This model was trained by ftshijt using aishell3/tts1 recipe in espnet.


  • Python API
  • Evaluate in the recipe
    See ESPNet repo for how to use pre-trained models
  • Config
    config: conf/train.yaml
    print_config: false
    log_level: INFO
    dry_run: false
    iterator_type: sequence
    output_dir: exp/tts_train_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone
    ngpu: 1
    seed: 0
    num_workers: 1
    num_att_plot: 3
    dist_backend: nccl
    dist_init_method: env://
    dist_world_size: null
    dist_rank: null
    local_rank: 0
    dist_master_addr: null
    dist_master_port: null
    dist_launcher: null
    multiprocessing_distributed: false
    unused_parameters: false
    sharded_ddp: false
    cudnn_enabled: true
    cudnn_benchmark: false
    cudnn_deterministic: true
    collect_stats: false
    write_collected_feats: false
    max_epoch: 500
    patience: null
    - valid
    - loss
    - valid
    - loss
    - min
    -   - valid
        - loss
        - min
    -   - train
        - loss
        - min
    keep_nbest_models: 5
    grad_clip: 1.0
    grad_clip_type: 2.0
    grad_noise: false
    accum_grad: 1
    no_forward_run: false
    resume: true
    train_dtype: float32
    use_amp: false
    log_interval: null
    use_tensorboard: true
    use_wandb: false
    wandb_project: null
    wandb_id: null
    wandb_entity: null
    wandb_name: null
    wandb_model_log_interval: -1
    detect_anomaly: false
    pretrain_path: null
    init_param: []
    ignore_init_mismatch: false
    freeze_param: []
    num_iters_per_epoch: 500
    batch_size: 20
    valid_batch_size: null
    batch_bins: 3750000
    valid_batch_bins: null
    - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone/train/text_shape.phn
    - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone/train/speech_shape
    - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone/valid/text_shape.phn
    - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone/valid/speech_shape
    batch_type: numel
    valid_batch_type: null
    - 150
    - 240000
    sort_in_batch: descending
    sort_batch: descending
    multiple_iterator: false
    chunk_length: 500
    chunk_shift_ratio: 0.5
    num_cache_chunks: 1024
    -   - dump/raw/train_no_dev/text
        - text
        - text
    -   - dump/raw/train_no_dev/wav.scp
        - speech
        - sound
    -   - dump/xvector/train_no_dev/xvector.scp
        - spembs
        - kaldi_ark
    -   - dump/raw/dev/text
        - text
        - text
    -   - dump/raw/dev/wav.scp
        - speech
        - sound
    -   - dump/xvector/dev/xvector.scp
        - spembs
        - kaldi_ark
    allow_variable_data_keys: false
    max_cache_size: 0.0
    max_cache_fd: 32
    valid_max_cache_size: null
    optim: adam
        lr: 0.001
        eps: 1.0e-06
        weight_decay: 0.0
    scheduler: null
    scheduler_conf: {}
    - ''
    - d
    - sh
    - j
    - i4
    - zh
    - l
    - x
    - e
    - b
    - g
    - i1
    - h
    - q
    - m
    - u4
    - t
    - z
    - ch
    - i3
    - i2
    - f
    - s
    - n
    - r
    - ian4
    - e4
    - ong1
    - en2
    - ai4
    - k
    - ing2
    - a1
    - iou3
    - uo3
    - ao4
    - u3
    - ui4
    - p
    - e2
    - an1
    - eng2
    - c
    - in1
    - ai2
    - an4
    - ian2
    - ing1
    - ai3
    - ang4
    - ao3
    - ian1
    - uo4
    - ian3
    - iao4
    - ang1
    - u2
    - ü4
    - u1
    - a4
    - eng1
    - ing4
    - üan2
    - ie4
    - en1
    - iu4
    - uei4
    - ou4
    - er4
    - e1
    - ei4
    - an3
    - ong2
    - uo2
    - ang3
    - ou1
    - ou3
    - ong4
    - eng4
    - an2
    - iang4
    - a3
    - iang1
    - ia1
    - iao1
    - uan4
    - ia4
    - iu3
    - ang2
    - uo1
    - ei3
    - e3
    - in4
    - iang3
    - ü1
    - uan1
    - en3
    - iao3
    - ie3
    - ao1
    - ai1
    - ü2
    - ing3
    - er2
    - ü3
    - uan3
    - üe4
    - in3
    - en
    - ei2
    - üe2
    - ie2
    - en4
    - ua4
    - in2
    - iu2
    - uan2
    - a2
    - ie1
    - ou2
    - ui1
    - iang2
    - ong3
    - i
    - uang3
    - eng3
    - ün4
    - uang4
    - uai4
    - iong4
    - v3
    - iou2
    - ui2
    - un1
    - üan4
    - uang1
    - ei1
    - uang2
    - o2
    - a
    - ao2
    - iao2
    - ui3
    - un4
    - o1
    - ua2
    - un2
    - uen2
    - iu1
    - v4
    - ua1
    - uei1
    - üan3
    - ün1
    - üe1
    - ün2
    - uen4
    - uei3
    - uei2
    - un3
    - iou4
    - o4
    - er3
    - uen1
    - iong3
    - iou1
    - ia3
    - üan1
    - ia2
    - iong1
    - üe3
    - uen3
    - ve4
    - iong2
    - uai2
    - uai1
    - ua3
    - ün3
    - er
    - uai3
    - ia
    - o3
    - v2
    - o
    - ueng1
    - ei
    - '2'
    - ua
    - io1
    odim: null
    model_conf: {}
    use_preprocessor: true
    token_type: phn
    bpemodel: null
    non_linguistic_symbols: null
    cleaner: null
    g2p: pypinyin_g2p_phone
    feats_extract: fbank
        n_fft: 2048
        hop_length: 300
        win_length: 1200
        fs: 24000
        fmin: 80
        fmax: 7600
        n_mels: 80
    normalize: global_mvn
        stats_file: exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_pypinyin_g2p_phone/train/feats_stats.npz
    tts: tacotron2
        embed_dim: 512
        elayers: 1
        eunits: 512
        econv_layers: 3
        econv_chans: 512
        econv_filts: 5
        atype: location
        adim: 512
        aconv_chans: 32
        aconv_filts: 15
        cumulate_att_w: true
        dlayers: 2
        dunits: 1024
        prenet_layers: 2
        prenet_units: 256
        postnet_layers: 5
        postnet_chans: 512
        postnet_filts: 5
        output_activation: null
        use_batch_norm: true
        use_concate: true
        use_residual: false
        spk_embed_dim: 512
        spk_embed_integration_type: add
        use_gst: true
        gst_heads: 4
        gst_tokens: 16
        dropout_rate: 0.5
        zoneout_rate: 0.1
        reduction_factor: 1
        use_masking: true
        bce_pos_weight: 10.0
        use_guided_attn_loss: true
        guided_attn_loss_sigma: 0.4
        guided_attn_loss_lambda: 1.0
    pitch_extract: null
    pitch_extract_conf: {}
    pitch_normalize: null
    pitch_normalize_conf: {}
    energy_extract: null
    energy_extract_conf: {}
    energy_normalize: null
    energy_normalize_conf: {}
    - output_dir
    - token_list
    version: 0.10.2a1
    distributed: false
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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) has been turned off for this model.