PEFT documentation


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If you encounter any issue when using PEFT, please check the following list of common issues and their solutions.

Examples don’t work

Examples often rely on the most recent package versions, so please ensure they’re up-to-date. In particular, check the following package versions:

  • peft
  • transformers
  • accelerate
  • torch

In general, you can update the package version by running this command inside your Python environment:

python -m pip install -U <package_name>

Installing PEFT from source is useful for keeping up with the latest developments:

python -m pip install git+

ValueError: Attempting to unscale FP16 gradients

This error probably occurred because the model was loaded with torch_dtype=torch.float16 and then used in an automatic mixed precision (AMP) context, e.g. by setting fp16=True in the Trainer class from 🤗 Transformers. The reason is that when using AMP, trainable weights should never use fp16. To make this work without loading the whole model in fp32, add the following to your code:

peft_model = get_peft_model(...)

# add this:
for param in model.parameters():
    if param.requires_grad: =

# proceed as usual
trainer = Trainer(model=peft_model, fp16=True, ...)

Alternatively, you can use the cast_mixed_precision_params() function to correctly cast the weights:

from peft import cast_mixed_precision_params

peft_model = get_peft_model(...)
cast_mixed_precision_params(peft_model, dtype=torch.float16)

# proceed as usual
trainer = Trainer(model=peft_model, fp16=True, ...)

Starting from PEFT verion v0.12.0, PEFT automatically promotes the dtype of adapter weights from torch.float16 and torch.bfloat16 to torch.float32 where appropriate. To prevent this behavior, you can pass autocast_adapter_dtype=False to ~get_peft_model(), to from_pretrained(), and to load_adapter().

Bad results from a loaded PEFT model

There can be several reasons for getting a poor result from a loaded PEFT model which are listed below. If you’re still unable to troubleshoot the problem, see if anyone else had a similar issue on GitHub, and if you can’t find any, open a new issue.

When opening an issue, it helps a lot if you provide a minimal code example that reproduces the issue. Also, please report if the loaded model performs at the same level as the model did before fine-tuning, if it performs at a random level, or if it is only slightly worse than expected. This information helps us identify the problem more quickly.

Random deviations

If your model outputs are not exactly the same as previous runs, there could be an issue with random elements. For example:

  1. please ensure it is in .eval() mode, which is important, for instance, if the model uses dropout
  2. if you use generate on a language model, there could be random sampling, so obtaining the same result requires setting a random seed
  3. if you used quantization and merged the weights, small deviations are expected due to rounding errors

Incorrectly loaded model

Please ensure that you load the model correctly. A common error is trying to load a trained model with get_peft_model() which is incorrect. Instead, the loading code should look like this:

from peft import PeftModel, PeftConfig

base_model = ...  # to load the base model, use the same code as when you trained it
config = PeftConfig.from_pretrained(peft_model_id)
peft_model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(base_model, peft_model_id)

Randomly initialized layers

For some tasks, it is important to correctly configure modules_to_save in the config to account for randomly initialized layers.

As an example, this is necessary if you use LoRA to fine-tune a language model for sequence classification because 🤗 Transformers adds a randomly initialized classification head on top of the model. If you do not add this layer to modules_to_save, the classification head won’t be saved. The next time you load the model, you’ll get a different randomly initialized classification head, resulting in completely different results.

PEFT tries to correctly guess the modules_to_save if you provide the task_type argument in the config. This should work for transformers models that follow the standard naming scheme. It is always a good idea to double check though because we can’t guarantee all models follow the naming scheme.

When you load a transformers model that has randomly initialized layers, you should see a warning along the lines of:

Some weights of <MODEL> were not initialized from the model checkpoint at <ID> and are newly initialized: [<LAYER_NAMES>].
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.

The mentioned layers should be added to modules_to_save in the config to avoid the described problem.

As an example, when loading a model that is using the DeBERTa architecture for sequence classification, you’ll see a warning that the following weights are newly initialized: ['classifier.bias', 'classifier.weight', 'pooler.dense.bias', 'pooler.dense.weight']. From this, it follows that the classifier and pooler layers should be added to: modules_to_save=["classifier", "pooler"].

Extending the vocabulary

For many language fine-tuning tasks, extending the model’s vocabulary is necessary since new tokens are being introduced. This requires extending the embedding layer to account for the new tokens and also storing the embedding layer in addition to the adapter weights when saving the adapter.

Save the embedding layer by adding it to the target_modules of the config. The embedding layer name must follow the standard naming scheme from Transformers. For example, the Mistral config could look like this:

config = LoraConfig(..., target_modules=["embed_tokens", "lm_head", "q_proj", "v_proj"])

Once added to target_modules, PEFT automatically stores the embedding layer when saving the adapter if the model has the get_input_embeddings and get_output_embeddings. This is generally the case for Transformers models.

If the model’s embedding layer doesn’t follow the Transformer’s naming scheme, you can still save it by manually passing save_embedding_layers=True when saving the adapter:

model = get_peft_model(...)
# train the model
model.save_pretrained("my_adapter", save_embedding_layers=True)

For inference, load the base model first and resize it the same way you did before you trained the model. After you’ve resized the base model, you can load the PEFT checkpoint.

For a complete example, please check out this notebook.

Getting a warning about “weights not being initialized from the model checkpoint”

When you load your PEFT model which has been trained on a task (for example, classification), you may get a warning like:

Some weights of LlamaForSequenceClassification were not initialized from the model checkpoint at meta-llama/Llama-3.2-1B and are newly initialized: [‘score.weight’]. You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.

Although this looks scary, it is most likely nothing to worry about. This warning comes from Transformers, and it isn’t a PEFT specific warning. It lets you know that a randomly initialized classification head (score) is attached to the base model, and the head must be trained to produce sensible predictions.

When you get this warning before training the model, PEFT automatically takes care of making the classification head trainable if you correctly passed the task_type argument to the PEFT config.

from peft import LoraConfig, TaskType

lora_config = LoraConfig(..., task_type=TaskType.SEQ_CLS)

If your classification head does not follow the usual naming conventions from Transformers (which is rare), you have to explicitly tell PEFT the name of the head in modules_to_save.

lora_config = LoraConfig(..., modules_to_save=["name-of-classification-head"])

To check the name of the classification head, print the model and it should be the last module.

If you get this warning from your inference code, i.e. after training the model, when you load the PEFT model, you always have to load the Transformers model first. Since Transformers does not know that you will load PEFT weights afterwards, it still gives the warning.

As always, it is best practice to ensure the model works correctly for inference by running some validation on it.

Check layer and model status

Sometimes a PEFT model can end up in a bad state, especially when handling multiple adapters. There can be some confusion around what adapters exist, which one is active, which one is merged, etc. To help investigate this issue, call the get_layer_status() and the get_model_status() methods.

The get_layer_status() method gives you a detailed overview of each targeted layer’s active, merged, and available adapters.

>>> from transformers import AutoModel
>>> from peft import get_peft_model, LoraConfig

>>> model_id = "google/flan-t5-small"
>>> model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_id)
>>> model = get_peft_model(model, LoraConfig())

>>> model.get_layer_status()
                  requires_grad={'default': True},
                  requires_grad={'default': True},

>>> model.get_model_status()
    peft_types={'default': 'LORA'},
    requires_grad={'default': True},

In the model state output, you should look out for entries that say "irregular". This means PEFT detected an inconsistent state in the model. For instance, if merged_adapters="irregular", it means that for at least one adapter, it was merged on some target modules but not on others. The inference results will most likely be incorrect as a result.

The best way to resolve this issue is to reload the whole model and adapter checkpoint(s). Ensure that you don’t perform any incorrect operations on the model, e.g. manually merging adapters on some modules but not others.

Convert the layer status into a pandas DataFrame for an easier visual inspection.

from dataclasses import asdict
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(asdict(layer) for layer in model.get_layer_status())

It is possible to get this information for non-PEFT models if they are using PEFT layers under the hood, but some information like the base_model_type or the peft_types cannot be determined in that case. As an example, you can call this on a diffusers model like so:

>>> import torch
>>> from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
>>> from peft import get_model_status, get_layer_status

>>> path = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"
>>> lora_id = "takuma104/lora-test-text-encoder-lora-target"
>>> pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(path, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
>>> pipe.load_lora_weights(lora_id, adapter_name="adapter-1")
>>> pipe.load_lora_weights(lora_id, adapter_name="adapter-2")
>>> pipe.set_lora_device(["adapter-2"], "cuda")
>>> get_layer_status(pipe.text_encoder)
                  requires_grad={'adapter-1': False, 'adapter-2': True},
                  available_adapters=['adapter-1', 'adapter-2'],
                  devices={'adapter-1': ['cpu'], 'adapter-2': ['cuda']}),
                  requires_grad={'adapter-1': False, 'adapter-2': True},
                  devices={'adapter-1': ['cpu'], 'adapter-2': ['cuda']}),

>>> get_model_status(pipe.unet)
    requires_grad={'adapter-1': False, 'adapter-2': True},
    available_adapters=['adapter-1', 'adapter-2'],
    devices={'adapter-1': ['cpu'], 'adapter-2': ['cuda']},


Loading adapter weights is slow

Loading adapters like LoRA weights should generally be fast compared to loading the base model. However, there can be use cases where the adapter weights are quite large or where users need to load a large number of adapters — the loading time can add up in this case. The reason for this is that the adapter weights are first initialized and then overridden by the loaded weights, which is wasteful. To speed up the loading time, you can pass the low_cpu_mem_usage=True argument to from_pretrained() and load_adapter().

If this option works well across different use casese, it may become the default for adapter loading in the future.


Models using batch norm

When loading a trained PEFT model where the base model uses batch norm (e.g. torch.nn.BatchNorm1d or torch.nn.BatchNorm2d), you may find that you cannot reproduce the exact same outputs. This is because the batch norm layers keep track of running stats during training, but these stats are not part of the PEFT checkpoint. Therefore, when you load the PEFT model, the running stats of the base model will be used (i.e. from before training with PEFT).

Depending on your use case, this may not be a big deal. If, however, you need your outputs to be 100% reproducible, you can achieve this by adding the batch norm layers to modules_to_save. Below is an example of this using resnet and LoRA. Notice that we set modules_to_save=["classifier", "normalization"]. We need the "classifier" argument because our task is image classification, and we add the "normalization" argument to ensure that the batch norm layers are saved in the PEFT checkpoint.

from transformers import AutoModelForImageClassification
from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model

model_id = "microsoft/resnet-18"
base_model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained(self.model_id)
config = LoraConfig(
    modules_to_save=["classifier", "normalization"],

Depending on the type of model you use, the batch norm layers could have different names than "normalization", so please ensure that the name matches your model architecture.

Version mismatch

Error while loading the config because of an unexpected keyword argument

When you encounter an error like the one shown below, it means the adapter you’re trying to load was trained with a more recent version of PEFT than the version you have installed on your system.

TypeError: LoraConfig.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument <argument-name>

The best way to resolve this issue is to install the latest PEFT version:

python -m pip install -U PEFT

If the adapter was trained from a source install of PEFT (an unreleased version of PEFT), then you also need to install PEFT from source.

python -m pip install -U git+

If it is not possible for you to upgrade PEFT, there is a workaround you can try.

Assume the error message says that the unknown keyword argument is named foobar. Search inside the adapter_config.json of this PEFT adapter for the foobar entry and delete it from the file. Then save the file and try loading the model again.

This solution works most of the time. As long as it is the default value for foobar, it can be ignored. However, when it is set to some other value, you will get incorrect results. Upgrading PEFT is the recommended solution.

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