
Unofficial Endpoints: Use at your own risk, no support offered

by hexgrad - opened

First, I want to be clear that the model license is Apache, not CC-BY or something more restrictive, so I am not accusing any of the endpoints listed below as being in violation of any license. Also, this repository will stay Apache-licensed.

That being said, I cannot provide support for any API endpoints I do not run. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Any endpoint listed on replicate.com
  • Hugging Face's Inference API
  • kokorotts.com
  • kokorottsai.com

I have no affiliation, control, or visibility over any of those endpoints and thus cannot offer support. Performance is not guaranteed. Privacy is not guaranteed.

You are welcome to use such endpoints if you choose, but any request for support here will be closed automatically.

Wow, how fast has somebody already bought a domain name! Probably will try selling it to you if Kokoro will gain more hype 😁

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