genai_config.json unknown value error
I am trying to run the ONNX version of these models using the Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntimeGenAI.DirectML APIs.
I am hitting this error:
Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntimeGenAI.OnnxRuntimeGenAIException: 'Error encountered while parsing 'path_here\genai_config.json' JSON Error: model:vision: Unknown value "config_filename" at line 30 index 55'
Any idea on what is going wrong here? Anywhere I can find instructions on what genai_config.json should look like?
I found this in the documentation; however I do not know what the expected fields are:
"Currently, the JSON files needed to run with ONNX Runtime GenAI are created by hand. Because the fields have been hand-crafted, it is recommended that you copy the already-uploaded JSON files and modify the fields as needed for your fine-tuned Phi-4 multimodal model."
To run the phi4mm model with ort-genai, you need the 0.7.0-rc* package. A DML package has not been provided so far. We will publish a DML package soon. Please note that we recommend using Cuda to run the model as other providers can potentially have poor perf.