is ‘odd..’) is insinuating at best and at worst insulting. Your experience with your vegan friends does not equal how it is for everyone else, nor does everyone else have the same amount of experience as you in different topics of diet. Please be considerate.
So if you don’t have anything further that is helpful on this subject I will consider it closed with you.
I apologize if I found this back-and-forth entertaining. I just wanted to add that I made these without vanilla (as I was out) and they were delightfull–you would never have noticed. I think if you were unable to find an appropriate vanilla you could just leave it out or sub Orange Flower water or Rose water as the flavor profiles matched.
Love your recipes Elana! I always look forward to them arriving in my in box;)
One question for you in relation to almond flour I was hoping you could answer- are you an advocate of soaking nuts to remove the phytic acid, among other things? Have you ever tried soaking pre ground almonds for your recipes, and if so what kind if results did you find?
Have any of your readers tried soaking almond flour for the health benefits them dehyrating to make it easier to use in recipes?
I soak my almonds before I make almond milk. Then I sometimes dehydrated the pulp and grind it in my grain mill or blender for almond flour and it works great. I also use the pulp damp in pancakes and in Elana’s recipes she has for crackers using the damp pulp. I still haven’t perfected using the damp pulp in bread recipes. The damp pulp also freezes well.
We like soaking our almonds. We use 1 Tbsp. salt to 4 cups water, then let the almonds soak 12 hours. We drain them and spread them a layer thick on cookie sheets and place them in the oven. We bake them all day at a very low temperature, till they are dry and snap easily. They taste SO good- way better then the roasted nuts at the store.
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All content on is licensed and the original creation and property of elana's pantry (unless otherwise noted). You may use recipes from as long as their usage adheres to the following license criteria: (i) the recipe is to be credited to; such credit is to be linked back to the original recipe at (ii) you may not use any recipes for commercial purposes. Photos on may not be used. |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | Microsoftは、LTEを搭載しつつ、瞬時の起動や、長時間のバッテリー駆動も実現するWindows 10デバイスのことを「Always Connected PC(常時接続PC)」と呼び、今後の普及を狙っている。
同社がAlways Connected PCの構想を発表し、それを具現化する「Windows on Snapdragon」のプレビューをQualcommとともに行ったのは、今からちょうど1年前に開催されたCOMPUTEX TAIPEI 2017でのことだ。
そして、Snapdragon 835プロセッサを搭載した最初の対応デバイスが発表されたのは、さらに半年後。2017年12月に米ハワイ州マウイ島で開催されたQualcommのイベントにて、Windows on Snapdragonの正式ローンチを行い、ASUSとHPが対応デバイスを発表したのだった。
2017年12月に米ハワイ州マウイ島のQualcommのイベントで発表された「Windows on Snapdragon」デバイス
初のWindows on SnapdragonデバイスとなったHPの「HP Envy x2」は、2018年3月上旬になって出荷が始まり、現時点ではASUSの「NovaGo」、Lenovoの「Miix 630」も含めて、3機種のWindows on Snapdragonデバイスが存在する。しかし、欧米や中国以外での発売予定は明らかにされておらず、日本への提供計画などもいまだ不明とあって、既に多くの人々の意識からは消えかかっているようにも思える。
初めて市場投入されたWindows on Snapdragonデバイス、HPの「HP Envy x2」
こうした中、Windows on Snapdragonについては次の製品のウワサも聞こえてきた。
現在提供されているWindows 10の最新バージョン「April 2018 Update(1803)」において、Arm系プロセッサでサポート対象となっているのはSnapdragon 835のみだ。これはMicrosoftが公開している「Windows 10対応プロセッサの一覧」で確認できる。
しかしドイツ語ブログサイトのWinFutureによれば、謎のQualcommプロセッサを搭載したLenovoの「Europa」という開発コード名の未発表デバイスが、ベンチマークテストアプリ「Geekbench」のスコアに現れたという。同デバイスはプロセッサコアの動作クロックが3GHz近くと高いことに加えて、スコア全体がSnapdragon 835搭載の現行モデルと比較して25〜50%ほど上昇している。
本来であれば、この手のスコアは発売直前まで公開されないことがほとんどだ。実際、筆者が前述したQualcommのイベントでSnapdragon 845のベンチマークテストを行った際には、スコアが外部に漏れないようアクセスが遮断されたネットワーク内でのテストとなった。
にもかかわらず、今回こうしたスコアがGeekbenchで見られるようになっている理由は不明だ。少なくともSnapdragon 835搭載ではない、何らかの後継プロセッサを搭載したテスト用PCが稼働している可能性が考えられる。WinFutureでは、後にこれがSnapdragon 845ではなく、その派生モデルの「Snapdragon 850」と推察している。
なお、今回の未発表デバイスが「Windows 10が対象とするプロセッサ外の環境で動作している」点を補足すると、これはQualcommが関連ドライバなどの必要なソフトウェアを用意できていれば問題ないと考える。
例えば、最近になりMicrosoftのWindows 10 Mobile搭載スマートフォン「Lumia 950 XL」上で「Windows 10 on Arm」を動作させるというハックが登場した。この場合のベースプロセッサは「Snapdragon 820」となるため、本来は動作要件を満たしていないが、必要な最低限の環境がそろっていれば問題ないということだろう。
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"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | My problem: docky won't load until AFTER fusion is loaded and initialized.
Here is how I load things upon gnome login:
Using System->Preferences->Personal->Sessions: I have it start ~/bin/ I did this because there were a few programs that I wanted to load AFTER fusion, and there was no way I could find to set the loading order using the "Sessions" application.
So, I start fusion (by launching "fusion icon"), wait an arbitrary amount of time, and then load the two things that I want to load only after fusion is loaded and ready to rock-and-roll. This works 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time gnome-do loads before fusion is ready and I have to toggle the docky skin off and then back on to get docky working. If I increase the sleep time, it works 100% of the time -- but that bugs me because most of the time it is ready in 8-12 seconds.
I all seems too hackalicious to me to control this with "sleep". I've spent a reasonable amount of time with Google looking for a way to test if a composite window manager is running, and I can't find it. Can someone either point me towards an existing program I can use to test if fusion is running (and ready) -- or point me in the direction of an API I can use to write a (hopefully 10-line) "are there composite extensions ready to use?" program?
It looks like I solved it for myself. Funny how that happens -- I'll spend a bunch of time on my own trying to solve something before posting a question here, and then I often end up solving the problem for myself within a few hours of my fedoraforum post.
I switched fusion off, recorded the output of xvinfo glxinfo and xprop. I then set it back on, and ran the same 3 commands. I compared the output of each -- and voila!! I noticed a difference in the xprop outputs that looked promising. The following line was there when fusion was running, and missing when fusion wasn't running:
... and it seems to work. I've not tried this on a cold boot (when fusion startup takes the longest), but the test code (dumping the output of `date` to a file in /tmp) shows me it takes 2-3 seconds before proceeding, and docky has worked each time after I tried this.
The good news: That nailed it -- the problem is solved for me. On a cold boot (while it was loading gnome for the first time -- and a bajillion other things for sure) it waited 31 seconds between launching fusion-icon and moving on with the dependencies.
The bad news: I have no idea WHY my environment has that difference in the xprop output. I assume that this is related to the "video playback" check-box in ccsm (CompizConfigSettingsManager), but as everything is working for me at this point I am going to pay attention to my family who is here for Easter dinner instead of tinkering. If you don't have "COMPIZ_VIDEO" in your xprop output, I don't know how to tell you to get it there. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | en - The Arctic
While the inhabitants of the Arctic have done nothing to contribute to the global ecological crisis, they are first in line to suffer the consequences. Greenland is the canary in the coal mine of immense environmental change in the world.
The most obvious crisis is the rapid melting of the ice cap which portends the demise of numerous Arctic species and has made it too dangerous for the local Inuit to pursue traditional hunting for clothing and food. In addition, global winds and sea currents have brought massive amounts of toxic pollution from other countries, causing disease and birth anomalies in both humans and animals who inhabit the area.
This film follows the coming together of top experts on the Arctic, politicians, environmental scientists and religious leaders from Christian, Muslim, Hebrew, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and Sikh traditions—along with Saami and Inuit leaders—as they draw attention to the environmental changes in Greenland that are already affecting the rest of the planet. At the same time they talk about what can be done to turn things around.
NBTo see the videos it may be necessary to enter Vice President Al Gore welcomes the “Green patriarch” to Washington DC the click on the column on the right for `Amazon, the end of infinity’ and`The Arctic, consequences of human folly’ |
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | During the manufacture of integrated circuits from silicon wafers, the wafers are treated and processed in multiple co-ordinated steps. These steps are performed in sequence at different locations in a fabrication facility that includes a variety of different wafer processing equipment. One known processing step is the heating of a partially fabricated integrated circuit in the presence of a controlled environment to process a wafer. Another such process is the positioning of a wafer within an ion beam for beam treatment of the wafer to selectively dope regions of the wafer. Apparatus for curing silicon wafers and stripping away photoresist are also other known automation tools used in fabricating integrated circuits. These processes are performed without human contact with the wafers. Mechanical devices lift, rotate, transport and gently place the wafers during these multiple co-ordinated processing procedures.
Proper set up of silicon wafer handling devices is important to minimize introduction of contaminants and avoiding damage to wafers due to inadvertent dropping, sliding or scraping of the wafers. Such set up can be difficult to perform when the wafer is located in a vacuum. Visibility and access to obtain physical measurements are limited. As a result, set up may be performed using nothing more sophisticated than a trained eye to look for slight movement, gaps and the like. Such set up is very subjective and inconsistent since there is no clear acceptable range or means to measure this range if it could be defined.
Set up of devices can be affect by exposure to vacuum, making bench set up of fixtures less useful. If the set up is performed without exposure of the treatment chamber to vacuum, then the application of a vacuum after setup can cause the equipment to become misaligned. The vacuum chamber walls move as vacuum is being applied. This can result in a previously aligned fixture becoming out of align as the walls of the chamber move. Bench fixtures that do exist are generic and do not compensate for any part specific tolerances or manufacturing variances. Periodic inspection of the wafer handling devices also needs to occur. A means to verify alignment without requiring venting of the tool (for installation/removal of a test fixture) is a desirable goal to minimize down time and ill effects causes by venting to atmosphere of the workpiece treatment chamber. |
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | 831 F.2d 1069
NO. 86-8721
United States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit.
OCT 08, 1987
Appeal From: N.D.Ga.
Fed.R.App.P. 34(a); 11th Cir.R. 23
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | Marty Schladen
El Paso Times
AUSTIN — Residents and workers at State Supported Living Centers in El Paso, San Angelo and Brenham, Texas, are using bottled water after tests detected unacceptable levels of lead in their water.
Also, plumbing and fixtures that might be responsible for the contamination are being replaced, said a spokeswoman for the Department of Aging and Disability Services, which administers the homes for the disabled.
However, the agency hasn’t decided whether to test disabled residents and their caretakers to see whether they have high levels of lead in their bodies. An advocate is asking why.
“I’m kind of stunned,” Dennis Borel, executive director of the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, said Wednesday. “It seems to be like it should be a slam dunk.”
The elevated lead levels were detected after the department began testing in January.
Test results the department sent to the El Paso Times this week show that in one case, lead was measured at 104 parts per billion at the El Paso center, or almost seven times the limit recommended by the federal government. At the San Angelo center, one test detected lead at 118 parts per billion, or almost eight times the recommended limit.
A sample taken at the Brenham Center had 266 parts per billion, or 18 times the recommended limit, the Dallas Morning News reported. Brenham is west of Houston.
Elevated lead can cause developmental problems in the central nervous systems of children. In adults, lead has been linked to heart and kidney disease and reduced fertility.
Despite the high readings for lead in water coming out of faucets, the Department of Aging and Disability Services has not yet decided whether to test people in the facilities.
“We are working closely with the Department of State Health Services to determine whether it is necessary to test residents and/or staff at the three centers where elevated levels were found,” spokeswoman Cecilia Cavuto said in an email. “If so, we will conduct testing at that time. There have been no instances of residents or staff experiencing any signs or symptoms of exposure to elevated levels of lead or copper.”
Borel said there shouldn’t be much to decide.
“It’s not unusual for these individuals to be there for 10, 15 or 25 years,” he said of the facilities’ residents. “I see no downside to testing them.”
The El Paso State Supported Living Center on Delta Drive opened in 1974 and is home to more than 100 people with various disabilities.
Public awareness of the hazards posed by elevated lead levels has been raised since Flint, Mich., began drawing water from an alternative source in 2014 as a cost-saving measure ordered by the state government. Residents and officials there still are dealing with the fallout from the crisis.
Cavuto said that after the first round of results, her agency decided to test more comprehensively than it originally planned.
“In 2015 we proactively developed and implemented a policy in which the water at all of our facilities would be tested quarterly for lead and copper,” she said. “The first round of testing began in January 2016. As a result of this initial round of tests, we are now conducting campus-wide tests at all of the centers, rather than on the previous quarterly schedule.”
Marty Schladen can be reached at 512-479-6606; [email protected]; @martyschladen on Twitter. |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
QM and Renormalization (layman)
I was reading Michio Kaku's Beyond Einstein. In it, I think, he explains that when physicsts treat a particle as a geometric point they end up with infinity when calculating the strength of the particle's field as you approach the particle.
First, did I get that part right?
Second, how does (in very simple terms) renormalization try to fix this in Quantum Mechanics? If you can include some type of word picture that would be great. Accepted answer will go to the clearest explanation.
I got a little further in the book (lol) and Kaku talks about using symmetry to remove the divergences in the math. I'd appreciate an answer that incorporates this also. Thanks guys!
The best way to explain renormalization is to consider what at first looks like a complete detour: Mandelbrot's fractal geometry. Developed in the 1960s and 1970s, Mandelbrot's geometry is the key idea behind major advances in statistical physics in the early 1970s, pioneered by Leo Kadanoff (mostly independently), but also associated with Alexander Polyakov, Michael Fisher, Kenneth Wilson, and many others in the 1970s and 1980s, building on classical work of Fenyman and Onsager, and these ideas give renormalization theory its modern form.
The basic idea can be summarized in one sentence: renormalization is the analysis of mathematical objects whose fractal dimensions at small distances are either different from what you expect because of nonlinear interactions, or incipiently different from what you expect, so that the naive scaling is modified by logarithms.
It really belongs to pure mathematics, but it was developed almost entirely within physics, with Mandelbrot being the exception.
Power laws
if a quantity x depends on a quantity y in such a way that a rescaling of y can be compensated by a rescaling of x, then x and y are related by a power-law.
$$x = C y^\alpha$$
Where C, $\alpha$ are constants. Power laws are important because they are scale free, meaning that once you choose a scale for y, the scale for x is determined by setting the coefficient of the power-law to 1, but there is no absolute scale, no absolute units for y. This is best illustrated with examples.
Suppose you have pendulum of length L, and a mass swinging on the end. The period of the pendulum is
$$ T = 2\pi \sqrt{L\over g} $$
The form of this relation gives you no information about any atomic length scales. Whatever units you choose for L, you can find appropriate units for T by rescaling to make the coefficient of the relation be order 1.
On the other hand, suppose you look at the approximate density of the atmosphere as you go up in height y:
$$ \rho(y) = C e^{- Ay}$$
The dependence is exponential, so it determines a length scale, 1/A. This length scale is related by a power law to the other parameters, like the density and acceleration of gravity, so it isn't an atomic length scale, but an emergent one.
The difference between power-laws and other relations can be understood from dimensional analysis. The coefficient of a power law mixes up units of x and units of y, so it allows a simultaneous rescaling of both by compensating amounts. The coefficients in an arbitrary relation pick out a scale for variation, so they are not scale-invariant.
Scaling limits
When y has a tiny discreteness scale, like the length of a wire counted in number of atoms, you expect that at large numbers, the behavior of the p will be independent of the underlying discreteness. So that measuring the dependence of the period of the pendulum on the length will be useless in revealing how big atoms are.
In order for this to be true, the information in y has to reach a scaling limit, the dependence of x on y has to be independent of the grain-scale at short distances which defines the continuum.
Here are some trivial examples: let $\epsilon$ be the atomic size, and the parameter y is an integer multiple of the atomic scale:
$$ y = n \epsilon $$
If x is a function of y which obeys the law
$$ x(y+\epsilon) = x(y) + \epsilon y $$
Then for small $\epsilon$, you get that $x(y) = {y^2\over 2} $, and this is standard calculus. If x obeys the law
$$ x(y+\epsilon) = x(y) + \epsilon x(y) $$
Then for small $\epsilon$, you find $x(y) = Ce^y$. In both cases, the change in $x$ in each $\epsilon$ step is determined by the change in y, and the stepsize becomes irrelevant in this scaling.
But suppose you are perverse and you decide to scale the x-steps differently
$$x(y+\epsilon) = x(y) + \epsilon^2 x(y) $$
Then as $\epsilon\rightarrow 0$, you get a constant x! The quantity x stops changing as the discreteness parameter goes to zero. You need just the right power on the $\epsilon$ to get a nontrivial relation between x and y. If you chose the wrong power the other way
$$x(y+\epsilon) = x(y) + \epsilon^{.5} x(y) $$
Then x would blow up at any finite value of y as $\epsilon\rightarrow 0$. Only one exponent, namely the trivial exponent 1, gives the correct continuum limit.
These are the classical calculus examples of microscopic scaling. The first nontrivial example is when x(y) is the sum of a random quantity, $\eta(y)$, which is a random number between -1 and 1, at each discrete position. Then you want to take the limit of $\epsilon\rightarrow 0$ of the sum of random numbers, to get a continuous version of a random walk. You try to do the calculus thing:
$$ x(y+\epsilon) = x(y) + \epsilon \eta(y) $$
But this choice converges to a constant x in the limit of small epsilon. The reason is that the sum of N random things only grows as $\sqrt{N}$, while the $\epsilon$ term suppresses it by 1/N. So to fix this, you need a different power law on $\epsilon$
$$ x(y+ \epsilon) = x(y) + \epsilon^{1/2} \eta(y) $$
This defines the stochastic calculus limit. There is a whole field of mathematics, Ito calculus, which only studies this scaling law for the continuum limit. It is important in fields like finance, where random walks appear everywhere, since any commodity price in an efficient market with bounded fluctuations must be a random walk.
So when you have a discrete system, like a computer simulation taking discrete steps in time, you can find a converging continuous limit of small steps, but only if you choose the appropriate scaling law for the quantities which are changing. The scaling law for fluctuating quantities is different from the scaling law for smoothly varying quantities.
For smooth quantities, $\delta x$ scales linearly in $\delta y$, or $\epsilon$, and this is the only case studied in ordinary calculus. Stochastic Ito calculus makes $\delta x$ scale as the square-root of $\delta y$, or as $\sqrt{\epsilon}$. Mandelbrot's advisor was Paul Levy, who had developed the theory of Levy flights, or random walks with power-law distributed steps, so that there is some probability of big steps which doesn't vanish when you take a scaling limit. In Levy flights, the continuum limit is obtained by scaling $\delta x$ as $\epsilon^\alpha$ where $\alpha$ is a continuous adjustable parameter.
This means that Mandelbrot had an important new perspective--- he understood that in natural phenomenon, where the continuum always emerges at long distances as an approximation to something small and grainy, the scaling laws did not have to be confined to integer powers, or even rational powers. You could have arbitrary scaling laws which define different continuum limits. This behavior would define the regularities in fluctuations you see in nature, like the rough shape of coastlines, or the jagged shapes of mountains.
These ideas are developed by Mandelbrot in "The Fractal Geometry of Nature", in a way accessible to anyone, because it does not presume any deep prior knowledge of mathematics.
Fractal geometric scaling
Consider a fractal shape, take the Koch curve for definiteness. If you calculate the length of the curve, you need to specify the length of the ruler with respect to which you calculate the length. As the ruler becomes small, the total length of the curve goes to infinity as a power, $1/l^d$ where d is the fractal dimension of the curve.
The meaning of this is not obscure--- the shape is irregular at small distances, so that the notion of length is inapplicable, and the ordinary scaling laws of length for differentiable curves, that the number of copies of a ruler of length l which fit on the curve diverges as $L/l$ is violated, and the violation of the law is in the exponent.
When you have microscopically fractal shapes, the scaling laws you would intuitively expect from the example of differentiable shapes change, and quantities which were originally finite, like the length, become infinite. Further, the process of defining the fractal shape is most conveniently expressed using what is called in physics a regulator--- using a fictitious finite length l which is the length of the ruler to measure the shape, and looking at quantities which are stable in the limit $l\rightarrow 0$.
So the length of the Koch curve doesn't make sense, it is infinite, but the coefficient of the blow-up of the power-law relating the length to l is finite, and is the Hausdorff measure of the Koch curve, the analogous notion to length for a fractal curve.
Fractal Fluctuations in Phase transitions
Consider a statistical fluctuating quantity, like the density of fluid in thermal equilibrium. For ordinary temperatures, there are fluctuations at the atomic scale, and these fluctuations average out at the macroscopic scale, so that the fluid looks uniform.
But when you tune the pressure and temperature to the liquid/gas critical point, the fluctuations become correlated, so that big macroscopic chunks of the gas-liquid hybrid are at higher density at certain regions, while they are at low density at other regions. This is obvious experimentally because a clear fluid at the critical point becomes milky white, because the density fluctuations on the scale of the wavelength of light are now significant.
To describe this system, you need the average density over many atomic sized volumes as a function of position. Define the long-distance density function $\phi(x)$ to be the average density of the fluid at every point over a box of length $l$. You can make a lattice of size l, and there is a statistical law which tells you how likely the density is to be at a given value, considering the density at neighboring positions. The statistical law takes the form of a probability distribution for the density at a site x, given the density on the neighboring sites y.
The law of the density can be expressed mathematically as follows:
$$ -\log(\rho(x)) = \sum_{<y,x>} (\phi(x)-\phi(y))^2 + V(\phi) $$
This has a simple meaning--- the density at a point has a mean value which is determined by the value of the neighbors, with an overall pull to some preferred value described by $V(\phi)$. The form of $V$ can be taken to be a polynomial (this is explained later)
$$ V(\phi) = a \phi^2 + b\phi^4 $$
where the parameter b must be positive. By tuning the parameter a, you can reach a point where the fluctuations appear at all length scales, and at this point, the lattice can be made arbitrarily small, and you find a continuum limit if you scale $\phi$ appropriately.
The limit $\epsilon\rightarrow 0$, $\phi\rightarrow \epsilon^{\alpha} \phi $ can be taken so that the fluctuations become independent of the lattice. The parameter $\alpha$ is the fractal dimension of $\phi$. For $V=0$, the fractal dimension of the field depends only on the dimension, and has one value. But for the actual form of V, the fractal dimension is altered from the naive value.
Quantum Field theory is the same thing
Quantum fields are defined by a Feynman path integral over field values. They can also be understood to describe the fluctuations of particles, but the field picture is best here.
The Feynman path integral says that one has to consider all possible quantum field fluctuations between the initial time and the final time to describe the quantum probability amplitude go from one time to another. This is the fundamental formulation of quantum mechanics in the Feynman Lagrangian approach.
But there is a simple mathematical relation between Feynman quantum mechanical path integrals (at least for Bosonic fields) and statistical distributions. The two are related by a formal method called Wick rotation, or imaginary time formulation.
The Wick rotation of ordinary quantum mechanics is Ito calculus of Brownian paths. The Wick rotation of field theory makes each (bosonic real-action) field theory into a statistical system, whose scaling laws have fractal (or anomalous) dimensions. The fractal dimensions mean that the typical field in the distribution looks the same after rescaling space by L and the field by a power of L.
Renormalization logarithms
In realistic quantum field theories in four-dimensional space-time, the actual scaling laws are only modified by logarithms. These logarithms are the sign of an incipient change in exponent. The reason is that in 4 dimensions, two random walks only marginally intersect, if you look at two random walks on a lattice starting at two positions a fixed distance apart, the probability that they collide goes to zero as the logarithm of the lattice spacing.
A logarithm is just the limit of an exponent for small values of the exponent. If you look at a power-law with a slightly different exponent
$$ x = y^{\alpha + \epsilon} = y^{\alpha} y^\epsilon = y^\alpha e^{\epsilon \log y} = y^{\alpha} (1 + \epsilon \log y + {\epsilon^2\over 2} \log^2 y + ...)$$
The original scale-invariance of the power-law relation seems to be broken by the logarithms, but it is just modified. If you scale y by an amount $A$, you scale $x$ by $A^{\alpha+\epsilon}$, which gives $\epsilon$ modifications to the dimension of $x$.
The quantities in four dimensional quantum field theory have infinitesimally modified dimensions in this way, at infinitesimal distances where the length scale associated with the mass of the particles is no longer visible. These logarithmic corrections to scaling make the four dimensional theory both mathematically easier and conceptually more difficult, because the new fractal scaling laws are not as apparent.
In three dimensions, scalar field theories just acquire anomalous dimensions. One of the more interesting ways to calculate the fractal dimensions is to use the known logarithms in 4 dimensions to find the dependence of the fractal dimension on the dimension of space, and this gives predictions for the fluid-critical scaling which match experimental data and computer simulations very accurately.
In fact, there is no need to consider particles as a points. If you think of particle as of "cloud", there are no infinities both in classical and quantum theories.
For instance, when physicists build a quantum mechanical model of the hydrogen atom, they consider electron as a cloud of negative charge smeared around proton. The numeric quantities obtained by using this model are in a very good agreement with experiment.
But many modern physicists use models where particles are considered point-like. There are at least two reasons for that.
The first reason is that if one wants to use model where particle is not point-like, he or she need to define the structure of the particle. But nobody knows the internal structure of the particles, so they cannot define it to use in the model. Please note that in a previous example of the hydrogen atom physicists are dealing with atom, not with particle. Physicists were able to develop such model because they knew something about the atom's internal structure (i.e. they new that positively charged proton is at the centre of atom, electron is smeared around proton, the electric field of proton was known, etc.). We cannot do the same thing with the particle because we know almost nothing about what is inside the particle.
The second reason is as follows: there is a model that works very well for collisions of the particles at high energies. This model is used, for instance, for particle colliders such as LHC. The distance traveled by the particle in such collider is very large compared to the size (if any) that can be associated with the particle itself. So it is logical to consider particles as point-like objects in this model, because the size of the particle itself plays ALMOST no role.
I wrote "ALMOST" because it does play role when one is trying to apply the model not to a number of very fast particles colliding at very high energies, but to a particle ITSELF. For instance, particle at rest is not traveling a large distance, and it's total energy is not much larger than it's self energy (which is $E=mc^2$ as you probably know). In this case there is no excuse to consider particle as a point-like object, and model fails to produce meaningful results.
So, where infinities come from? They come from conjecture that particles are point-like, and they appear both in classical and quantum theories. See what Vladimir wrote about it for details.
And the last thing related to your question: what is renormalization?
Renormalization is the following:
at the first step the particle IS NOT considered as a point-like object. Physicists say that it has a size $\lambda$ and perform all calculations for this "sizable" object. Of course, no infinities appear.
at the second step physicists separate those terms that depend on $\lambda$ (the "size" of the particle) from those terms that do not depend on $\lambda$.
The terms that do not depend on the $\lambda$ have some independent physical meaning and are relevant for describing some (but not all!) properties of the particles. They are accurately calculated.
at the next step the size of the particle is made smaller and smaller, i.e. $\lambda$ is approached to zero. Those terms that depend on $\lambda$ are divergent, i.e. when you approach
$\lambda$ to zero they grow by infinity. The truth is that these terms are not used for anything, they are simply dropped. So, the goal of renormalization procedure is to separate finite terms from the equations and get rid of other divergent terms.
So, by using renormalization we can make the model "free" of divergences, but still we cannot use it for calculating some important properties of the particles. For instance, the mass and the electric charge of the particle cannot be calculated, because the model gives us no criteria to identify these quantities. Moreover, the particles that are known to have different masses (such as electron and muon) are indistinguishable in terms of this model.
The point particle idealization that leads to the infinities is removed by introducing a small perturbation (large energy cutoff = small distance cutoff) into the problem that depends on the energy cutoff scale $\Lambda$. Thus we have a family of models depending on $\Lambda$ and the original parameters of the model. The physics should be independent of where precisely the cutoff is applied, as it shouldn't matter how small the particle is once it is small enough.
The physics contained in a model must be independent of the parameters that happen to be used in the particular model. In many cases of interest, the experimental data can be empirically described in terms of a few physical key parameters, such as basic observable masses and charges. These are generally different from the mass and charge coefficients that appear in particular models. To distinguish these in a general context, one refers to the model-dependent coefficients – such as the quark masses mentioned above – as bare parameters and to the model-independent parameters chosen for the physical parameterization – measurable masses, charges, etc., related directly to experiment – as renormalized or dressed parameters.
The purpose of renormalization is to reparameterize the $\Lambda$-dependent family of Hamiltonians in such a way that one can match physical parameters in a numerically robust way that is essentially independent of $\Lambda$ (once it is large enough), so that at the end of the calculations, one can take the limit $\Lambda\rightarrow\infty$ without difficulties.
How to do this is explained in elementary terms in - the simplest example is a 2-state system!
Other possibly helpful explanations (some elementary, others less so) can be found in Chapter B5: Divergences and renormalization of
A theoretical physics FAQ.
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | After some initial uncertainty as to how they would try and dismantle the Affordable Care Act, Republican leaders in Congress seem to be settling on a strategy: Vote to repeal the health reform law as soon as possible but delay implementing the repeal for several years while they figure out what should replace it.
This sort of political logic is fantastically risky and has failed in the recent past, but Republicans are impelled to go down this path because they made political promises that they have to keep, even if it means putting health coverage for millions of Americans at risk.
But House Speaker Paul Ryan is confident that not only will this incredibly risky repeal plan work, it will go off without so much as a single person seeing any disruption in his or her health insurance coverage status during the transition period between Obamacare’s repeal and its replacement.
“Clearly there will be a transition and a bridge so that no one is left out in the cold, so that no one is worse off,” Ryan told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. “The purpose here is to bring relief to people who are suffering from Obamacare so that they can get something better.”
There is little reason to believe this is true.
Obamacare “repeal” can come in many different forms, but the most likely (and quickest) way for Republicans to go about it will be through budget reconciliation, which will enable them to obviate a Democratic filibuster in the Senate. Reconciliation will allow them to repeal the parts of Obamacare they hate the most: the mandates, the premium subsidies, the Medicaid expansion and the taxes on rich people that fund the legislation.
But, as Ryan said, there will be a “transition” period during which some of those provisions — likely the subsidies and Medicaid payments to the states — will continue, probably until safely after the 2018 midterm elections.
This probably won’t make all that much of a difference for next year, given that health insurers have already signed agreements to participate in the state exchanges for 2017. For 2018, however, it poses a big problem, given that insurers will likely decide that there’s no point in renewing their commitment to the exchanges.
“Many insurers are already losing money on their marketplace offerings,” NPR reported earlier this fall. “If they know that the health insurance marketplaces are being eliminated and replaced by something else in 2019, why would they stick with a sinking ship?”
If those insurers bail, then consumers will lose their ability to buy federally subsidized health plans, which would leave them, to use Ryan’s words, “worse off” and “left out in the cold.”
There is a way around this. Republicans could move to subsidize the insurers and help cover whatever losses they might incur from participating in the exchanges during the “transition.” In fact, congressional Republicans are, according to The Hill already “in talks with insurers about policies they could implement to help improve their financial situation in that interim period and prevent a breakdown in the market.”
The Affordable Care Act already has mechanisms in place to incentivize insurers to participate in the exchanges and protect them against excessive losses. So Republicans are essentially trying to blow a hole in Obamacare and also temporarily patch that hole with more Obamacare.
But that’s easier said than done. Those provisions of the ACA that protect insurers from market losses were viciously (and falsely) attacked by Republicans in Congress as insurance company “bailouts.” Ryan himself as sounded the alarm about “massive insurance company bailouts in the near future with Obamacare.”
Republican senators introduced legislation just last month to block the administration from using taxpayer money to “shore up the finances of Obamacare insurers.” There is a high level of political animosity among Republicans toward using taxpayer dollars to assist insurers participating in Obamacare exchanges.
So what’s going to happen? Well, no one knows. And that’s largely because Republicans like Ryan keep refusing to actually grapple with the realities of repealing and replacing Obamacare. All they know is that they want to get rid of it and replace it with . . . something.
Eliminating a piece of legislation as far-reaching and consequential as the Affordable Care Act will obviously have negative consequences. But the speaker has nonetheless set a baseline to judge his party’s actions against: Zero people will be negatively impacted by Congress' voting to repeal Obamacare. We’ll see how well that promise holds up in the real world. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Category: Yahoo Finance
Network security just isn’t simply the strengthening of firewalls or installing antivirus software. From there, it is a quick bounce to other more difficult job opportunities corresponding to leasing, credit card banking, trade credit and international finance. In corporate finance, you handle the inner finance requirements of the corporation that employs you not like in a bank where you handle the financial requirements of several purchasers at a time.\n\nMany firms from Mexico, Japan, Australia, the USA and other international locations saw the financial benefits of crossing the globe to present their products and shore up a slice of the lucrative European craft market. Firms are offering “Agent on Demand” companies, giving their prospects and purchasers one click access to sales personnel, customer service departments and technical assist workers.\n\nHence the level of threat in this market is larger than that of spot markets. Hence, the level of threat associated with this market is comparatively lower than that of the Forward Markets. From the above discussion, we are able to understand that investment in Financial Markets entails plenty of risks.\n\nAs a financial planner, Gregory mentioned his position made him important to the future of his company as a result of he was the one who planned all the long run spending of the company. Whilst lenders continue to assist their current cyclical business purchasers by way of peaks and troughs, if the trade outlook is unfavorable and future cash move uncertain a new bank could not wish to take on this threat just now.\n\nThis last challenge must be a major focus when implementing a social networking-friendly policy or procedure. A substantial amount of the CMC that occurs in social networking happens by way of what has turn into often known as Social Data Processing (SIP) principle.\n\nA plan that not only contains drastic company extensive cuts but a plan that can make this trade competitive with other world markets. Earlier a long time of remarkable development and capitalism at its finest have now brought on the market to adapt to tighter credit, growing government intervention, slowing pace of globalization, and no economic development.\n\nIn his guide on Japanese economics, creator Osamu Murayama describes the way in which an overheated stock market, skyrocketing land prices, and banks eager to supply massive-scale loans to risky businesses led to reckless lending and questionable investment practices.
With the failing economic system, many firms are on the lookout for ways to cut back and make more room. Ini menjadi nilai tawar “softpower” China lho, ketimbang memperlihatkan wajah garang militer-nya. Hal yang menjadi prinsip, menurut sy, adalah bukan dengan siapa kita meng”anak-emaskan” negara US, J, C, SK atau yg manapun, tetapi “awareness” kita terhadap ekskalasi konflik di regional Asia Timur dan Tenggara jelas mempengaruhi Indonesia.\n\nDia telah meliput Brexit dan UE untuk koran tersebut dan baru saja kembali ke London setelah tinggal di Brussels, Belgia selama beberapa bulan. Kami mencari beberapa tenaga handal di bidang Advertising sebagai Business Growth Officer untuk memasarkan Produk BizLoan (KTA BISNIS).BizLoan…\n\nChanging jobs: Nationally it is estimated a median worker will change jobs more than 10 instances during their career. The good news, normally it is cheaper for two folks to reside together, releasing up some funds. You possibly can see things add up rapidly and planning to move off these expenses will require careful planning and an excellent spending plan.\n\nThis is another good place to put all your pink cushions, flowers, and set up a nice plate with pink candles and light-weight them every now and then. For wealth, I personally prefer to have my aquarium in the Wealth and Prosperity area, but the Career area can be an excellent place to put it.\n\nI have heard of more divorces during these economic onerous instances than ever before. In accordance with the BBC, a non-public security firm named CyberKeel launched three years ago with the concept of bringing the next stage of awareness about viruses and information theft.\n\nThe fourth step to making good choices in a tricky market is to take the time to have a quiet moment with yourself once you have gathered all the data. Step 5: Make choices primarily based on where you are actually The fifth step to making good choices in a tricky market is to make your whole spending choices primarily based on where you are actually and be cautious in regards to the future.\n\n7) Be taught a new ability-If you don’t know tips on how to hunt or tips on how to skin an animal, find someone who does and ask them when you can go along with them on a looking trip so you possibly can be taught the abilities. Our link beneath will direct to useful sources that can assist you answer those questions.…
Jika Anda menggunakan perangkat lunak BlackBerry System versi 7.1 atau lebih lama, di layar awal perangkat, klik ikon Opsi. Institutions and traders bid to buy and supply to sell and the worth is ready by the market maker. Even if the prices of your shares are plummeted, do not eliminate them in hurry. The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) ranked state-managed mining company Aneka Tambang (or, Antam) as “the IDX Finest Blue 2016”.\n\nDropping money available in the market doesn’t make you a loser. You may as well spend money on revenue shares as a result of the businesses that subject these stocks pay high dividends, and have a stable incomes available in the market. Your inventory market trading may be managed predominantly on the Internet – which could be very cool in comparison with not so long ago.\n\nThey’ll buy or sell once they obtain an order from an investor. Selain itu peringkat kredit suatu negara yang merupakan acuan kepercayaan investor juga penting untuk diperhatikan. The stock change supplies a platform that facilitates the trading in shares of the listed corporations.\n\nBuying and selling stocks could be extremely rewarding if done appropriately. Nonetheless, to start trading, that you must open an internet account. Initially as the corporate grows, the basic principle is that the majority of the income are reinvested into bettering the company’s property.…
If you’re a beginner in stock investing, it is at all times a good idea to investigate the financial status of the stock you wish to put money into as a substitute of relying upon the rumors floated by the so-known as consultants and other know-alls. The following larger threat investment is buying frequent stock. It is thought of larger threat than the two forms of investments mentioned previously as a result of you could have the next likelihood of shedding money on your investments. Where can we get this data?\n\nIn these unique operations, other metrics corresponding to distributable cash move, interest rate developments, and hedging could play an equal or more necessary function than current earnings in the evaluation process. Guide value per share refers to the amount of equity each share holder has in the company determined by dividing the online value of the company (property less liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.\n\nMany people have tried the TSX stock screener and profited from it. Other than standard securities, Toronto Stock Change also lists investment funds, earnings trusts, break up share companies and change traded funds. This stock change can be the leader in varied sectors most notably the mining and oil & gasoline sector since there are more firms listed in this change from this sector.\n\nHer stock had fallen 96%, to $2.50. She lost nearly all of her investment, by neglecting to sell months earlier. As of this writing, it’s trading around $17 – nowhere near her buy value of $56. 3) Only buy in markets trending larger: Be extremely cautious about buying when the market is trending lower.\n\nUpon getting established your investment targets, determined your tolerance for threat, and created your investment portfolio your work just isn’t over. If one stock has grown to where it represents too much of your investment portfolio you could wish to sell a portion of it and buy something else to keep up range.\n\nIn addition to these, you also need to grasp the profit ratio of the company and evaluate these numbers with those of other firms in the trade. In addition to this you must also try to get some other necessary financial information about the company that can be obtainable to you.…
The real property market is each consumers dream come true right now. Auto transport brokers have entry to tons of of transporters and can usually accommodate you on any location it’s possible you’ll must get your car picked up or delivered to. Working with a reputable broker could enable you to get a greater value or find a firm you wouldn’t in any other case find by yourself.\n\nThat she needs to be careful with the type of individuals she talks to as a result of there is every tendency that she has been duped by fraudsters. Studying to take heed to your own home higher can even prevent or your loved ones from injuries.. or worse. Many seem to have the opinion that to be rich you will need to have ripped individuals off at a while previously.\n\nEstablishing a practical price range is crucial however like many other things in life, you need to evaluation it steadily so that it stays appropriate and keeps you on observe. The last thing any buyer wants is to put a large down fee into a business and then watch it fail.\n\nWork on a plan collectively to pay down the debt without any late payments and with out commingling accounts. Your fast family does not “get it” and it’s important that you discuss with them the importance of their help and understanding that you simply now have a business to run.\n\nOne day all the pieces is going to be brought out into the open – whether or not we want it to, or not – whether we think it’s a good factor, or not. Hiding both your income or sizable expenses can undermine belief and injury your relationship. Terdapat banyak pilihan promo dengan masa berlaku yang beragam untuk berbagai produk, diantaranya promo smartphone hingga promo tiket kereta murah.\n\nWhile it is very important tackle these conversations below any circumstances, if you’re intent on making a career shift or rising your enterprise, this can be a skill that’s especially useful and will pull you forward dramatically. With that mentioned, there will probably be a choose few who actually take time to let you realize that they are happy with you and your service, and many others.\n\nThey let the people know that the owner desires his cash well taken care of. Essentially the most successful of businessmen are the ones who purchase these clips. Males will purchase a automotive and ladies will say, Why didn’t you consult me? Nonetheless, even in the event you hold your finances separate, the debt may still affect your means to safe joint credit.… |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Microsoft Surface Headphones revealed with Cortana built-in
While we expected the most of the hardware Microsoft announced today, the company still had a couple of surprises up its sleeve. The first was a follow-up to the Surface Studio, but the second was even more unexpected. As it turns out, Microsoft is making a pair of headphones. These aren’t just any headphones, however; they’re smart headphones.
These headphones come with Cortana built-in, but if you were expecting earbuds like Apple’s Earpods or Google’s Pixel Buds, you’re in for another surprise. As you can see from the image above, these are actually over-the-ear headphones. That means they’ll be shipping with some impressive features, such as noise cancellation that can be adjusted on-the-fly by spinning one of the on-ear dials.
The Surface Headphones will automatically pause when they’re taken off and resume playback when they’re put back on. As you probably expected, they come with built-in microphones that allow for hands-free calling and talking with Cortana. Microsoft says that they feature “13 levels of ambient noise control,” that uses four beam-forming mics and four active noise cancelling mics – two of each for each ear.
They sound like an impressive pair of headphones, so we can probably expect them to cost a pretty penny, right? That’s apparently news for a later date, as Microsoft didn’t announce a price for these headphones today. With its feature list in mind, though, we probably shouldn’t count on them being cheap.
Also unknown is when these headphones will launch. Microsoft didn’t give a specific release date for the Surface Headphones either, and unlike the other Surface-branded products announced today, these aren’t available for pre-order yet. Microsoft says that the Surface Headphones will be here in time for the holidays, so we’ll be keeping an eye out for more. Stay tuned. |
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !gccgo
#include "textflag.h"
// System call support for AMD64, NetBSD
// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions.
// The runtime may know about them.
TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56
JMP syscall·Syscall(SB)
TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80
JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB)
TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104
JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB)
TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56
JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB)
TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80
JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB)
"pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter"
} | Assessing the Safety of Biologic Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have shorter life expectancy compared to the general population and they are at increased risk for serious infections, early cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and lymphoproliferative neoplasias. Current treatment of RA is based on disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), including novel biologic antagonists of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and interleukin 1 (IL-1). Through the blockade of key inflammatory mediators, these drugs control RA activity;however, these same mechanisms could also impair immune responses, rendering patients more susceptible to infectious agents or abnormal cell proliferation. Whether or not therapy with biologic DMARDs increases the risk of serious infections and neoplasias among patients with RA remains controversial. TNFa antagonists have been evaluated for the treatment of congestive heart failure in patients without rheumatic diseases. No benefits were shown and paradoxically, high doses of these DMARDs were deleterious in some patients. Nevertheless, the cardiac effects of biologic DMARDs in patients with RA but without preexisting congestive heart failure remain unclear. RA imparts an increased risk for coronary heart disease that is not fully explained by traditional risk factors. Chronic inflammation is postulated to play an integral role in the pathogenesis of this accelerated atherosclerosis. Although previous studies suggested that DMARD therapy could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in RA, the effect of specific DMARDs on the risk of myocardial infarction is unknown. Chronic inflammation is also associated with the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, known risk factors for atherosclerosis and highly prevalent conditions among patients with RA. Glucocorticoid therapy paradoxically improved insulin sensitivity in patients with RA, suggesting that inflammation and insulin resistance may be closely related. Furthermore, anakinra, the IL-1 receptor antagonist, improved glucose control in patients with diabetes, and infliximab improved insulin resistance in patients with RA. Whether this benefit extends to other DMARDs or whether DMARD therapy can delay the onset of diabetes in patients with RA is currently unknown. To evaluate the safety of biologic DMARDs in patients with RA, we propose a sequence of studies with three specific aims: 1) To test the hypothesis that use of biologic DMARDs increases the risk of serious infections compared with traditional DMARDs. 2) To test the hypothesis that use of biologic DMARDs increases the risk of developing lymphoproliferative neoplasias compared with traditional DMARDs. 3) To test the hypothesis that use of biologic DMARDs increases the risk of congestive heart failure and decreases the risk of myocardial infarction and diabetes compared with traditional DMARDs. |
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | open! Core_kernel
open Poly
open! Import
open! Univ_map
let%test_module _ =
(module struct
let size = Key.create ~name:"size" Int.sexp_of_t
let name = Key.create ~name:"name" String.sexp_of_t
let foo = Key.create ~name:"foo" Float.sexp_of_t
let kids = Key.create ~name:"kids" (List.sexp_of_t sexp_of_t)
let%test _ = is_empty empty
let test_contains t ~key ~data =
assert (not (is_empty t));
assert (mem t key);
(* these do not raise *)
ignore (change_exn t key : t);
(change t key ~f:(function
| None -> assert false
| o -> o)
: t);
match find t key with
| None -> assert false
| Some v' -> assert (phys_equal data v')
let test_add t ~key ~data = test_contains (set t ~key ~data) ~key ~data
let test_find t key =
let f1 = find t key in
let f2 = Option.try_with (fun () -> find_exn t key) in
match f1, f2 with
| None, None -> ()
| Some v1, Some v2 -> assert (phys_equal v1 v2)
| Some _, None -> assert false
| None, Some _ -> assert false
let test_change t ~key ~data =
let t_minus = change t key ~f:(fun _ -> None) in
assert (not (mem t_minus key));
let t_plus = change t key ~f:(fun _ -> Some data) in
test_contains t_plus ~key ~data;
let test_remove t ~key ~data =
let t_minus = remove t key in
assert (not (mem t_minus key));
let t_plus = set t ~key ~data in
test_contains t_plus ~key ~data;
let t_minus = remove t_plus key in
assert (not (mem t_minus key))
let test_remove_by_id t ~key ~data =
let t_minus = remove_by_id t (Key.uid key) in
assert (not (mem t_minus key));
let t_plus = set t ~key ~data in
test_contains t_plus ~key ~data;
let t_minus = remove_by_id t_plus (Key.uid key) in
assert (not (mem t_minus key))
let test t =
(* add *)
test_add t ~key:size ~data:12;
test_add t ~key:name ~data:"hank";
test_add t ~key:kids ~data:[ t; empty ];
(* find *)
test_find t size;
test_find t name;
test_find t kids;
(* change *)
test_change t ~key:size ~data:33;
test_change t ~key:name ~data:"frank";
test_change t ~key:kids ~data:[];
(* remove *)
test_remove t ~key:size ~data:33;
test_remove t ~key:name ~data:"frank";
test_remove t ~key:kids ~data:[];
(* remove_by_id *)
test_remove_by_id t ~key:size ~data:33;
test_remove_by_id t ~key:name ~data:"frank";
test_remove_by_id t ~key:kids ~data:[];
let t0 = empty
let t1 = set t0 ~key:size ~data:9
let t2 = set t1 ~key:foo ~data:13.25
let t3 = set t2 ~key:size ~data:15
let%test_unit _ = test t0
let%test_unit _ = test t1
let%test_unit _ = test t2
let%test_unit _ = test t3
let%test _ = sexp_of_t t3 = Sexp.of_string "((foo 13.25)(size 15))"
let%expect_test "specified key module" =
(* incorrect use *)
let module Key_incorrect = struct
type _ t =
| Foo : int t
| Bar : string t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let to_type_id (type a) (t : a t) : a Type_equal.Id.t =
match t with
| Foo -> Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"foo" [%sexp_of: int]
| Bar -> Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"bar" [%sexp_of: string]
let module U_incorrect =
type 'a t = 'a [@@deriving sexp_of]
(Or_error.try_with (fun () ->
(U_incorrect.of_alist_exn [ T (Foo, 3); T (Bar, "three") ])
: int option Or_error.t)];
(Error (
"[Key.to_type_id] must not provide different type ids when called on the same input"
(key Foo)
(type_id1 ((name foo) (uid <uid>)))
(type_id2 ((name foo) (uid <uid>))))) |}];
(* correct use *)
let module Key_correct = struct
type _ t =
| Foo : int t
| Bar : string t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let foo_id = Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"foo" [%sexp_of: int]
let bar_id = Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"bar" [%sexp_of: string]
let to_type_id (type a) (t : a t) : a Type_equal.Id.t =
match t with
| Foo -> foo_id
| Bar -> bar_id
let module U_correct =
type 'a t = 'a [@@deriving sexp_of]
(U_correct.find (U_correct.of_alist_exn [ T (Foo, 3); T (Bar, "three") ]) Foo
: int option)];
[%expect {| (3) |}]
let%expect_test "merge" =
let module Key = struct
type _ t =
| Foo : int t
| Bar : string t
| Baz : char t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let foo_id = Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"foo" [%sexp_of: int]
let bar_id = Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"bar" [%sexp_of: string]
let baz_id = Type_equal.Id.create ~name:"baz" [%sexp_of: char]
let to_type_id (type a) (t : a t) : a Type_equal.Id.t =
match t with
| Foo -> foo_id
| Bar -> bar_id
| Baz -> baz_id
let module Input_data1 = struct
type (_, 'a) t = 'a option [@@deriving sexp_of]
let module Input1 = Make1 (Key) (Input_data1) in
let module Input_data2 = struct
type (_, 'a) t = 'a list [@@deriving sexp_of]
let module Input2 = Make1 (Key) (Input_data2) in
let module Output_data = struct
type ('s, 'a) t =
{ key : 'a Key.t
; merge_result :
[ `Left of ('s, 'a) Input_data1.t
| `Right of ('s, 'a) Input_data2.t
| `Both of ('s, 'a) Input_data1.t * ('s, 'a) Input_data2.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let module Output = Make1 (Key) (Output_data) in
let module Merge = Merge (Key) (Input_data1) (Input_data2) (Output_data) in
let merged =
(Input1.of_alist_exn [ T (Foo, Some 3); T (Bar, Some "three") ])
(Input2.of_alist_exn [ T (Foo, [ 4; 5; 6 ]); T (Baz, [ 'a'; 'b'; 'c' ]) ])
~f:{ f = (fun ~key merge_result -> Some { key; merge_result }) }
print_s [%sexp (merged : _ Output.t)];
((bar ((key Bar) (merge_result (Left (three)))))
(baz ((key Baz) (merge_result (Right (a b c)))))
(foo ((key Foo) (merge_result (Both ((3) (4 5 6))))))) |}]
module With_default = struct
open! With_default
let%test_unit _ =
let key = Key.create ~default:0 ~name:"default 0" Int.sexp_of_t in
assert (find empty key = 0);
let t = set empty ~key ~data:1 in
assert (find t key = 1);
let t = set empty ~key ~data:2 in
assert (find t key = 2);
let t = change t key ~f:( ~- ) in
assert (find t key = -2)
let%test _ =
let key = Key.create ~default:1 ~name:"default 1" Int.sexp_of_t in
find (change empty key ~f:( ~- )) key = -1
module With_fold = struct
open! With_fold
let%test_unit _ =
let key = Key.create ~init:5 ~f:( + ) ~name:"init 5" Int.sexp_of_t in
assert (find empty key = 5);
let t = add empty ~key ~data:3 in
assert (find t key = 8);
let t = change t key ~f:( ~- ) in
assert (find t key = -8)
let%test_unit _ =
let key =
Key.create ~init:0 ~f:(fun _ -> assert false) ~name:"don't fold this" Int.sexp_of_t
assert (find empty key = 0);
let t = set empty ~key ~data:1 in
assert (find t key = 1);
let t = change t key ~f:( ~- ) in
assert (find t key = -1)
module Multi = struct
open! Multi
let%test_unit _ =
let key = Key.create ~name:"int list" Int.sexp_of_t in
assert (find empty key = []);
let t = add empty ~key ~data:1 in
assert (find t key = [ 1 ]);
let t = set t ~key ~data:[ 2; 3 ] in
assert (find t key = [ 2; 3 ]);
let t = change t key ~f:( ~f:( ~- )) in
assert (find t key = [ -2; -3 ])
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | 1. Introduction {#sec1-genes-10-00537}
Pineapple (*Ananas comosus*), a member of the Bromeliaceae family, is cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical regions and is renowned for its nutritional and medicinal values \[[@B1-genes-10-00537]\]. Given its status as a herbaceous perennial monocotyledon with classical crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), the pineapple genome was sequenced in 2015 as a model plant \[[@B2-genes-10-00537]\]. The genome of the cultivar 'MD2', which is the predominant pineapple cultivar grown worldwide by virtue of its fruit flesh flavor and commercial value, and the cultivar 'F153' has been sequenced \[[@B3-genes-10-00537]\]. Pineapple genome sequencing has provided valuable information for further research for crop improvement \[[@B4-genes-10-00537],[@B5-genes-10-00537]\].
Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase (XTH) participates in diverse physiological processes, especially cell elongation and stress resistance \[[@B6-genes-10-00537]\]. XTH is a cell-wall-modifying enzyme encoded by a multigene, which belongs to a subfamily of the glycoside hydrolase family 16 (GH16) \[[@B7-genes-10-00537],[@B8-genes-10-00537]\]. Generally, XTH proteins perform two diverse catalytic activities: xyloglucan endohydrolase (XEH) and xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) \[[@B9-genes-10-00537],[@B10-genes-10-00537]\]. XET activity is characterized by the no-hydrolytic cleavage and rejoining of xyloglucan (XyG) chains, whereas XTH activity irreversibly cleaves hydrolytic XyG chains to promote the expansion, degradation, remediation, and morphogenesis of the cell wall \[[@B6-genes-10-00537],[@B9-genes-10-00537]\]. To date, the majority of identified XTH proteins show XET activity \[[@B6-genes-10-00537]\]. XTH proteins share the conserved glycosyl hydrolase family 16 domain (GH16_XET) with a specific EXDXE motif likely to be the catalytic site for both XET and XEH activities. XTH proteins also contain the significant xyloglucan endotransglycosylase C-terminus domain (C-XET), which distinguishes XTH proteins from other GH16 subfamilies \[[@B6-genes-10-00537],[@B11-genes-10-00537],[@B12-genes-10-00537]\]. The XTH gene subfamily was originally divided into three major groups, of which Group III was subdivided into subgroups IIIA and IIIB \[[@B10-genes-10-00537],[@B13-genes-10-00537]\]. With the expansion of XTH observations, more detailed clade and subclade groupings (Group I/II, IIIA, IIIB, and an Ancestral Group) were applied to different species on the basis of sequence similarity \[[@B10-genes-10-00537],[@B11-genes-10-00537]\]. Interestingly, XTH genes predominantly display XET activity in Group I/ II and IIIB, whereas XEH activity is characteristic of Group IIIA \[[@B13-genes-10-00537]\]. In *Arabidopsis thaliana*, Group IIIA genes are ubiquitous and dispensable in plant growth \[[@B14-genes-10-00537]\].
An increasing number of XTHs have been identified using publicly available datasets \[[@B15-genes-10-00537]\]. For instance, 33, 29, 25, 56, 61, and 24 potential XTH members have been defined in *A. thaliana*, *Oryza sativa*, *Solanum lycopersicum*, *Nicotiana tabacum*, *Glycine max*, and *Hordeum vulgare*, respectively \[[@B5-genes-10-00537],[@B16-genes-10-00537],[@B17-genes-10-00537],[@B18-genes-10-00537],[@B19-genes-10-00537],[@B20-genes-10-00537]\]. In *A. thaliana*, XTHs show distinct and diverse organ-specific expression patterns. Five genes (*AtXTH-1*, *-21*, *-22*, *-30*, and *-33*) were expressed preferentially in green siliques, whereas two genes (*AtXTH-24* and *-32*) were expressed primarily in stems \[[@B16-genes-10-00537]\]. In *O. sativa*, seven root-specific XTH genes (*OsXTH1*, *-2*, *-4, -13*, *-15*, *-16*, and *-25*) were predominantly expressed in roots of 14-d-old seedling, whereas no expression was detected in other tissues \[[@B17-genes-10-00537]\]. XTH proteins modify the complex structure of lignin and cellulose in a variety of developmental processes, such as root formation, flower generation, and fruit softening \[[@B5-genes-10-00537],[@B21-genes-10-00537],[@B22-genes-10-00537]\]. Numerous XTHs have been detected in root elongation zones and trichoblasts of diverse vascular plants \[[@B23-genes-10-00537]\]. Compared with other tissues in *Dianthus caryophyllus*, *DcXTH2* and *DcXTH3* transcripts were markedly accumulated in petals and showed XET activity during flower opening stages \[[@B22-genes-10-00537]\]. *SlXTH5* detected at multiple stages during tomato fruit's expansion and displayed XET activity in concordance with results for apple, kiwifruit, and strawberry \[[@B24-genes-10-00537],[@B25-genes-10-00537]\]. Thus, XTH proteins play a critical role during fruit growth and ripening. In addition, XTHs show abnormal expression under abiotic stress. The XTH gene *CaXTH3* of *Capsicum annuum* showed a high expression level in transgenic *A. thaliana* lines and conferred enhanced salt and drought tolerance \[[@B26-genes-10-00537]\]. *AtXTH14*, *-15*, and *-31* showed remarkably low expression under aluminum treatment in *A. thaliana* roots, especially *AtXTH31* \[[@B27-genes-10-00537]\]. In contrast, *MtXTH3* was strongly up-regulated by a higher NaCl concentration in *Medicago truncatula* \[[@B28-genes-10-00537]\]. Thus, XTHs possess considerable spatial and temporal specificity, and respond to a variety of environmental stimuli for adaptation cell wall enzyme activities.
Additional potential members of the XTH gene family can be identified by genome-wide analysis using the published genome resources in *silico*. Systematic identification and characterization of XTHs in pineapple have received only limited attention to date \[[@B15-genes-10-00537]\]. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis, including the classification, evolutionary relationships, and expression patterns of XTHs to determine whether pineapple XTHs participate in the CAM pathway and perform important functions in the leaf and root. This research provides novel insights into the functional characteristics of XTHs in pineapple and will facilitate further study of the regulatory mechanism at different developmental stages.
2. Materials and Methods {#sec2-genes-10-00537}
2.1. Dataset Compilation and Identification of the XTH Gene Family {#sec2dot1-genes-10-00537}
The protein sequences of *A. comosus* (L.) Merry two cultivars: 'F153' and 'MD2' were downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information database (accession numbers are GCA-001540865.1 and GCA-001661175.1, respectively) \[[@B29-genes-10-00537]\]. The protein sequences for *A. thaliana* were obtained from The Arabidopsis Information Resource \[[@B30-genes-10-00537]\]. The protein ID of XTHs in *A. thaliana* as reference sequences collected from a former publication \[[@B9-genes-10-00537]\].
Two Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) were downloaded from Pfam and used to scan XTH sequences using the default E-value in HMMER 3.0 \[[@B31-genes-10-00537],[@B32-genes-10-00537]\]. The HMM profile established for *AtXTH* genes was used to search for candidate XTH family members in pineapple. Potential XTH protein sequences were further detected using BLASp. Candidate genes were filtered and identified using the Conserved Domain Search Service (CD-Search) \[[@B33-genes-10-00537]\]. The length, molecular weight (MW), and theoretical isoelectric point (PI) of XTHs were characterized with ExPASy \[[@B34-genes-10-00537]\]. Their single peptide and subcellular localization were predicted by SignalP 4.1 and Plant-mPLoc \[[@B35-genes-10-00537],[@B36-genes-10-00537]\].
2.2. Multiple Sequence Alignment and Identification of Motifs {#sec2dot2-genes-10-00537}
A multiple sequence alignment of the candidate pineapple XTH proteins was generated and obvious features of the sequences were displayed using ClustalX2 with the default options \[[@B37-genes-10-00537]\]. In addition, motifs were detected using Multiple Expectation Maximization for Motif Elicitation with a motif width of 6--50 residues and a maximum of 10 motifs \[[@B38-genes-10-00537]\].
2.3. Phylogenetic Tree Analysis and Nomenclature of XTHs {#sec2dot3-genes-10-00537}
Multiple sequence alignments of the XTH proteins from pineapple and *A. thaliana* were generated using the ClustalW with default parameters (pairwise alignment with gap opening penalty of 10 and gap extension penalty of 0.1, multiple alignment parameters with gap opening penalty of 10, a gap extension penalty of 0.2, and delay divergent sequences set at 30%) \[[@B37-genes-10-00537]\]. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining algorithm with 1000 bootstrap replications using MEGA7 \[[@B39-genes-10-00537]\]. All members were numbered sequentially and designated as *Ac(F153)XTH* or *Ac(MD2)XTH* based on the genotypic origin of the gene \[[@B40-genes-10-00537]\].
2.4. Gene Structure Analysis {#sec2dot4-genes-10-00537}
The gene structures of the candidate XTHs were predicted using the online software Gene Structure Display Server \[[@B41-genes-10-00537]\]. The complex figure including the phylogenetic tree, gene structure, and motif distribution was arranged correctly using TBtools \[[@B42-genes-10-00537]\].
2.5. Chromosomal Distribution and Gene Duplication {#sec2dot5-genes-10-00537}
All *Ac(F153)XTH* genes were localized on chromosomes based on their physical coordinates using MapChart and Perl script \[[@B43-genes-10-00537]\]. The Multiple Collinearity Scan toolkit was employed to identify syntenic blocks in the two pineapple genome assemblies and Circos software was used to depict the collinearity relationships \[[@B44-genes-10-00537],[@B45-genes-10-00537]\].
2.6. Calculation of Ka/Ks {#sec2dot6-genes-10-00537}
The synonymous substitution (*Ka*) and non-synonymous substitution (*Ks*) of XTH pairs were calculated using Ka/Ks Calculator 2.0 by the Nei and Gojobori (NG) method \[[@B46-genes-10-00537]\]. Fisher's exact test was applied to confirm the validity of the ratio. To estimate the selection pressure, a ratio of *Ka/Ks* greater than one, equal to one, and less than one displayed positive selection, neutral selection, and purity selection respectively. The divergence time (*T*) was calculated as *T* = *Ks*/(2 × 6.1 × 10^−9^) × 10^−6^ million years ago (Mya).
2.7. Transcriptome Analysis and Gene Expansion Patterns {#sec2dot7-genes-10-00537}
Pineapple transcriptome data were downloaded from the Pineapple Genomics Database consisting of data from fruit at five developmental stages, the green leaf tip, and white leaf base tissues. The stages Fruit1 to Fruit 5 were ordered chronologically and represented the entire period of fruit ripening. Leaves were harvested from plants of the cultivar 'MD2' at 13 time points over a 24-h period \[[@B47-genes-10-00537]\]. Daytime is from 6.a.m to 4.p.m. and nighttime is from 4.p.m. to 6.a.m. in this study. The white leaf base comprised non-photosynthetic tissues sensitive to sunlight and the green leaf tip represented photosynthetic tissues. The transcript levels were visualized using R software.
2.8. Experimental Validation of XTH Transcript Levels by RT-qPCR Analysis {#sec2dot8-genes-10-00537}
The green leaf tip, white leaf base, and root of 'MD2' plants were sampled at the Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. All samples were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen then stored at −80 °C. Total RNA was extracted from each sample using a RNA extraction kit (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany), then stored at −80 °C until further analysis. Quantitative real time PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis was performed using the BIO-RAD CFX Connect^™^ Real-time PCR Detection System with three biological replicates per sample. The transcript levels were analyzed using the 2^−ΔΔCt^ method and means ± standard errors (SE). The primer sequences used are presented in [Table S1](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}.
3. Results {#sec3-genes-10-00537}
3.1. Identification and Characteristics of XTHs {#sec3dot1-genes-10-00537}
Twenty-eight potential XTH family members were detected with the two HMM models of the GH16_XET domain with a β-jelly-roll topology and XET_C domain, and 24 proteins were detected by BLASTp in the 'F153' reference genome. Candidates were confirmed to contain two highly conserved domains using CD-Search. Redundant proteins were manually removed on account of the absence of characteristic amino acid residues in the C-terminal region or a lack of the conserved motif ExDxE \[[@B12-genes-10-00537]\]. Finally, 24 candidates were identified in 'F153' and were designated *Ac(F153)XTH1* to *-24* based on homology with the classification of *A. thaliana* ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00537-f001){ref-type="fig"}). In the same manner, 24 proteins were identified in 'MD2' and designated *Ac(MD2)XTH1* to *-24* in 'MD2'. In addition, EG16 homologs, which are related to XTH members of the GH16 family but lack the XET_C extension, were identified in cultivars 'F153' and 'MD2' \[[@B48-genes-10-00537]\].
The candidate XTHs exhibited similar properties, including length, molecular weight (MW), isoelectric point (PI), and signal peptide (SP) ([Table 1](#genes-10-00537-t001){ref-type="table"}). Comparison of the length of the 48 XTH proteins revealed that *Ac(MD2)XTH5* was the largest protein with 575 amino acids, and the smallest one was *Ac(MD2)XTH1* with 230 amino acids. The MW ranged from 25.99 kDa to 64.58 kDa and corresponded with the protein length. Owing to the complex amino acid polarity, the PI ranged from 4.68 to 9.53. Subcellular localization prediction revealed that each XTH was localized to the cell wall, and 14 (7/7, 'F153'/'MD2') proteins were targeted in both the cell wall and cytoplasm. The majority of the proteins contained signal peptide sequences ([Figure S1](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}).
3.2. Phylogenetic Analysis and Classification of XTH Proteins {#sec3dot2-genes-10-00537}
A phylogenetic tree representing the relationships among 81 (24/24/33) XTHs of 'F153', 'MD2' and *A. thaliana* was constructed. The XTHs were clustered into three main groups (Group I/II, III, and Ancestral Group) ([Figure 1](#genes-10-00537-f001){ref-type="fig"}). The majority of groups comprised the same number of XTHs in 'F153' and 'MD2'. Group III consisted of nine *Ac(MD2)XTH*, eight *Ac(F153)XTH*, and seven *AtXTH* genes, and was further subdivided into Group IIIA and Group IIIB, as described previously by Baumann et al. \[[@B10-genes-10-00537]\]. Group IIIA contained only *Ac(F153)XTH24*. The Ancestral Group contained the fewest members group, namely *Ac(F153)XTH1* and *Ac(MD2)XTH1*, whereas Group I/II contained the most members in each cultivar.
3.3. Sequence Alignment of XTHs {#sec3dot3-genes-10-00537}
Multiple sequence alignment showed that *Ac(MD2)XTHs* and *Ac(F153)XTHs* genes shared a highly conserved domain containing the motif ExDxE ([Figure S1](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}) \[[@B12-genes-10-00537]\]. One potential N-linked glycosylation site sharing N(T)-L(K/R/V/T/I)-S(T)-G(N) was located close to catalytic residues in 30 XTHs \[[@B49-genes-10-00537]\]. In addition, a conserved DWATRGG motif and Cys residues were located in the C-terminal region.
3.4. Gene Structure Analysis and the Pattern of the Motif in XTHs {#sec3dot4-genes-10-00537}
Highly structural similarity was evident in each phylogenetic group of XTHs. The exon number varied from three to seven in 'F153' and 'MD2' ([Figure S2](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}). Three or four exons were observed in majority of XTHs. Group I/II comprised three or four exons, except that *Ac(MD2)XTH5* contained seven 7 exons. Fourteen of the 17 genes in Group III possessed four exons, whereas *Ac(MD2)XTH19*, *Ac(MD2)XTH20* and *Ac(F153)XTH23* comprised three, three and five exons, respectively. *Ac(MD2)XTH1* with three exons and *Ac(F153)XTH1* with four exons were placed in Group IV. *Ac(MD2)XTH5* with seven exons was longer than all other members ([Figure S2](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}), because it possessed four highly conserved domains: two GH16_XET and two C-XET domains ([Figure 2](#genes-10-00537-f002){ref-type="fig"}).
Almost all XTHs within the same group shared common motifs ([Figure 2](#genes-10-00537-f002){ref-type="fig"}). Motif1-2 and motif5 were highly conserved in all XTHs. Motif1-7 and motif 10 were present in Group I/II except that *Ac(MD2)XTH12* lacked motif3 and five genes contained the additional motif8. *Ac(MD2)XTH5* contained 16 motifs in accordance with its structure. *Ac(F153)XTH24* shared motif1-7 in Group IIIA and motifs without rules (6--9 motifs) were presented in Group IIIB. In Group IV, *Ac(MD2)XTH1* possessed the fewest motifs and the motif composition of *Ac(F153)XTH1* was identical to that of Group I/II.
3.5. Chromosomal Distribution and Syntenic Analysis of XTH Genes {#sec3dot5-genes-10-00537}
Twenty-four *Ac(F153)XTHs* genes were unevenly distributed in 14 of 25 linkage groups (LG) in 'F153'. LG06 contained the most *Ac(F153)XTHs* genes ([Figure 3](#genes-10-00537-f003){ref-type="fig"}A). Three linkage groups, consisting of LG03, LG14, and LG15, shared more than two XTH members, whereas only one gene was discovered on each of the remaining chromosomes. All *Ac(MD2)XTH* genes were mapped on different scaffolds in 'MD2' ([Figure S4](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}).
To analyze duplication events, we detected syntenic blocks using MCScanX in 'F153' and 'MD2'. Thirteen collinear pairs, including 14 *Ac(F153)XTHs* and 12 *Ac(MD2)XTHs* genes, were discovered through synteny analysis ([Figure 3](#genes-10-00537-f003){ref-type="fig"}B, [Table S2](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}). Almost all pairs represented segmental duplication without tandem duplication and were placed in the same phylogenetic group. The gene pair of *Ac(F153)XTH6-Ac(MD2)XTH8* was placed in Group I/II and *Ac(F153)XTH20-Ac(MD2)XTH23* was placed in Group IIIB, which indicated that XTHs generated multiple segmental duplications have occurred during XTH diversification in pineapple.
3.6. Ka/Ks Analysis of XTH Genes {#sec3dot6-genes-10-00537}
To assess whether XTH genes had been subject to Darwinian selection, all paralogous XTH pairs were used to calculate Ka/Ks values ([Table S3](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}). Thirteen XTH paralogous with high similarity were detected with the Ka/Ks \< 1, which suggested that XTHs had undergone strong purifying selection in 'F153' and 'MD2'. Most paralogous showed a relatively recent duplication time with an average value of about 1.7 Mya, except that *Ac(F153)XTH18-Ac(MD2)XTH18* and *Ac(F153)XTH7-Ac(F153)XTH18* diverged about 388 and 340 Mya, respectively ([Table 2](#genes-10-00537-t002){ref-type="table"}).
3.7. Differential Expression Profiles of XTHs during Development {#sec3dot7-genes-10-00537}
Fifteen XTH genes were simultaneously induced in the green leaf tip and white leaf base, which were used to investigate diurnal expression patterns ([Figure 4](#genes-10-00537-f004){ref-type="fig"}A). The majority of XTHs expressed in the green leaf tip showed transcript levels lower than those detected in the white leaf base or no transcripts were detected. Four genes (27%), comprising *Ac(MD2)XTH6*, *11*, *15*, and *20* exhibited higher transcript levels. Interestingly, several XTHs may show a diurnal expression pattern owing to the contrasting transcript levels detected during day and night in each tissues.
Fifteen *Ac(MD2)XTHs* genes, which were divided into three diverse categories, were detected during fruit ripening ([Figure 4](#genes-10-00537-f004){ref-type="fig"}B). Five genes showed higher transcript levels at the Fruit1 and/or Fruit2 stages than that at advanced stages of ripening. *Ac(MD2)XTH6*, *15*, *20*, and *22* showed normal transcript levels or no significant difference among immature stages, but showed a high transcript level in Fruit3 and subsequently a low transcript level during fruit maturation stages. Six XTHs were showed a low transcript levels at the onset of maturity and subsequently were highly expressed. Notably *Ac(MD2)XTH8* and *Ac(MD2)XTH23*, for which expression increased more than 6-fold and 11-fold, respectively, were indicated to have important roles in fruit ripening.
3.8. RT-qPCR Analysis of XTH Genes in Root and Leaf {#sec3dot8-genes-10-00537}
Quantitative real-time PCR analysis was used to analyze the expression patterns of 11 selected *Ac(MD2)XTH* genes in the root and leaf of 'MD2'. Eight of the 11 *Ac(MD2)XTH* genes showed differential expression patterns in different tissues, and expression of the remaining three *Ac(MD2)XTH* genes was not detected ([Figure 5](#genes-10-00537-f005){ref-type="fig"}, [Figure S3](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}). *Ac(MD2)XTH15* and *Ac(MD2)XTH18* were detected simultaneously in three tissues. *Ac(MD2)XTH15* showed the highest relative expression level in the green leaf tip, sequentially in the root, and finally in the white leaf base. *Ac(MD2)XTH18* was significantly more highly expressed in the root compared with the other tissues ([Figure 5](#genes-10-00537-f005){ref-type="fig"}A). Four genes (*Ac(MD2)XTH11, 15, 18,* and *20*) showed higher relative expression levels in the green leaf than those in the white leaf base consistent with the corresponding transcriptome except for *Ac(MD2)XTH18* ([Figure 5](#genes-10-00537-f005){ref-type="fig"}B, [Figure S3](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}). Six genes were observed to show a low relative expression level in the white leaf base, of which the highest was *Ac(MD2)2XTH13* about 0.12 ([Figure S3](#app1-genes-10-00537){ref-type="app"}). The relative expression level of four genes ranged from 0.13 to 49.5 in the green leaf tip. In the root, *Ac(MD2)XTH18* showed the highest relative expression level of about 532.5.
4. Discussion {#sec4-genes-10-00537}
As a vital cell-wall-modifying enzyme, XTH is implicated in the incorporation or hydrolysis of XyG to regulate cell wall remodeling and degradation. In this study, 48 (24/24) non-redundant XTHs were identified in pineapple 'F153' and 'MD2', respectively. The number of XTHs identified is fewer than that in a previous study because of the redundancy of annotation \[[@B15-genes-10-00537]\]. The number of XTHs detected in each cultivar is less than that reported in most vascular plant species except *Actinidia deliciosa* (14 *AdXTHs*) and *Malus sieversii* (11 *MsXTHs*) \[[@B24-genes-10-00537]\]. The difference may be attributed to fewer duplication events of pineapple compared with most other plant species. Gene duplication provides a source for gene functional diversification and contributes to amplification of the number of members of a gene family. For example, an ancient whole-genome duplication (WGD) with massive gene duplication were occurred in *O. sativa* and the genome of *A. thaliana* primarily experienced at least four large-scale duplication events \[[@B50-genes-10-00537],[@B51-genes-10-00537]\]. Therefore, the limited number of XTHs in pineapple might reflect that the genome diverged prior to the Poales-specific ρWGD event \[[@B2-genes-10-00537]\].
The groups retrieved in the phylogenetic tree contained a similar number of XTH genes from each cultivar, which indicated that XTH genes were relatively conserved before the differentiation of cultivars in pineapple. Although differing considerably in MW, PI, and length, the XTHs contained relatively conserved motifs and gene structure in each group, indicating that XTHs of the same group may perform similar functions. In addition, unique traits of XTHs were confirmed in pineapple. For instance, the catalytic sites, D(N)E(L/I/V)DF(Y)EFLG as motif B, were highly conserved in all XTH proteins, especially three absolutely conserved catalytic residues (ExDxE) \[[@B12-genes-10-00537]\], suggesting that the highly conserved motif could have a similar and conserved function in plant XTHs \[[@B13-genes-10-00537],[@B52-genes-10-00537]\]. All proteins were localized to the cell wall, and several proteins were also localized to the cytoplasm. These results indicated that XTH proteins could easily access the substrate and promote catalytic reactions. A signal peptide of about 20--25 nucleotides adjacent to the start codon was present in the majority of XTHs, which suggested that this short sequence of hydrophobic amino acids may be responsible for transmembrane transport of XTH proteins through interaction with subcellular organelle membranes \[[@B53-genes-10-00537]\]. Motif 9 distinguished Group IIIB from the other groups, and thus might play an important role in the distinctive function of Group IIIB XTHs. Several Cys residues present in the C-XET domain may contribute to the structural stabilization through disulfide bonds \[[@B12-genes-10-00537],[@B54-genes-10-00537]\]. Therefore, the conservation of features of the domains, motifs, and gene structure strongly supported the reliability of phylogenetic classification and especially the close evolutionary relationship of two cultivars.
Group I/II was the biggest group of XTHs, whereas Group IIIA was the smallest group in each cultivar, which was consistent with other species \[[@B10-genes-10-00537]\]. The XEH activity of Group IIIA evolved as a-gain-of function in ancestral XET \[[@B6-genes-10-00537],[@B10-genes-10-00537]\]. However, no XTH from 'MD2' was placed in Group IIIA. Archetypal XTH from *Tropaeolum majus*, *Vigna angularis*, and *A. thaliana* in Group IIIA only showed demonstrable XEH activity \[[@B14-genes-10-00537],[@B55-genes-10-00537],[@B56-genes-10-00537]\]. Hence, we speculated that *Ac(F153)XTH24* in Group IIIA might possess XEH activity.
Twenty-six of the 48 XTHs identified were involved in the segmental duplication events without tandem duplication, which implied that segmental replication events played an important role in XTH gene family expansion and greatly drove the evolution of XTHs in pineapple. Tandem duplication events are undoubtedly crucial for genome expansion \[[@B57-genes-10-00537]\]. Each gene of the *Ac(F153)XTH7-Ac(F153)XTH8* pair was linked and connected with *Ac(MD2)XTH18*. This result indicated that the three XTHs were highly conserved and experienced translocation or segmental replication in 'F153' first, and subsequently evolved in parallel in the two cultivars \[[@B58-genes-10-00537]\]. The paralogous pairs *Ac(F153)XTH7-Ac(F153)XTH18* and *Ac(F153)XTH18-Ac(MD2)XTH18*, which were indicated to have diverged more than 300 Mya, arose before divergence of the Poales \[[@B59-genes-10-00537],[@B60-genes-10-00537],[@B61-genes-10-00537]\]. All XTHs were indicated to have undergone strong purifying selection suggesting that XTHs have evolved slowly between cultivars \[[@B62-genes-10-00537]\].
Expression of XTHs varies under exposure to stress and shows tissue, organ, and temporal specificity \[[@B4-genes-10-00537],[@B22-genes-10-00537],[@B25-genes-10-00537]\]. The contrasting expression patterns in the green leaf tip and white leaf base was suggestive of tissue specificity of XTHs in pineapple. Pineapple fixes carbon dioxide nocturnally by activity of CAM-related enzymes and is stored rapidly as malic acid in the vacuole \[[@B2-genes-10-00537],[@B63-genes-10-00537]\]. *Ac(MD2)XTH15, Ac(MD2)XTH11, Ac(MD2)XTH6,* and *Ac(MD2)XTH20* showed higher expression levels in photosynthetic tissues and may be putative CAM-related genes that enhance the efficiency of water use by the CAM pathway. Several XTHs participated in fruit ripening, such as in apple and kiwifruit \[[@B24-genes-10-00537]\]. Together with fruit ripening, continuously fluctuating expression patterns with gradual decline or accumulated increment indicated that XTHs showed polygenic interaction and temporal expression during fruit development stages. In addition, the RT-qPCR results were highly consistent with the transcriptomic data. The results revealed that the expression pattern of *Ac(MD2)XTH15* differed from that of *Ac(MD2)XTH18* in three tissues consistent with placement of the two genes in different phylogenetic groups. An extremely high expression level of *Ac(MD2)XTH18* in the root at noon suggested this gene may be involved in root growth during photosynthesis. These results indicated that several XTHs are involved in photosynthesis with tissue specificity as putative CAM-related enzymes.
The following are available online at <>, Supplement File 1: Figure S1: Multiple amino acid sequences alignment of XTH proteins in 'F153' and 'MD2'. The XTHs protein sequences were multi-aligned using the ClustalW2 program. Two typical motifs and signal peptides are indicated in black line and letters. The arrow indicates the N-linked glycosylation site. Supplement File 2: Figure S2: Gene structure of XTHs in 'F153' and 'MD2'. Supplement File 3: Figure S3: The relative expression level in the green leaf tip and white leaf base of 'MD2' by RT-qPCR. WB and GT represented white leaf base and the green leaf tip. (A) The expression levels of *Ac(MD2)XTH18* and *Ac(MD2)XTH15* in two tissues; (B) Different expression profiles of genes in the white leaf base. Supplement File 4: Figure S4: The position of *Ac(MD2)XTHs* on scaffold. Supplement File 5: Table S1: Primer sequence used in RT-qPCR. Supplement File 6: Table S2. The position information of XTHs in 'F153' and 'MD2' Supplement File 7: Table S3. The ratio of Ka/Ks in XTH gene pairs based on *p*-value \< 0.05. Supplement File 8: 48 protein sequences in 'F153' and 'MD2'. Supplement File 9: The FASTA format file of XTHs' multiple sequence alignment. Supplement File 10: The FASTA format file of EG16's multiple sequence alignment. Supplement File 11: The result file of EG16's domain analysis by CD-search.
Click here for additional data file.
Conceptualization, Q.L. and L.Y.; data curation, L.Y.; formal analysis, Q.L., R.Z., F.G., and Y.C.; funding acquisition, L.Y.; investigation, C.Y. and Q.J.; methodology, Q.L.; resources, H.L.; software, Q.L.; supervision, L.Y.; writing---original draft, Q.L.; Writing---review & editing, Q.L., L.Y., H.L, and X.W.
This work was supported by the Foundation of Shandong Province Modern Agricultural Technology System Innovation Team (SDAIT-25-02 to L.Y.).
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
genes-10-00537-t001_Table 1
The physicochemical properties of XTHs from 'F153' and 'MD2'.
Name Transcript ID Length MW (kDa) PI SP Catalytic Site Subcellular Localization
----------------- ---------------- -------- ---------- ------ ---- ---------------- --------------------------
*Ac(F153)XTH1* XP_020091206.1 292 32.78 5.35 20 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH2* XP_020111283.1 296 34.17 5.98 20 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH3* XP_020087864.1 318 37.29 7.59 − DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH4* XP_020102739.1 268 30.71 5.96 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH5* XP_020102738.1 291 33.33 6.06 24 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH6* XP_020109096.1 327 35.98 5.07 24 NEFDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH7* XP_020084286.1 285 31.65 5.53 27 DEVDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH8* XP_020104828.1 303 35.62 8.81 − DEIDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH9* XP_020089756.1 270 30.56 6.1 20 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH10* XP_020090359.1 270 30.63 6.43 20 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH11* XP_020110218.1 281 31.54 4.69 21 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH12* XP_020102740.1 285 31.58 4.75 24 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH13* XP_020091231.1 281 31.46 5.71 23 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(F153)XTH14* XP_020090869.1 282 32.15 5.41 25 DEVDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH15* XP_020097886.1 291 33.33 4.8 26 DEIDYEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH16* XP_020100605.1 293 32.89 9.04 20 NEVDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH17* XP_020106929.1 340 38.92 5.95 28 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH18* XP_020104936.1 339 38.68 6.56 26 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH19* XP_020092864.1 349 39.41 8.69 23 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH20* XP_020094226.1 331 37.68 5.79 20 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH21* XP_020085280.1 334 37.63 5.93 19 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH22* XP_020085278.1 334 37.65 5.93 19 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH23* XP_020085279.1 334 37.65 5.93 19 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(F153)XTH24* XP_020112380.1 290 33.23 9.53 18 DEVDIEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH1* OAY79161.1 230 25.99 5.36 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH2* OAY64709.1 274 32.15 7.63 − DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH3* OAY72845.1 274 31.83 5.98 − DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH4* OAY65283.1 296 34.17 5.98 20 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH5* OAY76125.1 575 64.58 5.26 24 DELDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH6* OAY78767.1 296 32.87 5.7 38 DEVDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH7* OAY70160.1 328 36.16 5 24 NEFDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH8* OAY63484.1 327 35.98 5.07 24 NEFDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH9* OAY62696.1 256 29.06 6.1 − DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH10* OAY67076.1 256 29.06 6.1 − DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH11* OAY62698.1 284 32.34 5.41 27 DEVDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH12* OAY79036.1 286 32.28 5.97 25 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH13* OAY76653.1 281 31.57 4.69 21 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall Cytoplasm
*Ac(MD2)XTH14* OAY71418.1 272 30.48 4.68 21 DEIDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH15* OAY73488.1 293 32.89 9.04 20 NEVDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH16* OAY70295.1 330 37.64 6.6 26 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH17* OAY81259.1 345 38.76 5.63 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH18* OAY66122.1 285 32.60 6.22 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH19* OAY83621.1 289 32.55 8.57 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH20* OAY70631.1 287 32.53 8.26 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH21* OAY84325.1 335 37.79 6.17 19 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH22* OAY70279.1 335 37.80 6.17 19 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH23* OAY81925.1 331 37.68 5.95 20 DELDFEFLG Cell wall
*Ac(MD2)XTH24* OAY65080.1 367 41.61 8.54 − DELDFEFLG Cell wall
MW: molecular weight; PI: isoelectric point; SP: Signal Peptide.
genes-10-00537-t002_Table 2
Ka/Ks analysis and estimated divergence time of XTHs.
Collinear XTH Pairs Ka Ks Ka/Ks *p*-Value (Fisher) Duplication Time (Mya)
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------------
*Ac(F153)XTH7-Ac(MD2)XTH6* 0.003077 0.03004 0.102442 0.003098 2.46
*Ac(F153)XTH21-Ac(MD2)XTH22* 0.003969 0.024998 0.158756 0.008438 2.05
*Ac(F153)XTH21-Ac(MD2)XTH21* 0.006628 0.029215 0.226877 0.011896 2.39
*Ac(F153)XTH3-Ac(MD2)XTH2* 0.00155 0.011451 0.135322 0.107858 0.94
*Ac(F153)XTH1-Ac(MD2)XTH1* 0.008336 0.010261 0.812454 0.377377 0.84
*Ac(F153)XTH19-Ac(MD2)XTH19* 0.007705 0.019414 0.396873 0.150722 1.59
*Ac(F153)XTH7-Ac(MD2)XTH12* 0.062047 0.071925 0.862666 0.630505 5.90
*Ac(F153)XTH20-Ac(MD2)XTH24* 0.001324 0.008482 0.15611 0.130065 0.70
*Ac(F153)XTH16-Ac(MD2)XTH15* NA 0.005103 0 NA 0.41
*Ac(F153)XTH18-Ac(MD2)XTH18* 0.265729 4.64275 0.057235 1.19E^−40^ 380.55
*Ac(F153)XTH17-Ac(MD2)XTH18* NA NA NA NA NA
*Ac(F153)XTH7-Ac(F153)XTH18* 0.311919 4.15239 0.075118 1.28E^−41^ 340.36
*Ac(F153)XTH6-Ac(MD2)XTH18* NA NA NA NA NA
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | I have been using both the Laptop, iPad, and iphone versions for 5 years now. I am never disappointed and always amazed at what new things that app can do.
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——Walter Mentle
It is intuitive and easy to use. Best application for merging, splitting, shrinking, manipulating, adding and taking away pages with ease. I don't know how I would cope without it. Oh, the free version gets some or most of the simple jobs done.
The program does everything I want in making various notes on the PDF file with highlights, text notes, etc. I grade my students' papers with this app. It's much cleaner than simply scribbling on the paper. Now my students will actually read my feedback for them. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | The internal impact force is triggered by pressure using the palm of the hand. The MICRO center punch is practical, versatile and quick, and is capable of 100 lbs. of impact force. The MICRO comes with a center point stamp.
Punch force is adjustable by tightening or loosening the rear spring cap. Unit offers very high sensitivity, precision, and repeatability.
Front cap screws off for replacement of interchangeable steel stamp inserts sold separately.
Interchangeable steel stamps are available in single characters, 0 thru 9, A thru Z, and Symbols. See "MICRO INSERT" to order. |
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Useful Strategy of Pulmonary Microvascular Cytology in the Early Diagnosis of Intravascular Large B-cell Lymphoma in a Patient with Hypoxemia: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) is a rare extranodal lymphoma characterized by the presence of tumor cells within blood vessels, and it is considered to be a subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. We report a case of IVLBCL presenting as progressive hypoxemia. In this case, a definitive diagnosis could not be achieved by repeated transbronchial lung biopsy, a bone marrow biopsy, and a random skin biopsy, and the ultimate diagnosis was made on the basis of a pulmonary microvascular cytology (PMC) examination. Therefore, PMC is considered to be a useful strategy for the diagnosis of IVLBCL, particularly in this critically ill patient suffering from hypoxemia. |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Raspberry pi direct connect over ethernet
I been wondering on how to connect my Macbook and Raspberry Pi together over ethernet ( I do not have access to a crossover atm). I've set up, on the Pi side, by typing
sudo ip add *insert Pi ip here*/24 dev eth0
but when I attempt to use this exact line (changed ip), Macbook doen't connect. At all. Anyone know how to fix this?
Recent versions of Raspbian (which use dhcpcd) allow ssh to work over a link-local address and avahai (which is a zeroconf implementation) enables programs to discover hosts running on a local network.
This means you can plug the Pi into a Computer (with an Ethernet cable) or a local network router and connect without knowing the IP address.
You can easily connect from OS X with ssh [email protected] (the default hostname is raspberrypi)
You can use a crossover cable, but you don't need one (most modern interfaces automatically detect).
I think this answers the question I think you are asking. See How do I set up networking/WiFi/static IP address? if you want more detail.
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Minimum value of $(a, b, c)$
If $a^2b^2+b^2c^2+c^2a^2-69abc=2016$, then, what can be said about the least value of $\min(a, b ,c)$, where $a, b, c\gt0$?
This problem is unyielding to the major inequalities like AM-GM, Cauchy-Schwarz, etc. I also tried relating it to $x^3+y^3+z^3-3xyz=(x+y+z)(\sum_{cyc}x^2+\sum_{cyc}xy)$, but of no use. Any ideas. Thanks beforehand.
PS: This is problem S395 in Issue 6 2016 of Mathematical Reflections.
Let $a,c \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}$. Assume $a = \epsilon > 0$ and $c = 1$. This leads to the quadratic equation in $b$
$$(1+\epsilon^2)b^2-69\epsilon b+\epsilon^2-2016 = 0,$$
with a solution given by
$$ b = \frac{69\epsilon +\sqrt{8064+12821\epsilon^2 -4\epsilon^4}}{2(1+\epsilon^2)} $$
Thus, $b \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}$ if and only if $8064+12821\epsilon^2 -4\epsilon^4 \geq 0$, which is true for $0 < \epsilon \leq 56.6205...$.
Thus, it is easy to conclude about $\min (a,b,c)$.
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | Leflunomide induces immunosuppression in collagen-induced arthritis rats by upregulating CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells.
This study was to investigate the effect of leflunomide on the immunosuppressive CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+ Tregs) in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) rats. CIA was induced by collagen type II in Wistar rats. Immunofluorescence flow cytometry and RT-PCR were used to determine the proportion of CD4+CD25+ Tregs and the expression of Foxp3 mRNA, respectively. Proliferation of T lymphocytes was assayed with MTT reagent, and the level of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) in the supernatant of concanavalin A (Con A)-induced T lymphocytes was determined by ELISA kit. Our investigations demonstrated that inhibition of arthritis by leflunomide was related to changes in CD4+CD25+ Tregs. In addition, A771726, which is the active metabolite of leflunomide, promoted the differentiation of spleen lymphocytes into CD4+CD25+ Tregs, increased antiinflammatory cytokine TGF-beta1 secretion, and adjusted the activity of Con A-induced lymphocytes in vitro. |
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | About This Game
Play in a well-lit room
Do not play if you are drowsy or fatigued
RocketGirl is the greatest game ever made. Take control of a beautiful heroine and grab a stolen rocket. Can you help her escape, with an army of baddies in hot pursuit? Stunning visuals. Awesome soundtrack. Non-stop action. Are you up for the challenge?PHOTOSENSITIVE SEIZURE WARNINGA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms. Children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing. |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Markdown Markup Editor: MK2
Following on from this question I have added some more functionality to Markdown Markup, and made it more WPF idiomatic.
It now supports saving data from any of the four boxes, and loading Markdown or CSS files.
Everything seems to work, so as always, any tips/pointers/critique is/are welcome.
So, first, the new MainWindow.xaml.cs:
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel();
private MainWindowViewModel ViewModel => DataContext as MainWindowViewModel;
private void renderPreviewBrowser_Navigating(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
// This prevents links in the page from navigating, this also means we cannot call WebBrowser.Navigate for any browsers with this event.
if (e.Uri != null)
e.Cancel = true;
Nice and succinct.
The new MainWindow.xaml:
<Window x:Class="Markdown_Markup.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="539" Width="749"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance local:MainWindowViewModel}">
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<DockPanel Grid.ColumnSpan="3">
<Menu DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<MenuItem Header="_File">
<MenuItem Header="_Open">
<MenuItem Header="_Markdown" Command="{Binding OpenMarkdownCommand}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_CSS" Command="{Binding OpenCssCommand}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Save">
<MenuItem Header="_Markdown" Command="{Binding SaveMarkdownCommand}" />
<MenuItem Header="_CSS" Command="{Binding SaveCssCommand}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Generated HTML" Command="{Binding SaveGeneratedHtmlCommand}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Rendered HTML" Command="{Binding SaveRenderedHtmlCommand}"/>
<StatusBar Height="24" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="2"/>
<TextBox Margin="5,45,5,29" TextWrapping="Wrap" Grid.RowSpan="3" Text="{Binding MarkdownContent, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" AcceptsReturn="True" AcceptsTab="True"/>
<TextBox Margin="5,28,5,5" TextWrapping="Wrap" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" IsReadOnly="True" Text="{Binding HtmlContent}"/>
<TextBox Margin="5,26,5,29" TextWrapping="Wrap" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" IsReadOnly="True" Text="{Binding HtmlRenderContent}"/>
<TextBox Margin="5,45,5,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding CssContent, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" AcceptsReturn="True" AcceptsTab="True"/>
<WebBrowser local:BrowserBehavior.Html="{Binding HtmlRenderContent}" Grid.Column="2" Margin="5,45,5,29" Grid.RowSpan="3" Navigating="renderPreviewBrowser_Navigating" />
<Label Content="Markdown Content:" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5,19,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Label Content="Additional CSS:" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5,19,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Label Content="Markdown HTML:" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5,2,0,0" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Label Content="Render HTML:" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5,0,0,0" Grid.Row="2" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Label Content="HTML Preview:" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5,19,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
This is a bit larger than last time.
The BrowserBehavior.cs:
/// <summary>
/// Represents a behavior to control WebBrowser binding to an HTML string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Adopted from:
/// </remarks>
public class BrowserBehavior
public static readonly DependencyProperty HtmlProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnHtmlChanged));
public static string GetHtml(WebBrowser d) => (string)d.GetValue(HtmlProperty);
public static void SetHtml(WebBrowser d, string value)
d.SetValue(HtmlProperty, value);
static void OnHtmlChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var webBrowser = dependencyObject as WebBrowser;
webBrowser?.NavigateToString(e.NewValue as string ?? " ");
It's slightly modified from the Stack Overflow question mentioned in the XML comment.
A DelegateCommand (given to me by Mat's Mug, which I made a couple changes to):
public class DelegateCommand : ICommand
private readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;
private readonly Action<object> _execute;
public DelegateCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute = null)
_canExecute = canExecute;
_execute = execute;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter) => _canExecute == null || _canExecute.Invoke(parameter);
public void Execute(object parameter)
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }
Lastly, and this is the more fun of the files, the MainWindowViewModel.cs:
public class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Markdown _markdown;
private string _markdownContent;
private string _cssContent;
private string _htmlContent;
private string _htmlRenderContent;
public MainWindowViewModel()
_markdown = new Markdown();
SaveMarkdownCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveMarkdown, CanSaveMarkdown);
SaveCssCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveCss, CanSaveCss);
SaveGeneratedHtmlCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveGeneratedHtml, CanSaveGeneratedHtml);
SaveRenderedHtmlCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveRenderedHtml, CanSaveRenderedHtml);
OpenMarkdownCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenMarkdown, CanOpenMarkdown);
OpenCssCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenCss, CanOpenCss);
public ICommand SaveMarkdownCommand { get; }
public ICommand SaveCssCommand { get; }
public ICommand SaveGeneratedHtmlCommand { get; }
public ICommand SaveRenderedHtmlCommand { get; }
public ICommand OpenMarkdownCommand { get; }
public ICommand OpenCssCommand { get; }
public string MarkdownContent
get { return _markdownContent; }
_markdownContent = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(MarkdownContent)));
public string CssContent
get { return _cssContent; }
_cssContent = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(CssContent)));
public void UpdateHtml()
var html = _markdown.Transform(MarkdownContent);
HtmlContent = html;
html = $"<html>\r\n\t<head>\r\n\t\t<style>\r\n\t\t\t{CssContent}\r\n\t\t</style>\r\n\t</head>\r\n\t<body>\r\n\t\t{html}\r\n\t</body>\r\n</html>";
HtmlRenderContent = html;
public string HtmlContent
get { return _htmlContent; }
_htmlContent = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(HtmlContent)));
public string HtmlRenderContent
get { return _htmlRenderContent; }
_htmlRenderContent = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(HtmlRenderContent)));
public bool CanSaveMarkdown(object parameter) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MarkdownContent);
public void SaveMarkdown(object parameter)
var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = "Markdown Files|*.md|All Files|*.*";
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result.Value)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(dialog.FileName))
public bool CanSaveCss(object parameter) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CssContent);
public void SaveCss(object parameter)
var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = "CSS Files|*.css|All Files|*.*";
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result.Value)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(dialog.FileName))
public bool CanSaveGeneratedHtml(object parameter) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HtmlContent);
public void SaveGeneratedHtml(object parameter)
var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = "HTML Files|*.html|All Files|*.*";
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result.Value)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(dialog.FileName))
public bool CanSaveRenderedHtml(object parameter) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HtmlRenderContent);
public void SaveRenderedHtml(object parameter)
var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = "HTML Files|*.html|All Files|*.*";
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result.Value)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(dialog.FileName))
public bool CanOpenMarkdown(object parameter) => true;
public void OpenMarkdown(object parameter)
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = "Markdown Files|*.md|All Files|*.*";
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result.Value)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(dialog.FileName))
MarkdownContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
public bool CanOpenCss(object parameter) => true;
public void OpenCss(object parameter)
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = "CSS Files|*.css|All Files|*.*";
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result.Value)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(dialog.FileName))
CssContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
public void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
handler?.Invoke(this, e);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
All comments and critique are welcome.
It's also on GitHub now.
This method to raise the PropertyChanged event needs only to be called if the value is changed which isn't verified by the setters of your properties yet. To fix this issue and prevent unneeded work to be done a simple if condition is needed like so
public string MarkdownContent
get { return _markdownContent; }
if (_markdownContent == value) { return; }
_markdownContent = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(MarkdownContent)));
The implementation of the OnPropertyChanged() can be improved by just using the ? null-conditional operator which is clearly stated in the New Features in c# 6
We expect that a very common use of this pattern will be for triggering of events:
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, args);
This is an easy and thread-safe way to check for null before you trigger an event. The reason it’s thread-safe is that the feature evaluates the left-hand side only once, and keeps it in a temporary variable.
OpenMarkDown() and OpenCss()
You have duplicated code here and an unused method parameter. By introducing a string GetLoadFilename(string filter) (not sure about the method name) this can be prevented like so
private string GetLoadFilename(string filter)
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.Filter = filter;
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
return result.Value ? dialog.FileName : string.Empty;
and now for instance OpenCss() would look like so if we also extract the actual reading of the file to a string ReadFile(string) method
public void OpenCss(object parameter)
var fileName = GetLoadFilename("CSS Files|*.css|All Files|*.*");
if (fileName.Length == 0) { return; }
CssContent = ReadFile(fileName)
private string ReadFile(string fileName)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(dialog.FileName))
return sr.ReadToEnd();
Almost the same refactoring should be applied to the SaveMarkdown(), SaveCss(), SaveGeneratedHtml() and SaveRenderedHtml() by introducing the methods string GetSaveFilename(string) and void SaveFile(string).
Some feedback on the XAML:
Good that you set d:DataContext as it saves some pain when bindings are ~compiletime checked (if the designer has the view open)
<RowDefinition Height="*"/> *is the default but I don't mind being explicit about it.
<DockPanel Grid.ColumnSpan="3"> usually you want to avoid ColumnSpan. Nesting panels simplifies layout and makes it easier to move things around. Another benefit is that nested panels can be collapsed in the XAML-editor.
Say your layout looks like this:
Then nesting grids like this creates a layout that is easy to reason about:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
Fill="Red" />
<Grid Grid.Row="1">
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<Rectangle Grid.Column="0"
Fill="Yellow" />
<Rectangle Grid.Column="1"
Fill="Blue" />
<DockPanel><Menu>...</Menu><StackPanel></StackPanel></DockPanel> there are a bunch of issues here. You add a panel with just a single child, not counting the empty StackPanel.
Panels come with a cost, they add to the visual tree hurting startup time and memory usage.
It adds noise to the XAML making it harder to figure out what it does.
StatusBar and a couple of others are missing Grid.Column. Try to be consistent with the order of attributes. A common convention is x:Name first, then layout, then size, from memory. Pick a convention and be consistent. I can highly recommend Xaml Styler
Order the elements in the XAML by Grid.Row and Grid.Column sample:
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Fill="Red" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Fill="Gray" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Fill="Yellow" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Fill="Blue" />
I usually do attribute per row for clean diffs but wanted a table look here.
<TextBox Margin="5,45,5,29" margins like these look really suspicious. Use margins for adding margins around elements and not for positioning. Use panels for positioning.
A note about panels: I estimate that I use Grid as panel 93% of the time.
Label label is quite a bit more heavyweight than TextBlock unless you have a reason use TextBlock. First google hit on the subject
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Michigan Blue beat Syracuse Orange
Despite a strong comeback in the second half, Syracuse came up short against Michigan. Blue beat Syracuse OrangeDespite a strong comeback in the second half, Syracuse came up short against Michigan.30orangeSyracusesportsmitch mcgaryvpcncaa2013UniversityWolverinesmichiganSports-CollegencaablueFinal Fourtrey burke01:35 |
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | Q:
Is it possible to have folders in AWS S3 bucket?
I am very very new to AWS S3.
I have the following questions,
Question 1) Is it possible to have folders and sub-folders in S3 buckets?
For e.g. as below:
Here **Root folder 'Folder' has 2 sub-folders and a file. Then Sub-folder1 has 2 sub-folders and a file. etc.
Question 2) If i have the above structure in S3, How can I retrieve the data by Java code usinf AWS SDK for Java?
In aws s3, every file is an object. If you want to upload a specific file in say folder1 your object key should be folder1/filename.ext, if in subfolder of folder1 then it should be folder1/subfolder/filename.ext. So your question 1 is possible even though it is practically not a directory.
When requesting for objects in the folder you can use delimiter and prefix to obtain objects in specific folder see and
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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Just after daybreak, Hamed al-Shaer came down the narrow stairway of his family's home in southern Gaza pulling a black suitcase and said goodbye to his mother. They hugged at the gate and he kissed her hands in a show of devotion as she struggled to control her emotions.
"Emigration is better," she said of his plan to return to Saudi Arabia where he has lived for the past 13 years, most recently working as a driver.
But by nightfall he was back, despondent after his third failed attempt this week to exit the blockaded Gaza Strip through the congested Rafah border crossing.
Egypt has opened Rafah for the duration of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, temporarily easing a border blockade of Gaza that it has enforced, along with Israel, for the past 11 years. But thousands of people hoping to travel are on a waiting list, a backlog created by long periods of closures, and Egyptian border officials are processing them at an excruciatingly slow pace.
Al-Shaer, whose name was near the top of the list of those cleared for travel, was getting increasingly desperate. If he didn't get out by early June, his Saudi residency permit would expire.
"I was shocked," al-Shaer said, adding that he had considered not returning to his mother's home after his latest failed attempt, "because I don't want to make another round of hard farewells."
Despite his anxiety-filled ordeal, al-Shaer, 34, considers himself lucky.
Most Gaza residents can't travel at all under the strict blockade imposed after the Islamic militant Hamas group seized the territory in 2007.
Israel permits only a small number of medical patients, business people and aid workers to exit each month. Egypt opens Rafah sporadically, and those trying to leave Gaza must sign up with Hamas, which gives priority to patients, students at foreign universities, dual nationals and those with residency in third countries.
In recent weeks, anti-blockade protests on the Gaza-Israel border — organized by Hamas, but driven by the despair of Gaza's residents — have drawn new attention to the hardships faced by Gaza's 2 million people.
They are enclosed in a narrow strip of territory just 25 miles (40 kilometers) long and six miles (10 kilometers) wide.
The high casualty count during the protests — more than 100 Palestinians killed and more than 3,600 wounded since late March by Israeli army fire — has lent new urgency to international efforts to improve conditions in Gaza.
Two senior Hamas officials said discreet talks are under way, through mediators such as Switzerland and Norway, about having the United Nations take the lead in improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Egypt promised to reassess its closure policy after Ramadan, raising the possibility of letting goods into Gaza as part of any U.N.-led projects, the Hamas officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss back-channel contacts.
For the past decade, an intractable standoff has prevented fundamental change in Gaza.
Israel, which along with its Western allies considers Hamas a terrorist group, says the blockade is needed to prevent the group from arming. Hamas has refused to disarm or renounce violence, rejecting a key condition by Israel and Egypt for ending the blockade.
Hamas' counterproposals, including a long-term cease-fire with Israel and ceding some power in Gaza to its political rival, Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, have not gained traction.
The crippling blockade has robbed Gaza residents of any chance to chart their lives. Polls indicate that one in two Gaza residents would emigrate if given a chance. Two-thirds of its young people are unemployed.
Yet, Gaza's population is unlikely to rise up against Hamas because there's no apparent alternative and because anger over the blockade remains largely directed at Israel and to a lesser extent at Egypt.
Al-Shaer comes from a typical Gaza family where those who are able to leave seek their fortunes abroad. Three of his brothers work in Saudi Arabia and one in Bahrain. He left Gaza in 2005, before the blockade, settling in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. For the past year, he has worked as the personal chauffeur of a corporate executive.
In September, he returned to Gaza for a visit because he missed his parents, who wanted him to marry a local woman — which he did in December.
When al-Shaer first registered on the Gaza Interior Ministry's waiting list in November, he was told that it would take more than a year to leave Gaza. Rafah has been closed for 110 days this year, while the waiting list has about 25,000 names, though not all may still be planning to travel.
He began a frantic lobbying effort, frequently visiting the ministry and even approaching a ministry official at a neighborhood mosque. Al-Shaer argued that he should be allowed to leave sooner so he wouldn't lose his Saudi residency.
For those with money, there's also the option of what Gaza residents sarcastically call "Egyptian coordination." This refers to payments, reportedly up to $3,000 per traveler, to Palestinian middlemen who claim to have connections on the Egyptian side. Both Egypt and Hamas deny bribe-taking, though some travelers have witnessed people being moved to the front of the line for "coordination."
Al-Shaer said he was finally able to persuade Hamas officials that he deserved to be moved up the waiting list. On Saturday, he was told he was cleared for travel and should report the next day to a converted gym that serves as a departure hall.
His elation was quickly clouded by worry.
Egyptian border officials had been clearing only about 250 travelers a day, about a third of the usual volume in the past. As a result, many slated for travel had to wait for hours near the border, only to be told to come back the next day.
On Sunday, al-Shaer was at the departure hall, waiting his turn. He kept checking his phone and pacing up and down as Hamas officials — sitting behind a counter and separated from the crowd by a fence — called out names. Some travelers waved papers, hoping to get the officials' attention.
Al-Shaer's turn didn't come that day or the next. Finally on Tuesday, he was able to board a bus bound for the border, but he and his fellow travelers were turned away at the last minute because the crossing was about to close.
On Wednesday morning, he left his parents' house in the town of Khan Younis at about 6:40 a.m. Four hours later, he had reached the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing and got his passport stamped. By noon, the bus arrived at the Egyptian side of the border.
Al-Shaer and the other passengers ended up spending the night there, ahead of a trip by bus Thursday through the turbulent Sinai Peninsula, where Egyptian security forces have been battling an insurgency by Islamic militants. Gaza passengers can only travel by bus during daylight hours from Rafah to Egypt's capital of Cairo and the city's airport.
Buses crossing the Sinai have to stop at more than a dozen military checkpoints. At each one, passengers get off the bus and open their luggage for inspection. Last fall, it took al-Shaer three days to get from Cairo airport to Rafah.
This time around, his trip through Sinai took more than 13 hours. At 8:30 p.m., al-Shaer finally crossed the Suez Canal, his bus bound for the airport, where he would try to book a flight after the tiring journey.
His new wife remains in Gaza for the time being, until he can arrange for a Saudi residency permit for her.
Al-Shaer said he left Gaza with mixed emotions — glad he spent time with his parents and found a wife, but railing at the steep price.
"You may lose your residency, job and future — sacrifice all of that just to see your family," he said. |
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | Muddled Vetting
While presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain survey the political landscape for running-mate options, they have also found time to pick apart each other’s search committee, criticizing the members’ links to special interests.
Obama’s leading VP vetter, Jim Johnson, was the first to come under fire from Republicans. The former CEO of Fannie Mae resigned from the search committee after being criticized by John McCain for getting mortgages with help from Countrywide Financial Corp., which Obama has condemned for its role in the subprime mortgage mess. The day after Johnson resigned, McCain drew attention to one of the remaining two people on Obama’s search committee, former deputy attorney general Eric Holder. McCain argues that because Holder served under President Clinton during his second term, he is linked to the president’s pardoning of Democratic campaign contributor Marc Rich, a commodities trader who fled the country after being charged with tax evasion. Holder is currently a partner with law and lobbying firm Covington and Burling LLP, which has made nearly $3 million in the first quarter of this year lobbying for such clients as Qualcomm Inc, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the National Football League.
The Obama campaign shot back with criticism of the man leading McCain’s VP search, former lobbyist Arthur Culvahouse. According to The Hill, although Culvahouse is no longer registered to lobby, he is the chairman of the firm for which he once lobbied, O’Melveny and Myers. Earlier in Culvahouse’s career, he was a legislative assistant to Howard Baker and then counsel to President Reagan during the Iran-Contra scandal. He began lobbying for O’Melveny and Myers in 1998. In addition to lobbying, Culvahouse uses his own income to play politics. During this election cycle, Culvahouse has donated at least $200 to McCain and $5,000 to McCain’s leadership PAC, Straight Talk for America, CRP has found. The Obama camp might not want to be too critical of the international law firm that Culvahouse leads; individuals at O’Melveny and Myers have given the Obama campaign at least $110,675 compared to just $42,300 for McCain. Interestingly, while lobbying at O’Melveny, one of Culvahouse’s clients was Fannie Mae–the former employer of Jim Johnson.
Except for the Revolving Door section, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License by To request permission for commercial use, please contact us. |
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | Conventionally, a DC/DC converter having a DC input terminal has been used to boost or drop a DC voltage and output it (see, e.g., Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2010-022077). In such a type of the DC/DC converter having the DC input terminal, when reverse polarity is connected to the DC input terminal, an internal circuit of the converter is broken. Various configurations as shown in FIGS. 28A to 28C have been known as countermeasures against the reverse connection to the DC input terminal.
FIG. 28A illustrates the configuration in which a diode is connected in series to one input terminal, thereby preventing a voltage from being applied to the internal circuit of the DC/DC converter in reverse connection. In this configuration, when polarity is normally connected to the DC input terminal, voltage loss is always generated by a voltage drop of the connected diode. Since the voltage is not applied to the internal circuit of the DC/DC converter in the reverse connection, the DC/DC converter does not operate.
FIG. 28B illustrates the configuration in which a diode is connected from one input terminal to the other input terminal and the internal circuit is short-circuited by the diode in reverse connection, thereby preventing a voltage from being applied to the internal circuit of the DC/DC converter in the reverse connection. In this configuration, a protection circuit is additionally required to protect a circuit connected to the DC input terminal from the short-circuit current. Alternatively, this configuration is limitedly applied to a power supply, such as a solar photovoltaic power generating panel, to which current limiting acts. Also, since the voltage is not applied to the internal circuit of the DC/DC converter in the reverse connection, the DC/DC converter does not operate.
FIG. 28C illustrates the configuration in which a bridge circuit is provided in an input unit, so that a normal voltage is applied to the internal circuit of the DC/DC converter even in any one of forward and reverse connections, such as when an AC power supply is connected to the DC/DC converter. In this configuration, the DC/DC converter operates even in any one of the forward and reverse connections, but voltage loss corresponding to the voltage of two diodes included in the bridge circuit always occurs. |
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