#include <dlib/xml_parser.h> |
#include <dlib/matrix.h> |
#include <fstream> |
#include <vector> |
#include <stack> |
#include <set> |
#include <dlib/string.h> |
using namespace std; |
using namespace dlib; |
const std::set<string> comp_tags_with_params = {"fc", "fc_no_bias", "con", "affine_con", "affine_fc", "affine", "prelu"}; |
struct layer |
{ |
string type; |
int idx; |
matrix<long,4,1> output_tensor_shape; |
string detail_name; |
std::map<string,double> attributes; |
matrix<float> params; |
long tag_id = -1; |
long skip_id = -1; |
double attribute (const string& key) const |
{ |
auto i = attributes.find(key); |
if (i != attributes.end()) |
return i->second; |
else |
throw dlib::error("Layer doesn't have the requested attribute '" + key + "'."); |
} |
string caffe_layer_name() const |
{ |
if (type == "input") |
return "data"; |
else |
return detail_name+to_string(idx); |
} |
}; |
std::vector<layer> parse_dlib_xml( |
const matrix<long,4,1>& input_tensor_shape, |
const string& xml_filename |
); |
template <typename iterator> |
const layer& find_layer ( |
iterator i, |
long tag_id |
) |
{ |
if (tag_id == -1) |
{ |
return *(i-1); |
} |
else |
{ |
while(true) |
{ |
i--; |
if (i->tag_id == tag_id) |
return *i; |
if (i->type == "input") |
throw dlib::error("Network definition is bad, a layer wanted to skip back to a non-existing layer."); |
} |
} |
} |
template <typename iterator> |
const layer& find_input_layer (iterator i) { return find_layer(i, i->skip_id); } |
template <typename iterator> |
string find_layer_caffe_name ( |
iterator i, |
long tag_id |
) |
{ |
return find_layer(i,tag_id).caffe_layer_name(); |
} |
template <typename iterator> |
string find_input_layer_caffe_name (iterator i) { return find_input_layer(i).caffe_layer_name(); } |
template <typename iterator> |
void compute_caffe_padding_size_for_pooling_layer( |
const iterator& i, |
long& pad_x, |
long& pad_y |
) |
{ |
const long dlib_output_nr = i->output_tensor_shape(2); |
const long dlib_output_nc = i->output_tensor_shape(3); |
const long bottom_nr = find_input_layer(i).output_tensor_shape(2); |
const long bottom_nc = find_input_layer(i).output_tensor_shape(3); |
const long padding_x = (long)i->attribute("padding_x"); |
const long padding_y = (long)i->attribute("padding_y"); |
const long stride_x = (long)i->attribute("stride_x"); |
const long stride_y = (long)i->attribute("stride_y"); |
long kernel_w = i->attribute("nc"); |
long kernel_h = i->attribute("nr"); |
if (kernel_w == 0) |
kernel_w = bottom_nc; |
if (kernel_h == 0) |
kernel_h = bottom_nr; |
for (pad_x = 0; pad_x <= padding_x; ++pad_x) |
{ |
long caffe_out_size = ceil((bottom_nc + 2.0*pad_x - kernel_w)/(double)stride_x) + 1; |
if (caffe_out_size == dlib_output_nc) |
break; |
} |
if (pad_x == padding_x+1) |
{ |
std::ostringstream sout; |
sout << "No conversion between dlib pooling layer parameters and caffe pooling layer parameters found for layer " << to_string(i->idx) << endl; |
sout << "dlib_output_nc: " << dlib_output_nc << endl; |
sout << "bottom_nc: " << bottom_nc << endl; |
sout << "padding_x: " << padding_x << endl; |
sout << "stride_x: " << stride_x << endl; |
sout << "kernel_w: " << kernel_w << endl; |
sout << "pad_x: " << pad_x << endl; |
throw dlib::error(sout.str()); |
} |
for (pad_y = 0; pad_y <= padding_y; ++pad_y) |
{ |
long caffe_out_size = ceil((bottom_nr + 2.0*pad_y - kernel_h)/(double)stride_y) + 1; |
if (caffe_out_size == dlib_output_nr) |
break; |
} |
if (pad_y == padding_y+1) |
{ |
std::ostringstream sout; |
sout << "No conversion between dlib pooling layer parameters and caffe pooling layer parameters found for layer " << to_string(i->idx) << endl; |
sout << "dlib_output_nr: " << dlib_output_nr << endl; |
sout << "bottom_nr: " << bottom_nr << endl; |
sout << "padding_y: " << padding_y << endl; |
sout << "stride_y: " << stride_y << endl; |
sout << "kernel_h: " << kernel_h << endl; |
sout << "pad_y: " << pad_y << endl; |
throw dlib::error(sout.str()); |
} |
} |
void convert_dlib_xml_to_caffe_python_code( |
const string& xml_filename, |
const long N, |
const long K, |
const long NR, |
const long NC |
) |
{ |
const string out_filename = left_substr(xml_filename,".") + "_dlib_to_caffe_model.py"; |
const string out_weights_filename = left_substr(xml_filename,".") + "_dlib_to_caffe_model.weights"; |
cout << "Writing python part of model to " << out_filename << endl; |
cout << "Writing weights part of model to " << out_weights_filename << endl; |
ofstream fout(out_filename); |
fout.precision(9); |
const auto layers = parse_dlib_xml({N,K,NR,NC}, xml_filename); |
fout << "#\n"; |
fout << "# !!! This file was automatically generated by dlib's tools/convert_dlib_nets_to_caffe utility. !!!\n"; |
fout << "# !!! It contains all the information from a dlib DNN network and lets you save it as a cafe model. !!!\n"; |
fout << "#\n"; |
fout << "import caffe " << endl; |
fout << "from caffe import layers as L, params as P" << endl; |
fout << "import numpy as np" << endl; |
fout << "\n# Input tensor dimensions" << endl; |
fout << "input_batch_size = " << N << ";" << endl; |
if (layers.back().detail_name == "input_rgb_image") |
{ |
fout << "input_num_channels = 3;" << endl; |
fout << "input_num_rows = "<<NR<<";" << endl; |
fout << "input_num_cols = "<<NC<<";" << endl; |
if (K != 3) |
throw dlib::error("The dlib model requires input tensors with NUM_CHANNELS==3, but the dtoc command line specified NUM_CHANNELS=="+to_string(K)); |
} |
else if (layers.back().detail_name == "input_rgb_image_sized") |
{ |
fout << "input_num_channels = 3;" << endl; |
fout << "input_num_rows = " << layers.back().attribute("nr") << ";" << endl; |
fout << "input_num_cols = " << layers.back().attribute("nc") << ";" << endl; |
if (NR != layers.back().attribute("nr")) |
throw dlib::error("The dlib model requires input tensors with NUM_ROWS=="+to_string((long)layers.back().attribute("nr"))+", but the dtoc command line specified NUM_ROWS=="+to_string(NR)); |
if (NC != layers.back().attribute("nc")) |
throw dlib::error("The dlib model requires input tensors with NUM_COLUMNS=="+to_string((long)layers.back().attribute("nc"))+", but the dtoc command line specified NUM_COLUMNS=="+to_string(NC)); |
if (K != 3) |
throw dlib::error("The dlib model requires input tensors with NUM_CHANNELS==3, but the dtoc command line specified NUM_CHANNELS=="+to_string(K)); |
} |
else if (layers.back().detail_name == "input") |
{ |
fout << "input_num_channels = 1;" << endl; |
fout << "input_num_rows = "<<NR<<";" << endl; |
fout << "input_num_cols = "<<NC<<";" << endl; |
if (K != 1) |
throw dlib::error("The dlib model requires input tensors with NUM_CHANNELS==1, but the dtoc command line specified NUM_CHANNELS=="+to_string(K)); |
} |
else |
{ |
throw dlib::error("No known transformation from dlib's " + layers.back().detail_name + " layer to caffe."); |
} |
fout << endl; |
fout << "# Call this function to write the dlib DNN model out to file as a pair of caffe\n"; |
fout << "# definition and weight files. You can then use the network by loading it with\n"; |
fout << "# this statement: \n"; |
fout << "# net = caffe.Net(def_file, weights_file, caffe.TEST);\n"; |
fout << "#\n"; |
fout << "def save_as_caffe_model(def_file, weights_file):\n"; |
fout << " with open(def_file, 'w') as f: f.write(str(make_netspec()));\n"; |
fout << " net = caffe.Net(def_file, caffe.TEST);\n"; |
fout << " set_network_weights(net);\n"; |
fout << " net.save(weights_file);\n\n"; |
fout << "###############################################################################\n"; |
fout << "###############################################################################\n\n\n"; |
fout << "def make_netspec():" << endl; |
fout << " # For reference, the only \"documentation\" about caffe layer parameters seems to be this page:\n"; |
fout << " # https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/blob/master/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto\n" << endl; |
fout << " n = caffe.NetSpec(); " << endl; |
fout << " n.data,n.label = L.MemoryData(batch_size=input_batch_size, channels=input_num_channels, height=input_num_rows, width=input_num_cols, ntop=2)" << endl; |
for (auto i = layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i) |
{ |
if (i->type == "loss" || i->type == "input") |
continue; |
if (i->detail_name == "con") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Convolution(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", num_output=" << i->attribute("num_filters"); |
fout << ", kernel_w=" << i->attribute("nc"); |
fout << ", kernel_h=" << i->attribute("nr"); |
fout << ", stride_w=" << i->attribute("stride_x"); |
fout << ", stride_h=" << i->attribute("stride_y"); |
fout << ", pad_w=" << i->attribute("padding_x"); |
fout << ", pad_h=" << i->attribute("padding_y"); |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "relu") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.ReLU(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "sig") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Sigmoid(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "prelu") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.PReLU(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", channel_shared=True"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "max_pool") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Pooling(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", pool=P.Pooling.MAX"; |
if (i->attribute("nc")==0) |
{ |
fout << ", global_pooling=True"; |
} |
else |
{ |
fout << ", kernel_w=" << i->attribute("nc"); |
fout << ", kernel_h=" << i->attribute("nr"); |
} |
fout << ", stride_w=" << i->attribute("stride_x"); |
fout << ", stride_h=" << i->attribute("stride_y"); |
long pad_x, pad_y; |
compute_caffe_padding_size_for_pooling_layer(i, pad_x, pad_y); |
fout << ", pad_w=" << pad_x; |
fout << ", pad_h=" << pad_y; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "avg_pool") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Pooling(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", pool=P.Pooling.AVE"; |
if (i->attribute("nc")==0) |
{ |
fout << ", global_pooling=True"; |
} |
else |
{ |
fout << ", kernel_w=" << i->attribute("nc"); |
fout << ", kernel_h=" << i->attribute("nr"); |
} |
if (i->attribute("padding_x") != 0 || i->attribute("padding_y") != 0) |
{ |
throw dlib::error("dlib and caffe implement pooling with non-zero padding differently, so you can't convert a " |
"network with such pooling layers."); |
} |
fout << ", stride_w=" << i->attribute("stride_x"); |
fout << ", stride_h=" << i->attribute("stride_y"); |
long pad_x, pad_y; |
compute_caffe_padding_size_for_pooling_layer(i, pad_x, pad_y); |
fout << ", pad_w=" << pad_x; |
fout << ", pad_h=" << pad_y; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "fc") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.InnerProduct(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", num_output=" << i->attribute("num_outputs"); |
fout << ", bias_term=True"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "fc_no_bias") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.InnerProduct(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", num_output=" << i->attribute("num_outputs"); |
fout << ", bias_term=False"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "bn_con" || i->detail_name == "bn_fc") |
{ |
throw dlib::error("Conversion from dlib's batch norm layers to caffe's isn't supported. Instead, " |
"you should put your dlib network into 'test mode' by switching batch norm layers to affine layers. " |
"Then you can convert that 'test mode' network to caffe."); |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "affine_con") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Scale(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", bias_term=True"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "affine_fc") |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Scale(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", bias_term=True"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "add_prev") |
{ |
auto in_shape1 = find_input_layer(i).output_tensor_shape; |
auto in_shape2 = find_layer(i,i->attribute("tag")).output_tensor_shape; |
if (in_shape1 != in_shape2) |
{ |
if (in_shape1(0) == in_shape2(0) && |
in_shape1(2) == in_shape2(2) && |
in_shape1(3) == in_shape2(3)) |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << "_zeropad = L.DummyData(num=" << in_shape1(0); |
fout << ", channels="<<std::abs(in_shape1(1)-in_shape2(1)); |
fout << ", height="<<in_shape1(2); |
fout << ", width="<<in_shape1(3); |
fout << ");\n"; |
string smaller_layer = find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
string bigger_layer = find_layer_caffe_name(i, i->attribute("tag")); |
if (in_shape1(1) > in_shape2(1)) |
swap(smaller_layer, bigger_layer); |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << "_concat = L.Concat(n." << smaller_layer; |
fout << ", n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << "_zeropad"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Eltwise(n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << "_concat"; |
fout << ", n." << bigger_layer; |
fout << ", operation=P.Eltwise.SUM"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::ostringstream sout; |
sout << "The dlib network contained an add_prev layer (layer idx " << i->idx << ") that adds two previous "; |
sout << "layers with different output tensor dimensions. Caffe's equivalent layer, Eltwise, doesn't support "; |
sout << "adding layers together with different dimensions. In the special case where the only difference is "; |
sout << "in the number of channels, this converter program will add a dummy layer that outputs a tensor full of zeros "; |
sout << "and concat it appropriately so this will work. However, this network you are converting has tensor dimensions "; |
sout << "different in values other than the number of channels. In particular, here are the two tensor shapes (batch size, channels, rows, cols): "; |
std::ostringstream sout2; |
sout2 << wrap_string(sout.str()) << endl; |
sout2 << trans(in_shape1); |
sout2 << trans(in_shape2); |
throw dlib::error(sout2.str()); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Eltwise(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i); |
fout << ", n." << find_layer_caffe_name(i, i->attribute("tag")); |
fout << ", operation=P.Eltwise.SUM"; |
fout << ");\n"; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
throw dlib::error("No known transformation from dlib's " + i->detail_name + " layer to caffe."); |
} |
} |
fout << " return n.to_proto();\n\n" << endl; |
ofstream fweights(out_weights_filename, ios::binary); |
fout << "def set_network_weights(net):\n"; |
fout << " # populate network parameters\n"; |
fout << " f = open('"<<out_weights_filename<<"', 'rb');\n"; |
for (auto i = layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i) |
{ |
if (i->type == "loss" || i->type == "input") |
continue; |
if (i->detail_name == "con") |
{ |
const long num_filters = i->attribute("num_filters"); |
matrix<float> weights = trans(rowm(i->params,range(0,i->params.size()-num_filters-1))); |
matrix<float> biases = trans(rowm(i->params,range(i->params.size()-num_filters, i->params.size()-1))); |
fweights.write((char*)&weights(0,0), weights.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fweights.write((char*)&biases(0,0), biases.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<weights.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n"; |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<biases.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data[:] = p;\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "fc") |
{ |
matrix<float> weights = trans(rowm(i->params, range(0,i->params.nr()-2))); |
matrix<float> biases = rowm(i->params, i->params.nr()-1); |
fweights.write((char*)&weights(0,0), weights.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fweights.write((char*)&biases(0,0), biases.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<weights.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n"; |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<biases.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data[:] = p;\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "fc_no_bias") |
{ |
matrix<float> weights = trans(i->params); |
fweights.write((char*)&weights(0,0), weights.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<weights.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "affine_con" || i->detail_name == "affine_fc") |
{ |
const long dims = i->params.size()/2; |
matrix<float> gamma = trans(rowm(i->params,range(0,dims-1))); |
matrix<float> beta = trans(rowm(i->params,range(dims, 2*dims-1))); |
fweights.write((char*)&gamma(0,0), gamma.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fweights.write((char*)&beta(0,0), beta.size()*sizeof(float)); |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<gamma.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n"; |
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<beta.size()<<");\n"; |
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data.shape;\n"; |
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data[:] = p;\n"; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "prelu") |
{ |
const double param = i->params(0); |
fout << " tmp = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.view();\n"; |
fout << " tmp.shape = 1;\n"; |
fout << " tmp[0] = "<<param<<";\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
int main(int argc, char** argv) try |
{ |
if (argc != 6) |
{ |
cout << "To use this program, give it an xml file generated by dlib::net_to_xml() " << endl; |
cout << "and then 4 numbers that indicate the input tensor size. It will convert " << endl; |
cout << "the xml file into a python file that outputs a caffe model containing the dlib model." << endl; |
cout << "For example, you might run this program like this: " << endl; |
cout << " ./dtoc lenet.xml 1 1 28 28" << endl; |
cout << "would convert the lenet.xml model into a caffe model with an input tensor of shape(1,1,28,28)" << endl; |
cout << "where the shape values are (num samples in batch, num channels, num rows, num columns)." << endl; |
return 0; |
} |
const long N = sa = argv[2]; |
const long K = sa = argv[3]; |
const long NR = sa = argv[4]; |
const long NC = sa = argv[5]; |
convert_dlib_xml_to_caffe_python_code(argv[1], N, K, NR, NC); |
return 0; |
} |
catch(std::exception& e) |
{ |
cout << "\n\n*************** ERROR CONVERTING TO CAFFE ***************\n" << e.what() << endl; |
return 1; |
} |
class doc_handler : public document_handler |
{ |
public: |
std::vector<layer> layers; |
bool seen_first_tag = false; |
layer next_layer; |
std::stack<string> current_tag; |
long tag_id = -1; |
virtual void start_document ( |
) |
{ |
layers.clear(); |
seen_first_tag = false; |
tag_id = -1; |
} |
virtual void end_document ( |
) { } |
virtual void start_element ( |
const unsigned long , |
const std::string& name, |
const dlib::attribute_list& atts |
) |
{ |
if (!seen_first_tag) |
{ |
if (name != "net") |
throw dlib::error("The top level XML tag must be a 'net' tag."); |
seen_first_tag = true; |
} |
if (name == "layer") |
{ |
next_layer = layer(); |
if (atts["type"] == "skip") |
{ |
if (layers.size() == 0) |
throw dlib::error("A skip layer was found as the first layer, but the first layer should be an input layer."); |
layers.back().skip_id = sa = atts["id"]; |
} |
else if (atts["type"] == "tag") |
{ |
tag_id = sa = atts["id"]; |
} |
else |
{ |
next_layer.idx = sa = atts["idx"]; |
next_layer.type = atts["type"]; |
if (tag_id != -1) |
{ |
next_layer.tag_id = tag_id; |
tag_id = -1; |
} |
} |
} |
else if (current_tag.size() != 0 && current_tag.top() == "layer") |
{ |
next_layer.detail_name = name; |
atts.reset(); |
while (atts.move_next()) |
next_layer.attributes[atts.element().key()] = sa = atts.element().value(); |
} |
current_tag.push(name); |
} |
virtual void end_element ( |
const unsigned long , |
const std::string& name |
) |
{ |
current_tag.pop(); |
if (name == "layer" && next_layer.type.size() != 0) |
layers.push_back(next_layer); |
} |
virtual void characters ( |
const std::string& data |
) |
{ |
if (current_tag.size() == 0) |
return; |
if (comp_tags_with_params.count(current_tag.top()) != 0) |
{ |
istringstream sin(data); |
sin >> next_layer.params; |
} |
} |
virtual void processing_instruction ( |
const unsigned long , |
const std::string& , |
const std::string& |
) |
{ |
} |
}; |
void compute_output_tensor_shapes(const matrix<long,4,1>& input_tensor_shape, std::vector<layer>& layers) |
{ |
DLIB_CASSERT(layers.back().type == "input"); |
layers.back().output_tensor_shape = input_tensor_shape; |
for (auto i = ++layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i) |
{ |
const auto input_shape = find_input_layer(i).output_tensor_shape; |
if (i->type == "comp") |
{ |
if (i->detail_name == "fc" || i->detail_name == "fc_no_bias") |
{ |
long num_outputs = i->attribute("num_outputs"); |
i->output_tensor_shape = {input_shape(0), num_outputs, 1, 1}; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "con") |
{ |
long num_filters = i->attribute("num_filters"); |
long filter_nc = i->attribute("nc"); |
long filter_nr = i->attribute("nr"); |
long stride_x = i->attribute("stride_x"); |
long stride_y = i->attribute("stride_y"); |
long padding_x = i->attribute("padding_x"); |
long padding_y = i->attribute("padding_y"); |
long nr = 1+(input_shape(2) + 2*padding_y - filter_nr)/stride_y; |
long nc = 1+(input_shape(3) + 2*padding_x - filter_nc)/stride_x; |
i->output_tensor_shape = {input_shape(0), num_filters, nr, nc}; |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "max_pool" || i->detail_name == "avg_pool") |
{ |
long filter_nc = i->attribute("nc"); |
long filter_nr = i->attribute("nr"); |
long stride_x = i->attribute("stride_x"); |
long stride_y = i->attribute("stride_y"); |
long padding_x = i->attribute("padding_x"); |
long padding_y = i->attribute("padding_y"); |
if (filter_nc != 0) |
{ |
long nr = 1+(input_shape(2) + 2*padding_y - filter_nr)/stride_y; |
long nc = 1+(input_shape(3) + 2*padding_x - filter_nc)/stride_x; |
i->output_tensor_shape = {input_shape(0), input_shape(1), nr, nc}; |
} |
else |
{ |
i->output_tensor_shape = {input_shape(0), input_shape(1), 1, 1}; |
} |
} |
else if (i->detail_name == "add_prev") |
{ |
auto aux_shape = find_layer(i, i->attribute("tag")).output_tensor_shape; |
for (long j = 0; j < input_shape.size(); ++j) |
i->output_tensor_shape(j) = std::max(input_shape(j), aux_shape(j)); |
} |
else |
{ |
i->output_tensor_shape = input_shape; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
i->output_tensor_shape = input_shape; |
} |
} |
} |
std::vector<layer> parse_dlib_xml( |
const matrix<long,4,1>& input_tensor_shape, |
const string& xml_filename |
) |
{ |
doc_handler dh; |
parse_xml(xml_filename, dh); |
if (dh.layers.size() == 0) |
throw dlib::error("No layers found in XML file!"); |
if (dh.layers.back().type != "input") |
throw dlib::error("The network in the XML file is missing an input layer!"); |
compute_output_tensor_shapes(input_tensor_shape, dh.layers); |
return dh.layers; |
} |