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华东理工大学原名华东化工学院,1952年由交通大学(上海)、震旦大学(上海)、大同大 | |
学(上海)、东吴大学(苏州)、江南大学(无锡)等校化工系合并组建而成,是新中国第 | |
一所以化工特色闻名的高等学府。 1956年被定为全国首批招收研究生的学校之一,1960年 | |
起被中共中央确定为教育部直属的全国重点大学, 1993年经国家教委批准,更名为华东理 | |
工大学,1996年进入国家“211工程”重点建设行列,2000年经教育部批准建立研究生 | |
院,2008年获准建设“985优势学科创新平台”,2017年入选国家“双一流”建设高校,化学、 | |
材料科学与工程、化学工程与技术3个学科入选一流学科建设名单。 | |
East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) is located in Shanghai, | |
a cosmopolitan metropolis where distinguished people, diverse society and | |
exquisite attractions can be found. It is a key research university in China | |
featuring distinctive disciplines and a balanced curriculum of science, | |
engineering, materials, computer, economics, management, arts and law. The | |
university emphasizes the campus motto of “Industry, Pragmatics, Inspiration and | |
Morality”, by continuously reviewing our performance and exploring operating | |
models, to attract more and more industrious young students to further their | |
education here. Over the past 70 years, ECUST has provided one group after | |
another of elite graduates to better society. In 1988, when the university was | |
celebrating the 30th anniversary of its Petroleum Refining Department, Chairman | |
Jiang Zeming cheerfully wrote a motto: “Talented people come to the fore in | |
great numbers” in commemoration. | |
East China University of Science and Technology has a top quality teaching and | |
R&D staff represented by nationally renowned educators as well as very | |
competitive scientific research teams based in many state-level key laboratories | |
and engineering and technological research centers. The highly accomplished | |
faculty and scientific research competency create a favorable learning | |
environment for our students. The three beautiful campuses in Xuhui, Jinshan and | |
Fengxian are like tranquil and elegant parks allowing our students to study free | |
of worry and earthly affairs. | |
East China University of Science and Technology has been affirmed by China’s | |
Education Ministry as an university for admitting foreign students supported by | |
Chinese government scholarships. It has been very attractive to international | |
students since the 1950s, with thousands from over 110 countries having | |
completed their education here. The humane management, teaching and service have | |
left a very positive impression on them all. | |
Over its history, ECUST has actively adapted to the trend of international | |
education development. With the spirit of “Embracing All Streams in Pursuit of | |
Excellence”, ECUST is taking the road of open education and is actively | |
strengthening communication and cooperation with universities across the world. | |
Today, ECUST has established long-term and wide-ranging academic exchange | |
relationships with over 130 universities and scientific research institutions | |
from America, Japan, France, Germany, Britain, Canada, South Korea and | |
Australia. | |