Why 'trust_remote_code=True' ? What remote code is being executed ?

by Kkordik - opened

Interested why 'trust_remote_code=True' and what remote code is being executed. Asking for safety concerns

found this here : https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui/blob/abe5ddc8833206381c43b002e95788d4cca0893a/docs/04%20-%20Model%20Tab.md?plain=1#L30
trust-remote-code: Some models use custom Python code to load the model or the tokenizer. For such models, this option needs to be set. It doesn't download any remote content: all it does is execute the .py files that get downloaded with the model. Those files can potentially include malicious code; I have never seen it happen, but it is in principle possible.

why not add to offcial hugging face transformers?

Its hard to debug the details.

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