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Rajat Arya


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replied to jsulz's post 7 days ago
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Let's go! Get on the waitlist - can't wait to get you onboarded with Xet. From a customer onboarding last week, "Yeah, it's pretty seamless.... oh wait, that was fast."

reacted to jsulz's post with ❤️🚀 7 days ago
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It's finally here ❤️

Build faster than ever with lightning fast upload and download speeds starting today on the Hub ⚡

Xet storage is rolling out access across the Hub - join the waitlist here https://huggingface.co/join/xet

You can apply for yourself, or your entire organization. Head over to your account settings for more information or join anywhere you see the Xet logo on a repository you know.

Have questions? Join the conversation below 👇 or open a discussion on the Xet team page xet-team/README
upvoted an article about 1 month ago
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From Chunks to Blocks: Accelerating Uploads and Downloads on the Hub

reacted to jsulz's post with 👀👍🔥 3 months ago
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Doing a lot of benchmarking and visualization work, which means I'm always searching for interesting repos in terms of file types, size, branches, and overall structure.

To help, I built a Space jsulz/repo-info that lets you search for any repo and get back:

- Treemap of the repository, color coded by file/directory size
- Repo branches and their size
- Cumulative size of different file types (e.g., the total size of all the safetensors in the repo)

And because I'm interested in how this will fit in our work to leverage content-defined chunking for versioning repos on the Hub
- https://huggingface.co/blog/from-files-to-chunks - everything has the number of chunks (1 chunk = 64KB) as well as the total size in bytes.

Some of the treemaps are pretty cool. Attached are black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev and for fun laion/laion-audio-preview (which has nearly 10k .tar files 🤯)

  • 2 replies
replied to cfahlgren1's post 4 months ago
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Also - easily reference your datasets in your research, giving conference committees greater confidence in the reproducibility of your results (ex. share the dataset, the model, the paper, and the analysis - all on the Hub).

Research needs reproducibility, use HF Hub for collaboration & dissemination:

upvoted an article 5 months ago
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Improving Parquet Dedupe on Hugging Face Hub

upvoted 2 articles 7 months ago
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The 5 Most Under-Rated Tools on Hugging Face

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XetHub is joining Hugging Face!