AI & ML interests

Research topics of interest include sentiment analysis and opinion mining, text summarization, text simplification, reading and writing supporting tools, machine translation, corpus linguistics, computational terminology, parsing methods for varied linguistic levels (part of speech, syntax, semantics and discourse), automated evaluation, speech processing, and application of machine learning techniques and varied modeling strategies for language processing solutions, among several others.

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RodrigoLimaRFL  updated a dataset 3 days ago
sidleal  updated a dataset about 2 months ago
sidleal  updated a dataset about 2 months ago
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The Interinstitutional Center for Computational Linguistics (Núcleo Interinstitucional de Linguística Computacional -- NILC) was created in 1993 to foster research and development projects in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, counting with computer scientists, linguists and research fellows from different universities and research centers, as University of São Paulo (USP) and Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). These researchers have worked on the computational processing of natural languages and the construction of resources, tools and applications (mainly for Brazilian Portuguese), having several projects funded by Brazilian research agencies and partnership with industry for knowledge and technology transference. Research topics of interest include sentiment analysis and opinion mining, text summarization, text simplification, reading and writing supporting tools, machine translation, corpus linguistics, computational terminology, parsing methods for varied linguistic levels (part of speech, syntax, semantics and discourse), automated evaluation, speech processing, and application of machine learning techniques and varied modeling strategies for language processing solutions, among several others.