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The Magical World of Lu Chen | 魔術達人劉謙的奇幻世界 |
A miracle? | 也是奇蹟 |
After the "Miracle" | 走出奇蹟 |
Will you sew up the wound? " | 有沒有再縫合?」 |
Solace, venting, conviction | 取暖、發洩、強化認同 |
What is the terrain like? | 地形如何? |
Yen was disheartened. | 令顏純左憂心忡忡。 |
Inevitably there is friction when cozying up to the neighbors. | 敦親睦鄰,有時不免會有尷尬的小插曲。 |
Gleason was elected. | 身高約一百八十公分、體型壯碩的鄺友良嗓門大,上台助選不用麥克風。 |
Yeh Chu-lan: Elected as a supplementary legislator in 1989. | 葉菊蘭七十八年增額立委 |
More and more intimate | 親上加親 |
The Longest Noodle | 長長久久的手工麵線 |
According to Liu, there's a saying in Tungchu that goes: "The seaside is our refrigerator." | 他說,東莒流行一句話:「我家冰箱就在海邊。」 |
says Ko Ching-ming. | 柯慶明表示。 |
"It's all sticky!" | 「黏黏的!」 |
When will you have climbed them all? " | 怎麼還沒爬完?」 |
Where is the salvation of mankind? | 人類的救贖究竟何在? |
Hearkening to the Ancestors: The Nocturnal Sacrifices of Kamasua | 聆聽祖先──吉貝耍夜祭 |
Convergence or divergence? | 殊途同歸? |
That emperor was a connoisseur. | 乾隆鑑賞的眼力極高,那志良曾經親眼在宮中看過一個奏摺,內容是一個外放的大臣,千辛萬苦弄來幾幅宋代米芾的字當作寶貝,繕摺進呈。 |
the Emperor! | 「皇帝命… … 嗯! |
exclaimed the emperor. | 武帝大驚。 |
the emperor enquired. | 武帝反問。 |
The Last Emperor and 30 Years of Co-Productions | 《末代皇帝》敲開中西合拍大門 |
What about high school grads? | 高職生何去何從? |
he says proudly. | 他得意地說。 |
Tsao says proudly. | 曹明生驕傲地說。 |
The necessity Of penicillin, of assassination. | 暗殺之必要。 |
A New Home for a Hardy Survivor | 古厝搬家記 |
declares Chang Yi-hsien. | 張議顯表示。 |
New prosecutors burst into tears? | 新科檢座,痛哭流涕? |
Laughter and tears | 哭笑由呼吸 |
Glittering, glamorous jewels. | 珠寶,晶瑩剔透,人見人愛。 |
"Nowhere!" | 「沒有一處是樂土!」 |
What has she been doing lately? | 她的近況如何? |
What's so scary about that? " | 有什麼好怕?」 |
A Taiwanese Banana Yoshimoto | 台灣的吉本巴娜娜 |
3. Bloody or turbid urine. 4. | 三,血尿或尿色混濁。 |
This reminds me of the time when I was a child. | 人皆不堪其憂,而我獨不減其樂。 |
says Mai Jan-mei with heartache. | 麥冉妹既心疼又無奈。 |
says Mai Jan-mei. | 麥冉妹指出。 |
Buddha's Tooth Comes to Taiwan | 佛牙啟示錄 |
Reorganization = elimination? | 整併等於消失? |
Pencil Walker--Shi Jin-hua | 走鉛筆的人──石晉華 |
Two Spheres Q. | 兩個圈圈 |
Regrettably, his "post-mortem" enlightenment elicits unnecessary self-mockery. | 但這「身後」的啟悟,也徒然引起自我嘲弄罷了。 |
So he had to make compromises. | 因此他只好妥協。 |
Taipei people are blessed? | 台北人真幸福? |
I am blessed. " | 阿不在當時出版的《打造我的香草庭園》中寫到。 |
The Invitational--a Triumph for ROC Entrants | 以球會友,場面熱烈:第四屆國際業餘高爾夫球賽 |
On Roomba's heels | 一路追著倫巴跑 |
(Yang Ling-yuan) | (楊齡媛) |
Keeper of the Treasury--NPM Conservator Yang Yuan-chyuan | 「國寶」名醫──故宮修護科老園丁楊源泉 |
Yang Su-Huei Taipei | 台北楊素慧 |
regrets Yang. | 楊志弘遺憾地說。 |
Yang coos. | 芳療師楊涵雲輕柔說著。 |
Who is Yang Tai-ho? | 楊泰和是誰? |
"Yang Tai-ho could think of what we couldn't," he says. | 「可是楊泰和偏想得到,我們就是想不到」,他說。 |
Yang Hui-shan says to Chang I. | 楊惠姍對張毅說。 |
The gravel business in Taiwan has long been controversial. | 砂石開採在台灣向來糾紛不斷。 |
Dumb and dumber? | 孩子教笨了? |
The Kupa Band--Taiwan's Havana Groove | 永遠的「拉丁情人」﹘﹘鼓霸大樂隊 |
the chores are endless. | 「我們買回一窩上萬隻的蜜蜂,分別放入幾個網室。 |
Endless work, alas! | 答:不斷的工作啊! |
The Taiwan Trout | 台灣特有生物系列報導(六)﹘﹘台灣鱒 |
(Gerald Hatherly) | 養珠業者多揀選上品珠送往日本加工(染色、琢磨、鑲飾)。 |
(Gerald Hathery) | 黃埔軍魂,也就是這樣一代代傳揚綿延下來。 |
Others of his countrymen were more persistent. | 黃子春萬萬沒有想到,蔗糖業後來竟成當地經濟的主力,並有許多同胞隨之而來,其中大多數人落地生根,協力建設夏威夷。 |
Busking Juggler Isaac Hou | 最優雅的佔領:街頭雜技家胡啟志 |
At the time, Hu was 24 and Wu was 59. | 當時胡玲 24 歲,吳健雄 59 歲。 |
"Dr. Wu was very Chinese," Hu recollects. | 「吳博士是非常『中國』的。」 |
says Hu. | 胡晶晶說。 |
Do neural pathways change? " | 神經迴路有沒有發生變化?」 |
Your hometown's in Naruwan, | 你的家鄉在那魯灣, |
And how has communist China reacted? | 中共又有何反應? |
Jade Craze--Unearthing the Liangzhu Relics | 古玉風狂飆江南岸﹘﹘良渚玉出土地探訪 |
But what is biodiversity? | 什麼是生物多樣性? |
Fang Liang and Wu Yu-lung, two of Taiwan's Bunun aborigines, embraced and wept with excitement. | 率先登峰的方良和伍玉龍二位布農族青年,因完成任務而激動地相互擁抱、大哭一場。 |
Mysterious Maid of the Mountains--The Taiwan Pleione | 山中傳奇──台灣一葉蘭再現風華 |
poses Chou Pang-ling. | 周邦玲表示。 |
poses Tung. | 他說。 |
Nien Cheng--They Say I Was Brave | 他們說我勇敢﹘ ﹘鄭念 |
A brave new world? | 美麗新世界? |
Dream-come-true or nightmare? | 美夢,還是噩夢? |
Wu Yu-yu says that the smallest sufferer she has seen was a fifth-grader. | 吳佑佑指出,她曾見過最小的病例是小學五年級的孩子。 |
But what about Wu Ssu-you? | 而吳偲佑呢? |
Wu Yin. | 悟因法師表示。 |
says Wu. | 她說。 |
Wu has now taken over the reins at Yue Loong. | 這段時間,她是靠基督的信仰撐持過來的。 |
reminisces Wu with a chuckle. | 提起當年盛況,吳義垣笑得瞇起了眼。 |
says Wu with sincerity. | 10 大監獄人氣美食品名價格基隆監獄蛋黃酥 240 元(禮盒)台北監獄辣味豆干 55 元(300 克/包) |
Wu Kuan-hsiung became secretary-General. | 當時國內貿易商不多,亦多不知如何主動與買主接觸,對貿協適時提供的服務,由衷讚揚。 |
Wu Tun-hou, 87 years old, from Lukang, Taiwan. | 吳敦厚,87 歲,台灣鹿港人。 |
yelled Wu. | 我是來捉賊的,怎麼把我捉了。」 |
Heavyweight politicians like Wu Poh-hsiung and Hsu Hsin-liang? | 吳伯雄、許信良、山歌、粄條、客家小炒……? |
Wu Le-t'ien--Storyteller Extraordinaire | 吳樂天講古 |
Wu Wan-fang is a 73-year-old spinster. | 七十三歲的吳畹芳老太太,單身。 |
Lu said disappointedly. | 盧添貴失望地表示。 |
recounts Lu. | 盧水生說。 |
says Lu Li-teh. | 呂理德說。 |
Subsets and Splits