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*Auto-BG: The Board Game Concept Generator* | |
1. [Introduction]{.underline} | |
a. [Goals Statement - design aid/improved user control over | |
> generation]{.underline} | |
**A Gentle Introduction to Auto-BG & Board Game Data** | |
**What is Auto-BG?** | |
How does a board game transform from an idea to physically sitting on | |
your table? | |
This application attempts to augment one step, early in that journey, | |
when the seeds of an idea combine and sprout into a holistic concept. By | |
interpreting disparate mechanical and descriptive tags to identify a | |
game concept, Auto-BG uses a custom pipeline of GPT3 and T5 models to | |
create a new description and proposed titles for a game that doesn't | |
exist today. These descriptions support designers-to-be as alternatives | |
to current concepts, seeds for future concepts, or any user as, | |
hopefully, an entertaining thought experiment. | |
While, overall, ChatGPT solves this application case by generating | |
coherent descriptions from sentence-formed prompts, we believe this | |
design niche would be better served by a dedicated application | |
leveraging domain-specific transfer learning and granular control | |
through an extensive tag-prompt framework. | |
Before digging into the process of generating a board game concept, | |
let's ground some key terms: | |
- *Mechanical* - The gameplay mechanics which, together, create a | |
> distinct ruleset for a given game. Represented here by a class of | |
> tags each capturing individual mechanics such as "Worker | |
> Placement" or "Set Collection". | |
- *Cooperative* - Our application, and the dataset, singles out | |
> this mechanic as being important enough to have its own tag | |
> class. As an alternative to the domain-default of | |
> *Competitive* gaming, *Cooperative* represents both an | |
> individual mechanic and an entire design paradigm shift. | |
- *Descriptive* - In this context, the narrative, production, or | |
> family-connective elements of a game. This can include genre, | |
> categorical niches, or any relational tag not captured by the | |
> class of mechanical tags described above. | |
a. [Orientation to the data - understanding how assembled tags | |
> define a game item]{.underline} | |
**Understanding the Data** | |
To train our models, we utilized a processed dataset of 20,769 ranked | |
board games scraped from the board game database & forum | |
[[]{.underline}](^1^. Each | |
game includes its name, description, and 3,800 feature tags separated | |
into five classes including Cooperative, Game Type, Category, Mechanic, | |
and Family; when you select tags within Auto-BG, you choose and assign | |
them within these distinct classes. To be ranked, these games must have | |
received a lifetime minimum of thirty user ratings; non-standalone | |
expansion and compilation game items have also been removed to reduce | |
replication in the training data. | |
As previous studies^2^ identified a disproportionate bias toward english | |
language descriptions, our approach used a soft pass to remove games | |
identified as having non-english descriptions using langdetect^3^. We | |
also implemented a check on all remaining titles to remove any that used | |
non-english characters. In total, this purged 1,423 or \~6.4% of the | |
data. | |
The transformed data powering AutoBG was originally scraped via the BGG | |
XML API by \@mshepard on GitLab^4^ and customized for The Impact of | |
Crowdfunding on Board Games (2022)^5^ by N. Canu, A. Oldenkamp, and J. | |
Ellis & Deconstructing Game Design (2022)^2^ by N. Canu, K. Chen, and R. | |
Shetty. That work, and Auto-BG, are derivatively licensed under | |
[[Creative Commons | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike]{.underline}]( | |
Our GitHub repository includes a python script collating the processing | |
steps required to turn a raw scraper output file into the final data | |
constructs needed to run an instance of Auto-BG. | |
b. [Ethical considerations in domain - inherited biases from both | |
> generative model and BGG framework, role of deep learning as | |
> supplement/replacement]{.underline} | |
**Ethical Considerations** | |
As a chaotician once said "your scientists were so preoccupied with | |
whether or not they could, they didn\'t stop to think if they | |
should"^6^ - but that's not what we're going to do. So before we | |
continue, a few notes regarding potential biases and concerns when | |
training or using Auto-BG. | |
First and foremost, Auto-BG inherits critical biases from the base GPT3 | |
Curie model. Extensive work exists documenting the model family's biases | |
related to race^7^, gender^7,8^, religion^9^, and abstracted moral | |
frameworks on right and wrong^10^. A key vector for producing biased | |
output from these models comes from the conditioning context (i.e. user | |
input) which prompts a response^11^; while these inherited biases can't | |
be eliminated, AutoBG attempts to reduce their impact on output text | |
through strictly controlling the conditioning context by relating | |
unknown input to pre-approved keys. | |
Additionally, Auto-BG has inherited significant bias in generating | |
gender markers within descriptive text from the BoardGameGeek training | |
data. As seen in figure 1, game descriptions include a disproportionate | |
volume of male-associated gender markets in the source data. This | |
transfers through Auto-BG's pipeline, resulting in output that, as in | |
figure 2, retains a similar distribution. While outside the feasible | |
scope of this project, future iterations of Auto-BG should include | |
coreference cleaning on the training input to minimize inherited bias; | |
this approach would require a robust review of the source data through | |
the framework of coreference resolution to avoid further harms by making | |
inferences that fail to acknowledge the complexities of gender within | |
this data^12^. | |
Beyond these substantial issues, with any large language model (LLM) | |
project, we have to ask - are we harming human actors by deploying this | |
tool? In 2023, discussion of the prospective gains and potential danger | |
of LLMs has broken out of the data science domain and represents a | |
growing global conversation. Academics wrestle with the scope and | |
limitations of GPT models^13^ while crossover publications debate topics | |
such as the merits of ChatGPT as an author^14^ and which professions AI | |
models might replace in the near future^15^. | |
With these concerns in mind, we designed Auto-BG as a strictly | |
augmentative tool - a board game is more than its conceptual description | |
and while Auto-BG may suggest rule frameworks based on your input, it | |
can't generate any of the production elements such as full rulesets or | |
art needed to take the game from concept to table. In addition, we | |
strongly encourage the use of Auto-BG as a starting point, not a ground | |
truth generation. The model makes mistakes that a human actor may not; | |
while we have implemented catches to discourage it from replicating | |
existing board games, its GPT3 trained core has an extensive knowledge | |
of gaming in general. We recommend reviewing output text thoroughly | |
before committing to your new board games \[maybe insert pictures of it | |
generating these?\] *Age of Empires II: Age of Kings* or *Everquest^漏^*. | |
c. [Overall generator framework - birds eye graphic/discussion of | |
> pipeline]{.underline} | |
**What's in a pipeline?** | |
Auto-BG relies on multiple LLMs to generate the full game concept from | |
your initial input. The entire process from turning your tags into a | |
prompt to presenting your finished concept is embedded in a pipeline, or | |
a framework of related code running sequentially, that enables these | |
distinct steps to work in unison. It all starts with an | |
idea...{width="0.2760422134733158in" | |
height="0.44166666666666665in"} | |
1. The most complex participant in Auto-BG's pipeline (that's you) | |
> translates different elements of a vague concept for a game into | |
> defined tags through the Auto-BG interface. | |
2. An input parser collates the tags, turning them into a game vector | |
> (a binary, or one-hot, representation of a game where all selected | |
> tags are valued at 1). This vector activates the internal keys | |
> representing each tag selected in step 1 and passes them as a | |
> prompt to Auto-BG's GPT3 model. | |
3. A generator function calls the model through the OpenAI API, | |
> returning a response using selected parameters for the input | |
> prompt. This response is decoded and lightly cleaned to remove | |
> trailing sentences for readability. | |
4. The cleaned output is passed downstream to a local t5 trained | |
> sequence-to-sequence model, it uses the output as a prompt to | |
> translate to potential candidate titles. | |
5. Because the GPT3 model has learned that games should include a | |
> title, it may include an artificial title already. The title | |
> generator runs once and if any candidate titles are identified in | |
> the text, it strips them out for a placeholder before running | |
> again. | |
6. A title selector rejoins the initial and secondary generations, | |
> removes duplicates, validates against existing game titles, then | |
> scores the cosine similarity of each title with its reference | |
> input. It attaches the highest scoring title to the output and | |
> fills all placeholders, storing backups of the unchosen titles. | |
7. The Auto-BG user interface returns the generated prompt with its | |
> title for you to give feedback on, review alternate titles, or | |
> save for future use. | |
At the end of the pipeline, you have a brand-new game concept customized | |
by your selected tags! And if you're not happy with the output, running | |
the generator again will produce a new description given the same tags. | |
To understand Auto-BG better, let's go through each step in detail, | |
looking at how an example prompt is transformed into its final output. | |
2. [Pipeline Ride Along - How does "your" input become a | |
> description/title pair?]{.underline} | |
**The Inner Workings of Auto-BG w/Examples** | |
a. *The Input Step* | |
***Interpreting User Input*** | |
i. [User input as a "game" & input design - Building off 1b, cover | |
> design choices like dividing feature classes, uncaptured features | |
> in training, bridge to input selection.]{.underline} | |
*How do individual tags add up to a game profile?* | |
This key question guided every aspect of Auto-BGs design principles. The | |
complex series of transformations from input to generation required | |
understanding both how a human reader would interact and interpret these | |
tags but also how the GPT3 LLM at the heart of Auto-BG could best learn | |
them. | |
Auto-BG inherits tag classes from BoardGameGeek, if you go to any game | |
page, you'll see a collection of type, category, mechanic, and family | |
tags on the sidebar. We decided Auto-BG 1.0 would focus explicitly on | |
these four primary classes as they translated coherently to formatting | |
for a GPT3 prompt training structure, could be universally applied to an | |
unknown game, and don't rely on post-design information like user | |
recommendations or publisher data. | |
*What happens when you choose tags in Auto-BG?* | |
Inside Auto-BG, each tag has a hidden class prefix that denotes it as a | |
member of that class and tracks its affiliation throughout the pipeline. | |
This means when you select a new tag, even if it\'s semantically similar | |
to another overlapping tag in a different class, Auto-BG remembers its | |
associations; in this approach, Auto-BG effectively handles unknown | |
inputs by scanning the associated class, matching the unknown tag to its | |
closest existing sibling. | |
By grouping all of your selected tags, Auto-BG creates an approximate | |
profile of a game to generate. When generating your new concept, Auto-BG | |
tries to infer additional features based on the tags provided. Some | |
features like player count, age rating, and playtime may still show up | |
in your concept if Auto-BG thinks they should be included in the text. | |
By changing even a single tag out, Auto-BG will try to accommodate that | |
new design feature and generate a different concept! | |
With this sensitivity to the prompt selection, users must understand how | |
their choices impact downstream generation. Auto-BG needed an intuitive | |
user experience with coherent tutorials throughout to streamline this | |
process, alongside some targeted limits on profile creation. | |
ii. [UI design considerations - Making tags easily accessible w/volume | |
> of options, input tutorial design and approach to creating min/max | |
> tag caps.]{.underline} | |
##\# UI Input Discussion | |
iii. [Vectorizing user inputs - text key to vector transformation and | |
> syncing with the ground truth key list. Approach to handling | |
> unknown user input in tag selection.]{.underline} | |
1. Converting to final input - Need for a consistent prompt | |
> structure and design considerations to improve GPT3 prompt | |
> interpretation, and discuss autonomous generation from tags | |
> vs free prompt RE user's end goal. \<- joining these together | |
> for formatting. | |
Once you've created your new game profile, Auto-BG translates it into a | |
format that its LLM can understand for text generation. Ultimately, | |
Auto-BG tries to convert your profile tags following OpenAI's | |
recommended best practices for conditional generation prompts^16,17^. | |
This results in a text prompt version of your tag list with each tag | |
period stopped like so:\ | |
\ | |
##\# example here\ | |
\ | |
Fine-tune training has taught Auto-BGs model that this specific format | |
of text prompt should translate to a descriptive paragraph of the | |
associated tags. To create it, Auto-BG passes your tags through an input | |
manager that performs several steps in sequence before sending a | |
polished prompt to the generator. | |
First, Auto-BG establishes a ground truth key dictionary of all existing | |
tags. This format allows for iterative updating from future data, as new | |
tags appear on BoardGameGeek, Auto-BG can update to include them. This | |
python dictionary includes a key for every tag with the equivalent value | |
set to 0 - tracking that it does not appear. Eventually, it will change | |
the values for your selected tags to 1, telling Auto-BG that they appear | |
and should be added to the prompt, but first, it tries to correct for | |
unknown inputs. | |
Each tag not recognized as being present in the key dictionary moves to | |
a bucket matching its attached prefix. With these marked as unknown, the | |
input manager implements a within-class comparison between the unknown | |
tag and all known tags that share its prefix. Auto-BG estimates semantic | |
relevance between tags through token cosine similarity^18^, comparing | |
the unknown tag to each candidate with SpaCy's token similarity | |
method^19^. Once it evaluates this for all candidates, it adds the | |
highest scoring option for each unknown tag to the remaining input tags. | |
Auto-BGs underlying model inherits the characteristic sensitivity to | |
prompt design of LLMs; prompt design often requires significant human | |
effort, and many approaches have been suggested to address this | |
challenge. Our design philosophy focused on improving the quality and | |
control of prompts with goals of reliability, creativity, and coherence | |
to input, specifically inspired by concepts of metaprompting^20^ and | |
internal prompt generation within the LLM^21^. Auto-BG leverages | |
existing human tagging work done within the source data to provide the | |
generator model with a controllable abstracted prompt instead of a | |
potentially complex natural language sentence-structured prompt. | |
To pass the now cleaned input to the generator, Auto-BGs' input manager | |
converts the pooled tags into a text string as above, with each tag key | |
turned into a period-stopped sentence. The generator will send this | |
prompt to a remote model through the OpenAI API and return a matching | |
description! | |
b. *The Generation Step* | |
***Generating a Description*** | |
i. Approach to model selection - comparative performance of GPT3 models | |
> vs cost, tradeoff with controllable output and quality. | |
ii. Training methodology - literature discussion on optimizing fine tune | |
> LLM training for generation relative to other tasks | |
> (classification in particular). | |
iii. Initial output generation - limited key parameters in API | |
> generation, tuning strategy, refining with validation set. | |
1. Challenges w/GPT3 - Discuss sensitivity to prompt construction | |
> and changes in keys & difficulty of low volume references for | |
> keys w/source data. Outside knowledge polluting output (i.e. | |
> using video games as names in text). Testing for prompt | |
> memorization (increasing chaos in output for learned | |
> keysets). | |
iv. Output processing - Increased text cleanup for user output tasks, | |
> approaches to mitigating potentially subpar generation from GPT 3 | |
> including embedded titles and excessive referencing from BGG | |
> (incorrect publishers/designers included in text), challenge of | |
> removing references again. | |
```{=html} | |
<!-- --> | |
``` | |
c. *The Title Step* | |
***A Fitting Title*** | |
i. Text to title relationship - Domain considerations w/title as a | |
> product, distinct relationship to train on. Role of title in text | |
> as a key point when running models in sequence. | |
To complete the game concept, Auto-BG provides a selection of titles | |
chosen to fit the newly generated description. But what defines a good | |
title? It depends on the domain and it depends on the product! A sense | |
of tension may fit a thriller novel^22^ and sticking to positive | |
associations enhances commercial products^23^, but where do board games | |
fit in? To create titles that both fit their description and matched | |
domain trends as a whole, we needed a model that could learn the unique | |
relationship between title and description in board gaming. | |
ii. Transformation approach - seq2seq advantages for this task & model | |
> selection, advantages of extending transfer learning from domain | |
> to domain (news headlines to game titles) | |
While our generator uses the prompt-based GPT paradigm, we decided to | |
take a different approach for title generation inside Auto-BG. T5 models | |
fit within a unified framework for transfer learning known as | |
sequence-to-sequence or text-to-text^24^; at their core, they're an | |
encoder-decoder model operating by treating all NLP operations as a | |
translation task. This means that given text as input, the model will | |
attempt to output a predicted target that best fits the training data. | |
Transfer learning, in machine learning, applies a model trained on one | |
task or domain and performs additional training to apply the model to a | |
different task. The total corpus of descriptions for BGG, approximately | |
20,000 descriptions, is inadequate for fresh training of a generative | |
NLP model; instead Auto-BG leverages two-stages of upstream transfer | |
learning through HuggingFace's Transformer library. The final | |
implementation extends a model^25^ already fine-tuned on an additional | |
500,000 news articles from t5-base. | |
1. Relative model performance - approach to model selection based on | |
> above including comparative metrics. Discuss aligning metrics | |
> w/goal of tool + need for human review. | |
To scope the best generator for Auto-BG, we trained a sequence of models | |
on both t5-base^26^ and the headline-trained model. Beyond training | |
baseline models, we looked toward work by Tay, et al.^27^ on scaling and | |
fine-tune training for transformers to guide selecting training | |
parameters; the final round of testing utilized a higher learning rate | |
of .001 while introducing weight decay in the optimizer. | |
With several models trained | |
iii. Low-cost iterative generation - two-pass competitive scoring on | |
> multi-output, using the title generator to select and replace | |
> low-quality titles then scoring the maximum pool of two | |
> generations. | |
1. Scoring approach - title output cleanup and scoring final title | |
> to body text semantic similarity. | |
```{=html} | |
<!-- --> | |
``` | |
d. *Final Output* | |
i. Rerunning in real-time - approaches to adjusting output | |
> including updating text references, finding text generator | |
> default "profiles" through hyperparameter testing, and | |
> implementation of update processes in the UI. | |
ii. The value of user feedback - considerations for future | |
> performance w/tuning generation settings, content reporting | |
> for title cleanup or problematic text content. | |
```{=html} | |
<!-- --> | |
``` | |
3. [Discussion & Conclusion]{.underline} | |
a. What's the point? - Practical design tool / Interpreting how | |
> "mechanical" changes interact with language descriptions / | |
> Extending user interactivity beyond prompts | |
b. Discuss methodology - user interactivity through prompt control, | |
> did it work & other potential approaches to same application | |
> (reinforcement, different prompt structures) | |
c. Alternative applications - fine-tune human-written desc | |
> (training on extended prompt + more deterministic output), | |
> rules generation? | |
d. Future extensions/limitations - Expand on language scope, live | |
> data + training, discarded feature classes / discussion on | |
> approach not including these currently | |
e. What next? - Encourage readers to experiment with tool + give | |
> feedback in app | |
4. [Extras]{.underline} | |
a. Work Statement + Appendices + Citations | |
**References** | |
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