Inference Endpoints

Error when running "from tango import Tango" in Kaggle

by esuriddick - opened


Following your installation guide, I start by loading the modules using the following code:
import os
import IPython
import soundfile as sf
!pip --quiet install gitpython
import git
git.Repo.clone_from('https://github.com/declare-lab/tango.git', '/kaggle/working/github')
!pip --quiet install -r requirements.txt
from tango import Tango

However, the last line of code returns the following error:
AttributeError: module 'jax.random' has no attribute 'KeyArray'

Is there something wrong on the way I'm installing it and/or loading the module?

esuriddick changed discussion title from Error when running from "tango import Tango" in Kaggle to Error when running "from tango import Tango" in Kaggle

For anyone facing this issue, you need to have an Accelerator enabled in Kaggle to avoid running into this error :) Running solely with CPU will cause this error to pop up.

esuriddick changed discussion status to closed

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