# Complete Parameter Guide for arun()
The following parameters can be passed to the `arun()` method. They are organized by their primary usage context and functionality.
## Core Parameters
await crawler.arun(
url="", # Required: URL to crawl
verbose=True, # Enable detailed logging
cache_mode=CacheMode.ENABLED, # Control cache behavior
warmup=True # Whether to run warmup check
## Cache Control
from crawl4ai import CacheMode
await crawler.arun(
cache_mode=CacheMode.ENABLED, # Normal caching (read/write)
# Other cache modes:
# cache_mode=CacheMode.DISABLED # No caching at all
# cache_mode=CacheMode.READ_ONLY # Only read from cache
# cache_mode=CacheMode.WRITE_ONLY # Only write to cache
# cache_mode=CacheMode.BYPASS # Skip cache for this operation
## Content Processing Parameters
### Text Processing
await crawler.arun(
word_count_threshold=10, # Minimum words per content block
image_description_min_word_threshold=5, # Minimum words for image descriptions
only_text=False, # Extract only text content
excluded_tags=['form', 'nav'], # HTML tags to exclude
keep_data_attributes=False, # Preserve data-* attributes
### Content Selection
await crawler.arun(
css_selector=".main-content", # CSS selector for content extraction
remove_forms=True, # Remove all form elements
remove_overlay_elements=True, # Remove popups/modals/overlays
### Link Handling
await crawler.arun(
exclude_external_links=True, # Remove external links
exclude_social_media_links=True, # Remove social media links
exclude_external_images=True, # Remove external images
exclude_domains=[""], # Specific domains to exclude
social_media_domains=[ # Additional social media domains
## Browser Control Parameters
### Basic Browser Settings
await crawler.arun(
headless=True, # Run browser in headless mode
browser_type="chromium", # Browser engine: "chromium", "firefox", "webkit"
page_timeout=60000, # Page load timeout in milliseconds
user_agent="custom-agent", # Custom user agent
### Navigation and Waiting
await crawler.arun(
wait_for="css:.dynamic-content", # Wait for element/condition
delay_before_return_html=2.0, # Wait before returning HTML (seconds)
### JavaScript Execution
await crawler.arun(
js_code=[ # JavaScript to execute (string or list)
"window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);",
js_only=False, # Only execute JavaScript without reloading page
### Anti-Bot Features
await crawler.arun(
magic=True, # Enable all anti-detection features
simulate_user=True, # Simulate human behavior
override_navigator=True # Override navigator properties
### Session Management
await crawler.arun(
session_id="my_session", # Session identifier for persistent browsing
### Screenshot Options
await crawler.arun(
screenshot=True, # Take page screenshot
screenshot_wait_for=2.0, # Wait before screenshot (seconds)
### Proxy Configuration
await crawler.arun(
proxy="", # Simple proxy URL
proxy_config={ # Advanced proxy settings
"server": "",
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
## Content Extraction Parameters
### Extraction Strategy
await crawler.arun(
instruction="Extract specific data"
### Chunking Strategy
await crawler.arun(
patterns=[r'\n\n', r'\.\s+']
### HTML to Text Options
await crawler.arun(
"ignore_links": False,
"ignore_images": False,
"escape_dot": False,
"body_width": 0,
"protect_links": True,
"unicode_snob": True
## Debug Options
await crawler.arun(
log_console=True, # Log browser console messages
## Parameter Interactions and Notes
1. **Cache and Performance Setup**
# Optimal caching for repeated crawls
await crawler.arun(
2. **Dynamic Content Handling**
# Handle lazy-loaded content
await crawler.arun(
js_code="window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);",
cache_mode=CacheMode.WRITE_ONLY # Cache results after dynamic load
3. **Content Extraction Pipeline**
# Complete extraction setup
await crawler.arun(
## Best Practices
1. **Performance Optimization**
await crawler.arun(
cache_mode=CacheMode.ENABLED, # Use full caching
word_count_threshold=10, # Filter out noise
process_iframes=False # Skip iframes if not needed
2. **Reliable Scraping**
await crawler.arun(
magic=True, # Enable anti-detection
delay_before_return_html=1.0, # Wait for dynamic content
page_timeout=60000, # Longer timeout for slow pages
cache_mode=CacheMode.WRITE_ONLY # Cache results after successful crawl
3. **Clean Content**
await crawler.arun(
remove_overlay_elements=True, # Remove popups
excluded_tags=['nav', 'aside'],# Remove unnecessary elements
keep_data_attributes=False, # Remove data attributes
cache_mode=CacheMode.ENABLED # Use cache for faster processing