Py: model = which model name?

by iza-alsa - opened

I am trying to do some fine tuning on Mistral.
When defining a model in my notebook, how should I mention this model, or in general, models which don't have a Model Card?
this is the line of code for another model:

model = TFBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased', num_labels=num_labels)

how do I know what to write to use this mistral_multicalss_full?

Thanks a lot,
and my apologies for what is probably a very silly question (AI beginner here..)

Iza-alsa, just put the name of the model (e.g. 'greatakela/mistral_multiclass_full') instead of 'bert-base-uncased'. The problem is, this particular model will inherit from Mistral models and would not support TFBertForSequenceClassification. Try MistralForSequenceClassification.

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