Runtime error
Runtime error
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
from torch.nn import init | |
import functools | |
from torch.optim import lr_scheduler | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
import math | |
from einops import rearrange | |
from .transformer_ops.transformer_function import TransformerEncoderLayer | |
###################################################################################### | |
# Attention-Aware Layer | |
###################################################################################### | |
class AttnAware(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, activation='gelu', norm='pixel', num_heads=2): | |
super(AttnAware, self).__init__() | |
activation_layer = get_nonlinearity_layer(activation) | |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(norm) | |
head_dim = input_nc // num_heads | |
self.num_heads = num_heads | |
self.input_nc = input_nc | |
self.scale = head_dim ** -0.5 | |
self.query_conv = nn.Sequential( | |
norm_layer(input_nc), | |
activation_layer, | |
nn.Conv2d(input_nc, input_nc, kernel_size=1) | |
) | |
self.key_conv = nn.Sequential( | |
norm_layer(input_nc), | |
activation_layer, | |
nn.Conv2d(input_nc, input_nc, kernel_size=1) | |
) | |
self.weight = nn.Conv2d(self.num_heads*2, 2, kernel_size=1, stride=1) | |
self.to_out = ResnetBlock(input_nc * 2, input_nc, 1, 0, activation, norm) | |
def forward(self, x, pre=None, mask=None): | |
B, C, W, H = x.size() | |
q = self.query_conv(x).view(B, -1, W*H) | |
k = self.key_conv(x).view(B, -1, W*H) | |
v = x.view(B, -1, W*H) | |
q = rearrange(q, 'b (h d) n -> b h n d', h=self.num_heads) | |
k = rearrange(k, 'b (h d) n -> b h n d', h=self.num_heads) | |
v = rearrange(v, 'b (h d) n -> b h n d', h=self.num_heads) | |
dots = torch.einsum('bhid,bhjd->bhij', q, k) * self.scale | |
if pre is not None: | |
# attention-aware weight | |
B, head, N, N = dots.size() | |
mask_n = mask.view(B, -1, 1, W * H).expand_as(dots) | |
w_visible = (dots.detach() * mask_n).max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0] | |
w_invisible = (dots.detach() * (1-mask_n)).max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0] | |
weight =[w_visible.view(B, head, W, H), w_invisible.view(B, head, W, H)], dim=1) | |
weight = self.weight(weight) | |
weight = F.softmax(weight, dim=1) | |
# visible attention score | |
pre_v = pre.view(B, -1, W*H) | |
pre_v = rearrange(pre_v, 'b (h d) n -> b h n d', h=self.num_heads) | |
dots_visible = torch.where(dots > 0, dots * mask_n, dots / (mask_n + 1e-8)) | |
attn_visible = dots_visible.softmax(dim=-1) | |
context_flow = torch.einsum('bhij, bhjd->bhid', attn_visible, pre_v) | |
context_flow = rearrange(context_flow, 'b h n d -> b (h d) n').view(B, -1, W, H) | |
# invisible attention score | |
dots_invisible = torch.where(dots > 0, dots * (1 - mask_n), dots / ((1 - mask_n) + 1e-8)) | |
attn_invisible = dots_invisible.softmax(dim=-1) | |
self_attention = torch.einsum('bhij, bhjd->bhid', attn_invisible, v) | |
self_attention = rearrange(self_attention, 'b h n d -> b (h d) n').view(B, -1, W, H) | |
# out | |
out = weight[:, :1, :, :]*context_flow + weight[:, 1:, :, :]*self_attention | |
else: | |
attn = dots.softmax(dim=-1) | |
out = torch.einsum('bhij, bhjd->bhid', attn, v) | |
out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b (h d) n').view(B, -1, W, H) | |
out = self.to_out([out, x], dim=1)) | |
return out | |
###################################################################################### | |
# base modules | |
###################################################################################### | |
class NoiseInjection(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self): | |
super(NoiseInjection, self).__init__() | |
self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) | |
def forward(self, x, noise=None, mask=None): | |
if noise is None: | |
b, _, h, w = x.size() | |
noise = x.new_empty(b, 1, h, w).normal_() | |
if mask is not None: | |
mask = F.interpolate(mask, size=x.size()[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) | |
return x + self.alpha * noise * (1 - mask) # add noise only to the invisible part | |
return x + self.alpha * noise | |
class ConstantInput(nn.Module): | |
""" | |
add position embedding for each learned VQ word | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, channel, size=16): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.input = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, channel, size, size)) | |
def forward(self, input): | |
batch = input.shape[0] | |
out = self.input.repeat(batch, 1, 1, 1) | |
return out | |
class UpSample(nn.Module): | |
""" sample with convolutional operation | |
:param input_nc: input channel | |
:param with_conv: use convolution to refine the feature | |
:param kernel_size: feature size | |
:param return_mask: return mask for the confidential score | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, with_conv=False, kernel_size=3, return_mask=False): | |
super(UpSample, self).__init__() | |
self.with_conv = with_conv | |
self.return_mask = return_mask | |
if self.with_conv: | |
self.conv = PartialConv2d(input_nc, input_nc, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, | |
padding=int(int(kernel_size-1)/2), return_mask=True) | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None): | |
x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) | |
mask = F.interpolate(mask, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) if mask is not None else mask | |
if self.with_conv: | |
x, mask = self.conv(x, mask) | |
if self.return_mask: | |
return x, mask | |
else: | |
return x | |
class DownSample(nn.Module): | |
""" sample with convolutional operation | |
:param input_nc: input channel | |
:param with_conv: use convolution to refine the feature | |
:param kernel_size: feature size | |
:param return_mask: return mask for the confidential score | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, with_conv=False, kernel_size=3, return_mask=False): | |
super(DownSample, self).__init__() | |
self.with_conv = with_conv | |
self.return_mask = return_mask | |
if self.with_conv: | |
self.conv = PartialConv2d(input_nc, input_nc, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=2, | |
padding=int(int(kernel_size-1)/2), return_mask=True) | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None): | |
if self.with_conv: | |
x, mask = self.conv(x, mask) | |
else: | |
x = F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=2) | |
mask = F.avg_pool2d(mask, kernel_size=2, stride=2) if mask is not None else mask | |
if self.return_mask: | |
return x, mask | |
else: | |
return x | |
class ResnetBlock(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, output_nc=None, kernel=3, dropout=0.0, activation='gelu', norm='pixel', return_mask=False): | |
super(ResnetBlock, self).__init__() | |
activation_layer = get_nonlinearity_layer(activation) | |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(norm) | |
self.return_mask = return_mask | |
output_nc = input_nc if output_nc is None else output_nc | |
self.norm1 = norm_layer(input_nc) | |
self.conv1 = PartialConv2d(input_nc, output_nc, kernel_size=kernel, padding=int((kernel-1)/2), return_mask=True) | |
self.norm2 = norm_layer(output_nc) | |
self.conv2 = PartialConv2d(output_nc, output_nc, kernel_size=kernel, padding=int((kernel-1)/2), return_mask=True) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) | |
self.act = activation_layer | |
if input_nc != output_nc: | |
self.short = PartialConv2d(input_nc, output_nc, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) | |
else: | |
self.short = Identity() | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None): | |
x_short = self.short(x) | |
x, mask = self.conv1(self.act(self.norm1(x)), mask) | |
x, mask = self.conv2(self.dropout(self.act(self.norm2(x))), mask) | |
if self.return_mask: | |
return (x + x_short) / math.sqrt(2), mask | |
else: | |
return (x + x_short) / math.sqrt(2) | |
class DiffEncoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, ngf=64, kernel_size=2, embed_dim=512, down_scale=4, num_res_blocks=2, dropout=0.0, | |
rample_with_conv=True, activation='gelu', norm='pixel', use_attn=False): | |
super(DiffEncoder, self).__init__() | |
activation_layer = get_nonlinearity_layer(activation) | |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(norm) | |
# start | |
self.encode = PartialConv2d(input_nc, ngf, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=int((kernel_size-1)/2), return_mask=True) | |
# down | |
self.use_attn = use_attn | |
self.down_scale = down_scale | |
self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks | |
self.down = nn.ModuleList() | |
out_dim = ngf | |
for i in range(down_scale): | |
block = nn.ModuleList() | |
down = nn.Module() | |
in_dim = out_dim | |
out_dim = int(in_dim * 2) | |
down.downsample = DownSample(in_dim, rample_with_conv, kernel_size=2, return_mask=True) | |
for i_block in range(num_res_blocks): | |
block.append(ResnetBlock(in_dim, out_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm, return_mask=True)) | |
in_dim = out_dim | |
down.block = block | |
self.down.append(down) | |
# middle | |
self.mid = nn.Module() | |
self.mid.block1 = ResnetBlock(out_dim, out_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm, return_mask=True) | |
if self.use_attn: | |
self.mid.attn = TransformerEncoderLayer(out_dim, kernel=1) | |
self.mid.block2 = ResnetBlock(out_dim, out_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm, return_mask=True) | |
# end | |
self.conv_out = ResnetBlock(out_dim, embed_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm, return_mask=True) | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None, return_mask=False): | |
x, mask = self.encode(x, mask) | |
# down sampling | |
for i in range(self.down_scale): | |
x, mask = self.down[i].downsample(x, mask) | |
for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks): | |
x, mask = self.down[i].block[i_block](x, mask) | |
# middle | |
x, mask = self.mid.block1(x, mask) | |
if self.use_attn: | |
x = self.mid.attn(x) | |
x, mask = self.mid.block2(x, mask) | |
# end | |
x, mask = self.conv_out(x, mask) | |
if return_mask: | |
return x, mask | |
return x | |
class DiffDecoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, output_nc, ngf=64, kernel_size=3, embed_dim=512, up_scale=4, num_res_blocks=2, dropout=0.0, word_size=16, | |
rample_with_conv=True, activation='gelu', norm='pixel', add_noise=False, use_attn=True, use_pos=True): | |
super(DiffDecoder, self).__init__() | |
activation_layer = get_nonlinearity_layer(activation) | |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(norm) | |
self.up_scale = up_scale | |
self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks | |
self.add_noise = add_noise | |
self.use_attn = use_attn | |
self.use_pos = use_pos | |
in_dim = ngf * (2 ** self.up_scale) | |
# start | |
if use_pos: | |
self.pos_embed = ConstantInput(embed_dim, size=word_size) | |
self.conv_in = PartialConv2d(embed_dim, in_dim, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=int((kernel_size-1)/2)) | |
# middle | |
self.mid = nn.Module() | |
self.mid.block1 = ResnetBlock(in_dim, in_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm) | |
if self.use_attn: | |
self.mid.attn = TransformerEncoderLayer(in_dim, kernel=1) | |
self.mid.block2 = ResnetBlock(in_dim, in_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm) | |
# up | |
self.up = nn.ModuleList() | |
out_dim = in_dim | |
for i in range(up_scale): | |
block = nn.ModuleList() | |
attn = nn.ModuleList() | |
noise = nn.ModuleList() | |
up = nn.Module() | |
in_dim = out_dim | |
out_dim = int(in_dim / 2) | |
for i_block in range(num_res_blocks): | |
if add_noise: | |
noise.append(NoiseInjection()) | |
block.append(ResnetBlock(in_dim, out_dim, kernel_size, dropout, activation, norm)) | |
in_dim = out_dim | |
if i == 0 and self.use_attn: | |
attn.append(TransformerEncoderLayer(in_dim, kernel=1)) | |
up.block = block | |
up.attn = attn | |
up.noise = noise | |
upsample = True if (i != 0) else False | |
up.out = ToRGB(in_dim, output_nc, upsample, activation, norm) | |
up.upsample = UpSample(in_dim, rample_with_conv, kernel_size=3) | |
self.up.append(up) | |
# end | |
self.decode = ToRGB(in_dim, output_nc, True, activation, norm) | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None): | |
x = x + self.pos_embed(x) if self.use_pos else x | |
x = self.conv_in(x) | |
# middle | |
x = self.mid.block1(x) | |
if self.use_attn: | |
x = self.mid.attn(x) | |
x = self.mid.block2(x) | |
# up | |
skip = None | |
for i in range(self.up_scale): | |
for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks): | |
if self.add_noise: | |
x = self.up[i].noise[i_block](x, mask=mask) | |
x = self.up[i].block[i_block](x) | |
if len(self.up[i].attn) > 0: | |
x = self.up[i].attn[i_block](x) | |
skip = self.up[i].out(x, skip) | |
x = self.up[i].upsample(x) | |
# end | |
x = self.decode(x, skip) | |
return x | |
class LinearEncoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, kernel_size=16, embed_dim=512): | |
super(LinearEncoder, self).__init__() | |
self.encode = PartialConv2d(input_nc, embed_dim, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=kernel_size, return_mask=True) | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None, return_mask=False): | |
x, mask = self.encode(x, mask) | |
if return_mask: | |
return x, mask | |
return x | |
class LinearDecoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, output_nc, ngf=64, kernel_size=16, embed_dim=512, activation='gelu', norm='pixel'): | |
super(LinearDecoder, self).__init__() | |
activation_layer = get_nonlinearity_layer(activation) | |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(norm) | |
self.decode = nn.Sequential( | |
norm_layer(embed_dim), | |
activation_layer, | |
PartialConv2d(embed_dim, ngf*kernel_size*kernel_size, kernel_size=3, padding=1), | |
nn.PixelShuffle(kernel_size), | |
norm_layer(ngf), | |
activation_layer, | |
PartialConv2d(ngf, output_nc, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
) | |
def forward(self, x, mask=None): | |
x = self.decode(x) | |
return torch.tanh(x) | |
class ToRGB(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_nc, output_nc, upsample=True, activation='gelu', norm='pixel'): | |
super().__init__() | |
activation_layer = get_nonlinearity_layer(activation) | |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(norm) | |
if upsample: | |
self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) | |
input_nc = input_nc + output_nc | |
self.conv = nn.Sequential( | |
norm_layer(input_nc), | |
activation_layer, | |
PartialConv2d(input_nc, output_nc, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
) | |
def forward(self, input, skip=None): | |
if skip is not None: | |
skip = self.upsample(skip) | |
input =[input, skip], dim=1) | |
out = self.conv(input) | |
return torch.tanh(out) | |
###################################################################################### | |
# base function for network structure | |
###################################################################################### | |
def get_scheduler(optimizer, opt): | |
"""Return a learning rate scheduler | |
Parameters: | |
optimizer -- the optimizer of the network | |
opt (option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions. | |
opt.lr_policy is the name of learning rate policy: linear | step | plateau | cosine | |
""" | |
if opt.lr_policy == 'linear': | |
def lambda_rule(iter): | |
lr_l = 1.0 - max(0, iter + opt.iter_count - opt.n_iter) / float(opt.n_iter_decay + 1) | |
return lr_l | |
scheduler = lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, lr_lambda=lambda_rule) | |
elif opt.lr_policy == 'plateau': | |
scheduler = lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='min', factor=0.2, threshold=0.01, patience=5) | |
elif opt.lr_policy == 'cosine': | |
scheduler = lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=opt.n_epochs, eta_min=0) | |
else: | |
return NotImplementedError('learning rate policy [%s] is not implemented', opt.lr_policy) | |
return scheduler | |
def init_weights(net, init_type='normal', init_gain=0.02, debug=False): | |
"""Initialize network weights. | |
Parameters: | |
net (network) -- network to be initialized | |
init_type (str) -- the name of an initialization method: normal | xavier | kaiming | orthogonal | |
init_gain (float) -- scaling factor for normal, xavier and orthogonal. | |
We use 'normal' in the original pix2pix and CycleGAN paper. But xavier and kaiming might | |
work better for some applications. Feel free to try yourself. | |
""" | |
def init_func(m): # define the initialization function | |
classname = m.__class__.__name__ | |
if hasattr(m, 'weight') and (classname.find('Conv') != -1 or classname.find('Linear') != -1): | |
if debug: | |
print(classname) | |
if init_type == 'normal': | |
init.normal_(, 0.0, init_gain) | |
elif init_type == 'xavier': | |
init.xavier_normal_(, gain=init_gain) | |
elif init_type == 'kaiming': | |
init.kaiming_normal_(, a=0, mode='fan_in') | |
elif init_type == 'orthogonal': | |
init.orthogonal_(, gain=init_gain) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError('initialization method [%s] is not implemented' % init_type) | |
if hasattr(m, 'bias') and m.bias is not None: | |
init.constant_(, 0.0) | |
elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: # BatchNorm Layer's weight is not a matrix; only normal distribution applies. | |
init.normal_(, 1.0, init_gain) | |
init.constant_(, 0.0) | |
net.apply(init_func) # apply the initialization function <init_func> | |
def init_net(net, init_type='normal', init_gain=0.02, debug=False, initialize_weights=True): | |
"""Initialize a network: 1. register CPU/GPU device (with multi-GPU support); 2. initialize the network weights | |
Parameters: | |
net (network) -- the network to be initialized | |
init_type (str) -- the name of an initialization method: normal | xavier | kaiming | orthogonal | |
gain (float) -- scaling factor for normal, xavier and orthogonal. | |
gpu_ids (int list) -- which GPUs the network runs on: e.g., 0,1,2 | |
Return an initialized network. | |
""" | |
if initialize_weights: | |
init_weights(net, init_type, init_gain=init_gain, debug=debug) | |
return net | |
class Identity(nn.Module): | |
def forward(self, x): | |
return x | |
def get_norm_layer(norm_type='instance'): | |
"""Return a normalization layer | |
Parameters: | |
norm_type (str) -- the name of the normalization layer: batch | instance | none | |
For BatchNorm, we use learnable affine parameters and track running statistics (mean/stddev). | |
For InstanceNorm, we do not use learnable affine parameters. We do not track running statistics. | |
""" | |
if norm_type == 'batch': | |
norm_layer = functools.partial(nn.BatchNorm2d, affine=True, track_running_stats=True) | |
elif norm_type == 'instance': | |
norm_layer = functools.partial(nn.InstanceNorm2d, affine=True) | |
elif norm_type == 'pixel': | |
norm_layer = functools.partial(PixelwiseNorm) | |
elif norm_type == 'layer': | |
norm_layer = functools.partial(nn.LayerNorm) | |
elif norm_type == 'none': | |
def norm_layer(x): return Identity() | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError('normalization layer [%s] is not found' % norm_type) | |
return norm_layer | |
def get_nonlinearity_layer(activation_type='PReLU'): | |
"""Get the activation layer for the networks""" | |
if activation_type == 'relu': | |
nonlinearity_layer = nn.ReLU() | |
elif activation_type == 'gelu': | |
nonlinearity_layer = nn.GELU() | |
elif activation_type == 'leakyrelu': | |
nonlinearity_layer = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) | |
elif activation_type == 'prelu': | |
nonlinearity_layer = nn.PReLU() | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError('activation layer [%s] is not found' % activation_type) | |
return nonlinearity_layer | |
class PixelwiseNorm(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, input_nc): | |
super(PixelwiseNorm, self).__init__() | |
self.init = False | |
self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, input_nc, 1, 1)) | |
def forward(self, x, alpha=1e-8): | |
""" | |
forward pass of the module | |
:param x: input activations volume | |
:param alpha: small number for numerical stability | |
:return: y => pixel normalized activations | |
""" | |
# x = x - x.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) | |
y = x.pow(2.).mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).add(alpha).rsqrt() # [N1HW] | |
y = x * y # normalize the input x volume | |
return self.alpha*y | |
############################################################################### | |
# BSD 3-Clause License | |
# | |
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. | |
# | |
# Author & Contact: Guilin Liu ([email protected]) | |
############################################################################### | |
class PartialConv2d(nn.Conv2d): | |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): | |
# whether the mask is multi-channel or not | |
if 'multi_channel' in kwargs: | |
self.multi_channel = kwargs['multi_channel'] | |
kwargs.pop('multi_channel') | |
else: | |
self.multi_channel = False | |
if 'return_mask' in kwargs: | |
self.return_mask = kwargs['return_mask'] | |
kwargs.pop('return_mask') | |
else: | |
self.return_mask = False | |
super(PartialConv2d, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) | |
if self.multi_channel: | |
self.weight_maskUpdater = torch.ones(self.out_channels, self.in_channels, self.kernel_size[0], | |
self.kernel_size[1]) | |
else: | |
self.weight_maskUpdater = torch.ones(1, 1, self.kernel_size[0], self.kernel_size[1]) | |
self.slide_winsize = self.weight_maskUpdater.shape[1] * self.weight_maskUpdater.shape[2] * \ | |
self.weight_maskUpdater.shape[3] | |
self.last_size = (None, None, None, None) | |
self.update_mask = None | |
self.mask_ratio = None | |
def forward(self, input, mask_in=None): | |
assert len(input.shape) == 4 | |
if mask_in is not None or self.last_size != tuple(input.shape): | |
self.last_size = tuple(input.shape) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
if self.weight_maskUpdater.type() != input.type(): | |
self.weight_maskUpdater = | |
if mask_in is None: | |
# if mask is not provided, create a mask | |
if self.multi_channel: | |
mask = torch.ones([0],[1],[2], | |[3]).to(input) | |
else: | |
mask = torch.ones(1, 1,[2],[3]).to(input) | |
else: | |
mask = mask_in | |
self.update_mask = F.conv2d(mask, self.weight_maskUpdater, bias=None, stride=self.stride, | |
padding=self.padding, dilation=self.dilation, groups=1) | |
# for mixed precision training, change 1e-8 to 1e-6 | |
self.mask_ratio = self.slide_winsize / (self.update_mask + 1e-8) | |
self.update_mask1 = torch.clamp(self.update_mask, 0, 1) | |
self.mask_ratio = torch.mul(self.mask_ratio, self.update_mask1) | |
raw_out = super(PartialConv2d, self).forward(torch.mul(input, mask) if mask_in is not None else input) | |
if self.bias is not None: | |
bias_view = self.bias.view(1, self.out_channels, 1, 1) | |
output = torch.mul(raw_out - bias_view, self.mask_ratio) + bias_view | |
output = torch.mul(output, self.update_mask1) | |
else: | |
output = torch.mul(raw_out, self.mask_ratio) | |
if self.return_mask: | |
return output, self.update_mask / self.slide_winsize # replace the valid value to confident score | |
else: | |
return output |