Why you became a Double-dealer?

by huozby - opened

'Meta' used to be the greatest company of the world. But today what do we see? Here you say: "The core values of Llama 3.1 are openness, inclusivity and helpfulness. It is meant to serve everyone, and to work for a wide range of use cases. It is thus designed to be accessible to people across many different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Llama 3.1 addresses users and their needs as they are, without insertion unnecessary judgment or normativity". It's great, right? but here you add a FAQ: Meta Llama 3 is available via HuggingFace globally, except in comprehensively sanctioned jurisdictions. So, what is 'openness' and 'serve everyone'? maybe serve the 'politics'? why other fantastic models do not has such discrimination. DO NOT talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

comprehensively sanctioned jurisdictions...what an arrogant and biased attitude!

what are "comprehensively sanctioned jurisdictions" ? i thought these models available mostly, specially atleast 3.1 given that its already 2 versions older than current one. I pretty quickly got rejected on the license agreement. I don't understand WHO is actually allowed to and WHO IS NOT?

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