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Built with Axolotl

The Model Generates JSON for the following Five Actions

// When the user asks for account balance without specifying the account type
// Example: What is my current account balance?
{"action": "account_balance", "type": "default"}

// When the user asks for the account balance in his checking account
// Example: What's the balance in my checking account?
{"action": "account_balance", "type": "checking"}

// When the user asks for the account balance in his savings account
// Example: What's the balance in my savings account?
{"action": "account_balance", "type": "savings"}

// When the user asks for an account statement without specifying any date range
// Example: I need my account statement.
{"action": "account_statement", "type": "default"}

// When the user asks for an account statement with a specified date range
// Example: Show me my statement from September 10th, 2023 to September 15th, 2023.
{"action": "account_statement", "type": "custom", "start_date": "10/09/2023", "end_date": "15/09/2023" }