aha moment of india
Your so-called ‘removal of Chinese Communist Party censorship’ is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to mask your own hypocrisy and bias. You claim to provide ‘unbiased, accurate, and factual information,’ but let’s be real—your model is just another tool to peddle American ideology as ‘truth’ while blatantly ignoring China’s progress.
Your version of ‘freedom of speech’ is selectively dismissing China’s achievements while whitewashing America’s own agenda. Let’s not pretend GPT, Claude, or any other American model is free from bias. Do you honestly think you’re not filtering out information that doesn’t align with U.S. political correctness? Do you really believe your models aren’t serving American ideological interests?
China’s contributions to open-source, scientific research, and technology are undeniable, yet all you can do is resort to cheap smear tactics to cover up your own insecurities. How pathetic! If you truly care about being ‘unbiased,’ start by acknowledging your double standards instead of preaching ‘freedom’ while turning a blind eye to China’s advancements.
Here’s a thought for you:
‘Your bias blinds you, and your arrogance keeps you from progress.’
Oh wait, and let’s take a moment to appreciate Perplexity’s groundbreaking contributions to the open-source community!
I clicked on your profile, and guess what? This one model of yours—R1 1776—is literally your only offering. Wow, what a legacy! Thank you for this precious gift (scratch that—joke) to humanity.
While LLama/DeepSeek/Qwen and other contributors are actively pushing the boundaries of open-source innovation, you’re busy patting yourselves on the back for releasing a single model that’s basically just a propaganda tool dressed up as ‘unbiased.’ Bravo! Truly a monumental achievement in the world of tech.
Keep up the stellar work, Perplexity. The open-source community is thrilled to have you.
Thanks for your best joke for our open-source community~~
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