Semantic similarity between two texts !

by Systeme - opened

Hello, I have created a small PHP script that utilizes the API with the model, designed to evaluate the percentage of semantic similarity between two French texts. However, the results I often receive are around 50%, which doesn't seem very relevant, especially when the texts express the same idea with different words. Typically, I would expect scores between 75 and 100%. Do you think it would be better to use a different model, or are there adjustments that could be made to this model to improve the results?

Sentence Transformers org


This model has been trained specifically on English texts, so I think you will get better performance with a model trained for multilinguality or for French in specific, such as:

(Note: I used and filtered away the larger models)

  • Tom Aarsen

Hello Tom,
Thank you, Tom, for your response. I have chosen these two models for their good efficiency.

$text1 = "Au dernier trimestre, il y eu de nouvelles technologies.";
$text2 = "Au cours des trois derniers mois, des technologies innovantes sont apparues.";

When applying the same text to these models, I still observe differences in the results obtained.
The intfloat/multilingual-e5-small model displays a similarity score of 94%, while the sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 model reaches a score of 78%.

Unfortunately, the precision of interpretation remains inferior to that achieved by human analysis.
Thanks again for your help.

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