
This is a BERTopic model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets.


To use this model, please install BERTopic:

pip install -U bertopic

You can use the model as follows:

from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("mmarks13/rs_abstracts_tpc_mdl_gte_base_gpt3_5_representations")


Topic overview

  • Number of topics: 118
  • Number of training documents: 5000
Click here for an overview of all topics.
Topic ID Topic Keywords Topic Frequency Label
-1 Improvement of Transmission Line Fault Detection Using Drones 10 -1_Improvement of Transmission Line Fault Detection Using Drones
0 Fusion Methods for 3D Point Cloud Mapping and Semantic Segmentation 1123 0_Fusion Methods for 3D Point Cloud Mapping and Semantic Segmentation
1 Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Learning and Transformer-Based Models 209 1_Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Learning and Transformer-Based Models
2 Development of Bio-Optical Models for Water Quality Monitoring in Inland Seas and Coastal Ocean Waters 126 2_Development of Bio-Optical Models for Water Quality Monitoring in Inland Seas and Coastal Ocean Waters
3 UAV-based Estimation of Crop Bio-Parameters and Yield Using Machine Learning and Regression Models 117 3_UAV-based Estimation of Crop Bio-Parameters and Yield Using Machine Learning and Regression Models
4 Improving GNSS Positioning Accuracy and Convergence Time with BDS-3 and PPP-RTK 86 4_Improving GNSS Positioning Accuracy and Convergence Time with BDS-3 and PPP-RTK
5 Crop mapping using deep learning and satellite imagery for accurate temporal crop classification and mapping. 83 5_Crop mapping using deep learning and satellite imagery for accurate temporal crop classification and mapping.
6 Vegetation Dynamics and Climate Change in Different Regions 82 6_Vegetation Dynamics and Climate Change in Different Regions
7 Advanced Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing Change Detection 76 7_Advanced Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing Change Detection
8 Landscape ecological risk assessment and land use patterns in Mongolian Plateau, Three Gorges Reservoir Area, and Liaoning Province 74 8_Landscape ecological risk assessment and land use patterns in Mongolian Plateau, Three Gorges Reservoir Area, and Liaoning Province
9 Flood susceptibility modeling using machine learning and remote sensing data 71 9_Flood susceptibility modeling using machine learning and remote sensing data
10 Mapping and Dynamics of Mangrove and Wetland Ecosystems 69 10_Mapping and Dynamics of Mangrove and Wetland Ecosystems
11 Comparison of GNSS Radio Occultation Data Quality for Weather and Climate Applications 68 11_Comparison of GNSS Radio Occultation Data Quality for Weather and Climate Applications
12 Understanding urban development through nighttime light imagery 67 12_Understanding urban development through nighttime light imagery
13 Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images 67 13_Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
14 Individual Tree Segmentation in Forests Using Laser Scanning and Image-Based Features 66 14_Individual Tree Segmentation in Forests Using Laser Scanning and Image-Based Features
15 Temporal trends of SUHII and LST in urban areas of selected cities 66 15_Temporal trends of SUHII and LST in urban areas of selected cities
16 Forest Fire Monitoring and Detection Using Satellite Data 62 16_Forest Fire Monitoring and Detection Using Satellite Data
17 Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images 62 17_Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
18 Evaluation of spatiotemporal fusion methods for land surface temperature data 57 18_Evaluation of spatiotemporal fusion methods for land surface temperature data
19 Advanced methods for synthetic aperture radar imaging in geosynchronous orbits 56 19_Advanced methods for synthetic aperture radar imaging in geosynchronous orbits
20 Satellite-derived Bathymetry and Reef Mapping in Coastal Areas 53 20_Satellite-derived Bathymetry and Reef Mapping in Coastal Areas
21 Evaluation of Precipitation Products and Methods for Improving Accuracy 52 21_Evaluation of Precipitation Products and Methods for Improving Accuracy
22 Integrating Remote Sensing and Proximal Sensing for Accurate Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Mapping and Prediction 51 22_Integrating Remote Sensing and Proximal Sensing for Accurate Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Mapping and Prediction
23 Improving ET Estimation and Partitioning Using Machine Learning and Satellite Data 49 23_Improving ET Estimation and Partitioning Using Machine Learning and Satellite Data
24 Remote Sensing Scene Classification with Attention-Based Feature Fusion 47 24_Remote Sensing Scene Classification with Attention-Based Feature Fusion
25 Advanced Deep Learning Methods for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images 46 25_Advanced Deep Learning Methods for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
26 Ground Subsidence Monitoring Using InSAR in Various Regions of China 42 26_Ground Subsidence Monitoring Using InSAR in Various Regions of China
27 Advanced Cloud Removal Methods in Remote Sensing Image Processing 42 27_Advanced Cloud Removal Methods in Remote Sensing Image Processing
28 Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithms 42 28_Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithms
29 Aerosol Vertical Distribution and Radiative Effects in Different Regions 38 29_Aerosol Vertical Distribution and Radiative Effects in Different Regions
30 Rock slope stability assessment using UAV photogrammetry and infrared thermography for high-resolution 3D modeling 38 30_Rock slope stability assessment using UAV photogrammetry and infrared thermography for high-resolution 3D modeling
31 Lightweight SAR Ship Detection with Deep Learning and Multi-scale Feature Fusion 38 31_Lightweight SAR Ship Detection with Deep Learning and Multi-scale Feature Fusion
32 Monitoring Sea Ice Changes in the Arctic and Antarctic Using Remote Sensing Techniques 37 32_Monitoring Sea Ice Changes in the Arctic and Antarctic Using Remote Sensing Techniques
33 Lunar Crater Analysis and Exploration with Rover Data 37 33_Lunar Crater Analysis and Exploration with Rover Data
34 Earthquake anomalies and precursors detection using satellite data and ML techniques 37 34_Earthquake anomalies and precursors detection using satellite data and ML techniques
35 Remote Sensing for Assessing Plant Diversity and Invasive Species in Grasslands 36 35_Remote Sensing for Assessing Plant Diversity and Invasive Species in Grasslands
36 Calibration and Radiometric Analysis of Earth Observation Sensors 35 36_Calibration and Radiometric Analysis of Earth Observation Sensors
37 Investigation of Ionospheric Effects During Geomagnetic Storms and Solar Eclipses 35 37_Investigation of Ionospheric Effects During Geomagnetic Storms and Solar Eclipses
38 Snow Cover Monitoring and Analysis Using Remote Sensing for Climate and Ecosystem Studies 35 38_Snow Cover Monitoring and Analysis Using Remote Sensing for Climate and Ecosystem Studies
39 Canopy height mapping using GEDI, ICESat-2, and airborne LiDAR data 32 39_Canopy height mapping using GEDI, ICESat-2, and airborne LiDAR data
40 Spatiotemporal Radar Data Analysis for Lightning Positioning and Weather Forecasting 32 40_Spatiotemporal Radar Data Analysis for Lightning Positioning and Weather Forecasting
41 Detection and dynamics of mesoscale and submesoscale eddies in ocean currents 32 41_Detection and dynamics of mesoscale and submesoscale eddies in ocean currents
42 Acoustic Methods for Seabed Mapping and Target Detection in Shallow Water 31 42_Acoustic Methods for Seabed Mapping and Target Detection in Shallow Water
43 Innovative Models for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Assessment 31 43_Innovative Models for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Assessment
44 Comparison of Real-Valued Representations for CNN-Based PolSAR Image Segmentation 30 44_Comparison of Real-Valued Representations for CNN-Based PolSAR Image Segmentation
45 Landslide Monitoring and Detection Using InSAR Technology in Jinsha River Basin 30 45_Landslide Monitoring and Detection Using InSAR Technology in Jinsha River Basin
46 Understanding the dynamics of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and its relationship to photosynthesis under varying environmental conditions 30 46_Understanding the dynamics of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and its relationship to photosynthesis under varying environmental conditions
47 Advancements in Super-Resolution Techniques for Remote Sensing Images 29 47_Advancements in Super-Resolution Techniques for Remote Sensing Images
48 Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Lithological Classification and Mineral Exploration 29 48_Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Lithological Classification and Mineral Exploration
49 Enhanced Object Detection and Tracking for UAV Applications 28 49_Enhanced Object Detection and Tracking for UAV Applications
50 Improving Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Data Accuracy and Applications 28 50_Improving Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Data Accuracy and Applications
51 Understanding Drought Propagation and Monitoring Using Multiple Indices 28 51_Understanding Drought Propagation and Monitoring Using Multiple Indices
52 Satellite Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Concentrations 27 52_Satellite Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Concentrations
53 Seismic Deformation and Fault Slip Analysis of Recent Earthquakes 27 53_Seismic Deformation and Fault Slip Analysis of Recent Earthquakes
54 Innovative Approaches for Urban Land-Use Mapping 26 54_Innovative Approaches for Urban Land-Use Mapping
55 Satellite mission optimization with evolutionary algorithms 25 55_Satellite mission optimization with evolutionary algorithms
56 Forest Disturbance Monitoring Using SAR and GLCM Features 25 56_Forest Disturbance Monitoring Using SAR and GLCM Features
57 Hyperspectral Image Unmixing with Spatial-Spectral Optimization 25 57_Hyperspectral Image Unmixing with Spatial-Spectral Optimization
58 SAR Target Recognition with Limited Labeled Data 24 58_SAR Target Recognition with Limited Labeled Data
59 Remote Sensing Image Registration and Matching Techniques 24 59_Remote Sensing Image Registration and Matching Techniques
60 Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on Ozone and Stratospheric Water Vapor 23 60_Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on Ozone and Stratospheric Water Vapor
61 Study on Diurnal and Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Events in Mountainous Regions 22 61_Study on Diurnal and Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Events in Mountainous Regions
62 Wave parameterization and assimilation using CFOSAT data 22 62_Wave parameterization and assimilation using CFOSAT data
63 Spatiotemporal PM2.5 Estimation in China 21 63_Spatiotemporal PM2.5 Estimation in China
64 Seismic Data Denoising with Deep Learning and Transformer Models 21 64_Seismic Data Denoising with Deep Learning and Transformer Models
65 Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Applications in Subsurface Imaging and Detection 20 65_Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Applications in Subsurface Imaging and Detection
66 High-resolution Gravity Field Modeling and Gravity Gradient Precision 20 66_High-resolution Gravity Field Modeling and Gravity Gradient Precision
67 Advanced ISAR Imaging Techniques for Moving Targets 20 67_Advanced ISAR Imaging Techniques for Moving Targets
68 Photon Noise Modeling and Signal Extraction for ICESat-2 LiDAR Applications 20 68_Photon Noise Modeling and Signal Extraction for ICESat-2 LiDAR Applications
69 Global Climate Change Impact on Lake Water Level Variations 20 69_Global Climate Change Impact on Lake Water Level Variations
70 Cloud Detection Algorithms for Climate Monitoring 19 70_Cloud Detection Algorithms for Climate Monitoring
71 Hyperspectral image fusion and super-resolution with attention-based network architectures 19 71_Hyperspectral image fusion and super-resolution with attention-based network architectures
72 Environmental impacts and monitoring of mining activities in various regions 19 72_Environmental impacts and monitoring of mining activities in various regions
73 Detection of forest insect infestations using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning 19 73_Detection of forest insect infestations using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning
74 Advanced Road Extraction Methods Using Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Images 19 74_Advanced Road Extraction Methods Using Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Images
75 Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multi-channel Algorithms 19 75_Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multi-channel Algorithms
76 Innovative Methods in Landslide Prediction and Detection 19 76_Innovative Methods in Landslide Prediction and Detection
77 Improving Hydrological Parameter Estimation Using GRACE Data 19 77_Improving Hydrological Parameter Estimation Using GRACE Data
78 Waveform optimization for integrated radar and communication systems 18 78_Waveform optimization for integrated radar and communication systems
79 Monitoring Surface Subsidence in Mining Areas using DS-InSAR Technology 18 79_Monitoring Surface Subsidence in Mining Areas using DS-InSAR Technology
80 Monitoring seaweed biomass using remote sensing and UAV technology 18 80_Monitoring seaweed biomass using remote sensing and UAV technology
81 Pansharpening Techniques in Remote Sensing Image Processing 18 81_Pansharpening Techniques in Remote Sensing Image Processing
82 Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with Deep Learning-Based Methods 18 82_Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with Deep Learning-Based Methods
83 Multi-Source TC Intensity Estimation Using Deep Learning 18 83_Multi-Source TC Intensity Estimation Using Deep Learning
84 Mapping Arctic Permafrost Degradation, Vegetation Changes, and Small Water Bodies using Remote Sensing and Deep Learning 17 84_Mapping Arctic Permafrost Degradation, Vegetation Changes, and Small Water Bodies using Remote Sensing and Deep Learning
85 Innovative Approaches for Cadastral Boundary Extraction and Urban Green Space Segmentation 17 85_Innovative Approaches for Cadastral Boundary Extraction and Urban Green Space Segmentation
86 SAR and Optical Image Fusion Methods for Multimodal Registration 17 86_SAR and Optical Image Fusion Methods for Multimodal Registration
87 GNSS-R for Ocean Surface Wind Retrieval 17 87_GNSS-R for Ocean Surface Wind Retrieval
88 Trends in NO2 and SO2 Emissions and Pollution Control Efforts in Asian Regions 16 88_Trends in NO2 and SO2 Emissions and Pollution Control Efforts in Asian Regions
89 Foliar Trait Estimation Using Leaf Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Models 16 89_Foliar Trait Estimation Using Leaf Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Models
90 Improving Waterline Extraction and Coastline Prediction using Satellite Imagery in Coastal Environments 16 90_Improving Waterline Extraction and Coastline Prediction using Satellite Imagery in Coastal Environments
91 Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images 16 91_Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images
92 Evaluation of Noise Removal Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery Data 15 92_Evaluation of Noise Removal Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery Data
93 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Despeckling Using Deep Learning 15 93_Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Despeckling Using Deep Learning
94 Advanced Techniques for Moving Target Detection and Coherent Integration in Radar Systems 15 94_Advanced Techniques for Moving Target Detection and Coherent Integration in Radar Systems
95 Deep Learning Hashing Methods for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval 15 95_Deep Learning Hashing Methods for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
96 Innovations in Spatiotemporal Fusion Methods for Remote Sensing Image Enhancement 14 96_Innovations in Spatiotemporal Fusion Methods for Remote Sensing Image Enhancement
97 Analysis of Urban Impervious Surface Dynamics Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images and Machine Learning in China and Pakistan 14 97_Analysis of Urban Impervious Surface Dynamics Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images and Machine Learning in China and Pakistan
98 Advanced Methods in Soil Moisture Detection Using GNSS Reflectometry 14 98_Advanced Methods in Soil Moisture Detection Using GNSS Reflectometry
99 Multi-scale Weakly Supervised Building Change Detection via Remote Sensing Images 14 99_Multi-scale Weakly Supervised Building Change Detection via Remote Sensing Images
100 Improving HFSWR Target Detection and Directional Estimation through Radar Calibration and Adaptive Algorithms 14 100_Improving HFSWR Target Detection and Directional Estimation through Radar Calibration and Adaptive Algorithms
101 Lidar systems for atmospheric monitoring 13 101_Lidar systems for atmospheric monitoring
102 Advanced Models for Crop Yield Prediction 13 102_Advanced Models for Crop Yield Prediction
103 Advanced Methods in Electromagnetic Inversion for Subsurface Mapping 13 103_Advanced Methods in Electromagnetic Inversion for Subsurface Mapping
104 Glacier Dynamics and Climate Change in the Kunlun Mountains 13 104_Glacier Dynamics and Climate Change in the Kunlun Mountains
105 Advanced Techniques for Marine Oil Spill Detection 13 105_Advanced Techniques for Marine Oil Spill Detection
106 Advanced InSAR Processing Techniques for Deformation Monitoring 13 106_Advanced InSAR Processing Techniques for Deformation Monitoring
107 Advanced Methods for Estimating Shortwave Radiation Components 12 107_Advanced Methods for Estimating Shortwave Radiation Components
108 Building Height Estimation in Urban Areas Using Remote Sensing Data 12 108_Building Height Estimation in Urban Areas Using Remote Sensing Data
109 Satellite-Based LAI Retrieval Methods and Transfer Learning 12 109_Satellite-Based LAI Retrieval Methods and Transfer Learning
110 Advanced Recognition Methods for Signal Modulation and Jamming Signals 12 110_Advanced Recognition Methods for Signal Modulation and Jamming Signals
111 Predictive Modeling of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Using Advanced Neural Networks 11 111_Predictive Modeling of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Using Advanced Neural Networks
112 Characteristics of Internal Solitary Waves in the Andaman Sea and Arabian Sea Identified via SAR and Optical Observations 11 112_Characteristics of Internal Solitary Waves in the Andaman Sea and Arabian Sea Identified via SAR and Optical Observations
113 Machine learning classification of ice surface conditions and supraglacial lakes across Northern Hemisphere and Greenland 11 113_Machine learning classification of ice surface conditions and supraglacial lakes across Northern Hemisphere and Greenland
114 Sea Level Rise and Altimetry Analysis around Taiwan 10 114_Sea Level Rise and Altimetry Analysis around Taiwan
115 Mapping Tree Species Using Sentinel Imagery 10 115_Mapping Tree Species Using Sentinel Imagery
116 Remote Sensing-Based Extraction of Rooftop Photovoltaic Panels 10 116_Remote Sensing-Based Extraction of Rooftop Photovoltaic Panels

Training hyperparameters

  • calculate_probabilities: False
  • language: None
  • low_memory: False
  • min_topic_size: 10
  • n_gram_range: (1, 1)
  • nr_topics: None
  • seed_topic_list: None
  • top_n_words: 10
  • verbose: False
  • zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7
  • zeroshot_topic_list: None

Framework versions

  • Numpy: 1.26.4
  • HDBSCAN: 0.8.33
  • UMAP: 0.5.5
  • Pandas: 1.5.3
  • Scikit-Learn: 1.4.1.post1
  • Sentence-transformers: 2.4.0
  • Transformers: 4.38.1
  • Numba: 0.59.0
  • Plotly: 5.19.0
  • Python: 3.11.3
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