import re | |
import math | |
from urllib.request import urlopen | |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont | |
import torchvision.transforms as transforms | |
from vlmeval.dataset.utils import build_judge, levenshtein_distance | |
from vlmeval.smp import * | |
from .image_base import ImageBaseDataset | |
FAIL_MSG = 'Failed to obtain answer via API.' | |
def get_gpt4_ICE(): | |
example_1 = """ | |
--- | |
Question: List the primary questions asked about the services in this report. | |
Analysis: The primary questions asked about the services in the report for The Limes Residential Home are:\n\n | |
1. Is the service safe?\n | |
2. Is the service effective?\n | |
3. Is the service caring?\n | |
4. Is the service responsive?\n | |
5. Is the service well-led? | |
Extracted answer: [ | |
'Is the servife safe?', | |
'Is the service effective', | |
'Is the serve caring?', | |
'Is the service responsive?', | |
'Is the service well-led?' | |
] | |
Answer format: List\n | |
""" | |
example_2 = """ | |
--- | |
Question: How many regulations of the HSCA 2008 are breached in all according to this report? | |
Analysis: According to the report, the provider breached 10 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) | |
Regulations in total. Here are the specifics:\n\n1. Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and | |
improper treatment\n2. Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment\n3. Regulation 18: Staffing\n4. Regulation 11: | |
Need for consent\n5. Regulation 10: Dignity and respect\n6. Regulation 9: Person-centred care\n7. Regulation 17: | |
Good governance\n8. Regulation 18 (CQC Registration Regulations 2009): Notification of other incidents\n9. | |
Regulation 18: Failure to maintain an accurate and up-to-date care plan\n10. Regulation 11: Failure to implement | |
the Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice effectively\n\nThese breaches involve issues concerning staffing, | |
safeguarding, medicines management, dignity and respect, consent, care planning, governance, and failure to | |
notify the CQC of incidents. | |
Extracted answer: 10 | |
Answer format: Integer\n | |
""" | |
example_3 = """ | |
--- | |
Question: According to the survey that is the percentage of Chinese who are paying more or | |
about the same attention to politics after Trump's election? | |
Analysis: The survey provided does not specify the percentage of Chinese individuals specifically who are paying | |
more or about the same attention to politics after Trump's election. The report focuses primarily on American | |
demographics and does not include specific details about the Chinese population in relation to this question. If | |
you need information about a different demographic or a summary of the findings from the American demographic, | |
I can certainly help with that! | |
Extracted answer: Not answerable | |
Answer format: String\n | |
""" | |
example_4 = """ | |
--- | |
Question: How many quotations from male respondent over 50 years old are included in this report? | |
Analysis: The image you've provided appears to be a screenshot of a document with multiple charts. However, the | |
text is too small and blurry to read accurately. If you can provide a clearer image or more context, I might be | |
able to help you with your question. | |
Extracted answer: Fail to answer | |
Answer format: String\n | |
""" | |
return [example_1, example_2, example_3, example_4] | |
def build_mmlongbench_gpt4_prompt(line): | |
task_description = """ | |
Given the question and analysis, you are tasked to extract answers with required formats from the free-form analysis. | |
- Your extracted answers should be one of the following formats: (1) Integer, (2) Float, (3) String and (4) List. | |
If you find the analysis the question can not be answered from the given documents, type "Not answerable". | |
Exception: If the analysis only tells you that it can not read/understand the images or documents, | |
type "Fail to answer". | |
- Please make your response as concise as possible. Also note that your response should be formatted as below: | |
``` | |
Extracted answer: [answer] | |
Answer format: [answer format] | |
``` | |
Please read the following example, then extract the answer from the model response | |
and type it at the end of the prompt.\n | |
""" | |
question = line['question'] | |
prediction = str(line['prediction']) | |
prompt = task_description | |
examples = get_gpt4_ICE() | |
for example in examples: | |
prompt += example | |
prompt += '---\nQuestion:' + question + '\n' | |
prompt += 'Analysis: ' + prediction | |
return prompt | |
def anls_compute(groundtruth, prediction, threshold=0.5): | |
dist = levenshtein_distance(groundtruth, prediction) | |
length = max(len(groundtruth.upper()), len(prediction.upper())) | |
value = 0.0 if length == 0 else float(dist) / float(length) | |
anls = 1.0 - value | |
if anls <= threshold: | |
anls = 0.0 | |
return anls | |
def is_float_equal(reference, prediction, include_percentage: bool = False, is_close: float = False) -> bool: | |
def get_precision(gt_ans: float) -> int: | |
precision = 3 | |
if '.' in str(gt_ans): | |
precision = len(str(gt_ans).split('.')[-1]) | |
return precision | |
reference = float(str(reference).strip().rstrip('%').strip()) | |
try: | |
prediction = float(str(prediction).strip().rstrip('%').strip()) | |
except: | |
return False | |
if include_percentage: | |
gt_result = [reference / 100, reference, reference * 100] | |
else: | |
gt_result = [reference] | |
for item in gt_result: | |
try: | |
if is_close: | |
if math.isclose(item, prediction, rel_tol=0.01): | |
return True | |
precision = max(min(get_precision(prediction), get_precision(item)), 2) | |
if round(prediction, precision) == round(item, precision): | |
return True | |
except Exception: | |
continue | |
return False | |
def get_clean_string(s): | |
s = str(s).lower().strip() | |
if s.endswith('mile'): | |
s.rstrip('mile').strip() | |
if s.endswith('miles'): | |
s.rstrip('miles').strip() | |
if s.endswith('million'): | |
s.rstrip('million').strip() | |
# remove parenthesis | |
s = re.sub(r'\s*\([^)]*\)', '', s).strip() | |
# remove quotes | |
s = re.sub(r"^['\"]|['\"]$", '', s).strip() | |
s = s.strip().lstrip('$').strip() | |
s = s.strip().rstrip('%').strip() | |
return s | |
def is_exact_match(s): | |
flag = False | |
# Website | |
if 'https://' in s: | |
flag = True | |
# code file | |
if s.endswith('.py') or s.endswith('ipynb'): | |
flag = True | |
if s.startswith('page'): | |
flag = True | |
# telephone number | |
if re.fullmatch(r'\b\d+(-\d+|\s\d+)?\b', s): | |
flag = True | |
# time | |
if 'a.m.' in s or 'p.m.' in s: | |
flag = True | |
# YYYY-MM-DD | |
if re.fullmatch(r'\b\d{4}[-\s]\d{2}[-\s]\d{2}\b', s): | |
flag = True | |
# YYYY-MM | |
if re.fullmatch(r'\b\d{4}[-\s]\d{2}\b', s): | |
flag = True | |
# Email address | |
if re.fullmatch(r'[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}', s): | |
flag = True | |
return flag | |
def isfloat(num): | |
try: | |
float(num) | |
return True | |
except ValueError: | |
return False | |
def get_font(): | |
try: | |
truetype_url = '' | |
ff = urlopen(truetype_url) | |
font = ImageFont.truetype(ff, size=40) | |
except: | |
print('Fail to download the font. Use the default one.') | |
font = ImageFont.load_default(size=40) | |
return font | |
def frame2img(img_path_list, font, save_path=None, idx_start=0): | |
imgs = [ for img_path in img_path_list] | |
new_imgs = [] | |
for img in imgs: | |
w, h = img.size | |
scale = w / h | |
if w > h: | |
new_w = 560 * 2 | |
new_h = int(560 * 2 / scale) | |
else: | |
new_w = int(560 * 2 * scale) | |
new_h = 560 * 2 | |
img = transforms.functional.resize(img, [new_h, new_w],) | |
new_imgs.append(img) | |
imgs = new_imgs | |
new_w = 0 | |
new_h = 0 | |
pad = 40 | |
if w > h: | |
for im in imgs: | |
w, h = im.size | |
new_w = max(new_w, w) | |
new_h += h + 10 + pad | |
new_img ='RGB', (new_w, new_h), 'white') | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img) | |
curr_h = 0 | |
for idx, im in enumerate(imgs): | |
w, h = im.size | |
new_img.paste(im, (0, pad + curr_h)) | |
draw.text((0, curr_h), f'<IMAGE {idx+idx_start}>', font=font, fill='black') | |
if idx + 1 < len(imgs): | |
draw.line([(0, pad + curr_h + h + 5), (new_w, pad + curr_h + h + 5)], fill='black', width=2) | |
curr_h += h + 10 + pad | |
else: | |
for im in imgs: | |
w, h = im.size | |
new_w += w + 10 | |
new_h = max(new_h, h) | |
new_h += pad | |
new_img ='RGB', (new_w, new_h), 'white') | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img) | |
curr_w = 0 | |
for idx, im in enumerate(imgs): | |
w, h = im.size | |
new_img.paste(im, (curr_w, pad)) | |
draw.text((curr_w, 0), f'<IMAGE {idx+idx_start}>', font=font, fill='black') | |
if idx + 1 < len(imgs): | |
draw.line([(curr_w + w + 5, 0), (curr_w + w + 5, new_h)], fill='black', width=2) | |
curr_w += w + 10 | |
if save_path is not None: | | | |
return new_img | |
def concat_images(image_list, max_concat=1, column_num=1): | |
concatenated_images = [] | |
if column_num == -1: | |
max_concat = 1 | |
while len(image_list) / max_concat > MAX_COLUMN_NUM: | |
max_concat += 1 | |
interval = max(math.ceil(len(image_list) / max_concat), 1) | |
for i in range(0, len(image_list), interval): | |
batch_images = image_list[i:i + interval] | |
concatenated_image = frame2img(batch_images, font=get_font(), idx_start=i) | |
concatenated_images.append(concatenated_image) | |
else: | |
interval = max(math.ceil(len(image_list) / max_concat), 1) | |
for i in range(0, len(image_list), interval): | |
batch_images = [ for filename in image_list[i:i + interval]] | |
if column_num == 1: | |
total_height = batch_images[0].height * len(batch_images) | |
else: | |
total_height = batch_images[0].height * ((len(batch_images) - 1) // column_num + 1) | |
concatenated_image ='RGB', (batch_images[0].width * column_num, total_height), 'white') | |
x_offset, y_offset = 0, 0 | |
for count, image in enumerate(batch_images): | |
concatenated_image.paste(image, (x_offset, y_offset)) | |
x_offset += image.width | |
if (count + 1) % column_num == 0: | |
y_offset += image.height | |
x_offset = 0 | |
concatenated_images.append(concatenated_image) | |
return concatenated_images | |
def eval_score(gt, pred, answer_type): | |
if answer_type == 'Int': | |
try: | |
gt, pred = int(gt), int(float(pred)) | |
except: | |
pred = '' | |
score = (gt == pred) | |
elif answer_type == 'Float': | |
try: | |
gt = float(get_clean_string(str(gt))) | |
pred = float(get_clean_string(str(pred))) | |
except: | |
pred = '' | |
score = is_float_equal(gt, pred, include_percentage=True, is_close=True) | |
elif answer_type == 'Str': | |
gt = get_clean_string(gt) | |
pred = get_clean_string(pred) | |
if is_exact_match(gt): | |
score = (gt == pred) | |
else: | |
score = anls_compute(gt, pred) | |
else: | |
if isinstance(gt, str) and gt.startswith('['): | |
gt = eval(gt) | |
if not isinstance(gt, list): | |
gt = [gt] | |
if isinstance(pred, str) and pred.startswith('['): | |
pred = eval(pred) | |
if not isinstance(pred, list): | |
pred = [pred] | |
print(len(gt), len(pred)) | |
if len(gt) != len(pred): | |
score = 0.0 | |
else: | |
gt = sorted([get_clean_string(a) for a in gt]) | |
pred = sorted([get_clean_string(a) for a in pred]) | |
print(gt, pred) | |
if isfloat(gt[0]) or is_exact_match(gt[0]): | |
score = ('-'.join(gt) == '-'.join(pred)) | |
else: | |
score = min([anls_compute(gt_v, pred_v) for gt_v, pred_v in zip(gt, pred)]) | |
return float(score) | |
def MMLongBench_auxeval(model, line): | |
prompt = build_mmlongbench_gpt4_prompt(line) | |
log = '' | |
retry = 5 | |
for i in range(retry): | |
prediction = line['prediction'] | |
res = model.generate(prompt, temperature=i * 0.5) | |
if FAIL_MSG in res: | |
log += f'Try {i}: output is {prediction}, failed to parse.\n' | |
else: | |
log += 'Succeed' | |
try: | |
pred = res.split('Answer format:')[0].split('Extracted answer:')[1].strip() | |
except: | |
pred = '' | |
return dict(log=log, res=res, pred=pred) | |
log += 'All 5 retries failed.\n' | |
return dict(log=log, res='', pred='') | |
def get_f1(data): | |
gt_pos_data = data[data.apply(lambda k: k['answer'] != 'Not answerable', axis=1)] | |
pred_pos_data = data[data.apply(lambda k: k['pred'] != 'Not answerable', axis=1)] | |
recall = sum(gt_pos_data['score'].tolist()) / len(gt_pos_data) | |
precision = sum(pred_pos_data['score'].tolist()) / len(pred_pos_data) | |
return 2 * recall * precision / (recall + precision) | |
def MMLongBench_acc(result_file): | |
data = load(result_file) | |
overall_score = 0.0 | |
score_list = list() | |
for i in range(len(data)): | |
item = data.iloc[i] | |
try: | |
score = eval_score(item['answer'], item['pred'], item['answer_format']) | |
except: | |
score = 0.0 | |
score_list.append(score) | |
overall_score += score | |
data['score'] = score_list | |
dump(data, result_file) | |
data_chart = data[data.apply(lambda k: 'Chart' in eval(k['evidence_sources']), axis=1)] | |
data_table = data[data.apply(lambda k: 'Table' in eval(k['evidence_sources']), axis=1)] | |
data_image = data[data.apply(lambda k: 'Figure' in eval(k['evidence_sources']), axis=1)] | |
data_text = data[data.apply(lambda k: 'Pure-text (Plain-text)' in eval(k['evidence_sources']), axis=1)] | |
data_layout = data[data.apply(lambda k: 'Generalized-text (Layout)' in eval(k['evidence_sources']), axis=1)] | |
data_single = data[data.apply(lambda k: len(eval(k['evidence_pages'])) == 1, axis=1)] | |
data_multi = data[data.apply(lambda k: len(eval(k['evidence_pages'])) > 1, axis=1)] | |
data_unans = data[data.apply(lambda k: len(eval(k['evidence_pages'])) == 0, axis=1)] | |
res = dict() | |
res['category'] = [ | |
'overall_f1', 'overall_acc', 'text', 'layout', 'table', 'chart', | |
'image', 'single-page', 'multi-page', 'unanswerable' | |
] | |
res['num'] = [ | |
len(data), len(data), len(data_text), len(data_layout), len(data_table), | |
len(data_chart), len(data_image), len(data_single), len(data_multi), len(data_unans) | |
] | |
res['avg_score'] = [ | |
get_f1(data), | |
overall_score / len(data), | |
sum(data_text['score'].tolist()) / len(data_text) if len(data_text) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_layout['score'].tolist()) / len(data_layout) if len(data_layout) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_table['score'].tolist()) / len(data_table) if len(data_table) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_chart['score'].tolist()) / len(data_chart) if len(data_chart) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_image['score'].tolist()) / len(data_image) if len(data_image) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_single['score'].tolist()) / len(data_single) if len(data_single) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_multi['score'].tolist()) / len(data_multi) if len(data_multi) > 0 else 0.0, | |
sum(data_unans['score'].tolist()) / len(data_unans) if len(data_unans) > 0 else 0.0, | |
] | |
res = pd.DataFrame(res) | |
return res | |
class MMLongBench(ImageBaseDataset): | |
TYPE = 'VQA' | |
'MMLongBench_DOC': '', | |
} | |
DATASET_MD5 = { | |
'MMLongBench_DOC': '9b393e1f4c52718380d50586197eac9b', | |
} | |
'GPT4': (1, 1), | |
'GPT4V': (1, 1), | |
'GPT4V_HIGH': (1, 1), | |
'GPT4o': (1, 1), | |
'GPT4o_HIGH': (1, 1), | |
'GPT4o_MINI': (1, 1), | |
'MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5': (1, 5), | |
'InternVL-Chat-V1-5': (5, 2), | |
'XComposer2_4KHD': (1, 5), | |
'XComposer2d5': (1, -1), | |
} | |
def __init__(self, dataset, **kwargs): | |
self.model_list = list(self.SUPPORTED_MODELS.keys()) | |
model_name = kwargs['model'] | |
if not listinstr(self.model_list, model_name): | |
raise AssertionError("{} doesn't support the evaluation on MMLongBench_DOC.".format(model_name)) | |
super(MMLongBench, self).__init__(dataset) | |
self.is_api = True if listinstr(['GPT4'], model_name) else False | |
self.max_pages = 120 | |
concat_num, column_num = self.SUPPORTED_MODELS.get(model_name) | |
self.concat_num = concat_num | |
self.column_num = column_num | |
def dump_image(self, origin_line): | |
os.makedirs(self.img_root, exist_ok=True) | |
try: | |
import fitz | |
except: | |
warnings.warn('Please use `pip install pymupdf` to parse PDF files.') | |
line = origin_line.copy() | |
line['image_path'] = line['image_path'][:self.max_pages] | |
skip_pdf_parse = True | |
for im_name in line['image_path']: | |
path = osp.join(self.img_root, im_name) | |
if not read_ok(path): | |
skip_pdf_parse = False | |
break | |
# Just for being compatible with the zooped loop: zip(line['image'], line['image_path']) | |
if skip_pdf_parse: | |
line['image'] = line['image_path'] | |
else: | |
pdf_data = base64.b64decode(line['image']) | |
pdf_file = io.BytesIO(pdf_data) | |
encoded_images = [] | |
with, filetype='pdf') as doc: | |
doc = doc[:self.max_pages] | |
for page in doc: | |
image = page.get_pixmap(dpi=144) | |
image_file = io.BytesIO(image.tobytes(output='png')) | |
image = | |
encoded_image = encode_image_to_base64(image) | |
encoded_images.append(encoded_image) | |
line['image'] = encoded_images | |
print('process {}'.format(line['doc_id'])) | |
if 'image' in line: | |
if isinstance(line['image'], list): | |
tgt_path = [] | |
assert 'image_path' in line | |
for img, im_name in zip(line['image'], line['image_path']): | |
path = osp.join(self.img_root, im_name) | |
if not read_ok(path): | |
decode_base64_to_image_file(img, path) | |
tgt_path.append(path) | |
else: | |
tgt_path = osp.join(self.img_root, f"{line['index']}.jpg") | |
if not read_ok(tgt_path): | |
decode_base64_to_image_file(line['image'], tgt_path) | |
tgt_path = [tgt_path] | |
else: | |
assert 'image_path' in line | |
tgt_path = toliststr(line['image_path']) | |
if self.concat_num > 0 and not self.is_api: | |
concatenated_images = concat_images(tgt_path, max_concat=self.concat_num, column_num=self.column_num) | |
old_tgt_path = tgt_path | |
assert isinstance(old_tgt_path, list) | |
if self.column_num != -1: | |
tgt_path = [ | |
'_'.join(old_tgt_path[0].split('_')[:-1]) + '_concat{}_{}.jpg'.format(self.concat_num, i) | |
for i in range(len(concatenated_images)) | |
] | |
else: | |
tgt_path = [ | |
'_'.join(old_tgt_path[0].split('_')[:-1]) + '_concat_all_{}.jpg'.format(i) | |
for i in range(len(concatenated_images)) | |
] | |
for path, concatenated_image in zip(tgt_path, concatenated_images): | |
if not read_ok(path): | |
decode_base64_to_image_file(encode_image_to_base64(concatenated_image), path) | |
num_images, image_size = len(old_tgt_path), concatenated_image.size | |
print('concat {} images to a new one with size {}. save at {}'.format(num_images, image_size, path)) | |
return tgt_path | |
def evaluate(self, eval_file, **judge_kwargs): | |
logger = get_logger('Evaluation') | |
model = judge_kwargs['model'] | |
suffix = eval_file.split('.')[-1] | |
storage = eval_file.replace(f'.{suffix}', f'_{model}.xlsx') | |
tmp_file = eval_file.replace(f'.{suffix}', f'_{model}.pkl') | |
if osp.exists(storage): | |
logger.warning(f'GPT scoring file {storage} already exists, will reuse it in MMLongBench_eval. ') | |
else: | |
data = load(eval_file) | |
model = build_judge(max_tokens=128, **judge_kwargs) | |
lt = len(data) | |
lines = [data.iloc[i] for i in range(lt)] | |
tups = [(model, line) for line in lines] | |
indices = [line['index'] for line in lines] | |
ans = {} | |
if osp.exists(tmp_file): | |
ans = load(tmp_file) | |
tups = [x for x, i in zip(tups, indices) if i not in ans] | |
indices = [i for i in indices if i not in ans] | |
if len(indices): | |
new_results = list() | |
for model, line in tqdm(tups): | |
res = MMLongBench_auxeval(model, line) | |
new_results.append(res) | |
log_map, res_map, pred_map = {}, {}, {} | |
all_inds = [line['index'] for line in lines] | |
for k, v in zip(all_inds, new_results): | |
log_map[k] = v['log'] | |
res_map[k] = v['res'] | |
pred_map[k] = v['pred'] | |
data['res'] = [res_map[idx] for idx in data['index']] | |
data['log'] = [log_map[idx] for idx in data['index']] | |
data['pred'] = [pred_map[idx] for idx in data['index']] | |
dump(data, storage) | |
score = MMLongBench_acc(storage) | |
score_pth = storage.replace('.xlsx', '_score.csv') | |
dump(score, score_pth) | |'MMLongBench_eval successfully finished evaluating {eval_file}, results saved in {score_pth}') | |'Score: ') | | | |