LandingAI.PokerCard /
Yazhou Cao
Initial commit
import poker_functions as p
from fractions import Fraction
from collections import Counter
class Player:
def __init__(self, number, cards=[]):
if len(cards) > 0:
cards = p.make_card(cards)
cards = []
self.number = number = cards
self.hand = None
self.starting_cards = None
self.wins = 0
def __str__(self):
return "player_" + str(self.number)
def dedup(board):
duplicate = False
c = Counter(board)
for card in board:
if c[card] > 1:
duplicate = True
return duplicate
return duplicate
def validate_card(check):
"""Detect invalid cards in a passed collection"""
valid = True
deck = p.generate_deck()
valid_cards = [ for card in deck]
for card in check:
if card not in valid_cards:
valid = False
return valid
return valid
def convert_and_update(deck, cards):
if len(cards) == 0:
return deck, cards
cards = p.make_card(cards)
for card in cards:
return deck, cards
##### SIMULATIONS #####
def evaluate_hand(hole_cards, flop=[], turn=[], river=[]):
board = flop + turn + river
hand = None
if len(hole_cards + board) < 5:
return hand
for func in p.HAND_REGISTRY:
func = func(hole_cards, board)
if not func:
return func
def score_game(contestants):
# TODO make this more elegant by functionizing repeated code.
"""Application will determine the highest hand, including low and kicker for each player in player_list"""
high = ['flush', 'straight', 'straight_flush']
kick = ['4ok']
hi_lo = ['boat']
hi_lo_kick = ['2pair', 'hc', '3ok', 'pair']
high_hand = max(contestants, key=lambda x: x.hand.hand_value) # contestant with highest hand
same_high_hand = [player for player in contestants if player.hand.hand_value == high_hand.hand.hand_value]
if len(same_high_hand) == 1:
same_high_hand[0].wins += 1
return contestants
elif high_hand.hand.type in high:
high_card = max(same_high_hand, key=lambda x: x.hand.high_value)
same_high_card = [player for player in same_high_hand if player.hand.high_value == high_card.hand.high_value]
if len(same_high_card) == 1:
high_card.wins += 1
return contestants
return contestants
elif high_hand.hand.type in hi_lo:
over = max(same_high_hand, key=lambda x: x.hand.high_value) # Highest pair in hand
same_over = [player for player in same_high_hand if player.hand.high_value == over.hand.high_value]
if len(same_over) == 1:
over.wins += 1
return contestants
under = max(same_over, key=lambda x: x.hand.low_value) # lowest pair in hand
same_under = [player for player in same_over if player.hand.low_value == under.hand.low_value]
if len(same_under) == 1:
under.wins += 1
return contestants
return contestants
elif high_hand.hand.type in hi_lo_kick:
over = max(same_high_hand, key=lambda x: x.hand.high_value) # Highest pair in hand
same_over = [player for player in same_high_hand if player.hand.high_value == over.hand.high_value]
if len(same_over) == 1:
over.wins += 1
return contestants
under = max(same_over, key=lambda x: x.hand.low_value) # lowest pair in hand
same_under = [player for player in same_over if player.hand.low_value == under.hand.low_value]
if len(same_under) == 1:
under.wins += 1
return contestants
kicker = max(same_under, key=lambda x: x.hand.kicker)
same_kicker = [player for player in same_under if player.hand.kicker == kicker.hand.kicker]
if len(same_kicker) == 1:
kicker.wins += 1
return contestants
return contestants
elif high_hand.hand.type in kick:
low_val = max(same_high_hand, key=lambda x: x.hand.low_value)
same_low_val = [player for player in same_high_hand if player.hand.low_value == low_val.hand.low_value]
if len(same_low_val) == 1:
low_val.wins += 1
return contestants
return contestants
def simulation_one_player(hole, flop=None, turn=None, river=None, sims=100000):
if flop is None:
flop = []
if turn is None:
turn = []
if river is None:
river = []
full_board = 7 # number of cards required to run sim
passed_cards = len(hole) + len(flop) + len(turn) + len(river)
passed_flop = list(flop)
high_cards = 0
pairs = 0
two_pairs = 0
trips = 0
straights = 0
flushes = 0
boats = 0
quads = 0
straight_flushes = 0
invalid = 0
for i in range(sims):
deck = p.generate_deck()
deck, hole = convert_and_update(deck, hole)
deck, flop = convert_and_update(deck, flop)
deck, turn = convert_and_update(deck, turn)
deck, river = convert_and_update(deck, river)
j = full_board - passed_cards
for _ in range(j):
deal, deck = deck.deal_card()
flop.append(deal) # Adding to flop because it shouldn't matter, will revert flop back at end of loop
hand = evaluate_hand(hole, flop, turn, river)
if hand.type == '2pair':
two_pairs += 1
elif hand.type == '3ok':
trips += 1
elif hand.type == '4ok':
quads += 1
elif hand.type == 'boat':
boats += 1
elif hand.type == 'flush':
flushes += 1
elif hand.type == 'hc':
high_cards += 1
elif hand.type == 'pair':
pairs += 1
elif hand.type == 'straight':
straights += 1
elif hand.type == 'straight_flush':
straight_flushes += 1
invalid += 1
i += 1
flop = list(passed_flop)
return sims, high_cards, pairs, two_pairs, trips, straights, flushes, boats, quads, straight_flushes
def simulation_multiplayer(hole_one, hole_two=[], hole_three=[], hole_four=[], hole_five=[], hole_six=[],
flop = [], turn = [], river = [], opponents=2, sims=10000):
contestant_hands = [hole_one, hole_two, hole_three, hole_four, hole_five, hole_six]
contestants = []
flop = p.make_card(flop)
turn = p.make_card(turn)
river = p.make_card(river)
passed_flop_stable = [card for card in flop]
for n in range(opponents):
player_name = 'opponent' + str(n+1)
player_name = Player(n, contestant_hands[n])
i = 0
passed_board = len(flop) + len(turn) + len(river)
full_board = 5
k = full_board - passed_board
for i in range(sims):
deck = p.generate_deck()
for contestant in contestants: # TODO move assigning Player.starting_cards to init
if len( == 2:
contestant.starting_cards = True
for card in
deck.update_deck(card) # remove known hole cards from deck
contestant.starting_cards = False
hole_cards = []
for j in range(2):
deal, deck = deck.deal_card()
hole_cards.append(deal) = hole_cards # assign new hole cards if not passed
for l in range(k): # complete the board as needed
deal, deck = deck.deal_card()
for contestant in contestants:
hand = evaluate_hand(, flop, turn, river)
contestant.hand = hand
# Compare hand values in contestants
contestants = score_game(contestants)
i += 1
# Revert to starting state
flop = [card for card in passed_flop_stable]
for contestant in contestants:
if contestant.starting_cards is False: = []
hole_cards = []
return contestants
# TODO for single and mult: find and return most likely hand. Return number of outs and odds.
##### MATH #####
def percent(hits, sims):
percent = round((hits / sims) * 100,0)
return percent
def ratio(hits, sims):
"""Return a ratio (e.g. 3:5) for two input numbers"""
percent = round((hits / sims),2)
fraction = str(Fraction(percent).limit_denominator())
fraction = fraction.replace('/', ':')
return fraction
##### REFERENCE #####
outs = {'1':('46:1','45:1',"22:1"),
'3':('15:1', '14:1', '7:1'),
'5':('8.5:1', '8:1','4:1'),
rank_value = p.rank_value