Finetuning code
Can you please provide the details how you have fine-tuned ModernBERT for Question-answering task.
"The model 'ModernBertForMaskedLM' is not supported for question-answering." is the error I am getting when I tried.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, the ModernBertForQuestionAnswering
is still waiting to be accepted to be merged into the transformers
For now, you can use my fork instead of original transformers
> pip uninstall transformersy -y
> git clone
> cd transformers && git checkout feat-ModernBert-QnA-Support && pip install -e .
Then you can use the fine tunning script as mentioned here
Could you please tell me how to use the file? I installed your fork as you mentioned. Then I downloaded the file from (not sure if it needs to be from your fork though) and then I ran it with the hyperparameters that you have used. However when I do that I get the error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/.../.../modernbert/", line 31, in <module>
from trainer_qa import QuestionAnsweringTrainer
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'trainer_qa'