from Scripts.Variables import * |
from Scripts.Engine import * |
import pygame |
display = 0 |
board = 0 |
class Main: |
@staticmethod |
def onEveryFrame(): |
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() |
Board.draw_board(display) |
Board.draw_pieces(board, display) |
Board.draw_hovered_piece(display, hover_piece, x, y) |
pygame.display.update() |
@staticmethod |
def onRightClickDown(x, y): |
global hover_piece, took_from, avails |
row, column = helper.fromAxis(x, y) |
avails = [] |
if board[column][row] in chance : |
if board[column][row] == 1: |
avails = (Available.check_down(board, row, column, u)) |
elif board[column][row] == 2: |
avails = (Available.check_up(board, row, column, d)) |
elif board[column][row] == 3: |
avails = Available.check_king(board, row, column, u) |
elif board[column][row] == 4: |
avails = Available.check_king(board, row, column, d) |
hover_piece = board[column][row] |
took_from = [column, row] |
board[column][row] = 0 |
@staticmethod |
def onRightClickUp(x, y): |
global hover_piece, avails, next, chance |
row, column = helper.fromAxis(x, y) |
if hover_piece != 0: |
if helper.fromIndex(column, row) in avails: |
board[column][row] = hover_piece |
res = helper.sub_list([column,row],[took_from[0],took_from[1]]) |
if res[0] in [2,-2]: |
to = helper.dev_list_by2(res) |
board[took_from[0] + to[0]][took_from[1] + to [1]] = 0 |
chance , next = next , chance |
else: |
board[took_from[0]][took_from[1]] = hover_piece |
hover_piece = 0 |
avails = 0 |
Board.check_promotion(board) |
@staticmethod |
def main(): |
global board |
Main.initialize() |
while True: |
for event in pygame.event.get(): |
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: |
Main.onQuit() |
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: |
if event.button == 1: |
Main.onRightClickDown(event.pos[0], event.pos[1]) |
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: |
if event.button == 1: |
Main.onRightClickUp(event.pos[0], event.pos[1]) |
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: |
if event.key == pygame.K_r: |
board = Board.newBoard() |
Main.onEveryFrame() |
@staticmethod |
def initialize(): |
global display, board |
pygame.init() |
display = pygame.display.set_mode((dimension, dimension)) |
pygame.display.set_caption("Checkers") |
board = Board.newBoard() |
@staticmethod |
def onQuit(): |
quit() |
Main.main() |