"""*********************************************************************************************""" |
"""*********************************************************************************************""" |
import os |
import copy |
import random |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torchaudio |
import matplotlib |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
plt.switch_backend('agg') |
seed = 679 |
random.seed(seed) |
np.random.seed(seed) |
torch.manual_seed(seed) |
utt = 'train-clean-100/1594/135914/1594-135914-0032.flac' |
libri_dir = '/media/andi611/1TBSSD/LibriSpeech/' |
out_dir = './result/visualization/' |
def plot_x(x, name='x', xlabel='Frames'): |
x = x.transpose(1, 0) |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 3)) |
im = ax.imshow(x, aspect='auto', origin='lower', |
interpolation='none') |
plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) |
plt.xlabel(xlabel) |
plt.ylabel('Channels') |
plt.tight_layout() |
plt.margins(0,0) |
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) |
plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) |
fig.canvas.draw() |
fig.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, name + '.png'), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches = 0) |
def starts_to_intervals(starts, consecutive): |
tiled = starts.expand(consecutive, starts.size(0)).T |
offset = torch.arange(consecutive).expand_as(tiled) |
intervals = tiled + offset |
return intervals.view(-1) |
def main(): |
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): |
os.makedirs(out_dir) |
extracter = torch.hub.load('s3prl/s3prl', 'mel') |
wav, _ = torchaudio.load(os.path.join(libri_dir, utt)) |
wavs = [wav] |
x = extracter(wavs)[0].squeeze() |
plot_x(x, name='x', xlabel='A) Original fMLLR feature') |
x = torch.FloatTensor(x) |
x_all = copy.deepcopy(x) |
mask_consecutive_min = 7 |
mask_consecutive_max = 7 |
mask_proportion = 0.15 |
mask_allow_overlap = True |
mask_consecutive = random.randint(mask_consecutive_min, mask_consecutive_max) |
valid_start_max = max(x.size(0) - mask_consecutive - 1, 0) |
proportion = round(x.size(0) * mask_proportion / mask_consecutive) |
if mask_allow_overlap: |
chosen_starts = torch.randperm(valid_start_max + 1)[:proportion] |
else: |
mask_bucket_size = round(mask_consecutive * mask_bucket_ratio) |
rand_start = random.randint(0, min(mask_consecutive, valid_start_max)) |
valid_starts = torch.arange(rand_start, valid_start_max + 1, mask_bucket_size) |
chosen_starts = valid_starts[torch.randperm(len(valid_starts))[:proportion]] |
chosen_intervals = starts_to_intervals(chosen_starts, mask_consecutive) |
x_time_zero = copy.deepcopy(x) |
x_time_zero[chosen_intervals, :] = 0 |
x_all[chosen_intervals, :] = 0 |
plot_x(x_time_zero.data.cpu().numpy(), name='x_time_zero', xlabel='B) Mask contiguous segments to zero along temporal axis') |
random_starts = torch.randperm(valid_start_max + 1)[:proportion] |
random_intervals = starts_to_intervals(random_starts, mask_consecutive) |
x_time_replace = copy.deepcopy(x) |
x_time_replace[chosen_intervals, :] = x_time_replace[random_intervals, :] |
plot_x(x_time_replace.data.cpu().numpy(), name='x_time_replace', xlabel='C) Replace contiguous segments with random segments') |
mask_frequency = 16 |
rand_bandwidth = mask_frequency |
chosen_starts = torch.randperm(x.size(1) - rand_bandwidth)[:1] |
chosen_intervals = starts_to_intervals(chosen_starts, rand_bandwidth) |
x_freq = copy.deepcopy(x) |
x_freq[:, chosen_intervals] = 0 |
x_all[:, chosen_intervals] = 0 |
plot_x(x_freq.data.cpu().numpy(), name='x_freq', xlabel='D) Mask contiguous segments to zero along channel axis') |
noise_sampler = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 0.2) |
x_noise = copy.deepcopy(x) |
x_noise += noise_sampler.sample(x_noise.shape) |
x_all += noise_sampler.sample(x_all.shape) |
plot_x(x_noise.data.cpu().numpy(), name='x_noise', xlabel='E) Apply sampled Gaussian noise to magnitude') |
plot_x(x_all.data.cpu().numpy(), name='x_all', xlabel='F) Combining the alterations in B), D), and E)') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |