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pipeline_tag: text-classification
  - partypress
  - political science
  - parties
  - press releases
  - text: >-
      Labour launches air pollution campaign Labour’s Shadow Minister for the
      Natural Environment, will today (Wednesday) launch Labour’s campaign
      against air pollution. Maria Eagle will say that 29,000 people die
      prematurely in the UK each year because of poor air pollution in our towns
      and cities - including more than 3,000 in London. Scientists have warned
      that air pollution in Britain’s most polluted cities is stunting the
      development of children’s lungs. Maria Eagle MP and Sadiq Khan MP will
      announce that the next Labour Government will deliver a national framework
      for Low Emission Zones to enable local authorities to encourage cleaner,
      greener, less-polluting vehicles to begin to tackle this problem. Unlike
      this Tory-led Government the Labour Party will devolve the power, not just
      the responsibility, to Local Authorities willing take action against air
  - text: >-
      Dawn Butler MP, Labour’s Shadow

      Women and Equalities Secretary, commenting on Equal Pay Day today, said:
      “From today onwards women effectively work the rest of the year for free,
      which means fifty days of unpaid labour until we hit 2018. “The fact that
      the gender pay gap has remained the same for the past three years is a
      shocking indictment of the Government’s failure to tackle unequal pay and
      the underlying structural issues that allow these disparities to exist.
      “Labour is the party of equality. It was Labour that introduced the Equal
      Pay Act in 1970 and the next Labour Government will take the necessary
      action to end the scourge of unequal pay once and for all.
  - text: >-
      "Los soldados españoles que están en Afganistán cuentan con las máximas
      medidas de seguridad para su protección" Jesús Cuadrado, portavoz
      socialista en la Comisión de Defensa del Congreso, ha enviado esta tarde,
      en nombre del PSOE, un mensaje de apoyo y solidaridad a los soldados
      heridos hoy en Afganistán y a sus familias, así como a sus compañeros en
      esta misión internacional. Cuadrado ha resaltado el “enorme sacrificio”
      que supone para los soldados una misión de estas características. Un
      sacrificio “que está al servicio de todo los españoles”, ha explicado,
      “porque contribuyen a la creación de un Estado”, en un lugar que ha sido
      usado hasta el momento por los terroristas para cometer atentados en su
      país y en resto del mundo.  Gracias al trabajo de “nuestros soldados”, ha
      añadido, “ahora hay un ejército compuesto por militares afganos y hay una
      policía”. Así, “el trabajo de los militares españoles está al servicio de
      España y de los demás países”, que participan en esta misión por mandato
      de la OTAN, ha recordado. “Es uno de los trabajos más solidarios y
      comprometidos que se pueden hacer en el mundo”, ha resaltado el portavoz
      socialista.  La seguridad de nuestras tropas, una prioridad absoluta  “La
      seguridad al cien por cien es imposible”, ha admitido Cuadrado. Así lo ha
      señalado en numerosas ocasiones tanto el Ministerio de Defensa como el
      resto del Gobierno. “Los riesgos que asumimos allí son muy elevados y,
      precisamente por eso, durante estos años, el Gobierno ha hecho de la
      seguridad de nuestras tropas una prioridad absoluta”.  Cuadrado ha
      recordado que “todos los blindados que utilizan los militares españoles en
      Afganistán han sido renovados”. Los soldados españoles, en concreto,
      cuentan con 67 RG31 y 131 blindados tipo Lince. También se ha construido
      una nueva base y se ha dotado, a todo el material que utilizan, de las más
      modernas medidas de seguridad, así como de unos servicios sanitarios de
      alto nivel. “Igualmente, es conocido que se ha ido mejorando el sistema de
      transporte de nuestras tropas con las mejores medidas de seguridad”,
      concluyó el portavoz en la Comisión de Defensa.
  - text: >-
      Nederland kan uit de crisis komen als we banen en structureel herstel
      voorop stellen. Dat zei Sybrand Buma vandaag in zijn speech op het
      partijcongres van het CDA in Leeuwarden. Dat was volgens hem de aanpak van
      Ruud Lubbers in de crisis van de jaren 80, en het was de aanpak van Jan
      Peter Balkenende aan het begin van deze eeuw. Beide CDA’ers waren er van
      overtuigd dat werk en economisch herstel niet worden gecreëerd door de
      overheid. Maar de overheid kan wel de omstandigheden scheppen waaronder de
      economie weer tot leven komt. Die visie van Lubbers en Balkenende is ook
      de visie van Buma en ligt ten grondslag aan het alternatief dat hij begin
      september presenteerde.  Buma benadrukte ook dat het CDA zowel het kabinet
      als D66, CU en SGP zal blijven aansporen om de chronisch zieken en
      gehandicapten meer tegemoet te komen. Het herfstakkoord is in strijd met
      alles waar het CDA vanaf de jaren ’80, tot en met het Strategisch Beraad,
      voor staat. Het CDA wil een bloeiende samenleving met een eerlijke
      economie en een dienende overheid als schild voor de zwakken.  Buma stond
      er ook nog even bij stil dat Leeuwarden voor hem een bijzondere plek is,
      om twee redenen. Hij is er geboren, en het is de plaats van waaruit de
      Elfstedentocht begint. Buma heeft zelf de Elfstedentocht gereden, bijna 30
      jaar geleden, en is nog steeds rijdend lid van de vereniging. Tijdens zijn
      speech maakte hij bekend dat hij zijn startbewijs inleverde om ruimte te
      maken voor een jongere, mocht de tocht binnenkort weer gereden worden.Klik
      op de link op onderaan deze pagina om de hele speech te lezen.

PARTYPRESS multilingual

Fine-tuned model in seven languages on texts from nine countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK), based on bert-base-multilingual-cased. Used in Erfort et al. (2023), building on the PARTYPRESS database. For the downstream task of classyfing press releases into 23 unique issue areas we achieve a performance comparable to expert human coders.

Model description

The PARTYPRESS multilingual model builds on bert-base-multilingual-cased but has a supervised component. This means, it was fine-tuned using texts labeled by humans. The labels indicate 23 different political issue categories derived from the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), e.g. Environment, Immigration, or Labor.

Model variations

We plan to release monolingual models for each of the languages covered by this multilingual model. The model can be extended to other languages, country contexts, or time periods by fine-tuning it with minimal additional labeled texts.

Intended uses & limitations

The main use of the model is for text classification of press releases from political parties. It may also be useful for other political texts.

The classification can then be used to measure which issues parties are discussing in their communication.

How to use

This model can be used directly with a pipeline for text classification:

>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> partypress = pipeline("text-classification", model = "cornelius/partypress-multilingual", tokenizer = "cornelius/partypress-multilingual")
>>> partypress("We urgently need to fight climate change and reduce carbon emissions. This is what our party stands for.")

Limitations and bias

The model was trained with data from parties in nine countries. For use in other countries, the model may be further fine-tuned. Without further fine-tuning, the performance of the model may be lower.

The model may have biased predictions. We discuss some biases by country, party, and over time in the release paper for the PARTYPRESS database. For example, the performance is highest for press releases from Ireland (75%) and lowest for Poland (55%).

Training data

The PARTYPRESS multilingual model was fine-tuned with 27,243 press releases in seven languages on texts from 68 European parties in nine countries. The press releases were labeled by two expert human coders per country.

For the training data of the underlying model, please refer to bert-base-multilingual-cased

Training procedure


For the preprocessing, please refer to bert-base-multilingual-cased


For the pretraining, please refer to bert-base-multilingual-cased


We fine-tuned the model using 27,243 labeled press releases from political parties in seven languages.

Training Hyperparameters

The batch size for training was 12, for testing 2, with four epochs. All other hyperparameters were the standard from the transformers library.

Evaluation results

Fine-tuned on our downstream task, this model achieves the following results in a five-fold cross validation that are comparable to the performance of our expert human coders:

Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score
69.52 67.99 67.60 66.77

Note that the classification task is difficult because topics such as environment and energy are often difficult to keep apart.

When we aggregate the shares of text for each issue, we find that the root-mean-square error is very low (0.29).

BibTeX entry and citation info

  author    = {Cornelius Erfort and
               Lukas F. Stoetzer and
               Heike Klüver},
  title     = {The PARTYPRESS Database: A New Comparative Database of Parties’ Press Releases},
  journal   = {Research and Politics},
  volume    = {forthcoming},
  year      = {2023},

Further resources

Github: cornelius-erfort/partypress

Research and Politics Dataverse: Replication Data for: The PARTYPRESS Database: A New Comparative Database of Parties’ Press Releases


Research for this contribution is part of the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script" (EXC 2055, Project-ID: 390715649), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy. Cornelius Erfort is moreover grateful for generous funding provided by the DFG through the Research Training Group DYNAMICS (GRK 2458/1).


Cornelius Erfort Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin