Bitsandbytes documentation

Contributors guidelines

You are viewing v0.45.0 version. A newer version v0.45.4 is available.
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Contributors guidelines

… still under construction … (feel free to propose materials, bitsandbytes is a community project)


Setup pre-commit hooks

  • Install pre-commit hooks with pip install pre-commit.
  • Run pre-commit install once to install the hooks, so they will be run on every commit.
  • If the hooks introduce changes, they’ll be visible with git diff. Review them and git add them if everything is fine, then re-execute the before commit, it should pass now.
  • If you want to manually trigger the hooks, you may do pre-commit run --all-files

Now all the pre-commit hooks will be automatically run when you try to commit and if they introduce some changes, you need to re-add the changed files before being able to commit and push.

Ignore formatting revs

  • Run git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs. This will make it so that git blame is aware of commits that were logged to be solely formatting-related.

Doc-string syntax

We’re following NumPy doc-string conventions with the only notable difference being that we use Markdown instead of Rich text format (RTF) for markup within the doc-strings.

Please see the existing documentation to see how to generate autodocs.


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