Bitsandbytes documentation


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The bitsandbytes.functional API provides the low-level building blocks for the library’s features.

When to Use bitsandbytes.functional

  • When you need direct control over quantized operations and their parameters.
  • To build custom layers or operations leveraging low-bit arithmetic.
  • To integrate with other ecosystem tooling.
  • For experimental or research purposes requiring non-standard quantization or performance optimizations.



< >

( A: Tensorcol_stats: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Nonerow_stats: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout_col: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout_row: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Nonethreshold = 0.0 ) β†’ Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]


  • A (torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float16) β€” The input matrix.
  • col_stats (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A pre-allocated tensor to hold the column-wise quantization scales.
  • row_stats (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A pre-allocated tensor to hold the row-wise quantization scales.
  • out_col (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A pre-allocated tensor to hold the column-wise quantized data.
  • out_row (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A pre-allocated tensor to hold the row-wise quantized data.
  • threshold (float, optional) β€” An optional threshold for sparse decomposition of outlier features.

    No outliers are held back when 0.0. Defaults to 0.0.


Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]

A tuple containing the quantized tensor and relevant statistics.

  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int8: The row-wise quantized data.
  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int8: The column-wise quantized data.
  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32: The row-wise quantization scales.
  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32: The column-wise quantization scales.
  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int32, optional: A list of column indices which contain outlier features.

Determine the quantization statistics for input matrix A in accordance to the LLM.int8() algorithm.

The statistics are determined both row-wise and column-wise (transposed).

For more information, see the LLM.int8() paper.

This function is useful for training, but for inference it is advised to use `int8_vectorwise_quant` instead. This implementation performs additional column-wise transposed calculations which are not optimized.


< >

( A: TensorB: Tensorout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Nonedtype = torch.int32 ) β†’ torch.Tensor


  • A (torch.Tensor) β€” The first matrix operand with the data type torch.int8.
  • B (torch.Tensor) β€” The second matrix operand with the data type torch.int8.
  • out (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A pre-allocated tensor used to store the result.
  • dtype (torch.dtype, optional) β€” The expected data type of the output. Defaults to torch.int32.



The result of the operation.


NotImplementedError or RuntimeError

  • NotImplementedError β€” The operation is not supported in the current environment.
  • RuntimeError β€” Raised when the cannot be completed for any other reason.

Performs an 8-bit integer matrix multiplication.

A linear transformation is applied such that out = A @ B.T. When possible, integer tensor core hardware is utilized to accelerate the operation.


< >

( A: Tensorrow_stats: Tensorcol_stats: Tensorout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Nonebias: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ) β†’ torch.Tensor


  • A (torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int32) β€” The result of a quantized int8 matrix multiplication.
  • row_stats (torch.Tensor) β€” The row-wise quantization statistics for the lhs operand of the matrix multiplication.
  • col_stats (torch.Tensor) β€” The column-wise quantization statistics for the rhs operand of the matrix multiplication.
  • out (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A pre-allocated tensor to store the output of the operation.
  • bias (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” An optional bias vector to add to the result.



The dequantized result with an optional bias, with dtype torch.float16.

Performs dequantization on the result of a quantized int8 matrix multiplication.


< >

( A: Tensorstats: Tensor ) β†’ torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32


  • A (torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int8) β€” The quantized int8 tensor.
  • stats (torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32) β€” The row-wise quantization statistics.


torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32

The dequantized tensor.

Dequantizes a tensor with dtype torch.int8 to torch.float32.


< >

( A: Tensorthreshold = 0.0 ) β†’ Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]


  • A (torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float16) β€” The input tensor.
  • threshold (float, optional) β€” An optional threshold for sparse decomposition of outlier features.

    No outliers are held back when 0.0. Defaults to 0.0.


Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]

A tuple containing the quantized tensor and relevant statistics.

  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int8: The quantized data.
  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32: The quantization scales.
  • torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int32, optional: A list of column indices which contain outlier features.

Quantizes a tensor with dtype torch.float16 to torch.int8 in accordance to the LLM.int8() algorithm.

For more information, see the LLM.int8() paper.



< >

( A: Tensorquant_state: typing.Optional[bitsandbytes.functional.QuantState] = Noneabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize: int = 64quant_type = 'fp4' ) β†’ torch.Tensor


  • A (torch.Tensor) β€” The quantized input tensor.
  • quant_state (QuantState, optional) β€” The quantization state as returned by quantize_4bit. Required if absmax is not provided.
  • absmax (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor containing the scaling values. Required if quant_state is not provided and ignored otherwise.
  • out (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor to use to store the result.
  • blocksize (int, optional) β€” The size of the blocks. Defaults to 64. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096.
  • quant_type (str, optional) β€” The data type to use: nf4 or fp4. Defaults to fp4.



The dequantized tensor.



  • ValueError β€” Raised when the input data type or blocksize is not supported.

Dequantizes a packed 4-bit quantized tensor.

The input tensor is dequantized by dividing it into blocks of blocksize values. The the absolute maximum value within these blocks is used for scaling the non-linear dequantization.


< >

( A: Tensorquant_state: typing.Optional[bitsandbytes.functional.QuantState] = Noneabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize: int = 64 )


< >

( A: Tensorquant_state: typing.Optional[bitsandbytes.functional.QuantState] = Noneabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize: int = 64 )


< >

( A: TensorB: Tensorout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Nonetransposed_A = Falsetransposed_B = Falsestate = None )


< >

( A: Tensorabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize = 64compress_statistics = Falsequant_type = 'fp4'quant_storage = torch.uint8 ) β†’ Tuple[torch.Tensor, QuantState]


  • A (torch.Tensor) β€” The input tensor. Supports float16, bfloat16, or float32 datatypes.
  • absmax (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor to use to store the absmax values.
  • out (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor to use to store the result.
  • blocksize (int, optional) β€” The size of the blocks. Defaults to 64. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096.
  • compress_statistics (bool, optional) β€” Whether to additionally quantize the absmax values. Defaults to False.
  • quant_type (str, optional) β€” The data type to use: nf4 or fp4. Defaults to fp4.
  • quant_storage (torch.dtype, optional) β€” The dtype of the tensor used to store the result. Defaults to torch.uint8.


Tuple[torch.Tensor, QuantState]

A tuple containing the quantization results.

  • torch.Tensor: The quantized tensor with packed 4-bit values.
  • QuantState: The state object used to undo the quantization.



  • ValueError β€” Raised when the input data type is not supported.

Quantize tensor A in blocks of 4-bit values.

Quantizes tensor A by dividing it into blocks which are independently quantized.


< >

( A: Tensorabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize = 64compress_statistics = Falsequant_storage = torch.uint8 )


< >

( A: Tensorabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize = 64compress_statistics = Falsequant_storage = torch.uint8 )

class bitsandbytes.functional.QuantState

< >

( absmaxshape = Nonecode = Noneblocksize = Nonequant_type = Nonedtype = Noneoffset = Nonestate2 = None )

container for quantization state components to work with Params4bit and similar classes


< >

( packed = False )

returns dict of tensors and strings to use in serialization via _save_to_state_dict() param: packed β€” returns dict[str, torch.Tensor] for state_dict fit for safetensors saving


< >

( qs_dict: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]device: device )

unpacks components of state_dict into QuantState where necessary, convert into strings, torch.dtype, ints, etc.

qs_dict: based on state_dict, with only relevant keys, striped of prefixes.

item with key quant_state.bitsandbytes__[nf4/fp4] may contain minor and non-tensor quant state items.

Dynamic 8-bit Quantization

Primitives used in the 8-bit optimizer quantization.

For more details see 8-Bit Approximations for Parallelism in Deep Learning


< >

( A: Tensorquant_state: typing.Optional[bitsandbytes.functional.QuantState] = Noneabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Nonecode: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize: int = 4096nested = False ) β†’ torch.Tensor


  • A (torch.Tensor) β€” The quantized input tensor.
  • quant_state (QuantState, optional) β€” The quantization state as returned by quantize_blockwise. Required if absmax is not provided.
  • absmax (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor containing the scaling values. Required if quant_state is not provided and ignored otherwise.
  • code (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A mapping describing the low-bit data type. Defaults to a signed 8-bit dynamic type. For more details, see (8-Bit Approximations for Parallelism in Deep Learning)[]. Ignored when quant_state is provided.
  • out (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor to use to store the result.
  • blocksize (int, optional) β€” The size of the blocks. Defaults to 4096. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. Ignored when quant_state is provided.



The dequantized tensor. The datatype is indicated by quant_state.dtype and defaults to torch.float32.



  • ValueError β€” Raised when the input data type is not supported.

Dequantize a tensor in blocks of values.

The input tensor is dequantized by dividing it into blocks of blocksize values. The the absolute maximum value within these blocks is used for scaling the non-linear dequantization.


< >

( A: Tensorcode: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneabsmax: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneout: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] = Noneblocksize = 4096nested = False ) β†’ Tuple[torch.Tensor, QuantState]


  • A (torch.Tensor) β€” The input tensor. Supports float16, bfloat16, or float32 datatypes.
  • code (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A mapping describing the low-bit data type. Defaults to a signed 8-bit dynamic type. For more details, see (8-Bit Approximations for Parallelism in Deep Learning)[].
  • absmax (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor to use to store the absmax values.
  • out (torch.Tensor, optional) β€” A tensor to use to store the result.
  • blocksize (int, optional) β€” The size of the blocks. Defaults to 4096. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096.
  • nested (bool, optional) β€” Whether to additionally quantize the absmax values. Defaults to False.


Tuple[torch.Tensor, QuantState]

A tuple containing the quantization results.

  • torch.Tensor: The quantized tensor.
  • QuantState: The state object used to undo the quantization.



  • ValueError β€” Raised when the input data type is not supported.

Quantize a tensor in blocks of values.

The input tensor is quantized by dividing it into blocks of blocksize values. The the absolute maximum value within these blocks is calculated for scaling the non-linear quantization.



< >

( A: typing.Optional[torch.Tensor] ) β†’ Optional[ct.c_void_p]


  • A (Optional[Tensor]) β€” A PyTorch tensor.



A pointer to the underlying tensor data.

Gets the memory address of the first element of a tenso


< >

( tensors: typing.Iterable[typing.Optional[torch.Tensor]] )


  • tensors (Iterable[Optional[torch.Tensor]]) β€” A list of tensors to verify.



  • RuntimeError β€” Raised when the verification fails.

Verifies that the input tensors are all on the same device.

An input tensor may also be marked as paged, in which case the device placement is ignored.

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