* **Identity Provider**: ZenML Pro offers flexible authentication options.
In cloud-hosted deployments, it integrates with [Auth0](https://auth0.com/),
allowing users to log in via social media or corporate credentials.
For self-hosted deployments, customers can configure their
own identity management solution, with ZenML Pro supporting
custom OIDC provider integration. This allows organizations to
leverage their existing identity infrastructure for authentication
and authorization, whether using the cloud service or deploying on-premises.
![ZenML Pro deployment architecture](../.gitbook/assets/pro_deployment_simple.png)
ZenML Pro offers many additional features to increase your teams
productivity. No matter your specific needs, the hosting options for ZenML Pro
range from easy SaaS integration to completely air-gapped deployments on your own
You might have noticed this architecture builds on top of the ZenML OSS system architecture.
Therefore, if you already have ZenML OSS deployed, it is easy to enroll it as part of a
ZenML Pro deployment!
The above components interact with other MLOps stack components, secrets, and data in
the following scenarios described below.
{% hint style="info" %}
To learn more about the core concepts for ZenML Pro, go [here](../getting-started/zenml-pro/core-concepts.md)
{% endhint %}
### ZenML Pro SaaS Architecture
![ZenML Pro SaaS deployment with ZenML secret store](../.gitbook/assets/cloud_architecture_scenario_1.png)
For the ZenML Pro SaaS deployment case, all ZenML services are hosted on infrastructure hosted by the ZenML Team.
Customer secrets and credentials required to access customer infrastructure are
stored and managed by the ZenML Pro Control Plane.
On the ZenML Pro infrastructure, only ML _metadata_ (e.g. pipeline and
model tracking and versioning information) is stored. All the actual ML data
artifacts (e.g. data produced or consumed by pipeline steps, logs and
visualizations, models) are stored on the customer cloud. This can be set up
quite easily by configuring
an [artifact store](../component-guide/artifact-stores/artifact-stores.md)
with your MLOps stack.
Your tenant only needs permissions to read from this data to display artifacts
on the ZenML dashboard. The tenant also needs direct access to parts of the
customer infrastructure services to support dashboard control plane features
such as CI/CD, triggering and running pipelines, triggering model deployments
and so on.
The advantage of this setup is that it is a fully-managed service, and is
very easy to get started with. However, for some clients even some metadata
can be sensitive; these clients should refer to the other architecture diagram.
<summary>Detailed Architecture Diagram for SaaS deployment</summary>
<figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/cloud_architecture_saas_detailed.png" alt="ZenML Pro Full SaaS deployment"><figcaption>ZenML Pro Full SaaS deployment with ZenML secret store</figcaption></figure>
We also offer a hybrid SaaS option where customer secrets are stored on the
customer side. In this case, the customer connects their own
secret store directly to the ZenML server that is managed by us. All ZenML
secrets used by running pipelines to access infrastructure services and
resources are stored in the customer secret store. This allows users to
use [service connectors](../how-to/infrastructure-deployment/auth-management/service-connectors-guide.md)
and the [secrets API](../how-to/project-setup-and-management/interact-with-secrets.md) to authenticate
ZenML pipelines and the ZenML Pro to third-party services and infrastructure
while ensuring that credentials are always stored on the customer side.
{% endhint %}
![ZenML Pro SaaS deployment with Customer secret store](../.gitbook/assets/cloud_architecture_scenario_1_1.png)
<summary>Detailed Architecture Diagram for SaaS deployment with custom secret store configuration</summary>
<figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/cloud_architecture_saas_detailed_2.png" alt="ZenML Pro Full SaaS deployment with custom secret store"><figcaption>ZenML Pro Full SaaS deployment with customer secret store</figcaption></figure>
### ZenML Pro Self-Hosted Architecture
![ZenML Pro self-hosted deployment](../.gitbook/assets/cloud_architecture_scenario_2.png)
In the case of self-hosting ZenML Pro, all services, data, and secrets are deployed on the customer
cloud. This is meant for customers who
require completely air-gapped deployments, for the tightest security standards.
[Reach out to us](mailto:[email protected]) if you want to set this up.
<summary>Detailed Architecture Diagram for self-hosted ZenML Pro deployment</summary>
<figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/cloud_architecture_self_hosted_detailed.png" alt="ZenML Pro self-hosted deployment details"><figcaption>ZenML Pro self-hosted deployment details</figcaption></figure>
Are you interested in ZenML Pro? [Sign up](https://cloud.zenml.io/?utm\_source=docs\&utm\_medium=referral\_link\&utm\_campaign=cloud\_promotion\&utm\_content=signup\_link)