Computer Vision
Computer vision models, datasets, etc.
9 items
A CRNN model for Persian OCR. This model is based on a simple CNN + LSTM architecture inspired by this paper.
This is a successor model to our previous model hezarai/crnn-base-fa-64x256. The improvements include:
)Note that this model is only optimized for printed/scanned documents and works best on texts with a length of up to 50-ish characters. (For an end-to-end OCR pipeline, use a text detector model first to extract text boxes preferrably in word-level and then use this model), but it can be used to be fine-tuned on other domains like license plate or handwritten texts.
pip install hezar
from hezar.models import Model
crnn = Model.load("hezarai/crnn-fa-printed-96-long")
texts = crnn.predict(["sample_image.jpg"])