import numpy as np |
import io |
import os |
import time |
from collections import defaultdict, deque |
import datetime |
import torch |
import torch.distributed as dist |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import torch.nn as nn |
class DiceBCELoss(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=True): |
super(DiceBCELoss, self).__init__() |
def forward(self, inputs, targets, smooth=1): |
inputs = F.sigmoid(inputs) |
inputs = inputs.view(-1) |
targets = targets.view(-1) |
intersection = (inputs * targets).sum() |
dice_loss = 1 - (2.0 * intersection + smooth) / ( |
inputs.sum() + targets.sum() + smooth |
) |
BCE = F.binary_cross_entropy(inputs, targets, reduction="mean") |
Dice_BCE = BCE + dice_loss |
return Dice_BCE |
class SmoothedValue(object): |
"""Track a series of values and provide access to smoothed values over a |
window or the global series average. |
""" |
def __init__(self, window_size=20, fmt=None): |
if fmt is None: |
fmt = "{median:.4f} ({global_avg:.4f})" |
self.deque = deque(maxlen=window_size) |
self.total = 0.0 |
self.count = 0 |
self.fmt = fmt |
def update(self, value, n=1): |
self.deque.append(value) |
self.count += n |
self.total += value * n |
def synchronize_between_processes(self): |
""" |
Warning: does not synchronize the deque! |
""" |
if not is_dist_avail_and_initialized(): |
return |
t = torch.tensor([self.count, self.total], dtype=torch.float64, device="cuda") |
dist.barrier() |
dist.all_reduce(t) |
t = t.tolist() |
self.count = int(t[0]) |
self.total = t[1] |
@property |
def median(self): |
d = torch.tensor(list(self.deque)) |
return d.median().item() |
@property |
def avg(self): |
d = torch.tensor(list(self.deque), dtype=torch.float32) |
return d.mean().item() |
@property |
def global_avg(self): |
if self.count == 0: |
return self.total |
else: |
return self.total / self.count |
@property |
def max(self): |
return max(self.deque) |
@property |
def value(self): |
return self.deque[-1] |
def __str__(self): |
return self.fmt.format( |
median=self.median, |
avg=self.avg, |
global_avg=self.global_avg, |
max=self.max, |
value=self.value, |
) |
class MetricLogger(object): |
def __init__(self, delimiter="\t"): |
self.meters = defaultdict(SmoothedValue) |
self.delimiter = delimiter |
def update(self, **kwargs): |
for k, v in kwargs.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
v = v.item() |
assert isinstance(v, (float, int)) |
self.meters[k].update(v) |
def __getattr__(self, attr): |
if attr in self.meters: |
return self.meters[attr] |
if attr in self.__dict__: |
return self.__dict__[attr] |
raise AttributeError( |
"'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(type(self).__name__, attr) |
) |
def __str__(self): |
loss_str = [] |
for name, meter in self.meters.items(): |
loss_str.append("{}: {}".format(name, str(meter))) |
return self.delimiter.join(loss_str) |
def global_avg(self): |
loss_str = [] |
for name, meter in self.meters.items(): |
loss_str.append("{}: {:.4f}".format(name, meter.global_avg)) |
return self.delimiter.join(loss_str) |
def synchronize_between_processes(self): |
for meter in self.meters.values(): |
meter.synchronize_between_processes() |
def add_meter(self, name, meter): |
self.meters[name] = meter |
def log_every(self, iterable, print_freq, header=None): |
i = 0 |
if not header: |
header = "" |
start_time = time.time() |
end = time.time() |
iter_time = SmoothedValue(fmt="{avg:.4f}") |
data_time = SmoothedValue(fmt="{avg:.4f}") |
space_fmt = ":" + str(len(str(len(iterable)))) + "d" |
log_msg = [ |
header, |
"[{0" + space_fmt + "}/{1}]", |
"eta: {eta}", |
"{meters}", |
"time: {time}", |
"data: {data}", |
] |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
log_msg.append("max mem: {memory:.0f}") |
log_msg = self.delimiter.join(log_msg) |
MB = 1024.0 * 1024.0 |
for obj in iterable: |
data_time.update(time.time() - end) |
yield obj |
iter_time.update(time.time() - end) |
if i % print_freq == 0 or i == len(iterable) - 1: |
eta_seconds = iter_time.global_avg * (len(iterable) - i) |
eta_string = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))) |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
print( |
log_msg.format( |
i, |
len(iterable), |
eta=eta_string, |
meters=str(self), |
time=str(iter_time), |
data=str(data_time), |
memory=torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / MB, |
) |
) |
else: |
print( |
log_msg.format( |
i, |
len(iterable), |
eta=eta_string, |
meters=str(self), |
time=str(iter_time), |
data=str(data_time), |
) |
) |
i += 1 |
end = time.time() |
total_time = time.time() - start_time |
total_time_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(total_time))) |
print( |
"{} Total time: {} ({:.4f} s / it)".format( |
header, total_time_str, total_time / len(iterable) |
) |
) |
class AttrDict(dict): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
self.__dict__ = self |
def compute_acc(logits, label, reduction="mean"): |
ret = (torch.argmax(logits, dim=1) == label).float() |
if reduction == "none": |
return ret.detach() |
elif reduction == "mean": |
return ret.mean().item() |
def compute_n_params(model, return_str=True): |
tot = 0 |
for p in model.parameters(): |
w = 1 |
for x in p.shape: |
w *= x |
tot += w |
if return_str: |
if tot >= 1e6: |
return "{:.1f}M".format(tot / 1e6) |
else: |
return "{:.1f}K".format(tot / 1e3) |
else: |
return tot |
def setup_for_distributed(is_master): |
""" |
This function disables printing when not in master process |
""" |
import builtins as __builtin__ |
builtin_print = __builtin__.print |
def print(*args, **kwargs): |
force = kwargs.pop("force", False) |
if is_master or force: |
builtin_print(*args, **kwargs) |
__builtin__.print = print |
def is_dist_avail_and_initialized(): |
if not dist.is_available(): |
return False |
if not dist.is_initialized(): |
return False |
return True |
def get_world_size(): |
if not is_dist_avail_and_initialized(): |
return 1 |
return dist.get_world_size() |
def get_rank(): |
if not is_dist_avail_and_initialized(): |
return 0 |
return dist.get_rank() |
def is_main_process(): |
return get_rank() == 0 |
def save_on_master(*args, **kwargs): |
if is_main_process(): |
torch.save(*args, **kwargs) |
def init_distributed_mode(args): |
if "RANK" in os.environ and "WORLD_SIZE" in os.environ: |
args.rank = int(os.environ["RANK"]) |
args.world_size = int(os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"]) |
args.local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) |
elif "SLURM_PROCID" in os.environ: |
args.rank = int(os.environ["SLURM_PROCID"]) |
args.local_rank = args.rank % torch.cuda.device_count() |
else: |
print("Not using distributed mode") |
args.distributed = False |
return |
args.distributed = True |
torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) |
args.dist_backend = "nccl" |
print( |
"| distributed init (rank {}): {}".format(args.rank, args.dist_url), flush=True |
) |
torch.distributed.init_process_group( |
backend=args.dist_backend, |
init_method=args.dist_url, |
world_size=args.world_size, |
rank=args.rank, |
) |
torch.distributed.barrier() |
setup_for_distributed(args.rank == 0) |