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EgoBlur VRS Utilities

Meta has developed EgoBlur, a sophisticated face and license plate anonymization system, as part of its ongoing commitment to responsible innovation. Since 2020, EgoBlur has been employed internally within the Project Aria program. The VRS file format is designed to record and play back streams of sensor data, including images, audio samples, and other discrete sensors (e.g., IMU, temperature), stored as time-stamped records within per-device streams. This library enables users to process VRS formatted videos using anonymization techniques and generate anonymized output videos in the same efficient VRS format.

Getting Started

To use anonymization models with the VRS files, you need to download model files from our website and install necessary software as described below.

Instruction to retrieve the ML Models

Models can be retrieved from egoblur download section. We will use the downloadable link and will fetch the models using “wget”.

We begin by creating a directory to store models

    mkdir ~/models && cd ~/models

Run command to fetch models

    wget -O "<downloadable_link_fetched_from_website>"

Repeat the same process for the license plate model.

Installation (Ubuntu 22.04 with libtorch 2.1 with CUDA toolkit 12.1)

This installation guide assumes that the nvidia-driver, Cuda, OpenCV, make and gcc are already installed. If not please follow the instructions at the end of this document to install these utilities/drivers.

Download CMake

Download CMake binary

    mkdir ~/cmake && cd ~/cmake

Unpack CMake

    chmod 555 && ./ --skip-license

Download libtorch

We are working with libtorch 2.1 with CUDA toolkit 12.1. This can be downloaded using:

cd ~/ && \
wget && \

Install VRS dependencies

sudo apt install libfmt-dev libturbojpeg-dev libpng-dev && \
sudo apt install liblz4-dev libzstd-dev libxxhash-dev && \
sudo apt install libboost-system-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev

Install ninja build(required by projectaria_tools)

sudo apt install ninja-build

Download github repositories

Make directory to hold repos

    mkdir ~/repos && cd ~/repos


Download torchvision

    cd ~/repos && \
    git clone --branch v0.16.0

Build torchvision

    cd ~/repos && \
    rm -rf vision/build && \
    mkdir vision/build && \
    cd vision/build && \
    ~/cmake/bin/cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=$TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST -DWITH_CUDA=on -DTorch_DIR=~/libtorch/share/cmake/Torch && \
    make -j && \
    sudo make install


Download EgoBlur repo

    cd ~/repos && \
    git clone

Build ego_blur_vrs_mutation

    cd ~/repos/EgoBlur/tools/vrs_mutation && \
    rm -rf build && \
    mkdir build && \
    cd build &&  \
    ~/cmake/bin/cmake .. -DTorch_DIR=/home/$USER/libtorch/share/cmake/Torch -DTorchVision_DIR=~/repos/vision/cmake && \
    make -j ego_blur_vrs_mutation


CLI Arguments


use this argument to provide an absolute path for the given input VRS file on which we want to make detections and perform blurring. You MUST provide this value.


use this argument to provide an absolute path where we want to store the blurred VRS file. You MUST provide this value.

    -f, --faceModelPath

use this argument to provide an absolute EgoBlur face model file path. You SHOULD provide either --faceModelPath or --licensePlateModelPath or both. If none is provided code will not blur any data and the same input VRS will be written out without any operation.


use this argument to provide a face model score threshold to filter out low confidence face detections. The values must be between 0.0 and 1.0, if not provided this defaults to 0.1.

    -l, --licensePlateModelPath

use this argument to provide an absolute EgoBlur license plate model file path. You SHOULD provide either --faceModelPath or --licensePlateModelPath or both. If none is provided code will not blur any data and the same input VRS will be written out without any operation.


use this argument to provide license plate model score threshold to filter out low confidence license plate detections. The values must be between 0.0 and 1.0, if not provided this defaults to 0.1.


use this argument to provide scale detections by the given factor to allow blurring more area. The values can only be positive real numbers eg: 0.9(values < 1) would mean scaling DOWN the predicted blurred region by 10%, whereas as 1.1(values > 1) would mean scaling UP the predicted blurred region by 10%. If not provided this defaults to 1.15.


use this argument to provide NMS iou threshold to filter out low confidence overlapping boxes. The values must be between 0.0 and 1.0, if not provided this defaults to 0.3.


flag to indicate whether you want to use GPU. It's highly recommended that you use GPU

A sample command using mandatory args only:

    cd ~/repos/EgoBlur/tools/vrs_mutation/build && \
    ./ego_blur_vrs_mutation --in your_vrs_file --out your_output_vrs_file -f ~/models/ego_blur_face.jit -l ~/models/    ego_blur_lp.jit --use-gpu

A sample command using all args:

cd ~/repos/EgoBlur/tools/vrs_mutation/build && \
./ego_blur_vrs_mutation --in your_vrs_file --out your_output_vrs_file -f ~/models/ego_blur_face.jit --face-model-confidence-threshold 0.75 -l ~/models/ego_blur_lp.jit --license-plate-model-confidence-threshold 0.99 --scale-factor-detections 1.15 --nms-threshold 0.3 --use-gpu

Additional Installation Instructions

In this section we will cover additional installation instructions.

Check OS version


This should give you the OS version which will be helpful in selecting the drivers and CUDA toolkit in the steps below.

Install make

    sudo apt install make

Install gcc

    sudo apt install gcc

Install OpenCV

    sudo apt install libopencv-dev

Install utility unzip

    sudo apt install unzip

Check if you have GPU

This should provide the type of the GPU on the machine.

    lspci | grep nvidia -i

Decide GPU Driver

Based on the gpu type and your OS type obtained previously, go to the website to search for an appropriate driver:

Update package manager

    sudo apt update

Install GPU drivers

    sudo apt install ubuntu-drivers-common

Confirm that package manager identifies your device(GPU) and recommends appropriate drivers

    sudo ubuntu-drivers devices

Finally install the driver

    sudo apt install nvidia-driver-535

Reboot the system

    sudo reboot

Check if driver installation went correctly by running nvidia-smi


Install CUDA Toolkit

Go to pytorch website and find the specific cuda toolkit version you want to install(this should match with your libtorch supported version). Since we are using libtorch version v2.1.0: Previous PyTorch Versions | PyTorch we will install libtorch v2.1.0: Previous PyTorch Versions | PyTorch with cuda toolkit 12.1.


Since we will be using libtorch v2.1.0 with cuda toolkit 12.1, visit website to get the installation instructions

Get cuda run file


Execute CUDA runfile

    sudo sh

Since we have already installed driver we don't need to reinstall it, we can simply continue with cuda toolkit installation

Export paths

    vi ~/.bashrc

And add these lines:

    export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.1/lib64\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}


    source ~/.bashrc

To verify cuda toolkit installation run:

    nvcc --version