AutoTrain documentation

Sentence Transformers

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Sentence Transformers

This task lets you easily train or fine-tune a Sentence Transformer model on your own dataset.

AutoTrain supports the following types of sentence transformer finetuning:

  • pair: dataset with two sentences: anchor and positive
  • pair_class: dataset with two sentences: premise and hypothesis and a target label
  • pair_score: dataset with two sentences: sentence1 and sentence2 and a target score
  • triplet: dataset with three sentences: anchor, positive and negative
  • qa: dataset with two sentences: query and answer

Data Format

Sentence Transformers finetuning accepts data in CSV/JSONL format. You can also use a dataset from Hugging Face Hub.


For pair training, the data should be in the following format:

anchor positive
hello hi
how are you I am fine
What is your name? My name is Abhishek
Which is the best programming language? Python


For pair_class training, the data should be in the following format:

premise hypothesis label
hello hi 1
how are you I am fine 0
What is your name? My name is Abhishek 1
Which is the best programming language? Python 1


For pair_score training, the data should be in the following format:

sentence1 sentence2 score
hello hi 0.8
how are you I am fine 0.2
What is your name? My name is Abhishek 0.9
Which is the best programming language? Python 0.7


For triplet training, the data should be in the following format:

anchor positive negative
hello hi bye
how are you I am fine I am not fine
What is your name? My name is Abhishek Whats it to you?
Which is the best programming language? Python Javascript


For qa training, the data should be in the following format:

query answer
hello hi
how are you I am fine
What is your name? My name is Abhishek
Which is the best programming language? Python


class autotrain.trainers.sent_transformers.params.SentenceTransformersParams

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( data_path: str = None model: str = 'microsoft/mpnet-base' lr: float = 3e-05 epochs: int = 3 max_seq_length: int = 128 batch_size: int = 8 warmup_ratio: float = 0.1 gradient_accumulation: int = 1 optimizer: str = 'adamw_torch' scheduler: str = 'linear' weight_decay: float = 0.0 max_grad_norm: float = 1.0 seed: int = 42 train_split: str = 'train' valid_split: Optional = None logging_steps: int = -1 project_name: str = 'project-name' auto_find_batch_size: bool = False mixed_precision: Optional = None save_total_limit: int = 1 token: Optional = None push_to_hub: bool = False eval_strategy: str = 'epoch' username: Optional = None log: str = 'none' early_stopping_patience: int = 5 early_stopping_threshold: float = 0.01 trainer: str = 'pair_score' sentence1_column: str = 'sentence1' sentence2_column: str = 'sentence2' sentence3_column: Optional = None target_column: Optional = None )


  • data_path (str) — Path to the dataset.
  • model (str) — Name of the pre-trained model to use. Default is “microsoft/mpnet-base”.
  • lr (float) — Learning rate for training. Default is 3e-5.
  • epochs (int) — Number of training epochs. Default is 3.
  • max_seq_length (int) — Maximum sequence length for the input. Default is 128.
  • batch_size (int) — Batch size for training. Default is 8.
  • warmup_ratio (float) — Proportion of training to perform learning rate warmup. Default is 0.1.
  • gradient_accumulation (int) — Number of steps to accumulate gradients before updating. Default is 1.
  • optimizer (str) — Optimizer to use. Default is “adamw_torch”.
  • scheduler (str) — Learning rate scheduler to use. Default is “linear”.
  • weight_decay (float) — Weight decay to apply. Default is 0.0.
  • max_grad_norm (float) — Maximum gradient norm for clipping. Default is 1.0.
  • seed (int) — Random seed for reproducibility. Default is 42.
  • train_split (str) — Name of the training data split. Default is “train”.
  • valid_split (Optional[str]) — Name of the validation data split. Default is None.
  • logging_steps (int) — Number of steps between logging. Default is -1.
  • project_name (str) — Name of the project for output directory. Default is “project-name”.
  • auto_find_batch_size (bool) — Whether to automatically find the optimal batch size. Default is False.
  • mixed_precision (Optional[str]) — Mixed precision training mode (fp16, bf16, or None). Default is None.
  • save_total_limit (int) — Maximum number of checkpoints to save. Default is 1.
  • token (Optional[str]) — Token for accessing Hugging Face Hub. Default is None.
  • push_to_hub (bool) — Whether to push the model to Hugging Face Hub. Default is False.
  • eval_strategy (str) — Evaluation strategy to use. Default is “epoch”.
  • username (Optional[str]) — Hugging Face username. Default is None.
  • log (str) — Logging method for experiment tracking. Default is “none”.
  • early_stopping_patience (int) — Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped. Default is 5.
  • early_stopping_threshold (float) — Threshold for measuring the new optimum, to qualify as an improvement. Default is 0.01.
  • trainer (str) — Name of the trainer to use. Default is “pair_score”.
  • sentence1_column (str) — Name of the column containing the first sentence. Default is “sentence1”.
  • sentence2_column (str) — Name of the column containing the second sentence. Default is “sentence2”.
  • sentence3_column (Optional[str]) — Name of the column containing the third sentence (if applicable). Default is None.
  • target_column (Optional[str]) — Name of the column containing the target variable. Default is None.

SentenceTransformersParams is a configuration class for setting up parameters for training sentence transformers.

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