stringlengths 1
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I am someone who has lived my entire life building web2 applications. I'm struggling to find the real value of Web3 applications and how many users actually use them. If there aren't a ton of users using Web3, why not? Projects like [Hivemapper](https://hivemapper.com/explorer), [io.net](http://io.net) already have web2 solutions, yet these projects have a massive community and have raised millions.
I'm a noob in the Web3 space so could someone tell me what I am missing?
The main difference to me is how these projects are financed. Giving people token as rewards is a different type of incentive than giving straight up cash.
Test my plan see how it holds up.
Web A. The shop will have tokenized material supply. As each shirt operation is completed it gets a corresponding nft. Customers can take ownership of these nfts piece by piece by smart contract. So buying becomes automatic and happens in stages safe micro transactional stages that require photographic verification of each piece while it is still in the shop.
Web B. Investors can buy the shop token. Traded like normal, but also the shop token has extra fuel to increase in value because, it's tied to the physical prosperity of the shop. As we satisfy more and more customers, earn more and more profit, the token almost guaranteed to increase in value. Smart contracts distribute dividends to token holders. So if we can follow the 4% growth rate of a company then our token as an asset should appreciate accordingly.
Web C. A yield farm. The shop encourages long-term investment by distributing reward tokens for those who vest there shop tokens. They're invested tokens continue to earn dividends from that actual profits of the shop and their reward tokens accumulate value based on all of the normal factors of a crypto.
Web D. Because it's a physical shop, investors can earn additional rewards by referrals to investors are incentivized to help the shop actually grow and in turn that will increase the amount of dividends they themselves get. It becomes a self-fueling bonfire of self-interest generating collective benefit.
Web E. Governance all members of the investor group can vote on initiatives by spending shop tokens.
Web F. DePIN. Once processes are set in stone, we issue tokens to prosumers who wish to subcontract on a peer-to-peer level. Anyone with the required equipment can perform operations provide the evidence get their work approved and then receive tokens for every successful operation they complete.
That's my idea of how to interconnect the shop to the web 3 infrastructure. Poke some holes in that let me know what logic I'm missing but overall just seems mutually beneficial on a worldwide level. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-06-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eEdkcF8ycUdNVXdUcGp4Vjk4Ump1bnFsRlJqc3kxYjJjc2NOa09WS01EOEhFalQxRG5oc0luNC16RTJJQnRBSVFjVW5fM04wTmtfeUxlTXZWZHQtQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdFl1akVYSTR6S1RDS2l6T2dWd3lVN2ZPSmxnMTg3T294eGo4WUk5ZjVwcXZYWjRwSnp2TG1pS3NPRkY4cmcxaG9VaUtCQlRtdzdEbUN5VU9vOTYteGdvZzZhdHRQWTE4cFl4Z2R4V0pXV2Q3cU12MFEzQU1ZNkozLXRaYnVjMk5vQmFrRWhQcTFmMG9kaGs0YnJrb2UwbnZrNC12emM5QlpsTkJ6VUV1c1Jnbk1TSzZDN0RPWjJvSnJobWVsdWI5 |
P2P Logistics.
Replacement for foood delivery where users can create orders on the blockchain, escrow money to restaurants, share their location, while delivery riders can accept these orders, share OTPs to verify customer and restaurant.
All exchange is done in a p2p way, think sockets.
The network does not know, what the user ordered, what are the OTPs. The network only has information of order states. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-06-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SmFZeElwM0oxVTFFZmJuM082ejNudkhwMnNCLU5qbzd2MDRYaXMzQjR1WE5GQTZiMm5aOU9oOUVtQlo5TjlWanNVT0I1eWhDbmNFMEVDS19LcFc0Ymc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYjJKbnN5cE5JdDdtYkFXcGN0aS1JbzlJV3FzN0cxenZIcG1zOGlRV0ZBMGo0a2g2WjJXc0REczJ4MnRVc1haYkJENWJCNFVJM0RFRXl5ZjF2Y2QyRXBMSHhnMXBxbzlkTkpRdURiREtoMk9jYVZqQUJxVlc5OVZqRGhWYmdKeUIxYmlrTXhYcDNNc0lvV2F1cGhQQzJFZDFkWWJsTFpZOEx5Qmx6elVFYUhzPQ== |
Join us in Nashville this July for an in-person #EthereumClassic Community Event! 🚀 We've partnered with ETC Radio and POW Summit for a meetup on July 25, 2024, just in time for the Litecoin and Bitcoin conferences. RSVP now: [https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en](https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2OHBGZDAtbzdlWEl2OTZmUWxOUTVuUTZsSVNZQzNpNHlGclVidldZNVhxN08zU1ZPT3hydmMwbnFfbVdXbTRlRUZGQnB5R3ljeHdCSVg5bkFfUlJmYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcmJSaDVNaDlCWjdmd3lHU3dweE5qaDNfZENrSWVjUjVLem5JbHFmR2lMWXg1Rm9BcU96ZUVIbElGRFJuZ0ZZaWxvVjFFN1Z3ck5IMzBRdnI4SWNLNVhQMG1WRndOTWdtWjc1VmtOLUthN1lsblJ0enJyODZ0MGpTMWlQTlh5a29IQVZlNXNRTzZfWjZNTXBvTGs0WndPWGpNc2MwUWNTMEl0QzluUlJSQVpsUURfZEFaTDFxQks4Ym5VTHdJR1pw |
I'd like to know your experience with the Sepolia testnet.
I'm developing a dapp, and things worked well on a local Hardhat node. Then I deployed the smart contract to Sepolia, and my dapp randomly gets stale information from read\_contract() calls.
It was using rpc.sepolia.org as the RPC provider and then I changed it to ethereum-sepolia-rpc.publicnode.com. After the change. I started getting fresh reads more often, but occasionally it will return a stale read.
I haven't identified any pattern. Sometimes it will get a fresh read, and the next call will return stale (older) data.
At this point I don't know if I should spend time debugging my app. It shouldn't be caching this data, so I don't believe the bug is in my code.
Have you had similar experiences with the Sepolia testnet? Is it even possible that these RPCs are returning stale data, or there must be a problem with how my dapp is using them? Would you recommend a different RPC?
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow whitelist or presales.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-06-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2a0dVbmx5dGI2MkJIY1lpTElnd24xMFROYkU5d3VSbFhXRllzcmcyM1BHNkVuaVdFU180dmFoekU2cnFHNkVxSzNoOUs1UUVWQ0dYeGoyY1BEMGZDbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdVpQa2Q4V2xRZnJXenlEUlpnNDZmYU5nUXVLT1ZIcEtXOVRSZjlxUGFwdlVEQU9EQnZpN1RHbjJfY240dHBPSTE3LTZnSnJRT2x5bWVxNldrN293ZmV3SExSaWtLSzJtRlkwRW9sbGxDREJBemFCQ1gwUHlDS2pwQ2lST1pMSmhfQjk5dGQ1SlMzUUwwejFLdVY3dERyMGhNUm9VazhWUWdaaUNLZ2tXQUJCcF9LYXJaOVdvZ3QwNGhoODE2OE5rajVnaVNGeE9KdEd0bzlJT2tjempNQT09 |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-06-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2a1Z1RnYxRzZOcl9kdW15UXVnV3JCMTBBbU1YbFlmQmZSNkZDcFRaQ1BjR0NWMDlnVTlBUG1JX29HcGVMRndiS2c1eE9WVGxiZGpZUXRIZXpUclAzY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfbHV5a2g2eFp4V3BPdkMwMXNFWWhmMjJodHo0a1lXOFNOZDVzcUh5Q2lyY0hQM0Qzd3Q0VldTTEhXczVMMzZ2V1ZRdHFJYXdLVFJOZ3RfSWFKZXp3VTVnSmRPZ09pMmFTdnZub1pEd1NsUTRHYnVfdU9KbWhBZDZBS1FQUkNQRUo5NF94NVVGU21EaHZSRjJ2eEl5R2NKZU8tU1hEVGt0U1pNZUplUEJwTjhrPQ== |
We are looking to integrate purchase of USDT in our product through credit card. What is the best onramp service in your opinion?
Criterias are reliability and best rate/lowest fee for EUR vs USDT purchase.
Ideally through API but external link is also ok.
It needs to work in EU. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Y0RFRUEwQWNLUDJROTFDbk9TTzRyajVNSUlaZTlnMlljYVk1RTctYU41cWp1WjY3T0tXa0J3NW5lMndudVhyYVctbzhIWmU0MTE0dW1VM21scW8tOVY0RWhvRXNuOHRpU1B6ZXZJWWREVE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfc0JfLUp3N0RLc1VOUV9qNWthRWJSZVF6VG42S2FpZ20xS2QtQThfeXhxa0RQU0oxUmc3UTkwTC1DQkxGb21Sd2pDUDk0OWZ5ZDY2dEpYU2UwSUhQRUpLQUJMY0NaNkJ0UWVvNEpCWDdTdGpvZnlEZ3ZpWFlnM0pWd253d2JqT0UtUzJCXzNDZWtsbjJTQ2hyNW1NT1ZTZ0IydUhDNEtIRzRuemtsb05GblFhSkFLMDV1LUpSSEctZWdtaEVaQmxG |
After Ethereum passed into its phase of proof of stake we are now witnessing what can happen when proof of work is abandoned. Ethereum classic still has its hard cap and is a deflationary form of payment. Ethereum instead has no hard cap and a potential unlimited supply which is one of the many reasons it is experiencing inflation as more and more coins are created with no end in sight.
[https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight](https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VjFodDhYcEhabjNVYWNxLWtGRTVrVEtWa2ZBYXFCVGZoYjJ3U1hKbnhTVzZUdFI3b3ltV2xEYV8wLVFYX3doUDlDSmxoOVBsZEZTRWVhb09vQnBjdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfOW1BLXBueG10dGFweU5SdHRnNl9fNWplV2NmQWV0RDZ0Qk9QcUxrUHR0a29ETnBJSl9JV2M3c09zVFN3ZEU1ZkREekM1NjhKTXFIbFd4OEdBUm5aMm9HWFdOWjdFeDJnSjdhQUl5dHRGd2t5OU4tWUVINjNsWW1ha09lM19ZLVVPZ0Z1bjRZMGZlTV9FVVhfcDkwLU8tZXJidWpDVFFZV0tZZlgzVy1TOXJRU0dvYjlNTmZLdDFralRjSEM5WG9Cczk1ZWtWdjVpUWx2MGFNSGxYVW9UUT09 |
Been thinking if I should go big on a position . Thank you
| r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SXJHdmZJNmJ3Y0pNOTZ1T2swSi1LZ0ltbHVsaVEwZXpxZlFOUXZDckhKRmtoLWtLVHkyVEVmSHliV1ZNRTh1Y0w0RHE4RDAzdWNrUXNNZDg4VnRJdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRTBYaEdCNFUwbmVKdGhMaHBnWUhub0JzcFEwYWRXc1VfMXlFRGlqQkdkclVMODQ1MTdWVDRtZTRBYjJHRF9Jb2ttYWJRS2FMSnlLc3VBLVhZVFZhUVNhUl9kZlIzR3dqVkFxal9mWm1XV2t4c3ZndG01N3RoT21ycUxRU3pyVDJsb3ZhSUVnM0lSN1daR2tFNnVYSEtZTDUydXlMU3dUc2RxNmpvNEgyM3pFTUdiOE1fMG1nYno0TWM0bGlITmdlenFSZ0ZSUTJDXzhWX0dteVRTNm5kZz09 |
* PancakeSwap launches an AI-powered prediction market in collaboration with Allora Network, allowing users to bet with or against AI price predictions;
* The AI models introduce a new dynamic to PancakeSwap's prediction market;
* The AI-powered market will adjust payouts based on AI performance, with higher rewards for predicting against the AI when its accuracy is low.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Z0xqQ0J0d3VTMFdVMFRySmhqUUVDdHFRX05DWjdDSlhNdjdCZU0zWnBWSUxHQ0RHc0x5X21NZXNQQ05icjdiamZvMDF2UVVpWDZZYW16ZUxBNk5xUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQ19ITEpWNUJlVXJtQWMzbDdOcUJEZzhSeW1pcFpTWUg3blQ1R2JHMHNUbzEwOEdZTkVtbmRwcWptWEQwbXJvOEtMaUZ6TXBiZjc4aUtMLWc2c255cDRqUzdJUDBoMVJyaUFoMDhKX3pxS2N5bklzQzhzWGRxU3cwcGFXem4tMmxLZnNjWlVHUjFHQ09GRzZLeXdKbXlRNHBVZ0V2cmxvZUE1WWtjajVid3J0aFduY2Z0bWpzVW03Y0xjLWwtMTN0QkRaU1QtdXhtM2dLSTRsZ2pUOVRzUT09 |
Hi there,
I just published a library for interacting with ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens called [web3tokens](https://github.com/lunaris-lab/web3tokens). My goal was to abstract complexity as much as possible to make something accessible to new developers and to save time for more advanced developers.
The library manage abi for you so you dont have to even know what an abi is, while offering modularity on the contracts interfaces. You can read, write and listen contracts in few lines.
It's one of my first lib so i'll be happy to read your feedbacks, suggestions or criticism to improve my lib. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-06-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Q2d5NXJhVXNPelgtcVJWSGZBOXI2U09YTlozd2xRcHFvTk1jb0Z4SlY3MS1RdGJwNlZtenNQb3hpSjhLSVh2NU1iZndocDcxallIYTh0YnhoUzJReVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMEpSY1piZjUyci1DdW1jVzZkaTZzLUE4cko2SkgwTFVMWTI4bTVGM1UxSU83T1RnRWNDdFRGU0FfR09QeGRHUGVwUDhKcDZHbVJoV1VKZzFZUXZ6aWIwdUR1VXMzMFR2RTg0dTQzQU5DUmtSdTY5YWtOU2MzdnRMNHVfOHJDLTcxMjE1T2xtY1phWld4eXdtYTV3WEVxb2RjamNidl9MTHU5WlI3QUhmTG1XZGxZRlNMSkFKVWxwVS1hbVdtTi1aZ3JGVXpWaGJGWGUyUjNFWEtIWjZrdz09 |
Hey everyone
I'm a frontend developer with experience in TS, React, Viem, Ethers and with some Solidity knowledge.
I've recently been asked to do a freelance job for a crypto protocol that is going to be launched on a minor EVM compatible chain. The Smart Contracts are already develop and all I have to do is the UI and connect the UI to the Smart Contracts.
In other gigs I did, during development I would deploy the contracts in the Testnet and then plug the frontend into these testnets contracts and go from there. I would also use the Testnets contracts to allow my client to test the dApp on its own.
However this chain doesn't have a reliable testnet and the protocol actually interacts a lot with other contracts that are deployed on the mainnet. I don't want to deploy this in the mainnet since I'll be spending a lot in fees.
The obvious answer would be running a local blockchain on my machine but the last time I did was a while ago and I remember struggling a bit with it. I would also not be able to share the dApp with my client so he can check it out on its own without having him setup a local blockchain on his machine
So I have a couple of questions:
* Have you guys ever been on this situation? If so what did you do?
* Is there any local blockchain that is very easy to setup and control?
* Are there any tools to create local blockchains that are shareable? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-06-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2X2wxNDFFY292dWlEWTJBQzNTN053TDB2WTVFRjNuc1hCMjY0U05CenlFV0pPcVYtemdyUVR0UWRCLXJlY1JSalNZbGhoQ2xNZUZWM1Rnb1RYZGxRX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeWROcmxRalotbVlGZEEzX3ZXelkydjYwLVFCcFdhUWhvTk4xWnBvZ0dvVjR3bFEybnRYQ1EzOHVRUFFGTUdwYVd2NF9FSVJzWnVVdGNzRE9nVnB5Z1k5UEhaaFFLNlZKd3lKUTZRLXAtaWxJX2RaU2s1YjBzQlVJZ0ZNMnFpYUVIVFQ0MW42bkduNmJhVjdkSXhCNVpjRERhenpyaG1NOXN1MndpQzRwVUo3cWpDeFMwZXdWY3ZTbG9CRVlONDdD |
After studying the "so-called" DID solutions like ENS, Privado ID (former Polygon ID), WorldCoin, etc., I found that the most critical pain point of DID is the lack of integration (I mean lack of credential issuers support, lack of integrated dApps, lack of adoption in different environment).
Is it the key reason why DID projects cannot move forward? Or are there any other reasons that you feel it is important?
I believe DID is the key to Web3, but DID projects' processes are far behind other crypto projects. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-06-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MU5qV3IxSEJGcEc4QWd6Rk94cFhNNmpIZXdYODNETDlsM3B4QUt4RGRPQkRVV0p1TFhmS1JVWmozZFN3M1FXZUNiSkxQbjMwaWlIdUt2MGVnXzg1aXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRWFfOFhXaWo0Z1FiS2RvemVQb1pVbEdzQ0EzR2ZxcFZjaW1QaW9xS2RNZ3RQWkVrNEo4blo5OE40WnNOdDN6NHIwNEVrcGI1eWxLanIwQzBGUTdaTmIxbnZjYy1zcjh0VzBiZU9mLWpocmxxTHZ1eENPR25FUHdFaE84Uzdnb3JlV19uNkJHbGszdkl3RDVnWk9ZOEQzN1RrQk00bkhNYUprc3Vvd280dEJaeU13VFJNSmNlNGVmRDlWSkU2bUU0 |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2dkx3NERVZ3ZKZVRZdF9WSF9BSW5rSzBPZlozUm5VMDlWaGJ2OHRPNlpFdmJYdXJDLXp3YUtoUGlKYjJGVi1OUF94UUdVR3ZSSENac3BJZy1sMmRzMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfUDh5YWJSUW5nS1NkbE5jVE4xTGtRcXRETndqazl3bV92S19nSWxZWkhCYVFOQS1sNGp6WG83S0dYbDN4UlBrbUo0VWdxd2RrZWs5bTdGMThYaC1ybHJxQXUzOXg3X3NpX202TC1sVWhWNXJIN1pFbE9lODhWNnVyNzJmZkRlOVhmMUlkYmJiRHZSaWxxMUNvU3hocmRRMzRjTE1WZng5a1owUXpTbzhJRnI4PQ== |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RUUzc3NMR0tGTVJqMW5OUXlOMWxQc1JDMnZZRXlBeUJUdWh0Vjc3UzR3MnRPcTNGNXFyaGJ2eHpwVGlBUTQ3RUdBazJLTDJzc1RNZmNRRGxfeVlvd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNjlMblJrZVdsQ0xYRmdpc2t4ZUNGc0hEZl9CNDkwdkhfSVJybGNUMXNLOWtTS1VFaDR0alhvQldBLW02NnJkVVFPVjZzbklEOUdfLWFFQkhfVVZTczBoRUtzMVpSeG9SdEJaV3N3U1dldDRWcWozZW5YVnhPR3FnSDFab2Z0QXlXR3RlbkxEVEp5YjJfMUNkTFFIQ0pnPT0= |
oh yeah id buy that shit | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2aXRzaW9QVUFWRGxoejBYMU83LTcyaHd1VEVhWHUtSUJiZXhqVENwckZmTkZHZm0wcVFmT2pDZEEtRGZ2TmZQMk5UQjMyVjN4NHlrQ1IwZGVOeGc4M3BsNHFLVjBNRjktZ0FNVnk3U0wxTmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfN1ZFT0pZdmg4SkItbTNkTTBkeDJfeGhsUnFfaDJWbTh5bG5ZYUlFMllvZDIza2k2aFQyV21pNElzZHMxQ25kMjRJWXZwVW9zd3RCVkxlLVpjWUpQdDZBVmZLSDBNcG5FNjlNc0RxTml1TDQwbm8zMnotaThHcFlPcm9TeDJESjZ5QnNVcGtEazlKY05wbFh5X3lEYzcwdG0wamUtMFl1ODlzTkNWbnVNZFJRPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Speculation about crypto integration in Grand Theft Auto 6 has resurfaced;
* A viral post by a crypto influencer mentioned Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT as possible in-game currencies;
* The integration hasn't been officially confirmed.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2OS1PdEpaVlJEZGhQQXJTZ2l0TC1EVWRMNEtVZm5pZGNnU1ZLaTlDVVVnYmNEdVNZTHp4S1F6clpvaWxENVRndUl6bGFrWDk1WkVFZDh6bUhsSV9fMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVzVkNEZaS3hKMTBOVWdmUWJUSlVnV1owLXpjdWtJTmhsNFNseW5YRGF3cHE1alBFVUROeWlRenhxaGkycllUZWNZS055Zll4Ulg0dG95VEJsV0tYTU1BTjZRcUdfZGNNTm5od3VMUHlHbHFQSVlKUzV4REpkbzhIU0kySWdQR3liWU9NWjM5WDdHcnpsNjZ0QXRzR2duQVR4RVZEVHh1SERweHJ4c2VJWkJSR0VZRjRqMW1CM2lZelIyUEdZanViMy1nRGtBWFpFbkIzeEtrdU9mS2ZMUT09 |
Hey guy's
i'm with a gaming background - and pretty new to the web3 world.
thinking about launching a combination project of mobile gaming & web3.
anyone can point me to a direction of fund raising planforms?
thanks! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MC1CRjJvVVpqRzB5Z3dhYm1oMzhJOWRtSVJYMEFZaXY1WXhBN1h0WjByZC1wY1U1Z3FBaVBKUlFZTnhuV25zdy1TdU4wWkJ6UUdnQXZJWEpBQlppY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMldib3Q1YWV0bXFnSWVCd2xUclRDV3VlbkZQSDBoanhYS204QzZoeEdoYXh4UF94a2NKaWhMUUE3ek5IVFZscENpN0VLR0dJMjdqMlBoWnh4alJfRjdLX0VSeExJRm11NW90SFRBSE5YRmlYZ0gxM1gzb0Q5Q0NpZWZ3cTlnM0oyams1QUdHeDVDSGFETkR5M1JrRldBV241cFVoRmU5cVlZTE5XZ2czOF9XbDV2OWpmOVlOOGNweHNVclVtbnNX |
If you use cryptocurrency, you know how crucial secret passphrases are for restoring blockchain addresses. 📜🔒Read today's blog and discover how these passphrases generate private and public key pairs across multiple blockchains using derivation paths! 🛤️✨https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-26-a-call-to-wallets-to-use-the-standard-etc-derivation-path | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2X0JReXVwd0hNd1pLRTFTS055b1k3UXJIV0ZMUGs1SXJ5bU8zN0VIbFRpSlNLTVVsc1Z0WTdJdzF1TDdBZ21yS3lsN1JUY29KNWhXc18zbHBDZ1dWbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVklZdkY4ckZjenhra0ExNzQyTkZJSkszMnFPN1FBSDdEQjItYlptbUt3bndGSzdtWW5IZjJYVGlzRlBiNmJaeXVTWC1HSDJSMzN2dTdYa0FwazFzTk0wdFFCRF93Qm50T0V0Y3R1Z3JyeVlVRFh3NTdQbXJhcFdyby1CVXZVaHVDcFlKZWtGengyc0tReFcxRE4yU1M0REkzYWpyVUZaSWJUNUVha1JVbm9EMEl4X0piNnJ5RE80cEN0U0dpWWxPZFB2V2ZPYzdvUTgtbUhMN3B0THlXdz09 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2UExXekY3N3RJT3V2MUZEbERLSW13NXM4Wno1SW1CNVRyeTctWWViNC1mT25xZGVHdkxqcnlLLVlnRG03Nm5qSTE2dkxRVFBxaF9NMFJwa0M5ajk3UEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNTg4YzhiVWd1YWd2dTBJWTUxVms5V1Q0cXlfbFVkSURDNW1HcUExU091Tmo5QXBqTUxyYnNPcV9nWjBzeTByRnZ6UW1wN3FqTzVXUW5QdEIxYmtYeXFXNEVYQkZxSU5JaGp4UjcwSnVSY2JlZEVSVTBpUXk5OVY1Q1Fkay1vRTBya2VTVDRILU9VU0dUbkVELVU0bWF3PT0= |
Looking for a way to Mint NFTs with multiple pages/artworks all inside 1 NFT and able to scroll/view them all inside of a wallet. This should be for example, a magazine that hass 12 pages. How can we make them all inside 1 NFT? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2dGpmRlhPSEhnWWhLcVVfa0ZmNXJtZERaaUdNZ3gzMm45T09ZbDdGWW4xZktidzJGV18zdi1xZmVwMUFkbHg5X2M0SFZIUnpzbklNQXluVEY4bms2aGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfc0FCbXliVnBtTzJIUlBVZlVlbE4tT25XZ0d4TmtnQkZSR3U0eEZ4NjdjU3JlV1ZLekVzcDNyZU9xWDBkV3UtTHJJV0VuWWlocHgzV29Vak9TTXp6angxNXFaRkhLNnZxamdlWllHT2pscGxSWHlVRXd0enZVMC1jUng4a1ZPRlVBVEJIZUFrdERlQkZyMFdhVkZod2VWSmpLcm9Zb2czMlVkRi1sajdQWEx0SWRuNXhaVk5lRXh1NTdEWUtFd1Ax |
I find that a clear vision, good marketing and high quality meet ups make me trust a project more. What are the things that make you get involved in a project? As a developer, investor or any form of stakeholder? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WlNtYTA4dTZUcGwyckNvTC13STJMWmZnVkpibk9xMjNna2MzZF9rNGl2XzhkN3BFMElnaXNiLU9Nc3hwTHlNZUZtd3Q0cHl1b1BXMTZURXVVVkdiWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeXpPOHVjd0pMY0pTUUNZanNYRHl5MjlmNG52R0JiTnB3RWVDS0RadGF6VG9qQzF2aEpzeWdLWEg3VE82Nk1GZ0xRdlo0MmNmRi1CaURyXzlMQXMzalVZMjcyUWRaaTZ2ZmdKcVJvYnR1SnQteDBfckhuN2s2NnUtSDJvOEZmUEVKRG1vMl9ucUVmSGtXU2FrUlFGdTJZWXU4a0ZmOWYxVzZzb1dTTUV4ZC1wZDN2Z1Z3UGRvMGdGTUVnV3k2RFBw |
Hi guys, I wonder whether you feel it necessary to reconsider the basic values of Web3 society, *"decentralization"*?
We do need decentralization, but only a certain type: decentralization with a sound consensus that can bring people together sustainably while also allowing for the creation of diversities. Such a consensus, rather than the concept of "decentralization" itself, should be the real essence of Web3 society. We don't need consensuses that bring people together only through monetary incentives or that stifle creativity.
The challenge to achieve an ideal consensus for Web3 society lies in the complexity of its membership. As Web3 society grows across more than a hundred countries, it's becoming increasingly important to create a basic cultural consensus for all these people to work together.
However, mathematical consensus, which only offers technical promises, cannot provide cultural support. We still need to agree on the cultural meaning of our current work. We do things not only for money, but also for the social values we believe in. A simplistic conception of "decentralization" is insufficient to capture these values.
Though it's very hard to find common Web3 values across many different cultures, it's a worthy challenge to take on. I'm currently working on a [framework](https://paragraph.xyz/@prehistoryofweb3) that people from all over the world, both Western and from major non-Western cultures such as China, India, and Islam, can all understand and agree with to a certain extent.
Unlike ideologies like political correctness or nationalism, this framework is open for everyone to contribute to. It could be improved by incorporating verified new examples and should be operated and maintained by a community.
Sincerely, I'm looking forward to your feedback. Do you think it's worth doing that? What cultural problem do you think is most important to solve in Web3 society at the moment?
| r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VkduVmU5WE13N0JldDlFREJvOG05R0YzaU9kNkdteTltTTdRd092b2FUUUp5SGc1aXZvNGg2U0k1MmIzQkNSYVoybXdTUVhOTHQwN3dfanV6MEtkNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTlFvd3lUOXEtVFpZSTl1T18ycmstUDlDMlZxdE1aSndqWjBCazZSdlpEUGFHZXVTSHo4a1BEcDJkUUR5TG1DbjMwbU9Pb3QtY3gtU0dpV2tMeVVMUWZST1J2ZGJtV2lqRVkzVGZmWFdydVIxYW9KdEtYSVdQa0MxdjZ4S2xGQkRvQ2pQOVE2LUREbVJqYzJjTl8tbkd1ZHc5ckc2enFGNWJwMmIydzkta1M1UWtTRTJlYmtsNi11QWpzbGNwUFJvSjl6WDcwSm9nNEpsY2ZSQWQwVFpxdz09 |
I've been diving deep into the DePIN sector lately and came across an interesting thesis that compared Bitcoin to the emerging DePIN projects. It got me thinking: Bitcoin was essentially the first decentralized physical infrastructure network using a token. Now, we’re seeing a surge in similar projects that could mirror its success.
For instance, I'm particularly bullish on projects like IoTeX, Silencio, and the posemesh. These projects are leveraging decentralized networks to solve real-world problems, just as Bitcoin did for decentralized finance.
IoTeX is creating a decentralized platform for the Internet of Things (IoT), providing secure interaction between devices. Silencio focuses on measuring noise pollution around us while the posemesh is developing tools to help AI gain spatial awareness.
These projects, much like Bitcoin, are harnessing the power of decentralization to create more resilient, secure, and efficient systems. As we move forward, I believe the DePIN sector will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and infrastructure. Is anyone else keeping an eye on these or other DePIN projects? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MUxDRWFCWXgxNjNjN2ZhRjFuTjdzUkNQcThOVkY5ZUVqV0pzRWZuUVEyNHlMSWt3Q0NyN3lhYnBQN2JHaFhqR0NGejJLenVxc21kbGJBSmlqQlN3d3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNnZsZ1ZfWVhqekduNDBQZ0NFdlRRcUkyeHpUM3RDVWtGTEJMb1hxRUV4ZGxaX0EtWlRWc293V2ZGWjVnWGRxLVZNbTNGZmNRVm5mT0VmUzVQNjAwSG90S2RJdmlFT1dSV0c3VkxpSlptZHpFdHJzVFJVdmhZVi16ZGI4cV95VTRLZ3J4dEZOMHZPT1ZOWjUwb1UxSk5fNVlpQTVYV20tVmVsaDhQWmsyNXA1a2JhQ3BQUWV5NERhUmllZV9fX0E0 |
I recently saw this announcement from Filecoin about their collaboration with Nuklai to archive the world's data.
It was quite a long read but this should shed light on what it means for the data ecosystem and why it is huge.
**Impact on the Data Ecosystem**
1. Accessibility and Democratization of Data
* With decentralized storage, data will be more accessible to researchers, developers, and institutions worldwide. This democratization of data is crucial for innovation and scientific progress.
2. Enhanced Data Preservation\*\*
* The collaboration aims to create a resilient archive of the world's data, ensuring that valuable information is preserved for future generations. This is especially important for historical, cultural, and scientific data that needs long-term preservation.
3. Cost-Effective Solutions
* Decentralized storage can often be more cost-effective than traditional centralized solutions. This means lower costs for data storage, making it more feasible for organizations of all sizes to store large amounts of data.
4. Boosting the Blockchain and Crypto Ecosystem
* The collaboration is a win for the blockchain and crypto ecosystem as well. It showcases practical applications of blockchain technology in solving real-world problems, potentially driving more adoption and innovation in the space.
**Why This Is Huge**
* Revolutionizing Data Storage: Integrating Filecoin’s decentralized storage with Nuklai's data solutions could revolutionize how we store and manage data globally.
* Future-Proofing Data: This partnership aims to safeguard data against the risks of centralization, cyber-attacks, and data corruption, ensuring the longevity and integrity of crucial information.
* Encouraging Global Participation: By making data storage more accessible and affordable, this collaboration encourages wider participation in the data economy, fostering global innovation and collaboration.
The possibilities this partnership brings are endless and I believe it can shape the future of data storage and management. What are your thoughts on this development? How do you see it impacting the data landscape? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2YV9KTDJSNFNQOXhKdUl5dC04VmFEaGVGYlpzam9PMTdBSl83UG9HaDVDUlN2VTJpLUlZMkxHemNOU0RXSWdJZFRHSndXZWVWVGlseU9qeVYtWEpWbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYUFpR0k1bG5HVlVSa3o3SEJfb19LblNuX3BsTUM3QlhSems0UlNXUDJQTG9TeHVLaktFbEFnWWpjVkJsWC05MUlLQ1dPR2pjcEFxS0kwSmZSeDBhcTBpWU9uNGJZbGFHSWJyMXlWX2Q0M3NnWnYtNWM5b3pEeEhCdlVqVi1uLWRWTHpLTHBGN19UWFhuSEdHdjlaNUo2bHEtalZQQjNJVnA0RmZVTlpiaUFEVG9fZGNNcnl3RjJfSWJFNnd2WFFF |
In this post, we’ll show you how to recover your $ETC addresses on the Ledger Nano S Plus using your secret passphrase. Perfect for situations where your Ledger is lost, compromised, or damaged. Check this out: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC) #EthereumClassic | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2clZScTVVU3FCQ3Ryd01PSU1Cd1hWd0lSWlpzaWxsZEtBVzROZkVLTGJnWDBfUFBmSTdJUV9sVmVIVTBiU1FNNTdLaC1kLUpmRXZuUkZnNnpDZ0NFWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdmlSQS1GZm12X0xyNHM4eVh4aUhpRVc0dTJvS0dpMzVPOGgxeVZfdGR5NjJudmFnZG9zLWdDMXNxa2FHV1BucnFSOW1TalhEUWJMemlsc2hCV1llWXhTc0NMNFUzNm01ejlETWxPWTRLSDAtUjFjRldHYVJhU21VXzJndTgtN2FValJfOF95cExxdllqd0g3T183ZHRhZC1LMFp4cmdURTV6d2VqUDh6YzFSMU1vTFhyQmVkTVA5Q19JZF81ZUVBaU5iUV9EYW90a3FkZXdwLUlpeFBYZz09 |
Hey, I'm currently working on an app with the aim of relying as little as possible on trusted third parties.
Like a fully trust less wallet, and I would like to implement a swapping functionality. So I first thought that I could plug my app directly with smart contracts but I discovered that all DeFi aggregator are not or not fully open source and so I have to rely on an API at some points. Especially for pathfinding algorithms.
I searched for open source pathfinding algorithm but nothing, 1inch, paraswap, 0x... All their pathfinders are closed and rely on a private API.
So is there any open source algorithm that I can include in my app to be run locally instead of calling externals api ?
If not do you think it's acceptable to rely on them ? By adding a bit of trust in my app to gain efficiency ?
I admit that in principle I told myself that it was important that everything was done locally, without the need of trust, but maybe it's not that disturbing for this kind of thing? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SXdXM29rS3Q5SU5vQkM3NVVzQktFY0ZaNWdRbGhOY2gzYWo4djIzQ1dCYktFbWh5MmN2MWRjYVI4ZkhoenFzbDNhUWJlUlpWb1R0QlFzYnJjbWtuOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaDg2ZEJEQmtkN1M3NWlLMFpBa2Zud0dHVVR3Sm9uaS1PY2tfd1BvVWk2R0U5Qm41bzBCU3MydmtHUXc4eUk1THNTSEYyOU9fT0FMQzdUcW10bk9EU0hWUTQwUGFBYnBtc0dYQl9mOWpscUV6MzZsVkRGMFpRMDJBZllsMHpKUU5ES2VYODV3Rl9GMENkZDJacUJodzE3N2MxTmNRUTdXNG1UOFRWZGZlWXpRPQ== |
Check out our series “Why You Should Build on Ethereum Classic” to explore what make #ETC stand out! 🌐 In our latest post, discover why ETC is hard money and how it protects and grows your users’ savings. 💰🔒https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-10-why-you-should-build-on-ethereum-classic-etc-is-hard-money | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Y1BNTzc2aW1tYmY0QkMtemJGUl9zTnVTVElHNmt2dUN2bkd6dmtsWkxfODlxMmZpS29NSEpsdk56MF9XZk16aDgyT1BhZ1hhTFVOckwyVERNVXd3Qnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfX2d0UjZkLXUwNjhULW1QOWJ6OEFQMVZqVEpfVHNRa2o4WEhwRktwSU4wTHRTbXhHMGNFNWh6T2lWQWNJcmdldUExZUduOHprdGZaRXRDTGkxUl9ZZllBYlozRDhsUDhKWEJ1MXlXT1ByeC1qdDQ2d3ZIcVZKM0VEeG93djB5TUhvN3NzYjZyZDBVZlotRk9lZUFnWmFCNzhUM01LN1RqSWNCaks5RE9sTUJxbXhFVWRCUm43WmRHLVJMZGFqT09ZZE5HLW9fNGZUb1l1WUFuUHpLTTIxZz09 |
This question is targeted towards developers, cryptocurrency enthusiasts and subreddit geniuses.
So I'm a web3 and smart contracts developer, I work freelance and remotely. I am visiting Russia for a couple of months and I'm wondering whether I'd still be able to run my code and access web3 tools.
I noticed that there are 39 ETH validator nodes running in Russia: [here](https://etherscan.io/nodetracker)
I also found a subreddit saying that metamask is blocked in Russia: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/t6c9gx/shocked_by_meta_mask_shutdown_in_russia_could_it/)
I know I can use a VPN to get access, but my question is, as a developer experience, would that be a big change as compared to working from a country with no sanctions on cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and other tools/web3 websites?
Appreciate any kind of input. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2NmFCbm83c3JCT1YxVGNOUnpBUV9VVkVnSjcweTRpOHB6VGc0MGhVdGYxVDB3OEdkTnE0YVduRk5OZnJFNFRaTFB6cGl3c1djdWp3LUFJVVFNamZIT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfM0ZSZG1KdEcwVWFBRjktalJRYWp4WHhKTFFFS0lGTl9iei1ONzVSenhGemZoV0l0emYwLWFrb0NXWDNrQ2ZJM3ZfWG1KZ0t0S3poRE9hQ1VQWlZYdlBtVEdSUjhRd2pXRXFrSXJCU2lSeEFvNlJOZzlYSlFzLXR5bnZ0dFdqbWZXai1lVUpWTlhtVWFoV0sySGp1TWxQSjFaV1ZDM0NLLUJjNGRRRkdNbEljcC1jekhfNzA2X0RjWW04WlFiX2w2 |
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Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2U0NQODJNZy1wU1ZNeEE0VzNFTXJsQUpXUEVXVHAzUzg0NGRfWU1qSnRWUTVlOGNWaG1TN2tIWURlZW91bFJ4bzNWWVFzSC05OUM1MnlnUGZBaVJrRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTHd2elBKU3dFTU04WHJzUFZKNUo2ZWY5Z3I0VlBDRTJZYWs3Y19vLV9xTk1BbTZLY01oYVZYVTJXRXdYeE1meWhNdGE5UEV3VElkU2FQamZFXzAzRy1HVzJGQkRMdnhnMkxRQnVxQXh1RkJyMHNZSy1oU2hZQUY1SUNaNXFWeXBwSmJwSzd3WmpXZGZPWHJUMXZYM2JocnN5YnM3Uk93Q0pQWTUwcHJzUmRTVm9fc3VaWjJKdWc3ME9VWVRkVHpU |
Is there a way to achieve access control in web3?
I want to give access to content only to users who have paid for it.
As far as I can tell, ipfs is not suitable for this kind of application. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SkVVWkczc1gtaHBETlRzTjctQl9wYm9mN0VDY0tyQ01GZVlfWmpyUU92eVRaNHNGejliZGhmR21qRmVrVnhOeVl3WEkxX2M3NWg3R0UyVHFhOFNFQUkzOUlFVS1iS1hhWFBpdUFiM0VjeEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNFJqTGRVSF9uRlRnemlOWjlfQUN1czJMZ0JkLURpTmRxdUpnYlRmdVFMYmhGNlhUU0txbGRHeElLa09jR1pnVTRva3l5WHRucVBqaXYzbE9ha0ExNGxnMV9obXNaSlk1Z3d4U0ZMQ0diMTNRTXMyWF9wdndobEJ3dG1FS1d1MVkzRTladkZLbS1Ba2JNT3lHVC15RTU4VGdOd1h1OWRXcmVvT3NiZkRXZERPMElHQVdxSVR0b1FJUGxWekFqdVFwSGtqRWFLYWdiVDB4QXg3eDdGRDhnZz09 |
I am a student from 42 Berlin and with a few other peers we are developing an app that allow Telegram users to sell their chat history for AI training or fine tuning (the data is anonymised and not used for ads)
We found that most people are not aware that their data have value, and what is its value. Usually we don't know because our data is simply sucked out of the platform we use (Reddit, Adobe, Meta...). So the backbone idea of our project is to inform individual users but also to give them the possibility to earn money for what they have.
Web3 is new for me and even though we are not (yet) a Dapp I think we are Web3 in our core.
We won second place of Berlin TON hackathon but didn't made it to the semifinals of the global hackathon (it seems TON is more into games and clickers). Now exploring the opportunities to continue working on it, eventually make a startup.
What do you think of the idea (I cannot share a link unfortunately, or I am doing something else that is wrong because I can't pass Reddit filters so far).
Filecoin and Theoriq Partner to Integrate AI, Setting Stage for Web3 Advancements
https://cryptonews.net/29409233/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2UEc5V1UwNkhTa2ZmWjdwdXl3OGFZMThVZ0pXb1lma3dzb2pwbnplc1NmWjRZQmZRaVgtUlJzaElFRHN3UWtTaTFBYU9ZMXBMazNjVkZ1Z3dMdlpGblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWmtBdGdQM214TE9sRTVfQmd3bXRxWjk3UDRaS1BkTGNPMmtRYzlHd19IVEtGWE1pTWxiclpjbXBLX3g2Nk4zZzdWRUtnZVVZZnVtRkFJU25paFBBaEhHYWR5V01MT0dWampaenJ4VXVheW9HVk9Xa2MxcmRDa1Y5NkFmNkZUUHE3MWlXNVA5eVFRVXlaRUtPN0llZDY1VGNhYTZkZmEtVGRGWlV6NlhiblJFSVROVTQzQTVOS2dYMThPUGIxdTNT |
DCA strategy and im almost nearing the green after starting at 120. Besides the possible ETF for ether and the price point, I'm thinking we might see 40-60 soon.
I like the ether for payments, but I sort of wish I could spend my bag in other ways. Any ideas before we start this next price cycle? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2QURPVkxoXzYydV9sckI2M3JBZ3p4ci1YcTVYcDBrTGJrVl9LZWNRQTNhSlFvYW91Z2Zfb1RaLU1nQUVrVmtvUGg3aVB6OGZpUEgxOHVLRGZvYjFfREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSDZTbXFaZ3hVSWIwUzFIODRsakk5SlFnYmxzaGhrTHhTaGc4bml4MVM5cnA4aGNuRUxBU1VuQW4xd2ktRG9faVNpbUFUYkN6MmVVYWpoRFZkYUVuQWd2T216NjdlSGFRck5QbGRUSE5nY3JTVnJSREhTZEtQaktUUVVSQzRHNzJ0N3AtaEtYQ0dPSktXZDQyNGxGbk9Za0ktOVE5RWFUVWh2Z05iTWU1OGYwPQ== |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WGJlMGZRNzNRaEdEMVg1aERmWGg1NXdmd25jRGVZRVJKdG1naGdkT0VVSVd5RUpnY0dPaGpiUGxtdjlPelpjSmpPYlBKenFfVWYxUXF6cHNIVTZNbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZ3hMTTBTVmRqaFRsRDJXUkNhZDVRMVBfNE1TSUhWMlU4TjRPQy1HVmZBemlqS0thcC1uT3dIRFlFZDRyMXUzbmdrRklxT200TURzNXBmX2x2QXo4X0JXMUh4Q3M5U0dWTGVvc2gzUC1GNnhCZlpMZ0JqblF2ZjJna0d3SkdEblFBR2RyZzJEMDVkZHdlWHNYRjBNLVhIcUViTG5EeDVnZk1RbFVUMGVNN29uSm5GQ3FNNXE0UUxkNVU3YUVRS2tV |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SFZtRnRjZDh4VFFVaDhab2tuR21oQlNydGktX2tDc2QyVkltSmJ4MVRXZExfdEJ0OEQxNTBqRmI1MDR1NlZKSllUN1M5c3hueDRGYVNLLTFHX2FfU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZjZQWS0xeVFVZS1RemVBQUd0YVVPckU2UVNlc2xRV3JTSXVFbTNtUGFUT3k0VXJLZWNDdXBiRjlOQTFIQlVhOXF3NXRKVXJmOUxIbEl2cDhDamRwSnlOazZ1M1RQT0l3T1NQSHBPWW8wSTB3aDVZS2RyU01jMzJNcTRmaFhDN1ZTaXp3dUJJUnBPTWFtcGlDdFN0NUs0aEdUbGRMWXlZSVVRRGN4ZzdmM2JVPQ== |
It's been some nights that I ve been thinking what could be a good solution to build using Blockchain. I don't want to create a crypto token nor sell NFT's. I want to create something that really fix a real world problem. Any ideas? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WkJJVURHWm40a2hTMDA0U01pXzdVVFZ3WWJ0bENjclB6UTdOZENvNDdRdG5oM0JWZjlvS3JDa1pZbjB6YUFBLUEtTFJDMC0tczAzYW9sMk9jUEFWT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfUWtWdkJpdy1ucGU5ajFsMjVKUUlUVHBxQmtDRHZ6cVlkUWdwYzI0eGF1SVFUenBHTW9mc19JREo3QnFMTWJsZklxbWhtdl81dXNvcnFxSDNxaXMxcmFiMjIyd1VaNzJ5RV9fYXZ3UVdvcXZZcHIwdDFhemk0V2w2S01YLWdfblhfRkpnWlhaTFVidFJlRGhyZC14bnVmMGJISnFlUWRoaFZtZS1vbTdVR2YydXlyYTItakxrMVk5SzY2ZWxoc1Fz |
Let's say someone creates an on chain web browser game like OGame or Shakes and Fidgets, that you have to level up things, and you could attack other players. That means every time I level up a Metal Mine or a I level up my "hero" I have to pay a gas fee to save that on the chain to maintain state. How can a user could be convinced to pay gas fees to save the progress of the game? Are there techniques to make this more appealing? I know I can use a L2 to make transactions faster and cheaper but they still need to pay something with certain token (based on the selected chain), which I don't know if a user is willing to do it, having so many "free" games out there. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2QktuMS1OaFl4SWdIdW11TnhRM2VKbTk5cDlPNlVxdnh6UG1Xd04ta2tVdnF3NEkyZDFmMV9RY2JOZWNVcGNfN3pQUE9tcUNtYXVBZU5BdFlTeWxUU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfUmpsaTUzZ3hWTTRJZHJrME8yM0l0ZTA0cnpTbTdlVUdzX2MyYzNhb0dFOHhqaTNqQzNZOWV4Y2ZJd0hvcmgyWGlYNzZqTFg2ME9xclVVd252amJKcnBUYTk5aXNnY1htN3lUdThycFdGbU9GM2dtay1ITTVSdDc3V0VscE9ybUtLVEFLMEc3YWNTZVJacnVUdVJUd0llazhqbGRpYm51RzBvUDZWOTkyZUhvPQ== |
Explore why $ETC stands out in the blockchain world. #ETC combines #Bitcoin's philosophy with Ethereum's technology, offering proof of work and smart contracts in one system. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2LXdyUVMzNnllUkhITVpUSm80a0Iyd0phTHpCNU5kUi1hRkRZeDNRZVNBTU0wUXpZY28xS3hMV2pPdWU2d1lETmJnMmctNnhza1Bia1JUQTBBbVI1SUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQW9tVmRpOTdQRmFkVTVmTUtEWW1jU2QzVnBUbkFFdW8xOFdnUDZzb3c1djVuRDgxVEViRXNldWhPd2FWM0R0WGhnS1dMWnR2QXhNa1lTVjRDQjB6dWZBcU1MUml1Yk0yME1xZWpSXzNUYUZJTE51Mkt0UkxIUTZKM2lka3lsMWUtbTdPMm1rM2FIRVN6N1lxTy0wdEhkdm4zanNPREdtQVJ0T052TkRmYmU4dHJkd1ZqV0xNd0psWV9GU1d1M09seHUyZk9XZXoxYlhPS2tUallNYTJUZz09 |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RWFyRS1iRGpwemliNTNNSjV0OXVqaXhTdEV5dmxGVjBfdElmcU5rdVJFRW9BQTRtRjJSWUsxaGZMUTd3ZVpYMEtXd1VabmI0bElfUmtkTE1kQXRORUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfOG8wd2N6WFVSMF9ZdFJGU2hsY1pzcDROSGpJUVVpOTk4UmVzVE40LUlYRXZnQ1ZsVGpaWTYwem1pQ0FFTGxTZ3FNT3lkbnd5RXVMbHlfeTdQaDNaMTNNWHM5bm1CeDJHaHYtN0NSaTZjQW5MR1pXYTZwQWNIUGtfdWZVSjB6QnFDZmhWaS1UMDNhc0JFS3p1MUdaWnctVUxOY3dOYk5DRnR1TS13a1paMW5GTGFxQ1BSNUhUUGZFMFpyemF6bW1j |
“10 Million people used to live here, now it’s a ghost town” | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RFVzRWVXWWVnaGpyQWx6YnZTYzJXbXBQREVkNmhTalJab0RnN0QtOEpXM0VNWXNYNW43RWdmeVRLUjNPS2p3Wlk1MUY0cXRpTVFRN05QV3NoR1RJTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfN24zYlgzckt0eVZob2lBam5GQ2RobDhBalM3TF9tdG9NbGlRMGhkTTd6b3diUF90QmkzajFxcW1yZE5tS0tod1E2NllJWU0yMzRmZ2N5TkhSOFBnZVhsRk9jQ0U3clNEa2ZtbXoydzBET0pqN0lKNVY4a0RqZzVJT3lIdDk2eUJhQUJGLTlTeU15LU92U29kRkVZUVJORnBrUEstSWJQTlV0V0dZa0JCY3JRN1huYzk2WUFhMVRWSmFaZ1ZUb0I1 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2bWdFSHE0UHMtSnoxM2pWaUZHczlWYWFVVGlJWkRIdElaMWR0RVBYUGlfSkNoS21TRFVuT0tVYlJqVnJqSzM4SmN4NnJxWUpiVV9kRG1XZjY5NnJnUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYnBqTllFT2RYdnQxMkNkdUZvWUJpQkN6bzVOMF80MHdWc2pLOFkzRzNYUEpYbHpRU29QNGdjRnlod0pBeVloR01RUE5HTjN1OE10YVktNWJPYWpST3gxYjN2cUhqRExrN1lvald3NkUyNW9WY3Exam9NRnY1RUdIOFNweW9aYnhyY2dYRmVva28xQndDV0thV3pYYXVjMXd6WUNfaGZGYVAyVkdrRmc4NUQ4ajFNQXFFQkhJZERTY0Z3Q3FzRnZB |
Can everyone in this group apply for an ETF? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2bk5nX1E1ZkM4WXA2RDAxOTJXV2VwWDJHc0JBYmNjTEFVc0xyS2FwSGNHNjA3dGtBY1hkdWNwWVVNQ3NrYVlzQ09zbmlJMUFVWGNCazQ0cWNmMVU0VVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMU9ydG9fQlYydThoM0dTTTZrNU5OSFA1V0tIYjB6Sk1WVzdBdzVhY011RURiYk51bDJQajlTY3lEdTk5ZGVnOXVheXBvcU9YRWxkZTFWc2wza0NDM3NoZGRudGhKOGo5WVk5Zko0emo3SDNxMUlwUTJOeGVVUXRZZjVKOVlxZnR0SWRadEhCV2xMblpsRVQzTTN0NERjWDdLNVRlQl90NGw0VTRlQjBlYkJqMHBSWUhGWGtlRURLV3IzWG8yaUY2QS1zN19tVHhMLUJXYW9BU1V3SGQ4QT09 |
I'm trying to download GHTorrent dataset and noticed actual site took down the data - [http://ghtorrent-downloads.ewi.tudelft.nl/](http://ghtorrent-downloads.ewi.tudelft.nl/)
Noticed filecoin made backups of it to preserve as part of slingshot program here - [https://github.com/data-preservation-programs/slingshot/blob/master/datasets.md](https://github.com/data-preservation-programs/slingshot/blob/master/datasets.md)
Although I'm not completely sure how to recover the data stored on filecoin now. Would it cost crypto to recover and download this 18TB data from filecoin? How does it work? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2a2JSSHpqQXBFS0xXY1psYkRUUy1BOHl5amxST3RXaW8zaHZzSkZQcjRzTHhiTmxsU2R5cjBSVEV5dV83cGNIQ1FfTFdyakszTDVMN3lDWnc2WVBNZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfN2c1ZXVwOF9SQ2JDZExKV2xWUDkyLXplU0lwRlhncVlCT3hCX3d2TWxlS0tZUjMxZWFTZmxRaTAxdGNQNGM0bzJPa2xvMEZYbGQwakliVEVkZEZTSFNSY25jMGptZm50WWs1OGRvVWVvWjZkSjJUUmM2RzQyUlN1blg4OU9VYktqaVFOREFweFlvckhBOVBWenA5UGs0YTdqNktKVjNQRUVsMEY3Zm1mUUVLUEQ0VVlid1R3OWx6azNCdEtWMlY4 |
I am looking forward to the second generation of the Filecoin DeFi ecosystem. Especially Filliquid, which uses LST and provides many functions like farming. It will help storage providers build a more decentralized and stable Filecoin network. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2OElPRnVBWE5FLWdzTk93eHU3RF8tMjNDTjAzNHFIbDJSWnNJSDBEMlkyX0RJVk92Ti0wM2l5NHdQZkxLWkkzRUQwc25FZ2lTMEwxTGNHZks5OEszcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTlFUMW9fWmQ1ZmN6SVl6UkJsRTRzVm9Nb0ZIMTZHUlNGTTNWZFJMV2dmNWg3UFNiMFcxdUtXZ2ZlNGlFa2R2aUNaUXNZa2xZdGhBWWRBRUx1ZFJ6a1pDYXQyU2ZuYWl4ME5Wc2dqd2hmekJYZmJ2dVBJTFdMaUtYdHlQNzJKd0REV25RbGFScmh4M0J1M1FxLW1OU3YwN1c4clE0RUhodDJpNWJRb2ZBSDZaS01pcm56VkNrVko5bmNxb3lINFVY |
Learn Filecoin / Filliquid and claim FIG tokens
Daily quiz | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WFhDMkdmQlNkbTN0WjlVSDZ4aTZhWmxsOU01UGpETEJ2dmhielkzekFqVnFTdG85c2ZqU3B3ZXNMY3RJNzh1dHZnMHc3RHNtbDd1N0I3U1B5dGc0Wmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfbDNtNlNEUDQzelVoUVdoR2szTjU2ckVpMzEyMURMMU1weTExdTFRT3A3NjVPV2lvMmZaQ1htdWMwcFMzZWtFcEN1ZXNUYWhvME9PQUhySDdtTGp6R2Zta2V4OExSZ21kUFh3ZzBsWDFTeDJ4eHc4MjYxVDVhY3UzTHVtMkhlUzdYT2hqclI3QjFwdUlvYWt1YjA5VURnc0JELUpjcm45WWNLZG1HZnE1NWZlN19KSHBkWDRxcGUzYUJXUXJDa21Sek8tUXl6S0lTdGhXRG5wSHpjbW9FZz09 |
FILLiquid Mainnet For FIL-Based Lending is Set to Launch Tomorrow: Here’s Everything You...
https://cryptonews.net/29471249/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2dzZ0ZHBsV1JWcEFyX0M1eUZrVHhUU0UzVE9naS1ZYUJRV1V2bTR4cEN6T1A0dmZZWThaSXVpSGNweUVCSkVFWFRMemhCaHp0cWY4NWtyTlpaNzhDT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNlFnUzZ1N3BrbW1kTzVJb0kydEVPd2ZCZWlhVlRmNzZzZmFKM0hmY1pjVkxxRlpQSXNqQ3FaVWl5cmo2TnlIOUtLaTY0eUNDQ3Y3MlBBakh3azRTbnZuWkEtQnZ2RU1qbU05RjlYMEFXS3ExXzdoZDRnTm9RR25VMnVrYWZCSElmYW1RVWdLdm85VmxVc0JmOVNQZjRWbVlfWkZRWE14b0FORzBlNXNzaWYyWVdmcmxuUXUteVprUjljV3g2TnA3 |
Filliquid is like a Lido with Ethereum? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2a2lpX1pyWFpZOHR2ZzVyZ0Q4SU1BU2JRaDFxTEtMQlJxdjlvN2oycVF5SE1DeWQxdU80YVljTThwMXZKenY5QVpQMFhQc2NUelJvYnctSkhSOVFIUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRkZlcWxYM2Z2QzRQaEtMMlpCaVJtX0Y3WkN4ZkN3M1hOVkdoSXREU1JGVVZkdFB0X0NrenlhLUJWOUZMRzdVSVdQMUxDMzVGbUlwUkM2UjhjeUZ1RHNBUW9DR2wycGE0elhGNWhtdmZ3RGZzU3dQZ2dIaGZLMXlMUVcxb3l1N29ScXkwTFNaUktZdERGblQyanFENzVNTWpvdjRnNk1rNGtPTFluLWplMVo4PQ== |
Sorry guys bit I'm still new to crypto, does anybody think FIL still has a chance of generating decent returns by the end of 2025. If so how much by? Why do you think so? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2N19Rd09wQmJOeWs4M2FBTkFUUnNnaERKTEcyNHBLVTUydVpva05MWXNYUVRYNTY4ZTc5Zi13M0ZaSWUxelplenFLNzhadDdRa05rTm5CbGVBWDhXMWJuVGx5dUplWFlsTG5ZQTZ0dFloNzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVHV0S19VWHlIR1c5ZHJVZXRaV1RUODZhVldxRm4tWjFNcFhRbTlFTXk0cm1kZXZoRHBNTlNGWmJST1RuLWJMOXVtelZvRzFJRTNZVnlNNllzM1AxYldXazJfZUNOTHpsY3R6X29EU3VMU3YwcnBia3RraHZ6TDd1bnlvaHBYZ1ZEb0JYeTdHTC1vTjk0SVJXVDBwWWdlQmVqVmk1YmdjLU4wM0Q5ZUNoSW10OXNiVUpmT3NRUk8ydmxJVDBhX1pr |
- I use metamask wallet
- iPhone, Chrome
I recently tested staking a small amount of my Filecoin. I was pleasantly surprised to see that only a very minimal amount of FIL was used as gas fees. It's clear that Filecoin's technology has improved significantly.
Upon staking Filecoin, I received FIT tokens in a 1:1 ratio as collateral. These tokens allowed me to earn staking rewards from Filecoin mining.
I then used these FIT tokens to mine the initial Filliquid governance tokens. So far, it seems like the return is about 3x.
Assuming one FIG token is worth $1, I've earned about $300.
Given that the current Filecoin price is $5, staking 100 FIL is worth $500. By staking $500 worth of Filecoin, I've earned $300 worth of FIG tokens plus an annual 10% staking reward in Filecoin.
After researching various Filecoin DeFi projects and finding most of their APYs unsatisfactory, I discovered that Filliquid, which launched its mainnet yesterday, offers farming services. I'm planning to farm on this platform first.
I will continue to share updates on my testing progress here.
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VW85NGNzTWluNkltNFJNQnBNVTRrLTNVcnJIWFcwWktjODhYZE5rb2ZKSnZGOVk2VnE1bGQ0bjNKX3pCZy13VEk4cU1WaWZENGNlcVZfTkVaR0RtTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNXo4eXlsb3N4NzdjSk8tR3NyUnZ3Rzg4cTU3Zkc0UnVPSW9ldERGTTV0dTBPZFByWk8xbmllMmtoU0JVWklrbFJUTGtCU2dreHRZanpSR19mbXRjTmJhUVJfcWdZdTgxVUlEd1lFVkVqcjZyTXMyNkEtU0NGcG5JMXU5Y2ZfaVBJdzFfeERnZlpMOExVVnlWd0hjTHEya0tSTFRrN29TRV8tbHZDOVB5b240PQ== |
Hey everyone,
I have several terabytes of storage available and I'm interested in renting it out for cryptocurrency on a Web3 platform. Does anyone know of any services or platforms where I can do this? Looking for something secure and reliable.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2blNJdmpBeDRPNE9GR0FrQVVPd21hSHJwcUhMM3kza2tPNlpBQ25MNzRDMmIzeWNQcDNjUW1DM29mYkR1N1JKRk9HeWIxdDFXTWhnVmlwYk9QR094U3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVTc4N0YzOGdqVXhvLVo2OGRJcWJjRHZETTE1VVFMV3ZYSmc4eGJhLVR3UTdLRFJvYW5UVGQ3T19LWlRzSlJxWlFlMUZaVGcxWm9DRnh5THYxQ1hrOFgzSHFOeFBtbzZNNUNvRnFYcE93c0htMkhOVGRVVTFMd3dCNDhLNl9sT0NBMjc2a0hTYmlGRlBySmI0eEYwdVZwa3NaZlFGVEhqU09tNnNBVEV3NVc0MEkyTHJXRmpQa0d6RlNabUZfRGJC |
Hey, I recently discovered waku from a vitalik's paper. I read their website and it look really promising.
But i didn't found lot of reviews about it, for example for a messaging app, how safe waku is compared to others apps like session or matrix ?
Do someone have a sufficient understanding to explain me what is the pro and cons of waku ? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2djhkdDNQaEdiWEZITlZhVldqR0dtX1h2UUNNZXVmb3NMeXlDazZ3YkZhU3dnS3YwMWg5aXZZNVpCaWpjekp1T3FkU0FfQlRMLUQ1OThvaWFSUEpzZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfY0VmYU5GNnZzcWRuZVdKZW1fVmRybUF0OFpfWHVFZE1JRjJPYngtdXU4bmc2c3gyZGFQbnZhNUQtWUtWX0hOaEo3V0s2Nm9GdWRKaFNhZFJ2cEh1Znc5T2VGYjJ6RXJfclBnQ19Melc4VG00TFRyM1dObnllYlJ6NXBzM0dtMjV0NDE1YVlhRHJOcENfd0Vsc09TQzd6em1FcXRjSkRSX3huQTA3X0lpUVJJPQ== |
GM! We have just finalized our draft whitepaper for Neulock Crypto, the Web3 native password manager.
I'd really appreciate your honest feedback, especially in terms of clarity and technical accuracy. Also, feel free to share whatever you feel like about the project. Our intention is to bring some much-needed utility to the Web3.
The whitepaper is available here: [https://crypto.neulock.app/whitepaper/](https://crypto.neulock.app/whitepaper/)
Lets try filecoin defi
They said it is fully open-source | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2YS1YSkw2WWZ4YkUyZ3lPcXRsa1hndHdOUm85V21CeGxaOVd2OTRKY18wR2tlQ2JadXU3WWNCLVhMQjNzMy1JRUtoVUtjaWo0YldyYTJmZUxiZ3JsUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfU0xldE1ab0dmZTBVeU5tOG1IdTBGc21RbHJSbTNXZ1FJci1Tanh4VmtqT0RaQ01aalJkQ193TGZpRVpLdExaOEZmWnhQZ1lSSGNTUXV6aDFhVmJJdXNJLTBlckhoNllqbXkzQXV0aHNuX0VvVldCclFJTkpqNE13X3RIVHU1YTRyQUs2MEJFb2pTSTd6UjVwcDJrbWJ2bEpoZFBJQXNzUENGcWt1SDh6Tnc3MnZZRUZ0R202SnhMWVlYOGQyWEVa |
If interested with future of filecoin defi, you should watch this .
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2N2lhY1o5MkZpaVV0a2EwT2tNb1A4T3A5SXFSc3AwdVNxVm5EbU9IY29vdERyVWw1UUpoVXV0SE9kaXgwQlY1S2szb1hJa3RSRU5iSmh1NzVRMURTZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfc2FxZzhLTEdUel9rZHpiN3RRNFhVb3RLVVNNZ2o0MVVSUEV3OEVHNlFYMXJXdVk1bkpyRmJSSld6QTZlTWJuSEVrMGhkVWdrUm05b052QXJUUGZXVWhMZXI0T0plamdfTkRZaHlpRmQxXzVDekhQM29aejMwLVVaMzNuckJEY0RKZ2ZKQkwwVGxXZ0pyNm9NOG9YU1FOZm90VVFKVXBFdWVSZmt5U2lGUldvTWdqQ3FlWEpOVlpTdlRpaTVLT3hk |
Hi Devs,
I was developing a P2E educational game where users could earn crypto tokens and NFTs for the tasks given. Now, I'm struggling with how to payout the users in crypto currency after they finish the game successfully.
I wrote some smart contracts for claiming the tokens by the user, but the problem is that the that the user needs to connect with Metamask to sign the transaction and get their tokens. I need a solution, like after playing the game, the tokens must be automatically transferred to the user's wallet address, and they don't need to sign the transactions. Anyone, please suggest some ideas for this problem.
Thanks a lot. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2cnFGTnF5Tl9qQ3Q1VG5yYWxjbkJOb0JNVmxLR0pldHJramZFbzRGWU9BckR5OVFOeWRyWDBrbDg5SUljN29XVWlMdFJqRE5ON0YyeEhXR2VWTlRMc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVUlWWDZ1RVJhbGllc3JoXzhvX2hxZmwyZEE5ZmtwRld4N0tOaDBQbTJtQXY4YkotU0NUaTBVTmlYTGVWUDFVNlFEVkZ6cEdzMm94cG50NTh3ZlktWE5LRHlZVmtOR2psYkZ2NmpfZ0hvUnY4NXE4bVc4N3BXT3pQYjBZNXRlcFVCa1Y0QzJMR3Y0NnduSlVEc3NEUWI5TF9hU3ZhcXk0VFAtdGJjVVBvZGdVPQ== |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2THZOVTJwXy1SdFUzN2s2UGVZR0lENTdwa0F5cGNHWmRQeXZRSVJyRHlwd1EtRklWYV9Oa3dyT3FaQi1WVGtwNHZfLWFkbzhsOWZRMnF6bmlWTzBnY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTWdOSGw2V1dSNENwQW1SbEZieUJfZGs0OGlYYjMxTGhqUmxweVBlRnBoYk5nMmJVOEdDQW1CSFJlRF94alhnYWhsV3Z6a0FNRld0cTlUTnV3Sng1d2ZnaUMxQXB3V2ZsQ2lVQVVtMjlQR0NNUThyVGpDcXNnZ3E3RlVSaVZ0Y1BPaG1ZWGd2NHhaMWdQYTNBb1pVVDBsUmQxcU92RWZGeUpKNUxoTXNqSVBSWkpnY3hSa2NUUHZEVnQwMkFvZV9D |
Here is the link to the AMA replay:
Watch live stream AMA with FILLIQUID on Binance Live: https://www.binance.com/en/live/video?roomId=2211355&utm_campaign=binance_live
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2LThkNXBnaDR5dHQ4dGl0N1pKdnFJV1lQZHFqcFVNNDVFT0R6TDhTSUtxdVlJT2lLaXY3aG1TUVpjV2tEeGszcFRvc2tlaW85enhfbkgxY3ctMDBmZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRXRLQlVXNV9NeGFLWXN5VVdGTENLaE1veklHRzZ3Z3MzalJ0eklidlgyZnhGSGpySk9pMTBBMWllenFjb3RkSmhQN21JcXljRlhYUTBtTmRzNVd1dzRsNi1TbnZNRVZ0Q1lGQmZISm1uaUw1ZTBmdWxiTXZwN1NSMXFFMUFJS1I2WDF0Q0J4amZCM0F2NERESGVJRElmemRHRUlPSFZsblN4ZWY1OTlqdzdNPQ== |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2cllBSjJPa1dtVmhDUXY0WkFsT0dwNnFxeS1ZQWZNM3VnYUJ5NWlMSzZPQTNxSnY2SU8xNkU4dzhNWEsxVWVaUkNacDhoTXBzWExSQkpOZXdCMng1VlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZ2I5UlhYbUdCNTlLQlp5TGs1dXgzUFVhN2tZTkc0TXFoci1lRXBoRDBXbHVnVFU0dERGUkx6U1FXZm1MTUhSSWJVNWJvaEJfY0dnVmU0d2JVLTdvcHR1cWJkVk9keEh1NnQ4aDZYRnc5Rlp6cENGWUdfV3hZLUQ1cGgyXzRDNGw4a2M1UEVtLUFoRVNCTnFmdTFUMWFULXV0ZTNIX25vVDZESF9ma1phYzRvPQ== |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-07-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2UEVHNGI3U19obHEtbnhMMEo4NU4yLXljMjkxTThORDJUZnRkTm91cXFNdGRFWWZpSTYtTlc0RFBtSVBDTDRxcnZMVXMxUkJFVjNKRzlZUVhPYXdrb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdndlMnFRcmJWQXNCMmUzcE9TTG5kelFVNEkwTHZKTGl6WkZkQk0xWW1idVhOcUppY2w3WWlnTkV3Vk1LNzFiaDFBVUJJZ3pjNjZPQXplanV4d28yTkZ1VnJMRFZDNkpvZ0gzR19OV0NYLUtCLUxudU5HSnNYYjU5NlFxc0ItMFpTZEo2RHFXTU8zR3NpYi13dVduQVVTTXo1bC1sbk5vQ2YzVU85VktTV01zPQ== |
I’m building a Wordpress based website with users repeatedly purchasing my service.
Curious if there are any Wordpress plugins for wallet connect. I’d like the wallet to connect and allow for account creation where there user creates a username associated with the wallet. At that point the user can purchase my service with the wallet and track their orders.
A great example of this would be pump.fun and their “connect wallet” function.
Any ideas?
Thank you!! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Qy04Sjl6R1lObi1mYkVhLVBJMkxPUmpCSS1HUDF5UldZdTVvQlhGS3dTTVh4OTJwSldjVmZLTTJ2d0V3ay1YUTNaemR0Qk9YWjVPT1NpZGM0bVNoa2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVEhWOVlzc3JWQlN3dmxIV29DVU1Xck92STdmRWxYUDdIaUJQSkQ1cjQ2V2JIME1VZzBwa1FxVGZOU0lnTmNKTnFKbkNhUmU1MURrTDdMOGY0b25zX2p4WUJLem95VkFOcERDZThzRU5nU1oxWWNvRFdjMUY5TWpVb293cWR3eGFqN0RCQ3lmNjhnT0MtNUtCbm0zbll2d09xemd1N3dXS2VLdU5kLUM5Z2RQWDhNV0dIWXduV3ZBaU5BQkJLOWxaNHBQTHllY00wSm5OeUpoNmRCNll5dz09 |
I'm looking to accept payment on a WordPress Ecommerce website and specifically looking for a conversion of EURO to ETH/BTC.
I've looked into Coinbase API but I believe I'll have to do something with a combination of something like stripe and coinbase, looking for solutions and if there are any existing websites that have this feature. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2bkJTU2IwVGdpOFZMSHRsQlVQV3Vocm9IMjVpLW5ueWlmSUdYUmF6T2tCN0EzNDlyVnoxWkd6Vlk4SC11ZVpYSkwtTVVfSy1oNzllNzZlMkhPWEUxTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcWJLLXVXWUpobFBkY29LNlFfeV9XN2NtWG5fQ0NNY2xUQTIwZXNjbi1GQlFUNWJFNXBpV0xicXl5T0xRRmkwWldHTElSdVZMRkp6UDVNQ1UtLWVmMV85NVpxcm5yMEtzSzFOVGxBeTA1LTBzUEpnWVlybjRSbjdzbjNuVVg5VkxZeF9wNjVldTZQbGJ1N211UlRUTkNOVmdsODhMdk1ROFpDekpHTmM3RnlSVEZRZVZ5MGdGOTlteEtjNGIzVzh4 |
# There are only hours left before the Filecoin x GetBlock Discord AMA Session! 🎙
Leading RPC node provider - GetBlock teamed up with Filecoin, a blockchain network designed to store humanity's most important data, to throw the most fascinating Web3 AMA session these days!
Join the **GetBlock's Community** to get to know all the exciting events and news first [https://discord.gg/getblock](https://discord.gg/getblock-686478398884675584) and don't forget to join us on **Filecoin's Discord Server**
**🗓 Today**
⏳ **at 2 PM EST (6 PM UTC)**
📍 [https://discord.com/invite/filecoin](https://discord.com/invite/filecoin)
See you on Discord! 😉
[GetBlock & Filecoin Discord AMA Session Tuesday, July 30 at PM EST](https://preview.redd.it/zlnd8fsdiofd1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf88733f80a23718a7f65016f4ed1e2933a80c4) | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SkpsR1lhT3FNb0xNbXVZaGwyVFAtQVM5Y05LSUV4ZXhpcXZoc19fa2gzLUFhZkd0TjBqQ3pDa0VpYS1saGZFcGJjdHc3dURXTVZEd0FNV09BM2UtQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaFVCWXMtT3N2SzRJRXBfdDdzLXVlQ0M0bXo0RFhNSE1EOWxkakpaMURPaXQydnNOcV9lZV9scS1wVmFmYi1KT0FxZ2twNFNzTmo0ZWgwTHAtSS1hSnB2RFZpMlZEX3pibWZ4Q3hyZFVCR3lkREgyc2tiR3dTV1E1VmcxVkJJd0h1TDRVSDlBRUhkQ3lHUklqMUstdmtxRG9FLTdSTHNPNjQ1czBXX2Y1WHZTM3B4T1NaMHpEbV9DaDZYaGpOSTBIZGxwV1BBTU42TGFEWGtORkFYX2dOUT09 |
Hello, if i want to do a fundraiser and give everyone tokens based on the money they invest, how can i access the money without affecting price
| r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WEhCQmNvRkNJUV9qWXF3TzF0ajh2ZjJtdW9SX1hLd09UYTFmQnNfS291UmZ0cy12djBrazVyQnlPYnR1dXQxcXVaTnRiQkJTTW5JcUo2NmV5LVJQQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeWRrZHc0czFpN0ZYeGVsTklWd2dnM1h0Yi1GZllobFF1ZGtjNlJITVUwaEFGVE5EQWsza00wd0h0cDZ0U2JPcTFPWE9LYUNPZGFTYW1IVHlaMlBiTk9VejVaMjdmbURvSmZuX1ZqbmQySUJsZl9SMk00UDlxZTNLY0Z6ZmtwUWRrQXQyZ3FUU1FhbGE5azg4RENNdGUtM0E5VVljUEE5S3ZSZG5qeTNheVZJPQ== |
I think if a Web3 company manages to crack the code for onboarding everyday Web2 users—those who might not know much about crypto or DeFi—they could really make a big splash. It might come down to perfecting UX, copywriting, or brand messaging, and it could take some time. But getting this right could set the stage for becoming a major player in the Web3 space. I could be off base, but I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights on this! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2ME9jQ1NjMXd1TGEtMmZEeExPbzczZEJYN0tvaWp3UzBBZ1NMSUhUd3lRZks1RXNGWjVjX3poS2hXU016ZDJlU0d0QldjTWZBTklnRmthWlBWRW9RX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNTJMdTRZbkgxVXMtT2hxdXItSmxxNGpzMXNORm85Q2xiY3RVTFIwWlFmT1RoZDRJZndJYUt1RmVEb21DQy11cTJMemNMT1Vfc2lzVXlyYnV6ejFldVBpajluT1d3OW43SHE2SU5NSjBIOGdCT0RGSW9FcVpHMF9hc2VSTmV6SzlQRmV5c2Z5VWV0S253NGxWU0ZCWlR3PT0= |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2N0pZYVV4aDNhREkyWHRndldmd0txdlNBa1BWUmFLaEhJUTZLTXhKdl9UWFlxUkNxY0FoV2JvMjN5Sk9vOERxRmd0M2h1b1hycHRfM3pXVEtHMW5yS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQmxpVGVTZWszMmUxajhIOUczUU9xYXpvcThHNXFNVmVSZFRPb05HOHozOGdHRGdud1NUTXpUUGsxbWU2VTBWOWg1UFNLbnNHajQ1Z19xS2N4ZXZPYkczbkdjX2Y3M2E0VDNEOXd4SVFBX3dYRnRORzY3a0ZCeDdURjJrWUNMbzl0cGM5M3JCTFo1ZGpUbFVkai1BRnpmN3VQbGdlNFQtQVpEWHFueVkyMS1qU0JnLXpZeWUzVVg1VjktX28zU1hnWEttSTh4WXc4MUlrVHZfajFmTG1HQT09 |
Is Emerald Wallet safe? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RUVhbEFkZ2xGNGpBS1hnYjkyWWFnN2pmRXRNRjhKdDNWVGFTWHo5UkVmNm5MRlBHaERVUGpvb0FkejE1MFhWOFYwX1dMMWhWcHY3dWdsbDBTR3Rod1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQjE3ZFY2Rm5CdmUyVEtoS1hhUTNDZVNjbG1FaEJRRjNvLU1EclpQQklLd0NGOWE5eS1INHdlWE5TMFlnSDN5bF9mNHRIV28tcG1wZUMzZTZiSWM2MWZHUWJBQUZ0ajZ1NGdkQVFpV0RNT1ZSVWl4MExKWEl4SW1sQmwzMk45RUZFQ1MwWWFPSmlRMFN1bGctVFpKdTQ2MG9kRndSYW04R0JmV1BhNmJjSGp1ZnJGT0tOSFYtTE1ja0JfOVo5LUF0 |
The price of Ethereum has been dropping, roughly 20% in the past 24 hours.
**Background:** Jump Trading is a Chicago-based trading firm that was established in 1999 by two pit traders who met on the floor of the CME. Jump Crypto is the digital asset division of Jump Trading, which was launched in 2021.
Recently, wallets associated with Jump Crypto have transferred a ton of Ethereum to various centralized exchanges, including Coinbase. This typically indicates intentions to sell.
In June, around the time rumors about the CFTC investigation began circulating, they reportedly moved about 72,213 Ethereum ($231M) to exchanges. In the past 24 hours, they have transferred an additional 17,576 Ethereum ($46.78M) to exchanges as well. They currently hold around 49,000 Ethereum still in the unstaking process, meaning this ETH is locked up, earning money similar to a CD. However, these funds take a few days to be released for trading or selling. - Numbers from per *Spot On Chain*
Interestingly, these transfers started two days after the U.S ETH ETFs went live for trading. Was this a big trade gone wrong?
**Their past:**
2014 - Jump Trading was one of six firms subpoenaed by the New York Attorney General.
2018 - Jump Trading was fined $250,000 by the SEC due to a "malfunction" in their trading algorithm.
2022 - Jump Crypto faced losses around $300M getting wrapped up in the FTX collapse
2022 - Wormhole protocol was hacked and Jump Crypto stepped in and provided $325M to help recover funds
2023 - A class-action lawsuit was filed against Jump Crypto for market manipulation on a profit of $1.28B for "Jump had made over $1.28 billion in profits from selling the LUNA tokens it received at a steep discount in exchange for artificially propping up the price of UST and aUST."[ ](https://www.rgrdlaw.com/media/cases/1007_UST%20-%20Jump%20Trading%20File-Stamped%20Complaint.pdf)*Per Report* Allegations were brought on the president of Jump Crypto, Kanav Kariya, (a former intern who went to UIUC) for allegedly aiding and abetting Do Kwon. The president and co-founder of Terraform labs, who’s behind the crashed stablecoin UST and LUNA token who was on the run to Dubi with fake papers while arrested.
Jump Crypto was identified as the “unnamed firm” that stepped in to help maintain the value of UST at $1 during its collapse.
It’s important to note that the issues faced by Jump Trading are not uncommon in the finance industry…..
**4 things could be happening**
1) They are going BK and selling
2) They need liquidity for other business needs, and they want to sell crypto to cover it
3) The rumors about the CFTC investigation are true, and they want to exit the crypto market, leading to forced selling.
4) They placed a trade based on U.S ETH ETFs being approved and it's not panning out and their closing position.
**Short timeline from what I can gather**
Friday 7/2 We received bad economic data (The unemployment rate was higher than expected)
The VIX (Volatility Index) was high Friday, the only times it was higher were during the 08 recession and the 2020 Covid crash.
Saturday 7/3 Israel and Iran are going at it again, Supposedly Israel killed the Hamas leader, Iran said we're gunna hit back and the U.S sent troops to the Middle East (not good for Earth)
Sunday 7/4 Jump starts selling
# Conclusion:
The economic data, high VIX, geopolitical tensions, Japan raising rates and Jump Crypto’s actions all contributed to the recent drop in Ethereum prices. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2a2FMd0x1bkw0Sm1Eenp5UlhNMjBVbVdCNHRXTFRVekdVMVJ2VUNGQjlOWFlwSTM3WmtOYWU5UFhQTVRUM2JMWWd2ak1sN3FEZGY4WVVBczlTZTd2b3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfd1llVW5Eei12bE5JTG1MLTV4S3VXUGcyTndmTjdOUVQ0NUM3QTB4NXJrdjFSZ25TNE9XbHkycllDQlExRmpLMVBNRDM1X3JfVXBFeUZxdVlMeTdCM183NlZaREFCeTh1dC1VdkgyaHRlUFFlNFVfR0JPODFScUdIUHl0Y1dJaGVWMVk1Rm5lS05rWWVjRE5TSERPNnRsM05fa2ZCWm1YU0VJZmVVMmFvUGJNPQ== |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2YldTVDBFRjBiaUpEZkp0MGZZSkJKMkpScFZnbWdIYWJkdkRTZl84Mmc3ZkxrMXlKckZwQmMxSm80Qk9mQWRTcjV1QldYYWVGRkJ0OU1mckZ6NGU1cUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVEhmaFZxek1BY0lFWUxwejFVdW9YVEo2a25pbElvblRpQm51SGNscTM2Ti1FcDVXWnhTTmdVcGFEbFBVelhqZGVzdU8tbnhBV2xIVFVLc0NRYzlGcjJBeVo4b09EMGJRdktEUFd1NWNTUGZkNDZYMTdxV2pIR2RteHQyOTNkOTZnWFMtY2dGZlNXQWJxdm0zTmJYU3BFdzA0M2hQc055ekM5NGtDZTJmdWpRPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Since its launch, BlackRock's spot Ether ETF has garnered $869.8 million in inflows, with $109.9 million on August 6 alone;
* Such performance places the fund among the top-performing ETFs launched in 2024;
* On August 6, total inflows for spot Ether ETFs were $98.4 million.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2NjJEZk0taFBaSFFPWGpJUDJ3VjB1NWdiNGZncnFhakRjNlZ1OWFwVWpQS2ZVRzViVmYtcGx3WFMtZmVZMUFaVFhLX0lqTVBKS2QxZEZZZGhwV0dPSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfS0ZoSzY0S3lpa1RIcjhFWjAxUUczWVF0cFV6cmRvUjh3OURRSTd6WkgyVE93blFjZXN6NnlNRTZYQ0gxVmpJbE9IdUVjQTB1S3BtaW84Rk5HS3ZJOHp3N1h0ZWFKZF9ZWURQUl91c1FRRE5Zblh4LUcwcGktY0VLTHZ0c0VLbDY1MUZRMW1TdU1hWVhXbFRDRGRta2RCM2RWR0VpVkYyZFFxT2hMcVRkb0JaVGV0WUZkbTlfZ0wyc041b0VPRDB0MFhSczZWaUFwY0tSQW1iWHhwN25Ydz09 |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SDNHSDJhdWMzOVlDbmctNlFxVjJ3Ry0yck03LUstTlFOcks3TWp6Sy1RdE4yNWtrSXhfVlRDWnVSTDFnaXZob1dVTjF5NUFuMXFzTkhWWEdFZEZ4cWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVTZuYW1LeElxZFcyaHBSWG45NVJGZ3g5MFpnLXFqNWNGeDBlWWs3NjAyUGx0X3ZzTUpaMDhqTm1MWVFzTHBvSWg5Z2VnNHhNNVMxelZPU2RTdmREamNVR1g0NTBwNUVpWDAzYXkwY2RqblN5bFd3dEJfLVMtT1NOVEpCZldiNXJKdDYtRE1fTzJBTFQtb1lYdTNzR25mR0JOd1QzcEhtd29IWDA0bkFteUdzPQ== |
Share the NFT mints, collections, and events that you're excited about! | r/nft | post | r/NFT | 2024-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RmJBNUhrVTRNcUtYR1JWbDl2d1VJaElnWlVjblFUTXk3SnFQUFI1WnlHdWdRSTlXLUstckd3c0RLQUJUa21UVFFyQi1uYm90VzlwVl9jaGdhanhzdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfejFGWThLbUZzck03eEdKV0hkUm1GOVRYUDI1STFXdWp1M1ltbS1MNk5LT2hHTExpNjJIMW9uVk5ELXVxQVVaa2YyYnJQanZZc3ZYX0pXMkpnRWVoeHpHYzBSZlNERmltTlJZUXF6TlhXNUJQOUp6U0k1VHhHWU5pUFR3bm1ma0sxSnQ5VWw1R28wVXR6bm1lT3RCRENQZFNWeGE2WnFzTGNDdklFWS1CWHRyaHkxeXk5ZWpuci1IdldfUHNNN1Bz |
I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis about analysing transactions in web3, and I was looking for a tool/API that could help me with resolving contracts to services (or categories like DeFI, gambling,...). DappRadar offers this in their API, but only from the $499/month tier. As I am a student, I can unfortunately not afford this.
Does anyone know good alternatives that are free/low priced?
Thanks in advance. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WFJBd2RyVy1QRlFXTkt5bUJqLTZOd0FiU0lLaGpneWUxZTNXZXN6UXhHbmVXa2pqT0NXcVBxR3d3NVdJZ0N5Zlh2b2VBZGt1dG51aEFwSm9GSDJocnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfc01fMTB6Uks3OGR1RUVBSE5WWkxkbjhJQk5iSm5Zcm9xa2RBejY5dXByRHU0akt4bk9YTTNwbTFIbFlqa1IyV2oxcE1SOVNvOFEzZWZ1ZzFlMS1fbm9mX1o2eWpPUHRtc1F1Q04wa0l2RW01ZUNGNmJIQXRGV2ppQVpyeGZhSlNFc2c3NmlWblFLTTBnMkR6NWRNc2x1eThsNkV4bjA4a3BOSjBTdjc2WTVoTEJKU1FqQl96MjI4bVlUVXJqODdH |
Hey yall, I was just wondering if there's a tool out there that allows you and your friends to pool your money into a designated contract and have a lead investor trade it for you. The lead investor is the most savvy crypto trader in your friend group. If it doesn't exist, would people want it? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2ZDVFdExadmV1empjNnJMeGJtZ0ZVWjZZQ3N1RVFuNVZlZkpFT19QUGtlNEtubHh2NTF1NExZcFhlaUJaSGRCRHFac1IwSlVHSHd3ajgzZXB3ODlaLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSWlsYWFKUXhLcl91Q1Y2YTRDUXF4ZWVETjhXbDlqRFBHU3Zxelk0TXNiZVI0SkZmQ05kMC1wemRCSlJKcU93eVBteUs2Q2w3UXpxVXNDUlU2Q2xyV0wzZnpnX096YVJRVmU5bElRcl9yUHl5Z21Cejdka2wwODdZeGw0LXFiLXNxUmRhMXdUY0xNZjZpS3VkUjNRTzZaN0FwWENTaGxRSmdGdC1LY2g0NWxSNDVOV1FNM0xsN0JZXzZTcWJEb0I5 |
Explore how Nick Szabo’s 1998 ideas shaped $BTC & $ETC, the crucial role of Proof of Work in blockchain security, and why Proof of Stake might not be the solution we think it is. 🚀 Dive into the full story here: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Nk1Fb0pmc1EwenlHS3BxbnV4ZmlzZkNadEtqWTI5alQyS0toMjEwZEt6MVN4Rk1KVlpZSC1peW9HaFBoVmdvbzBHRGk3OE4zN0locTRxUlNrdDh0X2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMGxIQThNUVVDWTBDemNQTmZsYUtPVU5mbjd6eHhHcDJHZFBuSGxqWk1hNkstRDBod3dVUTZtYlZ1SmhYZkVMOHBIQkRQVEQ4WjAwVklKSnpVS1ZFSU9BaGN0bHFpek1ULXRzT3FsTE9ZMU9kNjFUUnBlRDJPRExNV2tacmtjc1IxMkVBdnJKSnpLeHFtYlJIUk1fdm9FYlJ0YWRuY01ZeXhXSldzaXVGQ2I5bW5QWVNPMlVkSXFVV3kzVExDQ1BG |
Not all dapps are truly decentralized! Learn how some blockchain apps fall short and discover key signs of centralization in supposed decentralized platforms. Stay informed and avoid the traps. 🚨 Read more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps)
#ETC #EthereumClassic $ETC | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VTZPM1Uwdk9kZ0FBQjFSUHZNek4tWGxnNjlyMi1YSnVYZlN6VHVFTTV4TXRzWEJmaTA4d0hsNjVvQzY3U1NyVkRuUmpZcG9OUUxvSXdwd2ZLaWVKOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQzF6bTBfel9UaGs4YUY2UFR5aTBhYWtWd05DTmpPdkx3dkpYdVMtTVBRbGVnWUVYejk2Qm5raWVVY0VRZXFUdFlXc2JoNnE0SndpdXpoN2N5UnY1a2xYUFJSYmdRbk5udkVMOUtsNWpLWlhUSnNDdnh4d1ZkMjNoYWRaNHhqOG84ZmhJOUNCSEN6czRJYk1jdDJzNHF1UWJzQm5uZ1RLWjlaSW92eDRwcExYUko1MWpWMGlVOU9jOVpneC1RVHZn |
I've been coding for approximately 10 months and have a solid understanding of JavaScript principles, as well as basic knowledge of React and Node. However, I haven't delved into any backend concepts yet.
I've purchased a course that covers both Web2 and Web3, but I'm unsure if I should pursue both. I'm capable of understanding Web3 concepts, but I haven't secured my first job yet.
I'm concerned that focusing on both could lead to confusion. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2M1VqUk9mSjU4Y051b0w1NzVYbmJTNko2NmFoaGd2bXpET0VZM3dBODQ1QjVZWEx3Qi1fb1FkcWFPNk1wY3FaNEUtWTBXMHZrLU1PdEU4YUR1R3Vhb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeUEzMGdGMi1BWU9JYjFCMGZ0OVlkMmEyM2hDMmJYSjg1NDFfOGl2VXBMS3o3WnUxSUlUUGRydnNISWR2M05lUndueVVvQU1qY2FhQWgyWDhXM2VhOS15YlpTVndjNTRQdXNVNzdOZktxZFdXQ2lBbkdLQmpQTUdKd2FJSFFsODJGb0FtVW5OLTVOaDlTajdCYm15R2J0bFA5OVJJS1NGNUVGMEhSTlNqMWhzPQ== |
Hey everyone! 👋
I’ve been diving deep into DePIN lately, and I’m curious—what’s everyone’s take on this from a Web3 perspective? It feels like this is exactly the kind of innovation we’ve been waiting for.
We’ve already seen Web3 redefine how we think about ownership and governance online, but DePIN is taking those concepts into the physical world. Imagine having decentralized control over the infrastructure we use every day—things like roads, networks, and data—without the usual centralized entities making all the decisions.
What’s really exciting is that many of these projects are open to everyone, so getting involved early is low-risk. You can contribute, help shape the future of this space, and potentially earn some rewards along the way. It’s a true Web3 approach—collaborative, community-driven, and empowering.
Here are a few projects in the DePIN space that have me particularly excited:
Helium: You might already be familiar with Helium, but it’s worth mentioning again. They’re building a decentralized wireless network for IoT devices, and you can set up a hotspot to support the network and earn rewards. This feels like it could become a core piece of our Web3 infrastructure.
MapMetris: This one really caught my eye. It’s like a decentralized version of Waze, where you contribute traffic data and actually get rewarded for your participation.
Solencio: Noise pollution is a big issue, and Solencio is tackling it with a decentralized network of noise monitors. Finally, communities have a way to influence and improve their own environments.
So, what do you all think? Am I getting ahead of myself, or is DePIN poised to be a major player in the Web3 space? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2U0NiMmhYUWVIMlZ2ZlNHeElid1NCMmhKSzVFTDd6LXFuTGNkSFl1N2dEdUxzNUdiX0JwbF94RC0xd3VIWDJTMUVPUDJKcVlhOVJQNlpKSlBJNngyNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNC1tclhuZjhzYzdPNDludDI2SkNuT0hpUlZDZVhicUJXOHczWVRGbHBkOHRLMzBGNVNEbDdNemFxTklpelRzMU50ZDlUb0RJSFdHOU5SSVppQ0docWtqTzFVWWhBTEl5N0tGUjd2cl9hWmIxWFJvSUJmZmk5WUJDbkJ6Rl9TWk5vQ2FtNzRFQndqT0NZX24yUVNQUkYtZjExUlJLVUJ4cFdCUWtETnFxc1pTcDFuSmRlR29hT0lia3FPNUJsVUlQ |
Hey folks!
I was thinking about creating a Web3 Service Discovery Platform.
A directory and review platform for Web3 services, allowing users to search, compare, and review different tools and platforms in the crypto ecosystem. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RUEyNmd5aXJVdi0weHZXNV9weU9RQ29BRnhJYkNDLTJ1QWlBMDlYNGlWSW9CcDFXbkRMcXRYWkZ3S1Z4b3JJeGxPbWJmNzZUN3E1YUZJeFJyTjJhOW9rTVc2Y3NqMzBKTWNvTHFZckFuQnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfREh5UzF3cm5mak9mTG5xdXpVOWJkRG85UUcyclV4VFp3U3kyRFdZa2s5a1I1ZVpoZlVtQnlrNGhFZWk1ZGpyc3hSRG05N1lfTng5VEtpdVFnS0tZS2N0ZmZWeEZMYWxlWmlGTE5PaGtsSXJBMkd1MFZSUHdxSk41ODM0QWlVREpPN3pKZmhkWjBwZThqNkdWeEdXakUtWVdXbXhBZHlteWF5UGJPb1VtYU1iR2E2U0tnUk1UbEoxOWFLaVdVc2c3 |
acunit hacking | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2NV8zX0ViZjlfMUMzTWlVNmlfZDN2dFFqOHpEZHkxSDZVTHBTZkJGazBkMkFlSTBiNDJQWGhVd3JtbXo5NGNuVlJHQ1lPQ0VVZENQNnRpd2tKSzkyU3Fjb1d3eFJpMHBhZnlnSDZjeWN1djQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfY2JMV3g4NG1yTHdsb25nWjJrdDIzSE9GaDJYSjBESGFjWFBET0JpR1FTeXc5VWoxZ0VKY1BIeEY4ZHZPMEdfZTBYWk1TX3NYdHFZcTV6RmlWM3RiVVNtd196akhWR0Z0SGVxaDQxTGtQRk5KZXB3b2xBaWluS2x1TDlCaTM3bGtsY2JsNDNMbVZyNVJjandkQjVHbVNkY0YtOXcxM1VFemExejF5anE4bXdnPQ== |
[This website](https://tokentool.bitbond.com/gas-price/polygon) shows polygon gas is $0.00031-$0.00051 (per transaction?) [The same website](https://tokentool.bitbond.com/gas-price/ethereum) shows ethereum gas at $0.17-$0.054
[Polygonscan](https://polygonscan.com/gastracker) shows fees ranging from $0.20- $1.59 for polygon for over the last 5 minutes
Why does Polygonscan show such high gas prices? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2NmhQMFdWZGxObTJCd3BDbWJmNE9tVFhQbjVyNXNMYkZDRjItaE80VzlDcHlSdTgzX0lDOEIxTUpoTVpqVmtBcjdjamNtTllndW1uNnNTdTAtajRuUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfa0x0WmpveUluTlgyeXRacmxXeHd5VzF6Q2dTQVJtWDI0enhkN1pKSlhZM3NySkViTDBKRndxSnlCY3c2X3JHNXJJWE5mMnRPN05Qa0YwWDdOTGtEaS1XWkI5eUdkRm91TGdXbEVyRjJNTTlDQ2FfWFdtOE12d29KbzRiclZDcVJyendRdXVwaE81Y3pYTkJqMTNveEdMVVllZlJ5YklpVU56WU9LQlpfUXg0NTB0WE5BODJCT1g1T3d1NENMaXkw |
How to produce an nft and how is the value of an nft derived | r/nfts | post | r/NFTS | 2024-08-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MHltY2lvSDl5cEgzcVk4dVluT0d4dlRHRTc4UkFGbFNSdkdCX2FCVm0zeDBGdVRzWnNzekZ4LXh5c3c1cWFDdUN0OTR5X0NqR2VtZFBWOWxMcVVfSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNmVvb21HaTN5aFNQUVpwaDRlX2VZc2VsWEUtT0RDcDBiVlJiMklLV3BfbjFobkZ5eVlWRWJ0b3NlSzJqU0Q0MFhMWHV2QVNQOFJwd2xJYnNBRzUxU3J3eXhHeHg0SnpEc1lWWERJZS1rLU9NM0kzNFZLSUhXQXN2N09ra0lVWEZ1dDZ6bUVmMlpKYjRpT21haU56NG5ld0l5NEFEQkJQU2tXM0lCQzVyUGVZPQ== |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MDBYbkV4M1lMLWlEZE9fUm9PM2FOLTJqNzJFZ1dTUEEzRXlPWFV6UTdyU1dxdUdsVzduNnFvY3liSkNyeG9IcWdtT084Z0RBYWQyX05uZWpuek1KYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSkR5WUdwMWRCbFFpZWxOTVl0dGV3dDB0dWNPSWlMbmNYOWNMak9LR21CcTVLVWhFRVFFRFh1Y3Naa1dUNGI0YXFqLTloUVVIU0pLZHEtX1FEWXZlZVUySVNxMjJJVURIRWllNUdPSUFaa1h1WUZiNkF1WmtzbEpPd1NvOTVieFVQaFZxYnRocFkyZGdLMUozQlo4ZEY3X3JZS3RsR2hsUGI1ZVdRZElxZHp3PQ== |
Filecoin Virtual Machine Enhances Ecosystem and Developer Support
https://cryptonews.net/29672055/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-08-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2X2lvOVY0RkdTcS1wNlVSeTFUXzB3enlabEFWM3p2aVNYOEZnNms3YlRqc2lib1R0R1kteU53WkZvNnh2LUxxUk1UdnBLWUJ6ZXRoVWhsTjBCODBLY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTlNHaHJGNW1uSGNPMW9LbW1QcW1xTTA3MVlJVndzc213dW9YQVFXZzlUY0dxZ2JYVmF2VW5nR0ItX2haUUlUc2FBYTc1OTA4VzZSQ1JJbTVQNWVKNUw1dENTanUwLUNkM3VFeE5GOFR4TVVrQUFVRlRCNzh0a2JfR2swR1poU1FtQW9BQkRqd1dJN0RvSEpHSGh6RHVUMHByS0k5ZUs3RTJqVDg4YmVMX1JMWnJiazktRXpTYnAtTm9kUlZ3OWk1 |
So I notice that since a lot of social media platforms on web3 are decentralized we can monetize our own content. Is it common to monetize things like bookmarking/saving a video?
What aspects are considered the “norm” to monetize and what is not the norm to monetize?
Thank you in advance! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eFhzN1E3VDJGNXZyVktwNDhvQTNfMU40Y0k2M1d0ZzA5NC1zT3hMS0dPM0o2cm5peEFEYXVCMGJSdkZ3bTJqRnkxVW5FYTl4aGpKcWlYUnpNS1lKQXZvT0UzWDdabmNMTk0yMDhrSE9RWjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfemNwazEzMFJYU3lCdlFrbjhtRDhxWXN4ZDk0ZTFPcTlISFp3RnNUdEFpUmdIY202cmNxNGtGRjh1UTRndXl2Q09sNVlIekxVbG1KWUxId1FZUFJhNnBvbEhYVFVjLTd4RlNFOEhteFBZMFVEU045NlFjeWsyblJGRzdoSUktSUZBdEx3ZjF3MFFJZmhhaEpwZlUzSWpKQmtTUUNpV0paV1JVZ2RQVlREeEJRcVE4V3BDNmIxRy1rLXllMEJqZHA4 |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SkJ1MDE5OGZsWFhZaUhaMElxSVRFRm94b2JPblc0RVpRYkRCcnF1VW9wYk5XVWFwVEFFVmJSTnA5U3pPdWJoeC0wM05KYmo3RnVnVm5wU293VEZ4LWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcnhMcXVrQm9IOHZTWVRMVVFRQ25xSWRQdkQ3Q1JjWV95SVZKSEhzRnFtdFJiTmFtLUdEa09kSEhuazVheHdodlVuOEpNcFBSczFCcTdweElBYkRFSHNnY19lTzV2M0FrZWpOUXVlLThNczNYd3pTYXpBRHFPWGZ0bEpuZDJBYWNhNkhMc3duaFUtSURSQi10cVhSWW5QaDJzQnM1VEROWWdnZF91MUxUbHdJSGNVNE1Xbjg2Z0NNRnFnTElLVUdr |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2enVvYWtMdnVVY0lSQVZicGFzYjRIVDdibVRqVnlPanpNamlkTll4ei13RzdOcW5QLWRvMmE5Um53TnF1X2RNLWphMENLUHhMUmoxaWVaM3RMUi1EUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfUHg4QW9UUzdoMGdtcVpqTFVlbVM2ZEw3eFoxbEZuUnlrRktXRjFJN1FKLTFoWDkzSTZZM1ZrcjRJaEZSZ2RURVlpbDh0QUZ1QVEtN01vZXNQWEVHWE5ZLS1LUk9faFhPRkJXZTU2VG9HR2JNeUxYQmVZZkFKUXlwU2N1NFI2R0ExNW51MW1wUkI4NkdWTElsTGNycGJMc056ekpZSWUyOUFNYTBpMGNNWDhZb0l6UVNUbi1yd3FqOFZKYkxfWHBE |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VlExMFp5QmJ6OEZvQ0M4Ml9IbldYVVNlaWNHOFctUFJlMXhHMzNqSTBINkI1MGxxUUFjLWNReHdCQW9yRzJaYmNhQTNqUXZRcEN1REtSWTVmOVE3aGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZE5HeFVjWmc4c3NiV3J2a21INUxUMlVxRXEwVXlVaDRMNGlaNXNHTlpuOEdUVkctcEhfU0g1RTllLVhMeE92S1lDV2hwYnN1dlNWQWVrdm9yX00ybDRIeEhQSEFCY2lwQnlmaS0teUpkSDE4OU1qT3RQblJUU3pKa1dtNW9YUlYyak1oSVRXOWNBbFlraG9mN29JeGx0dUhrZXJhNC1Ka2tGMHJUUWtNb01BPQ== |
Hey folks, I've been thinking about this lately, I think it's pretty evident by now that hardcore ***Bitcoiners*** are all about *HODLing* their BTC. Not many are a fan of selling off their precious sats. But I am curious as to whether Bitcoiners would ever consider a decentralised exchange for **Bitcoin**.
Something akin to a *Uniswap-like* platform where you could swap your **Bitcoin** and other assets and then back again seamlessly. Is this appealing?
And if such an exchange existed, what would one want it to have? I am on about features, it could be anything from lower fees, security or a simple UI. Or is the idea of swapping BTC for anything else a no-go? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eW9SZmJrSnRoOWZkS3lvRW5VLVhfVm5CUzRvX3hBdDdhS2VRSUhVamhraVVMeC1yaEpqb2E3bmJ3REhoUGx4YnN2UXR0TDJoLVZtZlZ4NVNqMDFoWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRmRFN0xONjZqaHUwMmEyemtqcjhIdzQydG5ob2NFQkJyN25MTDhrdlc3dHZ3OWRvU1ZlWW5SUkVmNWJUVVY3WDMteTc1Y0gzRkxsVGZ4WFptTHJlQ1pDM0tTRmgxN1hHeTFRc282U084YnFOb3VqLV9TaTRPRlBvWUZ2Mzh0Wm5HeEtTbEFxcVdjVno3cnNHOWlPT0V0dHNOT2paUGl6YVZHWDZKemFsWmFGLW1jZXpjQXF2UC1Hd0lYaWdtQTJ4SmF2Z2VTTlc1ZnFpVE40N2RVMmFzZz09 |
I want to build an app in which user can
1. Create a unique address virtual wallet in the app
2. Buy USDT coin
3. Transfer that USDT coin to other user.
4. Withdraw the crypto to native currency
And I want to allow all this without KYC
Can someone guide me how this can be possible? What APIs to use? Any links to documentation, github, or any useful materials?
I would love to get any feedbacks, Thanks | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VDJJQU9IYzhadHMzSzVXSTltbWdza2JibmZvX0ZpV0lnMFhpelVnc1hqQXF1OElLbE1XOU0zX0NPNzFuQlRmV0dDaTg2QXNrVmk3WkhGR0pTcDFDSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWXdmN0tOOV9KdGkta19WbFZSNVZCLUlFNm1nRDFlaTQ4bE5YeGlpTVM5U2M1ZnNMcV9QcVJOSmNsQllWSWJ0dkJMa3lpNm9NQThyb1lFclJWa2FZbUV3cmF1YjkteHgtUjEwSzhYTHZYUmlma2ZaejlsbkpITjVyUkNUejZ6bDI0dzhEeE5VNi1iamJfdXlySG9fZzBFNXItdE54QU1SVFotbkU3Vk1KOXR3TkRMOXM4YXdkcHNCdmozc0Jwai0x |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2OVBoZjk5WlZlemFPUGxIR0xNZ3pMZDBvTmVhd19iZjlXQ1U3Tk1nNVQ2Q0gzZHJNWkdpUmZzM0w3R251bDNPS1h6am1hc18xTlN4RXZMSEFJZDlMbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfc1djYmFlb2NtUzlDdEFIWVI4VW5GY3JHY3hUTzFCdU5KUWl5NWJHN1FGa3BRV2ZqYXFaODhGbDdGN0FDY3lCSnQwLUlsZGtxLTdqaS1RNzN2VVViRVZXT1FQUm5udXR3cGFyV3MxSEZrbUNMYVdjNTVQdTBLa1VUaExYekZPa1dhVVctLUJINzdLdjRIUm50OWRLQkNLcl93UXdqTXExeWVoTDlNdjI0TTRVPQ== |
With the elections coming up, I've been finding hard to figure out which politicians are actually moving the ball on making positive crypto legislation vs. just making noise on social media. There's a lot on the line for crypto this election, so my friend and I built this simple way to check which representatives in your state are sponsoring crypto legislation. If you're interested, comment below and I'll send you the link. Would love some feedback on how to make this more useful! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SFhfMWhFMXl2RHgzdnBCSnVTeU9rQndHaDZTZ2Ewa05OejZFeTFVblQ4N000S200ZXJXZmE1RVMxc2MyWkotWUhrX3RGdW1uQmZ2ZG1CazNhd1FCcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcFdpa1c0OExoRVhqaHdOSGhrQ1gwRmdoUFhLYVBmbzhsZnd3Y0FPbnV2M05ZRjh4U3dxc01YYjduYnl4OUIza3JieEpLdzk5aTZpazRpbHBoNTFFRmVpQW1ZY04wX1dCTXZ2eXJMRWdVNllfRE54TDFfZm9RS2cwdjJVN3UzN1RORWx0MzhjNGEyMzhTc3dSMC1yZ3Z3R1ZLOHZ6Z1VtVlRLWllhUlVEM1BFTDFzcXlyUzJtMGlKX2RPd0FXTkNN |
Where can I securely stake Filecoin?
Why is the percentage of staked coins only 1.42% of the available coins when the rewards is over 16% ?
Is it beneficial to stake the coin and earn rewards since the circulating supply is only 582.52 M where as the maximum supply is 2B?
Anyone here staking Filecoin?
Thanks in advance.
I want to try ETC mining. I'm not considering profitability for the moment, I just want to start mining in a pool with my current hardware.
I have 2 options:
1. Use my Dell XPS 15 9520 (CPU: Core i7-12700H ; GPU: NVIDIA GA107M - GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile)
2. Use my 2 very OG USB Asic Bitcoin Miner (I guess it's [this one](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/265399688603?_nkw=asic+miner+block+erupter&itmmeta=01J6QAEHHTC9XJQD70JJR4XV3W&hash=item3dcb0ddd9b:g:ursAAOSwuSlhi806&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKn6rIh2fE74F8Fi30Fu8gbELZJkAsqs3Vixgrbq7LyhRh8RyWAxbUmHNLRFUEnDSSIGbp8XKUxaRlrFiHP86g8KUTCzUNxbgTmbOetBqdm0Zx6ROdoCw89V%2FkHk3BjxI%2FY0wSwalA5BMotUPQZMjfohSONWg%2FihwmvA8k6fc%2Fp9GqijZC9z6MYsN3WSLJRVUDVytFEsy6owv3GGXJ4sluS9CO6M4jsG42qcldXdzVTMEcqnaqrYzCh4lvxA4QqJ5hEbpn%2BaPIfERF1Cdo0wxwTWmxsrJoq0Qd38OS9fxAwd%2Bg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMgpm66rVk)). I don't know if I can use them to mine ETC but I can confirm they work and provide \~ 666 MHz.
I'm a little bit lost with all the software options.
What is the best way and simplest way to do it?
I would prefer a solution that is based on Linux but I'm OK with Windows if it's necessary.
Thanks for your help! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2QklSV0phSDBaYnB1TlQ5b1l1ZTRERjhWTWVQTEszN3hDT19temZGQWg4eXNDeU43OWllZHdEeDNZZm1JR3RTeDZuOU15MHVpMm94cHYxV3djRVk5UXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQlR5VFgzakdOdXVPRnBOZEc4YTBhV3BDV0wzWDJMSm9zTU1LVmF5Wm5oUGFUaElidktEWmhfc2otWFJDLURIMEtMeDVzT3RYNzJLbnItT2xIVDBQTWN0SW8yZjA5N3pCR3NsakU1eHJmeEdjbWRFTzlZd2JkT3o0R1FucWV5VjhZYWpEUS16SzhtbFJFYVA0WWF6c2sxemR4Rlk0ZnJXSEF3SEhfOGpfbDRqZWNjUkU0aXFROWJUbmNLTi1abDVFM05jeFdHTDdaRDBBbmVWaVpQVUZUZz09 |
I started a firm doing accounting and I want specialize in accounting for crypto firms. I have a few clients and enjoy the work. Would love to dive deeper into this space. How would you all recommend I build in this space | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Z3FDZ0w1LTdMM0tPOUhjRzd1RExMZXVvUXByU2dlTDIzOVpUUjZ3Wm93R3JPZXc1Y1JsMUZ2eEhNNjhRZHZmOEtrUUpGbVFfMTVrVExEUTZGRVR3U2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdVd1MlN5MTF6cENQNmx3bmhTQ1Q1ekNJc2FDc0NfWFpfcHFQbjBFV2Y5UmQ0bkNURlRsTjQwV0N0YlNoTUNMNms5X1habWxBZlJwQkZpTVkycXlkMER0ODFyZFFaUWpDVGlRWndaNXk3SXVFbWlaX2FDWmVqNkppcUJaTWlLTUpkRDBDenJNWEhYVW5tamZTa0IwR3hBV2NfN2JyN3dERlA2SGxoZWJGOWtpR08zdERPa1doLWt1RDdPMm1hdnAweGViNzBwdWpobEpSLURmTVotbFZXQT09 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eDA1OUR6Y0k1NWVTZkNnRDVhM0RxdEtBVWJKUVVPX2ppYUJ0LXNXeUhmZDNqT1ZqU3Y0dEhBNDI5MDk0dGZUczdoR0ZNUFVMMmZXd2gwT0xidkI4V2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfclA2R0g1eUFtQzFSNmJiUkxRY1hZV0FMUlByaG1EN3VfbHItUXFraFZKR2FrUHB5SXI0S1RYQzM2RWZ1b21XRG1vMEM5RGtuQlViejh5Q1JfRnRDOW9oUEdfdnJmNVd2aUJITzAzRDM5Q3E5SDlza2Q2aVM3ZnBBQWt0a0hDS0tOVDhlSDk2dFVBSEpyUUdsem8xZk5nPT0= |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WWJFUU40LUZ2MWo2LU05d1FVM3ZwZ2x4WGV4RG1XMkRmaXlCb0trVVpFSi02U19EWWJ5OEtsVmdNMzFGVnBmbFdqVXc4SlBhSDBzZk1iSy1zQmtXQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaVd1c3dhMUVCZV8zVEJaZkZ6eVNjYkJkdzNtYTBFck5rT3NET0s0V242bVh2a292RVhBbVYzVmlISl9BTmJvTWFsb0F1WF9Kc0Q2b0NCLS1DazU0WWdLcU9zUjlKM05yaElrZFhjVUxfclhuUkpHUW9rcHp2cTgwOG1FbDFUanMySUZJc2NpcG83eENtNk1yLW9pb1lrN18wb210cGN5RTlDajFrM1FmRVQ3SFBJd1Vwc0haVTBUUG50UHlHcGpmU1hFTnBhTUFsWTFjQ3lGV2lpOE5OUT09 |
Subsets and Splits