re-UNA ?..

by fblgit - opened

Please.. citation..
I did what u asked, re-UNA a previous Cyb-predominant model. The result was cyb v3, and it answers the question.. yeah, can re-unified once has been scrambled by merges/sft or other neural modification.

I need to understand if cyb 3 is in this or is just cyb 2. IF cyb3 is not part of this, please try to bring cyb v3 into this equation and lets see the result of it.

I will run your next trial idea and we see what comes out meanwhile the citations are in line :)

In any case, great model ;)

This only contains traces of cyb-2. I highly encourage you to merge or re-una this model with cyb-3!

I do not do merges or things like that... i dont get 2 models .. i only get 1 model and UNA it. I can do it with this one.

sounds good. go ahead

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