Invitation to Submit Working Notes for PlantCLEF for CLEF 2024

by hgoeau - opened
Bohemian Visual Recognition Alliance org

Dear Participants,

the PlantCLEF2024 competition comes to an end, we want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work, dedication, and persistence!

As you may know, PlantCLEF 2024 is part of the research competitions hosted in two workshops and conferences: LifeCLEF at CLEF, FGVC at CVPR. Therefore, we strongly encourage all participants to submit a report detailing your approach. We welcome submissions from anyone with an interesting approach, not just those in the Top 3.

All participants are encouraged to submit a working-note paper to the peer-reviewed LifeCLEF proceedings after the competition ends. This paper must provide sufficient information to reproduce your final submitted runs. For your reference, here are some examples of previously accepted working notes:,

Once accepted, the working note papers will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.). Selected contributions will be invited for publication in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) in the following year.
Besides, selected participants will have the opportunity to present their work at the CVPR and CLEF conferences.

The timeline for submitting the working notes is as follows:

  • 24 May 2024: Competition Deadline
  • 31 May 2024: Deadline for submission a first version of working note papers in the EasyChair system
  • 21 June 2024: Notification of acceptance and reviewer feedbacks
  • 8 July 2024: Camera-ready deadline for working note papers

May 31 is a hard deadline, and it's important that a first version of the working note is entered into the EasyChair system, so that organizers can write an overview based on a minimum of information describing the methods experimented by participants during the challenge. Participants will then have time to improve the content up to July 8, depending on the feedback from reviewers on June 21.

Important points:

We look forward to your submissions and learning more about the innovative approaches you've developed. Thank you once again for your participation and contributions to PlantCLEF 2024.

Feel free to ask directly in this thread if anything needs to be clarified.

On behalf of the organizers,
Hervé Goëau

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