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june february english illustrator best known series fantasy illustrations depicting flowers art education began correspondence courses instruction earliest professional work included cards juvenile magazine illustrations book flower spring published similar books published following decades devout anglican donated artworks christian missionary organizations produced christian themed books children book hymns collaboration sister designed stained glass window painting christ child world come purchased equally proficient pen ink principal influences work claimed paint rejected artistic theories died published books spring summer autumn themes wasn winter collection assembled remaining work published posthumously biography early life born second daughter youngest child partner seed supply company amateur artist wife june home road surrey england child cared home parents later sister elder years continued care family moderately belonged lower end upper middle class cook prepare special meals hired spent time bed home amusing painting books nursery library included works artists exerted strong influences later art art education professional work took correspondence courses art probably years entered evening class attended school 1940s time received teaching position bought little drawings half sovereign published october won second prize poster competition shortly afterward elected youngest member society art critic remarked drawings remarkable freedom spirit distinct promise following father death june seventeen year old submitted art poetry magazine child leading strings effort support mother sister sister taught private schools opening home brought money family support supervising household flower spring popular theme art literature early 20th century following releases coming sir fairy themed work australian queen mary themes popular sending friends 1920s produced series depicting sent flower fairy paintings publishers paid paintings accompanying verses wasn publication received royalties work wife author wrote april flower spring exquisite taste family moved level semi detached victorian house studio built garden sister conducted room house family lived attended low churches privileged incorporated portraits fellow religious works described pillars children modelled closed interview said sister ran borrow students models years atmosphere children forgot painted children relatives young posed fairy plants painted life specimen readily hand staff provide specimens needed designed built flower fairy costumes based flowers leaves particular plant illustrated costumes kept trunk studio wings twigs broken illustration completed parts recycled costumes referred english costume middle years late 1920s began doubt church considered focusing solely sacred works family friends recommended continue secular sacred works continued attend evening classes 1920s 1940s eventually receiving teaching position took trips sussex cornwall southern coast family friends visited stayed artist surrey family live maid retired closed school house continued supervise household mother sister care needed sister collaborated books book christian themed died heart attack unable pursue art significant extent following sister death care aged mother manage begin planning stained glass window design sister memory later life death mother died moved avenue restored sussex england bequeathed friend named andrew taking residence health began deteriorate nursing homes tended relatives friends died february aged years funeral services held ashes scattered churchyard division acquired properties art worked principally pen ink equally competent black white carried capturing interesting children indicated tried paint way comes naturally real thought attention artistic theories childhood favorite influence art child subjects wear nostalgic clothing children children melancholy flat appearance advances printing technology studied flowers eye friend children illustrator illustrator influenced work strong lifelong influence indicated extent influenced technical sense choice subject matter feeling atmosphere achieve admitted fondness early paintings wonderful things depictions children sketches drawings paintings children given friends parents subjects donated charitable institutions church sponsored events exhibited art organizations illustrated magazine covers dust jackets produced series publishers allies seaside holidays shakespeare boy girl characters old rhymes times lord tale girl lives critically received set tells girl named rescues family poverty agency story features old like man called suggests social consciousness intended sequel outlined developed published posthumously critically considered successful christian themed works devout christian produced religious themed works life published guardian angel birthday cards respectively christmas cards designed year period designs sold combined printing original design society called world come purchased art society hung booklet cover design november exhibition religious themed books include written collaboration sister major religious works include oil feeding thousand chapel home women wales great supper feeding disappeared black white photograph dated work completed oil panels subject seven font andrew designed rolls wall font completed oil painting great memorial chapel methodist church following death sister began designs stained glass memorial window depicting christ preparing wash feet disciples religious themed work installed works cards allies society shakespeare boy characters shakespeare girl characters seaside holiday guardian angel society christmas cards girls friendly society 1920s 1930s christmas cards 1920s 1930s beautiful books flower spring spring songs music flower summer child thoughts picture verse flower autumn summer songs music book flower autumn songs music old rhymes times children book hymns book written collaboration little picture hymn book rhymes new old flower little book old rhymes written collaboration little book rhymes new old lord flower trees spring came window child garden verses flower garden reprinted flower flowers trees lively stories lively numbers sand sea sun gibson posthumously published flower winter simon swan flower seasons little book prayers hymns flower treasury wild cherry makes wish collaboration find return book covers new 1920s 1930s religious works cradle roll design banner design feeding thousand chapel wales great supper chapel seven font panels baptist central banner panel church lettering sword shield mount list men woman serving forces rolls font south memorial chapel church stained glass window design
Cicely Mary Barker
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
major female writer fantasy science fiction united_states publishing stories pseudonym bennett wrote number highly acclaimed fantasies called woman invented dark fantasy famous books include claimed letter called compelling science fantasy novels read lost world novel citadel fear bennett wrote early novel heads life born minneapolis completed school eighth grade attended night school hopes illustrator goal achieved instead began working job held rest life married british journalist explorer moved philadelphia year later husband died expedition new born daughter raise bennett continued working father died end world war bennett assumed care invalid mother time period bennett began write number short stories novels stopping mother died moved california bennett estranged daughter number years researchers believed bennett died date final letter daughter new research including death certificate shows died writing career bennett wrote short story age science fiction story titled curious experience thomas story pulp magazines story accepted published march issue bennett began care mother decided return fiction writing means supporting family story completed return writing nightmare appeared story weekly story set island separated rest world evolution taken different course nightmare resembles rice land time forgot published year later bennett submitted nightmare asked use pseudonym published magazine editor chose use pseudonym bennett suggested instead credited story readers responded positively story bennett chose continue writing years bennett wrote number short stories short story friend island story weekly example set 22nd century ruled women story man possessed supernatural creature story released electronic book entitled possessed tale demon stories short stories collected nightmare tales dark fantasy published best novel citadel fear lost world story focuses forgotten city rediscovered world war introduction reprint edition novel revealed time bennett pen year later published science fiction novel heads thrill book novels book features grey dust silver transports philadelphia bennett famous novels claimed reprinted supernatural artifact summons ancient powerful god 20th century new_jersey called novel compelling science fantasy novels read influence bennett credited having best claim creating new genre dark fantasy said bennett writings influenced emulated bennett earlier style themes said praised bennett work controversy actually happened praise appears resulted letters attributed decades critics readers believed pseudonym rumor ended featured biographical introduction bennett critic said greatest woman writer science fiction period bennett american woman fantasy science fiction widely published recognized recent years pioneering female fantasy author novels citadel fear reprinted february paperback form labyrinth serialized story weekly july august august later reprinted paperback novel heads 1st book edition cloth leather backed reading subsidiary fantasy inc ill intro thrill book august reprinted paperback novel serialized august september reprinted claimed reprinted cloth paper publishers trade paperback hard cover short stories curious experience thomas march nightmare story weekly april friend island story weekly september reprinted mars edited curtain story weekly september reprinted famous fantastic mysteries january unseen reprinted edited trap july serialized june june july reprinted july original printed parts july august weird tales september reprinted trade paperback collections possessed tale demon contains retitled short stories curtain trap unseen nightmare tales dark fantasy contains stevens known short fiction curious experience thomas nightmare labyrinth curtain unseen trap
Gertrude Barrows Bennett
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
junior warren born june artist poet remote british overseas territory works english island distinctive language book written island children written published english artist works cloth tradition published featuring cuisine warren served island nurse police officer radio operator member territory governing council roles biography warren born june second child warren born warren sister born served mayor previously colony 29th magistrate cousin born colony fourth mayor descendant famed mutiny bounty men women settling island artist poet author jobs warren poet author books including favourite place written children book written published english works include taste featuring cuisine poetry english english based language derived eighteenth century english writes poetry english warren revived tradition art created cloth woven bark cloth common culture works displayed museums galleries new_zealand seven artists awarded provided grant allowed work artists new_zealand recipient small population island residents serve capacities jobs warren describes roles personal website travelling patients new_zealand taking nursing radio operator shore ship station twice daily contact telephone link working store council member years governors member council times female years president lands court member bee keeper operator vault installing wireless networking duncan cleaner jobs jobs inc tourism entertainment enjoy art getting pushed aside whilst working time consuming pay low paid positions making tired yes sic beginning warren served island police officer arrested island 1950s duties involved issuing driving licenses visitors warren qualifications formal training police officer given job island job island jail described size garden shed cells store building materials island came international spotlight sexual abuse scandal law enforcement professional sent island criticized practices stating obvious standard adequate warren elected december radio operator broadcasts sign sexual abuse trial warren outspoken critic accusations island girls sexually abused young prosecution selected number male residents claimed young girls sexually active age practice sex accepted tradition settlement island resident olive christian said thought sex like food table men blamed british police women involved press charges women agreed advocated conspiracy theory trial warren words british plot jail community able bodied men close island british officials picked viable young men ones backbone place majority island residents denied allegations trial warren circulated poem titled seven lucky number criticized british government lawyers attempts impose british law island traditions case wore warren reflected fallen world lost trust brother accused assault defendant seven accused acquitted october warren convicted assault drunken disagreement resident angered tensions sexual abuse matter case prosecuted crown prosecutor tried new_zealand magistrate warren fined case cost british government prosecute works taste island taste island updated edition base favourite place children
Meralda Warren
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
christian april january german poet illustrator painter published comic illustrated tales achieving notable works 1870s illustrations wood later drew contemporary city life catholicism strict religious morality comic text colourful entertaining figures speech led work banned authorities influential poetry illustration source future generations comic artists inspired max number produced germany united_states help maintain legacy anniversary celebrated germany remains influential poets artists western_europe family background late 18th century maternal grandfather settled small village bought half house born years later wife grandmother kept shop mother assisted brothers attended high school died widow continued run shop age married surgeon widowed age children dying friedrich illegitimate son farmer settled completing business nearby village took shop completely life childhood born april seven children marriage friedrich siblings followed shortly adolf anna survived childhood parents ambitious hard working devout later despite relatively prosperous afford educate sons biographer suggested invested heavily sons education partly held significant stigma rural areas young tall child delicate graceful physique coarse later protagonists max rare childhood described autobiographical sketches letters sensitive carefully studied reacted fascination compassion distress animals killed autumn described transformation compelling leaving lasting impression pork life autumn birth brother education entrusted year old clergyman maternal uncle probably lack space family home father desire better education small local school provide children taught space nearest convenient school located wife lived lodged unrelated family wife responsible caring exercised substitute parental role provided refuge future unsuccessful times private lessons attended son wealthy miller friends according strongest friendship childhood friendship echoed story max small pencil portrait year old depicted confident boy showed similarities max portrayed later style lessons held contemporary language known certain subjects friend taught learn elementary uncle science lessons comprehensive like published essays textbooks subject demonstrated knowledge bee keeping future stories drawing german english poetry taught little contact natural parents period time journey took days horse father visited times year mother stayed look children year old visited family mother recognize biographers think early separation parents especially mother resulted eccentric autumn moved april confirmed study september began studying mechanical engineering biographers agreement education ended believe father little appreciation son artistic biographer suspects played major role possible causes friendship political debates tavern reluctance believe word bible studied nearly years despite initial difficulties understanding subject matter months graduation confronted parents study according bush nephew mother supported father eventually moved june disappointment admitted advanced class entered preparatory classes parents tuition fees paid year traveled antwerp continue study led parents believe academy opportunity study old masters antwerp saw time paintings pictures aroused interest doubt skills eventually suffering heavily abandoned antwerp studies returned munich ravaged disease months spent time painting collecting folk tales legends songs ballads rhymes fragments regional biographer saw collections useful additions folklore noted narrative background tales tried release collections publisher found time issued death nazi era known ethnic spent months uncle expressed aim continue study munich request caused rift father eventually funded comparison illustrated story expectations met life occasional return visits contact parents broken position prospects contemplated emigration brazil bees contact artist association young munich met notable munich artists wrote provided cartoons newspaper published satirical newspapers munich flying leaves proposed collaboration association provided sufficient funds live existing self caricature suggests time intense relationship woman courtship seventeen year old merchant daughter met brother ended biographer suggests father probably refused daughter unknown artist regular income early munich years attempt write forgotten today unsuccessful worked major works composed und romantic opera acts und opera sorts particularly successful dispute staging leading removal production piece renamed returned times munich took intense life escape provincial life attempt artist took studio munich left munich abruptly disrupted variety subsequently scene effects alcohol episode illustrated tale sheets wind describes humans behave like animals drunk biographer felt story funny harmless study addiction induced state publication max wrote articles felt dependence publisher appointed dresden publisher son saxon painter new publisher press time producing children books religious christian literature choose themes raised concerns suggested illustrated tales proposed published proving failure offered manuscripts max fees rejected manuscript sales prospects poor publisher purchased right max corresponding approximately double annual wage manuscript initially sales max slow sales figures improved second edition overall editions copies sold death despite ignored critics teachers 1870s described max undesirable influence moral development young people frankfurt increasing economic success allowed visit frequently decided leave munich relatives lived artists association temporarily disbanded june met brother time frankfurt working tutor family wealthy banker industrialist friends wife mother seven influential art music patron frankfurt regularly opened villa frequented artists musicians philosophers believed great painter view supported leading painter based group painters humorous drawings appeal supported painting career established apartment studio villa later providing apartment nearby motivated support admiration introduction cultural life frankfurt years productive time discovered philosophical works remain frankfurt end 1860s alternated brother lived association lasted years return communicated letter contact interrupted revived help daughters later life dismiss possibility increasing alcohol dependence hindered self criticism refused parties publisher sent alcohol problem heavy resulting symptoms severe poisoning began illustrate dutch writer corresponded letters exchanged january october discussed philosophy religion ethics anderson letter survives letters manuscripts met october returned horrible mood according people time failure find wife responsible conspicuous behaviour evidence close relationship woman anderson lived sister family husband death nephew remembers wanted family renovated house looked rich man father young preferred live urban area education sons sons replace life years emotionally exhausting reliant alcohol invite visitors lost contact friends village questioned wishes furious friends invited meet stopped painting signed publication rights gold marks aged felt old needed writing painting hands slightly aging sister accepted suggestion large read biographies novels stories german english french organized works wrote letters poems poems collections und written following years developed sore throat early january doctor detected weak heart night january slept taking drops died following morning physician called came assist work period published self contained illustrated anti clerical themes proved popular typically address political questions exaggerated double standards works historically erroneous illustrated satire father described greater historical context max german max series seven illustrated stories concerning antics boys eventually ground fed ducks helen couldn help der von challenges catholic belief released publisher time pope proclaimed papal harshly criticized publisher works heavily censored state attorney charged religion public writings decision affected scenes accompanied pig admitted heaven devil shown half naked ballet dancer deemed controversial district court subsequently banned acquitted march austria satire distribution prohibited refused publish avoid future accusations following work help die published friend met munich help soon translated european languages religious dubious morality details helen couldn help criticizes way life married older man entrusted children played active role social life frankfurt character based insult shows similarities husband art culture second help attacks catholic childless helen goes pilgrimage accompanied cousin catholic priest pilgrimage successful later helen gives birth twins resemble helen later killed jealous jean interest female kitchen staff widowed helen left prayer book alcohol drunk falls burning oil lamp finally coins moral phrase echoing philosophy father illustrated satire period suggested publisher aimed anti catholic taste buyers criticizes felt weakest anti clerical works refer contemporary events paris siege paris der biographer declares story work drawing anti french emotions mocking misery french people paris occupied prussian troops depicts increasingly desperate french citizen eats mouse german siege dog tail cook finally explosion kills dog fellow citizens believes wrote irony emma fictional family story takes place era criticizes holy roman empire calls german empire place birthday die anti prussian sentiments critique heart write illustrated tales focused literary des critique heart wanting appear readers contemporary reception collection poems mainly poor criticized focus marriage sexuality long time friend called heartfelt charming poems dutch writer people enjoyed des planned publish dutch newspaper notwithstanding hiatus moving frankfurt 1870s productive decades produced short illustrated tale following life adventures bachelor und antagonists trilogy pairs max der makes aware mortality trilogy depressed look wife visits old friends wives finds relationships convinced life bachelor returns home proposes following marriage proposal according biographer shortest history german literature according skeptical marriage writing story wrote marry good hands sister works works stories dove der focus artistic failure indirectly failure stories begin preface biographer pieces german comic poetry dove amateur poet circle munich die prominent members adolf painter criticizes art believes worth art price prose play edwards dream released composed small grouped episodes linear storyline work received mixed reception felt peak life work called world literature publisher critical collective edition spoke narrative style found contemporary literature saw play attempt prove genre believing angered insulted accompanying emotional depths apparent story story butterfly der parodies themes motifs religious optimism german contradicted realistic influenced prose stringent narrative style compared popular readers unfamiliar style painting felt painting skills compete dutch masters regarded paintings finished damp corners studio stuck pile paintings high burnt garden remaining pictures dated difficult doubts skills expressed choice materials ground usually chosen uneven cardboard poorly prepared spruce wood boards exception portrait canvas support measuring centimetres centimetres largest paintings works landscapes small poor grounds colours heavily effect pictures depict countryside include cottages autumn landscapes meadows streams particular feature use red jackets found paintings drawings muted bright red coats worn usually small figure depicted paintings generally represent typical villages portraits series portraits depicting exceptions painting year old girl jewish family portrays having dark oriental features influence dutch painters clearly visible work shortened wrote visiting memorial exhibition strong influence themes farming inn life dances card players dismissed techniques strong effect light new colours photographs aid landscapes broad seen paintings young refused exhibit work befriended artists allowed near end life presented paintings public themes technique style biographer divided work periods points classification works nature later earlier period periods obsession german middle class life peasants devoid sensitivity village life marked vivid lack sentiment chiefly worked period characterized major illustrated stories help stories different theme works earlier period life characters start sensitive concern children animals great significant ridiculous early stories follow pattern children books orthodox education aim teach devastating consequences bad behaviour assign value work explained look things toys worthless useless things value found artistic content public demand death work dominated prose poems prose text contains autobiographical accounts peter witch regards slave possibly reference peter like returns birthplace similar style romantic travel story established plays traditional forms motifs pictures literary topics form narration technique publisher commissioned illustrations established workshop germany use wood printing technique developed english graphic artist near end 18th century widely reproduction system illustrations years insisted making drawings writing verse surviving preparatory drawings line notes ideas movement studies draft transferred pencil white panels hardwood end grain hard work quality printing block crucial left white block drawn lines cut plate skilled wood allows finer potential values quality printing copper result satisfactory leading reproduce plates wood technique allow fine lines drawing especially illustrated tales drawn giving work particular characteristic illustrations printed technique longer danger wood change character drawings originals photographed transferred plate process allowed application clear free pen drawn ink line faster printing method use began language effect illustrations enhanced verse ironic twists ambiguity startling rhymes language influence humorous poetry contrast later work comic illustration seemingly accompanying text demonstrated earlier max shown widow dignity loss chickens contemporary common usage impression wisdom hands apparent truths use characteristic work max steal fried chickens fishing rod chimney bank bank hear grind cat ceiling helen couldn help uses names gives characters describe personality little mental ability cheerful disposition hardly picture stories use verses structure stressed syllables humour lines uses followed syllables und words teacher pupils create tension chapter format content poems monkey uses epic speech wisdom illustrations poems uses familiar occasionally morality stories spinning illustrate different comic truth bringing bear view world human condition traditional follow typical philosophy good evil behaviour combines unusual works sharp pierced models fall kitchen knives thieves cut ground corn mills burn cats dogs frequently called tails burnt pulled trapped stretched eaten seen aggression animals allusion undeveloped sexual life graphic text imagery cartoon form unusual time publishers public found particularly noteworthy topics motifs early work derived 19th century popular literature endings common aspect 19th century teaching prevalent works example shown sexual pleasure applying punishment humiliation found later work biographer described life motif estate note die beaten childhood years evidence referring couldn recall beating father uncle beat conventional stick symbolically dried cow hairs village idiot pipe observes probably saw village school went years possibly received punishment illustrates form progressive education fails scene following scene ensued indicate picture life roots protestant ethic 19th century believed man inherently evil master aim education mask man instincts leads continuation man punishment required retains character trained puppet extreme cases dies panic led growing criticism high finance spread radical 1880s broad criticisms saw separation capital speculative capital constituted creative production capital good native german manufacturer praised opposed saw blood jewish financial capitalism form thought embraced stereotypes passages helen couldn help defended stating jews passages oldest illustration text author published stated jewish figures merely stereotypical number stereotypes limited farmer prussian tourist shares view uses sheets profit seeking people felt jews alien jewish conductor befriended suggesting slight bias jews biographies biography und importance released publisher artist writer echoed anti catholic bias putting equal quoting friends embarrassed literary scholar attacked biography called reading biography posted essay contained biographical response wrote articles newspaper published october december autobiographical essay includes basic facts description troubles analysts essay deep identity crisis revised autobiography following years essay published title von includes fewer biographical details reflection bitterness amusement legacy celebrated anniversary nephew house messages sent world praised poet artist exquisite works genuine humour german people austrian repealed ban der owned rights max gave donated hospitals dates birth death celebrated frequently anniversary numerous publications works issued stamps depicting character inspiration nickname built german jet fighter design euro silver coin faced portrait declared year images featuring works erected city centre prize awarded annually satirical humorous poetry active aims collect scientifically revise promote works public supports development caricature satirical artwork recognized branch visual arts advocate memorials located places lived including influence comics described illustrated stories second half 20th century considered comics early illustrations differ colleagues increasing focus protagonists detailed drawing atmosphere develop dramatic understanding story illustrated tales plot firstly describes resulting conflict solution plots developed consecutive scenes similar film conveys impression movement action times strengthened change perspective according depiction movement unique notable stories describes life pianist plays privately excited listener self artist attitude varies stories scene contain prose defined music terminology scenes increase tempo body run penultimate scene depicts pianist movements score sheets floating grand piano musical notes dancing years graphic artists fascinated august letter gallery owner described stating captured time movement similar pioneering scenes job fails answer easy questions set clergy shake heads scene movement study photography began work released influence greatest success germany internationally max time death translated english danish hebrew japanese latin polish portuguese russian hungarian swedish countries banned story school board prohibited sales max teens eighteen dialect language translations produced early comic strips heavily influenced plot narrative style borrowed content max described pirate edition true recreation kids german artist published published suggestion pair siblings following pattern max created regarded oldest continuous comic strips german stories include lies und die und und und des max und mac und shaped observations second world wars original moral story max characters campaign year east german satirical magazine caricature black labour max participated late 1960s student activism partial list works
Wilhelm Busch
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
american spanish march april novelist short story writer screenwriter journalist known latin_america considered significant authors 20th century best spanish language awarded international prize literature nobel prize literature pursued self directed education resulted leaving law school career journalism early showed criticism foreign politics married sons started journalist wrote acclaimed non fiction works short stories best known novels years autumn patriarch love works achieved significant critical acclaim widespread commercial success notably literary style labeled magic realism uses magical elements events ordinary realistic situations works set fictional village called town mainly inspired birthplace explore theme death april president colombia described greatest lived biography early life born march colombia soon born father moved wife leaving young raised maternal grandparents colonel december father took brother march grandfather died family moved father started parents fell love relationship met resistance father colonel man colonel envisioned winning heart daughter conservative reputation violin love poems countless letters telephone messages father sent away intention separating young couple parents tried rid man kept coming obvious daughter committed family finally gave permission marry story courtship later adapted recast love time cholera parents strangers years life grandparents influenced early development strongly grandfather called liberal veteran thousand days war colonel considered hero liberals highly respected known refusal remain silent banana took place year born colonel described cord history reality excellent taught lessons dictionary took circus year introduce grandson ice miracle found store occasionally tell young grandson imagine dead man weighs reminding greater burden killed man lesson later integrate novels political ideological views shaped grandfather stories interview told friend grandfather colonel liberal political ideas probably came begin instead telling fairy tales young accounts civil war free anti waged conservative government influenced political views literary technique way writing career initially took shape conscious opposition literary status quo socialist anti views opposition global status quo dominated united_states grandmother played equally influential role upbringing inspired way treated extraordinary perfectly natural house filled stories ghosts ignored husband according source magical supernatural view reality enjoyed grandmother unique way telling stories matter fantastic statements delivered truth style thirty years later heavily influenced grandson popular novel years journalism began career journalist studying law wrote later wrote column local paper noted time write piece pay maybe editorial time active member informal group writers journalists known association provided great motivation inspiration literary career worked inspirational figures depicted old owns years time introduced works writers narrative techniques historical themes use rural locations influenced latin american authors environment gave world class literary education provided unique perspective caribbean culture spent time regularly wrote regular film critic drove interest film december accepted position newspaper arrived capital december began working right away assisted coup état leading exile president following event wrote article participation clergy struggle describing church venezuela opposition regime march trip colombia married came owner resigned shortly editor newspaper story sailor ending controversy domestically written editorial series fourteen news articles revealed hidden story vessel occurred boat contained badly cargo goods broke loose deck compiled story interviews young sailor survived publication articles resulted public controversy official account events blamed storm surviving sailor response controversy sent away europe foreign correspondent wrote experiences newspaper briefly replaced military government general later shut authorities background journalism provided base writing career literary critic noted owing hands experiences journalism great living authors closest everyday reality original founders aired attracted project promise editorial independence marriage family met school decided wait finish getting married sent europe foreign correspondent mercedes waited return finally married following year son television film director born family traveled bus southern united_states eventually settled mexico_city wanted inspired writings years later couple second son born mexico currently graphic designer mexico_city leaf storm took seven years find publisher finally published notes written favorite felt sincere spontaneous events place room half hour period wednesday september story old colonel similar grandfather tries proper christian burial unpopular french doctor colonel supported daughter grandson explores child experience death following stream consciousness book reveals perspective colonel daughter provides feminine point view years eighteen wanted write novel based grandparents house grew struggled finding appropriate tone idea day answer hit driving family acapulco turned car family returned home begin writing sold car family money live wrote writing novel took far longer expected wrote day eighteen months wife ask food credit butcher baker months rent credit landlord eighteen months writing met couples night discussed progress novel trying different versions fortunately book finally published commercially successful novel years sold million copies english translation dedicated story chronicles generations family time founded fictional south american village trials instances deaths history critics represent rural towns latin_america near native novel widely popular led nobel prize called piece literature book genesis required reading entire human race hundreds articles books literary critique published response despite accolades book received tended success remarked critics don realize novel like years bit joke signals close friends pre ordained right responsibility book risk making terrible fame writing years returned europe time bringing family live barcelona spain seven years international recognition earned publication novel led ability act negotiations government including 19th april movement current organizations popularity writing led friendships powerful leaders including cuban president analyzed portrait friendship time punched face largest feuds modern literature interview notes relationship based literature intellectual friendship widely known man talk great deal literature relationship criticized cuban exile writer memoir night falls newfound fame outspoken views labeled subversive years denied immigration authorities bill_clinton elected president lifted travel ban cited years favorite novel autumn patriarch inspired write dictator novel witnessed flight dictator shares time seen dictator fall latin_america began writing autumn patriarch del said finished continued dictator novel published spain according novel poem power follows life eternal dictator known general novel developed series anecdotes related life general appear chronological order exact location story pin pointed novel imaginary country situated caribbean gave explanation plot intention synthesis latin american especially caribbean personality venezuela strong addition fact exercised special fascination undoubtedly patriarch autumn patriarch published family moved barcelona mexico_city pledged publish chilean dictator deposed ultimately published chronicle death power remain silent face injustice repression chronicle death chronicle death murder took place colombia character named based good friend childhood novel combination journalism realism detective story plot novel revolves murder narrator acts detective events murder second second literary critic notes story inverted fashion instead moving forward plot moves backwards chapter narrator tells reader exactly killed rest book left chronicle death published year awarded nobel prize literature novel adapted film italian director love love los del published considered non traditional love story lovers find love golden years death love based stories couples young love based love affair parents explains interview difference parents married soon married longer interesting literary figures love old people based newspaper story death americans years old met year acapulco boat day murdered notes death story secret romance known fascinated married people news kidnapping news kidnapping published non fiction book examines series related terrorist actions committed early 1990s colombia drug founded operated text recounts kidnapping imprisonment eventual release prominent figures colombia including politicians members press original idea book proposed minister education diplomat victims attempt pressure government stop committing series murders terrorist actions living tell tale memories melancholy published memoir projected volume autobiography english translation living tell tale published november october brought publication novel love story follows romance year old man memories melancholy caused controversy iran banned initial copies printed sold film opera critics describe language imagination produces visual graphic explains stories inspired visual image comes surprise long involved history film film critic founded served executive director havana head wrote script worked include films con television series originally wrote screenplay version lost replaced nonetheless worked script collaboration film released mexico stories inspired writers directors italian director directed movie based chronicle death film adaptations mexico including british director weddings funeral filmed love colombia screenplay written pianist film released november novel love demons adapted directed rican filmmaker graduate havana frequently screenplay workshops film released april novel adapted hungarian composer form opera love demons premiered festival later life death declining health diagnosed cancer provided hospital los_angeles proved successful illness went event prompted begin writing memoirs reduced relations friends minimum disconnected telephone canceled trips sorts current future plans told newspaper locked write day years later published living tell tale volume projected trilogy memoirs impending death incorrectly reported daily newspaper day newspapers republished alleged farewell poem shortly denied author poem determined work mexican stated year life haven written line experience write new novel problems people realise heart wasn announced finishing new novel love given title published end year april agent told chilean newspaper unlikely write disputed editor stated completing new novel called meet august nos december told fans book fair writing worn responding claims literary agent biographer writing career told newspaper true thing write brother announced suffering april hospitalized mexico lungs tract suffering responding mexican president wrote twitter wish recovery president said country thinking author said colombia wishes recovery greatest time death funeral died pneumonia age april mexico_city death confirmed relative twitter editor president mentioned years sadness death greatest time president said master thanks forever millions people planet fell love nation fascinated lines time death wife sons cremated private family ceremony mexico_city april presidents colombia mexico attended formal ceremony mexico_city lived decades funeral took containing ashes house memorial ceremony held earlier residents home town colombia caribbean region held symbolic funeral style certain aspects readers expect writing like instances humour stick clear style template interview noted book try different path doesn choose style investigate try discover best style theme style determined subject mood times try use suitable won work critics build theories things hadn seen respond way life life caribbean noted leaving seemingly important details events reader forced role story development example writes colonel main characters given names practice influenced greek important events occur stage left audience imagination realism magical realism reality important theme works said early works exception writes colonel evil hour big mama funeral reflect reality life colombia theme determines rational structure books don regret having written belong kind literature offers static exclusive vision reality works experimented traditional approaches reality unusual things told expression commonly cited example physical spiritual ascending heaven character hanging laundry dry years style works fits realm described cuban writer labeled magical realism literary critic proposes alternative understanding style category magic realism criticized stake psychological able inhabit daytime world remaining open domains modern culture inner logic necessarily friend discuss work similar way way treat reality books called magical realism feeling european readers usually aware magic stories fail reality surely prevents seeing reality isn limited price tomatoes eggs motifs theme runs works notes love like work explores individual portrayed love love response question theme books look roots riding emotion childhood replied think problem everybody way means expressing feeling work writers express nobel prize acceptance speech latin_america relates theme latin american experience interpretation reality patterns serves unknown free solitary important theme work setting village calls uses home town colombia cultural historical geographical reference create imaginary town representation village limited specific area shares place state mind allows want want stories place consistent lack location set caribbean coastline settings unspecified accordance evident attempt capture general regional myth specific political analysis fictional town known literary world notes geography inhabitants constantly invoked teachers politicians tourist agents makes hard believe sheer leaf storm depicts realities include period great wealth presence companies period depression departure american banana companies years takes place tells complete history fictional town founding doom autobiography explains fascination word concept describes trip mother young man train stopped station town short later passed banana plantation route written gate word attracted attention trips grandfather discovered adult liked poetic resonance heard ask meant happened read encyclopedia tropical tree resembling violence works including writes colonel evil hour referenced violence brutal civil war conservatives liberals lasted 1960s causing deaths thousand novels subtle references example characters live situations like press censorship underground newspapers evil hour famous novels notable portrayal fragmented portrayal social provoked portray corrupt nature times like refused use work platform political propaganda duty revolutionary writer write ideal novel moves reader political social content time power penetrate reality expose legacy fiction epic novel concentrated story recognized words popular best writer spanish rare artists succeed nation life culture history entire continent master said forces page wonder life work important latin american boom literature work challenged critics literature step conservative criticism dominant success years review literary criticism notes continues cast lengthy shadow colombia latin_america united_states critical works nobel reached industrial proportion signs literature unprecedented way giving tremendous impetus literature literature criticism americas work created certain attraction critics writers readers continue new publications deny helped literature criticism colombia rest latin_america nobel prize received nobel prize literature december novels short stories fantastic realistic combined richly composed world imagination reflecting continent life conflicts acceptance speech entitled latin america fourth latin american win nobel prize literature nobel stated correspondent impression giving prize taken account literature sub continent awarded way awarding literature list works novels evil hour years autumn patriarch love general labyrinth love demons writes colonel chronicle death memories melancholy short story collections big mama funeral days incredible sad tale innocent grandmother collected stories strange pilgrims non fiction story sailor latin america clandestine chile news kidnapping country children living tell tale films adaptations based works thieves village love based non published story widow years farewell time die chronicle death summer miss forbes looking death bound come writes colonel love love demons melancholy fiction year death appears notable character novel set colombia season episode way title character gains access personal study telling wants best man gift limited edition book doesn needs books library gift visit secret famous novel looking alaska mentioned times movies interview creation documentary germany min
Gabriel García Márquez
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
better known september japanese poet critic novelist scholar late early periods influence enormous counted greatest japanese poets greatest master form ancient poetic form consisting lines total syllables critical ideas composing poetry extremely influential studied late era member poetic clan born noted poet coming attention began long distinguished career spanning multiple areas aesthetic endeavor relationship led commissions later resulted retired emperor court descendants ideas dominate classical japanese poetry centuries biography birth born minor distant branch aristocratic clan lost political pre imperial court branch clan sought prestige power court family specializing artistic endeavors principally poetry unusual branches extended clans position compete directly politics head branch clan clans junior status compete restricted aesthetic pursuits known cadet branch sixth son aligned senior branch original opposed family grandfather poet father known greatly respected poet judge poetry competitions compiled seventh imperial anthology sister respected poet known daughter occasionally seek poetic advice elder brother somewhat successful court nearly sister foster brother priest successful poet career cut short adopted younger brother retired world career goals senior male branch inherit cement father position poetry advance reputation improving political fortunes clan court life marked repeated illness wildly shifting fortunes partially father long lasting influence court live advanced age young inclined retired emperor patronage prove lead greatest successes patronage retired emperor announced second year second year era conducting poetry contest retired emperors frequently influential retirement office emperor actual emperor free highly restricting ceremonial requirements politics court amateur skilled playing considered authority traditional learning precedent excellent playing fond equestrian pursuits horseback shooting running dogs regarded pursuits taking dropping support poetry especially immediately announced hold poetry contests requiring number poets compose particular thematic progression known genre poem sequences contest emperor considered crucial political clan poet impressed powerful youthful clan benefit considerably diary records looked forward chance improve reached middle age recognized talented poet career palace guards left years promoted nearly lesser commander little prospect advancement wider political problems influence patrons emperors declined drastically imperial circles leverage adopted daughter daughter decided marry daughter emperor contrary usual policy favoring lack confidence allowed push firing making retired emperor father law bore heir shame led wife retire court daughter leader influence court diminished considerably extent regent prime minister driven court influence prospects expressed disappointment poetry example written passed promotion spring list eventually promoted good encouraging friend died year cold comfort fact initially invited rival clan leader bitter enemies months calling fake poet publicly refusing participate poetry competition revenge furious writing heard thing choosing senior poets writes pretext exclude bribe left family regrets possible hope write confidence come eventually replied room hope gather probably emperor decided rules poem competition entirely feels like away disgust appeals failed stepped letter known appeal japanese writing japanese opposed official chinese considered mark sincerity addressed arguing exclusion precedent motivated base jealousy opponent late people poets poems compose unpleasant hear lacking writes denounced enemy calling urged relented appeal man greatly respected second time behalf time lost temper struck superior lesser general lamp allowed young poets according adopted son pupil enter contest turn events early morning came message lord evening emperor ordered inclusion participants poem sequences added list occasion fills joy hinder convinced trouble evil men turned way hopes prayers life worked weeks complete sequence finally turned day late eager read poems immediately personal secretary kept diary concerned poetic activities records poem sequence specifically poem number directly responsible granted special permission necessary admitted court distinct reigning emperor court special crucial future patronage scarcely surprising poem sequences submitted uniformly high quality poems originating sequences commissioned included source enormous poetry contest rounds poem fine example personal grievances genre pointed allusion poem preserved reply imperial anthology sent retired emperor years previously forgive striking superior allusion conveys hope poem obtained son restoration rank office poem win admission court despite connection faction close productive relationship favored ways appointed facto head virtue dedication force personality addition established reputation poet eighth poetry new collection japanese poetry ancient modern ordered written success poem sequences furnished base collection order resurrected defunct institution seventh month contributing members added later participated poetry contests similar activities soon began taking place bureau live finish task replaced apparently detached personal secretary instead serve secretary compilation committee diaries survived good view inner workings imperial anthology created chosen eleventh month honor helping having remarkable poems including included later appointed ninth new imperial collection person imperial quarrel favorable patronage collaboration eventually relation emperor deepened things differences use association progression terms poetic sequences poem sequences like poems usually groups seasons common ones love poems generally formed integrated sequence dealt subject matter proceeding stage stage instance sequence love proceed loneliness falling love mature relationship sorrow ends refer elements previous poems technique later central sequences techniques consistently use erratic compilation differences apparently wide ranging net throw poems situation like present included poems great people heard names remained total obscurity generations persons recently begun attract attention poems apiece included situation particular distinction odd poems chosen score recent decisions appear choosing men poems questionable procedure displeasure manifested petty ways refusing attend banquet years completed celebrating official completion precedent banquet apparently convinced precedent banquet celebrating completion cutting process continually officially complete date banquet facto incomplete japanese preface existed rough drafts continue selection poems time releasing final edition approximately years later ninth month continue death later revisions extant addition apparently personality conflicts lead write praising poetry way behaved knew poetry extraordinary especially defending opinion act like man insisted horse utterly oblivious exceed reason refusing listen people horse refers ancient chinese bce revolted incident brought imperial court claimed actually horse saw officials agreed emperor pointed horse actually believes grew important resented use later years took issue merely personality poetry complaining liberal style things contrast paid attention whatsoever topic reason recent times come like outrageous hard compound topic poem centers topic result interest modern style sheer absolutely essential practice composing poems compound topics correct way event events incidents decided organize creation landscape screens temple built apparently order enlist divine aid overthrow feudal government screens famous landscape depicted composed leading poet compose best poems landscape selected course asked contribute famous picturesque woodland attached modern day famous battlefield clans scenic beauty rejected bad poem poor model puts annoyed minimal notice contest lack time composing poems turn days informed contest began complaining attacking poetic judgement regard poems selected screens came incident damage second incident took place second month described preface poems concerned recorded personal anthology year period covering events court participation war diary silent asked participate poem competition 13th second month declined citing reason anniversary mother death years previous officials sent letters strongly urging come eventually gave arriving poems reads having summoned palace poetry gathering thirteenth day second month second year ritual anniversary mother death thought unexpectedly evening appointed day come letter emperor saying hold account come case continued refuse emperor sent letters insisting presence hastily wrote following poems took critical fairly second pointed attacking forcing attend contest mother promoting final line variation phrase dealing double saw attack sort culmination series latest petty resentment seen pretext attempting poetry competition accordingly banished court year feud distressed poetry possibly factor politics good fortune selected poetry teacher new young rival superior authority emperors imperial court probably unhappy addressed essay collection superior poems time treatise poetry monthly notes enemy fortunately exiled rest life led failed rebellion war long hated political fortunes improved period exile appointed ninth imperial anthology new imperial collection completed great honor poorly received conservatives according daughter declared compiled refused hands letter sent son criticized apparently deliberately excluding excellent poems produced retired emperors exiled aftermath war absence variously attributed simply desire potentially advanced age court rank gon acting middle counselor improved fortunes entirely disasters country period greatly illnesses today servants dig garden north plant wheat grow little sustain hunger bad year don fun poor old man 13th day 10th month people collapse dead bodies fill streets day numbers increase gradually reached house day night alike people carrying dead arms numerous count 2nd day 7th month later portions life experimented style teaching writing addition critical works manuscripts studied copied experimented young immature form amusement died buried buddhist temple named rival descendants children women legitimate sons remembered reluctant heir youth court football encouragement poetry carry poetic legacy descendants split branches conservative elder branch founded elder son middle branch founded extinct death merged prompting nun younger liberal branch founded younger son circa poet great especially remembered diary diary moon legal battles stop estate near capital left testament importance poetic history centuries large story battles rival branches rivalry chiefly responsible great number attributed lost court case concerning possession estate ordered hand valuable manuscripts documents inherited complied genuine documents existence learned included little choice accept retaliation manufactured number better claims period great grandson suffered decline consequent rise fortunes son buddhist monk soon suffered setbacks promising son died comparatively young killed disaster son killed effectively organized force grandson achieved temporary victory time ironically liberal associated era ultra conservatives poetic achievements art poetry speak ill denied protection gods condemned hell selected works anthology poems poets later thought book theory types ideal techniques laid disputes specific style conservative liberal divided descendants number feuding schools clans like manuscript copies japanese classics including landmarks japanese literature tale tales anthology days ancient japanese lost difficult understand rendering confused uncertain researched old documents recovered earlier system deciding interpretations developed systematic modern period applied system manuscripts known accuracy general high quality called text method able document accurate pronunciation earlier like ones manuscripts appreciated eponymous distinct bold style font released based style remembered like father says employed traditional language startling new ways showing ideal old new treatment inherited accommodate innovation experimentation ensure preservation language styles classical past old phrases words older instance man considered old wrote best poems spontaneous original traditional notion erroneous verses superior poem write fine powers invention freed reciting endless possibilities oneself suddenly spontaneously lines composing emerge poem treatment topic different common run verse superior rest poetic feeling words effect original smooth gentle interesting atmosphere subtle clear richly evocative emotion tense nervous sensible imagery poem composed conscious effort man persist practice produce spontaneously following example old classic imagery pine cherry trees fresh ways poems described remarkable ideals early later years respectively considerably modified personal beliefs death simplified style composition styles orthodox styles defined defended poetic criticism demon force style style loneliness closely related aware style mystery depth style concerned ethereal beauty deep feeling conviction feeling shift style intended achieve certain sort integrity referred aim deep feeling styles style popular time small described marginally successful years later admire emulate degree use language evoke atmosphere brief poems style excellent example later chosen imperial anthology poem partial personal anthology includes poems selected poems offended retired emperor caused rift preserved record clear moon called diary clear moon possibly chronicle bright moon second translation suggests diary kept classical chinese ages approximately death entries written old man bulk diary covers years suggest extremely valuable resource understanding court place imperial court despite available extant versions consist family possesses family library copies scholars estimate original consisted interesting passages quoted previously career life famous passage ninth month indifference political military advancement remarked reports disturbances expeditions fill ears pay attention red banners expeditions concern red banners probably refers imperial standard line possibly reference poem tells effectively exiled passes time playing single poems poets collection foundation modern japanese new year game poem anthology arranged request copied strips paper walls villa poems common suggesting variant version poem sequence era visit emperor portion wrote trip took like diary written classical chinese way devoted trip thirty enjoyed trip diary records concern health matters proper clothes wear poetic composition normal advice criticism poetry rules poems base old poems half lines borrowed originals similarly borrowed elements moved new poem new poem different theme recommends certain classic works aspiring poets study poems thirty portions portions translated english superior poems time collection poems felt excellent models preface dealing critical philosophy sent poems emulate great ancient japanese poets teaching example sequence constructed death depressed evidenced writing forgotten color followers words springs inspiration run dry monthly notes poems sent student bore preface major source information view aesthetics poetry states sent ton holds sent great inner minister english translation translated french italian hungarian tale palace experimental novel believed written manuscript claims merely copying anthology poems imperial basic canon superior poems anthology poems chiefly derived long believed modern scholars contend genuine work
Fujiwara no Teika
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Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
june june march better known pen russian russian modernist poet acclaimed writers russian canon work ranges short lyric poems structured cycles requiem tragic masterpiece terror style characterised economy emotional restraint original distinctive contemporaries strong clear leading female voice struck new chord russian poetry writing said fall periods early work later work death divided decade reduced literary output work condemned censored authorities notable choosing remaining russia acting witness events perennial themes include time memory difficulties living writing shadow primary sources information life relatively war revolution regime caused written record destroyed long periods official close died aftermath revolution husband executed soviet secret police son common law husband spent years died early life family born near black_sea port father naval engineer mother descended russian nobility wrote large family wrote poetry russian woman poet aunt grandfather modest landowners region moved insurrection time distinguished family ancestor killed night tent russian killer hire tells marked end russia known descendant eighteenth century married rich famous landowner great grandfather daughter grandmother died mother years old named honour diamond rings fingers thin didn fit family moved north near months old family lived house corner street lane building longer today spending summers age near studied moving finished schooling parents separated went study law leaving year later study literature started writing poetry age published late teens inspired poets survives sister wrote poetry pursue practice married shortly high school father want verses printed respectable chose adopt grandmother distinctly surname pen met young poet christmas eve encouraged write pursued intensely making numerous marriage proposals starting years old journal published poem translated hand rings signing soon known artistic circles regularly giving public readings year wrote friend loved years believe fate wife love know married april family attended wedding couple paris met befriended italian artist late came poets form promoted idea craft key poetry inspiration mystery taking themes concrete world time developed influential anti school concurrent growth america year marriage began constraints wrote lost passion end year left month trip africa taste fame renowned beauty intense attracting fascinated attention great men including great good returned visit paris created paintings including later began affair celebrated poet wife declared later autobiography came forgive time son born renowned historian silver age published book verse evening years small edition copies quickly sold received dozen positive notices literary press exercised strong pieces including poems written end noted song meeting dated september poem book secured reputation new striking young writer poems grey eyed king forest water don need legs anymore making famous later wrote poems girl reason reprinted thirteen times came translations girl far recall fate hide issues journals published second collection appeared march firmly established popular sought poets day thousands women composed poems honour mimicking style prompting taught women speak don know silent aristocratic manners artistic integrity won titles queen soul silver age period came known history russian poetry poem hero longest best known works written decades later recall blessed time life close friends married proposed times rumours began having affair influential lyrical poet july wrote frightening times approaching soon fresh graves cover land august germany declared war russia marking start dark storm world war civil war revolution repression russia silver age came close relationship mosaic artist poet poems period turn created featured selected poems collection white flock volume poet critic later described writing personal tinged note controlled terror later came description muse describes writing time grim spare february revolution started named soldiers fired marching looked past future rotting city electricity sewage service little water food faced starvation sickness friends died left safer europe america including escaped england option leave considered time chose stay proud decision remain wrote leave height fame divorced husband year friends considered mistake married prominent poet later said felt thought like like going convent knowing going lose freedom began affairs theatre director composer set poems music 1920s 1930s husband prosecuted alleged role conspiracy august shot according historian murder state response rebellion secret police blamed rebellion intellectuals prompting senior officer forcibly extract names conspirators imprisoned professor amnesty execution guarantee proved meaningless sentenced dozens named persons death including appealed time agreed condemned shot days death wrote murders powerful effect russian destroying poetry group placing stigma son later arrest 1930s based father son new perspective poetry deemed represent introspective aesthetic reflecting trivial female keeping new revolutionary politics time attacked state supporters friends seen termed vegetarian years work unofficially banned party resolution found hard publish didn stop writing poetry acclaimed translations works pursued academic work worked critic ussr foreign critics readers concluded died little food money son denied access study academic institutions parents alleged anti state activities impact nationwide repression effect circle friends artists intellectuals close friend fellow poet deported sentenced labour camp die narrowly escaped arrest son imprisoned numerous occasions regime accused counter revolutionary activity queue hours deliver food packages behalf describes standing outside stone prison day somebody crowd identified standing woman lips blue cold course heard called started common asked describe said like smile passed face wrote time went train station went exile find friends step intellectual cultural figures leaving train poetry circles committed suicide follow returning exile common law wife art scholar lifelong friend stayed repeatedly taken custody dying tragic cycle requiem documents personal experience time writes million voices shout tortured mouth approved publication volume poetry books collection withdrawn months revealed authorities flat kept constant surveillance keeping detailed files time pages reports phone quotations writings confessions close officially work continued secret close friend chronicler described writers working poetic messages alive strategies small trusted circle example works oral means tells write poem visitor scrap paper read moment burnt poems carefully way likely complied manner lost like ritual wrote hands matches ritual beautiful bitter world war witnessed day siege started poem hero finishing draft working poem years considering major work life memory audience friends fellow citizens perished siege evacuated spring safer artists time away seriously ill suffered severe tuberculosis young woman returning writes disturbed find terrible ghost pretended city regularly read soldiers military hospitals line later pieces voice struggled moved away romantic themes diverse complex philosophical body work patriotic poems found way pages condemned visit liberal western jewish philosopher berlin official publicly labelled half half nun work poetry upper class lady work product political indifference banned poems publication journals accusing poisoning minds soviet youth surveillance increased expelled berlin described visit flat barely furnished virtually gathered taken away looted sold siege grey haired lady white shoulders slowly rose greet immensely gestures noble head beautiful somewhat severe features expression immense sadness son arrested end sentenced years prison camp spent years trying ensure release end time published overtly poetry praise peace magazine openly supporting regime remained camps death final release potentially aided mother efforts suggests period pro work saved life notably acknowledged pieces official corpus stature soviet poets slowly conceded party officials longer cited scathing contexts fully recognised following death press heavily controlled censored translation praised public review poems began appear year released camps believing mother cared poetry worked hard release status confirmed publication poems flight time collected works published complete volume works lifetime long poem requiem condemning absent predicted time published soviet_union years years life continued live family translating researching writing poetry censored concerned construct work destroyed suppressed posed threat life son camps lost semi autobiographical play worked official memoirs planned novels worked epic poem hero years writing widely honoured ussr west visited tried visit refused worried son arrested family association suspect western philosopher inspired advised large circle key young soviet writers frequented poets arrested interned social win nobel prize literature poet exile remaining major poets silver age newly acclaimed soviet authorities fine loyal representative country permitted travel time virtue works requiem hailed home abroad unofficial leader movement reinforcing image representative soviet_union russia popular 1960s revolution reputation continuing grow death 75th birthday new collections verse published able meet pre revolutionary acquaintances allowed travel sicily england order receive prize honorary doctoral degree oxford_university accompanied lifelong friend secretary requiem russian finally appeared book form munich work published ussr long poem way earth published complete form november soon oxford visit suffered heart attack hospitalised moved moscow spring died heart failure march age thousands attended memorial ceremonies held moscow displayed open coffin interred cemetery described impact life saw widespread worship memory soviet_union today artist human far know parallel legend life passive resistance regarded country transformed figure merely russian literature russian history twentieth century celebrate 100th birthday held international conference life work today work explored anna literary work themes joined group poets poets working response school concurrent growth america promoted use craft rigorous poetic form spiritual roads composition favouring concrete modeled principles writing clarity simplicity disciplined form collections evening received wide critical acclaim famous start career contained brief psychologically pieces acclaimed classical telling details use colour evening books lyric theme love shot sadness early poems usually picture man woman involved poignant ambiguous moment relationship imitated later parodied critic notes early poems attracted large numbers able capture convey vast range evolving emotions experienced love affair thrill meeting deepening love hatred eventually violent destructive passion total indifference poetry marks radical break ornate style mystical representation love typical poets like lyrics composed short fragments simple speech form logical coherent pattern instead reflect way actually think links images emotional simple everyday objects charged psychological associations like model ways intent conveying worlds meaning precise details complained critics walled perception work early years romantic passion despite major changes theme later years terror mainly secret nature work public critical volumes risks great close friends family exiled imprisoned shot son constant threat arrest close surveillance following artistic repression public condemnation state 1920s literary public circles home abroad thought died readership generally know later passion requiem poem hero scathing works shared trusted circulated secret word mouth composed worked reworked long poem requiem secret lyrical cycle witness depicting suffering common people soviet terror carried worked lived towns cities soviet_union absent collected works given explicit condemnation work russian finally appeared book form munich work published ussr consists numbered poems examine series emotional states exploring suffering despair devotion clear narrative biblical themes christ devastation mary mother jesus reflect russia particularly witnessing women 1930s represented degree rejection earlier romantic work took public role chronicler terror role holds day essays poem hero longest work published death long poem composed critically regarded best work finest poems twentieth century gives deep detailed analysis approach including important encounter talent composition translation evidenced fine translations works poets writing french english italian armenian korean cultural influence translations poems coffin set music album honours prize honorary doctorate oxford_university selected poetry collections published literally white flock grass pages copies published reed compiled published uneven compiled published books publication suspended shortly release copies selections poetry government edited separately published maya seventh book separately published copies poems flight time collected works later editions poems trans boston poems trans isbn selected poems trans isbn trans isbn word causes death defeat poems memory annals communism trans isbn selected poems trans thomas isbn selected poems trans isbn
Anna Akhmatova
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born february american novelist short story writer novel gun genre work mixed elements science fiction detective fiction published followed science fiction novels published winning novel achieved mainstream success published fortress received early life born brooklyn new_york political activist avant garde painter eldest children father protestant scottish english ancestry mother jewish family roots germany poland russia brother blake artist sister photographer writer translator family lived pre brooklyn neighborhood called hill despite racial tensions conflicts later described bohemian childhood thrilling culturally wide reaching gained knowledge music bob_dylan saw star wars times original theatrical release read complete works science fiction writer later said work formative influence marijuana punk rock equally responsible beautifully fucking life bending course travel parents divorced young thirteen mother died brain event said haunted strongly affected writing discusses direct relation mother bob_dylan song like rolling stone canadian documentary complete unknown explained books giant missing center language disappeared vanished memory gone intending visual artist like father attended new_york painted style describes usually produced featured artwork writing created animated films wrote page novel heroes unpublished graduating high school entered vermont prospective art student experienced overwhelming collision realities class parents bohemian kept understanding little poor demolished encounter fact real privilege coupled realization interested writing art led drop halfway sophomore year denver colorado berkeley california thousand miles desert mountains wyoming utah nevada dollars pocket describing memorable things lived california years working clerk including writing time published short story published early 1990s career novels novel gun merging science fiction detective story includes talking radical futuristic versions drug scene prisons novel published later described experience pictured novels published paperback originals recalled instead prestigious house book cloth heaven novel released little initial fanfare enthusiastic review newsweek declared gun assured novel book wider commercial success gun finalist placed best novel category reader poll mid-1990s film producer director optioned novel movie rights allowed quit working devote time writing book amnesia moon partially inspired experiences cross country second novel uses road narrative explore multi post apocalyptic future landscape perception tricks publishing early stories collection wall sky wall eye published novel climbed table starts physics researcher falls love artificially generated spatial called lack previous partner partner comic struggle rejection constitute majority narrative moved brooklyn book published return brooklyn girl landscape novel young girl endure having face strange new world populated aliens known said girl landscape plot characters including figures young girl violently protective father figure strongly influenced movie obsessed mainstream success genre bending novel began returning new_york_city return detective theme maintained objective realism exploring protagonist syndrome obsessed language later said obviously character written identify novel stands outside doesn need found write necessity publication won crime fiction salon book award named book year actor announced planning write direct star film adaptation novel march said working screenplay according new_york_times mainstream success celebrity referred times genre critics cited variety novels alternately hard boiled detective fiction science fiction autobiographical credited comfort genre mixing father art combined observed imagined reality canvas naturally self consciously time magazine classed movement authors similarly eager blend literary popular writing including friends commented concept genre bending fact involved seven years ago questions taxonomy genre idea ultimately political idea given writer objective way alter boundaries genres come feel talking categories high low genre boundaries boundaries consists elaborate way avoid actually discussing moves interests books like books books mysterious movements characters situations emotions accompany movements play sentences infinite variety early 2000s published story collection edited wrote magazine pieces published page shape shape offerings publishing imprint developed november said working big novel child grows rock journalist novel published fortress semi autobiographical features dozens characters variety features tale racial tensions brooklyn late 1970s main characters friends different backgrounds grew block named editor choice books year new_york_times published languages second collection short fiction published late march disappointment artist collection essays released september received interview said short fiction writing short stories right novels love devoted know funny sort law celebrated couple people break didn review story collections saying nice novelist review novels saying bad longer stuff people tend end happy life novelist story collections published important stories collected stories writings closely allied obviously novel writing distinct know need choose present september wrote article genius bob lengthy interview bob_dylan published rolling_stone interview contained reflections artistic achievements revealed dissatisfaction contemporary recording techniques thoughts status fortress decided time leave brooklyn literary sense needed stuff place memory returned novelist california earlier fiction set don love novel rock band novel revolves woman band answers phones friend complaint line uses words lyrics according book inspired years spent lead singer california band late 1980s early 1990s called phase life novel received mixed reviews announced planning revive marvel comics character issue series published hearing project creator expressed personal outrage use character participation later discussed project admitted marvel editor chief explained series delayed saying winning grant additional unexpected demands time revamped unknown series published monthly issues october july issues published single volume october early began work published october july said set manhattan strongly influenced concerns circle friends including faded child star actor cultural critic hack ghost writer city official long strange essay influence passionate defense return gift economy arts writes soul let substance bulk actual valuable material human don pirate editions visions game reader welcome stories place gave essay included collection influence etc philip dick edited published projects published short books film live published october live album starting served professor position held late ninth novel entitled gardens released september according interview los_angeles_times novel concerns american specifically red baby generation trying figure means legacy novel setting said interview set queens new_york neighborhood book life city writing jump imaginative leap things exciting gardens quickly followed february stories fifth short story collection novel tenth scheduled publication october titled anatomy novel official plot description website alludes concerning international thinks psychic personal life married writer artist divorced married canadian film executive divorced years later lived brooklyn maine wife filmmaker son works criticism interpretation samuel end history 1990s contains discussion conversations literary conversations matthew understanding understanding james contemporary american
Jonathan Lethem
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british writer confused american writer november august english spy thriller novelist best known james_bond continuation novels series books continuation novels containing sir fictional villain professor royal marine commando worked period anglican priest lost faith left church short time battle alcohol addiction wrote book autobiographical published went write works fiction including fourteen original james_bond novels novel versions bond films died suspected heart failure august early life born november small village northumberland parents london born anglican priest ordained local girl couple married family moved market town took position chaplain mary educated local king alfred school second world war joined despite time subsequently served transferring royal marines commando service considered worst commando world despite small arms expert knew lot explosives admitted bent learning fly war went college cambridge study theology subsequently ordained anglican priest realised lost faith error career later admitted sermon didn believe word saying released church took position drama critic herald whilst herald aged realised alcoholic drinking bottles day overcame addiction produced book therapy autobiographical published critic scholar says books published deserves survive writing career began novelist career created character inadvertently mistaken tough man action recruited british spy agency fact devout terrified violence suffered afraid heights admitted denied times course complete book appeared height fictional spy send business immediate success reviewing novel new_york_times wrote succeeds having ways written clever parody genuinely satisfactory thriller book film mgm seven light hearted novels short stories appeared years following success books created new characters inspector italian descent appeared series novels published simultaneously bond works mid-1970s wrote novels character professor holmes series published posthumously series titled simply delayed dispute publisher finally released shortly death bought film rights trilogy return wrote script produce portray funding fell shortly filming begin approached asked revive james_bond series novels wrote fourteen james_bond novels bond films stated wanted bring 1980s retained ages characters left kept ages bond grey temples nod passing years influence american publishers novels showed increase number book wearing pants trousers man writing guardian considered books giving examples action set bond gets whilst bond novels received mixed reaction critics popular number appeared new_york_times best seller list bringing author commercial success ambivalent view bond author saying grateful selected bond alive remembered work bond saying occasion remain proud contribution bond saga played great development mid-1990s discovering cancer officially retired writing bond novels quickly chose continue literary stories james_bond break writing lasted years following death wife battling illness returned print new novel day began series books new character 1930s police detective globe_and_mail crime critic said technically highly competent thriller novelist ease writing vein writer worked way makes qualified continue james_bond saga crime writers association short listed dancing traitor garden weapons annual award personal life married couple children simon daughter result long affair family moved america diagnosed cancer firstly years later subsequent medical treatment left near bankrupt returned november shortly return february margaret died unexpectedly returned writing second book introduced new character detective sergeant took surname girlfriend engaged read book contacted publishers subsequently engaged death died friday august suspected heart failure collapsed shopping later rushed hospital died works autobiography spin bottle novels amber founder member traitor exit airline pirates published killer song short stories appear handful rice short stories appear explosive device sunset novels reissued professor novels return revenge novels traitor garden weapons appears secret houses secret families family novels secret generations secret houses secret families james_bond novels special services role honour lives deals bond win lose die licence kill novelization film script man death forever send flowers novelization film script cold published detective sergeant novels streets town angels dining troubled midnight human enemy novels censor night published edition night festival run little faster dancing published director working novel night blood fathers later published day short story collections contains stories contains stories
John Gardner (British writer)
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serbian november october serbian poet theatre critic playwright soldier native belgrade began writing poetry early age published number literary reviews pseudonym teenager rose prominence balkan wars writing experiences territories newly ottoman_empire outbreak world war interrupted studies forced postpone marrying girlfriend couple separated chaos war left belgrade family relocated worked military censor wrote articles local newspaper pay family bills october overwhelmed combined austro hungarian bulgarian german invasion forced retreat neutral greece albania younger brother joined exodus marching weeks montenegro northern albania finally reunited fiancée allowed accompany brother fiancée ship destined italy fighting age continue marching greece early reached greek island recruited work serbian military intelligence summer transferred continued working military august granted leave sailed france reunited fiancée brother returned greece weeks later diagnosed tuberculosis september following year owing political connections patrons managed find care exclusive military hospital late october condition worsened died early november age initially buried allied military cemetery siblings remains relocated belgrade parents popularity grew following death poems received widespread critical acclaim portrayal retreat winter stay thousands soldiers succumbed disease exhaustion buried sea work remained popular yugoslavia 20th century reputation greatest serbian poets romantic period life career family born belgrade eldest child née father family originally following serbian uprising great grandfather fled ancestral homeland settled austro hungarian city modern escape ottoman persecution father grandfather born good standing members town fledgling community father shortly entered argument high ranking hungarian officer insulted fled serbian capital escape punishment attended trade school belgrade successful line traces origins town northern macedonia mother family fled town settled modern maternal grandfather lived border town child married started family like father successful offered marry daughter initial disagreement price gave marriage blessing parents soon married time birth parents living small flat street situated father shop belgrade decade children children survived adulthood child family frequently visited mother cousin brother said greatly influenced young having introduced serbian folk tales medieval legends early age education publications began attending finished excellent grades likely began writing poetry ages caught attention teachers taught serbian school wrote pupils writing poetry year elementary school father street proud son work keeps poems locked away safe great treasures convinced immense value proof son brilliant future moved small house street autumn enrolled belgrade taught children ages eighteen years distinguished excellent student recognized best student school exempt final examinations time poems started appearing school periodical began writing literary reviews daily news list paper youngest contributor contributions written pseudonym feared taken seriously true age uncovered authored articles newspapers artwork serbian literary gazette austro hungarian annexation penned stage play titled blind meant play trilogy titled crown shared play friend showed director belgrade end secondary school studies elected chairman school literary club turning eighteen deemed unfit serve mandatory service graduation autumn enrolled studied works german italian south slavic literature varying rates success shortly entering university began contributing theatrical reviews ultra nationalist daily strongly opposed prime minister serbia serbian quasi official paper secret organization better known played important role serbian political life greatest influences teenage years secondary school teachers literary critic member artistic committee advised continue writing poetry dramatic verse shared draft stage play titled chains encouraged submit competition held belgrade play works submitted number prominent writers took competition including chains rejected youthful prize went contestant father died suddenly heart attack aged rise prominence coverage balkan wars despite busy schedule university years spent nights bars artists belgrade bohemian quarter extremely popular writers artists generation time belgrade merchant elite art patrons patrons wife power influence works balkan wars accompanied war reporter wrote experiences macedonia expulsion turks occupied balkans years fill optimism future czech volunteer nurse 17th reserve hospital recalled spirit constant opposition time desires drank life senses historian writes young man rare photographs testimony contemporaries emerges figure medium stature slightly shoulders thick brown hair pale oval face dark raised giving face expression intense irony eyes burned constant passion lips young vulnerable smile conversation reputed brilliant wars wrote historical drama titled king autumn received considerable praise drama premiered october works premiered soon early publishing magnate printed poetry collection consisting works retreat outbreak world war final year gotten engaged girlfriend war stop education decided postpone marriage peace restored remained employed left belgrade family return remained city moved town serbian interior shortly moved worked military censor wrote articles gazette pay family bills early february mother died cancer leaving care younger siblings devoted creative energy completion epic poem titled published combined austro hungarian bulgarian german invasion serbia october deeply patriotic work compares bulgaria impending attack serbia biblical story murdering brother capturing burned copy poem survived carried city leaving brother joined retreat adriatic coast sisters infant brother went live cousin occupied brothers journey took continued intended join retreating columns head hoped allied ships evacuate serbian troops italy serbs quickly realized hope evacuated austro hungarian naval presence northern coast serbian military elected retreat interior surrender serbs marched south intended meet french expeditionary force evacuate greek island thousands soldiers died hunger succumbed cold ambushed hostile killed traversing countryside marching wilderness began writing poetry anthology titled songs pride suffering comprise best known works started working new drama verse titled marriage friend accompanied difficult journey recalled dressed strange way pulled head completely covered forehead hardly visible weight ears collapsed wore kind long black coat covered mud held place string piece string belt hung pot boiling water tea useful things walked slightly bent forward followed noise things waist occupation serbia central powers far everyday struggles exodus said slept little telling don realize missing sleeping circumstances like entire soul kept constantly awake centuries painted vast death heroes indifferent december reunited fiancée recalled shall forget day saw sea begin speak future making plans vast novel verse comedies dramas intended bring great events history life reaching coast told board ship italy fighting age fiancée allowed board year old brother judged young military service granted passage unable companions continued length coast reached allies sent ships transport remnants greek mainland reaching thousands troops began showing symptoms island died span months seven thousand buried sea space remains interred land corpses simply barges tossed overboard appalled suffering church bells toll dead instead hours wrote witnessing disposal bodies inspired write poem ode describes best masterpiece serbian patriotic poetry shortly arriving recruited work serbian military intelligence transferred years death reaching spent spare time reading works french authors writing poetry august received month leave sailed france fiancée brother gone escape war shortly landing italy spent month fiancée nice returning greece resumed army service continued writing poetry songs pride suffering published nearly copy anthology destroyed great fire august copy survived sent fiancée france basis post war edition september diagnosed tuberculosis owing influence old patron admitted military hospital central tended exclusively officers wife visited continued writing poetry condition deteriorated poems began melancholy tone remained optimistic recover illness family month death sent fiancée brother telegram assuring slightly ill promised reunited died tuberculosis november october hours death appeared convinced survival according fellow patient died half sleep fit destroyed tissues lungs buried military cemetery family shocked news death particularly brother fiancée believed road recovery remains transferred belgrade parents siblings survived war brother diplomat worked axis invasion country april left yugoslavia family emigrated west youngest brother spent rest life belgrade high school geography teacher sister married lived belgrade death youngest sister died single fiancée remained loyal married death returned serbia war died belgrade influences themes legacy studied bible free time read works victor hugo notes early poems reflect degree influenced works contends influence early work unfortunate imitate style failed achieve originality instead merely absence spontaneous emotion matured influenced works irish writer particularly play performed belgrade university years play influenced extent later composed poem according thrilled beauty descriptions reading work inspired use biblical rhythm notes archaic phrase thou art appears poems began reading influence observed lyric plays especially king autumn inspired french playwright play dramatic ideal influence clearly felt marriage paid homage writing entire drama verse style considered obsolete time serbian history medieval legends greatest influence plays notes dramas published inspired serbian medieval motifs balkan wars inspired write patriotic poetry attempted emulate hugo verse poetry revolved patriotic themes theme overtaken months non patriotic poems wrote love felt fiancée historian personal suffering embodied serbian history crossroads greatness disaster cox considers famous serbian artists writers perished world war contends achieved short career number writers poets led far longer lives writes influence serbian literature greater survived war praises great poets 20th century inaugural awarded student library belgrade based learning institution dedicated exclusively studies life work library funded operates extensive online database known august researchers discovered original manuscript ode blue sea tomb library archives slip paper immediately given experts went restoring prevent decay
Milutin Bojić
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march known pen indonesian journalist writer born low ranking noble family dutch_east_indies employment national railway disgusted racism shown moved found work journalist following year moved worked publications soon began write pieces critical dutch colonial government led arrest period correspondent netherlands continued journalism critique government wrote pieces fiction involved communist led revolt exiled prison camp died camp malaria preferred writing experimented new time state owned publisher attempting language according literary critic indonesian writer openly dutch colonial government traditional form practised country vocal criticism dutch government crazy man spark unrest native populations biography early life career born dutch low ranking noble family age took job national railway company indies chose leave company disgusted racist policies including use race basis paid wages way found employment newspaper run paper closed dutch went joined organisation muslim merchants found employment islam backed weekly took lead magazine paper led helped establish year published volume work dark eyes led long chinese owned perceived racism wrote attack native affairs editorial wrote dutch loved far natives january came investigation dutch_east_indies publishing anti dutch editorials journalist unsuccessfully attempted raise money protest dutch parliament convicted revolutionary activity sentenced months prison public outcry released days went bankrupt headed career exile death soon chosen chief editor daily netherlands correspondent months end beginning journalist published publication book return indonesia editor based month imprisoned writing february released prison moved commissioner joined newspaper later conference year stated kinds press indonesia black press item struggled dutch white press worked indonesian people published student green told young indonesian student falls love studying netherlands despite having fiancée indonesia work originally published serial published collection poems poems published novel based life dutch spy december left took position head published imprisoned months writings poem paper moved involved press sentenced years prison writings published sense independence dealt young man goes father tool dutch colonial government tries find personal independence novel stage play moving published long exiled writings involvement revolt led died malaria march themes styles fictional works took place early indonesian example social movement like nationalist writers time preferred writing predecessor modern indonesian native write pieces state owned publisher attempting experimented language words phrases scenes socialist literary critic writes drew experiences visiting netherlands writing writes unlike writers published heavily white superiority dutch impressed native achieved showcasing morals dutch reception vocal criticism dutch government banned books times response critiques described crazy man spark unrest native populations enjoyed colonial government reportedly inviting readers work dutch described indonesian writer openly dutch colonial government traditional form practised country notes writer indonesian consciously depict class struggles works considered indonesian literature born nationalist understanding considered truly indonesian writers lecturer writes primarily inspired dreams ideals noting writer intended create community politically aware work colonial government solidarity equality described ideal political state having standards feelings works dark eyes novel volumes poems poetry anthology student green novel sense independence novel novel moving stage play
Marco Kartodikromo
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
japanese poet early period named poetic thirty poetic poems included collection known poems attributed court dubious poems exceptionally ambiguous 10th century treated relatively long renowned love affairs exerted profound influence later japanese culture legends held affairs high poet fathered emperor love affairs inspired tales model handsome nobleman biography birth ancestry born grandson emperors emperor father prince emperor mother fifth child prince supposedly child lived capital poems mother banished old capital modern modern involvement failed coup état known incident born father exile return brothers given surname scholar brother political career remembered mainly poetry high birth served court appointed lieutenant promoted lieutenant chamberlain held junior fifth rank lower grade rose positions provisional assistant master provisional minor captain captain provisional governor reaching junior fourth rank end life risen literary historian critic observed description protagonist tales combined qualities admired high birth grandson emperor extremely handsome gifted poet conquering lover probably expert adept arms competent official aspects life emphasized tales distinguish heroes literature including romantic affairs known great lover poems included describe romantic affairs death national history compiled said elegant handsome appearance self tales portrays falling love consort emperor hinted reasons leaving capital travelling east speculated romantic affair consort emperor reason describes rank going senior sixth rank rising following year speculated error result binding changing order events furthermore affair monk formed core fictional legend affair affair historical family commentary tales speculates emperor product union previous emperor famous affairs gave tales said high describes protagonist presumed visiting hunt sleeping passage describes meeting manner implies sleep woman service 12th century work 13th century work claim product union later adopted stated evidence affair romantic myth poems connects daughter medieval commentaries wife modern scholars wife early source explicitly names note classical play adaptation tales portrays daughter childhood eventually marry wife spirit appears monk deaths speculated based considered beautiful man woman age poet lovers little evidence scholars 20th century held speculation traced far 14th century historian likely period commentaries extant speculates poems left turn likely worked common belief fictional genuine historical work detailing actual events life period commentaries tales tried insert names real women original text simply said woman inserted passages text literary scholar concluded lack surviving evidence possible knew lovers usable evidence way journey east describe leaving travel east region crossing composing poems famous places way tales implies journey result affair doubts journey actually took place point view number surviving poems small having trip composing poems way terms historical likelihood gone wandering end country friends keeping company death according died july 28th day fifth month japanese calendar poem expresses shock regret death come soon burial site location grave uncertain middle ages considered deity avatar possible called graves fact sacred sites consecrated places actually believed buried professor scholar speculated small stone grove eastern known burial mound site speculated site associated near grave site emperor middle ages widely believed secretly fathered site traditionally believed house grave western known temple descendants children poets daughter grandfather poet known married engaged clandestine affair names known nicknames sino japanese reading character surname meaning refers brothers middle captain reference post held near end life provisional middle captain recurring use phrase tales known poetry left private collection included likely compiled later editor compilation century thirty poems attributed included early 10th century later dubious mentioned preface poetic important poets earlier age included later thirty poetic poems attributed example actually later court attribute poems likely misunderstood written appearance tales probably composed death combined poems attributed court total following poem included characteristic style poems attributed imperial dubious large body work contained relatively reliable scholars discuss poetic style use related words pivot words following poem number cited example use related water water brooding pun long rain river tears soaked poems exceptionally ambiguous standards treated anthology relatively long poet collection receive treatment example characteristic ambiguity cites scholars subjected poem famous conflicting interpretations recent centuries period scholar interpreted pair questions marked particle explained away logical poem reading introduced reading implied conclusion poet remains feels different late period poet took different view interpreting moon spring poet remains unchanged similar problem interpretation plagued poem quoted fourth line normally read thought yesterday today occasionally interpreted scholars mean yesterday thought today simply meaning right emotion poem nonetheless clear died fifties knew die someday nonetheless shocked time come soon reception preface describes poems containing feeling insufficient words like faded flowers colour lost retain lingering repeats chinese preface according literary scholars negative criticism seen complimentary likely refers emotional nature poetry insufficient suggest poems misleading explanatory indicates approached art unconventional manner poetry succeeds pointed criticism likely reflected change literary tastes decades compositions criticisms history japanese literature seeds heart concluded discussion following profound poet surviving poems mainly occasional expression suggests deeply felt emotion manner keeps poetry attaining best man poems vein historical importance maintained traditions long night dominance poetry chinese poet translator says large number poems included later court indicator high regard poetry held connection tales tales collection narrative episodes centred presenting poems composed narratives explaining inspired poems widely considered author work scholars come reject speculates possible originally composed work poems kind inventive autobiography later author came manuscript death expanded protagonist work likely modelled work likely resembling present form middle 10th century took decades starting death stages identified composition work stages based primarily poems actually composed background details provided necessarily historical second saw poems added layer necessarily higher proportion fiction fact final stage saw later author adding use treating legendary figure past late 11th century tale refers variant diary influence later japanese culture later centuries considered romantic given rise later legends contemporary considered beautiful man woman court appear later literary works particularly theatre believed men inspired created protagonist tale makes allusion tales draws parallels respective protagonists directly stated text later commentators interpreted tales implying illicit union empress true father emperor interpreted work way uncertain tale describes similar incident protagonist imperial prince affair empress son ultimately emperor true kept secret appears tales book late period contemporary protagonist tale figured prominently period prints alluded 16th century warrior world tales ironic reference poem composed severed head defeated enemy lord killed march gallery image gallery
Ariwara no Narihira
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
née eighteenth century english writer mainly known associations literary figures day particularly work children education born bath following death mother raised wife elizabeth returned father house formed close friendship daughter having romantic engagement having declined hand thomas day married second wife living family estate ireland till helped raise children marriage including children returning england fell ill tuberculosis dying subject number poems husband developed concepts childhood education resulting series books based observations children known stand women rights vigorous rejection proposal day outlined views equality marriage life early life born daughter essex bath father major appointment court gentleman usher parents married children second surviving daughter years old mother died father found unable care children friends relations offered adoption family seven years younger thirteen year old moved home family friends wife elizabeth family lived bishop palace cathedral close lost children daughters uncommon time brought variously described adopted foster sister describes younger sister sarah met returning walk poem anniversary initially attached sarah closer age sarah died age nineteen thirteen following sarah death responsibility anna older sister anna affection describes visions written days sister death poem expresses hope flower replace sister refers parents affections life health fragile experiencing bout tuberculosis later claim life age believed detected signs thirteen writing dear child live fearing notwithstanding clear health cheek eyes early expansion intelligence sensibility little mortal nature long low pain authority worse pride frequently storms ingenious spirits scattered earth education came influence raised progressive views female education expressed poem female right literature described clever interested science anna developed great love literature accomplished scholar attending day school fluent french translating older foster sister wife attitudes education girls progressive relative times means excessively liberal subjects taught theology read appreciate write poetry considered considered conventional drawing room accomplishments encouraged away traditional female roles notable including languages science left free pursue regard end exposed circle learned men frequented lived centre literary circle including children encouraged participate conversations anna later relates relationships lived roof thirteen years formed close friendship given rise speculation exact nature located tradition female friendship forming basis body works authors differ interpretation relationship women suggested lesbian supported term relates eighteenth century concepts identity hand argues based examination correspondence poetry generally based lesbian poetic canon relationship women frequently cited reputation intelligence beauty commented including described fresh beautiful young day star fair beams spring seventeen briefly engaged swiss born merchant relationship fostered wrote major british officer hanged spy americans respective parents support attachment reasons financial status christmas thomas day like members met places spending increasing amounts time household fallen married declined offer marriage thomas day gives account letter rejection stating contained excellent answer day arguments favour rights men clear view rights women continues determined views role women rights marriage admit control husband actions feel society necessary preserve female virtue secure domestic happiness terms reasonable equality supposed mutual confidence best said day decidedly declared determination live perfect usually called world fit decidedly declare change present mode life reason dissatisfied dark system proposed father moved london family daughters nineteen anna viewed friend departure considerable dismay day distressed rejection transferred affections fifth daughter care wife abbey niece inclined accept day comments affected intercourse perceived superiority miss capacity sentiments subjects delivered air conscious worth command attention capable female excellence person graceful features beautiful expression thing said time life saw woman picture perfection existed imagination continued describing marriage vulnerable attributes share learned gentlemen circle believed noticed effect friend having regularly place actions best light benefit elimination day hand placed difficult situation resolved end moving work autumn marriage marriage ireland march wife gave birth fifth child age days later died fever avoid leaving wife care day learning death wife travelled london consulted day situation learning remained good health promptly headed intention proposing offer accepted immediately mention conventional waiting period opposed daughter marriage couple married july marrying problems family estates ireland required couple immediately ireland marriage step mother surviving children wife ranging seven months years age richard maria writer right encountering new family observed maria aged exhibiting problems expressed views consistent punishment keys ensuring good behaviour children view proceeded practice believed discipline needed imposed age late case older children imposed strict discipline following period ill health sent away boarding school derby later london death similarly older brother richard sent went sea saw later comment difficult years new role children role relatives advised soon pregnant giving birth daughter died age sixteen second child inherited property born following year june children raised according system refined modified considered early educational efforts failure older children marriage growing sent away school readily concurred new wife rules seen little early years return england years ireland moved england taking residence despite despair loss friend maintained regular correspondence visits suddenly ceased event anna blamed father temporary absence business ireland spring fell ill fever let house join return consulted opinion illness severe thought consumption brief bout age advised returning ireland moving closer stayed house temporarily vacant consulting wide range physicians including physician staying day near london close medical care received news eventually rented near closer darwin circle drew april death years returning died consumption morning surrounded husband youngest sister charlotte servant buried nearby church plaque wall box bears witness life died years marriage age predecessor disease taken life mother maternal soon claim life young daughter younger sister elizabeth seven years later elizabeth children charlotte henry brother affected consumption time thought hereditary weakness carried family death married younger sister stating dying wish speculates marriage convenience sake children technically legal marry wife sister marriage considered opposed bishop couple fled london married christmas day thomas day witness proceeding live scandal given rise charitable interpretations actions direct evidence support drawn month life refers woman shall think worthy wear long shall love referring cameo owned work practical education jointly developed concept practical education principle new 1820s having determined years attempt raise eldest son richard according principles failure determined find better methods birth child embarked plan partly inspired write series books children trying methods years old published anna delighted find girls learned read weeks england closer contact intellectuals lunar society determined design plan education children started reviewing existing literature childhood education including addition proceeded document observations behaviour children developed practical system end suggested start reading work started recording extensive notes observations children dialogues final book richard state opinion art education considered experimental science failures past following theory practice set applying emerging principles educational psychology actual practice education reading theory determined reason successful child reading rewarded departing radically associated pleasure conceived title work husband wrote version children book practical education history harry daughter begun privately published february vol book tells simple story parents model children harry carry domestic ask parents questions answers deemed educational children explain discoveries learn presented forms learning originally conceived intended second series books remaining parts remained original plan collaborative work contributed members ambitious project designed fill perceived major deficiencies field technical scientific education introduce early ideas morality science academic disciplines developing mind young child premature death sister elizabeth continued work role wife final version book authored richard published sister elizabeth deaths revised maria early lessons reality family project contributed number members extend years death observed wife death familiar experimental method science surprised find educational theory based little evidence set apply experimental science child education devised executed recorded experiments children conceived executed register volumes reaction children new knowledge experience given interest applying experimental science field child education observed questions children asked solved problems extensive example recorded dialogue given richard practical education formed basis essays professional education library short story manuscript dated fragments attributed parents principles childhood education profound influence career writer children early contact members taken keen interest science attribute drew intention considered inventor following marriage worked projects words excellent legacy little words survived image largely eyes particular listed members associates educated upper class literary women traditional female accomplishments formed close female friendships depiction effect consumption symbol disease eighteenth century culture work started educational psychology prove immensely influential nineteenth century literature lesbian relationships female friendship growing household members childhood friend developed relatively progressive views times status women equality marriage key female education entered marriage understanding equal partners work anna later values promote late eighteenth early nineteenth century britain ancestors modern today position women rights best remembered thomas day theory perfect wife mentions possession wished modeled figure brother edward drawn miniature portrait left cousin image issued factory right subject poems married subject anger continued write affection long death addition poetry appears semi character play major tragedy acts produced new_york plaque buried north wall tower reads appendix persons mentioned foster family extended family literary acquaintances thomas day husband children influences artists
Honora Sneyd
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
born romanian spelling common july january new_york_city russian born jewish poet playwright stage director actor languages hebrew author plays considered father jewish modern theatre founded romania generally credited world professional language theater troupe responsible hebrew language play performed united_states festival romania named held honour called prince charming romanian jewish culture wrote works find points common total theater plays prose verse dance moments early life born russia present day ukraine given july following old style calendar use time russian_empire attended jewish religious school middle class family strongly associated jewish enlightenment father arranged receive private lessons german russian child said appreciated imitated performances wedding singers degree acquired nickname began studies government run school emerged teacher poet experience amateur theater led congregation published poem called progress new_york_times obituary described plea years movement developed published book poetry hebrew says hebrew poetry possesses considerable merit eclipsed poetry strength expression depth true jewish feeling remains book verse published took job teaching year later moved ukraine lived initially uncle house cousin good pianist helped set poems music renewed acquaintance fellow language writer knew met hebrew language poet daughter wife published poems newspaper wrote plays neighbors die aunt included verses successful book die jewish woman went editions years time living mainly teacher salary year supplemented giving private lessons taking job hat shop headed munich intending study medicine work headed met editor weekly paper der alter reputed soon shut government year later moved edited language daily limits economic sense enterprise inability pay registration fee tried unsuccessfully operate paper different soon moved invitation young wealthy activist interested theatre arriving fortunate better known good poet poems set music popular songs successful businessman sought funds newspaper proposition wife remarked language journalism way suggested lot market language theater offered public songs garden green fruit tree garden instead simple expanded program performance indoor performance fellow performers gave later year generally counted professional theatre performance circumstances designation single performance nominal actor singing songs sang concert songs apparently included significant improvised material songs actual script account familiar time practically russian literature plenty exposure russian polish theater seen african american performing shakespeare performance bit play participated years earlier songs bit character plot good bit improvisation performance possibly men went performance grandmother granddaughter dos bundle sticks sources disagree reports suggest poor singer non singer poor actor according reports stem self remarks old man new_york contemporary reports decent earth shattering actor singer time continued miscellaneous newspaper work stage main focus happens famous romanian poet journalist saw performances later summer records review company players error turn cited sixteen suggesting beginning theater impressed quality singing acting found pieces dramatic interest generally positive comments deserve taken seriously known generally appears seen early plays musical revue world paradise der der dialogue philosopher musical revue der father law son law comedy der servant searching theater season outdoor performances coming close tried failed rent appropriate theater theater owner named presumably jewish told troupe jewish singers dirty headed lived continued songs plays initial successful performance recruits indoor theater wrote followed days rain torrential come theater possessions left prove bit successful week run acquired set designer known formal artistic training proved good job joined troupe actress teens seeing perform premiere mother objected unmarried daughter stage like unlike single promptly married remained troupe known best known second marriage actor successful run came successful attempt company act time capital arrived reputation established players performed early spring salon heart weather turned warm garden pleasant tree shaded beer garden drawn neighborhood crowd filled cast great pool jewish vocal talent recruited respectable trained sisters casts year known song dance man eventually follow new_york long stage career known year old soon stage star orphaned teen years way world singer great performer parties visiting french company church choir voice changed sung moses chorus performing important ceremonies jewish community audition scene mama boy formed basis later year light comedy comical wedding starring young man role later famously played new_york actress recruiting controversy known head great considered perform secular setting crowds sexes freely keeping people late time morning prayers argue performance started theater end summer theater established fact influx jewish merchants city start russo turkish war greatly expanded audience new arrivals highly wealthy russian jewish family actually joined troupe soon left found theater troupe imperial russia repertoire new songs new plays translations plays romanian french languages years wrote plays eventually write able retain players company stars right continued years recruit rate talent company facto training ground theater end year writing plays moses der curve prostitute thief theater big theater elaborate sets choruses extras fill crowd scenes helped head legally establish dramatic society handle administrative matters papers know troupe included know similar papers walked start company included valuable ally theater occasions expressed favorable view quality acting technical aspects theater obtained costumes coronation king solomon timed tribute actual coronation turning light comedy satire established theater commercially successful medium higher aspirations eventually earned recognition shakespeare man broadly read languages aware eastern european jewish tradition dramatic literature audience seeking good glass song years later typical time saying don theater head swim sad things troubles home theater cheer pay coin hope distracted want laugh heart wrote attitude pure simply war public stage merely continued brothers arrived having stage want school youth didn time learn laugh jokes watching feel heart crying brothers drama tragedy drawn life shall cry heart shall glad nonetheless war public based understanding public write wrote witch romania populace jews believe strongly local concerns good subject matter remarks strong inspirational intent historical pieces connected contemporary concerns couple years company shy away themes recruits playing theme press gangs working streets town young men army end translated august play german russian spy non comic play performed professionally initial burst light comedies reasonably sophisticated plays write language plays jewish themes famous suggested increasingly turn possible educated audience suggests equally arrival romania time russo turkish war russian jews exposed sophisticated russian language theater strong turn uniformly subject matter roughly coincided bringing troupe theater small measure example interested start having set design seriously support themes plays relates key property theater time birth general writes theory ran ahead practice jewish community included familiar contemporary theater languages initial company easily romanian language troupe theater seen outset expression jewish national character theatrical values company ways good romanian theater time german dialect known language non jews important language commerce fact write theater romania national poet testimony interest theater went jewish community theater drew level theater criticism comparable european theater time example cites published described gave critiques plays year speculated present day theater moment comparable era english theater discussed theater ought noted sources ranging plays circus praised incorporation strong female roles criticized saw weaknesses noting male actor played mother remarking play mute bride work apparently wrote accommodate pretty young actress performance nervous deliver lines evidence authorship russia father wrote troupe come ukraine timing end war meant best audience quit troupe performing repertoire loan headed east group people including performers musicians families end russo turkish war troupe travelled extensively notably ukraine moscow saint_petersburg later described time difficult approach emperor continued turn plays prolific pace pieces doctor doctor jews dark revolt written russia following assassination happens named happened company saw plays premiered later matches play intrigue account saw gives interesting picture theaters audiences troupe encountered outside big cities begins cafe restaurant boring sad city nonetheless theatrical hall big building rough boards theater passing play proper stage curtain cheap seats bare benches expensive ones benches covered red long audience poor jews basically secular audience included russian officers wives russia troupe drew large audiences generally popular progressive jewish intellectuals slowly ran government conservative elements jewish community calling change jewish world wake people sleep wake believe like bit ambiguous unsettling status quo theater banned russia starting september anti jewish reaction following assassination troupe left saint_petersburg headed directions england new_york_city poland romania prophet theater continued successfully places best terms time settled times rights plays partner dominated theater romania lesser companies competing figure theater point lauded level comparable actors performing times romanian drawing audience went jewish community words lost theatrical period briefly theater company warsaw notable success went new_york independently extensive negotiations great anticipation language press new_york america read headline january edition new_yorker briefly took job director new opera house parted ways failure play production values apparently new_york standards attempted unsuccessfully found theater school headed paris low funds wrote poetry worked play didn finish time theater company got point putting play funds commentary october money reputation poet came rescue exactly dream described audiences bringing meals theater paper treating theater like beer garden quotes favorable theater intellectuals masses religious viewed jewish disdain nonetheless owned theater glad figure stature completed play started paris fun decree acts scenes based life time wrote semi autobiographical play called gave optimistic view america actor company credited greatly strengthening caliber performance brief time reporting worked actor understanding character ensure play series songs effects respected success returned director theater new company included players later father notable plays period tenth translation time return romania theater business written advertisements coordinated performances multiple cities publicity materials competition occasion young man named attended multiple performances story including songs took package unauthorized production outright theft possible headed diplomatic career supposed issues like unauthorized performances plays longer paying attention theater finally reached court settlement competition follow 1890s tough time romanian economy rising tide anti tougher time jews quarter jewish population emigrated intellectuals particularly likely leave intellectuals remained interested politics theater period social jewish starting left romania soon active theater troupe country foreign entirely ceased coming country kept writing occasionally managed play good time theater theater romania worse economy continued decline europe poet journalist plays continued performed europe america rarely send royalties health deteriorated letter refers blood running money wrote paris authorizing sell remaining possessions romania clothes gave money head new_york new_york_city america tried hand journalism brief stint editor new_yorker resulted getting paper suspended landing large fine march recited poetry benefit performance raise pension poet worse found unable write coming america shortly met group young people hebrew language association club wrote hebrew language play david war performed march hebrew language play performed america repeat performances march april drew larger crowds wrote spoken portions loosely based bit player owner prominent new_york theater optioned ignored accusing premiered successfully rival music lyrics time international star died new_york_city estimated turned funeral joining procession brooklyn number given entry theatre signed new_york_times calling poet prophet noted evidence genuine sympathy admiration man work likely manifested funeral poet writing english language country november subject postage stamps issued jointly israel romania relationship earliest poetry avant plays written hebrew plays explicitly set jerusalem ending protagonists abandoning new_york palestine served delegate paris spent life set slightly half plays adjoining jewish areas romania left palestine cities new_york london paris number potential jewish spectators palestine time small works plays sources disagree dates names plays titles represent english variants exist aunt neighbours possibly recruits bundle sticks der servant world paradise der der father law son law mit grandmother granddaughter translation play august von intrigue intrigued glass water comical wedding tailor bride son hunger man presumably play tailor men mute bride deaf men der purchased sleep neighbors der der old maid matches fir plates der mirror blind deaf dumb blind blow gives alternate title struggle culture der der butcher known witch fanatic winter death daughter jerusalem dos tenth der doctor jews known doctor doctor doctor bar fun decree translation fun messenger justice david war hebrew ben son people songs poetry wrote hundreds songs poems famous der angel mit festival birthday
Abraham Goldfaden
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
née born march younger half sister english musician john_lennon eldest daughter john bobby december march july older half sister younger sister born october started visiting house death julia appointed guardians julia ignoring legally married mother invited sisters visit success beatles living wife married moved belfast children divorced worked special needs teacher death wrote john_lennon brother gave working write imagine growing brother john_lennon director liverpool early years mother fourth children stanley family mary known elizabeth mater anne julia john_lennon julia child later daughter called victoria renamed affair welsh soldier alfred sea julia forced child adoption intense pressure father sisters known previously julia started dating working café near primary school said good looking dressed man years older julia worked hotel liverpool wine steward julia later moved small flat access goods like alcohol chocolate cigarettes stanley sisters called pencil thin coated hair pork pie hat young called physical nervous julia divorced common law wife paul_mccartney admitted sarcastic mother living sin julia married julia sister called julia home road liverpool house sin house lived born prematurely october julia went hospital day allowed visit later managed bars liverpool allowed julia stay home road look cat named year old started visit occasionally stayed overnight bed share double bed weekly pocket money odd jobs collecting golf balls local course shillings gave visits climb trees test spelling gave half crown leave wanted kiss girlfriend remembered visited mother play record called son john wonderful old sit listen son john sung released sent aunt scotland holidays later persuaded let short holidays family julia took street liverpool watch play coal truck june allowed sit music loud asked taken played twice day celebration mark anniversary granting liverpool charter king john later bathroom road said sounded like recording studio legal guardian mother struck killed july outside home standard vanguard car driven duty constable driver later said ran straight couldn avoid speeding swear terrible things happen aged respectively sent stay edinburgh allowed attend funeral told months later uncle mother died aunt birch legal guardians girls ignoring legally married julia julia buried liverpool grave unmarked years location forgotten recently identified church england taken live son dairy cottage owned husband age allowed liverpool city centre drank coffee friends called coffee started london aunt knew allowed talked trips london relatively safe easy way life free start people tube station invited parties people gave place stay harmed asked visit home wife time took shopping buying expensive clothes visit beatles played park sisters asked allowed stand near pulled audience security guards crush december killed car crash told death months married acknowledges little contact wife attend father funeral told dairy cottage cramped told birch buy house found bedroom house park drive liverpool told birch send bills heard years asked childhood life school tie photographs sent cover cost shipping gift wrote don tell continued calls stopped worked shop assistant 1970s battled heroin addiction 1980s fully recovered gave birth son john later working died wanted sell house later gave november written thought house birch contribution looking julia prefer girls use later years julia married moved belfast kept family history secret children nicholas david divorced went university gained philosophy education course degree spent year france europe protested war vietnam paris alongside later taught french english working special needs teacher teenagers deprived areas chester retired write books director met half sister time present ceremony place plaque house commemorating fact lived recently found told journalist shocked look like stanley family having pale blue eyes fair hair releasing book john_lennon brother written foreword travelled new_york appear convention asked prove half sister declined saying going produce passport audience word present unveiling road signs erected major routes liverpool saying liverpool birthplace beatles october planted tree liverpool peace gardens commemorate birthday retired published book called imagine growing brother john_lennon february september held john northern lights festival attended read writings books scottish cousin said julia going going old family tell stories musicians painters poets performed festival lives chester partner claims told mother buried liverpool graveyard location approximately miles east road grave unmarked recently identified church england stanley family finally mother grave reads
Julia Baird
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
born january english screenwriter grew attending later college cambridge left degree history art radio producer unhappy quality british television targeted people age took course developed comedy drama television led commissioning cold feet multiple award winning comedy drama aired itv network series won writer year award british comedy awards wrote series ran years george ran works described relationships happens break moved wife children australia years later directed short film created australian television series writer director australian television pilot break returned producing work british television bbc pilot reunited moved background born father alex chemical engineer mother joan housewife mike sister jane raised attended age accepted cambridge read economics enjoy subject switched history art despite public school background felt place cambridge students come urban later stating half students spent lot time hair half ended working experiences writing came child wrote newspaper neighbours cambridge von novel following graduation began career media buyer advertising company job described pretty pointless quit job south east asia return applied position radio producer having previously worked hospital radio eventually began freelance work presenter producer magazine programmes screen outlook career aged began thinking writing television script based idea write television inspired particular american television series hill street blues cancelled social life began work scripts pie sky soldier soldier complete improve writing skills took writing course comedy course attended story began writing script time drawing american television influences believing british television people age group soap opera costume drama wrote script entitled perfect match man proposes girlfriend screen stadium cup final secured agent managed sell script controller comedy described writing impressive constructed dialogue funny observed commissioned drive away making traditional style described moment walked set perfect match wandering room previously existed head broadcast itv september poor reviews pleased work ask pitch ideas perfect match assistant producer shared desire television directed age pitched idea traditional boy meets girl boy loses girl boy wins girl story told sides relationship elements fantasy flashback events fit character point view accepted pitch began work cold feet initially commissioned pilot itv programming strand prospect television series given cold feet main character character serial based twenties main character based combination ideal girlfriend suggested series commissioned characters needed developed supporting cast cold feet basing character friends script cold feet went seven drafts filmed broadcast hiatus commissioned series hiatus wrote romantic comedy feature film script developed pilot picked writers guild great_britain presented award new writer year awards ceremony october started writing professionally structure scripting coherent way adopting mix match method began script cards computer returning cards completing cold feet pilot starting writing pages script day regardless quality writing draft usually submitted producers draft production series cold feet began january continued method developing storylines based life wife child half integrated experiences storyline characters pete child episode retained job bbc working radio shows week time writing cold feet second series cut week time series felt confident future television able radio presenting completely moved home london cambridge able write days week evenings weekends worked projects time cold feet watching holiday interested happens personal lives holiday representatives foreign countries idea developed bbc starred broadcast series shared writing duties inspiration american television continued following premiere west wing began outlining british version firm set buckingham palace project moved planning stages believed british political issues wars spain sexy issues covered adapted series american network nbc wrote screenplay pilot episodes time nbc commissioned pilot script entitled small beer centred group people north western united_states series cold feet extended episodes itv believed production team covered potential storylines series declined write episodes team writers hired overseen executive producer writers left team scripts appropriate series leaving staff writing process think twice writing began thinking storylines mid life crises year signed year contract develop new projects fourth series cold feet episodes commissioned announced want write fifth series fourth reasons itv proposed commission episodes year series like soap opera popularity fourth series persuaded write episodes formed fifth series fifth series won writer year award british comedy awards began developing hour television series following year conceived george moved australia continued work based series inspired evaluation lives people approached years old conversation friend realised women knew failed marriages time reached series designed vehicle actress signed exclusive golden deal itv months series announced lancashire left life begins feeling unable commit potentially long running series itv replaced lancashire concerns believes loving relationship husband announces family holiday leaving realises begin life wrote series series broadcast cold feet integrated events life storylines father suffers disease relatives researched travel agency job spending week travel agents bristol journey perth small screen big picture return leg hours seeing train window began developing short subject infidelity television conferences short entitled tale marked directorial debut screened film festivals finalist diamond themes film said interested notion ordinary people react ordinary situations fascinated way arrive choices idea film choices lead outcomes expect expressed interest directing episode cold feet decided basis inexperience inadequate job best left professional directors short produced company set exclusive contract ended september end seventh person rewrite script film hare drafts alongside second series continued developing george title changed happens eventually settling george time filming george starred builder life changed generations family home initially excited series attended cast read optimism waned time broadcast felt characters series premise unclear interview describes worst series life begins returned final series year filming commenced series intercontinental writers conceived idea asked friend knight develop production australia channel britain broadcast countries end approached producer commissioned write television pilot agreed spent time trying come idea script continuing trend taking ideas real life decided write family moving australia pilot entitled break television debut british actor recently completed work prayer bone special episode wire blood set united_states green wire producer considered special episode set australia green suggested asking write episode responded asking green like play lead break sent script green signed pilot attempt directing television sought advice experienced production crew particular director photography pilot broadcast march sought financial investment production company develop length series wrote screenplay bbc reunited pilot friends shared house reuniting years admitted career declining reunited moved months produced considers reunited best work end cold feet pilot received million viewers broadcast series commissioned discussed projects actors pilot family returned told realised going based television career need based television series development british television networks personal life married met working bbc children born rachel born family moved later moved newport new_south_wales australian citizens family returned list works
Mike Bullen
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
born american scientist working nasa exploration propulsion solar power holds patents primarily field improvements solar cells devices given presentations commentary possibilities travel construction bases moon mars venus supported scientific background writes hard science fiction writings won award hugo awards award awards poetry contributes science articles academic publications biography born detroit michigan lived virginia maryland philadelphia illinois childhood senior education illinois holds undergraduate degrees physics electrical engineering mit phd solid state physics married science fiction writer lives ohio career receiving doctorate worked accepting permanent position nasa john research center research mars missions solar energy technology development future space missions holds patents authored authored published scientific papers fields commented generating oxygen creating building materials future moon base possibilities readily available metallic iron manufacture steel mars recipient numerous professional honors including nasa space flight awareness award technical work field developing solar cells terrestrial use spacecraft mars worked number projects related developing technology human robotic exploration mars scientific analysis surface including studies performance cells mars environment effect dust performance technologies dust removal member team mars mission named mars rock member science team mars exploration mission work includes observations dust atmospheric science measurements observation frost equator mars member experiment team mars surveyor mission experiment package demonstrate manufacture oxygen atmosphere cancelled failure work analyzing concepts future robotic human mission mars include mars spacecraft discovery class mission concept investigate carbon dioxide found regions south pole mars real time robotic operations concept mars exploration concepts use resource mars sample return mission paper suggested use phased program mars exploration series achievements leading human landings mars fellow worked project investigating use particle beam pushed sails propulsion flight addressed annual convention possibilities challenges travel described discussion mankind day set sail nearest star said meeting consider travel humans historic going stars isn choice long term went describe star ship diamond sail thick powered solar energy achieve cent speed light selected nasa innovative advanced concepts fellow investigation venus exploration science lead study design mission neptune moon academic positions named professor mit won educator award faculty member faculty manufacturing faculty 12th space studies program thailand chair student project cradle guest lecturer 13th space studies program chile space studies program athens ohio writer instructor guest instructor launch pad workshop writing science fiction history science fiction story appeared analog december received nomination hugo award earning nomination john campbell award field science fiction published works short fiction books won best short story sea october hugo award walk sun october hugo short story falling mars july novel published books winning award short story collection impact published named noteworthy trade magazine won man mirror sultan clouds won award best short science fiction story nominated hugo awards attended emerging writers novels mars crossing collections impact shorts walk sun impact darkness blue abyss snow war approaching nasa dark lady outsider winter singular habits winter fire walk sun great science fiction stories short stories sun falling mars man mirror sultan clouds hotel antarctica poetry published number poems involving science fiction science themes won award twice poems christmas time machines won reader award best poem search dwarf stars award poem won reader award best poem times recently poem rivers won 2nd place poetry contest poem pounds sunlight 1st place human potential poetry collection published major awards best short story hugo award best short story walk sun award best novel mars crossing best short story falling mars award best short science fiction sultan clouds bestowed outstanding published works science fiction technical writings inspire human exploration space writing written non fiction popular science articles encyclopedia articles columns large range publications including article demon hawaii won best science article works myths legends true history author choice monthly eugene november isbn december impact isbn van press isbn laser powered science papers available web
Geoffrey A. Landis
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
spelled arabic january writer poet editor translator literary critic founders literary league considered leading figures born family interested poetry young age son merchant left youth experience mark earlier works worked teacher translator addition publishing volumes poetry journalist writing arabic newspapers literary magazines romantic school believed inspiration denounced conscious control poetry poems deeply personal contained biblical overtones internal moral conflicts work controversial time particularly poetry collection regarded overt sexual content poet obsession spiritual consequences manifested writings attributed guilt brought sexual women married death called renewal modernization arab literature inspired succeeding generations poets contributions literature commemorated turning house hometown museum biography childhood youth born providence usa wealthy merchant wife née mother came family known poetic gifts brother maternal uncle established poets couple left lebanon visit uncle providence gave birth place settled native town current town overlooking mediterranean sea noted natural beauty raised devout christian parents admitted saint joseph college nearby town studied courses french arabic literature introduced arabic poetry taught long poem written uncle according young highly inspirational father visiting estates region attacked stripped belongings killed loss father left young state emotional distress depression mark rest life orphaned continued education outbreak great war quit school financial problems school later forced close ottoman authorities resumed studies run returning year later graduated result quarrel teachers continued self education read religious books french romantic literature extensively inspired literary efforts french authors particularly fond works courtship marriage met neighbor years senior friendship rapidly evolved exchanged literary books letters attachment evident fell ill fever visit southern city sour reported invited family members pray better years december lone child died birth career having lost father early age compelled teach order earn living taught jesuit mission school school lastly school affinity journalism youth living contributions number newspapers publishing great number articles variety topics corresponded number egyptian newspapers request publishers translated arabic number french literary material 17th till 19th century paul works employed world war translator press radio services french high commission produced poetic work young poet inexperience promising talent finished silent invalid narrative poem best known works center european romantic tradition book published lauded best work best accomplishments romantic poetry modern arabic literature works play influential role development modern arabic poetry literature published book melodies ode simple peasant life followed heart discussing matters heart mature perspective published book title arabic addition poetry published number studies including study comparative literature called arab intellectual spiritual links arabs french sought demonstrate weight french influence world literature authored long essays addition produced series portraits literary political published journal collected volume dubbed portraits death died january france hospital buried hometown death friends number verses works published periodicals book dubbed min gods views beliefs morality raised devout christian parents countryside religious schooling upbringing reflected deeply spiritual writings resort bible poems reflects strong hold developed consuming obsession opposing forces good evil awakened early age loss father beginning world war early writings young poet disgust human existence best manifested poem entitled subjects treated considered provocative time confronted matters sin sexuality deeply personal manner arab literary figures address taboo issues drew praise innovative style course lengthy engagement love affair married woman confessed writing paradise engages constant conflict lust love struggle reconcile sensual spirituality despite celebration pleasures retained belief god judgement feared poems concern spiritual expenses pleasures women sexuality scholars argue attested early stage works passage love love evil fire heart heart men hearts women beautiful women creatures causing man downfall paradise bitter allusion danger evil brought lust sin attraction women sex evident poem storm disturbed poet prostitute asking love similarly woman depicts prostitute clients diseases way avenge attitude women changed radically later works went process reconciliation redemption love despite views romantically involved women according biographer married main love life affair rose married woman hometown engaged marry alludes experience writings especially book paradise woman mark life albeit minor role egyptian singer called exercised effect evidenced poem written having parted singer met dancer called poems heart written relationship continued death writing prolific writer publishing wide variety works including poems journal articles literary studies widely seen important work writing characterized powerful imagery realism striking obsession pleasures flesh believed art emotion thought source authentic aesthetic experience set high value inspiration denounced role conscious control writing poetry poem wrote poetry best contrary old arabic saying best poetry influences hardships emotional challenges endured growing amid world war losing born son influenced poetry conveys strong sense presence evil world effort find escape love innocence childhood nature writings evoked concern body lust greatly affected romantic works read youth commended loneliness sorrow passion pain death denounced city life christian tradition imagery inspired work biblical images experiences christian felt deeply teachings catholic_church league founded literary society dubbed arabic included literary artistic figures addition founding members league consisted league waged attack literary figures political establishment articles published periodical subsequently forced close government league aim promote literary renewal modernization arab literature publications published publishers earliest work young poet inexperience revealing great poetic potential showed influence classical arab poets described contained number poems translated french dedicated spirit dead father dedication established melancholy mood silent invalid second published poet trial narrative poetry narrative poem written years wasn published years poet death poem inspired love interest muse poem title arabic viewed publication influential progressive work arabic literature prime example arabic generally acclaimed masterpiece owed success sheer artistic merit impressive length extreme emotional moral situations passion sin writers produced similar long poems seldom engaged poems clear narrative plot collection poems written published defunct publishing press book highly regarded masterpiece poetry draws inspiration love clear connection influences french romantic works les paradise morality gives way sense sin spiritual comes terms effects love affair characterized constant love life death melodies anthology encompassing poems published described unique work history arabic literature poems deal different aspect country life images folklore book identifies peasant praises simplicity traditional ways gifts technology displays false contemporary literary figure saw poem calling form new blessing fertility earth paved way new trend contemporary muslim poets manifested return pre islamic natural case published heart collection love poems volume placed aside view woman evil snare love striking contrast harsh judgement pursuits expressed poem cup having recovered peace faith love accepts poet society works published lifetime anthology confirmed return peace evidenced heart crude earlier works totally replaced refined mystical dimensions love emphasized book issued legacy considered cornerstone modern arabic poetry lebanon greatest arab poets leading figures arabic revival romantic school long dormant large following arab contemporary poets writers romantic movement outdated middle_east work attracts young readers appreciate poetry little taste socio political found work modern politically engaged arab poets work confirmed christian tradition modern arabic literature helped establish bible literary source arabic later writers poets benefited revival biblical themes legends poetry portrayed poet influenced writings successors like june municipality inaugurated museum poet home mansion built father uncle traded goods egypt lebanon mansion designed egyptian architect built local interior walls decorated austrian artists later years life house poor financial condition municipality appropriated plot 1970s saved house gardens replaced residential building mansion restored decades refurbished original furniture accessories poet saved wife family addition furniture museum houses collection poet books original manuscripts letters
Elias Abu Shabaki
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
march december british novelist missionary priest church_of_england resigned ministry following experiences world war caused scandal novel tale priest wartime affair young nurse book sold copies 1920s referenced great cited double murder investigation united_states critically received moved continued write producing novels theological works death age kidney complaint raised educated cambridge entered theological college graduation ordained priest spent years missionary africa stationed returning europe army chaplain world war met fell love young nurse development eventually quit church_of_england left wife returning england war resigned ministry began write novels simon called peter runaway success launched life literary celebrity increasingly disillusioned saw contemporary british life left europe couple lived happily death health began fade nonetheless struck later relationship woman son continued publish novels death kidney condition famous publication novel produced literary output spanning theological tracts poetry travel guides simon called peter sequel film later novels attracted substantial attention writings generally met greater popular critical sufficiently banned book nonetheless contemporary best seller fiction contained autobiographical elements attitudes experience christian religious establishment fictional produced final non fiction work great outlining religious views developed lifetime uneasy relationship catholicism came believe historical jesus bore little relationship jesus christian tradition great attempted reconcile church enduring belief loving god views earned unfavourable reviews contempt church practised ideas free love prominent later 20th century early life named father successful businessman son ordained anglican priest vicar younger brother henry died young attended school surrey nicknamed noted fluent contributions school paper influenced father active lay preacher member teenager anglican upbringing effect biographer suggested leave young man somewhat writing style particularly tied specific faith raised went cambridge peers included future explorer 1st baron contemporaries described quiet devout student initially associated religious minded men later rowed college second took history graduating receiving great friend future commissioner daughter biography father described undergraduate devout earnest somewhat introspective deeply literary records spent university missionary work known taught auspices climbed significant acquaintances cambridge brothers fellowship arthur sons highly accomplished academic religious family father archbishop_of_canterbury mother sister philosopher set lesbian household daughter previous archbishop canterbury husband death years came cambridge hugh inspiration character father departed upbringing favour roman_catholic_church ordained catholic priest according contemporaries met neighbour staircase invited lunch fell spell winning personality wrote college acquaintance anglican loyalty remained new kind loyalty spoke catholicism chapel crossed strange mystic element deep began stir suspected posed clever mind clever arguments recently brought catholicism novelist influence sensory aesthetic dimension writing faith began develop rome elected anglican joining theological college serving canon completing studies ordained priest friend regretted turned catholicism decision felt lead ultimate church letter told met know knows christ turning know knows african missions sent overseas decision intended save rome served staunch anglican clashed objected unorthodox methods training black african priests supporter priests saw prejudice views inspire bishop character novel africa wrote books darkness light history manuscript city dawn published portrait showed genuine religious characteristic returned result illness precipitated service insisted offered church posting sheffield declined fearing pull rome left reach catholic influences britain instead attempts enlist armed service world war ill health thwarted returned africa mission work rector parishes including diocese published works works missionary practice time including loneliness christ book verse titled songs narrow way damaging effects illness suffered compounded assault field accounts vary friends recalling received blow head powerful native describing gunshot wound thigh inflicted probably drunk biographer cecil suggested incident married pair met religious strong social conscience robust health big handsome thought beautiful woman auburn hair suited demands life missionary wife inspired character later novel pair ill matched described biographer cecil sexually incompatible children suspected marriage gesture render impossible lingering prospect monk world war eventually achieved wish going war south african contingent mustered military service france volunteered chaplain experiences form basis successful novel appointed army chaplain travelled sector native labour contingent men men paid month supply ships provide infrastructure support military operations europe chaplain rank captain expected disposal army large seeing active infantry service labourers formally required remain lines apparent nonetheless saw realities like world war approach congregation men came believe cared finer points anglican theological dispute church wanted entertainment barely spiritual form practical christianity argued openly suggesting protestant france amalgamated operations roman catholic different immediate relationship celtic companies remain public airing views attracted church particularly serving reflected popular officers france known share officers mess title character simon called peter acquainted religious french prostitute experience war acquaintance known year old nurse prominent british family daughter ancestors included driving trucks met pair began lifelong affair leave wife instead war close returned remained torn increasing church experiences war wrote novel intensive day spell laid life bare said writing didn care damn resigned ministry left anglican church literary career leaving church moved england settling began explore roman_catholic_church converted devout catholic read works contemporary philosophy books appears briefly lost faith altogether wrote history christianity creative evolution work don know inclined think believe old concept god covers support family worked assistant master served following year continued write manuscript simon called peter found publisher constable liked prospects commissioned second novel commenced mother living intense love drama set south_africa reflected new interest african traditional religion featured concept life force alternative theology simon called peter published met astonishing success book reportedly sold copies 1920s reaching edition largely autobiographical work tale priest affair wartime france nurse named title character faith love experiences direct revelation christ watching catholic mass given lover sees sincerity runaway popularity won level celebrity spent lot time london took usually known betty token called bill met salon near friends fully overt displays distressed parents wife time appears measure proponent open relationships free love concluded right pursue relationships men firm evidence warm spontaneous sexual nature far conflict christian love fact manifestation developing attitudes relationship betty disgusted wife devout catholic refused divorce left unable marry contributed growing sense english society managed legally separate wife took suggestion college friend colonial administrator visit fashionable destination 1920s europeans south seas appeared offer escape british society climate better suited constitution sailed aboard south pacific australia undertook book tour giving lectures broadcast new sexual ethics unmarried couples love deeply moral relationships stayed convention sake committing acts deep views contemporary press noted correspondence priest useful tale remain resident rest life wrote regret succeeded converting nineteenth century christian missionary sent attempt bill betty settled home house luxurious overlooking bay views island drove dodge enjoyed ample supplies cheap french wine gesture spiritual eventually moved household inland native style house surrounds near couple friends swedish artist continued write adding novel sequel simon called peter undertook book tours united_states spent spare time answering swimming sailing fell pregnant couple agreed return england better healthcare birth went set home mother help early november gave birth prematurely son anthony days later died poisoning administered pain delivery grief stricken health worsened advised return baby weak travel left england jack friends couple salon days eventually adopt remained health suffered weight loss diabetes high blood pressure fever stemming kidney illness nonetheless completed novel numerous treasure begun death tale woman shared cocktail brand cigarettes commercial success considered valuable portrait early century life health spirits rallied years death completed travel book book tour united_states europe returning struck relationship mixed race named new friends including writers elder brother inspired visit numerous treasure described period clad princess bare bare black hair falling waist white flower ear house noted suggesting cup tea voice took years earlier summoned parish children sunday school treat darkness ann decides important novel tale catholic priest restored faith woman love poorly received follow comedy went worse instead helped overcome failing devoted attention great non fictional account historical jesus relationship jesus religious tradition away writing conceived child gave birth son named meaning glorious warrior delighted bequeathed properties november initiated formal divorce proceedings attempt son december contracted worsened kidney infection december died home new_york_times obituary identified illness killed bright disease term refer number kidney conditions according acquaintances friends heard departure provision scholarship named college literary assets death valued received protestant burial accounts suggest weeks life formally converted catholicism commentators suggest pagan sentiments expressed birth new son social convention tend indicate argues death likely able reconcile ideals romantic erotic religious die peacefully accepting rituals loved religious views religious views developed leaving church_of_england influenced novels eventually articulated theology final book great theological work views received reviewer novel observed starts church_of_england tract appear roman catholic tract end reached reader doubt sort tract book great characterised biographer attempt love jesus failure believe god book sought distinguish historical jesus record traditional jesus church worship historical jesus said poorly known survived little information line obituary instead figure christians traditional jesus recorded oral tradition biographical traditional jesus literary jesus central figure figure distinct actual historical jesus contemporary church centred sought attitude contemporary church traditional jesus given rest traditional religion discarded pains stress traditional jesus seen discarded traditional jesus said reason leave church traditional jesus predicted western fade fall critical specific ways contemporary church jesus attempts traditional jesus historical jesus considered impossible blamed actions church declining numbers accused draining christianity relying heavily rigid structure believed historical jesus barely known nonetheless devoted attention trying understand figure emphasised humanity historical jesus wrote shared humanity ignorance blessed mind wrote jesus tolerant fond understanding importance love sex average man advocated love important thing church rule regulation jesus great prophet free love associated harmony spirit life great received new_york_times reviewer called finding claims jesus contrary efforts understand worship frankly know suppose street preaching cambridge climbing logic critical reception novels won immense international popularity intense controversy novels similarly tale religious doubt clergy published years earlier editor magazine comparison respect noting need twentieth century novel reader morally lighter nineteenth reporting death melbourne attributed best selling popularity novels contents literary value college acquaintance james later wrote friends sought dissuade publication transition beautiful book loneliness christ central african period simon called peter came great shock known loved earlier days calls novels erotic correspondent birmingham alabama accused critics called success attributed readers reviewers suggested contrast ecclesiastical background frank sexual content novels attracted curiosity time columnist expressed fascination overtly responding piece titled censorship thought contributed volume sic publication notorious surely modern personality worth study wrote noting romance unusual circumstances quiet english clergyman author sensational best seller taken permanent residence south seas long jump person said novels striking impress radical gentleman suggest resigned clergyman author books marked sex melodrama fact scholarly bearing mark country acting character novel passing maiden ladies drawing room instead writing new novel numerous treasure simon called peter tale wartime romance english priest red_cross nurse acquired notoriety best selling print editions story adapted stage play enjoyed popular success chicago moving new_york great deal media coverage simon called peter concerned involvement prominent united_states court case double murder new_brunswick new_jersey rector married member congregation conducting affair courtship hall presented mills copies featured romance priest woman mother living secretary seized fact tried books american publisher arrested claimed simon called peter corrupt seduce innocent published title religion written clergyman innocent look admitted society ordinary novel magistrate declining request issue arrest warrant publisher nonetheless agreed book nasty particularly written clergyman shortly boston judge deemed book fined librarian protested long queue patrons waiting borrow book circulating professed surprise intensity reaction book saying missionary military experiences perceptions general public felt response banning boston books numerous treasure wrote editor past month received request photograph girls high school library adopted literary patron class american university feel boston ought told net effect simon called peter controversy celebrity book known described novel immoral gave protagonist read famous novel great character terrible stuff whiskey distorted things didn sense book sequel optioned film starring found screenplay altered original text proposed write novel based visit united_states autumn announced new_york_times took production simon called peter stage play new_york returning new_orleans los_angeles san_francisco return times printed lengthy letter subject origins cocktail headlining makes case greek paper received second novel mother living favourably reviewer called better artistic point view simon called peter general outlook mature book worth feel inclined comparatively weaknesses reviews favourable characters criticised lacking depth reviewers said served vehicles conveying different theoretical points view later book ann decides dismissed new_york_times piece contemporary religious literature years died called life spiritual tragedy described thinking fundamentally contradictory mind like rock reveals strata volcanic experiences subjected distinction historical traditional jesus wilson argued ultimately internally inconsistent contemporary church odds conviction late 20th century received attention peter came print recent edition published biographer hugh cecil including anthology neglected great war writers concluded early career talents seized life hands works seldom read mean achievement high quality rarely sustained book divided twentieth century man self realization faith guilt self hatred seen unhappy book robert experience war reveal nature real goodness loyalty love
Robert Keable
Language and literature
Language and literature
Writers, publishers, and critics
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Overview

This repository contains benchmark datasets for LLM-based topic discovery and traditional topic models. These datasets allow for comparison of different topic modeling approaches, including LLMs. Original data source: GitHub

Paper: LLM-based Topic Discovery

Bills Dataset

The Bills Dataset is a collection of legislative documents with 32,661 bill summaries (train) from the 110th–114th U.S. Congresses, categorized into 21 top-level and 112 secondary-level topics.

  • Train Split: 32.7K summaries
  • Test Split: 15.2K summaries

Loading the Bills Dataset

from datasets import load_dataset

# Load the train and test splits
train_dataset = load_dataset('zli12321/Bills', split='train')
test_dataset = load_dataset('zli12321/Bills', split='test')

Wiki Dataset

The Wiki dataset consists of 14,290 articles spanning 15 high-level and 45 mid-level topics, including widely recognized public topics such as music and anime.

  • Train Split: 14.3K summaries
  • Test Split: 8.02K summaries

Synthetic Science Fiction (Pending internal clearance process)

Please cite:

If you find the data and papers useful, please cite accordingly. See below for relevant citations based on your use case.

If you find LLM-based topic generation has hallucination or instability, and coherence not applicable to LLM-based topic models:

      title={Large Language Models Struggle to Describe the Haystack without Human Help: Human-in-the-loop Evaluation of LLMs}, 
      author={Zongxia Li and Lorena Calvo-Bartolomé and Alexander Hoyle and Paiheng Xu and Alden Dima and Juan Francisco Fung and Jordan Boyd-Graber},

If you use the human annotations or preprocessing:

    title = "Improving the {TENOR} of Labeling: Re-evaluating Topic Models for Content Analysis",
    author = "Li, Zongxia  and
      Mao, Andrew  and
      Stephens, Daniel  and
      Goel, Pranav  and
      Walpole, Emily  and
      Dima, Alden  and
      Fung, Juan  and
      Boyd-Graber, Jordan",
    editor = "Graham, Yvette  and
      Purver, Matthew",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = mar,
    year = "2024",
    address = "St. Julian{'}s, Malta",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "840--859"

If you want to use the claim coherence does not generalize to neural topic models:

    title = "Is Automated Topic Evaluation Broken? The Incoherence of Coherence",
    author = "Hoyle, Alexander Miserlis  and
      Goel, Pranav  and
      Hian-Cheong, Andrew and
      Peskov, Denis and
      Boyd-Graber, Jordan and
      Resnik, Philip",
    booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems",
    year = "2021",
    url = "",

If you evaluate ground-truth evaluations or stability:

    title = "Are Neural Topic Models Broken?",
    author = "Hoyle, Alexander Miserlis  and
      Goel, Pranav  and
      Sarkar, Rupak  and
      Resnik, Philip",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022",
    year = "2022",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.findings-emnlp.390",
    pages = "5321--5344",
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